#but stay tuned! yahoo
kettleghost · 1 year
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silly little lineup of spot doodles
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dootznbootz · 4 months
I feel kind of bad about that post I made talking about how Odysseus would never sacrifice his family to save his own skin while I didn't give a name, I hope that person doesn't feel bad or that they get hate. As I don't want to gatekeep someone's interpretation of the Odyssey but also...while I guess you could claim that he would do that, there's so much MORE evidence as to how he would literally rather be stabbed than see his wife and son have even a splinter
Her rejecting him at first put him in a bad position. Honestly, in an alternate universe, where she didn't accept him or trick him that night, I think the poor guy would've cried himself to sleep again in that separate cot. He'd probably cry to Athena and ask if he did something wrong.
It would probably be an "awkward morning" of Odysseus and Penelope silently doing their things (not bringing up suitors' parents right now. And Odysseus would probably tell Telemachus to not say anything stupid.) and eventually, everything would bubble up out of Odysseus and honestly, I could see him straight up begging her to accept him. Not even caring about how he appeared to others.
Honestly, if she DID take a lover in that time...I think he'd either accept it and just...wander? Around Ithaca as a beggar as he doesn't want to be away from them but if they won't accept him, what else can he do? OR if she had another lover, (War flashback of the shitty retelling where Penelope has an affair) he'd probably kill the lover as let's be honest, Odysseus is basically a Yandere, to put it simply. Touch the wife, you get the knife.
And yeah, he doesn't JUST want his family.
"Oh, he wants to not be in constant danger."
"He just wants to go back to Ithaca."
"He wants to be king again."
Boy howdy, he sure does!!! But if, for example, Penelope and Telemachus for some reason moved to somewhere else? IDK, AU where they permanently moved to Sparta, hanging with Helen and Menelaus, and she didn't remarry or something. He'd be like "Shit, okay, BRB." And go to them. He'd probably have them all go back to Ithaca but still, THEY ARE HIS HOME. They make Ithaca home. Any place is home as long as he has them.
Despite having the opportunity to wed the most beautiful woman in the world, he took the Oath so then he could marry Penelope. And even then, it wasn't "for sure" as he had to race her dad. He did so much simply to have the CHANCE to marry her even though he probably wasn't planning on getting married as he brought no gifts. And he did so much so then he wouldn't have to leave the life they had built together and their young baby.
He could've had ANYONE. Went ANYWHERE. Did ANYTHING and he still wanted THEM.
Like??? Holy shit. This guy would do ANYTHING for them. I mean that's kind of why he's considered to be so "scummy" in how ride or die he is for them and basically a bitch to everyone else. That's what makes him SO different from many of his peers.
Person: Would you rather have your family- Odysseus: Family, always. Person: I didn't even say it yet- Odysseus: I don't fucking care. Always family. Person: Even if it meant you got immortality and a hot goddess for a wife? Odysseus: You act like that's a good thing? That was literally torture. Fuck you. I already have a hot Water Wife™ that I get the privilege to drown in every day. She gave me a wonderful Water Son™ who is the light of my eyes and who I am more proud to be the father of than I am of being the son of an Argonaut Person: Even if I give you a million dollars? Odysseus, acting nonchalant while Penelope picks the person's pockets: As if we can't get that on our own. Person: You'd die? Odysseus: I'll set myself on fire if I have to. Person: ...Okay, new question. Would you rather lose your family- Odysseus: The other option. Always. Person: Even torture? Odysseus: I never said I would like it, just that I would do it. Person: Even yeet a baby?! Odysseus: I'll punt the baby if I have to. It's not like I wanna but I gotta do what I gotta do.
And so on and so forth. You GET IT.
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minteehell · 5 months
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Some sketches I made of Keo and Haley (ft. Alex) hehe
Ok I know my posts have been slow lately, BUT. Im still alive, dont worry 🤟 I do have some news regarding this acc and myself:
Im currently overseas! Im studying in Korea, this month and the next are going to be a bit packed & a bit busy so I cant post much. But I promise I will post as many as I can when I have time so dwdw.
Next is I might open comms later next month (or the next) because I need to buy a new tablet for myself! I fortunately got a new pc from one of my seniors, but a tablet is a need because my current tablet is useable, but small.
Third is this account will probably have a mix of Baldurs Gate and Stardew. Yahoo im into bg3 now who could’ve guessed after 4 months of not posting amiright lmao.
I also wanna add that is IM GOING TO THE STARDEW ORCHESTRA IN SEOUL THIS MARCH!! I am happy and I cannot contain it any longer. I need to wear Keo’s outfit frfr.
Lastly…. Uhm.. I wanna make a nsfw acc (probably a patreon of some sort) so… stay tuned hehe (MINORS GO AWAY SHOO FROM THAT ACC!!)
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stitchdfox · 8 months
Eddie on tour pt 5
“Why is your tour so short?” Steve asks, curious.
Eddie walks down the street on the main drag in St. Louis. They have a rare day off before their show and he’s enjoying the strangely cool day.
“They only asked us on for the first leg of tour. Some other yahoos get to take our place opening on the second leg.” Eddie pulls his earbuds from his leather jacket pocket, tucking Steve’s voice into his ears.
“Hmm.” Steve takes a second to reply. “Is that good or bad?”
“Can it be both?” Eddie asks. “It’ll be nice to sleep in my own bed again. But the rush of playing in front of a crowd, in these beautiful venues, that I’ll miss.”
“You’ll book another tour soon. I’d put money on it.”
Eddie grins from ear to ear. “What makes you so sure?”
