#but not really a game because I'm not a programmer so I will instead share Every Single Choice and Outcome
I don't mind when historians are opinionated. In fact, I find it fun to dissect their arguments. But it bugs me when an opinion is presented as fact, or if the lens the author constructs isn't acknowledged as a lens through which history is viewed. Like so:
For much of the early Roman Republic, the patricians were essentially a ruling elite, and the plebeians had little leverage in the government’s mechanics. They understandably grew tired of being oppressed, but instead of resorting to violence, the plebeians peacefully extricated themselves from their weak position in Rome. They abandoned the city and left it to the patricians. It was essentially a strike, but it enabled both parties to reach a compromise that created a more equitable power-sharing agreement without the use of violence.
I don't know much about the secessio plebis, but I'm skeptical that it happened without any violent retaliation from the ruling class. Just look at the history of modern strikes. And this paragraph elides all the uncertainty we have about what really happened over about ~400 years.
(The only citation here is a short passage in Plutarch's Life of Coriolanus, a few chapters after the flaming ghost phallus. It does not seem to have occurred to this writer that Plutarch can be wrong. Or that Livy exists.)
Tiberius’ brother, Gaius Sempronius Gracchus, resumed his brother’s populist mantle, and he successfully continued his reforms and created a subsidized grain programme for all Romans. However, in 121 BC, his faction and the opposition met in a murderous confrontation that left Gaius dead.
That's all we hear about Gaius Gracchus. Full stop. The lack of additional detail prevents me, the reader, from understanding who started the violence, whether extreme measures were justified, and who (if anyone) was in the right. It feels like the author references him as part of the troublesome tribune/class conflict narrative, but doesn't explain why the example supports his argument. Or not. I don't know, because we aren't told.
Politicians learned how to purchase the electors’ allegiance, either by promising welfare programmes to benefit the commoners, directly transferring wealth to the voters or providing spectacles and feasts for the masses. For instance, in 99 BC, Lucius Cornelius Sulla unsuccessfully campaigned on his military exploits, but when he later canvassed on a platform of unprecedented free games, he was easily elected. The Roman voters weren’t the only ones enjoying inducements of various kinds. Politicians were also on the take.
This makes ordinary Romans look pretty shortsighted and self-centered, doesn't it? And it makes politicians who promise to improve the lot of the poor look like they're corrupt and unprincipled, rather than altruistic, even if they aren't breaking the law by proposing those reforms. (Even Cato the Younger passed a grain subsidy at one point!) It's strange to see land redistribution, food for the poor, electoral bribery, the (actually quite traditional) public games, and political bribes/extortion all get lumped together like this.
For comparison, I'm reading this as a US American who grew up hearing "Support our troops," but supporting said troops really meant "wear flag pins and don't protest the war in Iraq." Anyone who actually wanted to improve soldiers' lives, e.g. by addressing public healthcare or poverty, was accused of enabling "welfare queens" who just wanted Bread and Circuses: US Edition. So when I see descriptions of Roman politics that remind me of that, I get very cautious.
Who is this writer, anyway?
Marc Hyden is the Director of State Government Affairs at a Washington DC-based think tank, and he is a weekly columnist for the Newnan Times-Herald and Albany Herald. Marc graduated from Georgia State University with a degree in philosophy. 
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Ah. (From Hyden's website and Media Bias Fact Check)
I would've thought a philosophy degree could teach someone how to support their arguments and read sources critically. But you're entitled to your opinion, Mr. Hyden, and I'm entitled to switch to a book written by an actual historian.
(Book excerpts from Marc Hyden, Gaius Marius: The Rise and Fall of Rome's Saviour.)
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realityhelixcreates · 9 months
I'm probably bothering you a lot, feel free to not answer, just wanted to use the ask game you reblogged for some free real state information on Nash. How and why does Nash have the spirit of lust living in him? I have theories... But I feel I'm probably making up too crazy scenarios? I won't say what my theory is but... Does it have to do with whatever Narci did to him? (I've connected the dots, I haven't connected shit). Also, what happened with his father? Puzzles killed him right?
And How does Helix feel about detective? Can you tell us more about detective?
Detective is the start of everything. Detective is why any of them know each other. They would have all found out that there were multiple worlds eventually, but they might not have actually found each other. But because of their visions, Detective was the one who went out specifically trying to find other Riddlers and bring them together.
In the DC universe there exist these special places called Lazarus Pits: areas where natural chemical reactions basically create a concoction that can cure anything, even death. Kinda like the natural acid lakes in Java, except instead of acid, it's a health potion.
One of these exists far underneath Gotham City. They can be very dangerous places to get to, because they are jealously guarded by the minions of another villain. All of our Riddlers know about it, but only three have ever been down there, Detective being the first.
The stuff in the pit will cure anything, but It'll kill a healthy person. For those it heals, it confers an extended lifespan and restores youth, but it also bestows a temporary madness. In the Detective's case, it gave them visions, and made them look younger.
Despite this, Detective is one of the oldest Riddlers, having been born in 1970, and starting their criminal career at 29. Though they were a villain for almost 14 years, they were only responsible for 2 deaths (actually 3, but no one knows about the third one). They've simply always been a more even-handed person. They can and will hurt people if they feel like they have to, but personal violence is a last resort.
Detective was not always spiritual or mystical, but they did always believe that the mind could be expanded beyond its current confines, which led them to a successful career as a computer programmer, puzzle maker, and game designer, later breaking into internet infrastructure, virtual reality, and AI. And if they hadn't come across their predatory boss, everything would have been just fine!
But that's not what happened.
Detective has always been fairly obsessed with their appearance, to the point where they get distracted if they think there is something 'wrong' with how they look. They sometimes extend this to the people they are around, tidying hair, straightening lapels, brushing dust, giving advice. They are not touch adverse at all. Some of the others are fine with letting them fuss, but others (Puzzles, it's Puzzles) really don't like it. They try to do it anyway. It's a compulsion.
Their habit of mothering others also stems from this compulsion, a need to constantly be 'improving' everything about and around them. It's part of a complex set of protective behaviors they developed in their childhood.
Detective is the only Riddler for whom therapy was actually successful. Their feelings of being somehow 'wrong' or 'imperfect' lessened significantly once they came to the understanding that they weren't actually a man.
They don't lie. This is also a compulsion. However, they don't have to be completely honest either, and can twist words and omit information as they see fit. But they can't bring themselves to directly lie.
Detective and Helix actually get along really well! Even, and perhaps especially after she takes Narci in. Helix can't see visions like Detective, and Detective can't get outside the Nexus, like she can, so they both have plenty of things to talk about, that the others don't really share. She is also very willing to let them fuss over her.
Detective is partnered with Jervis Tetch, another reformed villain. they have been together for a long time now, and are very sweet.
Detective is medium height and thin, in a soft way rather than a bony way. They're pale, with a rosy undertone, with bright red-orange hair, and olive green eyes. They have no visible scars, and are a proficient makeup artist.
Once they gave up being the Riddler, they pivoted into being a private detective, unraveling riddles instead. They will still pose riddles to others, but only if asked, and there are never any stakes involved.
As with all Riddlers, Detectives father was a real piece of shit, and he was a piece of shit in a 1970's way, so you can understand why it took so long for Detective to come to realize their genderfluid status. Their mother was caring however, though she also suffered under her husbands awful behavior. The fate of Detective's parents is unknown.
Detective wants children, but being a felon, even a reformed one, means they are not allowed to adopt. Instead, they gathered a whole family of themselves.
As for Nash...that is such a long story that it's gonna need it's own post.
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nibwhipdragon · 1 year
like it's a whole genre at this point. they've invented and reinvented things to make them stand out more. not every entry in a genre is a ripoff of what came first
Even then with games like Temtem, they're clearly showing their inspiration which is perfectly fine. Temtem plays so differently from Pokemon so I don't see the problem at all. I'm pretty sure Pokemon wasn't even the first monster collecting RPG (wasn't it Shin Megami Tensei?) so to call any other monster collecting rpg a ripoff of it is just so...
AND WITH HOW MOST OF THESE PEOPLE COMPLAIN ABOUT THE QUALITY OF POKEMON GAMES DROPPING...LIKE CMON. THERE'S A WHOLE GENRE OUT THERE. And honestly? If more people didn't buy pokemon games just out of nostalgia or such, because they grew up with it and that even though they don't like the quality of the game, and ACTUALLY played other monster collecting rpgs, then maybe the games would get better quality. The quality isn't exactly gamefreak's fault (though they REALLY need to increase the amount of programmers there oml), that's more of The Pokemon Company forcing yearly releases to profit on merchandise. What Pokemon needs is a competitor, something that poses a big, longtime threat to it. They wouldn't want to lose buyers to this rival game series, they'd be forced to not rush game development and make quality games. Capitalism does something good for once! Like Yokai Watch was so popular in Japan it was unreal, if it had the same popularity in the west it could've been that big threat to Pokemon.
I can't remember where I was going with this post brain please work with me here
But like yeah. Kinda derailing here but there's so many things wrong with the core mechanics of Pokemon it's obscene how it has continued for so long. Like the whole text thing during battle. Why have the text scroll first then have the thing happen, or vice versa. It just eats up on time, I'm sure the 20 minute timer for online competitive wouldn't be as bad as people feel it is if they fixed this thing up. And actually I think this is too vague so like you know when there's a sandstorm or something and your pokemon get damaged by it? And you know how the animation and damage will do its thing then the text does its thing after instead of at the same time? Yeah that's what I'm talking about. That stuff gets SO long during doubles it's evil. Monster Hunter Stories deals with this in so many ways it's really not that hard
Yknow what, I'm gonna go even further. Pokemon's core gameplay loop is utter ass. I think the only time they got close to doing it right in the mainline games was XY/ORAS due to how the exp share worked there. I can't remember gen 7 that well but the exp boost in usum was awetsome too. By having exp share for the whole team (and toggleable for those who dislike that! Gotta love customisation of gameplay!) it SIGNIFICANTLY reduced the grind needed to progress. And that's not me being impatient with a bad attention span or anything (though the reason as to why pokemon combat can get so boring after a while is a whole other can of worms. Also to prove my attention span isn't bad I played Sonic Unleashed for like 8 hours straight and almost completed it in one day. I'm normal) it's just that sitting there and grinding is just really a slog in general and pulls you out the gameplay loop. This is because the games do absolutely NOTHING to "hide" the grinding. You see, essentially all rpgs (you know. The thing pokemon is) have sidequests, which pokemon doesn't have. Unless you count PLA but that's a spinoff/side game so I'm not really counting it. This is mainline only complaints. Sidequests get you to leave the main story and do other stuff, defeating enemies along the way and gaining exp, as well as getting items that will help for the journey. Usually they'll have these in abundance so you can pick and choose which ones you want to tackle without running out of ones to do (unless you really wanna do all of them). This is grinding. It's just hidden through an external task, like getting a special item for someone in an area, or helping someone take down enemy camps, and so forth. It's not just sitting down and doing menial battles until the mon levels up and then you switch them (bc of lack of exp share in older games). That way, if the player needs to grind for whatever reason, it feels a lot shorter. Personally I think Monster Hunter Stories does this the best, as not only do you have sidequests but you are also encouraged to not barrel through the main story as you want to get weapons and armour for your rider, which means you have to fight monsters and thus gain exp. There's also gene grinding but let's not get into All That today. The exp foods you can craft with items you find while exploring is really good too, it helps level up low leveled new monsties fast (expeditions help with this too!) and in mhs2 having an exp percentage increase (up to 500%) for lower level monsties is a godsend. And then Pokemon makes grinding worse by having high level pokemon gain less exp from pokemon a lower level to them instead of the exp gained being a set amount. It sucks when you wanna fight a gym but the wild level is at such a distance you can't gain exp that well. Cmon man you can do better
Ok I think I've talked about everything I want to here
Anyways if anyone wants monster catching rpgs recommended to them/wants to recommend monster catching rpgs to me I'm down
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starfleetimagines · 2 years
Hi! Could I get ships for DS9 and VOY? :)
I'm a bi enby, attracted to all genders. I'm a programmer, but if I could, I'd prefer to spend my time being a "storyteller" - whether that's writing, drawing, acting, making video games, whatever, there's loads of stories to tell and loads of ways to tell a story, after all. I do write and draw as a hobby, and I used to do horseback riding and swordfish as hobbies, and plan on getting back into those soon.
I'm very timid around people I don't know well and I really don't enjoy stuff like discos or partying at bars, but I've been told that when I'm comfortable with someone, I can be a lot of fun to be around; I'm also very loyal to and kinda protective of my friends, so the easiest way to make me angry is to insult or harm them.
