#but some of you guys hype me up in the notes like “so true op!”
sometimes i see that a post i liked right after it was made is making the rounds on community tumblr and i think “ooo look at me being all unique and ahead of the curve” and then i remember that i have no life and am scrolling through the tags 24/7 interacting with nearly every post that mentions abed by name and im like ohhhh yeah
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thank you for wording what was bothering me about last weeks race comments! i’m not a fan of ferarri, i like max and don’t care for charles, but ferrari and somewhat charles are in my bad books as i am a seb fan and well red bull allowed seb to flourish as the great driver we all know he is. however all this over hyping charles as some mastermind genius and max as some stupid hot headed fool is hilarious to me. max last year beat a 7 time champion who drives for a team that dominated an era of f1, u don’t get to do that by being ‘hot headed stupid aggressive bullying’ etc. so yes charles might have matured since 2019-2020 but let’s not act like max is a fool. also it’s somewhat clear that ferrari (unfortunately) have the better car at the moment but max has never driven a top car in his career even last year the second half mercedes came out on top with their car, max had races ruined that weren’t really his fault, so again he knows how to deal with these things the guy is a champion ffs. also half this dialogue of max being an idiot charles being a mastermind is literally pushed by merc/lewis fans which is telling (at least on twitter any viral tweet of this narrative is tweeted by a lewis/merc fan). anyways the season is long, ferarri as iconic as they are, are also known to ruin good things and start internal political blame games (which if it comes to that as a seb fan i want to see how charles gets treated) and red bull is no small team and if done right can bring their car up to ferrari’s level. sorry for my rambling ur the few blogs i follow on f1 tumblr that has reasoning and good takes!
Anon, even though I like Max/Chal as a ship and the fans of Lestappen are very great positive and supportive people, I must say I am in it because of Max.
I am a Max fan.
I never supported teams even though my two favorite drivers were driving for the same team at once. And I don't care about Ferrari at all for the reasons people who watched 2019/2020 season know. They did Seb dirty. I have sour feelings towards Charles for those 2019 shenanigans, too, I won't lie. His manager is an arse and coupled with the way how B*notto overhauled the whole team in a way that he would become the boss.... *Sigh* It's a very long story, I will spare you.
I am on the fence about some things. I decided to reconsider my feelings about Charles in accordance to the way things unfold and how he reacts. People change, they grow up or get worse. But my feelings about him doesn't matter now, because I have enough commonsense to differentiate between how a driver acts and how his fans act.
True, some fans make it very difficult to like some drivers. But I never based my like/dislike on the fan behavior.
Things stay respectful, but in Max's disadvantage? Well, I will be sad and wallow alone even though I want nothing more than Max to win this WDC too and shut everyone up for once and for all.
But things turn ugly between the drivers themselves? (which i hope not and I can't picture them as such) Then, I will form my opinions and say them. You can be sure of that.
I am saying all these based on the probability of Redbull finding a way to get that car into a stable and reliable window, ofc. If they can't, well, all this Chal/Max duel fantasies of this side of the fandom will go down the drain and people will watch Carlos and Charles duking it out for the WDC 🤷 Not me, though... I don't care about Ferrari, as I said.
The real problem is the fans turning ugly even if the guys stay civilno matter the shit, because hateful mfs are literally unavoidable on here (well most of the fans are already acting like little monsters).
One thing I would like Charles fans who also like Max to do is that, please look at the op of the posts you reblog. Look at the notes/tags... People are literally stealing the descriptions Charles fans on here use about him to shit on Max on Twitter. Especially the posts about the overtaking moves. Unfortunately stuff like that get viral and exposure before we have learned how Max already had problems from lap 1 and even then outperformed a car that was crapping itself throughout the race.
This opinion of mine might be unpopular, but well... I had to say it.
And that last thing.... You know about the wheel of fortune and how Ferrari is unfortunately a champion eater, right? 🤷
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bugmomwrites · 4 years
Animal Crossed Lovers (Tamaki Amajiki)
Alrighty so I haven't put any finished work on here in a hot minute, that’s my bad. ANYWHO my mom got me ACNH as an early birthday gift since my birthday (April 5th) just missed the supposed quarantine cutoff date for our area (7th). I may be be stuck inside while everything’s closed, but hey- at least the island of Escapism hardly rests 😉
Tamaki Amajiki x GN! Reader
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Tamaki was never one to play video games, but he had to admit there was just something...soothing about Animal Crossing that melted much of his anxiety away. Nejire had initially preordered a copy for his birthday weeks ago, but her friend who worked at the local (s/n) (who he may or may not have been crushing on since their second year after they joined them at lunch one day) was able to pull a couple strings and get it on the fourth of March instead of the twentieth. Of course he had no idea, but he was so stunned when he opened it that it didn’t even occur to him that the game wasn’t even out yet until Mirio had reminded him. He didn’t question it though- his friend group was one wild card after another, so he guessed he shouldn’t have been too surprised.
He was thrilled, and just the fact that no one else had a copy yet made it feel all the more personal. Of course he knew in sixteen days it would be all anybody ever talked about, but for the time being it felt like the game, the little world he had created in the past few days with its gentle music and soft, wholesome theme, was his and his alone. The fact that it was a gift from his friends made it all the more special, and even if he had a hectic day at school he could turn on the console and water pretend flowers on a pretend island, and for those few moments, all was right with the world.
He was pulling weeds to sell to Timmy for bells when his screen pinged in the corner that made his blood run cold.
(Gamertag) is online
Playing: Animal Crossing New Horizons
That’s right, you had friended him on the switch after realizing all his friends had one, and now with a fourth person they could have a full team online. Mirio has suggested everyone exchange codes, and you had taken the liberty of showing him how to punch in the code and adding yourself while he sat there trying not to melt into his seat at how excited you got, or how nice you smelled up close. You had passed it back with a beaming grin, telling him you couldn’t wait to do co-ops. At the time he could only nod, speechless as the rest of his friends made idle chatter until the bell rung, and everyone scurried back to class.
He quickly realized he had left the terminal gate open when he was poking around the various features, learning about what each thing does in game. He tried sprinting to the airport to close the gates, and he made it to the dock before a big green banner flashed across his screen reading “you have a visitor!”
Out of the threshold popped your avatar, and for a moment he was grateful he could hide behind a screen. He wanted to be mad, upset even, that you had wandered onto his digital sanctuary, but couldn’t find it in himself because, then again, it was you.
The Nookphone in the top left corner buzzed to life, and he opened up the chat log with shaky hands. In a cutesy, pastel speech bubble was your message, and he wondered how something that was once so therapeutic to him could do a 180 and suddenly become the source of his anxiety.
G/T: Hello! Sorry to pop in unannounced, I hope you don’t mind^^
Tamaki felt his mouth go dry, reading it in your voice and after steadying his breathing, he painstakingly typed out a response.
Suneater: its ok.
G/T: It’s kinda hard to find others to play with when the game isn’t even released yet >~<
Suneater: Oh?
He should have known it was too good to be true. You were only visiting him because no one else was on yet. He sighed, trying to keep the dread from crawling back in before another note popped up.
G/T: The game doesn’t actually release until the first day of spring, but working at (s/n) has its perks. I saw the trailers and the hype and figured it would be the perfect game for you.
He felt a wave of relief wash over him upon reading that. So he wasn’t the last choice- rather, the game simply wasn’t out to the general public yet. But if that was the case, how did you also get a copy?
Suneater: thats nice of you
G/T: And then a little birdy told me you had a birthday coming up, so since I have a couple connections after I got my copy, I asked my manager if they’d set aside one more.
Suneater: you
Suneater: you were the one who helped get it early?
Boy did he feel stupid now. You worked at (s/n), (as you had literally just mentioned in your previous notes), Nejire got him a game that wasn’t out yet, you guys were all mutual friends- how did he not put two and two together?!
G/T: Yes lol that would be me^ you liking it so far? You picked a good name for the island too.
“Sunshine Island” may have seemed a little cliche to most people, but Tamaki had so many things in his life linked to it that by this point, it was just routine. Mirio was his sun in dark times. His nickname Suneater, even the sunflowers he had received from his parents for his birthday each year was tradition. He knew not everyone would see it the way he did, but to him, it was perfect, and he was definitely chuffed when he thought it up and punched it in for the first time.
To hear you loved it too sent a swell of pride through him, and he wondered if it was possible to love someone as much as he did just then.
Suneater: you really think so?
G/T: Absolutely
And with that, the two of you explored Sunshine Island together, he showed you his tent, the shops, and the little orchard of peaches he had arranged. You were impressed by the amount of detail and care that went into arranging everything, and asked if he’d be willing to help you with your island sometime, to which he obliged. 
You guys did some more walking, and he told you to feel free to shake theres and take a couple fruits with you. His native fruit was peaches, and in exchange you dropped a couple of your own fruits from your island on the ground for him to pick up so he could have more variety in his world.
G/T: There’s six different kinds, and each island is assigned one main type of fruit. the more you visit with friends, the more biodiversity you’ll get. Pretty cool right? I have some spare (F/N), and if you take and plant those, they'll grow and multiply!
His avatar hesitantly wandered over to the offering after yours stepped back a little to let him take them. Your generousity was surely appreciated, and even though you couldn't see it, he smiled softly before typing out a new message.
Suneater: Thank you. I’ll go plant those.
The game might have been synced up with real time, even getting darker after a certain hour- yet despite it being outside, neither one of you noticed just how much time had passed between all the bug catching, fishing, exploring and talking. When your screen loaded up a clock that read 2:54 AM, you blinked a few times, as if that would change the reading. But lo and behold, it was going for 3am on a school night, and you knew you both had to get to bed.
G/T: Ah beans its 3am, I gotta get to bed soon. Thanks for letting me hang out on your island, and sorry for keeping you awake >~<
Suneater: don't be sorry, i had a lot of fun. can we play together again sometime?
G/T: Of course! I can't wait to meet up again. Maybe we can visit my island next time? I should have those peaches planted by then, and you can teach me your ways, oh master landscaper.
Tamaki chuckled out loud at that, blushing, as he suddenly had a brilliant idea.
Suneater: That would be nice. Wait here a second.
He scurried off to a patch of flowers he had blooming, and with a shovel, picked up a few in your favorite color before making his way back over and dropping them in front of you.
Suneater: You can start by planting a few of these around your island. It is your favorite color, right?
Now it was your turn to blush as you picked up the (f/c) flowers he dropped in front of you, smiling like a goon at his burst of confidence. How he remembered your favorite color is beyond you, but hey- you weren’t complaining.
G/T: They’re perfect, thank you Tama!
Suneater: You're welcome. I’ll see you tomorrow?
G/N: You know it! Goodnight <3
And on that note you walked down to the airport, his avatar following close behind as if to see you off. It was a simple gesture, but appreciated nonetheless. Both of you powered down your switches for the night before plugging them in, and promptly hopping into your respective beds with racing hearts. It was the perfect end to your digital “date” and you couldn’t wait to log in again.
Thank you for reading! Feedback and reblogs are appreciated. Hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it. The inbox is always open for future ideas, so don’t be afraid to drop in. 
Also gonna tag @katsukisprincess​ cause I mean...Animal Crossing and wholesome Tamaki fluff. ‘Nuff said.
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rebelcap · 3 years
No, no, no, yes.
Bucky x oc. (Luna Vega, woc, slightly enhanced)
Sweetheart, I’ve been checking on you since 2014.
Luna does and Bucky knows, she’s been there since the beginning. When the winter solider becomes Bucky again. Even before Steve and certainly after Steve.
They start to wonder if…
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The TV was silent, illuminating the little living space that goes up to the little kitchen, the light of the door was on. Bucky was lying on the floor, absently watching the TV, the news, and all going to shit since everyone came back—and some left.
His eyes perk up to the door when he hears the elevator door opening up and steps walking towards his apartment. Bucky stood up and heard a voice speaking from outside.
“It’s me, open up.” Luna talked from the back half of the hallway, knowing that he had already heard her coming. He groaned, annoyed as he looked around from some of his clothes. “Bucky,” she spoke again as she reached the door.
“One second!” He shouted and grabbed a shirt and some sweatpants from the one-seat couch beside his bed.
“Are you with someone?” She asked and Bucky opened the door and found her staring with a shit-eating grin. “Are you flipping your wig with some broad?” Luna wiggled her eyebrows at him, hitting him with the forties slang.
Bucky took a deep breath and stared at her face for a moment and declared. “I hate you.”
“No, you don’t. You need to get laid,” She exclaimed as Bucky moved to the side to let her in, he went back to the floor as she sat down on the couch.
“I tried, online dating is… overwhelming and weird.” He mumbled, looking at the muted television.
“Like Tinder?,” She asked, looking around for the remote, Bucky hummed. “You’re too old school for that.”
Bucky rubbed his face and observed the woman sitting on his couch, slouched and absently changing channels. “How did it go?” He asked referring to her latest mission.
“Could be better,” She said and Bucky rolled his eyes.
“Intel was shit, my package got shot—he’s fine though.” She said without taking the eyes from the TV. “I tried to link up with the other guys,” Luna said looking at Bucky, talking about the rest of the Avengers.
“Had any luck?"
"Well, the kid, hulk and Clint, and the ant dude are doing okay and I don’t know about the ones in space because SWORD revoked my level 9 privileges that I had on SHIELD. And Wakanda is all good.” She made a face of disgust. “I can’t find Wanda or Strange. Probably doing weird shit around, whatever.”
“Now you’re checking on me?"
"Sweetheart, I’ve been checking on you since 2014.” She joked but they knew that it was real. They have history, the first time they met was obviously when Bucky was the winter soldier. She was a black ops operative on SHIELD, worked along with Steve, Natasha, and the STRIKE team. On her last mission, she started suspecting SHIELD was compromised by Hydra because her target had expressed it.
