#but not in a great place rn so I’m packing it away for the sake of things
skinandscales-if · 1 year
Alright real quick I wanted to address some things I’ve seen floating around recently because it’s been a bit overwhelming to be honest and I want to at least have something generally addressed instead of trying to individually break down arguments. Check below the cut if you’re interested but if not, no worries I’ll get back to posting the regular stuff soon.
There’s been a lot of comments about MC’s lack of agency and the cruelty of certain characters and though there’s a lot of valid criticism in between this, I want to hit at the root of the problem.
The alienation is the point.
MC is in a place they don’t know with people they don’t know and a power structure that is doing everything in its power to keep MC in place. It’s awful and the people around you suck and that’s the point. In future chapters this will change, you’ll get the chance to take a closer look at things and react with more than just words but for now this is the way things are.
You’ll meet kinder characters as you move along and the ones you do know now will change with you, just give them that chance. Give me that chance to show this.
Finally, if you really didn’t enjoy what I had and wanted more from the game, I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy but it may not be your cup of tea. If you’re willing to stick it out I am incredibly grateful but this game, at the end of the day, won’t be for everyone and if it’s not what you pictured, no worries! I genuinely hope you can find something that suits you better, I’m just gonna keep writing what I love ❤️
TLDR; I’m closing itch.io comments lol
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celticcrossanon · 3 years
I’m so sorry for the rant. I just needed to clear my head and got compelled to do it in your inbox. 🙇🏾‍♀️
Not a question just some thoughts. Sorry I’m spamming you so much. I just read your latest reading about the wanna be“tour” and all I can do is SMH. I think to some extent we saw this coming but they are dialing it up and expanding. Conscious humans would’ve called it quits by now. The Remembrance Day pap walk, Going to elementary schools, “donations”, writing letters like they are world leaders, etc. On one hand I can’t see this becoming much of a “thing”. I don’t think MM and Jarry will go on doing this for long unless they can get some Hollywood to pay attention and acknowledge them. I think another reason with the more public European Royals work so well in their media is because their countries are relatively small, like California and Texas are on the large side in comparison, am I right? So much can happen on one side of the country that I only hear of thanks to friends back in California. I can’t see these two visiting any farm in Montana as “royals” if ever. They got a Clinton and Perhaps more big names and “engagement” is to come (oh god 🤦🏾‍♀️) I’m sure they and the sugars are just loving it but it all looks, sounds and feels so incrediblly STUPID & ABSOLUTELY VAPID AND INSULTING. etc etc. I cannot stand entitled people and the fact that these two cut off, trashed, and demand from their own families for a fleeting moment in the spotlight is unfathomable. That’s a testimony to how strong narcissistic delusions can be. It must be the best high I could ever ask for. 🖤Im new to “Royal Watching” if you can call what I do ‘that’, so I don’t really care about all the other indiscretions. I don’t trust the media and I think it’s just the BRF turn in the hot sun to catch hell. See Andrew, see the Clintons and all the others. Whatever drama is going on with Charles, see the rest of big business. I’m a narcissistic abuse survivor and I still study on the disorder. Now here I am watching these two who make my skin craw, this train needs to SPEED UP . I think I’m just looking for a bit of JUSTICE in the world right now. Between this administration, COVID, my job and all my other drama (I’m sure we all have some, if not BLESS YOU and pass it on 🥺) I’m flabbergasted and a little sick in my stomach at watching yet another set of people be able to walk through life seemingly so unbothered. It’s like the world is closing in and I’m suffocating. 🖤Like, your telling me that just because he was born a Prince and she married him and found a way to have children they get to get away with all of this?. The entitlement, the lies, the forced Wokery, using heavy and important subjects like mental health and racism for a PR boost all just to get a⭐️ on the Hollywood walk of Fame? For a couple of royals they sure know how to dump cold water on ya, they are the epitome of LIFE ISNT FAIR. And I’m sure that all depends on perspective, for example; their sugars who must be going diabetic RN. THEY think they have suffered as well. Look at the Cambridge’s who have not put a foot out of place yet have to deal with these tantrums from all over their family. All families have drama and I can see how the Harkles and the rest could be a payback of the Firm and family as a whole. The Queen covered so much and never really saw that Henry and Andrew and god knows who else were set straight. Look what having so much privilege can do. But is there a limit, anywhere?🖤
🖤Anyways, another thought I had was, this could be the end for any thought of reunion. This Narcissist has worked her magic and this clueless tone deaf fool has really gone and done it. I was driving and I thought of Prince William and the entire remaining Windsors & Mountbatten Windsor’s and the whole Aristocracy cutting the Harkles off entirely because the BRF called a wrap (or had to) and the UK became a Republic after Her Majesty. MM get the privlage in her narcissistic head that she’s the last ever to become a Duchess, Cathrine wouldn’t become the Princess of Wales and it all came down in part because of her and Henry’s actions. Yes Andrew and whoever else aren’t helping but these two made it exceptionally difficult. I think they would take pride in that especially publicly but only when they are praised for it. I think the Cambridge’s would have an easier time with moving on with their family, free to live as they please with no pressure to serve the public. Cathrine can be “lazy”, sleep in, & raise her kids and Wills is free to🖕 the paps who would surely still follow them. A La “where are they now”. The two that would have it the worse are the Harkles as they last bit of what they had to separate them from the rest of Hollywood is gone, no more Royal sheen but they don’t have much now. It would be stupid to use the titles after an abolished monarchy but they’d do it and expose themselves further.🖤 If you made it this far, one last thing. I got cut off while driving. That’s not unusual in this Miami traffic and usually i ignore it but with my mental state I couldn’t help but to compare. it was a packed road and I just really wanted to know where the heck the fire was. Why did this person need to rush so much on a busy road that no one else mattered even though we all have somewhere to go? That’s how I feel about the Harkles. What’s the point, where are they going? They went to New England for Christ sake to play faux royalty, in more trashy outfits might I add. 🤦🏾‍♀️
Thanks for humoring me and providing this space. ✌🏾
Note: My apologies for this very long post, everyone. I can't put a page break in and the writer needs to let it all out. I am sure a lot of you will be feeling somewhat similar to them.
