#but like what if im not Passionate about math i just want to take math courses for my fucking degreeeee XD
kuiinncedes · 2 years
doing the review sessions at 2x speed but it all cancels out and i dont actually save time lmfao
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jaemified · 11 months
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through the window (21 days) - lee chan
“waiting 21 days isnt so bad if itll always end like this.”
pairing ; lee chan x fem!reader
genre ; fluff but pretty cheesy fluff, strangers to lovers, neighbors to lovers, not a smau but twt profiles are showed
warnings ; swearing, floods, isolation, separation, chans flirty (thats a warning in itself), reader has zero relationship experience
wordcount ; 2.7k
synopsis ; after a long series of floods, youre finally able to meet the boy across the street who had caught your eye throughout the long few weeks.
note - chan isnt an idol but minnie/soyeon are
note 2 - idk what chan is looking at in that pic
read below the cut !
DECEMBER 8, 2023
winter, also known as flood season.
the town where you lived in was already at a low altitude, so the bridge built to cross over the river to the other side of the street always had submerged during this time of year.
the thing that sucked the most about all this, was you were pretty much rained in for however long it takes for the water to drain with absolutely no way out.
so naturally, you all had came prepared.
your roommates minnie and soyeon never minded all the rain as they hated going in to work at the crack of dawn, yet you however, loved what you did. tutoring a kids after school program wasnt half as bad as the average person might think.
but, of course seeing as they were all a bunch of middle school kids, they could be a handful. you decided to listen to your friends and use these next few weeks to relax.
or, what you thought relaxing was.
“come on y/n! dont you wanna make strawberry shortcake with us?” minnie yelled at you over soyeons loud music while you studied over the next lesson plan for your kids.
“maybe later- i really wanna get a head start on these lessons.”
“seriously y/n?” soyeon murmured in slight disgust, “i seriously doubt the first thing those kids want to be thinking about is what they’re gonna do with their math tutor after a free half month.”
you shrugged and took a sip of your coffee before typing in the highlighted notes from the handbook into your computer.
“come on. youre not spending our one free break of the year like this again!” soyeon exclaimed as she snatched the book out of your hands, then closing your laptop before putting them both away in the cabinet under the tv.
“you know i can just get that myself right?”
“no, because i won’t let you.” she replied, locking the door and putting the key in her pocket.
“come on! im passionate about what i do, i dont mind it at all!”
“me and minnie are passionate about writing songs too, but even we know when its good enough to take a break.”
“okay i know i don’t work half as hard as idols do but i still have bills to come by! besides, corporate management demands i have the next lesson plan finalized before the end of the week!”
“corporates a bitch, they gotta be more mindful of how they treat their employees. like how do you be top tutoring company in the country and you still cant manage your employees the way they deserve?” minnie shouted in frustration.
“and dont worry about bills for now, we got it.” soyeon whispered to you.
“minnie- you realize cube is the same way to you guys right? and you work way harder then i do despite not getting the income you deserve.”
“yeah but we manage. we have a contract anyway. i know we’re passionate about what we do but we most certainly are not passionate about who we work for.” soyeon replied for minnie as she couldn’t hear over the sound of the blender (why was she using a blender again?)
you sigh soaking in how much pressure your friends are under at work, realizing you don’t even have it half as bad despite having a pretty shitty boss.
“how bout you find someone worth crossing an ocean for? itll be half as fun for us as itd be for you, since it’s in our contract we aren’t allowed to date.” minnie spoke after the whirring of the kitchen appliances died down.
“how.. we are entirely stranded until however long it takes for this stupid flood to drain.”
“do some stalking on insta. let’s find you like uh.. celebrity crush or ulzzang you can fan girl over or something.”
you scoffed in annoyance and slight disgust with your friends knowing you never really cared for any of that.
you decided to sit down at the bay window by the front door, scrolling through your phone before something outside caught your eye.
there you saw a guy across the way, sitting in his bay window just like you, he who seemingly just finished receiving a lecture from his friends.
you watched as he ran a hand through his fluffy dark brown hair, before he turned your way, your eyes locking.
immediately, it was part of your instinct to nervously turn away.
before slowly looking back, that is.
there you found the beautiful brown haired boy, still looking at you, with a golden smile.
your heart melted (but you thought you were having palpitations) when you saw him look at you so fondly.
what is this feeling?
you slowly raise a hand, and wave to him shyly.
he waved back, before forming a heart with his arms he held over his head.
you laughed quiet enough so your friends couldn’t hear you, but your facial expressions were bright enough so he could be aware he was able to make you laugh.
the boy laughed in response before he seemed to mouth something, but you weren’t the best at reading lips.
you tilted your head in confusion before he jokingly rolled his eyes, and saying it again, but slower.
“cu-tie.” you realized he said, or attempted to say.
“cu-tie?” you sounded out, making sure you understood right.
he nodded before pointing at you, his finger tapping against the glass, “cutie.”
he absolutely reveled in the way you smiled so brightly, the way your cheeks flushed pink and your eyes sparkled with excitement.
you didnt even realize how you were falling for his charms.
before you were even able to say anything back, his friend came up from behind him, attempting to drag him away, yet the guy was still persistent.
you watched how his friend started to get angry, so the guy rolled his eyes and stood up, walking away with his friend down the hall.
but not before waving back at you, blowing a kiss.
you got up from your seat before wrapping your arms around minnie, resting your head on her shoulder while you spared a small glance at whatever soyeon was watching in the living room.
“hmm? what do you need now my child?” she dramatically questioned, as she knew you only got clingy when you needed something.
“whos that guy that lives across the.. on the other side of the bridge? in that dark brown house with the black roof?”
“oh? house 133 right? thats seokmin, minghao, and.. what’s the other ones name? I always forget.. chan! yeah, chan.”
soyeon jumped up in surprise, pausing her show after hearing you pique your interest at a guy for the first time.
“why? you like one of them? which one? minghao? he was pretty well liked for a foreigner. he was in the same exchange program as minnie. ” she excitedly asked.
“w-what? no! i was just asking cause i saw one of them out there earlier.” you unconvincingly lied.
“oh she totally likes minghao.” “not even!”
“sweetheart, we aren’t as dumb as you think we are.” minnie pouted at you while she pulled away to put the cake in the oven.
you huffed in disbelief before going to take a bag of chips from the pantry, walking down to your room to finish the lesson plan. (on the laptop your boss lent you since soyeon took your personal one).
meanwhile, there you left chan, day dreaming about you all day long. he was so curious about you, yet he felt so stupid for crushing on some girl he’d never spoken to before.
not like he even could at this point, you were stuck in the middle of a flood, anyway.
“whats on your mind channie? you seem out of it.” seokmin asked while he blindly stirred the tteokbokki, turning to face the younger boy behind him, sitting at the kitchen island.
“its chan. whens he not out of it?” minghao chuckled, throwing a chip at his cheek, sliding to sit over at the stool next to him as he emerged from his bedroom.
“who lives in that white house on the other side of the bridge? isnt that where soyeon lives? we went to high school together.” chan half-mindedly queried, zoning out as he stared into the marble counters.
“yeah, why?” minghao responded.
“did she move out or something? there was another girl there and it wasnt soyeon or minnie.”
“oh, you mean y/n? she graduated a year before you or something, but at another school. we used to work at the same tea house before she left for that tutoring agency.”
“y/n? sounds vaguely familiar. i think i remember seungkwan mention her being in his class.”
“why are you mentioning her all of a sudden? you never cared for girls.” seokmin teased with a wide smile.
“oh come on. you know he’s quite the flirt.” minghao playfully cooed at chan, dramatically waving his hand back at seokmin.
“you two are insufferable.” he groaned, banging his head against the counter.
you found yourself up at night, scrolling through twitter before you decided to search for the guy you ‘met’ today. minghao, was it?
‘xu minghao’ was what you had entered into the search bar, clicking on the top result.
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‘huh.’ you thought to yourself. so it couldnt be him, but seokmin didnt seem to have an account as you searched for his name.
you looked up chans name next, thinking maybe,, that there could be a chance it’s him. his profile picture was technically him, but not, him. but in your defense, how could you tell who was who if chans profile picture was a baby picture?
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though you knew youd never hear the end of it from her, you decided to ask soyeon.
“do you have a picture of chan?”
“yeah hold on. its just an old screenshot from an old tweet though.” she mumbled before pulling up her phone to show you.
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‘wow.’ you thought to yourself, ‘so this really was the guy i met today.’
before soyeon could ask any questions, you quickly thanked her and ran back to your room before posting a small something in reference to what minnie had said to you earlier.
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days, weeks, went by of you and chan interacting through the window despite never seeing each other up close, or ever hearing the others voice.
but despite being isolated from separately, you still had fallen for one another nonetheless.
you loved the way you would feel butterflies in your stomach whenever he made a heart with his hands for you, and he absolutely adored the way you in the end would just make a big sign telling him what you wanted to say when you gave up on trying to get him to read your lips.
of course the flood had its downside, i mean being stuck with the same 2 other people for almost a month definitely takes a toll on you, isolation definitely can get depressing with no way out.
but in the end, it had its upside as well. you were able to meet a great guy despite never technically talking face to face, having only lip reading to communicate (why didn’t you think of social media?). not to mention you were able to put more time into a forgotten passion after all of your energy being used up as a tutor.
marine animals.
you and chan had technically discussed the idea of possibly having a first date when you get out of here, yet you still hadn’t decided where you’d go or what you’d do seeing as you both were pretty passionate about different things.
chan had always loved the stars, you had always loved marine life. but, you decided you would finalize a date night once you both get to meet face to face.
after a long 21 days of disappointment, spending christmas without your family, 3 going on 4 weeks of crazed loneliness, you finally woke up one morning to find the overflowing river, drained, and to its regular level.
you were able to see the bridge once more and though the wood might be rotting, you just couldnt wait to cross it.
you immediately ran down the hall, dressing however best you could, fixing your hair to be as best as it would go, being sure to brush your teeth and pop in a mint before running straight out the door. (and ignoring all of soyeons questions as well as minnies protests)
as you stepped out the front door, you saw chan just leaving his house looking as beautiful as ever.
you ran straight for the bridge, chan catching you before you could slip on a puddle before he picked you up into a big hug.
