#but that whole 'my wife doesn't know anything' part after her giving him a million hints is just beautiful
tardis--dreams · 1 year
I tend to think of do hyun soo as very clever and good at reading people, but then i remind myself of his wife taking him to his father's old serial killer den and playing him a recording of his mom and my boi still not realizing she'd found out about his little secret and then this thought goes away
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fan4196 · 3 years
Alex’s Award
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Hope you like it. Enjoy!
Thanks to @angry-slytherin :)
If you would have told intern Alex that fourty years in the future he would sit right here, beside his amazing wife of almost thirty years, he would have laughed hard. Never had he imagined that his hard work and a little lie about testicular cancer could bring him this far.
Sitting here in between hundreds of brilliant minds, hoping to win one of the biggest medical awards was still crazy for him. Why him out of all? Why should they give him an award? Why should he out of all deserve an award like this?
As he keeps looking around the room he recognises so many amazing doctors from all over the country. And he still can't believe that he is one of them.
He takes his view back to the stage as he hears Catherine read his name as one of the nominees of the night.
"...Doctor Alexander Karev, Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital..." That's all he hears as Jo squeezes his hand softly before she continues stroking the back of it with her thumb. He glances to the side where his wife is sitting and smiling proudly while she's watching the stage. His view follows his wife's to the stage as Catherine is about to proclaim the winner.
"And the Catherine Fox Award for medical innovation goes to- Alexander Karev, Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital."
The sound of words reach his ears but don't seam to reach his brain. His brain doesn't get it.
The grip of his wife's hands on his cheeks made him finally realise it. He fricking won.
His shocked face slowly defrosts as he looks into Jo's teary eyes. The smile on her face shines of proudness as she leans forward to kiss him, putting her left arm around his neck while her right hand disappears in his hair.
What felt like minutes for him turns out to be only a few seconds as Jo loosens her grip on him.
"I'm so proud of you." Jo whispers while she looks him in the eyes. "Now go and get your award." She loosens her arms completely and carefully pushes him towards the stage.
Where he's standing behind the microphone with his award in his hand within seconds.
"Fu- Sorry. Ahm wow. Thank you so much. I have this long list of people here I want to thank but let's make this short. Mom, Doctor Bailey, Robbins, Mer - thank you. But the person I really have to thank is my incredible wife Doctor Josephine Karev. Without you I would never stand here right now. You made me better, you changed me, you make me believe in myself. Not one person in my life believed in me more than you do. And I'm so incredible grateful that I met you twenty-seven years ago. I'm grateful every single day that I have you in my life, that you believe in me as a person and as a doctor and that you gave me this three amazing kids. Without my kids this idea would have never come to my mind. So I guess I have to thank them too - Emery, Parker, Eden I'm so thankful to have you; to have the privilege to call me your dad and I'm so proud of the people you grew up into. Not to brag but all three turned into amazing Doctors and just last week our son made us grandparents, so I guess we didn't screw them up too much, Princess." Everyone laughs while his eyes are glued on Jo. "Also, I hope someone is filming this, Mer, Cristina, Robbins, Avery-"
He puts the award next to his face before he keeps going. "I have one too now.”
While everyone laughs and applauds him again he makes his way back down to his seat. Smiling big as he sits down and kisses his wife again.
"You're gonna pay for the 'Princess'." She declares as she ends their kiss.
"It was worth it." He simply smirks.
The award show keeps going, honouring a few Doctors that are about to retire.
While they silently follow the scenes on stage Alex slowly starts stroking his hand up Jo's thigh through the slit of her dress. He carefully gets closer to her to whisper in her ear.
"Let's leave early and have some fun."
Not really on board with her husband Jo puts her hand over Alex's to stop him from going any further, before she turns to him.
"You have to go up there at the end of the show again for pictures and everything." She whispers to not bother anyone.
"We'll be finished by then." He replies cheeky, looking around to be sure no one could hear them.
"Ha you don't really believe that right?" She asks looking him in the eyes with an raised eyebrow.
"Are you saying I'm old?"
"No I'm saying if you start you aren't able to stop. So I promise when I got my picture of you on stage with your award and you talked to at least two medical magazine for an interview, you can keep me awake the whole night." Jo answers smiling at him before she leans in for a kiss.
"Deal." He agrees as they part.
The award show slowly comes to an end and all winners get back on stage again for pictures and a few interviews. And slowly the room empties as Alex is done with his third interview.
"Go up there one more time." Jo asks him with puppy dog eyes, knowing that he can't say no to her. "Please, for me?"
So he gets up there one more time so Jo can snap a few more pictures on her phone of him and his award. 
As he comes down again they ask a nice old lady to snap some pictures of them together in front of the stage. 
"Thank you." Jo thanks her with a smile as she takes her phone back.
"Oh you're very welcome. By the way if I'm allowed to say so I admire your work in Africa and I would really like to donate a little something to the Karev Foundation." The little grey haired woman smiles as she gets her check book out of her purse.
"Oh that's so nice. Thank you so much." Jo replies politely as she looks at Alex and back to the elderly woman. "We make sure your little something will help a lot of children."
The old lady scribbles something down on her check book before she folds it and puts it in Alex's chest pocket.
"Thank you so much again." Alex thanks her again, than takes Jo's hand and guides her out of the room.
"And now Doctor Karev I'm gonna take you to my room and rip that dress off you." He whispers as they walk towards the elevators.
"Whatever you want." Jo answers sneaky.
They wait a few seconds before they get into the elevator and push the button to their floor.
With Alex's award and her purse in her hands Jo can't fight back as he gets behind her and starts kissing her neck. She turns in his arms before she stops him for a second.
"What?" He asks a little disappointed as he still holds her tight.
"I wanna see what she donated." Jo answers as she hands him his award and her purse.
Fishing the check out of his chest pocket to unfold it.
"What?" He quickly asks as he looks into his wife's big eyes.
She turns the check to show it to him, "It's a million!"
They silently stare into each other's eyes, both in shock of the amount of money they are able to put into their work in the future.
The sound of the elevator stopping wakes them and with another quick kissing Jo turns around and makes her way to their room. Alex follows a little behind, still carrying her purse and his award.
He quickly catches up with her and gets their room key out of his inner suit pocket to open the door.
Inside he quickly closes the door and gets rid off the things in his hands. To have them free for his wife. Within seconds their lips are back together and they slowly start undressing each other.
Alex is just about to open the zipper of Jo's dress as his phone starts ringing.
"No." He grouls, but picks up as he sees the name of his daughter on the screen.
"Hey kiddos. What's up? Did something happen?" He immediately asks, as he puts it on speaker and throws it down on the bed near his wife.
"Oh shut up dad. Congratulations." The voice of their youngest daughter comes through the phone.
"Thanks Eden." He laughs, as he quietly gets rid of his shoes and starts slowly opening one button after the other while he stares into Jo's eyes with a little grin on his lips.
"We are so proud of you dad." His oldest daughter congratulates through the speaker.
"Thank you Emy." He answers, still looking into his wife's hungry eyes as he gets rid of his suit jacket and shirt.
"Yeah you rocked that dad. We are very proud and Anna says congrats too, she just went to bed with Claire." His son adds to his siblings congrats.
"Thank you guys." Alex replies as he sits down on the bed beside Jo who smiles at him.
"Is mom there too?" Eden asks, knowing that it's a rhetorical question because their parents are always together.
"Yeah. I'm here." Jo answers, turning her view to the phone.
"You looked so hot in that dress mom. I have to say it." Eden adds.
"Thanks Eden. " Jo answers a little confused, "How do you know about my dress?"
"Dad send us pictures." Her daughter clarifies.
"Oh he did." Jo replies turning her view back to her husband, raising her eyebrow in surprise.
"Yeah. But we don't want to bother you any longer, by the look of you in that dress I'm actually surprised you picked up at all." Their youngest daughter jokes.
"Eden!" Emery's voice echoes through the phone.
"What? It's true. They might be our parents and maybe old but we all know that they still do it like bunnies."
"Good night Eden." Jo quickly interrupts before their daughter could say anything more, "Good night everyone else."
"Night mom and dad."
"Good night." Alex says his good bye before he hangs up and lets himself fall back onto the bed in laughter.
Jo joins him as she falls against his bare chest.
"She's not wrong." Alex shrugs as he slowly calms down again.
"I know." Jo adds before she starts kissing him again.
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heresathreebee · 3 years
Brackish and Briny Waters (two)
[Ralph Lamont X Female Reader]
Summary: Settling into your new house Part 1 Masterlist Part 3
Tags: +17 | 1.7k words | just really fucking domestic stuff, one (1) bad attitude, presumptuous behavior, unprotected morning sex, more remodeling.
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AN: I kind of know where I'm going with this. The conflict will be subtle at first but it's there I promise.
The first day goes by fast and for Ralph meeting every single person on staff in this prestigious school was like trying cheeses and wines in a vineyard– fun at first but you get a stomach ache because somebody forgot to tell you not to swallow and there are just so many of them each more rich than the last. By the time he crosses the threshold to his new home, he's exhausted and annoyed. 
"I told you not to unpack without me." 
You look at him from the kitchen and shrug. "I needed stuff, baby. I already wrote a list of things to work on in this 'bare bones' house you put us up in and I was bored." 
You don't care for his attitude but offer him the covered plate anyways. "I saved you some dinner." 
All at once, Ralphie's anger melted from his face. He shuffled his tired feet across the still empty living room and pulled you into his side. The plate was warm (still warm or recently warmed up, he couldn't tell) and his stomach growled. 
"M sorry," he said, "I don't mean to be an asshole." 
You smile your forgiveness. "Long day?" 
"Yes," he hisses. "I already can't wait for the weekend." 
You chuckle. "Oh come on, it can't be that bad. Give it a chance, baby!" 
"As you wish." 
After eating, Ralph is right to sleep despite his insistence you finish packing together tonight. A part of you thinks it's the climate here– fresh sea salt air and less artificial light to disrupt the body's natural sleep patterns. You took off his shoes and empty his pockets because he was just 'resting his eyes for a moment,' then slid in right next to him. He's fine without a blanket, but you pull the back of the quilt over your rear and curl into his side. Sleep comes easier tonight than last night and you dream of wallpaper and wood smoke cologne. 
The rest of the week gets easier for the both of you. You arrived on Monday and unpack the bigger furniture together by Wednesday with the help of some locals. Ralph is getting to study the lesson plan for Ms. Lewis' math class and establishing a gentle authority with his temporary students. He is still excited for the weekend, intent to help you figure out what to do with the walls of the house. 
"Has anybody come to see you at the house yet?," he asks you Thursday night. 
You pause dicing onions to think. "Besides the neighbors to the north and those Vayle boys? No." 
Ralphie raises his eyebrows and drops them, an involuntary gesture made more for himself than you. 
You put a hand on your hip. "Why?" 
