#but now I can actually put may 2023 as my graduation date
adhd-mode-activate · 1 year
I'm gonna cry, honestly
in my senior year of college, my grades really slipped, to the point that when grades for my last semester came out, it was clear that with what I had I couldn't graduate. I honestly would've been more surprised if I had been able to graduate
my parents and I talked. a lot. my mom was disappointed, but we talked and we're doing better now. my dad was frustrated, but he also looked at me and told me to read the date on his diploma. and then asked how he could be mad when I did exactly the same thing he did
the assumption was that I would have to take at least one more class in my field of study, which is Biblical Studies, so the options for where I can get a relevant class are...limited
but my dad said to wait. just wait. be patient until I got an email from the registrar saying what I needed.
I got that email today, from the dean of my school. he told me I needed one more credit hour in my department to graduate. and then he said that since I'd done my internship for zero credit hours, if I did the paper evaluating my internship he could bump it up to one credit hour with no extra charge
I think I cried for an hour. I actually get to graduate. I get to spend my money and time saving up for a home and a newer car and buying food for my darling cat.
It's weird, thinking how much that hit me. Freshman me would've been shocked and somewhat horrified that I was so relieved just to graduate. But it feels like the days I wake up and realize that it's not so bad to be alive
I get to graduate
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dear-ao3 · 1 year
how i met my boyfriend - the designer axe story
as promised, since we have both now graduated the statute of limitations has expired on this story and i can now share it all with you.
some notes: ra is resident assistant and this story occurred in august of 2021. i wrote this all out the day after it happened almost 2 years ago. we did not actually start dating until october 2021 after we both realized we were in love with eachother. yes, we are still together as of may 2023.
without any further ados, the much anticipated designer axe story.
so part of RA training is that we have to make door decorations and bulletin boards for our halls and buildings. i had finished my door decks at 1 am sunday morning and the bulletin boards weren't due until 9 am monday morning. so i had all of sunday to work on it.
my building has no less than seven bulletin boards per floor and an additional 4 on the entrance floor. i dont know who the hell built this building but we need to have a serious talk about when too many bulletin boards is too many fucking bulletin boards.
so i was in charge of three on my floor. one about me, one covid policies and one sloth (his name is sam and i love him). and i am a chronic procrastinator. so i finished my about me and got through about 95% of my covid one by like 9pm and had to go back to the res life office to cut out a few more letters and get some scrapbook paper.
at this point its probably important to know that the only people on campus at this point were the RAs, some students getting mentoring training, and a few random first years here for an early arrival program. plus some staff.
now, i need you all to understand that there are 42 RAs. all of us have the same deadline. all of us had between 2 and 5 bulletin boards to complete. plus door decks. and room condition reports. so we were all moving at literally 600 frames per second, 120 miles per hour, or about as fast as a child does when they are told there's cake.
which is to say, we were all frazzled and stressed out of our minds.
so i open the door to the res life office at around 9 pm to cut out the word "but" in orange construction paper and grab 2 sheets of purple scrapbooking paper. in the office are the four RAs that were on duty that night, plus a good 7 other people are running around asking about glue sticks and construction paper and keys.
i knew that i only had my sloth board left to complete so i decided to take my sweet ass time, knowing that i was in need of a good break (and also im just a procrastinator) so i cut my letters and grabbed my paper and stood at the desk for no less than an hour talking to everyone about things like the fact that i fell out of a suitcase when i was 2 and that tamper proof lids exist because of the chicago poison pill murders and the flagship l.l. bean store in maine. it was very productive.
so i finally slink back to my dorm at around 10pm, very confident that i would finish by midnight and could watch some netflix or something before i went to bed. if only i knew what was in store for me.
i enter my dorm building and walk to the elevators. and then. one of the RAs from the third floor was like "oh saph. [another RA in the building] is looking for you."
and me, of course, didnt bring my phone to the res life office so i didnt know this.
i go up to the second floor and see one of the RAs from the second floor and another from one of the other buildings working on a bulletin board. they say "oh saph. [the same RA in the building] is looking for you."
i run up to my dorm and discover that somehow we missed the bulletin board by the downstairs elevator. seriously there's too fucking many bulletin boards. and they were asking me to do it. because they wanted to put covid policies on it.
and i know i said this story was about axe body spray. and it is. we are getting there.
so panic sets in because its 10pm and i still have two whole bulletin boards to make now. one of which i have nothing planned for. so i threw some soup in the microwave (because i had forgotten that dinner existed) and opened my laptop.
thankfully, i could reuse some of the same stuff from my own covid policies board in my common room. i just had to print it. which meant, yep you guessed it, another trip back to the res life office!!
at this point i think i had taken a grand total of at least 7 trips to the res life office that day alone. its a good 5 minute walk. not terrible, but just annoying enough that you hate yourself a little more every time that you have to do it. and now its 10:30pm. i am starving. i have two boards to complete. it was crunch time.
i make it to the office and this time i had no time to sit around and debate how popular l.l. bean is. i had policies to print and letters to cut.
as im struggling with the printer (because those fucking things can smell fear), someone else in the office starts loudly discussing timothee chalamet.
and now, this is where you want to actually pay attention because this man would be the reason i ended up only getting 4.5 hours of sleep.
said man in question is quite the character. he's in my grade and im pretty sure he's a polisci major (and maybe creative writing? there's some kind of writing) and he plays lacrosse. i dont really know how to describe him other than the fact that the first interaction i ever had with him was two years ago at freshman orientation when he complained to me in the dining hall that there was no milk for his protein powder.
that interaction is in my top 10 favorite interactions ive had in college.
but the one we are about to unpack definitely takes all of the cake.
so here i am, struggling with the printer and my tiny knock off dongle. the other RA on my floor starts discussing timothee chalamet's outfits with the protein powder RA.
and so apparently the protein powder RA worked in some major fashion designer brand corporate something or other thing over the pandemic. he told me which one but i was so shot and only thinking in construction paper and glue and staples that i didnt process any of it. but it was a fancy one. the store that is.
and so here's what happened:
me: "timothee chalamet? isn't he like, 17?"
protein powder RA and the other RA on my floor: "nah he's like 25. ive checked."
yet another RA: "yeah i just googled it."
me, a wimbo: "oh im thinking of finn wolfhard. but i dont think he's 17 either."
listen before you slam me, remember it is like 11pm and i have to still do 2 bulletin boards and we have training at 9am the next morning.
so protein powder RA pulls up some photo of timothee chalamet and starts telling me about all the brands he's wearing and i literally said "i understand all of the words that you're saying separately."
and he said "exactly!! he's just so great that when you put it all together you can't understand it!! he's just too perfect!!"
and the i made a detrimental decision.
there is life before this decision and life after.
i said "well. bring your fashion designer knowledge into the lounge and help me decide what color to cut my letters."
and he said okay.
so after severely debating the different color purples that we had and listening to the finer points of the fashion industry, i noticed something important.
he smelled like axe body spray.
see i bet you thought i forgot the point of the story. i did not.
let it be known that we are juniors in college (that's 20-21 years old if you dont know). axe is very common in middle and high school boys locker rooms. i have vivid memories of avoiding that hallway so i wouldn't be choked.
so im trying not to inhale too deeply because the smell has permeated my mask as i cut my "covid safety" letters in the color this man has dubbed "light lilac" and half listening to him talk about the fashion industry.
but i finish quickly, somehow escape the smell of axe, and grab my laptop and print outs before tagging along with the same protein powder RA and the other lax player RA back to the dorms. its now 11:15 pm. i still have 2 bulletin boards to complete. my soup is sitting in my microwave in my dorm, almost forgotten about.
halfway back from the office i realize that i forgot my dongle. i say so out loud and protein power RA says that he will go back and look because he's just that guy who likes to help. i say okay fine. and i sprint to my dorm building, drop the print outs and letters downstairs for later, and start the sloth board.
several minutes later, my soup has been inhaled, my papers glued, a sloth cut out, and im sitting in a mess of construction paper and staples in the hallway when i get a text from protein powder RA that quite simply said:
"its not there. do you need help with your boards?"
and me, being me, because i am exhausted and in need of company, say "yeah sure."
by the time he finally shows up, he's changed his outfit.
as a side note, every time ive seen this man during the last 5 days of training, he's been wearing a different outfit. oh and he works for lulu lemon. forgot to mention that.
but alas, here he came, holding my papers and reeking of axe as he walked down the hall to me, who is failing to staple a sloth to my bulletin board.
so for the next two hours i did my boards and he sat and talked. he wasn't physically helping me, but he was helping me stay awake, cause this man is a ball of fucking energy, and that was very important.
i only remember about half of what he said but essentially he was talking about how he was trying to be a better person than the one that he was freshman year. which is admirable. but he does still reek of axe.
at around 1 am i finished my last board and went upstairs to clean up. he came with me and sat on the floor and continued to talk while i cleaned up my disaster of paper and staples and glue among other things. at this point i was so relieved that i had finished that i was actually able to engage in the conversation, which was surprisingly deep and interesting.
and then. its about 1:45 am. i am about to wash my dishes so i can shower and go to bed. because remember that i need to be at training at 9 am the next morning.
and he says something about trying to be a better person again. and me, in all my sleep deprived glory, says:
drum roll
"and yet you still wear axe body spray."
and all hell broke loose.
