#underside rambilides
theetherealraphael · 10 months
so. i was thinking about sander sides recently. and how theyre coloured. and i realised something. red and green are complementary, and roman and remus are both creativity. theyre opposite creativity, but they need to work together, in a sense. and ourple and yellow are complementary, and whats a lie, if not a way to keep us safe, out of anxiety-inducing places? but then that leaves us with logan and patton. sure, your heart and brain need to work together in a similar way, but their colours arent complementary. but wait, whats this? the complementary colour of blue... is orange! which means whatever orange is, its something that is able to work with both the brain and heart. i don't know what orange will be, but if thomas purposefully did this, its gotta be something that seems, at first, like an opposite, caution, maybe? but then when you actually look, you realise its not so dissimilar after all.
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theetherealraphael · 1 year
Guys. Look at this.
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theetherealraphael · 1 year
hey all! not-so-friendly reminder that i do have a small scp:cb server! please join if you like small groups and scp:cb
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theetherealraphael · 2 years
You guys know what I just realized? I never made an intro post.
Hi, my name is Raphael, I don't feel comfortable revealing my age, I'm lithro, biro and ace. I'm English, not that I like it, and my pronouns are he/they. I'm also (self-diagnosed) ADHD and autistic.
I like a lot of fandoms, but my main ones rn are: The Henry Stickmin Collection, mcyt, Ninjago, TMA, SCPs and WTNV.
I reblog a lot of stuff, but sometimes make my own content.
Tags I use are: for general me talking, underside rambilides, or raphael talks. for reblogs, only reblogs, or ethereal reblogs.
My DNI list is: queerphobes, TERFs, ableists, stuff like that.
That's all I can think of for now! Bye!
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theetherealraphael · 11 months
my sister just called lgbtqia+ ppl as "people of pride".
she then referred to sea cadets as "the child navy". in the same sentence.
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theetherealraphael · 2 years
Okay, so my little sister and I are playing SCP: 3008 on Roblox, and we've both built alright bases. However, my sister had to rebuild hers, because someone decided to be an asshole, and grief it. Guys, I understand needing a base, but if you grief a base, ESPECIALLY WHEN THE OWNER OF IT IS INSIDE IT, you are an asshole. We're just lucky we were able to save her Blahaj and Pingvin, and some of her food. Please. For the love of god. Don't be an asshole and steal someone else's base in BROAD DAYLIGHT and THE OWNER IS RIGHT THERE. You wouldn't think this needs to be said. But jfc. And, also, a majority of Roblox players are KIDS. BETWEEN THE AGES OF 6-16. Stop being assholes.
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theetherealraphael · 1 year
I'm getting my ears pierced I'm so fucking excited!!!!!!
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theetherealraphael · 2 years
Okay so I was recently looking at my coins, cause I'm young and don't have all my money on my card, and I found a quarter.
I'm British.
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theetherealraphael · 1 year
Would just like to remind everyone I do in fact still have a small SCP:CB server, feel free to join.
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theetherealraphael · 1 year
I made a discord server! Specifically, an SCP:CB one. Basically, it's for ppl like me, who don't really like bigger servers, but want to be included in stuff. The mods are my personal IRL friends, no asking to be made one.
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theetherealraphael · 2 years
Tfw you accidentally make a "yo mom" joke at your siblings.
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theetherealraphael · 1 year
Hi everyone. As you may or may not know, I am a Sea Cadet. It's a pretty big part of my life, and I tend to go away on courses. Generally band ones, as my unit is lucky enough to have a band, but most recently, a catering one. 7 people from my unit, myself included went to that place, most for seamanship, one catering, one first aid. 6 people went back. You want to know why? Because someone abused their power, and sent one of my best friends home. Because he had a multi-tool, that happened to have a blade in it. He didn't use it, although he did use the plyers once. I won't go too into detail, as it's not my story to share, but this isn't the first case of bullying to my unit, in a couple cases FROM my unit. It's happened to me, my brother (who is a junior BTW), my best friend and a kid who transferred over from ANOTHER unit to escape this bullying. So, I'm going to explain what happened to me, and why I now find it harder to make friends on courses.
My first course
So, it was my first ever course, at HMS Raleigh, where you go for stage one of joining the navy. You have to march just to get food lol. One of the girls in my mess was from my unit, let's call her H. We were a couple of the first ones there, so I got top bunk, she got bottom. She eventually moved, though. We then went exploring, as this was my first time there, and H seemed just as lost. Eventually we headed back to our mess, and there was a couple new girls, and the people who were there previously were gone. We talked about how bitchy the 4 who were there first seemed. Skip to later that day, it was almost night, and I was feeling horribly left out. I ended up crying and I called my mum, but this wasn't the last of it. One girl, L, ended up admitting in a later course that she didn't like me, but I already knew that by how she'd treated me. I ended up crying to my mum at least once more, and called her every night anyway. Now it's tradition to do that, mainly so I can check up on my little siblings, and hear what they've been doing.
So, yeah. That's not the only instance of bullying, and I left out quite a few details due to me still being a bit upset over it, but yeah, bullying, even accidental bullying, isn't okay. It made me cry, my brother mad, got my best friend kicked out of a course, and had that other kids expensive watch broken. So please, be careful what you say, don't tease someone for things long past, be careful what you tell your parents and don't break other people's stuff. Please, reblog this, spread the message. I don't care if you're a Sea Cadet or not, you don't even have to know what Sea Cadets is! But we all know what bullying is. Please. Don't let this carry on.
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theetherealraphael · 2 years
Okay, so I took a couple online autism quizzes, and obviously I know that that doesn't automatically make me autistic, but I took two, and the first one said: " I don't know???" And the second one I've put the results down below.
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Shit... Am I autistic?
For people who aren't sure what it means, it says at the top I got a score of 36. It then says at the bottom: "scores of 32 or higher are particularly significant." So uh.
Also I know this probably doesn't mean I am actually autistic, but yeah, idc.
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theetherealraphael · 2 years
Okay but does anyone else sometimes worry they're going deaf because there's like two other conversations going on and you can't hear the person talking to you even though you're genuinely trying to listen but also the people talking next to you are having a really interesting conversation and you just want to go home and now I'm rambling-
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theetherealraphael · 11 months
hey guys! i have... a podcast! its called The Reviewer! go check it out!
okay so the basis is that the narrator, Sam, reviews different things. however, he discovers shit about 'our' world. currently its literally just a reviewing podcast, but it will become something more horrory. if you like shit like tma, you might like this?
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theetherealraphael · 11 months
okay, i know im very silly and goofy, but i wanna be serious here.
so, we all know twitter is probably gonna crash and burn soon. theres no denying it. but this is actually kinda bad! see, i dont use it. never have, probably never will. but its my dads main source of content. he quit facebook, only uses yt for news and fifa shit, he uses instagram but only to see twitter posts he wouldnt normally see, and doesnt like tumblr. so when twitter dies, hes gonna be almost completely disconnected from the rest of the world. this is not a good thing. i dont really know what hes gonna do when it goes.
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