#they have an extremely negative aura around them. they are super hateful
Trying to have a reasonable discussion with a r****m is a lost cause, specially on social media. They have already made up their minds about the world and how it affects them. They are immersed too deeply in that ideology due to years and years of trauma, disappointment and loss. It's gotten to the point that it has manifested in STRONG and DEEP hatred, anger and bitterness. This isn't easy to get rid of. The vast majority of them have actually been ingrained stuff like this since childhood because most came from either extremely rigid or chaotic households with all types of fucked up and toxic ideas being taught to them. This resulted in repressing or desperation, which led to them getting exploited and abused by others outside of their family. To be honest, they need to be re-born in order for them to truly abandon an ideology as twisted as r*****l f******m.
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scattered-winter · 2 years
what kyle rayner thoughts????!!!!
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OK SO! I don't know how familiar y'all are with RWBY, so I'll give a short overview here:
basically there are these monsters called Creatures of Grimm (basically shadow and nightmares if they had a physical form) that run rampant through the world. they are attracted to negative emotions such as fear, anger, hate, etc. (so if one Grimm breaks into a village and starts attacking people, panic spreads which attracts even more Grimm; and the more Grimm show up, the more panicked everyone is, which in turn leads to even more Grimm. there's a reason why they're so dangerous, because they're like zombie mobs except 10000x more terrifying.)
to combat the Creatures of Grimm, warriors called Hunstmen stepped forward to protect the kingdoms. they're highly trained badass professionals with a very personalized weapon that they use to battle Grimm. the weapons are very high-tech, and have several different forms with lots of uses. generally each weapon has 3 "forms" plus the inactive mode, when it's not in use (most weapons fold up into a more convenient shape/size for storage). in general, each weapon has a range form (bows, guns), a grappling hook of some kind, and a melee form (blades, hammers, etc.) ofc there are exceptions, but that's the most common weapon layout
every living thing with a soul (everything except Grimm) has something called an Aura. it's basically the manifestation of their soul, and can be used to boost their strength/energy during a battle, or as a force field. the more damage the Aura takes, the weaker it gets, and it will eventually run out after taking enough damage (think video game health bars here. it's the same concept.) each Aura is a different color, according to the person, and it is a very personalized thing since it's literally their soul. because of that, Auras can manifest into a superpower called a Semblance. each Semblance is unique to the person, although in rare cases a Semblance is hereditary and can be passed down from parent to child (as is the case with the al Ghuls in this AU.) Semblances are generally not super OP, but they can give a Hunstman an edge in a fight since Grimm obviously don't have Semblances (no soul = no Aura = no Semblance). some of the Semblances in the RWBY universe include Aura Masking (being able to dampen their own/other people's Auras to make them undetectable by Grimm) and Shadow Clones (leaving a shadow afterimage when moving quickly to distract opponents). so they're maybe not the first thing you think of when you hear the word "superpower," but they're useful nonetheless!
the greatest weapon used against the Grimm is something called Dust. it's a natural resource that is usually mined into crystals, powder, or bullet cartridges, and it is extremely powerful and volatile. there are different types of Dust, and each type has a different property. Fire Dust can explode on impact or create sparks, Ice Dust can create giant spikes of ice, Gravity Dust can alter gravity around a person or object, etc. Dust is usually used by being loaded into a weapon (most commonly guns, because the Dust cartridges are very easy to use that way, but any kind of weapon can use any form of Dust) and then activated to use in the fight.
using Dust, their Auras/Semblances, and their advanced multi-faceted weaponry, Hunstman are able to go head-to-head with Grimm and protect their own little areas of the planet. some Hunstmen are sorted into teams that train and live together, and others travel alone. some Hunstmen station themselves in a specific town or city, or ally themselves with a certain kingdom, but others prefer to wander and battle any Grimm they come across. there are academies where Hunstmen can train and form teams, which, in this AU, is the most socially accepted way of becoming a Hunstman, but some forego the schools completely and train on their own (which is what Batman and Co. did). technically they're still legal Hunstmen, but some people don't trust Hunstmen who never had official training.
(that's a lot of information in a small amount of time but there's a lot to fit in, so sorry lol)
I can go more in-depth with the specifics of the AU later, but for now, here are the weapon and outfit concepts for the batfam that I've already mapped out. every DC character is a Huntsman, and some have teams while others don't. I haven't really figured out who goes where yet though lol
for Kyle, his Semblance is something involving Glyphs like this one:
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this is a Glyph used in the show, but the concepts are the same as in the AU: they have gravity/momentum properties, and can be used to propel someone through the air or slow an object down. really, the applications are endless, but what really makes it stand out for Kyle is the Summoning aspect. the more powerful Glyphs can summon constructs (a lá Green Lantern Ring) but more specifically, constructs of powerful foes that have previously been defeated. that means that any Grimm (or other enemy) that Kyle has defeated (specifically the enemies that pushed him to his limits and beyond) can now be summoned as a construct that helps Kyle fight!
I'm currently in the process of designing Kyle's Glyphs, and so far I've come up with this one:
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the color of the Glyph will determine how powerful it is! most of his Glyphs are green, and the lighter the shade gets, the more powerful they are. his Summoning Glyphs are white!
I currently don't know what weapon he uses, but that's next on the agenda! (if anyone has any ideas or suggestions I'd love to see what y'all come up with!)
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skvaderarts · 3 years
Devil May Cry OC Week Day 4!
I’m actually really excited for @dmc-oc-week day for because it gives me the opportunity to talk about Sirrus without delving into spoilers! Yay loopholes!
This contains slight spoilers, but nothing super important. Just keep that in mind. it won’t effect anything, but if you want to go in totally blind, tread carefully.
Note: if your wondering why I did dislikes first, it’s because that’s just how Sirrus is lol! He’s not a downer, but he likes to think of himself as a realist, but he’s slightly closer to being a pragmatic nihilist, and that lack of optimism lingers in his day to day life because he’s naturally going to have his guard up at all times. He can’t be disappointed if his expectations are nonexistent. Big mood, Sirrus.
1. His father. As previously mentioned, Sirrus is not on good terms with his father. At all. In fact, he’s actively waiting for his father’s hubris to catch up to him along with some of the enemies he’s made along the way so that he himself doesn’t have to confront him and possible end him because he knows he has it coming, but he doesn’t have it in him to do it himself. He’s probably powerful enough, but he just doesn’t have the heart. Despite everything, he’s still got a small ounce of compassion in his heart towards his father that he can’t let go of, something that he loathes about himself. It’s pretty unhealthy.
2. People that abuse power, authority, or social standing. This is actually a large issue in his own immediate family, and that’s part of why his dislike for it is so powerful. He genuinely believes that you should positively contribute to the lives of others if you have the means to, and if nothing else, that you should not detract from them. As a result, he’s developed a dislike of a large portion of people in power because, I mean, fair enough. But his family does not escape this designation, and that’s a large part of why he does what he does. Not because he believes he has superior judgement or standing over others, but because he cannot solve a problem that he does not understand. So as a result, he has to go out into the field and learn from those his work effects. Assuming that he knows what’s best for everyone while simultaneously never having met those people is literally what he hates most about most people in positions of power, and he strives to not do the same. Being powerful doesn’t mean that your smart, and he knows that first hand. I feel like Sirrus would be into the “eat the rich” thing if it was a thing in the DMC universe. Very into it.
3. His mother. I feel like this one may come as a bit of a surprise to some of you who know more about him from the fic since he’s literally only mentioned her once, and doesn’t speak of her in any broad sense, but Sirrus isn’t on the best of terms with his mother, either. He doesn’t harbor any negativity towards them for splitting up when he was young. In fact, he considers it the best thing that either of them has probably ever done. But he has his reasons for not being on good terms with him mom. Day 6 will cover family and background, so I’ll get to go in depth on that day! For now, lets just put it under the broad but totally accurate category of “extremely toxic and codependent relationship” and go from there. Maybe I’ll make a family tree you you can see how messed up everything is! Yea, that would be fun! Would you like to see that?
4. Extreme heat and sun. In truth, while he does in fact become more powerful in bright sunlight, he still hates it. Why? Simple. It gives him migraines due to one of his existing (but not yet disclosed) abilities. And he just hates to be hot. He’s on the pale side (Ok, he almost makes V look like he has a tan.) so he gets sun burned. And because he’s used to a cooler climate, hot places drive him NUTS. I suppose you could say that “Discomfort” is a dislike of his, too.
5. Desk work. This one probably seems pretty random, but as an adjudicator, he actually has to occasionally file reports, and he ABSOLUTELY HATES EVERY SECOND OF IT. He’s good at what he does, no question there, but it’s kind of like being good at sending corporate emails when you hate the fake corporate politeness that you have to maintain, and you basically despise half of the company you work for. Why does he keep the job? Simple. Because no one can abuse the power of the position he’s in if he does it himself. And for him, that’s worth hating a large aspect of his job,
1. V. Yup you read that right. Sirrus absolutely adores V, something that he himself is not used to. At this point, he’s not entirely sure what he feels towards him since they haven’t known one another for very long, but he does realize that he means quite a bit to him. After V saved his life in the fic, he really started to pay more attention to him. Before, they were friendly and he had to admit that he actually did find both V and Nero (and Nico, for that matter) really cute, but that was about it. And then as they started spending more time around one another, Sirrus realized that perhaps he liked being around V for a reason. He’s still working on understanding what he feels, but with everything going on in the fic, for now he’s just there to help and figure out what’s going on so that everything turns out alright. Then he can worry about everything else. But for now, he’s just working it out as he goes and trying to distract V from everything going on in the fic. He realizes that he’s got a lot going on, and he genuinely just wants him to be happy for a few damn minuets.
2. Being around equally strange people. Sirrus feels like an outcast most of the time, so as a general rule, he tries to associate with people as little as possible. That being said, the DMC crew makes him feel right at home, and the supreme otherness that he feels much of the time dissipates when he’s with them. It’s a welcome feeling to be sure.
3. Wine. Sirrus actually enjoys wine quite a bit! It’s something he likes the taste of, and due to his biological inability to drink, it’s something he can basically enjoy without consequence. That being said, his favorite wine is absolutely disgusting to basically everyone who’s ever tasted it (aside form V, much to his surprise) and that may be because of a certain added ingredient that was put into it for flavor. What can I say, he has unorthodox tastes!
4. Cooking good food. Sirrus doesn’t actually need to eat, but he does like to entertain those around him. If he likes you, he will cook for you. It’s that simple. It’s something from his own culture that’s been instilled in him; the idea of taking care of those that show kindness to you. And believe me, that doesn’t happen to him very often. He’s largely ostracized in most social interactions despite the fact that he says and does nothing to cause this. Its a key reason as to why he doesn't talk about what he is. It makes people... uncomfortable. And to add to that, he has a sort of aura to him that unnerves people. The way he tends to look at people at though he’s looking through them instead of at them doesn’t help.
5. Fine arts. Something that doesn’t come up much in the books is that Sirrus has hobbies. And a love for the fine arts. All of them. The more unorthodox, the better. Sirrus is that person who is dead inside and will stare at a piece of artwork for ridiculous amounts of time, pondering it’s meaning. Not in a pretensions way, but in a “what the hell am I doing with my life” sort of way. He’s a walking essential crisis, but he’s nothing if not self aware. But in regards to the arts, if it’s a form of expression, then he’s all for it. And he will probably ask you to teach it to him or become a financial patron to your work. He thinks that art and the people that make it are under appreciated, and the idea of art dying out genuinely scares him to death. He doesn’t think a world without art is worth living in. As an extension to this, he loves history. He considered much of it distasteful, but he recognizes it’s importance.
Bonus: Sirrus likes to send extravagant gifts. This is partially due to the fact that he has a very large sum of money and nothing to spend it on. It’s a regular occurrence that you will mention liking something in passing and then end up having it sent to your house out of nowhere. Sirrus did this to V with basically an entire house of furniture, and V is still trying to process it. But this isn’t the only time he’s going to do something like that. Not by a long shot.
Let me know if you have any questions! I love answering them :D And if you have any input, I’ve love to hear that, too!
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If you could assign new zodiac signs to all the Obey Me sins, what would they be? I’ve never really agreed with their canon ones...
Honestly, same. I talked with a friend about what their signs would be, and when we got the official birthdays, I was incredibly disappointed and put off tbh.
Disclaimer - I am NOT an Astrology expert or whatever, I base everything on what I know, what I see, what I deduce, what I analyse and all that shtick.
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Now, I can say, I can very well agree with Mammon being a Virgo ( Although all Virgo men I met were shit, disgusting and very bad casanovas, the girls were very sweet, loving, kind ), so I’d see Mammon as the very sweet, tsundere kind of Virgo. Virgos are very down to Earth, lovely, in touch with their emotions and all that, and we’ve seen times and times again that Mammon lets his family walk all over him, just so they could feel better and refuel all their negative emotions in some kind of way. He’d literally give you his heart on a platter and would cry whenever he sees you as being loving to him in any kind of way.
On the other hand, I can see him being a Cancer as well - I see Cancer and Piesces as the most emotional and in-touch with their feelings signs, so is Mammon.
Now, Leviathan as an Aries, I can definitely see, considering this baby is impulsive and all hell - Anything that he likes comes up, he gets super excited and he does/buys/plays/watches it, binging days and nights on.  And let’s not forget how his emotions are a literal rollercoaster and to the extreme - Like, he can be super excited, then he gets super gloomy in a second, and then incredibly angry - Yes, Angry, the most Aries think one can be. Angry and Impulsive.
Now, the other one I could get would be Beelzebub being a Piesces, although I’d still see him as a Cancer, since they’re most stereotypically family-orientated, and he’s the only one who canonly has like 40% or more as “Family” as the thing he thinks and loves the most - No, not food, but his family. And he, I think, was actually the most wounded by Lilith’s death and Belphie going to the attic. 
This goes as a perfect anti-thesis with Belphegor who I would NEVER have seen as a Piesces, but being Twins, I guess there is that...But at least Gemini, and make it funny, come on. I know some Piesces can be super fake and bitchy, which, hey, Belphegor is a fake bitch, can’t change my mind, and that’s why I’d have kinda seen him as Gemini or maybe Scorpio too, because he has a Villain/Serial Killer vibe to him and that kind of Mysterious aura. His smile is obviously fake and screams Poison, and when he’s angry, he scared me more than Lucifer, because Lucifer is more obvious and predictable...And not a bitch. Belphegor is a bitch. Scorpios are also known to be jealous, secretive, resentful and controlling...And, uh...Remember the whole Killing MC thing? Yeah. Also, it’s said that in the original script, Belphegor is a fkn Yandere and he poisoned Satan for hanging out with MC...
For Asmodeus...Well, he’s a Taurus, alright, and they are basically known as being Sex personified or something - Just so fkn horny all the time and all that - And unfortunately, I have horrible experience with male Taurus who had no idea what Consent was and did things without me being okay with them - So I’d hate Asmo to be a Taurus because I’d associate him with a shithead. But Asmo is so much more than a sex-driven beast - Asmo wants love, wants someone genuine, wants a friend, wants cuddles and someone kind and sweet who would do self care routines with him and all that. The signs I’d choose for him would either be Scorpio, especially for his animal thing of his, or something like a Virgo - signs who are known to be feminine and sweet, but hide their true emotions very often and don’t want to bother people with their problems - In his case, Asmo’s true problem is his insecurity/looks that he tries to play as narcissism to compensate.
Now...Satan is a bit of a hard one to think about. He is a Libra, and they are said to have a hard time connecting to their humanity sometimes, so, can’t say that isn’t Satan, y’know? But they can also be very...Unlike Satan, like having troubles putting people first, having a great fashion style, struggling with confidence, indecisive...But hey, they are also natural social butterflies and are easily liked ( although by a persona many times, in Satan’s case ), as we know he has a shit ton of connections. In reality, Satan is difficult to put into one stereotype, and yes, Libra is a great sign for him, but I can also see him as other signs, maybe a Capricorn, a Scorpio, hell, maybe even a bit of Gemini or Aquarius.
And then, here’s the big man himself, Lucifer, the Morning star, who I was 100% sure was a Capricorn. As a retrospect, I am a Capricorn girl, and before I even knew of Obey me, I had friends saying that Lucifer was literally built to resemble me 100% in style, speech and behaviour - And that’s literally why I got into this game, I was curious how similar I and Lucifer were.
I am everyone’s mother in a group, and he is also very protective of his family, despite the way he punishes them ( although the situations is different for them than for humans, so it kinda makes sense anyway ), we bottle up our emotions and never tell them to anyone, we overwork ourselves until we completely exhaust ourselves, because if something isn’t done perfectly, we spiral and we’re afraid everything is out of our control and shit will go down ( Great Celestial War, Belphegor rebelling ), we are super emotional but we hide who we are behind incredibly arrogant and prideful facades of perfect coldness and superiority, ( yet our pride, ego and arrogance are actually pretty true, ngl, no wonder nobody likes me and people are afraid to even fkn approach me lol ), and we can be a bit controlling and want people to always do as we say, and we can easily feel betrayed by even the simplest things that people do without realising...Also, we want to communicate and value communication, but we’re kinda shit at it, oops.
I get the Cancer thing, since his character is literally built around him sacrificing his pride and freedom for the good of his family, but self-sacrifice and loving your loved ones endlessly is also a Capricorn trait, but it’s more underground since we’re cold bitches and nobody bothers seeing the good in us.
So, there you have it, my take on what the Sin Brothers’ signs should have been/What other signs could they have been assigned - And keep in mind, again, these are purely based on stereotypes and personal experience, I am in NO way a Zodiac expert or anything, just someone who likes to look at people and loves to read them.
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pisceanofinterest · 3 years
Calanthe and Eist’s Birth Charts
okay so because I’m a fucking nerd I decided to spend upwards of 6 hours a couple of weeks ago making birth charts for Calanthe and Eist, and I figured that I’d share them here since I put so much fucking work into them. 
Good to note that all of these traits are heavily influenced by @marvellouslymadmim ‘s incredible fics....