i would like to preface by saying that he freaked out in a very joking matter and was not actually mad at me. but he was definitely disappointed and in shock. the next hour pretty much consisted of:
"are you kidding me? this is prada something something cologne and all these celebrities wear it!! how dare- it could not POSSIBLY SMELL LIKE AXE!!! well i guess its a little dry and axe is kind of dry smelling...bUT I SPENT SO MUCH ON THIS BOTTLE and the lady sold me on the larger one and it was like 150 bucks and UGH i cannot smell like axe! you know i got four compliments on how i smelled today??! and you're telling me i smell like fucking- *sniffs shirt* no! there's no way!! well i mean... no i cannot. i cannot smell like designer axe. damnit saph! im gonna have to sell this whole bottle now cause i can't use it! BUT ITS PRADA!!"
for an hour.
but it was very entertaining.
eventually i dragged him to the common room cause i needed to do my dishes and sleep and he continued ranting about it there, going as far as to call his best friend (who was asleep) and another RA and ask them if he smelled like axe. i meanwhile was laughing my ass off and 12 kinds of tired but couldn't find it in myself to care.
eventually he decided he needed yet another opinion. so he went to find the other RA on my floor, which, if you remember, is the same one who was thirsting over timothee chalamet with him in the res life office all of those fateful hours before. but that RA was nowhere to be found. so he ran down to the common room below us and scared the shit out of three freshmen.
and he asked these freshmen if he smelled like axe.
the answer was yes.
after that he left because it was 2:30 in the morning, and all the while he was yelling about how he was going to come to training tomorrow with different shirts with all his different colognes on them and have me sniff them because he couldn't smell like designer axe.
and i did the only logical thing. went upstairs to my my dorm and made him a door deck that looked like a bottle of axe that had a post it on the front that said "designer."
and so. now you all know not to buy cologne because its expensive because there's a good chance it will just end up smelling like axe.
and i didn't get to smell his other colognes because i almost passed out in training and left to take a nap. but maybe that was a blessing in disguise.
we’ve been dating for a year and seven months and just graduated college :) and in a fun twist of events, prada no longer makes that cologne anymore.
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fiddles-ifs · 1 year
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With my school year ending and me graduating, I figured it's about time to announce something I've had in the works for a bit!
My very own Patreon!
Much as I'd love to quit my day job and write full-time, I got bills to pay and city living is expensive. So! This is a little extra for me, your friendly bartender/author/sewer dweller, and it also contains all sorts of fun bonus content! I feel like a big kid now <3
The Patreon is split into three tiers ($3 USD, $5 USD, $10 USD) with increasing rewards.
Keep reading for a detailed list of tier rewards, roadmap, and launch date!
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OPERATIVE ($3 USD) The basic tier! For 3 cheevos, you get:
Shorts, AUs, Snippets
Monthly Q&As*
Monthly roadmap/newsletter
*monthly Q&As will not be spoiler-free but will avoid deep-lore spoilers.
HUNTER ($5 USD) The mid-tier! For 5 cheevos, you too can have:
Everything in the OPERATIVE tier
Voting on next month's bonus content
DIRECTOR ($10 USD) Affirmative, Director! For 10 bucks, Director-tier patrons get:
Everything in the OPERATIVE and HUNTER tiers
Deep Lore Q&As, streamed on Twitch every month! (A living document of questions and answers and stream recordings will also be provided for people who can't make it to the streams!)
Alpha Tester access when Greenwarden: Book 1 enters alpha!
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As of now, the Patreon page is still unfinished (being worked on and Almost there, but not quite -- I want to put out some bonus content and work out some kinks before I actually publish it), but here's a roadmap on what to expect!
APRIL 2023
Set up a Twitch page, maybe buy a nice mic and webcam for the Deep Lore streams
Fine-tune Patreon
Develop bonus content to release on launch
Prep for Greenwarden's birthday
April 30th: Greenwarden monthly update
MAY 2023
Continue developing launch-day bonus content
Prep for Greenwarden's birthday
Create designated documents for questions
Test streaming to fine-tune Twitch page + OBS on my dinosaur computer
May 15th: Send out first Q&A form
May 30th: Greenwarden 1.0's birthday! 2.0 gets updated. Special birthday post
JUNE 2023
June 5th: Patreon launch! Relax a little. Publish bonus content, first poll
June 10th: First newsletter and Q&A responses roll out
June 15th: (Hopefully) first-ever Deep Lore Q&A!
June 30th: Greenwarden update
JULY 2023
July 5th: Bonus content, poll
July 10th: Newsletter, Q&A responses
July 15th: Deep Lore Q&A
July 30th: Greenwarden update
Hopefully by August, I'll get into a rhythm of post-and-development! Everything is subject to change, but I'll keep everybody updated if I have to spread things out a little further. I'm also hoping at some point to go on vacation and celebrate my finally graduating!
Thanks all!
And happy hunting :]
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marblesarelost · 6 months
2023 recap and hopes for 2024
So to begin with:
I don't know who will or who might read this; I have more followers than I think, but I'm not sure who actually keeps up with me, and who just plows through and laughs at the memes and gifs and whatnot that I reblog, so, either way, welcome in, get a cup of coffee or tea and let's chat.
Starting off, in January of this year @palaquinn and I started dating, which has been one of the most extraordinary and amazing events in my entire life. I have no words for how happy he makes me, or how fantastic this has been and is.
This has been counterbalanced, however, by the ever-changing and dismal shape the USA is in. In May, I sold the house I had just paid off and moved to Wisconsin, after literal decades of declaring that I would never again live above the Mason-Dixon Line. However, Brian Kemp and the Republican dominated state legislature of Georgia forced my family's flight.
So far, it has been lovely, other than some growing pains -- I warned my Bee that the school system in the North was more stringent than that of Georgia, and on top of that, we moved to a suburb where the local high school is dedicated to ensuring the success of their students. Coming from an underserved school where probably 85% of the staff were overworked and burnt out, this came as a shock to their system. They are doing much better than they were, however, and we live in hope that they'll scrape by and pass this semester.
The town itself is very cute -- the downtown area especially could be a Hallmark Movie set -- and I intend next year to try and find some sort of ...I don't know. Club or something where I can try to make IRL friends. A book club or a knitting/crochet circle or something.
Workwise -- both day job and writing wise -- has not been fruitful this year at all, which is personally disappointing but at the same time both my therapist and some of my friends have said, Marbles, you've been healing. The last year at day job was so draining, and then you got dropkicked in the stomach by Jody's death. You've been healing; no wonder you haven't been writing. No wonder you haven't been able to work as you used to. So while I still feel guilty, I don't feel as guilty as I did a few months ago.
So 2023 has been extremely eventful; not in a bad way, either. It has been horribly stressful from time to time, but for the most part, all of the changes have been good ones.
Hopes and plans for 2024:
I'm putting through an application for a scholarship to an online court reporting school. I should graduate it before my birthday in March, and after that, I intend to either find a local court reporting firm to work for, or to go to work for the State or a local court system.
I intend to get certified both as an electronic court reporter and as an electronic transcriptionist through AAERT no later than June. I've been working as an electronic transcriptionist since 2008, full-time since 2010, and I've always kind of gaffed off the certification because I was afraid of failing, and the cost to take the certification tests are pretty high. But the certs will give me the opportunity to charge more for my work, and it'll look a lot better on my applications to either the courts or a court reporting firm.
Writing wise, I'd really like to get a zero draft finished. I don't really care what project, any of them will do, I just want to finish something. That kind of goes for my knitting, too; I'd really like to finish the blanket for Bee that has been languishing for so very, very long.
So I have some definite goals for 2024, and I have plans; I just need to work those plans in order for the plans to work. And I can do it. I know I can. I have so much support, so much vocal and real support now; Jody always meant well, he did support me in his own way, but it faded over the years. And that's okay.
What are your plans for 2024? What changes did you go through in 2023? How are you?
I'm listening.
Happy Holidays,
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herrothereworld · 11 months
July 8, 2023
Hello World,
Long time no talk, but here I am. Oh man I got a lot to update you on. Kinda wished I remembered to put dates on my couple posts but oh well.
Well first things first, remember that boo I was talking about in the last post? Well I broke up with him about 6 months later, it just wasn’t meant to be. While there were good things about the relationship, I have grown and learned a lot about myself and what I want in someone, and I learned he just wasn’t the right fit for me.
Do you also remember that accounting job I was talking about at the big company? Well I ended up not even taking the job, I ultimately decided the amount of hours and effort from me wasn’t worth having to juggle with, on top of still being in school full time. But that’s okay, I know for a fact that there will be plenty of opportunities for me in the future. Funny enough, I actually started an online course to refresh my accounting knowledge for when I go back to school in the fall.
Did I say go back to school? Oh yeah, I graduated! BA in Economics, 3.5 years and now here I am. I’m currently in the process of getting a CPA license in order to make myself more marketable in the accounting field, because I am on a mission to move out and be financially independent.
Remember the job I told you about while working with kids? Well about a year ago, I got a promotion and now I’m a supervisor and I’m getting paid more, which is a start as a recent college grad but the only way can be up.
While there have been many good things that have happened in the time since I last posted, a good amount had to change whether for better or worse. The friend trio, well I had to cut one of them off for being incredibly selfish and irresponsible but I’m still great friends with the other one to this day.
Since I broke up with the first guy, I had a few prospects but there was one that definitely popped out from the rest. I had a crush on a guy for about a year and literally nothing came up of it. I was friends with me crushing on him behind the scenes to the point where I told him to his face and nothing happened. My heart was absolutely shattered but I eventually got over him and then I met Hunter.