Ralphie waves you off and continues mixing the meat with the spices. "Nothing. It's just everybody and their fucking moms has been asking me about you." 
"What?" This was news to you. "Why?" 
"Because they're nosy," he replies, "asking me about my whole life story and I let slip I had a wife and then they just wouldn't shut up about it." 
You swat his shoulder. "Well don't sound so depressed about it. Do you not like having a wife?" 
"No!" Ralph huffs and turns to look at you as he says, "I just hate that every single one of them bugs me about a million personal things and then I mention you and it's the only thing they can talk about now." 
Ralph turns back to stirring the pan and grumbles to himself, "might tell them to fuck off and just hoard you forever…" 
It clicks in your head at least a bit. Ralph's a born and bred city kid. In the city nobody cares who you are, what you like, or where you're from. Strangers don't want to be anything more than strangers. Their eternal social motto is 'don't waste my time' and anyone who acts differently is probably scheming something. 
You chuckle and rest your chin on his shoulder. "You're forgetting these are a different breed of people. Rich and educated socialites more over but suburban, maybe even rural. We're probably the first new thing to happen to them in decades, and communities like this don't have a 'mind your business and I'll mind mine' attitude." 
Ralphie flicks you a look but you know he knows you're right. It doesn't mean he has to like it but at least he understands it's not malicious, at least not inherently. It's out of his element, a little out of yours too, but you'll have to adapt and play by their rules if you want to stay here for a while. 
The dining room table can seat six, but your Ralphie takes a seat right next to you at a corner so he can hold your hand while you eat. Homemade tacos ease your apprehensions a bit and you go over the remodeling plans with him until midnight. Getting ready to sleep, you wear your thinnest shift and wrap around him like an octopus, your warm core brushing over his barely clothed manhood in temptation. 
Ralphie hums, tucking a stray hair back into your bonnet. "We need to get up early tomorrow." 
It's a weak protest. The two of you keep rocking into each other and sighing at the feeling of friction but eventually fall asleep despite the delightful buzz of sexual energy surrounding you. You do wake up when Ralph flips you under him and sucks a few marks into your neck.
You spread your legs to accommodate his breadth, feeling him settle deliciously and glancing at the bedside clock. It's barely 5 o' clock and the sun is rising. You gasp as you feel Ralphie's cock slide into you and he's met with little resistance. You two have sex for the first time since you moved and it's been so long that the affair is short lived. 
Ralph already has an apology on his lips but you shush him and come a moment later with your fingers brushing your clit in tandem. He peppers you with a dozen more kisses as silent promises to make it up to you. 
You shower together, barely bumping elbows as this bathroom is way bigger than your New York City apartment ever was. You chat idly about the weekend and the town and when you're ready to leave, you grab the manila folder where you store the plans for the remodel. You've even got samples from the wallpaper, only taking the ones you like and want to replace. 
"I know we probably won't find exact replicas but I want to at least find something similar." 
Ralph squeezes your thigh. "Ok, ok. We'll try." 
While this town doesn't have a McDonald's (the town over does and it's fancy for some reason), it does have a Home Depot (also pretty fancy). You know you'll need wood and screws and glass panes to finish that solar room but that's not the goal for today. 
Ralph skips right over the green paint swatch section to the creams. He's rambling about paint brand pros and cons, he did his research on the way in since you were driving and he brought the book from the school library. You follow and half listen. 
Ralph finally catches on to your soft smile. You glance around to make sure no one is in earshot because god forbid these gossipers over hear your conversation right now. 
"I guess I got you pretty excited last night, huh," you say with a sense of pride. Ralph feels the opposite about his performance this morning. 
"I just… I think it's just been a while." He occupies his hands by grabbing every single free swatch sample on the shelf and says, "I promise I will make it up to you." 
You roll your eyes in a not unkind way. "It's fine, babe, really. I uh… it feels kind of good to know I still have that kind of effect on you…" 
Ralphie sports a smile of his own and puts you under his arm. "Of course you do, sugar." 
He leans down to plant a kiss on your lips when you're interrupted by a bright voice. It's so startling that your husband bounces away from you. He stares wide eyed at the woman who interrupted you and he gets that dark look in his eye that only you can see. 
"Jesus, Julie," he tries his best not to growl her name. "This is Julie, she's a teacher at the school. Julie this… is… my wife." 
Julie makes a noise like a whistle. "Oh my god you are so much more beautiful than I imagined! Ralph doesn't have a picture of you in his office!" 
"It's on my desk," he huffs, "it's the one turned towards me." 
"And why would you do that?" 
"...so I can look at it while I work…?" 
Julie's… a little too hands on for just meeting you. You're too reserved to say something about it so you sling a loose arm around her back and hope Ralph doesn't say something for you. 
"Hi Julie, it's nice to finally meet you," you tell her. "Ralph's been slowly but surely introducing me to the concept of his coworkers." 
"I can't believe we haven't met before now! Ralph keeping you all to himself, me and the other teachers are just so curious about you," she coos. It feels almost put on, like overindulging in sweet to play up her first impression. You let it slide though, maybe it's just your city lens. 
"Well, uh, once we've got the house fixed up a bit, we can plan a housewarming party," you suggest. "But not a day before and you may quote me on that, miss!" 
Julie laughed and gave you her phone number 'in case you need anything at all.' Ralph breathed easy once she finally left and you tug his ear gently. "She's veeerry friendly." 
Ralphie shoots you a glare like you'd made a joke he didn't find funny and you go back to debating the paint to use for your walls eagerly.
@escape-your-grape @hoodoo12 @softbeej @go-commander-kim @beetlesstuff @imma-fucking-nerd​ @werwulfy​
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jk9bangtan · 4 years
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Series: (✎) On going
Genre: ♔ Smut / ♤Romance / ♘ Angst
Warnings: lots and lots of angst, Jungkook hurting y/n, a lot of hurtful feelings, disappointment, angry Jungkook, Jungkook Jealous, mention of pregnancy, a little bit of smut, swearing.
Author’s note: I have cried a lot while writing this chapter 😭 hope you guys aren’t as sensitive as I am 💔
Teaser: “I don’t love you. I don’t. All of this was planed. He told me that he will give me money if I gave you to him in our wedding night and that’s why I married you. I love money I don’t love you”
Word Count: 1651
Exclaimer: This ff has nothing to do with real life events. Everything in this ff is from my imagination. The characters are not real (well, Jungkook is real but he doesn’t act this way in real life... you inow what I mean)
Parts: part1, part2, part3, part4, part5,…..??
Taglist: @jiminiepabo95 @giadalin
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Part 3
Title: Divorce
Jungkook's P.O.V
They say getting drunk is the best thing to do when you feel the world is no longer a good place for you. It helps you forget everything, especially the things that hurts you so bad. However, it is not the case with me. I have been siting here in the kitchen for hours drinking. But Its not helping at all. It is making it even worser.
Her face, her voice, her scent.... Every small trace of her features are stuck in mind even after drinking seven bottles of this useless drink.
"Maybe because I am used to it. I need even larger quantities of these alcoholic drinks to get drunk. I should of listened to her when she told me to stop drinking a lot." I said smiling at the memory of her caring about me. She used to hate my drinking habit.
How can things change this fast. How can everything vanish in a blink of an eye. How can she be pregnant with another man's child. How can she be this way. How can I be this way.
Jk: "She was sooo good for me. I don't deserve good things. I don't deserve her. I gave her for money. I-i ...... Sold her for money." I didn't know i was crying until I saw tears falling of my cheeks. "Why am I even crying. Wasn't me the one who wanted money instead of her." I said quickly wiping my tears away.
"It is all because of you. I hate you. I have never thought you will have a big affect on my life. Why won't you leave me alone even after vanishing out of this world"
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Flash back
???: "Where is the money?! How dare you come back with few dollars only. Didn't I tell you to not comeback home until you bring 50 bucks a day?!" He yelled as he harshly grabbed the young kid from his shoulders.
Jk: "I'm sorry. I am really sorry. No one wanted to buy anything from the water bottles and the gums I am selling. Only few people bought them."  Jungkook answered. His voice trembling. His hands and legs won't stop shaking. His words were coming out as whimpers due to the harsh grip on his meager shoulders.
???: " I don't care!! 50 bucks means 50 bucks. or I swear I won't let you sleep in this house anymore" the man threatened as he pushed him harshly towards the wall. the young Jungkook's body ended up being slammed on the wall so hard that the old wooden door of the cheap dresser opened making a creaking sound.
???: "Now go!! and make sure to don't come back here until you bring money. you need to learn how to live independently I am not staying with you forever. Your mom was like that as well but thanks god she is gone now. But still she left a stupid kid like you for me to deal with." The man said walking his way to the door. he grabbed the handle of it but stopped in mid way due to hearing the younger speaking.
Jk: " It's cold outside I need something to cover myself with. Can I borrow your jacket please or can I maybe go outside tomorrow morning it almost 11:00 pm dad. It's night." he begged as he hugged himself. he was freezing from the cold. him being inside doesn't help at all. The room that he was in wasn't considered a real room. It was a huge shop, which used to be an auto repair shop. There wasn't even something to sit on. How could a father do this to his child. How can't he take care and look after one kid.
It is true that Jungkook said it's cold outside and that's why he doesn't want to go there but in reality he is scared. He is not scared from real things like murdering, killing, being kidnapped. He is still scared of ghosts and monsters. Which is a proof that shows he is still a child and he still thinks about unreal things that every child fears of.
Jk's father: "What did you say softy?? is it that cold to you my baby," he smirked as he moved his way towards his child. Jungkook knew what will happen to him but he didn't move. He hoped that after he is done with him he will leave him there. He won't let him go outside anymore. But little did he know, there is no escape. The old man grabbed the jungkook from his neck, strangling him as he lift his body of the ground. He tighten his grip on his neck. Jungkook's eyes were wide open. He tried to take a breaths but he couldn't. "You are a nobody. I just want you to be gone from my life, I can kill you right now and right here. But unfortunately I still need you. I need money. The only reason why you are still alive is because I need money and you are the only way I could have money without even working." he harshly yelled as he finally loosened his grip on the kid's neck letting his body slam hard to the ground.
Jk's father:  "Do you still want to stay here??!! No??!! Good boy."  he blurted out as he grabbed Jungkook from his wrist and harshly threw him outside. Closing the door afterwards without even giving a final glance towards his 9 years old son.
End of flashback
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"why......why.....why" Jungkook kept repeating the same word on and on. A simple "why" that asks millions of questions. "Why did you do this to me? Why didn't you love me? Why did you treat me as if I am nothing to you? Why did your actions affect me?" Jungkook kept going on and on with his questions. The veins in his arms popped out as his muscles tensed. He started yelling every word that came out of his mouth.
