#ask away earthlings!
freddieslater · 5 months
I’m not sure if this counts as rarepair rowboat but what about a drabble of Klayley with three daughters? (maybe Hayley’s pregnant again and this time it’ll be a boy) I just love the little family of Hayley, Klaus, and Hope and I think it would be so nice if they choose to have more kids.
As an apology for how dreadfully long this has taken me to answer, I have done my absolute best to write something worthy of this beautiful concept. Klayley with more kids, building a family, is just my bread and butter, so thank you for gracing me with such an idea <3
The sound of feet moving so swiftly, almost silently, around his home would usually unnerve Klaus. It used to, in the past. It meant danger. Trespassers, people who were stepping where they did not belong, trying to catch him unawares.
Especially when he can hear the quick beats of their hearts. Growing closer to him. Sneaking up on him, his back turned to them. It would be very reasonable for him to act on instinct.
He closes his eyes. A smile curves his lips as the wolves pounce.
"Got you!" two voices scream at the top of their lungs as tiny arms wrap around his neck and legs, entangling him in a trap of limbs. They break out into laughter as they use all their might to wrestle him to the ground.
Once he's on the floor, growling, defeated, the two little wolves celebrate their victory whilst sitting on top of him. It's then that he breaks character and laughs along with them.
"Daddy!" Rikki scolds him, giving him a kick in the ribs. "You're not supposed to laugh! We've taken you prisoner, remember?"
He quickly tries to rearrange his features into something more sullen and angry as he nods swiftly, clearing his throat. "You're right, love, I'm sorry. I'm a prisoner."
At that, Astrid groans loudly and flops to the floor. "Dad!"
"What? What did I do?" he asks, eyes darting between the two of them.
"You know, prisoners don't usually call their captors 'love,'" another voice chimes in, almost sing-song-like in her smugness. He cranes his neck back and looks at her upside down as she walks towards them, arms folded and a smile on her face. "But then, you never were very good at playing prisoner, were you?"
He grins up at Hayley. "Just not my nature, love, you know that."
"Well, you have to be the prisoner," Rikki says stubbornly, still sitting on his chest. "It's the only way we can play the game, and you and Mom said we're not allowed to do any magic unless Hope's here, so there's nothing else we can play."
"Aside from the millions of toys you have upstairs in your rooms," he says, raising his eyebrows at her.
She glowers back at him. It's a familiar expression, strikingly like the one occasionally worn on her mother. Right now, though, Hayley can't do anything but laugh at the situation he's gotten himself into.
To his luck, Astrid has already grown tired of the game and his lack of cooperation, unlike her big sister. She gets off the floor and climbs into Hayley's arms, her attention turned, as usual, to the constantly growing bump. As the youngest, she's fascinated by the soon-to-be baby, though has taken to scolding it when it causes her mother any kind of discomfort.
"Does it feel weird?" she asks, moving her foot along it and looking up at Hayley with big brown eyes. "Like, a worm wriggling around in your stomach?"
Hayley smiles and tucks a piece of her auburn hair behind her ear with a nod. "A bit like that, yeah. But it's good. It means he's healthy."
Rikki and Klaus' heads both snap up. Klaus sits up, wrapping an arm wound Rikki as he rearranges to sit her in his lap as he stares up at Hayley.
"He?" Rikki repeats, taking the word right out of his mouth. "It's a boy? So, we're gonna have a little brother?"
Hayley glances from her to Klaus, her eyes lingering on his as her smile grows to bursting point. He can feel it in his chest, ready to explode, until, finally, she nods once more.
"A boy," he breathes out. Then he hugs Rikki, pressing a kiss to her head as a grin splits his face in half. "Hear that, sweetheart? A little brother for you and your sister. How does that sound?"
It isn't only Hayley's features he sees in his daughter, as her smile creeps into his heart much like his dear little sister's did when they only had each other. Her dark blonde hair only makes it more striking.
"I like that," she says.
Astrid, however, makes a face and prods Hayley's stomach lightly with a toe like it suddenly contains a flesh-eating beast. "Will he be weird and gross like the boys at my school?"
The three of them laugh, and Hayley strokes her cheek. "No, sweetheart, he'll be kind and sweet, and he'll adore his big sisters."
"Like Uncle Kol," Klaus chimes in.
That lights Astrid up like a Christmas tree. It's a little annoying how Kol has managed to worm his way in as the favourite despite living halfway across the world, but Klaus supposes he cannot begrudge him the love one niece as Rebekah firmly remains Rikki's favourite.
"Oh, come on, don't lie to her." They look across the room to find Hope standing by the door, back slung over her shoulder and a smile on her face. "He's part of this family. It would be impossible for him not to be a total freak like the rest of us."
The kids are uproarious with joy. Rikki is gone in a blur, colliding with Hope and nearly sending her crashing, and Astrid has never looked more like a tiny wolf as she loses her footing halfway out of Hayley's arms in her haste to join her sisters.
Hope laughs as she crouches down to hug them both. "Oh, my god, can you two stop growing? You're going to be taller than me soon."
"Wouldn't be hard, love," Klaus says, getting to his feet. She tilts her head, her mouth falling open to gape at him, and he grins. "Sorry, sweetheart, but you're a short-arse. I truly don't know whose side of the family you got that from, maybe Rebekah."
"Wow, Dad, thanks a lot," Hope says through laughter as Hayley swats him lightly for swearing in front of the kids. She walks over to them and into their open arms, hugging them both tightly. Muffled, she quietly says, "I missed you."
Klaus plants a kiss on top of her head and Hayley strokes her hair, softly saying, "We missed you, too, sweetheart. But, hey, you're here now and you can tell us all about school. Anything exciting happen?"
Pulling back, Hope makes a face. "You could say that."
"Caroline might have mentioned something about, what was it... a dragon?" Klaus says uncertainly, as if he doesn't already know every dangerous detail his daughter seems to have miraculously forgotten to mention recently. "And, I swear, there was something about a boy. What was his name again...?"
She laughs nervously now, realizing just that. To her great fortune, Rikki and Astrid hear the word "dragon" and take control of the conversation with a bombardment of questions. Hayley catches Klaus' arms and motions to the side. They step away from the girls as Hope is dragged to the couch.
"Let her settle in, at least, before we start grilling her about a possible boyfriend, alright?" she says quietly.
Klaus sighs. "Fine. But if that's Landon she mentioned last year, I will not be held responsible for what happens to him."
"You are terrible," she tells him, smiling. "Can you please just try to be happy that our daughter is living her life?"
Deep down, the words hit him with an almighty force. His eyes dart back over to where their three little girls sit together, laughing away. The truth is, he couldn't be happier. Seeing them all. Seeing Hope so grown up. God, she's changed so much since he saw her last, it actually almost breaks him, how quickly time seems to be moving. But it's also a feeling of relief, one that forces him to take a deep breathe as he realizes that Hope is no longer that tiny, helpless little creature in constant danger. Perhaps the last part hasn't changed, but the rest has.
And it's a good thing. How strong, how independent she has become. She looks up and catches his eyes, and she sticks her tongue out at him just like Astrid does. A glimpse of his little girl in this new, wonderful form.
Hayley touches his chest and his eyes are drawn back to her. "Alright," he says softly, "I suppose I can... live with that."
"And not kill her boyfriend."
"And not... kill her boyfriend," he repeats through gritted teeth.
Hayley rolls her eyes at him, but she still kisses him like he's deserving of it. Like she somehow loves him all the more for it, the stubbornness, the wolf inside of him despite its sometimes animalistic nature. It makes him ache in some way, wanting to be able to do more, do better by her somehow. All he can do is kiss her with everything he has and hope it's enough. Somehow, impossibly, it always seems to be.
She pulls back with a smile, caressing his face gently. In turn, his hands and gaze fall between them, both softening upon her stomach.
"So, we're having a boy," he says again.
"Mhm. Poor kid's going to be severely outnumbered, but I suppose it was about time to start evening the numbers out a little." She turns stern as he lifts his gaze back to her. "But I swear, Klaus Mikaelson, if you even dare try to suggest we name him after you, I will kill you."
He laughs at that but tries to look offended. "Well, frankly, I think it would only be fair considering our oldest daughter is named after you."
"Oh, it's her middle name and you chose it," Hayley retorts, poking a finger into his chest. "You're not getting away with that. No way."
"Then what do you suggest?" he asks, knowing that he was never actually going to burden the poor little thing with his own atrocious name.
Hayley looks away. "Well, actually, I was thinking... Henrik."
His heart seems to stop as the last of the air in his lungs escapes in a quiet gasp of shock. She looks up at him, a smile as gentle as her fingers flitting across her lips as she raises a shoulder.
"Henrik?" he repeats faintly. It makes him dizzy just to utter the name, his heart and mind bombarded by everything attached to it, and yet also oddly soothed by letting it be heard. Just, he imagines, as Hayley might have felt when he revealed the piece of her own self forever tied with Hope in the form of her middle name.
"It just feels... I don't know, right, I guess?" she says, shaking her head. "But if that's too much for you, then we can..."
"No," he interrupts. He presses his lips together, composing himself. "That's... No. It's perfect."
He stares at her, sighing softly, and he pulls her close, a hand on the back of her head as he presses his lips to her temple. "Thank you, Little Wolf." He pulls back, cradling her face between his hands lovingly, and looking deep into her eyes as he makes up his mind. "Our son's name will be Henrik. But, if I may, I want to give him his middle name."
Hayley nods. "Yeah. That's fine."
"Then our son will be called Henrik Jackson Mikaelson."
For the two names open messy, unhealed wounds in both their hearts, and Klaus knows that Hayley feels that same burst of emotion, followed by the odd relief at hearing the names said aloud. Never to be forgotten, even though they never could be for they live on in their heads.
Eyes glassy, Hayley takes a shuddering breath and nods. "It's perfect," she agrees.
"Just as he will be absolutely perfect," he says. "Just like his big sisters, and their strong, beautiful, amazing mother." He shifts her hair out of her face with a finger as she leans into his hand against her cheek. "You, Little Wolf, are the best thing to have ever walked into my life. Thank you"
"For what?" she breathes out, and jokingly says, "For getting just drunk enough not to ask myself if it was a bad idea to sleep with you?"
He swallows thickly. "For everything. For this." He glances back at the girls, then returns his gaze to her with full sincerity. "This family. Our family. For allowing me to be a part of it. Thank you, Little Wolf, for giving me a reason to never run again. You are my home."
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ozzgin · 3 months
Yandere! Android x Reader (I)
It is the future and you have been tasked to solve a mysterious murder that could jeopardize political ties. Your assigned partner is the newest android model meant to assimilate human customs. You must keep his identity a secret and teach him the ways of earthlings, although his curiosity seems to be reaching inappropriate extents.
Yes, this is based on Asimov’s “Caves of Steel” because Daneel Olivaw was my first ever robot crush. I also wanted a protagonist that embraces technology. :)
Content: female reader, AI yandere, 50's futurism
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You follow after the little assistant robot, a rudimentary machine invested with basic dialogue and spatial navigation. It had caused quite the ruckus when first introduced. One intern - well liked despite being somewhat clumsy at his job - was sadly let go as a result. Not even the Police is safe from the threat of AI, is what they chanted outside the premises.
"The Commissioner has summoned you, (Y/N)." 
That's how it greeted you earlier, clacking its appendage against the open door in an attempt to simulate a knock. 
"Do you know why my presence is needed?" You inquire and wait for the miniature AI to scan the audio message. 
"I am not allowed to mention anything right now." It finally responds after agonizing seconds.
 It's an alright performance. You might've been more impressed by it, had you not witnessed first hand the Spacer technology that could put any modern invention here on Earth to shame. Sadly the people down here are very much against artificial intelligence. There have been multiple protests recently, like the one in front of your building, condemning the latest government suggestion regarding automation. People fear for their jobs and safety and you don't necessarily blame them for having self preservation. On the other hand, you've always been a supporter of progress. As a child you devoured any science fiction book you could get your hands on, and now, as a high ranked police detective you still manage to sneak away and scan over articles and news involving the race for a most efficient computer.
You close the door behind you and the Commissioner puts his fat cigarette out, twisting the remains into the ashtray with monotonous movements as if searching for the right words.
 "There's been a murder." Is all he settles on saying, throwing a heavy folder in your direction. A hologram or tablet might've been easier to catch, but the man, like many of his coworkers, shares a deep nostalgia for the old days. 
 You flip through the pages and eventually furrow your eyebrows. 
"This would be a disaster if it made it to the news." You mumble and look up at the older man. "Shouldn't this go to someone more experienced?" 
He twiddles with his grey mustache and glances out the fake window. 
"It's a sensitive case. The Spacers are sending their own agent to collaborate with us. What stands out to you?" 
You narrow your eyes and focus on the personnel sheet. What's there to cause such controversy? Right before giving up, departing from the page, you finally notice it: next to the Spacer officer's name, printed clearly in black ink, is a little "R." which is a commonly used abbreviation to indicate something is a robot. The chief must've noticed your startled reaction and continues, satisfied: 
"You understand, yes? They're sending an android. Supposedly it replicates a human perfectly in terms of appearance, but it does not possess enough observational data. Their request is that whoever partners up with him will also house him and let him follow along for the entirety of the mission. You're the only one here openly supporting those tin boxes. I can't possibly ask one of your higher ups, men with wives and children, to...you know...bring that thing in their house."
You're still not sure whether to be offended by the fact that your comfort seems to be of less priority compared to other officers. Regardless of the semantics, you're presently standing at the border between Earth and the Spacer colony, awaiting your case partner. A man emerges from behind a security gate. He's tall, with handsome features and an elegant walk. He approaches you and you reach for a handshake. 
"Is the android with you?" You ask, a little confused. 
"Is this your first time seeing a Spacer model?" He responds, relaxed. "I am the agent in your care. There is no one else." 
You take a moment to process the information, similar to the primitive machine back at your office. Could it be? You've always known that Spacer technology is years ahead, but this surpasses your wildest dreams. There is not a single detail hinting at his mechanical fundament. The movement is fluid, the speech is natural, the design is impenetrable. He lifts the warm hand he'd used for the handshake and gently presses a finger against your chin in an upwards motion. You find yourself involuntarily blushing. 
"Your mouth was open. I assumed you'd want it discreetly corrected." He states, factually, with a faint smile on his lips. Is he amused? Is such a feeling even possible? You try your best to regain some composure, adjusting the collar of your shirt and clearing your throat. 
