#but that could aslo be bc I don’t know when people are trying to bc I have the depth perception of a rabbit
unsurebazookacore · 10 months
Has anyone ever tried to rizz you up but they just sound like dr suess
no why is the ghost of dr seuss flirting w/ u
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ashe-tree · 1 year
Keep in mind this request idea is long detailed I hope that’s ok aslo let me know if u have any questions about this idea dm me I happy to help as I can
Kinda based of rwby vol 8-9 between those seasons of rwby .May I request crossover fic Dan heng x Reader where reader is from remnant is huntress has abilities like Weiss and Ruby semblance mix together and her sliver eyes ablities like Ruby using weapon like scythe similar to Ruby crescent rose maybe she fighting during Altas end vol 8 but ends up in different universe and not familar with so she has adapt but she gets in trouble with express crew thinking the Reader is stellaron Hunter spy but find out she not associated with the bad guys and at first when they met reader very wary of her sinve reader is closed off due to have trauma of her losing loved ones and reader just wants to go home until she Mets Dan heng who she grows close bond with
But Dan heng notices reader is struggling and tries to connect to her get close but she pushes them away maybe she training battle she shows of her skills using glyphs and petal burst and weapons and maybe some creatures grim from her world Salem come to express and they don’t know how to handle and maybe reader has flashbacks and so using eyes abilities she saves others and the crew is shocked but mostly Dan heng of how powerful the Reader is maybe she just breaks down holding all guilt since she effect their universe put everyone danger and wants to leave but maybe Dan heng comfort her reassurance giving the love she needed just fluff ending romance if this makes sense if unable to do this request idea due to complex of it I understand agin dm if u have any questions have good day
I Need You
Dan heng x RWBY!reader
Fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, isekai?
A/n: I hope you don't mind that I changed some things up, I haven't gotten past Jarilo VI yet. Also, gonna make Stelle and 7th date in this bc yes. Sorry for the amount of shit that's ooc. Hope you enjoy :]
Readers semblance is called snowfall. They turn themself into snow in the same way Ruby turns herself into a cloud of rose petals, can also add more people to it. But they can also make frozen platforms and such the same way Weiss uses her glyphs. They can't use the snow to change/affect anyone though, like time dilation, nor can they mix any dust in with it(aside from ice to make it more affective). They can't summon in the same way Weiss can either, just small inanimate objects like shards of ice.
"RUBY!" Y/n yelled out as they used their semblance to pull Neo away from their friend, and towards themself. They used their sickle and tried to cut her, but it was just another of Neo's illusions. They looked back at Ruby as the illusion shattered like glass and they saw her trying to push Neo off of herself. "GODDAMMIT! NEOPOLITAN!" They yelled out in a rage, using their semblance to burst forward and landed on her back, hooking their two sickles over the closed parasol to lock it under Neo's chin and leaned back, pulling Neo off of their friend.
Neopolitan wasn't able to keep her balance up, with them on her back and choking her with her own weapon, so she fell backwards and landed near the edge of the platform that was surrounded by nothingness. It made Y/n lose their grip on the girl and fall off completely. But not before taking Hush, Neo's weapon, down with them. Hopefully, they had helped their friends, even if just a little..
Cold. That was all they felt. The chill of winter. Were they in the Tundra of Solitas?.. how did they get there.. what were they doing..? Everything was fuzzy after the broadcast was sent..
Even with their closed eyelids, everything was so bright. They could still feel their two sickles in their hands, something was connecting the two."I need to get out.. before my aura depletes completely.." They thought and tried to stand, letting go of a sickle to cover their eyes from the harsh brightness. Finally they opened their eyes to look down and saw they sickles still connected to Hush. "Oh.. right.. me and Ruby were fighting Neo.. Ruby! Where- wait.."
"Where am I..?" They asked aloud as they looked around. It definitely felt like Solitas, but something was different.. it wasn't as cold as the tundra should have been.. and where is Atlas? It should be right infront of them in ruins. They looked up to the sky, still shading their eyes and saw the moon. It was whole.
A loud yell was heard from behind them. Their eyes still hadn't adjusted to the brightness. Maybe they should have taken Coco's advice a year back and invested in some sunglasses. Oh well, no use in thinking about that now. They turned around to look back and saw a blonde man in armor. That definitely wasn't Atlesian armor. Just where the fuck were they? And where was Yang. She has to have been here aswell. I mean she fell down before they did! The man started to speak. No, more like interrogate them, but they couldn't understand a single word.
"What's going on? And where am I? I was supposed to help with the evacuation from Atlas!" Y/n started to explain, but the man just seemed to grow more confused. He spoke up again, this time in a softer tone, but it just sounded like jibberish to Y/n. He was speaking another language, that's for sure, but it wasn't one of the four from the kingdoms. Was this some native language from people who lived out here?.. But that should be impossible, Solitas is almost completely uninhabitable. Then again, they've seen the proof that this wasnt Remnant. Just who was this man?
Y/n tried once again to speak, this time in Mistralian, "Hello..? Do you know where I am..?" While it hadn't been that long since they last spoke it, it still felt weird. But atleast it got results. The man seemed to understand what they were saying. "My name is Y/n.. I don't know where I am or how I got here.. could you help me..?"
The man nodded before clearing his throat. "Yes. Here, come with me back to the city. We will get everything sorted after. It is.. dangerous out here." He spoke, choppy and not quite all there. Almost like it was a new language he was still learning.
He just stood there expectantly, waiting for them to move. And so they did. But not before picking up the sickle they had dropped and placing the two back in their designated sheaths. Then followed the blonde man.
Y/n had been living in Belabog long enough to have learnt the native language. They had learnt about the fragmentum and the monsters it brought. And while they were an upgrade of the typical grimm they had fought back on Remnant, the fragmentum beasts weren't necessarily hard to defeat. The man who had rescued them had taught Y/n all about this world and its language was called Gepard. He had also taught them about the Fragmentum beasts.
But they were getting tired of living here. They missed the others, and they still weren't able to locate Yang. Did she just.. not make it..? Or was she in a different universe entirely? Did the others make it to Vacuo? Was Penny safe? Was Ruby able to beat Neo? They kept wondering things like this, it sucked. To be fair, maybe they died and passed on to a different realm, but still. It worried Y/n that they didn't know anything about their old friends, or if they were even still alive anymore. They hadn't told Gepard anything about their past, claiming to have amnesia. He seemed to buy it, since they clearly didn't know anything about this world.
"It's the suspect and his accomplices! Arrest them!" One of the Silvermane guards had yelled out as a suspicious looking man fled the scene, leaving three others behind to fight. Y/N was currently with Gemard on patrol when they had heard all the commotion. They weren't necessarily working for the Silvermane guards, but they did like to help every now and again.
"Hey! Where do you think you're-!" The girl in.. a summer dress? Yelled out to the man, but he had already fled. And just like that, the guards started attacking.
"Should we step in?" Y/n asked, but Gepard just shook his head.
"Not yet." He said.
And so they waited, but the guards were getting their asses handed to them. "Gepard.." Y/n warned. He said nothing. It was only until the girl in the dress was shooting a frozen arrow did he move. Walking over and blocking her attack completely. The girl gasped and took a step back. Was that something she's never seen before?
"I, Gepard Landau, Captain of the silvermane guards, order you to relinquish your futile resistance." He said, but they didn't let up. Instead, the girl spat out a threat.
"GRR!! That Sampo cheated us! Oh just wait till I get my hands on him!" She yelled and her grip on her bow tightened as she thrashed it.
"Suspect! Relinquish your resistance!" One of the guards piped up. It seemed to make her more angry.
"Ugh! So I'm a criminal now?! Forget about Sampo, wait till I get my hands on YOU!" She yelled and fired an arrow at the guard. The fight went pretty much how they had expected it to go. Gepard defeated the group.
"And what of the prime suspect? The one with blue hair." He asked another guard, who answered in apology as he explained how the suspicious guy had managed to get away. But Gepard shrugged off the apology and focused on the three infront of him. "Atleast we have his accomplices. He'll be close by, plotting his next move." But the three explained how they weren't connected to the weird guy at all. And even showed a picture of the planet. Jarilo VI.. it was kind of beautiful from afar..
"Gepard, may I speak with them..?" Y/n spoke up, standing next to the tall blonde. He simply nodded and turned to talk with his guards. "So.. you're all from other planets?" They asked, tilting their head. And two of the three nodded. The tall guy just seemed to stay quiet, like he wasn't actually a part of the conversation, he looked like Ren. "Can I ask you all something.. because I'm guessing you've traveled to other planets aswell.. have you come across one named Remnant..?" They asked, they knew they shouldn't be hopeful but it just seeped into their voice. Sadly the girl shook her head.
"Sadly, I can't say I've been to a planet named that. Can you describe what it looks like..? Do you have any photos of it, or maybe a map of some sorts?" She spoke, she genuinely wanted to help. It made them feel a little hopeful again. She seemed a lot like Nora, it made Y/n want to chuckle.
"Yeah, here." Y/n pulled out their scroll so show her a photo of Remnants map. Hoping that she had atleast seen it. But she only shook her head.