“you’re just as gorgeous up close as you were through a window.” he whispered as he pulled you close, his hand cradling the back of your head, pulling it to rest against his chest.
“and you’re still just as much of a flirt arent you?” you chuckled before slightly cringing at your attempt to reciprocate the excitement.
you were excited, believe me, just couldn’t express it as well as he could.
“i cant believe it took 21 days to finally be with you.”
“it was worth the wait wasnt it?”
“you’ll always be worth the wait.” chan mumbled against your skin as he pressed a soft kiss into your cheek.
“cant believe you’re real..” you mumbled, leaning further into his touch.
“cant believe i got someone like you to fall for someone like me.”
“chan you’re so cheesy.”
“only for you.” he replied with that stupid grin you grew to love so much.
the two of you later took the time to talk more about life, each other, finally exchange numbers, then eventually decide what you’d do for your first date night.
“see you tomorrow at 12?”
“tomorrow at 12.”
you practically couldn’t sleep as you bubbled in excitement. you picked out a pretty black dress that went nicely with a random pair of white sneakers before heading out on your way while your roommates were out at work.
“lookin as pretty as always.” chan smiled while he opened his car door for you.
“still as handsome as ever arent you?” you jokingly rolled your eyes as he backed out the parking lot.
you two had many common interests, yet what you were most passionate about definitely was pretty parallel to one another.
chan loved the stars, you loved the sea. so, you decided to go to an aquarium (that also included solar system exhibits), grab some food from a cafe you found out you both loved, go for a late drive to the beach, watch the sunset, then stargaze.
call it cliche but it was perfect for you both.
chan wrapped an arm around you as you both stared into the night sky, all the stars displayed beautifully.
he would point at a random star and say it reminded him of you, because it stood out from the rest, distinct, but perfect in his eyes.
he was the sweetest guy ever, perfectly fitting the standard for what’s considered boyfriend material, almost unrealistic, even.
“youre a person worth crossing an ocean for.” you told him more then truthfully, bringing a hand up to softly stroke his cheek.
“out of all the stars in the sky, youre the only one id pick.” he cringed realizing how corny it was. “too cheesy?”
“just enough.” you reassured, before sealing both yours and his lips into a warm and comforting kiss. chan had never felt safer in another’s embrace.
“waiting 21 days isnt so bad if itll always end like this.”
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honakito · 5 months
Plz akito kiss hcs ..
⠀⠀ ͏͏͏ ͏͏͏ ͏͏͏ ͏͏͏⠀⠀ ͏͏͏ ͏͏͏⠀⠀ ͏͏͏ ͏͏͏ ͏͏͏ ͏͏͏are you wearing lipstick on purpose ? ?
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LIP MARKS - prod. honakito
posted as : request
chars : s. akito , y. kanade
type: x g/n ! reader
scenario : kisses with them ( headcanons )
notes : that is so cute im gonna give u a smooch. now this MIGHT be similar to others posts but everything in this context is unintentional,,, so no i am not a copycat ,, tho, enjoy!!
notes 2 : i wrote kanade too even tho she wasnt in the request because i also want to write other characters ,,,, because as much as i want this to be an akito blog i genuienly CANT </3 id get bored and theres no SPICE in that what the fuck,,, also i flunged my math comp today (even tho i have the highest grades and like general grade in class with a 9,94) i got a like 55 this is not my first time the 55 has cursed me i cant escape ,, so now ive been ghosting everyone that has asked me for my score im genuinely so embarrassed ( this is also NOT the first time ive did this )
date : 19 / 01 / 24 - 20 / 01 / 24
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s. akito 
akitos lips are soft. like genuinely so soft.
hes probably had them chapped for a little while , due to practicing in the sun a lot. before you started helping him on it. i guess it payed off , so , so well.
so now , after helping him treat them, his kisses got somehow better.
its like theyre more tender and passionate now. maybe its his way of getting back at you for giving him tips and buying the necessary things he needed? pretty much. yeah definitely. 
small fact : he still kept the things you bought him for his lips , neat and clean on his desk. ‘ im keeping those for when they get dry again, not for kissing you better. they heavily influence my singing, y’know? ‘ - thats his excuse anyway.
usually, they arent that long. in hurries, he usually just leaves a small peck. a kiss on the forehead, even. tho he only does this when no ones watching , not too fond of pda because of three certain someones. the most he can do in public is a quick kiss on the hand, on one of the rings you wear, if you do actually use jewelry.
but in private , its like a switch flipping. hes initiating it a lot more, each kiss lasting two times more than usual with one break slipped in there somewhere. mostly on the lips, but doesnt limit there. hed kiss you all over your face occasionally , if hes feeling mischievous. or in comfort. depends on the context.
and about hand placement — definitely on your waist. he likes it alot. in an innocent way, ofcourse. in general, he just likes it. wrapping his arms around it from behind you , hugging you and resting his face on your shoulder. akito himself doesnt know why.
so basically — his kissers are tender , passionate , and depend on his mood. hes a pretty simple guy.
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y. kanade
if akitos lips were soft, then kanades are heavenly, if taken care of properly.
her lack of self care is there, ofcourse, even worse if it wasnt for honami. but with a little bit of your help, i feel like shed eventually get better — and that includes skincare and just beauty in general.
she has dry lips, due to working a lot during both mornings and nights , so she doesnt really have time to take care of them — or she oftenly licks them to the extent of it. it doesnt take a lot of chapstick to get them nice and soft, tho.
theyd DEFINITELY taste like soy cup noodles, argue with the entirety of usa. or collectively agree. i dont care i know im right.
her kisses arent special, but they hold a lot of sentimental expression to both you and kanade. for her , leaving you quick pecks anywhere on your face is a way to express what shes feeling. is she proud? is she happy? did something happen? does she need attention? you’ll only know through her quick kiss on your cheek.
she cant last through really long kisses tho — poor girl runs out of breath so fast. thats why you both settled in quick pecks.
and hand placement during those? your cheeks or the back of your head , running her hands through your hair. doesnt matter if youre taller (which is likely) , she’d initiate it (rarely long) by gently cupping your cheeks and bringing your face closer to her.
summed up — shes a decent kisser. just dont suffocate her during your time. 
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does anybody wanna be on my taglist…. ive been considering doing one ,,
dividers arent mine ; credits to the rightful owners on TUMBLR
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jebiwonutty · 1 year
A wedding, good reason to celebrate.
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Note : Yeah Im having fun giving a different boyfie to Jiwoong all the time. Also im not assuming his sexuality he does whatever he wants Im just having fun and I could not care less about what type of person he likes. First time im writing smut in my life lmfao I am currently writing this on the 15/06/2023 and i dont know if I will ever post it lmfao
Genre : Smut with a quick introducing ? Just brainrot Matthew smut
Synopsis : Matthew and f!reader celebrating in their own way the wedding of their friend Jiwoong
Warnings : unprotected sex, princess calling, making out, playing with tits, lots of foreplay
Minors please do not interact. I repeat minors do not read this.
You swear it was yesterday he was tutoring you in math and introducing to you one of his closest friend.
You swear it was yesterday he was tutoring you in math and introducing to you one of his closest friend.
You swear it was yesterday he was tutoring you in math and introducing to you one of his closest friend.
But now you were here, two years later, celebrating his union to the love of his life, Jongwoo. With heart eyes and tissues, you saw the two men dancing together. When you had met Jiwoong he had already been a in a relationship for four years and living with Jongwoo. And now finally seeing him at his happiest, with a smile plastered in his face. You could start to feel yourselves sobbing once again.
Your boyfriend, Matthew took your hand in his. Envelopping a kiss on it.
“Being sentimental baby ?”
Unable to answer you just sniffled, before leaving your table to fetch yourself something to drink.
With the love in his eyes, Matthew followed you make your way toward the bar, but most importantly he saw the eyes of men on you. As you came back at the table, Matthew rested his hand on your thigh and circling it.
Jiwoong and Jongwoo saw the both of you at your table and salutated you both, wishing for you to have a good and proper celebration.
Watching them leave, Matthew kept pulling his hand in your thigh, he was even starting to get under it and putting his hand close to your inmate part.
Lowering his head on the crook of your neck Matthew whispered “I want you”
Not wasting one more second, the both of you stand up from your chairs before going to the elevator to rejoin your hotel room
Matthew gave a quick look around him before suddenly putting his hands on your waist to join both of your lips together.
The elevator coming in the both of you engulfed yourself in it. The kiss kept getting more passionate, Matthew biting your lips and you feeling his erection against your thigh.
Passionely kissing in the elevator you could not even grasp for air anymore, your boyfriend Matthew was the one that played the game, hand rumaging your body, placing kisses behind your ear. As the elevator stopped both of you went out and sped to go to your room, each other lips not leaving one another.
Feverish, one hand up your thigh and the other unlocking your room, Matthew pushed you in.
"Now you are all mine"
Taking a few moments to look at each other before you started to pull each other even closer. You took him by his tie and joined your lips even more hurriedly than before. You needed him close and now.
