#but like. say you're applying to be an accountant. do you think the boss cares that you like knitting.
gender-euphowrya · 1 year
the thing is when i'm doing better i think "hmm maybe i Can have a job some day and find a way to make it through this capitalist hellscape on my own" and then i get a panic attack from seeing someone else's résumé because the thought of having to sell myself like a product through a little fucking advertising flyer to an employer that sees me as a task-performing robot at best is dehumanizing as hell and sends me back to the worst period of my life
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illegiblewords · 6 months
Serious talk about meta under the cut.
I don't know who might need to hear it, but fwiw mental flexibility is a huge part of analysis (and interacting with other humans lol). You need to be able to account for multiple possibilities when examining a work, or understanding a social exchange. You need to be able to separate what is objective fact from your own subjective interpretation and judgment. The most negative interpretation is not automatically the most worthwhile or true. Someone throwing accusations around in-line with their own worst interpretations does not guarantee those accusations are warranted. You are not a bad or stupid person for disagreeing. Shit needs to withstand scrutiny. I don't always strike the right balance myself. I do the best I can but I'm definitely not perfect. Tbh I'm not beyond pettiness either--although I try to keep that out of actual analysis lol. There have been times I've griped to friends privately or blogged about how I felt (sans tags, with spoiler blocks so people can opt out). I've griped recently. I'm bound to gripe again in the future. Some level of griping is inevitable imo and I figure no one is 100% immune.
All that said, even if someone’s take isn't canon AND even if it's something I really dislike--I'd personally rather people follow their passions anyway. Hands down. I could be in the middle of a rant and my answer would still be that the subject of my frustration gets to exist. I'm not the boss and odds are we're going with different versions in our own heads. Discouraging another fan from creating due to my preferences or narrative approach would horrify me. I've seen fandoms where gatekeeping like that killed the creative community and it was fucking awful.
Not everyone is confident in their own judgment. Not everyone faced with a pissed off person trying to use lore and accusations like clubs will feel okay continuing with their own vision. Elitism and manipulation (especially through rhetoric) can be present within analysis. People are not being taught how to recognize those things properly. Analysts aren't always aware or invested enough to even be careful. It’s legit easy to get caught up in ideas or feelings to the point of forgetting about other people’s, and adjusting to account for alternate approaches takes some work. For me at least, I think having a 'no insults' policy and being super careful when it comes to absolute claims (assertions not qualified by 'I think' or 'it could be argued') helps.
Anyway. Just because a person calls something ‘meaningless’ doesn't make it meaningless. Someone pooh-poohing an observation you made doesn't make your observation less true or important. Employing a literary term doesn't mean that individual actually understands the term, how it works, or how to apply it. Which is to say nothing of romantic chemistry or whatever. I encourage readers to extrapolate on this. ‘Shallow’ could apply as much as ‘meaningless’. Denying parallels exist by itself doesn’t actually negate those parallels. Your version of a character may not be the same as the fan next to you’s and that difference doesn't have to detract. There's more I could say on the subject (I've edited out a lot) but basically--just because another fan isn't into what you're doing doesn't automatically make what you're doing wrong, immoral, shoddy, or otherwise less.
Seriously, vet shit. Question the entire premise an analyst tries to establish then decide for yourself if it holds water. Turn over word choices and assertions in your head before deciding if they're appropriate. Do it to me too. I don't care if someone is the holy goddamn emperor of analysts. Just because a person says something is good or bad, true or false, whatever the hell doesn't make it so. Just because a person uses a technical term doesn't mean they're discussing it effectively. Quality of argument matters beyond the packaging it’s wrapped in. It's important to protect yourself from people whose priority is enforcing their own preferences, including dismissing things they aren't partial to.
I just don't want anyone shamed silent man. Not even people whose takes drive me up the fucking wall. Neither I nor any other analyst is an authority here. And there are people who are absolutely ready to take advantage of other people’s insecurities to assert themselves. Might not even be malicious, just indifferent.
