#but looooook 'ill get you out of here'
blogofloathing · 8 months
Part 1 of 1! Victoria And The Simone's Monster
"Ahh cmon Victoria just looooook" Simone urged the less than ecstatic girl, "okay okay I'm lookin"
She said exasperated, but her smile always gave it away. "This time it'll really really work just look"
Sidling over to the overzealous machine that sat as the grand centered piece of her workshop,
Victoria couldn't help but notice how good she looked in her work clothes as she walked away.
A belt of tools around her filled out waistline, over sized gloves and boots hatting her appendages.
All black and adjoined fittingly by a leather apron.
To call them work clothes was almost to lie, as she wore them most of the time, though of course, she was most often found working in her shop.
And she had to agree with her own lingering gaze, Simone sure looked good in black.
"Safety first!" Simone said cheesily, clicking on her goggles she'd designed to fit over glasses.
And pulling a lever dramatically, a blaze in her eyes not unlike one she had seen in them before.
Even Victoria could feel the fire licking at her face.
Various gears and raggling bolts spun with the release of whatever mechanism the lever held.
A machine pulled straight from an era long forgotten, a mechanical rodeo bull of all things
Large and limbless, it looked to weigh over a thousand pounds, and smelled quite ill too.
To top off the less than pleasing image, something that must be a replica cow skull was affixed to the neck, as if she was attempting to truly revive it.
It was in undoubtedly bad shape, but whatever technowizardry Simone had pulled off seemed to have worked, as the oversized beast came to life.
Shaking wildly back and forth, bucking off a non existent rider, or maybe displaying gracefully in hopes of attracting some cowpoke to test it.
As the voltage increased it stopped dancing the fleas off it, and began thrashing violently.
Shuddering and creaking against its own metal pieces, a whine like the moo of a hellcow.
And.. that's all it did, Victoria seemed to have been waiting for something else to happen.
Meanwhile Simone looked back at her expectantly, as if she would soon burst into praise.
"Well it's certainly very loud!" She said to Simone, having to shout over the clanging beast.
"So is that it?" Clearly not as impressed as she had hoped, the glossy haired gal hopped off the small platform she stood on, disengaging the lever.
The smoldering horror finally coming to a full stop, the metal still whining hauntingly as it slowed.
"Wasn't that absolutely incredible??" Spoken with a manic tinge to her voice, as if she'd been working on it all night, Victoria—as always with her weird contraptions—was completely dumbstruck.
Sure she had jumped and loudly exclaimed "holy fuck!! that is so cool.." upon first seeing the wildly skittering metal, even begging Simone for a chance to ride it, but, this was the 5th time in the week she had called her over frantically.
Seemingly incapable of waiting for a response Simone immediately began explaining in detail "I added six new macroplastic bolts and another round of hadromalectric fibro optics really it's a marvel what it's able to do but that's not even the end of if once I get this weird power source working it'll be even more marvelous," taking a deep breath before resuming her rant in earnest.
"I'm sitting ontop of brand new science here Victoria!" Her eyes crazed, wild with excitement
Simone continued at length for what might have been several hours at a conservative estimate,
Even grabbing Victoria's shoulders in excitement and shaking her wildly like a ragdoll at points.
"I can't believe you're not as excited as me really you should be this is, really.." she practically screamed in her face, faltering slightly at the growing quiet spot from where she stood.
And finally returning to earth long enough to see the look on her freckled friends dusty face, it was one of blank speechlessness. Not out of boredom,
Like she had just witnessed the most beautiful ghost she'd ever seen, pale and flushed all at once.
A bright maroon stretched between her cheeks, somewhat matching her tinged brown hair.
The air itself seemed to gain a new thickness to it, as if Victoria had suddenly shrunk to microscopic size, clinging to gusts of wind to stay afloat.
"I.. well, it's very cool to me, but I.. hope I haven't talked too muc-" to which Victoria immediately cut off with a loud refute "no! I love hearing you talk about your weird machines! Even if I don't always understand it! I just.. love hearing you talk.."
Unconsciously grabbing her already naturally outstretched hands, their faces a moment apart.
She opened her mouth to go on, but seemed somewhat star struck being so close to her.
Surprised by her forward actions as if it hadn't been her, Simone's hands didn't feel real.
They were warm, but held a strange coldness she couldn't place, comforting in equal parts.
The tension standing between them was harder than any barrier of brick, stone and plaster.
Something in the heat of freshly placed wall tiles radiating in the distance echoed their feelings, though neither had the strength to speak it.
"I- t-thank you.." Simone said, shyly, a tone unlike her, like seeing a charging buck wilt into a doe.
Suddenly sensing the shift in mood, she backed off, "oh, s-sorry I, er" an awkward energy pushing back on the two like a tangible force of the wind.
A moment of agonied silence rang out, the two fearing their voices would never return.
Like this moment of weakness would be the last of any moment they would share together,
before Victoria said aloud, in a careful, tentative waltz, letting the words room to breathe.
"You can tell me more.. about your machine, if you want to" fingers intertwining more intricately,
Forming a mess of circuitry, their twin nervous systems sparking violently middleman.
As if this simple connection would light the world on fire around them with its intensity.
"Well.." their bodies were so close they could almost feel the texture of each others clothes.
The gravitational pull of their adjoined hearts threatening to collapse into a blachole.
"I'll listen forever.. it helps you've got a cute voice, makes the science talk more bearable" she said, a nervous giggle in an attempt to deny sincerity.
Simone couldn't quite quell whatever high end engine Victoria had replaced her heart with.