“Eds. I don’t listen to metal. Like. At all. But I enjoy the music you and the guys make. It feels very you and I love listening to… I’m an 80s pop guy! And I can’t get enough of Corroded Coffin.” He clears his throat, “for what it’s worth.”
“It’s worth a lot, sweetheart.” Eddie’s dimples grow deep as his smile widens.
“Enough about me. What trouble have you been getting into lately, big boy?” Eddie eggs him on.
“It’s so boring over here. Just trying to make it through summer classes.” Steve sighs.
“But what do you do for fun?” Eddie asks as he walks into a coffee shop. The music is low and he orders an Americano with room for milk.
“I don’t really. I mean, I used to swim but I haven’t since high school.” Steve’s voice goes low. “I’m nothing special.”
Eddie’s eyebrows furrow. “You take that back.”
“You do not get to talk about my favorite person like that.” Eddie snarls to emphasize his point. “You’re incredibly caring, you’ve put a lot of work into figuring out who you want to be, and you’re going to be a councilor. Not because it’s easy but because you want to help people.”
“Okay, okay. Calm down, baby.” Steve sounds flushed.
“I will not.” He smiles at the kind barista as he picks up his drink. He adds milk and sugar, giving it a stir.
“Now that we have that out of the way, what do you do for fun?” Eddie’s voice is more even and soothing.
“Mmm. I do like to draw. I have a few sketch books here and I don’t really show anyone what I work on.” Steve pauses. “I think I’d like to try painting.”
“That’s a brilliant idea.” Eddie walks out of the coffee shop and perches on a bench near by.
“Question,” Steve prompts.
“Hmm?” Eddie sips his coffee.
“Am I really your favorite person?” His voice cracks.
“Uh… yeah. Yes. Please don’t tell Jeff.”
“That’s the first thing I’m telling him when I meet him.” Steve laughs.
There’s a comfortable silence between them now. Eddie breathes in deep as he looks at the sky. He hasn’t shared a quiet moment like this with anyone before. He always feels the need to fill the silence. Worried for some reason or another that the person is bored or bothered or annoyed. But with Steve, with this man on the other end of the line, he feels content. His anxiety wasn’t buzzing around like bees in his head. It was just the two of the here in this moment, miles apart, but together.
“Hey Eddie?”
Steve’s soft tone feels like flowers blooming in Eddie’s chest.
Steve clicks his tongue. “Never mind.”
“Okay.” Eddie fiddles with his rings. He hums a tune that’s been stuck in his head.
“Don’t you want to know?” Steve pries.
“Of course! You changed your mind though so I’m not gonna push it. I’ll be here if you change your mind again.” Eddie’s lips purse as he reassure the other man. He whistles.
“Okay,” Steve’s next words rush together. “I was wondering if you were staying in a hotel room tonight and if you’d be alone and if you’d be interested in maybe talking like um, more intimately and I don’t want to assume anything. I just can’t stop thinking about you and I don’t know if I can wait until I meet you or even if you’d want to go any further and I feel like a weirdo asking—“
“We are treating ourselves to a hotel tonight,” Eddie cuts him off.
“Does that mean… is that a yes?” Steve’s pitch raises with his question.
“Can I admit something?” Eddie asks.
Steve swallows, “of course.”
“I haven’t had phone sex before.” His face turns red and even though Steve can’t see him he pulls a bit of hair to cover his mouth. Embarrassed.
“Me either!” Steve shouts and then goes shy. “Think, uh, think you’d like to give it a try?”
Eddie hums playfully.
“I do like telling stories,” he muses. “And I’ll have to tell Jeff to get lost for a while tonight. He will definitely give me shit for that.”
Steve is quiet.
“You know what?” Eddie throws his free hand in the air. “For you, sweetheart, I’m in.”
“You’re sure?” Steve whispers.
“Mhmm. As long as you don’t get jealous of my sweet, sweet story telling skills.” Eddie says breathy.
“It’s not like bed time stories, you know that, right?” Steve questions.
“You haven’t been to one of my D&D sessions yet. You don’t know what you’re in for.” He gloats.
“Clearly.” Steve chuckles again. “Well, I gotta head out. I’m having lunch with Robin in a bit.”
“Tell her I said hi and I can’t wait to meet her backstage.” Eddie grins.
“What do you… seriously? She’s gonna flip. You’re so wonderful.”
“VIP badges will be at will call just for you two.” Eddie bites his lip. “Talk to you later, Steve.”
“Can’t wait.”
Eddie ends the call and texts Jeff.
/Eddie/: I’m gonna need the room for a while tonight. No questions asked.
He sips the last of his coffee. His phone chimes.
/Jeff/: youre gross. I’ll just cuddle up with GareBear tonight.
/Jeff/: I don’t gotta know what you’re getting into but I feel like I should congratulate you or something.
/Eddie/: I’ll accept my medal at breakfast tomorrow.
/Jeff/: Seriously. You’re gross. 😜
Totally worth the endless teasing ahead. Now what was he going to do with the rest of his day? He spots a small artsy store front across the way. He crosses the street and bobs in.
I love them, your honor. Prepare for smut in pt 6. 🫣
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 6 coming soon with the promise of smut!
Follow me on Twitter if you’d like!
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amypihcs · 8 months
HELLOOOO beautiful humans! The end of this beautiful story is here! They are in Milverton's study and
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Well, Watson has a long serie of 'I told you so's to tell Holmes.
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And the fact that Milverton doesn't seem to want to leave quickly gives Watson EVEN MORE REASONS. Why ever is this man awake, DAMNIT! Oh HOLMES... -squeeze hand back-
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Well. Watson is a man. And he has a PLAN. The plan concludes himself in a bonk over the head to Milverton. PLEASE, he's been wanting to do it since Baker Street! Let him bonk Milverton over the head! He deserves it!
