#but my boyfriend is from Virginia beach and calls it turtling
mythicalthing · 11 months
If yes, please tell me where ur from in the tags! This was done as a prank and there was no shame quite like having your backpack nuggeted in high school. For everyone asking I am from Virginia
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potter-imagines · 7 years
Being in a Polyamorous relationship with the Hamilsquad...
(So sorry I got carried away!!)
Your boys would be the sweetest in the world
Lafayette giving you adorable little pet names in French
“Mon petit ange doux, you look divine in that dress.”
Always buying a turtle plush for John everytime you take a trip to the store with one of the boys.
Here's how your multiple turtle purchases would go down...
Hercules stopped the grocery cart and reached out to catch your arm just as your hands wrapped around the small fluffy green animal with large sparkly blue eyes. He sighed as your large orbs met his, “Y/n, my sweet, I think John has got enough turtles by now don’t you-” The tall man was cut short as his other love stepped out from behind him, setting a box of uncooked noodles in the cart, then took the stuffed animal from your hands and set it in the overflowing cart. “Shush Hercules, let her get him the turtle. John loves them!” Alexander insisted. Hercules rolled his eyes and threw his hands up deciding the fight wasn’t worth. Y/n and Alex both erupted with happiness when seeing John’s reaction to the new additions to his collection that they gifted him with. Of course it warmed Hercules’ insides seeing his boyfriend so excited so he obliged and shook his head. “Fine, fine, but you two are going to explain this to Laf when he sees John’s getting yet another one.”
Hercules making you an endless supply of dresses
Cuddle sessions
You’d probably have a chores chart
John would be the biggest sweetheart out of the four
They’d be obsessed with making sure you’re always comfortable and know how much you’re loved
Random surprises at work
It would most likely be extremely awkward at the start, none of you sure what to do and how to go about a relationship involving five people but after a while things would smooth out
Movie nights galore!!
Giving the boys massages after long hard days
Alex ranting to you about his hatred for Jefferson
“He’s just a pathetic, spineless, pain in my ass! What the hell is his problem anyways, huh? I mean my god why doesn’t he just take the damn stick out of his mother fu-” “Alexander!”
Doodling with John in your free time
Braiding the boy’s hair
“My love, are those flowers that you’re-” “Shush. You like it Alex, stop pretending you don’t.”
Bringing Hercules lunch and modeling his work for him
Thousands of group selfies
You all would move into a spacious apartment in New York with a large master bedroom that you all shared
The boys being extremely overprotective of you and each other
“That guy won’t stop drooling over Y/n.” “Oh tell me about it, this girl over here won’t stop making googly eyes at Laf.”
They’d love to baby you despite your protests
After a long day at work Hercules would draw you a bath as Lafayette carried you in and helped wash you
Lafayette tying your hair up in a bun whenever the chance is presented
Shoulder kisses
The boys would love placing small pecks all over your face as a sign of greeting
You all had enough trust in each other so jealousy wasn’t a very common thing
But there’d be a time when out with the boys you would run into Thomas Jefferson and Alex would go into full jealousy mode
He’d insist Jefferson was flirting with you and would have his hand wrapped securely around your waist with John holding your hand and Hercules glaring daggers at the man as he chatted away with Laf
But even Laf would get uncomfortable with the way his dear friend was staring you up and down
“Ah and this must be the lovely Y/n. I’ve heard so much about you. My, my you are more beautiful than the bright stars in the Virginia sky, my darlin’. Hope these men are treating you right, Hamilton especially. If you want to see what it’s like to be with a real man, one who can give you the attention you deserve-”
This would be Alex’s snapping point
Laf and Herc would have to hold him back from tearing apart the smug Jefferson as John would hold you close, blocking you from the sight
The rest of the night was spent snuggling together in bed under a mountain of blankets spent reassuring the boys just how much you love them
Morning showers together
The boys would try to do your makeup one night and surprisingly impress you with their skills
After noticing Lafayette’s constant distress and homesickness after a week or so Hercules, John, Alex, and yourself would get off early from work for the night and get to work make Lafayette a feast of authentic French themed foods
Laf being extremely overwhelmed at the action and going into an appreciative French spree of words- or rather so gibberish to three of you.
“Mes amours vous fondent mon coeur avec vos douces actions. Comment ai-je réussi à avoir la chance d'avoir quatre beaux anges qui m'aiment autant que je les fais? Je ne méritais pas de toi, mes amours.”
Hercules, John, and you turning to Alexander for translation
“He uh, he said he appreciates the action a lot and loves all of us more than anything.”
He’d then pull all of you in for a large group hug, which would happen often
Grocery shopping would take like five times longer for the fact that you live in a house with four other guys
John and Hercules always tagging along when you run errands
Alex writing heartwarming poems about you nonstop. He likes to sneak them into your work folders or your purse for moments when you need to hear it the most.
