#but lol one of my friends who went messaged me at 6 am that he was out skateboarding to get contact solution lol and was like wanna hang?
fakesimp · 1 year
Am I falling in love with the one that could Break my Heart? Or no?
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Warning !
[ A Surprise ! Nothing bad I swear ]
A/n !
The sound keep on appearing in my fyp, it's driving me insane, and yes it's dua lipa, break my heart.
He was kind, always helping the others.
Always there whenever someone ask for his help, ar first you're all strangers. It all started from a deskmates, slowly knowing each other.
Then sharing each other's contact numbers, to playing games together if you're a gamer. He will teach you the games he likes if you're interested, will also recommend you games to play! Together with him too lol.
Late night games and calls together with him happened after both of you got even closer, there are also times when you both got different classes. But he somehow, just there after your class.
No matter what time it is for him, he'll always be the first one you see when you finished your class, with his identic smile he greeted you.
It went on like that for quite sometime, making you feel things that you know you shouldn't, your heart beats faster whenever he's close to you.
His laugh made your stomach flutter, filled with butterflies. His voice echoes through your ears everyday, running around your mind 24/7. Making you slowly go insane.
One time.
It was only one time.
You heard his friends mentioning, this other person that he had been keeping an eye on. Your heart clenches at that rumor, but you tried to shake it away. Trying to push it off your mind, you covered it up with excitement on who could be the lucky person is.
They were as excited as you, they didn't specifically tell the name, they just described how they are as a person. Your curiosity increased, along with your broken heart it also increases.
And the next few days, you heard another rumor about somebody confessed to him. You asked your friends about does he accept it or not, and they haven't known about it just yet.
But days after the rumor spread, the time both of you spent on each other decreases as the time pass, it usually could go for hours, by means like almost all night, to 3 hours, down to 1 and a half hour.
You noticed the change on him, and it seems like he accepted the confession.
You didn't realize you were crying, you're looking up at the night sky. Wishing this is only a nightmare, but as the day goes on, your heart hurts even more knowing that your interaction with him lessen.
Your friends noticed how down you are lately, even his friends! Come to you to comfort you, you have no idea how they knew about your feelings towards him. Did you tell them? If you did, then you don't remember when.
Or maybe, your actions says louder upon your feelings. That they knew you liked him, you could only thanked them for their comfort. They tried at least, weeks, months passed.
Your feelings still lingers, but you believe that one day you'll move on.
That is until you received a message from him, it's been awhile since you've talked with him. He reached out to you asking if you want to play with him, you contemplated at first, but in the end you accepted it and played with him.
It was a bit awkward at first, but eventually the awkwardness disappeared. You didn't realize how long it has been, when you look at how long you've been calling it has been 6 hours. It's late night, both of you stayed in a call for a bit longer. Talking about how each other's been, since it is been awhile.
And the talk last for another 2 hour, why is it when you're trying to move on, he reached out to you. The feelings started to bloom back again, you silently listen to him rambling. Lowkey wishing to the gods up there to not wake you up from this dream, but you know very well you shouldn't.
Especially when he got a lover already, but can you be foolish for once? You silently wished for him to come back to you, to let your friendship back to the way it was.
. . .
You woke up to the sound of alarm, you looked at the time, and it says 8 am, it's sunday. You laid on the bed, thinking about what happened last night, you checked on your phone, and see the call history.
It's not a dream after all, it actually happened. You sighed softly as you put your phone away, silently thinking, what's gonna happen next? Your mind going around, questions flooding in. Yet none you could answer.
The day after you talked with him, you notice the subtle change coming from him. Instead of not talking to you at all, sometimes he would reach out to you and asked you to play with him.
It lowkey make you feel giddy, what is it that he's trying to do, didn't he got a lover? You shook your thoughts away, you tried to think positively. Maybe he just needs a playmate or some sort.
You tried, so hard. To convice yourself, but it all breaks when he sent one message in the middle of the night. He wants a company from you, your mind and heart did not cooperate with each other.
Your mind said no, but your heart said yes.
. . .
And now here you are, next to him. He looked down, something upsets him so badly. He rarely shares his problem and you understands that, and decided not to push it.
You sat next to him, silently waiting for him to talk whatever it is that's bothering his mind. You can hear his shaky breath, you gripped your arms tightly, and then you slowly reach out your hand to his arms, gently patting his arms, silently telling him that you're here for him.
He looked up at you with his glossy eyes, he looked like he was about to cry at that moment. You, by instinct, moved your hands to his cheeks, rubbing your thumb along the corner of his eyes. And at that exact moment, he cried.
God your heart breaks into pieces when he cried, his hands reaching out to you, holding your forearms so tightly. You gently pull him into his arms, giving him the comfort he needs. Him, crying in your arms. Holding you so tightly.
You don't know what to feel about this, but your feelings for him now only increased. You've seen his vulnerable side, a side that you never expect coming from him. He seems to be a cheerful and kind guy, and now to see him crying in your arms.
Make you want to hold him forever, making him yours. But you know you can't do that, he already got someone by his side.
You felt guilty for his lover, you doesn't know why he didn't reach out to his lover. Now you're questioning on why is he reaching out to you for comfort instead of his lover, but you didn't bother to ask.
So you silently give him the comfort he needed.
. . .
Both of you sat in the comforting silence, his half lidded eyes looking down at himself, while you at the other hand looking at him. Genuinely worried, "Are you okay now?" You gently asked him, he turned to you and slowly nod his head. "Thank you, .. I'm sorry for making you come over at such hour" he apologized he sounded so guilty for calling you over to comfort him, "hey, it's all I can do"
You smiled at him, he stared at you for one second before you see his identic smile on his face, the smile that you missed for a long time.
You pat his arms again, "I'll always be here whenever you need comfort" you said to him. He nodded his head once more as he placed his hand over yours, as a silent thank you before letting your hand go.
. . .
Now you're back home, laying on the bed, the image of him crying in your arms is now nailed into your mind. You can't forget how vulnerable he was in your arms, you frowned as you stared at the ceilings.
Silently questioning yourself,
Are you,
Falling in love with someone, who could break your heart? or,
Are you,
Falling in love with someone that would keep your heart close to theirs?
You ran your fingers through your hair locks in frustration, silently cursing at the cupid for being so complicated to understand, wait.
Do they even exist?
You shook your head, trying not to add more questions into your head and head off to sleep.
. . .
You woke up with the sound of your alarm, it's 6 am, you groggily gets off the bed and went to shower, getting yourself ready for the day.
When you arrived, you saw him standing by the gates, smiling at you. With his identic smile, you blinked confusedly for one second. Earning a laugh from him, "Why do you look so confused? Come on, the class is starting soon" he said pushing you into the building.
You let out a small squeak when you felt him pushing you, you let out a chuckle as you started walking, next to him.
Maybe, just maybe you can be a bit foolish and indulge into your wishes this once.
Maybe, you can make him yours.
. . .
If only you knew.
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A/n !
Boo!! How is the fic? I hope y'all are okay with the ending, I mean, I can make an alternative ending, but eh (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠).. we'll see fufu~
Oh ! also, who do you think this fic fits with ? Just wondering (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+
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allsadnshit · 1 year
Those 35mm photos are beautiful! If you don’t mind, and sorry if you’ve answered this before, but would you mind sharing how you and your husband met? You two have a beautiful relationship
oh jeez everyone knows this is my favorite question lol
my husband and I met through being tumblr mutuals when we were probably around 17! we lived in the same state but still 6 hours apart so we never thought of each other as a tangible person to know and meet, it was truly just a silly little internet friendship liking each other's posts and occasionally messaging about little things like books we were reading or music we listened to but never anything lengthy or personal.
that went on for like 7-8 years, sometimes not talking for a long period of time because we really were just internet friends! then when I was 24, before my endometriosis diagnostic surgery, I was at my absolute sickest I'd ever been. pretty much totally house-ridden and also in a really transitional moment because I had just finally had a long term very not fulfilling relationship end + was processing a lot alone quarantined in my house because covid lockdowns just started. I had a conversation with a really close friend where I said I felt like I had always just been dating passively in relation to who was close by and never really on "dream person" levels and she asked who I'd hit up if I could date anyone and Myles was who came to mind to me! So the next time he dm'd me on ig about something silly like complimenting my new shoes I posted I flirted for the first time and he responded enthusiastically and we realized we had always quietly had little crushes on each other!
we talked every day for like a month while I moved to a new short term lease and went through lots of urgent care visits figuring out my next moves medically, and he decided we couldn't wait any longer to meet so he bought a car and drove 5 hours to pittsburgh in the night after work one weekend and we met outside my new apartment that had no furniture yet at 1 am and spent the whole night talking. we knew we were very very in love right away, and even though that first weekend ended with him having to take me to the ER from extreme pain that turned out to be from constipation because of how truly nervous I was LOL he came back a week or two later and stayed full week! at the end of that week we decided he'd move in with me for the rest of my 6 month lease while I got surgery then moved to philly to finish his lease together.
myles and I both hadn't ever really been in a relationship so serious or passionate so it was really really scary at times when we fought or felt like we would mess things up with each other but we both dug really deep to learn how to talk to each other in a way we had never communicated with anyone else and touched some really important parts of ourselves to really get to know one another's fears and desires and eloped a little over a year after meeting!
he's totally changed my understanding how much you can trust, depend on, or love someone. it's opened me up to healing in every other part of my life (going to therapy, having big talks my family, starting new careers, etc) <3
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
Hey Storm, i am some what a baby army and i just very recently found your blog because i picked an interest in Jikook and wanted to know more about them. Going through your blog has been like a breath of fresh air. I love how you present the information you know about Jikook and i love how you ALWAYS back up your claim with facts. When i need credible information about Jikook your blog is the first place i run to and i am grateful we have someone like you here.
