#but me too i would shin kick too LMAOOO
locallygrowndaikon · 1 month
Delivery for one Daikon Soup
"He was too tall, it was bound to happen"
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-on behalf of Question Bringer
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shoichee · 3 years
is it alright if i request hcs for midorima introducing his shy g/n s/o to the team (maybe they’re his lucky item for the day? i cant see his tsundere self introducing them volutarily) and midorima is being soft with them cause they’re a bit scared of the team??
Midorima x shy!Reader
as a reserved individual himself, Midorima is not one to broadcast his relationship out to everyone, and this sentiment is only stronger when he knows that you’re even more introverted than himself
even so, after dating for a substantial amount of time, he wants to include you into his life and potential dream career in basketball… and that would entail bringing you to meet his inner circle of his friends teammates
the only problem (and the reason why he’s held off in introducing you to them for so long) is that his teammates can be quite rowdy (and have some… unique quirks? but Midorima isn’t really one to talk)… especially that Takao Kazunari
still, he never felt like he had to introduce you to them right away… when the right opportunity will present himself, he’ll do it
besides, you don’t seem in any rush to meet them anytime soon from the way you’d rather prefer spending your time with Midorima alone
well, until one day, the Oha Asa predictions presented that opportunity:
“Today, Cancers are in a unique situation from the rest! It seems like their luck can be quite stagnant or off the charts depending if they have their lucky item for today! Ready to hear it, everyone?! Today’s lucky item for Cancers isn’t a standard one! It may differ for every Cancer, and that’s the beauty of fate!~ Cancers should bring along with them something that they cherish the most! But be careful…! Cancers should also take care in making sure nothing happens to their lucky item today!”
Midorima, in hearing the prediction from his TV, flinches out of surprise, mostly because the first thing that came to his mind after hearing “most cherished” was you
but alas, he’s going to follow fate down to a T, with no exceptions
when he approaches you early morning, he tells you with the straightest face:
“(y/n)-san, according to the Oha Asa, you’re my lucky item today.”
“U-U-Uh… um, is… is that a pick-up line?”
“Hmph! As if I would stoop myself down to Takao’s level. The Oha Asa predicted it so, and I will not take any chances today.”
“Um… what do I have to do then?”
Midorima softens his gaze at you and mumbles, “Nothing really. Just stay by my side for the entirety of today.”
thankfully, today was a Saturday, so at least school wouldn’t be an obstacle between the two of you being separated
so here you are, tagging along with Midorima to do some mundane trips around the neighborhood
Midorima please… this is literally just a date but he refuses to acknowledge it as such
he still had basketball practice that evening though, so by then, it was time for him to go to the gym to start warmups
… but wait, that would mean he’d have to bring you there too…
“Ahem… you…” Midorima clears his throat. “Do you mind just sitting on the benches inside? There’s no need for you to make conversation if you do not wish to do so.”
“O-Of course!” you exclaim. “I… I wanna see you play too… even if it’s just practice, I-I hope your teammates won’t mind?”
“Well I’ll make sure they’ll mind their own business.”
“Would I really bring good luck to you by just sitting and watching you, Shintarou…? It’s hard to believe that the Oha Asa said that I’m… supposedly lucky?”
“The Oha Asa is never wrong,” he says confidently. “Besides, I don’t see it anything but an advantage when I know you’ll be here to provide support in your own way. After all, you do make the most out of your capabilities and do your best, nanodayo…”
Midorima makes sure to enter the gym first, with you tailing behind and taking shelter behind his broad back
even despite that, nothing could prepare you for the chaos inside
a basketball FLEW to you and nearly killed you if it wasn’t for the fact that Midorima easily stopped the ball in its projection
“Fools! Are you ever careful in shooting?!”
“Ah shut it! Not everyone’s like you, Midorima!”
“If you have that much energy complaining, then you have the energy to start warming up, rookie.”
Midorima sighs in response to their comments, but you’re behind him peeking out a bit and then ducking behind his back again when you saw how intimidating they were
“Wh-Whoa!! Shin-chan brought someone over?!”
“The brat brought someone over?!”