“You’re another HYDRA puppet, thinking you’re doing the right thing. SHIELD is not more.”
Before she could even press the issue and ask questions, her orders came through. No prisoners and was forced to terminate him. They sent her home on obligatory leave because she had sustained severe injuries in that mission. After Nick Fury was shoot, they brought her back, Secretary Pierce gave the order to put her on a wash down super-soldier serum to heal her injuries, something that she had no idea and they did that without her consent… but it worked perfectly and increased about a 25% her strength, stamina, and abilities —a little above average than the regular men.
All the pieces fell into place as soon they gave her orders to capture Steve, Natasha, and Sam. That’s when she knew that HYDRA had infiltrated SHIELD, at first she was only going to play along with them to gather intel that she planned to feed to Steve to bring them down. But it all cemented it together when she met The Winter Soldier, realizing that it was Bucky.
So she stayed for Steve.
But when Bucky pulled her out of the Potomac, injured and lost, feeling that he could only trust her—she helped him to get back on his feet and leave the country with a promise to not tell Steve that she knew about him.
“I won’t tell anything but keep in touch, Bucky.” She told him. They were in her car after she arranged a safe passage on a fishing boat to Europe.
“I will, Luna, I will.” He promise.
And he didn’t break that promise, even though she knew that Steve would never forgive her about it, not until after the shit that went down with the accords.
“I miss him,” She said almost in a whisper. They never talked about Steve, it’s been six months since he chose to leave their asses. “I still can’t believe he left us stranded here.”
“You still mad at him?,” Bucky asked.
“Yes, he just… left, no goodbyes, no explanation. Just…” She shrugged. “I know he loved her, I know. But we went through so much—” Luna cut herself off. “And then leave me with your traumatized ass.” She joked, Bucky laughed.
“Ah screw you, I’m doing therapy. Mandatory but still,” He rolled his eyes and turned around to look at the TV again.
“And how is that going?"
"It’s going. I…” He took a pause. “I’m making amends."
"That’s good,” Luna said and noted the expression on his face and knew what he meant with amends. “Who you killed?” she deadpanned.
“I can’t do anything illegal, I can’t hurt anyone—But I’m taking back the power I gave them, maybe bruising them a bit.”
“Hell yeah, do you boo. Hunt those sons of bitches,” Camila Smile, hyping him up. Bucky actually smiles as they high-five each other. “I’m on your make amends list?"
"I don’t have amends to do with you.” He frowned.
“You pushed me off the helicarrier.” Camila pointed out, which was true.
“You were annoying me,” Bucky said, which was also true.
“You almost killed me.” She made a solid point and Bucky shrugged it off.
“Sam grabbed you mid-air.”
“Yeah, then he dropped my ass too,” Camila explained and pointed out. “Because someone plucked the wing off his suit.”
Bucky rolled his eyes at her, again. Shaking his head and Camila smile.
“I ain’t telling you sorry.” Bucky smiled, playing along.
“I’m talking with your therapist.”
“She’ll put you on therapy.” Bucky looked at her, smiling. “You’re fucking crazy, you know that.”
“It’s a character trait, Bucky.” She laughed. “Besides, you like me a little crazy.” Camila teased a little.
“You know I do.” He agreed, looking at her with a smile on his lips. They both fell into a comfortable silence until Bucky blurted, without even thinking of the ramifications of saying something like this to her.
“I have a date tomorrow, at ten."
"What did you say?” Camila explained, turning her body to Bucky to hear him more correctly. “Did you say date?” Her short Bob fell exactly to her shoulder and bounced around as she hopped on the couch, kinda excited—acting like a freaking chihuahua.
“Yeah, I’m already regretting telling you. You’re gonna jinx it—
"What?,” She shouted, interrupting. “Aren’t I the one who’s been trying to get you laid all this fucking time?"
Bucky rolled his eyes once again, acting like a grumpy old man—well he technically was and said nothing. That was okay because Camila was going to answer it herself.
"Me!, so no… I’m not gonna jinx it,” She threw the remote at his chest and Bucky glared at her.
“That fucking hurt.”
“Don’t be a pussy. Who is she?, I know her? Is she cute?"
"It’s the girl from Izzy,"
"You asked her out?” Bucky looked at her and made a face and proceeded to tell her how Yuri set him up. Camila made a face and then laughed. “Look at you, finally you’re out of your millennial old dry spell.
” It’s just a date.“ He quickly interrupted her.” I haven’t had one since 1943.“ Bucky panicked a little, shuffling on the floor.
"Nah,” She hummed and shook her head, quickly getting up from the seat. “Come on,” Camila said waving his hand in front of him. Bucky frowned as he looked at her, confused.
"You’re taking me on a date, I won’t let you go unprepared. You’re my friend I won’t let you fail.” She extended her hand at him and Bucky didn’t bulge. “Buck, come on” Camila pouted a little bit, giving him a little flirt and Bucky’s face got red. “Please?” She batted her eyelashes at him.
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gukptune · 5 years
— if only, he wasn’t so perfect, (m.)
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Pairing: multiple, jimin x reader
Genre: friends to lovers
Warnings: multiple lovers, breaking people’s heart, dom/sub tones, public sex, loads of cum, fingering, slight cullinggus, choking, unprotected sex, quickies, anal play, butt fucking, voyeurism?, people might hear ops, and etc.
Summary: if only he wasn’t so perfect, if only he wasn’t your past, if only he wasn’t so into you.
Words: 8.4k+ (shit)
Note: hi, i’m back with more smut this time hopefully it’s great. I couldn’t shake this idea out of my head so I wrote about it! You’ll understand the prompt as you read! Enjoy and tell me what you think!
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Parties, they happened often and they’re well known, but the most exciting parties were those hosted by the resident baddies of the school. To get invited wasn’t exactly hard, be somewhat of their acquaintance and then you’re pretty much in, by that you just know where they live and are able to attend.
And if you weren’t exactly a visible acquaintance you’d have their little ‘group’ eye you like you’re some alien with a disease. But hey, getting stared at isn’t always bad if they were the hotties of the University, the bad hotties.
You had always been invited, specifically by an eccentric loud mouth himself. So here you were, doing nothing exciting but standing in their condo’s hallway listening to some people you didn’t know mingle—mainly because your closest friends didn’t fit in this kind of crowd, the rebellious troublemakers. And the few girls you knew were trying their best to get the main boys’ attention.
Let’s just say, in your University kids crowded together based on their interests and majors, you somehow managed to find yourself intertwined with a few different groups—some being due to your highschool life and the current due to your chosen course, you could say it was a rather nerdy course. 
Similar enough to your childhood best friend to still have you guys kicking it, though he was definitely not kicking it at this kind of party, Kim Seokjin would rather be dead than seen at a punk’s party.
You weren’t so up-kept about your reputation or well lack there of, the few ‘nerds’ or ‘preps’ of your crowd that attended came for the free drinks, relatively okay music and well maybe a good fuck if they’re get it out of the six main punks who casually sprawled themselves all over their living room, getting high as kites or well drunk as fuck.
It wasn’t exactly a conversational party, like those fancy rich people ones that Seokjin would drag you to, neither were they all hype and that like those frat parties on the tv, everyone was still enjoying their time but they were all baked, most of the time. Saying stupid things whilst tramping over the non-baked, yet it was fun watching people make complete fools of themselves.
Though, these boys weren’t always lacking in entertainment in terms of their excitement level in parties, just so happened that today the party just so happened to be right after this crowd’s end of semester exam, you were just lucky yours were weeks ago and didn’t have to suffer in silence as these sad ones brewed in their realisation that they could fail. 
Not that categorising people like that was typical for you to do, but you know the type of people that hung around these guys on a school night, those that cared little for actual school, but well more for the parties, the sex, or well they care about forcing themselves through a course their parents forced them to take. That’s only some though… well maybe most.
Yet, you felt a burning sensation on the side of your face as one of your dearest friends, Kim Jennie nearly falls all over you. You caught her with a roll of your eyes wondering how miss glamorous managed to fuck herself up so quickly.
In the circle of couches and huddle of best buds were the boys many spoke of, the baddest boys of campus consisted of a brainiac, but sulky and quiet, Min Yoongi. An extremely excitable yet intimidating, Jung Hoseok. Another brain that has a lot of brawn, but is relatively awkward talker, Kim Namjoon. A cute and bubbly yet cunning, Park Jimin. An artistic suave that could be considered arrogant, Kim Taehyung and lastly, a broody and still sort of nerdy Jeon Jungkook. 
These boys were the few that sparked the many crushes from girls all over campus. You can’t deny really, especially when one of them took your virginity in high school—whats better is that you also took his.
“Jung Hoseok! You’re spilling the vodka everywhere!” Taehyung groans, trying to push himself away from the overly drink hyung who didn’t give a crap of what he said and continued overfilling his cup.
Taehyung tries to brush off the drops of pungent alcohol off his trousers before his eyes glanced up to lay on a girl he hadn’t seen in the longest time, “Hey, isn’t that, y/n?”
With a quick turn of heads after hearing the name, the ones still consciously themselves tilted their heads around trying to get a good look of the girl Taehyung asked of, through the crowd of people weaving around the tiny stretch of a hallway, Namjoon answered, “Yep.”
“She looks like that now?” Taehyung’s face fills with awe, his eyebrows nearly lifting off his head.
Namjoon just shrugs as he responds, “Yeah? You haven’t seen her? She’s looked like that since the year began.”
Of course Namjoon, the smarter of the group would’ve seen you around having study in the same building. Taehyung couldn’t seemingly believe it, shaking his head as he whistles, “She looks fucking good.”
Jeon Jungkook didn’t seem to take what Taehyung said as a compliment, frowning at what sounded like Taehyung was speaking of you in a derogatory way. Jimin on the other hand couldn’t keep his eye off of you, even so that the other boys noticed and teased him.
“Jimin, nows a good time, she hasn’t come to our parties in ages and what if she doesn’t come again. Go—get it in,” Taehyung wiggles his eyebrows as he tries his best to convince Jimin.
Who shakes his head quickly and dismisses the idea, “No, no, I can’t—you guys know how she makes me feel. If she even looks at me I’ll fucking pass out.”
Namjoon quipped his eyebrow as he cocks his head taking a drink, “You won’t. And who knows, you’re only doubting the possibility of being with her because you’ve never tried.”
“And she’s not exactly a mean bitch, if she does say no, she’ll say it in a really nice way,” Taehyung pats Jimin on the back, “Hell, she might even give you a little kiss on the cheek for participation.”
Jimin groans at the thought of your rejection. Though, the black hole in the room went unnoticed as Jungkook, the epitome of black, rubs his face as if he was in pain, his feet tapping the floor impatiently.
“Alright,” Jimin makes up his mind, taking a quick shot before he stands up, “I’ll do it, what have I got to lose right?”
“A lot, actually,” Namjoon murmurs.
Immediately, Taehyung jumps up with a bright smile on his face, slinging his arm over Jimin hyping him up. “Yea! Alright, just go over there and don’t swallow your tongue yea?”
Taehyung also bends down to pick up a cup filled with a drink of sorts, “Maybe give her a drink to break the ice. You got it.”
As he pushes the blonde boy towards you, Taehyung drops back in his seat with a proud grin on his face. Turning to his side as Jimin strolls over towards you, Taehyung finally notices the brooding boy who had thrown his bucket hat over his face. He whips at it knocking the hat over as he watches the look on Jungkook’s face, “Sheesh, don’t look so fucking sad, you never know, she might actually say no.”
As Jungkook’s body physically rested from the words of reassurance Taehyung gave him. It was true, you might say no to Jimin’s advances but then again it was Park Jimin.
Before Jungkook had time to think of all the possibilities of your rejection for Jimin, across the room where Jimin had disappeared into the crowd was something that tore his whole world down.
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You were enjoying yourself very much. The night was young, the company was good—but most importantly were the boys you could clearly see eyeing you down.
Surprising you mostly was a particular boy coming up to you with a drink in his hand, he was swiftly and confidently strutting through the crowd with only one goal—you.
You were talking to your friends before he made himself noticeable, your friends immediately dispersing with knowing grins on their faces. You hadn’t expected him to actually come up to you, neither did you expect the person to be Park Jimin.
Here he was, standing in front of you. Grinning ear to ear with a drink in his hand as he doesn’t do much after that. You raised your eyebrow at him whilst you nonchalantly leaned back against the wall, allowing your hips to jut forward.
“Hey,” He finally spoke, his eyes continuously not leaving yours, telling you that he came here with a mission.
You weren’t hating his company, but you did hate the eyes burning into you from afar. Whether or not this would make it worse you pegged to flirt with him, “Hey, Jimin.”
Your hand coming up to brush against the collar of his jacket, pulling at it and flattening it against his hard chest. He takes a deep breath as if to calm himself and for a second looking back at the boys before he continues, “This is for you.”
He pushes the cup in his hand towards you, immediately you took it, taking a sniff you knew you didn’t like it. Definitely smelled like something Kim Taehyung would chug all night.
“I’m okay actually, you drink it,” You placed the cup rim against his luscious lips, truly you only did this hoping the seriously intoxicated drink would calm him down.
Park Jimin isn’t a very good liar, nor is he good at keeping secrets. His body clearly showed he was uneasy, nervous, didn’t know what to say, though you knew he wanted something at least.
Jimin’s eyes enlarged as he asked if you were sure he should drink it, of which you nodded, tipping the drink past his lips. From a far this would look very, sensual, you were pouring a drink into his mouth with your eyes narrowed seductively. Your body pushing itself off the wall to better support him, your hip now anchoring his. His eyes blinked through the cup trying to read you.