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You guys don't get it! He's LITERALLY PRAYING!
On to the development!
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Uhm, checking on the watch, eh? OH SOMEONE'S KNOCKING! Who could it be?
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aaaah! gallant company! doubt she's a lover of sorts toh! (ALSO, these suckers waited for half an hour! I would've died already!)
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WATSON! Watson, is this the time? BACK TO FOCUS, C'MON.
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DAAAAMN he's being a really bistinguished bisaster today uh? Watson! Back to focus! Apparently she's no lover, but a victim. And i'm enjoying scared Milverton A LOT.
Go on girl! Tell him it all!
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WAHOO! Get him, my lass! Godo come un riccio, aiuto. GODO COME UN RICCIO.
She did WELL.
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AND HOLMES AGREES W- WATSON!! Could you PLEASE focus on the task on hand? No, damn, wrong word, on the TASK, not on the HAND! Ah, whatever. A lost cause, that man.
Now to YOUR OWN tasks
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Man on fire playing in background as Holmes burns the letters! So good. Now, let's go back home! RUN! CORRI, SCAPPA C'È IL NEMESIS!!
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AND OF COURSE the man who doesn't exercise at all just does parkour just so causally. Man's a parkourer, we KNOW it. He invented one century early. Running until they're out of breath and adrenaline!
-PANT- WE DID IT WATSON!! -brief kiss-
Flash forward to next morning, Holmes WILL have a proper breakfast, Watson will see to it
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AND IT WOULD'VE BEEN BETTER If Lestrade hadn't hopped by!
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Man's offering Holmes the case??
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Holmes. HOLMES YOU'LL KILL WATSON THIS WAY!! Watson in background is just sweating, trying not to faint, and hoping Holmes WOULD JUST SHUT UP!
Holmes meanwhile is having too much fun.
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And refusing the case, clearly.
Also since... he is ON ONE ALREADY
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Trying to remember our charming murderess is... AAAnd he got her! COME WATSON! Holmes, couldn't we just finish lu- PICK YOUR HAT AND COME! -already sprinting down the stairs-
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And yes. He got our misterious woman.
The next story will be my favourite one! Also my favourite granada episode, so YAHOO!
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zukadiary · 1 year
10 years, 10 top stars
Today is my blog's 10TH BIRTHDAY 🥳🥳🥳
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To celebrate, I'm going to do 10 streams showcasing 10 of my all time favorite top stars!
(This will be done over, idk, some amount of time, at absolutely not a regular cadence, because unfortunately I live a busy life).
BUT! We're gonna start this week. In no particular order other than I decided to go recent first...
10 years 10 top stars profile #1: Nozomi Fuuto
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A few reasons I love Daimon:
My like, very first glimmer of a zuka crush in the infant beginnings of my fandom, before Takawiki existed, when you had to personally know someone on livejournal or in a yahoo group who recorded physical DVDs off TV while they were on JET to watch anything ever, was Minoru Kou. Circa my 2013 re-entry into fandom, I noticed Daimon because I thought she looked like Noru.
The voice, obviously. If you haven't heard it live, put it on your bucket list (and make sure your long awaited exposure isn't in Theater Orb). It hits you in the chest and reverberates in your mitochondria.
The juxtaposition of the raw talent with a relatable combo of crippling perfectionism and general anxiety. Like, really, you can play a Death good enough to resurrect me from clinical depression, but you can't flirt with a musumeyaku in QR without having a meltdown? Terrible (affectionate).
While she mostly comes off as a lowkey, v. profesh, relatively buttoned-up person, she is afflicted by what one of my friends once called "silly o'clock," i.e., she gets funnier, less inhibited, and more human as she approaches exhaustion. This has manifested in two of the most unexpectedly delightful ochakai I've ever been to (watch Yukigumi College—the thing where she's dressed as Beethoven—for a filmed and preserved example).
Top Daimon memories:
On the 20th Century, IMO her Takarazuka peak, sadly lost to the ages (you can read a scene by scene here if you want)
The way her songs in Gaisenmon made her voice float into the corners of the Grand Theater like butterflies on a gentle breeze
The last Daimon ochakai I ever went to, Bakumatsu Taiyouden, which I'm hoping is beyond the statute of limitations now, where she sang a duet with a recording of Gaori's voice and then burst into tears (wasn't supposed to be the last but alas, global pandemic).
Choosing a show was hard because, actually, while I am obsessed with Daimon, I am specifically most obsessed with nibante Daimon, and Chigigumi is peak Yukigumi for me. However, every other fave top is getting their top era streamed, and since my all-time fave Daimon show is lost forever...
Stream #1 will be 『fff / Silk Road』 (Snow 2021)
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(fff subbed by adorare)
WHEN: Friday, April 7, 9PM EST (that's NY time, join me while I try to stay awake for Stella Voce but maybe fall asleep after the stream anyway lmao)
WHERE: cytu.be/r/pom-pa-lalala
I'll definitely be shaking up the time zones over the course of these streams, so if this doesn't work for you, stay tuned! Next we'll be going back in time...
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yahoo-geddon · 2 years
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Yahoo Groups? Yes, We’re Still Saving Them. Stay Tuned!
In 2019, #Verizon shut down #YahooGroups. While the #ArchiveTeam focused on saving as many groups across the board, #transformative #fandom took on the task of saving our communities.