Jk: "Why am I doing what you have done? Why am I like you?! Why! Why!" He yelled as his grip tightening instinctively around the wine glass causing it to broke into peaces. Blood came rushing down his hands and dripped on the floor. His grip didn't loosen one bit, it instead got tighter and tighter.
A loud knock on the door took him out of his states. He didn't budge, only his gaze moved towards the front door. He shifted a little bit on his seat as he laid his head on the kitchen counter closing his eyes afterwards.
He took a deep breath waiting for the person to stop knocking on the door. A growl escaped his mouth when he heard the voice of the person who've been knocking on the door for more than two minutes. But he quickly stood up and walked towards the front door opening it wide. His gaze quickly roamed around not letting it stop on the man standing in front of him. He thought she came back. But she was no where to be seen.
Jk: "Where is she?!" He asked finally looking at the old man in front of him.
Mr.Kim: "We need to talk." The old man nonchalantly said ignoring JungKook's question.
Jungkook moved away letting the old man enter. Both of them walked inside the living room. Mr. Kim took a seat on one of the couches as he unlocked his phone.
"It's 10:33 pm Y/N will be waiting for me so lets talk fast." The old man said making Jungkook ball his hands into fists. His gaze moved towards Mr. Kim's phone making his whole body tense up at the view in front of him. Jungkook closed his eyes tight. *He dares to have her photo as his lock screen* he said to himself opening his eyes again.
Jk: "Where is she?!" Jungkook once again asked as he stood in front of the couch Mr.Kim sat on.
Mr. Kim: "You think she will come back after what you did to her?! She said she doesn't want to see you face. Who even gave you the permission to touch her you bastard." He said glaring at Jungkook. Jungkook's chest felt heavy hearing that she doesn't want to see him.
Jk: "It's none if your business. She is my wife. I can touch her whenever I want too" Jungkook's eyes sharp on him challenging him to say the opposite.
Mr. Kim: "But not for too long" he replayed a malignant smirk on his face.
Jungkook: "What do you mean?!" He asked confused.
Mr.Kim: "I am sure she told you that she is pregnant with MY child" he said, a smirk still on his face. Jungkook's heart sunk at the mention of his wife caring someone else's child. "You have one week to divorce her. I want to marry her sooner than later. I want her and our child to have my name. Kim y/n not Jeon y/n" he continued standing up.
Mr. Kim: "Tell me whenever you set a day for the divorce. And one more thing tomorrow is your first day at work because today is obviously the last day of your vacation that was supposed to be for your honeymoon. So be ready for a big surprise tomorrow. I can't wait to see your reaction." He laughed walking pass Jungkook and out if the house.
Jungkook was standing still. The idea of her not wanting to see him and wanting to get a divorce made him go insane. His breaths were unsteady. He suddenly fall on his knees and crawled towards the couch. As soon as his back touched the couch he brought his knees towards his chest hugging them with his arms. He buried his face between his knees as he kept repeating, "I won't divorce her, I want divorce her..............."
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Please tell me if you want to be added to the taglist. Thank you!
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wonkasmissstarshine · 4 years
The Chocolatier’s Rose {Willy Wonka x OC} Ch. 5
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GIF not mine. Credit goes to owner.
Summary: The last golden ticket has apparently been found, breaking Rose’s heart for Charlie. Harry sees her at work, and makes her an offer. Then, Rose takes Charlie to the shop to get him another Wonka bar, where something rather lucky happens.
Tagging: @holdmeicant​ @willymywonkers​
Rose was dressed in her uniform, ready for her last day of work. But Charlie didn't know that. He knew something was wrong, judging by the sad grin on her face, but he didn't want to push her into telling him anything she didn't want to. The two of them stood in front of the cafe, but before Charlie could part for school, Rose stopped him.
"I have something for you, Charlie" Rose smiled at him. "Well, it's from Mrs Mason" She pulled out the Wonka bar. Charlie's eyes lit up as he took it. He opened it up, but like last time, this bar had no golden ticket. Rose's smile dropped. "Oh, I'm sorry, Charlie"
"It's alright, Rosie" Charlie assured her. "I have the chocolate at least" He split the bar into two, and gave one half to his sister.
"Thank you, Charlie" Rose said as she took the chocolate. "And I think I have a little extra saved up. We'll walk over to the candy shop after school and have one more go at it?"
Charlie nodded. "I'd like that, Rosie" The two siblings hugged each other, before Charlie made his way off to school.
Rose entered the shop, immediately being greeted by Mrs Mason. "Hello, dear. Any luck finding a ticket?"
"Not yet" Rose answered. She went behind the counter as she ate the piece of chocolate Charlie offered her. She even broke off a piece, and gave it to Mrs Mason. "But, I have enough to buy Charlie a bar after school. Maybe his luck still has yet to come"
"You blow on that money before you spend it" Mrs Mason told Rose. "That's what they do in Vegas to the dice, you know. Supposed to give them luck"
Rose had nothing to do so she sat a one of the tables reading a newspaper. She came across a page in the paper.
Wonka's Final Golden Ticket. Found in Russia.
Rose could feel her heart break into a million little pieces. What was she going to tell Charlie? She promised that she would find him a golden ticket. And now that promise was broken. And to make things worse, Harry had come into the store, looking more smug than usual.
"Well, well" He started, joining Rose at the table. "Looks like the last ticket was found. And it wasn't found by Charlie"
"You don't need to wave that in my face!" Rose said, getting up from the table.  Harry grabbed her wrist again, preventing her from walking away.
"Rose, please just sit and let me talk" Harry started. Rose wasn't in the mood to fight with him, so she sat down in her seat again, crossing her arms over her chest.
"It's clear things aren't getting any better. Today is your last day here, and rumour has it that your father has been replaced by a machine at that toothpaste factory. And I know your planning to spend the last of what money you saved up on Charlie" Harry was treading on very thin ice right now, but Rose had to admit that he was right. Things were just going to get worse. Harry took Rose's hands in his, and stroked the back of one of her hands with his thumb. "I'm going to ask you again. Marry me, Rose, and I promise that I will make things better for you and your family. Your family can move in with mine. We have a big house. There's enough room for your parents, grandparents, and Charlie. They'll all have their own rooms. You won't have to live off of cabbage soup anymore. You can have pancake breakfasts and turkey dinners. You just have to agree to be my wife"
Charlie came by to the cafe just as Rose's final shift was finished. She said her goodbyes to Mrs Mason before meeting Charlie outside. The two of them grabbed hands before walking down to the candy shop. "Rosie?" Charlie piped up, making his sister look at him. "Are you alright? You're unusually quiet"
"Did you hear about the last ticket?" Rose asked. "It was found in Russia"
Charlie nodded, a disappointed look on his face. "I heard someone reading the paper on my way to school this morning"
"Well, I have this" Rose reached into her pocket and took out the money. "Just because the tickets are gone doesn't mean you can't have some more chocolate"
Charlie's frown turned into a grin. "Thank you, Rosie" The two of them walked for a few more minutes until they came to the candy store. They both walked in and approached the counter. Rose handed the money to Charlie so he could present it to the shopkeep. "One Wonka Whipple-Scrumptious Fudgemallow Delight please"
The shopkeep took the money and gave a bar to Charlie. Charlie began opening up the bar just as the woman beside the Bucket's put down the newspaper. Rose glanced at it, and went wide eyed when she saw the headline. It was completely different from the one she saw this morning.
Russian Ticket a Fake. Still One Ticket Left.
"The nerve of some people" the woman said to the shopkeep.
"I know" the shopkeep said. "Forging a ticket, come on!"
Charlie ripped open the wrapper of the bar, revealing a golden ticket inside. "Charlie..." Rose breathed in disbelief, gently grabbing his shoulder. "You found it.."
"It's a golden ticket" the shopkeep said. Everyone in the shop was now looking at the young boy. "You found Wonka's last golden ticket! In my shop too!"
A man approached Charlie. "Listen, I'll buy it from you. I'll give you fifty dollars and a new bicycle"
A woman walked up to Charlie. "Are you crazy? I'll give him five hundred dollars for that ticket!" The woman smiled at Charlie. "Do you want to sell me that ticket for five hundred dollars young man?"
"No, he doesn't!" Rose shouted at the two adults. "That's my brother's ticket!"
"She's right" the shopkeep said. "Don't let anyone have it! You and your sister take it straight home. Do you understand?"
Charlie grinned at the shopkeep. "Thank you!" He then grabbed Rose's hand. The two of them ran like the wind all the way home.
"Mom! Dad!" Charlie called out once he and Rose got to the house. "I found it! The last golden ticket! It's mine!" Charlie showed the ticket to Grandpa Joe.
"Yippee!" Grandpa Joe cheered once he got a clear look at it. He jumped out of bed and began dancing. Everyone stared at him in amusement and surprise. "Here!" Grandpa Joe handed the ticket over to Mr and Mrs Bucket. "Read it out loud. Let's see exactly what it says!"
Mr Bucket began reading from the ticket. "Greetings to you, the lucky finder of this golden ticket from Mr Willy Wonka. I shake you warmly by the hand. For now, I do invite you to come to my factory and be my guest for one whole day. I, Willy Wonka, will conduct you around the factory myself showing you everything there is to see.  Afterwards, when it is time to leave, you will be escorted home by a possession of large trucks, each one filled with all the chocolate you could ever eat. And remember: One of you lucky five children will receive an extra prize beyond your wildest imagination. Now, here are your instructions. The first of February, you must come to the factory gates at ten am sharp. You're allowed to bring one family member to look after you. Till then, Willy Wonka"
"First of February" Mrs Bucket said.  Her eyes widened when she realized. "That's tomorrow"
"Then there's not a moment to lose, Charlie" Grandpa Joe said. "Wash your face, comb your hair, scrub your hands, brush your teeth, blow your nose!"
"And get that mud off your pants!" Grandpa George added.
"Now we must all try to keep very calm" Mrs Bucket said. "First thing that we have to decide is this. Who is going with Charlie to the factory?"
"Rose will" Grandpa Joe suggested.
"Me?" Rose asked.
"Yes, of course! You want to see the factory as much as Charlie does!" Grandpa Joe reasoned.
"How about you, dear?" Mrs Bucket turned to Mr Bucket. "Don't you think you want to go?"
"Well, Rose does love the factory as much as Charlie does" Mr Bucket said. "Provided, of course, she does want to go"
"No" Charlie said, shocking everyone. "We're not going. A woman offered me five hundred for the ticket. We need the money more than we need the chocolate"
"Charlie," Rose started, getting level with Charlie. "There's plenty of money out there in the world. They print more everyday. However, there's only five tickets in the world and that's all there ever will be. All your life you've dreamed of seeing that factory. Please, don't make a mistake and throw that away. Don't make a mistake like I did today"
Everyone furrowed their eyebrows at Rose. "What are you talking about, sweetheart?" Mr Bucket asked.