You only gave him a smile as he took the entire cup with one chug. You knew he was a lightweight, he was going to lose it in a matter of seconds.
“Y/n, I really— really want to go out with you,” half drunk Jimin finally spat it out.
You were shocked, surprised, wondering if he was serious or not. Did Taehyung put him up to this because he should have told his friends that good boys like Park Jimin were definitely not your type.
Jimin must’ve read your mind, pushing his fingers up to keep your lips sealed before you could speak, “I know, I’m not your type. I really do like you, and if we could try—it would be great, if you hate it you can just break up with me—”
As his rambling went on and on, your mind didn’t push past the idea he spoke of before hand. Dating cute boy Park Jimin, interesting, you wouldn’t imagine yourself every considering it. Park Jimin, a charismatic, charming, cute boy who’s got a heart of gold—gets relatively clingy, pouty whenever he’s drunk and when he’s man, the boy can truly become something else. How did you notice all of this, mainly from the fact that you’ve always had your eye on the person he clings onto most, someone relatively different from himself.
Here he was, right in front of you, his lips moving but you couldn’t hear the words passing his pink lips.
Surely, you hadn’t thought this through, surely you must’ve been a teeny bit drunk because before he could even pause for a breath from his long speech you couldn’t help yourself, not at all.
With your arms flung over his shoulder, a hand pushing up his nape towards his growing buzzed undercut, pulling him up against your chest with your back arched into him. His own hands reacting to your touch as it clutched onto the small of your back, giving your exposed waist, thanks to your crop top, a tight squeeze with his warm, and slightly damp hand.
He had reacted extremely quickly to the fact that your lips had interrupted him, it didn’t seem to bother him—it seemed to have pleased him as low groans slipped past his lip against your own. God, he tasted like the shitty drink you just made him chug reminding you very much of the boy that gave him the stupid drink.
His dyed blond bangs falling against your forehead with every movement of his lips, sucking and pulling at your own he seemed to have naturally taken the lead surprisingly. 
Maybe you could hear the faint whistling and gawking of his friends. Jimin’s toned body was hot against your touch as a free hand of yours made it’s way downwards to feel at his raising hem. He was even more vocal with a skin to skin contact that you could’ve imagined, you were liking this way too much.
“Ah—y/n, you’re killing me,” Jimin kissed his way down your neck, pushing his nose up against your collar bone as he collected himself from the very heavy makeout you’ve just had together.
You couldn’t help but let out a small laugh, even so looking over at his table of friends and seeing a particular fuming brunette pushing his way out of the room. Of course, he’d freak out. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes, seeing Taehyung running after the boy.
The boy who’s ever so often ignored you, never given you the time of day, would literally tell you that you look like a hoe. The boy you knew had the biggest crush on you but acted like a child with a crush he couldn’t accept, the boy now freaking out that his friend had just landed his crush.
The boy who’s name is Jeon Jungkook.
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You hadn’t thought much of Jimin’s advances. You two made out that night and well, he was too drunk to continue any further which lead to his friends dragging him home.
Apologies were said on behalf of him which you didn’t really need but was thankful for enough. As they dragged him into their car Jimin wouldn’t stop whining about leaving you, cute but definitely funny.
You merely waved and was told Jimin was going to call you.
It’s been three days and you’ve heard nothing from the boy, his instagram filled with videos of his party filled nights since Friday. He didn’t seem to have a pause button and was a heavy drinker. 
He hadn’t messaged you either, not on the app nor actually on your phone. You knew Taehyung had your number and that he’d likely give it to the boy but nothing.
It could’ve been possible that the boy was only speaking out of his ass, his drunk ass. Never the less you went on with your day at school without a bother. Only to be at lunch with your friends, hearing Jennie rambling on about her recent shitty date.
Jisoo wasn’t even listening and was mainly focused on her phone the entire time, the only person truly giving her the time of day was you. You weren’t doing much at all, just nodding and agreeing whenever she’d ask if you thought she was in the right.
Your mind was elsewhere, that elsewhere had bursted into the cafeteria with his posse. He was dressed in tight black jeans and a light blue sweater, looking as hot as ever. If anyone didn’t consider Park Jimin attractive they were probably blind.
He oozed attractiveness, drawing the attention of all even with his smaller stature than the rest yet he carried himself with a lot of pride which made him ever the more hot.
You were slouched against the seat without a care in the world, occasionally tossing fries into your mouth and sipping on some very good iced tea.
A true contrast to you, his eyes landed on you as he lined up for the food. His infectious smile brightening up his entire face, did you do that? His eyes pretty much disappear into his lids as he waves towards you making you jump, fuck, he did not just—
“Did Jimin just wave at you.” There it was, your angry best friend, he’s here to ruin the day.
You groaned and covered your face with the long sleeves of your shirt as you hear him set his tray down next to Jennie’s empty seat, who proceeds to ramble on about her guy troubles to him.
With your face tucked in your shirt sleeves you couldn’t see anything or rather hear anything as well, only seeing out from the bottom of the table through the peaks of your elbows. 
Until a familiar pair of shoes stepped into view, the shoes were boots and they had black jeans bundled at the top of the shoe, oh no.
You winced, peering up at him slowly. 
Jimin was leaned over with a hand on the back of your seat and another on the table as if he was trying to get a look inside your arms. “Looking for something?”
You immediately shook your head. The spiteful devil himself managed to sneer before you could speak a word, “She’s looking for an excuse.”
Jimin looked rather confused as he looked up at Jin. Turning over to you with a questioning look, of course Jin was trying to make you out to be the villain. He hated Jimin, mainly Jimin’s friends but Jimin was apart of that group.
“I’m sure she’ll come up with something great,” Jimin responds, being as kind as ever, “Can I talk to you?”
Within a flash you jumped off your seat, throwing your bag over your shoulder as well as picking up your food tray—dragging Jimin by his arm you ran away from confrontation with Jin about this situation.
You tossed the food and made your way outside with Jimin. His boyish laugh echoing through the hall as you both made your escape without peering eyes. Ending up nowhere special just barely outside of the building with the cool air brushing against your face.
“You wanted to?” You began, removing your hand from his arm and pushing them into your jacket pockets.
Jimin smiled, straightening himself up, “About that night—I really am sorry for not calling you. I’ve been busy—”
“Busy partying?” You interrupted.
Jimin cocks his head with a cute puff, “I—well I guess so but you know them, the guys they’d never let me miss a day of that—”
He explained himself very terribly, the only thing helping him was his very apologetic face. His eyebrows turned upright in the centre and his lips in a permanent pout.
“Jimin, I really don’t mind but honestly a text isn’t that hard especially if you’re the one that said you wanted to date me,” You jabbed, “Unless you were just lying.”
His eyes widened, “I didn’t lie, no no, I really do like you and really want to date you. I’m just—I was very drunk, I remember the amazing kiss but not much else, Taehyung said I needed some liquid courage and—”
“I know, I saw him push you over to me,” You added, beginning to grow bored of the conversation and biting at your nails.
“Let me redo this, can I please take you out...we could go to the movies today if you want,” He asked, his face filled with hope you didn’t want to crush.
Tonight, hmm, you were planning on watching a movie—a particular one no one wanted to go with you for, “Well, I was going to watch Endgame—”
“Great! I want to see it too.”
“Don’t you want to watch it with your friends?” You asked, secretly hoping he’d actually go with you.
Jimin acted as if he was considering it, going the whole way and putting a finger up to his chin, “Hmm, maybe... you’re right—”
You poked him in the stomach knowing he was playing with you. He laughed holding onto his side as he pushes away your tickling finger.
“Okay, okay, but really, you’re more fun than the guys so, I’d rather go with you.” He takes your hand and fumbles with it, lacing his fingers through it.
A damn flirt he was, knowing exactly how to get to your heart.
“Am I more fun to be around or am I more fun to look at?” You sussed.
Jimin grins, pulling your body towards his, “Maybe both?”
He was relatively more confident than he was when he was drunk which was strange since he was always pretty shy. 
“Let’s meet there then,” You suggested, “It’ll be colder tonight I need to get my coat.”
“You can wear mine—”
“I’d rather not have my date die of frost bite,” You teased.
Jimin bites his lip, realising that he’d never win. He opts to listen and nods his head. Pulling out his phone, “Give me your number.”
“I thought Taehyung would give it to you,” You did the same, exchanging phones with each other.
Jimin sighed, “He was suppose to, but he was too drunk to do that.”
Of course he was. Kim Taehyung was a delirious drunk who completely loses his sense of reality. You remembered all of it quite clearly, the damn nights that he’d get so wasted you’d have to force him home. All those times he would come to your house, drunk or high, stumbling into your bedroom right into your bed. The same bed he’d—
“I’ll see you after school.”
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The night came faster than you expected. As if time flew within seconds. You were on your way to see him at the movie theatre now, from his text he’d be waiting out front for you with the tickets he already bought for you. He’s slick, you’d never let someone pay fully for a date every but he managed to get there before you.
He was dressed in the same attire as earlier, as you were. Guessing that he came immediately after class alike yourself, his classes only ended earlier whilst yours ended at six which meant you were watching the screening at six thirty. It was currently, six fifteen in the evening. Somehow, the sun had set earlier that it usually does probably because of how cold it was.
“Hey,” Jimin noticed you immediately as you were walking him, untucking his hands from his jacket to embrace you.
You smiled and did the same, his body was warm under the thick coat he had on and you so didn’t want to stop hugging him. The scent of his cologne was deep and penetrating, only noticeable from so close but strong otherwise.
“Do you want snacks?” You asked, knowing that you wanted to pay for it since he paid for the tickets.
He nods with a smile, throwing his arm over your shoulder and tucking you into him. Walking towards the snack booth you scanned the snack choices. As the line grew shorter you were excited for one snack in particular.
You gave the employee a kind smile, “Could I get two drinks and popcorn—that’s okay with you right, and strawberry twizzlers.”
Jimin reluctantly allowed you to pay, only with a huff as he pushed his wallet back into his trousers. You weren’t a big fan of popcorn, only because of the buttery smell that could stick on your clothes after eating it and well you liked chewy snacks you could inhale the entire pack of without feeling bloated after.
With that you both got your snacks and went over to drinks to pick out what you wanted. Finishing up you both made way towards the theatre towards the seats Jimin had picked out, dead centre at the top with a great view of the screen.
You sat down on his left as he made himself comfortable, setting his drink on his right instead of next to you. He pulls up the armrest between the two of you and pulls you into him again, he did like being touchy—you weren’t about to complain you liked affection.
You opted to lean against him, his head constantly nudging against you as the movie begins. You were sort of late for the screening, the movie had been out a while therefore it wasn’t packed at all. You opted to snack on the long gummies as Jimin takes a long sip of his drink.
The comfort of his touch, and the great movie made for good fun, that was until he begins to show a little too much affection. His hand teasingly sliding down your arm right under it, gripping into your side as he tries to touch you under your shirt making you drop your snack.
“Jimin—what are you looking for?” You asked with a teasing tone, his mind was clearly not on the movie, rather he wasn’t even looking at the movie. When you looked towards him, his eyes were already on you.
Jimin was blatantly, upfront, “Your tits.”
Your eyes widened at that, he surely had no filter. You started feeling quite...turned on by his very dominant energy. You’d consider yourself into guys who were relatively switchable in bed but, he was surely a cutie who’s seemingly dangerous in bed—you weren’t so used to it, doms were in your past, one dom in particular made you a pretty bratty sub who loves teasing and playing with her partner.
You took a quick look around to see the nearest people around were near the end of the row and some were a few rows ahead. Unlikely that anyone would see what you two would do in the dark, especially if they’re watching a marvel film.
You reached for Jimin’s preying hand wrapped around your back and poking at the side of your left boob. You guided his little hands down towards the hem of your tight top under your jacket, getting him inside the shirt and over your bra. The heat from his hand already sending a wave of warmth towards your centre. He immediately beings groping at it, biting his lip as he looks into your eyes innocently as his hand did dirty things before you.
He boldly pushes the cup of your bra down, flicking his palm purposely over your hardened nipple—from the cold weather and his touch. From your close proximity you could hear him hum with satisfaction at the sheer size of your tit in his palm, he rolled your nipples between his ringed fingers as his lips breathed hot air down your nape.
“You’re shaking a little, baby,” He chuckled, the bellow of his tone vibrating against his throat allowing you to feel it against your neck. He was so close and fuck, you just wanted so much more.
With a bit more boldness from you, things got even more heated. Forcefully, taking his other hand your put it against your exposed thigh, he cocks his head looking down at your thigh. Your short tight skirt now riding up higher, he slides his hand down over your knees to snap the elastic of your socks against the back of you knees causing you to jump from the act, shit he was really going for it.
He bites your shoulder through your top as he makes his way up back to your thigh—towards the inner moistened thigh that you finally uncrossed, basically telling him that you’ve been rubbing your thighs together for some sort of release since he got his fingers on you.
“Already fucking wet, I want to take you in here so bad, fuck.” He was a freak, you’ve known—he looked like he was into fun things. He practically growled making you legs try to close but his hands were right there not allowing that to happen. His fingers scraping at your drenched underwear, his nails ever so often coming into contact with your clit making you shake.
You moaned when he began to push against your opening, “Where did shy Jimin go? Fuck—do it, take me right here.”
He seemed pleased with this, letting out a low growl as his fingers dipped through the side of your underwear pushing it aside for his fingers to enter with such ease.
You furrowed your eyebrows, biting your lips to keep yourself quiet. Your back automatically arching and your butt pushing up against him. From this position there wasn’t much he could give, you were pushed sideways against him. Your tailbone right against his hip. 
