#but please be carefully with your airpod volume
eustassslut · 2 years
eustassslut, i want you to know that my ears currently hurt due to my airpods being too loud. goodnight.
anon, thank you for the life update i am glad to know this. good day.
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teebarnes · 3 years
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You're More Than A Women To Me | Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
| Song: More Than A Women To Me By The Bee Gees
| Word Count: 910
| Summary: When the Avengers have the day off they can do what ever they please, and for you jamming to music is your thing no matter if you have the day off or not.
| Warning(s): Fluff, cheesy dancing, singing, if it was a musical... this would be it lol.
A/N: I absolutely loved writing this, it has been an idea I've wanted to write for a while now. I love this song so much that I wanted to incorporate it somehow. Probably will do a song series maybe?!?!
All likes, comments and reblogs are super duper appreciated :)
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It was the first time the Avengers had a day off in quite a while. You'd suppose this was unusual as usually the team were out avenging. But today was not one of those days; it felt like Christmas had come for the team. They were all free to do their own things today without interruption.
So here you were, coming out of the elevator, AirPods in your ears, playing 'More Than A Women' by the Bee Gees on total volume. You were in your own little world, "Here in your arms, I found my paradise", the air strumming of your guitar strutting down the hall of the main floor, "My only chance for happiness". This was definitely not uncommon for you or the Avengers to see, it was your thing, and you did it very well. "And if I lose you now, I think I would die", you hummed, swaying your hips side to side.
"Oh, say you'll always be my baby; we can make it shine", Disco dancing down the halls with your eyes closed was most definitely your thing. You moved your body left to right, "We can take forever, just a minute at a time", knowing where everything was in the compound; you have free reign to dance suavely down the corridors.
The slight motion of drumming, "Budum tissss, more than a woman", pointing your disco fingers left to right, twirling yourself around, you sang your heart out "more than a woman to meeee" you hum "More than a-", you walked straight into something.
Opening your eyes quickly, you peered up to see Bucky standing before you with a massive smile on his face. "I was starting to wonder where you had gone off to", you chuckled to yourself. You took an AirPod out of your ear, looking at him again "sorry, Buck," you beamed at him. He shook his head laughing, lightly under his breath. He loved when you were in your own world. Snaking an arm around your waist, he pulled you into a kiss which you gladly returned.
Splitting apart from the kiss you passionately shared, he took one look into your eyes, "You're definitely more than a woman to me, doll" he smiled cheekily at you. "Am I now?" You winked, embracing him in a big hug. You took his large frame and started dancing a bit with him on the spot.
"Wanna listen?" You asked him, giving the other side of your AirPod, tucking it into his ear. You played the song all over again for the both of you to enjoy. He took your hands into his and started dancing around with you as the music played.
Coming down the main living halls was Bucky and Y/n in their own little world, dancing hand in hand, enjoying this little moment that they were living in. The rest of the Avengers were in the living room, either watching something on their phones or chatting up a storm.
The shuffling and chuckling of both Bucky and you were heard by the team. Tony slowly but carefully leaned off the couch, attempting to look out into the corridor, "Hey Friday, what is going on out there?" it took a few seconds for Friday to respond, "Miss Y/n and Mr Barnes are dancing, sir."
Steve leaned against the kitchen door frame, watching you two while the other Avengers were quick on their feet, making their way to the hallway double doors. This was something non of them wanted to miss, especially since they had never seen Bucky dance before. Popping their heads out into the hall, the entire team watching as you both have bright smiles on your faces.
You were everyone's favourite, the one who always brightened a dull day. Steve stood there watching both of you; he knew that you and his best friend were meant to be together from day one, and this moment just proved his thoughts.
Bucky, that sucker was too scared to ask you out, so Steve took the matter into his own hands to tell you that Bucky liked you, thankful that you said you too liked him, and from then on there, you knew what to. You asked him out and both you and Bucky hadn’t separated since.
"And if I lose your love, I know I would die", you sang, swaying with Bucky, "Oh, say you'll always be my baby, we can make it shine" Bucky followed on from you, your head on his chest and his cheek resting upon the top of your head.
We can take forever, just a minute at a time.
"More than a woman", Bucky sang wholeheartedly, "You're more than a woman to me", he spoke lovingly to you.
The blush rising on your cheeks, hugging his torso you leaned on him for support, swaying side to side you both sang "More than a woman" you sang before the team came in with the back up "ooh, my baby", the pair of you looked down the hall to see the team smiling at both of you.
You pointed at all of them about to sing the next part when Friday started playing it through the compound speakers.
"More than a woman to meeee", you all sang.
The rest of the team danced in the hallway with you and Bucky. This was the moment, this was your family, and this is what you loved about being an Avenger. Despite you, all living serious lives there proved always to be time for fun.
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Mistakes are my own, please do not repost, copy or translate my fics; all writing is my own.
Feel free to message me if you would like to be removed from my taglist <33
Tagging: @buckyswintersoldiermask @lharrietg @buckyfan12 @afraid-to-be-me @livstilinski @morganwilliams @natyvwe @hiddlespiddles-blog @iwannabekilledtwice @leyannrae @honeybuckybarnes @bbl32 @in-my-body-bag @capsiclecevanss @instabull
Future Fics Taglist: @fairityretro @natyvwe @avengerbitch @elizabeth228 @aprilpari
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ihearthes · 4 years
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Farmers’ Market
Author: @ihearthes Pairing: Harry x y/n Rating: Fluff Word Count: 2.8k
Summer Feeling Challenge sponsored by @helladirections
Vibrant yellows, pinks, greens, and red catch my eye as I take in the variety of fruits and veg in front of me. Wow. How is it possible to have this much beautiful fresh produce in one spot? Placing the essential ingredients for my favorite salad in a basket, I approach the counter. Having ridden a bicycle to the market, I’m fairly confident it will all fit in my knapsack for the return to my flat. 
Hearing his voice causes my entire body to freeze. Well, not completely because my heart is like a wild animal trying to break free from captivity. Regular beats, steady, but louder than my friend Steph had been at his concert in Philly. 
“Hi, I’m looking for some kale, and you don’t seem to have any,” His voice is as deep as the grooves in one of the gravel roads back home in Springfield, and the shiver that travels up my spine is a violent and silent storm. 
Shit. Had I taken the last of the kale? Maybe I can surreptitiously put it back so he doesn’t notice? Wait just a doggone minute! Why the fuck should I give up my kale? Just because he’s my favorite musician in the whole world and he’s somehow standing at the very same green-grocer’s as I am? That makes zero sense. 
A statue, I debate my options. 
Buy my produce and leave before he notices me. But then he might realize that I’ve taken the last of the kale. 
Put the kale back and choose spinach instead? My strawberry salad will taste lovely with spinach. But it truly is best with kale. 
Wait until he leaves and hope he doesn’t spy the kale in my basket? Suddenly, I’ve got the urge to pee. What if he’s here for a long time? 
Put on my sexy voice and offer to share my kale salad with him? This option causes me to smirk while my tummy resembles a popcorn popper with kernels scattering in every direction. Stepping to the counter, I quickly throw my items at the woman while he’s engaged in conversation with a different clerk. 
“That’ll be £14.35,” the woman says, and I withdraw a £20 note, quickly passing it to her, holding my breath that I can escape before he approaches. Not daring to look backwards, I squeeze my change in my fist as I rush to fit in with the crowd strolling the Parliament Hill Farmers’ Market. It’s not until I’m at the end of the stalls and near my chained bicycle that I slow down, breathe, and risk a glance behind me. 
“What did you think? He was going to chase you down and tackle you for the kale?” Steph screams at me through the phone. Naturally she had been my first call as soon as I arrived back at the flat my company had rented for the duration of this London business trip. 
“I didn’t know, Steph! It’s like sixty degrees out there, and I’m sweating like I’ve just run a marathon in ninety-degree heat.” Removing the items from my knapsack, I wash them, laying them out to dry on a towel. Using my fingers, I pull my shirt away from my chest and shake it to allow air to flow better. 
“You’re the only person I know who can meet Harry fucking Styles on her first trip to the farmers’ market! And you’re deffo the only one who would turn and run away! How did he look? What was he wearing?” Her words are BB pellets like my brothers used to shoot at cans back home. 
My words are quiet and stutter as they emerge like a new butterfly from a cocoon. “I didn’t look.”
“WAIT JUST ONE GODDAMNED MINUTE! What do you mean? How could you not look?” Her volume has increased to the level that I might need to remove my Airpods so as to not damage my ears. Then her voice lowers. “What if it wasn’t him?”
Shit. I hadn’t considered that. “No. It was definitely him. Come on. How many times have I listened to his voice?”
“Maybe it was just the British accent.”
“Steph, I’m in London. Everyone has a British accent. I’m telling you. It was him.”
My best friend sighs. “Okay. I believe you. The fact that he was right there, though, and you didn’t say or do anything…” 
“I got the hell out of there. What do you mean I didn’t do anything?”
“Maybe you’ll see him next week. Will you talk to him?”
A soft smile crosses my lips. “Nope. Come on, Steph. You and I have always had a pact that we wouldn’t bother him if we saw him in the wild, and I’m sticking with that.”
“My boss and his wife are coming by tonight, so I want to put together a fruit and cheese plate.” I tell the vendor at Bath Soft Cheese. “Can you give me some suggestions?”
“Oh. I can!” A voice next to me says, and I’m a rigid piece of lumber. What are the fucking odds? Shit. 
“Thanks, Harry,” the gentleman at the table says. “I’m going to help this couple.” With that, I’m left alone. 
Carefully, I swivel my neck to make sure I’ve not lost my mind -- or the plot as my colleagues might say. But no. It’s him. Definitely him. 
I drink him in. Wearing a hoodie with his own name over the heart and a pair of shorts that are more for walking than jogging, Harry (fucking Styles!) points towards one of the cheeses sitting on the bed of ice. 
“This one is a vegetarian cheese, and it’s my sister’s favorite. Best paired with thin apple slices because they make the cheese with apple cider. So delicious.” He glances at me, and I feel faint from the deep green of his eyes. Fuck. Up close and in person, they’re brilliant. They shine (Shine! Step into the light! Shine! So bright sometimes!), and I have to blink so that I can nod. 
“Awesome. Thanks,” I move to take the cheese. 
“Oh, but this one,” he points to the next one over, “is their Bath Soft, and it’s best served with grapes.” Harry Styles, explaining cheeses like he’s an expert cheesemonger, makes me smile. “Personally, I wouldn’t serve a blue cheese to guests unless you know they like it. So many people take offense to blue cheese.”
“Right? I love blue cheese. Especially in a salad. It’s got that bite to it,” I blurt out, and then clamp my mouth shut as I realize I’ve started to relax in his presence. Which is downright stupid as I might inadvertantly disclose something incriminating. Like how many of his concerts I’ve witnessed live.
“Yes! I’ve got this great kale salad recipe with blue cheese and walnuts!” His excitement is the same as that of a puppy spotting a treat; tail practically wagging the whole backside. 
From deep in my belly I feel the giggle build up, and I fasten both hands solidly over my mouth in a pathetic (and useless) attempt to contain it. 
