#but marvel have exactly -2 braincells so
melaschnie · 2 years
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it’s time for pride reading challenge update #2! two bingos, let’s go! 
listening to audiobooks whenever possible alongside reading the books truly did wonders for my reading speed lmao. here are the additions to my challenge reads since the last post, the short opinions on all books (in chronological order of when i read them) are below the cut :)
original post || my storygraph (tell me if you add me so i know to add you back!)
Cemetery Boys - Aiden Thomas
down with cis
The Passing Playbook - Isaac Fitzsimons
historical seeting (aka public universal friend and sappho are dancing on your grave)
A Marvellous Light - Freya Marske
sword wlw
Motor Crush Vol. 1 - Brenden Fletcher, Babs Tarr, Cameron Stewart
epically queer
The Song of Achilles - Madeline Miller
old queers
The House in the Cerulean Sea - TJ Klune
Never Been Kissed - Timothy Janovsky
i really enjoyed this one, and i certainly did not expect to tear up while reading it but i sure did. there are a few places where you notice that this is the author’s debut novel but imo the characters make up for it mateo beloved
The Heartbreak Bakery - A.R. Capetta
this was a very light-hearted read, and it really felt like an ode to underrepresented identities (in a good way, i’d say). sometimes confusing, but oh well that happens and is more a me thing than a book thing lmao. i think i would’ve liked it even better if it was less teen-y and with a little more focus on the magic itself, but that wasn’t what i was signing up for so it’s perfectly fine
The Charm Offensive - Alison Cochrun
so. damn. sweet. honestly, this book was so good to read. i liked the setting, i liked the characters, and the awkwardness in this is so lovable. 10/10 would read again
Cemetery Boys - Aiden Thomas
every time i leave a book with a favourite character they are the same. this book made me realise that i am predictable af. anyway, this book should really not have made me cry my eyes out (because nothing super surprising happened and also *takes a deep breath* melli, these are fictional characters. not that my one (1) braincell would truly comprehend that but yk) and that’s all i’m gonna say about that.
The Passing Playbook - Isaac Fitzsimons
i am torn about this book. i think i would have enjoyed it a lot when i was around 13/14 but there are simply so many things that annoyed me in this book now, i can’t really just ignore them. it was still a good read and stories like this are important, but i feel like there were so many plot points opened that didn’t get wrapped up? to me it felt like too many issues that the author wanted to include, but not enough space (or plot, idk) to pay each the attention it would’ve deserved.
A Marvellous Light - Freya Marske
what a joy to have read this. the main characters are lovely and the setting was very cute as well. i think this might’ve been the first book in a while where my brain was somewhat on the backseat and i was able to enjoy it just based on the vibes. definitely looking forward to the sequel!
Motor Crush Vol. 1 - Brenden Fletcher, Babs Tarr, Cameron Stewart
i’ve never been very into comics until i read heartstopper earlier this year, but once again i did enjoy the format here! i think all the racing isn’t exactly my Thing(tm) so i won’t be reading the other volumes/issues but it was nice regardless of that.
The Song of Achilles - Madeline Miller
to be honest, this book was pretty underwhelming. i went in not knowing much about the actual story behind it and still what happened in the end didn’t come as a surprise to me. it was very predictable in my opinion, and i don’t quite get the hype surrounding it.
The House in the Cerulean Sea - TJ Klune
omg. omfg. this man do be writing good books and he’s well on his way to become my favourite author of the year. this one in particular was such a joy to read. the kids are absolutely amazing and a delight, would 10/10 befriend if they were older. pure joy, i cannot emphasise that enough.