I met Hunter at a concert in November, and it was for an artist that me and my friend had discovered since he was the opener for a previous band we had gone to see. Me and my four other friends happened to jam out with him and his friend, and eventually me and my friend meet up with him and his friend at a nearby bar. While we started off as friends, things got romantic and here we are.
Now enough about my romantic life, my family life has been pretty decent. For starters, my sister moved back home and bought her first house, so it’s been nice being able to see her whenever I want.
I’ve made so many new friends that I hold dear that I didn’t even know I would encounter the last time I posted. We’re all about to graduate in the next couple years and I’m very excited and scared for what the future has in store for us.
I have grown so much as a person, it’s insane to see how much I have changed the last time I made an entry. I now travel solo every 6 months to a new city in the country and my goal is to be able to travel abroad solo.
I now make fitness a really big part of my life. Am I going out and competing? No, but I have been very consistent on going to the gym and working out for the past year and a half and I’m really proud of myself for that.
Woah, life has been an absolute rollercoaster and it’s such a trip to read my current post compared to all the ones before it.
While it may sound like everything has been going good, there’s definitely places of improvement but don’t worry, I’m working on it. These things take time and patience, and I really excited for what’s in store for me next.
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hollymbryan · 1 year
Blog Tour + #Review: BRIGHTER THAN THE SUN by Daniel Aleman! #tbrbeyondtours
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Welcome to Book-Keeping and my stop on the TBR and Beyond Tours blog tour for Brighter Than the Sun, the sophomore novel from Daniel Aleman! This YA contemporary released yesterday, 21 March. I’ve got all the details about this new release for you below, plus my review!
About the Book
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title: Brighter Than the Sun author: Daniel Aleman publisher: Little, Brown BFYR release date: 21 March 2023
From the author of the award-winning debut novel INDIVISIBLE comes an affecting, timely, and thought-provoking story about going after your dreams, making tough choices, and learning that change gives as much as it takes.
Every morning, sixteen-year-old Sol wakes up at the break of dawn in her hometown of Tijuana, Mexico, and makes the trip across the border to go to school in the United States. Though the commute is exhausting, this is the best way to achieve her dream of becoming the first person in her family to go to college.
When her family’s restaurant starts struggling, Sol must find a part-time job in San Diego to help her dad put food on the table and pay the bills. But her complicated school and work schedules on the US side of the border mean moving in with her best friend and leaving her family behind.
With her life divided by an international border, Sol must come to terms with the loneliness she hides, the pressure she feels to succeed for her family, and the fact that the future she once dreamt of is starting to seem unattainable. Mostly, she’ll have to grapple with a secret she’s kept even from herself: that maybe she’s relieved to have escaped her difficult home life, and a part of her may never want to return.
Content Warning: Immigration, class differences, discrimination, separation from family by international border
Add to Goodreads: Brighter Than the Sun Purchase the Book: Amazon | B&N | TBD | IndieBound
About the Author
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Daniel Aleman is the award-winning author of Indivisible. He was born and raised in Mexico City. A graduate of McGill University, he is passionate about books, coffee, and dogs.
After spending time in Montreal and the New York City area, he now lives in Toronto, where he is on a never-ending search for the best tacos in the city.
His second novel, Brighter Than the Sun, was published on March 21, 2023 by Little, Brown Books for Young Readers.
Connect with Daniel: Website | Twitter | Instagram | Goodreads
My 5-Star Review
I have not yet read Indivisible by Daniel Aleman, but I have heard such great things about the debut novel and definitely intend to grab it. So when I saw this tour opportunity pop up for his sophomore YA book, Brighter Than the Sun, I jumped at the chance to participate. Now I see why there’s all the accolades for Aleman’s work! This novel was a beautiful examination of what life is like for a teenager who lives in two worlds: Sol and her family live in Mexico, but Sol was actually born in California, making her a citizen of the US as well. Sol began attending school in California for high school, which means she has to be at the border and stand in line for an hour and a half before she can cross and head to school. After Sol’s mom passes, her family is struggling to keep her restaurant afloat and put food on their table, so the decision is made that Sol also needs to find work in California. She goes to live temporarily with her childhood friend and her mom, who moved from Mexico to the US a few years back. She finds a job in the warehouse of a department store and has shifts beginning at 5:00 a.m. before school or from 7:00-10:00 p.m. on school nights. Most weekends, she travels back to Mexico to stay with her family. In other words, she’s exhausted and burnt out and has little time to spend with friends, date, and just be a teenager. Her grades begin to slip and she feels herself being pulled underwater, just as she is discovering a budding relationship with a sweet guy who works with her in the warehouse.
I was struck by the incredible struggles Sol went through, both physically and emotionally, as she works at just 16 years old to help her family just be able to have food and pay bills. I cannot imagine going through these things as an adult, let alone as a young woman trying to make it through high school and to become the first person in her family to go to college. Sol desperately wants to go to college, but she also feels responsible for bringing home paychecks that no one else in her family could possibly make, all because of the accident of her being unexpectedly born in the US. I went through so many emotions reading this, and I also learned a lot about what it’s like to have such dual citizenship when the rest of your family does not. My heart went out to Sol, and I just wanted her to be able to be a teenager, spend time with her friends hanging out on the beach, and explore the budding connection that may turn into first love. The story is heart-wrenching yet ultimately hopeful, as Sol tries to figure out just where “home” truly is for her.
I would encourage everyone to pick up this book; you will learn so much and feel so connected to Sol, no matter how different your own experiences are. In fact, you should read it *especially* if you have completely different experiences, as this is one of those books that will expand your horizons and help you to see the struggles others go through that we know nothing about. Brighter Than the Sun is exactly the kind of book we talk about when we say that reading increases empathy, and I hope you will pick it up and make sure the young adults in your life do so, too.
Rating: 5 stars!
**Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from the publisher for purposes of this blog tour. This review is voluntary on my part and reflects my honest rating and review of the book.
Check out the Bookstagram tour too! You can find my post here, and the full schedule is here.
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ikassienatics · 4 years
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐥 ↬ 𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐩.
summary: half the population survived the blip and that includes peter your boyfriend, while the other half was erased from existence just like you. five years later, the snap was reversed but the world you once lived in changes
warnings: angst but not really, mj being a really cool bad bitch, life lessons from michelle jones, peter moving on, endgame spoilers? but i know you've seen the masterpiece already, mj cursing a lot like a lot.
author’s note: y’all it’s been soo long since i wrote something and this idea popped inside my mind while watching infinity war for the hundredth time, and i just can’t help myself!!!! though to warn y’all, i’m actually not that proud with the outcome of this one, it felt like something is not right, like something is missing or whatnot. and if there’s probably a fic i wrote in which i disliked, this will be it.
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a handsome god trying to invade new york is bullshit, a malfunctioned artifical intelligence trying to take over the world is too much. but a purple alien named thanos erasing half the population in your planet is full of shit. the world is a crazy place indeed, you thought you guys have enough, that everything is being handled with care, for fuck’s sake earth has avengers. but turns out, even the earth’s mightiest heroes can’t stop nor survive the snap.
everything happened so fast, one second every student in your university is standing happily inside the gymnasium as they awaited the announcement about the upcoming ball, then the speaker suddenly turned into dust, she fades away like she was nothing, like a bubble, turned into ash. then everyone panicked including you, you just saw a person turned into dust before your eyes, of course you will panic
then you stood up from your seat, taking your boyfriend peter with you as you both decided to run for the exit, then it happened to everyone too. they also started turning dust
then it was your turn.
you didn't really know how it was your turn, you just sensed it that you will fade away just like them, so you did what common teenagers would do. you clung in your boyfriend once you felt the tingling sensation inside your body. it was a scary feeling, and for some reasons the numb pain started fading away, like it find some way to connect with your brain to tell it that there's nothing wrong when technically, everything is wrong. like it was convincing your mind that you don't feel anything. you have never been scared like that before
peter was by your side when that happened, holding you tightly on his arms as if he's trying to stop you from leaving. but nothing stopped the snap, no one manage to stop the blip. not even the earth's mightiest heroes.
and now you're back, sitting alone on the bench with no peter by your side, you stood up from the bench seeing mj looking at her hands weirdly, only half the students inside the gym remains and the speaker on the front, the other half? your peter? they're not here.
rushing towards the tan lady, you approach her with your hear beating faster "mj!" she look up from her hands, eyebrows furrowed and seemingly as confuse as you are
"y/n?" she stood up before you can even reach her sit "what the fuck just happened?" she look around as well, everyone started reaching for their devices, calling their family to make sure they're safe and okay, some even rush towards the exit while some started crying
"i have no idea." you pursed your lips, you and mj are never close. you always get insecure because of the tall girl, thinking that she may have a thing for peter but she always assure you that she don't date boys, she prefer girls. so standing in front of her, let alone talking to her is still awkward for you, but there's no time for that
"did you just came back as well?" she asked you, reaching for her bag and hanging it around her shoulder, you nodded your head "i was actually wondering where peter was. . ." your eyes widen, she might think you don't care about anything but peter, or maybe she will think your ignorant because even after what happened, even if there's a lot to be concern about, you still ask for your boyfriend first "i mean, everyone, i was wondering where half of the students are."
