#all you can do is pray for them. they are spiritually sick. you have to be sick to be repeating what they said
Trying to have a reasonable discussion with a r****m is a lost cause, specially on social media. They have already made up their minds about the world and how it affects them. They are immersed too deeply in that ideology due to years and years of trauma, disappointment and loss. It's gotten to the point that it has manifested in STRONG and DEEP hatred, anger and bitterness. This isn't easy to get rid of. The vast majority of them have actually been ingrained stuff like this since childhood because most came from either extremely rigid or chaotic households with all types of fucked up and toxic ideas being taught to them. This resulted in repressing or desperation, which led to them getting exploited and abused by others outside of their family. To be honest, they need to be re-born in order for them to truly abandon an ideology as twisted as r*****l f******m.
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sadsongsandwaltzes · 5 months
I am not a psychologist so I have no clue if this is just my own crackpot theory or what. And my apologies if I’m speaking out of my ass here.
We were not made for a fallen world. We were made for Eden. Since we have to live in this world corrupted by sin, the brain does what it has to in order to survive.
A toddler doesn’t know what “hot” means, until one day you warn the child not to touch a plate because it’s “hot,” they touch anyways, they feel the sting, and now they understand what “hot” means. The brain, now acknowledging this is something that can be a threat, has an immediate response to “hot.” Anytime someone says “hot,” we immediately recoil and make sure we don’t touch whatever is believed to be hot. The brain is simply trying to survive.
I think there’s a similar thing happening with trauma response. It’s the brain doing the same thing, but to such an extreme degree that it’s almost impossible to function. If someone survives a near fatal car crash, they may panic when they go near a car. Why? Because the brain has learned this thing to be an immediate and serious threat. The brain is now trained to fear and recoil. If you lived in a war zone and learned to sleep with one eye open so to speak, the brain is now trained to sense danger at every turn, especially when you’re in such a vulnerable state as sleep. You’re living in a constant state of anxiety because you expect a fatal threat. It’s why sudden noises and movements can trigger anxiety.
The brain is doing what it does. It adapts to perceived threats for survival. This heightened state of anxiety is deemed necessary by the brain, but we were not made to live in such a state. We cant. So the brain is, ironically, slowly killing itself. The brain is rewired and burned out and always looking for that next serious threat. It’s always reminding us that the threat looms. It’s where the subconscious lives. It’s why there’s constant anxiety, why there’s nightmares.
Of course, this can be exacerbated if the trauma is accompanied by severe grief or guilt.
This brings me to my point. If you would not tell someone to just pray the cancer away, I don’t think you can tell them to just pray the trauma away. We’re talking about a real physiological problem happening.
I think grief and guilt can be assuaged by the gospel. But the brain’s inner working itself? It’s a medical problem the same as any other. God absolutely can heal trauma same as cancer, but sometimes he doesn’t. Faith can absolutely bring about peace in hardships and give us the strength to carry on, but it’s not a guarantee that God will remove the hardship. That would be prosperity gospel.
And with all of this we can also recognize that certain treatments or habits may help relieve symptoms without fully curing, it exists on a medical spectrum.
And I think this is true about a lot of mental illness.
For the record, I think most mental illness in modern America is actually spiritual illness. And I think most psychologists are looney tunes. But people abusing a certain field of study and being stupid and misdiagnosing doesn’t negate the field of study as a whole.
If every sick person who walks into a doctors office no matter the symptoms gets diagnosed with cancer, it means the doctor is a quack and we have a problem of over diagnosis of a disease. But it doesn’t mean the disease isn’t real and that a certain percentage of the population doesn’t actually suffer from it. That would be a downright foolish thought.
Hormones, brain function, all of it can affect the mind. The brain is a complex organ. We still can’t fully understand it. And I don’t think we ever will. We know the brain can affect the mind. If it didn’t, people with TBIs would never suffer from sudden mental illness or personality shifts.
It seems wholly unchristian to deny the reality of both our body and the fallen state of the world.
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Review: Spiritual Cleansing by Draja Mickaharic
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If there's one book I would always go back to or always look back to or recommend to others it is this book! Seriously, that's how good this book is. To start with, this book is the best because it is direct, to the point, and only 100ish pages. I honestly have to put the following "warning" that the author himself puts in the start of the book:
Because some of these things sound simple and interesting, don't get an idea to “do a variation.” When you try to work “magic” using only your own enthusiasm you are treading in dangerous waters.
How do I sell you on this book? that's a funny way of me saying that this is the best book you will have in your library as a starting beginner. First let me mention some stuff from the book, which is evil eye being the first chapter and get dealt with so swiftly with a beer bath and there's no extra mystification or complicated procedure being given. As this whole book the procedures are simple but application of them consistently will proves their benefits. In the Arbatel itself we find the following:
God and Nature have ordained all things to a certain and appointed end: so that for examples sake, they who perform cures with the most simple herbs and roots, do cure the most happily of all. And in this manner, in Constellations, Words and Characters, Stones, and such like, do lie hid the greatest influences or vertues in deed, which are in stead of a miracle.
Protection while asleep, psychic, attacks, and stuff related to sleep and protecting your loved ones can be seen here where you can help someone who can't help themselves like a child or someone who's too weak to protect themselves at night.
My Favorite Chapter(4) is the bath/spiritual baths chapter. Every part of the bath from beginning to end is filled with gems and wisdom that you will not regret. 4 Cleansing baths, 12 herbal bath, 6 household items baths, 2 love baths, and 4 nut baths, like what's MORE I can say except mention the bath he got the most testimony out of! To add ¼ cup bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) to the regular bath water is an amazing cleansing bath both physically and spiritually :) of course praying, doing it with the instructions and so on is the best you can do!
Special mentions go to chapter 6 for teaching how to cleanse with an egg and not making it some tiktokized or 30 seconds or 2 minutes version of it. What can I say more is that it is a VERY amazing chapter, for all kind of cleansing emotional or spiritual, for eyestrain, for protection while asleep, cleansing your home, cleansing the sick, and cleansing your pet!
I will jump over chapter 7 and 8 despite them being EXTREMELY good and mention that chapter 9 is a MUST READ. Mainly these methods of washing the head or feeding the head are used to work with the non-physical part of the human mentation, not exactly a replacement for psychology or psychiatry or medical treatment of mental illnesses but it is an AMAZING addition to anyone who's healthy but feel slightly "off".
The last chapter and appendix is about finding spiritual practitioner to help you, and what Draja describe as "Recommended System of Treatment for General Therapy", I am honestly just going to say good read the book, it isn't that long and the weight of it is in gold with how much jam-packed it is with technique you would pick up from here or there. Go buy it, pirate it, I don't know just get it and see for yourself!
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thefactsofthematter · 4 months
hello newsies tumblr! i’m back to post a scene i found in a random wip folder, from a fic that will probably never exist in full lol
please enjoy some sad canon era javid <3
"...and I know we don't pray the same way, you and I, but your folks said you might not mind it if I sat with you and did this. Only one God, ain't there, so I figures we can ask Him for all the help we can get, every which way. Ain’t no harm in extra prayers."
That's Jack's voice.
David is awake, sort of, but too tired to open his eyes. His body is itchy, but he's too tired to scratch himself. His throat burns, so he doesn't dare try and speak.
He just lays there.
"This was my Ma's." He's placing something in David's hand. A string of beads, it feels like. "I should take the time to sit and pray it more often. She carried it everywhere. Only thing I've got left of her, really."
He wraps the beads around David's palm.
"You start at the bottom, see," Jack continues, as if he knows David's listening, "and you say a prayer for every bead. And you gotta have an intention, right— mine for today is that I'm asking God to get you better, 'cause you're starting to scare everyone, Dave, what with how you just keep getting sicker and the fever won't break. We can't go losing you anytime soon, so you've gotta get yourself better as soon as you can."
He's very sick, David realizes. That's why he can't move.
He's a bit scared.
But it's hard to stay scared for long with Jack Kelly holding your hand, so he starts to feel calm again.
"In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti," Jack murmurs.
David hadn’t realized Jack knew Latin. Wonders where he learned it, since he would've left school before the grades they started teaching it. He only went to school until he was eight— he told David that.
"Credo in Deum, Patrem omnipotentem, Creatorem caeli et terrae..."
Jack continues on in words that David's tired brain can't make sense of, but it's rhythmic and soothing. There's a cadence to it like Jack doesn't actually know what he's saying, has just memorized the sounds, probably at church— it's like how David felt about some Hebrew prayers when he was little, just echoing back what he heard others speak.
From bead to bead, Jack mumbles quiet prayers, and David finds himself, somewhere in his fever-addled brain, feeling quite charmed and grateful that Jack would show him this private, vulnerable side of himself. His faith is deeply personal to him, David knows— it's there in the way he never puts on his arrogant show towards the nuns, the way he's quick to take his cap off even on the steps of the church, the way he scrubs the littlest newsies into their very best shape on Saturday nights and drags them to mass on Sunday mornings. David loves to watch him in those short moments before he eats his dinner each day, lips moving silently as he gives thanks.
It's a softer side of Jack Kelly that often stays well-hidden, but makes itself very endearing when it peeks through.
"I think I might be praying for a miracle," Jack sighs, after a long time of quiet whispering, counting along the beads. His voice is a bit shaky now. "But they happens, you know. They said so in the good book. I know it's the very same God lookin' after you and I, and I know He loves you and won't take you away from us here on Earth, not just yet. Ain't your time."
And he takes the beads from David's palm, replacing them with his own hand. He intertwines their fingers and squeezes.
David tries to squeeze back. It's weak, pitiful, but enough for Jack to gasp.
"I knew it," he whispers. "Oh, I knew it, I knew it, Dave. You're there, ain't you? You're listening."
And David wishes he could give him anything more, but he can feel sleep creeping up on him again, so he lets it come. Not much else he can do, but it's nice to hear some hope in Jack's voice.