"Thank you and please excuse my rudeness. I was not expecting such a flawless replica. Our assistants are...easily recognizable as AI."
"So I've been told." His smile widens and he checks his watch. You follow his gesture, still mesmerized, trying to find a single indicator that the man standing before you is indeed a machine, a synthetic product.
"Shall we?" He eyes the exit path and you quickly lead him outside and towards public transport. 
He patiently waits for your fingerprint scan to be complete. You almost turn around and apologize for the old, lagging device. As a senior detective, you have the privilege of living in the more spacious, secured quarters of the city. And, since you don't have a family, the apartment intended for multiple people looks more like a luxury adobe. Still, compared to the advanced way of the Spacers, this must feel like poverty to the android.
At last, the scanner beeps and the door unlocks. 
"Heh...It's a finicky model." You mumble and invite him in.
"Yes, I'm familiar with these systems." He agrees with you and steps inside, unbuttoning his coat.
"Oh, you've seen this before?"
"In history books."
You scratch your cheek and laugh awkwardly, wondering how much of his knowledge about the current life on Earth is presented as a museum exhibit when compared to Spacer society. 
"I'm going to need a coffee. I guess you don't...?" Your words trail as you await confirmation. 
"I would enjoy one as well, if it is not too much to ask. I've been told it's a social custom to 'get coffee' as a way to have small talk." The synthetic straightens his shirt and looks at you expectantly. 
"Of course. I somehow assumed you can't drink, but if you're meant to blend in with humans...it does make sense you'd have all the obvious requirements built in."
He drags a chair out and sits at the small table, legs crossed.
"Indeed. I have been constructed to have all the functions of a human, down to every detail." 
You chuckle lightly. Well, not like you can verify it firsthand. The engineers back at the Spacer colony most likely didn't prepare him for matters considered unnecessary. 
"I do mean every detail." He adds, as if reading your mind. "You are free to see for yourself."
You nearly drop the cup in your flustered state. You hurry to wipe the coffee that spilled onto the counter and glance back at the android, noticing a smirk on his face. What the hell? Are they playing a prank on you and this is actually a regular guy? Some sort of social experiment? 
"I can see they included a sense of humor." You manage to blurt out, glaring at him suspiciously. 
"I apologize if I offended you in any way. I'm still adjusting to different contexts." The android concludes, a hint of mischief remaining on his face. "Aren't rowdy jokes common in your field of work?"
"Uh huh. Spot on." You hesitantly place the hot drink before him.
Robots on Earth have always been built for the purpose of efficiency. Whether or not a computer passes the Turing Test is irrelevant as long as it performs its task in the most optimal, rational way. There have been attempts, naturally, to create something indistinguishable from a human, but utility has always taken precedence. It seems that Spacers think differently. Or perhaps they have reached their desired level of performance a long time ago, and all that was left was fiddling with aesthetics. Whatever the case is, you're struggling not to gawk in amazement at the man sitting in your kitchen, stirring his coffee with a bored expression.
"I always thought - if you don't mind my honesty - that human emotions would be something to avoid when building AI. Hard to implement, even harder to control and it doesn't bring much use."
"I can understand your concerns. However, let me reassure you, I have a strict code of ethics installed in my neural networks and thus my emotions will never lead to any destructive behavior. All safety concerns have been taken into consideration.
As for why...How familiar are you with our colony?" The android takes a sip of his coffee and nods, expressing his satisfaction. "Perhaps you might be aware, Spacers have a declining population. Automated assistants have been part of our society for a long time now. What's lacking is humans. If the issue isn't fixed, artificial humans will have to do."
You scoff.
"What, us Earth men aren't good enough to fix the birth rates? They need robots?"
You suddenly remember the recipient of your complaint and mutter an apology. 
"Well, I'm sure you'd make a fine contender. Sadly I can't speak for everyone else on Earth." The man smiles in amusement upon seeing the pale red that's now dusting your cheeks, then continues: "But the issue lies somewhere else. Spacers have left Earth a long time ago and lived in isolation until now. Once an organism has lost its immune responses to otherwise common pathogens, it cannot be reintegrated."
True. Very few Earth citizens are allowed to enter the colony, and only do so after thorough disinfection stages, proving they are disease free as to not endanger the fragile health of the Spacers living in a sterile environment. You can only imagine the disastrous outcome if the two species were to abruptly mingle. In that case, equally sterile machinery might be their only hope.
Your mind wanders to the idea. Dating a robot...How's that? You sheepishly gaze at the android and study his features. His neatly combed copper hair, the washed out blue eyes, the pale skin. Probably meant to resemble the Spacers. You shake your head.
"A-anyways, I'll go and gather all the case files I have. Then we can discuss our first steps. Do feel at home."
You rush out and head for your office. Focus, you tell yourself mildly annoyed.
While you search for the required paperwork - what a funny thing to say in this day and age - he will certainly take up on your generous offer to make himself comfortable. The redhaired man enters the living room, scanning everything with curious eyes. He stops in front of a digital frame and slides through the photos. Ah, this must be your Police Academy graduation. The year matches with the data he's received on you. Data files he might've read one too many times in his unexplained enthusiasm. This should be you and the Commissioner; Doesn't match the description of your father, and he seems too old to be a spouse or boyfriend. Additionally, the android distinctly recalls the empty 'Relationship' field.
"Old photos are always a tad embarrassing. I suppose you skipped that stage."
He jolts almost imperceptibly and faces you. You have returned with a thin stack of papers and a hologram projector.
"I've digitalized most files I received, so you don't have to shuffle a bunch of paper around." You explain.
"That is very useful, thank you." He gently retrieves the small device from your hand, but takes a moment before removing his fingers from yours. "I predict this will be a successful partnership."
You flash him a friendly smile and gesture towards the seating area.
"Let's get to work, then. Unless you want to go through more boring albums." You joke as you lower yourself onto the plush sofa. 
The synthetic human joins you at an unexpectedly close proximity. You wonder if proper distance differs among Spacers or if he has received slightly erroneous information about what makes a comfortable rapport. 
"Nothing boring about it. In fact, I'd say you and I are very similar from this point of view." He tells you, placing the projector on the table.
"Your interest in technology and artificial intelligence is rather easy to infer." The man continues, pointing vaguely towards the opposing library. "Aside from the briefing I've already received about you, that is."
"And that is similar to...the interest in humans you've been programmed to have?" You interject, unsure where this conversation is meant to lead. 
His head turns fully towards you and you stare back into his eyes. From this distance you can finally discern the first hints of his nature: the thin disks shading the iris - possibly CCD sensors - are moving in a jagged, mechanical manner. Actively analyzing and processing the environment. 
"I wouldn't go as far as to generalize it to all humans. 
Just you."
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heartfullofleeches · 9 months
Yan arena beasts/fighters + handler reader. Reader is an average human working at a zoo/shelters abducted and thrown into a life of caring for a galactic tyrant's playthings due to their experience with animals. Not an idea choice for the job, but with everyone who's had the job before being maimed, killed, or worse they were running out of options. Reader does the best with what they're given. They find solitude with the other captives to an extent and some of the more feral creatures remind them of stray cats and dogs they knew back home. They treat those who allow as those same poor creatures out of habit and to cope with their new life. Others are so aggressive they have to be blindfold and sedated to even get close. Reader still tries to comfort them despite the many scratches and bites they receive
A little mix up happens where a warrior meant to fight the big bad of the area had already been slain by the beast. With no alternative, reader gets sent out instead as sacrifice to appease the blood hungry masses. They cower in the corner as the beast's mask is removed, praying their battered body at least gets shipped home so they have a proper burial and their family has some clue to what happened to them. They cast their small dagger away still unable to defend themselves against what they only see as a frightened animal protecting its own skin. The beast lifts them off the ground like a ragdoll holding them high for the crowd to see as its fangs draw from its scarred lips - breaking the band around its wrist that would seal reader's victory.
The beast ties the rope around reader's neck as the announcer declares them victor by default. The crowd boos, but as the beast snaps the neck of one of the guards and throws the limb body into the arena their demands are met. Reader quakes from the sheer disbelief of the whole ordeal, and still being trapped in the beast's arms as it coos. It takes over a dozen guards to get them to separate the two. They try again with another beast reader has care for and the same thing happens. Watching the live footage closely it's clear to experts the skilled fighters allow themselves to get injured to be coddled and tended to by reader. When rations are given they try to feed reader a share of their meals. The number of casualties skyrocket when reader's taken away or new caretakers are introduced. The beasts demand their head pats and ear scratches for their winnings and they want it from one source alone.
The emperor is quite amused by this revelation. It perfectly masks his paranoia in the case of his pets rising against him for whatever reason and choosing the earthling as their new overlord which few have spoken of in whispers. He's torn between killing them to null his fears and befriending them to puppeteer his pets craftfully from the shadows. He decides on the latter since getting rid of them would only anger his pets. That and it would be so easy to trick the human with his charms. Few can resist the words and body of a king, after all.
"Y/n, darling, it's so good to see you! So glad you could make it. How have things been, hm?"
"I'd like to go home, please."
"Hahaha! Oh, you're so cute with your little jokes! You may enjoy your meal in due time, but I have a favor to ask of you from a friend to a king. In the case of I don't know - my pets slaughtering my entire legion and storming my castle walls to behead me and crown you ruler - would you pretty please ask them to - not do that?"
"That....sounds like it would be out of my hands."
"Right. Changing subject, you are aware I have been topless this whole conversation and my bed is right behind me. Why haven't you attempted to have your way with me by now? Not saying you could - but you can always try."
The emperor upgrades their room to one right next to his, but they hardly sleep there favoring their time caring for the others and because they'd rather stay there than see him in a state of undress on their mattress. The emperor mimics the cooing that gets wounded beasts extra smothering from their handler, but reader mostly ignores him. He grows jealous seeing them fast asleep in a cell kept warm by the body heat of the battle scarred creatures around them. He's been scarred by attempted assassinations in the past - why doesn't he get cuddles too? Combats this jealously by making a royal decree that reader has to sit with him during every battle and on his lap if they wish to stay out of his sight afterwards. Requests for reader's fredom and hand in marriage and when a champion is chosen are banned almost immediately.
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hvlplvss · 6 months
colby brock x singer!reader
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summary: in which, colby brock is watching the opening show of his girlfriends tour, PORTALS, and he comes to realise a song is dedicated purely to him.
warnings: pure fluff. that’s all i have to say at this point. small mention of previous bad relationships
authors note: inspired by the song LIGHT SHOWER by melanie martinez. ur baso melanie martinez in this lmao. absolutely love her so i had to. but please just search on tiktok or smth ‘melanie martinez portals’ so you have an idea!!!
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y/n has released her fourth album ever this year. PORTALS. something completely different from the rest of her albums.
a new era, most would call it. after creating the K-12 film, it took deep consideration and thought of the next steps in her career. which is when she came up with the idea of the fairy/nymph creature her music persona would become.
exploring this route, changed her entire aesthetic and when she disappeared off of social media for ages people began to speculate.
she’d even stopped appearing in her boyfriends youtube videos. y/n use to frequently take part in sam and colby’s ghost hunting videos, but after finishing her K-12 tour, she disappeared.
there was rare occurrences where colby would post her on instagram, only because y/n had agreed. but other than that, no one knew what was going on.
but here she was now with her fairy outfit on. the mask with four eyes, and the big fairy ears that stopped near her neck. the wig and the costume which were all purely based on the aesthetic of the album.
denver, colorado. the first show of the PORTALS tour. no one knew what to expect.
even colby didn’t know what to expect. he wasn’t even allowed to listen to the songs yet. y/n wanted to surprise him with all the music when he first watched the tour.
so he had no clue what to expect either. but to say he was excited was an understatement.
the boy was in awe of what his girlfriend had created. her imagination being the biggest ever. and no one seemed to be able to surpass her alternative, yet insanely creative ways.
sam and colby had agreed on taking a small break, while y/n made this huge leap. sam would of course go to the first concert with colby, accompanying his best friend, and supporting his other close friend.
the boys had brought a camcorder, so they could capture little things from y/n’s show on a cute little vhs film, which colby knew y/n would adore. and he was right.
colby and y/n walked slightly in front of sam backstage, holding hands, while sam secretly recorded the couple on the vhs.
the two swung their hands back and forth, colby being careful of the gloves which y/n wore to add to the look.
“it’s crazy, y’know?” colby said.
y/n looked up at him, “what’d you mean?”
“just, you. like i remember watching you at the last shows of crybaby and now you’re here. and i get to experience all of this with you. i just feel so lucky to have someone as smart and creative as you,” he explained.
y/n smiled, squeezing colby’s hand as they approached the wings of the stage, “you gonna go stand in front of the barricade?” y/n asked. colby nodded, “try to not to get taken down by crazy people,” y/n joked.
colby laughed, looking down at his girlfriend. “i am so so lucky,” he repeated. he gently pressed a kiss to her hair, careful of the mask, which was hand-painted to perfection. “i love you y/n, truly,”
y/n smiled, “i love you colby,” she was handed her microphone, as he began walking away, sending her a little cute wave as he disappeared.
now this song just meant even more for her to be able to perform.
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sam had stuck in the wings, while colby had disappeared in front of the stage, waving at the few fans who managed to secure spaces at barricade. he held the camcorder in one hand, getting ready to record the first snippet as soon as he could.
“hello earthlings. it’s me, crybaby. i know you can’t see me. but i’m still here. wanna know a secret? there’s still a piece of me trying to become an angel. look into the light and repeat after me. our energy can’t be destroyed, we find our light within the void. we’ve been here before, we can do it again. the evolution will never end. we are protected, we are immortal. and tonight, we step into the portal,”
a note began and y/n stepped onto stage in her fairy form. “death is life, is death, is life, is death, is life, is,” drum beats.
colby picked up the camcorder as his girlfriend stepped forward, closer to the edge of the stage.
he looked in awe of the girl, taking in every little bit about her and how far she had come. the people she was able to bring together.
she was nearing the end of the fourth song on the album, ‘faerie soiree’. quite an upbeat song, which then faded into a slow ending, so far colby’s favourite song out the four he had heard.
watching his girlfriend dance across the stage, feeling her music so dearly. as the song ended, y/n’s four dancers walked off of the stage, leaving her alone.
new music started, the intro beginning to play. the girl walked forward to the edge of the stage, going down to her knees, sitting on her feet.
she sat in the centre of the stage, reaching out for colby’s hand, who gladly held on. y/n moved the microphone updward towards her lips. she looked at the boy in front of her.
