#but that type of ideology leads you to become mentally unstable
Trying to have a reasonable discussion with a r****m is a lost cause, specially on social media. They have already made up their minds about the world and how it affects them. They are immersed too deeply in that ideology due to years and years of trauma, disappointment and loss. It's gotten to the point that it has manifested in STRONG and DEEP hatred, anger and bitterness. This isn't easy to get rid of. The vast majority of them have actually been ingrained stuff like this since childhood because most came from either extremely rigid or chaotic households with all types of fucked up and toxic ideas being taught to them. This resulted in repressing or desperation, which led to them getting exploited and abused by others outside of their family. To be honest, they need to be re-born in order for them to truly abandon an ideology as twisted as r*****l f******m.
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life-rewritten · 4 years
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So we are finally in episode 3 of TharnType 7 Years, and if it isn't apparent with my constant ramblings about this show, I am in love, like excited, obsessed, and incredibly happy in love. I know a lot of people are not like me, (it's always this way with this show) but the way the writer has left important character information, subtext and back-shadows in this plot has already made me hooked. The first thing I want to address is the couples in this show because I feel like people think the side couples are a waste of camera time and have no significance or depth, but this is one of the shows this year, where there is actual depth, plot and dynamics for the side couples. None of them is useless in fact; actually, if they don't have a plot, they're symbols/plot devices for the actual story. So stop seeing them as fan service, actually understand their characters, their flaws, their mindsets and see that we might have other couples in this show that are just as precious (with their own love story) as Tharn and Type. Or if you're one of those people who refuse to stop being closeminded about this show, then skip past this post.  But if you do love this show as much as I do, and want to know about what the story is showing; Let's begin.
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First thing first is to look at the subtext, the patterns and what we could understand from episode 1-3 so far with TharnType 7 Years. The plot is all about all these couples having internal conflicts, sometimes psychological/ mental, which results in mindsets nurtured from their past experiences that have them become so flawed and stunted from growth. We've seen this same dynamic in season 1 with our couples, including Tharn and Type. 
With Tharn and Type the series, Mame uses love (the presence of it, the introduction to it and the feelings from it) to force our characters to learn from their mistakes, grow and change, and to reach self-acceptance and healing finally. Perhaps it's not always realistic (sometimes therapy is still needed, sometimes they take things too far, and sometimes the message isn't fully explored/translated) but its what I love about this show since season 1. The focus is on love, how incredible it can be for these characters and how it transforms them to their best version of themselves. In season 2 we have that with all these couples, they all have some kind of internal strife that is preventing them from growing,  And it's through love that they change.  Let me first analyse the couples, so you get what I mean; 
Misreading/Miscommunication/Misunderstanding in TharnType in 7 years
'How do past experiences shape your mindset, choices, and personal development and how does it affect your relationship with the love of your life.'
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Misreading because of internal scars
In previous season Tharn and Type has a fun time, getting together, this is me being sarcastic. In reality, these two struggled so much to cross that line, one because of Type's internal struggle with his past  assault making him ridiculously homophobic, and two because of everyone connected to Tharn's own history that contributed to his own internal scars at the end. Luckily our couple survived it all and actually chose to love each other properly. Except these scars aren't fully healed/gone, they still have affected our couple's ideologies, mindsets and actions, especially when it's time again to cross another line: Marriage. Tharn and Type are entering another conflict in their relationship despite their love for each other because of their internal scars. They're both for each other, 100% and they both concede and need each other, but their struggles make them incompatible despite the fact that they're actually trying to be selfless and caring for the other. Because of his past scars affecting how he sees publicity in relationships, Type doesn't want them to be exposed to the world or get married, because of his own internal strife of being abandoned Tharn wants them to prove to each other they won't be separated and needs them to get married for a peaceful mental state. 
Separately selfless and caring: Tharn is sacrificial and a pushover but we can see it's building up this episode and tearing him down, in fact, it was so depressing for him because he had to see Tong propose to his long term lover who by the way her speech was necessary because it showed what was on Tharn's mind. She says she's okay with being Tong's number 3 because she has known from the start who he was and she is willing to be selfless for him. In Tharn's mind, this is what Type should be saying, he should know who Tharn is by now and why he wants marriage, but also he should give in and let them get married because there's no problem to him with it. So that's another couple showing their love to everyone whilst Tharn has been in a relationship with Type for longer and is just not getting that. Still, he concedes this episode he pushes it down in front of Type, and secretly still hopes to get married a different time. But this is misreading Type because Type still wouldn't accept that proposal and it will cause a blow-up. 