For me, analysis feels kind of like uncovering a dinosaur skeleton. I want to share the cool and exciting things I find with other people. Sometimes I might be sorting out what my own thoughts and feelings are. It's also possible to examine why you're uncomfortable with something, or why you love something another person hates, while making very clear what is YOUR READING and not THE READING. Offering a variety of possibilities is very different from presenting yourself as the only correct one. One note at the end when everything else was insulting and intolerant is like a band-aid over a wound.
EDIT: As a last point, that I'm throwing in just-in-case. If anyone reading this thinks they may have overreached and done stuff I've mentioned + feels shitty about it… that's still not the end of the world. It’s okay. This is hard stuff to learn and I really don't think anyone's perfect at it. Worth the effort though. Just gotta take a deep breath, acknowledge you're a fallible human same as everyone else, and do the best you can going forward. Life goes on.
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hollowknighthelp · 2 days
Hello, been a bit :]
I'm at 110%!
Thr last things to finish are the Patheon of the Knight (working through it), and the Trial of the Fool
Do you have any advice for the latter? /genq
Hello again!
But ough, the Colosseum trials are the one combat thing that I struggle to give tips for </3
I'll do my best, though!!
The good thing, at least, is that you should have lots of practice with God Tamer at this point. The real issue is just getting to her!
(Though if you're concerned about her fight, you could always practice against her in the Hall of Gods!)
I don't know how applicable this'll be to the Trial of the Fool specifically, but if you're in a situation where the arena has not been altered and there's only a Shielded Fool left on the field, I believe you can continuously safely Dream Nail it for SOUL and heal, if you're careful? So you can use it to get back to full health and full SOUL before moving onto the next wave.
In the section with the Death Loodles, I believe I would just stay under the middle platform at the bottom and wait for them to come near me. You might also be able to Dream Nail them there and heal up?
In the section where you don't have much space to move and Garpedes are moving vertically, remember to Dream Nail them if you aren't full on SOUL! And you might have time to heal one mask at a time, but I'm not certain.
What's by far my personal least favourite part of the trial is the section where the floor is entirely spikes and you're forced to cling to the wall while fighting against flying enemies. You can oneshot the Armoured Squits with one Great Slash (or Dash Slash), or with one Shade Soul if you have Shaman Stone equipped!
Let me know if there are any other specific sections you want advice for, though!
Remember that Shade Soul goes through walls, and thus will also go through the platforms!
As for Charms... I'm honestly not too sure. Really, any sort of typical generic battle build should work, I think. Obviously, Unbreakable Strength and Shaman Stone are basically always good, so they're gonna be good here too. Same goes for Quick Slash, and Mark of Pride could likely also be useful. I could see Nailmaster's Glory being helpful if you decide to make use of Nail Arts! Dream Wielder could also be good, for that faster Dream Nailing speed and increase in SOUL gain. And Grubsong might be useful as well?
Not sure how much it'll help, but beneath the cut, I'm gonna list all the non-boss enemies that appear in the trial and the number of hits it takes to kill them from various sources!
These numbers are also assuming that Unbreakable Strength and Shaman Stone are equipped.
Note that when talking about Shade Soul, potential double hits are not taken into account.
Finally, also note that Great Slash and Dash Slash deal the same amount of damage, so whatever I say for Great Slash also applies to Dash Slash.