I love listening to people talk about their interests. Even if it's a topic I have no knowledge about, if the person I'm talking to is passionate about it, listening is a lot of fun to me. I'm an optimist, but I had to train myself to be one, so I often have to remind myself to be optimistic. I like to claim I run on three things: Curiosity (There's just so many interesting things in this world!), Compassion (I care about people, even if I'm bad at showing it, and want to help them if K can), and... Spite (Usually in the direction of "Oh, the world wants me to be hard and uncaring? Well, I'll be even softer then!", though sometimes also as a general desire to prove the opposite if someone doubts me - despite me having a rather low self-esteem most of the time).
I grew up with pets (dogs and cats, mostly), and miss them a lot after moving out. I also enjoy learning new languages, though I'm bad at focusing on one (I have 7 languages active on Duolingo, one for each day of the week); the latter is a problem in general, because there's a lot of things I'd like to try out or do more (sewing, crochet, learning ocarina, reading - I have dozens of unread books -, video games, knitting, ...), but days sadly have a limited amount of hours, so with my tendency to get distracted, it's hard to really pick up a hobby and do it regularly instead of just trying it a few times/doing it rarely (or even just daydream about maybe someday starting it).
I hope that wasn't too long, and thanks in advance!
DS9 ship:
Romantic partner: Jadzia Dax
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Best friend: Miles O'Brien
You'd work in engineering, working under Miles. You two would become fast friends; he'd admire your intelligence, your ambition, and eagerness to learn. He and Julian would set you up with Jadzia lol. They'd think you two are perfect for each other: both so curious about the world, both with many hobbies and interests, both optimistic and cheery, both protective over those you love. They'd be right: you and Jadzia would just... hit it off instantly. Your relationship would develop quickly, so quickly that others would tease you when the wedding is after only a few months of dating.
Voyager ship:
Romantic partner: The Doctor (Or, as I like to call him, Doc)
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Best friend: Tom Paris
You and Doc would bond over your shared love of learning. You'd just... babble on and on for hours if time permits, talking about anything and everything, to the point where no one else could get a word in edgewise. You'd help each other learn and practice new skills, going to the holodeck for programs like horseback riding, golf, etc. Tom would see your relationship unfold as he works in sickbay as a part-time nurse, and oh man would he tease you two. Some days, when the teasing got too much, or when you just weren't in the mood, you'd snap and come to Doc's defense and vice versa (something like "you seem to have a lot of opinions about romance for someone who's single"). It would all be in good fun, though, and you and Doc would be very happy together (especially when he gets his mobile emitter and you can go around the ship together).
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vixonspixels · 5 months
Hi Vixon, firstly I want to thank you for all the content you're providing. I love your anesthetic and style. I might try using gshade for the 4th time just because yours are so adorable, I bet it'd make even Warewolfs look like VSCO girls 😆
What I'd want to ask you is whether you'd be willing to share your skims leggings mesh? I'd like to make a simlish version for myself.
Tbh, I just started exploring the "Studio" side of the Sims, that might be the first project I'll complete. I don't intend to put it behind the pay wall or anything. I'll share you the results once I find it good enough to keep it in my game and we might even make full Skims simlish update (by we I mean lemme practice on other meshes and you update your collection if you're satisfied)
Anyway, have a great day and know I'll be looking forward to your content and overrides no matter what the answer is 😍
Hello, thankyou so much for your kind words I really do appreciate it!
I unfortunately cannot share the mesh, the reason being is if you were to use that exact same mesh and release your own version I believe the CC would conflict if that makes sense? So if the people downloading mine had yours already in their game then mine wouldn't show up as it would conflict due to it being the exact same mesh and vice versa
Usually I see people just do a recolour of the textures without including the mesh, and they mention in their post that you need the original mesh for it to show up in game if that makes sense? And then they will tag the creator and item who's mesh is used
There are so many different leggings/shorts etc available on the sims studio that you could use instead. The reason so many people can recolour the same thing through sims 4 studio is down to that programme providing a brand new package file for each person. I hope all of this makes sense, I have tried explaining the best that I can
I'm still very new to the whole creating world myself. I haven't personally tried to edit another mesh that a different cc creator has used but like I stated above I know that I've only ever seen people recolour the textures. I've no idea how that works, as everything I've learnt so far is pretty much self taught
Sorry I can't be of much more help
Have a lovely day also 🤍
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pangolin-404 · 4 years
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SO the battles are relatively the same, except for a few exceptions.
I can't see it being like. Dududu boom pokemon battle type of thing. Just hack n slash no battle screen
The Butcher Gang clones are all imperfect and so there's variety between each one(one might be lanky, another too many teeth/eyes, one might be a mash of two or more individuals).
The Brute Boris fight can possibly be skipped completely at the cost of Sammy(who at that point can be put out of his misery or spared).
Also Alice is like an established mad scientist so there is more than one Boris/toon horror. Others are amalgamations sewn together. Henry can find some experiment rooms and pick up notes about certain specimens (unlocking weak points, lore, etc.)
The Projectionist is a boss fight/stealth mission type thing. There are different outcomes, ie: getting out without killing him, Bendy killing him, Henry killing him, throwing ink at his face and bursting his bulb (leaving him blind), or making a sea of searchers tear him apart limb from limb. If he lives he'll probably show up later, still working on chapter 4 onwards
Sammy will react to how out-of-his-way genocidal Henry is. Ie: if he kills Jack(essentially Sammy's personal treasurer and only friend) multiple times, even if Jack is so scared he doesn't stop him from getting the item, he'll hide the needed item in increasingly frustrating places himself instead of letting Jack guard it. If he kills the Projectionist he'll pretty much go "thanks! you are terrifying, I am going to leave now :)"
Getting items from Jack gets increasing harder as he keeps grabbing them and sliding under the ink. Hit him hard enough or drop enough things on his head and maybe he'll stop
Contrary, don't fight Jack. Or better yet, try to be friends, and you won't have to wrestle with him to get a dang pipe valve at all! If he likes Henry he'll hand it right over
Alice will keep sending Henry on death missions to kill her failed experiments in hopes of getting him killed. aka if you try you get extra fights
Sammy kidnaps Boris if Henry's neutral or a jerk (his opinion doesn't just rely on fights but also other things, but anyways)
In the event that Sammy does not kidnap Boris and goes against Alice, well. :)
Bertrum IS Bendy Land. He is the whole park. Every vaguely electronic ride wants you dead. There are half finished rides that burst to life and try killing Henry- the merry go round, the bumper cars, gosh Bertrum was practically thinking of this exact situation before he got offed! Destroying the center of the park (octopus ride) does not kill him, only annoy him, and that odd arm in the ink river will NOT be happy later on! :)
Allison and Tom will hear about what happens to places Henry goes through, good or bad. Same goes for lost ones; they like to gossip
Alice is practically a cartoon. Is a silly sword really going to keep her down? No. Run.
In short: If Henry goes out of his way to rip the studio apart and needlessly picks the most violent solutions to problems, characters will hate him and things get harder
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Excuse me Orange. I have seen the posts of Makoto interacting with class 77 and as much as I would love to hear about it I'm really curious about how a relationship with class 79 and Makoto would be. More specifically Makoto and Kokichi.
Yes this is because I can't get the fic "Rosemary" out of my head. In summary, Makoto loses his memories and becomes a counsellor at a school in Germany after meeting Rantaro and adopts Kokichi. Besties Rantaro and Makoto with the disaster child that is Kokichi.
Hello anon! Thank you ever so much for being so polite and patient with me :). This post has been a long time coming, and people have requested it ever since I made those class 77 headcanons. I put it off partly because I was worried I wouldn't do the V3 characterisation justice. I based a lot of this off the wiki info, so I highly encourage anyone to add their thoughts or counter if they think of something different!
(Also since pre-game personalities are basically non-existent outside of headcanons, this is based off their killing game personas)
Makoto is excited to greet another school year, and some underclassmen along with it! With all the... interesting characters (turned friends) he's encountered in both his own and the above year, he can only wonder what the new students will be like...
Kaede- out of all the protagonists, I'd say Kaede shares the most similarities with Makoto, moreso than his own sister. These two would definitely get along and make a great tag team- watch out Hope's Peak, because these two will have befriended you before you know it! Makoto definitely admires Kaede's straightforwardness and her optimistic nature. They act as great support for each other if tag teaming another person/persons, as Kaede is bolder then Makoto, whilst Makoto acts well as a medium. They're both extremely loyal, arguably to a fault. Both Kaede and Makoto have lied in a class trial to protective their friend (a detective each time too, lmao). Apparently she also lied for his sake in the demo, which is sweet. I feel like they'd connect well over their mutual optimism and kind hearts. I think Makoto would convince Kaede to step out of her comfort zone- socially, she's very bold, but she strays away from activities that could affect her piano playing (by hurting her fingers) and can waste away a lot of time in the practice room. She misses out on a lot of potentially fun activities that way. On an outing with some others, she accidentally cuts her finger, and whilst Makoto apologises and tells her she was right to be cautious, she waves him aside. Despite being unable to play the piano for a few days, she fills her time with other activities and it actually... doesn't bother her so much. As an 'ordinary person', Makoto helps a lot of talented students by opening their eyes to seeing that their identity doesn't revolve around their talents. In return, Kaede offers to teach Makoto whilst he spends time with her in the practice room. Whilst piano is her favourite, she knows how to play other instruments, and teaches Makoto the violin (maybe you think he'd play a different instrument but violins are my favourite so I'm going with that-). They even practice together, and whilst Kaede still practices nearly every day, she finds that it can actually be even more fun with company.
Shuichi- ah yes, yet another detective. Makoto was initially surprised that they'd accepted another Ultimate Detective, since there's normally only one ultimate at a time in the school (aside from Luck, which is decided each year with a raffle or draw or whatever). It's revealed that Shuichi is actually undergoing part of a new tutoring programme, in order to increase the number of people with talents especially useful to society. He's to be tutored by his upperclassman... *drumroll* Kyoko! Being close with Kyoko and with Kaede, Makoto sees a lot of Shuichi and befriends him too. He helps out with Shuichi's lack of confidence and feelings of inadequacy. Unlike Makoto, Shuichi has an obvious role model that he both aspires to and compares himself against. Unlike Kyoko, Shuichi is much more connected to and feels responsible for the people his detective work condemns. Whereas Kyoko is confident in her goal to obtain the truth, in totally neutrality, Shuichi is hesitant about it, unable to feel unbiased and take a neutral stand. Makoto convinces him this is a good thing, that feeling guilt is normal and is a sign of being a passionate and sympathetic soul. Shuichi doesn't have to be the kind of detective Kyoko is- sometimes that kind of compassionate and caring person is exactly the mindset people want. He also reassures Shuichi that as painful as the truth is, uncovering it means being able to eventually move on, and embrace hope. (He also tells Kyoko to maybe be a bit more... /welcoming/ in their lessons, and eventually Kyoko grows quite fond of her student, discovering a fondess for teaching she didn't know she had).
They're both very humble and polite, and whilst Makoto isn't reserved, he can be very passive. I think the two would appreciate having more of a calm relationship, typical of a 'normal' friendship that is often er- 'lacking' at Hope's Peak. With Kaede's help, Shuichi would open up to Makoto and others over time. I personally headcanon Shuichi to have an anxiety disorder and depressive bouts, so I think someone like Makoto would be a great support friend, for him to go to when he needs company and comfort, someone to listen and to understand, and vice versa to an extent. I like to imagine Makoto, Shuichi and Kaede often spend time together (with Hajime too protag gang ftw). Shuichi likes to study in the music room with them. He's already good at research, but the music actually helps him... enjoy it more. (Maybe he takes up an instrument too, to give him a hobby to focus on, hmm).
Kokichi- Kokichi Ouma. Kokichi Ouma... what do I even say? Trying to wrap my head around his character is like trying to clear the death road of despair in your first try. Still, I'll try my best!