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y0ncan · 26 days
whenever you prayed to god for a companion - an angel on your side to guide you through life and make times less lonely - the devil himself has made it his very own purpose to never let that happen.
you had read the folklore on him. too many theoretical assumptions exist on his origin and how "misguided" most of them were, according to some history graduate's blog. he's either bad or… well, definitely never entirely good. one source states he was a conjoined twin who got purchased by a sick bastard and then killed off for his own sadistic tendencies.
some say he originates from the mountain, his complexion too powerful for the human eye. so, he becomes a kannon statue, spiritually guiding locals. others assume he was first found in a cave in full armor. sometimes he is a mere human who tries to escape his enemies. sometimes he kills a dragon with the spear in his four arms.
however, one urban legend goes as following: a group of foreign men try to dismantle an old temple. a giagantic wooden box lays in front of them. the head abbot warns them - do whatever you have to but don't open it. the manager returns the next day and greets the workers. they don't speak nor move. the cascet is open. a monk arrives. "i deeply apologize. you won't live long lives." a purification ritual won't save them butbhe can try. the affected ones are long gone.
the manager checks the paper glued to the box. the kanjis are loud and clear.
ryomen sukuna.
your first… ecounter wasn't really the first. there is no official date or day in the calender you could mark in retrospect. it just happened. like friendships, they bound throughout time without feeling the need to put a label on it.
except, the mean girls back at your high school couldn't come close to the curse on your left side.
"brat, you look absolutely disgusting."
oh, how you wish you could turn back time. you would confess: "yeah… you're targetting girls who don't give a shit about you and treat those who seek your validation like subordinates. for being hormonal monsters though? damn, it really gets worse from here on. sorry, i wasn't familiar with your game."
you are what? a month and a few weeks into this. you have learned not to cry or ruminate over his words. he is only a voice in your head, you repeat. now it is a mindset, hearing him bicker around like a free podcast that you try to pause with slippery fingers.
"i'm talking to you, woman."
"too bad, you have no face to do that- or should i say two-faced?"
you know that he knows that you know that his verbal impact on you has lost most of its value - to be exact, the insults he would throw at you at the most random moments. he makes you nostalgic - like you are time-travelling back to school. means it's nothing you haven't experienced yet. you realize that life will always put you in a room with at least one person who can't seem to stand you for whatever reason. oh, and you are stuck with him forever. hah! you can't escape him. might as well prepare as early as you can.
"what are you doing?"
"blocking proshippers on my tumblr."
you always thought he has limited access to you - that he could only reach you through nice small-talks. after all, he hasn't reached out to you for longer unless it is about how useless you apparently are.
turns out, he has control over you. when you think about it, he can basically see you whenever, wherever. the first weeks you refused to change out of your pyjamas. toilet breaks in the dark weren't allowed to last longer than needed. kinda reminds you of the sprints you would take whenever the lights in the halls were shut off at night.
you can't hear him but can imagine a scowl, theoratically speaking. you couldn't find images other than the google photographs of his statues or various ancient drawings.
"is staying in this cave of yours all you are capable of."
"didn't seem to bother you weeks ago." you swipe across your page, the light of your screen highlighting your droopy eyelids.
"woman, you can't do the same everyday, it's getting tiresome. you modern peasants are good-for-nothings - all gone soft. you wouldn't survive a day in my era, tch."
now that you give it a thought, for months you have been hiding in your room. the fear of your new guest making you look like a clown in public made you hesitant. talking about your non-existent social connections! - you haven't shared your little secret with anyone, yet.
eventually you had to get out for school.
the train station isn't as packed despite it being a thursday. the sky is a greyish blue, the sun shining through the clouds just enough. students and office workers in attire pass by. people order from the cozy underground bakeries. the smell of buttery pastry mixed with gas penetrates your nostrils. a smile forms on your lips at the familiar atmosphere.
you ascend the concrete stairs, careful not to clash into the rushing kids. something behind you echoes with a vibrating impact.
"hey girl, you good?" you ask, yet, you move onwards again unless you wanted to get morphed into jam by the mass. you catch another girl helping the high schooler by collecting some items from the floor, then they sprint away.
you shake your head. is he serious? "why would you say that." it's not a question. you are occupied with not overrunning the group of seniors in front of you. the sounds of rails' screeching are audible.
he exhales, dragging the interjection with what sounds akin to disbelief.
"look at these losers depending on each other as if the ground will swallow them if they move fast. can't believe this is what humans have become - old and weak. it's pathetic."
you always see how people in wheel chairs rush to the station, faces painted with fear as the doors close on them. or how the tactile guides on the floors are blocked by the rest who seem to suddenly be in dire need of the earth's space - as if they couldn't act different for a second.
"you love to look down on others, don't you? - belittling anyone and anything that isn't you, huh?" there was no way you could explain him basic decency without getting a breakdown under the concrete roof.
"ahh, aren't you one to learn quick? i do whatever i desire, brat." the tone in his last words goes down, new in comparison to his nonchalant bickering you would normally get to hear.
you don't - or can't risk provocating him further. your skin is getting warm and you would rather save yourself from getting emotional.
next: shibuya station.
you enter the white train as the last person, immediately sitting down on a seat near the exit. your mouth and throat are dry, arms tensing as you burry them in your pockets. an announcement goes through and in the next second, the doors close.
the mesmerizing view of trees and small houses surrounding a lake enters, making you lean back and try to enjoy it. you ask yourself why you feel so moody and suddenly feel reality creep into you. what felt like an episode of hallicunations or the after-effects of surfing the internet for too long, you still find yourself struggling with the same question: why?
not even anonymous questions on forums come close to contemporary enlightenment. you wouldn't want to fall victim to the horrendous waiting area of your family doctor. you weren't desperate enough to get a one-way ticket to an asylum for speaking on what you struggle with. they are usually cautious with diagnosing patients for various health concerns but would fill out a form to transfer you to any facility before you could even blink.
you weren't crazy, you were just talking back to the voice inside your head. does that sound crazy?
the warm shades light up the train, the pane coloured in oranges and browns. you close your eyes at the contact. opening them, you let your gaze wander around the room. the seats across you were empty, a lady reading her daily newspaper. ahead, there are two students around your own age. one has spiky white hair that was shining in the light, a brunette next to him.
you must have been eyeing him for too long as he meets your gaze. before you can even try to act uninterested, he gives you a lazy smile. dark patches surround his lower lash lines, the corners of his eyes squeezing with sincerity.
you turn your head away and don't dare to look at him until he exits at the next station.
your clothing flutters as the bus drives away. taking a few steps, you are framed by green. the soft breeze dances around you. is that gratitude that you feel right now? you breath out and decide to walk along the path. as long as you could just relish the tranquility it would be fine.
as long as.
a harsh tug makes your shoulder fly back, not being able to bite down a groan. what a son of a bitch, you huff. all these men are of the same species indeed.
"what are you doing here?" your brows furrow at the sickening grin. what type of question is that supposed to be?
"what do you mean?" you bark back.
you were too busy trying to understand his behaviour to notice where you are.
zen'in estate. extra engraved in platinum, because there is enough money to throw into the air.
"for applications as a cleaning lady you're at the wrong place."
normally, you don't mind the term he is using. you have always respected their work, since school times, no matter if they tried to throw you out for re-entering the class late to collect your books. but no, that wasn't the problem.
you couldn't allow his shit-eating face to talk to you in that voice.
"well, uh, i'm a barber. i heard they need a life-saving trim and bleach to safe some rusty and split ends. seems like i'm at the right place, sir." your hand scratches the back of your neck, your face slightly pouting.
here we go.
his nose stretches, mouth and eyes going sour. he weirdly breaks his necks to the side. you didn't lie about his head.
before you know it, you are being showed back, amost crashing down on the asphalt. your heart rate speeds up, your lips separating. has this man just touched you? not only that, he moves towards the mansion as if he hasn't physically violated you.
it wouldn't be the first time you would get into a fight with a male, nuh uh, the annoying boys in elementary school have and will always be the blue print. too bad there isn't a female teacher who is going to baby him.
instead, you have a literal curse on your side - only symbolically of course. you were quite keen on proving him something. yes, you were riled up to get rid of the tension in your body. enough is enough.
your jelly legs carry you to his stairs. you form a fist and strike out, your arm moving with the entire weight of your body.
his head bends forward. you are satisfied with the vista, his posture still bent over. you pant loudly. oh god.
your legs move. you swear you could have stumbled down.
the look of the empty street worries you a bit too much for your own standard. the adrenaline doesn't let you stop until you are in the company of a filled main street, minutes later. you huff and puff, head scanning for a white head with black, ugly ends. what was he even on? he should have a serious conversation about his hair instead of hitting women.
it not like you don't already share a room with a mysoginist. are you a perhaps a magnet? and if so, why?
but you can't fight the feeling of accomplishment. something akin to the superheroes in your favourite comics. the pride and encouragement you would sense whenever you read them. girl, you are her. you can't help the grin on your face as you head to the restaurant in the middle of the street. if you don't indulge now, then when? there couldn't be a more perfect timing for this. you wouldn't want to go home to his nagging yet.
"i have to say… i wasn't expecting it from you."
you roll your eyes. there wasn't the need for you to answer him, especially not with the music blasting in the saloon. the saliva in your mouth is assembling as the aroma of food engulfs you.
"brat, i'm talking to you."
"disrespectful brat."
"… oh wow, nasty by tinashe, what a banger."
finally, the waitress drops by with your order. you interchange smiles. the second she walks away, you sink your teeth into the big sandwich. finally. spices, bread and meat overflow your tastebuds. the sauce makes you shake your head in an impressed manner. at the end of the day, food was the only component in your day-to-day that has never dissapointed you. no chance.
"what are you shaking your head like a drunk busker, tch, some things don't change with you humans."
another bite. you are too chill to respond, hack, you don't hear him anymore. you take a sip of your beverage.
"what's that?"
you chew.
"what's what?"
"the thing you're eating."
oh. you can't help but burb. the food is very fulfilling, you didn't care how grossed out he must have appeared.