A new Yahoo Groups #Dreamwidth community has been started where you can keep up with the progress of the Yahoo Gedden Rescue Team as they process and add metadata to the (gulp) million groups they saved
From 2020:“Between the #ArchiveTeam volunteers and the Yahoo Groups Fandom Rescue Project, we saved 960,233 unique groups through Yahoo’s GetMyData method (not counting what was saved through the Python script and PGOffline). Wow! And hopefully some more is yet to come as there are a few people who have promised to send us their GMDs but haven’t yet.”
“How much of that is #fandom? At this point, all I can estimate is "somewhere around 300,000?” It is really impossible to know yet. I finished working on the metadata and will be uploading it soon, and sometime next spring (I hope!) we might begin on the more finely-detailed analysis that would let us identify individual fandoms and all of that.“
The project is ongoing & volunteers will be needed
11/22 update: "As of this evening, it’s up to 12.39% sorted & 0.99% tagged.”
“A big call for volunteers won’t go out until I have all tabs prepped & ready to go, but if you or someone you know is detail-oriented and likes the idea of helping out, limited numbers of volunteers can be used right now, as indeed a couple of them have been hard at work for months tagging tabs & fleshing out any bugs in the tagging process.”
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eltristan · 8 months
I'd like to take a moment to editorialize on what occurs when the oppressed and outnumbered attempt to fight back:
My sympathies are always with the oppressed; oppression is inherently unjust, an injustice.
In Gaza right now, more than half of the oppressed are under 16, just like in those pictures of Warsaw -- so many having seen their parents killed or never known their grandparents... Israel has been fighting a real war of extermination against them since before 1967 yet they keep breeding, apparently...
The present chapter of oppression picks up in 1998 when Arafat and the PNA sought a "2-State" solution for coexistence with Israel, based on the mutual recognition of the right of the other State to exist. This came out of a visionary peace process 30 years ago in Oslo, Norway.
Benjamin Netanyahu (putting the "Nyet" in yahoo?) did everything he could to sabotage and detail the peace process at the time, and at every subsequent time that he has held power or been in office -- finally, this time, dissolving Israel's Supreme Court which was always an important check-balance to his actions against the Palestinians, now says, "Israel will win"
Less than 24 hours into declaring war on the Palestinians, current estimates at hundreds dead -- thousands wounded.
While Armenians may have invented the word "genocide" to describe every time their homogeneous and inbred theocratic ethno-State lost a conflict of territorial aggression against their neighbors, from Turkey to Azerbaijan -- my fear, based on watching this over the last 40 years, is that the Israelis have _finally_ figured out the solution to ethnic cleansing the region of the former British Mandate of Palestine.
Stay tuned?
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ZendoAI Review | Gmail And Yahoo Friendly Marketing Solution!
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Welcome To My Blog This Is ZendoAI Review. Here you will be informed about its key features, Benefits, what it can for you, Bonuses, OTOs and my opinion. My goal is to bring you the right product so that you can make the right decision and save you unnecessary money or time. So stay tuned for details. ZendoAI Is The World’s First Gmail & Yahoo Friendly Autoresponder to Send Unlimited Emails to Unlimited Subscribers With No Monthly Fee! Umlimited Emails, Higher open rate and delivery rate and fast way to build email list. So Stay tuned for details more.
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theacademyclassic · 8 months
So there ya have it
The first round of The Academy got started in 2003. I'd just finished my first year in college, the world was still in a great deal of shock from 9/11, and Yahoo was dominating the internet. A big fan of Real Life Comics, I finally decided that four-panel, two-row stack model would be perfect for telling nerdy tales on vertically scrolling screens (the Frame/No Frame Wars had long ended, though they may begin again). The novel had floundered so pitifully, but the jokes and storylines just flowed. After a busy decade including a year abroad, I somehow finished up my 10-year plan.
In 2013, I'd just gotten married, the world was settling into a second Obama term, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer's prophecy of "Google" coming to power had been proven. The Academy was done, and I was really getting into this "local ghost tour" thing, but I didn't want to leave it behind fully. Tumblr was a thing, so I figured I'd repost 'em, see how hits do on that with feeds into Twitter and The Facebook, along with creator's commentary. Never really took off, but it's so much fun to look back at comics I really like and critique the ones that could use some revision.
Now it's 2023, I've published seven "haunted" books and served as Okie Comics editor, the world is struggling along, and social media has pretty much plateaued. The Academy's done again.
Can you imagine what 2033 has in store for us?
Well, let's not wait that long! Stay tuned tomorrow for an epilogue story, "The Academy Gang goes to Disney World!" I've been working on scripting it for about seven years now.
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cindylouwho-2 · 6 months
Recent SEO & Marketing News for Ecommerce, November 2023
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As promised, here is the separate report on marketing and SEO news for ecommerce businesses, up to the end of November. This is now separate from the ecommerce report (which will be out in the next week or so).
I probably won't be posting SEO and marketing news again until the new year, so this is my chance to remind you that I plan on leaving Twitter soon. You can still keep caught up here on Tumblr, plus daily on Bluesky and on LinkedIn. My plan is to have a new way to follow my news posts in a more timely fashion early in 2024, so stay tuned!
Google launched another core ranking update on August 22, which ended on Sept. 7. eBay, Amazon and Etsy lost a fair amount of page visibility in the UK, according to this analysis. The US version of the same study saw large drops for the same 3 sites, while sites with “user-generated content” did well. Then Google released a Helpful Content update, which finished on September 28. Sites with poor UX (user experience, for example too many pop-up ads) and too much focus on on-page SEO seem to be experiencing the worst effects. Google also gave out tips on what might be considered “unhelpful.” Then, Google rolled out the October Core update, which ended October 19. But wait, there’s more! They also did a November core update, which finished at the end of the month. 
