#but no....he was almost humiliated
francy-sketches · 1 year
I love when asoiaf fans realize how shitty arranged marriages are but only for the male characters. Like a man could do the vilest shit to his wife and they’ll be like ‘aw poor baby he was in a loveless marriage :(‘ but god forbid a woman is mean to her husband lol
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tokkosoap · 5 months
GS oc!
I've been constantly rereading GS and decided to make my first post here about my ocs (despite how long I've used tumblr I never grasped the posting much)
The brown Stonekrovn is named łodyga(pronounced Woah-dih-gah) and hes Splicecutters bf
Splice cutters whole shtick is basically "thought to be dead by his mouth, Adopted by 2 outcast lesbians, has no clue about his heritage so based on stigma and stereotyping from others he assumes his breed of deer, Stonekrovns, are cannibals until he finds łodyga. Lucky Splicecutter however cus he managed to somehow find the ONE stonekrovn that actually DOES eat deer!",
Tldr: gay wolf deer falls down cliff and is adopted by lesbians, fears his heritage is full of cannibals and when he finds one of his kind and falls in love, turns out they're actually a cannibal
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black-and-yellow · 7 months
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jnstudios2 · 9 months
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I just love the fact that plasmius is proud of himself in million dollar ghost
Look at him so proud and evil
( he’s going to be a interesting villain for the animated series I’ll tell you that)
Rewatched million dollar ghost and noticed how proud he is of his plans in this one)
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yohankang · 5 months
i hate working with rich people i hate it
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uselessnbee · 1 year
everyone understands that Will had a hard time helping El and standing up for her because he himself has trauma from being bullied his whole life and doesn't know how to fight them back, his reaction to bullying is to freeze. but suddenly no one understands it when it comes to Mike and he's just called an asshole for not being able to stand up and fight El's bullies
i'm not saying he is innocent and did nothing wrong. he could have done more and just handle the situation better but he was just too focused on Will and was in his head and being the otherthinking oblivious dumbass that he is
but just imagine your girlfriend tells you she is having a good time and has friends, she does not mention anything bad and then suddenly she's getting bullied in front of you. when you've been bullied your whole life your first reaction is to freeze, to panic and just wait and hope it passes quickly and they'll leave you alone. Mike did not have any knowledge about her bullying or having any kind of problems, as long as he was aware those people were her friends. he himself has trauma from being bullied (he literally mentions it later on why yall keep forgetting??) and being suddenly thrown into a situation involving bullying can be really distressing.
when you have experience with being bullied even just seeing someone else getting bullied can make you freeze up and panic. and we know that Mike does not stand up for himself when he's the victim. even when you're not on the receiving end of the bullying but you just see it happening and suddenly you're a scared little kid again holding back tears desperately hoping for them to leave you alone.
and i know everyone wants to yell at me "you forgot about Mike standing up to Troy when they were saying shit about Will! so he can obviously stand up for his friends so why can't he for El??" and no i did not forget and yes you may be right but the situations are different. Mike was very well aware of Troy's bullying. he was involved in it. he was the victim there. he's had to deal with his bullying for years it was not a shocking revelation. however he did not know about El's situation at all and your reaction can be very different when you know about something and when you have no knowledge and it suddenly happens
again i'm not saying that he did nothing wrong. i'm just saying that we need to consider his trauma and his point of view and it could make him think less rationally and therefore not being able to help properly. maybe if he knew beforehand that something could go wrong he could be prepared and he would handle the situation better (even if it would be just them seeing Angela and her friends come and they would turn to Mike and say quickly that those people are mean to El he would still have at least some time and could prepare himself). but he did not know that and he was not prepared for this situation to suddenly escalate like this. he was unprepared and probably panicking and didn't know what to do so no he wasn't much of a help.
and maybe we should stop acting like this traumatised 14 years old kid needs to solve every problem and act rationally in every situation and not to make any mistakes (especially when he has no knowledge to prepare him for something distressing) and overall just putting everything on his shoulders and then insult and hate him when it does not end up perfectly well
and maybe i'm just being my overprotective extremely defensive self who's looking too much into this who knows
and i can't even properly put into words what i'm trying to say but if it makes sense to someone then great!