"it's döner."
if he somehow wanted you to make him give a piece of your meal - although that was impossible - that was still a big no. he doesn't deserve it. and even if it is possible, you would have already gulped down the döner before he could physically descend. the thought alone is creepy but that was for another time to contemplate.
"what's the other thing." he must have taken notice of the images in the menu.
"ah, you mean kebab?" you can't escape the slices of meat that shout "eat me! eat me!" and you again indulge the flavour. you take joy in imagining his face - disgusted, corner tucked down as he crosses his arms. his four arms. you are being reminded of his four legs. god, make it go away.
"what's the difference?"
hmm, wouldn't you want to know that, weatherboy? - is what you would have said, if you weren't nice.
"so this has bread-"
"i can see that brat."
"uh… seriously, good question. so, kebab is eaten on a plate with… maybe tomato sauce, rice and salad and other side dishes. döner is the thing that turns around on that stick," you point at the open kitchen behind the bar, "and is served in thin slices in this pide. this is an invention by turkish migrant workers in 70s' germany if i remember correctly," you raise the bread with the sesame seeds. now that you have possibly answered his question, you take your last bite.
"what's german about it then?"
"i don't know - the country?
ideas for this series are welcome (sfw) virgin (proudly), loser, loner, asocial reader x antique sukuna curse. reblogs are appreciated. hope this is a enjoyable??
❂ (sukuna ryomen x loser!reader(fem))
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creature-wizard · 4 months
The importance of separating belief from practice from economy when criticizing spirituality
I notice that a lot of people who want to criticize harmful expressions of spirituality often conflate the beliefs and practices of those spiritualities together, rather than separating them and asking themselves which one is harmful exactly, and why.
Sometimes, both practice and belief are harmful. For example, going on a highly restrictive detox diet because it will supposedly rid your body of toxins put into regular food by an evil conspiracy. There's no evidence that detox diets actually work as claimed (and if they seem to, it may be that you actually have a food allergy or intolerance, and you feel better because you happen to be cutting out that food for awhile), and they can actually be very harmful. Meanwhile, this sort of conspiratorial worldview has roots in old antisemitic conspiracy theories used to justify violence against Jews in the past, and today, justify queerphobia and ableism by way of suggesting that an evil conspiracy is putting chemicals in our food and water that turn kids gay, transgender, or give them ADHD, autism, or whathveyou.
But other times, it's not quite so simple. For example, let's look at modes of faith healing that hold that you should eschew evidence-based medicine in favor of praying and getting right with God. Meanwhile, studies show that people who rely on faith healing don't exactly have a great recovery rate. Many children have died from treatable diseases because their parents were taught that sickness was a test of faith and God would damn them for seeking conventional medicine. (Can you even imagine how terrified of eternal damnation you'd have to be in order to watch your own child die in agony?)
If we look at most people who believe in prayer, we can see that most of them don't agree with this extreme position. Most people believe in prayer and evidence-based medicine. If anything, prayer gives many people a way to feel like they aren't just sitting around doing nothing while their loved ones are in the hospital, and that itself is arguably beneficial.
Now, if you personally have trauma connected to prayer, or just don't find any meaning or satisfaction in prayer, then it's fine if you don't want to do it. But that doesn't mean it's appropriate to tell everyone else that they shouldn't do it. When you do this, you're just using your own personal feelings as a moral compass, and as we know from observing the "thinking about gay sex grosses me out, therefore it's unnatural and against God's will" crowd, that's no way to go.
So how about beliefs and practices used to extort people? For example, energy healing services often come with steep price tags. But let's be real, so does evidence-based medicine in places like the US. This clearly does not mean people should just stop seeking evidence-based medicine. It does means that we drastically need to change the system, so healthcare is more accessible. Additionally, if there's one thing I've learned from researching alternative medicine, it's that practitioners are more likely to actually offer something for patients' complains, rather than telling them that it's all in their heads or that they need to lose weight. This doesn't mean that an exploitative alternative industry should be allowed to exist, of course. But it does mean that we need to understand how prejudice among doctors fuels it. Moreover, I think we can agree that someone who watches energy healing videos on free YouTube after they've done all they can from an evidence-based medicine standpoint, or offers free energy healing sessions to friends who are in the same boat, are not in the same category as scam victims and scammers.
So yeah, when you're out there criticizing harmful forms of spirituality and religion, remember to separate practice from belief from economy and examine each one separately and in terms of how they connect to each other and to larger issues, rather than putting it all on blast together.
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vixenveil · 3 months
Collective Reading 001.
This is a collective message, so only take the bits that resonate with you and leave the rest for someone else.
📢 Trigger Warning: Mentions of SA and stalking in this reading. Also v foul language, as I got very passionate during the reading.
Today’s Quote: “They can’t misquote your silence.”
★ Main Themes of this reading:
Being misunderstood — on fucking purpose. Being the underdog. Your potential scaring others.
★ Songs (shufflemancy!):
Anxiety - Megan Thee Stallion. Looking At Me - Sabrina Carpenter. Say So - Doja Cat. Fallen Angel - TAMS\N OTWAY. Flowers - Miley Cyrus. Not Good Enough For Truth In Cliche - Escape The Fate.
★ The Reading:
This reading is for the collective tribe that have set a hard boundary with someone. You have them feeling sorry for themself and like you’re an ice queen. This victim mentality having bitch needs to relax. You are recently in the vibe of being sooooooo over it, or they perceive you to be. You shut everything down like yesterday. I dunno if you just snapped or decided to let go and let God— they got the memo.
They feel sorry for themself, but still haven’t changed. This boundary must be recent…
So, I’m seeing the imagery on the Manara Decks and honestly, this person is going to have to see you glow up. It is going to hurt them that you’re so beautiful now. Especially if they ever put you down for your looks. They are going to be feeling extremely desperate to be back in your energy. They love how the glow up looks on you, even if it was just spiritual. At the same time they are feeling hateful. They are triggered and insecure about it.
Some of them are highly mentally ill. Avoid this person at all costs at this time. They have bad intentions for you. I’m seeing rape explicitly. This person is actively plotting to attack you and have their way with you. They are sneakily stalking you, trying to find information on you. Any they can find isn’t enough. They literally want to be up your ass and know every single little thing about you.
They have more hatred for you than love. Yes, they feel like you could be the one they would settle down with. You are the one that made the player want to commit, but they are so torn between ego and their true desires that they didn’t pursue this. It’s becoming a sick desperation for this person.
I am praying for you that you remain protected and your guides protect you from their sick shit.
This happened with one of my soulmates. We had 12th and 8th house synastry. Unfortunately, his Mars was in my 12th house and His Moon + Venus were conjunct my moon in my 8th house.
Heavy on the stalking and hidden enemy tactics. Very annoying tbh. I dropped his ass because he was so cruel to me I cannot conceptualize it with words. The things he wanted to do to me were so degrading and dehumanizing. It doesn’t matter how sexually attracted to me he was, he plotted trtre and mrdr and r*pe.
The way I see it: His soul is damaged in some way and I didn’t do it to him, so I shouldn’t have to sit here and take the punishment. He needs to do this shit to the people who turned him that way. I never would have done that to him. I forgave him. Things were okay for a while. Then he started his bullshit again. I made the decision to be done with him for good.
If you fumble a divine counterpart and hurt them knowing they are the biggest blessing you will ever receive in your life, ON GOD DAMN PURPOSE, know that the pain that is coming for you will be far greater than you could imagine. It will hurt worse than whatever turned you into the kind of person who does that.
ANYWAY: Your glow up journey is about you becoming self actualized. Spirit wants you to know that giving any more energy to this worm will only serve to hold you back. You are on a spiritual journey and will genuinely heal so many peoples’ lives. You letting go was the most beautiful thing you could have done for yourself. You can literally go live a better life and focus on you.
Cheers to us, who are entering our Vixen Era and celebrating ourselves — no matter who doesn’t like it. Follow your happiness and your intuition. Your joy is leading you to your life purpose. And believe me, you have a huge purpose.
Take up a new hobby or project. In fact, make it a project that has meaning to you. You can be a project too — change what you want to change, even if others disapprove. You are living your life for yourself only.
That’s part of the reason I started this in the first place. Readings don’t tend to cater to sovereign women. Women who do what they want, when they want and prioritize themselves— as well as take the unconventional path. This is a safe space for women who literally don’t abide by the rules society makes and does whatever the literal fuck they want.
This ending with this person was inevitable. They are currently experiencing the karma they have accrued for the evil things they have done. They are the type of person to just look you in the eye and say the most cruel things about your body, no matter how small, and laugh when it makes you cry.
You had to finally drop them like the hot shit they were. Some of you could have waited on them to make a move or be open about their feelings for months or even over a year. Years for some of you. I promise it will never be worth it to wait on this person. Part of your journey is to drop them like hot shit. They are supposed to get it together and eventually grow and evolve and change. Or lose you forever. In the mean time, you lost nothing.
This is happening in your situation now or could happen in the future. This is possibly your guides asking you to make that judgement call and set the boundary.
You are trying to know too damn much. Stop asking the cards about this person. That’s for some of you! Stop checking in so often.
I am getting that they are very ungrateful and are withholding affection. They are not ready to grow the fuck up. They are pretending to not know it hurts you, to not know what they need to do. They are delusional as hell too.
They see this as a situation ship and they are just confused as Hell. You’re supposed to move on from this. Go ahead and cry, you’re allowed to be hurt and to grieve this loss. This connection has already held you back for long enough. Let them go. Cry and cry until you can’t anymore.
Tell them Bye out loud. Tell them and their spirit team and their higher self to leave you the fuck alone. Tell them to go away and not visit you again. Ask a deity or your spirit guides to block that dumb fucker from your energy. Block them out completely. Make sure you let the guides know that you don’t want to perceive that human train-wreck, even if they walk directly in front of you buck ass nekkid. State that you do not want to see them. Mean it.