"I'm sorry.. I can't say I've ever seen it. What about you, Dan Heng? Have you ever seen a planet like this?" She asked the tall man, but he shook his head aswell. Y/n seemed sad at the response, but remembered the shattered moon.
"Here! Have you seen this moon anywhere??" They held up a picture of the shattered moon. By the brothers.. they missed it. The two shook their heads again. "Is she new..?" Y/n asked and pointed at the third person.
"Yeah! This is Stelle! Our newest addition!" The shorter girl clung to Stelle. "Oh! Hey, do you think that if we explain the situation to Himeko, that we can bring them along and help them find their home?" She asked.. Dan Heng, was his name? But he sighed and shook his head.
"I don't know." The two reminded them of Ren and Nora. It made them sad to think about, they still didn't know if anyone was okay or not.
Y/n hadn't expected this to happen, but they kind of just tagged along with the three other-worlders. Much to Gepard's dismay. It was fun. Like back in Atlas when they were wanted criminals. Well.. maybe fun wasn't the right word to use. But it was entertaining and helped Y/n keep their mind occupied for a little while. Then, when they arrived in the underworld, helping the Happy hun- no, these were Wildfire, not the happy huntresses.
They couldn't help but mix the two up. The leader, who they had later found out was Natasha and not Oleg, was like a secret love child of Robyn, May and Winter.
During this entire time, Y/n found out that the short girl was called March 7th (they just liked to call her 7th) and that she and Stelle were dating. Which, Stelle kind of reminded them of Blake and Pyrrha. They also found that Dan Heng was often left alone or third wheeling, so Y/n liked to join him when out on patrol. Often going out on walks, nothing was said between the two, they just liked being in eachothers presence.
It had been hard for Y/n to open up about anything with these three. But they were the only ones who truly understood what they needed. That's why they liked spending time with Dan Heng. They never felt like they needed to speak.
They sucked in a breath, standing on the platform they created. This was bad. Really bad. Svarog wasn't going to listen to the four of them, and Stelle wasn't helping. They needed to get Dan Heng and the others out of here. Bursting into snowfall, they tried to merge with them, but only managed to reach Dan Heng before svarog shot a waring at the two, flinging Y/n away from the others while Dan Heng landed behind the two women.
After the fight, 7th walked up to Y/n with sparkling eyes "You can turn yourself into snow?!" She seemed so excited. Too excited. They blushed from embarrassment as 7th was practically pushed up against them.
"March. Leave them be." Dan Heng said and pulled the girl off of Y/n. Which in return made them smile and nod a thanks in return. "Although, I am quite curious aswell.." Y/n let out a sigh before nodding.
"It's called a semblance.. everyone on my world has one." They said plainly, not wanting to get into more detail. "Mine is Snowfall."
Over time, Y/n opened up a bit more. And bit by bit, started to laugh and have fun. They still preferred to be around Dan Heng, he was like Blake and Ren. Comfortable. It made them more willing to open up.
"So.. how do people get their semblances?" He asked, sitting on the ground next to them, leaning against a wall.
"Well first, a good step is to unlock your aura- err, soul. It's different for everyone. Mine came to me one day while I was training with a friend.. he attacked and I forgot to activate my aura- soul's force field. His blade went straight into my stomach and I suddenly found myself flung into a wall, blade still lodged in my side." They chuckled at the memory, hand over where their friend had left a permanent scar.
"And who is this?" Himeko asked, clearly on edge around Y/n. Having never seen this person before, she suspected them to be someone from either Jarilo VI or worse case scenario, a Stellaron Hunter. Even Pom-pom was hiding from them. The same way the little bunny hid from a Stellaron Hunter.
"This is Y/n, they're trying to find a way back to their homeworld. A planet named Remnant." 7th explained, much to Himeko's disapproval.
Himeko turned to Dan Heng and asked if he was sure they could be trusted, "I don’t see why they wouldn't be.. I mean they helped with everything on Jarilo VI. Along with Stelle." He stated. Himeko still felt skeptical but alas, this wasn't her decision to make, it was Pom-pom's.
"I say they can stay.. for the time being, but you all better keep an eye on them!" Pom-pom said seriously. Himeko sighed and smiled at Y/n.
"I.. apologize for that" She said, but they shook their head.
"No, it's good to be skeptical. I don't blame you for it." After all, they had been skeptical of anyone within the Atlas military when they first arrived at Atlas. And even though they didn't like being observed, they understood the caution.
Over time, everyone warmed up to Y/n. Even Pom-pom liked them. They always brought some kind of gift back for the little conductor. Himeko, while she had no more suspicions on them, she felt uneasy around them. There was something about their calmness. Why was someone so young, so good with combat? An 18 year old who has combat experience on the same level as a war veteran. It wasn't something she wanted to think about. She heard someone's voice from the next room over and decided to evesdrop in on the conversation.
"So.. you're telling me that in your world, kids are trained from the age of 13 in combat?" Dan Heng asked Y/n, and they nodded their head
"Yeah! See, we have these creatures named grim, they're like Fragmentum beasts but much more mindless. And they're attracted to negative emotions, so in order to protect the cities, we train the next generationof huntsmen and huntresses." They said proudly, though there was clearly something off with how they stated it. Dan Heng wasn't going to ask about it though, he felt that if he did, they would distance themself. That's not something he wanted. He had grown to enjoy their company quite a lot, so the thought of accidentally ruining that by bringing up something they weren't ready to talk about yet felt...
"I see." He smiled at Y/n. "Is that why you're such a good fighter? Would you mind training with me from time to time?" He asked, tilting his head a bit. The smile and nod he received as an answer made him smile in return, though, only a little.
The black fog that spewed out all over the floor of the cart brought everyone to high alert. Pom-pom stuck to Welt's side, clearly terrified of the unknown substance. It wasn't until Y/n walked into the train cart that the black ooze started forming in the middle of the room. Dripping from the ceiling down to the floor, creating a small puddle.
"Hm, and here I was, looking for.. someone else." a familiar voice rang out and Y/n instinctively got into battle stance, panic rising. "Now, now.." she spoke out again, rising from the puddle with a.. another hound?! "Do you really think you could take me on? Don't you remember what happened to poor little Summer Rose?" She smirked directly at the huntsman, "and you remember my hound, don't you? How it bested you?~"
Instead of fighting like they should, Y/n dropped their weapons, taking a few steps back, tripping and falling over themself with a scream. Salem just looked irritated. Although, the hound didn't budge one bit.
"Hm~? And here I was, about to inform you about all that has happened. How team RWBY died." She smirked to herself, "go." She said before puffing into a black smoke and the hound sprang into action, leaping at Y/n.
Too frozen in fear, Y/n could only watch as the hound pounced at them.
Then something knocked it away to the side. A spear. "Are you okay?" A voice asked. Who was it..? They couldn't register anyone or anything aside from the hound. Which just stood up like it was nothing.
"Kill.." It said. It's voice more feminine than the last. It's body contorted as it turned towards Y/n. "Kill.. silver eyes.." It said again, walking towards them.
"Y/N! SNAP OUT OF IT!" yelled a woman, loud enough to shock the young huntsman out of their fear. Himeko. Then they noticed an arrow sticking out of its back. Multiple. They were 7th's.
"Someone! Help me blast its face off!" They yelled and got up, grabbing their sickles. Immediately, Himeko shot at the hounds face. Under it was a young woman. Far to familiar for comfort. It looked almost like..
A blinding white light filled the room as the grim disappeared into dust. Only human bones remained. No.. this was a faunus. She had a tail. Their breath was choppy.
"What... who.. what was that..?" Pom-pom asked, still hiding behind Welt. "Y/n..? Y/N?!" was the last thing they heard from the conductor before collapsing.
Their eyes fluttered open, looking around the room. Dan Heng was asleep next to their bed. The conductor was also there, though it looked more like they had just walked in. "H-hello, Pom-pom.." their voice was hoarse, but it still made the little bunny look up with glee.
"Oh! You're awake!" Pom-pom exclaimed, placing the tray with tea that the huntsman only now seemed to notice. "I was hoping that you would wake, so I made some tea. Perfect timing, really." The little conductor smiled at Y/n. "Oh, could you wake Dan Heng? He's been worried sick, hasn't left your side since the incident. He can join us for tea!"
"No need.." Dan Heng's head raised from his position, his eyes just barely opened. "To wake me up I mean." He added, realizing that they might have thought he meant the tea part. "I'll gladly join you both for tea."
Pom-pom made one cup for each of them, handing it out to Dan Heng and Y/n. This was so calming, but Y/n didn't really remember anything, so wasn't sure why they were in the medical cart. Lifting their cup to their mouth, they asked hesitantly "... so what happened..? Before I passed out." It made the other two nervous, they didn't even know. All Dan Heng knew was that there was a grim and some grim woman.
"I.." he started, before pausing to collect his thoughts better. "You seemed to recognize the woman. And there was a grim, or I think it was atleast." It seemed like with what he said made the memories of that night flood back to them.
".. ruby.." They gasped, but remembered that it was a faunus, and not the powerful girl they were close friends with. A headache came on quickly, making the huntsman grip their head with agony. "Ngg..."