Hercules making all five of you matching Christmas sweaters in which you pose in for your family Christmas cards that make it out to all of your friends and family.
Girl gossip with the Schuyler sisters
I feel like Hercules would have a good list of jokes he’d say and mostly at inappropriate times
Like when it was Alex’s night to make dinner and he accidently overcooked the pork chops, Hercules would come into the kitchen taking in the dry black meat then look at Alex with a dead serious expression
“Hey babe, what do you call a pig that knows karate?” “Herc now is not the time-” “A pork chop.”
John always making silly faces at you from across the room when you’re stressed out
Laf being obsessed with taking candid photos of the boys and you,making a whole album full of them
“Laf why are you taking pictures of us? We’re just making lunch.” You mumbled half mindedly. The water on the stove was boiling heavily and John wrapped his arms around you from behind setting a handful of asparagus in the pot. He chuckled and placed a chaste kiss to the side of your cheek. Yet again another distinct shutter filled the air as Lafayette smiled to himself. “I bet it’s because we look absolutely adorable.” John whispered into your ear. You laughed as the vibration tickled your skin. Laf nodded and pointed towards the two of you, “Right you are, John.”
Making breakfast with Laf to bring to a sleeping Alex who passed out at his desk on top of piles of papers.
Having Christmas movie marathons laying in Hercules’ arms while Laf holds Alex and John cuddles up to your side
Becoming amazingly close friends with the Schuyler sister who love to hear about your relationship with the boys
But let's be real, the sex would be outstanding
Like John would be sweet, gentle, and hesitant but in all the right ways
Alex would love to go down on you and the rest of the boys gaining pleasure out of satisfying his partners. He's also pretty cocky, no pun intended, in bed but in all the right ways.
Lafayette exceeded in the department of dirty talk, whispering dirty French words in the shell of your ear and loud for the rest to hear which would turn Alex on above anything else seeing as he was the only who understood the words
Hercules was obsessed with undressing you and the boys loving to unravel you all before himself. He's to most skilled out of all of you and it definitely comes in handy while in bed.
But afterwards they would always make sure you felt okay and cleaned you up
Fights would be to an extreme limit but when they did occur everyone acted fast
Alex was usually involved in the arguments while John would stand to the side, holding you close if you were near shielding you from the disaster.
Lafayette could be explosive if involved so Hercules acted as the peacemaker
In most cases all boys wanted the mess to end the second it would start but being hot tempered, sometimes it didn’t matter if the issue was large enough
Alex would apologized no longer than five minutes after the start almost in tears feeling horrible for his actions
He would rush over to John and you pulling both of you in close as the other two would join in
You would all then spend the night over a tub of ice cream peacefully sorting out the issue at hand.
So many kisses
Exploring the city together
Out of all the boys, Alex is the most difficult to convince of things
It’s a chore alone just to get that boy to bed
And when clothes shopping, you always make sure to go with Laf or John
Alex is the smartest with the shopping and usually knows what you actually need and don’t need
Hercules insists he can make you whatever article of clothing you want
But John simply cannot resist saying no to you and Laf just wants to see you smile so he had no problem throwing whatever amount of money down to cover the cost. (In no means is this used in the gold digger content.)
It makes John and Laf so happy when they say yes to you and you erupt in a fit of happy giggles and ‘thanks yous’
Every once in awhile all of you would take a trip. It always varied depending on whose choice it was. Lafayette loved taking you all to his home in France, Alex was a fan of adventurous tropical vacations (sometimes cruises but it took a lot of convincing) and heading to Spain for a change of culture, John liked camping trips or mountain explorations, Hercules was a fan of road trips and calm vacations on the shores of beaches in Hawaii, and you managed to talk to boys into backpacking in Europe which although stressful during the process, was a successful vacation and you enjoyed weekends up north far from the social world.
Lafayette would come home from work and surprise you with various coloring books or Paris, India, New York, etc. from the local Barnes and Noble. This being said you would steal many or John’s coloring utensils to fill in the books.
The boys all had different drunk types
Alex was whiny. SOOOOO freaking whiny when drunk.
“Y/n… can you please cuddle me?” “Jack gimme kisses.” “Hercules can you make me pizza?” “Laf, babe, are you ignoring me? No baby, lay with me!” “Alex sweetheart, I’m doing laundry what do you want?”
John was the cuddly drunk who always wanted kisses and hugs. He’d latched himself onto whichever partner was closest and would die before letting go. If someone would say no to John- they’d pay the price. In an instant he’d erupt in a fury of tears and totally let go of himself. Herc, being the usual sober one, was there right away comforting the sensitive boy.
Laf was a happy drunk. There was always a award winning smile on his face when a drink was in his hand. He’d tell jokes in different accent and whisper incoherent French words in your ear. He liked to get touch with all his partners and always had a hand on at least one of you while intoxicated. Lafayette was known to laugh at least once every two minutes, sometimes at nothing at all while drunk. He found the world to be one huge joke and had the time of his life.