You were about to do something you never imagined doing, but your high was far. The quiet sounds of your cunt squelching as he tries his best to angle his two fingers inside you, his hot hands kneading your tit with such skill—your nipples as hard as it could be with his fingers pulling and teasing it. Since the armrest was already down, it made things much easier for you.
You got up, his fingers falling out of you and your top. His face stitched with confusion in his cute little pout. You were so over the movie, even if you wanted to see it so bad—fuck—with Park Jimin looking like this right in front of you, you had to take him, right here, right now.
Just look at him, his blond hair pushed over his forehead, his jacket falling off his shoulders and his thighs—his thick thighs just sprawled out carelessly over the red soft seats.
“Y/n? What are you—”
You shushed him with a finger on his lips as you leaned in, pretending to do something that wasn’t what you were actually doing. You had a longer jacket on, it fell over your bottom so you weren’t worried the lights from the screen would show anyone anything.
You pulled your skirt over your hips, as unattractive as it looked on you Jimin’s eyes dropped from your own towards your panties—your thong that you wore because your bottom was a little too large to wear normal underwear with without the lines showing were visible to his eyes and his eyes only. He bites his lips with anticipation, understanding now what you were doing as his adam’s apple bopped telling you he wanted it as bad.
His eyes darkened and distracted right where you wanted, you reached for the hemline of your panties and pulled them down. His hands coming up to hold onto your hips immediately pulling you closer to him. From any other view it looked just like you were fixing your skirt, very close to your date that is.
His lips made contact with the front of your pussy, he ducked to let his tongue taste you. You whimpered out, surprising yourself as Jimin grinned against you continuing to suck on the little area he had to reach for your clit. His fingers slowly opening up your folds to lick at your wetness. He pulls away with a cocky expression.
“Baby, you want to sit here?” He pats his thigh, raising an eyebrow at his suggestion.
You nodded, leaning over to rest a hand on his shoulder, “Fuck yes, I want to ride that dick so bad.”
He lets out a strangled breath, immediately popping off his belt buckle and pushing his pants down, allowing the little light coming from the screen to illuminate his erection, a hard—dripping cock that flung out of his underwear and stood straight against his stomach. He lets out a breath of relief now that his cock wasn’t restrained inside his tight trousers anymore.
“How—how do you want it?”
You answered by getting on him, leaving him breathless as you took charge and sat yourself on his thighs. Your back facing his front to blend in, his hands immediately held onto your hips as you rolled them against him.
His dick sliding back and forth against your folds with ease from your arousal and his precum, with how horny you both were, things were going to be very easy.
With a swift lift of your hips as he was helping guide you, his cock slips right inside. The thick head stretching you out to the point of a teeny sting, fuck, you loved it when a cock was so thick it would hurt like he was ripping you. By all means, he wasn’t big as you were used to but hell, he’s got girth many would die for. The sheer thickness was making you whimper like a little puppy, choking on your own breath, Jimin slides his hand up brushing against your tits to calm you.
“Hmm, that’s it, fuck you’re tight,” He murmurs, his lips sliding up and down your exposed neck before he begins to suck on it, flattening his tongue against your neck you could just imagine what his tongue could do elsewhere.
Your body was moving with it’s own idea, completely taking him fully, he’s bottomed out all the way inside of you—feeling your clenching walls squeezing his cock to it’s brim.
Jimin’s hands had gotten all the way up your neck, now his fingers encased them as he began to tighten his grip on it. Fuck, he’s into choking too.
Your lips fell open as inescapable moans and cries left them, you’ve lost all control now as Jimin begins pounding into you from below. The sounds of your wet pussy and his cock slapping against your bottom and his thighs. The sticky yet so erotic sound, you could feel the thick hot cum that was stringing between you both were just dripping now. 
“Ah, Jimin, you’re so good—holy fuck, I’m gonna cum,” Your high pitched whine made you come undone. Not giving him a chance at all, the boy also let out a loud moan, it sounded so good, so deep and hot just like his cock inside you right now.
Your pulsing cunt was squeezing the life out of him, you could feel his cum spewing out all over your wall—he stops when his cock has hit the hilt holding himself inside feeling your orgasm rip through you. Your body was shaking against him, with his hand held tight on your throat and hip you felt as if your best ever orgasm has just finished.
Fuck, it must’ve been the fact that you were in public and Jimin has just managed to fuck the shit out of you. You could feel his cock twitching inside as he begins to slip out, letting his softened cock fall against his thigh.
“Does this mean you’re my girlfriend now?” His joyful laugh echoed through your ears, as if this date couldn’t get any better.
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The days went by with a blink of an eye. Jimin, with his exponentially grown confidence had managed to skill-fully eye you down in University without your friends knowing. His own friends were quite happy with the fact that he had finally asked you out and fucked the shit out of you nearly everyday—of which you hoped he never explicitly given any fine details to his friends.
But of course you’d get a strange feeling whenever a certain brunette would sit near you in class with a brooding expression—as if he hated you. Jimin had mentioned how the younger boy had stopped talking to him ever so often and would only mumble one word answers to him.
You told him not to worry, you didn’t want to explain that Jungkook had a problem with it. You only lied saying that he probably had some girl issues he had to deal with—which wasn’t a complete lie, you just left out the fact that the girl involved in his issue was you.
You remembered the day you met him, first day of University you ran right into the unsuspecting boy which lead to him cursing you out before taking a better look. He was attractive of course, Jeon Jungkook was ripped—a sports student who cared a lot about keeping himself healthy and fit. He dressed well, always comfy with his oversized expensive clothes.
Over the months he’d constantly give you a funny look, you didn’t know what that meant, either he absolutely hates you or really likes you—you found out it was the latter at a halloween party that he dressed as deadpool, drunk and high as fuck drowning you with compliments on your own costume.
Taehyung looked from afar with a knowing glance, you has assumed that night that Taehyung was yet again proud of his bestfriend who managed to get his ass over to the girl he liked.
Then came this year, you tried, you really did try to talk to him but he wouldn’t budge. The boy would just nod and murmur back responses as if he wasn’t interested. Strangely enough the boy was vocal on text and whenever you’d game, which didn’t happen so often anymore since he’d been so busy with school and life. He’d only ever be so open that time and never again, especially not now when you’ve grown apart.
You felt like he hates you—sneering whenever you’d near him.
Now to the present, you’d barely seen him. You’d really only hang out with your friends as per usual with the slight attention from Jimin at school and his whole attention whenever you’re out of school.
It was nearly Christmas, Jimin loved Christmas—he dressed in reds and greens everyday looking like the god he is in just his Christmas sweaters and pants. He didn’t do anything special, he didn’t have to. 
He knows that if he had dressed in tight pants any day you’d soon rip them off when you’re alone, which lead to him purposely wearing his tight blue ripped jeans nearly every single day.
Tonight was different, very different. You got a message from Taehyung asking if you’d jump on a game with him real quick—he needed some help apparently and said, ‘you’re a nerd right, nerds are smart, help me’. 
You didn’t think Taehyung would be the person to play Monster Hunter World honestly, but here you were, helping him kill a very simple beast. 
“Taehyung, it’s just a Jagras—you’re only at the beginning of the game you idiot!”
He was, very, very bad at the game. You were frustrated, very fucking frustrated. He also refused to allow you to take the kill as he’d told you that you didn’t seen the level or the materials, which was true.
You just wanted to kill the thing so you’d finish this part already.
“It’s a giant ja-jarags—”
“Jagras—it literally says that on the screen.”
“Okay, a Giant Jagras. I’m new okay be nice to your new teammate,” He whined, continuing to try to attack the beast in the strangest matter.
You rolled your eyes as you laid on the bed on your stomach. You had the lights dimmed to a good amount and the main lights were from your PC and glow lights giving the room quite the moody atmosphere. You had your headphones on over your ears and the mic brushing against your cheek as you spoke, Taehyung really needs to invest in some good gear—you could barely hear the stupid guy.
You kicked your feet around behind you as you continued to mindlessly kill the other smaller Jagras around so they wouldn’t kill him, again.
“You sound frustrated,” his voice was low and raspy, drawing a warmth to the pit of your stomach. He kept his voice down so no one could hear from the other side.
You paused for the second to look back at him. How Jimin laid again your headboard with his shirt off from your previous heated make out that was interrupted by Taehyung’s pleas. He hadn’t even bothered to put it back on, only to give you a very nice sight of his ripped stomach and slim waist encased around his tight trousers and belt.
His feet kicks against your bottom as he sees you turn away with a huff. You were trying very hard to not jump on him right now.
“Oh my god! I almost got it!”
“But you didn’t,” you laughed, continuing to revive him.
You could hear Jimin scuffle around behind you, he was so restless. He must’ve been bored, tapping away on his phone as he watched you play with Taehyung. A boy who wasn’t your boyfriend who took away all the attention away from himself. Jimin was sulky, and pouty, constantly groaning and whining trying to fend to your attention which resulted in you telling him to be quiet and take a shower or something.
Jimin did not like not being the centre of attention, especially not being the centre of his girlfriend’s attention.
You paid attention to the animation of Taehyung’s constant deaths and his screams. Grinning ear to ear from how hard he was trying yet he fails at all cost.
Then of course, you felt a strange warmth on the back of your thighs—completely bare from your tiny shorts that probably rode all the way up over your bottom at this point.
You felt a wetness now, a hot, sucking sensation as it grew higher and higher. Then, a weight shifted and dropped over your legs, trapping them in.
“Jimin, could you not right now?” You whisper shouted at him, pointing at the screen.
He didn’t listen of course, what a brat. He sat his pretty ass right on the back of your knees as his fingers lingered at the hem of your shorts, “Aren’t these so unnecessary? They cover nothing babe, I can see your entire ass.”
His fingers teasing at the fold of your bare ass as he pulls the shorts over your ass roughly, allowing the crotch of the pants to rub against your clit causing your breath to hitch.
You immediately turned off your mic for a second, “Stop it. Tae can hear us.”
“Tae? Tae, you’re using nicknames now?” Jimin’s eyebrows cocked, his voice laced with jealousy, “You don’t even give me nicknames.”
His hands begin to grasp at your ass cheeks, squeezing them and rolling them out like dough. He used all his weight to keep you down, his frame slowly falling over your own as you felt him starting to grind against your ass with his hard erection.
“You’re such a brat, you call me a brat y/n—I didn’t leave my boyfriend all hard and horny to play a game with his best friend instead.”
God, his sarcastic petty tone was already getting to you. He was so jealous and it was so weirdly hot. He was thrusting with so much power you could feel yourself shifting back and forth, his hands were by your shoulders keeping himself upright. You couldn’t look back, he was trapping you—only allowing you to feel him.
His trapped cock, brushing against your ass—the sheer bulk of his bulge spreading your cheeks apart allowing him to push himself up against your wetting core but mostly your other whole...a particularly sensitive one he’s been begging to explore.
He bends downwards to nudge his head into the crook of your neck, peppering sweet kisses down your neck as you craned them over for him, trying to keep yourself shut as your mic had been back on.
“Tae-Taehyung you need to load up on h-health, gosh,” You tried to distract yourself from Jimin’s hands, but it wasn’t working anymore.
He’d notice your attempt and wasn’t going to lose your attention again. One of his hands left your side and proceeded towards somewhere else.
He dipped his fingers into his mouth as you could hear, before he pushes them into you through your shorts and underwear—causing you to choke on your words.
“Uh, did you slip, y/n?” Taehyung asked.
“Nope, I just thought I saw a spider...”
You could practically hear his smirk, fucking, Jimin was so pleased with himself. He continued to pry your pussy open with his fingers, curling them and stretching your hole out for him. Feeling the wetness, spilling out the sides as he kept digging for more.
His thumb would keep pushing up towards your asshole, running his thumb up and down, “Babe, can I please—fuck, it feels so tight.”
His voice was dark, hungry. You weren’t about to say no, you wanted it too. You liked anal play. Whenever Jimin wasn’t around you’d have fun with yourself too, touching yourself and teasing yourself, you knew that your ass was the epitome of sensitive. It gets you to cum in seconds.
“Will it hurt?” You asked, you’ve never had a man with larger hands than yourself in there, you were sort of worried—scared, but fuck, if anything more excited about how the stretch would feel.
“Huh?” Taehyung said, as he tries to slice at the beast again.
Jimin chuckled quietly as he whispered, “No, you’re in good hands baby.”
Literally, and figuratively. Jimin presses against the rimmed hole, feeling the ridges and just imagining their tightness around his cock, especially knowing you’ve never had anyone else in there. Maybe he did have a slight virgin kink, and anal virgin kink.
His thumb makes its way into you, swallowing hard from the sensation. It feels so good. His thickest finger proceeding to make it’s way into you, stopping at the hilt of his hand. Jimin couldn’t help to wriggle his thumb around feeling around the walls, thank god you had taken a shower before this.
Jimin’s satisfied grumble was enough to make you bite your lip, keeping it down. Yet, through your sealed lips he could probably hear your whimpers and grunts.
“Turn the mic off, fuck, I need to be inside you—you’re going to be so fucking loud.”
He was right, you did exactly what he said. He was also going to loud from the looks and sounds of it, just a finger in he’s already about to cum.
“Will it fit though?” “Babe, we both know I’m not that big.”
At least he was honest, and not arrogant right. You nodded, he liked this position you guessed. He stretched you out with another finger pushing into your asshole. It was so much, yet not enough.
As he finishes prepping your ass for him, he gives you a smack on the ass before pulling everything off your ass. Giving him a full view of your juicy ass, “Hmm, can’t wait to fuck this ass.”
You wondered how many times Jimin had actually done this, he seemed awfully experienced but your trail of thought was immediately cut off as he spreads your ass cheeks out—letting a drip of his saliva drop over your little gaping ass. He pushes his face into you, it wasn’t the first time he was eating you could but fuck, it was the first time he was eating out your ass.