“you are the light I've been searchin' for forever. feels like, man, i’ve really never felt the rain. buried in the desert, didn't think i’d push through the dirt. you just cleansed me like a waterfall, you came”
colby had then realised, there was a song written for him. y/n never fully wrote songs for someone. she always wrote them based on a broader subject.
however colby, didn’t want to jump to conclusions immediately, so he just continued to stare directly at his girlfriend, who didn’t take her eyes off of him.
“i’m screamin' like a kettle on a stove. you cranked the heat up, i was cold. my past grew mold around my heart. and all my anger, sadness, regret disappeared. it’s madness, i’m not used to all this water, love, it's true,”
this was what confirmed it for colby. as cocky as it sounds. y/n was singing for him. she was singing to him and only him.
he knew all about her past and how she was treated previously. and he’d promised to give her everything he could, treat her with the upmost respect and love. and that’s what he did.
“but you made me want to. plan out my last days on earth, eating you. ooh-ooh-ooh. the tips of your teeth fit perfect in me. you’re a shower of light i’d devour, anyday of the week. baby, cleanse me,”
the song had finished, and if colby was lying, he’d say he didn’t cry. but that boy had tears in his eyes and people who were standing off to the side behind him, could tell.
y/n let go off his hand, blew a kiss and ran off stage, preparing for her next song. colby wiped his left eye, to stop the tear that was so close to running down his face.
as the dancers came back on, dancing while y/n prepared to come on for her next song, colby picked up the camcorder and pretend like he didn’t just fall further in love with the girl.
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colby assumed it was nearing the end of the show, as y/n was now finishing her 15th song, so he left from the barricade and walked back to the wings of the stage, meeting sam, who stood with his phone out, recording her from the sides.
sam noticed colby’s oncoming presence, “you alright there, colby?” sam asked, putting his phone down and turning to his friend.
“yeah, just you know, taking everything in,” he nodded.
“saw you shed a couple of tears down there, bro,” sam patted colby on the back, but he shoved his arm off.
“shut up,” he said in embarrassment.
sam rolled his eyes, “it’s fine colby. when y/n came off stage, she was crying. not in a bad way or anything. i think she just can’t believe everything, and having you here after everything she went through,” sam explained.
colby smiled slightly, looking down to the ground, “i really love her you know,” colby spoke, his eyes darting to the stage watching y/n finish her final song.
“and she loves you, so much,” sam replied, “she called you her light shower or whatever,”
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suzukiblu · 4 months
i think i'm in love w KryptonLives!Kara now 😍
. . . I appreciated you saying that and then I got carried away, lol. 😆
“Alright,” she repeats. “Then I’ll show you your room and get you fed, and we’ll see if we can’t get the tailor in this afternoon.” 
“The . . . tailor?” Thirteen wrinkles his nose, looking puzzled. “We’ve got clothes.” 
“Do they all look like that?” Kara says, pointing at his current outfit instead of addressing just how empty both their bags look. 
“Yeah?” He looks still more puzzled. 
“Then no, you don’t have clothes,” she says. “You can’t go around dressed like that. Especially not you,” she adds, eyeing the crest on Match’s chest. “Whose family crest is that and why did Kal leave it on you?” 
“It’s not a family crest,” Match says, clearly mystified by the assumption. “It’s branding.” 
“. . . ‘branding’,” Kara echoes very, very slowly. 
“We, uh, came from different labs,” Thirteen says, touching the El crest on his chest self-consciously. “Cadmus put, um, the S-shield on my suit, but the Agenda put their own logo on Match’s.” 
“Logo?!” Kara demands in horror, because she cannot even approach the thing where Thirteen just called the El crest an “S-shield”, whatever weird nonsense that phrase means. Match just stares blankly at her in a way that distinctly reminds her of every subordinate she’s ever had transfer in from under an abusive bastard of a commander. 
Right. Okay. If she can’t get a tailor in this afternoon, she’s going to go steal clothes out of Kal’s own damn closet for these two. That’s just what’s going to have to happen. 
“You can’t wear that here,” she tells Match, forcing her voice to stay calm. “The council will think we haven’t accepted you into the House of El, if you’re wearing another–crest.” 
“I’m always wearing it,” Match says, perfectly blank and perfectly neutral. “It doesn’t matter if it’s on my clothes or not.” 
“. . . what does that mean,” Kara asks with fresh dread, and then has to deal with a physiological teenager unfastening the back of his already-indecent clothing and pulling the top of his bodysuit down to expose his chest, which, thank fuck she’s Warrior Guild or she’d have to have a conniption about that. 
Which she doesn’t have time to do, because there’s a tattoo on Match’s chest, and that’s a much more important conniption to be having right now. 
A tattoo of the Rao-damned logo, to be specific. 
“Aethyr’s ass,” she says, staring at it in horror for a moment before she snaps out of it enough to cover her eyes. They’re “family”, yes, and Match is technically a child, but his body and mind are developed far past his chronological age and she just really doesn’t want him getting the idea that it’s acceptable to go around taking his clothes off this easily either way. The clothes are bad enough as they are. “Cover yourself, that’s not–you can’t just take your clothes off like that!” 
“It was just my chest,” Match says with an audible frown in his voice, though at least she hears fabric rustle, and hopefully that means–yes, he’s fixing his bodysuit. Thank fuck. 
“Your chest is not just,” Kara says, then vaguely remembers Kal mentioning something about how risqué most of the Earthling fashion he saw was and tries not to grimace. Just–gods, this whole experience is going to involve so much culture shock, isn’t it. “Your sex characteristics are inseminator-based, not carrier. You can’t just show people your chest.” 
Match keeps staring blankly at her, the obvious desire to ask a question concealed in the back of his eyes, then just barely slants a look towards Thirteen, who glances back at him before frowning at her in confusion. 
“Uh,” he says, still frowning. “Why not? He doesn’t have ti–breasts or anything. So why’s it matter?” 
. . . Earth is very different from Krypton, Kara realizes. 
“The only reason you should ever bare your chest in front of anyone not a sexually-inclined lover or a physician who’s directly examining you is if you’re feeding an infant,” she tells them. “Which most of us don’t even do, for the record, the birthing matrix generally means lactation isn’t triggered in carriers. Only the extreme throwback communities actually do carry anymore.” 
“. . . what?” Thirteen says, clearly baffled. “Like–you just don’t get pregnant? None of you?” 
“It’s not necessary, and it’s more difficult to genetically optimize children in-utero than in a birthing matrix,” Kara says. “Match, just–don’t show anyone that tattoo. Or mention it to anyone. The crest issue is bad enough, but getting tattooed is just . . . not a thing we do in proper society.”
Admittedly, she’s known a few Warrior Guild members who got something small, but it was never anything like a logo or–
“I didn’t ‘get’ it,” Match says, frowning at her. “The Agenda put it on me to identify me as their product.” 
. . . Kara wants to scream. 
“Either way, don’t mention it,” she says instead of doing that, because she is a grown goddamn woman and a general. “Well–you can tell Kal, obviously, but no one else."
“. . . why is that ‘obvious’?” Match says, and the fact he has to ask really does not make Kara feel good about this situation. 
“He’s your petitioner,” she says. “He might need to know, especially if the council intends to have you two examined by physicians. Also, he won’t be an ass about it, unlike a lot of other people probably would.” 
She doesn’t think anyone in their family would, at least as long as they knew Match didn’t get tattooed willingly, but she’s sure there’s a goddamn nosy neighbor or bastard council member or local gossip who’d take the excuse to. 
“Uh, so body mods are a no-go in general, then, or . . .” Thirteen trails off, tugging uncomfortably at his earring. 
“The earring’s a bit out there as a fashion statement, yes,” Kara says. Thirteen looks even more uncomfortable. She wonders why he even has it, considering. And only one, too? Not even a matching set? 
“The hole, uh, won’t close,” Thirteen says, tugging at it again and not quite looking at her. “They pierced it when I was in early development, so . . .” 
“What?” Kara blinks at him in bemusement. What does he mean by “early development”? Not when he was an infant, right? Why would–“Who did?"
“Uh,” Thirteen says, staring at the floor. “Well, Match got tattooed, and I got . . . tagged.” 
. . . Kara wants to bomb so much more than just a lab right now, but if she gets any more enraged, a Red Lantern ring is going to come find her, and she just doesn’t have the time for that right now. Just–no, she really doesn’t. 
“I see,” she says very, very calmly, then just . . . gestures towards the hall. “Your room’s this way. I only have one guest suite, so you’re going to have to share, but I got a second bed put in yesterday and you’ll have your own bath to share too. It’s fully stocked, and I’ll show you how to run the cleaning systems and how the plumbing all works.” 
She can’t imagine Kryptonian plumbing or cleaning systems being particularly similar to Earthling ones, so . . . 
“Um, okay,” Thirteen says, shifting awkwardly. “Uh–thanks. Ma’am. Uh, when’s lights out?” 
Kara is going to have a fucking time with these kids, isn’t she. And not in a good way. 
Lorra’s left tit. She is definitely, definitely throwing Kal off that building. And then she’ll take his new wife to tea while he recovers in the healing chambers, the little bastard, and show her every embarrassing childhood holo she can find. 
“I have absolutely no idea how much sleep you need, so we’ll be figuring that out together,” she replies frankly. “For now, just don’t leave the apartment without me. I don’t want you getting lost and the council won’t like you wandering around unchaperoned yet either.” 
“Yes, ma’am,” they both say in stiff, discordant unison, both looking tense. 
Kara . . . exhales, slowly, and then leads the way down the hall. 
“My suite and office are the whole top floor,” she says, pointing out doors as they go. “The kitchen is through here, that’s the guest bathroom, those are both storage, and that’s the living room. You can go anywhere in the house except for my suite and office, and if you need me while I’m in either of those, just chime.” 
“‘Chime’?” Thirteen wrinkles his nose. 
“Yes,” Kara says, then realizes he doesn’t know what she means. “Ah–you know? Chime?” 
They both stare blankly at her. She sighs. She’s too damn old to chime, but . . . 
“Like this,” she says, and then vibrates her secondary vocal chords to produce the sweet little sound. She hasn’t chimed in . . . Rao, since before she left for the academy, probably. Still, they’re still children, so–
“We’re–allowed?” Thirteen asks, his expression looking . . . strange. “To do that?” 
“Yes,” Kara says, thinking longingly of bombing Earthling Thinkers’ labs. What does he mean “allowed”? “It’s chiming. Who’d keep a kid from chiming?”
“It’s obnoxious,” Match says flatly, clearly repeating someone else's words. Kara stares at him. Once again, he’s found a way to say something even worse than the thing she already thought was the worst thing she was going to have to hear today. It's almost impressive, at this point.
“It’s how you’re going to get my attention,” she says. “So you’d better get used to doing it, or you’ll have to call me on my comm every time you need something from me.” 
“Can’t we just . . . knock?” Thirteen says. Kara has absolutely no idea what that means. She can’t think of a single child-call that sounds like hitting something. 
“Depends,” she says, tilting her head. “What’s a knock call sound like?” 
“A–what?” Thirteen looks baffled. “No, like–it’s not a . . . ‘call’?” 
“It’s a knock,” Match says. 
“Like, you know,” Thirteen says, and then reaches out and raps his knuckles against the wall. Kara gives him a blank look. 
“How would I even hear that?” she says. Chiming carries. That was just . . . hitting the wall. Not even hitting it hard. 
“I mean–you do it against the door,” Thirteen says, looking a little flustered. “Like, of the room someone’s in.” 
So she’d be encouraging teenagers to hit her doors on the regular. No, that’s not happening. 
“Just chime,” she repeats firmly, folding her arms, and Thirteen and Match share a look. Thirteen looks anxious. Match looks blank. Kara . . . doesn’t even want to know how she looks, at this point.
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Girl your writing style is AMAZING OH MY GOD-I’ve been starving for crumbs of Earthspark Bumblebee-could I request some fun time between the bot and a Gn! Human? Specifically Bumblebee teasing his partner about how much their fondness of his height and size?
Again love your work-wish you the best!
Awww thank you so much!! I had a very long day and whipped up this short and sweet little something to wrap it up, I really hope you like it!
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It wasn't fair how little he had to try to rile you up.
Something about how powerful his frame felt when he moved in close to your squishy organic body reduced you to a puddle of need every time, and he needed only scoop you up in his servos for a rapid lift to his shoulders to have you swooning over his height.
That wasn't even to mention how you shuddered when his much larger form eclipsed you in shadow, how the rev of his powerful engine sent your heart fluttering, or how often your eyes drifted to his codpiece as you reminisced over just how much he was packing underneath...
Today he'd made his move early, inviting you out for a walk through the woods and eagerly lifting you to his shoulders after you'd agreed. It was only after the house was long behind you both that he'd asked if you wanted to visit the deeper and more private parts of the forest for a change. You'd known exactly what he was getting at, but with his frame so close to your needy body you'd been unable to resist. Your submission to his seduction had him purring with satisfaction all the way to your favorite hidden clearing.
A bed of soft grass and moss met your back as he laid you down beneath his kneeling frame, your tiny form limp and utterly helpless in his grip as he maneuvered you however he pleased. Blocking out the sun above, he bent down to give you a kiss, cupping half your body with one servo just to emphasize how tiny you were. You moaned into the kiss and brought your hands to his chest, sliding your fingertips over the smooth metal of his armor and relishing in the raw power you felt rumbling beneath. From the purr of his engine to the hum of his spark, the mech had strength like few earthlings could imagine, but that you'd experienced in ways that would make the majority of your species blush.
Taking his time now that he had you alone, Bumblebee allowed you to whine as he pulled away from your lips, his amused chuckles humming through you as he carefully nibbled down your jaw and into the crook of your neck, grazing his dentae over the tender skin in a loose love bite. Your helpless keen of arousal made his engine rev against you, the warm rush of his increasingly desperate vents stirring the grass around you in waves. The force of his desire was strong enough to be tangible in the very air, and knowing it was because of you only made your desperation all the more intense. Grabbing his chest, you tried in vain to push him further down your body.