"yeah, me neither." she grabbed her phone from inside her bag, planning to text her parents just like everybody else when she suddenly caught a glimpse of the date on her lockscreen "oh shit!"
your eyes widen "what? what is it?" even though you two were never close and you felt like overstepping a line, putting your nose in her business. you can't help but get curioused because of the expression written all over her face
"what the fuck is this." she showed you her phone and there you saw a 2023 instead of 2019, your eyes also widen in realization reaching for your phone as well and seeing the same thing in your lock screen, you even saw a couple of text and calls from your parents and friends five years ago
five years ago
what the fuck
you licked your lips, about to call your mom when you heard someone speak from behind you and mj "y/n?" the voice is familiar, turning on your heels, you came in contact with a person no other than ned leeds, one of peter's friends.
mj also turn her head making ned switch his eyes from you to her "mj?" he asks, still can't believe what he's seeing. ned changes a lot even after just five minutes, he grew a beard, his hair looks so fresh from hair cut and his body is more lean than before, he looks older. weird
"ned! oh my god." you run towards him, jumping in his arms and hugging him tightly, he did the same closing his eyes in the process and praying that this is not a dream, not anymore, no. this has to be real, everyone has to come back, this has to be the reality.
"hey, man!" mj nodded her head at the man in front fo you, he still looks confuse but not as confuse as the pair "what happened here?"
his eyebrows furrowed "you don't know?" the way he said those words made your heart clench, what really is happening? and where's peter? if ned is here, then peter must be somewhere near, knowing that guy. him and ned are usually always together, even in your dates ned has to tag along, not that you mind. you enjoyed it most of the time
"what? what do you mean?" you look back at mj "we just came back, what happened? why do you look older? did you just came back as well?" you bombared him with question
he shakes his head "no, half of the population survived." your eyes widen, then if half the population survived, does that mean peter survive as well? or maye he's also part of the snap? but where is he. you look back at your seat not long ago, expecting your partner to pop our of nowhere. but there's none, no peter.
"while the other half fade away?" mj continued or more like, asked.
"y-yeah." he nodded "it's been five years." so that's why it's year 2023 and not 2019? but how, how could it happened? why? who did this? you can't help bur ask yourself
"yeah, that answers our question." the curly brunette beside you spoke, referring to what you both just witness a while ago. biting your lip, you fidget with your fingers as you find the right time to ask him a question
"what are you doing here if it's been five years?" you questioned
"i helped my cousin get enrolled, then everyone just. . . just started to come back and i think of going here to see if both of you came back as well." he answers softly
you slightly smiled at him "w-where's. . . where's peter?" you saw how ned's body froze, how almost all the blood in his face dissapeared by your question, like he's suddenly afraid of something. his happy and chill personality faded just like the snap
"p-peter? y-yeah uhm." he clears his throat, you look down on his fingers and unexpectedly saw a ring in one of them
"you're married?" both you and mj said in unison, he look down on his hands as well before nodding
"yeah, betty and i you know. we made it work, aftee graduating i decided to take our relationship in another level." his eyes sparkles with joy as he tells you the news "she's. she's actually pregnant, two months."
"congratulations." you and mj both said
"and peter, uhm. he now lives in, he no longer lives with aunt may and he also. . . he's not an avenger anymore." you saw how ned had a hard time on telling you what he knows, the ned you knew not long ago is gone, ned usually knows how to compose himself immideately and maybe that's one of the reasons why him and peter fits each other perfectly, your boyfriend is an akward person, a weird one and he always stumble upon his words, while ned is more composed and often helped him.
"wait, what?" michelle gasp
while you stayed still, confusion erupts in your mind. how did it happened? why did peter left the avengers? he always love helping people, finding comfort in swinging around queens and fighting for those who cannot fight, and being an avenger? it's his dream, so why would he turn his back on a life he always wanted to have?
at this moment, you felt like you never knew peter anymore, or ned, he changes so much and you wish peter is still the same after five years even though you know it's impossible, many things can happen in those years, many things can change.
"yeah, after. you know, he got anxiety after the blip, he really had a hard time with keeping up so, uhm. yeah."
"wait, i don't understand a single thing." mj speak once again, trying to make the situation clear
you saw how ned gulped, as if he's about to spill the biggest tea there is "he just, shit happens. you know? and people change, how they see life, their perspective and peter. well, peter. he, he change. he's grown up now."
"like, how grown up?" did he move on?
"i can't tell you that, i'm sorry but he lives in." then he started tellng you the adress which you gladly wrote down on your phone with shaking fingers, imagining how peter would seeing you after five years, would he be happy, sad? or maybe he moved on?
god you don't want to think about it, peter moving on from his relationship with you? can that really happen? can peter really do that to you? no, no. peter won't do that, maybe ned is right. he changed but he's still peter, you refuse to believe that peter forgot about you, that he replaced you after being a part of the blip, because if tables have turned? if peter is the one who has been snapped and you're the one who survived? you don't think you can forget him or move on.
the trio was about to continue keeping up, but ned's phone started to ring and you saw a picture of a woman on the screen "sorry, wife calling." he turn his back on you quickly answering the phone while you and mj just nodded your head, giving him a chance to answer the line
"i always knew peter is a freak." she whispered beside you, trying to make the mood better as she started to see the doubt in your eyes "but a grown man? come on, just because he grow up and finally became a man doesn't mean he has to forget stuffs, you know?"
you slightly smile at her, nodding your head in agreement "you're right."
"anyways, i got to call my dad. you call your family too, they must be worried and confused. all this shit is probably all overt the news by now."
two days passed after you came back from the blip, everything you thought you knew? gone. it's like you never existed in the first place and you had a hard time keeping up, keeping up with the world you once knew. your parents on the other hand, they are more understanding than ever, letting you stay lock up in your room so you can think but occasionally asking you if you want to go on a family vacation but you told them you have to fix yourself first. your parents reaction when you came back is priceless especially your mom, she almost didn't want to let you go after embracing you if it weren't for your dad and you saw the longing in their eyes.
of course, their only daughter went missing five years ago then came back as if nothing happened.
you tried to read as many newspaper as you could, news from the last five years, trying to blend in once again. you felt sick thinking about the new society you are now stepping on. but even after those things, you have mj with you and you two became close, facetime here, facetime there. helping each other stood back up from their feet.
two days later, that's when you decided to visit peter, two days of dreaming about the guy, imagining what his reaction would be if you showed up in his door step, and a part of you wished you didn't came back after what you saw, after what you learned.
the house that ned told you was huge, it's white and there's a mailbox standing outside with a name 'parker' in it, it's more like a family house, a car on the garage and a small bike right beside it, a small bike? why does peter have a small bike on his house?
and if you weren't that stupid, you're going to be able to put the pieces together, the bike, the house, the mailbox, ned seeming like he's nervous about something. it all made sense especially when you knock on the door and it was opened by the one and only liz allen. the small bump on her stomach also didn't go unnoticable by you, and the small boy running around from the inside looking like you're boyfriend? yeah, fuck. you get it. he moved on, what else can you do?
nonetheless, she invited you in and you could have said no, but you didn't. there's a lot of question you want to ask peter, why? and how? but you're not going to blame him because of the decision he made. you fully understand it, that maybe his feelings for liz didn't really fade away just like he told you when you two started dating, or maybe he forgot about you. five years is a long road
and that's how you saw yourself inside the kitchen with peter sitting in front of you, the house smelled like home, like love, like family. his family, her family. liz was upstairs trying to give the both of you a time to talk while their son went out to play with some kids outside.
"you're married?" you asked, although it's obvious. you still want it to come out from his mouth. your voice came out like a whisper but you know he heard it, he only nodded his head in response, not knowing what else to say.
"you left me for her." you said once again
and that's when he spoke back "i didn't left you, you left me." his voice is deeper than before, more manly and he didn't stumble upon his words just like before, he looks like be know exactly what he's doing, what he's saying.
he's not the peter you once knew anymore, just like everybody else.
"are you blaming me for what happened?" you whispered shouted, not wanting liz to hear your conversation even though you know that peter will tell her later once you got out
"i'm not blaming anything on you, i'm just trying to explain that i'm not the one who fades away to dust, who left me with nothing for five years. what do you expect me to do?"
"i expect you to wait for me, i came back didn't i?" you saw how your vision started to get blurry, telling you that any time soon a tears will fell from your eyes.
"i waited for you but i lose hope."
"how could you do this to me?" and that's when a single tear drop from your eyes, then another. but you didn't do anything to stop it
"how could i? can you put yourself in my position for once? i was left with nothing for the past five years! i have nothing, tony was a part of the snap, may and i fell apart because all this shit! and liz? she's just, she's there with me. she stood by my side during those times and neither of us can't help it." and if your heart broke after finding out that peter moved on, now it's being shredded to pieces especially after what he just told you
"you find comfort in another woman."
"don't pretend like you will do this differently if i were the one who got snapped." you drop your palms on the table causing it to make a loud thump
"don't you there turn the tables, because if i were the one who survived and you're the one who does not. i will still wait for you no matter how fucked up everything is." you said angrily "did you ever loved me? or did you just used me to get over her? to make her jealous?"
"don't fucking change the subject." that's the first time he ever cursed in front of you, in those eight months of you two dating, no matter the situation, he never cursed or yell at you. yeah you fight often times but it didn't come this far, no yelling, no cursing, just a calm fight.
you wanted to be selfish, to steal peter away from liz just like how she teal him away from you. but you couldn't, you can't even think about it. you don't want to be the person, the woman who stole their dad away from them, you don't want their child to grew up without a dad, to grew up longing for a father.
"look, i know it's hard but believe me or not. i loved you." he said softly this time "but i have a family now, a family to take care of, a children to look after and none of this can bring back the past, none of this can bring both of us together just like before. you have to understand the situation that none of this is inevitable, maybe we're not meant for each other, maybe this is meant to happened, what matters right now is you're back and i have the family i always wanted, maybe not with you. but i'm happy now."
he held your hands from the table, soothing it gently to calm you down "i loved you, and i still do until now but not as much as i love her."