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uhthor · 2 years
those rumors about her movie... like, unkilling wanda would be just simply dumb storywise, it makes me confused. her whole purpose and story is complete in MoM, tf there's left to do? I usually tolerate it when they milk characters bc of popularity or whatever, but in this case she also can't be anything but villain now. would it be a past story like BW or something like that? can she just stay dead pls
i don’t think she’s dead cause marvel love killing off poc and resurrecting the white washed bitches 78 times BUT it would be incredibly stupid to give her a solo movie or another story somewhere because like you said… it’s done… i appreciate redemption arcs but her villainy was so bad that there’s quite literally no coming back from that LOL
the only thing left associated with her is billy and tommy and how they will appear in the young avengers and i have a theory about that which i will now subject you to poor anon:
so there’s no billy and tommy in earth 616’s mcu but they exist in every other universe which is why wanda wanted to travel to another one to be with them SO what if the billy and tommy of earth 616 are actually billy kaplan and tommy shepherd?? thus enforcing the house of m storyline where wanda makes a deal with mephisto to release their souls which then inhabit the bodies of billy kaplan and tommy shepherd who are literally not related to wanda whatsoever and that’s how we get young avengers?? that’s the only acceptable reason i would allow her back so that she could rot in hell with mephisto <3
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kwonhoshi0 · 3 years
𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐤𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐚 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐤𝐢 | h.c part 2
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navigation | requests : open | 22nd feb 2021 | part 1
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pairing : kirishima, denki x gn!reader
genre : fluff
themes : ‘mutual pining’, jealousy, secret relationships
request : HIHI!! uh uh ok idrk how to do this so bare w me, but can i request maybe like denki, kirishima, bakugou, and todoroki a secret relationship and how they get found out sjjsjs uh thats all!! have a good day, drink some water and eat some food bc ur body deserves it 😊 kk bye!!
note : you are all mights niece he raised you
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[ kirishima ]
> you were in a secret relationship only because of the publicity kirishima would get if people found out you’re dating
> you didn’t want to put that on him so you kept it a secret
> keeping it a secret from your class friends wasn’t because you don’t trust them it’s more of a joke, you wanted to see how long you could go without them realising
> kiri loves the excitement of the relationship much like bakugou
> he finds it adorable how your eyes widen when he gives you a quick kiss behind your friends backs
> but you can’t nag at him since the bakusquad are there so you only glare at him playfully
> ‘y/n why do you look like you want to murder kirishima’
> ‘hes being annoying’ is all you say to your unsuspecting friends
> everyone else thought you got close after the USJ because he fought alongside you and encouraged you to keep going even with your uncle being injured
> all might somehow knew about you and kiri you didn’t know how exactly but thankfully he took a liking to him after he saw how much he supported you at the usj
-> scenario
> you’re all sat down picking out a movie since it’s a friday it’s movie night
> you’re sat next to your boyfriend and you innocently have your legs over his
> he thought that no one was looking since they were trying to find a movie to watch so he’s pulling your face in for a kiss which you returned for a split second before pulling away rolling your eyes as he giggled
> and when you looked back up your friends were staring at you as if they just saw denki reciting the alphabet
> mina and denki are howling while sero is like ‘HOW LONG’
> bakugou is just sat there like ‘you’re not fucking slick i’ve known for months’ smartass
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[ denki ]
> you were bestfriends for about a year before you started dating and you were incredibly close before as well
> you’d cuddle all the time and to anyone who didn’t know you you looked like a couple
> even the media thought you were a couple before you were dating which you denied
> your uncle thought so too and then you actually started dating and all might was not surprised
> he loves denki, denki and all might share a braincell
> he never had to meet all might as your boyfriend since he went over to yours many times before but only as all might was leaving for work since he couldn’t stay home in his muscle form all the time
> which is why you didn’t invite denki over all the time only in the day when your uncle is at meetings since he has to recharge and be in his corpse skeleton form at home 💆‍♂️💆‍♂️
> but once his skeleton form was revealed you could have him over all the time
-> scenario
> MOVIE NIGHT ( i always use movie night as an example 😭😭)
> but it’s late and you’re laying with denki and the others and you’re watching some marvel film
> his arms are around your waist and his head on your chest
> you’re just playing with his hair and it was kinda nice to be able to do this without anyone suspecting anything since this is what you did before dating anyway
> they all make a lot of jokes even if they don’t think you’re dating ‘you guys look like a couple anyway so why not date’ - clueless kiri
> ‘you would be such a cute couple though’ jokes on you mina
> n e ways
> denki is not subtle like he just shifts up a bit so his head is laying in your neck and kisses it a bit making you giggle bc it tickles
> ‘denki i swear’ man just smirks at you and hovers over you brushing his nose against your own
> sero just looks over like ‘are you sure they aren’t dating?’
