#but seriously if you're watching the show thinking sam is the pov character than we have very little to discuss anyway
mittensmorgul · 4 years
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homielander · 3 years
For your "send me a fandom and I'll tell you" post : Game of Thrones
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the first character i ever fell in love with: pretty sure it was arya! i loved her destroying bran in archery right away. what an icon
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: i really don’t think there have been any characters i stopped liking (more the other way around). i have to say that the poor writing of the show post-season 4 really made me annoyed by some of my absolute favourites but i don’t consider those versions of them to be canon.
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: i really loved jon and ygritte initially but as time went on it was pretty clear that a huge part of their romance was jon trying to survive since he’d been captured by the wildlings. i think he had genuine affection for her but i don’t think he would have broken his night’s watch vows and slept with her if she hadn’t insisted that he prove that he wasn’t a crow anymore. it all left an ick taste in my mouth and i certainly don’t ship them.
my ultimate favourite character™: TYRION LANNISTER! and jaime this is so difficult i want to keep listing favourites but truth be told almost no one comes close to tyrion in the first four seasons. if we’re talking asoiaf -- i’m reading the books now (halfway through acok) and his character is a lot darker than his show counterpart. i still love reading him, but i think my asoiaf fav has got to be catelyn. her povs are just incredible and so deeply sad.
prettiest character: they’re all so beautiful but daenerys
my most hated character: melisandre. no explanation necessary i despised her ‘lord of light’ bullshit from the moment she was on screen and it only got worse from there
my OTP: is there any answer other than brienne and jaime
my NOTP: jaime and cersei (or really any incestuous pairing). jon and sansa (they count as incestuous, they were literally raised as siblings). cersei and bobby b (love them both individually but god he needs to stay away from her). dany and drogo (not a romance in the books either). we don’t know much about them but rhaegar and lyanna (i just feel like this storyline goes completely against what we’ve been told lyanna was). and there are a lot of others (joffrey x anyone, ramsay x anyone, littlefinger x anyone, etc.)
favourite episode: what the shit there are so many high quality episodes :( however i seriously love the penultimate episodes of the first four seasons. and 6.10 gets a mention here because i think the sept of baelor sequence was outstanding
saddest death: not going to count the season 8 stuff here. but if i did it would be the death of jaime’s character development (”to be honest i never really cared much for them. innocent or otherwise” come here so i can slap you). either cat and robb, or my girl margaery :(
favourite season: season 3 was the best television i’ve ever watched in my life
least favourite season: seasons 7 and 8. yikes!!!!!!
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: genuinely have never been more confused in my life than when i became active in the fandom and realized that people liked stannis. loras was so right when he said that stannis has no personality. renly you should have been king i miss you <3
my 'you're a piece of trash, but you're still a fav' fav: nobody exemplifies this better than the lannister twins
my 'you're a beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this' fav: literally any and all of the starks. also brienne of tarth <3
my 'this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it' ship: i really like tyrion and sansa tbh? the age gap is definitely questionable but they just have so much respect for each other that it’s hard not to root for them
my 'they're kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i'm not too invested' ship: ned and cat. gendry and arya. sam and gilly. loras and renly. they were all babies
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winter-soldatt · 6 years
Public Gym/Advantage [bucky barnes]
Rating: Mature [Kissing, Shirtless wording, Profanity]
Word Count: 1675
Character: Bucky Barnes
"I don't wanna go to the stupid gym." I muttered. "Well, it's not a matter of want, it's a matter of need. It'll get your mind off that boyfriend of yours." Steve opens the car door for me, I sluggishly slide in next to Bucky. "Do you want to go to the gym?" I ask him, he chuckles.
"I don't mind." He says I sigh. "Nat, do you want to go to the gym?" I ask, she shrugs. "I don't mind." She says. "Ugh, sam? Do you want to go to the gym?" I ask as Sam slides in next to me. "I actually do." He says, "argh!" I exclaim.
"I rather sit at home watching weird Netflix movies and eating the disgusting ice cream Bucky always buys. Like what most teenagers do." I complain. "You aren't most teenagers doll." Bucky says. "And my ice cream isn't disgusting."