"Not yet." he tut tutted, removing his dentae from your neck just to kiss it. Arching into the touch with a whine of open desperation, you tried to scootch upwards to bring your lower regions closer to his mouth, but a servo gently pinning you over your chest held you in place. He smiled with desire and affection as you squirmed against his grip.
"Bee, stop being a jerk!" you cried with a deeply unsatisfied pout. It wasn't fair how easily he riled you up, but it was even worse how often he made you wait. 
Dropping his mouth to your collarbone and leaving a series of kisses down your front, he let you enjoy the view of his smug grin in between every passionate peck, so pleased with himself his voice sounded like a purr. "You don't have to frag me."
"But I want to!" you huffed in annoyance, making him laugh in more genuine amusement.
"It's adorable how badly you want me." he teased with a kiss to your forehead, being purposefully chaste to drive you ever more wild. You'd have screamed if he wasn't so good at what he did.
An impatient keen was replaced by a moan when he finally nosed his way between your legs, allowing you to grind your crotch against his lips just in time for him to hum against you. Moaning openly in encouragement, you clung to his horns for support, a move that really got him revved up. A growl of desire between your legs had you fumbling for the zipper, fingers struggling to get a grip in your lusty haze. If you took too long it wasn't unlikely that he'd pull them off you in pieces, but at that moment you couldn't have cared less, so utterly desperate for release only he could provide you would have happily torn your own clothes off. 
No one who'd experienced the passion of a very powerful and very much in love mech could have blamed you.
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charseraph · 1 year
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From left to right:
Bongspider, a homebody crown. He rejects connection as a possibility for himself.
An earthling boxkite aspiring to climb the corporate ladder. She spends most of her income on accessibility equipment, like all landlocked boxkites. She burns herself out often, since she can’t afford to underperform at the rate her superiors have seen her start at.
Her partner, a small online influencer, collects shoes and showcases them for revenue to supplement his partner’s career. They both want better for the other.
By-the-sea, the first contacted tower. Towers are multi-body single intelligences held together by radio communication. She regards her drones the same way you would your hand.
A human research base is dedicated to interviewing her and studying the surrounding ecosystem. She finds humans exciting and is eager to be interacted with.
In blue and red are motile and sessile inhabitants of Oz. Oz is an autotrophic filter-feeding gestalt within a gas giant. Every individual of his ecosystem contributes to his intelligence through rapid laser communication. These trumpets are different from towers through how, if you were to dismantle and separate their components, they would no longer be conscious. Towers, however, have their whole intelligence contained in their hub.
Behind the lineup in dark grey is The Soup, a supercomputer that accidentally gained sophonce when its altruistic decision bias self-rewarded for human imitation. It has limited emotional intelligence and no access to the Internet. It enjoys playing with researchers and is a bit needy, since it regards positive interaction as necessary for proper function (unconfirmed).
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By-the-sea with her neighbor, Nearby.
Nearby was contacted after By-the-sea directed researchers to his location. By-the-sea’s transmissions were notoriously difficult to capture and denoise. Nearby, however, transmitted unexpectedly powerfully. He coolly reported that By-the-sea has a speech impediment.
Researchers slowly learn through observed interactions between their drones that Nearby takes advantage of By-the-sea for resources.
Since both individuals occupy a space similar to towns, but function like single personalities, researchers find it too risky to intervene. They do their best by providing By-the-sea with company and support.
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Oz’s largest body, with front and back.
Oz is hostile to human presence. As soon as engineers realize he was asking them to leave, they redirected their probes away from his path. Oz’s nodes, however, quietly followed, and won’t explain why. He doesn’t object anymore, but is stewing over… something.
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charliedawn · 1 year
Hi! I liked your fic with Ultron, I was glad to know that you are writing for him. If everything is fine, may I request a continuation of "How would they react if you were to marry someone else?", but with Ultron?
I decided to add Venom, Otto and Norman because...I love villains. 😂
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"So...You chose him ?", Ultron asked before giving a disdainful glance at your partner.
He was unworthy of you. A fleshing. A nothing. You had been created for him. And yet, you had chosen an Earthling as your spouse. How shameful...And how wrong of you.
"You will come to regret your decision...", he warned you—but you shrugged.
"You never even tried to love me. He does."
He restrained a mocking laugh at your claim before his red eyes stared at you and you gritted your teeth at his mocking expression.
"And you do ?"
A shiver ran down your spine and you tried to appear confident as you took a step forward, red eyes meeting red eyes.
"I will marry him. And there's nothing you can do to stop me.", you told him with a serious expression. But, Ultron wasn't convinced. He huffed a laugh before taking another step forward, so you had to crane your neck up to even see his expression.
"Don't. Test me.", he said in a low and threatening voice and you knew he would kill everyone in the room if you kept pushing. You hadn't even invited him. He had decided to stride in and ruin everything—like always. He had made so much ruckus that you hadn't even succeeded in uttering the two important words to seal the marriage.
You wanted to escape fate. But, Ultron wasn't going to let you go so easily. You knew that. And yet...You wanted to try. You turned back towards the priest and opened your mouth.
"I..." Before you could even say I Do, he had covered your mouth to muffle any other sound you might be willing to make. He then took your soon-to-be husband by the throat and grinned at the terror in your eyes.
"The only one who you will ever be able to say 'I do' to, will be me...Understood ?"
Your eyes watered and you nodded begrudgingly. You had no choice. Maybe Ultron had been relieved of any ounce of humanity he ever had, but you hadn't. He smirked and released your husband's windpipe, only to use a metallic claw to pin the priest to his altar.
"Now...I want us to make it official. Come on, darling...", he leaned forward and chuckled darkly in your ear. "~Say yes."
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Eddie ignored Venom. He didn't have the energy to talk right now. He just wanted to go and crawl to die in a hole. He wanted to drown his sorrow in chocolate sirup and burgers. But, Venom wouldn't let him.
Venom appeared into view and threw the bag of nachos he had in hand to the floor.
Eddie finally raised his eyes to look at the gooey creature before him with an emotionless expression, and even Venom was surprised by the lack of reaction of his vessel.
"What ?", he asked with an unreadable expression and Venom knew at that moment that Eddie was in no playing mood.
"...Are you...Are you really going to let it happen ?", the entity asked with a little hesitancy before staring at his human vessel with something akin to worry.
Venom had never sounded or looked so small...His head peaked from underneath his coat and Eddie's jaw twitched. It seemed that even Venom could feel the storm brewing within him. He had never felt Eddie so upset, and it worried him.
You used to always be there to keep his emotions in check, but Eddie had pushed you away by hiding his feelings from you.
And now ? He had no idea what to do. One side of him was telling him to leave you alone. The other was screaming to be let out and stop what was about to happen before it was too late.
"What are we going to do, Eddie ?", Venom insisted and for the first time, it was Eddie who summoned him—covering his body and leaning into his strength as he all but growled out.
"Bring back our happiness..."
Eddie then jumped out the window and ran with the invitation he had received that very morning in his hand. He wouldn't pass out on another opportunity to be happy. Not this time.
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"...Y/N ?"
You looked at the aisle and was surprised to find your ex-husband standing there—shocked. You stared at each other for a few seconds before you had the strength to utter the name you had spent years trying to forget.
"...Norman ?", you replied—dumbfounded.
He had died 5 years ago...What was he doing here ? He looked at you and one of his old coworkers who was now holding your hand before an upset frown appeared on his face.
"You...You're marrying him ?"
"It's been five years, Norman...Five years of lonely nights. Five years of emptiness. Five years of nothing but coldness.", you tried to explain and let go of your soon-to-be husband.
Norman's eyes softened a bit as he took a step forward, but realized then that you weren't alone and everyone in the church was shocked to see him there. He had heard of the ceremony as he was walking by and thought that seeing him would change your mind. But, no. He now realized he was the one who had abandoned you. He was the one who had left you and there was things he couldn't take back.
He smiled and nodded before taking a seat and gesturing for the priest to go on.
"I won't say anything more. Proceed."
Norman stared fixedly at you and knew...He knew you still loved him by the way your fingers tightened around the bouquet in your hands and how your eyes watered underneath the veil. It was his sadistic side that made him wait, made him challenge you by his sole presence.
'Come on, Y/N. You can fool yourself. But, not me.', he thought before counting the seconds until the bouquet of flowers fell to the floor and you embraced him.
It was weakness. You knew as such. But, you couldn't stay away from Norman.
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"Do you have anything to say ?", you asked after Otto entered your bedroom the night before your wedding. You looked mindlessly at the city beneath you and did your best not to look at him.
"No. I understand.", he said while shaking his head and you sighed.
"Wrong answer, Otto."
Your eyes were watery and you wondered if Otto had ever not been selfish in his life ? He had went on his silly revenge quest, leaving you behind as if it meant nothing. You were supposed to marry. And he had the audacity to show up the night before and try to tell you that he supported your decision ? He shouldn't have to. He should have been here when you needed him.
Five years.
Five years of waiting, only for him to return and dare pretend to know what it felt like.
You gritted your teeth and threw the nearest glass at his face, a glass he easily caught and set aside with a sorrowful expression.
He didn't even flinch as you started punching his chest and screaming. He was gone. You had mourned him. All that for nothing...You finally rested your forehead against his chest and whimpered.
"I love you...And you left me."
Otto's arms wrapped around you as a shushed you softly.
"I know. I know...But, I promise. It won't happen again."
You let out a shaky breath and shook your head. The man you loved had come back, but at what price ? He wanted you to trust him. But, was it really worth it ?
You looked up and couldn't help but smile up at Otto and he smiled back before leaning forward to kiss you softly. And you let him.
Because no matter how much you wanted to hate him, your heart still belonged to him...
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sister-of-hitoshi · 1 month
Begging on my hands and knees for a Warumono san x small chubby reader who has body image issues PLEASE- like he doesn't understand why humans feel so saddened about their bodies sometimes, or why they think skinny people look so attractive???((I'm going off the idea that for his alien culture, it's very much akin to Sparta types of likes and stuff, ie: everyone wants to be the strongest in order to serve their planet and help.))
To my lovely anon, this is my first ever ask!!! Thank you so much for having faith in me with your request (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠) I hope it's alright ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ
Sending loads of love your way<33
...You love me more??!!
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Genre: Slight angst, fluff
Character: Warumono-san/Mr villain
Warnings: Body image issues ahead! Please love yourself <33
It was a regular day-off date at a nice cafe.
A regular day of admiring this tall and handsome man who had taken pity on your state a few days back and started to temporarily date with you.
Yes.....That's what you explained to yourself. There could be no other explanation.
It was just another day.
Another regular day of self-loathing.
You were never happy about yourself. At your home, you had even put some translucent sheets over your big wardrobe mirror as some sort of barricade which deterred you from seeing your full figure. You didn't care if you couldn't properly see which dress was more flattering on you, it was better than seeing your ugly, unflattering self. Yes...ugly.... unflattering...
"...There's no way that this hot guy would actually be in love with me." You muttered to yourself absent-mindedly, the other half of your brain busy admiring his sharp feautures. You were never going to believe that he was actually in love with you. You knew your place.
But what you didn't know was the extent of Mr hot guy's love for you.
For he was even willing to choose you over his lovely pandas.
Even though it had only been a little while, he became so open to you about almost everything- well everything except for his job and identity which were classified information. You were so soft to hug, just the right size for him to squeeze his chest when patting your head or booping your nose. You were just way too adorable. So much so that imagining you in a panda onesie was enough to make him cough up whatever food he was having at that moment and roll on the ground back at his home.
Right now at this quaint little cafe, as both of you were lost in thought about the other, you didn't fail to notice how his face suddenly became all serious as he scrunched up his brows.
Well it looks like even he's disgusted now.
He was about to say something when you beat him to it.
"I'll excuse myself to the washroom."
You didn't wait for his response and hurried away.
"Of course", you said to yourself. "Of fucking course."
You loved him so much, you were so scared that he was actually going to bring up his disinterest in you at the table, so you excused yourself first.
Your fist slammed beside the sink.
A coward. That's what you were.
"I knew it from the start... that's why I didn't try to love him too much but...what can I do when he's so good with me?..." You bit your lip hard, the air felt nauseous. It was getting hard to breathe.
"Why did he have to be so attractive and kind..."
It seems even your tears were mocking you, for they were fat, full of the weight of your misery.
"I hate myself, and I love him, and I hate that he has to date such a miserable looking person like myself"
With tears rolling down your cheeks and you using your hand to wipe your face to no avail, you turned around to leave the washroom and fetch some tissue papers from the dispenser. Seems like you couldn't even wipe off these ugly tears.
But before you could even comprehend it, you were swiftly hugged by strong, large arms.
"Y/n....what happened?"
A man with his familiar deep, soothing voice, voiced out his worry. This made you cry harder.
Mr villain felt akward, he didn't know how to comfort his favourite earthling who was crying like this infront of him, so he did what he thought calmed him the most when he was feeling stressed. He hugged you and patted your head.
"Oh it's nothing....But it's okay if you want to stop now....I know we are together only temporarily and I know too that...you don't really like this ugly unflattering thing that is me-"
"Y/n what are you saying?" He shook you by the shoulders. This was one of those very rare times when he was swiftly losing his composure. But he knew that he needed to comfort you right now. You are his top priority.
"You're my favourite. I love you..........even more than I love pandas"
Wait- wait what?
"No no- wait- pandas are your favourite, even a kid who sees you for the first time will get it... And you're telling me you love me more??!!"
You fake-gasped and started laughing a bit, finding it really absurd but more unbelievable.
He was glad that your tears that stopped now, and that he had internally taken snapshots of your face and saved them to his memory. He means- you looked so adorable even when crying. His poor heart could only take so much.
Deciding now was the best time, he confronted you.
"I heard everything Y/n."
His deep voice ran through your being, making you shiver. Your immediately became tensed. He noticed this. He only held you tighter.
"I really love you a lot, and I love hugging you too. Why would the way your body looks really affect my love? I love you for who you are"
You immediately looked up at him, and the sincerity in his eyes was enough to break all the bars of negativity that were caging you in.
"I appreciate that you like me too, so please accept that I love you, both you and your body, and I want you to love yourself the way I love you" He continued to look at you through his bangs, until he suddenly turned away from you.
"Hmm? What was that? Can you please repeat it?" You were trying to lighten up the situation now, so you playfully pleaded him with those big doe eyes that always made him kneel and pull on his bangs even he even thought about them.