Reply under the cut, so this is not any longer
Hi april14vc,
You are welcome to rant here.
It sounds like you have a lot going on at the moment and it is all becoming a bit much to handle, as there is no relief anywhere. Is there something fun and relaxing that you can do for you sometime today, just to have a break from it all? I feel like you need to tune out for a bit and do something that is just for you.
I am so sorry that you suffered from narcissistic abuse, and so glad that you survived this. I think the Harkle shenanigans must hurt you in a more personal way than those of us who have never suffered under a narcissist. It is very hard to watch the Harkles seemingly get away with all their entitled abuse without any form of justice coming for them.
I think the Harkles are suffering. They usually are unable to get any sort of attention from the media unless they pay for it, and even then they don't trend - it is a 'blink and you miss it' situation. Look at what happened with Meghan's 40 for 40 program - it was dead in the water before the day was over, and she spent a fortune on PR for that. Compare that to the natural (not paid for) hype that surrounds anything that the BRF does, especially the Cambridges or HMTQ. That hype and attention is what Meghan wants, and she is not getting it.
What the Harkles are getting, and what they hate, is mockery. Look at the response to their Times 100 cover. Look at the comments on this pseudo-royal tour. They are a walking joke, and no narcissist would like that. They tried to cull all negative press while they were members of the BRF, were unsuccessful in stemming all of it, and now have no clout at all to stop any negative media attention. The Harkles may live in a delusion of success, but to the vast majority of people they are no more than very risible z-list celebrities.
The Harkles also have serious money troubles. They may be ignoring them, but those debts will have to be paid, one way or another.
What we are seeing now is the slow slide of the Harkles into obscurity, and their desperate attempts to reverse the process, which never work. They are no more popular and wanted now than they were at the time of Megxit, and in fact their popularity has declined since those days. They may look like they are winning, but it is all an illusion, caused by the amounts of money they are prepared to pay to give the illusion of wealth and star-quality celebrity. The paid for events happen, and then nothing. The paid for PR happens, and then nothing. Their slide downwards continues, and nothing that they do is reversing it.
Yes, at the moment they are on a high and beaming put of every report on their activities. Wait a week and then see where they are. This is like the Oprah interview all over again.
My next reading is going to be on the consequences of this pseudo-royal tour for the Harkles, so maybe there will be some justice for you there.
Edited to add: As for taking down the monarchy, I can't see that happening. For starters, the British government would have to put the matter to the people for a vote, and even if they are insane enough to do that, I can't see the British public voting to remove a beloved Queen because of the antics of two people who are despised that that country. The logistics of replacing the monarchy are also staggering - you have to rework the entire government of not just Great Britain, but of all the commonwealth realms who have HMTQ as Head of State, and that is not an easy task or a light undertaking. In addition, those Commonwealth Realms can keep HM as their head of state even if she is ejected by the British people (which would never happen, but I am stretching the bounds of probability here). After HMTQ comes Charles, who will have a short reign simply because of his age and health, and then William will be king, and he is also loved by the British public. I just can not see all that thrown away for the Harkles, who are rightly hated by the British public.
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justjessame · 3 years
Starting Over Chapter 39
I woke up wrapped in the security of Bucky’s arms - and wearing my nightclothes which I have to admit took a few extra beats to catch up to remembering the cause - but his lips were on mine and it didn’t matter why.  Nightclothes, late nights, even gunshot victims sleeping their pain meds off on our couch didn’t matter - not when Bucky was kissing me awake.  
“Brooke!,” the tiny voice that called my name had both mine and Bucky’s eyes snapping open and widening. “Buck kissed you up like Rora in Sleepin’ Beauty.” And then a round of toddler giggles that had both of us pulling away with what I had to think was a silent prayer of gratitude for our fucking nightclothes.  
There, with her tiny chin propped on Bucky’s side of our bed and her dark eyes staring up at us, was Bryn.  And now that we were WIDE awake, I could hear voices downstairs - and if I wasn’t completely fucking insane - I was hearing MORE than just Connie and Sharon’s.  
While I kept Bryn occupied, Bucky slid out of my side of the bed.  A three year old does NOT need to see what Bucky Barnes is packing early in the morning, trust me.  I pulled her up into the bed with me and grabbed the remote to the TV.
“What do you want to watch?”  After putting it on her favorite early morning cartoon, I settled back against the headboard and smiled when I realized that Byrn had compared Bucky to a prince.  “Bryn?”  She hummed and I slid my fingers through her loose curls.  “What’s the prince’s name in Sleeping Beauty?”