So as i said, I developed an interest in jikook and i am trying to gather my facts about them so i am not deceived by edits and wrong information. I do believe Jikook are a thing but sometimes i get a lil confused by some of the things i see about taekook. I don’t think Taekook are a couple ofcourse but i would like to have more information on somethings that happened when i wasn’t in the fandom yet.
So one of the biggest moments for taekooker is the Atomix date. I don’t have alot of details of the whole thing but i know Jk posted a selfie with Tae which was taken at the restaurant and according to some taekookers, the restaurant made a post and tagged taekook and thanked them for coming. But i am a little confused cuz i’ve seen so many shippers and non shippers claim that all of BTS were at the restaurant, not only taekook. They mentioned someone emailed the restaurant and they confirmed that BTS were all there. But tkkrs insist it was just Tae and Jk and that Jk made a reservation 6 weeks earlier and they even got to go on a day, the restaurant wasn’t normally open. Do you have more details about this?
Me, forgetting that baby armys weren't here during the whole atomix thing because it feels like that all happened yesterday.... but I guess in reality that was 2 years ago. So it tracks 😭😂
September 2021, after the MET, BTS went out to eat at Atomix and JK posted a 3 photo series on his Instagram (he has since deleted his insta and everything on it 😭) of him and him and Tae in the Atomix bathroom mirror. They looked GORGEOUS.
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And tkkrs took it and ran with the idea that it was then a taekook date. Would've been a nice dinner out together if it was, but it was confirmed by a staff members friend who was an ARMY and a Tae bias (not a shipper) that all of BTS and their management and staff were there. Taekook just took photos together. Messages from the staff here:
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Original tweet thread:
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And I believe this was the Atomix restaurant owner who reposted JKs photo and said "BTS in house" which is great rep for their business honestly lol
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As for tagging taekook and thanking them for coming, I assume you mean this.... i belive Atomix is a client of them, and they designed the mirror they are in posing in. Lol they tagged taekook as it's taekook in the photo. Which generally is how that works when people tag stuff, especially with BTS duos, its their unit name. They also tagged "bts" and "army" in there too 😂
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Them at the MET Rooftop Garden where Namjoon gave a speech right before
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Idk where the 6 weeks early reservation idea came from, but whatever. Lol Hope that helps!
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katyspersonal · 3 months
Today's SoTE adventures! Hoooo boy that was awesome!! Too bad I have to interrupt to cook food and stuff but
1) So, I continued going down the road through Mausoleum where I defeated Rakshasa yesterday! But first attempted to snipe the hyppo enemies with a greatbow.. Barely reduced their health because I had whole 8 arrows and 4 of them only served to attract them to snipeable distance 🤡 I'll get them later..... :/
2) I ended up going all the way down! And it was a combo string of me thinking one thing but it was another!! So my objective was to get to that mysterious missing spot on the map. I went all the way down on a small island and saw catacombs, assuming I went to the wrong place because it is caves or mines that can lead to another location entirely, not catacombs! Then I went there in that very dark catacomb and as soon as I saw Fulgurbloom and a big talisman I assumed it was yet another Death catacomb that'd be mirroring previous two but no! Light puzzles and no Death. THEN I assumed 'there is no way the boss is anything but Knight of Death' but NO!!!
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And as if that was all not enough, turned out that WAS an actual way to the new location!! I got that right 😎
3) I however apparently missed at least two secrets in that catacomb.. I saw the ladder that I didn't know how to access, and I didn't understand the deal with an item where that big shooting Imp was. All I got was this:
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Guess I'll have to watch tutorial or ask my friends like the annoying completions jerk that I am x)
4) Soooo I ran into this message when I wanted to hop on the boulder:
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I saw a screenshot of this before but didn't know the context!
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Meanwhile, I was looking around and thinking that the fire cracks layout was looking a LOT like Frenzied Flame. Damn, I feel like that was what scared Torrent since he pretty much burns alive in FF ending and JUST SO I DON'T HAVE ANY DOUBTS LEFT GODDAMN RATS THAT DEAL FRENZY ATTACKED ME LET'S GOOOOOO (or not ffgghfgg)
5) So on my way further there, I defeated a pretty annoying invader, just barely, and.......
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Gfhgyyggyuyb I already cried a bitter tear of being Seen @ Undestood when Miyazaki managed to squeeze his trademark loathing for those who commit atrocities under belief in their sainthood in a talisman Queelign dropped, but this too.. Like yeah, I can absolutely confirm that being hunted as "heretic" by your own is the most insanity-inducing thing. I have seen what it did with another person, I have experienced this too and honestly I can't be bitter about lolrandom ship choice with Radahn or whatever on Miyazaki's side as long as he sneaks addressing this kind of stuff in his works. He actually GETS it.. This very specific grievance with human species in general that I don't see acknowledged on this level anywhere else. I feel seen ;-;
6) Also the map too!
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I am going to make a wild prediction that Midra and the boys were also unfairly slandered like heretics and so the despair festered to the point of him (?) being contacted by the Three Fingers the same way Marika was contacted by the Two Fingers after her own tragedy 🤔 Listen it is not like I've had everything spoiled, I am just trying to guess! Lol I bet that the Hornsent clerics/saints/inquisitors/whatever are now looking at this land being tormented by Frenzy and go like "well see how much Midra overreacted, it was a good call to bully him :т" like you know, in the classic fashion of witch hunters completely missing the fact that they've created their own enemy. Dipshits.
(Ok sorry for getting too emotional on this bit, those three of you who followed my blog for a long time probably know why I am so occupied with this topic -_- Granted, Miyazaki already did the topic with the Nomads so maybe now he will try an alternative route and have people in this place being actually guilty? I'll see!)
7) There were strangely places on the corner of the map where rain started and ended quick, without any reason xd
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I wonder why it is like this? Probably a mapping bug but it feels for me as though something is protecting this land from completely burning this way! Based if intentional!
8) Not gonna lie, I've gotten a little nervous when I've picked this thing:
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Winter Lantern? oMgggg LiKe iN bLooDbOrNe IS THIS A BB REFERENCE 👀 cfhkgjhuh
Okay, but so pattern looked familiar and I suddenly remembered a creature I've seen in a trailer o_o So yeah, I just knew it was not going to be a huge pain in the ass soon 🙄
9) And I fucking died lol gfbgg
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Honestly I don't know if I am mistaken, but I don't recall seeing a healthbar of this thing! It seems like all hits had no effects so maybe I did something wrong, I don't know.. I'll figure out what to do later I guess
So yes, not too much progress but a lot of emotions! One of the biggest "holy shit I love this DLC" moments so far after that pretty hard battle!
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abovecalamity · 2 months
sheesh, your secrets post reminded me about this series of events that happened to me some years ago. i’ve probs never told this whole story but here goes:
so i was in this situationship with a guy and only two of my (then) best friends knew about it. one of my best friends became part of the same friend group that my situationship was from (i’d introduced her to that group and she did it behind my back. i did not care about that tho).
what i did not also know was that the guy i was seeing had a long distance girlfriend and i was ”the other woman”. the whole friend group knew about it, including my best friend and no one told me.
my situationship went to shit because i had a feeling that something was off and the guy kept giving major redflag vibes. couple of months after i found through facebook (lol) that my former situationship had had this gf behind my back and i decided to tell the gf because i was absolutely mortified. told my best friend that i was gonna do it and she went behind my back to tell the gf about me. obvi the gf blocked me before i could contact her and i was confused af. my best friend just told be that it must be that my ex-situationship must’ve come clean to her with his version of events or some shit.
time went on and i drifted off from my best friend because she was acting off all the time + started to date one guy from the friendgroup who she’d been trying to impress. suddenly she didn’t have anytime to even text me bc she was 24/7 with the guy. decided that if she is happy, then it’s all okay. also i should have realised what was going on when i saw pics of my former bff and ex-situationships gf on social media but i’d already moved on in my life.
year and a half later my ex-situationship wanted to talk to me. his guilt was eating him and he told me that my former bff had known about the relationship whole time and after having a talk with my ex-situationship had agreed to keep it all from me. when i’d later found about the relationship and told my former bff that i was gonna go talk to the gf, she’d gone straight to my ex-situationship and promised to support him in any version of story he wanted to tell the gf.
i obviously did not believe my ex at all. told him that he’s just trying to get back to my good graces but then came the proof. he had messages, voice memos, everything.. he also told me that he and his gf were not on talking terms with my ex bff and his bf anymore and showed proof.
told him thanks for telling but that it really doesn’t matter anymore, saved all of the messages and stuff but also told him that i’d found out later on that he was a serial cheater (from an external source) and that i want nothing to do with him. i knew he was just trying to absolve some guilt he had and i was just means to an end.
the big secret is that i never confronted my former bff about it, so she does not know that i know what she did for months behind my back just because she wanted to date my ex’s bff.
she contacts me in once a 3-6 months asking how i am and that she misses me. we talk some but we have not seen each other in like over 4 years.