Matthew’s hands were rummaging under your dress and quickly he passed it over your shoulder to take it off. Grasping for air you did the same for his shirt, helping you he took off his tie.
You started kissing again even more in the urgency of the moment, he pushed you foward the bed not leaving your side. You were grasping even more for air as he kept playing with your skin.
He made you sit on the bed as you traced your fingers all over his torso. Feeling his muscles under your hands. He was muscular and you loved it. Giving you back the feeling, he took you by your neck and joined your lips once again huriedly.
You wanted him more, your hands joined his belt and huriedly you started to take off his belt. With love he was looking at you, kissing your lips and malaxing your boobs.
Finally taking off his belt, you did not wait one more second before pulling down his pants putting it to his knees, smoothly he pushed it over, only staying in his boxers in front of you. The same as you were, only staying in your underwear in front of him.
You felt the wetness between your legs and saw the bugle that was proeminent under Matthew boxer. Withtout him having to ask you for anything you smiled at him « I want you to feel good ». Without even waisting another second your put your hands on his hips and took down his boxers.
Matthew looked at you and smiled in your direction, you smiled back and one last time your lips united before you started to work on him.
Now starting to work him with your hands you started to lick his tip timidly, slowly, liking the sound of despair he was producing for you. In your hands you started to hold his balls and massaging them.
Slowly you started to put his tip in your mouth, before pulling out. Feeling him let out a growl. You smiled upon hearing his reaction. That was only making you more needy for him.
You put his dick back in your mouth completely, licking it, pulling it up and down. Malaxing his balls. Feeling good Matthew grabbed you air pulling you closer to him. You started to feel him even more eager for you, you didnt wanted him to cum just yet, and before he could you took his dick off your mouth and by his neck you eagerly joined your lips together
"You are making me crazy princess"
Without wasting one more second Matthew threw you on the bed, leaving kisses all over your body, his hands going to rest on your boobs and finally on your back where he took off your bra.
He stared lovingly at your boobs before kissing them leaving wet marks all over you. You felt his erection against your lower body and the wetness between your legs, you couldnt just stand it anymore, you needed him.
Feeling you getting wetter under him, he went lowler on your body, leaving wet marks and kisses all over your it. The works he was putting on you was making you crazy, you couldn’t stop moaning and soon you started grinding against him.
“Not just yet princess"
Feeling that you were loosing your calm he finally went down closer to your sexual part, kissing over he slowly took your panties off. Giving you one last kiss.
Matthew was making you crazy.
He started by opening your legs violently before him and finally seeing you wet all over for him, he grinned, loving the view.
Slowly he started to give back the favor you gave him, licking your clit, making you feel good all over. Kissing your inner thight, and lipping it again, kissing the lips of your vagina. He truly was making you crazy, you were just full on moaning and saying his name.
"I beg you, I need more"
Hearing your reaction he put your hand back on his dick, you needed to get him ready again for you, you started putting it up and down while he kept on licking you.
Slowly you put his tip closer to your entrance, Matthew stopped his work down and joined his lips to yours. Before starting to put his dick to your entrance.
You started to groan even more loudly
" Matt now"
Grinning against your lips he went fully in, withtout teasing you anymore, you could feel his whole width inside you and his dick twitching inside your walls. Liking the sound you made he started by going slowly pulling his body close to yours, with his hands he kept massaging your boobs, kissing you and grinding inside you.
Needing. More, your hand rested on his back, putting your nails on his back, scratching his back.
You could feel that you were started to be close and his reaction told you that he too was getting close. His trust kept on coming in stronger, your walls were getting stronger on him.
Finally Matthew gave in his last trust, fully giving in his liquids inside you and you giving your liquids to him.
Both grasping for air, Matthew pulled out of you and left kisses on your shoulders. Laying down next to you, your head going to rest on his torso, Matthew pulled the cover on both of you, tucking you in.
"We should go to weddings more often my love"
"We definitely should"
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booburt · 6 months
Hi, I've been wondering for the photography AU what general time period it's set in, what type of camera(s) does Koby use (it looks like a canon to me but seems to make polaroids, at least that's the surface level observation I can make from my extremely limited knowledge on cameras), what type of photography he personally enjoys and the type he usually does for work (if he does it as his profession too). What does Koby aim to capture with his images, the casual mundane life of an average person, an unreal, etheral sight in a place the average person can't go, Luffy's luffiness, etc? Also what's the general budget Koby has towards camera equipment (doesn't need to be that exact, just a general "he's broke" or "He spends all his money on lenses" would suffice)? My questions are kinda vague here because I'm going to research more about photography later. Thanks in advance :D Oh yeah and also does Koby travel, if not what's the general landscape of his nearby area. You don't need to answer this since I'll probably make it up but it'd be good to know.
okok i wrote this all in the few free periods i got earlier take what you will ^_^
also a doodle i did ages aaaaago with a bit of slightly illegible info in my awful handwriting (sorry)
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actual answer vvv
- its a modern au!! so set like. now!
- koby uses sony cameras primarily but yes he does have a few canons (nikon confuses him)
- he has a seperate polaroid camera!!! he usually prints digitally from sd though
- for type of photography, he started with a passion for ocean and landscape photography, mostly beaches and any scene with water in focus. he also has an interest in portraiture but his love for portraiture only comes to play when he meets luffy. cheese cheese cheeeesyyyy because luffy smiles and hes IMMEDIATELY enamoured. anyway, he starts to study and practice portraiture in depth because of the pretty boy he met in maths class and eventually works up the courage to ask him to model for him. they get super close and eventually start dating; luffy likes how dedicated koby is to his work and how cute he is when he blushes.
-SORDY got carried away with the sappy lovey stuff. koby sells his landscape/wildlife photography at local stores as a side hustle thing haha. but he doesnt really do it professionally, he much prefers to keep it as a hobby / simple income.
- koby aims to capture the beauty of colour! he loves vibrancy when shooting with a softbox or some other source of light he will usually use something to change the hue rather than plain old bw on a simple white bg
- following on he HATES shooting black and white photos unless theyre negatives because idk i think he would think it looks cool. what a guy
- with luffy photography he just likes catching luffys smile or just luffy in general; whipped dud!!! he thinks he is gorgeous
- ahahhhh budget budgettt. lenses are fucking EXPENSIVE!!! he uses a 50mm that helmeppo got him for his birthday one year (rich kid stuff. he knew koby likes photography and searched Best Lense For People Pictures and bought the first one he saw) the 50 is canon as consequence so koby uses canon for loofy pics. he has an 18-55mm he uses as well.
- he is broke yes. koby does have a minimum wage weekend job to pay for living expenses but all in all that boys pockets are empty. luffy is the breadwinner (miss rabbit with the one zillion jobs) he works about 4 different jobs and is happy to pay for anything koby wants despite kobys adamant NOs. like i said he gets helmeppo to pay for a bunch of stuff and helmeppo pays on his dads card LOL.
- koby does travel! mainly by train or boat, not often does he go to an entirely different country but he has previously a few times. when he does go abroad he takes luffy with him!!!! (he looks pretty in the snow. he likes taking pictures of him in snow)
IM SO GLAD SOMEONE LIKES MY AU ENOUGH TO ASK ME THIS MANY QUESTIONS LMAO i had fun answering all of this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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k9wa · 2 years
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༊*·˚ COLLEGE CLICHES. featuring haruchiyo sanzu, manjiro sano, keisuke baji, ken ryuguji, takashi mitsuya.
∴ SYNOPSIS : sappy and stupid college cliches i think the tokyo rev boys would fit.
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∴ CONTENT : highschooler tries to write about college, fluff if you squint, this is a little silly, gn reader (no referring pronouns.)
∴ NOTE : if u would wanna see this with a few other characters feel free to lmk! hope u enjoy :]
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༉‧₊˚. HARUCHIYO SANZU — who is your lifeline in adv calc, when your teacher is the biggest asshole and neither of you are as good at math as you thought.
sanzu slowly rubbed over the skin on his face as his eyes danced between his computer screen and textbook, and he came to the conclusion he genuinely had wanted to just die right then and there. 
his professor was driving him absolutely insane; another old man with a stick up his ass, who he swore only took up teaching to make a bunch of college kids feel like idiots, and it didn’t help that he was shit at his job either. sanzu wasn’t built for school, let alone calculus, and every day he remained in that class he questioned what the fuck possessed him to take it in the first place.
he threw the cover of his textbook closed and picked up his phone, opening his messages to the only reason he hadn’t dropped the aforementioned course.
sanzu: this prof is fucked
sanzu: like seriously wtf is half of this shit
♡: switch courses i dare u
sanzu smirked down at his phone when you had responded so quickly.
you two had made an agreement upon meeting at the beginning of the semester, and quickly bonding over your regret for choosing adv calc; the first person to drop the course owed the other one $100. (a good chunk of money, considering you were both broke.) it was the start of a beautiful friendship, and an even more passionate shared hatred for the man you were meant to be learning under. plus, haruchiyo couldn’t deny that he enjoyed talking to you outside of complaints and 3am meltdowns over whatever the hell the derivative matrix was.
♡: or come study with me
♡: cus idk wtf im doing either
sanzu: switch courses i dare u
♡: kys come over
sanzu snorted to himself, swiftly turning around in his chair and throwing his belongings into his cross body bag. as shitty as his class was, at least he had met someone worth sticking around in it for.
sanzu: im omw relax
♡: can u get coffee on ur way
sanzu: what happened to please
♡: please haruchiyo my favourite man in the whole entire world
sanzu: drop calc with me and i will
♡: shut up tbh
it was worth a shot.