> and youd think denki would lay back on you but he starts kissing your neck iN FRONT OF EVERyone and you’re just like ?? denki wtf
> ‘okay i know you guys are affectionate but you only cuddle with me’ *pouty mina*
> denki’s head flies up at that ‘nAni’ LMAOOO
> ‘you cuddle with y/n’ his head is turning between both of you like this gif
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> pikachu got a lil jealous so he hovered over you again and places one of his hands on your waist and the other on your jaw and kisSES you
> like man that is out of a k drama
> everyone looking at you like .0.
> ‘you guys didn’t know they were fucking dating? tch idiots’ once again the smartass strikes
> ‘honestly if we weren’t bestfriends before, you would’ve known an hour in, this mf cant keep his hands off me’
> denki just pouts up and you before burying his head into your chest he’s so cute wtf
> ‘shut up you know i love you’ *kisses ur cheeks*
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A/N :
denki cutest ever wtf
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taglist : @todoroki-shoto-is-life @blazedbakugou @luluwiie @blue-gold-demigod-clouds @gaysimpsstuff
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freddieslater · 3 years
could i be sending this on instagram? yes. am i sending it on here anyway for fun? also yes
currently on the season 5 finale and wow i forgot how much i hate the dumblebys. i’ve never wanted to murder a fictional character more. it’s bloody annoying that that shit goes on in real life too. fuck capitalism
tee implying candi-rose reminds her of carmen? iconic. those two deserved more screen time together… actually i really hope that the finale of this show, whenever it eventually ends, features every kid who ever lived in the dg since at least the start of tbr, plus mike, tracy, cam… everyone. if the finale is just 2 full hours of everyone swapping stories and reminiscing i will be happy
ok but actually i’m very upset about mission totally possible, i’d missed it in previous rewatches so my dumb ass watched that mindfuck of an episode for the first time ever at 2am and i think i lost braincells from it
honestly most of the latter half of s5 is very disorienting and oddly done. did anything between the wardrobe and where you belong even happen. i mean i know most of it did because charlie moved in but the tone is so odd and wrong. i’m very confused
i forget how much i love adult elektra, in both s5 and s8 she is i c o n i c. she really just said fuck the system huh. and got frank involved? beautiful.
the amount of scheming occurring this episode is absolutely astounding. i’m amazed liam isn’t involved
ryan being protective over all the younger kids is my new religion thank you and goodbye. you can just tell he would’ve been such a good brother to chloe if things had gone differently
floss may be a capitalist but apparently she’s also a feminist, honestly i can’t wait to see what she does when she leaves the dg (that’ll only be in a few years?? mad. she joined this show when she was six)
alex really thought he can steal roman relics from a museum alone, with about an hour of planning and wearing distinct clothes? fool. he could never get away with a heist as clean as the money one, im amazed anyone fell for dumbleby’s lie
wait hold on. why can’t they just move from house to house like they did from elm tree to ashdene?? that seems like b i g plot hole
oh god oh fuck i’m on season 6 oh no
I'm happy you're still sending your rambles on here because it means we get to force other people to see TDG content.
The dumbleby's really are some of the worst characters in TDG. Not badly written, but written well enough to make us despise them. And yeah, it really does suck that this is just real life, like, people fully will not care about disrupting these kids lives and giving them further trauma just to make some money.
I was so happy that Tee implied Candi-Rose reminds her of Carmen because they really are quite similar! You are galaxy-brained, that is exactly the finale we need. I don't even want a plot. I want raw emotion of all of these characters reminiscing and giving the actors a chance to show their love for each other and the show through their characters. I want to see characters that just missed each other finally interact. The older ones from the very start marvelling over how big the little ones who were there at their time now are, and how they've taken over their roles to the younger ones. I even want, if possible, a few cameos from TSOTB characters, specifically Crash, Jackie, Justine, and most unlikely, Ben. The finale better at least be more than a half hour, because I will never be satisfied with that.