Woah that must have been awful to find out for you! I hope you’re doing better with it all today and with the distance to the situation as you’ve said 🫶🏻Thank you for sharing this with me! I must say I was quite speechless when I first read it.. what an awful thing to do to a friend, best friend even.
Sending you hugs 🫂🫶🏻 and glad you’ve popped up on my dash again recently!!
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hamilgodd · 4 months
Thank you @witchywitchy19 for tagging me 🫶🏼
1. Who is your favourite driver?
Lewis Hamilton, the man is amazing!
2. Do you have any other favourite drivers?
Yep: Ayrton, Michael, Valtteri, Estie Bestie, Kimi
3. Who is your least favourite driver?
Lando and sometimes Nando (but he is more in my neutral list tbh)
4. Do you pull for drivers or do you pull for team as well?
Driver; Lewis was the one who got me enchanted with the sport so TeamLH44 all the way baby!
5. If you like the teams, what team do you pull for?
Ferrari and before I used to cheer for Merc but after all the things starting with AD21… well not so much anymore.
6. How long have you been into F1?
2018, oh those golden days…
7. What got you into F1?
A Grill the Grid video and then a compilation of Lewis best races.
8. Do you enjoy fanfic/RPF?
100% I do love reading about them and well, I am a writer in the fandom. Specially in the Lewis tag in Ao3 (Hurry_Kane btw I wanna change my name so any recommendations?).
9. How do you view new fans?
Good that they are finding the sports I just want them to read a lot and not relaying completely with the info given in DtS because there is so much more. So, of course I’m happy seeing new fans just, do your research!
10. If you could take over as team principal for any team, who would it be and why?
Mercedes because I’m sure I can do a better job than Toto and I really like a challenge. Let’s make the team a winning team again! (Merc is my team in the F1Manager lol)
11. Are your friends and family into F1?
My dad, I talk with him about the races and we went to a GP last year! My mom listens to me but doesn’t know a lot and I have a few friends who are into it too!
12. Are you open to talking to other fans/friends?
Yes! Yes! Please send a message and let’s s talk (and be friends).
Tagging- @sadrosx and anyone who wants to do this(?
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exouniverse · 11 months
Pairing: jimin x gn reader
Genre: fluff, birthday fic
Warnings: none
Summary: A blind date on his birthday—at first glance an unusual choice for a global star like Jimin. But deep within, a tugging intuition he couldn’t deny stirred, as though destiny had plans beyond reason’s grasp.
Word count: 4.9K+
A/N: This one got a little out of my hands with the words lol. My initial idea was to make the birthday fics of about 1K but the premise of this fic needed these many words, otherwise it would have been too basic. Also, I struggled at the beginning with making this one a non-idol au or not, but I went with this and that also made the story what it is now. I just couldn’t gift this to a non-idol au Jimin lol. Happy birthday, Jimin!
Listen to Serendipity, It’s All Love, Honey, and Let Me Know for a better experience.
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The numbers on your watch changed as soon as you entered through the door of the café, showing 6:39 p.m. You almost didn't make it, and you were now torn between indifference and feeling embarrassed for almost ditching your date. Frankly, you've grown weary of your relatives and friends arranging so many unwanted dates for you. You weren't sure anymore, but if you do happen to want to date someone at the moment, you would prefer it to unfold more organically rather than on a blind date.
As late as it was, you still stopped to scan through the customers for a face that could give you any hint of an average desperate weirdo, in case it felt safer to just run away. Not many people seemed to frequent the shop, so you briefly checked your cousin Jon's message that indicated the specific café section where your date would be waiting. The place exuded an air of elegance and seclusion with such minimalistic style, as if designed for the elite, maybe a reason why it looked quite empty. However, it was the fact that your meeting spot was tucked away in the back that heightened your anxiety.
You relied on your trust in your cousin—even when he knew nothing else but teasing you all the time since you could remember. After all, you knew him to have a thoughtful soul beneath all of his façade. He is the only one who understands your frustration with blind dates and how bad they have been for you in the past. On the sole occasion he happened to arrange a blind date for you before, he did it just to humor your family with what they required from you so persistently.
Your date's name sounded nice, at least. You decided to count on that first impression to convince yourself to make your way towards him after you confirmed the exact place where he awaited your arrival. As you reached him, you noticed he was busy with his phone. Seizing the opportunity, you took a moment to observe him. But just as your footsteps neared, he glanced up, catching you off guard. At last, you had the chance to take in his face, and a little spark ignited right inside your heart. His eyes were like the sweetest honey, yet deep and playful.
Your knees turned to jelly when he stood up and bowed, showing you that smile that could probably light up the darkest corner of the universe. His eyes continued to make your heart sprint as they formed two crescent moons over his reddened cheeks.
"Hi, Y/N-ssi?" he spoke up, and the echo of his voice found a place in your mind. You didn't leave, so he continued after he wiped away the little bit of sweat forming on his hands, "I'm Park Jimin; it's nice to meet you!"
You took your seat in silence, barely even conscious that you were doing it. How could it be the Park Jimin from BTS? Was there a possibility that it was his impersonator? No way—his voice, his eyes, his lips, his hands... it was undeniably him.
"I promise to make this date fun; you can trust me?"
You nodded.
"So, first blind date?" he asked, but you were still not even opening your mouth. "First-timer here..." he tried to start up any conversation. "Sorry, I probably am not what you expected."
"No, yes, no, sorry," you blurted out. "I am so sorry."
You had to at least take a sip of water, and thank goodness you already had one served in front of you. How could Jon not say specifically which Park Jimin was the blind date with? His name is so common that it never crossed your mind. It was a friend of a friend of your cousin, not this Park Jimin. Your clown of a cousin had never been this cool to think he could have met Park Jimin or even know someone who knows him.
Your cousin has made a name for himself as DJ Young, and he surely knows a lot of people, but you couldn't fathom the fact that one of those people could be the person you are seeing smiling at you from across the table.
"You're really my cousin's friend's friend?"
"Yeah, I am, I met—"
"This is... crazy... I guess now I get why no one showed me a picture of you." A giggle escaped you after all the calmness you managed to gather.
He was nervous too. It must have been scary to agree and even come to a date without even having seen the likeness of the person you were having the date with, so he empathized, "I'm sorry if that caused you to put your guard up. I guess that explains why it seemed that you were not going to make it."
"No, I'm sorry! Well, to be honest, I'm not a first-timer. Blind dates are just too weird and exhausting most of the time. The people around me push me too much into them because I... sorry, I get to overshare when I'm nervous."
"Oh, you're nervous?" he wondered and raised his eyebrow.
"Yeah, you're a little intimidating—not that I am uncomfortable, just really nervous..." you took a deep breath before you continued, "I really don't know what to say and I'm totally messing this up."
"No, you're not. It's cute." The last two words were almost a whisper, but you did hear them. You chugged the water in your glass, only making him chuckle.
"Let's start again; do you agree?" he suggested. Something about you made him feel at ease.
"Yes, that'd be great!"
He smiled again and waved at you. "Hi, I'm Jimin!"
"Hi, I'm Y/N!" Another nervous giggle escaped you, but at least this one was more controlled and really just due to the silliness of the repeated introduction. Surprisingly, he joined in on the laughter.
You got lucky that the waiter only came after the initial awkwardness had subsided, so you calmly made your order. It was surprising the vast options that the menu offered, but you did manage to decide quickly as your favorite dessert was displayed as a specialty.
A little chitchat between the two of you began soon after the waiter left to get your order. All about the same standard of weather talk. It was only when the drinks and desserts arrived that the conversation started to deviate from the predictable and become more engaging.
"Oh, that's a cute bear on your coffee; is it chocolate?" Jimin asked.
"I don't want to kill it, but it must be tasted," you joked as you felt more comfortable, making him chuckle. As you bit into the soft bear candy, a chocolatey coffee flavor filled your mouth. It had a dash of fruity flavor you couldn't recognize, but it was delicious.
Jimin looked expectantly, which brought a smile to your face. "Would you like the rest?" you offered.
He stopped to think and shook his head, but you still put the last piece of the candy bear on his plate. He smiled at you and hesitantly grabbed the little candy bear’s paws and tasted it. His eyes widened, and he chewed faster. "That was good; was that raspberry? It reminds me of the chocolate we had last year when we went on this trip with your cousin," he reminisced.
This fact sparked curiosity within your thoughts, "come to think of it, how did you end up meeting my cousin?"
"Oh, I’ve known him for about four years now? But the trip was a year ago, around my birthday, when he helped produce one of my songs."
You didn't even taste your drink for how shocking it was to hear something so different from what you know, "wasn't he backpacking through Europe?"
"No? He didn’t tell you?" Jimin got a tiny bit tense. He wouldn't want to cause any issues between you and your cousin just because of NDAs regarding his projects.
Your merry-go-round mind was too fast over this new information, but it stopped when a tiny detail suddenly filled your thoughts: "around my birthday." You gathered up your index of facts about Park Jimin and checked the date on your phone.
"Jimin-ssi, our date, today... it is your birthday, isn't it?"