“Phillip.” It didn’t come from Bryn.  It came from the doorway and a very masculine voice.  I glanced over to where Bucky stood, fully dressed now and I grinned with a raised eyebrow.  “What? She told me while we were talking about her dolls and our tea party.”  
I nodded and he came over to join us.  “Did you do any recon?”  He snorted.  “What would you call it? Super sneaky Winter Soldier ninja snooping?”  
Shaking his head, he kissed me again.  “I did.”  He sighed.  “Sam, Chris, Carrie, Connie, and Sharon.”  I knew my eyes were wide enough to be in threat of falling out of my head, but for fuck’s sake.  “Come on, Bryn,” he held out his arms and she hopped up and jumped into them.  “Let’s go downstairs and see if we can get some breakfast ready for Brooke while she gets ready for the day.”  
I contemplated staying in bed.  Our house had been invaded - and while I’d sworn that I’d answer my phone and door, I hadn’t been given the OPTION of answering - they’d just barged right the fuck in.  Giving myself about five minutes to stew and wallow, I finally rolled out of bed and grabbed some clothes to toss on.  A stop in the bathroom to brush my hair and my teeth and then downstairs to meet the invaders.
They were in the kitchen - ALL of them.  Gathered around the table and island, watching as Bucky worked on another omelet - omelets I corrected as I came in and moved closer to him.  Sam was drinking coffee, and I almost asked where he’d gotten it since he was drinking out of one of my mugs, but then I noticed that someone had started up my parents’ coffee maker.  I hadn’t tossed it out, of course I also didn’t buy coffee for it - Connie shook her head and nodded toward the bags of groceries that she’d clearly put away before we woke up.
“Morning,” I greeted our guests, “everyone.” Started strong, but the landing left something to be desired.  “To what do we owe this -”
“Well,” Connie came over and wrapped her arm around my neck.  “I knew that you probably hadn’t had a chance to go shopping for groceries since you got back.” Whispering very quietly in my ear that she knew exactly WHY I hadn’t and she APPROVED of why.  “I thought I’d do a run while Bryn and I were out -”
“We saw how much she grabbed and -” Chris volunteered, grins growing.  Such good samaritans and great friends.   “We couldn’t let her struggle.  She had her own stuff, yours, AND Bryn.”  
Carried piped up, “we stopped by her house and dropped hers off first.  When we got here, Sam had just arrived.”  She was beaming - and why not?  She just met the new Captain America, after all.  
“Since I have a key for emergencies,” Connie finished the tale with a shrug.  
I nodded.  “You have a key for emergencies and groceries are an emergency.”  Bucky’s shoulders were shaking, and I knew he was enjoying this shit immensely.  “And letting Captain America in - I mean, I’m sure he made it sound like it was an emergency.”  
Sam was taking a drink when I said it and he snorted, spewing coffee just a bit.  “Don’t make it sound like I was being all sneaky or something, Brooke.” He sputtered.  
I raised an eyebrow and reached for one of my tea towels.  Tossing it to him, I waited while he cleaned up.  “It’s broad daylight, I highly doubt you were being sneaky, Sam.”  He nodded.  “So?” 
“So?”  Confusion glowed on his face. 
“The reason for your visit?”  
“Ah,” I shook my head as realization dawned on his face.  “Sarah -” shit the print, but he went on.  “She and I wanted to invite you and Bucky to a celebration back home.”  
They were planning on a huge party in Delacroix - and for good reason - hometown boy makes VERY good.  And now that they weren’t selling the boat, or house, I could see why they’d want to have a party. Bucky glanced at me over his shoulder, wanting my input on whether we should go or not, but in this instance the ball was in his court.  
“Yeah,” Bucky agreed, plating our breakfast - for all eight of us - and lining them up on the island for us to carry into the dining room.  “We’ll drive down.”
“Drive?”  Sam was curious, carrying his plate and refilled cup of coffee into the dining room.  “Renting a car instead of flying?”  
We settled around the table and I shook my head when Bucky moved to sit at one of the sides.  “Head, Bucky.”  His eyes went wide, but I stood firm.  OUR house, and he was the man of it.  Everyone waited to tuck in until he sat, and then I took my seat.  “Yes, drive, Sam.”  I smiled across the table at Bucky, who was staring at me like he was amazed by me again.  “We like to take our time - Bucky and me.”  That got a few chuckles, but then everyone took a bite of their food and suddenly no one was laughing - because once again they were surprised by Bucky Barnes.  
Our guests didn’t stay too long.  Bryn understood that it wasn’t the day for our tea party, since she hadn’t brought along any princesses for it.  I watched as Bucky got down on his knee to have a long conversation with her - privately, they told the rest of us, and I smiled when she hugged him tight at the end of it.  
“I think Bucky has a fan,” Sam was beside me, watching Bryn with Bucky.  “Seeing him like this -”
I felt my smile growing. I loved hearing anyone’s tone change to reflect them seeing him in a new light.  “You think this is the Bucky that Steve knew, don’t you?”  He hummed an affirmative.  “It is,” I bit my lip as Buck turned, his gaze meeting mine.  “He’s always been there, Sam.  Just took him a little longer to surface than he expected.”  Bucky came closer to include me in Bryn’s goodbye hug, and got me to promise her that sleepover too, despite my misgivings.  A kiss to her soft cheek and she was handed off to Connie.  