#mike wheeler#byler#Will is not a bad guy for not being able to stand up for El#that boy has so much ptsd from everything he's been through in his life he never stands up to his bullies#his survival tactic is to stay quiet and hope assholes won't bother him#and Mike isn't a bad guy either#no it is not an excuse for him being a bitch to El especially after she hit Angela#but again he was not prepared for anything like this to happen and it all escalated so quickly and ended up in violence#and he didn't even properly know and process what just happened#and i'm also sick of seeing everyone hating him and calling him a hypocrite for this whole thing#because 'he was okay with El using violence against his bullies' when those situations are so so different#El hurt the bullies because they literally made Mike jump off a cliff and threatend Dustin with a knife#El used violence against Mike's bullies because Mike almost lost his life he was not being humiliated#and i'm not saying that being humiliated like El was isn't bad because i know how painful and traumatising it can be#but in Mike's situation she used violence against violence and that is still different#also that happened in s1 and they were still kids and since then Mike saw so much violence and death#that it would be understandable for him to have a different view on it now#if El would humiliate Angela back like she did with Troy at first#i'm pretty sure Mike would understand that better so maybe calm down with that hate yea?#but then again it is just a speculation and my opinion so you do you#blue's 'Mike's extreme defender' ramblings
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Mike being the OG protagonist + Will having some girl crushing on him almost every season, tells me everything I need to know...
#byler#the protagonist's love interest is almost always framed as being wanted by everyone#they're framed as unattainable basically#bc they could literally have anyone#and so why you?#you could make the argument that its meant to hint at will not liking girls...#but the first mention we get of a girl liking will...#will isn't even present for it? and the boys assume he would be excited about it...?#the boys are all reacting to it including mike#s2 girl incident heavily involved mike..#this is what I was thinking about the other day too#bc lucas tries to call out mike by saying he's just blind bc he likes that a girl isn't grossed out by him...#mike is seen as weird and a nerd by girls in his hometown#no girl was going to walk up to him to dance that night at the snowball#even dustin had to get humiliated trying to ask a girl#lucas was fortunate enough to have met max and now they were getting together#otherwise#the only one in their group to get asked to dance by a girl casually#was will#WILL PULLS bitches!#and mike is there to witness it half the time#in s4 mike isn't there and so i think that moment was meant for us to start to fully realize will wasn't attracted to girls#but then she just so happens to have the same hair as mike and be in the same pose as him in the junkward during the triple take#like the madness never really ends#will is the love interest!!!#why do you think he's glowing all the time!?!!?!?!?#why introduce him from the beginning as liked by the most popular girl in school like it's just such a weird choice#but not if he's the protagonists love interest...#mike being jealous of max and her friendship bond with el in s3#i've connected the dots
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poorlittleyaoyao · 9 months
I truly think mxtx’s intention was to set up a romance where wangxian’s appeal was one being a righteous cultivator and the other being one that fell from grace and how society and perception
both their own perception of each other/themselves and how others view them
was the thing keeping them apart and how they were going to overcome both these things
very pride and prejudice
and that IS what happened
but I think what she ended up with was something more romeo and Juliet - where the story is toted as a romance but underneath that it’s a tragedy, and the ending of mdzs is just too tragic bc the only ones who are arguably happy at the end are wangxian when the cast is so FULL
and full of people who only got unhappy endings or death
that last ramble got me thinking maybe we, the readers, have been looking at mdzs the wrong way. maybe mdzs is meant to be a tragedy and it just got popular as a romance. but I think I read or heard somewhere once that that’s the appeal of Chinese romances - a tragic ending with the implication that the lovers will be happy together in the next life
I hope it's okay that I combined the two Asks since they're so closely related! (Also--and this goes to everyone--if you're messaging me not on anon and prefer an answer privately rather than on the blog, lmk!)
This is interesting to consider, because my own issue is the opposite, I think: it's not that there are too many tragic elements in the happy romance, but that there's too much silly goofy trope stuff in the tragedy! I love tragedy. All my favorite works are tragedies! My all-time favorite TV show is S1 of The Terror, which tells us in the title card that every guy on the expedition is going to die miserably. I don't want everyone to die miserably in every work of fiction, obviously, but it's tragedy and/or hard-fought happiness that sticks with me.
So with the novel... yeah, all this tragedy happens, but it feels to me that it's pushed aside whenever it's in danger of harshing Wangxian's squee. I've already talked a bunch about Novelxian's past not seeming to impact him overmuch, in which case: why do it? Why do any of the plot itself, really, since nothing involving NMJ's murder has anything to do with Wangxian beyond NHS's prodding of MXY? Why have this elaborate tragedy of conflicting loyalties and betrayal and emotional devastation if we're just going to go "huh! well, that wraps that up!" and not engage with the fallout?