"Y/n?" Dan Heng reached his hand out to them, placing it over their forehead. Concern filled him as he felt how they were burning up. Though, his hand was considerably cold making the huntsman sigh with relief. "You're burning up.." he muttered.
Pom-pom handed him a glass of water, "it's for them. Cold. Hopefully it will help. I'll leave some pain killers here. I need to get back to work." The little conductor motioned to the bedside table that had a small box of meds. Dan Heng took the glass, thanking Pom-pom. The conductor nodded and left.
"Drink. You'll feel better." Dan Heng's voice rang out as Y/n felt the rim of the cold glass press against their lips. Helping them drink the water, he asked "need something for the pain?" And they nodded.
A while after he gave them a pain killer and they finished the water, they fell back asleep. He decided to put an ice pack on their head before falling asleep in the chair he was on.
"Finally well enough to be up and about?" Himeko asked, and Y/n nodded. It was a relief seeing the young huntsman moving around. Especially since Dan Heng seemed to be so worried about them.
"I wanted to ask.. is there a possibility that we would be able to find my home land soon..?" They didn't mean for it to sound the way it did. But the way it came out made them seem desperate to leave the crew.
Himeko definitely picked up on that, and she wasn't going to lie, it made her feel kind of sad. "Any particular reason? I get wanting to go home, but.."
"I've seen similar events happen.. I.. I just don't want to be the reason you all die.. especially not like that.." the memories had been flooding their mind ever since they woke up after Salem's attack. It had been almost a year since the platforms to Vacuo plan so they've had time to process and move on from that experience. It had been a few months since they last thought about Remnant in that way. But now that they knew Salem could reach them.. Y/n was terrified, and the nightmares had come back to haunt them.
"We deal with stellarons on a daily basis. I think we'll be fine." Stelle had randomly popped up to say her sass of the day. And while it did make Y/n smile, they still couldn't stop thinking about everything that had happened on Remnant because of them and team RWBY.
"Yeah, I suppose.. but Salem.. nevermind. I just want to go home." They looked at their feet, feeling ashamed that they had wanted to leave this amazing group of people. The refused to look up, even when a hand was placed on their shoulder.
"If something like that happens again.. we- we have no idea how to stop it. We would have been dead if it wasn't for you. Please stay. We need you... I need you."
It was Dan Heng's voice. He had whispered that last part, but they could still hear it. Did he- a blush crept onto their face and finally, they looked up at him.
"You make me happy. Comfortable. Don't get me wrong, I feel happy and comfortable with everyone else here, but it's never awkward with you. I've grown to realize that I need you. Please, stay. I love you."
It was probably the most they had ever heard him say in one go. And, even with his monotone voice, they still heard the emotions he put into it.
"Did you.. have you been practicing that line?" Y/n couldn't help but smile, their blush growing. And so did his.
Feeling bashful, he looked away before answering with a small "Yes.."
"I love you too"
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s4turns-r1ngs · 3 years
Hello Hello!!
I just wanted to say o love your Bench trio fics! They’re amazing!
I was also wondering if you could do The bench trio X Gn! Hybrid Reader! Where the reader is a Fox hybrid!
The reader likes to play tricks/pranks on people! Especially the Dream Team! And while setting up a prank, the bench trio sees them and asks why they’re doing! The reader tells them and Tommy and Tubbo ask if they can join! Dragging Ranboo into it!
After that they hang out a lot and pull pranks in people! The reader also stealing from The Dream Team and Techno sometimes!
A little thing you can add if you want is that the reader gifts a lot of gifts to their friends! Tommy keeps all the little gifts in a secret chest! Tubbo keeps them in a separate room on his house! And Ranboo writes the things you give him on his memory book and puts them in his ender chest so he never looses them!
ALSO!! The reader would sometimes kidnap Micheal to spend the entire day with him! Spoiling him to no end with Toys, clothes, food, etc! You dont have to add this tho!!
Take care! <33
DSMP - Sneaky
Summary: As a fox hybrid, it was only a matter of time before you pulled Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo into your plans. (Also bonus Michael content because Michael Is Beloved. <3)
Pronouns: they/them
Warnings: Swearing, General Chaos (its the bench trio, are you surprised), consensual kidnapping
-> [a/n] - oh my god??? thank you???? you're so nice?????? sldfjlskdjfsldjfslkfjl,, i hope this is good! also first part is in third person pov, because i need to get better at writing that lol. readers dialougue is blue :]
-> p!c!benchtrio (and michael too <3) + reader, the beginning has a little p!bbh + reader too :]
> divider that i can't add bc im not on mobile. sadge <
[y/n] smiled mischievously as they rounded the corner, making sure that the unsuspecting victim (which at the moment, is badboyhalo) couldn't see them. they wanted to make sure that their trick worked, so that they could possibly use it on someone else later. of course, they would apologize to bad, because they still value him as a friend, but even friends play pranks on each other every now and again.
their ears perked up as they heard talking from around the corner they just turned. peaking their head around, [y/n] was greeted with some of their closest friends: tommy, tubbo, and ranboo.
"oh, hey guys!" they greeted, with a small wave as they repositioned themself so that they could talk to their friends, and watch bad at the same time.
ranboo smiled. "hey [y/n]!"
tommy and tubbo ran up to them, a wide smile on the latter's face, while tommy just looks like he doesn't want to be here. (obviously he does, but he's tommy. it's not really surprising at this point.) either way, he mutters out a "hello" with a smile he seems to be repressing.
tubbo looks around the corner. "so what are you doing?"
"oh!" [y/n] exclaims, tail swishing ever so slightly faster. "oh! i'm just testing out a new...'trick'!"
ranboo raises an eyebrow in suspicion. "a...'trick'? what are you-"
the fox hybrid holds up a finger, moving their body so that they were hidden around the corner. "shhh. it's about to happen!"
the trio watches [y/n]'s eyes light up as the demon, once dry, is covered in water. they all hear him shout and see him look around, as if to try and catch the culprit. bad glances over at the corner just in time to see [y/n] duck behind it.
"shit." they turn towards the three, and with another smile they stand properly. "sorry guys, gotta blast! nice seeing you, though!"
they hear tommy let out his signature laugh as they run, a nine and a half foot tall demon chasing after you.
giving gifts! (hcs bc yes)
-> ngl you probably woke him up in the middle of the night bc you found something cool. or made something cool. either or.
-> he will take it regaurdless of whether or not he's tired as shit or wide awake. free stuff from fox friend? cool. give.
-> he probably has a shelf in his house with all your little gifts on it.
-> he may not say it immediately most of the time (bc you DID wake him up at like two in the morning) but he is greatfull for all of your gifts :]
-> bro i hc that this fucker LOVES shiny shit
-> (i mean, so do i but that's besides the point)
-> n e ways
-> you give him a shiny rock? here. have a cool stick in return.
-> raccoons are crazy man. he (like you) has a collection of tiny little things too. sometimes you trade. bc that's friendship <3
-> it doesn't matter when, bc he will always be awake when you want to give him something. he will 9 times out of 10 give you soethibg in return
-> if you wear jewelry, then he probably gave it to you :]
-> for some reason, he's also always awake whenever you give him gifts.
-> and he, like tubbo, aslo has a set place to put all of your gifts
-> he even writes about it down in his memory book so he doesn't forget about it <3
-> ranboo thinks all the little rocks you find and decide to give him are vv cool.
-> you: hey ranboo!! look at this cool rock i found!!
-> ranboo: that is so very cool and/or poggers can i please have it
-> another shiny stuff lover <3
-> bc i hc that mr. boo's chaarcter wears earrings and stuff, he decides to take one of the cool rocks you gave him and turn it into one!
-> you point it out and he just smiles and says: ye i know :) i did it bc your cool :)
-> and then you just die from embaressment bc who wouldn't if that happened
bonus michael thing bc i actually really like that idea:
you lift yourself a little further on the roof and knock on the window, opening it not long after.
"michael!" you whisper-shout. "michael! are you there?"
a small little zombie piglin pops his face into your view.
"hey, buddy! come here!"
he waddles closer to the window, chicken plushie in hand. a little snort makes it out of his mouth when he stops.
placing your arms on the window sill, you begin speaking. "alright, so i have a plan. do you wanna go out for a bit?"
the piglin nods his head eagerly.
you smile. "alright cool. i just need you to climb out this window and then we'll go."
michael looks at you wearily, clutching his plush a little tighter.
"don't worry, mike. it'll be fine. i'll catch you if you fall." you tell him reassuringly.
your ears twitch, picking up some noise from downstairs.
he walks over slowly, still holding onto his plush. carefully, he climbs out the window. picking him up, you slide a note into the room, shut the window, and slide down the roof, landing on the ground without a problem.
you hear a door open from inside and begin walking away, michael squealing excitedly in your arms. it's not long before you hear someone open the window. with a smile, you turn around and wave.
"[y/n]! what the-"
tubbo cuts him off. "-fuck!"
"don't worry guys i'll make sure to bring him back!"
"oh thank god-"
you mock a salute. "see you later guys!"
and then you run off.