Takao immediately skips over to him and you, curiously peeking to see who Midorima, the ever-so serious and hardworking dude, brought to practice; it’s very rare that he’d bring his own Teiko ex-teammates along, let alone anyone unrelated to basketball
“Oh! Aren’t you (y/n)-chan?” Takao asks, tilting his head with a childish wonder
“O-Oh, um…” you reply, darting your eyes to Midorima before continuing. “It’s nice to meet you… I’ve heard a lot about you from Shintarou, Takao-kun.”
Midorima turns red and denies it to his breath as he hounds on Takao as an outlet for his embarrassment
Miyaji and Ōtsubo are peeved but lowkey curious about why Midorima brought you here, so they ask… to which Midorima replies:
“(y/n)-san is my lucky item for today, nanodayo.”
“Captain, can I throw my family’s pineapples at him??”
“Shin-chan, I’d normally laugh, but did you just label a person as an object?” (to which Midorima immediately interjects, “A-Absolutely not!!”)
“Alright, you little shit, you 1st-years are really getting on my nerves right now…”
“W-W-Wait…!” you exclaim, slightly stepping out from behind Midorima’s back. “Please don’t be mad at him… I wanted to watch too…” but when everyone’s attention immediately shoots to you, you squeak and hide behind his back again
from the way you clutch onto Midorima’s shirt from behind, Midorima immediately turns around to you with a soft tone of voice
“Hey, come on now… they’re not bad people, nanodayo. You know I’ll be there by your side if anything happens, (y/n)...”
everyone’s REALLY quiet hearing how Midorima talks to you, and they’re like WTF???? WHERE DID THIS SIDE EVEN COME FROM….?
only when Takao blows a slow whistle to break the silence does everyone break into quiet snickers, ready to make fun of Midorima to death about it
as Midorima gives you a short pat on the head and turns to walk to put down his duffel, all of his teammates follow him to give him those “playful” hits and slaps on the back and arms LMAOO some may have actually knocked his spine out of his body though ngl
you’re just standing there timidly, not knowing what to exactly do next, and Miyaji notices you and approaches you
“Oy,” he says with his usual rough tone of voice. “If you really wanna watch, you can sit over there. Don’t be in the way though.” He points to the specific bench, but softens his usual Spartan-like, harsh frown just a tad bit when he sees you cowering a bit
“Sorry… uh, (l/n)-san, right? Take care of the idiot for us.”
“What do you think you’re doing?” Midorima immediately stalks over to the two of you, knowing full well how… scary Miyaji can be, and Miyaji’s frown comes back
“Huh? Nothing for you to be concerned about, rookie.” Miyaji KICKS Midorima to the court to start doing shooting drills and then turns to you like nothing happened
“W-Wait, Shintarou…?”
“He’ll be fine,” he sighs, ruffling his hair. “If he does anything stupid, let one of us know, alright?”
“He’s been, um, good to me.”
and Miyaji gives a little smile for the first time as a stamp of approval, and then he goes back to practice while you lightly skip to the bench… that smile MAY have convinced you that Midorima’s team wasn’t so scary after all
“Sooooo....” Takao says, jabbing Midorima’s ribs. “Your lucky item, eh?”
irk marks appear on Midorima’s head as he prepares to strangle Takao, only to remember you were watching him
“Ahem… (y/n) is my lucky item, regardless of what day or prediction.”
“Eurghh, that’s so sappy, what the fuck—”
“Shut up if you know what’s good for you, Takao.”
the entire team = your personal bodyguards for REAL, and it’s almost scary how every single teammate uses their own “softer” side when talking to you directly like… Midorima is now kinda regretting that he introduced you to them so late? he didn’t know that his teammates would be THAT considerate to you
especially Takao… he’d say a bunch of jokes to get you to laugh but he’d know EXACTLY when to back off and let you chill out??
the upperclassmen would be very polite and soft spoken with you?? like they all have their own respective younger siblings, so they’d definitely treat you like one
Kimura always offers you to taste-test his family’s produce for free, free of charge, zilch, nada
Midorima wonders if they like you better than him (spoiler alert: of course they do)
to get under Midorima’s nerves while you aren’t around, they’d always go, “Bro, where’s your lucky item???” in referring to you LMAOOO (Takao is ESPECIALLY guilty of this)
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psychicwonu-blog · 6 years
Odd Behavior
Anon Asked: “they’re coming, hurry up and kiss me!” fake dating AU with Jeonghan please? ^^ it can be suggestive ;3
Group: Seventeen
Member/Pairing: Jeonghan x reader
Genre: fluff, non idol!AU, college!AU, fuckboy!Jeonghan fight me
Prompt: Fake dating 5. “they’re coming, hurry up and kiss me!”