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— who hit a volleyball straight into your cranium and insisted he buy you lunch as an apology.
embarrassed was an understatement for what you felt.
it was like some terrible romcom, something you only see happen in movies with an unrealistic representation of what post-secondary school was actually like.
some blonde boy— one who you’re sure you could have gone your entire life without knowing rather peacefully— handed you a bag of ice, along with a neatly wrapped egg sandwich from the cafe he’d dragged you to.
“you sure your head is okay?” he watched as you pressed the cold plastic to the back of your skull.
“yeah, i don’t think it hit me as hard as it looked.”
“well, it did kinda knock you off your feet.”
you glared at mikey, and he had to stifle a laugh at the expression on your face.
“i’m sorry! you’ve gotta admit it’s kinda funny right?”
you used your teeth to unwrap some of the parchment paper and took a bite from your sandwich, at least the food was good.
“you nearly took my head off.”
“well it's less funny when you put it like that.”
you couldn’t stop the chuckle that slipped past your lips at how casual he was being, despite the context that you were two total strangers.
“seriously though, ‘m sorry. y’know i never would have hit you if i was playing soccer, volleyball is a shit sport anyway” the way he crossed his arms and pouted like a little kid was the slightest bit endearing. “i mean, why use your hands when your feet work so much better?”
maybe it was the spur of the moment, or the likely concussion giving you a skewed sense of judgement, but part of your brain was starting to like him.
mikey couldn’t explain it either, but a similar part of his brain was glad he had gotten the chance to meet you, though the circumstances weren’t ideal.
“hmmm…i dunno,“
he tilted his head at you, wondering where your sentence was headed.
“i think you’re gonna have to buy me lunch a couple more times to make up for it.”
mikey couldn’t help but smile, he poked your forehead.
“i must have hit you way harder than i thought.”
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— who always throws the best parties, but never actually enjoys them unless you show up.
the pounding on the door of your dorm was quick to pull you out of your focus, forcing your nose out of your books. there was only one person who would knock so aggressively at such an ungodly hour, and he’s lucky your desk chair was becoming uncomfortable and you were planning on getting up to stretch your legs anyway.
swinging the door open, there stood baji, hair tied loosely into a bun at the back of his head, and two coolers occupying each of his palms.
he handed one to you, you gladly took it.
“so this is what you’re doin’ instead of partying with me right now?”
keisuke followed you into your dorm, making himself comfortable on top of your bed, you sat on the free space beside him as you cracked open the can in your hand.
“i told you i couldn’t come like, three days ago.” he groaned at your answer.
“i didn’t think that meant y’would actually flake!” you chuckled as you sipped at your drink, eyes playfully rolling back.
“you’re gonna thank me when this exam rolls around and i actually have notes to give you.”
baji’s lips formed a tight line, he hated when you were right.
“what’s the big deal if i didn’t go? literally almost half of campus showed up at your dorm hall anyway.”
he groaned again, yet louder this time, sitting up so he could open his own drink. he reached his free hand out to flick you right in the tip of your nose, earning a quiet ‘ow..’ from you.
“cus it’s lame when you don’t come around!! and who else is gonna take care of me after i blackout huh?” he took a long swig from the can in his fist.
“how about you go drink your body weight and i’ll come get you in an hour?” although the offer was tempting, and you could see keisuke consider it for a moment, he shook his head and flopped back down on your bed.
“nah, rather chill with you anyway.”
he reached over to hold his drink in the air beside you, and you gently cheersed his can, being careful not to spill any liquid on your bed.
“so, the hell is the exam s’posed to be about anyway?”
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— who sits in front of you in engineering, and covers up the entire white board in front of you.
not one note.
not one single note in your binder was finished, all half written or only partially filled out. you wouldn’t have bothered spending the money on equipment to take cute notes if you had known some giant would be sitting in front of you. how were you meant to write anything down when you couldn’t even see the damn board?
at first he intimidated you, how could you not be at least a little afraid of a man who stood at nearly twice your size? however, that intimidation quickly turned into pure irritation upon another day of more blank paper, and you were following him out of the room at the end of class before you had a chance to react.
“hey, you.” 
ken turned around to see who was calling out to, who he assumed to be, him. 
“oh, hey—“
“you’re switching seats with me tomorrow .”
“because you’re way too big and i can’t see anything past you when you’re in front of me! and i am way too behind in my notes to even hope to pass anymore unless i get caught up!”
ryuguji stared down at you, who was oh so short and angry, while blinking silently as he processed the words being said to him. it was surprising how small you started to feel so quickly when he had to crane his neck down to make eye contact.
“we’re like, two weeks into the semester and you’re telling me this now? i would have moved if y’had said something sooner.” ken chuckled and placed a hand on his hip, leaning down to your height with the most smug look suddenly dawning on his features. you opened your mouth to respond, yet only a jumble of stutters fell off your tongue. the irritation had subsided, and the intimidation was back in full throttle.
“i'll tell you what,” he began, “why don’t you sit beside me tomorrow, and i'll share my notes with you so you can catch up.”
you supposed that would work. 
“my way of apologizing for bein’ ‘way too big.’”
…you really did need those notes.
“okay, fine. that’s fine.” with a small bow, you turned around to begin your route to your next class, eager to run away from the awkward conversation you’d stuck yourself in.
“thanks, um, tall…guy— whatever your name is.”
and as quickly as you came, there you went. 
it was about to be a whole other problem when the next day rolled around, and you would discover ryuguji’s terrible handwriting.
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— who is your favourite study buddy, and knows your cafe order by heart.
the smell of freshly brewed espresso and slightly stale confections danced through the air, a comfortable aroma for mitsuya to sit in while he scribbled at a design that had been picking his brain all day. the headphones in his ears played some random pre-made lo-fi playlist as he sipped his coffee (—black, 2 sugars) that had long turned lukewarm, yet was just hot enough to warm his palm through the paper cup. the booth by the window he was slouched in was empty, save for him of course, and he waited ever so patiently for his classmate to join him and fill the space across from him.
the sound of the cheap bell above the cafe’s doors chiming alerted him that you had finally arrived, and he pried his attention away from his doodles to see you shuffling over to the spot you both had become perfectly familiar with, laptop in hand along with a knit hat and matching scarf keeping you warm from the autumn breeze.
“how late am i?” you plopped down in your seat, placing the tote bag hanging from your shoulder onto the seat beside you.
“probably,” he checked his phone, “twenty minutes.” mitsuya pulled his headphones down so they sat slack around his neck. 
you groaned at his answer, you hadn’t meant to have gotten so hung up with club activities.
“i’m sorry, this stupid– festival is seriously giving us a run for our money. i didn’t even realize what time it was.”
takashi listened to you intently, nodding his head quietly as he pushed a small plate towards you; a croissant decorated in your favourite jelly, as well as a coffee cup similar to his own, the only difference being the mound of cream and sweetener inside yours.
the action had become so normal, you hadn’t even paid any mind to the way he would always order for you anymore, having your order ready by the time you arrived to meet him was just the usual.
mitsuya truly remembered the littlest details about your coffee order, from how thick you liked the foam on top to the temperature. not to mention his mental database of the variety of pastries you would eat alongside them.
“tell me about it. what’s your club doing again?”
he remembered, takashi just enjoyed the way you got so excited talking about it.
he listened to the way you rambled on, the way you so easily talked to him, how you could do it for hours, and not once would he be anywhere near sick of hearing the sound of your voice
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⠀ ⠀ ⠀m.list⠀ ღ⠀send me an ask!⠀ ღ⠀navi
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spacedlexi · 4 months
sorry if this is a personal question ... 🐛... but what are you doing for college and how did you decide to go for it?
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im going to school for animation but im realizing how much i love storyboarding specifically (and how little patience i have for full animating/not having the time i need to make animations that arent quick and stiff to meet a deadline (also i want adobe animate obliterated off the earth)). ive cried about how much i love boarding LMAO its that serious. but i love working with Little Guys and putting them in Situations plus theyre characters i dont have to make up myself?? im adapting a script?? but i might still be able to have fun with it? and as a lover of visual mediums i get really excited about being able to control a camera/composition for Maximum Emotional Effect, plus the idea of leading a viewer through a scene. knowing "rules" and breaking them with purpose. im in an editing class rn thats got me really excited aha
it was NOT an easy choice to make. im going back to school so late because i kept telling myself i shouldnt do it and should pick something non art related but well.... here i am.... (my mom kinda pushed the idea even tho the concept of going into art school debt keeps me up at night 💀)
i stumbled around community college for a few years hoping something else would Click for me but in the end i just kept taking art classes. i knew i would be miserable doing anything else. its still Work but its a kind of work i still derive enjoyment from even when im tired or frustrated. i think i would hate the academia world when it comes to my more scientific interests, and i dont have the patience to put up with the bs of being female presenting in a male dominated field like engineering (plus my math brain got broken by a bad calc teacher so...), so instead im taking those inspirations and using them for my art :) im a little engineer at heart so being able to apply that kind of thinking to my art inspires me (and i hope maybe something i make one day will inspire some scientists too lol). plus i dont think i would be happy if i wasnt surrounded by other artists
i doubt my choices every day 😭 but i really do love it a lot. im hoping that my passion and vision takes me SOMEWHERE in the industry, but its scary for everyone out there right now... i mostly try not to think about it honestly
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threeclans · 16 days
Hi! I hope all is well. Ive been in the wcrp community for a few years now and Im currently in the process of rebooting my own rp server. Ive tried several times and have been struggling with keeping them running/staying motivated because activity seems to die completely about a month or two after opening… I was wondering if you had any advice for running a long-term rp like this? Anything is appreciated.
