#but maedhros and maeglin come pretty fuckin close
lockedloki · 3 years
Can I request Maedhros, Gwindor and Maeglin headcanon where Sauron tortures them with visions of reader dying and torturing. Reader however came with a surprise and saved them even though reader was supposed to be in a far away city, safe from danger.
A/N: Oh ho ho! this is gonna be so much fun😈 I love love love traumatizing these guys more
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He is shooketh. And angry... And worried... once he realizes that you are, in fact, not another damned vision. You are the de facto queen/regent of the Noldoli, what the ever-loving fuck are you doing here??? He’s confused and relieved and really just a mess of emotions after all that he’s been put through these past few years. He tries to convince you to leave before they discover you and have you suffer the same fate as him. Having none of that, he acquiesces to your wish to fucking free him because I came aaaaall this way to save your freckled ass, and I am not leaving without it.
He can’t believe his eyes. Scared this is another false vision. First he was forced to repeatedly relive the loss of his brother, and now you? Haven't they tormented him enough? He is a mere lord, and he says this to vision-not-vision you. Only after you reassure him that hey, I am real and I’m gonna kiss you the prove it does he react and  has some fight return to his eyes. He still loses his hand escaping, but has a bit more hope with you at his side as you try to stem the blood flow and help keep him upright as you’re both stumbling along to safety, trying to avoid notice by further orcs.
He does not - no, can not - understand. He was convinced no one of Gondolin would come for him, they barely tolerate him outside of his House. He is speechless. But he is also in shock, so you help him out of his bonds, sneak out of Angband, and explain everything on your way to a safe haven. He did not even register that you could be caught too, he’s so out of it from the never ending pain - both physical and mental. Once he recovers to a level where he’s actually more coherent than a jellyfish, he freaks  o u t . Were you out of your Eru-given mind?!?! You could’ve been killed! He starts with some self-deprecating speech that if you were captured he would never have forgiven himself, you should have left him there like the outcast he is. He’ll be stopped if you interject and say hey, you dumb fuck, you are a weird dude but you’re my weird dude that I love more than anyone in this world, and I’ll be damned if I left you back there, knowing I could have saved you.  He’ll be stunned quiet after that, but will need your presence near him for a long time to come as he recovers from his trauma.
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