"It doesn't matter. What matters right now is that Charlie is going to see the factory tomorrow. Your dreams are coming true"
That seemed to get through Charlie's head. He smiled wide. "Alright, I'll go. And you're going with me, Rosie. After all, you bought me the chocolate"
That's when it hit Rose. She had kept her promise after all. She had promised she would get Charlie a golden ticket, and she did. The two of them hugged. Tomorrow was going to be quite the day for the Bucket siblings.
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targaryenimagines · 5 years
Living Darkness
Daenerys Targaryen x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2,117
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Warnings: Angst
A/N: I hope this is what you wanted.
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A soft voice whispers but she doesn't bother to turn around. She only squeezes her eyes shut at the intruding noise. Trying to block out everything that was around her.
Trying to block out the memories.
Every time she opens her eyes she was met with a constant replay of events that she could never change. Taunting her for her failures.
Every time she hears whispered words as she passes she hears the sound of Viserion's cry. The sound of your scream when he wouldn't pull up. The sound of her own when she saw what was happening.
Every time she blinks she sees your broken body falling from the sky. A crimson trail following in your path. She could see Viserion diving towards you. His cream colored scales stained red.
Every time she closes her eyes to sleep she's met with broken ice. Ice that quickly turned from blue to red.
Her mind keeps replaying everything over and over again. Telling her what she already knew. What she's known since you disappeared underneath the ice.
She had failed.
She had failed you.
She had failed Viserion.
She had failed everyone.
Everything she has worked for meant nothing now that you were gone. You were her light, shining brilliantly like a flame. Your constant warmth and love exuding from you igniting her with a passion of a thousands suns. One of the reasons Viserion had chosen you as his rider. Your shared gentleness a clear indicator in the potential bond.
Despair starts to fill her heart at a rapid pace. Paralysing her within it's dark embrace. Trapping her in a constant repeat of events that she would do anything to change.
Causing her to remember everything with perfect detail.
All the events that transpired before. Everything that could have been changed to stop her light from being taken.
The plan was set, everything was going into motion. With each step she was closer and closer to claiming her birthright. Nothing was going to stop her now. The sound of soft laughter interrupts her thoughts but it brings a warm feeling to her heart.
Daenerys turns her violet gaze towards yours. Your beautiful eyes sparkling underneath the sun. Your hair getting tousled by the wind. She couldn't help the smile that spreads across her lips at the sight of you. Watching as you play with Viserion, whose eyes were sparkling with delight. Both of your movements in sync with one another. A true testament to how close you two have gotten over time. A sight that brings the same warm feeling back to her heart.
Her earlier thoughts returning to her but with a new addition. That when she took back the throne she would finally make you her wife. She would finally show the world that you were hers and she was yours.
With the plan underway she was that much closer to her goal.
For a better life not only for the people of Westeros, but the both of you.
Her forever with you coming closer and closer as each moment passed.
A thought that brings a lightness to her heart and soul, and a smile to her face.
If only I had stopped it. I should have listened to her when she was trying to talk me out of it. I should have known that she was right, Daenerys thinks, her mind crying out everything that she should have done. I should have protected her and Viserion. If only I'd known.
Tears were escaping her eyes at a faster rate. Her sorrow consuming her and darkening her world. It was her fault her love and son were gone. If she had been faster, if she had been paying more attention to her surroundings she could have prevented it. If she would have been better than you would still be with her. Bringing joy and laughter wherever you went.
Instead her world was nothing but despair and agony. Her body trapped in self-inflicted numbness to everything but her pain.
Her pain was the only thing that kept her close to you.
Her pain was the only thing that kept you alive.
Her pain was what she deserved for failing you.
She should have listened to you, the pain was only her punishment for not doing so.
"Dany, please, we both know that this plan is suicidal, at best. We shouldn't be wasting our time in trying to impress Cersei Lannister. Every moment we waste gives her more and more time to grow her defenses. We shouldn't be wasting our time heading beyond the Wall when our most immediate threat is here," you plead, your eyes staring at her with urgency. Your words ringing loudly across the silence of the room.
"The plan has already been set into motion. It was decided that this course of action would be for the best," Daenerys responds, her words calm and precise. Trying to show you the necessity of this course of action.
However, you simply shake your head. Disapproval shining within your eyes, and laced in your voice. "This is not the best course of action. We both know that Dany and even if it is the best course of action it, certainly, isn't so for us. You're not only risking one of your most trusted advisors but the possibility of the North blaming you for their king's death if this were to go wrong," you stress, you hands starting to fidget by your side. A nervous tick that you have always had, she thinks fondly. "It would be much safer and more efficient if we take King's Landing now and issue a royal decree to help the North. Why should you get Cersei's approval when you can do what she can when you're queen?"
Daenerys closes her eyes at your words. Knowing that you were right but everything has already been decided. There was nothing more that she could do. This was the course that was set and agreed upon. There was no changing it now.
"My love, I know you disapprove of this decision but please believe in it. Believe in me, everything is going to be fine and Cersei Lannister will learn the truth. A truth that all of Westeros needs to know. I promise you nothing will happen," Daenerys says, bringing her hands to clasp yours. Her hope for you to understand growing with each moment as you look at her.
"You have done amazing things, Dany. Things I could never in a million years do but, not even you, could predict the future and I don't want to see that future when you're proven wrong with this. Only death awaits when you head beyond the Wall. I just hope you don't come to regret your decision."
With those parting words you slip out of her hold and into the hall. Your words ringing loudly in the silence of the air even as you presence was long gone. Echoing like a phantom within her ears.
I just hope you don't come to regret your decision.
She does.
With each ragged intake of breath that takes more and more energy to accomplish.
God she does, with every moment that you're not by her side. It was like the world around her was swallowing her whole. Consuming her in darkness and despair. Her mind and heart at a constant war with each other. Her entire being screaming out in agony for not having you there.
She couldn't breathe knowing that you were no longer doing the same. Like the air was toxic and was clogging up her lungs. Only causing her sobs to become more and more erratic with each breath she takes. Her body folding in on itself because she couldn't find the strength to keep standing. To appear strong and collected when her whole being was shattered beyond repair.
Her mind was only a vessel for her pain.
Her body was a prisoner to her despair.
Her heart was a hollow shell of what it used to be.
Everything was different without you by her side. Without Viserion's playful cries in the morning towards Drogon and Rhaegal. Now there were only sounds of mourning. Their cries raising towards the heaven and echoing across the land.
They too understood what was lost because they weren't good enough.
They too remember when everything fell apart.
The snarls of the dead fill the air. Drowning out the whistling of the wind.
Daenerys lifts her gaze towards the sky and watches Viserion and Rhaegal. She could tell that they were starting to get tired. Something that sends a bolt of terror through her chest. They needed to get out as soon as they could. Drogon rumbles underneath her, clearly, agreeing with the sentiment.
Daenerys brings her gaze towards the mass of Wights. Their eyes sending a shiver down her spine. She had never seen such soulless eyes before. Not a hint of emotion within their depths. She knows that they have to get out of here soon. Their time here was out and they're running on borrowed time.
Bringing her gaze towards Jon's she sees the desperation within his gaze. Clearly he hadn't expected this sudden attack. None of them had expect you. Daenerys feels her heart skip a beat at the thought of you. Fighting with their children while she was stationary on the ground. A fact that she was not happy with but there was nothing she could do.
Daenerys reaches out her hand towards Jon when she sees he's coming close. The sooner he was on Drogon the sooner they could leave. The sooner they could leave the less likely any casualties will happen. As Jon grows nearer she could feel a lightness starting to take over her body. Her heart slowing down from its erratic beat.
Only to completely stop when Viserion's cry echos through the air. Filling her with a complete sense of dread as she turns to him. Her eyes only widening at what she sees.
Falling towards the ground in a deadly arc. The crimson of your blood staining the air around you.
Daenerys didn't even realize that she had let out a scream of her own. The sound sounding like she was having her heart ripped from her body. It was a sound that all that were present would remember. It was the sound of complete and total agony.
Agony that was encompassing her as each second passed. Her only reprieve being when Viserion dove after you. Hoping beyond anything that he would be able to catch you. He was always the fastest of the three, and he would be able to catch you.
He had to.
Her hope starts to dwindle, however, when you grow closer and closer to the ground. With Viserion showing no signs of pulling up.
Your scream was a testament to what was happening. "Bē, Visērion, jikagon bē."
You knew what was going to happen. What Daenerys was willing not to. You knew and so did Viserion.
He wasn't fast enough.
He wouldn't be able to catch you.
You would hit the ground and there was nothing anyone could do.
A thought that brings another, sharper, cry from her lips. Despair filling her being within its embrace.
Her pain only grows that much more when Viserion tucks his wings tighter into his body. Knowing that she wasn't only going to lose you today she was going to lose both. She was going to lose the love of her life and her son.
She could see Rhaegal diving towards them but Daenerys knew he was too far away. Causing tears to start to slip from her eyes. Her pain growing more and more as you grow closer and closer to the ground.
She watches as you grab Viserion's neck and hold on. Clinging to him for the last time and Daenerys feels her heart break even more.
More so than the ice when you finally hit it.
The explosion of water shatters the silence of the landscape. The howls of the dead and the wind comes back, but Daenerys can't bring herself to move.
Her body and mind completely numb to everything. She was stuck staring at the hole you had dissapeared into.
Even as Drogon took off into the air she couldn't bring herself to look away.
Knowing that her light had been taken away.
Plunging her world into darkness.
The North may be facing their Long Night when the Night King comes.
Hers had already come, she would live in darkness until she saw you again.
Until she would be able to see her sun again.
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verobatto · 5 years
War decision/Heart decision
The break-up of TFW
Supernatural 14x19 "Jack in the box" meta/spoiler alert
Hello my dear Fandom. How are you?? I'm here with the second meta from this episode, you can read the first part here. I hope you enjoy this it took me a little of investigation and stuffs...
Ok... Things are getting wild and... Idk what they are doing people, really... I will just present to you the evidence as always with a little spec that I think I'm not the one thinking about it... Is just a painful equation with the clues we have till now. Ok. Let's start this trip...
Castiel is in a Holy Mission
Castiel, being an angel of the Lord, keeps his mission and his promises, as i talked in my first meta. To ANY COST. I want you to keep that in mind. Ok? Sobbing...
Castiel's mission is his promise to Kelly, so from the beginning, he marks the limit. He won't hurt Jack. He will help him and guide him.
But he asks for help to Heaven, and there's Dumah. Dumah is behaving weird, but not so. Beacuse she is on charge now, and the power of being the chief, corrupts. But Castiel didn't know about her intentions first.
And what was Dumah looking for? She wanted to find the Nephilim and control him, control his powers... By using a very manipulative speech, as AUMichael and Lucifer did. But she was successful. Beacuse she smartly used Sam and Dean's names with him. And the innocent child fell for it.
And then, she used him to PURIFY EARTH, by killing innocents... But pay attention to the three heaven punishments they mentioned in this episode...