I will give you that, mission totally impossible was... weird. I mean, it's one of my favourite episodes because it's mostly Jody centric, and has Jody/Tyler AND Ryan/Tyler content, so I really can't complain about that. But the actual plot was.... something else.
On that note, I really do not like most of season 5. Like you said, it's disorienting, all of the episodes feel like fillers but not in a good way - especially the wardrobe episode, I hate that one specifically with a passion because it's just so weird and feels completely wrong from the tone of the rest of the show. Season 5 was not one of their better seasons. Glad they've moved away from whatever they were trying to do there.
Adult Elektra! Iconic really is the only word to describe her. She's the same but more mature, with a better sense of what she wants and what she's doing, and a bit more responsibility, and I really love that look on her. And yes, her getting Frank involved was the cherry on top; she really can't stop roping him into her schemes, just like her first episode. I desperately wanted Liam to be involved in those episodes because he would have been a very useful and welcome addition to the scheme team, and he was still living with Frank, as far as I'm aware? We deserved adult Elektra/Frank/Liam team up. We need the scheme team back together!!
Ryan is my villain origin story and it's only strengthened when he interacts with the younger ones. That boy would have been the best big brother.
Floss being a feminist does make sense to me. And I love that for her! It's about the only thing I do love for her lmoafkajsksjhd but yeah, I actually kinda do wanna know what she plans to do when she leaves the dg, because we haven't heard much about that? She had an interest in dance and acting and some other things, and she's been quite determined recently to do whatever she can to make money, so I definitely see her being an entrepreneur of some sort. Either that or the scariest business woman alive.
Look, Alex is trying his best, okay? That boy has about two brain cells. And that's being generous. But I love his effort, at least. No thought and no plan, but A+ for effort.
Honestly, that is a big plot hole. The change in building from Elm Tree to Ashdene Ridge in general is a bit of a plot hole because they never actually discuss it within the show? Obviously at the wedding, Tracy says she knew the old one better, which at least kind of acknowledges that it's definitely not the same house, but it's so weird that they never even tried to explain within the show why they had to move and change the name. So, the fact that they made a big deal of possibly having to move building this time was definitely odd. Like... we KNOW they've already done it. They COULD do it again, potentially, if they had the money or whatever they need. I think the plot was just for the Drama and the Angst of nearly being separated, which I can appreciate, at least.
Oh no. Good luck to you, season 6 will destroy you again. It always kills me. That's why it's one of my favourites.
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dreamerswriter · 3 years
Spider Man 3: Stuff I’ve Noticed
I’m a superhero nerd and I like seeing returning characters, multiverse nonsense, and cliche plots. Marvel does that for me, mostly (I’m still upset about Quicksilver and I’m a little unsure about Sylvie and Loki’s relationship) 
I am excited for this one, Shang Chi, Dr. Strange 2, Ant Man and Wasp, Miss Marvel, What if, and Hawkeye. After that, who knows? Eternals looks good, but I'm going to wait on that one. 
Anyway, I do reviews on the recent movies and shows of Marvel for the heck of it (Though, the Black Widow movie isn’t too good as I stated. I think it was higher when I first watched it but after I watched it, I didn't enjoy it) 
So, this is just some random stuff I've noticed and heard about this movie. 
Spoilers is possibly. So, don’t look if you don’t want any!
For villains,
Vulture is back. 
Venom might show up. I’m not entirely sure if that is him. I wouldn’t be surprised though. He’s pretty popular, and I can see them using Venom in this. 
That, or this is Lizard which makes sense as well. 
Electro from Spider Man 2 is confirmed to be there. played by the same actor, Jamie Foxx. Which is good, cuz very little good came from that movie. 
the pumpkin bomb is Green Goblin. Yes, I screamed. Little me watched that movie. I do believe this is the Green Goblin is from the first Spider Man movie. Will they de age him? Probably. They did that with Mark Hamill with the Mandalorian. 
there is a lot of sand, so Sandman could be here. 