“We’ll let you two get back to -” I rolled my eyes as Connie waggled her eyes in her attempt at being suggestive.  “Bye, Brookie.” She was grinning when she gave Bucky his own parting, then Chris and Carrie gave us a less gregarious, but no less friendly goodbye, leaving just Sharon and Sam behind.  
“And then there were two,” I murmured, getting a chuckle from Bucky, coupled with a soft sigh.  
“I heard that,” Sam offered, carrying a stack of dirty dishes to the kitchen and shooting Sharon a dirty look when she hissed while she tried to grab some to help.  “Sit your wounded ass down.”  
She glared at him, but with a hand on her side, complied.  “Hey,” I got her attention and tilted my head toward the hall bathroom.  “Want me to have a peek at your bandage?”  
“Do you have -” she bit her lip, and I nearly laughed at her conundrum.  Does she insult me by asking if I have first aid experience after I gave her clothing and a roof over her head or does she humor me?  
“I took some classes,” I assured her.  “My parents liked to make sure all the bases were covered.”  Helping her carefully to her feet, I got her to the bathroom where one of the many family first aid kits lived.  Opening it up and setting it on the countertop, I saw her eyes widen.  “I told you - my parents liked to keep the bases covered.”  Our first aid kits weren’t something you bought at a local pharmacy or online.  “Mom was an RN,” I gestured for her to take her place on the toilet seat again.  “She made sure to keep me up to date on my safety classes.”  Every CPR class, first aid requirement, and anything else she imagined a layperson might need - she signed me up for.  I helped Sharon with the loose shirt Bucky had grabbed out of my drawer, and smiled at the wrapping the ER had put on her wound.  “Good news,” I bent down and took a closer look.  “You haven’t started bleeding through the packing and wraps, so I don’t have to rewrap you.” She sighed and I chuckled.  “Damn it,” I glanced up to see her looking down at me wearily.  “I kind of hoped to use you for practice.”  
She shook her head and a tiny smile threatened to creep onto her lips.  “It hurts like hell though.”  She started to pull the shirt back into place.  “Gonna make getting back on the road a trial,” I was just opening my mouth to tell her she didn’t have to rush when she stopped me.  “Thank you, Brooke, for your and Bucky’s generosity and hospitality, but trust me, I should go - and soon.”  
I nodded, standing up to help her to her feet.  She was taller than me, just like every other person in my life.  “Take my number,” I watched as she pulled a phone from her pocket and I rattled off the number while she tapped it into the contacts.  “If you need me or us -”
“Thank you,” she smiled, a small one, but I thought it might be genuine.  “Steve would have liked you.”  
“So I’ve heard,” I shook my head and put the first aid kit away.  “Do you need another change of clothes?”  Sharon wouldn’t hear of taking more from me, and insisted that she had a car coming to take her away.  “If you’re sure -”
“I am.” We left the bathroom to the sounds of Bucky and Sam in the kitchen, soft music not hiding the sounds of them bickering over how to fill the dishwasher.  “You’re going to have your hands full.”  
“Yeah, I do,” I agreed, shaking my head as I listened to the two of them, their back and forth, and thinking that they sounded more and more like brothers.  “I think they’re getting more -”
“Partners,” Sharon nodded.  “They’re a team now.”  
“Scary.” I heard a soft knock on the door and Bucky’s head appeared in the doorway between the kitchen and dining room.  “I think -”
“It’s for me,” Sharon offered, hand back on her wound.  “Time for me to go.”  
“You sure?”  It was Sam who asked, coming up on Bucky’s left, arms crossed over his chest.  “You could stay, I could always -”
“I think you’re making enough waves, Cap.”  I bit my lip at Sharon using the nickname so soon.  “I can wait for my pardon.”  She was moving toward the living room, with me behind her in case she stumbled.  “I’ll just grab my small pile of stuff and be out of your way.”  She grabbed her clothes - the ones she’d changed out of and turned to find me waiting at a close distance.  “Hovering?  That’s a very Steve Rogers trait, Brooke.”  I rolled my eyes.  “I’ll be fine,” she assured me, moving her hand from the bandaged side and sighing.  “Keep those two out of trouble.”
“Yeah, right.”  I muttered, opening my arms, thinking what the hell - a hug was warranted.  She allowed it, awkward though it was.  “Stay safe, Sharon.”  
“I’ll try.” She murmured. “You too, ok?”  
I nodded and then she pulled away.  I busied myself with the living room while she said her goodbyes to Sam and Bucky, thinking that less was more in the case of Sharon Carter leaving our house.  I had just folded up the blanket and put it with the pillow when I heard the front door open and close.  
“And then there was one,” Bucky murmured, wrapping his arms around me.  “What do you think the chances are that Sam goes home to prepare for the celebration and lets us follow behind?”
“Slim and none,” Sam offered, leaning against the archway between the living room and the entryway.  “Sarah doesn’t need me to plan a party, and I have a couple loose ends to tie up here in NYC, so -”
“Don’t put away the blanket and pillow, Brooke,” Bucky kissed my cheek.  “The couch has a new guest.”