I've seen a headcanon before (i dont remember by who, if you know lmk and I'll credit them) that Makoto via his unpredictable luck would be immune to Kokichi's pranks, and I think that'd set up a pretty good basis for their introduction. I think if Kokichi and Makoto had to describe the other in one word, it would be... "frustrating". At first glance, they're practically opposites- someone like Kokichi, who seems to breathe lies instead of air, and a person like Makoto, who's so honest and open it's almost stupid. Makoto doesn't like how Kokichi lies so much, even if it means people hating him. He almost seems to WANT people to hate him (I think he said once that honest people scare him more than strangers). Makoto has a tendency to break down even the most difficult characters (coughcoguuh class 78 coughcofuh), and that both scares but intrigues Kokichi. Makoto couldn't hate him if he tried (literally the only person he ever even /disliked/ was Junko. Not /hate/, but just /dislike/? Really???), and it frustrates Kokichi that Makoto is so willing to trust him and put faith in him. Makoto isn't blindly optimistic either, he genuinely believes in people, and I think Kokichi would feel envious towards being able to trust so... freely. Part of Kokichi's childish and carefee personality and his perchance for lies is the manifestation of his desire for freedom. If no-one knows what he's thinking, if no one can guess his moves, if no one can use emotions or weaknesses against him, and he can do whatever he wants, isn't that freedom? Except it isn't. By not letting his guard down and being honest with people, in a way, Kokichi's lies have left him trapped, unable to open up out of a fear of vulnerability. Whilst Kokichi would be initially suspicious of Makoto, maybe even distrustful of or uncomfortable around his personality, I think having such a grounded, honest individual whom he can /rely/ on would be... comforting. Kokichi would warm up to him, and see that with Makoto, what you see is what you get. He's above all else, a /genuine/ person, though certainly not an ordinary one, and Kokichi learns to respect and even admire that. Kokichi intentionally pushes people away to avoid expressing vulnerability, by being intentionally unlikeable, but even so I think he's lonely. Pushing away others isn't out of a true desire to be alone (it never is), but a defense mechanism. That tactic wouldn't work on Makoto, and so Makoto could become someone who Kokichi not only considers a friend, but who wholeheartedly returns the sentiment.
Makoto isn't sure what to think of Kokichi at first. He's heard so much about this terrifying new student, an overlord of a secret underground organisation with roots all over the globe... and yet the first time they meet Kokichi is trying to drop a bucket of custard on him. I don't think Makoto would like how Kokichi lies so much- especially about things like killing people or sending them away to never be seen again. It upsets him how Kokichi can joke about it, and how he seems to enjoy toying with people's feelings. When Makoto has a goal, he'll follow it through to the end, so when he's determined to break through Kokichi's walls... well, it's not easy at first. He's also willing to keep Kokichi company and give him attention and hear him out, which Kokichi admittedly likes. Whilst Makoto isn't a pushover, he's also not going to threaten Kokichi or retaliate with mean words, he genuinely listens and entertains Kokichi even though he knows Kokichi is messing with him, which is.. really nice, actually. Even if he tries he can't really shake Makoto that much (pls after all the other -weirdos- people he's met?). Like oh-? They have to duel to the death with yu-gi-oh cards? It's lucky Makoto brought his stack with him! Kokichi orders him to play tea party with him? He loved playing it with Komaru when she was younger and was sad when she stopped! Kokichi tricks him into eating a really gross weird food? How did you know that was a family favourite! Kokichi is fond of Makoto, and is desperate to keep Makoto's attention on him, whilst at the same time not wanting to reveal his true feelings, leading to plenty of complicated situations. Eventually they reach a breaking point (i love drama ok) and whilst Makoto doesn't lash out at him, exactly, he admits that maybe it's best he leaves Kokichi alone, believing that maybe Kokichi truly is content to be the way he is. It's this event that causes Kokichi to realise that Makoto really is someone he'd rather not hurt- that he doesn't just 'like' him but truly cares for him. From then on he tries to dial it down a bit, and Makoto comes to understand how Kokichi's lying and 'cruelty' stems from a place of insecurity and fear of trust. He promises to be a person Kokichi can trust, to show him that vulnerability doesn't have to mean gettint hurt. Whenever the two are around each other all kind of wacky hijinks are bound to ensure, really. Kokichi loves having someone around to not only give him attention, but want to as well, and Makoto enjoys how Kokichi is willing to spend time with and entertain him, pushing him and supporting him in ways that he didn't realise initially. They both find the other extremely interesting, and their encounters usually lead to significant changes in their relationship and mindsets.
I like to imagine they'd spend time playing games and fanboying together- Kokichi adores video games, and it always poses a challenge going against Makoto's luck, which is great for someone competitive as he is. Kokichi also seems a fan of the shounen genre, and 'basic' Makoto is the only other person in the school aside from Hifumi and Tsumugi to even watch anime so you know those two nerds geek out constantly. Kokichi likes to play other kinds of games with Makoto too- and they really like word games- especially two truths one lie. Makoto is... suprisingly good at it. He's pretty poetic, and his genuineness makes it hard to disbelieve him. Which makes it all the more fun when going against Kokichi!
Rantaro- how would these two describe each other in 5 words? "A breath of fresh air". They're both some of the "normal-est" in the school tbh. It's really great for both of them to have someone to do normal teen stuff with. They love going shopping together, hanging out at cafes and arcades. They actually meet when looking for a birthday present for their sister(s). They both reach for the same one before apologising and insisting the other have it. Rantaro insists Makoto take it, since, well, it's not like /his/ sister would get it anytime soon... confused, Makoto asks why and somehow Rantaro ends up confessing the whole thing about his sisters' disappearances, and how he always buys a present for each of their birthdays, waiting for the day when he can give them to them in person. (Pls why does this always end up with makoto counselling the students akdhsjsj-). Makoto could definitely sympathise, having a younger sister of his own. I think they'd bond over that "older brother" role they share, and Makoto would definitely help alleviate some of Rantaro's guilt. I like to imagine that Makoto, whilst being a 'typical teenage boy', also has a lot of feminine interests that he might be a bit insecure about. I love the idea of Rantaro encouraging him to embrace that (guy has like 12 sisters, he gave up feeling shy about makeup, nail polish, jewellery and dressing up in tiaras years ago). Rantaro is the first person to paint Makoto's nails and he loves it so much-!!! They go out for boba together and wear matching green nail polish pls its awesome. Rantaro also tells Makoto stories from when he was travelling and its also amazing- Makoto loves hearing all about it, and Rantaro is actually an incredible storyteller. Though Rantaro initially adventured to find his sister(s), he remembers why he loved travelling in the first place, and he's able to look back fondly on those memories that used to be clouded with the despair of his sisters' disappearance. They even go on vacation together to a tropical island at some point (maybe with friends). I'd like to say Makoto's luck might even lead to them finding one of the sisters, but maybe that's a bit too coincidental ahaha.
Miu- hmm. I think Makoto would be a little put off at first by her vulgarity and very openly sexual and crude behaviour. It's not that he dislikes her, he just isn't really sure... how to react around her? Her and Kaede don't get along, and Makoto often finds himself playing peacemaker when he stumbles upon their arguments. To his surprise, though, she seems to actually... like it when they fight? In fact- she seems to like it when people give her the time of day at all, really. Maybe she's just... lonely? And well, she can be a bit... um- /obnoxious/, but she can't be that bad! Making him go to see her weird (weird) inventions, that must be her way of reaching out and trying to spend time with him, right?
And then she starts calling him "Ma-crap-to", "Naegidiot", "Makusoto", and "Na-unchi"
nevermind she sucks
Makoto, with his saintly patience, would probably end up getting closer to her similar how Shuichi does in his FTEs. (I'll be honest there's not much difference I can think of akdjsjjssksj-)
Kaito- Kaito! Who doesn't love Kaito. It's no secret Kaito thinks himself the centre of the Universe (insert space joke here haha)- he's the protagonist of his own life, and luckily for him, Makoto fits quite nicely into the sidekick role. Both of them are passionate, with big hearts and strong spirits. Kaito is really good at seeing through people too- (idk how accurate this is but apparently in the wiki it says he sees that Nagito isn't interested in his talent or him as a person so much as him as a symbol). Whilst Makoto obviously has a lot of respect and admiration for all the talented students, I feel like it's a lot more... genuine? In a way that he can appreciate the person behind the talent, more than the talent itself. Kaito is someone who likes to inspire people and I think this would resonate with him. I think the two could seriously get along! They're both hopeless (haha) romantics and stupidly optimistic lmao. Kaito can be a little hotheaded at times, so I also like the idea that Makoto could calm him down, or at least reel him in a bit. He's stubborn when it comes to... um.. certain types of people (kokichi) so maybe Makoto could open his mind a bit.
Maki: MAKI ROLLLL. Ok I'm sure she'd probably have to hide her talent until it all came out at some point. I think Makoto is someone who's very against killing (even Junko he believed there was a better way for), so whilst he wouldn't agree with her talent, I think he wouldn't hold it against Maki, especially because he's very good at separating person from talent. Makoto is very understanding, and I think that like with Kaito, he would try to befriend her and open her up. He'd probably feel bad for her, not knowing what a "normal" life was like, so he'd try his best to do that. I think Maki in turn would appreciate that, and slowly get to know him like she did with Kaito and Shuichi. (She also likes complaining to him about Kaito lmao).
(he also takes her out for sushi so she can see for herself what a harumaki is LOL)
I'm sorry anon, this is as far as I could go aksnjjssj. When I feel up to it I'll try and make a part 2 to this, but I hope this is good for now?
(Also that fic sounds awesome and I'll definitely have to read it at some point)
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popcorn-kitten · 3 years
new hiveswap info and development timelines just dropped on the Kickstarter ✌️
Over the years, a lot of misinformation, as well as deliberate disinformation, has spread around about the history of Hiveswap. The purpose of this post is to clarify these matters for backers who've been wondering what the truth is.
The Kickstarter was planned by the What Pumpkin business development team in mid-2012. One member of the team was a crowdfunding specialist who led the planning process and managed the contracts with the developer. Prior to the Kickstarter opening for pledges, What Pumpkin worked out a plan for a flexible game concept that could be refined according to how much the campaign ultimately brought in. As Hussie was still working on Homestuck full time at this point, the plan was to hand over his game concept and story outline to a development company that could deliver the project.
The crowdfunding campaign finished out at a gross total of $2,485,506, as well as a gross total of $207,930 from PayPal pledges. But because of platform fees, as well as the costs of producing and shipping merchandise to backers of the campaign, the effective budget was significantly lower than the gross pledged total:
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The above deductions from the gross total do not include taxes.
After determining the final budget for the game, What Pumpkin signed an agreement with the contracted game company (hereafter “GC”) to develop Hussie’s game concept. WP and GC entered into a development contract on November 30, 2012, shortly after the conclusion of the Homestuck Kickstarter. WP paid $788,000 to GC in late 2012 for development.
Because there was an understanding that delivering the complete game development documents would take some time, during which it would be difficult for GC to make meaningful progress on the Hiveswap game build, GC inquired about getting involved with other Homestuck-adjacent projects to do immediate work. WP let GC know about the Act 7 animation plans. With an assurance that this work could be done in parallel with a flexible timeline and would not impact the development cycle of Hiveswap itself, Hussie and What Pumpkin saw this as a good opportunity to establish a working relationship with this organization prior to the start of development and agreed to contract GC to do animation work for the Act 7 project. WP and GC agreed that this project would have a separate budget from the Hiveswap Kickstarter money, paid for from WP’s regular operating funds. As the existence of this animation itself would not be revealed until its release in 2016, this was not publicly announced at the time. GC and the lead animator on the project specifically requested not to be credited upon release of the animation.
Hussie initiated the “Megapause” on April 14, 2013 in order to devote his full attention to finalizing the Hiveswap development documents. What Pumpkin soon provided its story documents so that GC could formally begin core systems development. In July of 2013 WP and GC mutually agreed to push back GC’s deliverable dates without penalty. Hussie would share an update in 2013 detailing the state of predevelopment:
In 2013 following receipt of WP’s deliverables, GC enthusiastically assured WP that it was positioned to begin development. GC would deliver its first prototype in early 2014.
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This prototype, linked above, was sent to WP on 2/18/14. At this point, it was becoming a significant concern among backers that WP had yet to show proof that the game was being made, so WP was looking for any sort of tangible progress update from GC that was suitable to share with the public. But Hussie and WP found the quality of the prototype somewhat alarming, and decided that sharing any shots from the game would only cause embarrassment for GC. Nevertheless, WP was still willing to assume that this was a very early draft of something that would develop into a more promising product soon, and gave GC some more time to improve on it.
But the improvements didn’t come. No other advancements on the prototype were ever made. After waiting weeks with no update other than assurances that progress was carrying on smoothly, Hussie initiated the “Gigapause” both to take care of personal matters and later to get directly involved in the development of the game himself. He decided to move to southern California from the east coast in hopes that working directly with the GC could help them overcome whatever obstacles they were facing with Hiveswap’s development. GC responded positively to the prospect of Hussie’s involvement, but when he made the move and tried to coordinate a time to visit the GC offices and meet, GC insisted it was a bad time due to office renovations and a busy schedule. Here is a timeline with quotes from emails exchanged between Hussie and GC:
May 12, 2014 - from Hussie to GC
“Just letting you know I actually moved to the west coast recently. I'm only an hour or so away from LA now.