"you don't know how many men will kill just to be with you, you deserve beter and i wish you all the happiness in this world." he added, you look down on his hands, biting your shaking lips as you refuse to believe everything he told you
everything is just too much, it happened so fast. that your brain could not even keep up, but you have to accept the truth, the truth that the both of you are no longer the couple you were used to be. that he moved on and you must do the same
you lay down, facing the ceiling before sighing. even after two weeks, fourteen days, even after all those minutes passed you can't seem to get used to the world you were in right now. you're starting to drift away from your parents, not liking to go out and instead you prefer to self isolate yourself inside your room. but no one can blame you for your actions, it's hard. keeping up with everything, it's hard facing complicated things like this especially because peter is not by your side unlike before.
and for once, you just wanted to. . . you just want everything to stop for a while. everything, just. just to give you time to understand
if only it weren't for the snap, or what everyone prefer to call that 'thing'. if it weren't for that, then maybe you already graduated by now, maybe you're the one who's married with peter instead of liz. maybe
"i thought that if i acted like it didn't matter. it wouldn't." you said, eyes still focused on the ceiling as you tried to think about everything that had happened in the past ever since you came back from the ash
mj, who's quietly reading a book on the sofa inside your room decided to join you in your comfy bed, laying beside you and facing the white and boring ceiling as well. unlike you, mj asked for help. she started seeing a therapist to help her get better and to guide her in this journey where she's trying to fit in once again.
but you? you prefer to be alone no matter how many times your parents tried to talk to you or asked you if you need help, even if they kept their arms open for you, even if every person who survived the snap kept their arms wide open for those who didn't. you can't bring yourself to do it, to ask for help like mj. unlike you, mj handled all the problems like a champion, you never see any discomfort in her eyes ever since you came back. yeah maybe the first day, you saw how scared she was but now? she's getting better while you felt like you're getting worse.
you drift away from your parents, never answered or check your phone, you completely shut down peter and liz no matter how many times they tried to invite you like when their son celebrated his birth day. but you see yourself getting closer to mj
which is. weird
you never see it coming,
you never see any of this coming.
"it's okay not to be okay, you know?" she mumbled from beside you. closing her book and fixing her eyeglasses
"shit happens, we get sad, stress, depress, you name it. and that's okay, that's normal. everybody felt that too." she added
from the ceiling, you turn your body to face her before asking her a question "how did you do it?" she seemed taken a back but manages to compose herself right away
putting her other hands behind her head, she licked her lips before answering your question "how did i do it? i didn't do no such thing." it was a whisper, but because of the silence evaporating inside your room you manage to hear every letter that came out of her mouth
"i was scared, afraid after all this shit you know? and it made me think that feeling those things, that self isolating myself or being sad or what the fuck will not make anything better." she told you "like, if i cry in my room because i felt left out, will that make anything better? no right? if i stay in my room and get so emotional, will that bring back the past? will the pain bring back everything? no, that's why instead of being like the others, instead of following what i feel, instead of letting my fear take over. i just told them to fuck off, i go out, tried understanding the world more, have fun, be with my loved ones, forget the fact that i became an ash. because no matter how sad you feel, or how depress you've become. the world will not stop spinning for you, and because of that. might as well as spin with the world, you know what i'm saying?"
from her laying position, mj sat up completely facing you and holding your hand in hers "i know you're having a hard time, we all are. but don't forget that you're not alone in this. you don't have to be, you don't have to face all this shit alone because i'm here for you, your parents, your friends, peter. maybe not in the way you want him to be, but all of us will be here for you." she said sincerely
"i know it's tough, and it's probably much more harder in your case because of peter. but things aren't always going to be there, you know? nothing is permanent. i can't be sitting here with you forever because i have to go home or else my dad will probably burst out." you laughed at her humor "but i'm serious, sometimes everything is not meant to be that way. and i think that's what makes life special, nothing is permanent, because of that life teaches us how to cherish every moment."
"avengers fought with their dying breath just to give us a second chance, and i'm glad they did. we were all given a second chance to live in this world and i don't want to waste that."
that's when you realized how lucky you are, she's right. you were given a second chance, a second chance to live, to be happy. avengers bled for this, for all of you to return. you should live your life to the fullest, and that's what you're about to do
peter is one of the best things that ever happened to you, maybe he's not with you until the end but at least you manage to be with him and to feel the love from spiderman in the past.
maybe in some other life, in a distant universe, in an unknown world, in a small city, you and peter have your little love story going on, and you both are living there your happily ever after.
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disclaimer: all publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. the original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. the author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.
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curekibouka-writing · 4 years
There (one-shot HUGtto Precure fanfic)
Summary: Love. Forever and always. Remembering us the way we were. Yours still.
Word count: 1077
To see everything in my collection before this one-shot, please do check out ‘Cure Narrative’ posted on both FF.net and Quotev😉
Please note: 
The dates in this chapter are written based on the assumption that Hugtto’s events started in spring 2018 and ended right after New Years in 2019
Japanese school years start in April
I’m aware that me writing a short 1000 words one-shot for the next 20+ years in Hugtto universe is bound to be confusing, especially the third part in this fic because it involves the question of whether there is one or multiple timelines in Hugtto. So if there’s anything you don’t understand, even if it’s just one specific sentence, ask me. Comments or pm, I don’t mind at all. I will be both grateful for your feedback and happy to answer you ^^ 
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11 January 2019
Dear Ruru, 
        This is dated a week or so after your departure back to the future. How are you doing? These days feel so strange. I guess it can’t be helped, we’ve spent nearly a whole year together after all. Saaya-san noticed how I seem to be dejected all the time and suggested I write a letter to you. 
        Things over here are peaceful once again. And that’s a good thing, my final exams in elementary school are almost upon me, I definitely would not want to mess up. I’ve been considering enrolling in L'Avenir Academy for a while now, it simply would not do if my grades are not good enough. 
        I wonder if there’s any way to send this letter to you. Maybe I can make a time capsule to put all my letters in and bury it in my family’s garden, maybe it will magically appear in this location in the future where you may find it. It’s a shame that you can’t write back though. 
        I think I’m feeling a little better now. I’ll write again. Thanks for being here for me, Ruru. I’ll keep sending letters regularly, alright? ^^
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27 April 2020
Dear Ruru, 
        I bring with me happy news today! With the graduation of the previous vice president, I became the vice prez for our school’s Light Music Club! We have quite a few new members this year. Remember the girl I mentioned in last week’s letter? She joined as well. Now we have three vocals including me!
        I truly think my experience in the Light Music Club will help in my path to become an idol. Our president just decided that we should do more performances, so some of us will go busking starting next month. I can hardly wait! 
        I rearranged Friends with You a little by the way, let me write down the new lyrics: 
There’s something I wish to say, I wish you’d hear 
Everything that I loved about you
Now our hearts are still connected by a red ribbon
Even now we are forever friends
I recall
(Won’t forget) 
Your smile and tears
Tell me what’s this strange feeling inside?
Moving on, ‘cause I know, you’re waiting for me
Though it seems you and I can’t meet again
Scattered in different times, entirely different worlds
Even so, if we try, overlapping our hearts
Don’t you think it’ll all be okay?
Even now you’re
(Never changing) 
right by my/your side
‘Cause even now we’re connected by a ribbon 
Forever and always, 
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15 June 2023
Dear Ruru, 
        Today is my 16th birthday. And I’ve been thinking about some things. 
        I’m not my naive 12-year-old self anymore, Ruru. Where are you? 
        Is it okay to have faith? Is it okay to still place hope in your promise? What did you mean that day? What did you mean by you would wait for me in the future? Did you only mean that you await the day I become a successful idol? Or did you mean you would watch over another me, a me from your time, who would probably have given up on the guitar without you and the others? 
        And what of you? How are you faring? How is the future faring? Come to think of it, I never asked you how was the future you returned to? Is it the colourful one we (hopefully) rewritten or the forlorn darkness you once knew? Every day, I am overwhelmed with the fear that it’s the latter, the fear that our Precure power was not strong enough to rewrite your future. The fear that you returned to your original time only to suffer again.
        If you didn’t get to live in a brighter future, then what did we fight for four years ago? 
        I don’t want to think about that, but it just pops up in my mind every now and then. So please… if there’s some kind of spectacular technologies you can make use of in the future to send me a sign, to give me an answer, a little bit of reassurance, I implore you to do so. 
        Tell me, where are you?
Remembering us the way we were,
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22 October 2030
Dearest Ruru from my past,
        It’s been quite a while since my previous letter, I’ve been very busy with my career recently. I have another concert in three days and my new album will be available for sale soon. 
        Regardless of my job, let me tell you some joyous news! Hana-san finally gave birth yesterday! Hagumi was brought into this world as a healthy little one, Saaya-san ecstatically reported to us. I wonder when can I free up some time to visit Hugtan, after all these years. 
        Speaking of children, Ruru, I met you again. She’s not exactly you, of course, you don’t exist in this time. But Dr Traum created her with the same concept in mind, ‘an android that would grow in both body and heart’. She’s a child now, but surely she will grow up just like you. I’m tasked with looking after her (I volunteered), and I’ll make sure to do my best. I’ll shower her with love as if she’s my own daughter. I’ll give her the warmth you never had the luxury to grow up in. 