I’ve heard rumors, but Mysterio is on set. He could be alive, or his company decided to take REVENGE ON A FIFTEEN YEAR OLD WHO CLEARLY NEEDS THERAPY!
Extra Stuff
Daredevil might be here and the lawyer, so that's great. That’s canon, but I don’t know about the other shows. Though, I don't believe Agents of Shields is anymore. please correct me if I am wrong. 
All three spider man appear. Yes, this is a live action version of spider verse. Nothing will beat the one with Miles Morales. 
Dr. Strange being done with everything and just causing the multiverse is exactly the amount of I don't care I want to have, but can’t. I have too much anxiety. 
As for timeline... Going off a hunch, but I think Loki, Wanda, and Dr. Strange caused the multiverse at the same time. Which doesn’t surprise me too much. That would explain why all three will appear in Dr. Strange 2. I believe this will take place during Shang Chi cuz Wong left which.... you’re the only one with braincells! This is bad! Do not leave! As for Falcon and Winter Soldier, I have no idea at this point. Hopefully before, but it might be after. 
Ok, I think that’s it. Do you guys like this? I could do this more often if you all like. Feel free to add more stuff in the replies! 
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* Header art by @shadowravin
This month I was fortunate to participate in a massive podfic challenge called @voiceteam​ on Discord, and was a part of Team Orange-You-Glad-I-Saved-This-Braincell.
TEAM BRAINCELL TOP 12 PODFICS (and other audio fanworks)
If you would like to hear the best of our work, you can listen to a highlights reel here.
12. In Which We Properly Sort Water Into It's Hogwart's House, and other Such Things by Team Braincell
Type: Oral not!fic Featuring: @mayonnaisetoffees​, @omg-elledubs-things​, @romansuzume​, @jetainia​, @oakleaffic​, @shadowravin, @sunlightsymphony​, and @fishandchipsandvinegar​ Fandom: Water Ship: Many, Many Things/Water Rating: Explicit Length: 36:21
While this oral not!fic entertains the idea of water having its own fandom, it did birth all of our “Water Fandom” content on AO3. It seems cracky, but this not!fic is actually a really funny listen if you’re looking to kill a bit of time. And we think the Water Fandom is really going to take off. Even if we have to single handedly do it:
11. The Influences of Ourselves by @jetainia​
Type: Podfic Read By: @jetainia​ Fandom: Water and Harry Potter Crossover Ship: The Black Lake/The Giant Squid Rating: Mature Length: 2:00
This requires some context of the “Water Fandom” mentioned above as it is one of the fanworks created for it. It’s the story of The Black Lake and the Giant Squid and is actually really beautiful.
10. What Do You Do As A Fallen Angel by @fishandchipsandvinegar​, @thegay-uillotine​, and @oakleaffic​
Type: Filk Sung By: Team Braincell, and various Voiceteam contributors Fandom: Good Omens Ship: Aziraphale/Crowley Rating: Teen Length: 8:02
It’s Crowley’s adventures sung to the tune of Drunken Sailor. What’s not to love? Alright, so it’s a little all over, but it just adds to the genuineness of it being a folk song. Brace yourself for the “Hail The Great Beasts.”
9. A Mice Day by @doublel27​
Type: Podfic Read By: @sunlightsymphony​ Fandom: Schitt’s Creek Ship: Patrick/David Rating: General Length: 9:32
I don’t know if it’s just that @sunlightsymphony​ has the perfect voice for fluff or what? But something about this keeps me coming back. It’s cute and light and silly and overall, a good listen.
8. Dumbass (With Love) by @anxiousoddish​
Type: Podfic Read By: @mayonnaisetoffees​ Fandom: Team StarKid Ship: Paul Matthews/Emma Perkins Rating: Teen Length: 18:03
I’m not even in this fandom and I’ve listened to this more times than I care to admit. Despite this actually being a somewhat serious fic, @mayonnaisetoffees​ keeps this light and funny all the way through. It carries, even if you aren’t in the fandom.