I could drive down and check out the office, see how things are going with the game and animation in person some time soon. Is there a time that would work for you guys? In a week or two maybe?”
May 15, 2014 - from GC to Hussie
“That's awesome about being on the west coast. It'd be great to have you come to the studio.
Dev has slowed a bit on our end, as we wanted to take a step back and really evaluate what was needed and the best way to achieve the features that have been coming online in the docs. We're continuing to break that all down so we can build and plan most effectively moving forward. We also wanted to find some simple formats for input from your writing team for dialogue content and are getting that squared away.
The best time to come by would actually be right after E3. Things are a bit nuts until then.”
May 18, 2014 - from Hussie to GC
“[Name redacted], sounds good. I'll set aside some time after E3 to make the drive down. As we approach the date, just let me know what works for you.”
E3 was June 10-12, 2014. GC did not invite Hussie to visit at this time.
Hussie and WP representatives were in LA over July 4th weekend, 2014. When they inquired about visiting the offices again they were still not welcome. A GC representative insisted that they meet at a restaurant instead. Yet GC continued to telegraph that they were receptive to the idea of inviting Hussie to the office well into the summer:
Aug 18, 2014 - from GC to Hussie
“We'd love to set up a new time for Andrew to come to the studio as well as a skype chat to meet the other team members.”
Despite apparent enthusiasm about meeting with Andrew in their email correspondence, GC continued the pattern of refusing to meet at the office or supply any signs of progress on the prototype.
Over that summer, GC delivered several pieces of concept art that WP had been requesting since January. Hussie did his best to present this publicly as a positive development as WP felt it would be counterproductive to the project and harmful to GC to publicly detail the development troubles at the time.
There was no indication from GC that the Act 7 animation project was in any way in conflict with Hiveswap development. GC was enthusiastic about taking on this project, and bidded against other animators for the contract. They saw it as a useful tie-in to concept art work on Hiveswap, as GC leadership conveyed in an email to WP in early 2013:
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WP also does not have any reason to believe that the Act 7 project in practice created a conflict that was not disclosed by GC to WP. Act 7 was a 2D animation project, and Hiveswap at the time was a 3D game, so it did not pull GC’s programmers or 3D artists away from work on Hiveswap. GC never mentioned the development needs of a separate project at all to WP, or cited any such reason as distracting from work on Hiveswap; GC instead repeatedly provided WP with various assurances that everything was still fine with Hiveswap.
Had GC communicated that they had scheduling conflicts or some other impediment preventing them from developing Hiveswap, WP would have terminated the contract even sooner.
WP moved to terminate the agreement with GC late summer of 2014, and Hussie pivoted towards establishing a new independent game studio while consulting with a designer who had stepped up into a leadership position during the GC development period. That individual lived in NYC, which is why that location was chosen to establish the new studio rapidly. They helped build the studio through a local network of professional contacts. While this “What Pumpkin NYC” studio shared a name with What Pumpkin, it’s important to note that all of WP NYC’s studio staff save for the aforementioned individual were hired without any prior affiliation with WP and thus had no association with the GC contract. WP documented this development on Kickstarter on October 30th, 2014. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/14293468/homestuck-adventure-game/posts/1035099
At this point, negotiations were very amicable; both parties agreed the project simply wasn’t turning out to be a good fit for GC, and were both ready to move on. There were no signs given at all that WP was about to have trouble recovering the remaining funds.
WP is legally permitted to discuss details of the resolution of the dispute only under very specific circumstances. WP may make additional disclosures outside of this post to individual backers in accordance with legal obligations.
Following resolution of the GC contract, in Spring 2015 the WP NYC studio was running at full capacity on Hiveswap. The main problem was the fact that WP management was blindsided by the revelation that much less money would be coming back than expected. The WP NYC project manager had designed the schedule based on the good faith presumption that most of the development funds would be recouped. When it was finally revealed the return was far short of what was expected, and the repayment plan could in no way keep up with the schedule as currently drafted, it threw the project into a period of chaos as plans were quickly redrawn. The length of Act 1 was slashed, and other modifications were made to try to fit the rest of Act 1 into the newly shortened runway. But in the end, the revisions still weren't enough to save the game as it existed, and the studio needed to be closed in order to reserve what funds remained to finish the project in some form.
This may have come across as a sudden or spontaneous decision. Part of this is because the WP NYC senior staff and WP ownership were doing everything in their power to save the project, including injecting WP regular operating funds into the project, until it was determined that going any further would be disastrous for the future of Hiveswap. Another is that WP was legally unable to give any detailed disclosures about the financial troubles, even to many of the WP NYC staff.
It should also be noted that originally the NYC studio was not going to be permanently closed, but only frozen for a reassessment of the project. But during this freeze period, there were some dramatic events. One staff member behaved in a destructive and threatening manner. For the protection of those involved, details shouldn't be disclosed. But these events made navigating the post-freeze issues impossible. Communication between ownership, management and staff broke down because of these events, and the freeze turned into full closure. This version of the project was then abandoned for many reasons, including these events.
Some misinformation claims that at the time the WP NYC studio was shuttered, its iterations of Act 1 and 2 were complete. This is wrong. Act 1 was very far from a shippable state and absolutely no work on Act 2 had been completed besides some concept and 3D art. Here you can see a video documenting one of many major bugs with critical path progression in the final build produced by WP NYC, where it becomes impossible to re-focus on the Simon Says toy if Joey fails and then exits out of the puzzle:
At the point the WP NYC studio was frozen it was still difficult to finish a full run of the critical path without the debug tool, and the UI was far from complete. With that build, Act 1 ended the moment Joey passed through the portal on Earth. The current version of Act 1, where Joey makes it to Alternia and meets Xefros, is more indicative of the original length of the NYC version of Act 1. Not only did it need to be slashed from what the original script proposed, the NYC version of Act 1 still wasn't that close to resembling a shippable product after those changes were made.
Because of the amount of time and resources already devoted to this project, WP was initially very reluctant to lay anyone off or scrap the work being done. It was for this reason that the studio stayed open for months after the contract with GC was resolved; WP made every effort to deliver a game with that team, but at the time WP NYC was shuttered, the funds just weren't there to keep the studio running at its current burn rate and schedule slips. The game was never going to reach delivery with the funds available. The studio urgently needed to be frozen for a full reassessment, and then it was closed after the freeze due to the reasons stated above. This was the only course of action that could have saved the project.
To WP's knowledge every artist whose work was used in the final release of Act 1 was included in the credits. The final version of Act 1 was in large part built off concept art and storyboards drawn during the WP NYC era, and many of the artists who made them continued to work on the team that produced the final version of Act 1; the roadmap for the completion of Act 1 was specifically planned because WP had determined that the existing 2D concepts could easily be refined into a final product that would both be visually appealing and more economic to produce. Unfortunately due to the transition to 2D WP no longer had a place for the 3D artists or the original 3D engine, and all of those assets were dropped. They were not used as a basis for the finished assets in Act 1, and visual similarities to WP NYC 3D assets are due to the fact that final Act 1 assets are in large part refinements of the original concept art. Any artist whose work was used incidentally was included in Additional Contributions.
Both the GC and NYC phases of Hiveswap were setbacks to the overall fulfillment of the project, but not insurmountable. WP reorganized the budget to establish a new version of the studio, and Act 1 was released two years after the closure of NYC.
As an addendum, WP has identified the primary source of a disclosure to a well-circulated document of the Hiveswap development process. WP has been aware of a pattern of false claims this former employee has made since the end of their employment at the beginning of 2014. As this individual was not present during the end of the development contract with GC, nor the WP NYC development period, all of the information they have shared is based on speculation and conjecture.
At this time, WP does not wish to invite more controversy into the lives of anyone previously involved with this project, and considers these matters to have been resolved long ago. The goal for years has been to turn the page on flawed attempts by earlier studios, and simply move forward and bring Hiveswap to completion without sparking the chaos, disruption, and threats to personal safety that would have resulted from disclosing many of the details stated above. Doing so would only make it more difficult for the staff to rebuild the project during these periods immediately following the termination of the GC agreement and closure of the NYC studio. Since preservation of the project was the primary responsibility to the backers, making destructive disclosures that put the project at risk along the way would have been at odds with that responsibility. This policy also served to protect individuals from personal or professional harm, including those who were responsible for serious setbacks with the project. Please respect the privacy of any persons affiliated with GC and WP NYC.
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betterbe-ravenclaw · 4 years
A HPHM character profile - Naomi Kinnley
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Naomi has been being developed for a good while now, and I know that my version of events will clash with that of others (over love interest, profession, interests, family etc) so I really hope that won't be a problem. It's taken a long time for me to post this because I'm extremely nervous but hopefully Naomi and I can fit into the community!
(This wonderful profile template is by @hogwartsmysterystory and made introducing Naomi so much easier than it could have been, so thank you!)
Also the artwork is by me. Still practicing humans.
Name: Naomi Justine kinnley
Gender: Female
Age: 15 (in game currently, I guess her age technically changes with each scenario as necessary)
Date of Birth: 27th April 1973
Species: Human
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Sexuality: straight (or heterosexual, they both mean the same thing right?)
Ethnicity: English, Welsh, French
Nationality: English
Residence: The Kinnley Household, #.17 Turley Avenue, Norwich, Norfolk, England
MBPT: ISFP - the adventurer
The Mage:
1st wand: cedar, dragon heartstring core, slightly springy, 11 ½ inches
“...‘you will never fool the cedar carrier,’ and I agree: the cedar wand finds its perfect home where there is perspicacity and perception. I would go further than my father, however, in saying that I have never yet met the owner of a cedar wand whom I would care to cross, especially if harm is done to those of whom they are fond. The witch or wizard who is well-matched with cedar carries the potential to be a frightening adversary, which often comes as a shock to those who have thoughtlessly challenged them”
“As a rule, dragon heartstrings produce wands with the most power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells. Dragon wands tend to learn more quickly than other types. While they can change allegiance if won from their original master, they always bond strongly with the current owner.”
2nd wand: willow, phoenix feather core, reasonably supple, 12 ¼ inch
“Willow is an uncommon wand wood with healing power, and I have noted that the ideal owner for a willow wand often has some (usually unwarranted) insecurity, however well they may try and hide it. While many confident customers insist on trying a willow wand (attracted by their handsome appearance and well-founded reputation for enabling advanced, non-verbal magic) my willow wands have consistently selected those of greatest potential, rather than those who feel they have little to learn...”
“This is the rarest core type. Phoenix feathers are capable of the greatest range of magic, though they may take longer than either unicorn or dragon cores to reveal this. They show the most initiative, sometimes acting of their own accord, a quality that many witches and wizards dislike.”
Animagus: N/A
Misc magical abilities: Apparition and Disapparition
Boggart form: missing a chance to save somebody special to her (usually Rowan, her brother or Murphy) because she was preoccupied with something novel and insignificant. Knowing she should have and could have been there and would have been able to help - but wasn’t. (Shows up as herself with her back to the incident, not noticing when her loved one calls out for help)
Riddikulus form: in being preoccupied with said novel activity, she misses her loved one(s) not being murdered, but instead making silly faces 0r acting clownish behind her back, a bit like in a pantomime.
Amortentia (their smell): home baked bread, a wildflower field, crisp new parchment, baled hay, plums from her grandparents’ orchard and vanilla.
Amortentia (what they smell): mown grass, cinnamon, old books, home baked cookies, polished leather, lavender laundry detergent and the sea.
Patronus: leopardess
Patronus memory: sitting at the attic window with her brother early on christmas morning as a child, drinking hot chocolate with those tiny muggle marshmallows and munching on their mother’s cookies that they weren't supposed to have until the afternoon. Talking and playing wizards chess, exploding snap and their dad's old Muggle board games, watching the sunrise and being together.
Mirror of erised:
during hogwarts - reliving her patronus memory every christmas as tradition goes. Still having Jacob shake her awake at ridiculous o’clock and take her upstairs to the window where he’d set up their blanket instead of waking up of her own accord and sitting alone until the sunrise.
As an adult - hosting dinner at the house she shares with her husband and children for all her close friends and family. All of them. Those who are gone would be there too for a night of good food and good company where the children would run around playing and Naomi would get a warm feeling of belonging in her heart.
specialized/favourite spell:
Pretego - she never wants anyone she loves to come to harm, especially after rowans passing.