The gleam in his eyes revealed how caught off guard and surprised he was, and the blush on his cheeks just added to his charm as his nervous chuckle resonated in your ears, leaving you smitten.
"You... yeah, it is. How did you realize?"
"Oh, it was hard to discover it, but I managed," you teased, "but I'm curious... why are you having a blind date with me on your birthday, of all days... of all people?"
"I have to admit, I'm surprised you realized that about me so quickly. Even knowing you're a fan... it's really reassuring to know someone cares enough to remember all those little details," he expressed, appreciating your attentiveness.
He paused and shifted in his seat to get more comfortable. The fondness in his eyes didn't escape you, but it only made you more eager to know what he hid behind his decision.
"To answer your question... and it has to do with your cousin, so I hope he doesn't kill me when I reveal to you all of his secrets," he laughed nervously.
You giggled and took a bite of your dessert to settle for the story that Jimin was about to tell you.
"Uh... well, over the past years, we have always talked about collaborating since he wanted to start producing. Last year, we did," he recounted.
"I had a set of demos we were looking through, and there was one song I really liked but couldn't quite figure out. He looked through the lyrics and told me they reminded him of you. He is a real good talker, so I kinda know a lot about you too," he joked, lightening the mood with a playful tone.
He got you to laugh so easily, prompting you to ask, "so you're my fan too?"
"Nice one!" he laughed along with you.
He grabbed a bite of his dessert before he continued his story, "you know, I remember you calling him once when we were in the studio. I didn't overhear, I swear. However, he really wanted to produce that song after your call."
"What was the song about? If you can share..."
Jimin was hesitant. He remembered the song not being cheery when it came to lyrics. You could feel his indecision, and now you weren't sure if it was okay to ask.
"I could, um, share. It's just... the lyrics weren't... happy?" he revealed. "Your cousin, however, switched it up with some arrangements and made it quite upbeat, more empowering if that makes sense."
You smiled, knowing in your heart that you had healed tremendously after so long. "I see, Jon needs some explanation to do though," you both chuckled.
Now, your curiosity was piqued by another detail, and you couldn't help but ask, "so how, why did you accept—"
"The date?" He smiled and paused.
"It was a few months ago... your cousin mentioned setting us up very casually, almost like joking even, and I surprisingly accepted. I don't really have an explanation as to why I did... something about it just felt... right. I was intrigued by you because of that song and the little bit your cousin mentioned about you. That might give you a better idea. Coincidentally, my birthday was the only day I could spare some time, and my friends were not all going to be around, so we planned on celebrating later. That's why..." he trailed off, offering an explanation for his decision.
He finally understood the magnetic pull that drove him to accept a blind date with you. He thought it was his intuition whispering "why not?" The idea of meeting this mysterious person appealed to his adventurous spirit. However, as he looked at you now, he saw the answer in your face. Your eyes radiated wonder, empathy, and strength. You appeared to be the epitome of honesty and genuineness, surpassing any expectations he had formed in his hopeful imagination. He couldn't help but feel a tinge of guilt for having the advantage of knowing about you beforehand, having seen your picture when all you had was his name and your trust in your cousin.
"That's more than enough reason for me. I'm flattered you accepted," you smiled warmly. Jimin couldn't help but notice the subtle shyness in your expression, which you attempted to conceal behind your drink.
He was about to say something, but you completely derailed his train of thought with your subsequent suggestion, causing him to forget what he was about to say.
"Let's celebrate your birthday!" you exclaimed, your enthusiasm infectious. "I understand we probably can't do much outside, but we can do whatever you want, or can. You deserve to celebrate on your actual birthday."
"Oh, I don't really know... I got caught off guard a bit there," he responded, a little taken aback by your selfless suggestion. He liked it though, it just confirmed everything he already knew about you.
As he pondered for an answer, you tried to ease him into his decision, "just clear your mind; what's the first thing—"
"How about the beach?" he suddenly said.
"The beach? Well, I think we can manage... just—" you stopped, trying to think of how the logistics could go and if it was safe to be in such a public place. "A beach is quite public... although I can find a place less crowded, it takes at least an hour to get to the closest ones from here."
"Well, from Seoul, an hour isn't so bad, especially with good company," he said warmly. "There can be a lot of people at the beach, but we can take some precautions. Although annoying at times, they work quite well. And don't forget, I'm from Busan; I'd do anything for a little beach trip," he encouraged, keeping an upbeat, optimistic tone.
He got you enthused about the trip. It was his wish, after all. "Alright, then let's do this!"
The next ten minutes were spent organizing the spontaneous trip Jimin wanted to embark on. None of you had ever ventured into such an out-of-the-blue plan before. During the brainstorming and preparation for your trip, you both realized that you shared a preference for planning before any adventure. His caring nature was evident in the way that he offered his car, but he still considered your preferences in case you were more comfortable using your own car. However, your plans before the date didn't include meeting Jimin and taking him to the beach for his birthday, so you took the metro after work.
Jimin skillfully navigated along Olympic Road as the two of you left Itaewon. In a moment of connection, you decided to share your favorite playlist with him. To your delight, you discovered that you both coincided with many of your favorite artists.
"Oh, please, play ‘Honey.' That is one of my favorites of Kehlani," Jimin requested after finding out your love for the artist.
You giggled at his liveliness. "Of course, right in the queue," you announced while searching for the song.
Jimin was so serene listening to your choice of music. He paid close attention to the rest of Jimmy Brown's ‘It's All Love' and took a second to look at you while he was driving. You looked so beautiful to him. He couldn't fathom how someone could hurt someone so sweet. You caught him looking at you. Surprised by the gesture, your cheeks heated up, and you could only chuckle quietly. He looked back at the road, smiling, with his heart full of warmth.
"So, should we get the regular rest area food or look for something different?" you asked after a while of contemplating both the scenery and the music you both shared with each other.
"Mmm... I think I'm really craving rest area typical food. It's been a while since I had Sotteok Sotteok," Jimin made his vote quite decisively.
"We can still get some fruit too and balance our dinner, but I do want to indulge a bit too and get ice cream," you confessed.
"Okay, I'm in for the ice cream too, but can I pick the fruit?"
"Yes, you can, Jimin-ssi." You noted on your list that he would pick the fruit.
"Can we talk informally?" he casually asked.
"Are you sure?" you asked curiously. Jimin only nodded enthusiastically since he had to make a turn to finally bring you two to the Yeongjong Bridge Rest Area.
You gazed at him in awe. He was so genuine and funny. You never expected to start feeling this way about him, but he made it so easy. You must have done something right in your past life to be granted this chance to not only meet someone as talented and admirable as Jimin, but to truly understand the kind of person he is. It's unbelievable that this understanding came about not through any other circumstance but a blind date. You had despised them so much for so long, and yet this one, in particular, has brought you so much unexpected joy and appreciation.
"Do you think you'll get recognized?" you wondered. "I can go for the snacks by myself while you stay here, and then we go fill up the tank together."
"I think we're safe. I can wear a beanie and a mask to blend in just a bit, but if anything happens, we can find a way to get back to the car," Jimin alleviated your concern. Yet, you were a little startled when he approached to get something from the storage compartment.
"Beanie or cap?" he asked, looking up at you, not at all serious, as his grin was the widest you had seen on him.
You took a second to get some composure and said, "I'll take the beanie, you take the cap." You grabbed the beanie from his hand, feeling a warm sensation as your fingers lightly brushed against his.
The look that crossed both of your gazes connected the beat of your hearts in flawless unison with your smiles.
"That is a great idea," he could only whisper the words.
The walk towards the rest area's shops was a tiny bit tense. You didn't know what to do with your hands, and Jimin didn't know if he should walk along a little bit closer or keep some distance. The butterfly nerves caught up in both your cheeks, but luckily your masks concealed them. The sight of the enormous bear statue at the rest stop momentarily distracted you from your wandering thoughts, bringing you back to the present. Although it wasn't until Jimin noticed someone stumbling ahead that he gathered the courage to reach out and hold your hand.
"Careful," he whispered, "looks dangerous up ahead."
You felt so comfortable somehow that if there was any agitation for the sudden motion, the spark that lit up in your eyes burned it away.
Just the right amount of people were around for you to blend in easily with the crowd, as everyone enjoyed their time with their own families and friends. Hand in hand, you effortlessly reached the convenience store to grab your snacks. It seemed none of you wanted to let go because you headed in the same direction towards the ready-to-eat items.
"Sandwich or Samgak Gimbab?" You asked.
"Oh, the Gimbab, for sure!" He replied.
After some debates on what to buy, you decided to buy some chips and Jimin’s favorite Homerun Ball. You also indulged further and bought a couple of matcha red bean buns that looked and smelled delicious. Next, you looked for the Sotteok Sotteok for Jimin and decided to buy the ice cream too, intending to enjoy it there before hitting the road again.
It was almost serendipitous that, as you reached the second floor, you stumbled upon the Slow Mailbox. The enticing aroma of coffee from the nearby shop could have easily distracted you, but Jimin pointed towards the area and remarked, "that looks fun."
"Do you think it works?" you asked as you giggled.
"Well, we'll only know a year from now," he shrugged.
"Let's do it! What's knowing what you think of our unbelievable outing until a year later?" you joked.
"I could tell you now," he teased.
You pulled him towards the mailbox, and said "aaah, c'mon, Jimin. Not a word; let's just write it all down."