Warnings: sexual themes & tension, cursing
Word Count: 4.4k
A/N: I know these were meant to be drabbles, or at least short-ish, but I kept getting carried away lmaooo, I hope you like this! I really enjoyed writing it. It’s long but I love the way it turned out. I am sooooooo sorry it took me so long to finish this btw, anon.
Don’t @ me but I love bad/fuckboy Jeonghan concepts sksjsksjsk
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Yoon Jeonghan. Popular, attractive, a bit mysterious, and your campus’s undisputed fuckboy. Everyone either knew him or wanted to, and you were no exception. Though your curiosity came from a different angle. You couldn’t understand why anyone would be interested in pursuing a relationship with him. His notorious reputation and extreme popularity kept you from ever approaching him, but if given the opportunity you’d love to ask why he acted so repulsively. It wasn’t even the sex that bothered you. Almost everyone has sex and you weren’t one to shy away from it either, but the way he played with people’s feeling made you despise him without even knowing him. 
You first saw him up close in the psych class you had together. You looked up from your notebook just as he entered the hall, and you couldn't look away. He was gorgeous, no doubt, but that wasn’t enough to make up for how he behaved. He, of course, sat with a big crowd towards the back, never really paying any attention to what was happening. You were in the front of the lecture hall, which made it awkward to sneak glances at him. Nonetheless, you contorted your body, pretending to stretch and look in his direction. He didn’t notice you thankfully, and you’d keep this act up for the rest of the week.
Jeonghan started showing up more and more after that. Not in a weird way, but ever since seeing him in your psychology class you’d notice him around. He was always surrounded by a bunch of people. Guys and girls alike, practically drooling over him. He seemed to love every moment of it, too. The smug look on his face never faded for a second. It confused you, seeing people act this way over a peer. He wasn’t outrageously rich and he didn’t seem to have any redeeming qualities, albeit what he could do with his body in the bedroom (or in semi-public places, so you’ve heard) kept people talking. He did seem to have a certain charm about him, but nothing extravagant. 
“You’re staring.” said your friend Soonyoung. You scoffed at him and turned the page of your textbook. 
“I was not staring, I was observing.” you argue. Soonyoung raises a single eyebrow as you pull out your laptop. Jeonghan had just walked into the library, and for some reason he was alone. 
“Sure, just like you ‘observe’ him in psych?” he teases. You ignore the urge to look at Jeonghan again, not wanting to give Soonyoung the satisfaction. Scrunching up your nose, you tilt your head and raise your shoulders. ‘Just like you observe him’ you mock. Soonyoung laughs, throwing a piece of popcorn at you.
“What the hell,” you laugh quietly. “you’re not supposed to have food in here.” Soonyoung copies your earlier behavior, scrunching his nose and tilting his head. You peak to the side a bit, searching for Jeonghan as Soonyoung switches out textbooks. He’s sitting a few tables down from yours, pushing his hair back as he releases a huff of air and turns a page of his book. You drag your eyes back to your friend before he catches you. 
You ask Soonyoung if he’s started his psych paper yet, to which he shakes his head. “I still need to find a good topic.” he whines. You silently agree with him, rubbing your temples. All this time spent in the library and you’ve yet to get anything important done. Soonyoung’s head perks up, brows furrowing. You tilt your head at him in confusion. “Why’s he coming over here- DON’T LOOK DON’T LOOK!” he aggressively whispers as you begin to turn. You jump a bit, startled by his voice. ‘It’s Jeonghan’ he mouths. Your eyes grow a little wider as the familiar figure stands at your table.