You gripped onto the bedsheets that you could, biting into the fabric as he pushes your body down. Sucking, and licking into you, lubing you up as much as he could. He smacks his lips before popping off his belt and pulling down his pants only enough for his dick to come out.
You couldn’t see it but you wanted to imagine a red hot stinging dick just so hard and ready to rip you open. You hear you spitting some more into his palm before he pumps his cock a few times.
“Alright, deep breath,” He tells you, pushing the head of his thick cock up against your asshole.
You did, taking in a deep breath before it turned into a whole ass fucking scream of pleasure. He didn’t give you even a second to move, holding your hips flush against your bed as he fucks into you without a second thought.
He couldn’t even control himself, your ass was clenching at his every thrust—the base of his cock getting all the tightness it wanted. His balls slapping against your clit as good as it can it.
“I didn’t know—fuck, that jealous sex was this good—” Your words spun into a high pitched moan as he pulls out nearly all the way only fucking you with the head of his cock where he wanted more tension.
He sets his chest down against your shoulders, his bare chest flush against your still clothed top, “I’m only fucking you this hard ‘cuz you’re a fucking brat.”
Dominant Jimin was good, too fucking good—he’d get like this if you didn’t listen to him. He’d push your over his knees and smack your ass unlike it was red and boiling before he’d eat you out. He’d fuck you like he wanted to get himself to cum the fastest, without a care for how you were feeling—which was only a show, he knew you felt good, you liked being fucked hard.
“I should be a brat more often.”
He continued to drill into your asshole even harder like no other had before through the night, no fucking mercy. Taehyung only echoing into your ears asking if you were still there. Taehyung only thought of it was a glitch and nothing more. It was only when Jimin came inside your ass and began to pry out out his cum with his mouth did you realise that Taehyung had invited another into the game.
His gamer tag you knew well, from you dropped fucked out form you stared at the screen blankly. Jungkook had been playing with Taehyung for a while—he’d passed that part of the game and had better gear now. Holy fuck, how long did Jimin fuck you for—it wasn’t even enough, Jimin wanted to torture you, he didn’t even know Jungkook was in the game at this point.
He forced you to continue playing, joining back into the game with questions from Taehyung which you only said you took a while in the bathroom and forgot the mic was off. Jungkook casually speaking around you like you didn’t exist at all, of course with Taehyung trying his best to make you two talk.
He got better, only a few words but you couldn’t even say much without a squeak leaving your lips as Jimin bites and nips into your neck with his cock warmed all up inside your cunt the entire time.
You didn’t know why your head was getting off the idea of Jungkook hearing you cum, seeing you, you even imagined Jungkook in Jimin’s position right now, you were in deep shit, you were Jimin’s right now and not suppose to be thinking of fucking another but it was so hard.
So fucking hard. 
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loopf · 5 years
Oh yeah! Sorry about that, I totally understand! Well then, how about Denki, Mina, and Sero with an op crush that they've known from middle school confessing to them in the cheesiest way possible, but they still accept of course?
Author’s Note:
Hey, thanks for understanding! And thanks for waiting - I know it’s been quite a while since this was requested. Hopefully you enjoy it!
Lots of love ~
Denki Kaminari
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The school you and Kaminari came from was rather large, but one thing was for certain: out of the many students who attended that Middle School, you would definitely be the one who would be accepted into U.A.
Your Quirk was incredible! It’s potential was amazing; it allowed you the ability to be both offensive and defensive. You were definitely Pro-Hero material. Kaminari thought so too...
In fact, that’s how he started to ‘catch feelings’. Although you were never allowed to demonstrate your ability to it’s full potential, Kaminari could see the sheer power you could bare. He admired your in a sense... He wanted to be like you: smart, powerful... A true Hero.
That’s why he worked hard. To the best of his ability. Poor Denki knew he wasn’t the smartest, but like hell was he determined. He wanted to follow you - to be a hero with you. Fighting crime, tackle bad guys, like you had always talked about and like he had dreamed about.
His mind would often amalgamate such fantasies in the middle of Maths Class.
He was surprised when he made it into U.A... And you were both coupled up in the same class! He never thought of himself to be all that special... He knew that his only ‘average’ intelligence and his Quirk held too many consequences to be even concidered Pro-Material.
But that didn’t matter; he was with you.
And he couldn’t believe when you bolted through the Oak Doors in the morning just before registration. Your hands almost cracking the laminated wood of his desk with their sheer power.
“Kaminari, I have something to tell you.”
His head cocked sideways in confusion - he was perplexed by your sudden outburst... And how flustered you looked. He always regarded you as a student under control. A student of potential, charm as well as power... Clean and sensible... This wasn’t you, was it?
“I’ve... Admired you... Since the day we met. All the way back in Middle School... Your Quirk is incredible! Even though you don’t think so.” You cowered; your shoulders tensed, hiding your ears. Your arms locked into your flanks. Such a sight was seldom of you...
“Wh-What are you trying to say?” Kaminari was flattered, for sure, but also scared.
“I like you! Not as a friend - not as we are now!”
It took a moment for such a confession to be registered. Yes... Kaminari was a bit slow. But his electricity isn’t! Like a lightbulb moment, he short circuited. As if his body could take such flattery!
But this was a good sign... A sign that so much energy - so much feeling and emotion had now been released; it was held in for so many years. In fact, that was probably the most plausible reason as to why Kaminari spent all day and all evening trapped inside of Recovery Girl’s office. Even her kisses couldn’t fully cure his surprise.. But maybe your’s could?
Mina Ashido
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You two were very close during Middle School. The two extroverted students - so charismatic and charming. You were both a delight to be around! Mina, because of her personality and endless joy... And you, because of your Quirk.
Your Quirk was admired by many of your peers at your Middle School - especially Kirishima. But, not as much as Mina.
Being so close, you were able to show her a few tricks. Some simple manoeuvres: some effortless flips and turns. You were agile.
Such mobility allows the two of you to get closer: joining dance climbs and showing the ‘amateurs’ how it’s done was your favourite hobby. Of course, you were not obnoxious; you were eager to teach everyone! To help them learn! Perhaps even guiding them with the use of their own Quirks.
That’s were Mina started to feel something more intimate than just a ‘close friendship’. Not only was your Quirk so praiseworthy - a spectacle to witness, but your amiable personality was irresistible. It’s was enevitable that one day Mina would develop a crush on you.
When you both were accepted into U.A, you were both extatic! For Mina, it was an accomplishment. She hadn’t received the best grades in Middle School, but that didn’t matter. She was attending the most prestigious Hero School in the whole of Japan. With you!
Her crush on you only grew stronger as you were offered the chance to show off your skills. Your mobility and sheer power was almost unbearable for Mina to look at. It accentuated her feelings.
That’s why she nearly burned through the bouquet of Flowers you had given her when you confessed.
“I really loved dancing with you in Middle School... So how about we dance together... In a different way... Like lovers do?”
She squealed - almost enough to live up to her ‘Alien Queen’ nickname. She dropped the Bouquet of precious Roses before her acid could completely destroy the moment. Her cheeks grew a shade of pink - a blush darker than her own salmon skin.
Damnit! She always knew you were so charming? But when did you get so smooth.
“You could’ve told me where you got them pickup lines from!”
Hanta Sero
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Out of the three previous characters, it’s safe to say that you and Sero had the closest relationship.
It’s source was further back and had started on a courageous, yet rather cliche basis...
Sero had always been self-conscious of his elbows. His clothes had to be tailour made, with a special type of cotton. To say the least, his clothes were not designer; they almost accentuated the shape of his elbows.
He entered Middle School with a chip on his shoulder. He was scared... He knew that it would only be a matter of time before someone would pick up on his unusual appendages.
That day came only a few weeks after starting at his new school. Although his slender and scraggy build towered over the boys, it didn’t phase them. They continued to heckle and chucks about his unusual physique.... Just has he was predicted.
It continued for months, without anyone batting an eyelid. That was until you noticed the ongoing situation.
Sero had heard about you. Everyone had. The student with the stupidly awesome Quirk. The student who could probably pass the U.A enterance exam at the age of twelve. Of course he had heard of your name.
But, he’d never believe that someone such as yourself would ever feel some sort of empathy and emotion towards his situation.
But there you were, standing between him and his ‘bullies’. Little was said in that brief moment. Little was done. You only glanced at your peers before they stumbled away, heckling like Hyenas.
“Damn, them assholes.” You’d mutter under your breath, turning to face Sero, who was just as frightened as tyrants.
“You okay? Sorry I didn’t ward them off earlier, I really should’ve. Stupid me...”
Your words caught Sero off guard. The way you scratched the back of your neck in a nervous way, as if you had made a mistake. He was perplexed: why did you think this was your fault?
Nevertheless, your friendship began at that point. He definitely had the right inclination: it was good to stick by you. You were always so motivated! It was contagious. Sero himself couldn’t help but to start forming a personality based around your own: a bit loud, but cordial.
You were always there to hype him up about his Quirk, study with him. You gave him that goal of becoming a Hero. Something like that Sero could never thank you enough for...
He could never have expected you to share the same feeling for him too. As you stand there, in the rain, outside of the prestigious U.A High School building. Yiur hand reached out to his, with the words “I love you” still fresh off of your lips.
Sero remembered that day: the bravery and courage you showed when facing up to his tormentors. That tranquil look in your eyes whenever you would pick him up from the depths of his self-loathing. You were incredible. He was lucky to be your peer in such a famous Hero School. A possibility only made feasible by your presence in his life... How could he give that back to you.
“You don’t deserve me.” He stammered; he had thought about this day, when his (and maybe your own) feelings would rise to the surface and emerge through the ice that had, for so long, harboured them emotions. The cold was an anonym for emotions so warm; they were bound to crack through into the open in due time.
You told him he was amazing, incredible! That his elbows were unique and charming and his height was comforting.
He couldn’t take such complements. He couldn’t believe that your heart could’ve harboured such emotions for him.
But, it was only when you kissed him that he believed such possibilities... Perhaps he was better than he thought himself to be. Maybe he was capable of becoming a Hero... And a good Boyfriend to such an amazing person.
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NOTE: this was NOT written by me, I DID NOT attend QN Live 2018 (as much as I wanted to). Someone on Weibo attended and I’m translating their posts. This is Day 1′s report. I also embedded links of Twitter fanart for some parts whenever I could.
Warning: long post
Double warning: Original Poster (OP) of the posts is a Tattsun fan, so this is a heavily Tattsun-biased post.
Triple warning: be prepared to have your heart slayed by QN seiyuu
Feel free to reblog with comment/write in tags/slide into my DMs if there are any parts you think can be refined for accuracy!
Everything under the cut!
Setlist (this is from Day 2 I believe but I don’t think the setlist changed)
(?) indicates that I’m not sure about the translation
(T/N:) are my personal thoughts.
I skipped over translating the parts where OP was basically waxing lyrical over the seiyuu, sorry.
The talk corner was split between Morishow-Maeno pair and Tattsun-Shoutan pair.
Morishow and Maeno talk
Maeno: “usually we can’t have a 4-person rehearsal, we’re always missing someone”
Morishow: “that guy with the colour red was the earliest to begin rehearsal” (T/N: according to fans, Tattsun began rehearsing in September)
Maeno said he was really surprised to hear how early Tattsun began rehearsing
Shoutan-Tattsun talk (same link as above)
Tattsun: “I often end up practicing with Shouta, and he looks more and more like a girl to me - his feminine power is too damn high xD”
Shoutan did a dance move of putting his hand on his waist (apparently in a feminine way?). Tattsun tried to learn it live, totally failed and was like “how did this guy do it orz”
Shoutan smiled shyly (?)
Shoutan: “Tatsu-nii always says ‘let’s stop practicing here’ but always says ‘let’s do it once more’ and ends up practicing for a long time”
Tattsun: “it was no fun practicing songs on my own, so Shouta came over and said ‘why don’t we do QN songs’. Shouta often comes up with ideas like this, and is always supporting the 3 of us like this”
Tattsun is very grateful to Shoutan for showing him how fun it is to sing with others (T/N: is this real-life Ranmaru?!), although he sings a lot on his own, he’s really happy to sing with Shoutan.
At first Tattsun wanted to let Shoutan lead the song and he would support him, but it turned out Shoutan had the same idea lol. The two of them do their best in supporting each other~
The two of them end off with bowing towards the audience and whispering “thank you very much”
OP noted that the atmosphere was like a newly-married couple roflmao
Talk ends, Haruhana performance
They sat and sang with gentle swaying, but their singing was no less powerful.
When they sang “Ah…夜風がロンリネス締め付けて” they stared at each other soulfully. At the refrain, they stared at each other as they sang “声へと・・・歌へと”, and then suddenly the music stopped, the penlights were turned off. The two of them stopped singing, looked at each other and the whole hall was silent for a few moments. Then the two of them took a deep breath together and sang “Ah…夜風がロンリネス締め付けて”.
Be Proud
Tattsun’s first solo. As usual he carried (?) the whole performance by himself.
He walked from the doors that open at the middle of the stage (T/N: sorry, I don’t know what that’s called) and slowly walked towards the middle of the stage to sing. They sprayed dry ice too.
When he sang the second part, Tattsun went up the stairs, knelt down and used all his strength to sing “最愛なんて言葉だけでは・・・ 尽きる日まで”. The LED screen was showing red mist and stars, all the penlights turned red, and the onstage dry ice was colored red by the stage lights too.
OP noted that the sound quality this time round was better, probably because it was indoors (6th Stage was outdoors).
The last line Tattsun dragged the last note for a really long time, before pumping his fist with his mic up. The whole hall erupted into applause.
