#but nah we dont have mountain lions
Surprisingly see more animals with the sidewalk in my backyard than before they cleared out the trees
Like i know those animals were there before and were just hidden by the trees but I thought the sidewalk would scare them off
Apparently not
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alicedoessurveys · 4 years
States Tag
Alabama: Do you like the movie Forrest Gump? never seen it
Alaska: Would you rather deal with 30 days of day or 30 days of night?
Arizona: Can you handle heat well? no, I get headaches and very grumpy
Arkansas: What are your opinions on Bill Clinton? I have none, Im British so I don't really follow US politics 
California: Who is your favorite actor? Favorite actress? Actors: James McAvoy, David Tennant, Martin Freeman, all the Marvel guys, a list that goes on and on but my brain has gone blank. Actresses: my brain has gone to mush I cant think of a single actress ughhhhhh
Colorado: Do you smoke weed? What are your opinions on its legalization? I don't smoke it. I think it should be legalised for medical use only but not for anyone like cigarettes are. My neighbours smoke it so our garden stinks of the stuff constantly 
Connecticut: Have you ever had a school shooting at your school? its not a thing we have to worry about it England
Delaware: Are you usually the first to do something, or are you more of a follower? neither really, I just do my own thing 
Florida: Have you ever been to Disney World? not in america, I’ve been to Paris
Georgia: Would you consider yourself a southern belle? no
Hawaii: What would be paradise for you? right now, to just be alone. I hate living with my parents and the foster kids, especially today they have tested my patience all fucking day im at breaking point
Idaho: What is your favorite way to eat a potato? jacket, or roasted
Illinois: Did you vote for President Obama (or would you have)? I would have, yes
Indiana: Do you like corn? no 
Iowa: Are roses your favorite flower? sunflowers are 
Kansas: Do you like the Tin Man, Scarecrow or Cowardly Lion better? cowardly lion just cause I think thats the one I relate to most 
Kentucky: Have you ever been to a horse race? no, and I don't want to
Louisiana: Have you ever celebrated Mardi Gras? nope
Maine: Do you like lobster? nope. I think its disgusting the way they are cooked too
Maryland: Have you ever been to Washington DC? never been to America 
Massachusetts: Are you smart enough to go to Harvard? I barely passed English and maths gsce so doubt it
Michigan: Have you ever swam in a lake? when I was a kid 
Minnesota: Have you seen Drop Dead Gorgeous? never heard of it 
Mississippi: Do you follow college football? nah
Missouri: Have you ever convinced someone to show you their private parts? what the...? nope why would I do that and what has this to do with Missouri?!
Montana: What is the greatest treasure you have ever found?
Nebraska: Do you eat beef? nope, I don't eat red meat
Nevada: Are you good at card games? No, and not very interested in them either.
New Hampshire: What are your views on gay marriage? it should be legal. Im a Christian I have no issue with it. you love who you love. the only thing I don't agree with is gay marriages happening in a church but any other venue go for it. 
New Jersey: Do you watch The Jersey Shore? no, ive seen some of the English version Geordie Shore
New Mexico: Would you consider yourself a hippie? nope
New York: Have you ever been to New York City? Would you like to? omg please I desperate to visit New York but im too poor 
North Carolina: Are the Panthers your favorite football team? don't like football 
North Dakota: Have you seen Fargo? eh I saw like one episode of the remake series a few years ago but I don't remember much about it 
Ohio: Did you watch The Drew Carey Show? nope
Oklahoma: What is your favorite musical? oh man now you're asking the hard questions... Hamilton, Waitress, Dear Evan Hansen, Grinning Man, Six, Beetlejuice, Heathers, Into The Woods... im a massive theatre nerd
Oregon: Did you ever play the Oregon Trail game? never heard of it
Pennsylvania: Do you watch It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia? never seen it 
Rhode Island: Who is the smallest person you know? our foster kid
South Carolina: Do you think Aziz Ansari is funny? I don't know who that is 
South Dakota: Who is more interesting: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Teddy Roosevelt or Abraham Lincoln? everything I know about Washington and Jefferson is from Hamilton 
Tennessee: Who is your favorite country singer? dont know any... Is Dolly Parton country?
Texas: Do you like barbecue or Tex-Mex better? barbecue 
Utah: Do you know anyone who is Mormon? nope, I don't think its much of a think in UK
Vermont: Do you get the full autumnal colors in the fall where you live? yes
Virginia: Are you a virgin? yes
Washington: Do you like grunge? nope
West Virginia: Do you like the mountains? I guess yeah
Wisconsin: What’s your favorite kind of cheese? mozzarella or red leicester 
Wyoming: Do you love westerns? nah
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skiasurveys · 4 years
Name   skia
Gender female
Age 23
Screen Name skiasurveys
Birthday dec 5
Race  white
School/Grade n/a
Job rather not say
Status taken
Hometown RD
Current Town n/a
Parents Still Together? they would be if my dad didnt die.
Siblings one younger sister
Pets  2 cats <3 
Smoker no
Drinker  socially
Virgin no
Orientation  straight
Hair Color brown
Is It Dyed? no
Eye Color dark brown
Height 5 feet
Style i dont know what to describe my style...