Hi! Advice as far as group management goes is always something that will vary from group to group — what works for us might not be exactly what another group wants to follow for their own guidelines, depending on preferences and standards for how certain things like time and server setup are handled — but I'd be happy to go into some things that I think have led to ThreeClans seeing a lot of success through the 8 years we've been active!
We've had to do a lot of adapting and learning during this time, which is the first thing I'll make note of. When our group started, we were roleplaying on Skype, and our organization looked quite a bit different than it does now today! Still, we've kept a lot of things from our past too, like our commitment to keeping up with the pace that we've chosen for our group (which follows a real life time system, so that the flow of time progression proceeds naturally in tandem with the flow of time in real life — each day that goes by in real life is the equivalent of one roleplay day, so that you don't have to worry about doing any math to track how your characters should be aging or progressing) and our longstanding lore and rules for the sake of member comfort.
One thing to keep a group going that I've found beneficial in ThreeClans on the modding front is making management something you feel capable of handling! As a Mod, you're dedicating quite a bit of your free time to something that's a hobby, and if you aren't able to invest your time or passion into a group, it's easy for members to feel uninvested too. To make this smooth for everyone, set yourself up for success! One way we do this in ThreeClans is by making things comfortable for us. We like to keep our channel numbers low, for example, so that we're not constantly darting back and forth between hundreds of text chats trying to keep up with what's being said. We've also been told this helps members feel less overwhelmed in what would otherwise come off as a "large server" with many channels to drown in. As an example, I've attached a screenshot below to display what our setup looks like for three of our main categories for NettleClan, CreekClan, and JaggedClan and the amount of channels we have accessible for each one.
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When these are kept open, I can see them all at once on my screen without scrolling. Any notifications, therefore, are visible, and I can keep a close eye on all activity! Some of these channels are also temporary, and therefore we're usually even a bit lower in number. One other thing to note here is organization in the way you name things. Being able to search your channels for relevant information using Discord's search feature makes modding tasks easy. Say you need to reference a roleplay done by a member: by knowing exactly what format of naming you use for the channels you have available, you'll know where to look when searching!
When it comes to motivation on both the behalf of Mods and members, it's definitely a delicate balance. Sometimes you just can't be sure who will "click" in a group or with a particular opening. In ThreeClans, we always try to prepare for our openings with the awareness that we may have members who join and then drop off in the early weeks of being in the server for one reason or another. They may not mesh with the server atmosphere, they may feel overwhelmed with the amount of history or the amount of people present, they may simply get too busy to be prepared to take on roleplaying at the time and may not have anticipated such a thing when applying! For whatever reason, sometimes things just don't work out. We'd advise, then, leaving some "extra room" when you open a roleplay for these occurrences. Accept enough applications so that even if a couple of members do decide to depart, you won't be out of your entire member base.
Of course, you don't want to resign yourself entirely to the idea of people leaving! Like I mentioned, feelings of being overwhelmed can sometimes crop up, or sometimes people may just be a bit shy. In this case, the best thing you can do is be prepared to include them. Go out of your way to say hello specifically to them as they join the server! Offer a compliment when you DM them to give them their invite. When setting up the server for new members, be sure to make sure that every person is included in conversations about character development and relationships. It's your job as a Mod to take note of who clusters together and who might be a little more quiet, and while you can't make anyone talk, you can reach out and let them know you'd love to roleplay with them when you have a chance! This is something you should also encourage members of your roleplay to do if you have a pre-existing server. In ThreeClans, I think part of the reason we see success in new openings is because our current member base is so actively welcoming and completely excited to say hello to any new participants when they do hop in to the server that it's easy to feel like you've made a friend from the start.
When people feel like they fit in, they're more likely to maintain engagement in a group. Let them feel like they can come to your Mod team with ideas, and you'll be able to bounce your own thoughts off of them and help generate further plotlines that fuel you past that initial thread of the 1-2 month period of excitement. Of course, sometimes it has to be up to you and your Mod team to take note of the unique traits of people and their characters and come up with pitches to present to them on your own. This can be exciting for members as they feel included in something that makes them want to keep moving along — in addition, I'd always suggest that when you start a group, you should have an idea of how your opening plot is going to slot in new additions.
All too often I think people tend to have a basis for lore / setting / staff characters and neglect to imagine the plot threads that will need filling in by new additions. This can mean creating a draft and reworking it a few times as you figure out who the characters that'll come to populate your roleplay server are, of course, but even having a loose idea of a plot such as "This opening will be based around the idea of a clan that has been stable for seasons upon seasons, but now with the introduction of a branch group claiming to be descendants of former clanmates who went missing years ago, they're forced to reckon with what they really know about their history and how it might impact the reality of their cozy lifestyle and current leadership," gives you something to work with. Member characters can fit into the role of characters comfortable with their normal lives (soon to be disturbed) or in the position of those about to shake things up, depending on where you choose to go with things.
Another thing to mention as far as activity goes is maintaining OOC connections! It might take some time with a fresh group, but part of what keeps ThreeClans together, in my opinion, is the bonds formed by our members and the fact that we all often get together to have fun outside of roleplay settings. Things like movie nights hosted on stream or casual gaming sessions / nights hosted by Mods or staff can really bring a community together and foster a sense of belonging which translates to an overall feeling of happiness in a server. You can choose to host OOC events that have an impact on the IC world too, like contests to make up parts of the lore of your server or to create things like clan icons or server specific resources with special rewards like character art given out to anyone who participates!
This is getting long, though I could go on for ages about all the things that can compliment a server and its continued activity. At the end of the day, sometimes you just have to keep trying! Your first attempt or your first few attempts might fall through, but if you show continued passion and find the right group of people to work with, you'll manage to make something that continues steadily along, I'm sure!
Mod Maya
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traincat · 5 months
ive never played the games so i dont know what to picture when im reading your fics, how tall do you think soren and ike are?
I said recently that they have a Mulder and Scully level height difference and I stand by that statement. This one is a little hard to answer, because I don't think there is a definitive answer -- it's not like comics where there's an official handbook with heights and weights listed, although there is like, a vague equivalent. I'll get to that. I know recently some people deduced heights by, I think, converting the measurements of their respective models in Fire Emblem Engage, the anniversary game for the series that featured both characters, but I'll be honest, that's too much math for me, and I'd rather rip into the text of the original games until I come up with my own answer. So I'm gonna give you my thoughts, and the canon evidence that backs them up, but it's just my opinion.
Anyway I'm going into this with the same amount of thought that I go into with all my comics meta. I'm sorry about that in advance.
So two things about Fire Emblem 9 and 10. The first is that the games aren't new -- FE9 came out in 2005, and FE10 in 2007. Graphically, they hold up well, but it's because they're not very complicated. The majority of conversations take place involving still portraits with text underneath -- there's only a few fully animated cutscenes. (Soren is in exactly one FE10 cutscene, and they're not standing next to each other.) The second is that the games take place over a period of a few years (each game takes place over about a year, with a three year gap in between FE9 and FE10). Ike starts FE9 at 17, and he's about 20 at the start of FE10. And he evolves like a Pokemon.
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This is not meant to be to height scale; I just wanted these three pieces of official art next to each other for comparison. Graphic design is not my passion.
Also, this has nothing to do with height, but I'm going to point it out anyway: Ike's FE10 artbook page literally ends by talking about how he's in love with Soren.
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(credit to Kantopia for the translation.) (did I mention that, by FE rules, the ship is canon. because it's canon.) The character designer, Kita Senri, also drew this picture of FE9 and FE10 Ike standing back to back, which. Yeah. Okay!
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By FE10, at least, so by age 20, Ike is tall. (His parents come from the Tall People Country, Daein.) His size is remarked upon a couple of times in the script, too, by people who hadn't seen him for a few years:
Ike: Tormod, it's been a while. Tormod: Holy moly! You are absolutely huge! I feel puny next to you… Ike: That's because you are puny. Magic clearly doesn't give you much muscle tone. (...) Tormod: Nah, you just can't see me properly because all of your blood gets pumped to your muscles, away from your brain! [leaves] Ike: A little touchy, Tormod?
(FE10, Part 4 Chapter 4)
Volke: You’ve grown quite a bit since the last time I saw you. Ike: Everyone loves telling me that. Volke: You’re starting to look like Greil. Ike: That might be true, too. He IS my dad.
(FE10, Part 4 Endgame-1) It should be noted that Ike's dad, Greil, was pretty huge.
Engage also has it remarked upon, with one character saying that Emblems (essentially FE main character force ghosts in-game) are big, and Ike remarking that that's not an Emblem thing, he's just huge. (He's the funniest Fire Emblem main character except for his co-star, Micaiah, Little Miss War Crimes, and I'm barely even biased at all.)
There are in-game stats for height and weight (build/constitution and weight, respectively), as they relate to mechanics -- if one character is significantly bigger and heavier than the other, the smaller character can't rescue them or shove them. Weight varies because, for example, if a character is on a horse, the horse factors into the weight, or if they're wearing heavy armor, etc. Build, for me, is the best indicator of general (not exact) height. In FE9, Ike's build and weight start off at 9, which is pretty average, and then 10/11 upon class promotion. In FE10, his build is 12 and weight is 13, which is on the bigger side -- I'd say compared to other human men in the game, but there are a lot of big guys in this game. Again, he's twenty, so he's probably still growing, and everyone is already remarking that he's huge. I'm almost always gonna go with what the text says, and the text in FE10 says he's huge, pretty unequivocally.
Soren... is not huge. Soren is, debatably, pretty tiny.