It made her muscles tense up as if the torque on all her systems was up to 11, what was this feeling,
It was something she'd felt before certainly, a glide along her skin, a brush against her hands.
Something that prickled and shot out sparks like a firecracker, beating the surface of her skin red.
She realized, something in this girl, it made her come back for more everytime,
Left her starving whenever she couldn't, an urge inside her, hungry for its dinner.
Duel heartbeats ripe to tear free of their hosts and ravage on another like starving wolves.
"Well, by attaching the magnoflesium to the anglo flaskanite.. I could, make sure it stuck together.."
"It's a mineral that binds through contact.. but if you're not carefu, it can be quite brittle"
Their hands slowly parted as she began to regain her composure, like trees outstretched in a lovers embrace, slowly drifting aside with the shifting of earths plates, an unwilling but natural process.
Neither participant truly wanting to let go, but to save face, pulled apart their branches anyway.
A second of mourning taking place in between the moments of their hands being together, and being separate, something of loss felt silently by both.
She sputtered for a beat, like an engine halfway out to pasture, before softly launching back into her rant, the nerdy words treading lightly.
"It's very cutting edge, the way I manufactured the old parts with the new ones.. in ways that actually shouldn't be technographically possible, especially with the inclusion of a rodeo contraption which.. haven't even been a thing since the days of the old west! and at that the technology was rare then too! but for some reason.. I feel I already know how to work these materials as if I've always know-"
While the world clumsily righted itself, and breathing seemed possible again. Victoria was left reeling from the intimacy of the precious moment
Her heart pounded audibly in her ears, the beating against her skin, still left sparkling from the heat.
She couldn't believe what she was feeling for such a nerdy girl, one of them S.I.T smarty pants.
This contradiction of thought and emotion held a strength to knock her smack off of her feet.
Luckily having a miscellaneous workbench just behind her to lean on, her whole body felt oddly tingly, a swarming warmth that invaded her wholly
Left her skin sensitive even to her own touch, god couldn't she imagine what Simone's would feel like
"Are you paying attention Victoria!" Simone said, looking over her shoulder as she was busy detailing some diagram she had set up on the chalkboard.
As she popped back into existence she quickly spat out another smart aleck response for her.
Though her usual veneer of confidence was quite noticeably shakier and less defined right now.
"Oh please I was practically fallin asleep over here!" She bleated sarcastically, the trademark cheeky grin attempting to etch itself back into her continued flustered look, with very little success.
Simone glared back wordlessly, before Victoria followed up with a much more stable "I'm just pullin ya wrench Simmy, I'm watchin"
Hand on her chin as if she were watching the sun dip below the horizon, she sighed contentedly.
Simone's endless rant went on, jumping up and down off the metal dais her machine sat atop, even if she couldn't make sense of it, it was beautiful, simply for the fact of having been made, with so much care by her, it wasn't made for aesthetics.
She didn't know what it was even supposed to do, but seeing how passionate Simone was about it, made her feel that excitement all the same.
Like something of their shared tension was shot through the racketing metal and twitching coils.
Victoria smiled, that winning smirk that knocked em down and struck em out as she liked to say,
The whole workspace seemed to glow, and not just with the mismatched or home made light strings.
But shone bright and fluttering within her lil heart,
All for Simone, a one gal show, she hoped she'd be able to share her work one day, when it was ready.
Until then, it was her turn in the spotlight. Gazing past her as she explained who knows what, it was enough to hear her voice, stern, but so caring..
Part 1 of 1 END! What A Cute Little Moment With These Two, Wonder What She's Working On?
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crowisinthetrash · 2 years
Sojiro keeps bugging me to write you a letter even though I have your number and we can text any time BUT here we are. Sometimes I think he forgets he can just send this all in a text. All those coffee beans are finally getting to his head.
ANYWAY I just wanna tell you how amazing you are and I miss you and when are you coming to visit and... can you bring those spicy cheetah things. Cheetos? idk.
I know i know last time I had something spicy I just about lost my wig but looooook those things are like the ambrosia of the gods. I could cure any illness with those things. those MIRACLES.
Oh yeah Inari keeps texting me to send something with this letter but idk what to send. He's said he's coming over to give something so I can send it with the letter. I told him he better be paying the postage, but he did his usual Inari shtick and basically said his artistic sense compels me to send it anyway. What a cheapo.
Seriously tho, pls visit soon. You won't believe this TV show i've been binging. It's CRAZY!!! It's got lego lizards, martian witches, the illuminati--, you gotta watch this with me. I can't tell you over a letter how cool this is.
Inari's here, imma end this here. Talk to you soon!!!
Miss you!!!!
[stapled is a postcard sized cardstock from Yusuke, on it a painting of a crow and a fox on a stone near a body of water, nuzzling into each other in front of a waterfall. On the back of the cardstock is an elegant, but short, "The artist and his muse."]
Hello Futaba!
Don't worry, I am bringing a HUGE bag of spicy cheetos with me when I am coming around. So that way we can share them while we play video games and watch shows together, like the new one you have been binging! I can't wait to hear more about it as it sounds awesome!
Also tell Yusuke the cardstock is adorable and that I will forever treasure it! I have it in a special place in my room, looking at it makes me smile. That reminds me that I am making him something as well, so I will send it to him also with a letter! I am nearly done making it just need to finish sewing it for him
I an glad to hear your doing well and so is Sojiro! I will also go and visit him soon in LeBlanc but don't worry I am on my way to hang out with you right now! I will see you then!
~ Crow
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