Glasses/Contacts/None? none
Freckles none
Body Type  average? pear shape
Shoe Size 6 us female
Piercings  none
Want More? n/a
Tattoos? none
Want More? n/a
Braces? i had when i was 14
Overall Best Feature: my eyes idk
Overall Worst Feature: hair or stomach hahaha
Do you get most of your traits from mom or dad? both tbh
Favorite Color green
Worst Color orange
Favorite Number 28
Favorite Animal wolf
Least Favorite Animal monkey
Favorite Flower roses
Favorite Food meat balls n rice
Worst Food tofu
Favorite Junk Food candy or chips
Worst Junk Food idk haha
Favorite Restaraunt earls
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor mint
Favorite Candy starbursts
Favorite Alcoholic Drink blue hawaii or just straight rum
Favorite NON Alcoholic Drink pepsi
Worst Alcoholic Drink gin
Worst NON Alcoholic Drink mountain dew
Favorite Genre of Music classic rock
Worst Genre country or rap
Favorite Band/Artist queen
Worst Band/Artist justin bieber
Favorite Song somebody to love
Worst Song idk
Favorite Radio Station don’t listen to the radio much
Favorite Book the art of racing in the rain
Worst Book twilight
Favorite Type of Movie animation lol
Worst Type of Movie war or money type
Favorite Movie the lion king 1994
Worst Movie Ever twilight lol
Favorite TV Show this is us
Wost TV Show idk
Favorite Season of the Year fall
Worst Season winter
Best Friend jennifer
Worst Enemy maybe kim or alan
Favorite Day of the Week doesn’t matter to me currently
Least Favorite Day of the Week ^
Favorite Sport volleyball
Sport You Hate football
One thing you cant get enough of internet lmaoooo
One thing you hate more than anything idk
Are You Single? no
If not, who is your bf/gf? connor
How Long Have You Been Together? 4 years and 1 month lol
Do You Have a Crush On Anyone Right Now? currently my bf i guess haha
First Kiss brandon
Ever Kiss in the Rain? no
In a Movie Theater? yeah
Underwater? no haha
First Love idk i wanna say connor
Have you ever Cheated on Anyone? no
Been Cheated on? i think so
Used Someone? not intentionally
Been used? yeah
Lied to your bf/gf? white lies
Ever Made out With Just a Friend? no
Do you Flirt a Lot? with my bf
Longest Relationship the one i am in rn 4 years
Shortest 1 month lol
Have you Ever Gotten a Poem? no
Ever Get Flowers? yeah
Do you Believe in Love at First Sight? no i don’t think you can fall in love that quick
Do you Believe in "The One"? yeah
Do you Fall in Love Fast? not rly but once i do i fall hard
Ever cried over someone of the opposite sex? of course
Ever Been Dumped? yeah
Ever dumped someone? yes twice
Ever been rejected? yeah but never where i asked someone out then they said no usually just like we didn’t work out lol
Ever dated someone more than once? yes
Do you ever make the first move? sometimes
Double dates or single? single
Do you want to get married? i guess
Hair Color brown
Short or long? short only a few dudes can pull off long
Eye color? brown
Style good lmao i don’t care but should be good and nice haha
Age my age or a bit older but not too much
Height tall lol
Weight doesn’t rly matter
Muscular or skinny? muscular
Boxers or Breifs? i don’t care
Do you care about looks? yes but it’s not super important
Can you drive? yes
Do you have a car? yup
Do you have a cell phone? yes iphone 8
Are you online a lot? yuppppp
Can you speak another language? nah
Do you do well in school? i try my best
Do you collect anything? no
Have an obsession? always hahaha it changes
Do you hate yourself? yeah oops
Ever smile for no reason? sure
Talk to yourself? yup
Do you have any regrets? yeah i do..
Believe in magick? nah
Do you support gay marriage? of course
Sex before marriage? yeah do what you want
Do you trust people easily? hmmm no
Forgive easily? no
Do you have a secret no one knows? yeah
Do you get along with your parents? yeah
What about other people? usually
How do you vent your anger? i make art
Do you like George Bush? no
Goal Before you die? travel to iceland
Biggest Fear suffocation
Biggest Weakness it depends maybe that’s i am too kind
Do you play an instrument? no
What do you want to be when you grow up? idk
Are you...
A daydreamer? yes
Shy? yup
Talkative? sometimes... hehe
Energetic? no
Happy? no
Depressed? yeah
Funny? i’ve been told i am
Boring? yesh
Mean? no
Nice? yes
Caring? too much
Trustworthy? i guess
Confident? not rly
Friendly? yes
Smart? nahhhh
Sarcastic? yup
Dependable? yes
Quiet? i can
Weird? yeah ahha
Adaptable? no
Strong (emotionally)? i think
Strong (physically)? nah
Mature? ye
Logical? yes
Religious? kinda
Modest? yes
Indesicive? yup lol
Sympathetic? very
Polite? always
Creative? i think ya
Fun to be around? i hope lmaoo
Loveable? idk
Easily Amused? sure
Outgoing? kinda
Daring? nooo
Clumsy? YEP
Nosy? yep
Lazy? i can be
Scary? i don’t think so lol
Optimistic? nooo
Persuasive? yes
A good listener? yes
Curious? yes
Determined? yes
Artistic? yup
Honest? yup
Respectful? yup
Concieted? no
Cocky? no
Controlling? not rly
Playful? yes
Easygoing? yes
Carefree? no
Hot Headed? no
Serious? i can be
Thoughtful? yes
Considerate? yup
Stubborn? nah
Romantic? yes
Ambitious? meh
Jealous? yeah unfortunately
Insecure? yes
Obsessive? yghhh no
Attentive? yes
Helpful? i try
Punctual? Always on time
Rational? sometimes lol
Sincere? yes
Tolerant? yes
Did you enjoy this survey? yes
Was it too long? nah
Do you think it contained just about everything? yes
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