Google has long denied using click data to determine search ranking, but the current antitrust hearings have revealed a different story. We also learned that it cost $26.3 billion in 2021 alone to buy spots as the default search engine in many browsers and devices. Here are more revelations about search ranking from the trial. 
Deleting old content will not necessarily help your Google rankings or traffic. However, if Google is penalizing your pages because it deems them “unhelpful”, removing those less-helpful pages will probably help the site overall. 
Internal links on each important page of your website will generally result in better Google traffic. The study covers 23 million links, but the author notes it only demonstrates correlation, not causation. Different anchor text for the same link is an even better predictor of Google search traffic. Note that Google staff recently stated links aren’t a top-3 ranking factor any more, though. 
Optimizing category/collection/section pages can provide a big SEO boost on an ecommerce website. Here are some tips. 
Google recently started showing follower counts for social media links in search results, but says they are not a ranking factor. 
Large media sites overwhelmingly rank at the top of Google search for common queries in many areas. It’s an interesting read. 
My periodic reminder that “LSI keywords” don’t help your SEO. LSI is an outdated method of data analysis that tries to find connections between words, but it was invented before the internet as we know it existed, and simply isn’t relevant for Google. Yes, related words are good, but LSI is not the way to find them. 
Semi-advanced content: how to figure out your potential buyers’ path to your product through Google data. This is a little more detailed than figuring out which problems people have and how you can solve them, but the basic idea is there. 
In case you missed everything on Google in August, here is a roundup, then you can catch up on September, and finally, October’s changes. 
Not Google
Bing Chat (basically, regular Bing search with Chat GPT involved) is now known as “Copilot”. The name change alone is unlikely to increase traffic, though, which is showing very little gain on Google despite the AI-driven search experience. 
Yahoo’s search redesign is expected to start appearing in early 2024. 
Yandex, the top Russian search engine, is for sale.
SOCIAL MEDIA - All Aspects, By Site
Branding is an important part of social media for businesses; here are some good tips on representing your business well and getting seen. As I always remind folks, you don’t need to be on every platform; that can actually be harmful. “It’s unlikely your audience will be active on every single social media platform, especially considering how many are out there in this day and age. Be thoughtful about which platforms you want to leverage for your social media presence. Once you know where your audience is most active, ask yourself whether the platform itself aligns with your brand values, story, identity, and tone of voice.”
Facebook (includes relevant general news from Meta)
European users can soon pay a subscription to opt out of advertising on Facebook and Instagram. 
Facebook uses member information to train its artificial intelligence models, but you can opt some of your data out of that process. Unfortunately, “[t]here’s no guarantee from the company that it’ll delete it, or that it’ll provide you with the information you’re asking for, even if it’s yours.” Also, this only includes the outside data and not your actual posts. 
Meta has new AI-tools for its ads, but not all accounts have access yet, as they continue to test. Ad revenue was up 23% in the third quarter.  
Just like many other platforms, Instagram has issues with people advertising illegal things for sale. They are also blocking people posting research on the problem, instead of blocking the illegal ads. 
The basics of Instagram SEO: “The platform says there isn’t one Instagram algorithm. Instead, there’s a personalized set of classifiers and processes for each user.”
Like most sites, LinkedIn is looking to upgrade some features with AI, but unlike most sites, it is planning on summarizing the feeds of its Premium subscribers so they don’t have to read everything. 
Yes, SEO can help you get found on LinkedIn.
Pinterest is now a bigger shopping destination for Gen Z, who are now the site’s “fastest-growing audience”. 
Reddit removed its awards earlier this year, and will be replacing them with gold awards only, and will also pay top creators who earn at least 10 gold a month. 
Reddit may end up blocking Google and Bing from crawling the site, as a way to stop AI training. 
Snapchat ad revenue led to an improved 3rd quarter for Snap, but the company is still losing money. 
Threads - Meta’s Twitter competitor - continues to get upgrades, with polls and GIFs added recently. Apparently the site has almost 100 million users every month. They are now planning to launch in the EU by the end of the year.
TikTok may be considering a ban on links to products for sale on other sites, although the company denied it. This may be to protect their own shopping platform: “Consumers in the U.S. are currently spending around $3 million to $4 million a day on TikTok Shop, up from around half a million to $1 million a day in June, the report says. TikTok staffers expect this number to exceed $10 million by the end of the year.”
That beta test is now live: TikTok Shop is officially in the United States. “As part of the rollout, the company is bringing features such as a dedicated shop tab on the home screen, live video shopping, shoppable ads and affiliate programs for creators…TikTok execs told The New York Times that more than 90% of sellers on TikTok Shop were based out of the U.S.” 
Longer videos may be a TikTok goal, as they are easier to place ads with.
Twitter continues to die, losing users since it was sold. Advertisers are leaving completely, and others are not posting content. (Etsy has not posted any promotions on Twitter since November 14.)
Musk keeps stating Twitter may start charging users, and the company is forcing new members in New Zealand and the Philippines to pay $1 a year if they join via the web and want to tweet or retweet, i.e., they can still read without paying. A phone number is also needed for verification of new accounts in these countries. 
Twitter removed headlines from news link cards, but will be bringing them back soon. 
Tumblr will be rolling back some changes and focussing on “the core functionality” of the site, after many new features failed to gain traction. 
Look for new AI video tools on YouTube in the near future; the new “Create” app is currently in beta for Android. 
If you produce Shorts for YouTube, you will want to know how that algorithm works. 
(CONTENT) MARKETING (includes blogging, emails, and strategies) 
Gmail, Yahoo and AOL are all implementing new email rules in 2024 that may impact some types of email newsletters, although most major companies have already complied with the new requirements. 