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callaxe · 4 years
hi im sorry for the long post i've been thinking about kiribaku platonic bromance
my fave headcanon ever is that (dismissing katsu's canon cute ugly ass hyena giggles) is that his genuine laugh is.. so fucking loud and contagious
like. like people who actually go 'AAHAHHHAHAHAH' and it sounds so warm??? DOES THAT MAKE SENSE???
his friends hear him laugh once to some stupid joke and they all end up giggling
so like
he and kiri, best buds, as you do, have their own stupid inside jokes and literally no one gets them even with context
like one day kiri in class goes 'toilet seat so hot with soup' and katsuki crumbles to the ground choking and laughing so hard he starts screaming bc his ribs hurt
kiri's ofc, wheezing along
like they'll be joking around and laughing during lunch, literally out of breath and katsuki's obviously trying to add something but his face is way too red and he keeps giggling like his life depends on it
he manages to get one single word out and kiri nearly dents the table from slapping it too hard and his stomach is cramping from laughing so much
and one night when katsuki woke up from a particularly bad nightmare kiri brought him downstairs and played swing dance tutorials on his phone till 4am and they only stopped once they could actually dance correctly
on the days that kirishima feels bad about his hair/his roots, katsuki will steal a flashy leopard print headband from mina or use his hero mask to push his hair back so kiri doesn't feel.. as alone? homeboy's trying, and kiri appreciates it
and he knows that kiri misses his family lots and gets p home sick bc ua doesn't leave much time to visit anyone, so katsuki lets kiri be extra touchy with him and tries his best to initiate it too- walking arnd town and katsuki gets needy so he pulls at kiri's hair until he lets him sit on his shoulders, or when they're just standing in gym class waiting for instructions katsuki will lean an arm against him
he goes with kiri to the store for hair dye and helps him dye it, in the afternoon they'll be sitting in the common room and kiri fell asleep his head on katsuki's lap, who was playing with his hair and making it his personal mission to turn it into the ugliest, most tangled bird's nest ever bc he's still a brat
days where trauma isn't so kind to him, katsuki gets dragged in the middle of the common room or a hallway and kiri forces him to salsa dance together, even if shark boy's kind of carrying (most of) his dead weight, practically half asleep dozing off on his shoulder and kiri wakes him up again by spinning him
take kami and kiri's bro dynamic and apply it to them here
kiri calls everyone bro, its natural but when he n katsuki gets closer, kiri goes "my bro my dearest bro" n "my loveliest of bros... my best bro" and katsuki's "???"
until he just goes with it bc kiri refuses to let up and elaborate
it gets to the point where kiri will be laying on mina's floor whining about how his buddy left him behind, travelling the world by himself
"ei, bakugou's intership isn't even an hour away from here"
they reunite, katsuki's not even halfway through the door before kiri tackles him to the ground
just fuckin
glomps him
katsuki: hello brother
kiri: ...what happened
katsuki: i am a changed man
in common room
the times where katsuki is actually awake and has a brink of energy, he and kiri will fight over who gets to lead the dance
while. dancing
there was no discussion or hint beforehand
so it's just a mess of pulling at each other's arms, knocking their shins into tables and chairs, tripping over each other's feet and crashing to the floor and getting bruised all over because they're dumb
they start singing some festive spanish song sero taught them with the grace and voice of a pair of war grizzled drunkies, cackling and laughing and their voices crack at every verse
second year kiri pulls a stupid stunt and ends up in the hospital bc he like, nearly actually died
katsuki isn't even that worried, he's the one who dared the guy to jump off tokyo tower and try to land in the pool of the hotel beside it (they underestimated the distance, kiri landed in the fucking street)
he's on his phone in the waiting room with mina and kami nervously fidgeting
kami looks at him and goes "do you not feel bad? it's kind of your fault that he jumped in the first place"
katsuki doesn't even look at him, "my main bro's fucking dead, i'm more concerned with finding a replacement right now"
while they wait for kiri to get out of surgery, katsuki writes up an application form for broship and puts it on twitter; sero replies and they "hook up"
when kiri wakes up, mina and kami are fretting over him and sero finally arrived, but he shrugs them off and immediately goes for katsuki's throat
"so what am i, your side bro now?!"
"sorry you had to find out this way" katsuki is leaning back against sero
kiri is heart-broken, "i thought we had a bond, you and i!"
"...i was gonna show up to your funeral?"
"were you not planning ON GOING BEFORE?"
when they get back to the dorms kiri gives him the cold shoulder for a week before he comes back crawling to katsuki
(by then, he and sero "broke up")
but don't be fooled,
this tokyo tower dumbassery somehow brought them even closer
don't ask
kiri is the first person katsuki says "trans" to
katsuki is the first person kiri says "gay" to
of COURSE they cuddle, once katsuki warms up to him and his over affectionate touchy-feely bullshit, kiri just loves picking up his bro and carrying him anywhere
swaddling him into a blanket burrito and knocking him off the couch
hiding under his arm during a class horror movie night
sharing a bed when katsuki can't handle being alone in his room at night
viciously criticizing and tearing down the atla movie and being pressed together because there's barely any room, playing a game of footsie bc their legs are tangled to hell and back but the game turns dangerous
(also when they learn that katsuki can, in fact, make explosions from his fucking feet, kiri has a nice scar on his calf that oddly looks like half of a foot and 3 toes seared into his flesh)
(yes, he's bitter)
turns out, katsuki can aslo be a soft affectionate touchy-feely bullshitting asshole when he wants to be, but these days it's mostly out of spite
when the squad starts calling him dad (with the exception of kiri), katsuki goes over and pats everyone's heads when he wants to, and also because he enjoys seeing them freak out by the blatant display of affection
he does little things like letting mina and kami cozy up to him during movie nights or when they go out in town during winter, and lets sero peer over his shoulder to look at what he's cooking and rub his head between katsuki's shoulderblades like a damn cat before walking away like nothing happened
katsuki's used to it, the rest of the class is mystified
one day, common room again, bksquad is playing mario kart vs the izucrew, katsuki's sitting on the couch with kiri on the floor between his legs, letting his hair be played with and braided
then he stands up and announces he's going to bed, out of habit (when did this become a habit, the class thinks) katsuki reaches up and drags kiri's face down so he can.. kiss the top of his head? kiri just smiles and calls out a goodnight and leaves as if, nothing happened
mina asks "what was THAT"
katsuki just settles back down, opens his phone and stares her straight in the eyes "homies kiss each other goodnight if they're not a coward"
that's it that's the post i'll be back with more
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lifesruiner · 7 years
There’s nothing holding me back II
Well, I did that for Halloween party but since I am the worst I am posting it just now bc I got too lazy during halloween, you can find the first part here 
Hope you like it! <3
-Why did you tell them that you two are engaged? -Gaston asked confused once they got to their home 
-To let those losers very clear I am off the market so they won’t even try anything on me -Ambar answered uninterested and Matteo chuckled knowing that there was more reasons, but that was Ambar’s problem 
-But are we really letting them stay in the town? -Jazmin asked again with that disgusted expression 
-I said yes, what is your problem with them? -Matteo asked her serious 
-They smell like wet dogs -She repplyed making him roll his eyes 
-And we smell like dead dogs to them, so your point is? -He said standing closer to her, Jazmin was one of the few people that could make Matteo lost it, so she just lifted her hands a little bit and shook her head in surrender 
-Wow, you are very defensive about that pack -Ambar smiled cold to him, and he prepared himself to some rash comment -Don’t you tell me you got caugh on one of them? -She said with fake pitty on her voice and took his chin 
-Don’t be the dick you always are, this is strategy -He said shrugging her off and sitting in front of all -Look, we’ve been here for a long time now and other poeple is going to come after us sooner or later, so a werewolf pack having our back doesn’t sound awful 
-I think Matteo is right, plus they seemed chill -Ramiro said standing and placing a supportive hand on Matteo’s back 
-You know I’m with you till the end of the line -Gastón said resting in one of their big couches 
-Cool then, I don’t care about the rest of you losers so I’m out -Matteo said walking of their house and no one said nothing else, that was typical Matteo, he cared only about him, and a little bit Gastón, but mostly himself 
He was walking towards a part at the top of a little hill, it was very hide and hard to reachh but he could do it in just one jump, it was his special spot there, he could saw and hear everything that was happening in the city but he could also spaced out everytime he needed, and in that moment he really needed but when he was approaching there he felt that bold of happiness he felt that morning but he had no idea why so he rushed towards his place when he saw her, the little brunette werewolf, Luna, he remembered her name, he thought it was kind of poetic a werewolf named Luna, he remembered how there was this energy around her that made him feel warm and how her eyes made him feel peacefull, and how she made him feel, when he didn’t even remembered the last time he felt 
-I know you are there Matteo -She said calm not taking her sight out off the town panorama 
-Great senses cucciola -He approched her and sat by her side 
-I could smell you from from ten miles apart -She said and it made him realized something, he didn’t feel her smell, not that afternoon, not when he was approaching her, he felt her, yes, but her werewolf smell wasn’t there 
-Dead smell, sure -He said with fake amusement -What is doing a lonely cucciola on my spot this late at night? 