Your eyes travel up his body, meeting his eyes which are already glued to yours. He’s looking at you with...admiration? Infatuation? Whatever it is, it’s making you sweat. Your thoughts travel into impure territory and you start to panic. He hasn’t been near you for more than five seconds, and here you were thinking about your mouth around his dick. “Stop it.” you say softly to yourself. 
Jeonghan smiles. “Stop what?” he asks, biting his lip. You furrow your brows. Shit. Soonyoung looks at you, bulging his eyes at you. 
“Huh? Nothing. Can we help you?” you ask. Jeonghan points to the seat next to yours, asking if it’s taken. “No, but-” you begin saying, but he sits immediately. He smells really clean, like fresh laundry and soap. Which was unexpected. You aren’t sure what you were specifically expecting, but it wasn’t this. He looks between both you and Soonyoung, smiling awkwardly almost. 
“So...you guys are in Huang’s psychology course with me, right?” he asks. 
Soonyoung raises his brows. “You noticed us?” he asks, completely dumbfounded. You feel the same, but kick Soonyoung under the table for asking that. He rubs his shin, scoffing at you. 
Jeonghan laughs, pushing his hair back again. Your eyes roam over his face, taking everything in. “Distracted as I may appear, I’ve got great observational skills.” You smile at his response. 
“You and Y/N have that in common, then.” Soonyoung says, faking an innocent voice. Your vision flashes to him. He smiles at you, flicking his eyebrows up. Jeonghan appears lost by your silent conversation, but realization dawns on him soon enough. 
“I thought I felt eyes on me. It’s common though, what can I say.” Suddenly you’re annoyed with him. You turn away, pursing your lips. “Anyway, I was wondering if you guys would be able to help me out...with the paper?” 
Soonyoung smirks to himself, gathering his things. “I was actually just about to leave. Y/N should be able to, though.” he smiles. You shake your head, making a face of disgust, as he waves. “Good luck.” he sings, dragging out the word ‘luck’ and walking away. Jeonghan looks over at you with a devilish grin. He switches to the seat Soonyoung had been sitting in, directly facing you. You’re almost disappointed about not having him so close anymore, but then he reminds you why you can’t stand him. 
“So how come we’ve never...met?” he asks, leaning forward, tapping his pen on the table. You roll your eyes, ignoring his question. 
“What are you writing your paper on?” you change the subject. Jeonghan doesn’t let it slide, however. He leans back, biting his lip. Your eyes travel down his face, focusing on the shape of his mouth. His lips look so soft, and they’re the perfect shade of pink to compliment his complexion. You snap yourself out of your thoughts.
“We should hang out, you know, outside of school.”
“I’m not sleeping with you.”
“Is that what I said?” he laughs. “Interesting.” Your cheeks burn as he looks at you smiling, running his tongue along the bottom of his top lip. You force yourself to avert your eyes, focusing on the notes in front of you. You were beginning to understand why people fell for him on a shallow, physical level. He was mesmerizing. “Anyway, I was thinking about doing my paper on love.”
“Tch,” you scoff. “really?” He nods, resting his chin on the backs of his hands. You look up at him, directly in his eyes and say, “Well I was thinking of doing mine on Narcissism.”
Jeonghan knew this was directed towards him. He smirks, nodding his head. “Good choice.” he says flatly. “I understand if you don’t wanna help me though, I get the feeling you don’t particularly like me.”
“I don’t like your behavior.” you retort. He looks down at his bag.
“Understandable, but a person is their behavior, right?” he argues. 
“No, not always. Some people act a certain way because they feel pressured,” you explain. He’s watching you now, looking between your eyes and you lips. “not because it’s who they are.” He smiles. 
“You think I feel pressured?” he asks. Now it’s your turn to smirk. 
“Is that what I said?” you lean back, closing your laptop. “Interesting.”
Jeonghan sticks the tip of his tongue out of the corner of his mouth, scoffing in an amused way at your change of behavior. He’s interested in you. He has been since he first saw you. Being one of the only people who didn’t lose it at the mere sight of him, he had to know more about you. He craved for attention, but he wanted it from someone who wanted to know him, he hoped that would eventually be you. “You’re leaving?” he asks, watching your body as you stand, sliding your arm into the strap of your bag.