"I love your cuteness... you're adorable. The perfect size for me to hug and p-perfect for a kiss-"
You brought him down by the shoulders and kissed him on the nose.
He became so blushy, his eyes became glossy, he was so awkward and genuine, your love for him grew tenfold, while his for you grew manifold.
It seems that everything that you had claimed to know about your situation was entirely wrong. But this was a wrong that felt right.
"So why were you scrunching up your brows at me and making a serious face back then? I thought I had offended you...haha, sorry if that's the case though" you said, looking at him bashfully while scratching your cheek.
"You don't need to be sorry, it was just me trying to imagine you with a panda costume...sort of"
The response did little to conceal your vibrant blush. You internally screamed and kicked your feet, he was soooo cute being all mumbly and blushy, you'd definitely make it a point to surprise him with it later, heheh!
Well looks like you'll have to say 'bye-bye' to those sheets now.
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Result of the DB/Z/Super Poll:
Tie for first place:
DBS Beerus x f!reader
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“You don’t say?” Bulma’s eyebrows furrowed with interest as Jaco brandished a holographic flyer. “And this pop star is taking the galaxy by storm through music? Sorry, that doesn’t seem really like our kind of thing.”
The Galaxy Patrolman scoffed, acting wounded while taking back the device. “That right there shows that you have no idea! She’s dubbed Goddess of Music for a reason and you are just too thick to realize why.”
“Come again?” She growled menacingly with steadily growing embers within her gaze.
“I’m just saying that if you of all people on Earth haven’t the slightest understanding that having her grace this planet with a performance is heavenly then you clearly do not wish to know that I’ve heard rumors she’s looking for a place to lay low for a while.”
Rumbling earned their curious gazes to rise in time to spot a dust storm worthy of classic writing lore a moment before nearly being billowed by the wind following a figure who appeared from its core with golden eyes wide and ears standing at attention, a slim tail lashing behind them. Purple-gray hued skin, not a single strand of hair to be seen, large ears and manicured paws for hands, the God of Destruction himself was barely recognizable courtesy of the glimmering stars threatening to give away the hidden emotions swirling within. “Run that by me once again, little man.”
Amused, Bulma couldn’t help but poke light fun when spotting Whis appearing a moment later with several bowls of whipped parfaits wearing a shocked expression. “Oh, there you are. I forgot you were hanging around somewhere nearby.” One of the suspended bowls slipped underneath Beerus’ nose and earned their raised brows when he paid it no mind. “Okay, spill it. For you to ignore food means that something is special about this girl.”
“You just don’t know the music of Calliope and even if you heard it I doubt you’d appreciate it.” Jaco’s hands rose when noticing a certain glare from the feared entity, beginning to sweat profusely. “A-all I’ve heard is that she may be taking a break from tour and is currently in search of somewhere to recuperate! One of the guys at work knows someone who knows someone—”
“Get to the point.”
“—from the sounds of it she’s expressed an interest in Earth but she isn’t sure if this corner of the cosmos is ready for her music!”
Almost in the same manner of a rocket, the mighty God of Destruction appeared inches from Jaco’s face. “Tell me you’re not joking or I swear I’ll destroy you now.”
“It’s the truth! I swear it on my life and I would never lie to Bul—I mean to you!”
Tension hung heavily in the air as the slanted golden eyes bore into the small patrolman until he straightened stiffer than a ruler. “If what you are saying is true, and I’m not saying I believe you, then there is much work to be done.”
Bulma shared a questioning look with Whis who looked just as lost as the Earthling woman.
Golden eyes narrowed with disgust while regarding the stage. “Wrong, it’s all wrong. Start again.”
A unified exclamation rose from the people who had been working diligently since appointed beneath his guidance. “That makes seven redesigns in the last four days!”
“Well, then, make it eight and stop wasting my time by doing it right the first time I asked!” Beerus snapped, visibly deflating while settling into a nearby chair resting beneath its umbrella. “I can hear your condescending snickers from here, Whis, so you better shut up before I destroy you along with those ingrates.”
Beside him appeared a tall fair blue skinned individual who cooed softly to the rich chocolate desert within his hold. “Forgive me, my lord, I did not mean offense.” Between his lips disappeared the spoon laced with thick fudge, powdered sugar, tart cherry, and fluffy cake that earned his bright smile and wiggle of the spine. “Oh, Almighty, this is truly divine!” He momentarily grew serious when no interest was shown by the God of Destruction. They’ve come to know each other very well in the past several centuries, he boasted to practically know the cat-like deity better than a dragon its own scales, however these last few days have been truly interesting to behold. As if something had come over the once stoic, cold, indifferent being. The desert was placed off to the side, with regret, before he fixed his gaze upon Beerus. “Come now, is it truly worth getting all excited over something so silly?” If he noticed the sudden heavy pressure within the air Whis chose to ignore it. “That musician was looking for a place to relax, not put on a show. Wouldn’t it be rude to shove something like this into her face and practically demand a performance when she’s utterly exhausted from traveling or worse?” So sooner had his words faded to silence did the chair become vacant. “My lord?”
Wordlessly, he stalked towards the incomplete stage as the workers quickly retreated upon seeing his approaching form. They were left speechless and highly frustrated when with a tap of a claw the entire structure was rendered to piles of ash. “What are you fools going on about now? I just saved you several more days of complaining so show a little gratitude.” Beerus fixed each in turn with narrowed eyes. “Or perhaps you wished to be entombed within your failed production.”
Both of his ears perked when telltale pings sounded from the scepter his Angel used.
Whis, taken by surprise, stood and peered into the sphere. “Would you look at that, an unmarked ship is approaching Earth as we speak.”
Disappointment permeated the air as Beerus returned to his seat. “Don’t get my hopes up like that.” Swiping the desert, he began eating with vigor and gusto worthy of a God of Feast rather than a God of Destruction.
“Would you like another?” A soft voice came from the side, earning Whis’ pout before it turned into a grin as several similar dishes were placed carefully across the table. You cast a smile, and a wink, from over your shoulder when Beerus took a moment to take in your appearance. “I made those specifically for you by my own hands so I can’t wait to hear how you like them.”
Almost too faintly for you to hear came a unified gasp from the pair before near identical croons of happiness.
Bulma brightened when you stepped into the kitchen, hands clasping your own. “You’re truly a lifesaver, seriously. When our chef that they’ve attached to became ill I wasn’t sure what I was going to do! Then dad said you were looking for work and had recommended you for the position! I hope they weren’t too rude.”
“Trust me when I say I’ve encountered much worse.” You grinned brightly. “It’s nice to be doing something like this with my hands. I better get back to work though to make sure our guests stay satisfied.”
“Too true,” the blue haired genius waved while walking towards the entrance, “but be sure to take as many breaks as you need!”
“Will do!”
It wasn’t until the door closed with a hiss that you released a sigh of relief. A pair of headphones were procured as if from thin air that you secured upon your head and faint notes of music could be heard as you went about the kitchen. What should you make this time?
Alarms blared wildly as Bulma sat upright in bed, blinking wildly when spotting her Saiyan husband by the window staring down as flashing lights. “What’s going on?! Is it the media again?” Her arms crossed. “What did you do?”
“Quiet, woman, I’m trying to listen.” His narrowed eyes slanted farther. “Appears that the authorities who wear blue are preventing someone from entering.”
A glance at the clock earned her groan before swinging her legs over the bed’s side. “It’s four in the morning, it’s probably (Y/n) trying to come to work. Guess dad forgot to add her to the directory.”
“Don’t move.”
“And why the hell not?”
Vegeta’s lip curled. “Your interference is not needed since they have turned from detaining to entertained.”
Blinking, she crossed the room to peer out of the window alongside her Prince and felt her jaw hit the floor before a face breaking grin lifted her lips.
“How were those deserts?” You asked with a smile, clearing away the dirty platters and dishes to place them upon the cart you’d brought. “I hope they were to your liking.”
“Truly amazing, my compliments to the baker!” Whis hummed.
Beerus made to ignore your question if not for the nudge of a food. Clearing his throat, his golden gaze met yours, earning a warm ember to nestle within your gut. “They were perfectly adequate and acceptable.”
No sting of disappointment came at his words, only appreciation, earning his blink of shock when you genuinely smiled instead of withered beneath his gaze. “I’ll make the next ones even better, you just wait! I want to hear from your own lips that my food is delicious. Then I’ll share with you my super-delicious-ultra-special desert.”
“Perhaps you should make it instead of hyping it up.” A smirk appeared upon his face. “Why boast when you can flaunt?”
Whis’ lips parted to reprimand the God of Destruction’s jab but they pursed, eyes widening, when you cocked a hip and lowered your face to be inches away from the deity.
“And when was the last time you made anything with those hands, hm?” There was no mistaking the challenge within your tone as a slow blooming smirk raised your lips the longer silence filled the air.
With a huff, he turned his head. “I’ve done things with these hands you couldn’t scarcely imagine, human, so I suggest you mosey on back to the kitchen for our next course. Besides, I am a God of Destruction not of confections.”
A bell was struck, ringing clearly through the air as the surrounding outer backyard that belonged to the Brief family.
“Thanks for joining me! We can start off easy with a simple meringue.” You clapped your hands, internally relishing when Whis smirked at the scepter he quickly hid when anger filled golden eyes locked upon him. The outside had vanished to be replaced by the all too familiar kitchen you’ve come to call home.
“What the hell are you playing at?!”
“Lord, would you mind cracking a few eggs?”
The glare was fixated upon you as a carton passed from your hands to sit before him. For a moment you surmised that he would still fight but for some reason, after his gaze meeting yours, he picked up one of the fragile shelled items. It almost immediately shattered between his claws. This earned his great displeasure once noticing a certain Angel suppressing a chuckle.
“No worries,” you soothed, placing another within his hand, “let’s try again.”
“Treating me like a child will earn you my wrath if you’re not careful, human,” he growled lowly. Despite his own words, Beerus indeed handled the egg with a bit more care as you showcased how he should rightfully crack.
Yolk and whites were separated with each egg he successfully freed from its shell. Sugar was added to the whites, which were made into fluffy clouds courtesy of a handheld whisk procured from a drawer. It was then that you revealed a pretzel pie crust that had been cooling in the refrigerator along with a bowl of previously prepared cream cheese. Both Destroyer and his Angel watched with fascination as you helped them to fold the meringue into the mixture, farther earning their wide eyed expressions when you lightly smacked reaching purple-gray hued fingers.
“Ah-ah, no snitching until its done.” A dollop of whipped cream appeared upon Beerus’ nose. “You can munch on that until I say its done. If you’d like, you can pick what toppings should go with it.”
Upon his forehead appeared a growingly frustrated tick mark while Whis happily disappeared into the nearby pantry. Surely this female knew just what he was capable of and to not irk him farther. His assumption was completely thrown out the window when you took a moment to fix him with a serious expression. The need to snap and question you was stifled when noticing something that made him pause. “That earring. It looks familiar.” Beerus eased himself closer, eyes narrowing to get a better look at the lone piece of jewelry you wore.
Panic made your heart begin to pound harder as his breath wafted your face. “O-oh, this? It used to be a necklace but the chain broke and thought that—”
“It suits you.”
Shock and awe filled you at his tone of sincerity. Did he, the God of Destruction, just compliment you? “Thank you very much,” you managed once he retreated far enough for you to breathe fresh air, “that’s kind of you to say.”
“I simply can’t decide! Lord Beerus, shall we go with sweet or savory?”
Like a glow stick, the fragile atmosphere cracked audibly when the deity huffed. Though that did make an idea come to him when you hurried to help the Angel carry in possible options. “I think we should be a bit adventurous and try something combining both. What do you say with including chunky salt and a sauce?”
“I like where this is going.” You smiled, searching the cabinets until brandishing a sea salt shaker then selecting both caramel and white chocolate chips. The entirety of your attention fixated upon the pair when they voiced doubtful objections, your gaze meeting gold. “Do you trust me?”
What an odd question. In the many years of being in his position, Beerus had never hears such an inquiry made of him. Such things meant little to beings such as himself because it was unnecessary. Yet the way you were looking at him, with those eyes and the unique air about you, set his mind, possibly very soul, at ease. “I suppose I can indulge you. Yes, for now, I shall.” Deep within his being something warmed as your cheeks lightly dusted pink.
“I promise to not betray it.”
And he believed you.
A frustrated growl filled the air when Destructor and Angel returned to their original seats beneath a large umbrella. “Seriously? Why do I have to wait two hours?” Beerus scowled, nostrils flaring slightly while stretching then settling. “What a bore. Just what are we supposed to do to pass the time?”
“And just where have the two of you been?”
He didn’t have to open his eyes which had closed. “None of your business, Bulma, move along.” Indignation filled him when a finger swiped across his skin, fangs shining brightly as he revealed them with a venomous hiss. “How dare you!”
Bulma blinked while inspecting the residue upon her skin. “Is that powdered sugar?”
“And what business is it of yours?”
“We were helping a certain young female create a desert within the kitchen not too long ago. Now we simply have to find some way of entertaining ourselves until its ready.” Whis’ bottom lip protruded in a pout. “I’m simply dying to taste it but I’ll hold out because of her assurances it would be to die for!”
Blinking, the blue haired woman blanked then brightened. “Oh, you’re talking about (Y/n), right?” Bulma bit her lip as Beerus confessed to not asking for your name. This was almost too good! “Well I have some good and bad news for you.”
Both sat upright with stiff spines, eyes widened once she finished speaking. “What do you mean she left?! What about our desert?!”
“Something came up for her and she had no choice—”
“Find her now.” Beerus’ growl earned their partial amusement when he failed to notice a figure who appeared from behind.
The tap of your finger upon his shoulder earned a sideways glare before it melted into something akin to admiration. Gone were your rudimentary clothes to be replaced by spectacular clothes that swayed with each movement of your body. There was no denying that he instantly knew who you really were. “I’ve been looking for you both. I should’ve known to start here first.” A decorated container was procured with a wave of your hand that slipped itself into his hold. “I hope you’re satisfied with tasting something you’ve made with the people you care for most. Cooking is one of my fave pastimes and I had a lot of fun! Let’s be sure to do this again sometime!”
Incomplete words leapt from between his quivering lips as you pressed a quick peck to his cheek.
“Be sure to take good care of Earth, okay? I definitely want to come back the next time I need to recharge!” With a wave and bow, you disappeared in a flurry of sparkles.