If we're going to use build/weight as a metric, and I think for these purposes we have to, then Soren is a 6 build and 6 weight to Ike's 12 build and 13 weight. So half Ike's size. Either way, 6 build and 6 weight is small -- the only people who are smaller than him are a handful of the female characters, including the one with literal bird bones. How much this reflects on his actual height is up for debate -- I think when that FE Engage height math was done, it was determined that, based on his model there, he was probably 5'10", which is obviously not that short, but if that's the case he's probably very thin to account for that weight stat. His father and his eldest uncle, if not also his mother, are very tall, so there is that to factor in. Soren is half-dragon and he ages slower than an average human, so there's potential for him to end up quite tall -- but it could take twenty, thirty years. (Soren is 19 in FE9 and 22 in FE10.) It's kind of a big shrug in his case. I don't think he's particularly tall, but I think it's more up for personal interpretation how tall he is, as opposed to Ike where the text is repeatedly shouting "HE'S HUGE!!!" at you. He is, pretty clearly, quite a bit smaller than Ike.
I'm going to wrap up this insane person analysis with this pretty art of Soren which does nothing to suggest anything height-wise. I just like to look at it.
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(PS thank you for reading my fic even though you haven't played the games! It always makes me really happy to hear that people like my writing enough to do that. but also I have like, fully conspiracy theoried my way into believing they'll rerelease the games.)
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shootingstarrfish · 2 months
THANK YOU FOR THE TAG MEL @melverie !!!!! <333
15 Questions Tag Game
01 - Are you named after anyone?
My grandma!
02 - When was the last time you cried?
...this morning in the car SHDJFJ i cry a lot anyway but i was thinking too deeply about Jack's Song by Cavetown this time HAHA
03 - Do you have kids?
Please gaze upon my darling children
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04 - What sports do you play/have you played?
I started playing basketball when I was about 10, but I haven't played since I was about 17? Not for any particular reason, I just haven't found anywhere I can play at (haven't looked much either LOL) this is making me wanna look into it again though :,D
Briefly played softball for about a year in high school, it was fun! I also enjoy cycling but I dont do that a whole lot. Did a bit of boxing during the singular year I had a gym membership, and learnt that I hate arm exercises with a passion but I love getting to kick things :D I'm also a freak, a weirdo even, who likes running hahaha
This is making me sound fit but unfortunately I spend 90% of my free time drawing fictional men so I don't do a whole lot of sport... ever......
05 - Do you use sarcasm?
NOT REALLY but people seem to think so sometimes? I don't know why lol
06 - What is the first thing you notice about people?
I dont, Im really unobservant HAHAH
The exception would be if someone has a really striking or unique feature
07 - What's your eye color?
Dark brown
08 - Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings, I'm a baby i can't do scary movies :,))
09 - Any talents?
At last I can talk about my one true hidden talent, doing a Mort impression
Is it a good impression? I have no idea, but I can do it
10 - Where were you born?
Oman! The only country in the world that starts with the letter O!
11 - What are your hobbies?
Drawing, shockingly, is the main one, but I also enjoy animation and clay sculpting! I recently got into plush making, I really wanna learn how to sew properly so I can make Belphie's big human world outfit jacket for myself lol
I needle felt and crochet sometimes but those are really time consuming and take forever so Im never patient enough to pick them up for long lol
At this stage I would also consider my general zine shenanigans to be a hobby too, I can't get enough of these silly things
12 - Do you have any pets?
Okay I'm gonna talk about them fr now so meet Pepper and Chilli <3333
This is Pepper, shes my darling little angel who could do no wrong, she's graceful and beautiful and way too smart for her own good and I love her so much <333
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And this is Pepper's son, Chilli, whom you could never tell was her son if you weren't told cause he's nothing like her. He's very clumsy and not very smart but he's very cute and handsome so it makes up for it and I love him very much too <33
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Not a single thought behind those eyes
13 - How tall are you?
Like 176 cm? Which I think is around 5'9 or so?
14 - Favourite subject in school?
If we ignore art LOL I enjoyed english quite a bit! I know apparently the big draw of math is that there's only ever 1 answer but I'm not a logic brained person so I don't like that very much. I'm a certified bullshitter, I like being able to say whatever I want as long as I can justify it
15 - Dream job?
To draw anime boys all day...
If I was to be realistic though I think a job where I can use art and be creative but in a way that doesn't take the fun out of regular art would be ideal? I don't know what that looks like though
Or something with animals
I shall tag @aspiringtrashpanda, @kawree and @featheredcrowbones no pressure ofc lol
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faithshouseofchaos · 7 months
I know no one asked but here’s a little get to know me….
Tagged— @moss-on-tmblr @toasttt11 @omgsuperstarg @norrisleclercf1 @wolfsbanesbite @otako5811
Dear other mutuals I forget to tag This is what your stuck with I don’t make the rules 🫡🤷‍♀️
What I look like
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Age 21 will be 22
Birthday December 6th
Zodiac sign— Sagittarius
Moon sign— Leo
Oldest of five
Loves plants
From North Carolina
Im Irish on my dads side and Scottish on my moms side
I have more irrational fears than irrational
Like I’m terrified of Kimono Dragons and snakes that can swallow me whole but not someone breaking into my house (that’s happened before)
When I was little I used to be terrified of penguins because of the surfs up movie I had a nightmare where the penguins had put me in a pot and cooked me alive (I was stuck in spectate mode the whole time) now I hate them with a passion
Loves tomato’s this goes for ketchup and diced tomatoes but don’t give me whole stewed tomatoes because I will not eat them
I have adhd Asperger’s syndrome dyslexia and the math version of dyslexia
I love to read but hated English class
Loves learning about Greek mythology and history
I’m polygamous (I listen to all kinds of music right now I’m on my divorced dad rock era)
I’m really sensitive to ghosts they like to mess with me (I can see them and feel them one time at the beach we went to an old civil war fort and I had a whole conversation with what I thought was a guy an a costume and one of the ground maintenance guys told me they didn’t have anyone out in costumes that day)
Favorite color is purple
Last time I had a boyfriend I was 18 💀learned a available lesson about what I need to look for in a relationship
My love languages are quality time and acts of service
I’m the type of person that will help whoever need it but won’t seek out help when I need it
I have a crush on Selena Gomez and Kika Gomes (I hope Pierre can fight)
I’m great at taking care of people but not myself
Loves kids but don’t want any of my own because I’m terrified of being a bad parent
I’m closer with my two younger brothers than my two younger sisters don’t get me wrong I love them but because of the big age gap they are closer together and tell each other everything which I’m okay with I would proudly go to jail of anyone hurts them.
Can play the flute I’m not good at it but I can still play I can also play the keyboard if I were to practice more I’d be pretty good at it.
I’m not street smart or book smart (correction get me going on something I’m passionate about I turn into Einstein) I’m fun fact smart
Loves animals especially horses
I talk down on myself because I believe that I’m not good enough for anyone this mainly comes from my childhood I went so long letting my stepdad treat my like crap I wish I stood up for myself more.
I have dismissive avoidant attachment
The most prominent characteristic of dismissive-avoidant attachment is extreme self-sufficiency. People with a dismissive-avoidant attachment style do not want to rely on anyone, and in turn, do not want anyone relying on them. They value their freedom highly, believing that they function at their best by themselves. It’s weird because I would drop everything to help my family and friends but I wouldn’t want them to help me.
I’m angry at my bio dad and I have been for a long time
I used to cut and burn myself one time I got really depressed and I started cutting myself my younger sister came in my room and stopped me saying that her and our other siblings needed me we never told my parents because my stepdad told me that if I said that I wanted to kill myself that he would dump me in a mental hospital and leave me there.
Even though I hate hugging I give good hugs and I want to be hugged (by certain people) im weird and it doesn’t make sense
My red flag 🚩
Self sabotage
Does not cry
Can’t express my emotions
Anger issues
Can’t dance for the life of me despite playing just dance my whole life
God may have given me a ass I can’t shake/throw it back only thing I’m shaking is the car keys because I wanna go home
Strongly believe that I’m not good enough for anyone to wanna be stuck with me for the rest of my life I’m too hard on myself my too best friends tell me all the time that I’m great to be around but there’s a constant voice in the back of my mind telling me that it’s not true
I speak high Valerian, Scottish Gaelic, some Spanish some German (only Rammstein songs) and I know a little sign language
My pets
This is bruiser And this is mars
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brandogenius · 4 months
hihihi!!! okay so hear me out i'm a barista so i had lots of thoughts and delusions about jb and barista!reader...