-I didn’t know this was your spot, I just was walking amesly and got here, but I can go -She said standing up but Matteo hold her by the wrist 
-Don’t go, you can stay if you want -If Luna would known Matteo better she could say that his voice was shaking, she looked at him for a couple of seconds that seemed like an ethernity and then sat back next to him -You are warm -He said shocked 
-Yes, we always are -She said amused, but what she didn’t know is that Matteo never felt warm
-Yeah sure -He dished the subject like it was not big deal- But you didn’t answer me, what brings you here? You are very far from where you are staying 
-How do you know where I am staying? -She smirked 
-I know everything that happens in this town -He smirked back and she thanked to be sat because her knees became jelly-So? What brings you here? 
-I... I actually don’t know -She confessed - I was walking aimless and then next thing I knew I was standing here watching the town in its whole splendor -She was looking at the panorama but a little chuckle made her turn her head -What? What is so funny? 
-You ending up here the same way I did, and no one else has been here before
-Not even your fiancé?-Luna asked with a litle bittering on her tongue 
-You mean Ambar? -He asked between laughter and she nodded without looking at him -She is not my fiancé 
-Then why did she said that? -Luna turned her head to look at him again, and damn, those big puppy eyes were doing something to Matteo 
-She says that to every person she could potentialy like so they would step back -He shrugged like it was nothing but Luna had a big shocked expression on her face -I think it’s the big puppy one, Simon is the name of your alfa?-He answered guessing that was the thing she was going to ask 
-Yes, he is, but... Did she like Simon? -she was confused, she merely talked to him 
-I guess, I am not completely sure, but I would bet on him, why? are you two together? -He asked serious 
-What? Ugh, no! gross, he is like a brother to me -She said and a little grin appeared on his face 
-Oh, okay good luck, he’s going to need it with a girl like Ambar -He laughed and for the first time he saw her giggle, the moon has nothing to do on her smile, it was the brigthest he has seen in all his life -Your smile is so cute 
-Thank you -She said with a shy smile and looked at her hands, they were covered by a silence that wasn’t awkward, but he felt the need to talk 
-Want to see something cool about this particular spot? 
-Sure -Luna answered and Matteo moved closer to her, making her freeze on her spot nervous and he could felt it 
-Relax, just close your eyes -She stayed still -I am not going to suck  your blood -He rolled his eyes and she didn’t know what, but something about himself made her trust, so she did as he told her -Focus, focus where the wind is coming from, focus where is it going -She did it and inmediatly was overwhelmed by the things she was feeling, she hadn’t felt that way since the first full moon she experienced after turning a werewolf and had to rush to open her eyes afraid of transform herself any second 
-What the hell was that? -She asked excited 
-Is cool right? -He said witha big grin on his face 
-Cool? I thought I was going to lose myself any minute and rip your head off -Matteo felt how she was trying to control her breathing 
-Well, I know at first is a little overwhleming, but once you get to managed it, you can hear and sense everything in this town, aslo look -He said pointing at the town panorama- You have a clear view of everything that happens in every street 
-You know, that is definetely creepy -She joked and he let a little chuckle out 
-It is if you use it for creepy reasons 
-And I guess you only use it for the right reasons, am I wrong? -She said with a clear tone of teasing on her voice 
-Of course, I do everything for the right reasons -He shrugged not humble at all and both laughed 
-And those are? -She asked facing at him, they were really close but at that moment neither of them minded at all 
-Like avoiding a robbery, or helping an old lady to cross the street, or know when Roberto’s pizza is just out of the oven -He said with an smirk and Luna jumped on realization 
-Italian, SURE! How did I not realize that before? -She said hitting her forehead softly 
-What? -He asked with a confused smile on his face 
-I knew you weren’t from here, but I couldn’t realize from where, but now that you mentioned pizza I realized you are italian, am I right? -She asked enthusiastic and he couldn’t help the giggle he let out 
-Yes, I am italian, cucciola, and you are the cutest mexican I’ve ever met -He said getting his face even closer to her 
-You smell... -She managed to say and he stop approaching to her remembering the thing a werewolf told him some years ago “All vampires stink like dead” 
-Oh yeah, dead -He showed what could be described just like half a smile 
-Strawberries -She said interrupting him 
-What? -He asked amused 
-You smell like strawberries, all your friends do have kind of a smell like dead, but you smell like strawberries does, why? -She asked confused, he was facing her again and their faces were just milimeters away from each other
-I have no idea - He laughed- Also I have no idea why you don’t smell like anything, your friends do smell like wet dogs, but then you, nothing, the only thing that separate you from surprise me is that overwhleming feeling I get when I am close to you, I felt it this morning and I felt it again when I got here -While he was saying all that the space between their was closed enough to make their forehead together and their noses graze eachother 
-This is not going to end up well -She said breathing hard, without stop looking at his lips 
-I know, do you care? -He asked and she let out a deep sight and was the only lead he needed to take her head with one of his hands and puch their lips together, the kiss was rushed and deep, like they were needing that for a long time, even if they didn’t even know
They stayed till almost midnight, Luna left because she knew her pack would get worried and Matteo walked her close, they said goodbye with a little kiss and both separate ways with the big grins ever, when Matteo arrived to the manor he didn’t even bother to enter to the front door, so he just climbed to his bedroom, turn on a light and screamed finding his best friend on his bed 
-What the fuck dude? What are you doing in my bedroom with the lights off? Please tell me you weren’t playing with yourself -Matteo said covering his face with both hands 
-Of course not, I was waiting for you but you are so biased that you didn’t even feel I was here, and by your wet dog stink I can say you were with out new friends? -Gaston induced and Matteo just grinned again by the thought of Luna- And by that smile I can say it was the littlest green eyed one? -Gaston was Matteo’s best friend since he has memory, when Matteo had no one, he always had Gaston and the other way around, so Gastón knew Matteo perfectly and knew since the moment Matteo didn’t stop gazing that girl in the meeting that something was happening with her 
-Her name is Luna -Was the only thing Matteo said while taking his shirt off 
-Oh, so I am right something happened, tell me what base exactly? -Gastón asked and Matteo thrown his shirt at him knowing Gastón was joking -Okay, don’t tell me, you are a gentlement I get it, but you realize she is a werewolf and this is insane right? 
-I know -Matteo said throwing himself in the bed next to Gaston -But there’s something about her, since the moment I saw her... I knew dude, I knew there was something that I won’t get enough, and actually I don’t get what is the big deal about that, the big feud between werewolves and vampires is just nonsense, and I don’t care about that anymore, I felt something tonight, I felt something I never felt before and I don’t want to stop that feeling, not for now at least 
-Oh dude -Gastón said a little sight out that confused Matteo -We are so screwed 
-No, first of all I am your leader and I won’t let anything happen to this crew, this is my priority, but I am sure Luna is not a threat for that -Matteo said convinced and surprised how sure he was of someone he just met 
-I know, what I mean is that, after you left we talked and basically Ramiro said the blonde one was super cute, Delfi talked nonstop about the black haired one and I know that Ambar said that about being your fiancé because she liked the leader one and I can’t asure you she is not making out with him at this very moment -Gaston said and Matteo laughed amused, Ambar was really fast when she wanted something, so he won’t assure that neither -And the little one with glasses, I actually think she is adorable and I won’t mind talk to her -Gastón confesed and Matteo covered her face with his hands again 
-This is going to be a mess, right? -Matteo asked and Gastón only hummed an afirmation -We are so fuck up
-Buddy, you have no idea -Gastón said and both bursted in laughs, maybe that wasn’t something they planned at all to happen but Matteo was so happy that he couldn’t care less and Gastón was so excited to see the come out of all that, knowing the happy ending was possible 
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stansghost · 7 years
Im having the shittiest day and I’m wondering if you could do some platonic/romantic hcs of Stozier (aslo if you could add Richies reaction to Stan being dead bc that’s so fucking tragic ??)
ahh I’m sorry you were having a bad day !!! Hopefully this can help you cheer up a bit ?? (Also holy shit I’m so sorry, I promise these were just supposed to be headcanons but I have Absolutely No Self Control) I hope you like them !!
• their late middle school years and early high school years are stolen glances, forbidden daydreams, and butterflies that neither of them completely understand but neither of them mind too much either
• Richie almost never has nightmares, but when he does it’s the same one (he’s at a funeral in front of a coffin, he looks down to see himself in it, when he turns around, he sees all of the seats are vacant)
• he always wakes up in a panic, tears streaming down his face, usually he’s able to calm himself back down, but some nights he just can’t deal with it alone
• he sneaks to Stan’s house, and climbs through the window
• when he first started, Stan was super annoyed (“Richie, it’s like 3am, what are you doing here??”)
• but when he sees the hesitant and shy way Richie is holding himself, and his red eyes and puffy cheeks, Richie is in his bed and cuddling under the covers in seconds
• he tells Stan about his dreams, and Stan quietly reassures him (while also thankful Richie’s head is pressed against Stan’s chest so he can’t see the worry on Stan’s face)
• “you won’t forget me, right?”