Not Bad
Ranmaru’s 2nd solo. the stage had pyro effects and backup dancers. Tattsun was singing, dancing and manipulating the pyrotechnic effects - when he raised his left hand, the left side of the stage spewed fire, and the same for his right hand and the right side of the stage.
The dancers were originally standing in a line, before quickly splitting into two, and Tattsun walked like a boss from between them towards the centre of the stage. The dance at the centre was really hype, with the fire - “(the atmosphere) was super high” accordingly to OP.
Non-Fiction (same link as above)
OP thinks that the best choreographed performance of the live was actually Non-Fiction though. 
Tattsun was sitting on the sofa like a boss, while Maeno sat on the other side elegantly, with a noble air. Apparently the two of them sang with angry expressions throughout the song LMAO (T/N: something like this, 2nd pic), and on the second half of the song they went to the stage centre. 
They were surrounded by black-clad dancers who danced smoothly, while the two of them had rougher (?) movements. The changes in the dance followed the changes in the song, and the beat was good. OP thought it was a high-quality performance.
Synchronism (lmao, the only non-Ranmaru song the OP wrote about)
According to OP Shoutan was super adorable hahahah
When he sang Synchronism, Shoutan had a hoodie lined with purple fur, complete with animal ears. (Here’s another visual.) He winked as he sang, blew kisses towards the audience (T/N: did Reiji teach you this lol), put the hoodie up and used his hands to make the ears move, with his eyes wide open and looking pitiful… (T/N: this boy is out to kill orz)
OP says they want to raise a Shoutan LOL
Final Thoughts
“I’m the voice of Kurosaki Ranmaru, Suzuki Tatsuhisa. That guy (Ran) at first didn’t care about band and idol, and I wanted to tell him to focus on being an idol and leave the band part to me (the audience laughed at this point). Since he chose to be an idol, I was thinking if it was possible to do more, to do better. Previously I felt that no matter how much I practiced it wasn’t good enough, I kept feeling that today was a really scary day. Before you guys (the audience) sat here, we were practicing on this stage, and I was thinking ‘how can I do this better for everyone’. Even until now, I still feel uneasy. I want to take this chance to express my feelings and thoughts to the audience and live-viewing audience.”
“When I like a work, I like every aspect of it! I like every character, every cast member, and every staff. Every one of them deserves respect, including the staff who have been supporting us all along, the fans who couldn’t make it today, everyone at live-viewing, and of course all of you seated here right now. I’m really happy to be able to stand here as Ranmaru. Thank you everyone!”
“I am in charge of Camus’ voice, Maeno Tomoaki. Usually at live stages like this, I try to speak as Camus, but today I would like to speak a few words as myself, please forgive me. I entered this franchise with no experience at all (T/N: I believe he’s referring to his lack of singing career compared to the other three), really none at all. But after meeting these 3, I think that I’ve been slowly changing. It’s really a great thing to have met them. Hopefully, there are more chances in the future for me to continue playing Camus, and I won’t stop chasing after Camus’ shadow. Whether it’s Starish, Heavens or Quartet Night, I hope everyone can continue to support them.”
Morishow mentioned at the end of the concert that having met and performed with Starish and Heavens at Utapri 6th Stage, he got the strong impression that Quartet Night too needs to keep changing and revolutionising, so he wanted to let everyone witness a different, new side to Quartet Night today.
He also said that it’s thanks to everyone’s support that Quartet Night was able to continue from 2013 to last year’s solo live, and to today, and that he’s grateful to everyone’s support.
At the centre of the stage, Morishow said there was no need to use mics, and the 4 of them raised their hands towards everyone and shouted “thank you”.
OP tagged this part with “leader of Quartet Night” lol (T/N: it’s true!)
Final moment: After thanking everyone, they went back to the centre of the stage, discussed a little and shouted together “Utapri, arigatou”.
2nd Day
I’m not going to bother writing this because there are people on Twitter who’ve already discussed this in English, so read them here.
Raine’s thread
(Will update this if more people write reports)
Highlights and stuff:
Oh god so many things happened where do I begin (note: the following are all link dumps bc I’m not gonna take credit for someone else’s translations and art so open them and read)
Shoutan broke his nail
Maeno imitated Ranmaru’s growls lmao
Q: What is one thing you like most about your character? Shoutan: His voice.
Maeno had long hair and had a snowflake pin in his hair. Another visual. A 3rd visual because what do you mean I’m spamming fanart
Tattsun said during live that Shoutan stayed over at his house and wore his shirt, kind of like the boyfriend shirt concept
Tattsun also said he specifically picked out the shirt for Shoutan
Shoutan later tweeted that Tattsun was lying orzzzzz, he didn’t stay over at Tattsun’s house
Tattsun later blogged “Shouta, itadaita” (Shouta, itadakimashita)?!
Tattsun yelling at Shoutan for adjusting his belt on stage (this boy orz)
Tattsun and Maeno have a “hi/bye” relationship IRL lol
Morishow did Reiji’s Force Live kick!
Maeno as usual was all decked out in gear
To no one’s surprise, Shoutan cried on day 2. Tattsun comforted him.
Directly from the horse’s mouth (aka seiyuu own content):
The 4 of them went out for drinks after Day 1 and took this photo. (T/N: this is such a Reiji-style photo LOL. Apparently fans think so too!)
Gold long coats outfits
Shoutan and Tattsun pics (where Shoutan said he didn’t stay over at Tattsun’s house)
Group pic
Maeno’s blog post
Tattsun’s blog post
Shoutan’s selfie with Tattsun (yes, he posted this separately from the other 2′s selfies...)
Shoutan’s selfies with Morishow and Maeno
My thoughts:
Don’t blame me for making Tattsun and Shoutan sound shippy, they did this to themselves xD
I’m not sure if the seiyuu got to pick the songs they wanted to perform this time round, like Starish did, but I wouldn’t be surprised. I heard that Shoutan likes performing Synchronism anyway lol
Morishow did the Reiji kick ;-----; thank you Morishow
I bet Maeno looked beautiful ;-----; please BD release soon I need
Thank you Maeno for basically being Camus’ biggest fan ;-----; honestly I love it whenever he’s all decked out in Camus gear bc that’s just so amazing of him
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rerwby · 6 years
Volume 5 OST
I don’t normally have such verbose opinions on the RVVBY music (it’s like writing a review for fiberglass insulation) I managed to sit down and listen to this album the whole way through. My feelings on these tracks feels like a culmination of all my feelings of previous RVVBY music. I won’t try to be lengthy about this but I got some solid thoughts.
First of all, can we just collectively agree to stop making every fucking RVVBY song put on Youtube use fan art? Like can we just get a solid fucking static picture of the volume cover art maybe? I’m sick of the mediocre ship art used for goddamn everything and it looks incredibly unprofessional. Also since these are RT fans you know they don’t give a flying fuck about credit.
The Triumph Not to kick this off on such an upbeat note but this is one of my favorite OP’s. Maybe my favorite. Maybe. I could not fully appreciate this song when the episodes were coming out because the opening itself was the biggest trashfire to come out of this show. Like, sorry I can’t get hyped up on 10 seconds of Ruby and Ren and Jaune sitting on a couch. Listening to it alone though? Big improvement.
Jeff Williams does this thing where he’s clearly way too proud of his proud choice and rhymes, and usually lines end with a big focus on stupid vernacular. Trust me, this will come up later. The Triumph manages to avoid that. This Will be the Day does as well because it’s a pretty hammy song with a better, more consistent tone. “Back to reality, back to the show” is an awful, terrible, horribly ironic line in the context of Volume 5, but it’s not as in your face as it could be, so it gets a pass from me. I also think “That’s when you learned you were messing with gods” is awesome, sorry. It could be more awesome if these characters like, seemed more like gods? And they don’t? So eh.
Then the second verse happens and it calls back to the first with “Yeah I’m a girl but I’m also a god” and I’m like, oh, so you’re just gonna- oh, okay then. Yeah let’s just beat the one good part like a dead horse, sure. That really ruins the song for me ngl.
It also manages to avoid the formulaic trend of post-second verse slow sappy breakdown. Time to Say Goodbye and Let’s Just Live do that and it gets old after a while. If you’re gonna give me hype music then stick with it. Not that Let’s Just Live really hypes you up.
Overall it’s like a 7/10 for me because it has a good pace and it doesn’t scream “look at how clever I am!” at every turn.
Ignite The song I was most excited for and the most disappointed by. I wrote about it here and I’ll try not to do anything more than summarize what I said there.
It’s obnoxious and the lyrics are way too dumb. Not funny dumb, not hammy dumb, nope, just dumb. It’s not even in the style of Yang’s usual dumbness, which by all accounts should now be under Armed and Ready’s foot since that is now the prime Yang theme. The major problem is how obvious these issues are. Like you can’t not hear how bad the writing is.
Then Lamar comes in, and I usually enjoy him since, like I said above, he brings with him some hammy, corny lyrics that manage to be fun. But he’s phoning it in here. He’s mumbling and tripping over his own words. God I didn’t even understand what mumbling truly sounded like until I heard that verse.
4/10 and I hate to write that on a Yang theme but this song is everything wrong with these soundtracks.
Path to Isolation Which brings us to my favorite annual game of “Count How Many Times a Weiss Song Uses the Word ‘Mirror.’” Spoilers: it’s a handful.
It’s fine. Weiss songs have always been fine. The worst thing I can say about them is that you have to dredge through their slow-ass, repetitive openings to get to the good part. 5/10
All Things Must Die aka “Slow And Brooding Villain Song That Turns Into a Rock Anthem #5″ aka “Sacrifice And Divide Did It Better But Even They Were Only So Good” aka “We’re Not Even Going For A Subtle Title Here.”
I don’t even know whose perspective this is sung from anymore. Like Cinder is our designated villain song candidate but she has like no autonomy this volume so that falls flat, meanwhile Salem still has no clear motivation. Hazel and Adam might be the most developed(?) bad guys this volume but this song has nothing to do with them. 4/10
This Time (From Shadows Part II) I’m writing about this one before Smile for a reason.
A song called From Shadows Part II deserves better, lol. Also given the fan art uses on the version I found posted, this is a Blake+Sun song? I don’t know. It starts with the beautiful piano solo from the original which was godlike and relaxing and also dramatic.
Lyrics are just shitty but in a shocking twist they’re hard to hear other than THIS TIIIIME in the chorus which...I’m fine with. I’m legit convinced that the fewer lyrics you can make out in these songs, the better. This all sounds rather nice and has a good flow to it. Don’t get me wrong, it’s kinda just trash. Absolute filler. Fluff. Churned-out melodrama to keep the White Fang kindle going.
Also I guess in hindsight it’s weird to have Jeff singing here since this song is supposed to represent Blake moving on with new resolve. Like before it was clearly Blake and Adam singing, but now it’s Blake and...Sun? Adam again? Like some non-canon reformed Adam? Idk. At least it’s tonally a good contrast to Part I. It’s easy to listen to the song without focusing on the lyrics which is rather soothing, but it’s still nonsense. 5/10
Smile (From Shadows Part 0)
No yeah I made that part up, but I think this song is a better From Shadows Part 0 than This Time is a Part II. I’m dead serious. They gave us an Ilia song and made it more interesting than her character is in volume 5, if not extremely on the nose.
Because my god, it’s on the nose. It’s just Ilia’s backstory about blending in to avoid all the pain your oppressors brought you and biding your time until you can rip the smiles off their faces...oh I don’t think that’s how Ilia’s backstory went. This is much darker. Very Count of Monte Crisco and dare I say actually interesting. It makes Ilia sound way more compelling than Blake while also making her out as a foil to her. Except I don’t know why the fucking hell the character presented in Smile would ever join the White Fang, especially under Adam’s authority, and then follow him so blindly. But I guess as of last volume’s OST we should be use to that disconnect between show plot and music lore.
7/10 for being accidentally interesting.
All That Matters
It’s....fine? Fine-ish. Obligatory slow and sappy song because ofc. Casey at least sounds like she’s in her comfort zone. It just doesn’t mean much to me.I guess it’s the theme of the girls being back together but I have my own issues with that, which is mainly that three of them were already reunited halfway into Volume 5 and it was only Blake’s arrival that really pushed them into sappy territory.
5/10 it’s not bombastically terrible enough to merit a lower score and not interesting enough to be higher.
I’m Her Daughter After All - RVVBY Volume 5 Official Score
I don’t know why this song is here because it’s an actual non-lyrical official part of the soundtrack, which is mind-blowing. You’d think Jeff was contractually obligated to have his blood’s voices dip their toes in every track.
It’s a nice medley of Yang’s themes, namely I Burn and Armed and Ready. It also makes you appreciate how Yang’s musical themes have actually evolved, unlike those of the other characters. Why do we have this Western thing going on? Qrow had it too in Bad Luck Charm. I don’t mind it since I think it’s kinda neat, but 6/10 for being a random score track.
Mayday! Lancers! - RVVBY Volume 5 Official Sc- wait
They did the score thing again. I don’t know why. I also forgot the Lancer scene actually happened in Volume 5 until I heard this. Like, Weiss did so little in Volume 4 that I’m attributing stuff that happened in V5 to last volume.
It’s fine? It’s nice to have a non-lyrical Weiss song, actually. 5/10
Armed and Ready ie The Appeal Of The Original Was Lost On Us
This song did not need a remix lol. Armed and Ready is actually damn good, is a great proper evolution of Yang’s theme that successfully moves her out of the shadow of I Burn, and was a really, really good climax to her recovery arc. This turns it into a dance remix, which ironically is the exact sort of thing the original moved her character away from. 4/10
Gold (Acoustic)
As I listened to this I realized it wasn’t just the original vocals played over an acoustic cover; Casey actually re-recorded the song. That’s blowing it out of the park for a RVVBY remix. Also it’s like, good.