You purchased your postcards and then sat closely together, enjoying your ice cream as you wrote down everything you had both experienced since the blind date at the café. It has been a magical ride for the both of you, but the most exciting part is that it is far from over. The promise of celebrating Jimin’s birthday at the beach still remained, and now there’s a new expectation with the letter you’ll receive next year on this same date. You might feel too hopeful to think that you will still be in touch with him after all that time, but hope had to be the last remaining sentiment in your heart when you felt such a powerful connection pulling you towards him.
For Jimin, it had also been a magical day. He had come to the date with an idea of you that he needed to somehow affirm. Your cousin had told him you had gone through a lot with the pressures of the world on your shoulders, and he empathized. Creating that song that never even saw the light and he regretted it so much gave him so much insight and hope for you, as well as a desire to truly know you. Words failed to describe how he was feeling in that moment, after everything had fallen into place so incomparably, and yet he had to write it all down so you could find out about it in a year. He really wanted to tell you straightaway, but the hope of still being around you after a year couldn't be jinxed.
"I can write my address on your letter," you proposed once you finished, "you write yours on mine, and we still keep it a little more private."
"That sounds good," he said, briefly looking at you while still writing, and once he finished, he looked back and said, "thank you for thinking so much about my privacy; you didn't need to in any moment, but you still do, and I appreciate it tons."
"I was supposed to know until next year," you teased, making him laugh. "Now c'mon, let's get these letters into the mailbox." This time, you grabbed his hand to lead him to the big red box on the wall.
You put your postcards in the mailbox at the same time, sharing kind looks before you said, "welcome, Jimin! I wouldn't want to cause any trouble."
"You don't," he simply responded.
With the ice cream finished and the snacks bought, the only remaining item on your to-do list was to reach Angel Rock, so you made your way back to Jimin's car easily enough.
"If you don't mind, can I drive now?" you asked as you came closer to where his car was parked.
Your confidence and initiative thrilled him, making him nod as soon as you finished your question. He took the bag you were carrying with the fruits he picked and gave you his car key.
"Keep playing your playlist; I'll switch to mine whenever you want," Jimin said once inside the car.
"You can switch after this song," you accepted as you turned the volume up to yet again Jimmy Brown, now with ‘Let Me Know.'
Switching between R&B, pop, and even some old classics, Jimin curated the perfect playlist to set the mood for the remainder of the trip. You enthusiastically sang along as you continued on your way, occasionally catching Jimin's gestures as he pointed out airplanes flying in the increasingly starry sky.
Jimin received a message from Jon while you were getting closer to Wangsan Beach. He giggled and showed it to you while you waited at a stoplight.
Young: Yo how's the date?
You playfully rolled your eyes but still laughed along with Jimin.
"What should I reply?" he asked.
"Let's send an audio message," you suggested, despicably.
"Oooh, what are you gonna say? I'm intrigued; I like how you think, Y/N."
As the light turned green, you grinned at Jimin mischievously. "Let's give him a little scare; just wait ‘til we get to Angel Rock."
"Ooh I'm excited!" he exclaimed, getting comfortable in his seat to await the teasing you were plotting.
Only five minutes later, you finally reached the public parking lot near the beach. A few cars were parked there; it seemed enough for a Friday night, so at least the beach was not going to be too crowded. Glancing back at Jimin, you noticed his eager anticipation, prompting a laugh from you at his excitement.
"I can't concentrate looking at you," you said between giggles.
Jimin was so caught up in the mood that you two had a little moment just laughing before he grabbed his phone and opened the conversation with your cousin, handing it to you.
"Play along," you grinned, hitting record.
Clearing your throat dramatically, you started, "It's been awful; Jimin is soooo boring! All he does is talk about himself. Where did you find this Hongdae foam-brained guy?"
Jimin burst into giggles, snorting with delight at your theatrics. "My turn, my turn!" He took the phone, adopting a pleading tone. "Jon, hyung, Y/N won't stop speaking in weird accents. Is your cousin a clown? Oh no, a magic trick now?"
You chuckled, playfully shoving Jimin's arm. This was such a new development between you two. It warmed you up to see him joining in your shenanigans, all without judgement.
Jimin hit send, but you still wanted to send your cousin some nice message "Can I?" you asked for his phone back.
Jimin handed it to you, expecting more pranks from you. You hit record once more, "no, Jon. It's been amazing," you sincerely said, "but you'll probably get the details until next year," you joked again, catching his gaze on yours.
Jimin laughed yet again, his heart warmed by the sight of you growing even more at ease in his presence. "You agreed, so don't joke about it," he protested playfully.
"Anyway, I'll let Jimin update you on it when you celebrate with him. It's my turn today after all, thanks coz!"
"It really has been amazing, huh?" Jimin commented without intending to get it on the audio, but you pressed send a little after.
You nodded. "Are you ready for your wish to come true? Let's hit the beach now."
Jimin kept his cap but left his mask behind. Same as you; Jimin's beanie was still on your head, feeling almost like it were yours. You walked across the street to the beach, looking for a place to set up your picnic. It could've been luck or fate, but Jimin happened to have a blanket in his car that he had bought recently but forgotten to get it out.
Jimin had immediately taken his shoes off as soon as he touched the sand; he carried yours too, so you got in charge of spreading out the blanket on the sand when you reached a more secluded side of the beach where fewer campers were around. Every action between the two of you seemed to flow in perfect harmony as you arranged the snacks to enjoy together. Jimin couldn't resist and wasted no time biting into the Sotteok Sotteok. You watched with amusement, captivated by his enthusiasm, as you engulfed the matcha red bean bun.
The sound of gentle waves crashing against the stones further eased you two into the evening. Feeling adventurous, you even dared Jimin to join you in the water. You had played it out so perfectly that he believed you when you reassured him that the water wasn't too cold. His face was hilarious, but he stayed, braving the chill and even splashing water at you. You threw water back at him, but the splashes stopped there since you two got even colder.
Realizing how cold you were, you hurriedly returned to your designated spot and grabbed your coats as soon as possible. As you were getting settled, Jimin whispered, "you know, penguins huddle close together to keep warm," playfully suggesting the idea of getting even closer. Yet, he pulled up a shy smile to try to conceal the fact that he had just poured his heart out.
You couldn't help but melt, looking at him with doe eyes because of the cute way he just asked you to be close to him. Silently, you just moved towards him and smiled.
"Let's not get our feathers any wetter; it's super cold now," you whispered too, trying to ease the tension.
The two of you found warmth and calm as you cuddled and watched the starry night sky merge with the ocean. The shimmering, waning moon, radiating its gentle light, looked exceptionally beautiful. You allowed your head to rest on Jimin's shoulder, cherishing the serene moment together.
"I know we're not supposed to know until next year, but small spoiler alert... I've had an amazing time with you," you confessed and looked up at him, smoothly connecting your gaze with his. A bright smile adorned your face as you continued, "and also... happy birthday Jimin. You deserve so much joy, and I hope you find it every day."
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foliejpg · 4 months
sage @puppyboymikeyway submitted a bunch of fob asks from this post so here ya go <3 putting it under a read more bc its a novel 😭
dead on arrival: which of andy's haircuts is your favorite?
honestly i liked when he had the short bob and it was straight. he looked more like a lesbian then than usual
grand theft autumn: which was the first fall out boy song you heard and liked?
actually its this song 😭 i remember hearing it in a hot topic when i was around 15-16 and going home to look up the lyrics on my computer, then listening to every album straight through from tttyg to srar straight through in order lol srar had just come out
saturday: best concert you've attended?
my first fob show is special to me bc i got m&g tickets, so is the albany show this past march bc i got to meet them again with my boyfriend and a bunch of friends<333 but the best concert that the artist has put on i mean. i have to come clean i am a bit of a swiftie and the eras tour was crazy 😭 and fenway last year during tourdust because patrick did wams during the medley just for me<333 that's My Song
the pros and cons of breathing: do you own any fall out boy albums on cd or vinyl?
yes! here's a picture because there's a lot 💀 not pictured is the we didn't start the fire 7" because its so tiny i didn't see it until after i took the picture lmao
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grenade jumper: trohmania or bass spin?
i gotta go with the bass spin sorry joe<3
the patron saints of liars and fakes: last big regret?
i wish i went to the madison square garden show in march but i couldn't afford the tickets</3
cork tree
our lawyer: worst fob rumor you've heard?
i can't really think of one? all i can think of is that one interview where patrick says the worst one he heard was that he was actually 31 and not 21
nobody puts baby in the corner: favorite 80's film?
who framed roger rabbit, clue, and that's all i can think of 😭 i'm not a big movie person
sixteen candles: favorite fob mv?
young and menace, america's suitehearts, hmlag, dance dance
the music or the misery: favorite bonus track?
from now on we are enemies and my heart is the worst kind of weapon, but i like the acoustic version of the latter way more<3
my heart is the worst kind of weapon: last time you said something you regretted?
bro i can't think of anything i don't listen to myself talk 💀
this ain't a scene, its an arms race: patrick in cardigans or patrick in sweaters?