I’ve also taken the liberty to give them birthdays bahaha, and I didn’t do houses because that would have taken me an extra 10 hours so this is just the planets. It’s long so read below cut :)
Calanthe, December 23, 1218 (Sun- Mars + Rising placements)
Sun in Capricorn: center of self, other traits mix with this
Meticulous, dead-pan, practical, they get shit DONE son, very self-assured, sarcastic, need structure or they will literally fall apart (and they often do.. Although secretly), resourceful, intelligent, blunt… need I say more
Moon in Aquarius: rules emotions, moods, feelings
Observant, oftentimes considered “loners,” powerful defense mechanisms, willful, wil deny “irrational” emotions (jealousy, possessiveness, fear) in order to seem “above” others, independent, thrive off of “shock-value,” proud, don’t like “messy” emotions, can seem incredibly distant to the people closest to them, hide sensitivities very well, unpredictable, stubborn, and incredibly seductive and charming
Ascendent in Leo: the “mask” you wear, public persona
GREAT hair, cares about appearance (not necessarily out of vanity but out of an understanding that appearance can be a weapon), aware of how they are perceived, very tender and gentle with loved ones, say exactly what they think, enjoy being the center of attention… but ONLY when they choose to be
Mercury in Scorpio: planet of communication
meticulous→ gets to the bottom of EVERYTHING, great observers, suspicious, tend to focus on the negative, passionate, prone to lecturing rather than listening, however they are excellent at giving advice, better communicators when it comes to subjects that are not close to home→ have a hard time communicating needs/feelings, excellent strategizers, constructive criticism = destructive criticism (they will rip you to shreds), want to WIN conversations (and often do), defensive of people they care about, love a challenge
Venus in Pisces: planet of love and relationships
In love they are dreamy and soft, can be a little moody and irregular, hard to read, like to “feel things out” (HATE decision making), can take YEARS to commit to something/someone, want partners to know that their love is unconditional, like to save people, tender and affectionate, oftentimes hard to reach, flippant, absolutely devoted (eventually)
Mars in Scorpio: planet of sex and aggression
Lovesssss a challenge→ like to set personal goals to see if they can meet them/ bend the rules, formidable opponents, hard to read, high sexual stamina, generally get what they want in bed (ahem), possessive of partners (but will never admit it), can have a hard time compromising, great survival instincts, very protective people, show love through physical touch and sex, extrememly passionate individuals
Eist, June 26, 1219 (Sun-Mars + Rising)
Sun in Cancer: center of self
Protective, caring, nurturing, moody, led by emotions, good at hiding vulnerability but are VERY VULNERABLE, soft, self-sacrificing
Moon in Taurus: rules emotions, moods, feelings
Cherish familiarity, strong-willed, sensory, materialistic, persevering (sometimes to a fault), crave stability and often ARE that stability for others, very romantic, affectionate, sentimental, warm, enduring, hold on tight to their loved ones, loyal, serene, stubborn af, crave routine, need clear lines and boundaries
Ascendant in Pisces: “mask,” public persona, physical appearance 
Very very dreamy (and often have dreamy eyes), idealistic, go with the flow, gentle, peacemakers and peace lovers, chameleon- like persona (often can change easily to blend in with their environments socially and emotionally), can be shy or quiet but that’s because they are taking time to observe everything around them, however they loveeee to talk when the time is right, restless and searching, “feel their way through life,” rely heavily on emotions, irresistible charm, soft aura, very likeable
Mercury in Cancer: planet of communication
Communicate through feelings, sensitive, deep thinkers, can take time to respond to situations, excellent listeners, meditative and reflective, incredible memories (especially good at remembering emotional context), has a hard time letting emotions go, gentle, intuitive, sentimental, protective, soothing, nurturing, can get “lost” in another person’s way of thinking/feeling, very good with words (especially along the lines of letter writing and poetry)
Venus in Cancer: planet of love and relationships
Need commitment and predictability, sensitive, need security and care, pay more attention to their partner’s feelings than their words, excellent listeners, can be incredibly moody (especially if they don’t have an outlet for their stronger emotions), hate indifference (like indifference could literally kill them… so don’t do that), not afraid of confronting emotions, a bit anxious in love→ need reassurance, can be possessive, sentimental, tender, attached, cuddly, soft
Mars in Taurus: planet of sex and aggression
Calm and easy going, can have powerful tempers when pushed over the edge (but it doesn’t happen often), value strength and stability, need security, will spend years trying to achieve a goal, will not change their mind (like ever… well almost), immovable, extremely sensory when it comes to sex, long lasting and steady sexual stamina, not necessarily spontaneous but they stick to what they’re good at, very emotionally connected to sex (it’s never just physical)
Shared Placements (Jupiter-Pluto)
Jupiter in Scorpio: Jupiter represents the traits that bring us fortune
Incredibly emotional (but secretive about it), decisive, intense, have great will power, intuitive, creative, in control
Cal and Eist are both emotionally intelligent. They are seekers of truths and are determined in their efforts. Both like to be in control, both are led by emotions and passions rather than logic. When fully tapped into their emotions, they are unstoppable. When cultivated correctly, emotions become their most powerful tools and weapons. 
Saturn in Pisces: reveals limitations of the self
Saturn in Pisces people are incredibly helpful and are excellent caregivers; however they are not so good at directing that care towards themselves. In fact, they often shut down when someone directs pity (or what these Piscean placements deem as pity) at them. They like to be in control, so when they aren’t they become paranoid and anxious. Saturn in Pisces individuals have to work extra hard to take care of themselves-- this is one of their greatest faults.
Cal and Eist are both care-givers; they fiercely protect the people they love most. However, they have a hard time taking care of themselves, and letting others take care of them. They believe that they have the ability to protect themselves if they hold onto that self-control, but they often do not have self control as they are led primarily by emotion. Each of them needs coaxing from their loved ones to truly take care of themselves. They rely heavily on their close circles. 
Uranus in Gemini: rules friends, relationships, community, transformation, change, ideas
Uranus in Gemini people are super energetic and are incredible innovators. They are quick witted and quick tempered, often moving between emotions and ideas in moments. They are great transformers of thought, and often break traditions and taboos (rather gleefully). They hate authority, and will question it relentlessly.
Cal and Eist are both witty and intelligent people. They’re excellent strategists and politicians. Although they both perform their roles as diplomats and political leaders, they often go out of their way to subvert norms and question authority. They create new rules, they bend tradition. They hide in plain sight. 
Neptune in Virgo: to refine, planet of inspiration
Neptune in Virgo people are idealistic and detail oriented. They love to serve others, especially those in need. They value work and health and safety. They are versatile and adaptable. They are motivated by a sense of duty and helpfulness. 
Cal and Eist are excellent leaders and they truly value their positions as respective rulers of their nations. They are compassionate, though stern, and are ready to make hard decisions when it comes to issues of diplomacy. They are also quite stubborn, and oftentimes their opinions are conflated with fact. It’s important to note that the two generations following are Neptune in Libra (full of individuals who value harmony and diplomacy and justice-- ahem Pavetta), and Neptune in Scorpio (full of individuals who are secretive, profound, and enjoy solitude; people who also enjoy the search for truth and justice-- ahem Cirilla).
Pluto in Taurus: symbolizes rebirth, change, secrets
Pluto in Taurus individuals are incredibly stubborn and persistent. They value materials and will never be satisfied with the amount of resources they have. They hate change and love their way. 
Cal and Eist (and Mousesack and other characters around their age group) were born and grew up in a generation which sought, conquered, and maintained resources effectively. Cal, especially, used her strengths and her resourcefulness to protect and improve her kingdom; and for a majority of her rule maintained diplomacy without surrendering any of her power. However, the generation following Taurus is Gemini. This generation (including Cahir and Pavetta and potentially Ciri) are inquisitive and thirsty for ideas and knowledge. They are the breakers of tradition. Where Cal and Eist’s generation built and maintained some version of stability, Pavatta and Cahir’s generation destroy borders and bring about great change and innovation. 
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pangzi · 4 years
Otome Gay [Nielan] - Chapter 2
word count: 2394  other chapters:  INTRO - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 [AO3]
 Another week had passed since Huaisang gave Mingjue the game, and Mingjue was addicted. He had finished most storylines quite quickly, going for all endings as Huaisang had asked him to.
He had started with purple barista boy. At first he seemed like a brat with anger issues, but Mingjue quickly learned that with a few compliments the boy turned soft. Both stealing his heart and getting him to hate you weren’t very difficult with him. The neutral ending, however, was a pain in the ass to get. Give him one compliment too many, or say one wrong thing and your chance of a neutral ending drops to nearly zero.
Then he chose to try the med student. He was exactly as Mingjue expected him to be from the way he was drawn. He was a cute, shy boy. He looked up to his sister, as Huaisang had told Mingjue and was extremely driven. He was sweet, sometimes a little too sweet. Mingjue had to try his route so often he almost started to wonder if this boy even had a negative ending. Both the neutral and positive endings, however, were fairly easy to obtain.
Mingjue was currently trying to finish the rich kid’s routes. At first he didn’t like this one. The boy was a bit too proud for Mingjue’s liking. Mingjue kept getting stuck trying to get the positive ending, always getting the neutral one. This was the longest Mingjue had ever spent trying to finish one route without getting an alternative ending or having to restart. As a last resort, Mingjue was currently working all possible jobs in the game, trying to get enough money to buy rich kid the most expensive gifts. Right when Mingjue was about to buy said gifts, rich kid showed up at Mingjue’s house! To say Mingjue was surprised, when rich kid presented his character with a bouquet of roses and asked to give him a chance. Mingjue wasn’t sure whether he was annoyed at this ending, or if he was just happy he finally got the good ending and could finally move on.
After a shower and a quick meal, Mingjue decided to start the last character. Mingjue liked to tell himself that he left this one for last just because he was always together with the dancer kid Mingjue didn’t like. Definitely not because he was saving the best for last. 
He played the game all weekend and had only managed to unlock the neutral ending several times. Still, this was the character he enjoyed the most. Can a video game character have a calming aura? Because this character definitely had it. 
This was impossible. Absolutely impossible, and still Mingjue knew it shouldn’t be impossible. He had been able to unlock all endings for the other characters, so why was Art Guy different? Huaisang had said he was special, but it wouldn’t be that dating him was impossible, right? No, Art Guy was special enough without that. He was kind, more kind than any of the other characters. He had a beautiful smile, the only smile Mingjue actually noticed even. Conversations with him were always nice, never felt repetitive, and Mingjue just wanted to date him!
He was getting in too deep, way too deep. He had to stop playing. As a last resort, Mingjue had even tried to befriend the annoying little dancer boy, who ended up being even more annoying than expected. Befriending dancer boy only ended in Mingjue unlocking his positive ending, which made him want to throw his laptop out of the window. That’s when he knew it was time to stop. Enough otome game for the day…
Mingjue was going to get in bed, and have a nice long rest. It wasn’t until he got to bed he looked at the time. It was nearly 3AM and Mingjue wanted to die of shame. He needed a break from the game, he really did. This was going too far. He got in bed and promised himself that tomorrow he would not open the game, he wouldn’t even think of it or Art Guy. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t think of it right now. Yes, he was definitely getting in too deep. 
Mingjue was forcefully awoken from his slumber by his phone. Before he even looked at who was calling him, he checked the time. It was 7AM. What idiot calls him this early? Nobody he knew was even up this early. 
The idiot was Huaisang. Mingjue’s heart stopped for a minute. If Huaisang was calling him this early something must be up, Huaisang never woke up before ten. 
“Dage~”, Huaisang whined dramatically, the way only his brother could do. 
“Huaisang, what’s wrong?” Mingjue asked.
“Dage, you need to help me”, Huaisang whined. “It’s urgent” 
“Huaisang, tell me what’s wrong you’re worrying me” 
“Promise you won’t get mad at me first”, Huaisang mumbled. 
“Huaisang-” Mingjue grumbled, but then just sighed and promised. 
Huaisang hesitated for a bit. “I forgot my backpack at home and there’s a super important assignment inside it that I need to hand in this afternoon”, he mumbled and Mingjue immediately felt himself get annoyed. “I have class all morning so I can’t come pick it up, could you please, please, please, come bring it to my dorm.” 
Mingjue would like to say this was the first time Huaisang had forgotten his backpack at home but, sadly, it wasn’t. Mingjue couldn't even count the amount of times Huaisang has forgotten it on two hands. This was the first time it took him an entire week to notice, though. He sighed deeply, trying his best not to sound as annoyed as he was. 
“Is it in your room?” Mingjue asked, “I should be able to get it to you around lunchtime.” Huaisang immediately let out a sigh of relief and started thanking his brother. “How did it take you this long to notice, though?” Mingjue couldn’t help but ask. 
“I didn’t need it”, Huaisang stuttered.
“You didn’t need your backpack, full of school equipment, for over a week?” 
“I have to go to class”, Huaisang said quickly, “I’ll send you the address of my dorm again later. Thank you, dage!” Mingjue received the address and directions soon after Huaisang ended the call. 
Too annoyed by his brother’s stupidity to sleep, Mingjue decided to just get up and take his time getting ready. He had three more hours to fill before he had to leave. Looking in the mirror, he needed his time to get ready. He hadn’t shaved since Huaisang left and his hair resembled a bird’s nest.
After a thorough shower, a big breakfast and some exercises for his still healing foot, Mingjue was on his way to Huaisang’s university. He had forgotten how horrible public transport was, his hurt foot only making the two hour journey that more annoying, but seeing his brother again would be worth it. He had only seen him a week ago, but he just couldn’t help but miss the brat more than usual now that he was stuck at home alone. 
Huaisang’s directions were great, until he actually arrived on campus. This place was a maze and Huaisang’s directions were incredibly confusing, it didn’t take Mingjue long to get lost, at the moment he couldn’t even find his way back to somewhere the directions actually took him. With a deep sigh he gave up on even trying anymore and decided to just ask someone for help. 
But that was easier said than done, most people either shied away from the giant man asking them for help, or just told him they had to get to class and bolted, some girl even just said “I have a boyfriend” the second he approached her. 
“Good for you”, Mingjue replied but before he could even ask her for directions she had gotten up and left. This was hopeless, was he that intimidating? He had no choice but to keep trying until Huaisang got out of class, though. 
After two more people who just plain ignored him, and one who just told him no, he finally found someone who didn’t seem to think Mingjue was out to murder or date them. This one actually approached him, tapping him on the shoulder softly.
“Do you need some help?” A gentle, melodic voice asked. Mingjue couldn’t help but thank the gods as he turned around.
“Yes, please”, he replied and then completely lost all ability to speak. Right in front of him was Art Guy from Huaisang’s game. Was he hallucinating? Had the sun gotten him so dehydrated he was now imagining hot men? But, this man had tapped him on the shoulder, he had to be real! Or had he hallucinated that too? In his slight panic, he completely missed the hot stranger asking him something. 
“Are you okay? Here, have some water it’s quite hot today”, Art Guy pressed a bottle of water in Mingjue’s hands and ushered him to drink something. Yes, Mingjue needed a moment to get his thoughts in order. 
“Thank you”, Mingjue muttered, slightly ashamed of his reaction. “Could you maybe tell me how to get to this building? My brother forgot something at home over the weekend and asked me to drop it off”
Luckily Art Guy didn’t seem too bothered by Mingjue’s completely shocked reaction and just beamed at him. “You’re lucky, I’m going to there right now.” Mingjue was still trying to process the beautiful smile blinding him only seconds ago, to realise the man wanted him to follow him. With a deep breath he shook himself out of it, trying to calm his heart that was beating out of control, and followed the handsome stranger. 
They walked in silence for a while, Mingjue trying to figure out a reason for this entire situation, but he couldn’t really come up with anything, his brain to caught up in trying to take in the absolutely stunning human being walking next to him. 
“My brother lives in the same building as yours”, Art Guy suddenly said, “He might even know your brother, he seems to be on the same floor.”
“What’s his name?” Mingjue asked, “Maybe Huaisang has mentioned him, he usually has quite some dorm gossip whenever we speak”
Art Guy laughed. The sound did something to Mingjue’s heart and he couldn’t help but smile. It was a sound Mingjue wouldn’t mind hearing more often. 
“I doubt he will have any gossip about my brother. Wangji is quite the model student.” Art Guy said. “I’m Lan Xichen, by the way” Art Guy, Xichen, threw him another bright smile, after he introduced himself and maybe Mingjue’s heart stopped for a moment. Mingjue had no idea what was happening, no man had ever had such influence on him this fast. 
“Nie Mingjue,” Mingjue hummed, “Huaisang might have mentioned him” Mingjue was almost sure he had, but he couldn’t exactly remember in what context. Huaisang told him so much gossip about so many people, it was only normal Mingjue couldn’t remember. 
“We’re almost there”, Xichen said, “Wangji and I have lunch together every Monday, I got lost on my way to his dorm every single time in the beginning”
Mingjue felt his cheeks heat up a bit, but it was nice to know he wasn’t stupid for getting lost. “Huaisang gave me directions, but this place… Everything looks the same I couldn’t figure out where to go”
Xichen laughed again. “I know, I know exactly how you feel, and when you ask for help everyone looks at you like you’re insane!”
“I was starting to think something was wrong with me”, Mingjue chuckled, “Thankfully you found me!” 
“I immediately recognized the signs”, Xichen said, “I knew I had to help!”
“I’m glad you did, otherwise I’d still be begging people to help me”
Xichen smiled at him and then motioned to a building. “I have safely brought you to your destination!” They walked inside, only to be stopped by someone immediately. 
The person in front of them looked at Mingjue with a slight frown on his face for a moment before turning to Xichen. “Brother”, he greeted Xichen. 
“Wangji”, Xichen beamed, “Sorry I’m a bit late, I couldn’t help but help Mingjue here find the way here too! We got a bit distracted chatting and I took a wrong turn somewhere” They did? Mingjue hadn’t even noticed, which wasn’t that surprising as he didn’t know the place at all. Wangji nodded at Mingjue and then turned to his brother again. 
“Shall we go then? If we are late they might give our table to someone else”, Wangji asked his brother, and before Mingjue knew Xichen was saying his goodbyes, quickly pointing him towards Huaisang’s hallway before disappearing with his brother. 