R&J's a good comparison, not because R&J isn't a tragedy (it for sure is!), but because R&J also has a lot of stuff going on and people like to argue about whether it's REALLY a romance or not. And like... it is. Of course it is. Romeo and Juliet's relationship is the relationship the text prioritizes. We aren't really meant to question the two of them prioritizing each other above all else. There are other themes going on there--to me personally, the play is a tragedy of adults failing children, because none of this would have happened if literally ANY adult had responsibly supported these kids--but the play is a tragic romance first and foremost.
But unlike MDZS, R&J doesn't skip on past the damage to other characters. Mercutio's death singlehandedly switches the play's genre from comedy to tragedy. Juliet continually struggles with the fact that Romeo killed Tybalt, even though Tybalt started it and he and Juliet don't have a relationship in the text. The play even spares some moments of reflection for Paris, even though literally nobody cares about Paris. Contrast all that with WQ and JYL barely being mentioned after their deaths, or LXC's seclusion being a nonissue. MDZS feels more like one of those weird problem plays, where a ~happy ending~ happens after so much messed-up shit that you're left going ????
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lilyimmsim · 7 days
i wonder if my neighbour knows i saw her drop her things, far off from inside my bedroom as she walked across her paddock. i wonder if she looked around, thinking “that’s so embarrassing” and knows that no one else thought so. i wonder if the homeless man on the train who scared me a little knows that when he patted me on the shoulder and said i was really kind knows that he made me realise it takes two to be judgemental. i wonder if he knows that it made me stop + understand i shouldn’t let my past stop me from seeking the good in others. i wonder if the girl who posted an instagram story quoting a favourite book of mine knows i gasped, and almost replied to her story but realised we weren’t very close and it might be weird. i wonder if she hoped i did.
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Megumi’s life in ur “tsumiki and megumi are seperated” AU is super fucked. Does Gojo secretly put him on supervillain watch. Does he try to give him the worst counselling anyone has ever seen.
Worse he keeps trying to become Megumi’s New Dad and Megumi cannot emphasize enough how much he does not want him to do this. Why does Gojo keep asking him to throw a baseball with him. Why does he keep trying to ruffle his hair.
#Gojo tried to give him The Talk and megumi immediately turned around and tried to walk into traffic#because he’s the funniest motherfucker that ever was in any universe#it’s important to note that Megumi’s life in that AU is super fucked but almost no one knows the scope of it#megumis taking that shit to his grave#hes finally in a better place and he really really does not want anyone else to know about what he considers a really humiliating experience#he hates feeling weak is the thing and no one has ever made him feel weak the way his family did#he didn’t have any power over his own life and it was /humiliating/#everyone else had normal childhoods and there he was being micromanaged so excessively that he wasn’t allowed to bathe and dress himself jn#until fucking high school. and even then it was only because the Zenin couldn’t hassle him at school#like it’s super obvious to everyone that the Zenin abused him but#no one knows just how bad it was#tsumiki knows he made some kind of deal so the Zenin would take care of her but he refuses to tell her what it was because he doesn’t want#to admit he tried to hurt himself. he doesn’t want her to know how bad it got.#maki knows better than anyone but 1) she doesn’t know most of it and 2) she’s not telling anyone about it either. Megumi’s her boy. she’s#not betraying his already fragile trust by airing out his business to other people#it’s sort of painfully obvious the Zenin used to beat him but no one talks about it. Megumi would shut down if anyone tries#like his life was sort of terrible and he didn’t see it getting better but somehow it did and he just wants the past to die#he wants what happened to be dead and buried and over and he knows it’s far from it but he just. he doesn’t want anyone to know.
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kellykadesperate · 1 year
genuinely love how carlos and tk were literally like: hey it’s you, i’ve been waiting for you energy about each other like .................. wow
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defensivelee · 13 days
six lives! sunderland is crazy good at shibari and james has him do it to every disciple (save for his family) at least once
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comfymoth · 1 year
you NEED to tell us anout the selkie q + schlatt lore i am so interested in those two ,, schlatt has qs selkie seal skin so that means he's trapped with him and Oughhhhfhhghhhhghhz zzz Need more lore PLS!!!!!
i feel like i'm going to have to put this under a readmore because i just KNOW i'm gonna ramble, but selkie q and human schlatt is a dynamic that can just be sooo. wow. horrific!
