#but stiiiiiiill
siege-machine · 1 year
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Last dump, here is the remaining coloured Ultra Analysis doodles!
The last bit of class 1-A!
I almost didn’t include Mineta but an unfinished set was driving me nuts.
All Parts: Aizawa - Dekusquad - Bakusquad - 1A P1 - 1A P2
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"A chainsaw. But like a medieval chainsaw. Just a saw!"
...You have a buzzsaw for an arm. Chainsaws are also old as all get out.
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15000bugs · 1 year
ao3 “summary” feature you are my worst enemy
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fishleeks · 7 days
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rachi-roo · 9 months
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koifishanonymous · 2 years
I need the song stray italian greyhound injected into my veins
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lemonadeandlanguages · 11 months
snow in october is a travesty
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And finally, a couple Bobby highlights.
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This man is a gem, and I love him dearly.
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bigender2 · 2 years
facts are simple and facts are straight .facts are lazy and facts are late. facts all come with points of view facts don't do what I want them to. facts just twist the truth around. facts are living turned inside out. facts are getting the best of them. facts are nothing on the face of things
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bitchapalooza · 2 years
My goal right now to not (according to my coworkers and father who of I really can’t tell if they were joking or not) kiss ass and do MY job and not accept extra work— unless I do absolutely need the extra hours. I can’t promise myself I won’t be a doormat but I guess I can promise myself I’ll try me best.
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btsbesharam · 15 days
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blue-jayyy8657 · 1 year
somehow i only just now found out how to customize my home page thing :)
now im not gonna look like a bot!!
it’s just… there’s so many choices what do i put everywhere oh no
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dirt-goth · 2 years
Me: pulls up my hair every time I use the restroom at work to reduce my chances of an altercation
Also me: Yeah let's paint our nails at work
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teaveetamer · 5 months
It really sucks that you're getting harassed, but u should look back at the harassment you never really stopped to support and the harassment you avoid talking about too. Everyone sucks here, you're incapable of decrying the harassment coming from your "side" because you care more about blorbo discourse... Do you actually stand up against harassment if you don't say anything when it's from your "side" or at least people who enjoy your blorbo? If you only do so when coming from fans of the character you don't like?
I sincerely hope the harassment you receive stop, to be clear you absolutely do not deserve the shit you're dealing with, nobody does. But I hope you'll genuine look at yourself and the people surrounding you too.
Anon, I'm going to take this in the best possible faith, but holy shit this is so fucking terminally online. Like, you are aware that I'm an adult? I'm slaving away at an unpaid internship, I'm in graduate school, and I've got 20k words worth of academic papers to write and exams to study for. I'm spending time with my dying grandpa and I'm finding new and inventive ways to give a semi-feral cat heart medicine without getting my thumb bitten off. I'm not "intentionally ignoring" things going on, I'm just not an omniscent god who can keep track of 472 million Tumblr users at every given moment of the day and also have a job and a life. So if you've got beef and you think I'm not properly calling someone out then I'm going to need you to send me a link. I get maybe and hour of Tumblr time a day, and I don't actually follow 3H discourse because, shocker, I don't actually find getting into the exact same tired fights we were getting into 5 years ago all that fun or enjoyable. Isn't it wild though? It's been half a decade since 3H launch and I've spent like half of that with people stalking me and sending me death threats for no fucking reason!
Anyway, I could not give two tenths of a fuck whether or not you like my blorbo. I'm primarily concerned by the people sending death threats, actively defending genocidal rhetoric, stalking people, making false pedophilia accusations, et-fucking-cetera. I've done literally everything in my power to try and come to an understanding with the people inflicting the harassment and they're stiiiiiiill just doing it, years later, cuz I guess they don't have anything better to do. The only remotely comparable thing I've witnessed from "my side" in recent days, which frankly doesn't even come close to the level of vitriol and harassment of death threats, was that one of my mutuals called the genocidal freak (who intentionally tried to trigger me in the past) a mean name. And I only found out about that because a friend of mine saw it and talked to me about it. And wow look at that, if you actually go to the post you can literally see me telling that mutual to knock it off! And I spoke to them privately about it too! Which is something, frankly, I think I had every reason to not do given the way that person being insulted has treated me (And the lack of apology I've received from them for that). So like, not sure which kidney you want me to sacrifice to prove that I'm not actually cool with people stalking others and sending death threats.