Mingjue tried to say goodbye as well, but everything went so fast and before he even got the chance to say thank Xichen properly for helping him, Wangji had already pulled his brother towards the doors again. Mingjue should have asked for his number… Not that there had been a good time, but he should’ve created a good moment to asked. 
Trying not to sulk about it too much, Mingjue made his way to where Huaisang’s dorm was. He had barely knocked on the door when it swung open already.
“Dage~!” Huaisang yelled, pulling him inside and immediately pulling his backpack from his brother’s shoulders. “Did you find your way here easily? I guess you did as you didn’t call me for more directions”
“Actually”, Mingjue huffed, “Your directions were shit, I had to ask someone here for help” 
Huaisang looked at him with a shy grin for a moment, before shrugging and starting to rummage through his backpack. “But you found it!”
“I did… And about that, Huaisang” Huaisang’s eyes got big at his brother’s tone. He knew something was coming that his brother wasn’t too happy about. “How come I bumped into one of your video game characters. I almost thought I was hallucinating!” 
“You didn’t tell him?” Huaisang’s roommate asked, Mingjue hadn’t even noticed he was there too. Huaisang just laughed nervously and hid himself behind his fan as he always did when nervous. 
“Tell me what?” Mingjue grumbled. 
Huaisang’s roommate turned around in his chair, Mingjue nearly cringed at the way he was sitting, that position couldn’t be comfortable. “We based our character designs on people we know! My brother is in it, my sister’s annoying peacock boyfriend, my boyfriend’s brother and his best friend, my best friend…” 
Mingjue turned to his brother again, slightly annoyed. “And you didn’t think I should know?” 
Huaisang shrugged. “We live two hours away, it’s not like the chance was big you would ever bump into them!”
Mingjue was about to open his mouth again but Huaisang was already pulling him back outside. “Dage, stop worrying about it, now you know! Let's go eat, I’m hungry and you don’t want to spend the precious time you have with your brother being angry at him, do you?” 
Mingjue just sighed and wrapped an arm around his brother. He was right, it wasn’t like it was something that could’ve harmed him. It was just weird bumping into someone he’d been actively trying to date in some game all weekend. Mingjue couldn’t help but be curious, though.
“Which one is he?” Mingjue asked.
“What do you mean?”
“Xichen, is he the brother, the sister’s boyfriend, the boyfriend’s brother…?”
Huaisang grinned at his brother, softly bumping his shoulder against him. Mingjue stopped the teasing words that were about to leave Huaisangs mouth with a glare. “The boyfriend’s brother.” Huaisang answered instead. “And if you would like to know, I’m pretty sure he’s into men, maybe I could even set up a date!” 
“Nie Huaisang!” Mingjue grumbled, pushing his brother away. He didn’t need his brother setting up dates for him! He could do that perfectly fine himself! If only he could meet Xichen again… 
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haevatein · 4 years
🔥 ‘゚・ 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓
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𝐆𝐎𝐃 𝐎𝐅 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄; 𝐋𝐀𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐌𝐀𝐃𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒. Shifter of Shapes, the Catalyst of Change. Untamable and volatile, troublesome, tester of minds. A wild flame that inspirires creativity and life.
NAME: Loke Laufeyjarson TITLES:  Bekki, Blind, Gammleid (leader of amusement), Haloge, Hveðrungr (roarer), Lokabrenna (loki’s torch/burning by loki), Lóðurr, Logaþore, Loge, Lôgna, Logi, Lokkji, Loptr (lofty), Lucky, Loki, Laugaz (blazing god), Laugatjanaz (blazing one), Rogur (slanderer), Slaegi (sly), slaegurtyr (sly god), Wildfire, Villieldr (blazing) ,Dogstar, Sataere (the thief in ambush), Lævatein, Hævatein, Trickster, Liesmith, Truth-speaker, Fire-Bringer, Scarlip, Fireball, Demon, Silvertongue, Vaelandi (debasing), Shifter Of Shapes.
God of Fire and Chaos, God of Mischief and Creativity, God of Laughter and Mirth. God of Madness and Change.
Son of Laufey, Farbauti’s Son, Begetter of Serpents, Father of Wolves, Sire of Half-Born Hel, Mother of Horses.
Brother of Byleist, Brother of Helblinde, Blood Brother of Oden, Confidant of Thor, Friend of Oden, Friend of Thor, Fromkveda Flaerdanna (seductive speaking), Gift bearer, Harmer of Sif’s hair, Prisoner of Geirrodr, Sea Thread’s Father (the sea thread is a kenning for the midgard serpent), Sky-Walker,  Staunch Friend of Hoenir, Thief of Brisingamen, Thief of Giants, Thief of Idunn’s Apples. The Sky Traveller, Architect and Destroyer of Worlds, Opener of Forbidden Doors,  Builder of Asgard, Lighter-than-Air. 
Bonus: One kenning used to identify Thor is Bragdmilldr Loka (compassionate to Loki).   
AGE: 1,500,000,000+, exact age unknown. SPECIES: Jötun and Aesir God. GENDER:  Male, but is able to shapeshift to the opposite gender. ORIENTATION: Bisexual/Demi-romantic. SPOKEN LANGUAGES: Old Norse, Runic, Allspeak. LOCATION: Verse dependent. Mainly Asgård or Midgård, can also be seen on Jötunheimr.
Laufey ( mother )
Farabute ( father )
Byleist ( brother )
Helblinde ( brother )
Oden ( brother through blood-pact)
Balder, Thor, Vidarr, Hodir, Tyr ( sort-of nephews; sons of Oden) 
Sigyn ( wife / verse dependent )
Angrboda ( lover ) 
Narfi and Vali ( twin sons )
Fenrir ( son ) 
Jörgumandr ( son ) 
Sleipner ( son )
Hel ( daughter ) 
Moder ( daughter )
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Loke often appears with the height of 7'5"ft ( 229cm ); he is taller than most humans, but he is shorter than most Jötnar. His mother still towers above him. But to his height is average to that of an Aesir male.
 He mostly appears as a 27-30 year old man or woman to others, but can change his physical age. His body is athletically built with defined muscles, however not as muscular and large as other male Aesir such as Thor or Tyr.
The Trickster has sharp but not unpleasant features, to most he is beautiful to look upon, no matter the gender. He wields an alluring aura. Like fire, Loke’s eyes are bright and intense. A flame-like red and yellow, wich gleams even in the faintest of shadows. Black dots under the lower lashes frame the eyes. He has many freckles sprinkled across his face, most notable over his cheekbones, the bridge of his nose and above his eyebrows. 
Curved horns with old-nordic patterns engraved into their surfaces decorate the top of his head. They are his most striking features alongside his fiery red hair; untamed and wild just like his nature. It is lenghty and reach past his hips, and curl around his horns and spread out as if the laws of gravity does not apply to his hair, he often let the hair be braided into one or three braids that drape over his shoulders. His skin is pale and on syren tinted lips are permanent, rough jacks and scars, a result after the punishment where he got them sewn together. His ears are pointed, and his nails are sharp like claws, often painted black.
HEIGHT: 7'5"ft / 229cm (can be altered, true heigh is giant; sky-reaching) EYE COLOUR: Fire-Red and Yellow HAIR COLOUR: Fiery Red with a gradient to bright yellow at the hair’s edges. SKIN COLOUR: Pale BUILD: Athletic
Loke takes interest in things that pleases him. Mischief; pranks and a bit of chaos entertains him greatly, but so does also the entertainment of others. He often interacts with mortal beings; either to chat or to cause minor trouble, eitherway it amuses him most of the time. He also enjoys horseback riding, sex, food and alcohol.
He’s a very light-hearted God, who often wear a sly smile on his face. It is uncommon to find him in a serious mood, even when the situation would call for it. He is compassionate and giving to those who are devoted to him, most of his actions aimed at his worshippers have good intention, but his methods are that of rough love; making others face the hard truth, face their insecurities as he guides them to their fated path. This doesn’t make him any less of a mischevious trickster,however, even to his followers. He will find amusement along the journey, be it on their behalf, others, or his own.
But despite his easy-going and wild nature, Loke is capable of great anger, of wrath, an emotion one does not wish to evoke from him- as the lenghts he will go to get that sweet revenge are great and have no limits. He is not beyond killing someone out of spite or sheer annoyance. To get on Loke’s bad side is to wish for a life filled with unrest. And with Hela, the Goddess and Ruler of the Unworthy dead, as his daughter, not even death may be peaceful.
MORAL ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral
POSITIVE TRAITS: Charismatic, intelligent, humorous, playful, curious, creative, ambitious, patient, loyal, passionate, caring, generous.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Manipulative, crafty, mischevious, decietful, distrustful, violent, chaotic, impulsive, rude, hateful, jealous, vengeful, volatile, unpredictable, unscrupulous, dishonest, juvenile, proud, stubborn.
INTELLIGENCE: Loke has a genius level intellect and possesses a great deal of knowledge and wisdom. He is often valued as many mortal’s pateron god not only for his mischevious and light-hearted nature, but for his advice and knowledgeable mind. He is also extremely cunning and skilled, an expert battle strategist, and a highly skilled; charming and charismatic manipulator, which is evident by the ease how Loke repeatedly succeeded to regain the trust of his fellow Gods, despite his numerous deciets.
SKILLED COMBATANT: Loke is a formidable combatant, as a hand-to-hand fighters, and particularly as a swordsman or in the use of seidr during combat situations. Against mortal beings (super-human or not) Loke will win with overwhelming easy victory, the strenght of a god is not to be underestimated or down-played. The sheer force of his screams are powerful enough to cause violent earthquakes on Midgård(earth) when he is not even present on that world.
SUPERHUMAN STRENGTH: Loke, without the aid of anything, through his own biology, possess strenght far FAR greater than that of an average human male, even mortal beings enchanced with superhuman abilities or strenght ( keep in mind that just the pure force of his screams is powerful enough to cause destructive earthquakes on Midgård when he is not even on that realm; hence the name Roarer ).  However his physical strenght is average in comparision to the most skilled warriors of his fellow Gods such as Tyr, Freyr and Thor.
FIRE-RESISTANT: He is resistent to fire, all kinds of fire. Fire will not harm him.
SUPERHUMAN LONGEVITY: Loke will not die unless killed by another God. Only Gods are able to truly harm him and mortally wound him, and even kill him. If killed he reincarnates.
DREAM-VIEWING: Loke can enter; watch and interact with other beings’ dreams. There he can see their desires; ambitions and personality traits. He can gain knowledge of secrets kept away if the person is not strong-willed enough to keep it hidden in their dreams.
TELEPORTATION: He can teleport himself or others across dimensions and space and time.
PSIONICS: Loke has powerful psionic capabilities He has the ability to project his thoughts telepathically well as potent hypnotic capabilities.
SHAPE-SHIFTING: Loke possesses shape-shifting abilities through his own biology. He is able to adopt any form imaginable whether it be animals, other humanoid beings, or even inanimate objects— and gaining the abilities of whatever form he takes. The only limit is his own imagination.
PYROKINESIS: Loke is a God of Fire. He is able to control the elements of fire as he so see fit. He can summon flames to physically appear in his hands and around his body or use his sorroundings to control it at will. There is no limit to the amount of fire he can produce, nor how high he can turn up the temperature- if he wanted to, he could melt down buildings made out of rock, and metal. He could make a planet’s earth crumble under the heat. This also makes him invulnerable to fire, all types of fire.
RESSURECTION: Just as his fire may bring destruction and chaos and death, it can also bring warmth and life.  He is able to bring life to the recently deceased, and is thought to be one of the Gods who created the first humans (together with Höenir and Oden). 
INVISIBILITY: Loke, like his fellow Gods; is able to render himself unseen to the eye of other beings. A nice quirk benefitting Gods as they can shred themselves of physical flesh and roam as shapeless entities in any realm, or in mortal minds. He can remain unseen to mortal eyes for as long as he so desire, and only shows himself for those he wants to see him. However sharp-minded and attentive beings can possibly sense something is there, but not actually see him.
ILLUSIONS: Loke is able to fool his enemies who try to attack him with illusions of himself. He can also cast illusionary images inside mortal beings minds— fooling them by making them think what is not there, exists, as well as affect their senses while they're in that illusionary reality.
PROJECTION: Loke, like all other Gods, is able to be at multiple places at the same time, without loosing any attention or power. With many devoted to their Pantheon, there are many beings’ prayers to pay attention to.   
Loke is the son of the giants Farabute and Laufey, and brother to Byleist and Helblinde. By the Giantess Angrboða, Loke is the father of Hel (the Goddess of Death, and ruler of Helheimr), the Giant Wolf Fenrir, and the World Serpent Jörmungandr. By his wife Sigyn, Loke is the father of Narfi and Nari. By the stallion Svaðilfari, Loke is the mother—giving birth in the form of a mare—to the eight-legged horse Sleipnir.
Brought from the realm Jötunheimr by Oden, Loke was recruited to assist the Gods. Oden and Loke saw kinship in eachother as they both were equal in their cunning, wisdom. knowledge and trickery. They held great mutual respect for eachother, and enjoyed the other’s company enough to share their blood, therefore becoming blood-brothers.
“ Remember, Othin, | in olden days   That we both our blood have mixed;   Then didst thou promise | no ale to pour,   Unless it were brought for us both.”
Their relationship is a complicated story of trust and deciet and betrayal. They see eachother as friends, and brothers. Making a blood-pact oath to treat eachother as family. Oden and Loke are and were closer than any of the other Gods were in relation to the All-father, aside from Frigga, Oden’s wife, and his children. With time this trust was broken, both sides to blame — and their feud would come to bring upon the end of all the Realms. Ragnarök.
Loke’s relation with the Gods varies. Loke sometimes helps the Gods and sometimes causes problems for them. Loke is a powerful user of seidr, a shape shifter and a God of Fire and Madness and Chaos and Mischief. But he is also known as the God of Laughter and Mirth, Creativity and Change. Nothing with the Gods is black or white. They are all assholes and good people. Human and mortal logic and morals are not to be expected from them.
Loke’s positive relations with the Gods end with his role in, out of jealousy and resentment, engineering the death of the god Baldr, Oden’s son. He also appeared as a foe of the Gods, entering their banquet uninvited and demanding their drink. Loke is eventually bound by the Gods with the entrails of his sons, Narfi and Vali as punishment for killing the God of Light.
Depending on the timeline, Loke is loyal to Asgard and often ally with them— but, past complicated events that lead to Loke loosing trust in the Aesir, Loke flips the switch and grows hateful of the Aesir. He becomes so spiteful and vengeful he engineers Baldr’s death, and as punishment he is bound to to a rock where the venom of a snake is to drip onto Loke’s face forever, with his wife Sigyn keeping him company during his punishment. Eventually he escape from his bonds; more vengeful than ever. He wish to gain revenge upon those he feel have wronged him. With the Gods no longer countable, Loke takes the opposing side of the Aesir during Ragnarök; the End of All Worlds- he chose to oppose them alongside his children ( who also sought revenge for their mistreatment by the Aesir) and be responsible for their ruin.
After Ragnarök, Loke had ‘died’ during the war and was reincarnated, like the other deceased Gods. As the Worlds healed and became hospitable for life, Loke opted to lay low until things began moving in the Realms once more.  
Past Ragnarök he is no longer fueled with rage and a thirst for revenge. He is tired and avoids the Gods most of the time; having grown past their previous disputes, as it does not serve immortal dities well to hold an eternal grudge. He is still drawn to chaotic events and mischief; his charm and impish and playful attitude intact, but he is less likely to cause major trouble.
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mountphoenixrp · 4 years
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We have a new citizen in Mount Phoenix:
                                 Dao Anwei, who is known by no other name;                                                a 19 year old son of Bixia Yuanjin.                                             He is a masseur at Halo Salon & Spa.
FC NAME/GROUP: Liu Yangyang, WayV. CHARACTER NAME: Dao An-Wei. AGE/DATE OF BIRTH: March 16th, 2001. PLACE OF BIRTH: Xi'an, China. OCCUPATION: Masseur at Halo, Salon & Spa. HEIGHT: 167.64cm. WEIGHT: 135lbs. DEFINING FEATURES: Eyes that glow during dawn as the sun rises. pale skin, that’s looks like he’s never seen the sun. His skin also won’t tan. Something else he got from his mother, who he always remembered as being pale.
PERSONALITY: He’s a rather soft-spoken yet firm person, doesn’t see fit to raise his voice unless he needs to. His warm aura that seems to relax people. whether it’s his powers or just his personality. Not even he knows. An-Wei, is and always has been a very emotional and emotionally open person wears his heart on his sleeve and you can at a glance know what he’s feeling.
HISTORY: He was born in Xi'an, China to a woman who went by Xia-Ling (Bixie Yuanjun) and a Taiwanese national called Dao Ying-Jian. He has an elder brother called Qing-Jian, they got along fairly well, despite him being very sickly as a child, Unless he was about five.
He wasn’t amazing in middle school until they moved to Taiwan when he was eleven, His mother was presumed missing and or kidnapped just a year before. When she’d gone shopping and never came back.
Once in Taiwan, strange things started happening, Younger children inexplicably started to warm up to him super quick and babies wouldn’t ever cry near him but start doing so when he left the room. When at thirteen, his step-mother handed him his wailing fourteen-month-old step-sister; Ruby. and even he wasn’t even holding right, in his stepmom’s opinion she stopped crying almost like a switch had been switched off.
He and his step-mom always gotten along even he never really considered her his mom. They were best friends and he was always who she called when Ruby, his step-sister was misbehaving. He had this weird way of just calming her down. Within minutes, the tantrum-throwing, hell-child would laughing herself to tears, as if she hadn’t been yelling down the house less than fifteen minutes before.
An-Wei, Also around the time he started his final year of middle noticed, something else. He was peppy and energetic during the crazy early hours he had to wake up for school.
If he had hurt himself, the previous day he’d notice by the time he got to school, bruises seemed to be gone and cuts or scrapes were healing much faster than before. Which helped since he was bullied a bit for being as Physically weak as he was.