The ring, the piano (playing their song) and the roses he was holding (passionate love) all symbolise Tharn's strife, he has everything ready, and was the one who played the song, held the flower, and bought the ring but he didn't have Type there. Type was avoiding going because he didn't want to bring back what happened in episode 1, being forced to again talk about marriage, (not selfishly, he's doing it, so they don't fight about it). Still, his absence also represented his misreading of Tharn's feelings.
In episode 3, we do see Type in denial, he is starting to realise that marriage could be a possible thing, and he knows Tharn wants it the most, (its what he wished for, for his anniversary in episode 1 for them to be together forever, marriage is proof of that promise)  he's frightened about hurting Tharn because he can see it is killing him. However, still, he can't get over his blockages and mindset, which is understandable. 
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So he needs clues and evidence to start seeing Tharns perspective finally: the girl, Techno, his parents, Fiat.
 But we can see how Type is changing; he takes in Fiat because he wants to help someone like his past self feel understood. He feels inclined to help him not just because of work, but he kind of like takes him in as a young brother and nurtures him because he probably needed someone like that when he was younger. 
Hence this is why Fiat isn't meant to be seen as a devil in this show, but like Type, in season 1 he's meant to be misguided, stupid, irrational, and grow. Fiat takes the role of Type from season 1 (despite in his love story is more like Tharn will explain later), he'll do things and say things automatically. He'll cause issues, but if you notice  Leo (who probably is going to be in Tharns position in season 1 longing for him and being hurt because he's too late but also can be like Type in his own love story) is his calming influence. But Fiat will grow after his mistakes and love (losing Leo) will make him learn and grow from his mindset. Fiat is not just an object/boring second lead that just likes the main character, his involvement with the main story is going to cause growth for our couple but also lead him to his own plot with his own love story that's just as messy, angsty and romantic as Tharn Type in season 1. And you know what I can't wait to see it unfold. 
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Fiat and Leo:
 Misreading because of reputation and protection
These two are so annoying, mostly because they're in the same position as TharnType in season 1 where they have perceived obstacles preventing them from the crossing the line even though they're in love.
We're introduced to Leo in episode 3 who definitely has feelings for Fiat. There are so many clues to the fact that he's automatically in love and romantically cares for Fiat. 
1.He clearly longs for his touch: they both keep glancing and looking wishfully at each other's lips each time they come face to face, it's there because they want to kiss each other, they're pulled to each other in that way
2. He drops everything for Fiat's safety, protection and needs. He will do anything; he even is seen this way by Fiat's 'friends' as the person who is the most protective and possessive over Fiat
3. He's jealous about not knowing about Fiat's state, he wants to be needed and trusted by Fiat above all. And he enjoys when Fiat is submissive and gentler to him. 
So why is he so adamant about keeping them as friends?
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Fiat's reputation: 
Fiat reminds me of Stud (another messy, spoilt, selfish character who did so because of neglect) from another BL show Friendzone, he's flirty, and he sleeps around whenever Leo isn't around, he's a bit unstable without Leo by his side, rude, makes tantrums like a child who wants attention. When you look at it this way though, he's a child suffering from neglect, although he's rich, so he gets everything he wants he doesn't actually feel adequately loved;
He ran away from home when he was young because of a lack of attentive parents; he did this to get attention, and it's because he felt overlooked and not listened to. We see that he already acts impulsively whenever he feels slighted; this is important for his character.
.He says so sadly in the show to his date in episode 3: This was another exposition to his character's mindset; he feels misunderstood, unloved and not taken care of properly by everyone, including his so-called friends who also just see him as a child, and spoilt. He's felt always never seen. He says this after he realizes that Leo may be possibly happy without him in Italy. He was feeling lonely, irritated and bored with Leo there, but because he cared about Leo's happiness (Leo apparently said the camp was important to him), he didn't want to bother him. If Fiat were so manipulative and selfish and just saw Leo as a tool for emotional baggage he would have texted but no he conceded for Leo's wellbeing. 