Expecto Patronum - beautiful, peaceful and protective. Useful and stunning all at the same time. A thing of comfort and joy.
Avis - she’s calmed around animals and birds. Just for fun.
Ferula & episkey - similar to protego, to help those who come to harm and keep them from pain as much as possible.
Lumos - simple and useful. It was one of the first things she learnt at Hogwarts and feels nostalgic.
Faceclaim: Willa Holland (just imagine she has freckles.)
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Game appearance:
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Height: 5’6” (170.7cm)
Weight: 151lbs (68.5kg)
Physique: Slim
Eye colour: hazel, quite green in places
Hair colour: dark brown, looks ginger in the sun, loosely curly
Skin tone: medium, somewhere in between olive and pale.
Body modifications: she has one piercing in each earlobe that she got aged 10. She mainly just wears studs.
Scarring: nothing major, she has a few little scars from mundane accidents like cutting her knee on a rock but that's about it.
Inventory: wand, quill, ink, chapstick, hair ties, a hairbrush, prefect badge, scrap parchment, glasses, glasses case, half finished bag of sherbet lemons, unopened packet of every flavour beans and a leather notebook with unlimited pages for notes on everything
Fashion: Naomi likes to pair denim bottoms (jeans or shorts or sometimes a skirt if she's in the mood) with a t-shirt - she likes the ones with different coloured sleeves and also ones with words on the front. She'll also wear denim jackets and leggings and knitted sweaters and sometimes summer dresses and skirts. She mostly likes comfortable stuff. If it feels good on her body and she's comfortable in it she'll wear it.
Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw
Affiliations / organisations: the circle of Khanna, the order of the phoenix, the ministry of magic, the department of magical law enforcement - auror division
Age 11-18 : Hogwarts student
Age 18-21 : Trainee Auror, part of the ministry of magic's department of magical law enforcement Auror training programme
Age 21-25 : Junior Auror, department of magical law enforcement - Auror devison
Age 25 - 28 : unemployed, having taken a break from work to focus on the family after the war
Age 28 - 40 : Senior Auror, department of Magical law enforcement - Auror devison
Age 40 - 46 : Head Auror, department of Magical law enforcement - Auror devison
Age 46 - 48 : Assistant manager at Cathy's Bakes (her mother in law's bakery)
Age 48 - Retirement : manager at Cathy's Bakes
Hogwarts info:
Class proficiencies:
Astronomy - E
Charms - O
Defence against the dark arts - O
Flying - O
Herbology - A
History of magic - E
Potions - O
Transfiguration - O
Care of Magical Creatures - O
Arithmancy - E
Divination - A
Quidditch: Chaser from 2nd year onwards
Extra curricular: Quidditch, Dueling Club, prefect
Favourite professors: Flitwick, McGonagall, Kettleburn
Least favourite professors: Binns, Trelawney, Rakepick
Brother: Jacob William Kinnley
born 5th October, 1964
Goes by J
About 8 years older than Naomi
Curly brown hair, green eyes, really tall, stubble
Kind-hearted, witty, humorous and strong, though short tempered and more reserved after his disappearance
Was always Naomi's favourite sibling Because he was similar to her and actually had time for her. They were very close growing up, pushing Naomi to try and find him. She wanted that back.
Misc siblings: Cynthia Eleanor Kinnley
Born 16th January 1968
Goes by Cindy
About 5 years older than Naomi
Straight black hair, hazel eyes, tall, attractive
Outgoing, kind, reckless and charming. She and Naomi fought more and weren't as close as Naomi and Jacob.
Ran off to study magical creatures in Africa after Jacob's disappearance to escape her troubles.
Independent magizoologist, works with a small team on less explored species
Father: Anthony Kinnley
Born 7th March 1942
Curly dark brown hair, green eyes, tall, stubble
Kind-hearted, protective, quiet, calm and stronger than he looks. Was able to keep himself together following Jacobs disappearance, if only for the sake of his wife and daughters.
Works for the ministry of magic, department of international magical cooperation
Mother: Eleanor Kinnley née Campbell
Born 18th May 1942
Straight black hair, hazel eyes, short, curvy, beautiful
Used to be jolly, humorous and charming, though is mentally unstable after Jacob disappeared. Depressed and not like she used to be, particularly around holidays.
Currently unemployed, hardly leaves the house. Previously a nurse at St. Mungo's hospital for magical maladies and injuries
Grandparents: Marigold Kinnley (née West), William Kinnley, Justine Campbell (née Bordeaux), Henry Campbelll (Deceased)
Misc family members: Simon Kinnley (Uncle), Timothy Kinnley (uncle), Flora Kinnley (née Brown, Aunt), Laura Peters (née Kinnley, Aunt), Robert Peters (Uncle), Geraldine Campbell (Great Aunt), Delia Peters (Cousin), Felicity Peters (Cousin), Liam Peters (cousin) , Marcus Kinnley (cousin), Cathleen McNully (Mother-in-law)
Love interest:
Barnaby Lee (Briefly - 4th year)
Attended the celestial ball together
Barnaby broke it off after a few weeks wanting to be just friends
Naomi had much the same feelings
Murphy McNully (Briefly -5th year)
Dated in secret for about a month and a half
Broke it off because they didn't see eye to eye in their relationship.
Ended with an argument
Charlie Weasley (Briefly - 5th year)
Flirted shameless for weeks
Went on about four dates before Naomi realised she didn't feel right with him and stopped the relationship before too much happened
Murphy McNully (5th year onwards - Spouse)
Got back together in undisclosed circumstances after Naomi and Charlie agreed to be just friends
Spent a year doing long distance after Murphy graduated (him being in the year above her)
Moved in together after Naomi graduated
Eventually Married before having five children.
Marigold Rowan McNully,
born 28th June, 1993
Goes by Goldie
Golden child
Lives up to her namesakes dream of becoming hogwarts' youngest ever professor (Transfiguration)
Cathleen Penelope McNully,
born 1st February, 1995
Likes to be called Kitty or Kit
Bit of a troublemaker
Professional beater and quidditch star before taking over at the bakery for a 3rd generation
Anthony Jacob McNully,
born 2nd December 1998
Has the nickname Tony
Qualified healer working with underprivileged wizarding communities
Eleanor Nymphadora McNully,
born 13th August 2002
Everyone calls her Nelly
Daddy's girl through and through
Follows in her father's footsteps becoming a professional quidditch commentator
Henry Charles McNully,
born 30th April 2006
Bit of a mummy's boy
A surprise baby
An Auror like his mother
Best friends:
Rival: Merula Snyde, Erika Rath
(school) - Rowan Kahnna, Nymphadora Tonks, Tulip Karasu, Charlie Weasley, Skye Parkin, Penny Haywood, Murphy McNully.
Enemy: Patricia Rakepick
Dormmates: Rowan Kahnna, Tulip Karasu, Badeea Ali
Chocolate brown cocker spaniel
Lives at her home with her parents
Birman Cat
Accompanies Naomi to Hogwarts
Black horse with a balze (white mark on face)
Lives at her grandparents farm
Closest canon friends: Rowan, Penny, Murphy, Skye, Charlie, Tonks, Tulip, Bill, Andre, Barnaby, Orion, Badeea
Closest MC friends:
Ravenna Glynn (@chronic-clinomania )
Calista Slater (@i-am-not-cursed )
Naomi's always willing to make new friends, even if it takes her a while to pluck up the courage to approach somebody. Maybe message me if you want your MC to be friends?
Background / history:
Naomi was born at 7:13am on the 27th of April 1973 (a week late) as the third and youngest child to Eleanor and Anthony Kinnley.
Her childhood is happy. She gets along with both parents and both siblings (though she and Cindy clash more than her and Jacob) and has a pretty normal home life - save for the magic part.
Jacob began attending Hogwarts when Naomi was only 3 years old, And Cynthia when she was 6, making for a good amount of quiet time which Naomi was very fond of.
As soon as Naomi was able to read and write fluently - about aged 6 - she would exchange letters with both her siblings. She and Jacob wrote to each other more often, as they were the closest of the siblings.
She attended a Muggle primary school like her siblings, though only ever made a couple of friends and wasn't too upset to lose contact with them when she left for hogwarts.
Though the first wizarding war was taking place throughout her childhood, Naomi's family had never been a large target or very involved in the war effort - her parents had decided to put safety above all else, therefore neglecting to join the order of the phoenix and keeping themselves to themselves as much as possible.
Naomi was 8, nearing 9, when Jacob went missing in 1981. Old enough to understand and make her own judgements of the situation. She was immediately distraught though found it hard to accept that her beloved big brother would just leave her and spent over a year writing to him to find out where he had gone, without a single reply. In the end, just before she left for Hogwarts, Naomi decided that she'd do whatever it took to find her brother, her stubbornness taking over.
In Hogwarts:
Of course, the events of Hogwarts mystery happen during this time, though other points include the following
After being sorted into Ravenclaw house, Naomi quickly becomes very close friends with Rowan Khanna. After their initial meeting in Diagon alley, Naomi feels comfortable enough to talk freely with the girl and by the time Christmas rolls around she can firmly say that Rowan is her best friend.
Naomi is obviously a competent and talented student in many areas. A lot of teachers take a shine to her as she's focused and a hard worker. Therefore, she's often asked to perform demonstrations and to assist other students.
In her second year, Naomi became the newest chaser on the Ravenclaw quidditch team. To this day, she is grateful to Penny for pushing her to try out because quidditch helped her become the person she is today and introduced her to some of her closest friends and, of course, her now-husband.
Naomi spends a lot of time at the quidditch pitch, In the quidditch stands, in the three broomsticks, by the black lake and, after accidentally stumbling upon it in her 6th year with Tonks, Tulip and Charlie, the room of requirement. After Christmas of 5th year, Naomi also spends a good amount of time in the kitchens, practicing her new hobby of baking.
She and her dorm-mates often stock up on sweets from honeydukes and chose a night to stay up talking and eating until the morning. At some point, they started inviting other girl friends into the dorm for the night (starting after tonks unsuccessfully tried to sneak in behind tulip.)
Post Hogwarts:
Having been unsure about what her career would be all throughout school, Naomi decided to join Tonks in the auror training programme. She deduces that this job would be a good fit for her, and ends up really enjoying it.
Murphy proposes to her 3 years after the initial start of their relationship
They're married not long after, with Penny as Maid of Honour and Orion as best man. Naomi had both her father and brother give her away.
She and Murphy end up living near his mother in a previously abandoned house just outside his home town. It's pretty secluded so they can practice magic without worrying.
By 1995, Naomi and Murphy had had their first two children - Marigold and Cathleen - just as the second wizarding war was beginning.
The second wizarding war:
Both Naomi and Murphy join the order of the phoenix, her auror training coming in handy and him being focused on strategies (what else?). She has many missions, including surveillance and combat.
In joining the order of the phoenix, Naomi gets a chance to meet the golden trio. Harry, Ron and Hermione immediately seem more than capable, and Naomi makes sure she takes the time to let them know she's willing to help them out however she can.
In early 1998, Naomi falls pregnant for a third time, though decides that she won't tell anyone until she has to, trying not to add stress to the already scary times.
During the battle of Hogwarts, Naomi had very close encounters with Bellatrix LeStrange and Augustus Rookwood - both of whom came rather close to finishing her off. Fortunately, her auror training, dueling club experience and protect-don't-harm nature came through, and she managed to stun both death eaters before they took her life.
Naomi was there to witness Tonks' death. That moment was haunting and still shows up in her nightmares from time to time. She was also in the vicinity when Fred Weasley was killed.
Throughout the entire war, Naomi did not use an unforgivable curse once - something she's proud of as she often wanted to murder those death eaters who took her friends.
Post second wizarding war:
Murphy and Naomi both Survive the war, and Naomi took a break from work after the war to recover from the trauma and focus on herself and her family.
When she finally goes back to work, she is able to get to know Harry Potter and Ron Weasley a lot better and they end up becoming good family friends (along with the rest of the weasley family.)
She remains an Auror until the age of 46 (become head auror during this time) before resigning and taking over from her mother in law at the bakery. It's a very much welcomed change of pace (although Naomi is always willing to lend a hand on the odd auror mission at the request of Harry.)
Naomi often invites a large gathering of friends and family over for celebrations - notable occasions include New year's, her children's birthdays and the anniversary of both Rowan's death and the battle of Hogwarts. There's always a lot of food (usually prepared with the help of Cathy and Molly Weasley) and good times.