when jb comes in, reader definitely says the order at the same time as jb and smiles every time they accidentally talk in sync and jb is grinning and apologizing for talking over her and lowkey panicking while reader is writing her order on the cup and some doodles
i know DAMN WELL julien is giving hella tips, at my job our cash tips are split evenly between baristas so i just have the feeling jb is counting the visible baristas and doing the math for how much of a tip exactly she needs to give all together for reader to get the tip jb wants to give her (does that make sense??) + reader is always shocked at how big of a tip julien gives
reader giving her the cute/silly steam stickers that go on the hot drink lids + julien definitely has a little collection in her car on some random paper of every single one she gets (at my job rn we have valentines stickers and they're like conversation hearts with words on them...im imagining reader trying to shoot her shot and putting a sticker on her cup that say 'kiss me' or 'ur cute' or something similar and julien is about to frame this sticker on her wall)
after a certain amount of time (assuming the shop doesn't ask for names) reader learns juliens name and when jb comes in with the boys reader greets her by name and phoebe and lucy are like :0 and juliens grinning walking up to the counter with them and she's like "hiiii 😇🥰"
when there's a rude customer and julien happens to be there she stops reader when they bring her drink be she sees how overwhelmed and frustrated they are and she apologizes for the customer being rude and says something super nice about how important customer services jobs are and how employees deserve sm more than they usually get from those jobs (like that interview she had talking about how she doesn't tell waiters when her order is wrong esp if she can see they're stressed out) and accidentally starts rambling with her big girl words and reader is barely taking in what she's saying but is also on the verge of tears at how sweet jb is
julien comes in and orders her drink but orders something to bring to lucy or someone and reader is like "oh?" and jb is so quick to reassure that it's for her FRIEND not ANYONE in particular just her BESTEST BUD
could you imagine how cute it'd be if the place had themed drinks and stuff for pride month and jb is asking reader about said pride specials and reader is so excited about it all and julien is silently taking notes making sure reader is in fact gay and not an extremely passionate ally
one of these days jb comes in and it's not busy at all so reader and julien get to chit chat about random stuff until she has to actually leave so julien orders and reader writes her number on the back of the cup and says 'text me! :D' or something cute that tells julien she wants to keep talking and julien doesn't even realize bc the writing was facing away from her and when she does notice there's more on the cup than usual she like dies on the spot
OKAY IM DONE I COULD GO ON FOR FOREVER IM SORRY FOR YAPPING SO MUCH AHHH i just LOVE this hc and i can make it sososo accurate as a barista
learning juliens name because they talk so much and reader knows her order like at the beginning it might’ve been like “hey it’s ice latte girl, how are you?” to knowing exactly what time jb comes in she doesn’t even need to wait because you have the coffee just made by the time she walks in
reader listening to her ramble about customer service and the use of big words intrigues them, reader is like… woah
reader who started to draw little hearts on juliens cup 😭 when jb orders something for lucy and reader stops her drawings like “shit shit shit” and jb catching on like NO WAIT IM SINGLE!! bit of angst to add but maybe the next few times reader doesn’t draw any doodles on jbs cup and she misses them until jb is like “you don’t doodle anymore :(“ and readers like “sorry - i didn’t know if i was coming off as weird or something”
STOPPPPP!!! brownie points if reader has a lesbian cup in the corner with their own drink and julien looks at it like 👀 👀
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erismourn · 22 days
ok ive been thinking about a destiny university au that im ultimately not going to do anything with (probably) but I just want to talk about it so here is a list of some characters and what I think they would do at uni
osiris: physics prof specializing in quantum + theoretical physics. undergrads find him extremely difficult to follow but master's students love him. will occasionally heckle ikora's philosophy seminars
saint: kinesiology prof, former football quarterback. everyone takes his first year classes because he's the best and also might let you throw things at each other for a grade. too much of a meathead to truly understand what's going on in osiris' lectures, but sits in on his beloved's lessons anyway.
ikora: philosophy prof, has like 4 undergrad degrees because she couldn't decide what she wanted to study ("but mads that's bonkers" my friend has done this and is currently getting their phd in social work. it happens). playful academic beef with osiris on the nature of life itself. was the scariest player on the women's lacrosse team
eris: perma-phd student in archaeology with a minor in anthropology. spends way too much time in the bone lab, which is why she looks like she doesn't go out in the sun. spends a little too much time hanging around the philosophy department for someone who isn't a philosophy major
zavala: extremely jacked anthropology professor. did his phd thesis on the value of fibrecraft to the human experience (more specific than that but I'm not about to come up with a feasible phd level thesis for a field I know nothing about). many of his students think he's in the mafia or something because of how ripped he is, but he just really likes working out
asher mir: chemistry professor. kind of a hardass, HATES teaching undergrads, but might let you blow something up in a controlled environment on the last lab day of the semester
amanda holliday: engineering master's student. EXTREMELY passionate about the yearly engineering go-kart derby where teams of students build their own go-karts
banshee-44: engineering prof. the smartest, most capable engineering prof at the school, but god forbid he remembers where he put that caliper. do not go into his office. it's a hazard.
shaxx: the football coach. end of thought.
drifter: math and stats prof. weirdly grungy for a nerd. I almost put him as an ethics professor bc I think his morals are really interesting but then I remembered he likes math a lot and I think he can have a little treat. has way too much energy for undergrads
mara: history prof. you thought history was boring until you took a class with dr sov. that woman can spin a yarn like nobody else. often has academic beef with ikora
riven: the school mascot
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honakito · 3 months
hiiiii😁 idk of yours request is open but i wanted to ask for a mmj! reader x akito😞 hope youre okay with thisss, bye kisses and hugs 🫶😊
-⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀MORE , MORE ⠀⠀⠀. . . ⠀⠀⠀more more JUMP !
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authors babbles . . ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀i freaking LOVE THIS ! !
MORE! MORE! - prod. honakito
posted as : request
chars : s. akito
type : x g/n ! reader
scenario : akito with an idol (specifically more more jump) reader ( headcanons )
taglist : @finanah ( ask to be added )
affiliated with : @virtualbookstore
notes : OH MH GOD i am SO SORRY for dipping this whole month and not doing this request sooner you probably forgot about it hhh,,,… no joke i was procrastinating this whole month since i am signed up for the math olympics ( i got a 20/28 at the local phase and now im in for the city phase) then i also have national phase if i qualify so requests are gonna take much longer… but still THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR REQUESTHING THIS AAA!! AND AGAIN IM SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG
notes 2 : so im actually working on a canon character only series. the only thing ill reveal about it is that it is a crossover with one of my current hyperfixations (they go brrr brrr brbrbr) so mist of my attention will be focused on it (requests will take longer in this case) and other shit BUT!!! ill alao try to finish the masterlists befpre my blog gets bigger so it is easier for me to arrange shit YKNOW ,,, and also the last time i posted here i barely got any REACH. like it was embarrassing omfg i dont want that to happen again so this is probably why i was hesitant on posting again but were cool gang ,, and i aslo have to revamp most of my posts kms
date : 26 / 02 / 24 - 10 / 03 / 24
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well , he doesnt really care.
wait , what?
dont get him wrong , tho! when he first found out you were also interested in the music field , he was ecstatic in his own way. so , he asked some questions.
to realize youre the fifth member of ‘ MORE MORE JUMP! ‘ tho? that was a shocker! he never really put the puzzle pieces together.
not because he isnt capable of doing so , he just doesnt really.. care, about idol groups. it was never akitos type of music genre.
sure , he saw a few posters here and there , but never observed them as a whole. the only one he recognized on those was airi , because of enas childhood friendship with her.
and when you first came to kamiyama , he never really eavesdropped on any conversations about you. wasnt that normal? for everyone to talk about the new student! why was he the only one that didnt know you were a known idol?
isnt that a good thing , tho?
because akito didnt know of your passion , you saw right through him that this is actually how he feels. figured out that he saw you as an average human being , and not someone you only see on the outside , on a screen.
you were more glad for his oblivion , rather than mad.
but back on topic.
for a little while , he didnt know. but after? he seemed more cautious for you.
he knows the things you have to go through in the idol industry — he isnt stupid.
so for your sake , hes more supportive.
youll never notice it , but he will watch each and every livestream your group will hold after finding out. ofcourse , on a whole different account , while hes alone — he does not need teasing from neither you , mizuki , ena or an. 
and the same goes for your social media posts , he always tries to be the first one to like.
also pay close attention to his playlist — suddenly , a few of ‘ MORE MORE JUMP! ‘ s songs are there! but not the whole discography , hes still getting accommodated with the genre. 
so after a while — he gets comfortable.
hell always show up to the shows you will host. at first , he will seat in the back , so you dont notice him. but with a little bit of time , you will always spot him easily in the front rows , but he has too much pride to admit it. half of it , he will say ena dragged him with her. but what about the times he shows up alone? when theres no big sister , or no extra ticket from kohane?
if you figure it out tho , hed gladly accept any ticket you give him. doesnt matter if general or backstage access — your performances are moments that he holds close to him , outside of RAD WEEKEND.
and even if it seems like he doesnt care — he will always cheer on you from the sidelines.
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begging the x reader gods to show this under the tag this time
div. arent mine ; please do not use my work for own uses , includes : reposting and claiming as their own , heavily inspiring off a long term fanfiction , etc , etc .
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spookysweet-heart · 2 years
Nancy Wheeler with a Visually Impaired Partner
As a Visually Impaired person I thought this would be cute to write. This doesn’t represent every Blind or Visually Impaired person. I‘m just writing my own experience with my disability for these head-cannons.
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Nancy first sees you when you walk into the school's newspaper room accidentally.
"O-oh!  So sorry! Uh, I've been trying to find the counselor's office."
One of the students shouts out where it is but Nancy notices your white cane and instantly says she'll take you there herself.
"Thank you so much. My eyes are giving me a hard time this morning so theyre pretty sensitive and I had to resort to using my cane again."
"It's no problem, Im Nancy by the way. Nancy Wheeler."
"Nice to meet you, Nancy! Im (Y/n) (L/n)."
"Nice to meet you too. You said your eyes are sensitive? Can you still see?"
"Yeah to an extent. I just have low vision so I have to use a magnifying glass to read things or use my cane to help guide me when my eyes become sensitive to light."
Nancy nods and smiles stopping at one of the doors in the hallway. "Here's the counselor's office. If you need anything else I'd be happy to help."
You smile in her direction and nod "Actually, would it be okay if I sat with you during lunch? Being new is a little scary and you seem nice."
"Of course!  What class do you have before lunch?"
"Math with Ms. London."
"Looks like we have that class together. You can sit next to me if you'd like."
"That'd be great!"
After that day you and Nancy became close friends at first. She helped you in Math while you helped her in English. You told her despite your disability you have a passion for writing.