His dependency on Leo: When he ran away from home when young it was Leo he went to. It's because Leo has always been his safe space, the only person apart from Type who shows Fiat in this episode that he understands why he's being so upset about the basketball thing, he protects and delivers care to Fiat. 
So why does Fiat feel neglected by Leo: because he's hurting from Leo's rejection/adamant denial that they are nothing. Fiat clearly has feelings for Leo (Stud did for Earth and also felt frustrated that he refused to take him seriously). Still, he's kind of been forced to sacrifice those feelings because he wants to keep Leo by his side. But it still 'breaks' him to do so: whenever he hurts he says stupid things, acts prideful and tries to seem spoilt hence how he spoke to Leo in this episode, but then he concedes. 
I think he's like Tharn when it comes to Leo a little bit, he's like Tharn was in season 1 when he was chasing after Type, but deciding to keep it unofficial whilst it breaks him inside and makes him even more distant that he's being overlooked.  One because like Tharn he wants to keep Leo by his side and do what he wants, so they don't fight, (sacrificial, he shows he cares a lot about Leo he's not selfish). Two because he also feels neglected by Leo for not accepting or taking his feelings seriously (hence being misunderstood).  
For his ego and self-defence mechanism,  he embraces his spoilt persona. You can tell that he only does it whenever he's hurt, scared, or his ego is failing, for example, with the basketball scene; leg hurting and throwing the ball in a fury in episode 3. 
Fiat is not selfish or manipulative; he's just spoilt. He's more like Tharn in season 1 than Type honestly. Tharn is also sometimes selfish, manipulative and stubborn when it came to Type. Tharn is just as rich as Fiat and was used to getting what he wanted. So he also threw tantrums when things didn't go his way, and he guilted Type always into conceding.  Type didn't always fall for it and was more stubborn and headstrong than Tharn.
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 Leo is complicated, and if I'm seeing him like either Type or Tharn, these are his reasons for why he is not accepting his feelings.
Like Earth from Friendzone with Stud, he thinks Fiat's love is fickle; he believes he's spoilt, that he doesn't actually want him, he's just saying it as a joke. He thinks he's shameless and a nutcase, and he's just seeking attention. So even if he has feelings, he doesn't want to accept them because of this.
Because he is like Type and has some kind of internalised homophobia, forcing him to not think about Fiats feelings, they are raised in an interesting environment: status, money, reputation. Probably he, himself does not believe he could be gay and have feelings, so he sees everything he does with Fiat as friends, but he's clearly in denial about it, Just like how many times Type was in denial about what Tharn was to him and kept on insisting he didn’t see them as anything more than s*x friends. But Type learnt the hard way of what he wants especially when San entered the picture in season 1.  Type is Leo’s San, he will now force him to learn how he feels and finally accept it. 
Like Type with Tharn this season, it's about the reputation of the family, he's the person who is the closest to Fiat, and they're family friends it'll ruin what they have, the reputation of the family if they're in a phobic environment. It would be stressful to deal with the fallout. He's refused to cross that line to protect Fiat, and him like Type is doing to Tharn this season.
He just doesn't want their friendship to be ruined, so he does long and want Fiat, but he's too scared to be hurt or their relationship to stop. This is the same reason why Fiat sadly concedes, they both are keeping it undefined for each other not really seeing that they both love each other. The more Leo rejects and hurts Fiat and makes Fiat think there's no chance for them; Fiat latches more to Type who is this symbol for all the love that he never received.
 Although Leo doesn't neglect Fiat that way, he does make him feel misunderstood, stuck, and his feelings are being ignored. It's what he says to Leo, "You came too late" essentially you accepted your feelings too late. Jealousy is what will now make Leo embrace himself and push for their relationship (same as Type in season 1) whilst jealousy of Fiat's involvement will drive Tharn and Type to cross the line and get married.