While Gmail hides your promotional emails, Yahoo is now offering new AI tools that will find those missing “gift cards, discount codes and store credits that people may have forgotten about.”
Newsletter option TinyLetter is being shut down by Malichimp. 
Substack users: be aware that your subscribers may see your address and phone number unless you change the default setting. 
The first step in writing content isn’t necessarily doing SEO keyword research [I’d argue that products are different than content, though, and that even forum or social driven content could benefit from a bit of SEO.] 
Looking for content marketing topics for December? Here are 5 ideas to get working on, and if you have some free time, get a head start on January.
Did you know there are tools to track ads from different companies on many ad sites? Some are even free. [includes TikTok, Meta, Google and LinkedIn]
Ecommerce advertisers may find Amazon a better place to spend their budget compared to Google Ads. “Amazon’s search volume comprises 54% of all product-related searches in the United States.”
Google’s third quarter was decent, but Cloud revenue was below projections while ad money was up. Microsoft’s ad revenue also improved. 
Chrome plans on ending all third-party cookies by the end of the third quarter 2024, and will start with 1% of users in early 2024. This will affect some types of ads, if you are wondering why platforms start changing. 
Anyone using Google’s Performance Max campaigns may be interested in this overview of how to get the most out of them, with screenshots. 
Since a lot of people still can’t figure out Google Analytics 4, here is yet another good overview. 
This new YouTube video from Google shows you how to figure out traffic sources in Google Analytics 4. 
Still working on moving to GA4? Here’s a bit more info, including how to save your old UA data. 
For video learners, here is “5 reasons for using Google Search Console”. [YouTube, 3 mins.]
A report out of the UK on small business use of online platforms calls for the UK government to better protect small businesses from the power differential often evident in these relationships. 
Amazon’s Prime Day sales barely beat last year, while their competitors actually dropped. [Washington Post gift link] Some analysts think this bodes poorly for the holiday season, and that consumers are looking for discounts.
Around 50% of Generation Zers in the US plan to shop in malls this holiday season, and people in general plan on spending less this year. But another study said nearly half of Gen Z shoppers will make at least some purchases on social media, while the US average is just ⅓. Most online holiday shopping will take place on mobile instead of computers, and ecommerce shopping will be up less than 5% per some reports, and over 10% according to others. Black Friday stats also indicate that mobile outpaced desktop - smart phones delivered 54% of online sales. “Global data from Shopify also showed strong mobile performance for merchants on that platform. Mobile versus desktop 76% to 24%, respectively.”
Large companies report that various types of consumer fraud are on the increase, and cost $100 billion annually. 
Thinking of using AI to create some products and images to sell? Be aware that AI art is not copyright-protected, at least in the US at the moment. A recent case led the court to rule that “human authorship is a bedrock requirement of copyright.” [article includes a copy of the entire case]
Need some free web design tools? Practical Ecommerce has a recent list of 19, and an even more recent list of 17. 
MISCELLANEOUS (including humour) 
A snarky article in the Verge had SEOs all worked up, and some were very defensive about it. I thought the whole thing was hilarious. 
Reminder that there are usually consequences for (and laws against) improper use of a customer’s private information, which includes asking them on a date. “Almost one in three people aged 18-34 have received unwanted romantic contact after giving their personal information to a business, a UK poll has shown.”
Do you know what happens to your website and social media accounts when you die? Sometimes, even the platforms get confused about this, and there are few laws. 
Jewellery finding company TierraCast is closing by the end of 2023. 
UPDATED: December 4, 2023
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I posted 260 times in 2022
That's 260 more posts than 2021!
26 posts created (10%)
234 posts reblogged (90%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
@ tmbgareok
I tagged 128 of my posts in 2022
#the q - 7 posts
#homestar runner - 5 posts
#website - 5 posts
#halloween - 4 posts
#calorific rays - 3 posts
#daily facts - 3 posts
#alt rock - 3 posts
#picrew - 3 posts
#look at him go - 2 posts
#internet - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 46 characters
#even if you cant fix him you can draw him well
My Top Posts in 2022:
Happy Labor Daybor!
22 notes - Posted September 5, 2022
38 notes - Posted October 21, 2022
Yahoo come check out my first Picrew! you decorate pumpkins! 
41 notes - Posted September 19, 2022
This Halloween I’m gonna help my friend Joey on a personal lost media search! Check out what info we got so far and stay tuned for more details!
46 notes - Posted October 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I’m proud of how this one came out so I’m making sure to share it
50 notes - Posted August 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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queenoffantasyland · 2 years
Hello there!
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Well... it's been a while. Twitter is going down in flames and the cringey millennial in me refuses to get on TikTok-- so I guess we're all coming back to tumblr. My previous handle is linked to my yahoo email that is so old I no longer remember the password. So it was time to start from scratch.
Old friends, isn't it wild we are back on here?!?
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New friends: let me introduce myself:
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Hi, I'm Maddie! Just your basic average girl... nope, not gonna bust out in the Kim Possible theme song. But seriously, I'm 29 and currently call Texas home. I'm utterly obsessed with all things Disney but especially the theme parks. They really are my happy place. I'm a pop culture nerd through and through. I love bright colored lipstick, sparkly things, and fictional ships with a human embodiment of sunshine paired with a brooding dude who probably has a concerningly high body count. Also, I'm a co-host on two different podcasts.
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On "Watchover" I'm joined by @jbuffyangel and @callistawolf, we are going through a rewatch on Arrow (2012-2020) with a focus on TV's best ship: Olicity.
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On "Once Upon a Stream" my cohost Megan Mann and I discuss a different title on Disney+ each episode. Stay tuned for episodes on DWTS, She-Hulk, Andor, and more.