The day Nancy figures out that she likes you as more than a friend is when you two were hanging out at her place and you asked her to read you a new book you had got from the library the day before.
She was happy to read to you since she knew you were either tired or didn't want to use your magnifying glass.
You had laid your head on her lap and were excited to get into another great story but you couldn't help but fall asleep with how soft and cozy it felt to hear Nancy read to you.
Nancy realized you were asleep when she heard your soft snores. Smiling to herself, she put a bookmark where she left off and put the book aside on her nightstand.
Gently playing with your hair Nancy felt her cheeks get warm noticing that familiar feeling.
She asked you out the next week. You were all she could think about while trying to sort out her feelings.
Nancy is super sweet. She's always looking out for you.
She stands up for you when someone stares too long or says something about your cane or you in general if you take too long to do something because you're not able to see what's in front of you. 
She loves taking you out to drive-ins for movie dates.
She will cook dinner for you whenever she can and always gets excited when you cook for her. She especially loves when you bake for her. She says your cookies are the best and great when she needs a pick me up.
She doesn't mind if she needs to drive you around it gives her excuses to spend more time with you
Study dates are a must when exams are around. She's very understanding when you need to take breaks or stop for the day when your eyes get sore from studying so much.
Loves going shopping with you.
You two pick out some outfits for each other. Or just love trying on clothes with each other.
Nancy finds it relaxing and fun to do your make-up when she has the time.
Once chewed out Mike for being disrespectful when he commented about your cane and said you were the school's freak the first time you went over to her place for dinner.
Nancy's love language is quality time, gift giving, and touch.
Always loves spending time with you whenever she can. Again she doesn't mind driving you around or having your arm around hers when you need that little bit of guidance while walking around the mall.
Nancy buys you gifts, whether it's your birthday, Christmas, or just because she saw something you needed or reminded her of you.
You know Nancy is very vocal but in the moments when it's just you and her, she's mostly quiet and shows how she feels with physical touch. Squeezing your hand, light kisses, hugging, or holding you against her.
Overall Nancy loves the relationship you both built together.
She loves reading the stories you come up with in your free time. She thinks you're creative and is proud of you when you submit your stories to local contests.
You won't admit it but whenever you get a new book from the library you always ask Nancy to read it to you. Not because your eyes hurt or theyre tired but because you love hearing her voice.
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djsangos · 16 days
You’re trying to distract yourself by playing The Swims 2, with mild success, when you’re jerked out of the game by the most ear-destroying airhorn sound you could’ve found online emanating from your phone, and you’re on top of it as soon as the horn fades out.
From: 🏈4️⃣🦑4️⃣🏈 Im ready
Not even taking the time to write a reply, you hastily grab your shoes and crutches, and you’re out the door.
It’s only when you’re at the station waiting for the next train that you actually text him back.
To: 🏈4️⃣🦑4️⃣🏈 sorry forgot to reply im THAT single minded right now
waiting for the train see you soon
When you’re actually on the subway, that airhorn blares again, and cod, okay, you’re gonna change it back now, fucking everyone’s staring at you now and it’s making you even more anxious.
From: 🏈4️⃣🦑4️⃣🏈 Okay
You almost just fucking bust down the door when you get to Four’s apartment, but you manage to contain yourself enough to simply knock.
“It’s open,” comes a call from inside, and that’s all it takes for you to swing open the door and practically sprint into the living room.
And there, on the couch, looking up at you so fucking forlornly, is Four. Tears staining their cheeks, looking like they’ve just watched their whole family get murdered before their eyes. Cod… you haven’t seen him this upset in so fucking long.
“Hi,” you say lamely, suddenly not really sure what to say.
“Hi,” he echoes. “Sorry I basically ghosted you. And everyone.”
You shake your head. “You’re fine.” You make your way over to the couch, lean your crutches against the arm, and gingerly sit down on Four’s right. “...You wanna talk?”
They sigh, bring their laptop closer to the two of you on the coffee table, and open it up to a page displaying what looks like a set of courses and grades. He gestures to it, flopping against the back of the couch. “I’m a terrible engineer.”
You lean forward to take a closer look and can’t contain a wince. “Yeesh.”
“Yeah,” he breathes. “I started flopping pretty hard last year, but I didn’t want anyone to be disappointed in me, so I lied… I’m sorry.”
Okay, yeah, all these grades are pretty fucking terrible. Math, physics, engineering, all abysmal fucking scores. All except…
“History of Beauty and Fashion?” you read aloud.
“That’s my elective.”
“You did pretty coddamn swell in that one. Crushed it, even.” You lean away from the laptop to meet their gaze. “But you’re like, the freshest squid in town, so that’s expected.”
“Eeeehhh,” he groans. “It’s just something I’m passionate about.”
“More passionate about than engineering?”
“Eeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhh,” they repeat, then, “I… don’t think I was ever all that passionate about engineering. I think I just wanted to major in it ‘cause it sounded cool.”
“Didn’t you say it was your dream?”
“Yeah, but…” Voice straining, they cross their arms, look up at the ceiling. “I was eighteen. Dreams change. Mostly I think my dream was just to go to college.”
His fingers grip his upper arms, and for all his rapid blinking at the ceiling and biting his lips, he can’t keep fresh tears from falling down his cheeks.
“And somehow I failed even that.”
“Hey,” you say, seemingly failing your attempt at a gentle tone, because they wince. Tentatively, you place a comforting hand on their shoulder. “So you hit a rough patch. That doesn’t mean you’re a failure. Maybe you just need a different strategy.”
“Then what about you?” They level their gaze on you again, no longer trying to stop the tears. “You failed. You gave up. Wasn’t that your strategy!?”
You pull your hand away as if they just burned you. “I-- I—” It feels like he just stabbed you in both fucking hearts. “This- this isn’t about me.”
He grasps both your shoulders, tight, hands shaking. “If you gave up, then what the hell am I supposed to do!?”
Instinctively, you try to pull their hands from your shoulders, but they won’t budge. “Do better than me! I made a mistake, I’m trying to keep you from repeating it.”
Their grip only tightens. “I-I-I—” he sobs. “I already have!”
“Ngh, no,” you say, grunting. “Hey, let g—You came clean before it was too late. That’s the difference—Let go!”
Finally, you manage to pry one of his hands off your shoulder, but it must be mostly his doing, because the other one shortly follows, and Four deflates. He takes shuddering breaths, wipes their cheeks with the heel of their palm. “I’m sorry,” they mumble through sobs. “I—I’m just so fucking mad at myself.”
“Don’t be,” you say, massaging your left shoulder. Cod, that’s gonna bruise for sure. “It’s not too late. If you wanna stay in school, there’s still time to fix this. If you don’t, that’s fine too.”
“How can I fix this?”
“I mean, if you’re not into engineering anymore, you can change your major, right?”
“I’m about to start my senior year.”
“You don’t have to finish college in four years.” You move onto your right shoulder. Ow, this guy’s got strong fucking hands. “You can take as long as you want. Change as many majors as you want.”
You finish your short self-massage and rotate both shoulders for a minute.. “Or, like. Take time off if you want. You can always come back later, if the summer isn’t long enough to figure it out.”
“I don’t know what I want,” he sighs, then looks up at you guiltily. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” you say. “You okay?”
“I dunno,” they say. “I think I will be. Thanks for coming.”
“Don’t mention it.” You open your arms, offering a hug. “Bring it in?”
Four practically falls into your arms, and you both share a good, tight hug, until after several moments, when Four pipes up, “Uh, you sure you’re okay, Cap? You’re shaking.”
“I think that’s you.”
“I mean I am, but so are you.”
“Uh.” You pull back and raise a hand to your eyes. Yeah, it’s shaking like a leaf in the wind, and it hits you now just how light-headed you are, too. And fucking hungry. “I. Think I’m starving.”
“Pfft, dork,” Four scoffs affectionately. “What, were you so worried about me you couldn’t eat?”
“Pretty much.” His smile wavers for a second at your answer, but then perks right back up.
“Lucky I DoorDived like, a bunch of donuts to sadly binge-eat this morning. Want some? I’ve still got a lot left.”
“Uh, fuck yeah.”
Over donuts, the two of you come up with a tentative game plan to help Four with his school problems: Since summer just started, they can take the vacation to really think about if they wanna continue in school, and if they do, whether to change their major and to what. If they’re still unsure, they can take as long as they need to figure it out, and you and the rest of the splatoon will of course be there to offer any support and advice he needs.
“It’s like,” he says, halfway through a donut, “stupidly simple. I don’t know why it didn’t occur to me when I started struggling last year.”
“Sometimes just talking it out helps,” you say. “And dude, I’m fucking sorry I didn’t notice sooner. I should have, and we could’ve gotten this hashed out already.”
They shake their head. “Don’t be. I’m really good at hiding shit.”
“Then I gotta get better at finding your hiding places.”
He laughs, and it seems so much less strained than yesterday.
Later, once you arrive home, you’re about to text Eight and the rookie to let them know that Four’s gonna be okay, when you hear the music from your laptop and realize you left it open and running The Swims 2 unpaused like, this whole fucking time. Rushing to check on the game confirms your worst fears.
“Aw, fuck.” If the point of playing The Swims 2 was to kill off all your Swims, then you would be the world champion! Yeah, that’s the game over screen. You snap a picture and send it to Four.
To: 🏈4️⃣🦑4️⃣🏈 [picture]
you killed all my swims
you monster
From: 🏈4️⃣🦑4️⃣🏈 Im so sorry
Im a murderer 🔪
Mournfully, you close the game. Rest in peace, your Swims. At least their sacrifice was worth it.
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