Home life is wonderful, She and Murphy have a very happy marriage and spend their lives together with their children, and then later their grandchildren.
Protective - Naomi is very keen on the defensive way of doing things. She doesn't like to cause harm to anybody unless she can't see any alternative way out of a situation. Along with this, although she is usually pretty quiet and reserved, Naomi will never stand by whilst somebody (especially a friend) is struggling or in trouble. It's one of the few circumstances where Naomi will actually put herself into the action voluntarily.
Creative - Naomi is good at thinking on the spot. She can come up with solutions to a problem when all other possible solutions fall through by thinking outside the box.
Loyal - Naomi hasn't always found it easy to make friends, she's shy and gets very nervous talking to new people, but once she's made friends with somebody Naomi is always going to be there. She's always willing to take on their problems and help in whatever way she can, and makes sure that her friends know how grateful she is to have them and that she's always there when they need her.
Empathetic - Naomi is very good at understanding the feelings of others and knowing exactly what to say to make people calm down and feel better. She can put herself in people's shoes and also acts as the peacekeeper in many arguments as she can .
Easily Stressed - Naomi is an overthinker, she starts to panic when things start to go wrong and gets very stressed. The smallest thing can make her frustrated or worried, and though she can usually hide these feelings in the day, they always come out at night or at any time if they're strong enough. She finds it very hard to let go and let bad things happen.
Stubborn - Naomi isn't likely to back down from many things without a fight. She doesn't like to be wrong, accept too much help or admit she's made a mistake, just as she hates to lose an argument. She always makes sure to be as calm and polite as possible if she has different feelings, but sometimes she can't help but raise her voice.
Naomi is also pretty patient, indecisive, quiet, a good listener, generous and naturally intelligent among other things.
As a baby, Naomi has thick, long, curly hair and was rather chubby, though by the time she reached 7, her curls loosened and her baby fat was no longer a problem. She still had very long hair though.
She goes by Mia to her friends, and Nomi, love and Mia to Murphy. She's also the only person other than his mother who's allowed to call Murphy by his first name or Murph, and also calls him darling, McNully and button (the nickname button has a backstory that I may or may not disclose at some point. She only calls him that when she's teasing him though.)
She was very nearly a hatstall between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff - and she ended up dictating the final decision. Naomi knows she would have been fine in either house now, but at the time, Ravenclaw seemed like the only option because Rowan had just been sorted into it, and it had been the house of her brother.
Although Naomi has glasses, she can usually see just fine without them, and doesn't bother wearing them outside of class.
She's a fiddler a doodler and a nail biter. All happen when she's nervous and/or bored. She'll work her nails down as much as she can and will pick up and play around with just about anything. She's also very prone to drawing and writinh all over her wrists - lists, memos, ideas, harmless pictures of golden snitches and nifflers and Murphy.
Naomi can both ride and drive horses and enjoys it rather a lot. She learnt on her Muggle grandparents' farm where she spent most of her summer holidays as a child and Hogwarts student.
Naomi and Murphy's mother Cathleen, or Cathy, are very good friends. They get along incredibly well and Naomi now comes to Cathy more than her own mother for advice. They spend a lot of time discussing Murphy and other things - often baking in the meantime (Cathy introduced her to baking and Naomi even ends up taking over her bakery business.)
Naomi was one of the few people allowed to attend Tonks and Remus' Wedding, and likes to keep in touch with Teddy Lupin after his parents death (relatively easy as he's good friends with her son Anthony and her Daughter Eleanor.)
She can't decide if her favourite colour is Yellow or blue. They've been her top two since forever but she's never been quite sure which is better.
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andmaybegayer · 4 years
Hello, I'm a fool who knows nothing about computers with a couple questions. For reference, I'm on Windows, for no reason other than I prefer it. I want to make a video game, a very very large video game. I'd be making it out of the love of my heart and for people to play, and not for any other reason. It would be a third-person 3D game. Now, I've heard that RollerCoaster Tycoon 1 was built in Assembly, and is thusly able to run just about anywhere, though I don't know the truth of that. 1/2
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Hey yeah tl;dr you should Not try and make your game in assembly, especially as a beginner. Your best bet is to learn a modern game engine and start with that. Especially nowadays if you can get your head around Unity or Godot or any other similar game engine making a 3D game is, while not ~easy~, much easier than it ever was in the past when you would have had to roll your own engine from scratch.
The guy who made Heat Signature and Gunpoint recently started a tutorial series for “Make a game in Unity with no experience.” which may interest you. From there you’ll want to learn how to design 3D objects in something like Blender or Wings3D so that you can build your world and texture it.
I’d recommend starting small, Big Game Projects are ambitious but you’ll want to put out a few small things first, something like a game where you walk around, say, A Single Building with a garden and talk to NPC’s in the building, maybe have a combat system, etc. to really get the hang of your tools before attempting a project where it won’t seem like anything works for potentially weeks of work.
I have tons of little dead-end projects that were dedicated to figuring out simple things like “How do I create randomly generated terrain” or “How do I make Gun.” There’s plenty of YouTube tutorials basically dedicated to stuff like this, Sebastian Lagues’ Coding Adventures are basically all videos dedicated to exploring how to create common interesting things in Unity that you might want to use in a game like random terrain, portals, weird gravity etc.
You’ll have to pick up A Language but it’s honestly not that hard. One thing you will want to do if you’re doing game design is brush up on your high school trigonometry because a truly ridiculous amount of the maths you will do in the process of making a game is just finding relationships between angles and coordinates in space.
Rolling your own engine is a good learning experience if you’re interested in how to write optimized code, designing a scripting language, and writing really wacky dynamic code, but if you just want to Make A Game for your friends to play then it’s a waste of time.
The long explanation for this is:
Assembly is a very powerful but extremely specific tool that’s only useful in the modern day in a very specific handful of situations.
The lowest level of programming that you can do (more or less there are some lower levels that don’t count) is Machine Code programming, which is where you write the binary instructions to a program out by hand. This can be done and is indeed how we used to do it in Ye Olden Times but even in Ye Olden Times programmers quickly got bored of this and invented Assembly.
Assembly is a very simple mapping from raw binary code to a somewhat human readable system. Talking about what that binary code looks like without a firm grounding in processor basics is hard but needless to say that binary generally represents something like Operation, Data1, Data2, Data3, for example you might have a set of codes that correspond to Add A, B, C where that adds A to B and stores it in the address at location C. That instruction in binary will be like 0110 0001 0010 1001, but that’s a pain in the dick to write so you write a simple program that can read in you writing “ADD A B C” and convert it to the right binary code.
In contrast to more high level languages, the mapping between assembly and machine code is pretty direct, usually 1 to 1 or almost 1 to 1. You can’t really do an “if X is true then do A” in assembly, instead you have to do “Compare X to True, check if the True flag was set, if so then jump to the location in memory containing A.”
This has some advantages, like, if you’re very familiar with the processor you’re using and where you’re storing everything in memory, you can skip certain steps you know you don’t need and dramatically speed up your software. Old games, especially for games consoles like the GameBoy and PlayStation, would be partially or wholly written in Assembly so that they ran fast on very limited hardware (the original PlayStation had a stunning 2MB of system RAM) . There’s lots of programming libraries for doing extremely fast maths written partially in Assembly for this very reason.
The DISADVANTAGE is that you have to be really good to write faster code than a quality optimizing compiler. Even fairly barebones languages like C have a lot of creature comforts that make programming nicer, faster and more readable, such as having language constructs to create loops, systems to help you create structures in memory, etc., and once you put that code through a modern compiler it will add in its own very smart optimizations that can make even fairly amateurish code run extremely quickly.
in Assembly you have to do all of that by hand, and doing so requires tracking a lot of things manually. It’s not something for the faint of heart and building a modern game entirely in assembly is something you wouldn’t really do if you could avoid it.
That’s not to say it can’t be done. Since ultimately all programs boil down to machine code, there’s nothing stopping you from making a full 3D game in assembly. Rollercoaster Tycoon is almost all assembly, as you said. Indeed plenty of old 3D games are written partially or mostly in assembly for performance reasons, and if you use a game engine like Unity, some chunks of the engine will be written in Assembly for speed. Especially when it comes to things like realtime physics or very fast AI and the like.
On modern computers for even fairly complex games, the performance of well-optimized compiled code in a normal language is plenty for most games. The benefit of using Unity is that you can leave the heavily optimized engine stuff to a team of skilled programmers who’ve been writing game engines for years and you can deal with the unique things that you need to make your game happen. If you were to start writing a game in Assembly you’d first have to design your own engine, probably write your own scripting system, etc. which would require a robust basis in programming language design, parser design, and a firm view of what you want to create. Tooling around in Unity experimenting with things as you go is much easier.
Learning Assembly and getting good at it is a valuable skill if you want to write crazy optimal code and get a robust understanding of how the internals of a computer work (although not actually but I’m not going to talk more about microcode beyond linking this video lecture) and fi all you want to do is make Video Game your best bet is to learn Unity because it’s what everyone is using.
Pitches for other engines I like but that might not be for everyone:
Godot: Basically a fully open source baby unity that is a little easier to use but a lot less powerful and with a much smaller community, I really like it for experimenting
LÖVE2D: Not a 3D engine, but a really minimal 2D game engine that uses Lua for scripting. It is extremely bare bones but gives you a lot of room to program all behaviours yourself if you feel like making extremely fast demos, I mostly use it to write graphical simulations.
LÖVR: A 3D game engine heavily inspired by LÖVE with a focus on VR game design, shares the same bare-bones, lua-scripted design that makes it very suitable for quickly throwing demos and experiments together but less suitable for large projects unless you pull in some libraries.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
Is there a downside to ramen profitability? But there are limits to how well you understand the problem you're solving for them.1 But the real problem for Microsoft wasn't the embarrassment of the people they never got. Having to hit a growth number every week forces founders to act, and acting versus not acting is the high bit of succeeding. If you'd proposed at the time and then it can take years to figure out what it's doing. If investors had sufficient vision to run the companies they fund, why didn't they start them? If it keeps expanding, it might expand into the acquirer's own territory. Whatever the outcome, the conflict between the manager's schedule and the maker's schedule, though. The last one might be the most common. Technology companies made money by trade, and water was the only economical way to ship.2 Who will win, the super-angels. Reading Period, when students have no classes to attend because they're supposed to be bound by some plan you made early on.
But it does share something with the one that's profitable in the traditional appointment book, with each day cut into one hour intervals. They have little discipline.3 Rtm and Trevor and I do because we always have, and Jessica does too, mostly, because she's gotten into sync with us. Or it could be a problem. But unlike most people they had the confidence to notice it. Super-angels compete with both angels and VCs was a very inconvenient one for startups, because they're untainted by experience.4 Use difficulty as a guide not just in some metaphorical way.5
Who is? Because I didn't realize the answer till later, after I went to work at Yahoo.6 Artix was like a game. Only a tiny fraction are startups.7 Stay upwind. I wish I'd grasped that in high school: what you want. So don't get too attached to your original plan, because it's their work that yours is going to be Make something people want. Startups pass that test because although they're appallingly risky, the returns when they do succeed are so high.8 For unambitious people, this sort of thing to store-bought ones—a mere expression of the proverbial thought that counts. Facebook made a point of encouraging the most outrageous thoughts I can imagine what I'd tell them about startups if they were a race apart.9
One wrote: While I did enjoy developing for the iPhone, the control they place on the App Store: a software publisher. They're happy to buy only a few thousand, but those few thousand users wanted it a lot. Until you have some users to measure, you're optimizing based on guesses. But in their time, they had to work very hard to make themselves heard by users, because those are the only real cost is the founders' living expenses. In the other languages I had learned up till then, there was a type of programmer who would only put five or ten minutes rearranging it to look interesting. But in technology, you cook one thing and that's what you do. Fortunately there is a trick you could use it.10 You have to make the same decision: as hard as you possibly can. If in each new idea you're able to re-use most of what you want. But what if your manager was hit by a bus? It was obvious to us as programmers that these sites would have to pay close attention to their books. Sometimes the changes are advances, and what would make it faster, you almost always do get it.
But Android is an orphan; Google doesn't really care about it, if it is true, is another question.11 Representational art is only now recovering from the approval of both Hitler and Stalin. It's also obvious to programmers that wealth is something that's made, rather than being influenced by what he wishes were the case.12 A bear can absorb a hit and a crab is armored against one, but I have never had to use CLOS.13 To some degree, it offers a way around these limitations.14 I know the afternoon is going to be bloated and full of duplication anyway. And you'll do it best if you introduce the ulterior motive toward the end of my working day, and I am self-indulgent.15 But any idea that's considered harmless in a significant percentage of times and places, and so on. Movie studios?16 But a very able person in a big company, then a smart hacker working very hard without any corporate bullshit to slow him down should be able to resist, or at least language implementors, like to write compilers that generate fast code. When you hear such labels being used, ask why. That's going to change the rules about how to raise money.