• “how could I ever forget you”
• Stan plays with Richie’s hair, humming nonsense songs until they both fall asleep
• Stan wakes up to Richie next to him on the bed
• he can’t believe how such a beautiful, innocent looking boy could turn into such a fckn asshole
• he has the strongest urge to lean over and kiss Richie’s forehead
• he shakes his head and gets up to make waffles
• Richie calls Stan “Staniel” when they get into drunk arguments
• drunk!Stan™ usually comes back with “Richinold”
• before long they’re usually too busy giggling to continue their argument
• Stan has really bad social anxiety, and while he’s usually ok in public spaces, sometimes he just needs a minute in a quiet space
• the losers really wanted to try out the new waterpark that had just been built, Stan really d i d n o t want to, knowing how crowded it always was, but how could he say no when the others were so excited ?
• once he’s there, he has fun with his friends and everything is ok
• but suddenly everything becomes louder, its harder to breathe, everyone is moving so fast and his vision starts tunnelling and he needs to Get Out
• he jumps out of the pool and basically sprints to the changing room and locks himself in one of the bathroom stalls
• Richie noticed Stan getting out of the pool and is immediately rushing after him before Bev can even ask what happened
• Richie runs into the change room looking around for Stan when he hears laboured breathing from one of the bathroom stalls
• Richie calls his name softly and knocks on the bathroom stall
• He hears the breathing stop for a moment, then the door opens and the next thing Richie knows he���s on his ass holding a panicking Stan
• Stan starts rambling uncontrollably, stuttering and stumbling over his words, trying to explain what happened
• he tries to tell Richie he tried to calm down and it’s never been this bad before and he doesn’t know what to do and he doesn’t know how to calm down
• Richie just shushes him and tries to get him to breathe
• He’s trying not to let his tears fall because he’s sure he’s never seen his friend this scared before but somehow this feels so familiar and he can’t help but be a little scared too
• they just sit there on the ground, holding each other until Stan finally starts to calm down
• whatever strange looks they get from other men and boys walking by, Richie deflects with a glare of mind your own fucking business
• whenever the losers club suggest going to the pool again, Richie always makes sure he and Stan “already have plans”
• Stan only does stupid shit around Richie
• he cackles internally when none of the losers believed Richie when he told them Stan had dabbed 15 times in a row to All Star
• “why Stan, why”
“because no one will believe you”
“you monster”
• Richie joins Stan on one of his birdwatching adventures
• because lately, for some reason, he really wants to hang out with Stan more often
• Stan spends most of the time walking to the meadow near the barrens, talking about the northern lapwing his father had told him he’d seen the other day (“they’re very rare for this area, Richie, people would kill to see one of those), and that he vowed he wouldn’t leave until he saw it too
• Richie starts getting super bored though, he’d finished his funny book and the sandwich Stan’s mom had packed him
• he starts looking around, taking in everything around him, when he notices Stan’s bag is open and he can see a worn out journal inside
• “*gasp* Stanley Uris did you really break your mother’s favourite vase ? you naughty boy tsk tsk…”
“yeah yeah, it was gre- wait what”
“and theN YOu blamed it on me?? how Rude™”
“ Richie Tozier put that dowN DON’T READ THAT”
• Richie tried to take the journal and run (seeing his name for a brief second and becoming curious) though he didn’t get far before Stan fckn tackled him to the ground
• they start fighting over the journal, wrestling and rolling all over the ground
• little known fact about Stanley Uris; he’s extremely ticklish
• Richie uses this unfairly in Stan’s opinion to his advantage
• Stan pins Richie to the ground and finally gets his journal back
• they’re both out of breath from the effort and the mini tickling war, that at first they don’t realize how close they are to each other
• when they do the whole situation just seems a little less funny
• Richie is taking in all of Stan’s features; the way that one little curl falls just right over his face; the little crinkles by his eyes when he smiles, his angelic smile
• Richie can feel himself leaning in closer an-
• Stan gives a little chuckle and stands up, brushing himself off (“come on Richie, it’s getting late and now our clothes are all dirty,,, I’ll just come back another day)
• Richie stays where he is for a minute, trying to process what just happened what he almost did
• Stan has butterflies in his stomach and he won’t let himself understand why boys aren’t supposed to feel that way about other boys Stanley dear, you’ll grow out of it
• Richie’s phone once autocorrected Stan’s name to Satan
• Richie kept that as Stan’s contact name for almost 5 months until Stan broke into his phone to change it
• It wasn’t until their second year of high school that they finally realized/admitted how they felt about each other
• they were both tipsy on New Year’s Eve at the clubhouse when someone suggested spin the bottle
• Stan sat beside Bill, secretly not at all secretly looking at Richie
• Richie sat beside Bev, they were whispering about something that Stan couldn’t hear, occasionally looking his way
• when it finally came down to Stan’s turn, he spins the bottle and it lands on Richie
• they both look at each other in shock, the cat calls and playful whooping fading into the background
• Stan is still trying to process the situation when he realizes Richie already crossed the circle to him
• he’s inches away from Stan’s face when he whispers a quiet “I c-can’t” and immediately jumps up
• he looks around to see the confused and shocked faces of his friends (and the confused and hurt look on Richie’s face) before he quickly exits the clubhouse
• Richie takes a minute to take in what just happened, before he’s out the door just as fast
• he catches up to Stan, and grabs his arm to stop him from walking away
• Stan yanks his arm out of Richie’s grasp, trying to hide his face because he won’t can’t let Richie see the tears that he couldn’t hold back
• Richie practically begs Stan to look at him and tell him what’s going on
• Stan refuses to, as he runs his hands through his hair and mutters to himself (“this isn’t right, this isn’t right, I can’t do this, I can’t)
• Richie grabs Stan’s shoulders and forced him to look at him, the uncertainty and hesitance on Stan’s face scared him
• “when I tell you you’re going to hate me”
“Don’t be ridiculous, how could I ever hate you”
“I… I like… you”
• Stan refused to look at Richie in the eye as he confessed, but his head snapped up when he heard laughter
• he looked up to see the biggest smile he’d ever seen on Richie’s face
“you like me? Like, you’re not fucking with me right?”
“No this isn’t a fucking joke Richie, this is real. Fuck i knew it, i knew I shouldn’t have said anything, I fucked everything up, everything was so good and now I’m going to lose the one person I care most abo-“
• Richie grabs Stan’s face in his hands and looked at him right in the eyes with a dead serious expression
“You aren’t going to lose shit you noodle-haired doof” Richie smiles at him “I like you too. I’ve known it since that day in the meadow, I know it when I see your smile, or hear your laugh. I know it when I see you talk about something that makes you happy, I know it when you tell me about your day, or what you want to do with life. I know it when it hurts to say goodbye, and I know it when I find myself getting butterflies thinking about seeing you the next day. Fuck Stan, I like you, I like everything about you. So please, don’t ever talk about losing me again because I swear on my life, for as long as you’ll have me, I’ll never leave you
• Stan has never been happier in his entire life
• Richie asks if he can kiss him
• Stan tells him it’s ok
• it’s so sweet and soft, and so much better than either of them could have imagined
• they come out to the losers a week later
• they walk to the barrens holding hands, heads held high (but lowkey kinda terrified)
• Ben, being the adorable romantic he is, runs up to them and congratulates them
• Bev turns to Mike with a smug look and Mike begrudgingly takes out a dollar bill and shoved it into Bev’s open palm, before they both go up to congratulate them as well
• Eddie and Bill stay back, overwhelmingly proud and happy that their friends were finally able to express their love for each other (because honestly it was so fckn obvious, they can’t believe it took them this long)
• amidst the barrage of questions the two get about their newfound relationship, Stan and Richie make eye contact
• Stan smiles at Richie
• Richie smiles and winks back at him
• sometimes Stan will go on huge rants about things going on in the world, or things he learned in school, and Richie just sits there, not really listening, but rather watching
• watching as sometimes Stan will stumble over words when he gets too excited
• watching as Stan’s forehead will crease every now and then with his expression
• watching his arms subconsciously animating his words
• watching him worry his bottom lip when he’s trying to think of his next set of words
• watching the beautiful boy he’s completely and utterly in love with
• their first and last time was the day before Stan left
• at first it was rushed kisses and hurried touches
• but then it melted into soft caresses and innocent love
• the next morning was filled with messy hair, featherlight kisses and soft laughter
• Richie swore he wouldn’t cry, he wouldn’t let Stan see how much he needed him there
• he tried to cover up the pain with laughter
• Stan knew Richie too well, he could see it in his eyes
• he held Richie tighter
• “you’ll see me again, I think. I have the weirdest feeling none of us are quite done with this place yet”
• Richie can’t trust his voice, he settles for light kisses to Stan’s neck, jaw, cheeks, nose, lips
• it’s time for Stan to leave, Richie doesn’t want to let go
• Stan doesn’t want to let go either, but if he doesn’t then he’ll stay there with Richie forever
• he forced himself out of the bed
• they get dressed
• they say goodbye
Years Later
• when Richie gets that phone call from Mike, his entire world breaks
• he doesn’t remember too much at first, but something inside tells him he can’t go, he can never go back
• there are so many emotions and new (old?) memories flooding his mind
• then he remembers him
• Stan “the man” Uris
• one of his closest friends, the one who was there for him every goddamn time
• his first.. love ? yes that’s it, his first love
• suddenly, he’s not so scared anymore, suddenly the whole journey looks a little less impossible
• sure he’s scared, sure he really doesn’t want to face… whatever it is he’s sure they’re going to face, but if Stan’s there then everything will be ok
• if he gets to see Stan again, it will all be worth it, he’s sure
• their first dance was at junior prom
• Making Love Out Of Nothing At All by Air Supply was playing, and Richie grabbed Stan’s hand and pulled him onto the dance floor
• “Richie, I don’t know how to dance”
• “Neither do I”
• “They’re all looking at us”
• “Fuck ‘em, it’s you and me and the music tonight, that’s all I care about”
• while driving to Derry, Richie suddenly gets a horrible feeling
• it feels like something just punched him in the gut and it hurts to breathe, he thinks of Stan
• he pulls over, clutching at his chest, trying to regain proper breathing
• suddenly memories of Stan pop into his mind
• the good
• the bad although, were there really any bad memories of Stan?