Get out of your head and stop looking up readings about them and how they feel about you. At least until you're in a better headspace.
Modern Witch Tarot
I asked: What do they intend to do about this connection?
They are a creepy stalker for real. They don’t want other men looking at you, but they don’t desire to commit to you. You are free and they hate that they cannot control you.
6 of Swords. 6 of Cups. The Chariot. Ace of Swords. 5 of Cups. 10 of Swords. 9 of Cups. 10 of Pentacles. The Devil. Queen of Cups. 10 of Cups.
They want to make you pay for cutting them off. They think you’re sitting there like the cat who got the cream. They want to make you feel grief like you’ve never known. They want to trap you in a traumatic and karmic cycle with them. I really fucking hate this reading.
They want to have the 10 of pentacles and rub it in your face. They want to block your physical manifestations of everything you want. You can see very clearly all of their bullshit. They want to bring you some more bread-crumbing fuckshit. I know you know better than to fall for it again. Put an end to this Karmic bullshit.
They intend to bring you some genuine offer, but it has an ulterior motive of destroying you and making bank off of your creativity and kindness. Your good nature is incredibly sweet and good. This person knows you are trusting and, despite having nostalgia and good feelings for you, will trap you in a contract or situation that is no good for you. They really want to dangle something you need in your face.
What a pussy … this person is fucked up. They are trying to trick you into some bs and you need to just stay far away from them.
They can’t mind their own business; their nose is almost constantly up your ass. Now that you’ve made a new boundary they only have themselves and their boring lame life because they can’t spy on you anymore. They are digging and digging but will come up short.
They are a coward and likely won’t ever approach you anyway. If they do, get away from them immediately.
How will the Vixen Veil Collective get on top of this shit and away from this psycho?
Queen of Cups. The Fool. The Tower. Queen of Wands. 2 of wands. Page of Pentacles. 6 of Pentacles. 2 of Pentacles. 8 of Pentacles. Page of Cups. Justice. 3 of Cups. BOTD: 7 of Wands. Under that was 10 of Cups.
Set good boundaries for and with yourself. Keep them out of your business and be mindful of what you post online. You are empathetic, but give it boundaries. Withhold all emotion from this person. If you can, collect evidence of any abuse and save up for an attorney. Work on getting yourself enough money to move away from where you are now.
There’s a glow up to be had. If you physically glow up, you’re going to be hot as fuck. It is going to be BRUTAL for this person to no longer be able to access you. They can be in the same town, they can be in the same building, but they still would not see you. They wouldn’t be able to grasp it. I also see you becoming more balanced spiritually and in the physical world. Your enemy wants to make you homeless, literally in the streets with zero support whatsoever.
Remember your dream before this douche-nozzle crossed your path and became the object of your fantasies / affection. Go after that dream and defend it with everything you have. Keep it on the down low. Fight for it. You’re supposed to accomplish it.
Use the fact that they loved playing you and mocking you behind your back as fuel to your glow up. You were the ass of all their jokes. They mock you on the regular in the group chat. They love it. They would get wet and cum everywhere if they knew it hurt you to know that or you wanted to give them a piece of your mind. They do not respect you enough to listen. They would just look at you and laugh or stare in silence if you tried to confront them.
My dear Vixen, you will not just lay down and take that. Level up so that you are out of their reach.
Others will see what a cunt they are in time. For now, focus on you. Prove them all wrong. Laugh in their ugly little bitch faces when you’ve succeeded. It’s your turn now.
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Cards. ★
Believe in your own magic oracle.
Spaceship. Homeward. Shark. Stars. Confidence. Garden. Grey.
The Citadel
The Pilgrim reversed. The Acolyte. The Miser. The Enchanter. The Astronomer. The Forgotten.
The Sacred Self-Care Oracle
Movement. Dance. Dream Journal. Connect With Earth. Massage. Music.
The Starseed Oracle
Earth School. Called. I’m Sorry. Earth Pulsing. Fall Into My Arms. Perspective.
The Starspinner Tarot
4 of cups. The Lovers. 3 of Wands. 4 of Wands. 3 of Cups. The Lovers (2 dudes on this one). The Hermit. 6 of Swords. BOTD: 9 of Cups
The Wild Unknown Alchemy Deck.
Sap of The Moon Flower. The Golden Rose. Spring. The Great Serpent. Separation. Benevolent Guide.
The Wild Unknown Archetypes.
The Self. The Creator. The Venom. The Mirror. The Seed.
The Wild Unknown Animal Oracle.
The Hawk. The Ant. The Whale. The Camel. The Wolf. The Bear. The Dragonfly. The Dragon. The Unicorn. The Turtle. The Mouse.
Manara Erotic Oracle.
The Muse. The Garden at the Top of the World. The Hate Nurtured With Love. Confidence in The Power of Healing. Purity of Purpose.
Manara Erotic Tarot.
Knight of Pentacles.10 of Swords reversed. 2 of Swords reversed. Knight of Wands. 10 of Wands.
BOTD: 7 of Swords.
Personality Archetypes (Charoline Myss)
xx. xx. xx. xx.
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Crazy reading... I hope my vitriol about this topic wasn't too off putting. I'm going to channel so much of this anger for my Capricorn Full Moon Ritual, which will be available to join soon. It is going to be a Revenge Glow Up Era for all of us! 👑🔥
© Copyright Vixen Veil
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lillysilvermoon · 1 year
Messages from your guardians
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Pile 1
Signs: mentors, spiritual guides, ancestors (old woman), dragons (I heard "dragon soul" but I don't know much about dragons so,,,, takes what resonates), guardian angel, Archangel Raphael, green color, rivers, 1111 (I heard that you should read about this number's meaning and also to pay attention to how you feel when you see this number, it's important because has some kind of message in this and will be different for everyone!).
I feel like some of you has been through some kind of "spiritual awakening", it's like something has happened and now you understood what was necessary and a change of some kind is coming. Wait this is the message of someone: yes you understood and yes the change will happen - well, actually already is lol - and that's your confirmation. Also: there will be a "crisis" of some kind, or happened already, it's to remind you what YOU truly want and what's need to let go, it's kin the way of the Universe test you (I know it's sucks, believe I know......... but, this kind of situation teaches A LOT so me EXTREMELY aware, try to take notes because I swear to you, helps!).
Humm, some of you need to do little adjustments here and there and have a moment of rest, you know when we start our spiritual journey and we read about so many things, we wanna try it all but at some moment just feels like you are stuck? That's it here, it's like you are a vessel and you have been filled more and more and some of this was good but some wasn't and you need some time to "take the trash out", you need to stop and look at all this and see what servers you and what not.
If you are going through some hardships your guardians want you to know that first: you are not alone (please call upon them when you need, I promise they will help. But you need to ask guys😭💗) and you need to have trust to move forward of this situation.
"What you believe it's true becomes true, kid. You are halfway of your goal but you need to be more disciplined and put effort. Commit yourself to what you wants and don't give up." Alright for you all I need to say this: remember the thing about the universe test us? It do this to see if we have learned our lesson, so any dramas that may happen you need to see just as a stepping stone to where you want to be/your goals.
This is now just my own advice: call them, talk to them. It can be ANYTHING. Light a candle, write a letter to them and read out loud, pray, meditation. Can whatever y'all want to be. They are with you and really want to help.
You shall receive good news because abundance is coming at waterfalls to you, give abundantly and you accept with gratitude if you are given (I feel there is people here that just don't know how to accept things, either material or emotional help and your guardian wants you to learn this).
For anyone trying a business: it's gonna be blessed!! Expect thing to work really well because I can tell you: wealth is on its away to you.
Please have more faith in yourself Pile 1, seriously you guardians see you like someone SO capable (king of Wands) you can do it! (Whatever this "it" means to y'all, know that YES U CAN! and I believe in you👽🙌)
Last but not least: When was the last time you heard your feelings? You give them some kind of, you know, attention?..... pretend you are fine, you are strong, a warrior blablabla it's needed sometimes, but if this is your normal it's bad, blocks your heart center and the energy which can make you feel sick and warm you hole body. You need more balance when related to your emotional and self-care. Take more care of your spiritual body. (People who likes crystals: rose quartz it's good for you!)
Pile 2
Signs: green color (pile one had this too lmao maybe y'all need to work on your heart chakra just saying 🤷‍♀️), leo, fire signs and fire placements at your big three (so weird when I receive this things because it's very specific and because I don't even know too much about astrology so I was be like "damn... its really specific" lmao never mind ignore me), aquamarine (loved this because the picture of this Pile is a mermaid🤭🥺), color pink, pisces, 111, 444
Humm okay, first of all your guardians want you to know that some things need to comes to a end because teaches you what was supposed to teach and now it's just time to end, and you don't need to be sad about that because ends also means create space for new things, people, experiences. I feel like this is Love matters, well there is 2 options here: the first one it's all that I said, and the second one is that you are ending this to meet your "special someone" (since there a increase of Twin Flames on earth this time, maybe you are ending this relationship because you gonna meet them soon and you learned the lesson with this person). But for some of you is a friendship. Yeah, it's right, nothing will come of this situation (its literally what the card says), meditation, time out and you know, just be a little contemplative will help you. Surrender to the Divine (whatever The Divine are for you) will help, believe that you will get what you need (I thought this were for the people that are working on there skills but your guardian was like "NO! IT'S NOT!!!!!!) and I came back here and yes it is for you really).
If you are into mantras I recommend "Om Namo Narayani" which basically means I surrender to the Divine.
(I think this is for a really small group: don't let your pride get in your away okay? You need to work in group and balance your needs with the needs of others. Its important and you need to work on this!)
The other message here is that: you are doing SO GREAT at your job/craft. Really, your guardians are proud of you for better your skills and know that you are doing a really good job!
And you need to hear you on thoughts, someone here has been anxious as and your guardian wants you to calm down, repeat to yourself "this thought isn't mine" and start to calm yourself, your guardian wants you to know that you are not alone, but you need to take better care of yourself especially related to your anxiety!