“I am. I have to go to work, and at this rate I’ll probably be late.” you inform him, looking at your phone to check the time. You actually had enough time to get changed and everything, but if you spent anymore time there with Jeonghan you definitely wouldn’t. He put you in some kind of trance, and as cheesy as it sounds, it’s the truth. You forget about who he is, or rather how he acts, when he looks at you, biting and licking his lips, and you wish that he’d kiss you. “I’ll help you on your paper though, if you still want me to.”
“I would love that.” he smiles. Your heart begins to race. “Give me your phone.” he says, reaching his hand out. You look at him confused. “So I can give you my number.” he smirks.
“Oh, right, here.” he takes the device from you, takes a selfie, then opens your contacts. He adds his number in, changes the contact photo, and hands you your phone. 
“Text me, whenever you have time.” he tells you. Nodding your head and smiling, you begin walking away. 
You make it to your small apartment in record time, quickly changing and throwing your earlier outfit into a hamper. Your commute to work is short, it takes you only five minutes or so to make it to the small bookshop. The bell overhead rings as you push the door open. Charlie, your manager and owner of the shop, greets you with a smile. “Thanks for taking this shift, Y/N.” he waves. You bow your head, walking up behind the register. The shop never had tons of traffic, but it wasn’t empty either. You enjoyed the pace. 
You had some time to play around on your phone after sorting through some books, and putting others back into their correct spaces. Clicking on your contact app, you decide to text Jeonghan. ‘If I don’t do it now, I’ll forget to later.’ you tell yourself, trying to justify your odd behavior. He’d put an eggplant emoji by his name. You removed it, scoffing to yourself. The selfie he took made you roll your eyes, too. ‘He’s so full of himself.’ you thought. 
You [5:30pm]hey, this is y/n
He didn’t reply right away, in fact it’d been so long you almost forgot you’d texted him at all. 
Jeonghan [6:25pm] it’s only been a few hours, sweetheart, miss me already?
It seems like you’re only able to roll your eyes at him, and now is no exception. He’s constantly annoying you. Acting all high and mighty, and your peers only encourage him. 
You [6:33pm] ffs
You [6:34pm] i don’t have to work all weekend, so just let me know when you’re free okay. my friends bf has a performance saturday at 9 tho, i have to go
Jeonghan [6:50pm] I’ll be at that show, too. A friend of mine is coming in for it. As for when I’m free, for you...whenever 
You have a funny feeling in your stomach. It’s like a mixture of disgust and butterflies. It’s weird to say the least. 
You [6:55pm] gross. i gtg
Jeonghan replies quickly this time, telling you that he’d text you later. You sent a thumbs up emoji, knowing that it’d piss him off. He didn’t reply however, but it only proved further that he was annoyed. You spent the last two hours of your shift organizing and cleaning. You didn’t mind it though, you loved the atmosphere of the shop. Being surrounded by literature was a big plus, too. 
Once you made it home, you kicked off your shoes and got some pj’s out and walked to your small bathroom. After you shower and change, you turn on some bad horror movie on Netflix. However you can’t focus. Your thoughts travel back to Jeonghan and the way he looked today. The way he pushed his light brown hair our of his face, exposing his forehead. The way he ran his tongue over his lips as he watched you shift in your seat. Your face became hot, your breathing heavier. 
You imagined what it would be like to have him. How would he handle you? How would he want to be handled? A loud crash coming from your TV pulls you back into reality. You laugh at yourself, thinking about how ridiculous you’re acting. The time on your phone reads 11:00 pm. You try to get ready for bed, but a call comes through. You pick your phone back up and scoff. It’s Jeonghan. 
“Why are you calling?” you answer the phone. Jeonghan chuckles. 
“I wanted to hear you.” he says in an obvious tone. The disgusted butterflies are back. 
“It’s late, what do you need?”
“Actually, don’t answer that.” you say. You’re afraid of where the conversation would be headed, and decide to end it. “I need to sleep, it’s been a long day.” 
Jeonghan sighs. “It’s only 11 though.”