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Champ and Khun
 Misreading because of lack of self-esteem
Champ and Khun, my babies. Champ is going to be hurting Khun without realising it. Champ is really bad at love mostly because of lack of self-esteem, he doesn't think he's worth loving for some reason, he also doesn't see any point to love, and he's automatically cut himself of that. The thing with Champ is that Khun is different, he knows this, and I think we're going to see him feel this later on. But I think Champ and Khun are definitely like King and Ram, like King Champ is insecure about what Khun thinks of him and so he will also know how he feels but push it down because he doesn't think he's good enough for Khun.
We know that he's seen as dumb and dim, he mistakenly messed his university year, and he's just starting his business, so he's a little insecure compared to his friends.
We see how he is when it comes to love in season 1, he doesn't understand why people want him, and he doesn't feel anything to others in any way shape or form. 
It's either that or he's just so dumb that he doesn't even register how he feels for Khun as love, there other characters like him; Haruta from Ossans Love and Tonhon from Tonhon Chonlatee. They keep on flirting and doing this automatically to their love interest, but he's not going register why it's different, and this will hurt Khun because Khun won't say it out loud. 
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Khun also seems like he struggles with lack of self esteem, insecurity, he's quiet and nervous all the time, he's shy and unsure about how to say to Champ how he feels, and yeh he also struggles to say how he feels. He's tried now to spend time with Champ alone twice, and he's shown annoyance in a polite way to both Type and Techno for being there. He's had feelings for Champ for seven years probably when they stayed in the same dorm, but he's not been able to gather up the courage to say so. So he's also going to be misread by Champ that he also likes keeping it cool and platonic because he doesn't know how just to say it. (Like Ram from my engineer) But I think he will get angsty the more he gets closer and unsure about what they are, and will finally say it out loud. 
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Cir and Phu: 
The antithesis/symbol
Cir and Phu represent a couple that gets each other and makes an effort to let the other know how they feel, hence they don't hide or shy away from how they feel, they are blissful, in their own world, and they are the antithesis of these couples. But they also represent what these couples could be if they finally embrace their issues and see each other, Tharn and Type can finally be out and exposed to people, Leo and Fiat can finally be possessive over each other and show romantic ownership. Champ and Khun can finally tell each other how they feel and be in a relationship. 
So yeah, the couples in this show are all, significant, exciting and vital to the plot. They're not wasting camera time, especially Leo and Fiat in episode 3, we needed to understand why Fiat becomes our villain. He's perfect for it; spoilt, stubborn, and refuses to give this fight up because he's tired of being neglected. And Type represents a chance to be seen I guess to him. Tharn and Type and Leo and Fiat are mirror characters, they all learn and grow from falling in love, it doesn't mean they won't be messy, they won't make mistakes, but they're really understandable unlike some other one dimensional characters in this genre. Please give this show a break, and stop focusing on, on the surface information, listen to what the characters are saying, what has been shown and mentioned about them and think about how it affects them. Like Techno, for example, he's going to be a helping hand to these couples, for Tharn and Type he'll help push them to marriage (this is why he sends in the group chat that Tharn is cheating despite the fact he knows he's gay, he's not stupid or problematic he's up to something because he has to help Tharn find a way to make Type concede and want to be possessive of him), he'll also be necessary to Champ and Khun, he's already clued into their relationship dynamic, so he'll let Champ know the truth. He's playing the same role he did in season 1 for Tharn and Type. All these characters are essential, and they all fit the plot and pacing correctly. Stop thinking they're not. Okay, I'm done with my rant; let's see what happens next in episode 4, Ciao. 
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Ayurveda Is The New Welcoming Health With Herbal
शरीरेन्द्रिय सत्वात्मा संयोगो। – चरक संहिता
śarīrendriya satvātmā saṃyogo।
The union of Shareera (body), Indriya (sense organs), Satva (mind), and Atma (soul).
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The above-mentioned slog about Ayurveda is the soul of Indian medicine or yoga. Ayurveda or synthetic? This is a debatable and serious question to ask and definitely, 98 percent of people would answer Ayurveda. Because as we grow mentally and become powerful we find an easy & fast route to attain the desirable beauty for the sake of health. And now when people realize the significance of herbal or organic ingredients, they shift their interest towards Ayurveda & buy ayurvedic products.