• he’s unsure why, but he chalks it up to his anxiety of going back to Derry and not knowing what happened to Stan all these years
• he tries to convince himself that when he sees Stan, this horrible feeling will go away
• he finally regains his breath and continues on
• that year for Hanukkah, Stan’s mother had asked him to do some baking to give out to friends and family
• naturally when Richie heard “baking” he tagged right along home with Stan
• Stan’s specialty is sufganiyots, but he’s super particular about how they’re made, and Richie is not meeting his requirements
“sift the flour Richie, you have to sifT IT”
“sift this bitch”
• Richie proceeds to throw the flour in Stan’s face
• Stan stands there for a second, absolutely in shock, before he grabs a fistful of flour and shoves it down Richie’s shirt
• and the famous junior year flour fight had commenced
• chaos ensued as innocent particles of flour were tossed and hurled about, most missing the target but some hitting dead on. The flour massacre only stopped when Richie grabbed Stan’s hands and pinned them on the wall above Stan’s head
• Stan, realizing his defeat, tries to smooth things over with a quick smooch
• as Richie leans down, Stan seizes the momentary distraction and dumps the remaining flour in the bowl over Richie’s head
“Checkmate, bitch”
• Stan goes upstairs to take a shower because now he’s filthy thanks to a certain someone, inviting Richie to join him after he’s done cleaning his mess
• Stan makes sure he’s finished long before Richie is done cleaning
• when he gets to the restaurant Mike had told him about, he’s surprised to see Stan hasn’t arrived yet (Stan is absolutely never late)
• the horrible feeling is threatening to come back again
• he tells himself that he doesn’t even know how Stan had planned to arrive, his flight could have easily been delayed, or traffic jams and construction could easily slow down a bus or car travel
• it doesn’t make him feel better
• later on in the evening in the library, reassured by everyone that Stan is just uncharacteristically late, Richie starts having a good time with the losers
• he’s laughing and making jokes, but at the same time he’s becoming more and more anxious because where the fuck is Stan, why isn’t he here yet, I swear to god when he gets here I’m gonna let him fucking have it for making me worry so much
• he gets up at some point to go grab another beer from the kitchen, laughing at a story Ben had just finished telling them
• he hears a phone ringing in the background
• he hears the laughter die down, and stop
• “guys what’s up? Who died in…”
• he trails off when he returns to the lobby, taking in the complete change in mood
• Mike is solemnly putting the phone down, he looks up carefully to Richie
• Ben is staring at his hands in,, disbelief ?
• Beverly has a hand over her mouth, trying to hold back tears as she stares at the phone
• Eddie is staring cautiously at Richie, skin white as if he’d seen a ghost
• Bill immediately stands when Richie enters the room and starts toward him
• Richie weakly asks who was on the phone
“who was on the fucking phone Bill”
• that horrible feeling is back, and this time it won’t leave
• his lungs, his throat and his heart, everything feels like it’s collapsing and it hurts, it hurts so bad
• all the hope he’d clung to ever since the call with Mike is slowly evaporating as he desperately tries to keep hold of it
• when Bill utters those two hateful words, Richie’s world stops
• he can’t think, he can’t breathe, his legs feel like they could collapse at any second, and all he can do is reply with a small “no” no please god, please let this be a cruel joke, let Stan walk through those doors, let him call back on that phone and say “gotcha Richie, get any good chucks out of this one?” please, anything but this because this hurts so bad and I don’t know what to do
• he looks around at his friends, searching for the answer he wants needs
• he doesn’t get it and oh god why can’t he breathe
• they all take time to mourn Stan
• they all share their favourite memories of him
• no one points out the fact that Richie hasn’t said a single word
• after a while, Mike slowly eases them back into planning for the events of the next day
• once a plan is decided, Richie quickly excuses himself, and leaves for his hotel room
• he’s numb the entire cab ride there, watching out the window but not really seeing anything
• as soon as he’s in his room and the door is shut, is when he finally breaks
• he sits down in the entry way, pulling his knees to his chest and trying to breathe between the sobs
• he falls asleep there, his last thought is of the smile Stan had given him when they came out to the losers
Years Later pt 2
• Richie doesn’t remember the losers club anymore
• he’s forgotten all about his childhood in Derry, and the reunion he’d had with his childhood friends
• their final encounter with It had worked, It was dead
• even though he desperately didn’t want it to, the forgetting had begun again (this time permenantly)
• but
• every now and then, Richie will see someone in the street with short and perfectly curled hair
• he gets the strongest urge to call out to them
• but when they turn around and he sees their face, he’s always disappointed, but he never knows why
• the day he was driving to propose to his boyfriend of three years, the radio was playing throwback songs to the 1980’s
• just as he was pulling into the parking lot of the restaurant Making Love Out Of Nothing At All comes on
• he is hit with a powerful ache of nostalgia
• all he can do is sit there, eyes closed and listening to this song, reliving something he had long since forgotten but it must have been so good
• “why do you want sufganiyots as one of the deserts in our wedding Richie? It’s nowhere near Hanukkah”
“Because they look fucking delicious, that’s why. And, you said I couldn’t have that “northern lapwing”, or whatever it’s name was, statue that I wanted, so I get this.”
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smittenwithlouis · 7 years
Best of the 🦇 Fic
Aka Waiting On You by @lads-laddylads​
This is easily one of my favorite fics so I’ve compiled some of my favorite quotes, lines, and moments from this masterpiece. Enjoy!
⚰️ [Spoiler Warning!] 💉 
“You’re feisty for someone so small” [Definition of Louis Tomlinson right here ijs :/]
Harry bites the way he talks, and walks, and kisses, with an intensity that’s somehow on the right side of too much, overwhelming without being overbearing. [ Gentle 🦇 lover Harry tho...need I say more?]
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡WALL SEX!!!!!!!!!!
“What if he saw you up against the wall and taking my cock like this, this desperate for it after you tried so hard to pretend you weren’t interested?” [Lmao gentle lover but then he a nasty™ exhibitionist kinky bastard...excuse me but like...sign me tf up :/ also Niall would be out there pulling a Regina George’s Mom move with a video camera. Lets be real...aslo me as Niall]
"Please, c’mon, bite me again,”....“Baby, I don’t need more—” Harry begins .....”No, I need it, please, Harry, just—” Louis says, and when he sees Harry’s fangs descend, he feels like he could cry with relief [Honestly this scene killed me bc like LMAO he’s gagging to be bitten like...let that sink in for a sec and then you have 🦇 Harry like no no baby I’m good like u don’t gotta but Louis is like BINCH this for my pleasure not u tf...Iconic]
Louis turns around, he sees his clothing from the club last night in a neatly folded pile on the floor [Harry deadass fucking folded Louis’ clothes before he left. Like why is this such a Harry thing to do?When will your one night stand EVER, Lmao I HATE]
They may start humping each other with the next few minutes, and Louis wants to tell them to leave room for Jesus [Louis is such a little binch...why didn’t he leave room for J when he was dry humping Harry at the club?...smh]
“You’re all so fucking full of yourselves and it disgusts me.”....“You were so fucking full of me last week and you didn’t seem disgusted by that” [I SCREAMED SO LOUD LMAOOOOO. Honestly. I’m here for Harry calling out Louis in all his bs. This was iconic]
“Because people get off on being bitten? It’s like...a sexual thing...“Mmmm, no, that’s pretty much just you” [Imagine being that deep in denial or having no once of self awareness. Like kinda felt bad that he didn’t realize his own damn kink but LMAO now all his friends know he gets off on being bitten. Oh Louis hahahaha. Also, Harry being all smug about it. BYE]
Louis gently burrows his feet under Harry’s thigh. It keeps his toes warm [This was just so cute and super relatable cause I literally do the same thing rip]
A young vampire who looks like he’d rather be actually dead than undead and working at Panera [This line LMAO. Idk if many people appreciate this type of humor but I do. I giggled so much]
“I’m a cop and I could report this restaurant for at least three health code violations” [Hahaha he’s so endearing and so aggravating at the same time. But its so cute how he does shit like this and you know on the surface it pisses Louis off but in reality he’s so endeared by it. I’m here for Harry cheating to get what he wants tbh]
“Up we go” Harry says [STOP this was so cute! Literally all I pictured was that gif of that bodyguard picking Louis up like he weighed nothing :’) my smol son...bless him]
“Vampires don’t even fucking sweat” Louis mutters to himself angrily [Okay but how iconic was this scene? Harry is such a damn tease. Louis had been fantasizing about H covered in oil and as if H KNEW he was like I don’t got oil but this water will do...like LMAO. So Louis being sexually frustrated and grumpy like a kitten with a “🦇s don’t sweat” was just so funny lol]
“Are we — are we gonna have sex now?” Louis asks when Harry lays him down.Harry laughs, and that seems rude. Louis and Harry have had sex before, so why not have it again? Louis is in his bed, after all, so he doesn’t understand why Harry is trying to play hard to get. Why else would Louis be in his bed?Louis feels his eyes slipping closed, but he’s going to ask these questions because he wants answers.“Just go to sleep, baby,” Harry says softly, and no. No, Louis isn’t going to do that [The damn nerve Louis has to say Harry is the one playing hard to get BOI lol. But like this scene is so endearing. Like, Harry just saved his ass and Louis is so damn drunk and HARRY CALLED HIM BABY. Ugh its disgustingly sweet. I love it :’)]
“Smaller than I remember,” Louis says, swallowing hard. Harry’s smirk only widens [I’m that gif of that dude looking into the camera like I’m in the office. Like, Louis trying to pretend like Harry doesn’t have a monster**** and didn’t get fucked for an inch of his life is so fucking petty and hilariously embarrassing lol]
“So, I was thinking that we should have sex,” Louis says suddenly, and Harry chokes on his drink [This was so abrupt and just lololol he was so done with being sexually frustrated this was also when I screamed FINALLY BINCH]
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡HANDCUFF SEX!!!!!!!!!!