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cannedapricot · 6 years
Road Trip with! NCT Dream
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the album,,,,,,, the mv,,,,,, i’m soft don’t touch me,,,,,,,,,,,, here’s a road trip au based on their mv to let my uwus out. also this gif makes me hella emo
so i know school has started in most countries
but for this au, pretend that you’re still on summer vacation!!
aka what i wish i was on rn ugh
high schoolers! dream!!!
mark’s already graduated high school
and will head off to his uni after the summer ends
then donghyuck, jeno, jaemin and renjun’s gonna graduate before next year summer
which really means
that it’s gonna be the last summer of your crew as high schoolers
this thought didn’t really go through your head until a week before school starts
when the 00 line fucking shows up at your door with their bags already packed
and bright smiles
you’re just like-
????when did we agree on a sleepover????
“come on, dear y/n, it’s not like you were planning on doing anything else”
you eyes narrow 
i mean,,,, they’re right tho,,,,, all you’ve done all summer is laze at home because it’s way too hot outside,,,,,,,,but,,,,,,,,,,,,
“can,,,,, you even drive tho”
“i even don’t trust him with my fish what makes you think i trust him with the wheel”
fuck no one’s sane here
but what’d you really expect from two jocks and two art geeks
the same jocks and geeks that pushed you back into your own home and watched as you packed
wipes away tear
“why am i always forced to do dumb shit with you guys”
“whAT DO YOU MEAN????”
and so you were pushed out the door after having a word with your parents
who only agreed to let you go cause they deemed renjun trust worthy
because he’s the only one who at least acts normal around your parents
right on the curb parked mark’s old and stuttering blue car.
on which he sat in the driver’s seat, trying to get the old thing to play music
“are you sure we’re not gonna die”
“nope, but it’s the only car we have available”
jeno whispered in response, throwing your bag in the trunk
“ah, y/n, i see you’ve been successfully dragged into hyuck’s dumb idea”
donghyuck climbs into the passenger seat next to mark, 
flipping his friend off in the proccess
“you are all here because we are all friends and we love each other”
you, being squashed in the back seat:
“no - not really”
“wtf jaemin there’s another row of seats in the back stOP TRYING TO PUSH ME OUT”
“fucking donghyuck”
wow great start to your trip 10/10
picking up chenle and jisung literally took five seconds
they lived next to each to each other
and it only took one excited nod from chenle for jisung to tag along
and that’s the story of how you ending up being in a shotty blue car with seven teenage boys
miles from home on an empty ass road
screaming the lyrics to micheal jackson songs into the heat (thanks to dj haechan)
at least mark got the speakers to work again
at one point, jisung and chenle at the back decided to sit up onto the car, with their legs on their seats
“how the fuck do i disown them”
“push them off”
everything was going swimmingly
until the car breaks down in the middle of the road
“i knew this was gonna happen sighs”
mark then jumps out to check the hood
then immediately notices something wrong rip
“hyuck, pass me the box in the glove box.”
“you’re prepared???? does this happen often or????”
so mark tries to fix the car in the blistering heat with renjun nagging beside him, holding an umbrella to hide the two of them from the sun
whilst the rest of you start playing uno on the back of the car
multiple times, not once, buT MULTIPLE TIMES
jisung won every round 
which made the rest of you bond trying to break his win streak
“jeno do you have a plus four to screw him up with”
“i only have a green plus two if that helps”
and that kinda goes on until mark lee emerges from behind the raised hood, telling y’all to give the car a push
“yeah just a second, jisung’s finally losing-”
everyone grumbles as they hop off and start pushing
“lets just put our rage into pushing this stupid car”
which ends up moving easier than y’all thought it would
so the seven of you stumble a little when the car started moving by itself
mark nearly drove away himself lmao
made the group of you chase after the car for a moment lmAO
you wished he did drive off though because the second the car starting moving with everyone back on,
he yells,
“siri where’s the nearest bus stop to get home”
then as the day slowly got darker,
your screams didn’t die down lol
the latest feud was over chocolate vs vanilla
and you honestly think about how you got stuck in a group of dumbasses
“remember when hyuck hated jaemin and jeno back in freshman year lol”
“what you still remember that? i’m sorry hyuck :’cccccc”
the group of dumbasses did make you laugh though
so maybe it wasn’t so bad
night then came and the conversation finally started to tone down
mark pulls to the side of the road 
“let’s call it a night, yeah?”
the rest of you mumble in agreement
“our last summer as high schoolers huh”
you hum, running your hands through jaemin’s freshly dyed candyfloss hair
“but will anything change even if you guys graduate?”
chenle asks from the back, head on jisung’s shoulder
“not much, i don’t think. we just won’t see each other as much.”
it was a clear night, and the stars were brighter than ever
everyone was staring up at the night sky, enjoying the cool breeze
“we always have summer right?”
a round of agreement sounded before jeno cuts through-
“does this mean we’re going on another road trip next year?”
“way to ruin the mood jeno”
“oh please no, i don’t think i can handle another one with you dumb fucks”
you loved every moment with them
“this is a cute moment and all, but can jaemin get off of us now?”
renjun asked, referring to the long boy sprawled on top of jeno, renjun and you
“i was planning on sleeping in this position tho-”
he didn’t get to finish his sentence before the three of you pushed him off
mark chuckled before leaving his seat to pull the hood over the open seats
“good night”
you were shook awake by mark the next day, greeted with a sky that wasn’t even awake
“what’s going on?”