Heavy Fool: 90 health. 3 nail hits, 3 Shade Souls, or 2 Great Slashes
Sturdy Fool: 80 health. 3 nail hits, 2 Shade Souls, 2 Great Slashes
Armoured Squit: 40 health. 2 nail hits, 1 Shade Soul, 1 Great Slash
Shielded Fool: 65 health. 3 nail hits, 2 Shade Souls, 2 Great Slashes
Primal Aspid: 35 health. 2 nail hits, 1 Shade Soul, 1 Great Slash
Winged Fool: 70 health. 3 nail hits, 2 Shade Souls, 2 Great Slashes
Sharp Baldur: 65 health. 3 nail hits, 2 Shade Souls, 2 Great Slashes
Battle Obble: 70 health. 3 nail hits, 2 Shade Souls, 2 Great Slashes
Furious Vengefly: 40 health. 2 nail hits, 1 Shade Soul, 1 Great Slash
Death Loodle: 45 health. 2 nail hits, 2 Shade Souls, 1 Great Slash
Mantis Traitor: 74 health. 3 nail hits, 2 Shade Souls, 2 Great Slashes
Mantis Petra: 45 health. 2 nail hits, 2 Shade Souls, 1 Great Slash
Soul Twister: 35 health. 2 nail hits, 1 Shade Soul, 1 Great Slash
Mistake and Folly: 13 health. 1 nail hit
Volt Twister: 80 health. 3 nail hits, 2 Shade Souls, 2 Great Slashes
Lesser Mawlek: 60 health. 2 nail hits, 2 Shade Souls, 2 Great Slashes
- One nail hit with the Pure Nail and Fragile/Unbreakable Strength deals 31.5 damage (unsure if it rounds up or down, 21 without Strength)
- One Shade Soul with Shaman Stone deals 40 damage (30 without Shaman Stone)
- One Great Slash (or Dash Slash) deals 52 damage (unaffected by Fragile/Unbreakable Strength)
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1rsoldiersince2012 · 1 year
Bound by Law (Matt Murdock x Reader)
Words: 3841 (chapter 28)
You and Matt met in the courtroom. Now, you may think that Matt was a knight in shining armour and defended you in the name of all United States laws, but that was not the case. Matt was totally destroying your client, and you wanted to tear him into pieces right then and right there, because with Murdock as your rival, your head is on the firm's plate with each case. Did Matt care? No, he only cared about bringing justice, he was a human-machine, driven by the need to bring righteousness no matter the cost. Or was he just that? What happens when you get involved in Fisk's business and Daredevil's lies against your will?
UPDATES: expect the unexpected but have hope
Find my other accounts on ao3 and wattpad!
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/1rSoldierSince2012
wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/1rsoldierSince2012
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28. Chasing Wind in the Dead of Night, pt. 2
"Morning." You open the doors of Nelson and Murdock, and are immediately greeted by Matt's sour face, and it takes you by surprise that he's sitting at Karen's desk.
"Hey." He makes himself at least to greet you, but his voice is just above the whisper.
"Where is everybody?" You hang your coat, noticing that only Matt's was hanging.
"Foggy went out to Landman and Zach with Karen." He says, jaw visibly tightening.
"What for?" You sit in front of him and drop your purse next to your legs, together with a paper bag, whereas Matt drops the papers that he's been reading in an angry manner.
"A case." He says with a serious tone, crossing his arms.
"The Spanish lady one?" You furrow your eyebrows slightly, recalling the glare she gave you yesterday.
"Yes, the one you almost dropped." Matt's jaw tightens a little when he takes in your perfume. You poured a lot more than you usually would, but you still smell like him. Wesley.
"I'm really not used to giving out charity when this place is falling apart, Matt."
"You work for me..." he takes a longer pause than he actually needed and quickly finishes his sentence, "and Foggy, which means that you have to consult us before deciding if the person is worth our time."
"I would, but you know, the problem is that you're barely in the office, boss." You stress the last word, and Matt clenches his fist under the table. He knows deep down that you're right. Without money, they soon will have to close the office, and the money they got from Melissa's case barely covered this month's rent.
"As a defence attorney, you should start acting like one." He slips accidentally, and closes his eyes for a moment.
"Rough night, Murdock?" You dodge his statement, instead of starting the defence lawyer argument again. You still had to come a long way to become a real defence attorney, and this pressure from Matt was only putting fuel in the fire.
"Might ask you the same thing." He leans back in his chair, crossing his arms on his chest.
"A little, yeah, but you know... Exactly how I like." You say with something in your voice that Matt can't quite put his finger around, but it makes his stomach drop.
He left yesterday when Wesley kissed your forehead and closed the door. Now he would have given anything to be able to force himself to leave earlier, but his legs felt like lead, preventing him from moving. "Foggy told me that you left early yesterday."
"I had plans." You say, feeling how your mouth suddenly got dry.
"You didn't finish finalizing the case."
You roll your eyes, and feel like you're back in Hogarth, Chao and Benowitz again, on your trial-week, afraid that a minor mistake will ruin your chances of getting applied there full-time. This lawyer passive-aggressive behaviour was exactly how Benowitz treated you that first week, and exactly how Hogarth scolded you when you lost to Murdock your first case, despite winning 5 before.