Most of what I post on here will most likely be related to those topics. We will see how the return to tumblr goes I guess.
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skovgaardcaspersen · 2 years
Having Difficulty With Music Downloads? Go through These Tips
With the increase of your Web, a field of songs is on hand. With the appropriate services, you are able to down load some of a million music within a few minutes. Even so, before starting downloading, there are a few stuff you have to know. The next write-up will help you begin. Take a look at iTunes if you are searching for a means to acquire tunes. Their grocer carries a large variety of well-liked tunes that are super easy to get on your computer system or i-product. iTunes provides cheap deals. An excellent hint when accessing songs would be to preview similar designers on itunes. More often than not, itunes shows twelve of similar tracks and musicians around the correct whenever you spotlight a track inside your catalogue. This may be a fantastic way to find out new songs that you want. If you are using iTunes, ensure to enroll in their email signals. They often send out deals and cheaper albums that exist on the cheap for any very restricted period of time. Should you not join the e-mail notifications, you could possibly overlook these savings. Check out the lawful totally free music from recognized music download web sites. loa kéo of big on-line songs merchants like iTunes, Audio.com, Amazon,com, plus more have totally free audio parts. You can officially download these free of charge tracks from some artists which you like or newer ones that you want to hear the first time. When you love an designer, have a look at their webpage for music. Most bands maintain an online appearance where by they provide info on audio and organized tours, and they will at times supply free songs there. This could include otherwise unreleased keeps track of or possibly a tune off of a fresh record they are trying to promote. Peer to peer computer software might appear to be a wonderful way to get totally free songs, but the reality is that it opens you as much as computer viruses, viruses plus more. To keep your pc free of these complications, adhere to getting via iTunes or from online stores like Amazon . com.com or HMV.com. Stay with trustworthy web sites for the songs downloads. The greatest trouble with untrusted web sites is they can include computer viruses, but you could also be placing on your own in legitimate jeopardy in the event you acquire audio from your a lot less respected website. Take time to research a web site prior to acquire to ensure it is each secure and lawful to utilize. Yahoo offers a fantastic subscription services if you're upon an Android foundation. Known as Search engines Songs All Gain access to, the support can be like almost every other membership-based assistance, nevertheless it performs completely with Google android devices. At about $10 a month, it's a wise way to get a local library chock loaded with excellent songs. Should you acquire songs from a peer-to-peer support, make time to clear the metadata of your records you obtain. The metadata is the who, what, and where by of the document. Such things as the artist brand, the album brand, the track label, and the style of music. Just a little tidy up can help a lot in your electronic person being able to provide the best expertise for you. You can find huge amounts of sites which hold music documents. Even though many of these web site are safe, you may still find a great number that have some afflicted data files. Downloading one among these contaminated files may possibly destroy your pc, therefore it is smart to be mindful. Prior to installing data, constantly scan it initially together with your anti-infection software. Reading this informative article, you need to know far more about songs downloads. Congratulations, you know where to locate them and the ways to search for your chosen song. The Net has made it readily accessible nearly every music, regardless of how imprecise it can be. Utilize these tips to expand your music collection these days.
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stackduncan · 2 years
Experiencing Difficulty With Audio Downloads? Read These Guidelines
Together with the go up from the World wide web, a field of tunes is at your fingertips. With all the appropriate assistance, you can download any kind of millions of tracks within minutes. Even so, before you start accessing, there are some issues you need to know. These post will allow you to get started. Check out iTunes if you are searching for a means to download songs. A store includes a huge selection of well-liked tracks that are simple to get on your personal computer or i-gadget. iTunes provides cheap deals. An incredible suggestion when accessing tunes is always to review very similar performers on itunes. Most of the time, itunes shows twelve of comparable songs and performers in the proper when you emphasize a music inside your collection. This may be a great way to learn new music that you like. If you are using iTunes, be sure to sign up for their electronic mail warnings. They often send special deals and reduced albums that are available on the cheap for a restricted time period. If you do not sign up for the e-mail notifications, you could neglect these price savings. Browse the legal cost-free songs from recognized tunes acquire websites. Numerous large on the internet songs stores like iTunes, MP3.com, Amazon,com, and much more have totally free tunes parts. It is possible to lawfully download these free of charge keeps track of from some designers which you like or newer and more effective versions that you would like to hear the first time. Should you love an designer, have a look at their webpage for audio. Most bands preserve an internet based reputation where they have information about tunes and excursions, and they can at times supply free of charge songs there. This may consist of normally unreleased tracks or perhaps a song off of a whole new record they are trying to encourage. Peer to peer application might appear to be a terrific way to get cost-free songs, but in fact it opens you approximately viruses, viruses and a lot more. To keep your personal computer clear of these problems, stay with getting through iTunes or from online retailers like Amazon . com.com or HMV.com. Stick to trusted websites for the tunes downloads. loa kéo with untrusted web sites is because they can have computer viruses, but you could also be getting your self in lawful jeopardy in the event you download music from a less reputable web site. Make time to research a website prior to down load to ensure it is both secure and legitimate to utilize. Google supplies a excellent monthly subscription support if you're on an Android mobile phone foundation. Known as Yahoo Audio All Gain access to, the assistance is the same as almost every other subscription-based service, but it operates completely with Android mobile phone devices. At about $10 a month, it's an intelligent way to get a local library chock filled with good music. In the event you down load audio from your peer-to-peer services, take time to cleanup the metadata in the records you receive. The metadata is definitely the who, what, and where by of your submit. Things like the musician brand, the recording brand, the path name, and also the style of music. A bit clean up can greatly assist to your digital gamer being able to give you the very best encounter to suit your needs. There are actually thousands of websites which hold tunes documents. Even though many of such site are secure, you may still find an incredible number that contain some contaminated data files. Installing one among these infected data files might actually damage your laptop or computer, it is therefore a good idea to be mindful. Well before accessing data, always skim it initially with your anti--virus system. After reading this informative article, you need to understand considerably more about music downloads. Congratulations, you know where to find them and how to search for your preferred tune. The World Wide Web has created it easy to find nearly every track, regardless of how obscure it might be. Start using these ideas to develop your songs collection these days.