During the long bright mornings of Summer, oddly enough it seemed that even the bullies left him an oddly calming effect coming over them making less interested in harming him. He also felt more energised during summer. Despite being outside so much he never tanned either.
PANTHEON: Chinese CHILD OF: Bixia Yuanjin
Calming aura: Merely being in the room with will soothe any young person with a distempered nature in the moment, also tends to defuse anger in adults.
Dawning day: Will offer a power boost to Calming aura as well as provides a healing effect if he gets hurt. he must be outdoors to be healed by the dawn. in a clear space.
My Lady: He seems to be able to set women at ease just by being in the room. pregnant women are more likely to feel the effect of this power strongly
Touch of Sun: Only effective during the early morning, but when around An-Wei other people especially though who are young or for tried due to stress will be struck with a profound pick me up and an upswing in mood.
Walking pick me up: He’s always upbeat and positive no matter how poorly his day has gone not dwelling on the bad things that happen helps out a lot
Open book: You’ll always been on the same page as him when it comes to how he’s feeling. He never hides it, no need to worry about how he’s feeling at all because you can tell by looking at him.
Confidant: Never shall he speak of the secret or the sensitive information he is told. Even with risk to his physical being. Never will he tell another secret or a thing they said to him in confidence.
Negative overflow: Powerful extremes of emotions like Anger, dislike and distaste and defuse his calm aura power. So genuinely Rageful hateful and those are disgusted will defuse his Calming aura.
Delicate handle with care: An-Wei’s powers are not, offensive in any way the only thing he has as an advantage in a fighting scenario is, that he will heal quickly in the right circumstances after a fight.
Short Circuit: He can get emotionally overwhelmed very easily; in a situation where he’s experiencing the strong or extreme negative emotions of others. It can disable his powers.
eg: An excess of rage will slow his healing after a fight. it slows to a crawl if it is happening at sunset or night.
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seoulscenarios · 6 years
College AU! Choi Chanhee/New
author’s note: there’s mentions of alcohol and slightly nsfw content just after the competition which u can skip if it’s too uncomfortable!
-Major: mathematics
-Minor: statistics
-Sports: lol no
-Clubs: president and leader of the mathletes!!! Used to be part of choir but left bc of his dedication and promotion to president of the mathletes club
-Chanhee is scary smart at mathematics, like, super scary smart
-He can do complex linear equations half asleep and can often be found watching TED talks or graduate lectures online because he’s bored or wants to know more about a particular aspect of maths that his lecturer refuses to teach until graduate level
-He’s just extremely smart and inquisitive and wants to go beyond the scope of mathematics that is usually taught at his level
-His dream is to develop new mathematics that can be applied in medical research because he wants to make the world a better place
-Despite Chanhee being scarily smart and giving off an aura that he knows everything, he studies extremely hard, to the point where his roommate Changmin feels bad that he’s playing a game on his phone because he might distract Chanhee
-Chanhee really doesn’t mind though, finding Changmin’s presence really soothing and constant, which is what he needs when he’s studying bc too many demanding presences will drive his brain into overload and he can’t solve his Diophante equations
-He will also randomly murmur mathematical and theorem laws under his breath as he walks around campus and once got a textbook thrown at him by Sunwoo who thought he was chanting satanic rituals, which afterwards when Chanhee explained exactly what Fermat’s Little Theorem was (“look Sunwoo, all I’m saying is that it’s pretty simple even Hyunjoon could do it and he hates maths. It’s just, if p is a prime number, then for any interger a, the number a to the power of p where a is an integer multiple of p, quite simple really”) Sunwoo was even more horrified and convinced that Chanhee was a demon
-Only Eric was partially sympathetic to Chanhee’s number plights, knowing that it was difficult even though he only had a fraction (hah) of the work Chanhee had
-Mathematics, really did drain the life and soul out of Chanhee a lot to the point where he rarely got out to see his friends bc lo and behold, his statistics professor wants to hold another 2 hour lecture later bc he got a special guest lecturer to talk about the use of statistics in crime scene analysis which, to be honest, Chanhee wasn’t particularly interested in but he knew he could quiz the lecturer on complex maths and that’s always fun for Chanhee (not so much for the lecturer however, who had sweaty palms and kept stuttering when trying to answer his questions)
-So when he was invited out by his friends, 9/10 times he would say no, preferring to catch up on the work he thought he had finished yet somehow there were still pages upon pages of problems to do and he was drowning in it
-Not that he didn’t want to go out with his friends but his education did come first
-He didn’t spend all his time during high school working his butt off in class and several part time jobs to afford tuition to spend all of it on drinking alcohol or partying
-Not that he didn’t do those things, but they were once in a blue moon
-But when he did, boy did he go hard
-He didn’t have to drink the alcohol for a good time, but it just felt good to sit back with his pals and listen to Juyeon complain about how his latest animation assignment went dreadfully wrong as he accidentally played it in negative colour and double the speed and he couldn’t stop it or give Younghoon pointers in his latest scriptwriting venture
-Though, Younghoon didn’t appreciate all the math based puns he suggested
-Chanhee also loved to go to Kevin’s many gigs he did all over campus, preferring the acoustic sets he did with Jacob and Sangyeon to heavy rock sets he did with some intimidating mechanical engineering majors but he went to as many as possible
-Which confused a lot of the usual people who haunted these events, wondering what uptight, white button up shirt, maths nerd Chanhee was doing here instead of sticking his nose in a geometry textbook
-Simply put, Chanhee was an enigma
-Seemingly quiet and reserved and often times, scary but when he was with his friends he was screaming wildly and being the butt of affectionate jokes between the boys, knowing they were only teasing him and he just laughed along to it, enjoying when Changmin and Younghoon would cling to him after they thought they took a joke too far
-Chanhee just knows what he wants, he’s a simple guy
-But seeing Chanhee in his full element of super scary smart maths student was watching him at mathlete competitions
-He was the captain of his team and helped with recruiting and training
-Chanhee just loved the competition because, believe it or not, he never really bragged about his cleverness but being in competitions and being complimented for it? Chanhee THRIVED off it
-Sure, he got compliments from his friends, but mainly they were just confused and scared of his cleverness because no one willingly chose to do maths so Chanhee just shrugged it off
-But mathlete competitions… Chanhee was in his element
-He normally took a back seat, letting his team members take centre stage until they struggled with a question or had a blank moment he just smoothly took over, steering the team back into focus and he couldn’t help but let out a small smile when one of his team members got a question or concept correct when they struggled with it in training
-It’s actually how you met Chanhee, at a mathlete competition
-Except, you weren’t on his team oh no
-You were a captain from another college whom he had a rivalry with ever since you beat him after his team had a winning streak of 15 wins, the longest streak in the history of this competition
-Chanhee was confused at first, considering your team was never on his radar as competition but as soon as you flashed him a smug smile from the opposite side of the room something inside of him snapped
-From that day onwards, you were his rival
-At every competition the two of you did as much as you could to annoy each other, from sending each other glares during the others answer section or to tripping each other in the lunch queue
-Sure it was petty but you and Chanhee knew better than to resort to anything more than that
-Sometimes he could even be nice to you, especially if it was outside the competition
-Once you met him at a guest lecture on the use of statistics in cancer research and he sent you a small smile when you took a seat next to him
-Chanhee just confused you
-He went from being cold and aloof to nice and caring
-You didn’t know how to respond to him in either situation, so you just matched him if not a little more snarky
-For you, these mathlete competitions were your chance to prove yourself amongst your peers who looked down you at first as you were not from a particular academic background and didn’t have the most perfect academic record, which for some reason seemed to matter to some of your peers
-So yeah, even though you weren’t in the same elite as them, maths was the only thing that made sense to you growing up and you quickly grasped concepts that confused a lot of your classmates in high school
-When you got into college on your dream course you were ecstatic but you were soon put down when the snobby kids looked down on you
-So, to get back at them, you “auditioned” for the mathlete club and shocked the entire department when you coolly breezed through the questions without slipping up
-You were accepted onto the team, albeit with a bit of scepticism but when you won them their first competition they quickly warmed up to you, going into your second year of college as the captain of the team
-Going back to Chanhee, the first time you met him was something especially when you surprisingly beat his team and you knew that they were the team to beat
-You were just as shocked as he was when you beat him, causing Chanhee to start being aloof and cold to you at competitions
-So you just retaliated by making snarky comments
-And that’s how your rivalry started
-Every competition just got worse, especially in preparation for the finals
-And unsurprisingly, yours and Chanhee’s teams beat all the others and were the finalists
-The lead up to the competition was brutal, with you and Chanhee grilling your team for hours upon hours in preparation and loads of questions being thrown and tensions running high
-Your team knew that you were just grilling them to prove yourself worthy of being their team captain, and beating Chanhee’s legendary team would be the biggest proof that you were worthy of leading them
-Not that they believed otherwise, they had never gotten to the final beforehand and just getting there was amazing to them
-They also were friendly with Chanhee’s team and knew that he never stopped talking about you, a small frown decorating his face whenever he mumbled out your name in breaks
-And maybe there was a group chat which contained everyone but the two of you in order to get you two together
-Because everyone, and I mean everyone, thought you would be perfect together
-So they decided to organise a mathlete party because believe it or not, the math students know how to throw a party
-And maybe there was going to be a plot to lock the two of you into a cupboard so you would at least talk to each other
-It all just depended on the final and who would win, because if Chanhee won he would be smug and try to rub it in your face whereas if you win, Chanhee would probably sulk but maybe congratulate you
-They were secretly hoping that you would win but with how hard Chanhee has been training his team, you couldn’t be sure
-So when the competition rolls around, you’re uncharacteristically flappable, making mistakes and tripping over your words
-Chanhee couldn’t help but feel a little bit bad for you, but when the competition got going his adrenaline took over and with every mistake you made, he got more confident and slightly more cocky, not bothering to hide his grin as you made yet another easy error and got frustrated with yourself
-In the end, Chanhee’s team won
-You wouldn’t be as angry as you were if you didn’t make as many mistakes as you did but seeing Chanhee’s smug smile as the announcer presented his team with the trophy and the audience cheering for him (you were pretty sure half of them were Chanhee’s friends as they were hollering at him during the entire competition) you couldn’t help but hold back the angry tears that threatened to spill over
-Your team soothed you backstage and decided that you were going to go to the party, getting alcohol in your system and celebrating that this is the first time your college had gotten to the final of the mathlete competition
-You agreed to go, as long as you didn’t have to face Chanhee
-But the universe had different plans for you and before you knew it, you found yourself locked in a cupboard with your rival and your team giggling as they locked the door
-“Chanhee this is your chance!”
-“Y/N just talk to him!”
-“Chanhee, shoot your shot kiddo!”
-You were a bit confused as to what your team and you guess Chanhee’s friends were talking about because as far as you were aware, you didn’t really have much of an opinion of Chanhee
-You could appreciate that he was extremely attractive, especially when he came in with pink hair, but in this low lighted cupboard, you could see the angle of his nose and the way his eyes seemed to sparkle and a small smile tugged at his lips, pulling up at the corners
-Your breath hitched slightly as he took a step closer to you, backing you up against the door
-“You did great today Y/N, shame I was just a bit better” he smirked at you, leaning his hand against the door, trapping you in between him and said door
-You could smell the alcohol on his breath, knowing that you probably weren’t much better with the amount of beers and some shots you did with your team
-“Shut up, we did our best and at least we’re not as cocky as you are when we do win. There’s always next year” you mused
-You looked up into his eyes and there was an unreadable expression in them, briefly glancing at your lips then back into your eyes
-Before you knew it, you were kissing Chanhee, arms snaking around his neck as he wrapped one arm around your waist and pressed you against the door, lips making their way down your neck leaving marks before returning to your lips
-After a few minutes, you pushed him away panting for breath
-“Let’s take this back to my place”
-The two of you ran out of the party hand in hand, stumbling slightly as the fresh air hit your slightly drunk selves as you made your way back to Chanhee’s dorm
-You woke up the next morning, a pounding in your head as you attempted to sit up before promptly flopping back down and hitting something solid
-Oh, that’s what happened last night, you thought to yourself as Chanhee groaned and woke up
-You couldn’t help but blush at the sight of him with a few hickies decorating his neck as he smiled sleepily at you
-Something inside you snapped and you realised that all this time maybe you developed a little crush on the boy you just hooked up with
-“I… uh…. Have to g-go, y-yeah I have a lecture hahah see you later!”
-With that you bolted up and threw on the nearest clothes you could find, cringing at yourself before throwing yourself out of Chanhee’s dorm
-As you left, it took every bit of self restraint to not look back but you could swear you heard Chanhee say your name but you were gone before you could hear anymore
-Running down the stairs, you took the steps two at a time and bumped into someone
-You looked up and saw someone you vaguely recognised, maybe they were someone at the competition yesterday and you winced in pain as you tried to remember but the hangover had fully hit you at this point
-“Isn’t that Chanhee hyung’s jumper?”
-Your eyes widened and your hands flew to pull at the neck of the jumper, hoping to hide the hickies that lay there but instead your actions drew the attention of the few boys that were now gathered and you could see smirks spreading across their faces
-“Uh… no who’s Chanhee hahah?” you laughed out awkwardly, edging away from them
-“Chanhee, mathematics major from this university, has a massive crush on you though has probably only just realised, much like yourself, owner of many tragic jumpers with math puns on, and I know this is Chanhee’s jumper because I bought it for him for his last birthday. I’m Jaehyun by the way, the others are Kevin and Eric. We’re friends of Chanhee’s, and I guess yours now nice to meet you!”
-You blinked at him
-Crush on me??
-You then ran
-Too many thoughts were going round your head as you ran from the unfamiliar building into more unfamiliar territory is when it fully hit you that this wasn’t your campus and you just laughed at yourself
-“Y/N? Jaehyun said you didn’t know where you were going… I hope this isn’t too much but I just wanted to make sure you were okay?” you turned to find Chanhee, pink hair all tousled and a pyjama shirt thrown over his track pants
-You couldn’t help but smile at his figure as he approached you, gently taking your face in his hands
-“Can I kiss you Y/N?”
-“Do you even like me Chanhee? Because I just realised 10 minutes ago that I really like you and probably have ever since I first saw you and I want to kiss you I really want to but I need to know if your friend was lying or not because he said you had feelings for me but no one has feelings for a maths nerd, especially one like m-“
-You were cut off with a pair of soft lips pressing against yours and you found yourself sinking into the kiss
-It was over all too quickly, chasing Chanhee’s lips as he broke away from you
-“Y/N I’m as serious as Euler’s equation for spheres, but if that’s enough I do think Pythagoras’s theorem is kinda sexy” he said with a straight face
-You couldn’t help but laugh before leaning back in for another kiss
-”Say, don’t you have a lecture to go to?” Chanhee asked you, forehead resting on yours
“I made that up, let’s go back to bed”
-Okay so, Jaehyun, Kevin and Eric saw this whole interaction and immediately snapped photos to send all over campus
-You weren’t even mad because hello, you had Chanhee ??
-Dating Chanhee resulted in very weird dates, including ones where he got you tickets to a special lecture on some mathematical breakthrough which to most people would be their idea of hell but you just screamed and thanked him profusely
-Yeah it was quite an unconventional relationship, especially because you didn’t go to the same college so dates were rare as your schedules didn’t really match up
-But you could often be found chilling on Chanhee’s campus grounds, your head in his lap as you were an in depth conversation about Einstein’s theory of special relativity, his fingers running through your hair as you posed a question at him
-When he didn’t know the answer he just kissed you, which never failed to fluster you and forget your question for a bit
-Oh, you two DEFINITELY go to science museums because even though you weren’t science majors, you loved space and Chanhee loved you and geeked out a bit at old computers and technology
-Occasionally some of Chanhee’s friends tagged along for an “educational” trip but they just wanted to see you two in action
-What they didn’t account for was you two ganging up on an unsuspecting Eric, Hwall and Sunwoo and giving them an actual tour and information about each aspect of the museum much to their horror
-You couldn’t help but laugh into Chanhee’s shoulder as the kids finally got to sit down at the café and complained about your tour
-Chanhee just held your hand and laughed along with you, amused by the kids trying to get him to buy them the most expensive menu
-One thing you didn’t know about Chanhee was that he worked many part time jobs, and you definitely didn’t expect him to work at a restaurant you went to with your mathlete team and he flirted with you in front of the entire team
-Oh, and he worked at the print shop near your campus, and the convenience store near your dorm, and occasionally took shifts at the science museum café
-You asked one day as you were lying in bed together why he worked so many part time jobs when he was so busy with college and mathletes and dating
-He just shrugged and said that he liked the work and growing up he didn’t have a lot of money so he wanted to help his family out and if he could pay for his own tuition then it was last thing for his parents to worry about
-Your grip on his hands tightened as he explained this, sensing that it was still a sensitive subject for him
-And if you found yourself frequenting all of his part time jobs by “accident” and end up staying for his entire shift to keep him company and you liked to flirt with him, especially in his barista uniform because he looked really cute
-You told him about your childhood, never being accepted for enjoying and being good at maths, even by your classmates at college, and your mom being less than supportive because what could you do with a mathematics degree
-Chanhee pulled you in for a hug, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head, giving you reassurances as you explained that your mom doesn’t talk to you anymore because you went to college instead of joining her in the family business
-You and Chanhee definitely share his wardrobe as you loved to be buried in his oversized sweaters and t-shirts with bad science and maths puns on
-Hwall just rolled his eyes every time he saw you in Chanhee’s hideous lime green jumper with a “find x” meme on it but seeing Chanhee’s face whenever you wore his clothes he couldn’t help but smile a little
-Thanks to you, Chanhee was a lot more open with his friendship group and loosened up with them a whole lot more which they ADORED
-Not to mention, you adored Eric and Eric adored you, latching onto you at every opportunity as Chanhee chased Younghoon with a maths textbook after he insulted the Pythagoras theorem
-However, if Chanhee caught Eric clinging onto you for longer than necessary or too tightly well… let’s just say Chanhee has a jealous streak and will pull Eric off you before dragging you off somewhere to make out whilst Chanhee protested that he wasn’t jealous in between kisses to which you just rolled your eyes at him
-Make out sessions are pretty frequent, mainly because you didn’t spend a lot of time together and facetime sessions just weren’t the same
-The boys walked on you way too many times making out, at parties, in his dorm, in the LIBRARY?!