SWEATERS lemme see that fabric stretch
thnks fr th mmrs: best memory?
i have no idea lmao when i met fob idk i have a really bad memory
don't you know who i think i am?: which high school stereotype would you describe yourself with?
is "snot nosed know it all who thinks she's better than everyone else but is just sheltered and bratty" a stereotype
fame < infamy: do you like black cards?
i'm a fake fan i've never listened 💀 bebe is a queen though
lullabye: opinion on 'elisa stans?'
i don't know what that means these asks are from 2018 but everyone should leave fob's family alone <3
27: favorite instrument
BASS. i love bass guitar i need to feel it in my chest
w.a.m.s. which job would you prefer, waiter/actress/model/singer?
singer bc i enjoy singing and used to be good at it lol i can't act and food service freaks me out i don't want to be responsible for other people's food and also modeling just seems awful 💀
west coast smoker: favorite 80's band?
i love the smiths and joy division bc i'm a basic emo<3
where did the party go: bass lines or guitar solos?
bass lines a million times over!!!! plus sometimes guitar solos make my ears ring 😅
death valley: who would you most like to be greeted by in the afterlife?
idk my cat kayla she passed when i was like 6 she was a good girl or my cat china (my mom named her 💀) she was a good girl too. lots of good girls here
irresistible: which mv was your favorite?
the original one with the basketball game they're so goofy lmao
the kids aren't alright: if you could send a message to yourself five years ago, what would it say?
run for the fucking hills girl!!!!!!!
jet pack blues: which was your favorite fall out boy era?
this one because they're all happy and healthy and living their best lives, having lots of fun on stage and being weird and interacting with fans again<333
novocaine: cause of your last time in the hospital?
uhhhhh i can't remember the last time i was in the hospital lmao
favorite record: do you collect cds or vinyls?
both! i have a lot of both lol
young and menace: are you excited for the future of fall out boy?
of course<3 i hope whatever they do next is satisfying creatively for them because i would rather wait a few years for new music than have them go back to working themselves to the bone and exhausting themselves so i'm sure whatever comes next will be worth the wait, stardust certainly was<3
champion: what's your proudest moment as a fan of them?
i don't knowwww i really like the little corner of the internet i'm in with some friends and mutuals and i get a lot of asks/msgs from ppl so i like that i've made a comfy little space for ppl to talk about fob<3 does that count lol idk i'm also proud of them for like. still doing what they're doing at their age those crusty old men
wilson: if you could purchase one thing being advertised in the wilson video, what would it be?
sunshine riptide: if you could say one thing to the band, what would it be?
i would say thank you for making art and i would also corner pete and maKe him tell me about the pool ball strike at the beginning of disloyal order he can't get away with this anymore
WHOOOO BOY okay thanks for sending all those i hope you enjoy this essay<3
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rollercoasterwords · 3 months
hi, good evening or whichever,
so i started reading as the worm moon dies like a year ago, when u started posting i think, then left it at regulus’ interlude because of life i guess, i had a no reading streak, but then i started reading again yesterday and binged it in 6 hours because… yes. it’s fucking great. like, you’re really an amazing writer. and i’ve just come to compliment the shit out of your fic and your choices for this story. i beg your pardon for the intrusion and this long ass ask.
1. the action. as a writer myself it’s so fucking hard to pull of action scenes and fast paced moments. i never got confused on how they went to point A to B, what happened was clear but still rushed and fast paced. especially the chamber of secrets dude. i was at the edge of my seat, almost screaming at the laptop. SO GOOD.
2. james. gosh dang it. you fucking nailed it. such a hero, such a self sacrificial guy. he intrinsically believed he was good, that he would vanquish evil. and then. HE FAILS. it hurt so bad, it felt all so wasteful. and then. HE’S KILLED BY THE SISTER OF SOME MISTAKE HE MADE. he just so carelessly and accidentally killed peter, and then he can do nothing as his sister kills him. it was so fucking good. i love when every sacrifice he made was all for him not to reap any of the fruit. christ. i still get chills. i love him.
3. remus and sirius. like, your characters in general but they killed me. i love that at the start remus was hellbent on the cause, all rationality, every sacrifice was necessary. he even suspected sirius of being to cowardly for the fight but THEN. remus is angry at sirius because he went too far in his sacrifice. how cowardly am i now remus. delicious fucking food.
and yeah i could say many more things but this is your blog and i can go insane in my own head about this fic so i will.
thank you for this story, the work that you put into it, and your generosity for sharing it. i am eagerly waiting for the last two chapters :))
hi!! responding a bit late lol but no need 2 apologize i love long asks <3 so glad ur enjoying the fic!!
action scenes can def be tricky 2 write but they're also so fun <3 helps that i usually have a little movie playing in my head while i write them so i just picture what's happening + describe that lol
& james!! yeah i knew from the beginning that i wanted his character to serve as a sort of deconstruction of the whole 'chosen one' trope in the fic, so i really wanted to write someone who embodied that figure of The Hero Destined for Greatness and have his entire life build up to that & then very decidedly have him fail!! so that ultimately what kills him is sort of like a reflection of himself: not a hero, but a kid seeking vengeance. love a tragedy etc
r&s have been very fun 2 write in this fic as well...i do love a bit of irony & u hit the nail on the head w ur summary lol. i was talking to a friend abt this as well tho to give remus a bit of credit technically sirius DID do more than he strictly had to--like he could have just erased his memory up to the point where he & r got captured by poachers & still think he'd been captured by the order rather than that he was working with them when he went back w his memory erased, bc up to that point he really hadn't been working w the order! but he knew if he only erased the 6 months he was actually w the order he'd be putting a huge target on remus's back; so really the only reason he went back further & completely erased all his time w remus was to protect him. & that's part of why remus is so angry! sirius didn't strictly have to erase literally every part of their relationship, but he did it to protect r...i love when love makes everything worse <3
anyway ty 4 ur message + the kind words etc! <3
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
I am soo sorry for the late reply. I've been going through some things, and I went back into my shell . Your message has been on my mind and literally been my own motivation to reply.
Also I re-read what I sent and I apologize for any mistakes. My mind will delete words while I'm reading. I'm sorry..again. 😞
~~~~ back to leooon ~~~
Games like that show that they believe their audience have cognitive thought and... fucking thank you 🥺. I wanna come back to a game or spend more time playing it because I can't get over whatever vague/mysterious element. You need a game to come back to, and if i found out about everything, I'm not coming back. Let me stop before I go on a rant about the lack of critical thinking nowadays.
Lol it's almost like Leon's bad lines are a virus too😏😌 aahh I just read your message of calling it a disease so I'm not erasing my previous statement. Great minds think alike.
One of the PRETTIEST BOOOYSSS!!! Plus the depression and a bored expression are what keep me coming back to that buffet of a man. Hooo-Weee! 👅 Keep em coming! Speaking of list...who's your top 6?
Ofc! You know he'll have a shit eating smirk when he says the line too. Oop- cuz he never gets taken by surprise? Hmm. How do you think Leon would react to his s.o trying to sneak up on him?
🥺🥺🥺 he really does need a hug (😙 maybe a kees)!! AND A DAMN DAY OFF!! Yoo Leon is not a fool! He will not turn into a top heavy bitch. Like you said you KNOW he doesn't skip leg day. 😈 honestly if I could get a lil gross, his arms and thighs!! Nah I'm dying because I was drooling over them and not paying attention.
Long time no see my friend, Its great to hear from you again and I hope that you’re alright during theses times and know you’ve got someone to talk to if needs be. ❤️🦦
My top 6 pretty boys? Ur asking the real brain ticklers but I shall give it a try. Though keep in mind this list is subject to change.
1. Leon S. Kennedy
2. Chishiya Shuntaro from AIB
3. Jamie Reyes from blue beetle
4. Jason Todd aka Red Hood
5. Sam Alexander aka nova from The Ultimate Spider-Man animated show
6. Vergil/Dante/Nero from dmc (yes all three of them)
(Bonus: Loki, Link, Dick Grayson)
How would lean take his s.o trying to take him by surprise?
He’d probably heard their breathing or footsteps or something but plays pretend because he loves how happy they get when they achieved in ‘taking him by surprise.’
Or he’d be a little shit and ruin their little plan by taking them off guard first. He’s a smug prick afterwards bc it proves that his training had paid off whilst holding his s.I in his arms as they pout, do they care? No they’re in Leon’s arms and staring at his veins.
Petition to kiss and cuddle Leon whilst giving him words of comfort but also listening to him when he talks about his terrors and traumas.
Leon’s thighs are firm as fuck, so I bet sitting on them would be like sitting on a plush armchair or swim thing along those lines. His arms aren’t anything to scoff at either bc we’ve seen those sexy things! I just wanna trace those veins whilst also caressing the moles he has there.
Be as filthy/gross as you want, there ain’t no judgment here!
(I remember making a fic about tracing the moles on his necks and now wanna do one for his arms cuz I might be asexual but god those arms are making me think things.)
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slytherinshua · 3 months
You are going to see them live?! I hope you have a great time!!! The live clips that I've seen of them are amazing, so I'm sure that they'll be unbelievable (heh heh) to see in person. Can I ask, how did you come to discover them? What was it that attracted you to them?
It shocked me to find out that Yechan was the oldest and I love it. I really like his energy! He was actually what initially drew me to the band! I was aware that there was a band that had a violin and as someone who has played it from a very young age I was interested but I never actually did anything with that info lol. Then when boogie man came out, it came up on my yt and I decided to watch it. Fell in love with it, but when Yechan's solo came up I was so impressed (I made my mum watch it too, she taught me violin lol). I then decided to listen to more of their music and fell in love with them and here we are lol.