“I’ll text you tomorrow, you’ll live.”
“Call me instead.” he says, lust clearly evident in his tone. “And hey, listen, I owe you one. For helping me.” his voice causes you to bite your lip.
“Goodnight, Jeonghan.” you say, shaking your head. You hang up after that, not waiting for a reply. You  fall asleep soon after, many dreams to come your way through the night.
Soonyoung wakes you up the next morning, knocking on your door at an ungodly hour. Truthfully it was already 9 am, but on your day off, not to mention on a weekend, it was early. You grudgingly walk to your door, rubbing your eyes as you open it. Soonyoung lets out a heavy breath, barging into your place as you look at him confused. 
“What the fuck, Soo-”
“Seungcheol is back in town,” he whispers. Your heart stops beating momentarily. Seungcheol, your ex, back in town? Just what you needed. “and he’s with someone else.” Bang. Right in the chest. “I didn’t think he’d be back so soon, Y/N, I’m sorry.” Soonyoung comforts you, pulling you in for a hug. You lazily wrap your arms around your best friend, not knowing how to respond. 
“He’s really moved on?” you ask quietly, staring at your feet. Soonyoung rubs your shoulders as you both walk to your couch. Seungcheol was your boyfriend for three and a half years. You’d thought he was the one, as cliche as that is, but it was the truth. He ended things with you a few months ago because you were “holding him back” from achieving his dreams. Whatever the hell that meant, you were his number one fan. Towards the end he found an excuse for everything. You’d known it was only a matter of time before he left you, but nothing could prepare you for how lost you felt when he finally did.
“He’s gonna be at the concert...” Soonyoung bites his lip, his voice getting smaller and smaller.
“What the hell, why?”
“His date is performing. You can leave right after Jihoon performs though, it’s really okay.” he reassures you. 
“It isn’t. You guys have been planning this for months, I’m not gonna let this keep me from going.” you retort. Soonyoung smiles, hugging you tightly. “Besides, how hard can it be to find a date?”
Soonyoung smirks. “You should ask Jeonghan. He’s gonna be there, right?”
You squint your eyes. “Absolutely not. How did you know he’d be there?”
“He’s friends with one of the people singing.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” 
Soonyoung only shrugged his shoulders. You didn’t press it any more, though. Truth be told, you suspected he’d be there anyway. Soonyoung and his boyfriend were well known in terms of entertainment, lots of people always showed up to support them. Even if that was the only time they were noticed. You let out a huff of air, if you were going to ask someone Jeonghan would surely be your last choice. What other option did you have, though? It wouldn’t be the worst thing...to spend a night with him by your side. It’s not like it would be a real date...
You grabbed your phone, swiping across the screen and tapping a few times. Soonyoung smirks again, “You’re gonna ask him, aren’t you?” Rolling your eyes, you tell him to shut up.  “Well, here goes nothing.” you whisper. Once your phone is dialing his number, you hold the phone up to your ear.
“Hello?” Jeonghan answers with a sleepy voice. ‘Goddammit that’s hot.’
“Sorry, did I wake you?”
“Yeah, but it’s cool. I needed to get up anyway.” he yawns. You bite at your nails. What if he has plans to go with someone else and can’t do it, or worse what if he laughs at you. “Hello, you there?”
“Huh? Sorry, yeah. Um...” God, this was going to be harder than you thought. “Um, remember how you said you owe me one...for helping you?” your voice is shaky and unsure. You mentally hit yourself for sounding so silly.
“Yeah that was last night. Change your mind about, what was it, ‘not sleeping with me?’“ he teases. You were already over this. 
“Jesus Christ, forget it.”
“Hey, hey, hey, I’m kidding!” he laughs. You look over at Soonyoung who is rolling beside you. “What do you need?” he asks. You sigh, rubbing your forehead.
“It’s gonna sound so stupid, Jeonghan.”
“Try me.”
You look over at your friend a final time. He encourages you to ask. “I need you to be my fake date for the concert. My ex is going, and well, I wanna make him jealous. Hopefully.”  The line is silent for a few seconds. You can hear your heart beating loud as a drum. Soonyoung is holding his breath beside you.