"I'll do it today, that's why I'm here." You say instead, turning your head slightly to the right, as if to avoid looking at Matt.
"Try to not leave until the work day is over." He says rather coldly, but softens his tone almost immediately, "please."
"Sure, boss. I'll bore myself to death, only if it pleases you." You get ready to stand up, when Matt changes the topic, a desire to talk with you winning the battle inside of him.
"Anything important happened yesterday?"
"A charity event. For kids fighting cancer." You put your butt back on the chair.
"Oh. You went alone?" He asks nonchalantly, but you catch his all-knowing tone.
"No." Is all you say, Matt furrows his eyebrows slightly. "A secret donator gave 50 thousand dollars."
"That's the biggest donation?"
"Yes." You sigh, "apparently people now donate to trendy things. Cancer's not 'trendy' in Hell's Kitchen anymore."
"Rich people." Matt huffs, thinking that you might take that as an insult, yet, you don't.
"Yeah. Anyway, gotta get to work now." You stand up and take a few steps before stopping next to the office, "any idea when they're coming back?"
"No, why?" Matt takes off his glasses, turning his head to you.
"Oh, just thought that we could order some take out for lunch." You smile, and he smiles back for the first time since yesterday, feeling that he can't be angry at you for too long. After all, it was his fault that he didn't stop you from going out with Wesley again. "You know, just consulting with you."
"I'll think about it, thank you." He keeps the smile on his face even after you disappear in the depths of the office, feeling like he can't control it anymore.
"Oh, right, I forgot-" you quickly return from the office and notice a glimpse of Matt's silly smile.
"What is it?" He quickly collects himself, intently waiting for your next words.
"I'm returning what's yours, Mr Murdock, and in case you didn't have any clean pants left, I washed them." You pull neatly folded gray pants out of the bag and give them to Matt across the table. He takes them, feeling how the softener and laundry detergent made the material soft and almost silky, so pleasant to touch. Your fingers brush against his for a second, and Matt feels a lump in his throat that he can't swallow. Your cheeks turn pink and you pull out your hand quicker. "Might want to bring them home, in case the rats decide to wreck the office." You smile and walk back to the office, feeling your heart beating in your chest and palms sweating. Matt takes a deep breath in, savouring the scent of the laundry detergent.
"Hey listen, do you mind doing a favour to a blind man?" Matt returns to the office some time later, carrying all the papers back to his desk. He had already admitted to himself that he got a bit lonely there at Karen's desk, and the silent shuffling of rats somewhere in the walls has not made it any easier for him to work.
"Depends on what kind of favour we're talking." You say, not pulling your eyes from the computer screen, but feeling a slight gust of wind when Matt passes behind your back.
"Will you take me to the Precinct?"
"What for?" You finally hit send with the final report of Melissa's case being done for good.
"I have a couple of questions to ask." He puts the papers on his desk and leans on it, waiting for your answer.
"Is this gonna count as an overtime?" You ask slyly, noticing a grin on Matt's face.
"In another company, maybe."
"You're such a bad employer, you know that?" You tease, closing your computer.
"Well, that's a first one." He theatrically grabs his heart and gets ready to leave, when suddenly he grabs his head with one hand and the edge of the table with another, knocking down the vase and flowers down. Water spills down, splashing on your heels, the vase shatters into pieces and roses get dumped into this whole mess.
"Oh, shit!" You jump from your seat, quickly getting away from the water, but notice how Matt sways a little, still gripping the table. Despite the shards, you tightly grip his arm, "Matt, you okay? What happened?"
He almost falls into your embrace, taking a deep breath. "I-" the words gets stuck in his throat when you touch his face, looking for what might've caused him to act that way.
"Matt? Matt?" You pull him away from the mess, still holding his arms tightly, and force him to sit down for a moment.
"I just got dizzy, that's all." He says, rubbing his eyes for a second. Regaining consciousness, he can still feel your hands softly touching his arms and checking his pulse...