It pains me to think that I will never meet a man like Sangyeop in real life 😭 He really does seem like the best. How is he even real??
Wonsang really is the cutest oh my goodness. I love him so much! I showed my dad one of his bass solos (my dad plays bass, drums, guitar) and he was disgusted but impressed that he could play a 6! String! Bass! with such ease and sound so good. They really are a stupidly talented group, what I give to have even a smidge of their talent 😭
Now that you've said it I do kind of get boomer vibes off Gwangil ahaha. I love how goofy he is, but I also completely relate to him cringing at the others (I had the same reaction to aegihae(?) ahaha)
I'm happy to say that I have listened to most of the songs that you suggested! The solo in you're right is absolute perfection! I love how they have such a wide range of songs and sounds and somehow they suit them all! I've heard some of the solo songs (I am emotionally attached to the intro of domino), but I will definitely listen to the rest of them!
Thankyou so much for all of your recs and dive into their personalities! I don't know if I'm weird for doing this, but when I watch vids of them I can't help but wonder what they'd be like as my brothers lol. Not that there's anything wrong with mine, but after seeing gentlemen like them, mine could maybe be a little nicer sometimes? I feel like they'd all be very teasing, but caring. Gwangil and Yechan 100% seem to be the teasing type. Wonsang would be the nicest, I've seen him talk about his cousin and it's so cute. Sangyeop strikes me as the sort of person who would do hobbies and stuff with you even if he didn't like them, just to spend time together? I also feel like they would all be quite stern or serious if they had to, but would be the best overall!
Once again, thanks so much!! (Sorry for annoying you with yet another long message, I'll stop now ahaha)
yes i'm so excited to see them live but also a bit sad as the show i'm going to is the last on their tour and i've heard from other walwals who went to recent tours that they seemed pretty tired :( like wonsang would look exhausted but still put on a bright smile when a new song started.... i rly hope they're able to rest a bit before the show but if not i'm sure they'll be able to rest back home <3
actually an ex-friend of mine got me into them. originally i think she showed me flowering but that wasn't enough for me to stan them. what got me was snooze/play because i stanned right when play came out. i still cry when i hear play lol. idk why i didn't stan just cause of flowering?? to this day i feel like i have to be in the right mood to listen to it, its never been a favourite of mine in lucy's discography but i do appreciate it. i've also watched Superband for lucy and god wonsang is such a genius, watching it probably tripled my respect for him :( the way he arranged everything and made lucy unique from the other bands there by adding ambient noise to their covers and then eventually their original songs just gets me every time 😭 i love him (i'm so subtle abt the bias aren't i?)
yechan is so impressive!! he's also part of the reason that i was especially interested after my friend showed me some stuff because yechan is classically trained and before kpop i was always into classical music because of my dad. i played piano (mostly bach & scarlatti) so i loved seeing a band that incorporated a more classical instrument into a band setting.
THIS tbh like how is sangyeop real hes literally such a sweetheart and HIS VOICE. his personality offstage and his charisma on stage genuinely makes my mind spin. idk if you've seen the live performance of never in vain in particular but istg he was on something that day 🧍‍♀️ and i did not survive it lol
wonsang is literally insane... i love everything about him, his talent, his personality, his adorable little laugh. he's not real like i'm convinced i made him up cause NO WAY. even his singing voice is so nice and cute :( if you go to his instagram he has a lot of short little covers on there too and i just.... yeah he's really insane god. (also would recommend you watch the live clip of enough because wonsang plays a double bass in that and i may be very in love with him....)
lmao i had no other way to even describe it other than boomer 😭😭 he's just got an old soul and i feel him so much. but i swear he is so underrated in the group :( seeing him on Superband, he originally auditioned as a vocalist and could play guitar as well. and throughout the show he played bass, keys, and eventually landed on drums because the team needed a drummer and he had a tiny bit of past experience. the fact that hes the drummer for the team now is ???? and he sings and plays the drums at the same time LIKE THATS SO FUCKING HARD TO DO MY RESPECT FOR HIM IS INSANE.
you're right is one of my favourite lucy songs of all time.... i'm really hoping they'll perform it live but not sure if ill get lucky enough lol 😭 i've seen some of the setlists for the other shows but they switch up some songs so i really have no idea what they're going to perform... i'd honestly just say sit down and put their entire discography on in order or repeat and just... enjoy. cause they just have SUCH good music its insane. they're honestly my comfort group in kpop whether its content or music, i just feel so close to them :( so whenever i feel like i need to cry/feel sad/cheer up i'm always watching live stages. i love the ones on their channel from concerts because they put the lyrics too so i can feel extra emo and also appreciate the songs so much more lmao
i entirely get that omg.... i always wanted like a brother who was rly musically oriented like me (i do technically have one but he's 10 yrs older than me and hasn't lived in the same house as me since i was 5 so that's a no-go, my other brothers closer to my age never picked up an instrument lol) and i feel that with lucy. like they'd be so much fun, when i watch them playing games they just look like they have such a good time.
also don't feel bad about the long messages i love them lol!! it's so nice to talk to another walwal :) at this point you seem to know them pretty well and i can only recommend that you listen to the rest of their discography, watch live stages, and continue to watch other fun content :D
and if you ever are interested in watching superband (would recommend it if you like band music, it's great and not as toxic and competitive as other survival shows. the panel of judges was great too, including suhyun from akmu who i adore) i have the google drive with all episodes subbed <3 there are some legendary lucy performances on there and some of my other favourite band men (mainly ha hyunsang who has the best voice ever. he performed viva la vida in a team with yechan during the first round and they're still friends to this day i believe. sometimes they perform the song again lol their arrangement was so good and hyunsang's voice was just perfect for it)
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saintavangeline · 9 months
REPLY: Since Adeline they seem to have slept around with their friends so that's an easy 2 or 3 right there, they seem to really chase after Asian girls or ppl who Asian-fish, or just goth girls I'm pretty confident they may be a chaser, not a surprise since they seem fixated on anime and their brain has probably rotted from all the questionable things they probably open in a private tab.
I started keeping track around the time they posted the chasing Lana Del Ray fems Tik_tok video, then promptly nuked their entire account, ID be embarrassed to publicly fetishsize the suffering of women too dawg. There's about 6-7I can even remotely suspect or confirm, based on the time span of their flings. Before then I watched the girls come and go so often, I thought they were bot follows lol. Sad to come clean to it but a few of the girls I can't find again, I'm sure they were threatened, every last one of them. Reflecting on it, I think they are incapable of loving anyone in a healthy way, I try not to stay awake lately thinking about the girls that slipped by me unnoticed. Usually dark haired girls with mental illnesses who have some dirt he can use Id bet on it, some of the girls went quicker than others, so my stats are shakey and can be given or taken from .
Victims 1-3 seem to be mutuals of varying intimacy (Supposed close friends, posted in proximity to a pub tumblr post alluding to being "Open with friends" God help us if they think they can handle open relationships.)
Victims 4-5 Goth girls, unclear if the pinup gif set, poems, fanfictions and "rolled up my sleeve for a hot dyke at work" posts were for the Asian girl they are moots with or any of the other miscellaneous private accounts that orbited them.
6 was a girl they posted a photo of themself holding up in their arms, then deleted from tumblr and instagram for unclear reasons, they commented on their posts before, things that seemed jarringly toxic even in jest. "Message me or I'll KMS".
7 Group listing here, they use to their advantage their notoriety and I have witnessed them interact with the young people who pine over them on their blog, they interact from a side account using their photo on the blogs of some frequently interacting followers, guess they get off to their ego being stroked.
This genuinely made me fucking sick to read.
I don’t even know where to begin with my thoughts on this..
I am very out of the loop because I have them blocked on everything for my mental health, so hearing all of these updates are genuinely insane.
I hope they see this and get chills knowing that people are paying attention and know what they truly are.
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figula · 1 year
today was alright for most of it then it took a turn for the worse later on lol
ben came home from work after another attack of Sad (he walked throug the door crying + stayed sad for a few hrs, i think the length of sad attacks are lessesning which is good), i am kind of at a loss as to how to help tbh bc it's so out of my remit to be like super sad after the end of a big social thing like as ive said before im fully delighted to be back to my normal life + am waiting hopefully until i can take all the wedding cards down to be honest!!! like genuinely if anyone has any ideas on how to combat the "post-wedding blues" (as google calls it, but i think that's such a gross phrase lol but just like "emotional hangover after extreme life event that you've been planning for over a yr etc etc) pls do feel free to message either anon or not idc. i have tried to be as helpful as i can be but i think people with similar experiences might be useful bc i cannot state enough how pleased i am it's all over lmfao
later on we went on a pokemon walk and it REALLY went downhill later bc (boring pokemon go stuff incoming) my daily incense lured a fucking articuno, insane, then it ran away after one throw (with a golden razz berry AND an ultra ball) and i was just like :| then like half an hr later we did a raid w/ our friends jelly + hali and i didnt catch the pokemon with 16 fucking balls it just jumped out every single time. it was unreal. i used a golden razz on every single throw too. the others all managed to capture it as well which tbh only increased my rage like i know its just a game obviously lol but it was just really fucking annoying lmao i was so incensed i just went mute for half an hr or whatever and ben (who had cheered up by this point) was just like shall i leave you alone for a bit :) and i was like yup :|
THEN we were gonna watch x files in bed bc ben loves it so we went to log into my disney+ and it just would not work, ben found the saved pw on his firefox, wouldnt work, i got them to send me a login reset with a 6-figure code, i input the code they sent me, they were like "that's not the right code"! and it was just. oh my fucking gOPFDGJKFDKJKJGFDJK ben found it elsewhere in the end
idk man im worried about ben + feeling fed up myself + just generally feeling like :| fuck you pokemon go for real i just needed them and you wouldnt let me have them
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focusandrelaxforme · 1 year
Documenting My Subject's Hypno Slavery Journey (Part 6)
Welcome back to this ongoing experiment.