"Is that a compliment Barnes?" I ask, he chuckles. "What I mean is, you're a teenager that can manipulate anyone she wants and heals supernaturally. If that's normal then what isn't?" Bucky says. "Is that a compliment?" I ask again. "It's a nice snap back into reality, your not normal, no one is," Bucky explains. "Yeah, Bucky is right." Natasha says.
"Fuck that, I wanna be normal." I say. "Language Y/N." Steve warns. "Language? Bucky always curses, why can't I?" I say in my unfair teenager voice. "Because you're a teenager, and he's not." Steve says.
I scoff. "Jeez Y/N why are you so teenagery today?" Bucky asks. "I don't know." I say loudly. "Maybe it's that time of the month?" Natasha suggests. "Not for another week."
"Maybe you just woke up on the wrong side of the bed?" Bucky suggests. "Maybe I just didn't want to go to the gym, plus why did we leave the tower, there's a gym in there."
"Because I can't force you to use the gym in the place you live, that's why." Steve says. "Why force me anyway?" I complained.
"We're here." Steve said, and got out, opening Bucky's door side. We all slid out, Natasha got out the front seat. "We'll do one hour, then we'll leave." Steve says, everyone else nods whilst I sigh. "Can I just do 15 minutes and sit in the sauna for the remainder of your workouts?" I ask. "As long as your sweating." Steve says and jogs into the gym.
"Damn that man!" I complain, Wanda comes up behind me startling me. "Wanda? When the hell did you get here?" I say. "I came with tony, T'challa, Thor and Bruce, vision stayed behind." She said. "Do you even want to go to the gym?" I ask, "Honestly no, but might as well, it's been a boring week." Wanda says. "Well, we better head in."
Wanda and I walk into the gym, unlike the athletes that were our teammates.
"Let's just do the stationary bikes, I don't feel like standing or walking." I said, "Like biking is any easier." A shirtless Bucky says, pulling on a shoulder to fingertip length sleeve. "Bucky! You can't just walk around a gym looking like that." I said. "Looking like What? I have a sleeve." Bucky defends.
"No, not your arm." I say. "Then what Y/N?" He asks. I blush. "I think you already know." I say, he looks down. "Shirtless? Why not?" He asks. "Bucky, don't make me explain it to you!" I complain. "No, no explain to me why I can't just walk around a gym shirtless." Bucky says, a woman taps him and winks, mouthing follow me.
"That's why." I mutter. "That's not a good reason
Y/N." He says. "Bucky, I think what she wants to say is your to sexy to walk around a gym with no shirt on." Wanda clarifies, I shove her playfully. "What I had to say what was on my mind." She defends.
"Y/N, you could have just said so." Bucky says. "I couldn't just say so, that's embarrassing!" I exclaimed. "Sorry Y/N." Wanda says. "It's ok Wanda, don't worry."
"Thanks though." He says. I blush harder. "what I can't say thanks?" he asks. "She's too embarrassed to say your welcome," Wanda says for me. "Thanks, Wanda," I say. "Anytime, literally. I'm gonna go use the treadmill." Wanda jogged away, awkwardly leaving me with Bucky. "Well, uh, Steve wanted me to make sure you were doing something,"  Bucky says. "I will, I'm just deciding what to do," I say. "Y/N, you don't have to be embarrassed," Bucky says, putting his hand on my shoulder. "I do! I mean is it not weird for you that I'm like, attracted to you?" I ask, he shrugged. "Not necessarily," He says, I scoff. "How? I'm a teenager, you're like one hundred," I say. 
"Because attraction has no limits doll." He says I blush again. "Stop blushing its weird." Bucky jokes. "I can't! I'm embarrassed, especially when you call me a doll or any other names than my own." I complain. "I can't help it, I just love calling you names other than your own," Bucky says. "You never blush when I call you that, that's why I never stop," Bucky explains. "Well, you're shirtless now," I say, blushing again. "Why do you make that face when you blush?" Bucky asked, chuckling. "What face?" I ask. "That face," He says. "I always make this face, it's just my face," I say. "No, it's not," Bucky says. 