“I want to watch the Vampire Diaries,” Louis decides finally [need I say more lmaooo]
He reaches for Harry. Harry opens his arms to Louis immediately, burying his face into Louis’ neck, and Louis shivers slightly, rubbing at Harry’s back [this was such a small and tender moment. It was just so cute since up to this point they had rarely been really affectionate like this it just made me feel all asdfghjkl...also tho I felt bad for Niel]
Louis can’t help but scoot closer to him, wrapping his arms around Harry’s torso and clinging to him like a koala bear [this was just cute okay???]
Finally, Harry huffs out a sigh and leans in, giving Louis a kiss on his cheekbone [I live for small little moments like this FUCK ME UP with emotions and feelings rip]
"I have Steve talking about pterodactyl porn, I have Niall speculating about whether it’s legal to marry ducks in the District of Colombia" [shit like this makes me side eye writers tbh like...now I know u’ve seen or talked about some weird shit. Like, Emma how did u even come up with this??? How much pterodactyl porn have u watched? like...I’m not judging u or nuffin but lowkey I’m like how much of a freak is she? Ya feel me? Get back to me on this lmao I need explanations....]
Harry’s shirt is riding up slightly, exposing the trail of hair that leads into Harry’s boxers, and there’s a small bit of a drool pooling on Harry’s skin. Oops [Excuse me but like this is so cute? Louis droolin on Harry...as gross asit may be like...how endearing tho? Again little shit like this is what makes me adore fics so much. Bless]
“Why aren’t you into me?” The words burst out of Louis suddenly, and that definitely wasn’t what he meant to say [This made me feel so asdfghjkl for Louis cause like I felt bad but also it was his fault in the first place but again with him bursting out with his feelings is so cute]
“I can’t believe you thought I didn’t want you,” Harry says, pulling away just enough to speak. “Do you think I handcuff all of my friends and let them ride me on the sofa?” His eyes are sparkling [Honestly Louis...like wyd boi]
Louis can tell that even in the throes of pleasure, Harry’s first concern is making sure Louis doesn’t get hurt [Gentle 🦇 lover Harry at it again]
Harry bites into Louis’ left ass cheek with his fangs, and Louis cries out loudly enough that he’d be concerned for Harry’s neighbors if he cared about anything other than this right now [How much nastier™ can this get tho? BYE]
Harry reaches his finger down Louis’ crack, teasing gently, but he can’t quite reach where he wants to touch. He makes a frustrated noise and hitches Louis’ leg up, forcing Louis to wrap his arms around Harry’s neck until he’s up against the wall yet again [Y’ALL MOTHERFUCKERS OUT IN PUBLIC LIKE WYD??? LEAVE ROOM FOR JESUS!! So, Harry loves to have Louis pinned to walls and lives for the exhibitionism...me as H tbh]
“I didn’t even hear the goddamn door open,” Louis mutters. “But what’s your excuse? You have super hearing!” [He was to busy fingering u in the bathroom hallway NOT EVEN IN THE BATHROOM but the damn hallway!! :/ Also, did he even wash his hands afterwards? Harry over there talking about health code violations to the wanting to be dead, undead Panera boy but he over here fingering Louis’ ass and not even washin his hands afterwards...ya nasty]
Harry goes full on drama with it and dips Louis right there in the middle of the restaurant [Louis as if ur life doesn’t revolve around drama...sit yo big ass down istg...also this was extra af but cute af so like I’m here for this]
He wraps his larger pinky around Louis’ smaller one as he speaks, and Louis gives him a small smile and nods [THIS IS LOWKEY SUBLIMINAL ADVERTISING FOR PNL. YOU AIN’T SLICK BINCH. I SEE U. Anyways, y’all can read Pinkies Never Lie HERE. Good shit. Good shit...lots of hot sex especially H wearing his rings fingering Louis scene...ijs. This scene was cute too btw]
It was raining that day, and in Louis’ mind’s eye, every rain droplet that hit the car window was there to cleanse him of everything that he had been with Luke [Literally look can CHOKE but I liked this sentence quite a lot]
“And in the last ten minutes, I’ve revised my opinion on your intelligence quite a bit, so for it to go even lower is saying something" [Listen, Nick being involved was quite a shock I will admit...but also he was literally so dumb af in this scene and I love that Harry told him so lololol]
“Louis,” Harry says, and Louis forces his eyes open again. “I love you. I love you so much.” “I love you too,” Louis says, voice quiet and raspy from the damage done to his neck. “Yeah?” Harry says, smiling as he wipes some blood from the corner of Louis’ mouth. “Don’t get cocky about it,” Louis says. His vision is spotty and Harry’s voice sounds very far away. Harry laughs, eyes still wet with tears. “You hadn’t said. Before.” “I was waiting on you,” Louis says, a small smile on his face, echoing what Harry had once said to him [This fucking scene ripped my heart out like wtf SO ASDFGHJKL!!!!!!!!!!!! Like this would be the time they said I love you. I HATE but like I love all at once??? and Like this time Louis was waiting on Harry and IM A MESS FUCC U EMMA U SUCC!!!]
Louis can feel Harry’s fingers tracing a three on his good wrist, and he realizes suddenly that he’s not drawing a three, that he was never drawing a three. He’s drawing a heart [THIS. JFC. Honestly Emma you’re such a sapp...this was so fucking cute and fluffy and asdfghjkl FUCC U]
“But don’t pull a stunt like that ever again,” James says, smiling ear to ear. “I don’t need my lead detective to be the first vampire to die of a heart attack in the history of vampirism” [Lmao me as James...honestly the way Louis attracts trouble...Harry would get a damn heart attack lol]
“Why does everyone always think that arguing is our version of a mating ritual" [Is this binch forreal??? Cause it literally was...they’re bickering and arguing was all foreplay tbh. LOLOLOL]
“Oh Luke,” he says, voice amused. “You still don’t get it. I figured out for myself that I was worth something long before I even met Harry. He was just the first vampire I’d met in a while who believed it too” [YASSSSSSSSS BINCH. THIS RIGHT HERE!!!! IS SO IMPORTANT.SO SO SOOOO IMPORTANT!!! HE DON’T NEED NO ONE TO REALIZE AND KNOW HE’S WORTH IT]
While Harry gets their satanic ritual or whatever it is he’s aiming for going [Hahahaha again with this type of humor. I LOVEEEE]
“A lifetime with you is never going to feel like enough,” Harry says honestly” ... “I guess it’s good that you’re going to have me for longer than that, then,” Louis says [LOUIS GONNA BE A VAMP!!!! FOREVER TOGETHER IM SO HAPPY!!! Also, can we get a sequel? drabble? SUMFFIN?? I vote for hot and hard 🦇 sex ayeee!]
“We were worth the wait” Louis clarifies finally [BINCH FUCK U IMA MESSSSSSSS]
Anyways, this is long af and totally unnecessary but I enjoyed reading this SO DAMN MUCH. I’m in love with this fic. There was a little bit of everything I enjoy reading. I’m still a bit annoyed that I didn’t guess Nick was the second person involved...I was always side eyeing Jeff just cause he didn’t do shit in this fic (funny how art imitates real life lol) and thought it would of been a big WTF lol. Emma, I know this fic was a nightmare at times to write but thank you so much for writing this. Especially bc it was somewhat out of your comfort zone and stuff so I really appreciate it. Okay, Imma stop being sappy and shit but you know how much my weird ass adores fics like this. So, THANK YOU! 
Everyone please go read the 🦇 fic if ya haven’t already and if you have...READ IT AGAIN. 
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