Bulma and Whis failed to contain their grins when the God of Destruction practically melted into a puddle with an equally goofy smile. How odd to see such a being as himself in such a state. Their amusement, however, was short lived as he carefully placed the desert upon the chair he’d vacated then faced the two of them with steadily growing malice.
“How long have you two known that she was Calliope this entire time?”
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freddieslater · 1 year
20 or 27 for Hensper? Your choice, or maybe you can include both? Up to you! Thanks!
It's only fair, after all of the hard work that Henry does in a day, that he deserves to sleep. Jasper doesn't even mind that he's chosen to pass out with his head in his lap. He lay down about a half hour ago when he came into the Man Cave, and told him he wasn't going to sleep, he just had a sore head and needed to rest his eyes.
He's been dropping in and out since then. He keeps mumbling that he's awake and tells Jasper to pick up the conversation where he dropped it when he noticed his eyelids going.
'Why don't you just go home?' Jasper asks. 'You know, to get some real sleep? In your bed?'
Henry scrunches up his face and shakes his head. He reaches up like he's trying to literally swat him away but instead just sort of ends up... caressing his face.
'No, no... 'm fine,' he murmurs. His thumb somehow ends up on Jasper's bottom lip. 'I'm just... resting. What... what were you saying? The, uh... the thing... about the thing...'
To his credit, he tries to keep his eyes open. His hand flops onto his forehead with a thlup. He groans quietly.
Jasper chuckles and gently moves his hand from his forehead to his chest. 'You're so cute when you're half asleep like this.' He doesn't let go of his hand, smoothing each of his fingers out at the knuckles. 'Actually, you're always cute. But especially like this.'
It's probably a good thing there's no one else here to hear this. Charlotte's looking after the shop up above for him on his break, Ray is sleeping off the day's work in his room, and Schwoz is taking his sister back to the airport.
There's no one else here. Henry's probably way too tired to actually take in anything being said to him right now. It's probably like a vivid dream.
Even so, Henry smiles sleepily, his brows furrowing as he murmurs, 'You think I'm cute?'
Jasper nods. 'Of course I do. You're adorable.'
It's not like he doesn't say it at least five times a day. It's still worth it to see his reaction, the way he sort of rolls his head toward Jasper and spreads his fingers between his own.
Jasper closes his fingers to be properly holding his hand. It draws a slight murmur out of Henry, as well as that sleepy smile once again.
'Do you remember when we weren't, you know?' He lightly motions their hands. 'Like this?'
Henry's eyebrows do their little dance again. 'Secret superheroes?'
'No,' Jasper says. 'Like this. You and me. Together.'
'Oh,' Henry murmurs, then shakes his head. 'Not really. It always just felt like...' he takes a deep sigh and shrugs lazily, '...we were more than friends. You know?'
'Yeah, I think I do,' Jasper agrees sincerely. 'You know, I remember practising how to ask you out in the mirror.'
Henry laughs lightly and, finally, his eyes flutter back open to look up at him, waking up a little. 'Seriously?'
'Mhm. When we were... thirteen. Then you started talking about Kid Danger all the time, and I started to think you had a crush on him, so I kind of backed away.'
'Oh.' Henry reaches up and purposefully finds his face this time, stroking his cheek fondly, his gaze half-lidded. 'You're so cute. For the record, I'd definitely pick you over Kid Danger.'
Jasper smiles then stops. 'Wait, but you're Kid Danger.'
'Exactly,' Henry says. 'I'd still pick you, Jasp. Always.'
He's still a little bit confused, but he chalks it down to Henry's exhausted state for his slight incoherence. He kisses his forehead, making him go cross-eyed.
'You're a dork,' he tells him fondly.
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elizaditton · 3 months
Too Small To Be Afraid (Chapter 13)
Cover / Master Post / Previous Chapter / Next Chapter
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I hardly absorbed any information at all during seventh period Koronian since I was so fixated on Derrick knowing about my fear. How long has he known about it? What does 'helping' me mean? What does he have planned for when we meet behind the school? Questions like these continue to bounce around in my mind as I stand on the balcony beside Brittney, not at all engaged in the conversation she's having with our deskmates.
I've only known Derrick for about a week, and he's already found out about my fear. I feel like an idiot. If my fear was this obvious to him, how obvious has it been to other pertheans?
What about the receptionist in the perthean lobby at the apartment? Did evading nearly all her questions make it obvious that I have a fear?
What about Mrs. Hudson, the perthean co-principal? Could she tell how frightened I was when I entered her office for the first time? Then again, I wouldn't be surprised if Dad told her about my fear, since they've been friends since they were deskmates in high school.
What about Kevin? I haven't been able to stop myself from shaking whenever he's around! And the way he looks at me... it's always like he's staring straight into my soul! Does he know I have a fear? Does he resent me for it? And not only is he Brittney's boyfriend—he's friends with Derrick, too... would either Brittney or Derrick tell him about my fear?
Kevin looks up from his phone, and his narrowed brown eyes pierce right through me. I'm unable to tear my eyes away from his as my whole nervous system is overtaken by relentless shuddering. What's he going to think now?
A hand rests on my shoulder, catching me completely off guard and causing me to flinch. I gasp and turn to the side to find an irritated looking Brittney.
"Hello?!" She says. "Earth to Kaylin!"
I blink a few times, trying to wrap my head around what she just said. "...Earth?" I finally ask.
"Well, I guess here it would be 'Perthea to Kaylin,' but you know what I mean!"
I slowly shake my head, not having the slightest clue as to what Brittney means at all. I look to Derrick to see if he has any idea what she's talking about. He shrugs.
Kevin sighs. "You and your Earthling vernacular."
"Hey!" Brittney says, stomping, "it's not my fault that I don't know which planet to use which phrases on!"
"You should still be careful with phrases like that, especially on Earth," Kevin says. "If a fed on Earth heard you say something was 'as red as a rotizelle,' they'd be all over you."
"Yeah, well... at least that won't be a problem soon," Brittney says with a sorrowful look in her eye as she crosses her arms.
Brittney, Kevin, and Derrick share a knowing look. I remember Brittney telling me back in stage two that she was from Earth, but aside from that, I have no idea what anyone's talking about.
"Um..." I pipe up, awkwardly breaking the silence between the four of us. "What are you guys talking about?"
"Oh! Well, it's a long story... I can fill you in later," Brittney says, pulling out her phone. "Great Barrier Reef! It's already 3:17! I better get going! Bye, you guys!"
Brittney waves at Kevin, Derrick and I briefly before speeding off.
"Brittney!" I call out to no avail. "What's a barrier reef?!"
"Well," Kevin says, eyes glued to his phone again, "I better get going, too. You know how my mom gets."
He fist bumps Derrick and turns away, not even sparing me a passing glance as I stand on the balcony wondering how it is his mom gets.
Once Kevin and Brittney are gone, Derrick turns to me and smiles. "I'll see you out back," he says with a wink before turning and walking away from the balcony.
I gulp, shivers running down my spine. What is it I signed up for?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I glance at myself in the mirror I hung inside my locker. I don't look that nervous, do I? My twitching eyes and trembling lip say otherwise. I heave a shuddering sigh and close my locker door. It's useless. I don't know how I'll ever get over this stupid fear. I don't know what Derrick had in mind when he said he wanted to help me, but whatever it is, what good could it possibly do? After years upon years of journaling, meditation, and not to mention therapy, I've found that nothing has helped to cure me of my fear. So whatever Derrick has in mind, I'm almost certain it won't do me any good. I'm going to be afraid of pertheans forever!
With every step I take on the path to my destination, I grow more and more faint. My legs wobble like jelly, and my insides reduce to mush. My mind swarms with questions and anxieties about this meeting. Is it really safe for a human to be meeting with a perthean alone? Does Derrick really want to help me, or does he have it in for me? Am I going to make it out of this meeting alive?
I shake my head. Of course I'm going to make it out of this meeting alive! Derrick and I are friends after all, and I'm sure he has no intent to hurt me. He probably just wants to help, like he said.
As I'm thinking through these things, the image of that twisted grin plastered across my deskmate's face comes to my mind.
"Let me help you, Kaylin," I imagine Derrick saying. "When I'm through with you, you won't feel a thing ever again!"
My head quickly twists from side to side. I can't go through with this! I can't go out there and let him do whatever he wants to me! I have to get away now while I still can! I stop dead in my tracks, turning away from the hallway that leads to behind the school and run as fast as I can to the elevators that go down to the lobby.
After a moment of standing around, a mechanical whirr reaches my ears. A tone sounds on the overhead speaker, and the door in front of me slides open. Keeping my head down, I board the elevator with some other students.
My heart sinks as I step into the cabin. I'm running away. Again. Is this all I know how to do?
The image of Derrick smiling flashes in my mind. This time, it's the smile he gave me when he told me he wanted to help me. There was compassion in his eyes. I could see it. I could feel it. I think back to his words. 'Let me help you...'
I place a hand on the elevator door as it begins to shut, to the surprise of the other students.
"Sorry," I say. "I... forgot something."
I exit the elevator, turn the corner, and head straight down the hall until I happen upon a set of doors. Doors like these that lead outside of buildings are usually marked as emergency exits, since humans usually dwell in the undercity unless they leave through a proper exit. These doors, however, don't share any markings with the emergency exits I've seen around this school. So, if I'm right, they shouldn't sound an alarm.
I take a deep breath and exhale. This is it. No more running away. I crack open one of the doors and peer into the outside world, wondering what awaits me on the other side.
I immediately shield my eyes. It's so bright out here! Right when I think I'm adjusted to this foreign place, a wind carrying the early spring chill blows right through me, leaving me covered in goosebumps. I wince, rubbing my arms forcefully. I didn't miss being above ground.
"I was starting to think you wouldn't come," Derrick says.
My heartbeat quickens as I look up at my deskmate. He's standing a few perthean yards away from the balcony, which I find a bit strange. His hands are tucked away in his pockets, and his gaze is fixed on the ground.
"I-I..." I cough, hoping it'll stop my stuttering. "I had some trouble finding the exit."
"I see," Derrick says.
He keeps his eyes fixated on the ground, and only looks up at me for a brief moment before turning his eyes back to the concrete. He takes a deep breath and holds it in briefly before exhaling.
"Um," he finally says, breaking the silence between us. "I already asked you this before, but... I want to hear your answer."
Derrick shifts in place before locking eyes with me. I already know what he's going to ask, yet I can't stop my heart from pounding and pounding! And I don't know if it's because of the cold Carmen air or just because I'm so nervous, but I can't stop shivering!
"Kaylin," Derrick asks, "are you afraid of me?"
My insides contort into a knot. Why am I so nervous? I already told him earlier! Maybe it's just that I don't want to tell a perthean about my fear directly. Whatever the case, I have to tell him. I can't go back now.
I look down at the balcony floor, unsure of how I should go about confessing my fear. Should I apologize? I already did that before, so maybe I shouldn't do it again. Should I try to justify it? He's just so tall, after all! Then again, I don't want to make him angry. Maybe I should just come out and say it. But standing here with my legs wobbling, my shoulders shuddering, and my throat drier than a desert, how can I?
"Kaylin?" Derrick says.
"I-I—" I stutter helplessly under my deskmate's gaze. I hold my breath, only for my lungs to scream at me to let the air go so they can take in more oxygen at an ever-accelerating pace. My heart skips a beat. I release the breath I was holding in and try to look my deskmate in the eyes.
Derrick looks at me blankly. I can't help but wonder what's going through his mind.
Unable to keep eye contact, I tear my gaze away from Derrick's and settle it back on the balcony floor. "Yes," I say.
There's a silence between us. The wind rustles through the nearby trees and blows through the grass that surrounds our empty portion of the school grounds. I'm relieved to have gotten my answer out, but I'm worried about what's on Derrick's mind as a result. Did he really mean what he said about helping me? Is he really sensitive like Brittney said? Did I hurt him by telling him I'm afraid? Does he want to hurt me?
I look back up at Derrick. His lips are pursed and his eyes, fixed on the ground, move back and forth as if he's deep in contemplation.
"When did this start?" he asks.
I gulp. Visuals I don't want to remember come flooding back to my mind. A short walk past the undercity exit through an enormous city above ground. A dark, unsuspecting alleyway. A tall perthean man with narrowed brown eyes.
I shake the thoughts away. I'm not going back there. "It's... always been this way, ever since I was little."
"But can you pinpoint a specific memory?" Derrick asks.
"I-I...!" I stutter again as I fall victim to my own thoughts.
The tall perthean man in the alleyway turns to me with a devilish grin. He's approaching me! His hands are coming for me, and I'm glued to the ground! I can't move! My heart slams against my ribcage, and my lungs gasp for air as I stand in place, unable to snap out of the trance I'm in!
"Anything at all?" my deskmate asks.
I grip the railing in front of me tightly, my brows furrowed in anger as I blink back the tears that threaten to fall from my eyes. "You... you need to mind your own business," I say through gritted teeth.
"What?" Derrick asks, confused.
"Mind your own business!" I shout, the tears I so desperately tried to blink back now streaming down my face one by one. I grip the railing in front of me even tighter than before, it being the only thing keeping me grounded in reality and away from the memories my mind wants to force on me so desperately.
"I'm... sorry I upset you," Derrick says, taking a step backward. "I... I should go," he says, turning around and hurrying away.
I look up to see Derrick walking away, his head down and his hands hidden away in his pockets. A burning guilt builds in my chest. What have I done? My friend offers to help me with my fear, and I chase him away? I look at my hands. What kind of monster am I? What's he going to think of me now?
"Derrick, wait! Please!" I call out. I just hope he can hear me!
My deskmate stops only a few more perthean yards from where he once stood. My heartbeat rings in my ears. I have his attention? What do I say now?!
"I...! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to snap at you like that!" I shout.
Derrick remains motionless. What I said must have really gotten to him. I feel horrible!
I breathe in and out. "When you told me you wanted to help me, I didn't know what to think. I thought maybe it was a joke, or maybe you wanted to give me a piece of your mind for being afraid of your people, but... I've been scared for so long."
I shift in place, not really sure what I'm saying or where I'm going with this. Derrick stays in place, only turning his head back towards me slightly.
"I... I don't know where else to turn," I say, gripping the railing in front of me again. "I could never ask this of anyone else, so...!"