-Chanhee didn’t care, he just wanted a kiss and what Chanhee wants, he gets (but only if you want to of course, he wasn’t going to pressure you into it)
-All in all, dating Chanhee is a whole nerd-filled, math ridden and quirky mess and you were perfect for each other
-It always hit you how much you loved Chanhee whenever you spent time together, the sun hitting his cheekbones as he smiled at you or when he fell asleep during the Empire Strikes Back and he snuggles closer to you or he’s just studying in his room with you there studying alongside him
-“Chanhee, I adore you”
-“You can say you love me, Y/N, I won’t freak out”
-“Unlike last time?”
-“Yeah... sorry about that”
-“Come here and kiss me”
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Release my soul
By: Mod McCartney
Rating: T
Paring: John/Paul
Summery: Paul has always had supernatural powers. Most of the time he doesn’t really like having them, but he never has truly hated them until they destroyed everything.
Warning: Death
The as promised super sad fic I wrote this 2 years ago now. 
Tissues beyond this line.
John stared at his reflection in the bathroom mirror. He had been for about 45 minutes, though it felt like 45 seconds. He had finished styling his hair ages ago. Now he just stared back at his own almond eyes. He couldn’t deny it anymore. He was in love. That wasn’t a scary thing in itself. What was scary was that he was in love with his friend, his male friend, Paul McCartney. He had been trying to deny it for months now, ignore the dreams, ignore just how much hotter he seemed to get under the collar when he saw Paul in those leather trousers. It was not, as he claimed, the heat of being in the Cavern Club. But it was a very tiny club with a lot of bodies so it was at least believable. The only person who didn’t believe him was himself, and that he could live with for now. But gradually he was noticing the obsession with Paul getting worse. When had he memorised his weekly timetable? How was it he could never remember quite how Mimi liked her tea but he could make it perfectly to Pauls taste? Why did he remember the silliest of things Paul said but could barely remember his own birthday? And that morning it had hit him like a tonne of bricks. Knowing he was going to see Paul today, he thought to himself how he had to make sure to look extra good, put in a bit of extra work on his appearance. He was making himself look good for Paul. Because he wanted Paul to notice him. He wanted Paul to fall in love with him. Eventually he managed to tear his eyes away from the mirror to his watch, realising if he didn’t hurry he would be late. Normally John didn’t care much about timings but with Paul every second was precious. For Paul he was on time if not early. He couldn’t put his finger on what it was about him. It was like there was a presence, a calming aura about Paul that made everything seem okay. He was such a positive and happy person, it was almost impossible to be sad around him. John had enough negativity around. No wonder he was drawn to this lad who seemed to make everything better almost magically with that gorgeous smile, cute chubby cheeks and of course those large doe like eyes. He just made John feel safe in a way he never had. His life had been so unstable and Paul was like that bit of stability, that certain thing he knew he could turn to. Thinking about it all like that, there was no wonder he was head over heels, or as John liked to put it, arse over tit, in love with Paul. Before he knew it, John had grabbed his guitar and headed out to catch the bus, ignoring Mimi’s yells of “glasses John!” He was so deep in thought he almost forgot to get off the bus. His head was far away, luckily he had made the journey enough times he was almost on autopilot. His feet just took him to Pauls front door. He heard himself knocking and realised he had to come back to earth. Last time he had freaked Paul out a bit, just standing at his door and staring. John had come back to himself sat in the McCartney’s kitchen, damp cloth on his head and Paul hurrying to make tea. Another thing John loved was Pauls need to care for people, however small. Sometimes John found himself exaggerating or even faking how he felt just for some of Pauls care. Oddly enough, John had realised a simple touch of Pauls hand could cure him, if he really did have a headache (or, more likely hangover). The door opened and Paul stood there in a simple white t-shirt and jeans, smiling widely. John stared at him for a moment. He looked stunning smiling like that. And within seconds John found him grinning back. “Well are ya coming in or are ya gonna stand grinning like a loon at my door all day?” Paul teased, shaking John out of his thoughts. Quick, John thought, reply with something witty and impressive! “Fuck off McCartney.” He grumbled. Oh bravo. His brain scolded him sarcastically. He inwardly cringed as he stepped into the house. Paul however, just laughed his sweet, light laughter. John just followed Paul up to his room, ready to start their usual song writing and listening to whatever new thing either of them might have picked up at the docks recently. Again John cringed as he remembered he had left his new records at home. Paul kept noticing John pulling funny faces. “Are you alright?” He asked softly. John of course saw this as a perfect opportunity to get a little of that Paul tlc. “Bit of a headache.” He mumbled trying to sound as off as possible. Paul didn’t say anything. Usually if he told anyone he had a headache, their response was “How many last night then John?” But Paul never said anything like that, he never judged him or told him it was his own fault, even when he knew it was. Instead he just went to get the usual tea and cloth and focused their first 20 minutes of their time together on making sure John was okay. John of course had been lying about feeling ill, however, just something about Paul seemed to make him feel better. John just couldn’t understand it. When Paul asked about playing today, John said he could. He was more than ready, feeling better than he had in days.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
“What’s the matter with you, John?”
Pauls question cut into Johns daydreaming. It had been about a week since he realised he loved Paul and his obsession had somehow gotten worse. It was getting to the point he could barely be around him without daydreaming or staring at him.                Paul had obviously picked up on this behaviour and it was starting to worry him. John seemed so distant lately. Of course John had always lived in his own crazy world that Paul sometimes didn’t understand, but it had never been to the point where he would zone out for a few minutes, blush, actually blush apologise then a few minutes later start zoning out again. He would stare at Paul. Paul could feel Johns eyes on him even when he wasn’t looking, the staring was that intense.                Once again John was blushing. Paul knew the next thing out of his mouth would be an apology. He decided to cut in before John had a chance. “Really what’s wrong with you? You’ve been off for a few weeks now an its been getting worse this past week.” He looked so concerned for his friend and honestly John was touched he seemed to care so much. He tried to swallow the lump in his throat. Paul had that concerned look on his face that just made you want to tell him everything. Because for a moment he looked like he had all of the answers you needed. But John couldn’t admit to him that he was queer for him. His own pride got in the way of that, and when John couldn’t be truthful, when he trying to hide something, he got defensive. “It’s nothing alright?!” He snapped at Paul, getting up to move away from Paul. He couldn’t look at him. “It’s obviously something! You’re not yourself!” “Oh an you know everything about me do you?!” “I know a fair bit! And I know you’re not the type to just… go about daydreaming! Anyway, I was talking to Stu, George and Pete and neither of them seem to notice you’re acting-” “You’ve all been talking about me behind my back?!” John yelled, cutting Paul off. He glared at the younger boy angrily. Paul shrank back his already big eyes even wider as he looked up at the older, and now pissed off, boy. “I…I was worried about you…” He said in a quiet voice, almost close to tears. John deflated at that. How could he be angry at sweet little Paul? He had been worried about him. And if he was talking to others about it, it must mean he had been on Pauls mind quite a bit. “I’m fine.” John sighed. “I mean, fine physically. Just…been thinking a lot recently.” Paul relaxed as John confirmed he wasn’t ill or anything. But if he had something on his mind, Paul figured it might help him to talk about it. It had before. “So whats been on ya mind?” He asked gently. John looked over at Paul, almost snapping back that it wasn’t any of his business. Almost. But of course it was. It was completely Pauls business because it was Paul on his mind 24/7, as he imagined what Paul was doing at that very moment, as he played Pauls favourite songs over and over until he had them perfect, just to impress him the next day. But the major thing that made it Pauls business was the fact that Paul had been starting to creep into his fantasies at night. John had only admitted it to himself a few days ago but John now wanked himself off to fantasies of Paul. What it would be like to kiss him, to touch him. What it would be like for him to touch John. What Pauls mouth would feel on his- “John!” Pauls voice snapped him back to reality. At first he thought Paul was just trying to get a response but when he looked over he noticed Paul was staring wide eyed and slightly terrified at him. Or more exactly, at his jeans. John looked down. “Oh fuck!” He turned away from Paul. Thinking about those fantasies had caused him a little problem. He was now hard in front of Paul and he couldn’t be more embarrassed even if Paul commented ‘is that it?’ He quickly went about thinking of horrible things, of Mimi, of dead kittens. Eventually he managed to pull himself together. It took even longer for him to turn around and face Paul who was sat watching John curiously, his head slightly tilted. “John…dya fancy someone?” Paul asked carefully. Of course there was only one answer John could give without sounding extremely creepy that he zoned out in his best friends room and popped a boner. “Y…Yeah…” He mumbled looking down. Paul just smiled. “Oh…well…who?” “Ya don’t know em!” John snapped back. “Someone I went to collage with!” Paul looked confused. There was only one person that John really kept in contact with from his college. But that was absurd! Still, Paul had to ask, if only to confirm his suspicions. “Stu…?” He asked carefully. John looked at him. This would be a good test to see how Paul would react to the news that he might be queer. “What would ya do if it was?” He asked. Paul simply shrugged. “Not much really. Up to you ain’t it?” John relaxed a little. Of course Paul was not judgemental about that. John almost hated him for being so perfect. He kept staring at Paul. He could accept him if he was queer, but what if he knew John was queer for him? Now John could be the impulsive type and this was driving him insane. In a moment of madness and not much thinking, John moved closer to Paul. “It’s not Stu, it’s you!”
 Paul had been staring at John for what felt like forever. His eyes wide and mouth slightly open, stilled with shock. Him…John was in love with him?? A million thoughts raced through Pauls head, namely how did Paul feel about that, was it possible he could love John back? But there was a little matter that kept making its presence known to Paul. There were things John didn’t actually know about Paul and that he might not like, or would change his perception of him. What he could do… what he was. Paul realised John was watching him expectantly, almost hopefully waiting for a response. Paul looked up at him and realised he might have some feelings for his friend that were more than just friends. He craved Johns approval, his praise. He did things he would never do just to impress him. He often fought Stu for Johns attention. Paul hadn’t properly realised, or even dwelled on it much until John said that. He almost told John all that. But instead tears welled up in his eyes and he remembered exactly what he was, and how there was no way John would believe him let alone accept that. Paul shook his head. “I…I can’t…I can’t!” John looked quite upset. He looked down, looking as rejected as he felt. “Oh…I see…” Paul looked devastated at the pain on his friends face. “N…No John it’s not-” “No it’s okay, Paul, ya don’t have ta explain yaself. I understand.” “No! Ya don’t! It’s not you! It’s not because I don’t want you! It’s me! You don’t know…you don’t understand! It could never work because there is no way you could understand! I don’t!” John watched Paul have this little breakdown very confused. Pauls rantings weren’t making any sense. “Understand what?” “What I am!” “An…what are you?” “I don’t know!” That stumped John again. How could Paul be upset and not know what he was upset over? What did Paul mean he didn’t know what he was? Was he queer too? Was he struggling with it? John was so used to rebelling and doing his own thing, breaking rules just for the hell of it he never really thought that Paul would have a much harder time accepting this extremely illegal feeling. Though to John the law was stupid, because it was stupid to him to be arrested for feeling something positive, especially love. “Paul…Ya gonna have to explain a bit more.” “I can’t” “Ya can. All the things ya heard from me an never once have ya judged me or made me feel like shit about it like others have had. The very least I could do is listen to this problem, even if I can’t be much real help. A load shared right?” Paul finally looked up to Johns face. He could see the sincerity. Was that love always there? John truly cared about whatever was bothering Paul. He truly wanted to help. He wasn’t just being nosy. Paul took a deep breath. “It…It’s just…I can…do things…that others can’t. Strange things…supernatural things…an…if I was with anyone they would need to understand…an not hate me for it” John stared at Paul, quite confused by now and reasonably so. The more Paul explained, the more confused John became. Supernatural? “Ya not a vampire are ya?” John joked, but there was a slight nervous edge to his voice. The intensity Paul was speaking with, if he said yes, right now John might just believe him. “Oh no nothing like that.” Paul replied, comforting Johns worried and very active imagination. “But it does kind of involve death.” That got John worried again. What the hell could Paul be on about? “Look, Paul luv, ya gonna need to properly explain what ya mean. I promise not to laugh or whatever. I just need ta know. Because I don’t think anything will ever make me not love ya. At least a little.” Paul gave a deep breath then nodded. “Alright…I’ll try to explain…it might be difficult to get ya head around, I have trouble sometimes but just…stick with me. Basically… I can see…well…souls…trapped here an….an I just…help them find peace. But I… I can do other things like…like calm people or…or heal little aches and pains…” John was about to flip. Was Paul some murdering nutcase who made himself believe he was ‘saving souls’ when in reality he was killing people?? But then he thought about the other things Paul had said about calming and healing and John realised he had noticed that about Paul. It kind of made sense that it was some kind of supernatural power. “I believe you.” Paul looked up barely believing his ears. “What?” “I believe you Paul. Cos I’ve felt it. I’ve been in the worst mood or had the worst hang over an you…just bein with you makes me feel so much better…almost better than before the bad mood…an…I don’t think anyone in a million years could come up with that souls thing.” Paul assessed him for a few moments before it sunk in. John accepted him! John loved and accepted him. Before he knew what he was doing, Paul was on his feet and kissing John.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
John walked into his and Pauls London home. He had noticed Paul staying behind after the recording session. He mentioned he just needed to pop off for a moment. By now John knew what that meant and was used to it. So he spent some time with Ringo and George messing about, playing cards and drinking a little. After a few hours, John figured Paul must be done and decided to go home. Though he wouldn’t be that shocked if he wasn’t. John had actually seen Paul do his thing. It looked to him like Paul was talking to thin air, but he knew it could take hours to get a soul to accept they were dead, let alone help them. Sometimes when Paul managed to make them realise and understand what had happened, he would have to comfort them for a bit too. John knew he couldn’t leave Paul for too long though as it often got him down. He could get a bit too personally involved and make a connection to the person and it would put him in a bit of a funk. It would then be Johns job to help cheer him up. When John entered the house though, the pained sobs he heard from the bedroom made him stop and cringe. That could only mean one thing, and it would take all he had to help Paul through this. This was the worst one of all. Those pained sobs of anguish, the feeling that he couldn’t go on like he was meant only one thing. A child. Paul had so much difficulty himself with helping children. It broke his heart and made him never want to help another soul again for fear it would be another child. John made some strong, sweet tea then carefully entered the bedroom. “Macca?” He called softly, more to alert Paul to the fact he was there than to get a response. Paul looked up, his eyes red and full of the pain he was feeling, his face tearstained. He had been crying into a pillow, my pillow, John realised, which he was now hugging tightly to his chest.  John put the tea on the bedside table and sat next to Paul. “How old?” He asked gently. Paul pulled that pained face again and rested his head on Johns shoulder. “Four.” He said quietly. “Run over.” John cringed at that. Not only because of the age, but he himself hated hearing about the road accidents because of Julia. No he couldn’t think of that. He had to concentrate and help Paul through this. “S…She was…was just so sweet…I…I couldn’t…I almost couldn’t but…but when I…I tried to…to leave she…she cried…she…she hurt with…without me to…to…” John hugged Paul tightly. He had heard that was the case, that the soul would be in pain if left to wander. It was part of the reason some actually went out of their way to find someone like Paul, just to end the pain. “Don’t be upset then darlin…” John said gently. “Ya helped her…she’s happy now yeah? Without you...she would be in pain…She would-” “I can’t do it anymore John I just can’t! Too many times it…its someone far too young an I can’t do it!” “I know it’s hard but-” “No you don’t! You don’t know what it’s like! You don’t understand how you feel like you’ve killed them! That it’s your fault they have to die! You don’t sometimes see the family stood around crying their hearts out! You don’t know!” “I know, because I can see what it does to you! I can see it tearing you apart but Paulie…what ya doin…its necessary! It’s needed! Oh darlin…don’t think like that…you’re not killing anyone or taking them away…without you they would still be taken away but…” John stopped and tried a different tactic. “It’s like Julia…” He said quietly. “It’s like Mary…wouldn’t you prefer to think they were no longer unhappy or in any pain? Wouldn’t you like to think that instead of roaming the earth looking for relief from the pain they had found a sort of….afterlife of happiness?” Paul sniffed and looked up at John then slowly nodded. He didn’t care that John always talked him around using Mary as an example, it always worked. He would hate to think of his mother in that much pain. He knew the family of that little girl would definitely take comfort believing she wouldn’t be in pain. That she would be waiting for them. John smiled a bit, knowing he had calmed Paul down and made him think rationally, made him remember he was helping not hurting. Without a word he handed Paul the tea then sat back and cuddled him, happy they were okay for tonight but more than ready to deal with this tomorrow.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
John was fast asleep as Paul lay next to him, just staring. He couldn’t believe how lucky he was. He couldn’t believe he had found someone who despite knowing what he could do, what he had to do, loved him and helped him through it. But for years he had been plagued by a little secret that if John found out, might turn him against Paul. Paul didn’t know how he could live with that, how he could get through each soul without John, not just the children. He would always be so down afterwards and no one had ever made him cheer up quite like John could. John didn’t think there was anything he didn’t know about Paul and correcting him, especially with this nugget could send John spiralling. It was worrying Paul so much that gradually he had been losing more and more sleep, as it invaded his dreams. He would wake up and be too scared to sleep again that night. So he would just watch John sleep. Sometimes John caught him. Paul jumped when John moved next to him. “Stop starin at me.” He mumbled in his usual grumpy way. Paul just forced a laugh. “But ya so handsome.” He said, leaning in to kiss Johns cheek. That made the corners of Johns mouth tug into a little smile. Paul smiled back a bit, even though John couldn’t see that and went back to his thoughts. John realised Paul was distracted. He had been noticing it more and more. He originally thought it was the thought of the souls weighing him down, but that theory was quickly disproven as Paul would normally open up about that, this one though he shut John out and refused to let him know. But it was affecting Paul so much, John couldn’t take it anymore. He sat up so quickly Paul jumped. “Right, this has gone on long enough. Ya need ta tell me whats botherin ya. Ya losing sleep over it!” Paul gave a little sigh. “It’s noth-” “If you tell me it’s nothing one more time I’ll deck ya. Just tell me Paul. I thought we didn’t have secrets anymore?” “I don’t want to upset ya!” John wasn’t expecting that answer. “Why would it upset me?” He asked cautiously. Paul bit his lip. “Because it’s about Julia…” John froze at that. Paul very rarely brought his mother up, and that suited John just fine. He made himself believe he didn’t need her then he wouldn’t have needed her now. “Oh.” He said a little harshly than he meant to. “See ya already upset! I can’t…” “No…I’m not…Paul it’s okay…tell me…what about Julia?” Paul watched John for a minute then got up and went to the window. “I…it was me…” John looked even more confused. It was too early in the morning for riddles. “You who what?” “Who….Who helped her…yknow….move on…” Paul added knowing sometimes when he was half asleep John needed things pretty much spelled out for him. John did sit thinking about that for a moment before he realised what Paul was telling him. “It was you…who…who…you…you sent her…?” Paul slowly nodded. He knew John could go two different ways, good or bad. He had never actually spoken to a family member of a soul before. It would be a bit odd to walk up to a stranger and say, “Hey don’t worry about Bob anymore mam, I made sure he made his way to the afterlife.” It would take about two seconds to get him arrested. So he was a little curious to see how John would react to this. Of course John’s initial reaction was to blame Paul. The hate glaring at Paul made it obvious that’s what he was thinking. “John…look…I’m sorry…I just-” “It’s your fault! I just got her back an you took her away!” John yelled, tears of anger in his eyes. He was so hurt he needed to blame someone and Paul had been involved in the process and was there. It was easiest to lash out at Paul, releasing some of that repressed fury over the whole incident. “No! John it’s not like that! You know its not! I don’t pick…it wasn’t me who…it was that…that policeman that…John please don’t be angry!” Paul begged. John had always told him it wasn’t his fault, that he needed to do this. Had he been lying? Did he really think Paul was a monster? John couldn’t hear anymore. He couldn’t think straight. He locked himself in the bathroom. He needed to process this properly. While John was sorting himself out, Paul curled up on the bed, hugging himself and crying. This would be it. He should have told John from the start. It wouldn’t be so painful, he wouldn’t have become so reliant on John. Now he was and he just didn’t know how he was going to go on if he left him.