His joy is contagious, though, and I can’t help myself. “Does it have a balsamic vinegarette? Because I have one that’s so good I can eat it every night for a week. Oh. Never mind. That’s the recipe I have with candied pecans. Not walnuts.”
Holy shit. I’m actually standing in a farmers’ market in London discussing recipes with Harry Styles. Perhaps I’m going to pass out? Or maybe I’m hallucinating? Or dreaming? 
“Candied pecans? Sounds yummy. There’s my friend. Gotta go! You can’t go wrong with those two cheeses I mentioned! And maybe treat yourself to some blue cheese too. Just for you.” He winks with his right eye and flashes the dimple my way before he disappears.
My third week in London, and I climb onto my bicycle a full two hours before the usual time I had traveled to the farmers’ market the last two weeks. My license plate should read “Determined to Dodge” because it’s freaking me out a bit that I’ve seen Harry twice in the same place. And they say lightning doesn’t strike twice. Ha! I’m making sure it doesn’t strike thrice. 
“I’ll take the plain goat’s cheese,” I instruct the vendor, and after money is exchanged, she hands it to me and I move to place it directly into my backpack. After nearly a month, I’ve got the hang of this farmers’ market shopping, it seems, and I’m pleased to have arrived with a set shopping list for the first time. 
“Yum.” Harry’s voice comes over my shoulder, and I’m startled enough to nearly drop the damn cheese. HOW IS HE HERE? “What’s your plan for that?”
“Um,” I bite my lip. “Goat cheese, honey, and fruit crostini.” Feeling emboldened, my lips continue speaking as though this superstar and I are friends, “I’ve been debating the two beekeepers, but I don’t know which has the better honey.”
Today he’s wearing a pair of blue jeans that fit wide on his hips along with a peach button-down shirt and a newsboy cap. “Oh, then I think we should definitely go have a taste at each. My lady?” He holds out his crooked arm, ready for me to take it like we’re in a 1940’s movie. 
What’s even crazier is that I follow his lead and add, “Lead the way, sir.” It’s ridiculously silly. And so much fun. His playful side makes me feel charmed, less like a fan and more like an acquaintance. At the first beekeeper, we each taste the regular blossom honey. 
“Oh, that’s fantastic,” I whisper as I slide the wooden stick across my tongue. 
“Hey, you can’t give in yet. We’ve not tried the other one. We’ll be back,” he says over his shoulder to the vendor as he escorts me away. “Maybe,” he adds once we’re out of hearing, drawing a giggle from me. 
Holy shit. I’m relaxed around Harry Styles. What is happening to me? Boundaries! I need boundaries. 
“Oh, my!” I breathe as we arrive at the Local Honey Man’s booth. “There’s too many options.”
Knowingly, Harry nods. “Indeed there are. So maybe we need to back up. You’re doing plain goat cheese on what kind of crostini?”
“You mean what bread am I using? Oh, I was thinking either a thinly sliced sourdough or a baguette.”
“Mmmm...excellent choice. I can recommend some bread next. What fruit are you planning to use?”
His question makes me laugh involuntarily. The great performer and entertainer Harry Styles is asking me what fruit I want on my crostini? Why?
“Well, I’m thinking it’s that time of year for peaches or nectarines. Either of which would be amazing.” Placing a finger to my chin, I survey him. Fuck. He looks so wonderful. Fresh. Friendly. Not at all like a celebrity. Just a normal Joe -- or Harry -- that one might meet at a farmers’ market on a Saturday morning. As I observe him, I feel myself starting to shed some of the barriers between us. He’s just like me, I think. A food connoisseur. Someone who enjoys the local atmosphere. 
“Oh yes,” he pauses, smacking his lips. “I can taste that now. Okay, so with that combination, I would recommend either the lemon zest infused honey or the British Borage Honey. Personally, I think the cinnamon honey might overpower the flavor of the goat cheese.”
“You know what? I think you’re right. My goal is for all of the local flavors to come through, so perhaps going with a non-flavored honey is the best decision. Thanks, Harry.” And then I freeze again because I know I’ve let my tongue get away with a horrible slip by saying his name. Wanting to cry, I bite my lip and turn to the vendor. With tears in my throat, I ask, “I’ll take a jar of the British Borage please.” 
The merchant wraps it quickly, handing it over in exchange for my money, and I nervously twist towards Harry, expecting his glare over my rudeness. It’s almost like he’s oblivious. As I place the jar of honey in my bag, he grabs my hand. 
“Let’s check out breads!” 
Running behind him, I’m puzzled by what had just occurred. Shouldn’t he be upset? Freaking out? Wondering if I’m a stalker?
“Here’s my recommendation,” he says as we stop at a stall with a sign reading ‘The Flour Station’. They’ve got a wonderfully tangy sourdough baguette. If you slice it thin, then layer on the goat cheese, honey, and finally the peaches, it will be a perfect meal.”
When I request the baguette, the owner nods and wraps it for me. As he hands it over, I turn to Harry and extend my hand. “Thank you for your help, kind sir. I’m confident this will be the most amazing meal.”
Staring at my hand suspiciously, he ignores it. “Nearly lunchtime,” he announces. “Any chance you’ll join me for some Indian food?” With his head, Harry gestures towards the Mumbai Mix stand. 
As I consider the implications, my head starts to move from side to side. Never meet your idols. That’s what the voice in my head whispers. 
“Please?” His eyes take on a look that is as close to begging as I’ve ever seen in any human. “Look. I’ll be honest. These days I don’t meet many fans who would go out of their way to avoid me like you do. Most want to move into my house immediately. It would be nice to extend our time a bit. After all, it’s just a meal in the middle of a crowded London farmers’ market. How scary can it be?”
Blinking, I carefully think about my response, but instead the words that escape are “You knew I was a fan? For how long? And how did you know I was avoiding you?”
“Fair questions. Place your order, and we can talk about the answers over lunch.”
Now my curiosity has been peaked. At the vendor, Harry requests the Dosa Wrap while I order the samosas, and we step to the side while they’re being prepared. 
“That first time.”
“Last week you mean?”
“No, the first time. You remember. At the green-grocer’s.”
My face likely flames red. “You saw me? You noticed me? I didn’t even so much as look at you.”
His hearty laugh makes me tingle. “Noticed you? Of course. You’re gorgeous and golden and stunning. And your American accent grabbed my attention. Why did you run?”
The giggle starts at my toes and bursts forth like a bird flying from a cage. “Um...because I’d taken the last of the kale.”
Resting his hands on his knees, Harry chuckles loudly, drawing the attention of other patrons. As the restauranteur hands over our plates, Harry carries both to a nearby table. 
“And last time? You jumped a mile when I suggested helping you with the cheeses.”
Burying my face in my hands, I groan. “Harrrrrrrryyyyy. Before I came to London for work, I made a promise to my best friend that if I saw you in the wild, I’d leave you alone. So it was quite awkward that you were the one who approached me. And holy hell! How did you know I would be here today at this time? I came early so I could shop before you arrived!”
He picks up his wrap and takes a bite, chewing carefully. Taking guidance from him, I gingerly grasp a samosa and tear into the dough, immediately savoring the potatoes and spices inside. 
“Mmmmm,” I murmur, and my tongue flicks out to rescue a bit of flavor still on my lips. 
“‘In the wild’?” he inquires, and I’m confident the blush now covers my entire body. 
“You know. Like if I saw you at a show or a public event, it would be different. Then I could fangirl and ask for an autograph or a photo or whatever. But at the market, you’re not working. You’re just like everyone else -- shopping.” 
Knowingly, he nods. “I appreciate that. Truly. Not everyone respects my private time. So thank you. But the truth is…” There’s a pause, and I nervously nibble at the samosa in my hand, worried about what he will say next. “...once I noticed you, I couldn’t ignore you.” Clearing his throat, he smiles in a friendly manner. “How did your boss enjoy the cheese and fruit plate?”
“Wonderfully,” I respond, “But not as much as I enjoyed my kale salad with blue cheese, blueberries, strawberries, and candied pecans.” A smile tilts my lips upwards, possibly exposing my own dimple. 
“I’m sure,” he murmurs, “I’d love to taste it sometime. Care to make it for me?”
“Hmmm,” I playfully consider his request. “Are you confident you’d prefer that to goat cheese, honey, and fruit crostini on sourdough baguette? It’s all local.”
A/N:  Thanks for reading. Please consider a reblog if you enjoyed this. 
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lgcminho · 4 years
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hello, it’s been a real while since i’ve been in a krp so please excuse me for any mistakes you might see, i’ll depend on your guidance! this is levi with my coolcat of a son, minho. some useful links about him are: bio & profile! i’ve yet to brainstorm some plots for him but i will get to it eventually. in the mean time, keep reading for some trivia about him, and please click the heart button for me to hit up your ims to plot! thank you all for the wonderful welcoming messages, i’ll get to them in just a second :heart:.
born an only child to hardworking, wealthy parents (his dad is a ceo of a bank, mom originally an actress later heavily involved in her husband’s company)
quiet, reserved and might be seen as arrogant and rude but if looked at carefully, you’ll soon come to realize that he’s shy and playful, and a little bit of an idiot once his barriers are lowered enough
most likely wouldn’t speak unless spoken to, which can be quite a hassle if you think you can rely on him to break any awkward silences (later if asked, he’d question if the silence was “awkward” in the first place)
loves, loves music, and he’s always seen with airpods in his ears, despite the volume being lowered sometimes just incase anyone might want to talk to him. ask him for song recommendations, he’ll gladly oblige (maybe even make a whole playlist)
past child model, but he doesn’t do it anymore after he’s signed with legacy
entered a few piano competitions throughout his life, and he throughly enjoys the feeling of his fingers under the keyboard, filling the air with symphonies for everyone to enjoy and hum along
also loves poetry and has a whole notebook of his own unpublished words. even if he’d swear they’ll never see the light of day, he does feel a little accomplished every time he looks at it
skilled dancer even though he’s modest about it, there’s still the stir of his chest that follows any compliment thrown his way. maybe ask him for help and you’ll get to see his tinged cheeks and small smile peek through, he won’t let you down 
largely misunderstood, but he doesn’t really do anything about it. if life flows in one way, he’s not going out of his own to change the misconception to anyone that has already laid unwanted judgement on him 
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zukofenty · 5 years
day 25: mona lisa
➜ Summary: The one where Zuko and Katara make a pact to (fake) rush Asian Greek life because they were giving out free tacos.
“Whoever becomes an official sorority sister or frat brother wins!”
“Can the prize be health insurance?” Zuko doesn’t have the energy to muster his patented glare.
➜ Genre: Modern!AU, humor, FratBrother!Zuko, SororityGirl!Katara, scamming, dildo stealing 
➜ Words: 6.6k
➜ Warnings: they stay in an airbnb instead of a hotel bc who has the schmoney for a hotel room😩
AO3, @zutaramonth hi!!!
Zuko’s grabbing at Katara’s arm while she’s carefully sipping water (only water, she swears) out of a red solo cup. She’s in her “whore fit” (her words) with larger than life fake eyelashes that could propel her into the sky a la Icarus if she blinked a little too quickly. She was in the middle of readjusting her crop top for the umpteenth time that night, because of course she forgets her strapless bra chicken cutlet contraption at home, so of course she does the most reasonable thing and takes a regular bra and just tucks the straps in. Because as much as she is a proponent of #freethenipple, her nipples could probably slice open a radiator with how fucking cold Ba Sing Se was. 