The word "Ayurveda" in Sanskrit: आयुर्वेद, Āyurveda, meaning knowledge of life and longevity. So when people bless saying ‘दीर्घायुषी भव।’ (dīrghāyuṣī bhava।) it means to let you be in union with all the above factors for a long time! A long time ago, our sages noted the fact that people are becoming greedy, getting diseases, and are not happy compared to what they were in the past. Some sages went in search of a remedy to cure diseases, make people remain healthy and happy. When they went to Lord Indra, he preached the knowledge of Ayurveda to the sages, who then preached the same to their students and so on, so forth. From there on, the saga of Ayurveda started, for the sole purpose of the betterment of humankind.
Ayurveda works on the body doshas. In Ayurveda texts, Doṣa balance is emphasized, and suppressing natural urges is considered unhealthy and claimed to lead to illness. Ayurveda treatises describe three elemental doṣas viz. vāta, pitta and Kapha, and state that balance (Skt. sāmyatva) of the doṣas results in health, while imbalance (viṣamatva) results in disease. Ayurveda treatises divide medicine into eight canonical components. Ancient Ayurveda texts also taught surgical techniques, including rhinoplasty, kidney stone extractions, sutures, and the extraction of foreign objects. And this theory of Ayurveda helps to choose Ayurveda products over chemical-based ones.
When we come across the query of certain people, then we find the conclusion of choices between Ayurveda or Synthetic. Take a glance at our customer’s reviews.
Which is better .....Ayurveda or Allopathy?
Undoubtedly, compared to allopathic treatment, Ayurvedic treatment is more effective in most chronic diseases. Ayurvedic treatment is although highly effective; proper mode of action, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacovigilance of many important Ayurvedic drugs are still not fully explored. Moreover, the comprehensive knowledge of the basic ideologies of Ayurveda is poorly acceptable scientifically due to a lack of evidence. Whereas the Western medicinal system is reached almost at the top because of validated research and advanced techniques.
How effective is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda work on the wholesome development of health. It includes the well-being of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. The method of Ayurveda is to work on the root cause of the ailment and cure it permanently. The principle of tridosha is the sole factor of Ayurveda. 5 Mahabhootas combined with each other give rise to 3 Dosha’s (type of defects) that help in maintaining the physiology of our body when in a stable state and they cause diseases when in an unstable state.
वात (Vaata)–The dosha that handles the movement of each and every atom, and also provides space for all movements to occur.
पित्त (Pitta) – Responsible for any transformation taking place in our body and also the temperature changes in our body.
कफ (Kapha) – Responsible for energy storage, the formation of new structures, protection in our body, and bonding between molecules in our body to form larger molecules.
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Yes, because using Ayurvedic or herbal products is like you are using the ingredients from the kitchen. So you know that it will not cause toxic effects on your health. Now, these ingredients come in packaged formulated products buy ayurvedic herbs online. Ayurveda is based on ancient writings that rely on a “natural” and holistic approach to physical and mental health. Ayurvedic medicine is one of the world’s oldest medical systems and remains one of India’s traditional health care systems. The ayurvedic treatment combines products (mainly derived from plants, but may also include animal, metal, and mineral), diet, exercise, and lifestyle. And Ayurvedic industry has been growing tremendously as herbal products online show that people trust Ayurveda products.
Does Ayurveda actually work?
Ayurveda is not only a system of medicine in the conventional sense of methodology for treating diseases but it is a way of life that teaches us how to maintain health and improve both our energy and our awareness, how to live life to our full human and spiritual potential. Ayurveda treats the human being as a whole combination of body, mind, and immortal soul. It always considers the psychological and spiritual dimension along with the healing of physical dimensions promotes to understand effect of all our actions from waking up in the morning, eating, sleeping, work, study, prayer, meditation. So if you look at Ayurveda as the method of the drug to cure disease it is more than that and And today Ayurveda online presents to give you a wholesome blend of good & healthy life.