“That’s not stupid, sweetheart. Petty, but I happen to love petty.” he finally says. Soonyoung releases his breath, nudging your shoulder.
“So, you’ll do it?”
He chuckles. “I will. Sure you don’t want it to be a real date? What time do you want me to pick you up tomorrow?”
“Fake date, and 8 is fine. Thanks, Jeonghan.”
He replies “no problem” and hangs up without another word. You didn’t pay much attention to it, instead you look over to the giggling boy beside of you. You shove him, rolling your eyes, and smile. 
Soonyoung helps you pick out the best revenge outfit that was still appropriate for the occasion. You settled on dark washed skinny jeans, a deep red top that perfectly complimented your body and skin tone, topped off with your nicest leather jacket. “You’re gonna be okay.” he says with a hug. You hold him tightly, thankful for such a great friend.
As you throw your outfit on and make your hair look presentable Jihoon texts you. He let you know that he and Soonyoung were heading out. It was already 7:45 and you still hadn’t heard from Jeonghan. Panic began to set in when you realize you’d forgotten to give him your address. You adjust your jacket multiple times, worried about how you looked. Seungcheol would be there, with a date, and though it was probably petty, you wanted to make him jealous. You whip your head around when you hear light knocking on your door.
You hesitantly open it, surprised and confused to see your fake-date standing there holding your favorite tea in his hands.
“Ready? I know I’m a few minutes early, but I live pretty close by actually and-” Jeonghan stops rambling when he sees your face. “This is weird isn’t it? I just asked um, Soonyoung, for your address and a drink you liked, and I didn’t really think this through. God, I...sorry, um-”
“It’s a bit weird, yeah, but thanks.” you smile, taking the tea. You smile to yourself, opening the bottle and taking a sip. Jeonghan’s cheeks light up and you smirk. 
“Lets go.”
“You look great, by the way.” he says sheepishly. You cock a brow at his sudden awkwardness. 
“Thanks. And, you know, if you ignore the creepy aspects of all this, it was really sweet.” you shrug. He licks his lip, looking over at you and shakes his head. The drive to the concert hall was mostly awkward, but you learned quite a few things about Jeonghan. He likes to sing himself, and he can also dance. 
“I’ll show you sometime.” he winks. Jeonghan pulls into a parking space, quickly unbuckling his seat belt and exiting the car. Before you can reach the handle, he swings the door open and smiles. Your heart flutters, but you keep reminding yourself that he’s a player. 
“Hey, guys, over here!” Soonyoung shouts as you walk into the building. You see Seungcheol across the room with his arms around his date. You can’t make out their face, but they seem attractive. You press your lips together, trying to get your attention back on your friend. Jeonghan notices how uneasy you are. He follows you line of vision and squints at the couple.
“Is that your ex? The taller guy?” he asks. You nod slowly, breathing harder. Jeonghan grabs your hand and squeezes it a bit. “It’ll be okay.” he whispers, pressing a kiss to your head. He makes you feel confused. You smile and squeeze his hand back. Soonyoung wiggles his eyebrows as you two approach him. 
“Jihoon is already backstage. He’s performing first and last. Can you believe that...conceited bastard.” you laugh at his playful criticism. Jihoon was very good though. He had every reason to be both the opening and closing act, even if it did seem cocky. The performances go by rather quickly. Jeonghan cheers for his friend as they sing. Your heart drops when you recognize the outfit. Your eyes scan the room for Seungcheol, and when they find him, you regret searching. He looks completely in love. He was giving them the same look of admiration he used to give you. It didn’t help that they were friends with your fake-date. It only upped the chances of you running into Seungcheol. 
Jeonghan held onto your hand the entire time. You tried to distract yourself, and instead of thinking about Seungcheol you thought about Jeonghan. You wondered if this would drive a wedge between your potential friendship. On your end of course, you didn't think he’d feel awkward at all about it. Maybe if you remained friends after you helped him with his school work you’d ask him those questions you had. He didn’t seem so bad when he picked you up. He was a bit awkward in fact. It could’ve all been a show, though. Again, you have to remind yourself that he’s a player. 