 “Please take this shot for me,” Zuko reasons with her, trying to make it seem as though he was handing off a shot to a clueless lightweight sorority rushee he was hoping to nail later in the night. For reputation’s sake, Zuko could not afford to fuck up tonight. He was in too deep. “Please, my Pepsin hasn’t kicked in yet. Asian glow is not the look we’re going for tonight.”
 “I hate you.” Katara munches on her (free) taco, and effortlessly throws back the shot: no chase. Zuko looks back and sees active members of Pi Alpha Psi giving him a thumbs up, hooting, hollering, being dumb. One salaciously thrusts his hips to the beat of “Big Bank,” pathetically hoping he could emulate YG in support of Zuko supposedly getting some Deltas pussy. 
 Asian Greek life was fucking stupid. 
 Tonight was the night of the Deltas Sorority and Pi Alpha Psi Fraternity rush party, the most important party so far during rush week. Because Greek life was entirely stupid , of course they had to hold the fucking party on a Tuesday night, when Zuko had an econ pratice set to get done by midnight, and Katara needed to get to Ochem at 8am the next morning. It was their fault, really. A punishment from God herself (Rihanna) for trying to scam the Greek system. 
 It all started because Zuko and Katara had no fucking friends. 
 Besides each other, but that was also up for debate most days. Especially the days when Zuko would remind Katara whenever her foundation didn’t blend down her neck. He always thought he was being helpful. Katara’s long given up the urge to slit his throat. 
 After high school, when you still believed you were going to do something with your life and be important and make a difference and didn’t know about income tax, they had kept the dream of Ba Sing Se University alive while they attended community college. Uncle Iroh and Hakoda weren’t exactly rolling in tuition money, and financial aid was a stingy bitch. While Zuko had considered reaching out to his estranged father, the owner of a multi billion dollar pyramid scheme, he suddenly remembers the time his dad tried to burn his face off after a particularly heated episode of Maury , and then books another therapy appointment. 
 It was the top university in the nation, promising a gateway to accounting jobs and selling your soul to work for immoral tech companies to pay off your student loans in a timely manner. They had prayed for the day they could call the school home. The day they could leave their small town and finally make it in life. Katara and Zuko were inseparable growing up, even if at the surface they bumped heads. They were at each other’s throats whenever the going got tough, slinging petty insults at each other. 
 “I told you this was a bad idea. They don’t have fucking non-dairy options. Wait until my anus starts beatboxing in the bathroom in 20 minutes. Then you will see,” Zuko grumbled. Katara was always doing this, dragging their group of friends to “fun” places whenever Yelp sends her a notification a new restaurant opened up in their shithole of a town. It’s always some boba shop that was secretly a front for a Scientology cult’s money laundering scheme. 
 But Katara’s the only one who is able to scare Zuko (dairy induced) shitless. She’s always able to send him a glare that screams don’t you dare fuck with me, I know you masturbate to Hatsune Miku moan compilations. And he instantly starts sweating .
 At the same time, she was the only one to truly get him. Even if their friends were perfectly content to stay in their town, doing the same things, being the same people, Katara and Zuko always knew there was so much more out there. So much more to the world than what they had grown up in. So they kept the dream alive. Even if their friends had rightfully doubted them. No one made it out of their town. You find a partner from the same people you grew up with, have kids you grow to hate, hide your husband’s infidelity, and either choose from two options. Grow old with him and resent him and then have a kid to try to save the marriage. Or, go Gone Girl on his ass. 
 “Women really need to go back to poisoning their men. Like the good old days,” Katara’s eyes were narrowed into slits as she focused on taking clandestine photos of Mrs. Kim’s cheating, rat-faced husband. For a few months, she was under the tutelage of the town’s private investigator, June. It paid well, and she felt she was contributing to the feminist movement at the same time. 
 “Uh-huh, right,” Zuko eyed her warily. Dubbed lovingly “Katara’s Uber Driver,” he also got paid by June to drive the Nyla Mobile around during their late night ops. 
 He couldn’t wait to leave this shit fuck of a town. 
 While their friends and family were tearfully embracing them on their final days at home, a patented group hug forced upon them, they shared a secret smile. Their dream was coming true. They were going to a school in the city with minimized debt. Plus, though neither of them would ever admit it, they also had each other to rely on.
 “What the fuck do you need? I swear to Rihanna, you only text me when I’m trying to masturbate. Please, make other friends,” Katara nearly screams into the phone. Her roommate, Suki, groans at the volume coming from Katara’s side of the room, but doesn’t get up. Her stomach is still sensitive from the Blue Razz Four Loko she downed at some frat house Katara had to drag her back from. 
 Zuko had the decency to sound sheepish. “What are you doing tomorrow?” 
 “I hope you understand, I am too tense right now to pretend I like you. Go. Make. Friends.” 
 Because Zuko is a fucking child , he starts groaning and Katara could hear him petulantly slamming his Amazon memory foam mattress with his fist. He’ll get angry that the mattress is preventing any real satisfaction from hitting it, and then hit it a few (approximately 3) more times. She hears the pounds, and smirks. She doesn’t know whether or not to feel disturbed that she knows him so well. 
 “I miss you,” he whines.  
 “I don’t.” 
 Zuko gasps dramatically. “How could you say that? Sandbox love never dies!” He wants to yell into the darkness of his room when she hangs up on him. It was valid, of course. But that doesn’t mean his feelings can’t hurt. He’s always sensitive during the Mercury Retrograde. 
 Being a transfer student is hard, as much as he hates to admit it. There’s only two years to pad your resume and make lifelong friends and learn how much cocaine is too much cocaine for your body. College was hard. While Katara’s roommate was able to introduce her to people and Katara made a group of friends almost instantly, Zuko wasn’t nearly as pleasant to be around. It wasn’t his fault he was nervous . When he’s nervous he looks more mean than usual, and his roommate, Jet, was wary around him since the day he moved in. He couldn’t even be mad when he spotted Jet hiding his box cutter’s accessibility. 
 “Katara!” Zuko rolls his eyes at her lack of response. “Katara!” He repeats. “I know you’re just listening to “Like a G6” on a 10 hour loop. Don’t pretend to look so concentrated.” 
 She glares at him. “Let me have this one thing to myself.” She still begrudgingly takes out her airpods.
 Katara wants to throttle his long ass neck. “Zuko, be honest with me.” 
 “Ok, yes! When you put your hair in a ponytail you look like a cage free egg.” Zuko stares at her in confusion when she starts playing with her hair. “What are you doing?” 
 “I’m trying to hand over my wig. You fucking scalped me, and I had nothing to say back. Just take it. You deserve it.” He smacks her hands from messing with her hair. Other patrons in the cafe near campus glanced over in amusement, as Katara pokes him in the neck and he yelps. 
 While he rubs at his neck to lessen the sting from Katara’s acrylics, she worries at her lip. “Be honest. Do you think Suki hates me?” 
 Katara slams a hand on the table, causing his croissant to quake in fear. “You’re supposed to be comforting and trying to console me! Do it over, say no.” 
 “Zuko, do you know how close I am to biting your nipple right off?” 
 He rolls his eyes. Katara specialized in empty threats (most of the time). “Don’t get mad at me just because Suki refuses to talk to you.” He relishes in her frustration. “Again, whose fault is it that Suki has to go to court for reckless driving?”
 “She was the one at the wheel!” Katara throws her hands to the air, before petulantly slapping them into her thighs, for emphasis of her point.
 Zuko pinches his nose bridge. “Well, you were the one who convinced her that she shit herself!” 
 Katara takes a neat, clean sip from her iced coffee before calmly responding. “She was the one doing 88 in a 65 trying to get to the bathroom. How was I supposed to know she did anal the day before and it was just cum!” 
 Zuko smacks his forehead in frustration after seeing identical blushes on the sea of patrons, now very much intune with the turn of the conversation. “You really don’t know how to act in public, do you? Like you think all the shit coming out of your mouth is important enough for it to just be said. You couldn’t have let that be a passing thought? Or learn how to fucking whisper?” 
 Katara sighs, closing her eyes and folding her hands over each other, because she’s dramatic. “All I had today for lunch was lip gloss. Let me be.” 
 “Again, if you, I don’t know, learned how to apologize to someone and admit you’re wrong then maybe Suki wouldn’t have hidden all your stress snacks. And, I don’t know. Maybe if you knew how to say ‘sorry’ she wouldn’t hate your fucking guts.” Katara simply turns her head into the air at Zuko’s words, refusing to acknowledge them. He’s itching to take a hit of his Phix with how on edge he was, and then remembers Katara had sold it on the school Facebook sell and exchange page as revenge. Apparently, Katara snaps if you send her one too many Tom Holland and Nicki Minaj fanfiction stories. Not that he’s speaking from personal experience. “You know what, you’re almost as stubborn as Wendy Williams when she refuses to pronounce Dua Lipa’s name correctly.” 
 She petulantly swivels her gaze to Zuko, nose still pointed to the sky. “Dula Peep is iconic for that reason.” She breathes out, letting her body go lax. “Please, shut the fuck up. I’m sad. Why would she leave me alone in the middle of the Mercury Retrograde like this? I didn’t think she hated me that much.” She drops her defensive stance, and rolls her shoulders, eyes focused only on the table. “I thought, what we had. It was real friendship you know? I made a joint for her using the orientation leader recruitment flyers because we were out of rolling papers. That’s true love. That’s sisterhood.” 
 “Please, I can’t poop right now! I can’t poop when I’m scared. I’m poop shy!” 
 Zuko audibly groaned. “Then why the fuck would you take a shit at my apartment? Yours is literally a 4 minute walk away, according to motherfucking Google Maps. 5 minutes if you use Apple Maps.” 
 “I don’t know, ok! I saw the baby wipes and I just kinda went with the flow, sue me!” Damnit, she knew she tasted real milk in her strawberry banana smoothie. God, the price of being ethnic in this dairy filled world. 
 “I called you over here to explain the plan! So I don’t bother you mid masturbation! And you just had to take a dump, didn’t you? On the plan, and my fucking toilet, too!” 
 She was weary after her back to back classes from 9-5 when Zuko excitedly called her up to come to his place. As much of a bitch baby Zuko could be, Katara tries to visit his place as much as she can. His apartment was just upgraded, meaning he had a state of the art microwave. One that doesn’t third degree burn her ham and cheese Hot Pockets, but rather cooks them perfectly to the tune of the package instructions, and makes them all fluffy and culinary excellence. Plus, he lives further from the heroin infested park she lived right next to, meaning his building smelt like a Clinique cosmetics counter (or: old lady) rather than pure urine like hers. And he didn’t have to run home in fear of being chased. 
 Besides, he’s all she’s got right now. He explained his plan as the roof of her mouth is assaulted by the gooey cheese of the Hot Pocket. Zuko eagerly handed over the flyers that were shoved into his hands as he was walking to campus. 
 “Do you see the funds these bitches got? We have to go! We need to become part of Asian Greek life!” 
 Although Katara did enjoy seeing the copious amount of free food potential, she was skeptical. “This is all free?” 