Lot's wife became a pillar of salt. (Gen. 19:26)
Lot and his wife lived next to Abraham lands, but Lot hated Sodoma because they were sinners and bad people. Then one day an angel of the Lord ask Lot to take his family with them and to run and to don't look behind because God was about to burn Sodoma and Gomorra because he was tired of them. So Lot did as the angel said, they run away, but his wife disobeyed and look behind, and immediately became a pillar of salt. The lesson here: God saves the obedient and punishes the disobedient.
The man who received this punishment was writing about how Church lies. So against the Church Holy mission.
Core and his family eaten by the earth. (Num. 16:31)
Gore and his family rebelled against God and Moises, so God talked with Moises asking him to take the rest of the people and stay away from Core's tend. He did as God said, and immediately the land broke and devoured Core, and his family, and the tend with all their things.
The lesson: Those who don't listen to God will be hardly punished.
In this case was a woman who said miracles are lies.
King Herodes is eaten by worms (Hech. 12:23)
An angel of the Lord released Peter from jail, and king Herodes ordered to kill the guards. The people was not agreed, and because he was playing to be God taking those decisions, an angel hurt him and the worms ate him.
The lesson: Those who trying to play God by deciding who dies and who lives, receive the Heaven punishment.
Here the man who dies at the hospital was the good shepherd who lead the sheep's that we're stoñwn buenas Jack. And you can see in that scene being the priest, a pic about Jesus as the good shepherd.
Everytime it was an angel of the Lord who execute the Holy Mission, and this time who will receive the punishment by Castiel's hands??
Dean is suffering and taking hard decisions
Making use of his First Born duties and with the whole mess that he is feeling inside, Dean talked about his mom in front of that hunters. And he used jokes in his speech... Trying to say goodbye with a smile. But he is struggling inside with the pain. Jokes are a defense mechanism of avoidance too... But he says GOODBYE MOM anyway.
After this we had a violent entrance coming from AUBobby, who killed a monster in the middle of them with an axe... Remember what the axe represented? I talked about that in this post.
So the axe represents the JUDGMENT AND THE ANGER. So accurate with the following events in this episode and I guess it will be in the nest episode too, related with Dean's actions...
Sam asked Dean to stay with them to talk about Mary and Jack, and he didn't want to. He is avoiding again the pain of talk about his mom, about Jack.
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Gif set credit @shirtlesssammy
But Sam and CAS knows Dean very well...they know he acts like this, trying to push his emotions very down inside of him. Even so, Castiel tried... Look at the angel's sad face full of pain and feeling guilt... Yes... Because they didn't talk yet about it. But Sam asked him to leave his brother because he needed time... So... He just makes that question ... And Dean answered in avoidance again.
And after this we had Dean crying alone in the woods... Handling with his own pain.
Then, Sam asked him how he felt... (Like Castiel asked him before) and he answered with another question not related to his feelings at all, but with Sam researching... Avoidance again.
Sam trying to comfort him with the speech that he must being repeating to himself to feel better about Mary's death. "She is in a better place", but Dean is furious "Angels are dicks." Same vibes from season 7 when he was talking with Kevin in the basement about angels... He was disappointed there with Castiel. But this time we had a parallel in this same episode with the man who didn't believe in angels and Heaven. And we know what happened there...
Then... Dean takes the war decision, the hard decision, and convinces Sammy to follow him. He build the speech Sammy has to use with Jack. He is asking Sam to lie. Sam isn't at all convinced but he goes his brother's directions anyway.
When Jack answered Sammy's prayers, using the word FAMILY, the one who gives the speech is the first born again, Dean. He contains his pain and anger when he had Jack in front of him. And he fullfil the plan.
He is hunting Jack... Because he is feeling the boy become a monster, and as I wrote in my first meta, he had told Jack in season 13 he will kill him if it was necessary.
This is a train of bad decisions... And we don't know where it leads... But... We had a lot of clues talking about "silver steak through the heart" as my friend @emblue-sparks and I had repeated a million of times since 14x06 Optimism when it first was mentioned... They repeated the same way to kill in 14x16, and in 14x17 we had this...
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Gif credit @agusvedder
So... Is this foreshadowing the end??? Who will stop the sacrifice in the Moriah mountain in the morning at episode when Dean will try to kill Jack? Who will be the Heaven executor in Holly Mission??? I don't even want to think it...
And this...
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Pic credit @weirddorkylittlediana remember Dean was walking in 14x17 surrended by this kind of yellow signs? And we related it with Sammy asking Dean to stop... Well... There's so many ways to finish this season I'm so scared...
Sam trying to do right but...
Sam is handling with pain as he can...
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Gif credit @ohsamulet
Sammy is talking to himself here too. He knows his mom is happy with his dad in Heaven and that's a good way to let her go.
But after this Dean came with the plan and Sam just couldn't handle it. It was too much for him. First his mom, and now deceive Jack to lock him in the Mal'ak box for ever. A horrible eternity alone... The thing that made him lose it that time with his brother, now... He is listening again that horrible plan. He knows Jack is dangerous now, but he doesn't now the person who is making him doing those bad things.
And he is a dad too. He had raised that child so he can't believe how things are happening now. He is like frozen. Not thinking too much about it... Following his brother lead...
And he prays to Jack... And when he had Jack in front of him, innocently talking about "the accident", not having a reasonable view about that, he knows Jack is clueless, as always. And he can't talk... So Dean spoke for him. Dean said the words he was expecting from him to say it. And he followed his lead again. For Sammy should be like living again another nightmare... Not being able to wake up from the previous one.
And Jack entered inside the box. And now he felt the worst thing on Earth because that's not how Sam Winchester acts. He always find ANOTHER WAY. He is the one who KEEPS FIGHTING AND INVESTIGATING. Why not this time? Maybe because the pain of loosing his mother is overwhelming to him, and he can't think about another thing. He said I CAN'T STOP THINLING ABOUT MOM. So that's the thing. HE CAN'T THINK NOW ABOUT ANYTHING ELSE.
But when Castiel arrives... He breaks that nightmare and brought back Sam to reality.
As he did in 14x15...
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Castiel looked at Sam searching for that Sam he knew. And he founded him. He was regretful and in pain.
How he will act in the next episode? Gah... Idk...
Jack and the mirrors
Jack is still alone, but he doesn't wanted to be anymore. He is regretful and he wants Mary back, right there, with him. He misses his family, and in the middle of that, Lucifer appears again. Trying to make him feel the same that AUMichael did with Dean and the Empty with Castiel...
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Gif credit @deans-top-13-zepp-traxx
Yes, but Jack said DEAN MAKES MISTAKES TOO. Dean is his role model. He trust him.
The encounter between Jack and Dumah was particularly similar to Jack's encounter with Lucifer and AUMichael too. The manipulative speech, using Sam and Dean as an excuse, and the name of his mother, made him choose to follow her lead. And he committed horrendous crimes under Dumah twisted guidance.
The next step was to take control over Heaven .. as a new God...
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Pic credit @empty-cass
We knew who had being sit in that throne before... One of them was Lucifer and maybe Godstiel too, so the parallel is very blantant. Any angelical being had twisted intentions. All of them except one...
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Gif credit @faramaiofnerdwoodforest
And this happened in 13x19...
So... Jack doesn't have bad intentions... He is just like Castiel sitting there... And he has his mother essence inside of him...
And now amazingly making angels from people... That was weird Supernatural... But well... Good way to restore Heaven. Who wants to be an angel??
Another mirror was Jack inside the box... Afraid of being lonely calling desperately for his dad's... Dean mirror in 14x12 when he had that horrible nightmare...
And Lucifer strikes again... And this time because Jack was so afraid and he felt alone in that darkness... He listened him. And he released himself from that prison ...
I saw him talking in that Cemetery with Castiel, it looked like a cozy conversation between a dad and a son... And I liked it... Let's see what happen...
To conclude:
TFW members are right night in different pages. Mary's death is the central cause of the pain and bad choices.
Jack is innocent an manipulable... Very dangerous in wrong guidance, because he has not soul, so he just uses logic resolutions for problems.
Castiel is doing his own path by trying to find another way, and keeping his promise to Kelly.
Dean is angry and mourning his mom, trying to handle the pain, but stuck in his feelings, making bad choices.
I hope Sammy to wake up and to try to bring back his brother.
The end is near and I just can't stop thinking we are going to suffer horribly. Thanks a lot writers... Don't worry... I didn't need my heart anyway...
C-u later my friends!! 💕💕
Tagging @metafest @gneisscastiel @mrsaquaman187 @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @agusvedder @weirddorkylittlediana @michyribeiro @castiellover20 @whyjm @koshisekisen @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @cheerstofandomfamily @drsilverfish @savannadarkbaby @angelneedshunter @trickster-archangel @dea-stiel @mybonsai1976 @hippyatheart80 @anarchiana
Buenos Aires April 19th 2019 2:57 AM
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fanwarriorfictions · 5 years
A Stranger Things Fanfic
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Chapter Eight- Part Four
   Phina woke up in a hospital bed, hooked up to multiple machines. Her head was pounding, her leg, burning. She almost didn't know why, until the memories came back. A tidal wave of trauma that almost swallowes her whole.
   "El," she whispers, her voice cracking, "Eleven?"
   A nurse, who was checking all of her machines, snaps her head over towards the girl, wide eyed.
   "Oh my god, you're awake," she shouts.
   "Why is that so shocking," Phina asks gruffly, raising one eyebrow.
   "W-with the w-wounds you sustained, and the amount of blood that you lost, we thought you would go into a coma," she explained.
   Phina lookes at her, wide eyed, "how long have I been out?"
   "Only a few hours since we found you," the nurse says, "which is why I'm so shocked. Oh my god, what am I doing, I'll go get your parents."
    The nurse rushes out of the room leaving Phina to her own mind. She was ok, but was El? Something told her that the girl wasn't ok, that something bad had happened to her.
   Karen Wheeler rushes into the room, letting out a cry when she sees her daughter, Ted Wheeler walking in calmly behind his wife. Without hesitating, Karen runs towards the redheaded girl, pulling her into a warm embrace. Phina winced, white hot pain lighting through her. She didn't care though, she wrapped her arms around her mother, hugging her just as tightly.
   "Oh my god Phina! Why do you have to scare me like that," Karen sobbed into her daughters hair.
   Phina didn't answer, she couldn't, her mind was on over drive, the trauma she'd been through, was holding her tongue like a snake holding its prey.
   Her mom pulled away, but Phina didn't have anytime to breathe, as three bodies bounded towards her. Mike got to her first, wrapping his arms around her torso.
   "Don't hog her all to yourself Wheeler," Dustin yelled, rounding to her other side, copying Mike.
   Lucas pushed Dustin over, "you're one to talk!"
   Phina yelpes when the intense pain flashes through her again, making all three boys jump away from her. They looked at her wide eyed, but she gave them a calm smile.