        I’m not expecting her to fill the hole in my heart. It wouldn’t be fair, to her or to you. She is not you. She will play a different role in my life than you. I truly thought about everything, and I acknowledge the fact that we are never going to meet again. Being separated by time is a distance farther than anything I could conceive of all those years ago. 
        But I don’t mind anymore, we both have our own future to pursue, no matter where you are. We both have our own loved ones to tend to. We both have our own music to spread. I’m okay now, I’m all grown up now. Even if your promise back then was a white lie, I understand those were words to motivate me who was about to cease moving forward. 
        Thank you, for being there for me back then, for being my strength even now. And I wish you the best as well, wherever you are, whatever your situation looks like, I believe you can do anything, you can be anything. 
        Fure, fure, Ruru.
Yours still,
The End
A/N: Yes you can actually sing to Friends with You with those lyrics. It’s nowhere near as good as when I pour all my effort into rewriting English lyrics for my actual song covers on YouTube though. Honestly I’d love to sing it but there is no instrumental track for Friends with You T^T
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samanthaswishes · 5 years
My Breakdown of Descendants Characters’ Ages and Birthdays
So I’m really bored, and out of nowhere, I began thinking about the ages, birthdays, and birth orders of the Descendants characters.
Now, I know everyone has different headcanons about when their birthdays are. (I’ve seen a headcanon that Evie’s birthday is on Halloween and she decides to share it with Gil AND THAT’S SO ADORABLE), but here has been my own general headcanons/analysis for them:
The references I’m using are the 3 movies, the 4 Isle of the Lost novels, and the Villain Kids’ Guide for New VKs (which I don’t own, so any information from this book, may be incorrect. I’m just going off of pictures I’ve seen on Tumblr that are now lost somewhere in my likes and I totally forgot to reblog them)
If I got my facts wrong from the novels, feel free to correct me because I’ve only read each book maybe two or three times each.
From my understanding, this is the timeline for the books and movies:
Isle of the Lost (a couple months before Descendants)
Return to the Isle of the Lost (Is actually stated in Rise of the Isle of the Lost that the events of this book happened only a few days before the events Rise of the Isle of the Lost)
Rise of the Isle of the Lost (If I remember correctly, only about a month before Descendants 2)
Descendants 2 (6 months after Descendants)
Escape From the Isle of the Lost (I don’t think it’s stated, but I think this one takes place a little over a year after Descendants 2, but probably only a month or two before Descendants 3)
Descendants 3 (Over a year after Descendants 2)
*By the time D3 comes around, which takes place in the summer, Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos had been living in Auradon for almost 2 years.*
Mal: In Isle of the Lost and the first Descendants film is stated to be 16.
Evie: I did a quick skim of Evie’s intro chapter in Isle of the Lost, to see if it mentioned her age. I may have missed it, but from what I got, the book didn’t blatantly state her age. It does state that she was banished to the Castle Across the Way at age 6 and lived there for 10 years. Making her 16 during the novel, which takes place (I think) a few months before Descendants.
*Due to the fact that Mal was already 6 years old on Evie’s 6th birthday, Mal is older than Evie (most likely not by much. Maybe a few months at the most)*
Jay: Like Evie, I don’t think Isle of the Lost blatantly states his age. He can be assumed to be 16 given that he seems to be the same age as Mal and Evie. He also graduates with them. Due to his “older brother” attitude towards Mal, Evie, and Carlos, I believe he is the oldest of the four.
Carlos: It’s kind of obvious he is younger than the other three. I’ve seen him as both 14 and 15. To me, I feel he just turned 15 (or has been 15 for at least less than 6 months) at the time of Descendants.
Ben: In Isle of the Lost, it states he is 15. The opening scene of Descendants takes place a month before the rest of the movie, as said by Beast. In this scene, Belle mentions that Ben is turning 16, making him still 15 a month before the film. During the rest of the movie, Ben is 16, as he stated during his date with Mal.
Audrey, Chad, Lonnie, Doug: Their ages, I don’t think, are blatantly stated anywhere, but, like everyone else, they can be assumed to be 16 at the time of the first film.
Jane: Like Carlos, it’s obvious that she’s on the younger side, especially since Carlos and her end up dating. I believe she’s 15 as well at the time of the first movie, but had only just had her birthday maybe a month or two before.
Uma: I believe she is to be the same age as Mal just younger than her by a couple months or so, given that when they were kids, Uma was said to be “too small” (even though we all know Uma’s taller and Mal just wears massive boots). Given that Descendants 2 is 6 months after the first, she may be 17 at the time of D2.
Harry + Gil: Again, these two are most likely the same age as everyone else. I do headcanon them to be more on the older side of the group though. Probably around 17 by D2.
Dizzy: I’ve seen a couple of references say that she’s 12 in D2, but In The Villain Kids’ Guide For New VKs, her application says she is 14 at the time of Descendants 3, so, in Descendants 2, which is over a year before, she is most likely 13 (which is how old Anna Cathcart was when filming D2).
Celia: In The Villain Kids’ Guide for New VKs, her application says she is 13 at the time of Descendants 3 (which is how old Jadah Marie was when filming D3)
Squeaky + Squirmy: in The Villain Kids Guide for New VKs, their application says they are 12 at the time of Descendants 3.
Now for everyone’s birthdays. For reference, I’m using the ages of the Class fo 2019 since Escape From the Isle of the Lost and D3 were released this year when the majority of the characters have graduated. Also, I was part of Class fo 2019, and I’m in that age range. (I’m only using the years I used as a reference for an idea of how old they are in each film since we don’t actually know what year it is, and the timeline of the movies doesn’t line up to the 2-year time between releases)
We also need to take into consideration what grade they were in in D1 along with when in the school year.
Descendants (I’ve heard) takes place in the beginning of the school year. Given that the majority of characters are 16, coming into the new school year, those in Class of 2019 are in their Junior Year (11th Grade), which would’ve happened August-September 2017.
Descendants 2 takes place 6 months later, making it still the same school year. This puts them at about February-March 2018.
Descendants 3 takes place, most likely, over a year later, during the summer of 2019. I believe it is July.
Class of 2019 was born between 2000-2001. Here’s how the birthdays would be separated:
Early Birthday
July - September 2000 (I was born in September 2000, so I would be considered an early birthday for Class of 2019)
Average Birthday
October 2000 - May 2001
Summer Birthday
June - August 2001
Late Birthday
September - November 2001 (or whenever the school’s cut off date was. I think the elementary school I went to, the cut off was within the first week of December 2001)
*For future and past years, you use the same months, just add or subtract one year until you reach the class year you want.*
Mal, Evie, Jay, Harry, Gil, Uma, Ben, Audrey, Lonnie, Doug, and Chad are Class of 2019, which puts them born between 2000-2001. (I know Audrey didn’t graduate with them and is in summer school, but for the ages sake, she’s here)
Carlos and Jane are confirmed to be only a grade younger than the rest, putting them in the Class of 2020, which puts them born between 2001-2002. However, I headcanon both of them to be born in 2002 (will explain).
Dizzy is 14 during D3, which is the summer of 2019, but will be turning 15 later in the year (will explain), so she was born in 2004 and in the Class of 2023.
Celia is 13 during D3, which is the summer of 2019, but will be turning 14 later in the year (will explain), so she was born in 2005 and in the Class of 2024.
Squeaky and Squirmy are 12 during D3, which is the summer of 2019, and their birthday had already passed (will explain), so they were born in 2007 and in the class of 2025.
Given that, here’s my breakdown for their birthdays (this is just my headcanon)
Chad (September 2000)
I feel like Chad is the oldest of the group mostly because Jedidiah Goodacre is the oldest of the descendants. Also, since Chad isn’t exactly the smartest, there is the possibility he could have been held back and was a late birthday for the Class of 2018.
Gil (October - November 2000)
Dylan Playfair is in the older half of the cast, so I feel Gil would be up there as well. Also, I don’t know if it’s because of the colors he wears, but Gil feels like an Fall birthday.
Jay + Harry (November - December 2000)
Jay and Harry just feel like they are the exact age, so I feel like their birthday would be super close together. I don’t know which would be older, but I’m leaning more towards Jay.
Mal (January 2001)
Mal I feel like fits pretty well in the middle. I don’t know if it’s because Dove Cameron’s birthday is in January, but Mal just feels like a January birthday.
Doug (February 2001)
Just feels like a February birthday
Uma (February - March 2001)
I feel like she fits perfectly age-wise between Doug and Lonnie.
Lonnie (March 2001)
Just feels like a March birthday. Also, even though Dianne Doan is in the older half of the cast (2nd oldest actually), Lonnie feels like she’s in the younger half.
Evie + Audrey (April 2001)
These two feel like Spring birthdays. Also, both Sofia Carson and Sarah Jeffery were born in April
Ben (September 2001)
Just turned 16 when Junior Year began, making him a late birthday.
Carlos (May 2002)
I feel like he had been 15 for at least less than 6 months at the time of Descendants, and he’s only a grade younger than the rest. Also, Cameron’s birthday is in May
Jane (July 2002)
Her birthday is during the Summer as confirmed during Descendants 3 when she has her birthday party. However, she’s still Class of 2020, so she had to be born in 2002.