 “Yes, oh my god! Read the damn flyer! They’re living it up while we try to fit spinach in our budget to buy White Claw. Free alc, and free tacos! C’mon, we don’t even have to get into the sorority or frat. Just go through the rush process, and try to get as much free food as possible.” Zuko sits on his bed beside her, and even shakes her by the shoulders for emphasis. She swats his hands away while he chuckles.
 Katara side eyes him. “Aren’t you already behind on your lectures? I don’t know, do we really want to waste time doing this?”
 Zuko sends her a sheepish smile, but grabs her hand. For reassurance purposes, of course. “It’s just one week. Let’s just let loose. Maybe we could walk away from this with a few friends. So I don’t bother you mid beating your meat.” Katara can’t help but laugh. 
 On the first night, she was nervous. Zuko was clearly his indifferent self, but deep down she knew he was scared, too. Katara and Zuko weren’t exactly Greek life material . 
 “They thought you were hot, that’s why they flyered you!” Katara yelps while digging through his closet. Zuko ignores the blush growing on his face. “Let’s find a fit that emphasizes that bad boy aesthetic.” 
Katara never did anything half assed. That’s why if they were going to play hot, ignorant Asian Greek lifers, they were going to be the goddamn best. Academy Award nominated and then played by Scarlett Johansson in a biopic type of acting. 
 “What’s wrong with what I usually wear? Is the leather jacket not, quote unquote, bad boy enough?” Zuko runs his hands through his shaggy hair, which Katara had encouraged him to not style. She’d never admit it, but maybe her sexual awakening coincided with Zuko growing his hair out. Maybe. 
 “Yeah, yeah. Maybe to Tumblr , but not for fuckboys.” She groans because of course Zuko has good fashion taste. Maybe him being hot helps with how clothes looked, but they all screamed fashion and not basic fuckboy . Which was the vibe of the night. “God, do you have the entire Forever 21 Black t shirt aisle in here?” 
 Before he could retort, Zuko’s interrupted by Jet coming into their room to grab his dumb Hydroflask. It’s dumb because it’s so goddamn big, for no good reason. 
 “Hey, Katara,” Jet is smirking. Ew . 
 Zuko feels jealousy, the type that makes your body grow all hot and makes you want to punch a mattress and Jet’s pleasantly symmetrical face. God, why is he so fucking pretty? He reminds himself that Katara was entirely off limits , and schools his face. He gets these types of pangs of envy once in a while, usually during the Mercury Retrograde. Ever since they were kids, he knew Katara was going to be in his life forever. He wasn’t about to fuck that up. Not with emotions or anything. 
 “Hey, Jet!” Katara chirps. She couldn’t help it, her pussy is weak for pretty men. She knew that look on his face. The eyes that roamed her body clad in the tight top and jeans that made sure her ass looked like she paid for it. Thank you, Fashionnova. 
 He gives her a hot guy half hug, and she’s melting. Calm down, girl Katara warns her pussy. “See you around. Zuko, I’m going to Target, do you need anything?”
 Zuko frowns at the sight of a fangirling Katara. “Nope.” Jet nods, and even offers up a smile. He hates that he smiles back. 
 Katara swoons. She flops on Zuko’s bed, eyes all dreamy and starry. “That’s the vibe you need to give off!” 
 “What, that I have HPV?” 
 “Exactly! See, that’s the type of fuckboy you need to be. You can have the same pussy clenching effect with the right, basic clothes. You’re hot, and you have a badass scar. You just need a striped Guess shirt and white Nike Air Force 1s to complete the getup.” 
 So, Zuko digs through his closet from his hypebeast phase to find a pair of white sneakers (“Reeboks aren’t basic enough!” Katara protests) and borrows the Guess shirt from Katara, and they were ready to scam.
 Fuck. The damn tacos. And then it was all you can eat Korean food. Then it was free avant garde ice cream at that one place that cost you an ovary to even sample the vanilla bean flavor. 
 The first night of rushing, all you can eat Korean food, and they were already putting on the pounds. 
 “ Holy fucking cheese dick! I think I gained the weight of a Kardashian ass filler in just today alone! I can’t breathe. Zuko, hold up.” She puts her hand out, halting their walk back to her place. “I need to unbutton my pants.” She had one too many plates of kimchi spam fried rice.
 Zuko burps graciously. Goddamn kimbap. He swallowed that shit whole, choking a few times throughout the night. “Me fucking too! Oh my god, I can’t breathe.” 
 “In through your nose. Out with your dairy shits.” 
 As soon as they got back to her apartment, they immediately reached for Lactaid, and then went over the events of the night. 
 “What do you think of Ty Lee? All the guys were drooling over her,” Zuko asks. Katara ditched her elaborate makeup, scrubbing her face clean and was in one of Zuko’s t shirts he’s long given up trying to get back from her. She’s twirling an expensive mechanical pencil between her fingers, the kind that has super precise lead and matches her pencil case and laptop. For the aesthetic. 
 “She’s the type of bitch to eat salt and vinegar chips at 9 in the morning.” 
 “What’s the difference between girls who eat salt and vinegar chips in the morning, and girls who eat Hot Cheetos in the morning?” Zuko’s scratching at his head, brain still foggy from all the Doritos he’s practically inhaled. He’s topless, and has one of the many sweats he leaves behind at Katara’s because their sleepovers were some of his favorite memories growing up. Even if they have to squeeze Zuko’s six foot tall ass in twin beds now. 
 “One has class. The other needs therapy.” 
 He squints from his spot at her desk, typing interrupted to push up his round glasses. “I see.” 
 “I saw you really hit it off with Mai,” Katara made sure to keep her voice even. “She was really into you.” 
 Zuko whips his head around to her. “Really?” He yelps. “Stay out of my business!” Katara throws her hands up in mock surrender. “...Did she say anything about me?” 
 “She said she was so tired of medium ugly frat brothers and that you showing up sent her cooch into anaphylactic shock,” Katara deadpans.
 “Really!” Zuko’s eyebrows shoot up to his hairline. 
 “No, she just said you were handsome. And then I told her ‘don't call him handsome unless he's about to hand some money over,’ and then she laughed and then thirst followed you on Instagram.” 
 Zuko scrambles to check his phone. “Oh my god, she’s so cute,” he whispers, eyes enraptured by her Instagram feed. Katara rolls her eyes when he jumps into her bed, knocking her work aside to shove his greasy iPhone 6s in her face. 
 Katara slaps it right out of his hand. “Ugh, not the 6s.” 
 Zuko practically melts. “You said she thinks I’m hot, right?” Katara pokes at a man tit before curling up at his side. 
 “You’re annoying.” 
 Zuko grabs Katara's hand, playing with the tiny fingers. “I’m adorable.” 
 She snorts. “You know, we should make a pact. If we’re getting this invested into the whole process. Whoever becomes an official sorority sister or frat brother wins!”  
 “Can the prize be health insurance?” Zuko doesn’t have the energy to muster his patented glare with Katara cozied up next to him. 
 The second night, ice cream night, and Katara was slipping. 
 “What do you usually look for in a guy?” 
 “I usually just look away,” Katara admits, shrugging. She doesn’t forget to plaster a well practiced, non threatening smile on her face. 
 “Preferred places for guys to cum?” Another sorority girl asks. Other rushees are nodding enthusiastically, carefully preparing their answers. 
 “To his senses,” Katara huffs. 
 “I usually like a backshot!” Ty Lee says enthusiastically, despite the other sisters eyeing Katara warily. Ty Lee insisted that Katara would be a good fit for the sorority. She looked like the only one on her side.
 While the girls were excitedly dancing along to the music playing in the shop, Katara’s eye twitches. It was the feminist in her. “If you still like Chris Brown, you’re ugly,” Katara is adamant, not relenting despite the incredulous, wide eye stares from the gaggle of sorority girls. 
 “Well, I guess I’m ugly then!” Mai yelps, hands crossed over her chest defiantly. 
 Katara smiles carefully. “You sure are, bitch!” 
 Fuck Katara was messing this up. She needed to make sure that they were convinced Katara was sorority girl material to move onto the next level of the secret invite only event. Fuck, fuck, fuck . 
 She wasn’t about to let Zuko win at anything!
 Mai squints at her. “Are you a clit being handled by a frat brother? Because you’re really rubbing me the wrong way.”
 Ty Lee gasps. “Please excuse her, Indica makes her grumpy.” 
 Katara glares. “None taken.” 
 She likes Ty Lee, that much she’s gathered. And, it seems as though Ty Lee had grown to like her back, making sure Katara gets enough ice cream throughout the night, even turning her head when Katara pulls out a Tupperware from her backpack to bring back the dessert to her apartment. 
 That was until Ty Lee remembered she had a flask hidden up her skirt, a necessity post fuckboy cheats on you .  “I-I just called to say I don’t miss you! And that your dick smells like a stapler that has been microwaved for 25 seconds. Like, you can block me all you want. But you can’t uneat this ass. Sorry, I don’t make the rules!” Katara does damage control, and dutifully snatches the phone from her hands.
 Crossing her arms like a mother disciplining her child, she levels Ty Lee with a concerned look. “What the actual fuck do you think you’re doing?” 
 Ty Lee gets up and stumbles on her way to hug Katara. “I can’t leave him! I love him so, so much. He’s my fucking ride or die, the Quavo to my Saweetie! The pitchy singing to my Selena Gomez! The Marlene to my Rosa! The badly glued fake eyelashes to my Asian sorority girl,” Ty Lee is crying and loud and her anime like tits are bouncing with every sob that comes. 
 Katara takes the flask of peach vodka from her trembling hands, and shakes the girl. “Look, bitch. You’re better than this.” 
 “No, I’m really not!” 
 Katara pokes the girl in the forehead. “Yes, bitch you definitely are. You’re a bad bitch that got adicktated. But that’s ok.” She tilts the red faced girl’s head back, making sure the cup of water goes down her throat. “So what if you fell in love a little? You’re in your bag bitch, you don’t need provolone smelling dick to dicktate your life!” 
 She rubs at her snot filled nose, and then wipes her fist on her mini skirt. “You really think so?” 
 “Bitch, I know so . Go be a slut, forget about Chan’s ass flake. Now hand over your phone. Drunk yelling over the phone is not the move for the night.” The other active Deltas sisters were running back from a group bathroom visit, after realizing it was Ty Lee’s bad decisions o’ clock . They came back to see the chastised girl determindly eating Ube flavored ice cream, without a phone to do dumb shit in her hands. Mai can’t help but start liking Katara. 
 The third night, and it’s the Deltas Sorority and Pi Alpha Psi Fraternity rush party, the most important party so far during rush week. IT was a slam fucking dunk. They had gotten catering from everybody’s favorite taco place at the Pi Alpha Psi frat house. And a fucking DIY boba bar. A boba bar! A goddamn boba bar. Katara had a ziplock baggie filled with the tapioca pearls in her left jean pocket. 
 All Deltas rushees were meant to be socializing with Pi Alpha Psi brothers. The active sisters were trying to see who were the classy whores in the group. They didn’t want admitted whores, just subtle ones. After fending off another medium ugly brother from trying to stare at her tits, Katara corners Zuko, who hands her another shot to take for him. “Why was that guy dressed like an uninvolved father?” 