   "I'm a little battered and bruised up boys," she joked, "you gotta be careful with me."
   They gave her cute childish nods, Dustin giving her a mock salute. She saluted him back with a chuckle.
   "How's Will," Karen askes the boys.
   Phina glances at her mother, and then looked back at the boys, "they got him?"
   Lucas nods, "he woke up an hour ago, we were with him when they told us you were awake."
   Phina let her head fall back against her pillows, thanking any and every god or goddess she could think of. Will was ok, her boys were ok, they'd all be ok.
   She turned her head to look at her parents, "could you get me some water, and something to eat?"
   "Of course," Karen jumpes, "is there anything specific you want?"
   "Anything," Phina replies shortly.
   Her parents leave the room hesitantly and she waites a moment before she lookes back at the boys, "what happened, after I blacked out?"
   The smiles on the boys faces fell, Mike's head dropping so he could look at the ground.
   Dustin lookes at the other two for a moment, but sighed and turned back to Phina, "you and El where surrounded by this, this, I don't even know, we couldn't see you.
   "All we could hear was El screaming and the Demogorgan screeching, then this blinding white light bursted from the center of the darkness, and it disappeared just as quickly as it came, the black stuff leaving as well. El and the Demogorgan were gone, and you were laying on the floor, burning, like actually burning. You were on fire," Dustin shudders at the memory, "Lucas grabbed the fire extinguisher and put you out, but we couldn't touch you for a good 20 minutes because you were still radiating heat."
   Lucas liftes his hand and shows her a little burn mark on his finger, "I didn't even touch you, I was just reaching out to touch your shoulder and the air around you burned me."
   Phina held her hand to her mouth, to keep a sob from releasing. El was gone, and she had hurt Lucas.
   "Oh god, Lucas I'm sorry," Phina said, reaching her hand out to grab Lucas's burnt hand.
   "I'm ok, really. It only stung for a second," he smiled at her.
   Phina then turnes her head towards her brother, who had not looked up from the ground this entire time, and she saw the single tear drop from his eye. She gave the other boys a look and they both nod in understanding, leaving the room.
   "We're gonna go check on Will," Dustin says.
   "Yeah," Lucas agrees.
   They leave and Phina turns to Mike, a sad smile on her face. She slowly moves her body over to one side of the small bed, tapping the spot next to her. Mike doesn't say anything, but he climbs into the bed besides her.
   They lay next to each other, their hearts both breaking because of the girl they lost. Phina puts her arm around his shoulders, comforting him in silence. He rests his head against her shoulder, letting out soft cries. She doesn't shush him, just lets him cry. He needed to cry, they both did.
   Her own tears finally flowed, for the girl she shared the same past with, for the girl who quickly became a sister to her, for Eleven. She was truly gone, just as quickly gone from their lives as she had entered it. El had lived her entire life in Hawkins Lab and had only experienced a week of freedom, and she was on the run for all of it. El deserved more than she got, she deserved a life of happiness and friendship, but she was given the short straw, and Phina will forever hate whoever decided fate. Why her, why not me, why did you have to pick her.
   Their parents come back into the room, but one glance at their kids, and they were walking back out.
   Mike's sobs slowly fade into soft cries, hiccuping every few seconds.
   "She's gone Phina, she's gone," Mike finally whispers.
   "I know," she grips him tighter, "I know."
   Mike grabs her shirt, holding it like a life line, "and I almost lost you."
   Phina's heart shutters, breaking slowly into a million pieces, "I-I...."
   She didn't know what to say, what could she even do to console him? She had almost died, had almost been gone like El, she couldn't imagine what that would do to him.
   She sighs, "I know, Mike, I know that what I did was reckless, but I did it for you guys, my boys. El and I, we were not going to let anything happen to you, and we were willing to die for it, for you. I will not apologize for protecting you, never."
   "But you promised," Mike whispers, "you have never broken a promise."
   Phina nods, "yes, I did break my promise, and I'd do it again a million times to make sure you were safe."
   Mike looks up at his sister, "I know you would, and that's what scares me the most."
   She smiles at him, "you don't have to be scared anymore Mike, because the Demogorgan is gone, and Will is back, and we will all heal. Together."
   Mike smiles back at her, holding out his pinky finger for a pinky swear, "together."
   She wraps her pinky around his, "always and forever."
   "Always and forever."
-1282 words-
If any of you watch The Vampire Diaries or The Originals, I'm sorry but I couldn't help myself but use it, it's to cute not to ok. Anyway, hope you liked the Mike and Phina scene, I honestly love it because I love sibling relationships in anything really. Next part is going to be the last of season one, hope you're ready for it.
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write-havoc · 6 years
This Is How I Disappear Ch. 5
Summary: A girl named Chuck finds herself in the exact place she doesn't want to be, living with violent men in a desolate nursing home. After her former gym teacher finds her, will he be the savior she was looking for?
Fandom: The Walking Dead AU
Pairing: Negan/Original Female Character
Status: Completed (story continues in The Flame Is Gone, The Fire Remains)
Contains: swearing, violence, sexual assault, blood, smut
Readers 18+ of age only
Masterlists in my bio
“Uh… Sure.” Chuck sets the guitar down on the bed and follows Sherry into a room with double doors down the hall. The large room is, of course, beautiful. The front of the room is a large sitting area featuring several ornate couches and chairs in black and navy blue, along with a bar off to the side. To the back on the right is a kitchen area with black granite counters complete with a dining area. Along the back wall is a partially opened door leading to what looks like a large bathroom. To the left of the kitchen, behind the sitting area is a beautiful black grand piano. Chuck stares at the instrument, thoughts of all the songs she could play fluttering in her mind. Her thoughts are interrupted by Sherry.
“What's your name?” Sherry’s polite voice brings Chuck's attention to the five women sitting around the room. “That's Amber.” The young blonde one. “Tonya.” The one with black hair and a smirk. “Frankie.” The tall redhead. “And Kayla.” The curvy brunette. Sherry points each of them out as she says their names.
“Um, I'm uh… Charlotte. But you can call me Chuck. Nice to meet you… all.”
“Charlotte is such a beautiful name. Why would you want to go by Chuck?” Tonya says jokingly.
“Hey, I like it!” Frankie chimes in. “Boys names for girls are cute.”
“I suppose you would think that, Francis,” Tonya playfully mocks.
“Ugh. Don't call me that!” the redhead responds.
  Okay. Everything is going well so far. They seem nice. And they don't seem mad at me. So... that’s a plus.
 “Are you joining us?” Kayla asks.
“Joining you for what?”
“The wives. Are you becoming one?” Kayla clarifies.
“Oh, no! God, no.” Chuck blurts out, flustered. “I'm not… It's not like like that. I'm up here because Negan just, uh, feels bad for me.”
  Really, Chuck? He feels bad? Just make yourself look super pathetic in front of these women, why don't you? Stupid.
 “Negan doesn't feel bad for people,” Amber interjects almost sadly.
“Amber.” Sherry chides.
“Well, he doesn't, does he?”
“That's not exactly true and you know it, Amber. Don't scare the girl.” Sherry’s voice sounds like a scolding mother’s.
“Don't mind Amber,” Tonya says. “She's just a little… moody lately.”
“So Negan didn't ask you to be a wife?” Frankie asks quickly, sharing looks with all the other wives.
“Oh no. I mean, yeah. He kinda did. But it was just because he thinks it would be easier on me here instead of... working. He doesn't… want me, though. I’m not exactly his type, obviously.” Chuck laughs nervously as she motions to herself.
“ Every woman is Negan’s type. If you have a pussy, he’ll want to put his dick in it,” Tonya replies making everyone laugh.
Chuck shrugs her shoulders and blushes furiously.
“Well, he must think you're pretty special if he let you stay in his room all night. We don't even do that.” Frankie adds.
  What should I say? I don't think Negan wants people to know that we knew each other before. How do I explain why he brought me up here?
Wait... Why don't his wives stay in his room?
 “Were you hurt yesterday?” Sherry interrupts Chuck’s thoughts. “You didn’t look too good last night.”
“Um. I’m okay. Negan, uh… He took me away… from a bad situation out there. He brought me here about a week ago. I, um, had a bit of a hard time adjusting, I guess…” Chuck says quietly, failing to keep her voice from cracking. She clears her throat before continuing, “Negan is trying to- he wants to help me. Get me healthy.”
“Well, we're glad you're here. Hopefully, Negan will let you come up here more often. We don't get many visitors on this floor, so it’s nice to talk with a new person.” Kayla’s voice is friendly.
  Okay. I don't know how to respond to that. They're being so nice to me. I always feel so awkward when people give me attention.
Should I say something? No one is saying anything else and everyone is staring at me. Don't be awkward, Chuck. Say something!
 “How did they get that in here?” Chuck blurts out, pointing to the piano.
“Oh. There's a big freight elevator on the other side of the building. They got it working just for that.” Tonya explains.
“Oh. So you guys play?” Chuck asks.
The women shook their heads. “Nope. None of us do. Actually the only person that plays it is Mr. Emerson. He was a piano tuner before the world got shitty. I think that's the only reason Negan brought that thing up here. He likes Mr. Emerson and the stories the old guy tells as he works on the piano.” Frankie adds.
“Do you play? We heard you singing in Negan's room. It was really beautiful.” Sherry smiles as she speaks.
Chuck lets out a nervous laugh. “It's been years. I'm sure I'm really rusty.”
“Please play us something.” Amber pleads with her.
“Go on. We want to hear anything but the same little practice song that Mr. Emerson plays.” Tonya says as she pushes Chuck toward the piano. “Or Kayla playing Heart and Soul.”
Chuck sits at the bench and pushes it forward. She lightly presses her fingers on the keys, getting a feel for them. It’s a bit too much for her, having spent the morning playing the guitar. She never thought that music would be a part of her life again. But now she’s sat in front of the nicest piano she's ever seen with people just waiting for her to play.
“Okay, don't judge if I don't sound good.” She giggles nervously as her cheeks turn red. Chuck clears her throat and allows her fingers to dance across the keys, playing a song she had played a million times before.
 “There's no living in my life anymore
The seas have gone dry
And the rain's stopped falling
Please don't you cry any more
Can't you see
Listen to the breeze
Whisper to me please
Don't send me to the path of nevermore
Even the valleys below
Where the rays of the sun
Were so warm and tender
Now haven't anything to grow
Can't you see?
Why did you have to leave me?
Why did you deceive me?
You sent me to the path of nevermore
When you say you didn't love me anymore
 Chuck is startled by the sound of clapping coming from the doorway.
“Jesus Christ, Chuck! I think you made some of the wives cry with that shit. It was goddamn beautiful as fuck!” Negan calls out with a laugh as he walks into the room.
“Did you write that?” Amber asks, wiping a tear from her cheek.