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demonsfate · 1 year
This is me quoting my "gatekeeping Jin" post (it's still on my profile if you recognize who I am) by extending it with a few of my thoughts:
"Looks like a lot more people agree with me on this one than I thought.
Long story short: Jin is a good character who is now sadly a wasted potential (because of T6 atrocious OOC writing and what not) and I'm saddened by that. However, the hate and slander against him is getting boring and repetitive to the point where it's annoying and I frankly don't have any more fucks to give. You're free to dislike or hate him, but you won't change the others' persprective on him by saying what he did in T6 for milionth of time as if we don't know that already. Find a better hobby. Get fucking real.
And to my fellow Jin fans: keep strong, comrades. You have my back. ❤️"
But yeah, just adding my two cents to this conversation.
Yeah! I remember ya! Still an epic post.
And very good addition! I should really start ignoring it more, which I do try to... and I did for a while there. But sadly, the reveal of the first four minutes of 8 seemed to... reignite the flames and those people became even more vocal than before. And like, I get it, if you want Jin to not be redeemed or die or you hate his character, whatever. But it's when they start saying the more sillier comments is when it just irks me. I'm talking about the acting like Kazuya is a much better person than Jin, not acknowledging how Tek6 is indeed poorly written, or acknowledging it yet expecting Jin fans to just... accept it rather than continue liking the character for what he was and being critical of Tek6 and wanting to see his original characterization return. It's even more annoying when on my main blog, I make a gif set or post regarding him and I get people who say shit like "Jin deserves [bad things]" or bringing up "Jin started a war!!111!!!" Whilst, luckily, it's only a handful of people who do that on my posts - but stiiiiiiill annoying!!! Like I don't care!!!
I've almost gotten to the point where I just wanna say that I fully endorse Jin's actions in Tekken 6 and that I forgive him solely because he's too pretty to be mad at. BUT that'd be a little too petty and not really worth my time.
But like, that's why I also talk about it a lot here, rather than going to tags, or other posts, or on Reddit. Because there's just no reason for me to argue with people about it since it's really hard to change internet folks' minds, and I don't think most care to. They clearly just bash on him because they've never liked him as a character. So here I have a way of expressing my feelings without getting into pointless online arguments that go nowhere lol
It's always nice to know that even if there's a bunch of people who's annoying about this, at least there's other like-minded fans to understand and discuss the character with. :')
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budgie2budgie · 1 year
15 questions for 15 mutuals
tagged by @tigo @ellemant & @helloavocadooo, thank you! :)
are you named after anyone? nah
when was the last time you cried? a few days ago out of misery, i got the stomach flue and it was not playing nice... 🤮
do you have kids? nope
do you use sarcasm a lot? not A LOT but it happens
what sports do you play/have you played? REAL football ;) (soccer)
what’s the first thing you notice about other people? if they have a friendly face
eye colour? blue
scary movies or happy endings? happy, happy!
any special talents? uhm
where were you born? in the north of sweden, ice, baby!
what are your hobbies? sims (duh), cooking, hiking, pottery, MUSIC
do you have any pets? 2 cats!
how tall are you? 166 cm
fave subject in school? art, literature
dream job? i stiiiiiiill haven’t found, what i’m looking for...
tagging: ugh, i’ve seen mutuals doing this all day but @oatberrytea @wannabecatwriter @eslanes @haziewhims @mdpthatsme @plumbbobtoggled @aroundthesims @fonfon1888 @stellarwxtchsims @mysimsloveaffair @streetlites @theamari-blog @ardeney-sims @trumpets0ng @shesthespinstersimmer
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