“fancy watching the sunrise?”
turns out, mark woke up earlier than the rest of you and drove to an empty beach to watch the sunrise together :’)))))))
you stumbled out of the car, legs soft from sitting for too long, finding the rest of the boys sitting on the hood of the car and on the concrete in front
donghyuck pats the space next to him and you hop on top of the creaky car
“is this safe”
“probably not”
“ o h “
it’s all quiet before the sun starts coming up
then gasps were heard and wishes were made
and it was all heartwarming :”)))))
before all of you made a dash to the cold ass water
trying to chuck mark in
chenle was screaming the entire time
then one idiot cough hyuck cough accidentally chucks sand into mark’s blue car
which then leads to mark pulling the squad into a self wash station
“come one guys let’s wash this car together!!1!1! wE’rE aLl In ThIs ToGeThEr”
“wow i suddenly dont know you”
then some idiot coUGH HYUCK COUGH starts chucking suds at everyone
and renjun getting pinned to the car by jeno but u h 👀👀👀👀👀👀 
y’all end up drying yourselves by sitting under the hand dryers in the bathroom
“at least we don’t have to worry about showering”
“hyuck you started this shut up”
hopping back into the small car, the group decides to start heading back
mainly because your snack supplies were running low
but also because you don’t think the car’s gonna survive any longer
but mostly because snacks were running out
“chenle ate all the fucking pocky”
“i love best friends throwing each other under the bus”
taking a shorter route home, you stop at a basketball court to move a around for a while
“why is jaemin and jeno on one team, they’re the star basketballers of our school tf i call bs”
“you literally picked your own team-”
nomin vs the rest of u fuckers
no surprise, nomin won
now you guys owe them mcnuggets
“hA SU C C”
“let’s leave them behind quiCK TO THE CAR”
mark: trips over own laces running
in no time, you were in front of your own house again
unlike before though, you lowkey didn’t want to leave your friends
“i still can’t believe that we ran out of snacks in a day and a half-”
“blame chenle”
renjun pats your shoulder as jeno and jaemin go get your bag for you
“we’ll be living and sleeping at mark’s place until he leaves. you’re welcome to join”
mark from the driver’s seat: what.
and as they drive away with mark questioning when this was decided,
you head back inside to restock you bag, leaving for mark’s house just a few hours later
when high school started up again, you weren’t surprised to see renjun having chensung in headlock in front of your locker
whilst hyuck just whispers-
“right in front of my goddamn salad” at the sight
creaking open your locker, the first thing you do is stick up a group photo taken on your trip
nomin lean on your shoulders, craning their neck to look at the photo
“we look dumb”
the picture was taken by mark setting a timer on his phone then running to join the picture 
everyone was lined up, leaning against the old blue car against the sunrise
but mark bumped into haechan who bumped into jeno, who bumped into jaemin etc etc
and the picture ended up coming out with everyone slanting as y’all fell in a domino effect
but the smiles on your faces were precious :’))))))))
“i think it’s cute” 
you say, closing your locker, ready to face another year with these fuckers.
hi i’m apri and i present to you yet another unedited piece of shit :’)
listening to the dreamies’ album while writing this made me really emo about mark’s graduation so it got really deep in the middle im s o r r y
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mysticwhatnow · 6 years
Can you make RFA + v + saeran cheats on MC than she knows but they don't know she knows. She take everything she owns and wipe her existence from their home ( takes everything she put and the photos she's in ) than leaves her phone so they won't track her and leave them without a word just a proof of what they did. How would they react to it / how it'll end. I'll leave it to you ^^ thank you :3 bounce is MC was pregnant and didn't tell them.
Oh, jeez, this was slightly difficult! But I hope this is to your liking!
he didn’t know how it happened, honestly??
one day he was at college and the next he was in a bed with another woman?
he felt so bad, he wanted to tell MC but he knew she would probably leave
he couldn’t lose her
so he kept it a secret, and continued the affair with the woman
only because she was helping him study,, uh-huh, sure yoosung
but of course, MC does find out
and b o y is she angry
she’s so upset and she’s so angry with herself for not finding out sooner and upset at yoosung
especially with the baby she just found out she was having with him
and she was so excited about that too!! 
but now she doesn’t know what to do
she ends up wiping everything clean, going incognito completely
she leaves her phone and takes the photos and everything
she doesn’t want any trace 
when he comes home he loses it, he knows what happened and what he just lost
months pass and they’re still hoping she might one day show up again
yoosung ends up seeing her at a market and drops everything
he rushes to her and stops dead in front of her when he sees the stomach bulge
had she moved on?? 
she tries to ignore him and move on but it’s so painful and she’s trying not to cry
he keeps explaining what he did was a mistake and it was reckless and he’s sorry and he won’t do it again
it’s just a lot of frantic apologizing and rambling that she had grown to love
so she gives in, but it’ll take a long time for her to forgive him completely
surprised, he asks her about the baby thinking she was with another guy and stuff 
she doesn’t say anything for a moment and speaks softly
“it’s your child” and he’s d e a d- his child?!?! seemed like the guilt doubled at that 
she had to deal with a child on the way and the fact the father cheated on her
he hugs her close and apologizes more saying he’ll never do that again
in the end, the two end up happy again, plus a tiny little bab!