"Your heart's beating like crazy, you sure you're not sick?" You ask again, touching his forehead to see if he has a temperature.
"y/n..." Matt smiles slightly, fighting the urge to hug you right there.
"And your face is burning, Jesus," your palm gently touches his face, noticing how red it became instantly, or maybe he just blushes a lot... "you're sure it's not fever?"
"I'm fine, doctor, thank you. I just don't sleep enough lately, that's all." Matt closes his eyes and enjoys the moment - your fingers touching his face, a single spray of perfume on your wrist, but he can't let you worry about this any longer. Although he was blind, he knew your eyebrows were knitted together, left hand resting on your hip in a disapproving manner. 
"Well, that's bad, did you try drinking warm milk before bed?"
Matt smiles slightly, "no, I doubt it would help."
"Camomile tea?" You pull your hand back, resisting the urge to fix his messy hair.
"Don't have it."
"Got completely wasted?" You ask with a half grin, noticing Matt's raised eyebrow, "what? Works for me."
"Nothing to celebrate now."
"... Got laid?" You feel your cheeks getting hotter but don't pull your eyes away from him, "I mean, men have a tendency to fall asleep right after the deal." 
"Never had complaints about that," Matt chuckles, getting up, "but no."
"Well then, my medical knowledge ends here." You spin on your heel, walking around the table to pick up the flowers.
"Sorry about them." Matt says, coming close to you, "how can I help? Just point me towards something."
"You need to sit down, that ain't two people job." You pick up the flowers, in rather terrible condition and decide to throw them out, after all they were starting to look bad. Matt tries to protest and starts picking up the glass shards, when you grab his wrist, "Murdock, I got this, you're just gonna cut yourself."
"Don't treat me like a baby." 
"But you are one." With your free hand, you push him into the armchair and throw the flowers into the trash can, along with the big pieces of glass, watching Matt sit like a good boy in the corner of your eye. "Do we have paper towels by any chance?"
"Unless Karen bought some." Matt rests his elbows on his knees, listening to you walking around the office like a bee. 
"Hold on." You mutter to yourself and leave the room, quickly checking the cabinet in the kitchen area. "Jackpot." You return triumphantly with a paper towel roll and get on your knees to wipe the spilled water, or at least make sure it doesn't leak downstairs. "We're good to go, unless you want to go home and rest." You stand up, slightly out of breath.
"Of course, yeah."
He stands up, feeling your hand snake up on his elbow, "great, let's go then."
The walk to your car is silent, but Matt feels like enough is said through your touch. The way you were firmly holding his elbow and slightly pushing him forward, indicated that worry still hasn't left you, and you were going to make sure to not let him out of your sight today again.
"Well look who it is." Brett Mahoney looks up from the documents he's been filling only to see Matt and you nearing his temporarily occupied desk.
"Good day to you too, Brett." Matt extends his arm in front of him, waiting for Mahoney to shake it.
"I see that you're not alone, and strangely with the opponent's lawyer." Brett smiles, briefly looking you two up and down.
"Y/n y/ln, Nelson and Murdock associate, nice to meet you, Brett." You smile with a sugary grin, tightly shaking Brett's hand.
"Nelson and Murdock?" He asks, surprise evident on his face, "didn't know you were hiring, Murdock."
"Well, not anymore." Matt chuckles lowly, coming closer to Mahoney's desk, "how's your mom, Sergeant?" 
"Smells like a stogie.Otherwise, um..."
"Yeah, I keep telling Foggy not to get her cigars..." Matt says, not finishing the thought.
"... But she'd sneak 'em one way or the other. Crafty old bird." Brett laughs, making you wonder how long these two have known each other. And if Mahoney has been giving potential cases to Matt.
"Right, it's why we're here. Friend of hers has a case we're looking into."
"You going after Tully?"
"Yeah, you know him?" You look around the Precinct, not too busy at this hour, but it's lunchtime soon and it will be even emptier.
"Yeah, yeah, guy's a real scumbag.But he stays just this side of ordinance, so there's nothing we can do." Brett sighs loudly, rolling his eyes.
"Can you pull some copies of the complaints? Maybe get us a minute or two with the officers who took them?" Matt asks, with a strange puppy-like face.