"This is how I always look." I utter. "You look like a tomato, and your eyes are getting really big, and you have this smirk on your face. That is not how you always look. You look like a turned on Powerpuff girl." Bucky explains. "I do not!" I say. 
bucky takes his phone out and takes a picture of my face, and shows me. "Yes, you do." He says I chuckle. "I look so creepy, oh my god," I say. "You look adorable, not creepy." bucky corrects. I blushed even harder. 
Steve came up behind me, sweaty as hell and shirtless as well. I blushed harder. "Y/N?" Steve says. "She's blushing Steve," Bucky explains. "Why do you guys have to walk around shirtless with your toned fucking 12 packs shit," I say, bucky laughs and stops Steve from saying language.  "Just let her cuss, she deserves it," Bucky says. "It helps the muscles breathe," Steve says. "Seriously? Ugh. Let your muscles suffocate. I wanna breathe." I say, walking towards the bikes. They both follow me, Shirtless sam following behind. "That was some workout," he says, I stare at him and sigh. "What'd I miss?"  he asks. bucky points to his torso. "Oh, I understand." 
"It'd be nice if you guys put on shirts, or left me to weap my virginity," I complain. "You're a virgin?" Bucky asks. "Yes, is that such a surprise?" I ask. "It's not true," Bucky says. "What do you mean?" I asked. "You and your ex-boyfriend have had sex before literally, everyone heard it," Bucky says Sam and Steve nod. "Well, I must've been drunk, or asleep," I say, turning up the level on my bike. "Y/N, you just accused him of either taking advantage or rape," Steve says. "What? He was an asshole but he'd never rape me. We were both probably drunk. I just don't remember that's all." I say. "You would have remembered the morning after," Bucky says. "Yeah, its pretty memorable," Sam says. 
"Guys, it's fine I wasn't raped," I say. "Maybe we should check the security footage," Steve whispers all too loudly. "Security footage?" I ask. 
Steve sighed. "It's not only in your room before you ask, everyone has it. Just in case something happens to someone in their sleep." Steve says. "Steve I wasn't raped, please, give it up," I complain. "Y/N, it doesn't matter what you think you know happened, what matters is what might have happened. Besides you aren't allowed to get drunk anyway, and you can't get drunk, your metabolism is to fast." Steve says. "Steve, please drop it," I say. "Y/N, what happened?" Bucky asks. "Please, you guys just drop it. I'm trying to concentrate." I say. 
"We are going back to the tower," Steve says, lifting me up off the bike. "Steve I'm not a baby put me down." I whimper, bucky chuckles. "Y/N, I know it's hard, but if he raped you, it's important that you tell us," Steve says. "Steve, nothing happened."
We all headed back to the tower in silence, every few seconds bucky looked back to check on me as Sam was asleep. 
We all got in the elevator, I prayed that we didn't overload the capacity. Steve whispered to Natasha, Natasha whispered to bucky, and bucky whispered to Sam, and you get the point, everyone but me knew what was said. 
Steve, Natasha, Sam, and Bucky all headed into a control room I had no idea about, I heard tapes going over and over until I heard the night that he raped me, I sighed, preparing for the lecture I wanted to avoid. 
Only bucky came out, he frowned and opened his arms for a hug. I felt surprised, as I thought I'd get a lecture about lying about something so serious.
I kept my arms to my side, and let him squeeze me tightly, I stayed silent and waited for him to speak. "Y/N, you know I'm always here to talk right?" He asks, I nod. "It's not easy to admit something like that, so no one is gonna lecture you about it," Bucky says, his arms still tightly holding me. "I know that now. I'm sorry I lied about it," I said, holding back the tears that begged to come out. 
"Don't be sorry, it's not your fault." He says, still holding me. "Bucky." I ask. "yeah?" he replies. 
"Are you guys gonna kick his ass?" I ask. "Definitely." He says. "Can I come?" I ask. "Definitely."
[I'm sorry this was so all around the damn place.]
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