A few hours later a tear stained but calmer John emerged from the bathroom. Paul was lying on the bed still, staring at the wall, unable to cry anymore. He just sniffed a lot. “Macca?” John called softly. Paul sat up and looked at John sadly. John couldn’t bear the sight. Paul had helped Julia stop feeling pain, he had helped her find whatever eternal happiness souls went to, he shouldn’t have made him feel bad about it. “John…I…I won’t anymore…I won’t-” “Shhh no Macca…I’m sorry…I shouldn’t have blamed you…” John moved forward and pulled Paul into a hug. “Shhh darlin… I should be thanking you…you helped her…I’m glad the last person she could properly talk to…that really helped her was you….” Paul looked up then pulled John onto the bed for a proper cuddle. With that weight off his chest he felt like he could properly sleep again.
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
               Paul groaned. He couldn’t sleep in the cold, drafty farm house in the best of times, but right now he was alone, as John was over in America, as he often was when he was working on some new music. Their band had gone great, dominating the 60’s music scene, but come the dawn of the 1970’s they realised they couldn’t keep up with that sort of demand anymore and were all quite happy to fall into solo projects. Though the media would have the public think they fought each other tooth and nail. That was fine. None of them really cared much anymore. It wasn’t like the early days where they went out of their way to impress the press. They had a solid fan base that each had their favourites and would follow their solo projects. Of course John was not quite as active as the others. Paul was happy about that. John had developed a taste for recording in America and every album would stay over there. Paul would join him as much as he could, but he had their farm to look after. By now they were almost like a married couple and Paul just hated being without John. He hadn’t been without him since he was 14 years old. No matter how many times it happened, Paul just couldn’t go back to that. As he lay awake he thought about the past ten years. Yes they had definitely fallen out of the public eye and were not as hunted. They could even walk down a street safely enough now. Though Paul did love the sanctuary of the Scottish farm they lived at. At the end of last year he and John had had a very serious talk about the next ten years. Paul had begged John not to be in America so much, maybe do some at Abbey Road, or even his own little studio Paul had built in their grounds. But here it was nearly a year later and John was in America, recording. Paul hoped he would be finished soon. It was the beginning of December and Paul didn’t want him to be away for Christmas! He was always worried about John cutting it fine and getting stuck over there until the next year. As he lay though, Paul realised he wasn’t just missing John. He had an overwhelming urge to get to America as soon as possible. He didn’t understand that at all, but he supposed he had a few days spare which he could use to visit John, maybe he could help out a bit, get this album done faster and have John back where he belonged, next to him. He got up, unable to resist any longer and packed a few things. He didn’t need to take much. John had a flat over there where they kept a bunch of necessities for visits. He just took some fresh clothes. Even then, Paul didn’t pack much at all. Not the usual suitcase for at least a week, more like an overnight bag. That confused Paul but he couldn’t bring himself to pack more. Something was telling him he wouldn’t need it, though he had no idea what. In the end he just gave up and went with it. He quickly gave a nearby friend a call, leaving a message on the answer phone, saying he would be gone, would they mind looking after the farm for a day or two until he was back? With that he was in the car and driving to the nearest airport to get a ticket to the next flight to New York. There was an uneasy sense of urgency throughout the journey. He felt like he needed to be there now. That all of this was not going fast enough. The car drive took a while, as they lived in the middle of nowhere. The wait for the 9am flight seemed to be an age and the flight itself, Paul usually slept. But he couldn’t and those hours felt like lifetimes. When he finally landed it was nearly night time. Not extremely late. It wasn’t quite 8pm yet. He relaxed a little knowing he was a short cab ride to the Dakota. He was certain John would be done for the day. If not he knew exactly where to find him. Luckily, Paul had dollars saved from the previous times he had been over with John. He realised spending up was silly, as they were likely to be over again in a few months. He also kept some for emergencies. He was glad he did now. It felt like an emergency. Pauls stomach was in knots the entire cab ride. At first he thought John wasn’t there, and was about to tell the driver to go onto the studio, however he noticed John actually arriving practically the same time. He paid the driver and got out, feeling so relieved and happy to see him. A big grin appeared on Pauls face. “John!” He called out. The next few second were like a blur, but at the same time slowed down. John, recognising the voice, not quite believing it was Paul, turned. He was confused but of course ecstatic he had come out. That was the last thing either of the men remembered until the loud bang, echoed through the streets. There were many other noises, screaming, shouting, people appearing from nowhere. Paul watched the scene with wide eyes, a little confused. John seemed to look extremely surprised and a little in pain at first, falling back, before getting back up and looking at Paul confused. He felt Paul was too far away. In fact it was physically hurting him that Paul was so far away. And everyone else around him was a blur, passing through time at seemingly their own rate. It was like he wasn’t wearing his glasses. Had he dropped them? There was just Paul, standing looking like he had seen a ghost in front of John. But Paul was not looking at John. He was looking behind John. He watched as what John perceived as blurs, were actually people, members of the public….paramedics…police… John being lifted….then John stood there….No this couldn’t be happening.
Not John.
Not now.
This certainly wasn’t what Paul wanted to greet the 1980s with. But there he was, stood as clear as day, looking so confused, in so much pain right in front of him. John’s soul. Paul could barely walk towards him. Now he understood the urgency. But why him? Surely there were people like him someone in New York. This was certainly the only time he had ever travelled a significant distance for this. Maybe they did have a connection deeper than this life time, as John would claim. He would call Paul his soulmate and…fuck. Paul felt dizzy. He felt like he was going to throw up right there. He was still until there were only them two left, staring at each other across the street. “Paul…” John whimpered, the pain in his voice very real. He was too far away. He needed him here now! He would make it stop hurting. He always did. In his head he hadn’t made the connection yet, he hadn’t realised. Johns little cry broke Pauls heart. He had to go to him. He carefully crossed over until he was right in front of John. John hugged him tightly and instantly felt the relief as the pain disappeared. “What’s going on Paulie? What are ya doin here? I feel funny…” John pouted. Paul couldn’t answer. He just looked at John as the tears started falling. He couldn’t do this. He knew when this moment ended, when John accepted what Paul said, that would be it. He would be gone, forever. Paul wasn’t ready for that! John was only 40! He was only 38! They weren’t thinking of such things! They weren’t preparing to cope! They should live forever, shouldn’t they?? “Paulie…Macca…”John spoke again. “Macca ya scarin me…what is it? Are you okay?” “Me?!” Paul suddenly shrieked making John jump. “It’s…it’s you who…who…Oh fuck John…I…I can’t….I can’t…” “Can’t what? Paul what’s going on?” John demanded. Paul knew he had to tell him. “John you…You’re dying John…” He choked out. At first John just wanted to laugh. He wanted to think Paul was making a joke. But he could see the pain on Pauls face, he could see the struggle and he knew this was for real. He was dying. He stood in shock not sure what to do. “Dying….” He repeated. Paul just nodded. “Ya…Ya gonna have ta go soon…” “But you…Paul…When will I see you again?” “I…I don’t know…” “Will I?” “If…If that’s what you…you want then…I guess…” “When?” “When I…” John thought about that. And he knew what Paul must be thinking. “Paul don’t you dare. I will see you again. But when I do, you’d better have grey hair and a face full of wrinkles!” Paul squeezed his eyes shut as more tears escaped down his face. “How can you possibly think I can go on without you?!” he wailed. “You can darlin… you can. I know you can. An ya will. Please…for me…keep helping…ya needed here…make the living happy with ya music…save the souls from pain and misery…Paulie…Please…promise me…” “I…I can’t I can’t!” “Promise me ya gonna live ya life Paul! Ya gonna live it as full as ya can. An I promise I’ll be waiting for ya, however long that takes.” “John…please… Stay alive….why won’t ya stay alive?!” Paul shouted angrily. Why was John doing this to him?! “I would if I could, you know that…I don’t want to leave you as much as you don’t want me to go.” Paul took some deep breaths and calmed down. He nodded, understanding it was not Johns fault. It had just been a last grab at keeping John alive. Maybe if he thought he would survive he would stop dying and… it was a silly thought. “Paul ya gotta promise me ya gonna live ya life or I ain’t goin nowhere. I’d haunt ya until ya did.” “I’d let ya. I need ya John! But ta…ta do that I’d have ta stay here…ya…ya can’t move from…” “Then ya would leave me in pain. Ya don’t want that do ya?” Paul shook his head. Eventually he realised he had no choice. The kindest thing he could do for John was release him from the earth. And John seemed to be ready to accept this was what was happening. “Alright Johnny…I promise…I’m gonna live my life…I won’t give up.” “Atta boy…there’s my brilliant Paulie…I know ya can do this…” John gently stroked Pauls cheek. Paul closed his eyes and enjoyed the last contact he knew they would have for what could be years. John leaned in and gently kissed him. When they broke apart, Paul knew it was time. “John! I can’t-!” “Paulie ya promised…please…please ya can...” Paul took a deep breath and wrapped his arms around John, crying as he felt him slipping away. Just before he was gone, Paul heard in a tiny whisper of Johns voice, his last request.
“Think of me, every now and then.”
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lunalxa · 7 years
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( ❀ — her father ; hc.20 )
NOTE: there will be the mention of death in this post, as such I will tag it accordingly and put it under a read more. But that being said, I will give some info about Moon’s father before going into detail about what happened to him.
- Moon’s father was a really good person and tried really hard for a single father. - He lived mainly in both the Kanto and Johto regions. That being said he has visited/lived in the following regions: Sinnoh, Unova, and Kalos.  - He preferred Johto traditions, but was inevitably forced to move back to Kanto due to the job opportunities he was given. - He attempted to date after the divorce -- but found that he couldn’t. - It wasn’t that Moon’s father did not have money, rather his wife and other family members stole from him and he gave to those in need.  - He was extremely bright and intelligent. - He looked like your average Joe, but he was a nerd who really liked nature. (Though he was a nerd with a lot of other thing, he just REALLY liked nature the most) - Moon’s father was not at all materialistic but was a man of culture and tradition 
Alright everything else will but under a read more. But only because there is a mention of death.
So Moon’s father was something that you honestly want to see as a good human being. You know all that stereotypical good father and a good man sort of thing. No, he wasn’t religious but hell, he was very spiritual in many ways. He may not have understood a lot of the emotional roller-coaster that Moon went though at times, he did know how to raise a kid, to the best of his ability on his own.
Now, as Moon got older, and her father’s work needed him more. As I have said before, he was a very bright man. Super damn smart. As such, Silph Co, the company he worked for needed him more often. Now let me tell you about Silph Co. specifically for a moment.
If the timeline falls right, (well compared to Moon’s age atm), Silph Co was not yet controlled by Team Rocket yet when Moon’s father started working there. It isn’t until a little later that Rocket does actually begin to control the company, causing worker there to either be dropped, forced to work, and/or have no knowledge of who actually controlled the company. 
Since Moon’s father was bright, he caught on right away -- however he continued to work there for a variety of reasons. 1) his pay was raised -- he was classified as a higher and valued individual on Silph Co.’s part. 2) he needed the money to help Moon. 3) he was promised that nothing would happen to his daughter if he just continued to work. 
He hated working there under the control of Team Rocket, but he didn’t really have much of a choice. Aside from that, he was also part of a special, private team that worked on classified projects. He was actually able to hide a lot of information from Rocket due to his security clearance and his capability to complete other tasks to satisfy the the hunger of Rocket’s needs. But through Moon’s life there, Team rocket had come and gone -- and her father was able to hide a lot of really good information from Rocket, essentially preventing them from becoming like “demi-gods.”
So yes, Team rocket came, and Team Rocket went. While Moon lived in Kanto. Sounds god right? Moving on about what else Moon’s dad did at Silph Co.
No, Moon’s father was not part of the team that created the Master Ball. He did give input on it, but he was working on the more medical side of Silph Co. Essentially, he was trying to mess around with formulas and medicine that could do some of the following: ~ understand the pokemon language, ~ help Aura users with the manipulation of Aura ( as well as stregthen their abilties) ~ And yes, he was involved with a medicine that helped people who had gotten “sick” from dimension travelling. 
(since many legendary pokemon were capable to travelling between dimensions, humans sometimes got caught in those travel “episodes.” This included time travel as well. Consider it kind of like this: some people have jet lag -- some get sick from flying and travelling -- Moon’s dad was trying to find something to help with those people who got sick/tired)
In other words, he was helping to find a medicine/cure for essentially fallers. 
Now, he never told Moon anything that he was doing. And if he did, it was through some game or metaphor. He did teach her about the carrying effects of plants and berries, including the more “rare” ones, and he did tell her little tips about mixing together specific plants to help modify/help/enhance the human body and it’s wonders (aura/telekinesis/supernatural senses). The reason why he did it was because he did catch on that his own daughter may have had her own capabilities of having something  that a most normal human didn’t -- understand/hear (and possibly interact in some other way with) the unnatural. He never found out what his daughter had, but he did try to study and look for something for her because he genuinely loved and cared about her and didn’t want her to be afraid (because if what she had something that gave her negative effects like headache, or at the worst, deterioration of her body, he wanted to protect and save her from possible death).
Well before Moon left for Alola, Moon’s father disappeared right? Well, Moon doesn’t know what happened to him. For her, he simply just didn’t come home from work. No she legit doesn’t know what happened, but let me just get straight to the point.
Moon’s father “died.”
Well I mean, his body was destroyed, but his soul is bound to earth. For Silph Co. they just consider is a tragic accident. Essentially what happened though was that an older member of rocket found out what Moon’s father had done, and attempted to assassinate him. Whether or not they were successful is a mystery, but he did grow rather paranoid after Rocket left the company. In addition to that, the pressures of finding cures and medicines really started to take a toll on him.
Let’s just say that his own pokemon began to notice and sought help from actually legendary pokemon for help. Moon and her father do follow a form of Arceism, so the legendary pokemon were aware that they were followers of them. But what really caught their eye with Moon’s father was that while he believed in them, and was trying to create stuff to help get closer to them, he never actually saw them as something that he personally wanted to become. Or rather, he kind of saw them as beings that held higher powers than himself, but respected them not because of where they sat on the hierarchy scale but rather he respected them because that was what he genuinely wanted to do. All he ever wanted was to just be loved and respected back for trying to be a good person.
Yea, so while he never called for the mythical pokemon, his own pokemon did, and so the legendary pokemon did answer in response. But they answered in a way you wouldn’t expect.
They came and actually helped create the medicine that Moon’s father desperately wanted to make. No deals were made, but he was blessed in a way that not many people were blessed. So if something tragic happened, his soul would be preserved -- regardless of what happened to his own body.
Well when the Silph Co. found out about the medicine Moon’s father “created,” They wanted to mass produce and make profit off of it. Essentially it all boiled down to money. He didn’t want that. He didn’t want to make a profit, he didn’t want some people to suffer while the rich people were better off. This didn’t really make him a favoured man.
So essentially, Team Rocket had a bone to pick with him because he prevented them from becoming mini gods to terrorise the people.
Part of Silph Co. had also become corrupt enough and wanted to get rid of Moon’s Father. Firing him wasn’t something they wanted to do though, because like I said, he dedicated his life to them and there were some people that were trying to protect him.
He couldn’t leave either because leaving would guarantee that he would have little to no protection. But he was not going to commit suicide to leave the situation -- this is obvious because he loved his daughter so much, he couldn’t do that to her.
Nobody was actually there to see what actually happen though. And each person has their own speculations. Maybe Rocket did get to him. Or maybe Silph Co got their way (with the unfortunae circumstances of not being able to obtain the medicine he created).. Maybe he just ran away. Maybe all of these are true in some way. But what is actually 100% true was that one day he was there, and the next day, he was gone.