 “What’s that supposed to look like?” 
 “Sweaty, and smells vaguely of disappointment.” 
 Zuko coughs. “I’m sad that hit way too close to home.” 
 Katara looks devastated for a split second, until Zuko starts laughing at his own joke. Then, she smacks him upside the head. “You know, you should be thankful for me. I got you looking exactly like a Pi Alpha Psi brother. Even down to the shoes.” Katara glares ahead. “God, I hate that we have to wear shoes on in this house. I hate looking at Haru’s Black Air Force 1s. Anything but those. Anything but those .” 
 The fourth night and they had successfully scammed the Greek system. 
 “Zuko!” Katara screams, bursting through his door without preamble. “Look what Ty Lee sent—wait a minute. What the fuck are you doing?” She pauses in shoving the phone in his face to see him face down in his calculus textbook. 
 “I’m trying to find a natural way to stay focused.” 
 Katara crosses her arms. “Have you considered adderall?” 
 Zuko snorts, clearly annoyed. “That’s literally prescription meth.” 
 “And what about it?” She slams her body, face first into his bed. “‘ Hey get ready tomorrow because we have an exclusive, invite only clubbing invite and the girls and I really really want you to come! ’” Katara reads the Instagram message verbatim from her phone, her chest swelling with unbridled pride. “I deserve an Academy Award.” 
 Zuko plops his body right on top of hers, relishing in how she groans under his added weight. “Run me my Golden Globe because according to Chan, my ‘ass better be ready to get nasty at Club Nyla .’” 
 “Shut the booger sugar up!” 
 So (on a Thursday night ) Katara and Zuko crowd in the party bus the generous Asian Greek system had funded in the name of “cultural bonding.” She can barely breathe, tits pushed in the most fuckable way possible, and she feels her face heating from the shots forced down her throat because her (potential) sisters had insisted on heavily pregaming. 
 While the frat brothers were perfectly content to sitting and not making any sort of movement whatsoever in the name of looking cool , the girls on the other hand were having the time of their lives. 
 “Oh my fucking god, for the last time Ty Lee, I cannot join the grind train, I do not have mental stability to keep my balance and shake my ass at the same time,” Katara lightly chastises, shoving the drunk girl gently off of her. Ty Lee simply shrugs, and then continues to gyrate on the gaggle of girls. The music was pounding, everyone was sweating from the amount of unrestrained dancing happening, and Katara’s pretty sure some girl just bruised her pussy after accidentally smacking it (hard) on the bus’s stripper poles. Disco lights bathe the entirety of the vehicle, enveloped in the screams and squeals of Asian girls trying to twerk and scream along to lyrics at the same time. 
 It was pure fucking chaos. But so goddamn fun . The girls kept constantly grabbing her hips in an attempt to yike on her helpless ass, which Katara abruptly stopped by flicking off their hands. All to the tune of “The Box” by Roddy Rich. 
 “Let me hear everyone loud and clear! ‘Fuck 12!’” Katara screams to a crowd of bewildered frat brothers. 
 “Katara, no,” Zuko’s laughing too hard, the alcohol making him feel lightheaded. Heavy rap music permeated the walls of the bus, and he feels a headache building. But he feels a little better seeing Katara having fun, nearly choking to death after taking a hit from some brother’s joint. 
 “Don’t laugh, I don’t smoke that often!” She insists. 
 Zuko throws his arm over her shoulder, pulling her close to him. “If you die, at least it was in a party bus while Travis Scott was playing.” 
 “I’d rather die in an Acura!” Katara yelps, getting up in mock frustration. While Zuko is simply losing his mind at her attitude, she accidentally stumbles as the bus comes to an abrupt stop, and lands in Zuko’s lap. 
 She’s chortling, moving about to get up. Zuko tries his hardest not to let his heart pound impossibly loud. 
 After IDs were checked, and a Drake song was forcibly requested by the obnoxious group of frat brothers, the clubbing event was in full swing. Yet, it paled in comparison to the fun and chaotic energy of the party bus. Frat brothers were attempting to dance, Asian girls were trying their hardest to twerk. 
 Katara is doing her duty as the most sober one out of the bunch and pushes random guys away before they could grab at her sisters’ hips. “You know, God gives flat asses to his strongest soldiers,” she mumbles, lips dangerously close to his ear. They were sitting down in the private seating area near the dance floor, exhausted beyond belief and watching the sorority girls’ attempts at clapping what little cheeks they did have. 
 Ty Lee clumsily grabs at Katara, screaming about having to piss and call her ex. Her cue to save the day. She gives Zuko an apologetic look, and whispers “I’m gonna win” before grabbing Ty Lee’s hand. 
 While he’s checking on his Neko Atsume cats, Chan’s Pepto Bismal smelling self is sidling up to his side. “Bro, you should fuck her. She’s got amazing tits.” 
 Zuko smirks, before schooling his features. That was already an observation he made when he was 16. Nice try, fuckboy. Chan continues, not caring if Zuko responds to him. “Pound that pussy like rent is due tomorrow! You have to get at that big, fat, moose sized pussy at the Airbnb we’re headed to after this.”
  Ty Lee is blubbering, snot running freely down her face as though she was a 5 year old at Chuck E. Cheese realizing they didn’t have enough tickets to afford a beaded necklace. “Every time he goes down on me, it feels like my pussy’s getting colonized. Is that what love is supposed to feel like.” 
 Katara paused in rubbing her back. “Oh my god.” 
 Ty Lee grabs at Katara’s shoulders, toilet and unsteady stomach forgotten. “Please, for the sake of the female population. Fuck Zuko. We need to know if he’s packing that schmeat.”
 Katara gasps. “No fucking way, we’re just friends!” 
 The inebriated girl clutches Katara’s face in between her sweaty palms, lowering her voice in a volume she thinks counted as a whisper. It was more of a scream than anything else. “We always try to get the hottest rushees to fuck each other at the Airbnb. Then, you’ll definitely make it into Deltas. Because if anyone deserves to throw that neck back on Zuko, it’s you.” 
 “Well gee, thanks. I’m touched.” 
 “Moan harder! Don’t sound like I’m forcing you to fuck me! This isn’t no 90 Day Fiance shit! I thought you were an actor. Where is the commitment to the craft? You sound like you’re a dying tractor. Do better!” Katara continues jumping on the bed, trying to emulate a good old fucking. Zuko breathes in, before an unrestrained groan comes from his lips. Katara’s cooch instantly quakes.
 Their shoes were off, at her insistence, sheets already strewn about to make it believable. She could hear the snickering behind the door she’s triple checked to make sure it was locked and unable to be seen through the keyhole, her thong shoved in front of it to ensure their privacy.  
 “Zuko, Zuko, Zuko!” she pants, makine her voice sound as fucked out as possible. “I can’t!” 
 He continues smacking his arm, trying his best to replicate the sound of cheeks being clapped. “Baby, yes you can. You’re taking me like a fucking champ.” 
 Katara almost couldn’t hold back her giggle. This was all so fucking ridiculous. Taken straight out of a Larry smut scene. But they had a job to finish, a lifestyle they needed to live out, a pact to win. She whines, he lets out a moan. They bite their fist before they lost their minds and ruined the scam. She could imagine the title to their terrible porn video: college girl takes BEC (big emo cock). 
 “So, so good!” Katara made sure to make her voice sound as strained as possible, jumping even harder on the mattress. Zuko is ashamed to say his dick twitched in his pants the slightest. “So goddamn big. I feel so full!” 
 “Thanks for thinking I have a big dick,” he mutters, before letting out another wanton cry. 
 “Please be quiet!” Her little faux whimpers are simply killing Zuko, a blush creeping on his neck. He may or may not be jerking off to a sound now burned in his memory. 
 “Ready for the grand finale?” Zuko’s bewildered, pausing in his erratic jumping on the mattress. Katara jumps as hard as she can three times, before landing a punch square into Zuko’s stomach. It’s unexpected, and he doubles over, wheezing and pathetically gasping for air. 
 “Baby, cum in me!” Katara mewls, a devious smile on her face. 
 Zuko frowns, rubbing at his sore stomach. “Really? You’re that invested in this role? You would hurt your bestest friend in this world?” 
 “Shut up! Let me bully you.”
 They leave the room, ensuring their hair looked as disheveled as possible, clothes put on backwards, and Katara’s lip gloss smeared across his face. It tasted like Starbursts and scams. 
 The pair were suddenly enveloped in violent cheers. Muscled frat brothers were taking their beefy arms and slapping Zuko’s chest in celebration. Zuko could see Katara blushing, acting bashful and even tucking a strand of hair behind her ear for emphasis. He rolls his eyes, and deftly decided his heart was indeed forever stolen by the bat shit crazy bitch. 
 “My man!” Chan howls, grabbing Zuko in a signature bro hug. “Any other Deltas you want to raw dog tonight?” 
 Zuko’s gaze was focused on Katara’s smiling face. “This dick belongs to one woman.” 
 They sorority and fraternity wearily climbed back into the party bus in the wee hours of the morning, needing to make the trek back in time for classes. Everyone was to stop by the Psi Alpha Psi house to collect their stuff, and then make their way home. 
 Zuko’s nodding off, too tired to continue breathing when Katara pokes him expertly in the arm. “What?” 
 “We’re going to steal the house trophy when we get back.” 
 He gasps. “Not Beatrice.” 
 “Yes, Beatrice!” 
 “Why do you want a $9 dildo from Amazon anyways?” 
 Katara sighs. “I overheard them this morning. The Deltas and Psi Alpha Psi. They were running through photos of girls and guys that rushed that didn’t make it through the process. And they were so fucking mean , Zuko. Like I almost cried, and they didn’t even roast my ass. Like Co-Star level bullying. They don’t deserve Beatrice. We do.” 
 “So, bet’s off?” He cracks his knuckles in anticipation. She simply nods. 
 “You bitch. You didn’t have to slam me so fucking hard!” Katara reprimands. Zuko silences her with a passionate kiss that has every emotion she could possibly feel tingling throughout her whole body. She’s pushed up against the fireplace, clutching the wall behind her as though finding something to grind her against Zuko’s fiery passion. They were simply mimicking the rest of the group coming back, girls pressed against the frat brothers, trying to make the most of their remaining high instead of heading to class. 
 They pause to take a breath of air, (they could hear Mai mock gagging in the back) before sending each other a secret nod. 
 “You feel that pucker in your asshole? You know shit’s about to get real,” Katara says in a low voice. 
 Zuko’s slamming her against the fireplace once more, this time Katara’s hand now finding contact with Beatrice herself. In a flash she’s shoving the phallic toy in her jacket, sprinting for the door. 
 Chan, eagle eyed as ever, and experienced in the art of recognizing dildo thievery, instantly shoves Ty Lee off his lap. “Don’t you dare take the fucking house trophy, bitch!” He barely finishes his sentence, before he’s shoved to the ground by an enthusiastic Zuko, who grabs Katara’s hand and breaks into a run. 
 They run, run, run until they reach Zuko’s apartment, collapsing on the patch of fake grass at the front of the building. He still has his hand intertwined with hers, her other hand having a vice like grip on the sex toy. 