7. If The Heavens Ever Did Speak by @captaingondolin​
Type: Podfic Read By: @captaingondolin​ Fandom: Shakespeare RPF and Historical RPF Ship: Shakespeare/Marlowe Rating: Teen Length: 12:53
Yes I’ve also listened to this more times than I care to admit. This podfic is singlehandedly dragging me into the Shakespeare/Marlowe ship, and yes, there’s exactly as many dick jokes as you’d expect.
6. How The Thought of You Does Things to Me by @romansuzume​
Type: Podfic Read By: @romansuzume​ Fandom: Marvellous Mrs. Maisel Ship: Lenny Bruce/Miriam "Midge" Maisel Rating: Teen Length: 19:14
This isn’t the ship I think I’d pick from the show, but I’m here for any Mrs. Maisel content. Gingermaggie’s write and read is the balance of levity and gravity that encompasses Mrs. Maisel.
5. Stories That I Used to Know by @omg-elledubs-things​
Type: Filk Sung By: @omg-elledubs-things​ Fandom: Archive of Our Own Ship: None Rating: General Length: 4:03
Okay, this is just still stuck in my head and I feel a little called out. It’s a lot of fun and the recording is great!
4. Bang by @stars-inthe-sky​
Type: Podfic Read By: @liquidlyrium and @shadowravin Fandom: MCU Ship: Natasha/Bucky Rating: General Length: 2:27
Ravin and Liquid Lyrium’s performances of this are so perfect, it feels like more than a podfic. It will have you laughing from start to finish.
3. I AM GROOT by sherlocksmyth on AO3
Type: Podfic? (Read: Abomination) Created By: @mayonnaisetoffees​ and @fishandchipsandvinegar​ Fandom: Guardians of the Galaxy Ship: Just Groot Rating: Explicit (but it’s safe for work, we promise) Length: 11:45
Ah yes, the thing that sent us down the road to madness. This is ridiculous and will make you laugh. It’s an “explicit” Groot fic, but I promise it is safe for work.
It’s what happens when you decide you can make a podfic using only clips from songs and videos of Vin Diesel reading his lines.
2. The Devil’s Cut/The Angel’s Share by @racketghost
Type: Podfic Read By: @liquidlyrium Fandom: Good Omens Ship: Aziraphale/Crowley Rating: Explicit Length: 40:00
Liquid Lyrium put their heart and soul into this and it shows. The read is breathtaking and the pacing is perfect.
1. The Great Miserables Bake Off by @kjack89
Type: Podfic Read By: @oakleaffic, @sammysidle, @christchex, @thegay-uillotine, @jetainia, @fishandchipsandvinegar, @mayonnaisetoffees, @rindle, @sunlightsymphony, @shadowravin, @captaingondolin Fandom: Les Miserables Ship: Enjolras/Grantaire, Combeferre/Courfeyrac, Cosette/Marius Rating: General Length: 52:02
This is I think the biggest multivoice production I’ve ever listened to. It was incredible that we were able to get all of the voices and the script style made it all come together just like an actual episode of Bake Off, complete with dramatic music.
Everyone did an incredible job, but things to listen for: @mayonnaisetoffees and @jetainia as Enjolras and Grantaire played perfectly off of each other despite the fact that they were recording in completely opposite time zones.
@sunlightsymphony nailed Marius’ constant state of worry, and @oakleaffic nailed the perfect balance to all our drama with a well-rounded narration role.
It was one of the first things we all did together but I think it also stands out as maybe our best project. So it gets the #1 slot.
Thanks for Listening!