Pile 3
Signs: male guide, trans men (fo explain: someone here reading this are and this is the sign that yes, this is your Pile Hello😙💗), seashells, collect rocks (I don't who you are but you have such a good and fun energy lmao you know this person who just looks like a really good friend and person? It's you), color read, Divine Feminine path (or something related to the topic), life path number 3? (You got FIVE number 3), 666, number 9, pink hearts, Grenade and red jasper (it's more likely you should try to use them, will help you have more energy)
This pile have STRONG feminine energy and also priestess energy (which means that you can be one, become one in the future, was one in some important past life or just have the characteristics of one!)
Okay, some of you has Mother Mary as one of you main guardian (She and Archangel Mary are not the same! I can talk more about this if y'all be interested♡) and I feel a lot of you are working on something new and she wants you to know that: it's worth, this project is important, the world deserves to see the incredible person you are. And also to know that you are entering a knew phase and will bee FULL of good things and blessings, omg I can't calm myself its SO AMAZING really there us so many blessings, so many good moments. Okay I need to calm myself down or things gonna be all messy lol sorry I get really excited with this messages, your faith will be renewed, you are entering a peaceful loving phase, filled with calm energy and personal growth. Your belief that your dreams can manifest are working well, there us a big "yes" coming your away (I'M SO HAPOY FOY YOU, HERE, TAKE MY HUG). Whatever situation this is: is blessed, if you chose this pile probably you are starting all over again in some away, can be on a new/better course or just feeling more positive about archiving your goals.
(Very small group who are feeling stagnant: life goes on cycles and you are going enter a new one now! Likely our friend Pile 3 it's a moment to you to trust in the Divine (again: whatever the Divine is for you). Your guardians want you to trust your feelings and intuition (because logic won't work right now) and speak positively because "your words have power. Say what you want will work, and believe in it" (someone guide said and it's a man).
I need y'all to take care of yourself, your guardians want you to be more in touch with your intuition, your body (dance, yoga and stretching can help) and on do creative things, also try to just go more with the flow, be less controlled (some here are control freaks help) and just... take better care of you, u know?
Oh, I almost forgot: Its time to spread your wings and fly, universe is supporting u right now (your guardians want you to know that because apparently you don't have much physical support so ita important to you to know that). Youe hard work will pay off, I promise you (and for anyone who was wanting to travel: can happen soon)
Pile 4
Signs: aries, pisces, waterfalls, Mexico, ireland, 333, 6666, Angel's, Saint Mary (it's a place in Jamaica).
"You need to take a break" that's what I heard, for some of you I feel like you have to much energy, and you are doing to much things and it's time to get inwards and have some time of to chill, I think you don't like to open up to others because what I'm feeling is that you guided are talking but I just can't understand (like you didn't want help from other person, or that anyone no one knew what going on...) okay I assume its related to your job, or group you live with, looks very...heavy, a sense of hostility and conflicts. Your guardians want you to know that: first isnt your fault! Sencond: try to find common ground and focus on mutual collaboration rather then the competition. You need to focus in maintai you inner peace and don't let the environment you are get the best of you.
For other group here: your guardians always you to take action, to do you best and BE HAPPY (and proud) WITH THAT! (My perfectionist group, maybe?). I think there is something you want and this is a huge YES, but you need determination (and probably a long term plan).
And our last group (but I think this applies to the one before) you need to balance spirituality and practicality (I feel you, same boat here 🤡) WAIT A MINUTE BECAUSE I'M A HOPELESS ROMANTIC SIR, the card says "a new male is coming into your life" nd the other one (the one about balance) SAYS THAT THE PERSON CAN BE A SOULMATE OMG GUYS THE CARDS COMPLEMENTS EACH OTHER THIS IS SO CUTE I CAN'T I'M SORRY-
I couldn't help myself to freak out sorry Pile 4, getting back to what I was saying: Your intuition won't let you down and you need to trust it, and your guardians also wants you to know that you need to take more practical steps and be with your head in the clouds less, they ask you to find balance between your responsibilities and your dreams (maybe you have to work but are trying or want to try your new business, stop dream about it and think "what can I do NOW to make my dream happen?" Or "What step can I do NOW with what I already have to start my business?" Questions like this will help!.
This is coming so strong omg: Your soulmate is coming guys, I mean really appeared 3 times in 2 cards (besides you got The Emperor which can means Divine Masculine depends on the topic. Anyhow just takes what resonates).
COME HERE: When things get hard you have emotional balance? Your guardians want you to work on this, because sometimes the solution is right in front of you but you are to angry, sad or agitated to realize.
I hope this message reaches everyone who needs. Bye bye from me and your guardians 🤣🤭 see y'all soon.
- Lia
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traumacatholic · 5 months
Can you please pray for me im suffering too much and i am very suicidal. Thank you so so much. <3
Of course, may God bless you and have mercy on you. May He send you the comfort and strength that you need. Please also do try your best to reach out to people in your life about this, preferably a doctor if possible or look into a mental health support service that you can call or send an email to. It's always a good idea to have multiple forms of support that are aware of how you're currently feeling. And charitable mental health resources might be able to help you to engage with accessible resources and support. I know that at least here, some of them do offer workshops or free counselling and support that you can access.
I'm going to attach some prayers under the read more, hopefully some of them will be of help to you. Please also check my mental health tag, as I do share a lot of workbooks and other resources and apps that you might find beneficial to engage with. A lot of these resources are free.
Prayer against Depression: Prayer to the Mother of God
O my beloved Queen, my hope, O Mother of God, protector of orphans and protector of those who are hurt, the saviour of those who perish, and the consolation of all who are in distress: Thou seest my misery, thou seeset my sorrow and my loneliness. Help me; I am powerless. Give me strength. Thou knowest what I suffer, thou knowest my grief. Lend me thy hand, for who else can be my hope but thee, my protector and my intercessor before God? I have sinned before thee and before all people. Be thou my Mother, my consoler, my helper. Protect me and save me; chase grief away from me; chase away my lowness of heart and my despondency. Help me, O Mother of my God!
Prayer against Depression and Sorrow
O Greatly-merciful Master, Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me and cleanse me from every sadness and disturbance and cowardice. Drive away from me every spiritual choking and demonic sorrow, that I sense in my body and my soul. For You are our Joy, and the Hope of all the ends of the earth, and those far off at sea. Be merciful to me, O Master, upon my sins. Take from me the heavy burden of sin and despair. Drive far away from me every sadness and laziness. Confirm me in Your Love, and with unassailable hope and unshakable faith in You, through the intercessions of Your Spotless Mother, and all Your Saints. Amen.
Prayer for Mental Health
O Master, Lord my God, in Whose hands is my destiny: Help me according to Thy mercy, and leave me not to perish in my transgressions, nor allow me to follow them who place desires of the flesh over those of the spirit. I am Thy creation; disdain not the work of Thy hands. Turn not away; be compassionate and humiliate me not, neither scorn me, O Lord, as I am weak. I have fled unto Thee as my Protector and God. Heal my soul, for I have sinned against Thee. Save me for Thy mercy's sake, for I have cleaved unto Thee from my youth; let me who seeks Thee not be put to shame by being rejected by Thee for mine unclean actions, unseemly thoughts, and unprofitable remembrances. Drive away from me every filthy thing and excess of evil. For Thou alone art holy, alone mighty, and alone immortal, in all things having unexcelled might, which, through Thee, is given to all that strive against the devil and the might of his armies. For unto Thee is due all glory, honor and worship: To the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen (source)
Prayer to St. Anastasia the Greatmartyr
O holy saint Anastasia, healer and minister to captives, who did suffer greatly as a martyr while relieving the suffering of the poor and the sick, pray for us who are ill in soul and in body. Relieve us by your intercessions from the illnesses of our minds, from all evil temptation that seeks to disturb us, and from the suffering of our many afflictions. We ask these things boldly of you as you boldly approach the throne of our Lord Jesus Christ who alone is the Healer and Lover of Mankind. Amen.
Your lamb Anastasia, calls out to You, O Jesus, in a loud voice: ‘I love You, my Bridegroom, and in seeking You I endure suffering. In baptism, I was crucified so that I might reign in You, and I died so that I might live with You. Accept me as a pure sacrifice, for I have offered myself in love.’ Through her prayers save our souls, since You are merciful.
Prayers to Saint Dymphna (These can be said individually, or you could put them all together)
I turn to you, dear virgin and martyr, confident of your power with God and of your willingness to take my cause into your hands. I praise and bless the Lord for giving you to us as patron of the nervous and emotionally disturbed. I firmly hope that through your kind intercession He will restore my lost serenity and peace of mind. May He speak to my heart and reassure me: "My peace I give you. Let not your heart be troubled nor let it be afraid." Pray for me, dear St. Dymphna, that my nervous and emotional turmoil may cease, and that I may again know serenity and personal peace. Amen.
I appeal to you in my illness, dear St. Dymphna. I would be so grateful for a total and happy recovery, for the blessed gift of health in every fiber of my being. May the Lord Jesus, who mercifully healed the sick during His earthly days, have pity on me and make me well again. Ask Him to command sickness to depart and grant me a full measure of health, that I may rejoice in giving Him glory and praise. Amen.
Glorious St. Dymphna, you are the patron of the nervous and emotionally disturbed. I am certain, however, that your charity embraces everyone. I am certain that you lend a listening ear to any prayer offered for any special need. You will, I am sure, take my problem to heart and pray for me that it may be happily settled. (Here mention your special problem or difficulty.) You will plead for me and obtain the help I need. Already I offer you my sincere and grateful thanks, so great is my confidence that God will hear and answer your prayers. Amen. St. Dymphna, Virgin and Martyr, pray for us. St. Dymphna, patron of nervous and emotional illnesses, pray for us. St. Dymphna, crowned for the glory in heaven, pray for us. St. Dymphna, faithful to your covenant with Christ, pray for us. St. Dymphna, precious in the eyes of the Lord, pray for us. St. Dymphna, our helper in every need, pray for us. St. Dymphna, our friend at heave's court, pray for us.