It could have been the blessing of the mythical pokemon that saved/took him. You won’t actually be ever able to find his body, but if you do try hard enough, you could find him. Just not in the way you expect.
I’ll leave it at that though because ooooo mystery I like a good mystery.
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soulsxnfirecharas · 4 years
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name: Qianglong Shao nickname: Shao alias: The Force power: Speed Force birth date: September 4, 1994 occupation: Convenience store clerk relationship: Heterosexual, Single
« personality » — traits: quiet, reserved, unabashed, intelligent, jealous — likes: book stores, insects, kids, long showers, running between rain droplets, instant ramen, dramatic tv shows (like soap operas), romantic movies, lots of pillows and a soft bed — dislikes: being lonely, lava lamps, lightning storms
« biography » Growing up, Shao was a peculiar sort of child. He often played alone, with animals or insects, talking to them as if they were holding the most intriguing of conversations. His parents were part of Shanghai’s elite, his father having made a name for the family with his massive real estate business which dealt exclusively with air rights in major cities around the world. As an only child, Shao was raised by a governess and spent little time interacting with children his age, causing him to become awkward and often shy around his peers.
One of the things Shao always hated about being an only child was the burden of his parents’ expectations. They wanted him to follow in their footsteps, to become a great and powerful businessman at whatever cost. However, Shao only saw the negative that came from his parents’ lives. They continually fought and used him as a weapon against one another, and when they weren’t at each others’ throats, they were trying to dictate what he did with his own life. Having had enough, Shao ran away into another part of Shanghai just shy of his eighteenth birthday. He managed to get a job as a clerk in a convenience store.
« the force » One night, Shao woke in his tiny, one room apartment to the sound of crashing thunder and striking lightning. The storm was like no other he’d ever experienced in his life. It made the walls vibrate and rumbled through the floor beneath his feet. A flash of light was all Shao remembered when he woke again, having been thrown back from his window when a particularly close strike landed just outside his apartment.
The smallest movement seemed all too quick for Shao and he found himself unable to do simple tasks without fumbling over his every move. At first, he was scared so he went to several clinics to be sure nothing was medically wrong. If anything, Shao was in excellent condition. After his last visit, he was on his way home when he watched a car barrelling down the road toward a mother and child. He reacted before he could think, getting to the two long before the car reached them, though it was mere seconds that Shao pulled them to safety.
It was the reaction of the mother that gave Shao a sudden appreciation for his powers. He’d grown up in the midst of so much emotional destruction that he never really got to see what it was like to help someone else. It was the best feeling and over time, he became accustomed to his abilities and even learned how to control them to some extent. And whenever he’s most needed, he appears in masked form to help those who can’t fend for themselves.
« abilities » — Speed Force Conduit: After a storm in the city, Qianglong gained access to the Speed Force, a mysterious cosmic force that pushes time itself forward. — Superhuman Speed: Qianglong is capable of moving at incredible superhuman speeds. — Superhuman Agility: Qianglong’s agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to superhuman levels. This allows him to easily maneuver while moving at superhuman speed. — Superhuman Stamina: Qianglong’s body can handle the stress of moving at superhuman speeds for long periods of time without out getting tired or weak. — Speed Force Aura: His body is surrounded by a “friction cushion” which provides light protection from the nastier elements of their speed. — Superhuman Durability: Qianglong’s durability is enhanced to levels greater than any normal human. This is due to the Speed Force supplying him with a “friction cushion”. — Electrokinesis: As a conduit of the Speed Force, Qianglong’s body generates large amounts of electricity. This Speed Force lightning emanates off of him, especially when moving at superhuman speed. — Intangibility: Qianglong is able to vibrate his molecules to phase through objects. — Vortex Creations: Qianglong is able to create strong vortexes of wind by rotating his arms at super-speed. — Speed Stealing: Qianglong can absorb the momentum of objects and people, slowing them down while increasing his own speed.
« weaknesses » — Qianglong can be prone to extreme exhaustion when he uses his abilities repeatedly without enough rest to allow him to mentally recuperate. However, this is in extreme cases only and has only ever happened once since his powers began.
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haevatein-archived · 7 years
🔥 「 about. 」
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GOD OF FIRE; LAUGHTER AND MADNESS. Shifter of Shapes, the Catalyst of Change. Untamable and volatile, troublesome, tester of minds. A wild flame that inspirires creativity and life.
NAME: Loke Laufeyjarson TITLES:  Bekki, Blind, Gammleid (leader of amusement), Haloge, Hveðrungr (roarer), Lokabrenna (loki’s torch/burning by loki), Lóðurr, Logaþore, Loge, Lôgna, Logi, Lokkji, Loptr (lofty), Lucky, Loki, Laugaz (blazing god), Laugatjanaz (blazing one), Rogur (slanderer), Slaegi (sly), slaegurtyr (sly god), Wildfire, Villieldr (blazing) ,Dogstar, Sataere (the thief in ambush), Lævatein, Hævatein, Trickster, Liesmith, Truth-speaker, Fire-Bringer, Scarlip, Fireball, Demon, Silvertongue, Vaelandi (debasing), Shifter Of Shapes.
God of Fire and Chaos, God of Mischief and Creativity, God of Laughter and Mirth. God of Madness and Change.
Son of Laufey, Farbauti’s Son, Begetter of Serpents, Father of Wolves, Sire of Half-Born Hel, Mother of Horses.
Brother of Byleist, Brother of Helblinde, Blood Brother of Oden, Confidant of Thor, Friend of Oden, Friend of Thor, Fromkveda Flaerdanna (seductive speaking), Gift bearer, Harmer of Sif’s hair, Prisoner of Geirrodr, Sea Thread’s Father (the sea thread is a kenning for the midgard serpent), Sky-Walker,  Staunch Friend of Hoenir, Thief of Brisingamen, Thief of Giants, Thief of Idunn’s Apples. The Sky Traveller, Architect and Destroyer of Worlds, Opener of Forbidden Doors,  Builder of Asgard, Lighter-than-Air. 
Bonus: One kenning used to identify Thor is Bragdmilldr Loka (compassionate to Loki).   
AGE: 1,500,000,000+, exact age unknown. SPECIES: Jötun and Aesir God. GENDER:  Male, but is able to shapeshift to the opposite gender. ORIENTATION: Bisexual/Demi-romantic. SPOKEN LANGUAGES: Old Norse, Runic, Allspeak. LOCATION: Verse dependent. Mainly Asgård or Midgård, can also be seen on Jötunheimr.
Laufey ( mother )
Farabute ( father )
Byleist ( brother )
Helblinde ( brother )
Oden ( brother through blood-pact)
Balder, Thor, Vidarr, Hodir, Tyr ( sort-of nephews; sons of Oden) 
Sigyn ( wife / verse dependent )
Angrboda ( lover ) 
Narfi and Vali ( twin sons )
Fenrir ( son ) 
Jörgumandr ( son ) 
Sleipner ( son )
Hel ( daughter ) 
Moder ( daughter )
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Loke often appears with the height of 7'5"ft ( 229cm ); he is taller than most humans, but he is shorter than most Jötnar. His mother still towers above him. But to his height is average to that of an Aesir male.
 He mostly appears as a 27-30 year old man or woman to others, but can change his physical age. His body is athletically built with defined muscles, however not as muscular and large as other male Aesir such as Thor or Tyr.
The Trickster has sharp but not unpleasant features, to most he is beautiful to look upon, no matter the gender. He wields an alluring aura. Like fire, Loke’s eyes are bright and intense. A flame-like red and yellow, wich gleams even in the faintest of shadows. Black dots under the lower lashes frame the eyes. He has many freckles sprinkled across his face, most notable over his cheekbones, the bridge of his nose and above his eyebrows. 
Curved horns with old-nordic patterns engraved into their surfaces decorate the top of his head. They are his most striking features alongside his fiery red hair; untamed and wild just like his nature. It is lenghty and reach past his hips, and curl around his horns and spread out as if the laws of gravity does not apply to his hair, he often let the hair be braided into one or three braids that drape over his shoulders. His skin is pale and on syren tinted lips are permanent, rough jacks and scars, a result after the punishment where he got them sewn together. His ears are pointed, and his nails are sharp like claws, often painted black.
HEIGHT: 7'5"ft / 229cm (can be altered, true heigh is giant; sky-reaching) EYE COLOUR: Fire-Red and Yellow HAIR COLOUR: Fiery Red with a gradient to bright yellow at the hair’s edges. SKIN COLOUR: Pale BUILD: Athletic
Loke takes interest in things that pleases him. Mischief; pranks and a bit of chaos entertains him greatly, but so does also the entertainment of others. He often interacts with mortal beings; either to chat or to cause minor trouble, eitherway it amuses him most of the time. He also enjoys horseback riding, sex, food and alcohol.
He’s a very light-hearted God, who often wear a sly smile on his face. It is uncommon to find him in a serious mood, even when the situation would call for it. He is compassionate and giving to those who are devoted to him, most of his actions aimed at his worshippers have good intention, but his methods are that of rough love; making others face the hard truth, face their insecurities as he guides them to their fated path. This doesn’t make him any less of a mischevious trickster,however, even to his followers. He will find amusement along the journey, be it on their behalf, others, or his own.
But despite his easy-going and wild nature, Loke is capable of great anger, of wrath, an emotion one does not wish to evoke from him- as the lenghts he will go to get that sweet revenge are great and have no limits. He is not beyond killing someone out of spite or sheer annoyance. To get on Loke’s bad side is to wish for a life filled with unrest. And with Hela, the Goddess and Ruler of the Unworthy dead, as his daughter, not even death may be peaceful.
MORAL ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral
POSITIVE TRAITS: Charismatic, intelligent, humorous, playful, curious, creative, ambitious, patient, loyal, passionate, caring, generous.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Manipulative, crafty, mischevious, decietful, distrustful, violent, chaotic, impulsive, rude, hateful, jealous, vengeful, volatile, unpredictable, unscrupulous, dishonest, juvenile, proud, stubborn.
INTELLIGENCE: Loke has a genius level intellect and possesses a great deal of knowledge and wisdom. He is often valued as many mortal’s pateron god not only for his mischevious and light-hearted nature, but for his advice and knowledgeable mind. He is also extremely cunning and skilled, an expert battle strategist, and a highly skilled; charming and charismatic manipulator, which is evident by the ease how Loke repeatedly succeeded to regain the trust of his fellow Gods, despite his numerous deciets.
SKILLED COMBATANT: Loke is a formidable combatant, as a hand-to-hand fighters, and particularly as a swordsman or in the use of seidr during combat situations. Against mortal beings (super-human or not) Loke will win with overwhelming easy victory, the strenght of a god is not to be underestimated or down-played. The sheer force of his screams are powerful enough to cause violent earthquakes on Midgård(earth) when he is not even present on that world.
SUPERHUMAN STRENGTH: Loke, without the aid of anything, through his own biology, possess strenght far FAR greater than that of an average human male, even mortal beings enchanced with superhuman abilities or strenght ( keep in mind that just the pure force of his screams is powerful enough to cause destructive earthquakes on Midgård when he is not even on that realm; hence the name Roarer ).  However his physical strenght is average in comparision to the most skilled warriors of his fellow Gods such as Tyr, Freyr and Thor.
FIRE-RESISTANT: He is resistent to fire, all kinds of fire. Fire will not harm him.
SUPERHUMAN LONGEVITY: Loke will not die unless killed by another God. Only Gods are able to truly harm him and mortally wound him, and even kill him. If killed he reincarnates.
DREAM-VIEWING: Loke can enter; watch and interact with other beings’ dreams. There he can see their desires; ambitions and personality traits. He can gain knowledge of secrets kept away if the person is not strong-willed enough to keep it hidden in their dreams.
TELEPORTATION: He can teleport himself or others across dimensions and space and time.
PSIONICS: Loke has powerful psionic capabilities He has the ability to project his thoughts telepathically well as potent hypnotic capabilities.
SHAPE-SHIFTING: Loke possesses shape-shifting abilities through his own biology. He is able to adopt any form imaginable whether it be animals, other humanoid beings, or even inanimate objects— and gaining the abilities of whatever form he takes. The only limit is his own imagination.
PYROKINESIS: Loke is a God of Fire. He is able to control the elements of fire as he so see fit. He can summon flames to physically appear in his hands and around his body or use his sorroundings to control it at will. There is no limit to the amount of fire he can produce, nor how high he can turn up the temperature- if he wanted to, he could melt down buildings made out of rock, and metal. He could make a planet’s earth crumble under the heat. This also makes him invulnerable to fire, all types of fire.
RESSURECTION: Just as his fire may bring destruction and chaos and death, it can also bring warmth and life.  He is able to bring life to the recently deceased, and is thought to be one of the Gods who created the first humans (together with Höenir and Oden). 
INVISIBILITY: Loke, like his fellow Gods; is able to render himself unseen to the eye of other beings. A nice quirk benefitting Gods as they can shred themselves of physical flesh and roam as shapeless entities in any realm, or in mortal minds. He can remain unseen to mortal eyes for as long as he so desire, and only shows himself for those he wants to see him. However sharp-minded and attentive beings can possibly sense something is there, but not actually see him.
ILLUSIONS: Loke is able to fool his enemies who try to attack him with illusions of himself. He can also cast illusionary images inside mortal beings minds— fooling them by making them think what is not there, exists, as well as affect their senses while they're in that illusionary reality.
PROJECTION: Loke, like all other Gods, is able to be at multiple places at the same time, without loosing any attention or power. With many devoted to their Pantheon, there are many beings’ prayers to pay attention to.   
Loke is the son of the giants Farabute and Laufey, and brother to Byleist and Helblinde. By the Giantess Angrboða, Loke is the father of Hel (the Goddess of Death, and ruler of Helheimr), the Giant Wolf Fenrir, and the World Serpent Jörmungandr. By his wife Sigyn, Loke is the father of Narfi and Nari. By the stallion Svaðilfari, Loke is the mother—giving birth in the form of a mare—to the eight-legged horse Sleipnir.
Brought from the realm Jötunheimr by Oden, Loke was recruited to assist the Gods. Oden and Loke saw kinship in eachother as they both were equal in their cunning, wisdom. knowledge and trickery. They held great mutual respect for eachother, and enjoyed the other’s company enough to share their blood, therefore becoming blood-brothers.
“ Remember, Othin, | in olden days   That we both our blood have mixed;   Then didst thou promise | no ale to pour,   Unless it were brought for us both.”
Their relationship is a complicated story of trust and deciet and betrayal. They see eachother as friends, and brothers. Making a blood-pact oath to treat eachother as family. Oden and Loke are and were closer than any of the other Gods were in relation to the All-father, aside from Frigga, Oden’s wife, and his children. With time this trust was broken, both sides to blame — and their feud would come to bring upon the end of all the Realms. Ragnarök.
Loke’s relation with the Gods varies. Loke sometimes helps the Gods and sometimes causes problems for them. Loke is a powerful user of seidr, a shape shifter and a God of Fire and Madness and Chaos and Mischief. But he is also known as the God of Laughter and Mirth, Creativity and Change. Nothing with the Gods is black or white. They are all assholes and good people. Human and mortal logic and morals are not to be expected from them.
Loke’s positive relations with the Gods end with his role in, out of jealousy and resentment, engineering the death of the god Baldr, Oden’s son. He also appeared as a foe of the Gods, entering their banquet uninvited and demanding their drink. Loke is eventually bound by the Gods with the entrails of his sons, Narfi and Vali as punishment for killing the God of Light.
Depending on the timeline, Loke is loyal to Asgard and often ally with them— but, past complicated events that lead to Loke loosing trust in the Aesir, Loke flips the switch and grows hateful of the Aesir. He becomes so spiteful and vengeful he engineers Baldr’s death, and as punishment he is bound to to a rock where the venom of a snake is to drip onto Loke’s face forever, with his wife Sigyn keeping him company during his punishment. Eventually he escape from his bonds; more vengeful than ever. He wish to gain revenge upon those he feel have wronged him. With the Gods no longer countable, Loke takes the opposing side of the Aesir during Ragnarök; the End of All Worlds- he chose to oppose them alongside his children ( who also sought revenge for their mistreatment by the Aesir) and be responsible for their ruin.
After Ragnarök, Loke had ‘died’ during the war and was reincarnated, like the other deceased Gods. As the Worlds healed and became hospitable for life, Loke opted to lay low until things began moving in the Realms once more.  
Past Ragnarök he is no longer fueled with rage and a thirst for revenge. He is tired and avoids the Gods most of the time; having grown past their previous disputes, as it does not serve immortal dities well to hold an eternal grudge. He is still drawn to chaotic events and mischief; his charm and impish and playful attitude intact, but he is less likely to cause major trouble.