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monkeyandelf · 5 years
Global elitists are not human
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by Brandon Smith It is often said that separating people as "others" in general can be dangerous, and separating your enemies as "others" in particular can be tactically detrimental. For example, it can lead to a false sense of superiority over these people by displaying an imaginary genetic advantage. This can also lead to dangerous generalizations to large groups of people, categorizing and filing millions as being exactly alike, while it is not reasonably possible. However, separating as "others" is probably the only option when facing a very special type of person embracing a certain brand of ideology - separating as "others" can become a matter of survival. Of course, I'm talking about the globalists. Not for the low-level buddies and useful idiots in the globalization tense or "movement", since many of them simply represent a hidden gullibility or stupidity among people drawn from the hereditary academic world. Instead, I'm talking about the people behind the veil - self-proclaimed "globalists" or internationalists who have positioned themselves in strategic centers of power. I'm talking about people who influence or openly control government policies that stand over the shoulders of supposedly elected officials. I am talking about people who influence economic security or insecurity through non-liable central banking conglomerates. I am talking about men and women who want to dictate the fates of billions. These people are difficult to identify by any means other than their rhetoric and actions. They are made up of many ethnic groups. They announce from all over the planet. They do not belong to any spiritual doctrine, but are publicly devoted to a variety of religions as a means of "fitting in" with ordinary citizens. Globalism is their religion. And their god? Well, they see themselves as gods. To be a globalist, however, one must do more than accept the principles of globalism; these are character traits and actions that need to be considered. After much study of the behavior of globalists and their organizations, I have noticed that their psychological models tend to coincide with a narrow group of people who are best described as "criminally insane." More specifically, globalists behave like highly functional narcissistic sociopaths and psychopaths. But what are the characteristic features of such people? Let's take a look at some of them ... False sense of superiority - Self-exaltation Everyone wants to be perceived as important and unique. But narcissistic sociopaths believe they are entitled to a special attitude and see themselves as above the laws and subtle differences of a normal society. Sometimes they try to support this attitude through "achievements", scratching for positions of power and influence to reinforce the notion that they are more special than others. Of course, power is usually an artificial construction, because the only power we have over others is the power they give us, consciously or not. Power does not make a person special. The narcissistic sociopath does not distinguish these things, however. He / she differentiates only between the people who strive for domination and everyone else. In their minds, people who crave power are the highest subspecies, while people who do not crave power are considered nothing. Honestly, I see no reason not to make the same absolute claim, only the other way around. Narcissistic sociopaths and psychopaths are fascinated by visions of seeming grandeur. They do not view the content of their achievements as necessarily important. That is, they think they are born great, therefore, what is it like for them to achieve something that serves the benefit of others or develops the knowledge of humanity. They do not care to prove their greatness through good achievements - they just care that people BELIEVE that they are special, that they are anointed. Manipulation and coercion The narcissistic sociopath usually prefers to get what he wants easily. He expects people to automatically worship and obey him. But if he does not get what he wants, as he is accustomed to, he will use all the means at his disposal. This usually involves threatening with force or use of force, torture, gossip and intrigue to squeeze the victim into a corner (to make her behave in a certain way), use of psychological conditioning (shaping behavior, usually through fear reactions) , as well as "burning the wick" (accusing the victim of being "crazy" if she does not accept the distorted narcissist's outlook). Of course, such a confused person is never really satisfied, even when he gets what he wants. He always wants more, there is always something else he needs to fill the endless void within himself. Lack of sympathy for others Not all daffodils are sociopaths, but most sociopaths are daffodils. When it comes to narcissus, it is important to remember that there are varying degrees of this psychological cancer. When I refer to globalists in particular as "daffodils," I mean their tendency to act as high-functioning narcissists with sociopathic leanings. In other words, they are daffodils who not only have an inflated sense of self worth, but also lack compassion and conscience. They are willing to hurt others to any degree to get what they want right now, as long as they think they can avoid the consequences of their actions. There is also the question of the difference between sociopaths and psychopaths. This is a bit difficult to describe as they are very similar in many ways. Let me put it this way - as sociopaths pursue a goal and are willing to trample on people to achieve it, psychopaths trample on people, even when they have not set a goal. That is, the psychopath enjoys the art of destruction; what he wants most is to hurt other people. Both sociopaths and psychopaths seem to have seeped into the ranks of global institutions. Some of them want to raise their idol and do not care who they injure in the process. Some enjoy the