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cosmichighpriestess · 8 months
Be what you know you are Let Go and BE.
I think people can become very surprised and lost even devastated when their old world comes crashing down on itself because they were not following their highest excitement and everything based off false foundations came crumbling down on itself because nothing based on love and truth was holding it in place.
They attempt to go back to their old life, old ways, their old career and look for a new job in the same field that were not truly inspired by to begin with. Did you really think you had to kill yourself to live a successful life? God said, Rest and put all your burdens at my feet and know that until you feel inspired, that is the only time to do something. Your heart is always knocking at your door. It will only continue to get louder and louder until you finally answer the door.
You will be molded and created brand new and morph into your higher self when you rest and follow your highest excitement every moment, that is your job, to be yourself, rest when you are burdened and follow your high excitement when you're not resting and taking care of your immediate responsibilities like pets or children. Do the things you don't enjoy and see them neutrally, in a nonjudgmental way with unconditional love, see them through the perspective of God and you will no longer be in your non preferred reality. You will no longer be that other version--you stepped out of it. Then say from that higher perspective, " what is the lesson that you wish to learn, what are you attempting to teach yourself through these actions?" Then you will actually be able to see it the way Source sees it.
You are allowed to ask for help and be a little selfish especially now in the year 2024. When you have to quit your job or you're let go, or a relationship fails, or meditation, praying and old spiritual practices quote on quote "fail", realize this is not failure but rather indicates a graduation to a new state of consciousness, you no longer are in alignment with what previously worked so well. It's indicative of where you are consciously when you think you have to work hard or struggle for something you already carry within you to create. Your soul is already rich and abundant you just need to recognize the abundance already around you and the Universe will spoil you with riches. You always have been worthy without having to suffer for it.
This is the nature of the structure of existence. Remember when something feels bad, when we're experiencing sickness, disease, sadness, pain, suffering, lack, negativity, loneliness, grief, "death" ect. Remember, It's not the truth. Nothing is real except love, peace, abundance, harmony, joy, bliss ect. All Negativity is an illusion based from a third dimensional perspective level of consciousness.
There is NO divine law supporting these things, these are not God ordained concepts, these are human constructs because they are all an illusion in this simulation because God consciousness does not have ideas of lack and limitation. God is not judging you as "an old man with a beard sitting up there in the clouds", God alone IS, You are the wholeness of God, God is not made from man. you are judging yourself, your higher self is the only one judging your physical self. God is not a man sitting in the clouds telling you that you were "bad" or "good". You have free will and everything in this Universe is neutral to begin with and meaningless. Nothing has meaning until you assign it a meaning as either positive or negative. When you accept both experiences as beneficial for you to learn from you become more grateful for each experience and graduate to another level.
We must let go of the obsolete religious and metaphysical teachings telling you to pray this way or that, do this to be spiritual etc. in order to obtain what you believe you or others need. Everything is already spiritual just by existing. Because everything is Source. You cannot pray for peace in the world, and see change outside of you, you must recognize and realize the peace within you and you will shift to a more peaceful world on a parallel reality version of Earth. You only experience the reality you believe you know as truth that you prefer. You must believe nothing bad is happening on your planet. Truth must become in your state of consciousness before it can manifest outwardly.
There are still many old energies that are intense and extremely painful that are being cleared now by being recreated in your simulation such as a lifetime of abuse because you are more spiritually empowered and emotionally prepared now and you are able to re-experience the energy in some form, recognize it for what it represents, and fully release it from your consciousness which never dies, just keeps ascending into the higher dimensions.
If someone or some organization is controlling you or abusing you, there is no Divine Law supporting that behavior, that does not come from God and you have every right to stop giving that person your energy and power over you and leave somewhere you won't be manipulated and controlled anymore. Your true underlying energy is always happy, always has been pure love, always in bliss. Any negativity you experience is not who you are and never has been.
You are apart of Source pretending to be human on this rollercoaster called life on Earth and you are here to enjoy meeting different versions of yourself in everything you meet, you are here to be love and enjoy this rollercoaster because you have no agenda. You are here to enjoy the ride and take in all the experiences in your kingdom you created.
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saras-devotionals · 5 months
Quiet Time 4/25
What am I feeling today?
A little less overwhelmed, just exhausted and feeling like I’m being pulled in multiple directions. I’m trying to do my best and I really hope it all turns out the way it’s supposed to!
The Humility Of Jesus
There are not too many people who could describe themselves as humble and have a great number of others believe them. But Jesus did just that. Listen to his words:
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭11‬:‭28‬-‭30‬ ‭NIV‬‬
““Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.””
what specifically does Jesus want us to imitate in his character? In this passage it is his gentleness and his humility
Jesus did not do or say anything apart from what his Father desired; he was totally dependent on him. At the heart of being humble is being dependent on God. Jesus was the most humble man ever to live, because no one was ever more dependent on God than he was. No one was ever less self-sufficient than the man who seemingly had the most reason to be so.
One of the subtle manifestations of pride is having a self-sufficient attitude. While I don't personally walk around feeling prideful, I do often see an attitude of self-sufficiency in me, which is clearly pride. For example, I like to work alone. I insisted on doing my own work exclusively as I was growing up. I rarely asked for help. I seldom felt lonely, and my escapist dreams were all about being off alone as a farmer or rancher, building something all by myselfWhether it was for school or any other project, I liked to figure it out myself.
Pride does not ask for, or like to ask for, help
Pride is in total contrast to Jesus. Jesus is humble in heart and sees his need for God. He did nothing, said nothing apart from his dependence on God. And as a result, Jesus was not weary or burdened with life
We can be self-sufficient (and therefore prideful) in our ef- forts to spiritual. We can be self-reliant in trying overcome sin. Consider this passage from 2 Chronicles 7:13-14:
““When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
Sometimes in Scripture the order of things is very impor- tant, and this seems true here. The first step in getting right with God is being humble, not "turning from our wicked ways." Now, if we are humble, we do turn. But we should not start by thinking, "I'll turn from my sins, my wicked ways, and then I (in my self-sufficient way) will have earned my place with God. Then I will be humble." Humble is the last thing we will be!
Remembering that we "were bought at a price" (1 Corinthians 6:20) and understanding that we now belong to God helps us to see that we can no longer be self-sufficient. Because God "sends me," my life will change: I will not do what I want, but what God wants, in every area of my life.
Jesus also shows his humility in the way he served. He served others instead of being self-occupied, even in his times of greatest personal trial
Jesus welcomed children, women, "sinners,” tax collectors, the hurting (lepers, sick) and demoniacs-again, not the associates of the prideful. But Jesus did not just associate with these people, he served them.
There are several telltale signs of self-occupation: Are your prayers mainly about yourself? Are your conversations mainly about yourself? Do you do most of the talking in your interaction with others? Do you rarely serve others in the mundane ways? Are there some things that you just do not you should ever be asked to do? Are you more worried about your position in the eyes of others or in God's eyes? If you are a disciple of Jesus, you will not be afraid of humble service. You will see in his life the glory of service, and you will be ready to take the towel and the basin and wash feet.
Pride offends God by self-exaltation, offends others by self-occupation and damages self by self-deception. This delusion increases until one fancies oneself so high as to be invulnerable. The Bible says a lot about that. Jesus is the opposite at every point.
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭2‬:‭3‬-‭5‬ ‭NIV‬‬
“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:”
Disciples of Jesus must have the greatest commitment to humility
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cutesharkstudios · 9 months
Owl House Group Chat Ch. 1
Room Created: Hexsquad
(Hexsquad) 9:03am Luz has entered Amity has entered
Luz: Hola Batata!
Amity: Hey sweet potato!
Luz: Like the new group chat? This, God willing, will make sure we're all on the same page with new events.
Amity: It's wonderful, Luz. Side note, what did you think of my gift for your kingcenera?
Luz: OMT Ams, I LOVED it. Ever since Mildred Featherwile ended the Azura franchise because the publishers thought it "didn't fit the brand", I lost touch with my reading. So to see fans made a spiritual sucessor was really great, and I loved the book so much I read it thrice.
Amity: Wasn't your party yesterday? And the book 700 pages?
Luz: I really liked it, thanks.
Amity: Welcome. So, who else is coming on?
Luz: Basically all our close friends, but not all at once. I say we give it some time.
Luz: Gotta go, mama needs my help at the vet. BRB!
Luz has left the chat
Amity: Well it's saturday, so I'll just wait for the others.
10:16 am Hunter has entered Vee has entered
Hunter: So this is a group chat. Nice.
Vee: So what's up Hunter?
Hunter: Things are going good with me and Willow, Darius is in a MUCH better mood now that he's dating Alador, and Eberwolf is teaching me beastkeeping magic, which I am having a ton of fun with.
Vee: Awesome!
Amity: Hey Hunter! Hey Vee! How's it feel to be official Nocedas now?
Vee: SO GREAT! Camilla has been awesome, and even gave me great dating advice for Masha.
Hunter: She even helped me become a better sewing. Now I can make cute dresses for palismen too. I sold 10 yesterday for a remote buyer, and the money will help out massively in the future.
Amity: 150 snails well spent.
Vee: So, Gus is finishing up his lecture, so he should be here soon.
Gus has entered
Hunter: Or right now.
Gus: Sorry for the wait, student raised some really interesting questions.
Amity: So, where is Willow? This sounds like her kind of thing.
Hunter: Flyer derby practice. I heard she's making up for a ton of the reserve team being sick. Pray for them.
Amity: We will.
Vee: So Hunter, I hear a lot about Darius, but how's Eberwolf?
Eberwolf has entered
Eberwolf: I'm doing lovely, thank you Vee.
Amity: MR. EBERWOLF!?!?!?!?!?!?
Gus: How'd you get on here?
Eberwolf: Hunter gave me access. Before anyone asks yes, he did ask Luz if it was okay, so I thought I'd tell you about Luz and how she's doing in my class.