"You really think you can help?" He looks at you again, curious expression on his face. He's heard about you being near-excellent in Hogarth, Chao and Benowitz, but he has never met you in person before, so it was natural for him to feel conflicted about your presence. 
"Yeah, we can try." Matt slightly nudges your elbow, smiling politely.
"Let me see what I can find." Mahoney turns around to reach into the box full of documents. "Miss Y/l/n, I haven't exactly heard much about you, but your father is still considered to be one of the best in the whole state. It's a shame that he retired so early, I mean, if I looked like this at his age, I'd be kicking criminals' asses every day." He briefly turns to look at you, then smiles slightly, "I hope that you won't be bringing cigars to my mom, Foggy knows how to convince people."
"Don't worry about that, I think I'm immune to these two." You smile politely, pushing your father's retirement into the farthest corner of your mind.
"Okay, so I have 14 complaints, 5 of them by the same person, and..." Brett quickly checks the papers, "3 officers took them." 
"Great, can we get them here for a sec?" You ask, looking at Matt for a moment, checking if he's not going to faint any time soon.
"I'll try, but it's almost noon, so you know, lunch." Brett looks at you apologetically and leaves the desk.
You and Matt are left in a comfortable silence, leaning on the Sergeant's desk, facing each other. Matt listens to your calm breathing but feels your eyes burning holes in his forehead. He didn't understand what happened in the office but perhaps it was only exhaustion finally catching up with him. In the corner of your eye, you notice a couple of officers coming together, guided by Mahoney until he disappears in the hallway again. "You're taking the woman, Murdock." You say, grinning slyly as they slowly approach Sergeant's desk.
"What? Why?" Matt whispers under his breath, eyebrows knitted together.
"You can work your charm, good luck." You pat his bicep and turn towards the young officer, probably around your age, with a smile.
"Afternoon, are you the lawyers?" He asks, looking at Matt briefly, before directing his whole attention to you.
"Yes, we're from Nelson and Murdock, I'm their associate y/n y/l/n, can we just. ask a couple of questions about the complaints?" You take a couple of steps to the right, further from Matt and the officer immediately gets your clue.
"Sure, ma'am, we can sit down at my office." He says, already showing the way, and his partner also gets the clue to stay with Matt.
"I hope we're not interrupting your work, it'll only take a couple of minutes." You say apologetically, batting your eyelashes at the man.
"Oh, definitely not, ma'am, our job is to help you." He smiles brightly, and you get a feeling that he chose the wrong profession.
"Please, you can call me y/n, that ma'am makes me feel old." You chuckle, stepping into the small office. "Well, that's cozy, officer..." You squint slightly to read the last name printed on his shirt, "Wright."
"Harry, please, take a seat." He motions for you to sit down, while he closes the blinds so the afternoon sun would not blind you. "So, you wanted to know about the complaints for..."
"Tully." You help him, smile never leaving your face. It was one of the ways to earn complete trust with new people.
"Ah, yes, Tully. I've been getting calls from the same house pretty often." He puckers his lips and starts digging the pile of papers on his desk. Sun rays that managed to get through the blinds were getting lost in his blonde hair, almost making him look like a saint. You scan the office quickly - couple of photos with his dog, him on a trip somewhere with his friends, and a medal for something hanging on his wall. No framed pictures on his desk, and no ring on his finger. "Here they are." He turns back to you, a small pile of papers in his hands. 
"Thank you, Harry." You take them, hands briefly touching, and he gets flustered immediately.
"The complaints were written by the same person, right? Mr Aguirero?" 
"All five of them in the span of..."
"Only a month." Harry smiles, helping you with the sentence.
"Now the question is..." You skim over the complaints, "is Tully that bad, or is Mr Aguirero so fussy?"
"Both. I've met with Tully four times, he showed me all the legal documents right away and got pretty defensive when I suggested to reach a calm agreement with the residents of the building." Harry sighs, continuing, "Mr Aguirero said that if he saw Tully, he'd throw a bowl of fish heads on him, so yeah."