pleasure of hurting as many people as possible. Desperate need for adoration The narcissistic sociopath lacks the ability to achieve a level of respect through coercion. After all, what he wants is for the lower masses to voluntarily accept his greatness as absolute, as an obvious and irrefutable fact of life. What he wants is honor and devotion. As mentioned earlier, they want to be treated like gods by people around them, and if they are particularly ambitious, from around the world. This is indeed a strange pursuit, as it requires skillful intrigue and manipulation. If one is not a great person, let alone a godlike person, the amount of psychological conditioning needed to convince people of the opposite is essential. This makes the narcissistic sociopath a potential slave to his own continually set up conspiracies; lies pile upon each other and intrigue after intrigue in search of something they will never truly achieve. Globalists are psychologically damaged nonhumans In the world of alternative analysis and investigative journalism, it is not uncommon to come across people who attribute a non-terrestrial rank to globalists. Some people see them as a symbol of the biblical Apocalypse - servants of the depths of hell. Others see them literally as alien, interdimensional beings posing as human beings. And while many will laugh at such people as conspiratorial freaks, I think it's important to understand why they see the globalists this way. When confronted with real and organized evil, emptied of all care or remorse, one may be tempted to seek supernatural explanations. I'm not sure if I'm against this idea. Globalists show most, not to mention all the treacherous signs of narcissistic sociopaths, including lack of conscience and moral compass. Although there are many definitions of what makes us human, there is something like a universal requirement, regardless of culture, namely, a requirement for something like a soul. What is the soul? How about a basic desire to be truthful with others, even if it means that we will not receive everything we want all the time? It's a good starting point, but there's more to it than that. Psychologists and scientists have for many decades found a pattern of innate traits embedded in the human psyche - traits found in humans from birth that remain outside the influence of the social environment. Carl Jung is the first expert in this field of "archetypal traits" with a comprehensive catalog of case studies from around the world, including tribal Africa. An important part of archetypal or innate knowledge and traits is the notion of good and evil - we are born with the understanding that some behaviors are constructive, while others are destructive and contrary. This is probably the source of what we call 'conscience'. Unfortunately, not all people are born with a conscience. For some people, the difference between good and evil or constructive and destructive behavior is blurred or insignificant. Jung and other psychologists refer to this subclass of our species as "latent" sociopaths and psychopaths. Together they make up about 10% of each crop or group. Many of them go "latent" and are less or less harmless throughout their lives, unless certain unstable environmental conditions provide fuel for their malfunction. About 1% are born as complete sociopaths and psychopaths. These are what I would call "inhuman". This is because high levels of narcissism and sociopathy are traditional "mental illnesses" and rooted in character traits. A narcissistic sociopath cannot be "cured" of his illness because it is not a disease - they are just that. If you deprive them of narcissism and sociopathy, there will be nothing left of their personality. When a normal person comes in contact with someone who has no innate conscience, he immediately recoils; he feels like he has run into a monster. This is not an exaggeration, it is just that. Narcissists and high-class sociopaths are physically human, of course, but if we have to look visually into their psyche, we will find a wasteland - a place where ghouls lurk. They do not dream like normal people. They do not enjoy the way normal people rejoice. They are not satisfied with the things that usually excite the rest of us. They are incapable of loving others. They are unable to regret their actions and only feel sorry for when they fail to get what they want. They don't see other people as personalities - they see them as tools to use. Being a sociopath does not mean that we are not aware of how the rest of us function. On the contrary, sociopaths are very good at identifying the personal desires and aspirations of others and in imitating people in a way that makes them look "human." They are parasites by nature and thus need to be able to approach their victims victims if they are to survive. The dynamic of the globalist is interesting in that it is an example of organized narcissistic sociopathy. Globalists have led many wars, economic collapses and tyrannies over the years - all ending with great suffering for the masses. Contrary to popular belief, sociopaths and psychopaths WORK together toward a common goal, as long as there is a sense of mutual benefit. In fact, these people seem to gravitate to each other in strange ways. It is my belief that the hierarchies of globalists are actually looking for people with narcissistic and sociopathic personalities; that they do it deliberately when they want to expand their ranks. These seem to be the only aspects that are common to all of them. That's a pretty "conspiracy theory," I know. But look at it this way - how else can we explain their inclinations and behaviors? If organized destruction were the innate value of humanity, we would have died long ago. Globalists are not human, however. They are something contrary to this and if you do not understand this basic truth, they can be confusing and horrifying. Read the full article
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gplewis · 5 years
the 882 words I just wrote freakishly
Maybe I just need to thrash myself into a blank page this morning.