Soonyoung taps your shoulder as the show continues. You hadn’t even realized that Seungcheol’s date had finished. You looked over to your friend. “They’re heading this way.” he whispers. You turn your head and see your ex and his date walking toward you, or Jeonghan rather, who had his eyes glued to the stage. 
“Shit...” you squeezed his hand. You decided in a spit second to put all of your conflicting feelings aside and make a bold move. “they’re coming, hurry up and kiss me.”
Jeonghan’s eyes widen, but when he realizes you’re serious his expression darkens. He grabs your face and goes hard from the get-go. You tried your best not to be shocked. You’d expected something soft, light, and appropriate for the occasion. Soonyoung whispers ‘ooh okay’ from beside you. You must’ve gotten really into the feeling of his lips dominating yours because you hear multiple people clear their throats. You pull away, looking up at Jeonghan who is already smirking at you. Your cheeks were on fire as you look around to see Seungcheol glaring. 
“Bit much, don’t you think?” asks your ex. You look down at your feet. Jeonghan pulls you into his side. 
“Mind your own.” he says flatly. You bite your lip trying not to laugh. “Hey,” Jeonghan smiles, nodding to his friend. “you were great up there.” They smile at him, muttering a ‘thanks’ before grabbing Seungcheol’s hand. You force yourself not to react. 
“It’s been a while. How are you?” Seungcheol asks. 
“Okay. Great, actually.” you say as you look up to Jeonghan. He winks at you, brushing some hair out of your face. 
“I’m gonna go find Jihoon.” Soonyoung says before disappearing. The conversation gets more hellish and awkward. You and Seungcheol exchange glances more times than you were comfortable with while Jeonghan caught up with his friend. After a while he senses that you’re growing more impatient to leave. 
“Let’s get out of here, yeah?” he says, grabbing your hand. You smile and nod. 
“It was nice seeing you again, Seungcheol, and you were amazing by the way.” you wave to the couple before turning away.
Once you’re out of the building you try to let go of Jeonghan’s hand. “Oh come on, the date isn’t over yet. Fake or not.” he whines. You don’t react much. Your mind is racing over seeing Seungcheol. “Hey, you okay?” he asks. 
“Yeah, I just...didn’t realize how much I missed him.” you explain. Jeonghan lets go of your hand and bites his lip. He seems sympathetic, and to be honest a bit jealous. You smile to yourself. “Thanks, for tonight.”
“You’re welcome. I had a good time. Even if it was a little awkward and I was a little creepy.” he laughs. 
“I really appreciate it. Tonight would have been a thousand times worse had you not been here.”
“Well, I’d love to go on another date with you. If you’d let me take you out for real.” he confesses. A part of you says to run from him, to not get involved, but another part of you is drawn to him. He seems a lot more down to earth when he isn’t with his friends, or surrounded by people that fed his ego. 
“Lets focus on getting your paper finished first, okay?” you smile. Jeonghan opens the car door for you and winks as you slide into the seat. 
“I’m taking that as a soft yes.” he laughs. 
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salutmonmec · 5 years
Hair, Ears and Thigh | to the last one, if anyone did, I am all ready to fight them!!
Timy thANK YOU FOR ACTUALLY SENDING IN AN ASK LMAOOO you are too sweet to me cUtIe
Hair - what hair color looks best on you and what’s your natural color?
So I’m a naturally blonde (all my Scandi and Austrian genes LMAO) and the only hair color I’ve had besides that is red, I had a coppery auburn for around 6 months a couple years ago, which I actually got a shit ton of compliments on, but I would say most people say I look better blonde??? I guess?? Why is this question making me think this much at midnight lmao???
Ears - how many piercings do you have?
I have a solid oNE hole in each ear, a trUE REBEL GUYS
Thighs - has anyone ever called you fat or ugly?
If I’m being honest, I can’t really think of any times of the top of my head, I’ve always been a muscular and tall girl, but I was captain of the soccer team and was always pretty athletic in school, so any person that did call me fat would have gotten a swift and hard kick to the fuckin shins LMAOOO in my soCCER cleats no less, I think I was a little too intimidating for someone to call me that to my face 😂
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