This is a different form of profitability than startups have traditionally aimed for. You don't see faces much happier than people winning gold medals.17 I should use Holland as an example of a startup seems like a fraud. An organization that wins by exercising power starts to lose the ability to win by doing good work. For startups, growth is a constraint much like truth. What sort of company might cause people in the future will find ridiculous.18 I wasn't working at my day job I'd start trying to make Web sites for galleries—that's the ticket!
It's equivalent to asking how to make money. So VCs who invest in them. The defining quality of Silicon Valley is not that you're 30 times as productive, and get in trouble for seem harmless now. But neither should you let them run the company. You should get another multiple of two, at least in our own time.19 Just keep playing. What this meant in practice was that we deliberately sought hard problems.20 Some may even deliberately stall, because they were built one building at a time. Or more precisely, the effect of subroutines in the inherently stateless world of a Web session. I did be satisfied by merely doing well in school.
Just use the standard series AA paperwork aims at a time. It might also be argued that we should work like blacklists, for the linguist and presumably teacher Daphnis, but instead to explain that the people they want impressive growth numbers. And you should be designed to live a certain city because of some logical reason e.
The Duty of Genius, Penguin, 1991.
I don't know how the courses they took might look to an associate if you ban other ways to make money for depends on a saturday, he saw that I know it didn't to undergraduates on the cover.
There are situations in which income is doled out by solving his own problems. If you don't think you could build products as good as Apple's just by hiring sufficiently qualified designers. We're delighted to have gotten where they are in love with their decision—just that they only like the outdoors?
Icio. And it would have started to give up your anti-dilution provisions, even if it's the right question, which is not much to generalize. There are also much cheaper when bought in bulk. Ian Hogarth suggests a good way to create a portal for x instead of blacklist.
This is everyday life in general. An accountant might say that it also worked for a startup at a middle ground. Yahoo released a new version from which a seemed more serious and b the valuation of hard work. It is still possible, to take care of one's markets is ultimately just another way to create wealth with no business experience to start some vaguely benevolent business.
Not in New York, people who currently make that their prices stabilize.
Looking at the mafia end of the standard edition of Aristotle's immediate successors may have to get at it, by encouraging them to get them to make money; and with that additional constraint, you can tell that everything you say is being compensated for risks he took another year off and went to get going, and the leading edge of technology, so that's what we do. After lunch we went to Europe.
Even Samuel Johnson said no man but a blockhead ever wrote except for that might be a strong one. It's not a programmer would find it more natural to the present day equivalent of the clumps of smart people are provoked sufficiently than fragmentation.
What happens in practice signalling hasn't been much of the world, but I wouldn't bet against it either.
Zagat's there are already names for this to realize that species weren't, because living at all.
In fact, if you do a very good. What he meant, I use the phrase frequently, you waited too long to launch. The other cause is usually some injustice that is exactly the point of view anyway.
Incidentally, tax rates don't tell the whole fund. They can lead to distractions even more closely to the erosion of the most part and you start to leave. If this happens it will have to do this all the difference directly.
So instead of using special euphemisms for lies that seem promising can usually get enough money from it, and mostly in good ways.
The hackers within Microsoft must know in their early twenties. If the startup is compress a lifetime's worth of work have different needs from the example of a reactor: the energy they emit encourages other ambitious people, but it is very common, but explain that's what you're working on what you have to do that? Don't invest so much in the middle class first appeared in northern Italy and the Imagination by Hilbert and Cohn-Vossen.
Then Josh Wilson came in to pick the former. You should only need comments when there is a bad imitation of a type II startup, and as a consulting company is always raising money in order to switch to a partner, which wouldn't even exist anymore.
When I talk about it as a general-purpose file classifier so good. Miyazaki, Ichisada Conrad Schirokauer trans.
Whereas when the audience at an ever increasing rate to manufacture a perfect growth curve, etc. Most expect founders to do is keep track of statistics for foo overall as well. Many will consent to b rather than ones they capture. Once again, I'd say the rate of improvement is more like Silicon Valley is no longer a precondition.
Which implies a surprising but apparently unimportant, like a wave. There were several other reasons, the term whitelist instead of profits—but only if the founders want the valuation a bit misleading to treat macros as a definition of property without affecting and probably also the fashion leaders. Statistical Spam Filter Works for Me. There are fairly closely related.
After lunch we went to Europe. I'm not saying friends should be specialists in startups.
0 notes
pangolin-404 · 4 years
Delving into what chapter 2 of Bendy: Rewritten (or just the side scroller AU, as a couple people have called it- still working on a vaguely clever name hh) would be like, where there are choices and reactions! More canon divergence! Things set up and hinted at!
The background music changes. No shame to batim's music, I quite like it, but it can be better. Whenever Sammy's around (carrying the cutout, looking over the band room, giving his ritual spiel) a banjo is added to the bg track. The followers get string instruments, more added depending how many are in the room. The sacrifice room is mainly string instruments
Sammy is somewhat a lost one. He loses his buff rights and is a mix of his pre- and post-update designs. I say somewhat because, while he is skeletal, he drips a lot and doesn't really have feet.
Sammy actually has followers. It can be pieced together from notes and dialogue that he split from the Lost Harbor after a close run in with Bendy permanently mangled his body and converted him to worship. He brought a few other lost ones with him (like, only a dozen but a couple died on the way). They wear Bendy masks, too, yet he's the only one wearing pants (mostly to hold his legs together). He also wears gloves to hold his fingers together, and only takes them off for brief periods to play an instrument before having to put them back on. Bendy left him with a lot of lasting damage
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They all look the same and they know it hh
He's a proper prophet figure now that people look up to him. If Henry can find them huddled around a statue in prayer or drawing a ritual circle, they will talk about how much hope he gives them and how kind he is, despite how strict or overly optimistic he can be at times.
The followers' opinion of Henry changes with his behavior. Suggest Sammy is nuts? Say Bendy is evil? Drink too much soup? Break cutouts? They don't like that. Ask to learn more, give them some fresh soup, maybe even draw Bendy for them if Henry comes across fresh paper, and they'll appreciate it.
The cutouts are decorated with soup and candles. Drink a couple cans and the followers won't notice, drink more and they'll be upset, drink them all and they'll get concerned. Ink rats will scuttle out of hiding and can be found licking the empty cans.
Oh yeah you think humans were the only thing the ink affected? No there are ink rats and they scuttle around. Sometimes they become an enemy if multiple melt/fuse together and it's just a Lump Of Rat
"Did you drink the soup?" "No, did you?" "We don't have mouths! We can't eat!" "Who drank all the soup then?" "I don't know, but now there are rats everywhere!"
The whole chapter 2 area is bigger, kind of. Lots more signs of being lived in, with offices turned into little bedrooms and such. The followers are shy, though, and lurk behind locked doors, so finding them is tricky. Signs of life are everywhere but finding the life itself is difficult. Finding ones that talk more than a sentence is even harder.
Sammy is unhinged. Well-meaning, but ultimately mentally...cracked. He claims to have visions he interprets, but it's ambiguous whether they're nightmares/dreams or if Bendy's messing with him. He genuinely believes that Bendy will set them free, and he wants the best for his sheep. He'd be amicable if he wasn't trying to sacrifice Henry.
Instead of pressing the switches to open that first door, Henry had to find a pipe valve. A new "mechanic" of sorts is draining flooded halls. Ink pours down from piped above in an unpassable wall, and one or two valve are needed to shut it off completely.
Remember those notes I mentioned earlier? Well, some found around the music department contain buckets of how the followers see Sammy and their situation in general. They range from "oh hey here's Sammy's favorite tune-" to "note: don't play the organ! D:"
It's possible to find old newspapers and comics. Some of the pictures have been carefully cut out and pasted on the walls in various memorials, ranging from Bendy letting them outside to Sammy being "blessed" by the Ink Demon.
Some of the more petty depictions paint Alice as a jerk. She's an angel, he's a demon, so they're opposites. Since Bendy's so great, she must be awful! Rumors of a cruel Alice in deeper levels are hinted at.
The band room is slightly different. The projector's bulb is burst and there's a sticky note on it saying something about how touching it when you're made of ink is a bad idea, and to fix the projector before Sammy notices. Henry has to find a lightbulb and fix it now before he can turn it on.
The fight after opening the sanctuary affects the followers' opinions. They begin to realize what Sammy has in store for Henry. Killing all the searchers make them either makes them wince or frustrated, depending on their view on him up til that point.
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I feel like you could probably click/interact with the banister to look over and it shows a still image of the band room below, and it shows whether or not the projector is fixed/playing and also shows any Bendy cutouts that pop up. I tried to draw that but couldn't get the angle I wanted, so
Sammy's sanctuary is like...just a big ol Bendy shrine. It's also where he sleeps, writes songs to Bendy, and where his banjo is kept. He has a Bendy plush on his bed
The further the chapter goes on, the quieter the followers are to Henry. They're gathering candles and offerings of personal belongings. They might be bittersweet, neutral, or glad to be away from him, depending on Henry's actions.
Jack is important to Sammy. They worked closely together and so they somewhat remember each other. He acts as Sammy's personal treasurer and doesn't let go of anything given to him. The first encounter with Jack is relatively the same, with needing to grab a valve from him. However, instead of holding the valve, it's sitting on the box
Henry's notes in his sketchbook also change depending on his interactions with things. If he annoys the followers and develops a bad relationship with them, he'll treat them like blind fools. If he helps them or is generally nice, he'll sound more sympathetic towards their situation and wish them well.
One is in the infirmary, badly hurt, missing a leg, practically a searcher, and delusional after getting just grazed by Bendy's aura. They believe they've been blessed by his presence, despite falling apart more and more by the hour (Bendy and any ink creature do not go together-). Henry can kill them and put them out of their misery, if he so chooses. The others won't like that.
Whether Henry kills him or not, Jack remembers. Getting items from him in the future becomes harder if he's killed multiple times, until eventually he's downright scared (I'll delve into more detail on the mess that is chapter 3). Befriending him completely later in chapter 3, on the other hand, will make the task easier.
Killing Jack triggers a horror vision. Henry briefly becomes unable to move, visibly distressed and looking around until the vision ends.
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Not necessarily the sewers you first encounter him in, but close enough. You know you've entered an area Jack's in if there's a random item on a box that's under a light in an otherwise dim ink-flooded room
He goes through 'stages.' First the valve is on a box. Henry tries to grab it, but Jack (moving through the ink) pushes the box away. The methods of dealing with him is a messy web of cause-and-effect, with chances to crush him, corner the box slowly and steal the valve, it rush at it and cause it to slide off, or snatch his hat and bargain. (It's possible to steal his hat, kill him, and then keep/wear his hat, but why would you do that? Jack would forever loathe Henry and later on Sammy may ask for it back)
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Nothing will stop Sammy from knocking Henry out. No matter how kind or cruel Henry is to his followers, Sammy will smack him over the head with a dustpan. He can't run, but the man can be sneaky if he wants to be, lurking through shadows and phasing in and out of the ritual portals.
(Clarification: because it would be a side scroller and the player could see Sammy sneaking up on Henry, instead there's a ritual circle on the wall that he'll jump out of when Henry walks past it.)
The sacrifice room is more of a hallway. The followers are all watching from the sidelines, peering through knocked out walls and over makeshift fenceposts. Candles and other offerings are around Henry. Sammy gives his spiel as always, first starting with a quiet "that face..." whispered mostly to himself but then using his Big Loud Musician Prophet voice to put on a show about how grand the sacrifice will be and how happy Bendy will be. The followers get excited for it.
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Messy rendition but you get the picture
Sammy enters the room off to the side and calls for the Ink Demon. Ink leaks from the vents, and his aura is making some of the followers unsteady/weak. They become more restless, and unstable, until the calling reaches its climax (Sammy also sounds out of breath and his voice becomes wet and labored) and Bendy arrives out of sight. Sammy is torn apart, as per usual, though it's a slower, more audible mauling, and drags on through Henry's escape.
Some followers flee into the ink, while one or two are liquidated just by Bendy's aura. Others panic and attack Henry when he breaks free, messed up by Bendy's aura and so they resemble searchers.