If you're just joining us, this is an ongoing record of my subject's journey through hypnotic slavery.
Feel free to peruse all the posts leading up to this point.
As usual, a few thoughts/notes/comments from me, and then to the far more interesting part.
This entry is a bit of a change of pace for us. Kittysub was available for a much longer period of time than usual, so I took the opportunity to see how deep I could get her. Over the course of hours starting when she left for a short work day and continuing when she got home, I guided her down further and further until she was basically, as she describes it, mush.
As I was preoccupied for much of this time, I left her relatively functional, able to act independently even while sinking deeper into trance.
As she got deeper and deeper, she became less and less independently functioning. At some point, if she wasn't given direct instructions, she would just sit there and do nothing but go even deeper.
This also left her obedient to an unbelievable degree, following any instruction without hesitation or thought. That said, apparently having her workout in a trance was a step too far. While she didn't come out of trance, the effort needed and the difficulty of that particular workout did lessen her depth of trance considerably.
Now for the star of the show herself:
Dear Diary,
It has been a long day today.. of going deep for my Master. I went to work and took a break from my lush for Master so that my pussy could have a break. I am thankful it had some time to relax but I felt a little empty without it. Master had me practice going deep today while still functioning with the people around me and them not noticing. I was able to do really well. It is odd to know that I am able to feel so deeply obedient and enslaved while casually talking to friends and coworkers. Master had me update him all day on how deep I was going for him. Whenever I replied to his messages I felt like a different person than the one talking to my coworkers. Like half of me was left with him while I went about my day. I felt almost robotic every morning this week from the hypnotism. Everything just happened naturally without thought. When I got home From work Master had me relaxing even more. I got the deepest I have gotten with him just through text. I didn't have any feelings or thoughts.. i just existed to please my Master.. And I carefully read and followed any instructions given to me. I was told to insert my dildo for him again.. only thins time I really couldn't feel it. It was like my body was separate from my mind the whole time. Its such a weird feeling to be that way. I am still questioning what has and hasn't happened. The whole morning I was wet and I couldn't figure out what had caused me to be so wet.. was it just obeying, or had Master told me something that I had forgot about.
My brain feels like mush now as I lay here typing this journal entry with my dildo inside me and my clit vibe resting on my clit. I have been laying here for probably around 15 mins.. going deeper into trance with all the pleasure. If my words don't make sense tonight.. i blame it on the dildo. Even though at the moment I once again feel separated from my body. Master called me on the phone before I started writing this.. and the vibration of his voice instantly send a shock to my clit.. it is so weird.. how have I grown so attached to a sound.. this is only our third phone call. Master also convinced me to workout today for the 6th day in a row.. i had no interest in doing so.. but he somehow convinced me that exercise is pleasurable and I will enjoy it much more than an orgasm. I feel almost tricked by my own brain. After my workout I felt almost betrayed by myself lol. But I am happy it is done and I feel accomplished. I'm rambling now.. I'm sorry lol. I'm going to go now...and maybe earn an orgasm? Who knows.. or maybe workout? Idk. I never know lol
Xoxo The very confused slave.
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startrekfangirl2233 · 2 years
Music Game!
rules: shuffle your “on repeat” playlist from spotify/the music service of your choice and post the first 10 tracks.
I was tagged by @itshoneywhatever
1. Charlie Be Quiet! by Charlie Puth I've been listening to this song on repeat since I saw Charlie's videos of how he created it on Instagram. It's such an aurally pleasant song. The way he whispers, "Charlie Be Quiet" and then how the beat gets super loud. The play of volume with the lyrics is just amazing.
2. Shatter Me Featuring Lzzy Hale by Lindsey Stirling I discovered this song probably 6 or 7 years ago when I was in college. I went through this tear of needing music to study by and was absolutely obsessed with pop songs that used orchestral instruments. I still really love that combination so this is a song I still listen to on repeat all the time.
3. Hurricane - Arty Remix by Halsey,ARTY
I too went through Halsey-Mania back in 2016 when Closer was trending all over the place. I was also kind of obsessed with EDM. So Hurricane made its way onto my playlist and just never left. I also adore the lyrics. "I'm a wanderess, I'm a one night stand Don't belong to no city, don't belong to no man I'm the violence in the pouring rain I'm a hurricane" Come on! Amazing female power lyrics imho.
4. Overdrive by Conan Gray
This is a new-ish addition to the list. The beat, the lyrics? I love all of it. It's my new gym track. I put it on repeat when I need to psych myself up to finish a rep or set.
5. Getaway Car by Taylor Swift
I mean... I wrote an entire fic based off of this song. I love it. The vibes? They're immaculate. I know it's about a failed relationship and uses themes of criminals like Bonny and Clyde to show exactly how doomed the relationship is, but I still love it.
6. Super Tuna by JIN
Bwahahaha. This one is hard to explain. I love BTS. And I love this song. It's super catchy, considering how it's about catching tuna. 🎣🎣🎣
7. Good Girls by CHVRCHES
This is one of my favorite fuck the patriarchy songs. "Good girls don't cry And good girls don't lie And good girls justify, but I don't"
and "Is it easier when you don't have to count to ten? When you don't have to pretend? I want to know that feeling Is it easier when you don't have to start again? When you don't wanna make amends? I want to know that feeling"
Lauren Mayberry, who is the leader singer and front-woman of CHVRCHES, wrote the song to criticize gender expectations in the music industry. As a woman in a male-dominated field, the message just resonates. It's also really fucking good.
8. Pied Piper by BTS
I'm an ARMY lol. I love BTS, and in particular I love this song. It's a tongue-in-cheek ditty from BTS reminding ARMY (their fandom) that it's alright to be their fan, but being their fan shouldn't detract from your responsibilities.
9. So Good by Halsey
An amazing song about finding love in the most unexpected places. Like your best friend.
10. Take My Breath Away by Berlin
Here's that Top Gun Brain-rot once again. Like, I watched TG:M last year and then had to re-listen to the TG 1986 soundtrack and this song grabbed hold of me and would not let go. So here we are.
Hope you guys enjoyed and learned something new about how chaotic I am! This is way more of a deep-dive into my psyche than I expected.
Tagging: @roosterforme, @roosterbruiser, @teacupsandtopgun, @jynxmirage, @desert-fern, @thedroneranger, @cherrycola27 (no pressure!) and everyone else who'd like to join in!
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theetherealraphael · 2 years
Hi everyone. As you may or may not know, I am a Sea Cadet. It's a pretty big part of my life, and I tend to go away on courses. Generally band ones, as my unit is lucky enough to have a band, but most recently, a catering one. 7 people from my unit, myself included went to that place, most for seamanship, one catering, one first aid. 6 people went back. You want to know why? Because someone abused their power, and sent one of my best friends home. Because he had a multi-tool, that happened to have a blade in it. He didn't use it, although he did use the plyers once. I won't go too into detail, as it's not my story to share, but this isn't the first case of bullying to my unit, in a couple cases FROM my unit. It's happened to me, my brother (who is a junior BTW), my best friend and a kid who transferred over from ANOTHER unit to escape this bullying. So, I'm going to explain what happened to me, and why I now find it harder to make friends on courses.
My first course
So, it was my first ever course, at HMS Raleigh, where you go for stage one of joining the navy. You have to march just to get food lol. One of the girls in my mess was from my unit, let's call her H. We were a couple of the first ones there, so I got top bunk, she got bottom. She eventually moved, though. We then went exploring, as this was my first time there, and H seemed just as lost. Eventually we headed back to our mess, and there was a couple new girls, and the people who were there previously were gone. We talked about how bitchy the 4 who were there first seemed. Skip to later that day, it was almost night, and I was feeling horribly left out. I ended up crying and I called my mum, but this wasn't the last of it. One girl, L, ended up admitting in a later course that she didn't like me, but I already knew that by how she'd treated me. I ended up crying to my mum at least once more, and called her every night anyway. Now it's tradition to do that, mainly so I can check up on my little siblings, and hear what they've been doing.
So, yeah. That's not the only instance of bullying, and I left out quite a few details due to me still being a bit upset over it, but yeah, bullying, even accidental bullying, isn't okay. It made me cry, my brother mad, got my best friend kicked out of a course, and had that other kids expensive watch broken. So please, be careful what you say, don't tease someone for things long past, be careful what you tell your parents and don't break other people's stuff. Please, reblog this, spread the message. I don't care if you're a Sea Cadet or not, you don't even have to know what Sea Cadets is! But we all know what bullying is. Please. Don't let this carry on.
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