  Jeez. I didn't mean to make anyone cry. I mean, they asked me to play…
“That's fuckin' Queen.” Negan interrupts. “You don't know Queen?” Amber shakes her head. “Shit. I'm gonna have to get a record player or some shit up here. Fuck, Chuck. I didn't realize how much I missed music until now,” Negan says while making eye contact with Chuck.
Chuck says to the wives, “If you liked that, you should hear Freddie Mercury sing it. I can't hold a candle to him.” She lets out a nervous laugh.
“Will you play us another song?” Kayla asks hopefully.
“Sorry, ladies. Chuck has an appointment she needs to keep.” Negan gestures to the door.
“Oh, okay.” Chuck stands from the bench. “It was nice meeting you guys.” She waves to the wives as they say their goodbyes to her.
Upon entering Negan's bedroom, he asks, “What were you doing with them?” His tone is a bit annoyed for some reason.
“Nothing. Sherry came in here and told me that the wives wanted to talk to me. So… that's what I did.”
“What did you talk about?”
“Nothing important. I wasn't really in there that long.”
He lets out a heavy breath. “I know we haven't really fuckin’ talked about them. The wives…”
“I understand why you have them, Negan,” Chuck interjects. “They separate you from everyone else. Elevate you. That's how this all works, right? You're, you know…” She extends her arms out wide, not being able to think of the right words.
“I'm big?” He chuckles with raised brows.
“Yeah. I mean, kinda. This place works because everyone has one thing to follow.” She points to him. “You. And they follow you because you're above everyone else. Everything you do exerts power over them. The way you act. Everything you say. The wives are part of that. I'm not gonna say that I think it's awesome, ‘cause I don’t. But I get it.”
“Hmm.” He makes the “I’m impressed” face. “You are smart as fuck, you know that? I didn't think you'd take it that well. Or look at it that logically. I thought you'd call me a disgusting fuckin’ misogynist pig or some shit. I remember when you went off on Scott Howe for telling you to get back in the kitchen or what-the-fuck-ever he said. That was some funny shit.”
“You saw that?” Chuck giggles at the memory then gets back on subject. “I mean, the whole wives thing is weird. If this were a completely polygamist society where all men had multiple wives, I would want nothing to do with being here. But since you’re the only one with multiple wives, it’s... not so bad, I guess.” She shrugs. “But I don't think you're a misogynist. You're just… egocentric?” She laughs a bit nervously, not knowing if Negan would be offended. She’s relieved when he starts to laugh genuinely.
“Yeah.” He laughs more. “I suppose you're right.”
The door to the office opens and closes. “Sir? I got your food out here,” a voice calls out from Negan’s office.
“Good. Dinner’s here, sweetheart. I'm fuckin’ starving,” he says and they make their way to the kitchen. They both sit down with the food that the kitchen had prepared and start to eat.
“What did you have for lunch?” Negan asks.
She swallows her bite before speaking. “Uh. Actually I didn't really… eat anything. I got caught up with the guitar. I had too much fun playing, I guess.” She chuckles nervously, avoiding his gaze. When she finally does look up at him, she sees that he has a disapproving look on his face. “I know, I know. I won't forget to eat tomorrow.”
“No, you won't. I told the doc not to let you fuckin’ skip lunch when you go back to work. He's probably going to talk to you about it, too.”
Chuck scrunches up her face upon hearing that. “Great,” she says sarcastically.
“Sorry about your luck, baby girl, but we need to get some fuckin’ meat on those bones,” he says with a full mouth as he points at her with his fork.
“Are you trying to make me chubby again?” she giggles. She always found it easier to be self deprecating when people gave her attention.
“When were you fuckin’ chubby?”
“Ages 12 to 22,” she jokes.
He gives her a disapproving face, then says, “Well you need to gain a fuckton of weight before you get ‘chubby’ now.”
They finish dinner and move on to Negan's room to play chess.
“Did you know Simon, before all this?” she asks after Negan makes his move.
“Yeah, why the fuck you asking? You got the hots for him, or something?”
She throws her head back and laughs. “No! Not at all!” She stifles more laughs as Negan chuckles to himself. “I'm just curious! It seems like you guys are close.” She makes her move and looks back to Negan.
“We're old friends. I ran into him some time after the dead fuckin’ reanimated. He's been my right hand man the whole time I was building this fuckin’ place.”
“So you built all this right after getting back with Simon?”
“Pretty much. I mean, it took a little while to get this place to where it fuckin’ is now.” He scratches his beard and continues. “Simon worked here at the factory. Before. When I met back up with him, he thought it might be a good place to fuckin’ hole up. He was right. We cleared it, found some more people. The Sanctuary was born.”
“Simon didn't want to be the leader? You know, since he knew of the place.”
“He didn't want all the fuckin’ responsibility of running a place. Also, he’s not exactly an idea man. He's a fuckin’ great second in command, though. Gets all my shit done.”
“Do you call him ‘Number One’?” Chuck says in her best Patrick Stewart voice. “Please tell me you do!”
He laughs. “No. But I should.”
“Would he get the reference?”
“Fuck no. He's not a Star Trek kinda guy. He watched shit like Rizzoli & Isles.”
“Really?! That seems not true! Are you lying?”
“Nope. I shit you not. He watched the fuck outta that show. Talked about it all the fuckin' time.”
Chuck laughs. “Simon’s kind of a weird dude. He makes me laugh, though.” She giggles.
“Oh, you don't know the fuckin’ half of it. I've known that fucker since middle school and I could tell you some fuckin’ stories.” They both laugh.
“Have you ever run into any people from high school? My high school, I mean.”
“They were all dumbasses, so I'm sure they're all fuckin’ dead.”
“That's kinda defeatist.”
“It's just realistic, sweetheart.”
“I suppose. Did you go back there? The school, I mean. It probably has a ton of supplies.”
“Yeah. A lot of people thought of that. It was picked fuckin’ clean when we got there.”
“Oh, yeah. I guess that's a pretty obvious place to go.” She pauses as a thought occurs to her. “I still dream about high school every once in a while, for some reason.” She laughs. “Like I'm late for a test or I didn't do a big project or something. How silly is that? Society literally ended and my mind is still preoccupied with high school.”
Negan’s face is suddenly set in a frown. “I had a fucking dream about that fucker Drew Hanson the first night you came here.” He lets out a sigh. “I beat the shit out of him in it, just like I did in real life. I hadn't thought about him in fuckin’ years,” he trails off.
“Who's that?” Chuck asks with a confused look on her face. “Oh, wait. Mr. Hanson, the wood shop teacher? Why'd you beat him up?!” she exclaims excitedly. She loves to hear gossip. Even if it is ten years old.
“Your mom never fuckin’ told you?” He looks surprised as Chuck shakes her head, confused. “Shit.” He takes his glasses off and sets them on the coffee table before continuing. “That motherfucker Brendon -remember that douche?- started to spread around that I was fucking you because I cut him from the baseball team for being late all the time. That little dickhole thought he'd get me fired with that shit. I shut that shit down quick, but fuckin’ Drew Hanson must've overheard him or something. He had the fuckin’ audacity to come up to me in a goddamn bar and start talking about all the female students he wanted to fuck, like we were kindred fuckin’ spirits and shit. Fuckin’ pedo prick. Then he started saying some real fuckin’ disgusting shit about you, wanted me to give him nudie pics of you and shit. Tell him stories about us fucking… Videotape you...” He shakes his head. “I dragged him out into the alley and beat the fucking fuck out of him. Told him if he ever even so much as fuckin’ looked at you again, I'd fuckin’ kill him. And I meant it. Put the fuckin’ fear of God in him. He quit his job the next day. I told your mom about it after she had us over for dinner that one time. It didn't feel right fuckin’ keeping it from her. She said she didn't want you to fuckin’ know about it. Said you'd be freaked out, so I never brought it up. I figured she'd’ve told you when you got older. Guess she never fuckin’ did.”
Chuck’s mouth is agape for a moment; she doesn’t know what to say. “That really happened? God, that's horrible. Why would he say that stuff about me? I never even took that guy’s class. Guess I'm glad I didn't…” Chuck’s not sure how to process the information Negan has just told her.
“Yeah. I hope that dick is good and fuckin’ dead now. Wish I could've killed him myself.”
Chuck is taken aback by Negan’s visceral reaction to the years old memories. “That explains some things, I guess. Why we started to meet in the library instead of your office, right?”
“I didn't want people to fuckin’ gossip about you. I couldn't care less what those fuckers said about me, but I didn't want them dragging your name through the fuckin’ mud when you did nothing wrong.”
“I never knew any of that. I guess you were always looking out for me, huh? You're a good man, Negan.” Her voice is soft and genuine.
“I have my fuckin’ moments, I guess.”
It’s silent for a few moments before Chuck says, “You know, my mom had such a big crush on you. She thought you were soooo hot.” Chuck laughs, trying to lighten the mood. “She said you looked like a more rugged Denny from Grey’s Anatomy. And she absolutely loved him.”
“Really? Shit, your mom was a goodlookin’ woman. You mean I could've had a piece of that?”
“Gross, Negan.” She pauses. “But, probably.” They both laugh hard.
“So you could've called me ‘Stepdaddy Negan’?”
“Ah, no!” Chuck exclaims, trying to stifle her laughs. “Too far! You just took it too far! That's super gross!” she yells as she waves her hands in front of her.
“Hey! You know, I have fuckin’ feelings, too, sweetheart. And you calling me gross just hurts every fuckin’ one of them,” he jokes.
“Oh, I'm sure your ego is just so bruised.” She smirks, sarcasm lacing her words.
“Well, there’s only fuckin’ thing I have to say to that. Check-muthafuckin’-mate!” He makes his final move as he smiles his huge grin at Chuck.
“Good game, Coach.” Chuck is still giggling as she holds out her hand for him to shake.
“So, are you sleeping over again?” he says as he shakes her hand.
“What?” Chuck just assumed that that was a one time thing. Especially after what the wives had said.
“Do you want to sleep here tonight?” He asks matter-of-factly as he keeps eye contact with Chuck.
“Uh, no. I mean, why would I… sleep with you? Well not sleep with you. Right?” She laughs nervously.
“Calm down, Chuck,” he says with a chuckle. “I'm not fuckin’ propositioning you. You can sleep here if it helps with your fuckin’ nightmares. That's all I meant.”
“Oh, yeah. I knew that. Of course. I, uh, I think I can manage by myself. Probably. I mean, I should manage it… myself.” she says meekly. “Right?”
“Well, I'll be here if you fuckin’ need me. I mean it, Chuck. If you need fuckin’ help, I'll help you.”
“Okay. I'll remember that,” she giggles in nervousness as she makes her way to the door after grabbing her new guitar. “Thanks for the guitar.”
“You’re welcome. Good night, baby girl,” he says as he opens the door for her.
“Good night, Negan.” She exits and makes her way to her own room.