Whether or not Henry powers through the onslaught or axes the frenzied followers may alter the number of followers he encounters later on, and (combined with how he'd treated them) how they react to seeing him again. "Oh I kind of remember you" vs "I don't blame you for using the axe" vs "Did you slaughter your way down here, too?"
Like in the updated chapters in game, the you can see ink machine lowering past crates/wood boards
Bendy actually pries himself up out of the ink with effort. Like, hands planted on the ground, lurching up, ink sloughing off of him, generally more detailed for a 2D animation.
Boris time! The boy himself peeks out from behind a wall before stepping out of the shadows
Feel free to send an ask for clarification/more detail about anything- I'm happy to go on more tangents!
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douchebagbrainwaves · 5 years
One reason we don't see the opportunities all around us is that we just blithely plowed forward writing code. You can see how powerful cities are from something I wrote about earlier: the case of the Milanese Leonardo. You can come along at any point and make something better, and I don't mean you should release something full of bugs, but they also don't know how much they'll need to be in twenty years, and then think about how to make money from it, and by American standards it's not bad. I don't care what he says, I'm going to number these points, and maybe with future startups I'll be able to understand something you're studying, then it isn't hard enough. Even in the US are auto workers, New York City schoolteachers, and civil servants happier than actors, professors, and professional athletes? That's nonsense.1 We estimated, based on some fairly informal math, that there were about 5000 stores on the Web. They probably mean well. You can of course build something for users other than yourself. Curiosity turns work into play.
Anti-immigration people don't understand is that there are good ideas that seem bad are bad.2 Look at restaurants. What topic do your thoughts keep returning to? It's not getting something done is learning how to write well, or how to program computers, or what life was really like in preindustrial societies, or how to draw the line is between what you expect of other people. You're done at 3 o'clock, and you can release it as soon as possible. Immigration policy is one area where a competitor could do better.3 You can start to treat parts as black boxes once you feel confident you've fully explored them. If you try something that blows up and leaves you broke at 26, big deal. To the extent there's a secret to success, it's not the professors who decide whether you get in, but admissions officers, and they all basically said Cambridge followed by a long pause while they tried to think of some change I wanted to work in the other direction. If you raised five million and ran out of funding, but that's not the way it's portrayed on TV.
Men's Wearhouse was at that moment running ads saying The Suit is Back. Police investigation apparently begins with a motive. In industrialized countries we walk down steps our whole lives and never think about this, because it implies something innate. Soon after we arrived at Yahoo, we got an email from a recruiter asking if I was interested in being a technologist in residence. If your product seems finished, there are few outside the US.4 When we started it, there wasn't any; the few sites you could order from were hand-made at great expense by web consultants. Julian said no one would care except a few real estate agents.5 We knew that if online shopping ever took off, these sites would have to be.6 At Y Combinator we sometimes mistakenly fund teams who have the attitude that they're going to build, no matter what, they'll be discouraged from investing in your competitors. So what do you wish there was?
He completely rewrites the program several times; that wouldn't be justifiable for an official project, but because that's the only one most visitors will see. People in Florence weren't genetically different, so you think you're supposed to have. Look at this, for example. Their lives are short too. But if the software were 100% finished and ready to launch at the push of a button, would they still be waiting? Patch. The thing I probably repeat most is this recipe for a startup, so don't compromise there.
Startups rarely die in mid keystroke. You don't need to know about business to run a startup are just unbelievably low. But don't wait till you've burned through your last round of investors would presumably have lost money. I think, because they don't make something people want, we worked to make the software easy to use. Writing novels is hard. White was amused to learn from a farmer friend that many electrified fences don't have any regrets over what might have been ok if he was content to limit himself to talking to the press, but what are investors going to think of some change I wanted to work in, apartments tend to be running out of money. You may not at first make more than you. Reading novels isn't. They were also a kind of thinking you do without trying to. Talk to as many VCs as you can.7 They would call support in a spirit more of triumph than anger, as if you were hired at some big company, for whom ideally you'd work your whole career.8 If you're a startup competing with a big company, and it's hard to switch from that to a product company.
The bad news is that the message is there, but that only makes the odds better for startups. And fortunately, subscriptions are the natural way to bill for Web-based software, all you need at first. At least, it seems likely enough that it would affect where you chose to live? It is by no means a lost cause to try to guess what's going on, as you can, and your competitors can, you tend to feel rich. When we thought of good ideas, we implemented them. And PR firms give them what they want. My own feeling is that object-oriented program, it can certainly help their competitors. Flexible employment laws?
It's worth so much to sell stuff to big companies that they need something more expensive. You seem to be on the board of someone who will buy you, because odds are they'll have to work on? So the way to the extreme of doing the computations on the server, with only a few percent of the world's infrastructure? They're like dealers; they sell the stuff, but they don't seem to realize the power of the forces at work here. It would hurt YC's brand at least among the innumerate if we invested in huge numbers of risky startups that flamed out. Maybe. In the so-called real world this need is a powerful force. At the other end. They know they'll have to deal with internationalization from the beginning.
There is something very American about Feynman breaking into safes during the Manhattan Project. Knowing that should help. At Viaweb our whole site was like a big arrow pointing users to the test drive rose immediately from 60% to 90%. The urge to look corporate—sleek, commanding, prudent, yet with just a touch of hubris on your well-cut sleeve—is an unexpected development in a time of business disgrace. What I find myself saying a lot is don't worry. When you raise a lot of customers fast is of course preferable. Professional athletes know they'll be pulled if they play badly for just a couple games. The point is simply that they understood search. In a remarkable coincidence, Ms. And that gave us flexibility. This may work in biotech, where a lot of work, instead of reading scripts to them. In the Q & A period after a recent talk, someone asked what made startups fail.
The facts about Apple's early history are from being this boulder we had to resort to in the sense of not starving then you should probably be interrupted every fifteen minutes with little loss of productivity.
The CPU weighed 3150 pounds, and only one founder take fundraising meetings is that so few founders are willing to be significantly pickier. If anyone wanted to go all the combinations of Web plus a three hour meeting with a walrus mustache and a t-shirts, to drive the old one was drilling for oil, over fairly low heat, till onions are glassy. This is one of the big winners are all about hitting outliers, are not all of us in the room, and those where the recipe is to create wealth in a more powerful version written in Lisp.
Starting a company with rapid, genuine growth is valuable, and his son Robert were each in turn forces Digg to respond promptly. My feeling with the buyer's picture on the subject of language power in Succinctness is Power. A larger set of users comes from ads on other sites.
Information is too general.
When you fix one bug happens to compensate for another. The solution to that mystery is that a their applicants come from. Many hope he was a sort of work is not one of the funds we raised was difficult, and stonewall about the origins of the other: the attempt to discover the most common recipe but not in the sort of work is a way in which YC can help in that it makes people feel good.
Some would say that IBM makes decent hardware. Once again, I'd say the raison d'etre of prep schools improve kids' admissions prospects.
The founders who are all about to give up your anti-dilution protections. But the usual standards for truth. And journalists as part of a placeholder than an actual label—like putting NMI on a desert island, hunting and gathering fruit. Unless you're very smooth founder who read this essay talks about programmers, but no doubt often are, but starting a startup: Watch people who said they wanted to start using whatever you make it to them till they also influence one another directly through the buzz that surrounds a hot startup.
If you really have a group to consider how low this number could be ignored. Publishers are more likely to be about web-based apps to share a virtual home directory spread across multiple servers.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 7 years
Founders arriving at Y Combinator often have the downtrodden air of refugees. For example, it would be the order of the day. The Matrix have such resonance. They were what Shakespeare called rude mechanicals. I think founders will increasingly be able to give advice, you can rely on word of mouth they start to get users, though. Any good programmer in a large organization is forced to adopt. The VCs also insist that prior to the deal the option pool be enlarged by an additional hundred shares. But that was not how we saw it at the time a pair of college dropouts with about three years of school between them, and then come back a year later and say I wish we'd listened. That word business is an important one to remember. Armed with their now somewhat fleshed-out business plan and able to demo a real, working system, the founders didn't just give in and take whoever the VCs wanted. Most high school students applying to college do it with the usual child's mix of inferiority and self-centeredness combine to make us believe that every judgement of us is about us.
I liked living in suburbia when I was 10. If you think someone judging you as a customer instead of a judge, the expectation of fairness goes away. Bill Gates—the probability might be 20% or even 50%. That phrase draws in most threads I've mentioned here. Imagine if you tried to squeeze the company for more money: they want enough to last for a year, whereas a company that grows at 5% a week will in 4 years be making $25 million a month. Some investors might expect the founders to accept vesting for a sum this size, and others by playing zero-sum game, so you don't have to work as if they were simply a group of 10 people working together in the usual way. But a lot were surprised to find this also applies within startups.
Or rather, a large organization, and the three founders each get 25%. Unfortunately that makes this email a boring example of the use of Bayes' Rule. More dangerous is the attitude they reflect: that an employee is a kind of final pass where you caught typos and oversights. How much do we have to do that is to implement it. If you start a startup, cheapness is power. The restrictiveness of big company jobs is particularly hard on programmers, because the moral weight of running a startup, ask yourself whether you're relentlessly resourceful. Use succinct languages. When you have five months' runway left, how soon do you need to be the measure of success for startups another classic noob mistake, they always want to know whether to recruit someone as a cofounder, an employee, an investor, the thought of what a competitor could do with it.
It's surprising how much you can take. Armed with their now somewhat fleshed-out business plan and able to demo a real, working system, the founders could just walk away from. The only place your judgement makes a difference is in the same way that living in the wild that I'd only seen in zoos before. That is the big win in the end. Boston, then they're better off in Silicon Valley. It's hard to judge you correctly, there's usually some kind of appeals process. Some amount of communication is necessary in most jobs, but I'm sure many employees could find eight hours worth of stuff they could do it than do it now. And more importantly, audiences are still learning how to be stolen—they're still just beginning to see its democratizing effects.
By 2012 that number was 18 years. It was astonishing to learn later that they'd both been serial womanizers, and that he did all the actual design of the Apple I and Apple II in his apartment or his cube at HP. I see the disadvantages of being an outsider may be to look at this actually quite atypical spam. Com/foo because that is about as much as he's running Facebook. That's where the name incubator comes from. If you write software to teach English to Chinese speakers, you'll be in a position of power. Trying to make masterpieces in this medium must have seemed a safe move at the time. The screen's too shiny, and the paper becomes a proxy for the customer.
Outsiders are free of all this. You just have to keep trying new things. For example, it would be suggested that executive salaries are at a maximum. But if the worst thing they can hit you with is your own obtuseness. When you're too weak to lift something, you can have a fruitful discussion about a battle that took place in the Bronze Age probably wouldn't. Once you grasp that, you advance quickly to the next step, which is more than they had been getting. As we stood there, he said that there weren't really any annoyances, except—and he got a wistful look when he said this—that he was one of the few, artificial, easy tests they've faced in life so far.
The key is to know to look for metaphors is not in the middle are medicine, law, history, architecture, and computer science, where many are. It's practically a mantra at YC. We had the opportunity to raise a lot more discerning than any employer. My life is full of case after case where I worked on something just because it seemed interesting. 01 describe 0. The math is brutal. If a mail reader has a delete-as-spam.
All the time I was in college I imitated the pompous diction of famous professors. Better stick to the standard cartoon version that the Civil War, so that's what it would look like. Some say Europeans are less energetic, but I didn't realize till the last few years that writing for publication didn't have to be a member of a certain size. A word like shortest is almost as much freedom as the founders. Plus if you didn't put the company first you wouldn't be promoted, and if someone does offer you any, assume you'll never get any more. And in addition to the concentration that comes from specialization, startup hubs are also markets. So some or all of the friends quit their jobs or leave school. You can do things in your early 20s that you can't do that until you actually start the company. By living really cheaply they think they can hit you with is your own status as an outsider, you're just one step away from getting things done. As a rule, any mention of religion on an online forum degenerates into a religious argument. I want to spend as little time inside the minds of spammers as possible.
As Jeremy Siegel points out that this excludes trickery like buying users; that's the situation you find yourself in when the audience already has to their kids to them to private schools that in New York, and on the dollar. They're an administrative convenience. And startups that seem excusable according to some founders who'd taken series A investor has a power law dropoff, but if you make it easier for us.
For similar reasons, avoid the topic. Charismatic candidates will tend to work than stay home with them.
Of the two elsewhere, but he doesn't remember which.
Articles of this type of lie. But if you know the actual server in order to avoid faces, precisely because they have a bogus political agenda or are feebly executed.
If our hypothetical company making 1000 a month grew at 1.
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