Hercules let loose entirely. He was more of a partier when drunk and liked to brag, a lot. It wasn’t always about entirely PG-13 things either if you know what I mean. He also enjoyed showing Laf, Alex, John, and yourself off as well. Not in a disrespectful manner, just talked about how much he loved all of you. His lips were constantly pressed against your temple as well as the other boys. He’d holler and shout at a ball game on the screen that while sober he wouldn’t even give a second glance to.
Speaking of sports, almost everyone in the house was into something different but when March came around, the house was madness… pun intended.
The boys as well as yourself would all make brackets. Money was involved, no doubt. Smack talk was also a component even though none of you cared for the sport too much until March.
Alex would watch every game leading up to the event feverishly mapping out his plan. In the end, he would take into account more of the end scores than the effort and passion of each team. His end game was between Gonzaga and North Carolina.
John would argue against Alex and root for all the underdogs. Things wouldn’t turn out well for him but he had fun! John liked cheering for all teams and tened to root for the team with the most passion and enthusiasm. He was one for effort and hustle so when all his first round picks lost, he didn’t mind.
There was no doubt about it, Lafayette cheered for the team ahead. He was a typical bandwagon and switch sides faster than any traitor in history. Laf claimed he didn’t do so but it was clear. Sometimes he would cheer for the team with the name he recognized but he did enjoy watching basketball and seeing the games. Not knowing whether to pick North or South Carolina, Lafayette cheated the system deciding to write ‘Carolina’ as the end winner, claiming he did it on accident but everyone knew what he was up to.
Hercules cheered for the team with the best colors. He wasn’t as into basketball as most and prefered to watch his loves get excited themselves. Although he did pick Gonzaga, due to Alex spending an entire week talking him into it. Hercules didn’t mind though, he had no idea what was going on anyways. At the start he had put in the Lakers and Bulls, not realizing the huge difference between college and professional.
You on the other hand had watched the teams throughout their whole season which also meant you understood every game was different so you took an approach similar to John. In the end, Alex was the closest to perfection and made sure to let you all know it. But he choose to spend the money won on a night out on the town filed with kisses, champagne, expensive food, and loving memories.
You and Alex would be overly involved in reality TV
Like don’t even get him started on all those Real Housewives shows. Alex lives for the, most likely scripted, drama. You both try to get the other boys in on it although the only one who bites the bait is Hercules. Her claims he ‘hates’ the shows but you had caught him one Sunday night after everyone had long passed taken on sleep. You had felt his side of the bed shift and soon enough he was creeping out of the room. You followed him in curiosity and the sight you found was no one to disappoint.
Hercules has an episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians playing at the lowest volume and he was fully consumed.
You tiptoed silently down the wooden staircase holding a hand over your mouth to keep your breathing shallow. The light from the TV screen flashed in the dim lit room. You peeked out around the corner of the wall taking in the sight before you. Hopping out from behind the wall you shot your hand out at your boyfriend and hollered in delight,   “Ha! I knew it, you do love it!” Hercules jumped a mile high, his bowl of popcorn spilling out as he did so. His eyes flickered from the screen, to you, to the screen, then back to you again. Shooting his hands up surrender, Herc quickly snatched the remote from the cushion turning the show off instantly. “Sweetheart, it’s not what it looks like. I just- I wanted to see… fine you caught me. Don’t you dare tell Alex.” “Nope, too late.” A new voice appeared from the bottom of the stairs where a smug looking Alex stood. His hands were folded across his chest with his weight staggered to one hip. The cocky demeanor was shinning as bright as a new lightbulb. The introduction of another voice, or two, followed shortly after. “Damn Hercules, they got you too.” John commented sleepily. His messy locks curled around his face perfectly as his eyes batted heavily. You and Alex chuckled joining Hercules on the couch. Both of you were waiting for Monday to watch it together but what better time than the present. Alex snuggled into Hercule’s side humming at the man's hand falling around his frame. You reached forward locking your hand with Alexander’s and rested your head on his shoulder. Laf smiled at the view and walked around the opposite end taking a seat on the floor. He turned around and faced Hercules with a side smirk, “C’mon babe I thought you were strong!” “Sorry you two! It’s just so terrible it’s addicting. Sit and watch it, just one and you’ll see what I mean.”
But above everything you all loved each other more than anything and did everything in your power to protect each other and make one another feel loved and cared for.
Hope you liked it! 
- Daizy xx
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mythicalthing · 11 months
imsorry i've gone to school here in va for 7 years and i have no idea what ur talking abt
Dude I'm spiraling bc I can't figure out a regional connection here. I'm from Northern VA and we call it nuggeting and my boyfriend from Virginia Beach called it turtling but then there's also friends from the same county who have no idea wtf I'm talking about and I just cannot get why this prank spared some schools and chose to terrorize others but if you don't believe me I'm begging you to google a nuggeted backpack
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