I always liked Gold for whatever reason. I just thought it was uplifting and it did the nice thing where the lyrics are simple and flow well. The loud instrumentals had me unsure if it made for a good complement to the lyrics or if it was just a bad choice. This just sounds wonderful. Most importantly, it makes you really appreciate Casey’s singing talent. More than anything, she sounds absolutely comfortable singing this song. No stressed notes, no weird word choices, no ham. This is just a nice song and it’s my favorite on this album. 8/10
Let’s Just Live (Remix) “The Obligatory OP Remix Oh God Triumph Is Gonna Get This Treatment Next Year
It doesn’t go above my expectations but I like the new instrumentals. Reminds me of Stickerbrush Symphony. I think it’s much more fitting than in the original and is a true improvement on it. 6/10
The final issue I have with this album is this, and it involves some statistics. This is a 12-song album. That isn’t strange. But here are some numbers for you:
Ruby Songs: 0 Weiss Songs: 2 Blake Songs: 1 (2 if you count Smile) Yang Songs: 4 Remixes: 3 Scores(?): 2
Just to put that in front of you. Remixes comprise 1/4th of the album, glorified scores are 1/6th, and Yang received 4 whole slots (one-third of the album!) while Ruby, the protagonist, got absolutely none. Nothing in this album is about just Ruby, and I think she kind of deserves that. I mean she did nothing this volume so whatever, but we didn’t even get Glorious Score Track Of Jaune Healing Weiss so that’s super strange. They didn’t even shaft her in lieu of anyone, she was just left out.
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fair-fae · 6 years
As much as I don’t want to bring this up again (though the drama is still going strong on Twitter, so still relevant enough, I guess)... As tempting as it is to point all the fingers at Oz and blame them for everything that happened, to make them the one and only big bad guy, take a step back and look at how the community failed Oz’s victims, and how you and the people around you may have contributed to that.
Oz alone didn’t terrify anyone into submission, hiding, and harm. Oz alone did not alienate anyone and make them feel unwelcome in the community as a whole. Oz alone did not flood anyone’s inbox with hatemail, death threats, and nasty anons. Oz alone did not spread lies and rumors about people through the community and give them traction. Oz was the catalyst, but it was their friends and the community who did the real dirty work in so many cases. When the secrets blogs started to get bombarded with demands for “evidence” about the “The Crusader” and their misdeeds, all I and I’m sure many more of their victims could do was laugh. A lot of the evidence was public. Painfully public, in front of everyone’s eyes, and so many people didn’t care. It was not secret, it was not hidden, it was just ignored, or even lauded on as some form of righteous justice. I wonder how many people now acting outraged and disgusted with Oz aided in the harassment of Oz’s victims and believed the lies about them? How many of you reblogged callouts and gossiped with friends, blocked and avoided people, denied them from your FC’s and linkshells, even sent them nasty anons or treated them rudely when you encountered them? How many of you had your own beef with a victim, and used the claims Oz had created to harass them, even perhaps knowing they were untrue? How many of you already hated a victim and were just so bent on having them burned at the stake in the community that you were eager to jump onto the crusade bandwagon Oz had created against them despite it being total bullshit? You may think this makes you a victim as well, that you were misled and deceived. And perhaps that’s true in a way. But you’re adults with your own decisions and agency over your own actions. You hurt people, be it with your own malice, or carelessness, or misplaced, zealot-like sense of justice. The venom of Oz’s crusades, the lengths they went to for “justice,” the lack of proof, the wild and baseless claims, they were right in front of you. You chose not to see. That’s on no one but you. You’re more perpetrator than victim. I hope you will be more considerate and careful of your actions in the future. I’ve had several people people apologize to me, some anonymously and some not, and I appreciate it and hope Oz’s other victims have been receiving similar apologies from those who believed the lies about them and wronged them. But the community as a whole needs to examine our own behavior and not fall into the same mistakes, not enable and encourage another abuser. When you see a “callout post,” look for evidence. See if the evidence matches the claims, or if they seem to be exaggerated or taken out of context. Look at the tone of the post and if it seems rational and reasonable, or if it’s laden with personal insults, hyped up SJW buzzwords, and unnecessary jabs at the person. Think about what you know of the accused’s behavior and personality and if it seems to match up. Ask yourself what the OP could have to gain for making these claims about this person and how trustworthy you believe them to be. Ask yourself if the alleged behavior is something you deem concerning and relevant or not (i.e. I’ve seen a lot of people “called out” for RL relationship drama which is not something we can know or that I care to boost on my FFXIV blog; you, of course, are welcome to feel differently on that matter). Keep in mind that even if there is “evidence,” anything can be faked. Conversations and quotes can be taken out of context, cropped, and cherry-picked. The /echo function can be used to fake in game conversations. Screenshots and photos can be photoshopped. Copy/pasted logs can be edited or fabricated entirely. Editing web pages can be used (no, that’s not even getting into “hacking”--a longshot, but I guess also always a possibility) to alter any web page or conversation there upon. Fake accounts can be made using the same handle or similar handles and matching icons to impersonate another person.  Use your own brain. Be a grown ass adult with your own thoughts who makes your own decisions. Find the careful balance to protect yourself/your friends/your FC yet not potentially contribute to the slander and alienation of an innocent person. Don’t gossip. Don’t spread the rumors. Give the accused a chance if the claims against them seem shaky and you can find it within yourself without jeopardizing your own stability and safety. Think twice before you leave a comment, like, or reblog on vague posts and look into things a little bit. A post that says “Kill all Nazis” may seem innocuous enough and worthy of a “like.” But then, maybe it’s not when you scroll down the OP’s blog a little and see the post was directly following them making an entirely false accusation about someone else being a Nazi. Maybe someone’s “like this to piss off a homophobe” post was made directly after someone politely asked them to tag their risque posts (that happened to feature a same sex couple) and now the person who didn’t want to see psuedo-porn on their dash is getting bombarded with anons calling them a homophobe. I’m not pulling these out of my ass btw; these are real examples I’ve seen. What might seem like a generic “bad thing is bad” post becomes something else when someone has just been wrongfully accused of that “bad thing.” Instead, it’s a tactic of intimidation and alienation. The OP is making this post knowing that well-meaning people are going to like it, and their the victim will see the notes and think “all these people believe that about me, all these people hate me.” Don’t fall into their trap, don’t become an accessory in their harassment. And, for the love of god, don’t believe you read.
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Boku No Hero Academia: Shonen Boiled Down To Its Basics
My relationship with the shonen genre is quite complicated. For one, I love hype, and am hype whenever a show gets hype. After all, my favorite anime of all time is Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, and that show has the most hype ending in the history of the world. Twice. However, I also despise one of the trademarks of shonen anime: filler. Thus, whenever the action in a shonen grinds to a halt so the entire ensemble cast has a chance to voice their opinion about the situation, I find myself groaning and my attention waning. Plus, I really dislike filler and recap episodes. I do understand that sometimes they can help people remember the plot if they are watching on a week to week basis, but I tend to marathon things. Therefore, when I decided to watch this entire show in two days, the small recap segments in the beginning of the episodes were far from welcome. Don’t get me wrong, I do think that recap episodes can be done right. I loved it when Kill La Kill compressed its entire recap episode into the beginning part of one of its episodes, and was able to move onto new material by the time the Op had finished playing. I appreciate that Boku No Hero Academia puts all of its recap in the beginning, making it really easy to just skip to the Op to get to the new stuff, but these segments can drag on for up to 3 minutes. While Kill La Kill’s recap segment was probably around 5 minutes long, it was the spectacle of it that made it watchable. Firstly, it was the first recap segment to occur in the entire show, and occurred about halfway through the series. Thus, instead of condensing the previous episode like MHA did, Kill La Kill needed to condense about 12 episodes into 5 minutes. Furthermore, the fact that Senketsu’s voice slowly accelerates in speed as he talks, and you can hear him slowly run out of breath, was extremely entertaining on its own just to listen to. And, such a thing never happens again. Thus, it is played off more as a joke than an actual recap segment.
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Now before I start talking about how much I hate recap episodes for 392385 hours, let’s move onto the other technical aspects of the show. For the record, I did not do any research on the staff of this show before writing this post, so some of the assumptions that I make may or may not hold water. Personally, the directing in this show was miles better than BONES’s previous work Kekkai Sensen, which I will cover more in depth in the near future. It felt very shonen, similar to how FMA Brotherhood was put together. In other words, solid and unmemorable, but doesn’t screw anything up in the process. The animation is also very solid, with a few great looking scenes of Sakuga peppered in for good measure. I adored Hakuyu Go’s cut on All Might’s battle during the finale, as well as that cut of Deku punching that giant mech during the exams that I can’t find of Sakugabooru for some reason. The character designs, especially of the costumes, were very appealing to me, and I found myself just admiring the character art when not much was moving on the screen. I really like how thick All Might’s outline is and how intense his shading is when he in his muscular mode, as it really exemplifies how he is a larger-than-life hero in the eyes of the many, while when he shrinks down to his true form his shading becomes less intense, and his outline become more normal, as this is when he is the most down-to-earth and subdued. Designs like that really helped me get a sense of the characters of this show, as boy are there a lot of characters. Also, special mention of that invisible girl. She gets like a combined screen time of about 10 seconds, and each time I burst out laughing as it’s just a pair of floating gloves.
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Great character designs aside, the characters that inherit those designs are a little less realized than they designs entail. Deku, the protagonist of MHA was a very easy lead to get behind. I’m always for the hardworking type in anime, having admired figures like Rock Lee, and violently admired people like Nanami Aoyama. Deku is no different. In a world of superpowered people, he is born without a quirk, and is bullied and has his dreams crushed because of this. Thus, when there’s an entire training montage of him working to inherit his power All For One, the payoff is that much greater than if he were just a naturally gifted person like your average light novel protagonist. I also like how analytical he is, as he grew up fanboying and analyzing his favorite heros, as well as the fact that the nature of his power makes so that he needs to be systematic in his approach to fighting, instead of going all Super-Saiyan. I do think his power is very shounen and main character-ish, but is it is executed well enough that I was able to buy into it. Deku is the only character in the entire show’s expansive cast that seems to undergo any real development. Granted, every character has his or her own gimmick, a “quirk”, if you will, but are otherwise rather one-note. One guy has a very strict moral code and can run very fast. One girl is caring, but kind of an airhead, and can negate the gravity of anything she touches. One girl is just a frog. Like actually. While they are fun to watch interact, they lack any real depth for me to actually get invested in them. Of course I love frog girl and think she’s best girl, but I feel like if less people had been introduced, and the core cast had had a little more room to breathe, they would have been more memorable characters as a whole.
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Another thing I wanted to touch upon was the show’s fanservice. What struck me the most about this show’s fanservice was the fact that there actually was any. While I don’t think that the fanservice to be extremely tasteless and found it to be rather playful, I nonetheless was not able to shake the feeling that the show was trying to pander to me with these brief sequences. It’s similar to that of Kiznaiver, as 95% of the time there is no fanservice at all, but then all of a sudden, everyone is talking about another character’s boobs for some reason. I found it be distracting at times, as it was just so jarring from the tone of the rest of the show. I think the moment that broke me on this was when the girl that could just create matter (for some reason) gets her shirt blasted off for a few seconds, you we get that classic shot of strangely convenient positioning of props that just happen to block the camera’s view of the character. However, I don’t think that this is uncharacteristic of such a show from an Shonen Jump manga, as you need only need to look at Bleach or One Piece to see that fanservice isn’t exactly something unknown to this genre. Even FMA Brotherhood had that infamous seen with Winry accidentally changing in front of Ed.
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As you can see, MHA does not do much to distinguish itself from its shonen contemporaries. The character designs, directing, protagonist, and story are all very shonen. To me, it feels like MHA is a shonen boiled down to all of the basic building blocks that make shonens work.  While a lot of what I just said has a lot of negative connotations attached to it, I feel like the reason that I liked MHA as much as I did is because Shonen as a genre works. Furthermore, it cuts through a lot of the excess and waste that you would get in Naruto or Bleach, focusing more on the good than the bad aspects of the genre. It had hype moments, and poignant moments. By the end of the first season, I found myself cheering for All Might, and shouting “PLUS ULTRA” along with him, while pumping my fists up in the air. Thus, I think this show deserves a strong 7 to a light 8 out of 10. I know that a second season has been confirmed, and will start airing in 2017. Thus, I look forward to continuing this story with this cast of fun and likable characters.