see, all quackity wants to do is explore the mainland, and that's how he meets schlatt initially! he's too close to the shore, and maybe he runs into a net, maybe he just gets caught sneaking around like a dork, but either way-- schlatt's the first human to find him. and he's the first human that quackity's ever met! of course q's heard all the staries, all the warnings, and he starts off baring his teeth, but... schlatt seems to just find it funny. and quackity kind of likes his jokes, and his flattery, and before he knows it he's admitting all his little-mermaid-ass dreams of being where the people are out loud. and schlatt agrees to show him!
so, that's their deal, for a little while. every day, quackity meets up with schlatt at the beach, and schlatt plays tour guide for him on land. he also teaches q how to blend in while he's up there, shows him what humans eat, how they act, how they dress-- after all, he can't just walk around in that coat. why not borrow schlatt's clothes instead? he can leave the coat in his closet. and of course, that's the concession quackity's the most hesitant to make, insisting at first on keeping it on him at all times, but-- schlatt's a nice guy. right? they've been meeting like this for a while, and he's never been anything but trustworthy. if he wanted his coat, he would have taken it already, surely. so... eventually. quackity gives in. decides to just, hang it up in schlatt's closet while they spend the day out. and at the end of the day, sure enough-- he gets it back!
they keep up this arrangement for a while, until quackity's spending days, weeks, months at a time with schlatt, just hanging around his house. and it's fun! he's having fun, he swears, but there are... occasional fights. small ones. turns out schlatt drinks more than he thought. he's moodier, when quackity's observing him for these long stretches of time. and maybe it's one of these days, when the tensions are a bit higher, and nerves wearing a bit thinner, that quackity decides he's just going out for a quick swim, just to clear his head-- only to find his coat isn't in the closet. and that fight is probably the only part of this au i ever pictured fully clearly, maybe one day i'll actually write it down, but point is that's when it goes to hell. that's when quackity realizes he's fucked.
it takes a while longer to really reach this point, but with a bit of convincing from an old friend, wilbur, quackity will eventually decide he has one way out of here. if he can't steal his coat back without getting caught, then he's just going to have to kill his husband.
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hella1975 · 9 months
‘you’re all i got, cousin’ crying over richie of all people. can this day get any worse
#IF I SAID RICHIE IS ONE OF THE MOST COMPELLING CHARACTERS ON THE BEAR WHAT THEN#THIS SHOW SAID NO TWO DIMENSIONAL CHARACTERS!!!#he’s still a dick tho. love him#hi i had a hellish day. being on ur period plus working bank holiday saturday lunch rush? no a slaytastic combo#saw unprecedented levels of twatism today night actually be my worst shift at this place ever#god fr saw me posting positively about work lately and went girl BE QUIET and u know what it’s crickets from my end from now on bossman#this is the first time i could NOT snap myself out of a mood bc of a customer like it was a hundred little shitty interactions#of being spoken to like utter shit and then one table just pissed me OFF like complained to my manager the works and if it had been that on#it’s own it would have been fine but it had already been building and i was like no. im done#got asked if i could stay on until 10 and i wasn’t even polite about it i just went ‘FUCK no’#almost cried on the bus home. humiliating. immediately got in an argument w my mum. thriving tbh#and then went ‘now is probably a bad time to watch THIS of all shows but oh well’ and weirdly it’s actually calmed me down bc I’m reminded#this is a universal struggle and it isn’t just me being a little bitch lmao. still sucks that my job literally consists of#‘whoever can tolerate being spoken to like dirt for the longest without snapping will get shifts :)’ like why is this behaviour allowed#why do i have to regularly day after day be disrespected and treated like im not even a person. for MINIMUM FUCKING WAGE#blowing the restaurant up im so fucking done man#the bear#hella slaves to capitalism
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britneyshakespeare · 4 months
i was hanging out today w a friend i hadn't seen in awhile and kaily and i were catching up on all the drama involving him (my controlling manipulative and abusive ex-friend) and how he keeps going out of his way to ask ppl about where we are and find us and how the only reason i think i get out of it is bc i don't go to the same college as him anymore, i hardly ever leave the house socially and the few ppl i do see all have no connection w him anymore, and i don't work at some place where he can just show up. i work in pre-k-to-12 public schools. my schedule in terms of days/location is irregular anyway, but if some strange adult man shows up for no particular reason and seeks out a female employee, you do not just get let in. that is how you have the cops called on you. but he does know where i live and i have been paranoid about him finding some excuse to show up at my house. i've had legitimate nightmares about that. i never stopped having nightmares about him i'd say at least once every other week and i haven't talked to him in almost six months.