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ciolookleaders · 27 days
Mastering Search Engine Marketing: A Comprehensive Guide to Boosting Your Online Presence
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In the dynamic landscape of digital marketing, staying ahead of the curve is paramount to success. With the ever-evolving algorithms of search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo, businesses need to constantly refine their strategies to ensure maximum visibility and engagement. One such strategy that has emerged as a cornerstone of online marketing is Search Engine Marketing (SEM). In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of SEM, its components, best practices, and how it can propel your brand to the forefront of search engine results.
Understanding Search Engine Marketing
Search Engine Marketing, often abbreviated as SEM, is a powerful digital marketing approach aimed at increasing a website’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) through paid advertising. It encompasses a range of tactics, including pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, search engine optimization (SEO), and other techniques designed to enhance a website’s search engine rankings.
The Components of SEM
1. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising
PPC advertising is a fundamental aspect of SEM, wherein advertisers bid on keywords relevant to their target audience. When users search for these keywords, the advertiser’s ad may appear prominently in the sponsored section of the search results. Advertisers only pay when users click on their ads, making PPC a cost-effective way to drive targeted traffic to a website.
2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
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SEO involves optimizing a website’s content, structure, and meta-information to improve its organic search engine rankings. By enhancing factors such as keyword relevance, site speed, mobile-friendliness, and backlink profile, businesses can increase their visibility in unpaid (organic) search results. While SEO requires time and effort to yield results, its long-term benefits can be significant.
3. Remarketing Campaigns
Remarketing campaigns are an integral component of SEM, allowing advertisers to re-engage with users who have previously visited their website or interacted with their brand. By displaying targeted ads to these users as they browse other websites or social media platforms, businesses can reinforce brand awareness, encourage repeat visits, and drive conversions.
The Importance of Search Engine Marketing
1. Increased Visibility
SEM allows businesses to reach a wider audience by ensuring their website appears prominently in search engine results. With PPC advertising, companies can instantly secure top positions for their chosen keywords, while SEO efforts can steadily improve organic rankings over time, resulting in sustained visibility.
2. Targeted Traffic
By targeting specific keywords relevant to their products or services, businesses can attract highly qualified leads through SEM. PPC campaigns can be finely tuned to reach users based on their search intent, demographics, location, and other parameters, ensuring that ads are served to the most relevant audience.
3. Measurable Results
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One of the key advantages of SEM is its measurability. Through tools like Google Analytics and Google Ads, advertisers can track and analyze various metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and return on investment (ROI). This data allows businesses to refine their strategies, optimize their campaigns, and allocate their marketing budget more effectively.
4. Competitive Advantage
In today’s fiercely competitive digital landscape, search engine marketing provides businesses with a distinct competitive advantage. By occupying prime real estate in search engine results pages (SERPs), companies can effectively outshine their competitors, capture market share, and establish themselves as industry leaders. SEM allows businesses to level the playing field and compete with larger corporations, regardless of their size or budget.
Best Practices for Search Engine Marketing
1. Keyword Research
Keyword research forms the foundation of any successful SEM campaign. By identifying the most relevant and high-performing keywords in their industry, businesses can optimize their PPC ads and SEO efforts to target the right audience effectively. Tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Moz Keyword Explorer can aid in this process.
2. Compelling Ad Copy
Crafting compelling ad copy is crucial for attracting clicks and driving conversions in PPC advertising. Ads should be concise, persuasive, and tailored to match the user’s search intent. Including the target keyword in the ad copy can improve relevancy and quality score, leading to higher ad rankings and lower costs per click.
3. Landing Page Optimization
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The effectiveness of a SEM campaign hinges on the quality of the landing page. Landing pages should be optimized for user experience, relevance, and conversion. They should align seamlessly with the ad’s messaging and offer clear calls-to-action (CTAs) to guide visitors towards desired actions, whether it’s making a purchase, filling out a form, or signing up for a newsletter.
4. Continuous Monitoring and Optimization
SEM is not a set-it-and-forget-it strategy; it requires ongoing monitoring and optimization to deliver optimal results. Advertisers should regularly review performance metrics, test different ad creatives and targeting options, and make data-driven adjustments to maximize their ROI. This iterative approach ensures that SEM campaigns remain effective and competitive in the ever-changing digital landscape.
5. A/B Testing
A/B testing, also known as split testing, is a vital practice for optimizing SEM campaigns. By creating multiple variations of ads, landing pages, and other elements, advertisers can compare performance metrics to determine which versions resonate best with their target audience. Through systematic experimentation and analysis, businesses can identify winning strategies, refine their messaging, and maximize the effectiveness of their SEM efforts.
In today’s digital age, search engine marketing has become indispensable for businesses looking to thrive in the online arena. By leveraging the power of PPC advertising and SEO, companies can enhance their visibility, attract targeted traffic, and achieve measurable results that drive business growth. By following best practices and staying abreast of industry trends, businesses can harness the full potential of SEM to outshine their competitors and connect with their target audience effectively. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or a newcomer to the world of digital advertising, mastering the art of search engine marketing is essential for staying ahead in the digital age.
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