"Well, I guess the landlord was chosen perfectly." You smirk, noticing how Harry licked his dry lips. "So the complaints are mostly about the checks being late, Tully demanding the rent money right at the beginning of the month and some technical difficulties not being fixed, right?" 
"Yes, but the last one, just a week ago, is a bit odd," he points to the bottom page, "Aguirero said that some men were going around the building, knocking on everyone's doors and asking to move out as quickly as possible because the renovation is about to begin."
"But the landlord has to warn residents about those things at least-"
"4 months prior." Harry finishes, not pulling his eyes from you.
"How did those men look like?"
"Ordinary men, probably nothing memorable about them, since Aguirero only mentioned them looking 'intimidating'." Harry watches you for a moment, deep in thought, "got an idea?"
"I think it's something bigger. Someone behind Tully. Landlord wouldn't send some random people to tell important things."
"I thought the same, yet couldn't figure out who could be working with Tully. A man like him has too many connections to be traced easily, and of course, complaints like these," he motions with his wrist at the papers, "are not our top priority."
"Of course, I understand, your job is very important." You smile brightly, standing up from the chair. Matt had to be just about done too. 
"As is yours, my respect for lawyers is very high."  He extends his arm, and firmly squeezes yours in a handshake.
"Good to know, officer Wright."
"I hope it was helpful, sorry that I had so little to offer." He looks at the floor, or at your legs, you were not sure, but continued to hold his hand for a little longer than necessary.
"That was more than helpful, thank you for your time. I think my partner is already waiting for me," you let go of his hand and turn towards the exist, "have a great day, officer."
"You too, y/n," he smiles and watches you leave his office, then mutters under his breath, "you too."
Stepping into the hallway, you see Matt and a redhead woman still chatting, but when you get closer, the officer bids goodbye and hurries out into the elevator.
"Hey," you gently touch Matt's elbow, "all done?"
"Yeah, I think we're good to go." Matt sighs, crossing his elbow with yours. "Any luck?" 
"Not quite, but I think that someone is hiding behind Tully."
"I thought so too, one of the officers mentioned that some men were visiting residents. Could be someone's men, hired to kick everyone out." Matt takes a deep breath of fresh air when you step out of the Precinct.
"But whose?" 
"I guess we'll have to dig deeper here." Matt sighs again, before you stop him next to the entrance. 
"Wait, I need to smoke." You pull out a pack of cigarettes, not paying much attention to Matt, whereas he overhears two detectives interrogating a Russian... Someone he beat up recently.
One of them, he makes out from the conversation, named Blake, leans on the cold metal table, "Now I just want you to tell me again, how did it start? We have you at the scene with a dead Chinese illegal, Pyotr, and a backpack full of drugs."
"Uh-oh. I'd buy you a one-way ticket to thirty years in Assholeland." His partner, Hoffman mocks.
That'd give you some time to touch up on those tattoos. You boys do that to yourselves, or do you all get shirtless and poke each other?" Blake looks at Piotr with visible digust.
"Do you know who I work for?" Piotr asks, thinking that he is in control of the situation.
Hoffman lets out a laugh, "A couple of dipshit brothers nobody gives a wank about."
Blake taps the table and waves, "Bye-bye, dickhead. Enjoy your next thirty."
They turn to leave, when Piotr stops them. "Wait. What if I give you another name?"
"He'd have to be big." Hoffman smiles menacingly.
"He'd have to be King freakin' Kong." Blake says with already serious face.
"He is..." Piotr stutters, "His name... is Wilson Fisk."
Blake and Hoffman stare at Piotr for a few seconds. Blake walks around the table, leaning close to his face, "Well, what else do you know about this guy?"
Piotr audibly gulps, "Not much. No one is supposed to say his name. But I will tell you everything I know for deal."
"For deal." Blake mocks, securing Pyotr's right wrist to the table, then turns to Hoffman, "Whose turn is it?"
Hoffman crosses his arms, "Yours."
"I thought I took it for that thing in the bodega." Blake turns to look at his partner again.
"Oh, shit, yeah." Hoffman closes his eyes, making a face, but then stops, "All right, wait, wait." Piotr looks between the two men, confused about what they're doing. "Okay. Come on. Come on." Hoffman exhales loudly and suddenly gets punched in the face by Blake and falls, backing himself up against the wall. Matt furrows his eyebrows, listening intently. 