it was with one of his co-actors
mc was coming to give him his lunch and walks in his room/thingy ma jiggy
finds him making out with a actor against the wall 
she drops the lunch and doesn’t give it second thought, running off
zen sees her, going to chase after her but the directors and others are getting in the way
when he reaches home, he’s to late, everything it gone
the pictures, the phone is left, and her clothes are gone
how did she move so fast?? 
he ends up alerting the rfa fast, begging for seven and jumin’s help
he needs to find her, he needs to apologize
they search for her and search, but they don’t seem to have any clue where she might be
he’s completely heartbroken, but never gives up
until one day, he gets a call
“are you related to MC?” 
his heart drops because he knows how this works
he explains how he’s her ex, and leaves it at that
“sir, i’m afraid she’s passed away from a car accident.”
just when he thought it couldn’t get worse
losing her? forever?
the doctor also explains how she was pregnant and they delivered the baby before she died
and explained how he was the father
he doesn’t hesitate, he figures it all out, signs papers, whatever. that baby is his and he won’t hurt it
he ends up raising the child and always tells he/she how great mc was
but he still cries as night, because he knows he won’t ever see her.
mamamystic is not a nice person
i can already hear the cries
please she’d probably be staying at work late right and just is so fucking tired
so this one girl slithers right on up like “hey you need a place to crash?”
and i don’t know about you
but i make the worst mistakes when i’m sleep deprived
so she could’ve easily mistaken this chick for mc 
so she goes, right 
easily submissive, tired, got some of that good puss ya feel
of course, mc being the generous person they are, goes to Jaehee’s work
also to deliver the news that hey, the sperm donor thingy was successful. she was preggo. 
but she gets there, and to her surprise, no jaehee
so she asks around, blah blah, and one person explains how jaehee went home with another chick
now, mc isn’t one to assume, so she calmly leaves and just goes home 
doesn’t even call
she trusts jaehee, maybe she was doing work at the chick’s house
so morning comes, ye?
and jaehee comes home, super early, super super fucking guilty
but oh me oh my mc was there
she was w a t c h i n g 
mc ends up speaking from the couch, all calmly and startling the shit out of jaehee 
“so where were you babe?”
jaehee ends up telling her, furiously apologizing
mc doesn’t really know to react because she?? trusted jaehee??
but she does know what she’s gonna do 
she just,, fucking leaves 
not even saying anything
just out the door
jaehee knows better to stop her so she just
collapses on the couch
doesn’t show up on the chat
neither does mc so both are extremely worried
jaehee leaves for work (jumin forced her), and when she gets back, all of mc’s shit is gone
she doesn’t know how to react, but she buries it well 
she hides all the emotions, she just says “mc left” if anyone ever asks
it got to the point the whole rfa was worried sick 
they couldn’t find mc at all
so they eventually just.. gave up
she became nothing but a distant memory
(hahaha get it i made this ending sad)
breathes in. breathes out. 
okay so jumin,,, tsk tsk. he would never ever hurt mc, but a few slip ups happen here and there
im sure something happened at his work, or the dude just fucked up
he probably ended up banging some girl while drunk in a cat suit for god sakes
anyways, he probably would tell mc right away, because he loves her and can’t lose her blah blah
anyways, i’m sure when she found out she was devastated because knowing jumin
she was informed of this over phone while he’s on a trip
the call goes well, she pretends it’s okay but inside she’s breaking
and what’s worse is she was just about to tell him the results came back positive
thats right. mc is pregnant fuckers. 
and she’s just, broken and she doesn’t know what to do except to run
so she does, she packs her shit, everything into the multiple suitcases 
it’s not hard to bypass everyone, if she explains she’s off on a trip to the spa or something
she manages to explain how she’d rather walk to said ‘spa’ to relax 
but really she’s just, leaving
nowhere else to go
she ends up disappearing though, and whenever jumin calls and doesn’t get a answer, he panics and calls the guards
but there’s literally no sign of her, all her pictures are gone
jumin freaks out more because 1. he knows what he did and it’s his fault and 2. he’s worried mc will get hurt
he ends up bringing out the big guns, goes crazy to search for her 
he comes home straight after, alerts rfa and everything. 
everyone’s on a wild goose chase to find her
eventually they find her, thanks to seven finding her friends’ places and doing a big ‘ol search, even if she left her phone
which she obviously did, she’s not stupid
by this time a couple of months has passed, because ya know, i said so
when they find her (she had been staying at a distant cousins house a few states away)
they knocked on the door and it wasn’t the guards or anything, no it was jumin
he looked like a mess, for once in his life
he was acting just like when he lost elizabeth
he begs and begs and apologizes (professionally, ofc)
just kidding
he notices the baby bulge too and it doesn’t take an idiot to do the math and realize
it breaks him even more because she kept it and he didn’t even know
it takes a lot of persuading and a lot of lost trust needed to be rebuilt, but she eventually does come back
she loves him even if he fucked up
many months later, things are back to normal- somewhat
they now have a little tiny munchikin :oo
big big oof
see now saeyoung,,, saeyoung just fucked up really
he knows it too when he wakes up the next morning and he’s not in the same bed and you aren’t around
and the girl next to him is totally unregistered in his mind and he knows nothing
but unlike the others, saeyoung would probably say something and knowing him, make a small (or large, depending on how he views the situation) deal out of it
either way, mc would be pissed
because last week she found out she was pregnant with his child
so tears running down her face, she actually begins to pack right in front of his eyes
now he’s breaking down, begging her to stop and beginning to cry
he even goes to grab her hand but she yanks it and slaps him right across the face
“don’t fucking touch me, who knows where those hands have been.” she most likely snarled under her breath because WOO she’s upset. 