 “You know what, I don’t care about making other friends. You’re all I need.” 
 “I know.” Katara can’t stop the smile from growing on her face. 
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14; Rising Tension
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In which Jungkook doesn’t have experience with thin walls and you’re experiencing too much.
idol!Jimin x staff!reader ft. poor bun Jungkook
genre: slow-burn, fluff, pining, a little crack, comedy, unnecessary mature-ish themes
word count: 2.9k
follow up of Ramen and Chill?
Jungkook has dealt with a lot of things for someone who’s only twenty-one. Most of those things are something your average twenty-one year old would probably crumble under from immense pressure and stress. It’s not that Jungkook didn’t come close to it himself, but he’s pretty certain that he’s able to handle it a little better than most; that much he can say with confidence. Jeon Jungkook likes to think of himself as someone who would meet challenges head on and give it all he’s got so that he can at least say he didn’t try.
 Every challenge is a welcoming one, no matter how daunting because it’s always a learning experience.
 But now, as he stands frozen in the middle of his hotel suite, he’s not sure how he’ll even begin to approach this one.
 You see, not too long ago, Jungkook had returned to his room after a long, tiring night of smiling and greeting esteemed guests and getting his years worth of socializing. He, very decidedly, wanted to take a refreshing shower, take off his suit that has long turned stuffy, wash away the hair products and make-up and slip into a nice, comfortable pair of sweats and hoodie. That was his plan for the night and he had yet to decide whether he wanted to eat something before sleeping or just go straight to bed, reading webtoons until he fell asleep.
 He only got as far as stepping out of his en suite bathroom, changed and toweling his damp hair furiously when he heard it; a distinct thump coming from one of his adjacent walls. At first, he thought he imagined it, but then something else follows it.
 A moan.
 Distinctly female.
 His mind goes haywire, eyes becoming wider than saucers and alarmed, and he starts to freak out, all in the solitude of his own room. A room that Jungkook discovers has very, concerningly thin walls. 
 Even more pressing, his mind comes to realize next, is that the wall in question where the sounds are coming from is in connection with none other than Park Jimin.
 But then if Jimin’s room is beside his….
 Why did he hear a female voice coming from it?
 It’s like everything comes to a screeching halt for Jungkook, time is at a standstill as it slowly dawns on him, in quiet horror, that he's being dragged into something he’s never imagined himself being in.
 He’s eavesdropping on one his hyungs getting it on.
 Jungkook feels his face immediately heat up to the point that he swears he’ll be able to cook eggs on it and his ears feel like they’re about to be burnt off.
 Headphones! Gotta find headphones!
 “I’m so sorry! Where does it hurt noona?” Jungkook hears Jimin’s muffled voice ask, concern obvious in his tone.
 From Jungkook’s memory, he’s most certain there’s only one noona that Jimin would invite to his room this late and, on further thought, only one noona who is up anyways. It had to be Y/N noona.
 Now he doesn’t know whether to be happy for his hyung for finally getting the girl he’s been pining after or still be completely disgusted because he just HAD to pick the room beside his own!
 “A little lower—“ Her strained voice cuts off midway with a slightly more pained whine before adding, “I-I don’t think this is a good idea Jimin.”
 “No, it’ll feel better trust me. I just need to get us off the ground.”
 Jungkook blanches. He didn’t mean to even continue listening for so long at this point, honestly! But seriously hyung?! The ground?! Even if Jungkook wanted to stuff his ears with the most effective sound cancelling headphones right now, he still can’t help but want to face palm for Jimin’s poor choice in initiating his first move to becoming a man.
 Right, the headphones!
 Jungkook springs into action, jerking between going left or right because his mind has yet to remember where exactly he put his headphones. He frantically starts tearing up his room, blindly looking for them, and all the while still catching snippets of the conversation from beyond the wall.
 “Is this better?” comes Jimin’s voice. He hears a responding grunt from Y/N noona.
 “Just… go slowly.”
 Housekeeping will absolutely murder him by the way he’s tossing the blanket and pillows, clothes strewn all over the place but he doesn’t care at this point. Jungkook needs his headphones and he needs them now.
 “Does that feel good?”
 A hum of contentment resounds through, followed by an airy, “Yes.”
 He hears Jimin chuckle. “Should I go harder then?”
 Jungkook becomes a little desperate, his brain coming up with elaborate plans of using one of his belts to possibly secure a pillow around his head to cover his ears as he’s continues looking for his one saving grace. Okay, okay calm down just think about other things! Like ramen, steak, being kinda hungry, maybe he really should order room service after all…. No! That would blow Jimin’s cover as much as Jungkook wants no part of the steamier aspects of his love life! Focus Jungkook! Overwatch has a new map; he should really try it with hyung sometimes—!
 A loud gasp erupts from Y/N noona that sounds like Jimin’s name, effectively cutting Jungkook’s mid mental tirade and halfway dumping the entire contents of his bag out.
 “Sorry, too hard?” There’s a teasing lilt in Jimin’s voice before he grunts.
 “I’m not gonna be able to walk tomorrow if you keep doing that.” came Y/N hiss before it morphs into a groan.
 “But this is the only way it’ll feel better. So relax noona, I’ll take care of you.” 
 Jungkook is ready to pull his hair out of his scalp. He’s about searched every pocket in his bag, luggage and carrier and still no signs of the Airpods he’s looking for. With a hand through his hair, he eyes look wildly at the mess he’s created, room looking very much like a tornado had just passed through. The hoodie he’s wearing now is starting to make him sweat. And then a light bulb went off in his head.
 …. Hoodie! What was he wearing earlier today?!
 “…. Stop staring at me like that.” Y/N noona’s voice comes out shyly; so quiet that Jungkook almost didn’t catch it.
 He hears Jimin’s unmistakable giggle in response, “Why?”
 “It’s embarrassing….”
 “...I think you look cute.”
 “No I—Oh….” Her tone cuts into a low moan. 
 “Right here?”
 Whatever sweet spot Jimin hit, he does it again to elicit another satisfied sound and Jungkook slaps his cheeks to get himself together, practically diving to rummage through his worn pile of clothing to search for the outfit he wore that might possibly hold the one thing he needs the most right now.
 “How are you so good at this?” He hears Y/N noona ask almost reverently. 
 Jungkook is close to screaming out in frustration, for once cursing himself for packing seven different hoodies that all pretty much look the same anyways (black). It leaves him no choice but to sift through each of them, patting them down in hopes of feeling a familiar lump in one of the pockets.
 “So that means I’m doing well right?” Jungkook can clearly hear the gloating in Jimin’s voice and it makes him want to gag a little. He does not need to hear any of this.
 A slight hum of affirmation lets Jungkook know that Y/N noona is pleased. Jungkook grabs probably the fourth hoodie and gives it a violent shake but nothing comes flying out like he expects it to and the first sounds of exasperation escapes the young man.
 “Agh! Don’t—!” Suddenly her voice rings out in a protesting whine just as Jungkook’s fingers brush against a square shaped container, buried in the fabrics of the cotton hoodie. Jungkook lets out a small scream of joy, grabbing at it like a madman that he thought he might’ve torn something in the process.
 “Oh sorry noona. Lifting your leg a little was supposed to make you feel even better. I guess it was too soon.” 
 “You should’ve warned me first.” 
 Jungkook fumbles, grasping the smooth case of his Airpods, flipping open the lid and unceremoniously shucks the wireless buds out before whipping out his phone and hooking it up to the Bluetooth in record timing that even Guinness would be impressed. He shoves the ear buds into his ears and plays the first song on his playlist, turning up the volume to near max. The youngest, with the feeling of winning the lottery, celebrates his victory by throwing his hands skyward in a double fist pump, laughing almost manically to himself as he’s finally free from hearing the conversations next door.
 You’re trying to steady your breathing, keep yourself from making any more embarrassing noises as well as conspicuously trying to hide the blush setting fire on your cheeks right now... but the way his fingers work.
 “Can I try lifting your leg a little more?” 
 You think about it, trying not to get lost in the way his fingers knead into you, working at the knot that has built there.
 “I guess? Just go slowly.” You say with eyebrows furrowed in trying to figure out whether or not the pain has died down enough for it. Jimin carefully grasp your ankle and slowly brings your knee up. He gets it to bend just slightly before you give a hiss of discomfort.
 Jimin sighs, “Noona why are you so stiff for?”
 You shoot a half-hearted glare as his fingers work to loosen your stiffened muscle again.
 “I don’t know….” You reply in a grumble, playing with the buttons of his suit jacket currently thrown over your lap. It wasn’t your fault that in the moment of being completely caught unaware via having a stupidly attractive male come half an inch close to kissing you, your leg decides to cramp and give you the worst Charlie horse of your life (talk about a moment ruined…. not like there was one to begin with anyways). And as if to add insult to injury, Jimin was adamant about massaging the muscle cramp out of your leg to make up for it. You’re not blaming him though; he was just being his regular sweet self, but you’d rather curl into a ball of suffering and not have someone like Jimin witness it at all.
 But there’s no escaping Jimin. He already felt bad enough for not breaking your fall in time from tripping over his bag strap, sticking haphazardly out from under the bed, which he shoved in his haste earlier in attempt to clean his room. 
 So much to your chagrin and immense embarrassment, he hauls you up with ease and places you on his bed, setting up the pillows so that you were comfortably leaned back and courteously gave you his discarded jacket to place on your lap to prevent any accidental flashing. Your last attempts at protest die the moment he presses his fingers into your calf.
 It’s been a good twenty minutes of Jimin diligently working on your stubborn muscles. He checks up on you every once in a while, making sure he’s not adding too much pressure that it hurts you while you on the other hand, struggle to even maintain eye contact with him. You wish you could say this was a comfortable silence, but you feel too on edge for it. 
 In the lull, you get lost in the bizarre events that lead up to this point and you don’t even know which one you should have a mental meltdown over first; the fact that you have a world class idol who-happens-to-be-your-low-key-crush massaging your leg or the fact that he possibly implied not minding ramen and chilling with you in-the-you-know-what-I-mean sorta way earlier. You feel your head grow dizzy with an oncoming headache. 
 Hohh my God…. You need to lie down…Wait you already are—!
 “Don’t tell me you’re falling asleep on me noona.” Jimin’s voice pulls you back from the recesses of your mind. When you’re back in the present, eyes focused on him, you realize he’s stopped massaging your leg and opted to just have his hands resting against your shin. He’s smiling at you in a way that reminds you of a Cheshire cat. You feel your cheeks flare again, a pout working onto your lips as you stubbornly look down to pick off imaginary lint from his (costs more than your student loans) jacket.
 “No I’m not…” You mumble. You hear a melodic giggle come from him before he lets out a long breath.
 “I’m really sorry that happened noona. It was my fault the bag was there, I was careless.” Jimin apologizes for the nth time. Your head shoots up, mouth open with a rebuttal at the ready.
 “No Jimin, it’s not your fault…. I’m just clumsy.” 
 He puffs out air and whines, “Why won’t you let me apologize noona?” 
 “Well…you’ve already done that by giving me a massage….” You reply and he laughs airily in response, a heart-stopping smile plastered on his face as he absent-mindedly starts to rub circles into your flesh again. The feeling nearly makes your knee jerk because his touch this time is gentle, not enough pressure to consider it a massage but by now your cramping leg has subsided to nothing more than a dull ache. 