Dizzy (November 2004)
I’m pretty sure her application said November (correct me if I’m wrong)
Celia (October 2005)
I’m pretty sure her application said October 31 (correct me if I’m wrong)
Squeaky + Squirmy (June 2007)
I’m pretty sure their application said June (correct me if I’m wrong)
So after all that, I’ve came to the headcanon breakdown of how old each character was at the time of each film:
Descendants (August - September 2017):
Mal: 16
Evie: 16
Jay: 16 (birthday coming up close)
Carlos: 15
Ben: 16 (birthday just passed)
Audrey: 16
Lonnie: 16
Jane: 15 (birthday just passed)
Doug: 16
Chad: 16-17 (birthday coming up close or just passed)
Uma: 16
Harry: 16 (birthday coming up close)
Gil: 16 (birthday coming up close)
Dizzy: 12 (birthday coming up close)
Celia: 11 (birthday coming up close)
Squeaky + Squirmy: 10
Descendants 2 (February - March 2018)
Mal: 17 (birthday just passed)
Evie: 16 (birthday coming up close)
Jay: 17
Carlos: 15 (birthday coming up close)
Ben: 16
Lonnie: 16-17 (birthday coming up close or just passed)
Jane: 15
Doug: 16-17 (birthday coming up close or just passed)
Chad: 17
Uma: 16-17 (birthday coming up close or just passed)
Harry: 17
Gil: 17
Dizzy: 13
Audrey: 16 (birthday coming up close)
Celia: 12
Squeaky + Squirmy: 10
Descendants 3 (July 2019)
Mal: 18
Evie: 18
Jay: 18
Carlos: 17 (birthday just passed)
Audrey: 18
Jane: 17 (her birthday is literally that day)
Doug: 18
Chad: 18 (birthday coming up close)
Uma: 18
Harry: 18
Gil: 18
Dizzy: 14
Celia: 13
Squeaky + Squirmy: 12 (birthday just passed)
Lonnie: 18
Anyway, I hope you all liked my little, pointless analysis of how old I think all the characters are and when their birthdays are. 
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i-am-my-own-goal · 4 years
Next steps?
I am feeling so conflicted. Feel free to leave feedback or suggestions.
M may be moving to another county soon(like by end of May soon). He’s trying to get a job closer to his mom and wants to get out of the area he’s in now. Jobs pay better out there too. I’ve been living with him for a little over a month now (only because I’ve been working from home) and I love it way more than I thought I would. The timing feels right even though it happened sooner than I was planning. I wanted to be dating at least a year first, but we’re only 3 months away from a year at this point anyway.
The problems I’m running into are:
1) the work commute would be 1.5-2 hours one way
2) I really like my job/supervisor and don’t want to quit. She’s so understanding when I’m having medical issues and doesn’t make me use my PTO if the doctor appointments are under 2 hours. That’s such a blessing.
3) I wanted to be working at this job during school. However, school does not start until fall 2021 and I’d graduate December 2022. I’m not waiting until 2023 to move in with him. Depending on his work, he said I could drop to a part time job the year I’m in school. So, I guess I don’t mind finding a new job during school.
4) job stability is really important. I have longevity at the majority of my jobs. 2018-2019 was a little sketchy because of moving for my divorce. I was out of work for a couple months, at the healthcare job for 10 months, then would only have been at this one for 1 year. Then would be at another job for 1 year if I moved. Then possibly another job for 1 year for school. That would be 4 jobs a year and under. Would that look really bad? Prior to this, the shortest I stayed at a job was 2 years and longest was 10. (Okay actually there was another 6 month job but i ended up going back to my other job. So technically was at the one job 4 years).
5) I would have to wait for benefits again. I still have such a long road to go with my unidentified pain and the vaginismus/vulvodynia. That would put me back months again.
6) Where he wants to move is about 2 hours from my parents. That makes me a little sad, but he agreed to go visit them with me at least twice a month. He also has dogs that my dad can’t be around due to allergies and said he would find us a place with a really nice outdoor area so we can invite them over often and do bbqs. Also, My mom can’t be outside due to allergies but thankfully is not allergic to dogs. So she could stay inside. The dogs are young so, there’s no way to go around that. My dad will never be able to come inside our place until we don’t have dogs. I’m okay being 2 hours from them. But I’m not sure how I’d feel about that distance if we ended up adopting. (I know I’m thinking so far ahead with that tho). Ideally, I wouldn’t wanna be more than an hour from them. My dream was always to live really close so that my kids could spend a lot of time with them. I was 2 hours from my grandmother and only saw her every other month. I never got to build a relationship with her.
there’s so much to think about. I don’t wanna keep living 2 hours from him and only getting to see him on the weekends. And if he gets this police job, I’ll see him even less, maybe even only once a month depending on his schedule. If he doesn’t get the police job, I am hoping he will pick a more in between location with our parents. I haven’t brought that up yet, though, because I know if he doesn’t get this job, he will be so Crushed.
I definitely feel ready to officially live with him, but these are the things getting in my way. I worked so hard for this job and I don’t know that I wanna be that far from my parents. Just had to get that out because it’s laying so heavy on me.
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mexcraziness-art · 5 years
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Pacific Rim: Chris and Daisy
I wanted to re-draw some old OCs I never finished, so here you have Chris and Daisy from Pacific Rim! It's been forever damn, 2013 seems like a lifetime ago... I'm so happy that I finally get to draw my OCs actually looking like how I always wanted them to after all these years! How far we've come!
Jesus this took me forever to write, idk why but suddenly I forgot how to word, so this is pretty bad but I just had to force this out of myself so I could work on other stuff.
I also got myself emotional about Chuck which is a whole other rabbit hole.
Anyways, here you have it!
Jaegerling Project:
Jaegerlings are built and work like Jaegers, except they’re about half the size and can be piloted by 1 Pilot alone. They weren’t made for fighting the Kaiju, instead they were individually developed for cleaning up dead Kaiju, city rubble, and help with the rebuilding works. The project was short lived as the PPDC decided it was more worth it to focus their resources on building more Jaegers, so very few Jaegerlings were actually built and much less survived.
Most notable Jaegerlings:
   -          PaciFist: Built to help move Kaiju carcasses and destroyed Jaegers
   -          Criminality: Built to clean up city rubble and help with rebuilding.
Name: Christine „Chris” Smith (Kovács Krisztina) Born: 1999. May 1st (Taurus) Age: 26 (Operation Pitfall) Gender: Female Rank: -          PPDC Ranger (Formerly) -          J-Tech Officer
Jaegers: -          PaciFist (Former Pilot) -          Pacific-R.I.M. (Former Pilot) (Pacific-Robust Integrated Mechanism) -          Striker Eureka (Head Mechanic)
1999. May 1st: Chris was born in Hungary. Her Mother left when she was young and she was left with her Father. She had a natural talent for machines since she was young and essentially grew up in her Father’s mechanic shop.
2013: When the Kaiju attacked her Father was always vocally thankful it’s happening as far from them as possible, and for a time she agreed. However when the attacks didn’t stop she began to feel helpless and angry that they aren’t doing a good enough job of stopping them. She had the insatible urge to DO something.
2014: When the first Jaegers were born she immeadetly knew THAT’S where she had to be. However her father was heavily against her doing anything near the Jaeger Program, specially how it was still in baby shoes. So she decided to run away to join the Jaeger Program for the greater good. She took on a whole new persona, going as far as pretending to be a boy, to avoid her Father tracking her down and to avoid him finding out if anything happened to her. She made friends with a military doctor who helped her fake her gender all the way through the Academy. She was a promising pilot but her personality didn’t match up with anyone and they failed to find her a pilot for the longest time. She was closed off and distant with nearly everyone, mainly in fear of being found out, but otherwise got along moderalty with generally everyone. Until she met Daisy at the Academy, who got under her skin right away, she had an immediate distaste towards her and they kept butting heads and getting into bigger and bigger conflicts. It also frustrated her how easily Daisy got her flustered which she didn’t dare to think too deeply about. When they were proved to be potentially drift compatible Chris was conflicted, she didn’t want to drift with Daisy of all people, but she wanted to be a pilot more than anything, in the end she decided this is the risk she has to take.
During their test drift Daisy found out Chris is actually a girl faking her identity at the Academy and in a moment of shock she accidentally outed her. Chris outraged and out for vengence did some digging around and found out Daisy’s parent’s donation to the PPDC, and as a result they’re both looking to get kicked out from the PPDC. However thanks to their potential and great scores, they both get an offer from the PPDC, they’re dismissed from the normal Jaeger Program, but they could become the first test pilots of the Jaegerling Project. Chris immeadetly volunteers, unaware Daisy will be involved as well.
2016:  After „graduating” Chris gets assigned to the Jaegerling called PaciFist and spends the following years moving Kaiju carcasses and destroyed Jaegers after the battles. She’s content with her job, not what she had in mind but she can still prove herself useful, while still studying Jaeger ont he side.
2017: Until one day there’s a Kaiju attack that couldn’t have been intercepted by a Jaeger in time. Chris was stationed in a nearby Shatterdome with her Jaegerling, while Daisy was working out in the city helping to re-build with R.I.M. and they decided to risk their lives holding back the Kaiju now called Ryujin until the Jaeger arrives. Both R.I.M. and PaciFist were very badly damaged in the battle but the Jaeger arrived in time saving Daisy and Chris’s lives as well. The Kaiju’s body was never recovered but they assumed it died. Both Daisy and Chris gets an unspecificed time recovery leave, their Jaegerlings dismantled, waiting for further orders.
2018 : They’re summoned by Marshal Stacker Pentecost. He offers them a brand new Jaeger to co-pilot, built from the remaining parts of both PaciFist and R.I.M., called Pacific-R.I.M. Chris is relucant to accept the offer, both at the fact that they nearly died last time, and the fact that she’d have to pilot with Daisy. However after some unvoncing and apologising from Daisy she accepts and decides to give their teamwork a chance. After long hard work they becom an unstoppable team, their drift compatibility one of the best. Chris’s flusteredness towards Daisy returns as the other girl begind to flirt with her as the time passes. Soon she realises she likes the other girl as well and they begin dating.