"Watch out! Jeez, he's going for my gun!" Hoffman shouts.
"Watch out!" Blake shouts, pulling his gun out and pointing at Piotr.
"He's got my gun!" Hoffman continues shouting, Piotr holds his hands up, panicking.
"You really shouldn't have said his name." Blake shoots Piotr in the head, and he falls from the chair, handcuffs holding his wrist from completely touching the floor.
Even outside, the shot is heard clear as the day, and Matt quickly hugs you, pushing your body close to the cement wall. You drop your cigarette on the ground, breathing heavily from the collision with the wall and Matt's body. "What the hell" you whisper, breathing heavily in Matt's ear.
Officers from the outside run into the Precinct, chaos inside makes everyone run around like crazy, shouting "shots fired" and "take cover."
Matt remains silent, listening to Blake and Hoffman put on their act.
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izukuisbaby · 2 years
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m.list | comment and reblog if u enjoyed !
℘. flora's notes : Sorry I got carried away and it's very long-
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℘. it would take him forever to admit he caught feelings for you. it would take a toll on his ego and heartless reputation, you know
℘. if only it were just simple feelings... he was in love with you. he found himself thinking about you first thing in the morning, last thing at night
℘. he thinks you look breathtaking no matter what you wear and reminisces about how beautiful you are all day long, but in his head (reputation 😍)
℘. smiles like an idiot just at the thought of you. everyone notices but he says "I'm feeling ecstatic because of how hot I look today ! ", hum hum sure gojo
℘. canonically an attention whore, he will do everything in his power to get your attention. if he scratches himself he'll fake cry to you about how much it hurts so you put a plaster on it and kiss his "wound"
℘. dramatically enters your shared apartment "Y/N IM TIIIIRED I NEED CUDDLES" and throws himself on your shared bed, nearly breaking your legs with his weight, wraps his arms around you and kisses your cheek and lips
℘. always greets you theatrically like "Y/N, MY LOVE, I MISSED YOU SO MUCH I THOUGHT I WAS GONNA DIE WITHOUT YOU. COME HUG MEEEEEE !!!" *grabby hands motion*
℘. moves in his sleep. he's either practically sleeping on top of you, crushing you with his weight lying like a starfish or sleeping backwards and puts his feet in your face
℘. and when you confront him about it he says it's his unconscious way of giving you attention...
℘. when you're in public, his favorite thing is to hold pinky fingers because he saw it on tik tok and thinks it's adorable
℘. you're his princess and he spoils you. he's rich, he doesn't care about his money being spent since more come into his bank account anyways
℘. he has a personal driver so you can go everywhere safely and a personal shopper who gets you the latest most expensive designer clothes
℘. gojo either dresses like a mafia boss or an old money boy no inbetween and his favorite style on you is anything that looks like a rich business woman or a modern era princess
℘. also loves to buy you plushies and see you hug them, if they are big enough he puts one of his shirts on them so when he spoons you, you still have a part of him to hug
℘. he was planning on letting you choose the entire decoration of your shared apartment but as it turns out, he begged for HOURS to put light blue paint in all the rooms
℘. which you said no to, obviously he wanted blue because of his eyes THE EGO. And then he proceeded on asking if you could hang a portrait of him in the entrance
℘. but if there's something gojo loves more than himself, it's you, so he hanged his favorite picture of the two of you in a 40"x 60" canvas instead of just his face
℘. adores movie nights with you. he will make you watch his entire collection of dvds and make fun of you when you never heard of one of his favorites : "WHAAAAT YOU NEVER HEARD OF THE HUNGER GAMES?????? NO Y/N WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME"
℘. during the viewing, he enjoys having you in his lap so he can hug you like a teddy bear. unfortunately, your ear is dangerously close to his mouth and gojo never stops talking, including all the while movie nights
part 2
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© izukuisbaby. comments appreciated ! although do not modify, translate, copy, claim as your own or repost on any app/platform/social media (this applies to all of my content)💓
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