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selfsaving · 5 years
general  notes
genie  is  not  AWARE  of  all  her  powers  or  the  extent  of  them.
she  is  only  able  to  control  a  small  portion  of  them.
most  of  them  come   &   go   //   or  only  exhibit  themselves  once  or  twice   //   or  are ,  really ,  pretty  much  RANDOM  and  unpredictable.  there  are  a  small  handful  that  have  been  consistent ,  but  even  they  aren’t  exactly  100%  reliable.
if  she’s  under  strain     (   physical  or  emotional   ) ,     injured  /  in  pain ,  or  experiencing  any  STRONG  emotion ,  then  genie  is  less  able  to  control  her  powers.  sometimes  that  means  they’ll  randomly  burst  out   //   sometimes  new  or  infrequent  powers  will  suddenly  flare  up   //   or  sometimes  they  all  just  shut  down  and  she  can’t  do  anything.
basicALLY  her  powers  are  pretty  unpredictable  and  come  and  go  with  no  apparent  pattern.  there’s  a  lot  going  on  inside  her.
list  of  not - really - powers - but - still - unusual - for - a - teenage - girl
she’s  really  fuckin  smart.  her  mental  maths  is  EXTREMELY  fast ,  as  is  her  memory  capacity.  she  generally  doesn’t  need  to  be  told  things  more  than  once  or  maybe  twice  to  remember  it ,  even  if  she  doesn’t  full  UNDERSTAND  it.  she’s  very  quiet  and  listens  a  lot ,  and  it’s  a  powerful  combination.
her  vocabulary  isn’t  actually  that  much  bigger  than  an  ordinary  11 - year - old’s  because ,  well ,  she  hasn’t  really  SOCIALISED.  she’s  picked  up  quite  a  lot  of  Adult  Jargon   &   science  terminology ,  stuff  like  that ,  but  is  very  out  of  touch  with  references ,  humour ,  etc.
she's  great  at  learning  languages.  when  she  was  first  admitted  to  the  program ,  she  spoke  very  good  french     (   from  her  bilingual  mum   )     and  since  being  kept  in  the  facility ,  she’s  had  german   &   russian  lessons  too.  speaks  french  basically  fluently ,  and  the  other  too  to  a  good  standard.  she  keeps  asking  for  more  lessons  in  other  languages ,  she  just  LOVES  it.
she’s  v  sensitive  to  touch   !     her  carers  thought  it  was  a  superpower  thing  but ,  in  reality ,  she’s  just  never  been  touched  :/  reacts  quite  strongly  to  casual  touches     (   hand  on  shoulder ,  hugs ,  etc.  anything  Non - Clinical   ).
also ,  she’s  v  sensitive  to  sunlight  and  burns  easily.  aLSO  hates  loud  noises.  her  ears  r  sensitive.  she’ll  flinch  /  hide  /  try  to  run  away  from  the  noise.
genie  has  synesthesia   !     she  sees  +  associates  colours  strongly  with  names   &   people ,  and  also  a  scattering  of  other  random  words.  she  DOESN’T  get  it  with  numbers  or  individual  letters.  also  sees  colours  when  listening  to  music.
can  hold  her  breath  for  a  scary  amount  of  times.  like ,  5  or  6  minutes.
animals  are  kinda  drawn  to  her.  not  sure  whether  this  is  a  power  or  not.  but  wild  animals  aren’t  really  spooked  by  her ,  will  often  let  her  pet  them  or  get  really  close.  domestic  animals  are  always  drawn  to  her  too.
powers   !     listed  from  most  frequent  /  controllable  to  least
LIGHT  MANIPULATION.  consistent  occurrences.  can  create  light  from  her  fingertips   &   palm.  genie’s  earliest  manifesting  power     (   combination  of  her  fear  of  the  dark  +  often  being  left  in  total  darkness  overnight   ).     has  never  not  been  able  to  perform  on  command.
POWER  DETECTION.  consistent  occurrences ,  varying  in  success  /  strength.  ranges  from  literally  seeing  other  people’s  powers  to  just  getting  a  weird  aura  /  vibe  off  them.  generally  human  mutants  are  easier  to  read ,  whereas  non - humans  /  supernatural  beings  are  more  of  just  an  aura.
EMPATHY     (   AURA  READING  +  THROUGH  TOUCH   ).     regular  occurrences ,  varying  in  strength.  easier  with  people  she  knows ,  adults ,  and  stronger  emotions.  linked  to  her  synesthesia   !     she  can  see  people’s  emotions  as  colours  around  them ,  like  an  aura.  she  can  pretty  consistently  read  how  her  carers   &   adults  in  the  facility  are  feeling ,  but  it’s  harder  with  strangers.  colours  are  fainter  or  more  muddled   //   or  she  has  to  concentrate  to  see  them  at  all.  TOUCHING  people ,  however ,  she  can  almost  always  get  a  colour  of  what  they’re  feeling.  can  find  it  overwhelming     (   especially  stronger  emotions  like  sadness  or  anger   )     and  can  cry  /  laugh  in  reaction.  also  another  reason  why  she’s  tentative  with  casual  touch.
ENVIRONMENTAL  ADAPTION.  regular  occurrences ;  varying  success.  she  can  adapt  extremely  well  in  COLD  environments ;  doesn’t  really  feel  cold ,  nor  does  her  body  really  react ,  down  to  extremely  low  negative  temperatures.  is  also  fine  in  freezing  water  for  extended  periods  of  time.  HOWEVER  she  is  very  bad  at  handling  warm  temperatures ,  very  prone  to  heatstroke  etc.  high  heats  also  pretty  much  shut  down  all  of  her  powers     (   again ,  something  uhhhh  people  at  the  facility  have  made  sure  of   ).
NIGHT  VISION  /  DARK  VISION.  fairly  regular  occurrences.  generally ,  it’s  something  she  has  to   ‘ switch  on ’   ——  she  always  prefers  to  create  light  than  simply  use  night  vision.  she  also  struggles  to  use  it  in  artificial  darkness  or  inside.  when  in  use ,  she  can  pretty  much  see  as  well  as  in  daylight.
POWER  REFLECTION  /  FORCE - FIELD  GENERATION.  multiple  occurrences.  creating  an  energy  shield  to  reflect  projectiles  /  other  powers.  happened  when  she’s  been  put  in  dangerous  situations   &   panicked ,  only  managed  to  form  one  on  command  once  or  twice.
ELECTRICITY  MANIPULATION.  multiple  occurrences.  i’ll  write  a  meta  about  this  at  some  point ,  but  this  is  one  that  her  carers  have  deliberately  subdued.  the  superpowers  she  has  are  generally  once  encouraged  during  tests ,  etc.  ——  ones  the  facility  deem  HARMLESS.  so  no  super  strength   //   teleportation   //   anything  that  could  get  her  out  of  control.  electricity  manipulation  showed  up  pretty  early ,  around  age  8 ,  when  she  short  circuited  the  door  to  her  room.  was  too  young  to  think  about  escaping ,  but  the  worry  is  there.  so�� her  scientists  began  to  punish  her  for  using  it   //   researched  it  a  LOT   //   eventually  came  up  with   ‘  medicine  ’   that  would  subdue  the  ability.  again ,  i’ll  write  about  this  separately  at  some  point ,  but  her  control  of  this  power  would  be  pretty ,  well ,  powerful  if  not  for  the  intervention.
LEVITATION.  fifteen  or  twenty  occurrences   ?     never  anything  major ,  just  a  foot  or  two  off  the  ground.  usually  when  she’s  sitting  down   &   daydreaming.  usually  gives  her  a  headache   &   makes  her  dizzy.  only  been  able  to  do  it  on  command  twice     (   and  she  fainted  afterwards  one  of  those  times   ).
TELEKINESIS.  around  a  dozen  occurrences.  has  been  able  to  perform  on  command ,  but  isn’t  encouraged.  can  only  lift  small  objects     (   biggest  being ,  like ,  a  box  of  cereal   )     and  it  exhausts  her  pretty  quickly.
INVISIBILITY.  five  or  six  occurrences ,  all  when  she  wanted  to  avoid  her  carers  /  tests.  she  tries  to  make  this  one  come  back  fairly  often ,  but  hasn’t  managed.  the  first  time  it  happened ,  scientists  IMMEDIATELY  started  searching  for  a  drug  that’d  subdue  it ,  but  genie  didn’t  do  it  again  for  like  eight  months ,  so  they  dropped  it  on  the  decision  it  wasn’t  a  big  concern.
ENHANCED  TOUCH  /  HEARING  +  PSYCHOMETRY.  a  handful  of  occurrences  each.  lumped  together  because  they  manifested  themselves  in  similar  ways.  either  she  could  hear  a  conversation  happening  through  soundproof  glass  or  half  a  building  away   //   or  touch  something  and  know  another  person  had  touched  it  recently   //   or  simply  knew  where  other  people  were  without  explanation     (   psychometry   ).     could  never  explain  it  afterwards ,  and  usually  when  tested  she  isn’t  accurate.  maybe  three  times  has  been  able  to  listen  /  feel  /  sense  for  details  when  instructed     (   e.g   ‘  tell  me  where  x  is ;  what  are  x  and  y  talking  about  ’   ).
FOG  /  MIST  GENERATION.  three  or  four  occurrences ;  all  when  she  was  upset  ——  fog  filling  the  room.  has  never  been  able  to  create  on  command.
NEUROCOGNITIVE  DEFICIT.  three  occurrences ;  only  once  against  another  person.  the  other  two  were  deliberate  to  herself     (   ability  to  render  a  person  unconscious  at  will   ).     first  was  at  a  guard  who  attempted  to  move  her ,  other  two  were  both  on  herself  during  tests     (   one  because  she  was  worried  she  might  hurt  another  person   //   other  because  she  just  didn’t  want  to  comply  with  tests  any  more   ).
LIE  DETECTION.  two  occurrences.  one  was  a  normal  conversation  with  a  scientists  about  her  home  life ,  second  was  when  she  was  being  caled  away  for  a  test  on  the  promise  it  wouldn’t  hurt   &   wasn’t  dangerous  ——  both  times  genie  knew  they  were  lying  because  of  the  colour  of  their  auras.  she  often  checks  people’s  colours  for  lies ,  but  has  never  been  able  to  detect  one  other  than  those  two  occurrences.
HEALING.  two  occurrences.  never  on  command.  once  restoring  a  dead  plant  outside  the  building ,  other  healing  a  small  cut  on  a  scientist’s  arm.
TELEPATHY.  one  occurrence ;  on  command.  could  read  an  exact  sentence  from  a  scientist’s  head.  has  never  been  able  to  repeat.
FIRE  GENERATION.  one  occurrence.  panicked ,  got  overwhelmed ,  nearly  set  herself  on  fire.  lost  a  chunk  of  her  hair  before  she  someone  put  her  out  with  a  fire  extinguisher.  has  never  been  willing  to  try  again.
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istj-hedonist · 8 years
Enneagram and MBTI types you're most and least compatible with? I feel like ISTJs tend to gravitate toward xSTPs, and ISTJs seem really awkward around INFJs?
INFPs: 👍 (same functions, both introverted so almost no communication issues), they can be annoying ngl but it matches well with my boringness so it’s a fair deal and like the most same-level-friendships that I have.
ISFJs: 💕 10/10 they are so cute I always want to protect them but at the same time I feel like I’m exploiting their kindness too much?
ENFPs: I’ve had several amazing ENFP friends but mostly their lifestyle gives me heart attacks and is not compatible with my sp-dom ass.
ISTPs: A+ great type. Usually works really well when I manage to scale down my J-ness a bit. Also best type to share a hobby with: being in the same room but everyone does their own shit in quite peace, beautiful.
ISTJs: my positive experiences outweigh the negative ones by far so 9/10.
xSFPs: 💖 I’m hardcore crushing on xSFPs. Se+Te is just 👌But same like with ENFPs: too many of them are sp-blind and I know one of us wouldn’t survive it. (But a sx/sp or sp/sx xSFP, man that would be the dream).
ESTxs: You are super cool dudes and I respect you. And I am deeply grateful for how you encouraged me in the past to take more risks and grow. But also I don’t ever want to get into the same hobbies as them because then their extrovertedness overwhelms me, expecting that I met up with them 5 days a week when 2 days are more than enough for me.
ENTPs: the friendships that I’ve had with ENTPs always started out from a point where we both found each other intimidating and then later found out that we are actually much softer than the impressions we give off. So general mutual respect even when they are a few communication issues.
INTPs: Comes in two categories: sweet and kind vs. pro-troll. The first one works well while with the second one we usually find each other pathetic.
ENTJs: way kinder than all the stereotypes make you believe. but also way more scatterbrained. how they tackle projects can almost seem Ne-ish at first glance. great chemistry when working together. (also, odd note: I’ve met 4 ENTJs irl in total and all four of them were married to ISFJs??)
ESFJs: total hit or miss. I’ve met one 7-core ESFJ and she was amazing, but I’ve also met several 3w2/2w3 ESFJs and let’s just say that I had the urge to put them in a trashcan.
INTJs: If you believe it or not, I haven’t met a -single- INTJ irl so far. (Maybe I crossed them on a street somewhere, but not in a friend/classmate/colleague sense). So I honestly don’t know? That’s also the reason why I can’t say anything regarding your visual typing question @lophiusdragon. I have no data at all.
xNFJs: the reason many ISTJs are awkward around them is that we don’t trust them an inch lol. xNFJs have this aura that everybody seems to like them because they are so kind and knowledgeable and I’m the only person sitting there like “can’t you all see that they will drop you like a hot potato once you are not useful to their Ni-Fe-shenanigans anymore??”. Also the only person ever who was successful in offending me was an ENFJ so maybe I’m just bitter lmao.
1 extreme hit or miss, depending on their personal beliefs, but mostly I’ve met great ones
2 just no
3 what even are 3s. everytime I see them doing their 3-ness it’s like watching a bizarre nature documentary
4 no wait, 4s belong even more into this nature documentary. you guys are just weird
5 i like nerds so you are cool
p6 the ISFJs of Enneagram, I like and protect you but your aura screams “I’m okay with people stepping on me” so I mostly just want to shake you and tell you to grow a spine
cp6 … I don’t want to jump on the cp6-hate-bandwagon but man, you are making it really difficult to like you
7 nice, in small doses
8 yo
9 9w8 is cool, 9w1 eeeeh?
so tl;dr for me personally (I can’t speak for all ISTJs obv, so I don’t want to see any comments like “but I’m an ISTJ and I love ENFJs!!”, you can love them all you want, I’m not stopping you)
most compatible: INFP, ISFJ, ISTP, 5, 8, 1, 9w8
least compatible: INFJ, ENFJ, ESFJ, 2, cp6
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RWBY verse
I’ve finally gotten to a point where I’m comfortable with introducing Aurora’s RWBY verse and her team! I’ll add more under the cut, so if you’re interested in using this verse, read on! c: ((if using RWBY verse, it’s very possible these teammates or references will be used, so keep that in mind... please! ^^ ))
TEAM AZRE of Atlas. Being apart of the military and science part of the world, Aurora’s team is ... unstable. Not in a Team FNKI way, either. Each of her teammates have encountered some kind of “entrapment” through their lives, which only makes them crave and strive for freedom and the blue sky... hence the name AZRE (pronounced AZURE). The Cursed Leader: Aurora Aigulle-Caine. Based on Sleeping Beauty. She was raised by three aunties, and knows nothing of her parents or actual family. Was raised by 3 women: Blume, Yama, and Tian, who were older woman well versed in The Old Ways and taught Aurora about them, especially potions. It is unclear how or why they came to be her guardians. Despite this, Aurora is seen as an optimistic, kind leader of her younger team and is very protective of them. She also grows her own garden in the dorms to make sure she has ingredients for her potions, as she actively keeps up with the practice and is sought out often “under the table” for her talents. Aurora was actually apart of a different team before this one, Team MCCE (pronounced Macabre). Her partner, Eiddwen Hopewell, would die due to an incident involving Eirida, her current partner. Her other teammates, Mathilda (Tillie) and Feyzia, would retract from Hunting and go into Mechanics and Paperwork due to the trauma of the incident. During this accident, Aurora would be injured to the point of being in a coma for  quite some months before coming to. Despite her former team mate’s suggestions, she decided to take Eirida as her partner and continue on her quest of becoming a Huntress. Her weapon is a lance/staff like weapon that turns into a segmented whip. Semblance: 3 gifts. She’s able to mimic 3 people’s semblances at the cost of a large amount of Aura. As of now, she’s only shown she knows 2 and both are her teammates. The Abandoned: Zephyr Avan. Based on the myth of Icarus. Zephyr is an unpredictable, mostly quiet young man who covers most of his face with a mask. This is due to the same accident that made Aurora the leader. He and his father went into hiding for reasons unknown. He ran away from home when his father tried to burn the house down, going mad from being isolated for so long. While stand offish to most, he is protective of all of his teammates, putting special attention on his partner, acting almost as a bodyguard. Besides this, not much is given out about himself, preferring silence and quick quips. He seems to be constantly on edge when meeting new people due to his partner. His weapons are fan blades that are shown to help him with agility. His Semblance is Gravity, he is able to manipulate gravity around a certain area, which is another reason why he’s so agile and able to jump far distances. His partner on the team is Romeda Pedregulho. The Sacrificed: Romeda Pedregulho. Based on the myth of Andromeda, her family is the 2nd largest Dust producer in the world, hailing from Vacuo. However, her family has close ties with high class families all over, especially in Atlas for “exclusive deals”. Romeda carries herself similarly to Weiss, though she sees herself as superior because of “ethical means” of her family. In reality, her family used her as a scapegoat to save their name and business, chaining her to be responsible for being the face of their family. Romeda is seen sneaking around the campus grounds and asking guardsmen and soldiers questions in private. No one dares ask her what for. Zephyr is extremely protective of her, and she constantly puts herself in harms risk because of her quick tongue. Her weapon is a sword and shield, decorated with Dust gems to better produce magic protection and attacks. Her Semblance is Chained, effectively using an opponent’s Aura to chain them to the spot, at the expense of her own. Her partner is Zephyr Avan. The Trapped: Eirida Hopewell. Based on Rapunzel. Known as one of the younger members of the Academy, terribly shy and often avoids any one other than her team. Her parents are some of the most brilliant scientists of Atlas, always experimenting with Dust and ways to better protect Remnant from the Grimm. Unfortunately, one of their experiments was her. They wondered what would happen if they tried to use the Grimm’s own strength against them, using their daughter to try and fuse the Grimm’s strength and powers to a human as. a form of super solider (similar to Dr. Merlot’s experiments, from whom they were deeply inspired by) upon Eirida being unable to produce such powers, she was abandoned, and her brother took her and begged Ironwood to let her stay on campus with him. Eiddwen, Eirida’s brother, was Aurora’s old teammate and partner. One day, when struck by a bully, Eirida snapped, revealing Grimm features and powers and thus resulting in a deadly attack, causing a few students deaths, including her brothers, Aurora’s coma, and Zephyr’s injuries.  Despite this, Aurora insisted on having Eirida as her new partner when she awoke and thus became the new leader of her team. Eirida’s weapon is a large hammer, mostly used for non-combat. Her Semblance is GRIMM, when she is triggered enough by sadness, grief, or hate (any overwhelming negative emotion), it is channeled into her left arm, leg, and facial features that most into something more monstrous. Aurora is very protective of her for many reasons, but this one being a main one. Her partner is Aurora.
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