they don’t have a lot of pictures to begin with, so she doesn’t worry about those. she doesn’t even bother with his phone
as she’s leaving she turns, goes to grab his hand
he thinks she might change her mind or something to keep her from leaving 
but it’s actually just her phone and a sad and broken smile
me rn: nsgrejghkjfjhdfkhdk
and then she just.. leaves. and he can’t track her, he can’t do anything
saeyoung goes… completely opposite
he grows distant with the rfa, and he gets harsh and more cold
jaehee is a CONCERN MOM
thankfully, she has her ways, and her and mc were always close
so she finds where mc is staying (with her parents) and calls
basically she explains and like, begs mc to at least come over
mc can’t really say no. she loves saeyoung and she adores jaehee
so she does, arrives to his place and everything
before she can enter the arabic thing, it opens and seven’s there with tears and almost trips when he bends over and apologizes
like. a lot.
mc got to like 100 before she told him to stop
they talk, obviously, about them and about her baby
yes, saeyoung it’s yours
he’s mixed with sadness and so much joy
months down the road, you guys are better and with a little baby
mc doesn’t regret coming back to saeyoung thank god
Jihyun Kim
oh boy.
now, see here
jihyun probably just did a small fuckity uppity.
basically, he went to a photo contest and won, so a lot of girls were on him 
and drinks were there
and it went from 1 drink, to 2, to 5.
it didn’t go well, especially when mc had traveled all her way to surprise jihyun with her pregnancy test
so when she arrives at his hotel and finds it unlocked with clothes scattered everywhere, her heart drops
then switches to angry like nu-uh hunny no one cheats on me
she walks into the bedroom and tosses clothing at v, giving him a startling wakeup
she’s yelling and ranting and then finally tosses her phone and pregnancy test 
“hope you’re happy” is the last thing she says before slamming the door and leaving
v is.. DISTRESS.
he chases after her, lotsa stumbling and half nakedness too.
but she’s already out of the building
she thankfully gets a ride and manages to find a hotel to stay at
she doesn’t talk to anyone, so v has to suffice for the explanation
it doesn’t go so well either with the group
just like the previous ones, they’re upset and angry
mc definitely never deserved that
and v knows that
so he takes it into his own hand. he doesn’t return, but literaly S E A R C H E S for mc
day and night
it’s becoming draining, and he’s using her phone and only the memories of her to help him
and eventually he finds her
and he’s just, so awful and distressed mc has to double take
“what are you doing v?” and he just, breaks down apologizing
he’s crying, it’s some nasty crying too
he’s begging for her forgiveness, down on his knees and grabbing his hands
mc doesn’t really know what to do,,, honestly
she’s so conflicted? but she knows he loves her and she loves him
so with hesitant moving, she bends down and just,,, hugs him
and if you’ve ever seen someone breaking down worse but because they’re so happy
yeah that’s v lole
they end up staying at the hotel a bit longer to detress and later on, have their baby!!! its very cute and i love v thanks
okay so,, i imagine he met them from mint eye? just a friend that also got out of mint eye too?
(oops spoilers)
so anyways they start messaging after saeran and mc start dating and saeran is a bit clueless
until she shows up at their literal house and comes and is like
“mmm yes saeran” and he’s like “nOoOoo!” 
but for plot yea it happened
can you tell im tired
anyways so he wakes up and he realizes and he’s just,,,so guilty
but like saeyoung he’d tell mc
but he’d make it very blunt, yet very emotional so mc is a very big ????????????????
she’s so hurt and so angry, especially after coming back from the doctors
but she can’t just,, leave the two siblings alone
so she ops for the couch, even though saeyoung is confused
when he finds out though he’s so concerned, especially because later during the night he sees saeran occasionally pop his head out to stare at mc who was asleep on the couch
“dude, you fucked up” “it wasn’t my fault?” “????????????”
so saeyoung and him talk about it 
yes, saeran was guilty for going through it, but saeran hasn’t exactly been used to all this 
mc had to understand this, and saeyoung was sure she did
but despite his efforts, saeran and mc can just... not talk 
mc’s to upset and bothered about something, and saeran doesn’t just understand
so when saeyoung finally forces them (with a bit of exasperated yelling)
mc blurts out “im pregnant”
saeran just... stares? “is it mine?”
“of course it is you dimwit.” 
that breaks a bit of tension because she laughd and saeran cracks a much needed smile
so they do talk
saeran explains his point and mc explains her point
they eventually understand, and comfort each other
mc goes over to hug and saeran’s just... smiling and saeyoung feels proud 
and proud of himself but yknow
later on they have a cute little brown haired baby with orange eyes and theyre so cute!!!!
HEY GUYS!!! IM BACK!! I took a severe long hiatus because I lost interest in Mystic Messenger, but recently got the game again and here I am!! I hope you all haven’t missed me to much. 
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