They piloted Pacific-R.I.M. together for 3 years.
2021: They did a couple of double drops with Striker Eureka, who they proved to be a good team with. Chris had a bit of a friendly rivarly going with Chuck whenever they met in person. One day while they were stationed at the same Shatterdome, Ryujin re-emerged. Pacific-R.I.M. got deployed first and almost killed the Kaiju, but the tide turned on them and Pacific-RI.M. got badly damaged. Chris got hurt badly, and her side of the Jaeger short circuited. Daisy ejected the hurt Chris out of an escape pod and stayed to hold back Ryujin herself. Striker Eureka joined the battle soon and finished off Ryujin but Pacific-R.I.M. was beyond saving this time. They recovered Daisy, barely alive and in critical condition. She lost her left leg from the knee down and her nervous system suffered heavy damage too. Chris stayed by her side for months, but the guilt was killing her and she decided she can’t watch Daisy waste away anymore, so she left.
She went back home to her Father, who welcomed her with open arms. It turned out even if at first he was panicked and outraged she left, in the present he’s proud of her, how far she has come and how much she has done. This gave her enough will to get her fighting spirit back again. She knew she could never pilot another Jaeger again, not without Daisy, so she threw herself into J-Tech and became a mechanic. At the least she could help by fixing and upgrading the Jaegers between battles.
2023: She became the head of Striker Eureka’s mechanic team, where she met Chuck and Herc again. A few years ago she would have given anything to get to work on Striker but now she would give anything to get „a few years ago” back. Chuck became an annoying brat since last time she saw him and she was more than ready to deck him. Which she did sometimes when they decided to take out their problems in sparring sessions. They butted hands on working Striker as well since Chuck preffered to work on her as well while Chris believed it was a job for the mechanics only. Through all this they grew really close and started to help eachother out with their problems. It wasn’t a good solution to either of their issues but it was something. In the end they became basically „more than best friends with benefits”, neither of them ever admitted they „dated” but Chris loved him regardless. They drifted eactly once in a simulator and they were so in sync it was considered pairing them up for a Jaeger which Chris refused in Daisy’s memory.
2025: She got re-located to the Hong Kong Shatterdome along with Striker’s whole crew. There she was re-united with Daisy, which she didn’t take well. All the guilt that’s been the back of her mind all this time came crashing back as the old wounds re-opened. Chuck convinced to go talk with Daisy, meanwhile she convinced Chuck to talk with Raleigh. She apologised and confessed all her guilt to Daisy, who after a small fight forgave her, because she wasn’t sure what she would have done in her place either. After Chuck died she was heartbroken, they stayed with Daisy and they helped eachother heal. Soon it turned out she got accidentally pregnant, Daisy stayed by her side the whole time and after she gave birth they officially got back together.
Personality: Chris had been an emotional person all her life, she thinks with her heart first and foremost. However because of this she has a tendency to have emotional outbursts if she’s put under lots of stress as the logical side of her brain struggles against her emotions. Because of this she developed a level of anger issues she tries to get better from. She usually tries to hold back all her emotions and put up a cold and distant front. Because of this she became a grumpy and cynical person for a long time. However under all this, she craves emotional intimacy and familiarity. She’s also a rather serious person, who tries to follow the rules the best she can. As long as she agrees with them. As soon as she runs into a rule that requires her to go against her own morals she yeets out the rulebook the window.
Name: Daisy Grande Born: 1997. August 20th (Leo) Age: 28 (Operation Pitfall) Gender: Female Rank: -          PPDC Ranger (Formerly) -          K-Science Officer
Jaegers: -          Criminality (Former Pilot) -          Pacific-Rim (Former Pilot) -          K-Science (Biology Research)
1997. August 20th: Daisy was born into a very rich family, in France. Her parents were big investors in science development. She had a strong natural charisma ever since she was little, popular, confident, always the center of the attention, a natural leader. Like her parents she always wanted to make a difference in the world growning up and she developed a knack for biology along the way.
2013 : When the Kaiju attacked and the PPDC was founded she immediately wanted to join the Jaeger Academy, and her parents figured where else would she be the safest in the world than with the PPDC? So they quietly donated a huge amount of money to the PPDC to accept her to the Academy BUT keep her out of any actually dangerous service.
2014: She joined the Academy amongst the first people. Like anywhere else she was popular at the Academy amongst the other cadets and with her officers, however when she met Chris, who really didn’t like her, she was amused by him, so she kept teasing him and trying to get a rise out of him whenever she could. Their constant conflicts revealed them to be promisingly drift compatible, which Daisy found even more amusing. During their test drift she found out Chris is actually a girl faking her identity at the Academy and in a moment of shock she accidentally outs her. What she didn’t expect was that in revenge Chris did some digging around and found out her parent’s donation to the PPDC, and as a result they’re both looking to get kicked out from the PPDC. Daisy was outraged by her parents going behind her back, everything she thought she achieved by herself for once had been a lie. Almost everything. They both get an offer from the PPDC, they’re dismissed from the normal Jaeger Program, but they could become the first test pilots of the Jaegerling Project. Daisy accepts the offer, more than eager to prove herself. Little does she know Chris also joined the Project until they’re forced to work side by side.
2016:  After „graduating” Daisy gets assigned to the Jaegerling Criminality. For the following year she cleans up and helps rebuild destroyed cities.
2017: Until one day there’s a Kaiju attack that couldn’t have been intercepted by a Jaeger in time. Chris was stationed in a nearby Shatterdome with her Jaegerling, while Daisy was working out in the city helping to re-build with Criminality and they decided to risk their lives holding back the Kaiju now called Ryujin until the Jaeger arrives. Both Criminality and PaciFist were very badly damaged in the battle but the Jaeger arrived in time saving Daisy and Chris’s lives as well. The Kaiju’s body was never recovered but they assumed it died. Both Daisy and Chris gets an unspecificed time recovery leave, their Jaegerlings dismantled, waiting for further orders.
2018 : They’re summoned by Marshal Stacker Pentecost. He offers them a brand new Jaeger to co-pilot, built from the remaining parts of both PaciFist and Criminality, called Pacific-R.I.M. Daisy, excatic at the chance to become official PPDC Rangers accepts, and convinces Chris to accept too. After long hard work they becom an unstoppable team, their drift compatibility one of the best. As they grew closer Daisy started to develop feelings for Chris. At first she was in mild gay panic but she quickly came around to embrace her feelings and started to playfully flirt with the other girl. Soon they began dating.
They piloted Pacific-R.I.M. together for 3 years.
2021: They did a couple of double drops with Striker Eureka, who they proved to be a good team with. One day while they were stationed at the same Shatterdome, Ryujin re-emerged. Pacific-R.I.M. got deployed first and almost killed the Kaiju, but the tide turned on them and Pacific-RI.M. got badly damaged. Daisy ejected the hurt Chris out of an escape pod and stayed to hold back Ryujin herself. Striker Eureka joined the battle soon and finished off Ryujin but Pacific-R.I.M. was beyond saving this time. They recovered Daisy, barely alive and in critical condition. She lost her left leg from the knee down and her nervous system suffered heavy damage too. She was in coma for 2 years.
2023: She woke u pin to find Chris had left the PPDC, and her, and she was told she could probably never drive a car again, let alone pilot a Jaeger. Her nervous system damage requires constant medication. She felt beyond despaired and betrayed and refused to leave her bed her weeks. Her parents visited her a couple of times but their pity „I told you so” attitude only made her angry. Her old fire of proving them wrong came back and decided to prove them wrong once again. She threw herself into K-Science, mostly to find a way to fix her nervous system, but also to understand Kaijus better. Soon enough she was trading messeges with Newton Geiszler and occasionally working together with him.
2025: She moved to the Hong Kong shatterdome with the other scientists where she was re-united with Chris. She was still bitter Chris just left her like that, but she understood, and deep down still held her old love for her. However seeing her with Chuck Hansen (she found the fact that she was dating Chuck of all people super amusing) now she decided to just stay friendly, there was no need making things more miserable before the end of the world. Chris did apologise to her and they had a long talk about their old and current relationship. After Chuck sacrificed himself in Operation Pitfall, she stayed by Chris’s side, supporting eachother as they grew close again. After Chris gave birth they got back together and raised the kid together.
Personality: Daisy has a strong reasonable and charismatic personality and a logical mind. She easily gets along with nearly everyone and understands others’ motives even if she doesn’t like them or agrees with them. She’s stubborn and tougher than most people would give her credit for. Because her parents always gave her everything she ever needed she has a strong urge to prove herself, to prove she really does worth as much as she thinks she does. She also has a sassy and kinda charming humor, that tends to annoy more serious minded people. Because despite her reasonable leader-like personality she is actually an easy going almost trouble making person. Actually she is a trouble maker. Rules were never her forte as she never really had to hear „no” in her life that often, this is both her greatest weakness and greatest advantage. She always keeps pushing on if she’s told no. This could either lead to a scientific discovery, or a harsh dressing down by her superiors. But most of all, behind all this, she’s a really kind and forgiving person, but she doesn’t give her care just to anyone.
Well that turned out to be long...
Art by @mexcraziness
Chris and Daisy belong to @mexcraziness
Pacific Rim belongs to  Guillermo del Toro
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