 His thumb is tracing invisible patterns across your skin, almost in a way where he just likes being able to feel you and it sends you into a confusing place; one where your body is melting against his touch, craving for more and the other wanting to pull away out of shyness from how intimate this suddenly got.
 Your heart begins to race at the foreign feeling, like it’s triggered into a flight or fight mode and you think that maybe it’s about high time you leave. As much as half of you did want to stay, enjoy the calming presence of Jimin, you feel as if your heart has not yet reached that level of readiness. And besides, you really shouldn’t be here any longer than you need to lest you really do want to get in trouble.
 So with a shred of reluctance, you begin to pull away from him. Jimin notices of course, stopping all movements of his hands but making no move to prevent you from eventually slipping away from his grasp. He opens his mouth to speak, no doubt ready to apologize but you cut in.
 “I should go Jimin. It’s really late and you should rest.” You say gently, a small smile on your face.
 “Ah…Um, yeah.” Jimin stammers, getting up from his seat at the foot of the bed while running a hand through his hair. You make to gather yourself as well, swinging your legs to the side of the bed and begin to take your first tentative steps after cramping the crap out of one leg.
 In a flash, Jimin is next to you, arms hovering by you in case you decide to re-enact the entire thing again. You shoot him a thankful smile and he nods in reassurance. With a sigh of relief, you manage to stand and feel comfortable enough that the weight didn’t feel straining. Still, you take your steps carefully to the door and once you reach the threshold, the reluctance spikes.
 “Thank you— for the ramen and…. the massage.” You cough and fiddle with a strand of curled hair.
 “I— it’s no problem noona. I’m sorry that—“
 “No! No, honestly Jimin.” You force yourself to look him in the eye because even if you’re the one leaving feeling like you could just bury yourself in a hole, you won’t leave having someone like Jimin feel sorry for something that’s not a big deal anyways. “I’m not even upset about it if that’s what you think. In fact I think it was nice— that you even offered to massage me. I mean the massage itself was nice too but— you know.”
 He blinks, surprised by how adamant you sound before a smile blooms on his face, eyes disappearing into crescents and he lets out a giggle, hand coming up to cover his mouth.
 “I understand.” Jimin says. The grey of his contacts sparkle in a way you think felt too much like adoration that it makes your cheeks flush. You swear you must look like you’ve drank a whole bottle of champagne by yourself (an idea that sounds rather appealing at the moment) and yet he still continues to look at you like you’re the apple in his eyes.
 “Goodnight noona.” The warmth in his voice sends involuntary shivers down your spine, made your breath hitch and pulse rise all at once. You nod in a slight daze, taking a few seconds too long to form a reply.
 “Y-yeah. Goodnight Jimin. I’ll— I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
 He sends you off with another smile, one that you shyly return before you scurry out of his room and practically fly down to yours. Your shaky hands fumble with the keycard for a bit before you fling yourself into your room, doors shutting with a click and your legs give out from under you.
 You breathe out deeply, braced against the door and heart hammering in your chest. 
 This is it…. You think. This is how you die. 
 Because to your elation and horror, you’ve come to accept that you’re in too deep now.
 You’re balls deep in love with Park Jimin.
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perfectirishgifts · 4 years
Apple AirPods Max First Look: Sensational Over-Ear Headphones With 1 Disappointment
New Post has been published on https://perfectirishgifts.com/apple-airpods-max-first-look-sensational-over-ear-headphones-with-1-disappointment/
Apple AirPods Max First Look: Sensational Over-Ear Headphones With 1 Disappointment
Apple AirPods Max in Sky Blue finish.
The new over-ear headphones from Apple, the AirPods Max, were revealed earlier this week and are already available for purchase. They’ll arrive with customers from Monday, December 14.
MORE FROM FORBESAirPods Max: 15 Things Nobody Told You About Apple’s New HeadphonesBy David Phelan
I’ve been beginning my test of the headphones since the package arrived a couple of days ago.
I’ll follow up with a more detailed review shortly, but right now, here’s a glimpse of what they look and feel like both in the hand and on the head.
The aluminum earcups on AirPods Max.
The Look
The AirPods Max look strikingly different from any other headphones on the market. Any thought that because Apple owns Beats that there might be stylistic similarities between headphones from the two brands have been quickly dismissed.
Apple loves anodized aluminum and shiny stainless steel, so it’s no surprise that both materials are to the fore here. The backs of the ear cups are where you’ll find the aluminum. Although it’s a matte finish, it gleams, especially on the edges where the light catches it. The aluminum panels are flatter than you’ll find on most headphones and the curved edges are appealingly tactile, like perfectly formed seaside pebbles worn smooth in the waves.
Seen from in front, the shape is almost like the rectangle with curved corners which has been an obsession at Apple for decades. On the side, they look like two-layer cakes, a macaron on top, a sponge, perhaps, underneath.
The sponge, of course, is the soft bit that goes against your ears, two mesh lozenges with memory foam inside that molds itself to your head in use, then slowly restores to a pristine symmetry when you take them off.
The earcups are magnetically attached so you can pop them out for cleaning and they snap back with a satisfying click.
The two cups are not symmetrical – there’s a Lightning socket on one earcup, a decorative line on the other. A light next to the socket indicates they’ve restored to full power as you take them out of the case (you can access the socket when they’re in the case).
On the top edge of the right earcup is the volume button which looks like the Digital Crown on the Apple Watch. Flick it with your finger and it turns the volume up or down. It’s very, very responsive, so be gentle with it as it goes from 0 to 11 quickly. If your iPhone is there, you’ll see the volume level adjust correspondingly onscreen (it’s the little things that are so satisfying).
That earcup also has a button that pops you from noise-canceling to Transparency mode.
The stainless-steel headband slides effortlessly up and down so you can adjust the fit perfectly. The top of the headband has a soft mesh which is breathable so you don’t get headphone hair quite as badly when you take these cans off. The mesh is connected to a soft-rubbery finish covering which feels great. Both are color-co-ordinated to the headphones. Which brings us to…
The colors
There are five shades of AirPods Max, unlike AirPods Pro where you could only choose from white. Space gray and silver are what you’d expect but pink, green and sky blue look stunning.
My review unit is sky blue and is understated but distinctly not your average color. The headband and case are a deep, dark blue that borders on teal and the earcups a light, cloudy blue which is almost-but-not-quite silver in some lights.
Apple’s use of color is spectacular and has clearly been conceived in conjunction with the iPhone 12 and iPad Air range. Sky blue relates to both the Baltic blue of the iPhone 12 Pro and the sky blue found on iPad Air.
Apple AirPods Pro in carry case.
The case
Before we get to the fit, how about the case? The first time you see the headphones is in the box where you’ll find them in the carry case. This is different from any other case on the market, leaving the headband exposed and the aluminum visible.
Will the aluminum scratch when thrown in your bag? Will the mesh get damaged easily when being transported? We’ll have to see. But it’s a light, airy look that saves space and weight compared to regular over-ear headphone cases.
In the case, the AirPods Max look like a handbag or purse.
Apple AirPods Pro Max.
The fit
These really are over-ear headphones. Put them on and some of the outside world is cut off immediately and your ears are entirely encased. Despite the size, the headphones are not heavy and remain deeply comfortable even after hours of wearing. A long plane flight does not seem out of the question.
AirPod Pro are always-on, the second you take them out of the case, a green light tells you that. So, even if you’re not listening to music, you can invoke noise-canceling, with one tap of the button. It’s pretty effective. Typing this, in silence, I can barely hear my fingers clacking on the keys.
The button falls under my finger very easily, by the way, it’s perfectly placed.
AirPods Max in box.
The set-up
Like AirPods, this is seamless and instant. Bring the AirPods Max near your iPhone and you’re pretty much done. They’re connected – you need iOS 14.3 for AirPods Max support, please note.
The sound
I need to try these headphones a lot longer to know for sure but initial reactions are very positive. Clear, clean, rich and with more than enough bass for my tastes. Please check back for my full review to see how they perform.
I’ll also compare them carefully to the noise-canceling capabilities of the very best on the market – Sony WH-1000XM4 and Bose Headphones 700.
The disappointment
There’s no power plug in the box – to be fair, there never has been with any AirPods – and the cable is a Lightning to USB-C cable. All well and good but there’s no audio cable at all. This is a disappointment. That plane journey I mentioned above? You’ll almost certainly need to buy a separate Lightning to 3.5mm headphone cable. Honestly, I believe Apple should have put this in the box, seeing as it’s charging $549 (£549 in the U.K.).
Initial verdict
Apple’s new headphones are strikingly gorgeous and distinctly different from anything else you’ll see. The fit is good, the set-up is painless and the interface with its brilliant digital crown volume button is great. I think there should be a cable to connect to a 3.5mm headphone jack. And I miss a power button. That said, if these headphones continue to sound as good as they have done so far, that’ll be a quibble I’ll forgive easily.
Follow me on Instagram by clicking here: davidphelantech and Twitter: @davidphelan2009
MORE FROM FORBESApple Reveals Dazzling Apple Watch Health Upgrade In New PatentBy David Phelan
From Consumer Tech in Perfectirishgifts
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besteccbest · 5 years
7 Fixes When Bluetooth Is Not Available on Your Mac
Bluetooth a technology that most people tend to forget about until it doesn’t work. For example, you might feel that everything is going along swimmingly until your AirPods decide not to connect. Most of the time, this is a relatively easy fix. But sometimes it can be a bit tricky.
 One of the most frustrating issues is when suddenly Bluetooth is not available on your Mac. At least, that’s what it seems like, but can you really be sure? Without a clear indicator of what’s going wrong, troubleshooting Bluetooth on your Mac can be like walking around in the dark.
 Here’s how you can fix macOS Bluetooth issues.
 1. Bluetooth Not Available? Reboot Your Mac
 Yes, this is the step you always hear about, but there’s a reason for it. More often than not, a reboot will solve a batch of problems with your Mac—Bluetooth issues among them.
 Rebooting your Mac under Apple menu > Restart will fix almost every Bluetooth problem, particularly those where the Bluetooth module has crashed and you’re experiencing an unresponsive system. According to Apple, removing any USB devices can help, so you might want to give that a try too.
 Before proceeding, you should also review our introduction to using Bluetooth on macOS to make sure you understand how it works.
 2. Check Your Mac’s Bluetooth Device Settings
 To connect to your Mac, your Bluetooth device needs to be turned on and have some battery charge. This might sound obvious, but it’s worth checking before you go to great lengths fixing a problem that doesn’t really exist. If you haven’t paired this device before, make sure you’re doing it correctly (and that it’s visible to your Mac).
 If you’re trying to get a Bluetooth speaker or other audio device working, have already paired it, and are wondering why you can’t hear anything, then you’ll need to make sure it’s selected as your primary output under System Preferences > Sound > Output.
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The same goes for Bluetooth headsets with microphones: head to the Input tab and choose your Bluetooth device there. Your Mac should remember your choice for the next time you connect a wireless audio device.
 You can also click on the Volume button in the menu bar and pick your audio device there. If you don’t see the button in your menu bar, you may need to enable it. Go to System Preferences > Sound > Output, then choose Show volume in menu bar at the bottom of the window.