What if I wrote one line at a time and spacing them out as such.
Isn’t that discipline?
It makes it easier to know what to throw away.
Making something beautiful—is that my life?
I don’t want to be homeless making art on the street—but maybe I need what I don’t want.
I don’t get a house if I don’t comply.
I’m realizing it costs a lot to live the way I have lived.
Should I not get a house?
People who have jobs believe they deserve it, earn it, pay the cost—if only I could ignore “them”! But I have to assume they are human too. Now, what does being human have to do with it?
Is this work?
It isolates me, but also leads me toward people I might want to collaborate with.
Uncertainty and desire. Aren’t those my unstable elements?
Is being mad sustainable? This is a work of madness, this page, and the man doing it (me) is demented. Is being myself sustainable? No. Can I change? Depends on the vantage point. I have this eternal point of view.
Is it possible for me to be wrong? What if nothing I do is wrong?
This page doesn’t help anybody; this page is part of the process of being what I’m going to be.
This is a strange part of life I’m in. All I have are words to describe and explain, to notice, to understand. I have now become something strange, weird. Looking at my phone won’t do a thing. I’ve become the bad situation I’m in—I’ve gotta play my way out, explain…work…try…do my work, and of course it’s delusional first; but anyone “normal” in my life has to take notice. They have to listen, understand, make me a picture they take into their mind if they are to love me again today—the problem is we’re constantly falling out of love. Every day I wake up different. Surely today is a strange thing, and my mental state is anything but normal. No. No status quo or precedent or cliché here—I have to write my way out, and it’s painful, but less painful than “not being myself.” Unfortunately myself is a hard thing to be. Does writing help? I don’t know but it’s the thing I do. Is it on behalf of anybody? No; it isn’t work in an office, I am the office, there is no “place” to go—but this expansion of the inner life to the edge of my awareness sort of obliterates the sense of place around me—it takes me out of it, and I’m swallowed in my inner world.
I am socializing later. We’ll see what comes of it—I have no desire to put down roots because I don’t think I’m in the right place.
What of people who would not know how to fill two pages?
They couldn’t and wouldn’t generate enough statements. They don’t have enough to say unprovoked. They don’t have something boiling like I do; they aren’t on fire; that’s OK. America is full of people who aren’t on fire, who do it like last year—but maybe that’s a Baby Boomer thing; I think the millennials are all addicted to progress, justice, seizing the means of production and government…
What do I do when I don’t like myself?
Thinking about writing as mental push-ups, a workout for the soul, the inner life, the self…
The inner life is becoming more complicated. Is it stress? Money-related stress? Well, I am an animal whose house might be taken away. I am fighting against Maslow’s hierarchy of needs…at least I’m not breathless with PEOPLE. I’m breathless in private and I’m breathless on public social media where I’ve established I’m a crazy voice…Facebook is something else; those are people I went to high school and college with, people I’d theoretically “grab beers” with…people who I’d relate to in their real life, people I don’t need to drag into my psychic expanses…writing is something I take as seriously as I think other people take their work. Does that make it my work? Yes. It means I’m a poet, writer, artist, mystic, freak, premonition,
I don’t think much of these two pages here but I did make them. I’m still working on myself.
I don’t know why people would read them. “Do people read what you write?” Well, isn’t that just the most profound question to ask a human: who cares what you are in private?
Most people, I guess, don’t have this dialogue with themselves.
I am writing a running scroll of my madness I can’t quite fully push into public because it would overwrite everything I’ve been before, and for so long I have clung to the past. What am I without the fossil record, without the timestamped backward-running list of typed entries, of data created? What else is there to cling to? Ideology? A sense of God? A sense of country, family? See, I think too much and probably do act too little…but I’ve always said (and maybe this is my ideology), just write, and the rest will take care of itself.
Writing is an exercise by which I become myself.
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