i don't like at all how i don't feel safe in a way that means i have faith that the issue is over; the person is out of my life; our communication will not be renewed against my will once again. bc all of those things have been attempted. i feel safe in a way that means he happens, by circumstance, not to be able to access me in any convenient way to him. any way he could find me (the only way to feasibly do that would be work/home) would be a justification for calling the police. but i don't have any faith that he wouldn't try, because he has shown himself as being capable of being that low. and if i switch jobs or transfer schools finally and he finds out about it, he can just make it an issue there if he so feels like it, and i'm sure he will. he's a monster. he gets some sort of thrill out of making other ppl feel unsafe and having all the control in the situation
#tales from diana#it was very validating to talk to her bc she never really liked him#in fact i used to be so humiliated when i'd bring him to hang out w my older friends#bc he'd go oooon and on and on about how nobody listens to him nobody understands him nobody cares about or appreciates him#and then i'd be like 'oh my friends are good ppl! ill introduce u' and i did. i made the effort to bring him to them a LOT#(and he would make me feel like he envied me for my oh-so-superior life which i most definitely do not have)#but then he would not listen to her not understand her not care about her and not appreciate her#nor any of my friends for that matter. but he was SO disinterested in her in particular in a way that was just sooo disrespectful#he wouldnt let me hold a conversation w her. or let me bring her into a conversation w him. he'd DOMINATE#in general he didn't like me talking to anybody else or anyone talking to anyone else or anyone else talking#ive never seen a man who cared so little about somebody else getting to finish a sentence.#and like there's a lot of adhd in our friend group. we all (myself especially) have our spirited interjections#and occasionally interrupt but we realize when we're doing it and then pull back & let the other person finish#we try to keep other ppl on track w what they were saying when they go on a tangent#you know. we try and communicate effectively#even tho we r not naturally perfect at it lol.#we're adults who respect each other it's almost like!#but yeah. he was only interested in impressing the couple of men in my friend group essentially#he'd talk abt how my two guy friends r cool & how he wants to be closer to them#and i'd stick up for this woman i hung out w today & he had just absolutely no interest in her#she never liked him anyway which was so baller of her. good on her. she detected his rudeness#and that rudeness used to vex me so much. i suppose bc i couldnt bear to see him treat other ppl how he treated me#altho to a much lesser extent w the overt lovebombing he did to me and the traumadumping and intense reliance upon me#he seriously needed my attention 24/7 it didn't matter if i was studying or working or in bed sick for two weeks#literally he and his vapid fucking needs came before everything in my life according to him. always. crazy#the entitlement of that man is ridiculous. so of course he thinks there's nothing wrong w seeking me out#of course.#i wouldnt care if he died
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heycoyotegirl · 1 year
love how the message of season 4 was that you have to have extremely good grades and have gone to parties to be able to successfully adjust to university
#nhie s4 spoilers#nhie s4#nhie#never have i ever#nhie critical#if you had mediocre grades or were too uptight might as well not even bother going since you're apparently fucked#like. devi ben and fab all got into an ivy and seemed to be enjoying university and doing well right away#meanwhile we have eleanor who gets 1 rejection and gives up on furthering her education entirely (why didn't she think about film school??)#and paxton who worked So Hard to get into college only to immediately drop out just because his roommate was shitty#& blair who was an excellent student but partied too hard and failed out and tried to keep it a secret because it was 'kind of humiliating'#like. blair mentioned that she was burnt out but then it was almost immediately reframed as her having been 'too perfect' in high school#the only character who never planned to go to college was trent who was so bad at school he had to repeat his senior year#why weren't there any students who had done well at high school yet struggled academically even though they were genuinely trying?#or students who hadn't done super well in high school but then thrived in university when they had more freedom to choose their classes#where were the top students who didn't get into their first choice school? or knew that they didn't want to go to college at all?#obviously the show couldn't cover every possible permutation of how people decide whether to go to college and then how they adjust to it#but it's uhhh not great that the 3 'smartest' main characters were admitted into ivies and immediately thrived at university#while the 3 who struggled with school or prioritized non-academic interests either didn't try to go to college or gave up extremely fast#the show has always had moments where characters will be elitist but it seemed much more prominent & tied into the narrative this season#my post#my meta#tag ramble
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