Amity: How is she doing?
Eberwolf: Well, I can tell her mom is a vet. She is doing SPLENDID in my class. You can see the look in her eyes when she hugs a griffon. Side note, she mentioned you were good with cats, so I have a question.
Amity: shoot.
Eberwolf: Why did she nickname our Liger after you? I heard she said it was because it's power and beauty reminded her of you, and wondered why it did.
Amity: 0/////0
Vee: Aw!
Hunter: That's my sister.
Hunter: Man, that feels good to type.
Luz has entered
Luz: Hey guys, glad you could make it.
Amity: Hey Luz, check out Eberwolf's text about you.
Gus: Oh this is gonna be fun
Vee: Popcorn? [image of popcorn]
Luz: I thought it would be sweet. Is it?
Amity: It is. Side note, before I go and help my dad with his project, I ask that you meet me in my manor at 8. I have a suprise for you.
Amity has left the chat
Luz: ok…………
Luz has left the chat
Eberwolf: Oh my.
Vee: Go to horny jail.
(At the Blight Manor)
Luz: (Enters) Hello? Amity?
Amity: (Practically singing) Luz, come here.
Luz then sees a finger beconing here further in the manor
Luz then walks into the room, and sees something that made her gasp in shock…..
….. a room full of otter plushies
Amity: They were on sale.
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
Friday August 23, 2024 Truth Bomb
Karen Bracken
Climate Meltdown: Ivy League Scientists Expose Climate Fraud with Alex Newman - 16 min. ARTICLE/VIDEO
Meet Biden’s MonkeyHoax Response Deputy Coordinator - Does the BIDEN/HARRIS administration have any sane people on board? You know the old saying…..you are who you associate with. Just sayin’ - ARTICLE
The Civil War Didn't 'Settle' The Question Of State Secession - if you have the time read some of the comments to this article - ARTICLE
Texas Dad Fights to Protect Son From Castration in California - if you are not familiar with this story buy his mentally ill ex-wife is forcing their son to become a girl and has been since he was a toddler. When the boy is with his father he dresses and acts like a boy and wants to be a boy but his mother is sick and of course the sociopaths in CA are the perfect place for her. But he continues to fight for his son. This father has some very sound advice at the end - 12 min. VIDEO
A few words about food: Are you watching and listening to the trends and what that will mean for your family's kitchen table? by Leo Hohmann - Kamala’s food price controls will bring huge shortages not lower food prices. Wherever price controls were implemented they caused devastation and famine. Just look at the hungry people and empty stores in Venezuela. Control the food they control the people. Don’t forget the left is all about control. But those Americans that love their slave class will cheer for her plans - Take Leo’s advice and start stockpiling so foods that have a long shelf life - ARTICLE
Venezuela gangs taking over in Colorado - 1 min. VIDEO
Rigged Polls Creating a False Narrative to Enable Election Theft - Anyone with half a brain knows there is no way Kamala Harris is beating Trump. When I look at the short snippet videos of the convention it is extremely obvious the videos are fake. They are videos of crowds from other events. Not one Kamala sign to be seen in these crowds. In Philadelphia recently she drew a whopping crowd (indoors) of 109 people and that included the press. The fake poll numbers are to cover up for the steal when it happens. They can say "see she was ahead in the polls and she won." They did the same thing with Hillary but they underestimated Trump's base. But and they made dang sure in 2020 they would not make that same mistake and they have now, over the past 4 years, perfected the science and have more paid operatives than in 2020 and are going to steal the election again in 2024. What to do? First, do not make it easy for them to steal the election. The more voters that come out and vote the harder it will be for them to hide the steal. As much as I support voting on election day this year I will vote on the first day of early voting. I believe many states will be in planned chaos on election day. Volunteer to be a poll watcher or just sit outside the polls and photograph and write down anything you see suspicious. There is nothing else we can do at this point except pray for divine intervention and prepare for a very bumpy road ahead fi they pull of another steal. There is no doubt Harris and Walz are dyed in the wool communists/marxist. And with global support they WILL destroy this country. What we are seeing has been seen before. Just read the Bible. When evil becomes good and good become evil and immoral becomes moral is our clue that what we are experiencing is spiritual. We need to ask God for forgiveness, Thank God for all of his many blessings and THEN ask God to spare our nation. We are truly under his judgement at this moment in time. It is up to us in whatever way necessary to save our country, our faith, our family and our culture. Pray that these sociopaths working to destroy not only country but humanity underestimate the American people again. The time to must the American spirit is near. - ARTICLE
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hiswordsarekisses · 3 months
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When you hold on to offenses, the bitterness gives you a hard heart that absolutely blinds you to the things of God. That’s why Paul warned us about the bitter root springing up and defining many in Hebrews 12:15.
When you’re bitter, you think about others’ sins against you so much that you are no longer thinking about your own sin against other people.
Forgiving others for hurts they have caused you doesn’t mean God condones their actions, but forgiving them frees you so you can let go of bitterness and anger. You can rest assured that God knows the evil done to you.
The message that God forgives has a prior condition: that we forgive those who have injured us. “If you do not forgive men their trespasses,” Jesus says, “neither will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses.”
God’s Word warns us that bitterness is a sin. When you’re bitter, you make a statement about God’s inability to care for you.
Bitterness not only hurts you, it affects the people around you. When you’re bitter, you blame others for things that happen to you, focus on the negative things, criticize others, become cynical, and can’t see the good in people or situations anymore.
It clouds everything in your life.
Bitterness sits like a poison inside your heart and mind and can make both your heart, mind and body sick.
“Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.” Ephesians 4:31
“Repent of this wickedness and pray to the Lord in the hope that he may forgive you for having such a thought in your heart. For I see that you are full of bitterness and captive to sin.” Acts 8:22-23
“But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth.” James 3:14
Even secular counselors acknowledge the negative consequences of bitterness in a person’s life. They say that bitterness has side effects similar to trauma!!!
Consequences of bitterness include: Insomnia, Extreme fatigue, Getting sick a lot, Lack of libido, Negativity, Low self-confidence, Loss of healthy relationships, etc.
Unresolved bitterness will cause you to struggle with sins you’ve never struggled with before, such as Hatred, Self-pity, Selfishness, Envy, Antagonism, Inflexibility, Spitefulness, Resentment, and more.
If you ask Him, God gives you the strength to forgive and break the power of bitterness in your life. Leaving it there and not dealing with it is physically, mentally, and spiritually fatal.
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creature-wizard · 1 year
People can, of course, go from Wicca to some form of Satanic spirituality, but William "Bill" Schnoebelen claimed that Wicca was actually created to recruit naive spiritual seekers and gradually indoctrinate them into the beliefs of a worldwide Satanic conspiracy.
In Wicca: Satan's Little White Lie, he tries to present himself as an innocent man seduced into dark powers, but the way he actually talks about himself, it sounds more like he just wanted power and would go along with pretty much anything so long as it seemed to offer more power.
So now he's claiming that Wiccans who desired "more wisdom" would be taught that the Horned God was actually Lucifer, and from there be led into LaVeyan Satanism, and from there, be led into "hardcore" satanism; IE, conspiracy theory satanism.
He claims that:
The man who was my immediate superior was a strange, but powerful satanist from Chicago with all sorts of connections in politics and industry. I was amazed at the people of power I would meet at the sabbats.
I figured I had it made and my ship was finally coming in. I signed a pact in my own blood with Satan. He received complete control of my body and soul. In return, I got seven years of whatever I desired: money, sex, drugs or power! It could all be mine!
Familiar fairy tale trope is familiar, lol
Then, Schnoebelen claims that he'd sent a check in to the Church of Satan, and it came back with the words "I'll be praying for you in Jesus's name" written on it. And apparently he knows it's a woman's handwriting because it was "delicate and feminine."
And then he claims:
Within days, things began to happen. I lost my job, my wife got sick, I got sick, and my satanic mentor, so powerful and self-assured, got in a serious truck accident and ended up in the hospital with grievous abdominal injuries. His previously limitless supply of money from California dried up, and I was effectively cut off from all my powerful new contacts.
I'm sorry... what? That's... that's awfully vicious behavior for the deity who's supposed to have the moral high ground, my dude. Are you saying that all this lady did was pray for you, and God just chose violence?
Later, Schnoebelen claims:
Much of my personal story as contained in chapter one is radically different from the current public relations image being promoted in the media by witches and Neo-Pagans.
Like the PR material for any deceptive religious cult, they wish to present as positive an image as possible. They deal in non-issues rather than the central points which really matter in an eternal perspective.
Goddamnit, this is another one of those things where the Christians act offended because the people who aren't Christian don't subscribe to the whole "you need a savior to save you from your sins" thing, isn't it?
Anyway, Schnoebelen quotes Laurie Cabot's list of Witches' Do's and Don'ts, and proceeds to gripe and complain that witches aren't actually morally pure as all that.
Again, we're dealing with a relatively new spiritual movement where people are bound to make idealistic statements that won't hold up upon meeting the complexity of the real world, or that people just won't always live up to because people aren't perfect. And quite frankly, Christianity is no different; y'all have your high-minded ideals, but in the day-to-day you make a lot of concessions and compromises. And you have to, because your survival depends on it. You can't always give your boss your "honest opinion," and it's not prudent to give away everything you own.
What about magic? As I mentioned in my own story, the ethics get a bit nebulous when you decide if you’re going to heal someone without their permission, or do a love spell on a person without their knowledge. You see, this is all so vague it is meaningless. Suppose you have a relative with Alzheimer’s disease. Would it be alright to put a spell on him to kill him and “put him out of his misery?”
Some witches would say yes, others would say no. To whom do we turn to settle these things? In some older witch traditions, being a homosexual was a “no-no,” yet other newer witch groups celebrate “gayness.” Did they get a direct line from the “Universal Law” to change the rules? Is it alright to cheat on your “lady?” If she doesn’t know, she isn’t harmed, is she? You see how misguided and useless this kind of ethical system is? It allows for all manner of exploitation and evil, and believe me - I knew some awfully selfish and exploitative “Wiccans” in my day. One of them stole my high priestess’ wedding and engagement rings!