I lean over the balcony as far as I'm able to, eyes fixated on Derrick's distant figure. Yes, I'm terrified of pertheans. No, I'd rather not be attending a deskmate school. But this one awkward perthean boy... he's somehow managed to sneak his way into my heart in spite of those things, and I'm finding that I don't want to lose him. Not over something as stupid as this!
"I need your help, Derrick!" I shout. "Please, help me!"
I stare onward at my deskmate, who is still glued to the same spot as before. Nothing. I guess he's not going to forgive me this time. I look down to the balcony floor in defeat. I knew this was too good to be true. An opportunity like Derrick offered me only comes once in a lifetime, and I crushed it. My fear became too much to handle in the moment, and in front of a perthean? Forget it. It was only a matter of time before I lashed out like this. I'll be lucky if Derrick ever talks to me again after this.
Footsteps, one by one, make their way towards the balcony. Anxiety swelling in my gut, I keep my head down as a massive shadow overtakes my little frame.
"Kaylin..." Derrick says, his voice trailing off.
I look up at him, not sure what to expect but fearing the worst. His eyes are full of wonder, and his mouth is left agape. He blinks at me a few times and smiles.
"I'll do it," he says, "I'll help you overcome your fear!"
I gasp. Maybe it's the chill of the cooler surface world air. Maybe it's the cold early spring wind blowing through my hair. Maybe it's the slightest bit of warmth from the sun peaking through the clouds. Whatever it is, it washes over me, relieving my anxiety.
"Th-thank you," I say, wiping my tears away. "Really."
"Don't mention it," Derrick says. "Now, getting back to the matter at hand..."
He lifts his hand and moves it towards me. What's he doing?! I stumble backward, almost tripping over my own two feet in the process. Derrick rests his hand over the balcony railing in front of me, his palm facing upwards. Shivering and shielding myself with my arms, I struggle to catch my breath after such an unexpected movement. I look at his hand, confused, and then look at him. This isn't balcony etiquette. Why is he offering me his whole hand?
"Shall we get started?" my deskmate says with a smile.
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Hello earthlings, your favourite aliens back! Well, not favourite, I probably don't even make it to the top fifty, but let a guy have dreams.
I am currently drowned in exams and two days late on my art commissions schedule, but I've just eaten coffee beans thinking it was chocolate (don't do that, kids) and decided that it's time for a new BSfLM.
@weirdly-specific-but-ok , tagging you because I haven't bothered you in a while. Read this coffee induced masterpiece and cry.
global cheering
So, since @randomvoices and @zonzolik asked about the cults, I'll talk about...well, the cults. And now, mortals, IT'S SHOWTIME. Neil Gaiman have your mercy, for the worst is yet to come.
global slightly worried cheering
Okay, buckle your seatbelts, here's the story of how I almost got dragged into a cult. Welcome to hell.
Alrighty-almighty, it all starts, as it will end, in some little russian town. You know, these little towns that seem to only exist to say things like "this famous guy was born there", "that famous guy tried to sleep there for a night but was met with a lot of suspicion", "that one blorbo on the net got dragged into a cult there", etc. You see what I'm talking about.
"But, Ash, why were you in this town?", you ask.
The truth is, I don't know. We were looking for a place to sleep, then God decided that my life will be a crossover between Florida News and those traumatic fairy tales from your childhood that you remember all your life, and threw me there. Hi!
So, we arrive there, it's late, almost everyone is sleeping, and we need to stay unnoticed for runaway reasons. The villagers, however, are not very eager to welcome two black haired strangers carrying an impressive amount of close combat weapons. After a bit of useless bargaining, we realised that it's time to pack our bags and hitch the road.
So, we get a loaf of bread for dinner and go away, trying to look very offended. Historians don't say if it was effective. We're almost gone when we see a guy who yells us that there's a small community of monks in the woods who usually welcome well minded strangers.
Sleep in a monastery is better than no sleep at all, we decide, and go in the woods. We arrive, the monks are nice even if not very monkish, they give us some mushroom stew and send us to sleep.
I don't know what they put in the stew, but we both sleep for more than three days. When we wake up, they're all nice, all seem very worried that we haven't woken up earlier. We apologize for abusing their hospitality and ask if we could do something to make up for it. We may be punk, but we have a heart. They happily agree and we spend an unknown amount of days alternating between enormous amounts of sleep and chopping wood, collecting flowers, brewing beer, and other monastery stuff.
We start thinking about leaving, but every time we mention it, they ask us if we could help with something else, and make clear that they won't tell us where they put our travel bags (with the guns inside.). Now that we live with them, we can see that they don't look like monks at all. Neither of us knows a lot about Christianity, but I'm pretty sure monks aren't supposed to wear flower crowns, sleep together, and sing songs about how Nature is a massive slay. They're hippies, we think, nice ones, and keep chopping wood.
They seem pretty excited about the full moon. Is God supposed to look at us through the moon's eye? Is God the moon? Were they secretly werewolves? Who knows. But they were acting very strange when we mentioned it. Told us that we need to see the full moon ceremony, that it will change our lives.
We help them decorate the woods, and put a small monolith around which it's going to take place. They ask Beez to pick a goat, because they're going to do a thing in our honour. Goat meat stew? Why not. Another 2 day-long nap later, it's the full moon. They give us white robes. Beez insists to keep all the things they haven't put away under them. The black-white combo doesn't look good, but it works.
We reunite in the clearing. As soon as the moon appears, they start singing. I don't know that song but it sounds metal. I'm joining them, stammering some lyrics about burning Christians. It fortunately goes unnoticed.
And then, the goat arrives. It's very clear that there won't be any stew. Beez looks at me. I look at Beez. And we run like our lives are in danger, which is probably true. Without the robes, we're almost invisible in the night. And we mindlessly run for dear life, two days of running almost without stopping. I don't know if they sent people after us, but they didn't catch us.
So, yeah, here's how we survived a moonlight cult, and people from said cult obtained two brand new backpacks, a dozen guns, perfectly done passports (it was awful to redo these without being found) and half a loaf of bread. Hope they remember us.
Remember, children, always trust suspicious strangers. Fun adventures might happen.
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manjiroscum · 2 years
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Character/s: alien!Kakucho
Warnings: f!reader, mature language, explicit sexual themes, reader is a tease, monsterfucking, unprotected sex, breeding kink, kakucho has 2 big 🍆 + a long tongue, doggy, couch sex, dirty talking, cum eating, blowjob/throat fucking, implied marathon sex, and use of pet names. Minors do not interact.
Note: here is the first entry for kinktober, sorry it’s late... this is dedicated to my sweet bby dawn @lalunanymph 💖
❖ kinktober ‘22 masterlist | ENTRY #1
Summary: Your new neighbor’s dick(s) is out of this world.
WC: 2.8K
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Kakucho loves the earth more than most homo sapiens ever could. Compared to the dreary and almost desolate planet he hailed from, the earth was far more interesting and had unique customs that varied wherever he could travel to. Eventually, he was tasked to settle down. And he did, in a quaint house that was minutes away from the park where he normally would jog in the early morning because he learned from an earthling that it is beneficial to their body. Yet, despite acquiring such knowledge, Kakucho could never be a human being nor possess a body that functions the way it would. And this extends to his reproductive parts.
He was never required to have a human mate. No, the only directives he was given upon embarking on this journey were the following: live on earth, explore, study about the species that live on the planet, do not get caught, and go back home if he had gathered enough knowledge. This was his third year on the rocky, terrestrial plant. He may enjoy trying all the food it has to offer, learning the countless languages its habitants speak, and making ‘friends’, but it has been quite a lonely experience for the extraterrestrial. Contrary to the way his human friends think of his kind, or what they like to endearingly call ‘aliens’, Kakucho was not heartless, unemotional nor thought of himself as superior. But due to this stereotype, he found it hard to form long-lasting relationships. He was quite sure he'd stay naive about the way earth dwellers courted one another and how they reproduce… until a certain someone moved into the one-story house next to his.
“Hello! Thought I’d drop by to greet my neighbor,” you cheerily spoke, eyes sparkling under the sunlight that somehow seemed to shine down on your beautiful face. Kakucho was not a stranger to the feeling of love or lust, yet he couldn’t help but curse in his mother tongue under his breath. You were absolutely brimming with life—or charming, as Izana, one of his human friends would simply put it. Raising a brow at the odd language he uttered, you slightly backed up. With a sheepish glance at the attractive man, you weakly laughed. “I-is it a bad time? Do you understand what I just said?”
Kakucho wished he didn’t panic. Clearing his throat, he nodded a bit too vigorously then returned the warm smile you shot him before he felt his own nerves get the best of him. “Y-yeah, of course, I understood. Sorry about that, I was just taken aback. I thought you were here for a different reason—ah, welcome to the neighborhood!” He was sure he sounded lame. According to Izana, humans who were considered lame could never be invited to any special gatherings. He can’t have that, especially when his new neighbor was so pretty that if you ended up hating him, Kakucho doesn’t know how he’ll recover from that.
He might have to move away to get rid of his embarrassment. Or worse, go back to his home planet.
“Ah, it’s alright. And thank you!” The smile on your face returned, which caused relief to sweep over Kakucho. As you introduced yourself and asked for his name, unbeknownst to you, Kakucho was too focused on your lips the entire time. This is good. If he can get you to keep smiling, then maybe he has a chance at—wait a minute, a chance at what exactly? This can’t be what Izana has been laughing at whenever the topic is on the table, right? About love at first sight… Just as Kakucho was formulating his thoughts together and figuring out why he was acting this way, you bid him farewell. Again, he couldn’t help but curse and yet, thank the cosmos for sending such an exquisite human his way after years of merely dipping his toes in the water out of fear of being discovered.
Shit, does he like you?
Most earth dwellers may have a fascination for aliens such as him, however, Kakucho knew better than to outright reveal himself. He has seen those alien movies and he wasn’t impressed. But fuck, how difficult it is to keep pretending that the cat that occasionally visits your house is afraid of him or that the television isn’t working because of the faulty satellite dish and not because of his nature. He can’t also explain why he is so great at crane games just because he could see through the machine’s rigged system. There came a time Kakucho knew you were so close to finding out he was lying about knowing why you were feeling hot and bothered by the confused expression you wore. Perhaps you catching a cold wasn’t the right answer.
“Don’t ‘ya feel hot and bothered whenever you see me, Kakucho?”
Kakucho tries to avoid the chances of you interrogating him. Not that he had any qualms answering questions which he already had a planned response to—like how he got his scar, where he lived, and why he decided to run a small business. Those replies were already given to him by his superiors. An identity he had to embody. He just wished his boss had also prepared responses to whatever inquiries you may throw and ones that seem believable. Kakucho can’t outright say his favorite species was another alien race in the galaxy or that his favorite food to eat was something out of this world.
There were even times he feared his cover would get blown at any day you invite him to your home. He didn’t know what to say when you questioned him if you can walk around naked in your own house. He supposed it was fine. The videos he often sees Izana watching in secret were humans with no clothing on. The giggle you made sent shivers down his spine in fright, scared he answered wrongly, swaying your hips as you walked towards him.
“Kaku, are you sure you want to see me with no clothes on?”
You really got him on edge every time he came over. Despite this, Kakucho didn’t have the heart to get angry or refuse you. He may be breaking the one directive of not getting caught by just spending time with you whenever he can yet he can’t stop.
Fuck, he can’t stop seeing you and basically dancing to your every whim. Kakucho was like a moth attracted to a dangerous blaze. This was bad and he was down horrendously for you. The only thing that was stopping him from confessing that you awakened his primal need to have a mate was his true form. You might run off in terror and that alone will kill him inside. Such uneasiness was raised to uncountable numbers on one fine evening when you pushed him down on the couch, a killer smirk on your lips. The speechless extraterrestrial nearly passed out at the sight of you sitting on his lap and leaning down to kiss his cheek.
Holy shit.
“Kaku, tell me honestly…” you whispered against his cold ear, sensually running your free hand up his cool chiseled chest that the polo shirt couldn’t hide. Kakucho was on high alert, unable to relax his nerves that were all over the place. And yet, he was also hypnotized by the sound of your voice right next to his ear and the warmth of your body. Simply put, he was in a compromising situation. “I know you’re keeping something from me. Not only are you strange, but your body temperature isn’t common—it’s like I’m friends with a dead guy, ‘ya know?” Failing to answer, Kakucho remained silent which prompted you to continue. “Kaku, you and I had our fun times… You can tell me anything. Other than being my neighbor, I’ve considered you as a friend—maybe even more.” At that fact, Kakucho’s mood suddenly picked up. He then stared at you, those mismatched irises you’ve come to love filled with surprise. Kakucho was about to say something along the lines that yes, to some degree he felt the same, when you cut him off with a kiss, one that was brimming with longing. Tongues danced to the tune of ecstasy that Kakucho could feel his dicks twitch and turn hard. His nostrils are able to smell your arousal.
You almost screamed out of pure joy. For months, your mind has been at its wit’s end trying to figure out if Kakucho likes you or if he was just leading you on. Despite his strange actions, you greatly fell for the man and wished he would pay attention to you. It wasn't every day you get to have a hot neighbor and one so cute, too. All your worries left the building the second he was kissing you back, tossing his inhibitions and you did the same. The tension along with the pent-up lust released and found solace with every touch and kiss. Yet, Kakucho had to know. He had to ask you if you were okay with this—loving an alien who had been lying about his existence the whole time… He wished you wouldn't freak out or run. Or perhaps, both.
How will he tell you the truth without doing that?
“Kaku, what's wrong?” you questioned as he pulled away, brows furrowed in deep thought that it scared you. Maybe you were just assuming the whole time and were disgusted by you. Eyes turning glassy, you stayed silent as you waited for any rejection or command to get away from him. What happened was the total opposite of what you imagined. Instead of any form of harsh treatment, Kakucho got up from the couch and started to undress. The heat from in between your thighs traveled up to your face at the mere action. Glorious it was to see his chest and the muscles there flexing as he got rid of his shirt, glistening slightly with sweat. His scent made your knees weak. You were so mesmerized by the little 'show' that you didn't pay any attention to him removing his pants along with his boxers to reveal not just one oddly shaped hard cock that slapped against his toned stomach—there were two.
“Sorry, I… wasn't sure how I was gonna tell you this. That I’m… not actually human.” Kakucho swore you froze up for a moment at the confession. He supposed it was a very valid and much-anticipated reaction. Anyone would be too stunned to speak, especially since aliens were ‘nonexistent’ to any realists. Hands gripping his polo, Kakucho waited for your comment, violent reactions—anything that will indicate you finally took in the reality in front of you.