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foxstens · 4 years
just some random musings 
you know i understand why ppl suggest reading smth with like everyday/school vocab, or just overall ‘less difficult’ vocab as your first untranslated vn. of course it makes sense bc you gotta start somewhere and having to look up every other word might just make you give it up completely
for me, however, reading something i don’t enjoy and have no real interest in just because its ‘easier’ might do the same. why start with a slice of life/high school vn when most of the vns im actually interested in are fantasy/mystery/historical. how is high school vocabulary gonna help me with those. how is it gonna help me when a lot of the vns im actually interested in might have their own specialized vocabulary so i’ll still end up looking things up frequently even if i become proficient in high school vns
not to mention that everyday/high school vocab can be easily picked up from anime/manga/light novels so you don’t actually have to use vns for that (unless youre interested in that stuff of course)
so for me it’s just like. yea there are certain vns with easier vocab i might be interested in but i don’t wanna read any of them /right now/ so what do
but then there’s also the fact that you might end up hating a vn you were interested in and that you would’ve loved otherwise just because you had to look up every other word and it took you a month to get through it
so it’s a really weird issue and basically i just really appreciate the people who go ‘read whatever the fuck you want’
on another note, i’m into diabolik lovers now. i didn’t think i’d say that in the near future considering how much i hated the anime and how little interest i had in it up until now but.... here i am, completely obsessed, and inspired to like make an effort in life bc i will play it before i die gdi
back when i hate-watched the anime i was like ‘what is the appeal of this’ and now that i’ve seen a little of the games i can kind of answer that? i guess. like idk abt anyone else but at this point for me the appeal is just ‘worst boys being the worst’ 
like when i actually get around to playing the first game myself i’ll go into it expecting 3 things: 1. to be disturbed, 2. to question my life choices, 3. to cry.
i had said that the anime is probably prime guilty pleasure material but that didn’t really turn out to be true. the games however, absolutely are. you get to spend more time with these guys, and you get to actually focus on one of them at a time, and the mc actually has a personality, and the art is incredible, and the voices are so great (the sucky noises are kinda weird but the binaural stuff is a+++)
also their ops are absolute bangers. WHAT’S NOT TO LIKE???? like just getting to see more of them and having a plot that’s probably at least semi-coherent and getting a bunch of different endings and maybe seeing some character development in some cases anD HAVING 7 GAMES OF THAT sounds amazing when the anime was enough to marginally pique my interest
and i guess approaching these games with an open mind has kind of changed my perspective on certain character archetypes as well. namely, yanderes. who i always kind of avoided on principle bc i just never saw their appeal (and never understood why they’re popular). but now, while it probably won’t become my favourite trope, i’ll try to approach it a bit differently. like if i were to play toma’s route now i’d probably try to pay more attention to the story and even him as a character instead of just writing him off as the worst and speeding through the route. (i still hate his design tho lol)
i’m also a bit obsessed with this one called dairoku: ayakashimori. i came across its pv accidentally and i recognized some of the voices and they sounded... different compared to other roles i’d heard them in and then i watched/listened to the pv like a million times and fell in love with everything 
but then i looked it up and realized it’s nowhere near as popular as i’d have thought it’d be. this one review i read doesn’t even consider it ‘good’ per se. which i find very interesting bc i am positive i will absolutely love it when i actually get around to playing it.
and it’s definitely not the first piece of media that i’ve fallen in love with for whatever reason and then found out it’s not popular or even liked. it’s a different situation. bc in such cases there’s no hype or anything that it has to live up to. there’s just the hype you create when you look at it and think ‘oh my fuck i’m gonna love this’, which should probably end up coming true most of the time bc who can know your tastes better than your own self.
but then again there’s been plenty of times when i was sure i’d love something but ended up absolutely hating it (f/z why). so it’s just really interesting. hm.
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screenandcinema · 6 years
Coming Attractions January 2018
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As usual, we present monthly previews of new movies being released. These are the movies what will be hitting your local cinemas this month:
January 5th
Insidious: The Last Key - The fourth installment of the Insidious series joins a recent list of franchise films with a “last” subtitle that have zero intention of being the last film - Transformers: The Last Knight and Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Personally, I have yet to see an Insidious movie and I don’t intend to start with The Last Key.
January 12th
The Post (Wide Release) - Currently under a limited release, Steven Spielberg’s The Post starring Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks finally gets a wide release this month. I can’t wait to see The Post. It looks like vintage Spielberg and definitely a movie you are going to want to see if you want to keep up this awards season.
The Commuter - Over the past decade, Liam Neeson has made strides into becoming a bona fide action star with films like the Taken trilogy, Unknown, and Non-Stop. Neeson’s train continues with this month’s The Commuter where he plays just a regular guy on his daily commute who is thrust into a deadly conspiracy. Also of note, director Jaume Collet-Serra, unbeknownst to me, has helmed some great movies over the past decade including his Neeson films (Unknown and Non-Stop), Orphan and Shallows. 
Proud Mary - The great Taraji P. Henson is the lead in this action thriller about a hitwoman. The marketing for Proud Mary has been great so far, and I am sure the film will be a something to check out this month.
January 19th
12 Strong -  After a decade overseeing pirates and television shows, Jerry Bruckheimer returns to his action movie roots with the true-life tale of 12 Strong. Following the events of 9/11, a special ops unit is deployed to Afghanistan to battle the Taliban... on horseback. Chris Hemsworth, Michael Shannon, and Michael Pena headline the unit tasked with this mission. The trailers recall Bruckheimer’s 2001 production, Black Hawk Down, and suggest that 12 Strong could be a winter sleeper in the same vein of American Sniper and 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi. (SB)   
Den of Thieves - Pablo Schreiber, Curtis Jackson, and O’Shea Jackson, Jr., are up against Gerald Butler in this action heist thriller from first-time director Christin Gudegast. Den of Thieves looks fantastic and I hope the finished project lives up to the hype.
January 26th
Maze Runner: The Death Cure - I didn’t really enjoy the first Maze Runner when I saw it a few years ago, leading me to skip the sequel, The Scorch Trials. Now with the third and final film of the Maze Runner series finally upon us, I could care less.
Now for a quick look ahead to February, my top picks for next month are Black Panther and God Particle.
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New Post has been published on https://myupdatesystems.com/2017/04/05/ps3-vs-xbox-360/
The reign of the Xbox is almost over. As of late the PS3 has been looking better and better. Looks like 2008 will be the year of the PlayStation. PlayStation 3 has many big name titles coming out this year and if the all games from the list are all actually released this year, all we can say is WOW. Note: The following list in no way represents the entire list of exclusive titles for each console. However, it gives us a pretty good idea of the games rumored to be released this year.
Resistance 2 (PS3)
Guaranteed success. While the first was a great game and fairly big success, it was still just a launch title. Imagine what they can do after a couple years and games under their belt. 8 player Co-Op! Expect big things from this game.
Gran Turismo 5 Prologue (PS3)
Another guaranteed success. Anyone who plays Gran Turismo will grab this game. If you’re a fan, you’re a fan. The visuals continue to improve, HD replays, ’nuff said!
Haze (PS3)
Hopefully the game will finally end it’s long series of delays this year. This game promises some intense action, including 4-player co-op, drop-in, drop-out, split-screen, online, or local multiplayer options. The game continues to impress visually, with not only the quality of graphics, but the very cool, unique design elements.
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (PS3)
Who doesn’t know about this game? The game is still months away and is already epic. If any game could live up to the hype this game has garnered, leave it to Solid Snake, old or young. Like most of the games on this list, the visuals are amazing. The game looks to pack in an enormous amount of story and gameplay. The game features a immense arsenal of weapons and combat/stealth moves. If you own a PS3, you are almost required to buy this. You know you will.
SOCOM: Confrontation (PS3)
Still early on this title, few details have been released. The game will support up to 32 players online. Customizable weapons much like SOCOM 3. Also like the previous SOCOM games, the focus will be online multiplayer. Early word says this one will go the way of Warhawk, offering online only possibly with a bluetooth headset and all. After all, the original SOCOM kind of pioneered headset use on consoles.
LittleBigPlanet (PS3)
Possibly one of the most innovative, cute, and anticipated games of the year. Little Big Planet looks to expand the PS3 audience with this “build-your-own-game” game. Eat your heart out Nintendo Miis, this game looks great. The shear level of creativity allowed is staggering. The game also supports 4-player co-op and versus. Plus, it’s kid friendly without being offensively cute.
God of War III (PS3)
The PS2 went out with a bang (though it’s still hanging in there) with the original God of War, and most recently it’s sequel, still on the aging console. People have been waiting for a true “next-gen” God of War experience and it looks as though 2008 is gonna be your year, possibly. Not much is know as of yet, however, the games creator, David Jaffe, is no longer working on the series so we’ll just have to wait and see how everything turns out.
Final Fantasy XIII (PS3) – Final Fantasy Versus XIII (PS3)
You’re either a fan, or you’re not, though, you’ve got to recognize the scale of the Final Fantasy franchise. The games continue to set graphical standards with every release. The next, XIII, looks to make good on their reputation. Not only are they again improving every visual, and storytelling aspect of the game, they are overhauling the combat as well. The combat in Final Fantasy XIII promises the speed up and intensify the battles.
MotorStorm 2 (PS3) [Teaser Trailer]
Another sequel to a previous PS3 exclusive, MotorStorm 2 hasn’t revealed much, but from the trailer we can expect yet another pre-rendered bar set too high for them to reach with in-game graphics. Don’t get me wrong, the original looked great, but the video they showed a year earlier looked 10-times better. This was the prettiest of all the racers for a while, but we’ll see how the sequel compares to the likes of Gran Turismo 5 HD later this year. Some of the improvements include new cars/trucks/motorcycles, tracks, and best of all, a much needed 4-player split-screen mode. The game’s also said to include 16-player online support.
Killzone 2 (PS3)
So, video and screenshots have shown just how good the game really looks in action. But what about gameplay? The original was not exactly praised by critics, though I quite enjoyed it (minus the large number of glitches). It definitely wasn’t the “Halo Killer” it was touted as. The sequel will have to really prove itself in such a crowded shooter market. Guerrilla Games has yet to reveal any real details on gameplay, i.e. co-op, multiplayer, customization? The game sure does look good though. Guess we’ll just have to wait and see.
XBOX 360:
Ninja Gaiden II (360)
Finally on to the Xbox 360, I thought we’d never get here. Ninja Gaiden II, the first official, true sequel, promises to up everything that made the original so popular. More action, more bad guys, more blood (almost too much), and more speed. The game’s creators have also addressed the difficulty issues some (many) had with the other games. They’ve said that without dumbing it down, they will be changing the controls in order to improve and lessen the frustration to newcomers. They’re also adding new weapons to the game and a ton of new character animations to keep the visuals fresh.
Too Human (360)
An epic in the making, Too Human is already set to be part of a trilogy. Everyone loves a trilogy. They’ve created an enormous world with a unique technology and organic design. The game is built on story, including a very ambitious new dynamic camera system that’s supposed to always give you the best view of the action during gameplay. The game also features a plethora of RPG elements to keep you interested. As with most RPGs you can upgrade almost everything, from weapons, to armor, to special abilities that extend your combat. The game also features a unique combat system, using the right analog stick for both melee and ranged attacks.
Fable 2 (360)
Sequel to a game that was a giant leap in artificial intelligence, Fable 2 looks to surpass it’s predecessor in every way. The ultimate choice between good and evil. This time your options are even greater. Similar to another Lionhead game, Black & White, the player will be given a pet in order to help you throughout the game, and also as a friend you can bond with. Peter Molyneux, the games creator has said he wants the game to get the player emotionally involved. Just a guess, but you can probably expect that your dog will eventually die. In addition to a game with conscience, the game is one of the first games to introduce money into the game before it’s release. That’s right, you can begin earning gold to spend in Fable 2 before the game ever hits store shelve, thanks to downloadable arcade games on Xbox Live.
Banjo-Kazooie 3 (360)
Very little is know of Bajo-Kazooie 3, if that is in fact it’s name. Rare, the company developing the game, released a short teaser trailer back in September 2006. It really didn’t show any gameplay, however, it did show a new boxy art style you can see in the screenshots above. You can expect the regular Bajo-Kazooie platform elements, collect everything in sight, teamwork to reach different areas and beat different enemies, and large open worlds. The Xbox 360 isn’t exactly known for having many platformers, so this will be a welcome addition. The last time we had a Banjo game was back on the N64.
Gears of War 2 (360)
Do I really have to say anything? Gears of War 2. You knew they would make it. The first was such a huge success, it actually beat Halo for top online multiplayer game, if only because it was the last-gen Halo 2. The game features everything new the Unreal Engine 3 has to offer. More enemies on screen, more destruction, more realistic lighting, and more chainsawing action. Another emergence day awaits us this fall.
Halo Wars
Halo isn’t dead! At least the Halo universe isn’t. Halo Wars is the first Halo game that isn’t a Halo game. It’s a real-time strategy. While the game isn’t being developed solely over at Bungie, it is being developed from the ground up for the Xbox 360 and console gameplay. Meaning they’ve supposedly solved some of the problems that plague many real-time strategy games on consoles. Did you know that Halo was originally a real-time strategy game being developed for the Mac? It’s true.
Splinter Cell: Conviction (360)
The next step for Sam Fisher looks remarkably similar to a Bourne Identity type game. That said, it still looks great. They’ve dropped the green eyed goggles in exchange for a man bag (ala Jack Bauer), hoodie, and beard, and they’ve got a stripped down and dirty, raw, Splinter Cell game where you’re now a fugitive from the law. The new game looks to change more than Sam’s fashion, focusing on what Ubisoft is calling “All new improvisation-based gameplay”. Where your inventory is actually the world around you, pick up and throw chairs, etc. Use crowds to your advantage, similar to Assassin’s Creed. This could be a great way to freshen up the series, or it could go too far from it’s roots and lose fans.
Left 4 Dead (360)
Zombies, Co-Op, Valve, Source, ’nuff said. The “43 in Left 4 Dead actually means something, it’s not just l337 speak. That’s right, 4-player co-op for a zombie first person shooter. A lot of people have high expectations for this one, and it looks like it could live up to them. Not a fan of being human, well they’ve got you covered. You can choose to play as a zombie, or “infected” as they’re called in the game. There are a number of different types of zombies each with different strengths and weaknesses. The brain eating should commence around October.
Alan Wake (360)
Do you like psychological thrillers? Alan Wake is a presented as more of a “movie” like game than a traditional action game. They’re officially calling it a “psychological action thriller”. The game has been in development for a while now (it won GameSpy’s Best of E3 2005) and claims to have a 2008 release date, we’ll see. It looks beautiful, the developer’s have spent a lot of time on really capturing the mood of a thriller. They’ve included full realtime day-to-night lighting and weather effects.
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