Man, if only there were people who ask these hard questions and search for ways to deal with these issues without appealing to a higher authority... if only people had been interested in wrangling such things since ancient times... if only there were such things as philosophers and ethicists... if only...
By the way, Bill, if Christians are supposed to be all loving and harmless, is it correct to pray for someone knowing that your god might likely inflict violence on them? Is that really any better or different than straight-up siccing a violent demon on them?
And then Bill claims this about the Threefold Law:
For example, if you perceive that someone has injured you in some fashion, either magically or physically, you have the “right” by Witch Law to hurt him three times worse. What often happens is that witches are injured in some real or imagined way and believe they have the right to hex the offending person three times worse!
This is literally not what the Threefold Law is about. The Threefold Law is one of those kinda culturally Christian "what goes around, comes around" kind of deals. Retaliation isn't supposed to be necessary because the universe will supposedly hurt the original dickbag three times worse.
He claims that a young woman stole the HP's jewelry, and the HP "invoked the law of three" and supposedly, the young woman fell down a stairs and was paralyzed from the neck down:
We did not curse her and say, “Goddess, make her fall down a flight of stairs and be paralyzed.” We just invoked this “Law” upon her. To end up a paralytic for life for ripping off jewelry is a bit severe. This was done when I believed I was a “white” witch and would never have considered cursing someone or seeking power from the devil.
Dude... may I remind you of what you claimed happened when Bank Lady prayed to Jesus? Literally how are Christians any better, in your reckoning?
Schnoebelen claims that magical fights will inevitably escalate and may I remind you, Schnoebelen, that Evangelical Christians see themselves as being in the middle of a spiritual war, waged against everyone who isn't like them. You, Schnoebelen, apparently believe it's justified for Christians to pray to Jesus to inflict violence on anyone who isn't a Christian. The crowd you're appealing to prays for horrible things to happen to everyone they've made their enemies every day. The crowd you're appealing to thought AIDS was God's punishment on the gays.
You don't have the moral ground you want everyone to think you have.
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steveezekiel · 4 months
1 I CRY OUT TO GOD; yes, I shout. Oh, that God would listen to me! 2 WHEN I WAS IN DEEP TROUBLE, I searched for the Lord. ALL NIGHT LONG I PRAYED, WITH HANDS LIFTED TOWARDS HEAVEN, but my soul was not comforted. 3 I think of God, and I moan, overwhelmed with LONGING FOR HIS HELP." Psalm 77:1-3 (NLT)
This psalmist is Jedunthun, a choir director. He was pouring his heart out to God in prayer, because he was in a distress, in a deep trouble.
A pattern of Believers' Prayer is found in this passage. Where do you turn to, when you are troubled in your heart.
All night long I pray!
The night hour is the time to pray and determine what happens in the day time—your daily activities.
In other words, the victory or success which you would have or experience would be determined in your prayers in the night time.
As a Believer, do not sleep all night. Let part of your night time be used to pray through on whatever might be bothering your heart.
The psalmist in the text unburdened his Heart to God in prayer. If this is properly done, you would see the results of what you have taken time to talk out with God—there would be testimony, or signs, or proofs, that you had actually prayed.
Whatever you can see in the physical, existed first of all in the spirit realm.
Pray at the time when you would be less distracted. And the night hour would be an ideal time.
If you succeed in taking over in the spirit realm, in prayer, you would succeed in getting or realizing your object of prayers.
Although, the prayer of a Believer in Christ Jesus is promised to be answered, at any time of the day; either the day time or the night, when prayed in line with the Bible—the Word of God.
The devil usually works when men, people, are slept: 24 ANOTHER PARABLE He put forth to them, SAYING: “THE KINGDOM of heaven is like a man who SOWED GOOD SEED in his FIELD; 25 BUT WHILE MEN SLEPT, HIS ENEMY CAME AND SOWED TARES AMONG THE WHEAT and went his way" (Matthew 13:24,25 NKJV).
Evil Seed had been sown in some people's lives through their sleeping. It could be through a spiritual slumbering or the physical one.
Most demonic diseases or sicknesses that defied medications are contracted in the sleep. Afflictions, diseases, or whatever, even death, are placed on people whilst they are sleeping.
Do not be a victim of the night time. You can rise and take over in the night, to defend your destiny and frustrate the plans of the wicked one, the devil—over your life and the loved ones.
Man's enemy who came to sow tares, which was mentioned in the parable, is no other person than the devil, the adversary, the archenemy of mankind (Revelation 12:9,10,17).
This is the reason why a Believer should not allow a spiritual apathy and slumbering. Through spiritual apathy, slumbering, or lazing, or being carefree; negative things could be sown to a person's life which he or she would be grappling with for many years—and perhaps for the rest of the person's life.
God has given authority to you as a Believer, because satan has fallen. You are to trample on the serpents and scorpions: 18 AND He [Jesus] said to them, “I SAW SATAN FALL LIKE LIGHTNING FROM HEAVEN. 19 Behold, I GIVE YOU THE AUTHORITY TO TRAMPLE ON SERPENTS and SCORPIONS, and OVER ALL THE POWER OF THE ENEMY, AND NOTHING SHALL BY ANY MEANS HURT YOU" (Luke 10:18,19 NKJV).
You have what It takes to live and overcome in life, that is, living a victorious Christian life (1 John 5:4).
You take Authority over the powers of darkness. You resist the devil, bind and cast demons away, in the name that is above every other name, which was given to you as a Believer (Mark 16:17,18; Philippians 2:9-11; James 4:7).
The weapons with which to deal with the enemy, the devil and his cohorts, are not carnal or physical weapons.
They are spiritual weapons, because the forces of the dark kingdom we deal with are spiritual beings—they are not humans: "FOR WE ARE NOT FIGHTING AGAINST PEOPLE MADE OF FLESH AND BLOOD, but against persons without bodies—the evil rulers of the unseen world, those mighty satanic beings and great evil princes of darkness who rule this world; AND AGAINST HUGE NUMBERS OF WICKED SPIRITS IN THE SPIRIT WORLD" (Ephesians 6:12 the Living Bible). READ: 2 Corinthians 10:3,4
Since the forces we, the Believers, deal with are unseen and spiritual, they had to be dealt with spiritually and not carnally or physically.
You do not have to stand against the enemy, the devil with your physical strength. For by physical strength no man, or person, would prevail (1 Samuel 2:9).
You allow God to deal with any human being who yielded himself or herself, to be used by the devil, as an enemy against you: "BELOVED, DO NOT AVENGE YOURSELVES, BUT RATHER GIVE PLACE TO WRATH [of God]; FOR it is written, "VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY," SAYS THE LORD" (Romans 12:19 NKJV). READ: Luke 18:7,8
Jesus says: 38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ 39 BUT I TELL YOU NOT TO OPPOSE AN EVIL PERSON. IF someone SLAPS you on your RIGHT CHEEK, TURN YOUR OTHER CHEEK TO HIM AS WELL. 40 IF someone wants to SUE YOU in order to TAKE your SHIRT, LET him HAVE your COAT TOO. 41 IF someone FORCES you TO GO ONE MILE, GO TWO MILES with HIM. 42 GIVE to EVERYONE who ASKS YOU for SOMETHING. DON'T turn ANYONE AWAY who wants to BORROW SOMETHING from YOU" (Matthew 5:38-42 GOD'S WORD translation).
Yours is to live submissively to God, by walking in the light of His Word and be in agreement with Him on whatever He might want to do with or through your life: "THEREFORE SUBMIT TO GOD. RESIST THE DEVIL and HE WILL FLEE FROM YOU" (James 4:7 NKJV).
When you submitted to God, His plans and Wills, the devil would not be able to Resist your words. God would give you a mouth which the adversary would not be able to Resist or gainsay: "FOR I WILL GIVE YOU A MOUTH AND WISDOM WHICH ALL YOUR ADVERSARIES WILL NOT BE ABLE TO CONTRADICT OR RESIST" (Luke 21:15 NKJV).
When you speak the angels would run around to carry out or effect your words (Hebrews 1:14), whilst demons would flee or move at your instances (Luke 10:17,18).
Your Disobedience, insubmissiveness is the only reason why the devil would not obey your words, when you commanded him to move.
If your Obedience is perfect, the devil, has no any other choice rather than to obey: 3 FOR though we walk in the flesh, WE DO NOT WAR ACCORDING TO THE FLESH. 4 FOR the WEAPONS of our WARFARE are not CARNAL but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, BRINGING EVERY THOUGHT INTO CAPTIVITY TO THE OBEDIENCE OF CHRIST, 6 and BEING READY TO PUNISH ALL DISOBEDIENCE WHEN YOUR OBEDIENCE IS FULFILLED" (2 Corinthians 10:3-6 NKJV).
You have the right or authority to punish every Disobedience when your own Obedience to God; in walking in the light of His Word and doing whatever He has instructed you to do, is fulfilled or completed (2 Corinthians 10:6).
Your Obedience and submissiveness are the keys to rule over the devil and his cohorts.
Note: your words would be made ineffective when you live contrary to God's Word, and obey not His Will—when you do not obey or do the specific instructions given to you, the assignment.
God would make your words not to fall to the ground, as long as you walk in Obedience to His Word and whatever He has commanded you to do. In other words, He would empower your words, and make them effective—powerful: "SO Samuel GREW, AND THE LORD WAS WITH HIM AND LET NONE OF HIS WORDS FALL TO THE GROUND [fail]" (1 Samuel 3:19 NKJV).
If you live your life without God, you would not fulfil or accomplish the purpose which He has for your life. THUS, be serious with your walk with God; your relationship and fellowshipping with Him.
You will not fail in Jesus' name.
Whatever the devil planted in your body, which would not allow you to live in good health, such is rooted up in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
And Afflictions will never rise again in your life in Jesus' name. Peace!
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