(you can see the rest of Team Braincell’s Podfics here)
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imaghostwriter · 5 years
11 questions tag
i was tagged by the wonderful @ccwritesstuff. thank you, honey!
i’m answering these for my wip “the narrow aisle”
1: What are your character’s alignments?
daniel aka danny: lawful good, shifting to neutral good
james: chaotic good
ross: chaotic neutral
sharon: neutral good
colleen: chaotic evil
2: Which of your characters would you say are chaotic dumbasses?
i think it’s safe to say that if daniel, sharon and james weren’t there to interfere, colleen and ross would have already died. probably because they dared each other to drink bleach and neither of them wanted to chicken out
3: What kind of characters do you like writing?
complete chatterboxes are fun for writing dialogue bc they get me into a writing flow real quick and also drive my word count through the roof which makes me feel productive lol.
but in general i enjoy writing soft heroes and snarky sidekicks and the only way to take them from me would be to rob them from my cold, dead hands
4: Who’s the most likely character to fall for the Nigerian Prince scam and lose all their money?
danny, hands down. he has a soft heart and, contrary to popular believe, only one braincell to keep him alive and that is preoccupied with being anxious about everything 
5: Which of your characters would burn the kitchen while cooking?
colleen and ross bc they would sabotage each other on purpose. daniel cause he has never cooked a single thing in his entire life
6: What are some of the places in your world your characters often hang out at/in?
there isn’t actually a single scene in which all my main ocs come together but the original trio hung out a lot in rick’s diner, which serves excellent milkshakes. and if colleen could convince them (which she always could), they would go out to dance on the weekends. james and daniel like to walk around the neighbourhood and do some quality stargazing on their favourite hill. colleen and ross are just always out and about and usually in opposite corners of the town
7: Which one of your characters is most likey to pet every dog they see?
sharon and daniel. especially danny tho. he really misses spinach (his old dog)
8: Which one of your characters is most likely to lead a coup d'etat against their government?
ross. which is, coincidentally, exactly what he does
9: What would your characters do if they got lost in the woods?
daniel: freak out. then curl up in a ball and cry.
james: keep on walking until he found water and then follow the water until he reached civilisation. he doesn’t really know anything about living in the woods but he’s a quick learner and would be able to provide for himself if he got lost for several days or even weeks
ross: keep on walking. complain the whole time. probably die bc he pissed off a bear
sharon: sweet, sweet, innocent sharon. not able to survive in any woods but lucky for her, her family, friends and probably the president himself have already sent out the search troops
colleen: would not go into the woods unless ross double-dared her and called her a chicken. too spiteful to die. would probably wrestle the bear that would have killed ross and feast on that until she found a way out. would then proceed on killing ross for double-daring her
10: Which one of your characters is most likely to get kidnapped by the fae?
sharon. she is gullible and trusting. also maybe colleen? but i’m not sure if it counts if it’s technically the fae getting kidnapped...
11: Where would your characters go to relax?
daniel: outside, taking a walk
james: either solving jigsaw puzzles with his bubbe (her eye sight is really bad so he basically solves them by himself but she’s content just having him around) or also outside, climbing up a hill to enjoy the view or doing stargazing
ross: has never heard of relaxing and doesn’t want anything to do with it
sharon: at home with a good book or in a café
colleen: swimming in her parents’ pool or hanging out with danny
that was fun! alright, now my questions:
imagine your characters are in a horror movie. who would die first? who would survive? who would suggest to split up?
who is “i would do anything for you” and who is “then perish”?
most likely to have collected insects at one point or another?
If your characters were fanfiction, which setting would they be? (coffee shop au, royalty au, canon...?)
what comes first when you think of a new wip? characters? setting? aesthetic?
what are your character’s hidden talents? can anyone sing? toast bread perfectly every time? fold spread sheets correctly?
name one guilty pleasure of each of your characters
best dressed?
are any of your characters part of the lgbtq+ community? if so, who?
rate your characters from “total loner” to “i will adopt everyone, don’t test me”
play fuck/marry/kill with your own characters (or from the pov of one of your ocs)
taggin: @blueinkblot, @quilloftheclouds, @dcdarrells, @marlettwrites, @marvel-and-writing, @storyteller-kaelo, @shamelesslypoetic, @anxious-author76, @littleashfairy, @ownworldresident, @livingdeadwriteblr
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