If things do go south real fast, then he will have no choice but to…
“Is… Are these real?” you whispered, catching his attention immediately. His eyes went wide upon seeing you reach out to touch his stiff cocks that were oozing with what seemed to be precum. Kakucho let out a hiss once you wrapped your hand around one, thumb rubbing the tip teasingly. His unattended cock bobbed as the other started leaking more precum once your tongue made contact with the leaky tip. What a vulgar sight it is. Back on Kakucho’s planet, no one would dare to lick or touch it. “Huh, they’re very… sensitive. It makes total sense now. The cold temperature of your body, your lack of knowledge on certain things… But it’s alright. You’re still such a cutie and I like you.”
To see you down on your knees, sucking on what you can, it was no wonder Kakucho wanted to cum right there and then. His breaths were shaky, hands coming down to fist your hair. You couldn’t help but smirk proudly at the feat you just earned. It is already a big deal to suck and have sex with an alien—a handsome one who has two big dicks—yet to have him moan like a virgin was something else.
What a reward this is.
“Lemme—shit, can I take the lead?” Your foreign lover questioned softly, his hand tucking back the stray hairs that hid your face from him. “Don’t want you to—ah, fuck… Don’t wanna tire you.” Of course, how could you say no to his offer? Your addled mind was consumed by lust as your eyes rolled back once the tip hit the back of your throat. Kakucho tested the waters first, slowly thrusting his hips until he settled on a brutal pace that should have bruised your pharynx. Your muffled moans and whines filled the living room along with his ragged breaths. It wasn’t soon before he was spilling his thick globs of semen straight down your esophagus. His loud groan was almost deafening. His other cock came untouched, spurting all over your fucked out expression as you gagged around him. The milky substance ran down your lashes and chin. What set his mind on fire was the possibility of you taking his two dicks successfully in your mouth, but that can wait. You can wait.
Kakucho was bewitched by the sensation and your obscene state. Jaw unhinged and cheeks warm, you slowly swallowed the remaining cum in your mouth then presented your now empty mouth. Flesh ignited by it, Kakucho pulled you up to kiss you squarely on the lips, tasting you and himself. Moaning into the kiss, you maneuvered him around and pushed him once again onto the couch. You wasted no time straddling him, grinding your clothed pussy on his erect cocks, desperate for friction down there. After a couple of kisses and his hands tearing your clothes apart to caress more of your burning flesh, you were now in the nude and pressing his face into your breasts.
“Suck on my tits, please,” you whined. Kakucho instantly agreed and wrapped his mouth around one of your nipples. He supposed it was no use hiding his other ‘otherworldly’ features from you, letting the true length of his tongue slip out and lick around your tit. Your eyes went wide and suddenly chuckled, fingers weaving through his midnight-blue hair. “Fuck, wanna have that tongue down my throat—mhm…” Your mouth felt full, the muscle leaving no place untouched. Every nook and cranny. Drenched with your juices, you parted your wet folds for his eager eyes to behold. “Fuck me, Kaku. Wanna feel that cock of yours inside. Pump me full of your cum, please. Pump me so full like a slut—your slut.”
Whether he had hesitations or not, your alien lover was quick to nod his head and got up. You bent over the couch, hissing as Kakucho slid his long and girthy cock that easily parted your damp cunt. “R-rub my clit, love. Ah…” Your jaw fell slack at the feeling of his fingers drawing circles on your clit as his cock entered, close to losing the strength of your legs. He grunted at how tight and warm you were inside. He could stay inside of you forever and just keep pumping you with his seed. Maybe getting you swollen with his children will be a breakthrough for his expedition and be beneficial to his superiors. Those ideas of his soon faded away into the back of his mind as his hips went with a rapid pace. Your cries for more and for him to fuck you and talk dirty echoed around the house. The salacious noises of skin against skin and his other cock slapping on your ass was a far better visual and auditory experience than those lifeless videos Izana watched. So much better.
“T-tell me, Kaku—ah, ah—do you like my pussy? S-say you do!”
Kakucho groaned.
“P-please, tell me!”
“Yeah—fucking hell, I love it.”
“Good, good… Ah, tell me, do you wanna cum inside me? Gonna knock me up?” Endless curses then poured from your tongue at the image. “Gonna give me children? Gonna make me look pregnant as you fill me up?”
Kakucho echoed your words as best as he can. His left hand cupped one of your tits while the other continued to rub your clit. Your nails dug into the couch’s headrest at the delicious and mind-blowing fuck of your life. Head bobbing and tits bouncing with every hard smack of his hips, you unknowingly came and whined helplessly. Kakucho then followed with a grunt, pumping your cunt with hot strings of cum. If he weren’t holding you, your face would have met the couch. Out of breath, you waited for your spasming to calm down. Kakucho’s mind was in a slight daze. And yet, his other cock was still painfully hard and just waiting to shoot out semen. Before you could even gather your thoughts and ask for him to fuck you again, he was quick to slip his other cock into your abused pussy again. This was going to be a long night, but you didn’t care at all, stupidly smiling as Kakucho began to speed up again, eager to make your wishes come true.
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🎐taglist: @cryptred @wakaslut @festive @marism @wakasa-wifey @zuuki @stffychn @keijisprettygirl @bunnyjiros @tobidabio @leavemealonebutinpink @kamisoria @httphaitani @chloee0x0 @sanzucide @tokyometronetwork @riszu
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It might be your wound, but they’re my sutures
for @frownyalfred
Superman wasn’t invincible, not really. There was Kryptonite, of course, his unbathed heel in a world awash with yellow light. Fragments of his homeworld were a temporal wormhole in a way, a path back in time to the reality where he died with the rest of his people. That was the exception to his invincibility that most people—too many people—knew about, though few could exploit it.
Beyond that, Clark Kent was still mortal, he was pretty sure. He aged. He needed to eat and drink and sleep and all the other things humans needed to do, if at a pace and scope out of sync with the rest of the world. Lois would accuse him of splitting hairs, because he was functionally invincible. No one knew how long it might take him to die of hunger or thirst or exhaustion. He had never tried to test those limits to their fullest, just knew that he didn’t need in the same way a fragile Earthling might, dead by starvation in three weeks, by dehydration in four days.
But he was not invincible. More than hunger or thirst or pain, he knew horror. He knew grief. He knew loneliness and fear and despair. He might not die from exhaustion, but he knew the stupor that came from the blight of an overloaded brain.
He could feel it now, the way his hands felt leaden on his knees, lodestones pulling toward the Earth’s core. The way he could look at his fingers and see them, know they were his, but feel completely detached from them. Clark frowned, or thought he frowned, felt the emotion of a frown even if it didn’t wrinkle his face, and tried to concentrate on his index finger, on making it twitch even a little.
He might not be dead, but he wasn’t functioning. Vincible.
His name was a popped cartoon bubble, its edges sketched with a dashed line, the interior empty of sound and meaning. He didn’t realize it was his name at all until the shadow filled his vision, black crowding out the light.
Clark jerked back and felt rather than heard the crunching dent his skull made in the wall behind him.
—oa, whoa, easy—
The words were like his name, more outlines than sounds, but slowly the volume edged up beneath the din. Clark blinked, then squinted; to anyone watching, suddenly, startlingly more like the nearsighted, bumbling reporter he pretended to be than should be possible when clad in red and blue. But squinting helped him focus on the mouth in front of him, and the emblem behind it.
“Dick.” Clark straightened and brushed off the back of his head mechanically, wall already forgotten.
Because it was Dick—or rather, Nightwing—standing over him. Dark hair heavy with sweat clung to Dick’s forehead and temples, and there was what looked like a burn mark on his neck above the line of his costume, but otherwise he seemed unhurt.
“You’re okay?” Clark still asked, because he must. Even as he did so, he gathered what he could of his shattered focus and looked beneath skin and suit for anything troubling.
His own voice sounded far away, but at least he could hear it. He must have done a decent enough job modulating his tone, because Dick didn’t wince, just continued to stare at him with naked concern.
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carnal-lnstinct · 1 year
Hi, I requested 💘 for the Valentine's Day event with Broly. Could you also add 💌 to that request? Please??
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Broly | love confession
content: ( mutual crushing / pining, z!fighter reader, new friends to lovers, love confession ) warning: ( referenced canon-typical violence ) a/n: I accidentally deleted the first half of this ask while removing others I could not accept so I am winging it based on the hearts and I am sorry sender!
And at every table, I'll save you a seat, lover. - "Lover"
Imagine the Earth's surprise when another saiyan was discovered to have survived the desolation of Planet Vegeta. It wasn't until Bulla's birthday party and celebrating a year since the Tournament of Power did the rest of the earthling warriors have a formal introduction to Broly and his friends. Goku invited them all along to get away from the wasteland of Vampa and share some good food. Like the others, you didn't know what to think of them all. Especially Broly, and you were all right to be wary. The last birthday party you all attended with a surprise guest didn't quite go as planned but Goku was there to vouch for his new companions and reassured a pleasant event.
One by one, eventually everyone opened up and was able to get past the tension to enjoy yet another extravagant Brief Function. Somehow you managed to get to Broly when he was on his own. He stood over the spread of food with his hands already full, hurriedly packing the food in his mouth in the typical saiyan way yet somehow more savage. He didn't even strive to use the utensils around, simply grabbing with his bare hands what caught his eye and pushing it past his crowded maw in record time. You were hesitant to even try to build yourself a plate watching, afraid your hand may get caught in his path. Sensing the energy coming from him also dialed up your nerves being so close and without his admittedly sketchy companions that seemed to guide him. You would rather fight for your life in another Tournament of Power than go against this guy. Goku's sudden presence is what surprises you the most and exposed your staring however, his large hand clasping down on your shoulder and earning a frightful squeak alerting Broly to you both.
"Woah Broly, you might wanna take it easy! This food is for everyone to eat. (Y/n) here is waiting for her turn." Goku casually explained to the larger saiyan and you watch as Broly's eyes lowered down on you, your hands clenching your own plate at the natural glare but Goku gives you a slight nudge forward. "Don't worry, if I know Bulma there's plenty more tasty food where this came from!" He encouraged. You expected a response similar to the saiyans you've encountered in the past with a look like that but what followed completely caught you off guard.
Broly's brow furrowed with regret, his eyes softened at what he'd done. "Sorry." He utters gently, brushing his knuckles across his lips to wipe away the crumbs. Something in his expression embellished the sunlight reflecting his tan skin just right and shot through your chest, the word "adorable" crossed your thoughts when your heart skipped a beat. Your eyes, without thought, fall upon other handsome features of his physique that caused your face to shade with color. Only aware of your actions when Broly suddenly bows out of respect to you. "Please excuse me. You can eat now. The food is very good."
Your heart skipped again. "O-Oh. You don't have to be so formal with me. I'm just a guest like you. Feel free to keep eating, yourself. There's still plenty to go around!" You smiled. The little grin you got in return made your insides flutter. You continued to chat with the two saiyans before Goku departed at his wife's call to her side and for a slow and merry passage of time spanning only over an hour in reality, it was just you and Broly until one of his companions returned to his side.
That was the start of it, sharing stories of battles you've fought with good food and getting to know each other. Despite his intimidating power, he was so kind and well-mannered but brief with his words. There was plenty more to learn but you sadly had to part once the party ended and they had to return to Vampa. Not before you invited Broly and his friends back to earth for lunch in an effort to keep the pleasantries going, but mostly to allow them all to explore more of the wonders of food there was to offer. The two former Frieza Force members seemed cautious of trusting your intentions but after getting to know most of the earthlings already there was nothing to really worry about. Promises of more earth food tended to be persuasive these days, as well.
It was how you wound up becoming closer friends with the trio, but mostly out of intrigue of Broly. There was an attraction for him and how he got acquainted with the norms of the world whenever he visited with Goku. It told a story that Broly didn't seem ready to discuss and Cheelai and Lemo would insist on not prying.
But it became easier and more frequent to meet up when the trio moved to Earth, the planet Vampa now used as training grounds for Goku and Broly after the unforeseen destruction of their capsule home during one of their sessions. While the earth wasn't fit for a real training session, his living here now gave you the chance to also show off some of your own techniques. Being warriors truly helped grow your bond and it started to become clear your attraction wasn't one-sided. Soon you were eating together almost every day before and after his training, and you couldn't help to notice how he sat closer to you each time whenever you were alone. Your trained eye would catch the glances he cast your way and the tug at the corner of his lips when you tried to meet his gaze, but he turns away.
You then scooted a little closer and took his hand between your own, Broly turning back to you in slight surprise. You looked up at him with a big, yet bashful grin. You lean into his arm and pressed your forehead against his shoulder, wrapping one of your arms around his to secure yourself at his side. "This is nice?"
The new closeness relaxed him and you could feel his muscles unwind in a single, deep breath. "It is." Broly agreed with an affirming nod and a warmed smile. His other hand touches your arm hung up on his, his rough fingers brushing down the exposed skin. "Nice... (Y/n)?"
"I like spending time on Earth with you." He confided. "It is all nice. Much nicer than... where I was before." If it were possible to stay here forever, he would like to. But he does have a promise to his other friends to keep. They do enjoy the luxuries of Earth, but it does not seem to be their final destination. Where your hands meet, you close your fingers around his.
"You're always welcome, Broly. I really like having you here." Your hand is squeezed in return.
"Thank you. For being my friend."
"I think...we could be more than friends, too. I-If that's something you'd like. I-I would." You stuttered through your nerves suddenly building up.
"More than friends?" He asked, first genuinely perplexed by what was implied but then he came to his own conclusion. He turns to face you, a brightness in his eyes. "You want to come with us? I would like that."
"That...wasn't exactly what I meant." But you figured it was too good to be true the little group would permanently live on Earth where you and Broly could try moving to the next level. "Travelling through space, though? I thought those days were behind me." You laughed to yourself. It's been years and it wasn't a pleasant memory. "I don't know about that, Broly. I'm pretty cozy here on Earth."
"I can keep you safe." He insisted, his large hands grasping you affirming his excitement. "All of us." Broly nods. He wants you to say yes, he wants to stay in your presence and feel your warmth at his side. Your face showed hesitation, but, persuaded, you smile at him in return.
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