 3. Disable and Re-Enable Bluetooth
 To reset Bluetooth without restarting your whole Mac, head to System Preferences > Bluetooth and click Turn Off. You can also toggle Bluetooth by clicking on the menu bar icon—click Turn On to try again. If you’re having trouble using AirDrop on your Mac, toggling this setting can often solve your problem.
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You can also try killing the Bluetooth process entirely, though this isn’t always effective. Open Terminal and enter sudo pkill blued followed by your admin password. This should kill and restart the background process, allowing you to try again.
 4. Pair Your Bluetooth Device With Your Mac Again
 If you’ve already paired the device in the past, another option is to tell your Mac to forget it and start again. You can reveal all currently paired Bluetooth devices under System Preferences > Bluetooth.
 Find whatever is causing you problems, select it, then click on the X followed by Remove to get rid of it.
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You’ll now need to pair the device again, which most of the time involves holding a button till a light flashes. Check the device’s manual if you’re not sure.
 5. Reset Your PRAM and/or SMC
 Though it’s a more complicated process, resetting your Mac’s PRAM or SMC is one of the most commonly recommended fixes for a whole host of issues. The system management controller (SMC) is far less likely of a culprit than the PRAM or NVRAM when it comes to Bluetooth. That said, resetting both can’t hurt, since an underlying issue could be causing your Mac Bluetooth problems.
 People often do both of these steps at once, which is why they’re listed here as they are. See our detailed guide on how to reset your PRAM and SMC to perform the process, no matter which type of Mac you have.
 6. Delete a Few Key PLIST Files
 macOS stores information about Bluetooth devices in two files on your hard drive: one that is personal to you and another which is used by all users on your Mac. Deleting these files is often recommended when you encounter Bluetooth issues, as it forces macOS to create fresh ones when your computer restarts.
 Both files are PLIST files, which are used all over the operating system for storing application data in XML format. To delete and recreate these files:
 Open Finder and click on Go > Go to Folder from the menu bar.
Type or paste /Library/Preferences.
Look for a file called com.apple.Bluetooth.plist and drag it to the Trash.
Click Go > Go to Folder again and type or paste ~/Library/Preferences/ByHost.
Look for a file that starts with com.apple.Bluetooth followed by numbers and letters (ending in .plist) and drag it to the Trash.
Disconnect any USB devices and shut down your computer.
Turn off your Bluetooth devices and start up your Mac again.
Enable Bluetooth on your devices and attempt to pair again.
 7. Reset Your Mac’s Bluetooth Module
 As a last resort, you can try resetting your Bluetooth module to factory settings. This means you will lose all existing paired connections. If you’re still having issues after trying all of the above, that’s a small price to pay to get your device working again.
 If you don’t have a Bluetooth icon in the menu bar, head to System Preferences > Bluetooth and check Show Bluetooth in menu bar. Now hold Shift + Option and click on the Bluetooth icon in the menu bar. In the menu that appears, select Debug > Reset the Bluetooth module. You can now try re-pairing your devices.
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One final tip here is to start re-pairing your devices by importance. You don’t want to pair your headphones only to find that the mouse and keyboard you depend on are still having issues, for example. Once you get the important hardware connected, then you can focus on other issues.
 Still Have Problems With Bluetooth?
 Most issues should disappear after deleting system files, resetting PRAM, and reverting your Mac’s Bluetooth module to factory settings. If you still have problems, it’s likely your Mac is experiencing hardware issues, though you might want to try a fresh install of macOS too.
 The best option is to purchase a dedicated USB Bluetooth adapter and use that instead. Older Apple computers are more likely to have issues than newer ones, so the price of a repair is often not worth it when compared with the price of a USB dongle. The Hideez Key USB Smart Bluetooth 4.0 Dongle is inexpensive and should do the trick.
 If you bought your Mac recently and it’s still under warranty, or you purchased Apple Care with your Mac, you should make an appointment with Apple. A technician will look at the problem and fix it for free. This could be indicative of a broader hardware issue with your system, so it’s a smart idea. If you’re serious about getting the issue fixed but aren’t covered, you can take it to Apple and pay for the repairs.
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rekomande · 6 years
Recomended Products
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No More Wires Tangling This Bluetooth Headphones will forever change the way you use headphones. No wires tangling, it’s easy to storage to anywhere.
Small and Lightweight Weighs only 0.14oz (4g) and small enough, you can barely notice it while inside your ear. Start enjoy your wireless life with this new Bluetooth earphone.
Long Distance Service Almost compatible with most Bluetooth enabled devices. Up to 33ft (with no barrier)service distance. Never miss the call or music when the device is not around you.
Dual Earbuds It contain TWO pieces which can be used separately with someone sharing music or broadcast (within reasonable distance). Enjoy the stereo sound by using them both or alone.
Note 1. Please read the user manual carefully before using 2. Please re-pair it with device if earbuds have noise or sound interrupted after paired.
Package Contains 2 x Bluetooth Earbuds (Right&Left) 1 x USB Charging Cable 1 x Charging Case 1 x User Manual
This wireless earbuds is designed according to the geometry of the ear. The ergonomic design make these earphones provide all-day comfort and stay put in ears while you’re running, jogging, weight lifting, walking and gym training. This wireless earbuds is designed according to the geometry of the ear. The ergonomic design make these earphones provide all-day comfort and stay put in ears while you’re running, jogging, weight lifting, walking and gym training. With Bluetooth 4.2 technology, our Bluetooth earduds pumps out the deepest bass soaring highs and ultra-clear midrange. Professional design provides powerful bass enhanced sound with superb musical details. Excellent dynamic unit enhances the high-definition sound. This wireless earbuds is designed according to the geometry of the ear. The ergonomic design make these earphones provide all-day comfort and stay put in ears while you’re running, jogging, weight lifting, walking and gym training. This wireless earbuds is designed according to the geometry of the ear. The ergonomic design make these earphones provide all-day comfort and stay put in ears while you’re running, jogging, weight lifting, walking and gym training. With Bluetooth 4.2 technology, our Bluetooth earduds pumps out the deepest bass soaring highs and ultra-clear midrange. Professional design provides powerful bass enhanced sound with superb musical details. Excellent dynamic unit enhances the high-definition sound. Allow hands-free calls while driving or music streaming without having to control through your phone or electronic device; In-line remote control with Play/Pause, Hands-Free Calling, Next music function. This wireless earbuds is designed according to the geometry of the ear. The ergonomic design make these earphones provide all-day comfort and stay put in ears while you’re running, jogging, weight lifting, walking and gym training. This wireless earbuds is designed according to the geometry of the ear. The ergonomic design make these earphones provide all-day comfort and stay put in ears while you’re running, jogging, weight lifting, walking and gym training. With Bluetooth 4.2 technology, our Bluetooth earduds pumps out the deepest bass soaring highs and ultra-clear midrange. Professional design provides powerful bass enhanced sound with superb musical details. Excellent dynamic unit enhances the high-definition sound. This wireless earbuds is designed according to the geometry of the ear. The ergonomic design make these earphones provide all-day comfort and stay put in ears while you’re running, jogging, weight lifting, walking and gym training. This wireless earbuds is designed according to the geometry of the ear. The ergonomic design make these earphones provide all-day comfort and stay put in ears while you’re running, jogging, weight lifting, walking and gym training. With Bluetooth 4.2 technology, our Bluetooth earduds pumps out the deepest bass soaring highs and ultra-clear midrange. Professional design provides powerful bass enhanced sound with superb musical details. Excellent dynamic unit enhances the high-definition sound. Allow hands-free calls while driving or music streaming without having to control through your phone or electronic device; In-line remote control with Play/Pause, Hands-Free Calling, Next music function. The Bluetooth Headphone build-in 60mAh lithium battery. Provide up to 2 to 3 hours music time at 40-60% volume. Portable charging case built-in 900mAh battery supports 6 times fully charging. Free your hands or pockets from bulky devices but continue to enjoy personal time. This wireless earbuds is designed according to the geometry of the ear. The ergonomic design make these earphones provide all-day comfort and stay put in ears while you’re running, jogging, weight lifting, walking and gym training. This wireless earbuds is designed according to the geometry of the ear. The ergonomic design make these earphones provide all-day comfort and stay put in ears while you’re running, jogging, weight lifting, walking and gym training. With Bluetooth 4.2 technology, our Bluetooth earduds pumps out the deepest bass soaring highs and ultra-clear midrange. Professional design provides powerful bass enhanced sound with superb musical details. Excellent dynamic unit enhances the high-definition sound. This wireless earbuds is designed according to the geometry of the ear. The ergonomic design make these earphones provide all-day comfort and stay put in ears while you’re running, jogging, weight lifting, walking and gym training. This wireless earbuds is designed according to the geometry of the ear. The ergonomic design make these earphones provide all-day comfort and stay put in ears while you’re running, jogging, weight lifting, walking and gym training. With Bluetooth 4.2 technology, our Bluetooth earduds pumps out the deepest bass soaring highs and ultra-clear midrange. Professional design provides powerful bass enhanced sound with superb musical details. Excellent dynamic unit enhances the high-definition sound. Allow hands-free calls while driving or music streaming without having to control through your phone or electronic device; In-line remote control with Play/Pause, Hands-Free Calling, Next music function. This wireless earbuds is designed according to the geometry of the ear. The ergonomic design make these earphones provide all-day comfort and stay put in ears while you’re running, jogging, weight lifting, walking and gym training. This wireless earbuds is designed according to the geometry of the ear. The ergonomic design make these earphones provide all-day comfort and stay put in ears while you’re running, jogging, weight lifting, walking and gym training. With Bluetooth 4.2 technology, our Bluetooth earduds pumps out the deepest bass soaring highs and ultra-clear midrange. Professional design provides powerful bass enhanced sound with superb musical details. Excellent dynamic unit enhances the high-definition sound. This wireless earbuds is designed according to the geometry of the ear. The ergonomic design make these earphones provide all-day comfort and stay put in ears while you’re running, jogging, weight lifting, walking and gym training. This wireless earbuds is designed according to the geometry of the ear. The ergonomic design make these earphones provide all-day comfort and stay put in ears while you’re running, jogging, weight lifting, walking and gym training. With Bluetooth 4.2 technology, our Bluetooth earduds pumps out the deepest bass soaring highs and ultra-clear midrange. Professional design provides powerful bass enhanced sound with superb musical details. Excellent dynamic unit enhances the high-definition sound. Allow hands-free calls while driving or music streaming without having to control through your phone or electronic device; In-line remote control with Play/Pause, Hands-Free Calling, Next music function. The Bluetooth Headphone build-in 60mAh lithium battery. Provide up to 2 to 3 hours music time at 40-60% volume. Portable charging case built-in 900mAh battery supports 6 times fully charging. Free your hands or pockets from bulky devices but continue to enjoy personal time. Almost compatible with most Bluetooth enabled devices such as iPhone X/8/7/6/5 Series,iPad 2/3/4/Air/Pro Series, Samsung Galaxy S8/S7/S6, Galaxy Note 8/5/4/3 Series, iPod Nano Series, Laptop&tablets and another Smartphones LG/SONY/HTC, etc.
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