  I slept okay last night. I think I'll be fine tonight. I mean, it's probably not that I was physically close to Negan that got rid of the nightmares, right? It was just that I know he's here and I'm safe, so I should sleep fine in my own room. By myself. Probably.
 Chuck gets herself ready and cozies up in her bed. She writes a lengthy entry into her diary about Andy and being put in the cells, then about having dinner and spending the night with Negan, and finally about meeting the wives and playing music again. She stashes her diary and climbs back into bed, tossing and turning for a few minutes, before eventually falling asleep.
She’s awoken some time later by one of the recurring nightmares that had become familiar to her over the last few days. She tosses and turns again for several more minutes, trying to fall back asleep to no avail. She decides to take Negan up on his offer and leaves her room, with an outfit ready for tomorrow in her hands.
  Am I this pathetic? Running to “daddy’s” room because I had a nightmare.
Ugh. That sounded weird even in my own head. What's wrong with you, Chuck? Do not refer to Negan as “daddy”. I'm sure he’d be into that sorta thing…
 Chuck opens the door to Negan's floor and is met by his guard, a large Hispanic man probably in his late twenties.
“Could I see Negan, please?”
“Name?” the man asks gruffly.
“Go on in. He's expecting you.”
“Oh, uh… thank you.”
  Thanks for having so much faith in me, Negan.
I guess he was right, though. I am here…
 Chuck opens the door to Negan's office and walks through to his bedroom door. She knocks three times, then waits. After a moment, the door opens, revealing Negan standing there in his underwear.
“You should've just stayed.” Negan's voice is raspy with sleep.
“Yeah. Sorry…” she says, embarrassed. He moves off to the side to allow her to enter his room. She sets her clothes on his couch as he closes the door and gets back into bed. She tucks herself into his blankets and he moves in behind her, draping his arm over her just as he had done the night before. He falls asleep almost immediately, the sound of his deep breathing lulling Chuck into her own slumber.
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morbid-n-macabre · 6 years
Robert Blake. This case is not as cut and dry as i originally thought.
Robert "Bobby" Blake was a child actor who played one of the little rascals. He has talked a lot about his father, apparently young Bobby was the one supporting his whole family and though that was his father's doing, dad greatly resented him for it. There was physical abuse aplenty in that home. He moved out at the age of 16 and supported himself from then on. As an adult he did something very difficult- he successfully transitioned from child to adult star. Robert starred in several movies and won an Emmy for his role on the 70's hit tv show Beretta- during this role he also gained the reputation of a hot head. I'm not much of a fan but I gotta admit he's an amazing actor- the problem is you never know when he's acting and when he's not.
Robert was first married to Sondra Kerr in 1961. The couple had 2 children, a son and a daughter named Noah and Delinah Blake. Sondra has reported that Robert was very abusive towards her. They divorced in 1983.
It wasn't until the late 90's when Robert met a younger woman by the name of Bonnie (or Bonny) Lee Bakley. I never speak ill of the dead in my posts, but in this case it's important to tell what kind of person Bonnie really was- it's very relevant that the woman had quite a few enemies. Bonnie's "business" was scamming people. She would place personal ads or respond to ads she read, sweet talk the men she was writing to, and send them Pornography. Bonnie would write a single letter, copy it by hand, and send it to many different men. She'd pretend to be someone other than herself, she kept different mailboxes all over the country. She gave these men sob stories, told them how badly she needed money for this or that tragedy. She made promises to these men, told them she'd come to see them if they'd help her through her problem, financially. Maybe she'd say her car was broke down; or that her kid was sick- she always needed money. Then she'd turn around and blackmail these men with anything she could use against them. If she believed a man was wealthy enough, she actually did meet him- hell some she married. One woman who came forward says Bonnie married her grandfather and took him for 80K. Then she stole the grand daughter's identity and began scamming men using her name- on top of that she absolutely destroyed this woman's credit. Bonnie did this to several women, she kept several different drivers licenses on her. Some men made her beneficiary of their life insurance, others cut their families out of their will and added Bonnie. This is how she supported herself, in the pre internet era she made 300K a year doing this! Bonnie had been in serious legal trouble for her scams, arrested multiple times for drugs, writing checks, and fraud. But her real ambitions went much further than scamming lonely men through the mail. She wanted to be rich and she thought the way to do this was to trap a celebrity. She was known to stalk older celebs, targeted big names such as Frankie Valli, Dean Martin, Gary Busey, among others. She badly wanted to be a part of Hollywood; her close friends say that her goal was to get knocked up by a celeb, and she did just that. More than once, she claimed. The first time was the infamous Jerry Lee. She said he fathered her 3rd child- Jerry's sister says she believes her brother paid Bonnie a settlement. It was determined through a DNA test that this girl did not even belong to Jerry. Later, when she was sleeping with Robert, she was also with Marlon Brando's son, Christian.
Bonnie met Christian Brando while he was in prison for manslaughter- he shot and killed his sister's boyfriend. Bonnie began writing him, chatting him up, sending him porn. When Christian was released, the two dated. Christian thought he and Bonnie were in an exclusive relationship. He was wrong- Bonnie was also sleeping with Robert Blake.
Bonnie told Robert she was on birth control, she could not get pregnant. This was a blatant lie- a friend would later admit she was actually undergoing fertility treatment. When Bonnie became pregnant she told both men that the baby was theirs. Robert did not want another child at all, especially with a woman who had purposely tried to trap him- he knew what she'd done to Jerry Lee. He was pissed, he wanted her to abort the baby. Bonnie originally agreed, but then refused. All along she allowed Christian to believed the child was his, and when the little girl was born Bonnie named her Christian Shannon Brando. Christian bonded with the baby he believed was his. A DNA test was not given until later when Robert saw a picture of the child and he realized she looked just like him. DNA proved that Robert was the father, and baby Christian Shannon Brando was renamed Rose Lenore Sophia Blake- Rosie for short. Christian Brando was understandably pissed, he Is quoted for telling Bonnie, "You're lucky somebody ain't out there to put a bullet in your head".
Once Robert knew Rosie was his, he would've done any and every thing in his power to keep her near. Though it doesn't appear he even liked the woman, Robert married Bonnie- obviously a marriage of convenience. There was an air tight prenup in which Bonnie agreed to give up her "business" of scamming men.
Just a few months after they wed, Bonnie was dead.
May 4th of 2001. On this night, Robert took Bonnie to dinner at his favorite fancy Italian restaurant, Vitello's. After they had eaten, the couple walked out to the car. Robert claims he left Bonnie sitting in the passenger seat of his car after he realized he'd forgotten his gun inside the restaurant. When he returned to the car, Bonnie was bleeding profusely. Though Robert said he thought she'd been beaten up, she'd been shot. She was gurgling when Robert found her; by the time the ambulance reached her she was dead. Bonnie was 44 years old.
By all accounts Robert ran around like a chicken with his head cut off- he went to a nearby residence to ask for help, he then ran back to the restaurant for help. He was screaming, crying, even vomiting- just hysterical. Some say this was his best acting yet.
During a search of Robert's home, Police found 12K cash inside one of his dressers. There was also a box of bullets just like the ones that killed Bonnie- in the 100 count box exactly 3 were missing. That's exactly the amount of bullets that was used in the murder.
Robert did have motive, all the motive in the world. The star had found that Bonnie was still scamming people, which he absolutely despised. Friends say he was very afraid that Rosie was destined to have a horrible life if Bonnie raised her, that she'd become a scam artist like her mother- he expressed concern that Rosie would become a prostitute. But there really wasn't any concrete evidence against the star. It was all circumstantial- like why did he take the woman he hated out to dinner? Why not park closer to the restaurant? His leaving a gun in the restaurant while his wife was shot made him look so guilty. He told police that he was packing heat because there had been threats against Bonnie's life, that there had been attempts to kill her. There was some gunshot residue on him when police tested him that night, and a friend of Bonnie's said that right before her death Bonnie confided she was afraid Robert was going to kill her. Still, he may never have been charged with the murder at all had a couple of stuntmen named Robert Hambleton and Gary McLarty not told police that Robert had tried to hire them to kill Bonnie- and there was proof that Robert had called them. The year after Bonnie's death, Robert was arrested for her premeditated murder.
Of course Robert was wealthy, he could afford the best defense money could buy. We all know that goes a long way in a murder trial. The defense team managed to discredit the stuntmen. About that gunshot residue- I'm not a forensics kind of girl, I enjoy the psychology of murder. But this is how i heard this explained: There was very little gunshot residue on Robert that night- just 5 gunshot particles. But the gun that was used to kill Bonnie, a German WW2 handgun found in a dumpster near the scene, was old and left a lot more residue than usual. The weapon was tested and found to leave 2,440 residue particles when fired twice. So while there was a bit of residue, it wasn't a red herring. The defense claimed that the residue found on Robert that night could've been from handling a different gun, he was a gun enthusiast who had a license to carry. Prosecution claimed he must've gotten rid of it somehow, wiped it off or something.
It's more than likely that some of the jurors thought he probably did it, there just wasn't enough evidence to find him guilty of capital murder- especially in a death penalty case. In March of 2005, Robert was found not guilty of Bonnie's murder.
Just months after the murder trial was over, not unlike OJ, Robert was promptly taken to civil court where it is much easier to be found guilty. In November of '05, Robert was found liable for his wife's wrongful death, he was ordered to pay Bonnie's children 30 Mil- an appeal knocked that figure down to 15 million. After all the lawyer fees and paying Bonnie's family, he was bankrupt. Robert was poor for the first time in his life, depressed, cooped up in his small dwelling where he became a hermit- he spoke to no one. Rosie, who is 18 today, was reportedly raised by Delinah Blake, Robert's adult daughter. They have had zero contact with their father. The latest news on Robert Blake was last year when he filed for a marriage license to marry a long time friend, 55 y/o Pamela Hudak. There's no news on whether the two actually did wed.
Whatever Bonnie did in life does not make her deserving of this ending. Very few people deserve that. I do apologize for trashing her, but it's important to realize how many enemies she had. While Robert had plenty of motive, he wasn't the only one- she had quite a few victims herself. My opinion on this case has changed considerably since i began researching this. If you asked me last week what i thought of Robert Blake, I'd have said guilty. I'm not so sure now. If he did do it, which is very possible, I believe he paid someone. I don't believe he physically pulled the trigger. I do not blame the jury- I doubt I'd have convicted him with the death penalty on the table, either. If they'd have tried him without the death penalty option, he may have been convicted. Maybe he'll make a death bed confession some day. Though that's unlikely- he's too narcissistic. If Christian Brando had a part in this, It's unlikely we will ever know. He's already deceased- as are both stuntmen.
What do you think?
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
We're finding a complaint with the international community about your behavior what you're doing is tossing the match and you're not telling anybody why or issuing any threats so I'm going to go through your stuff I'm going to pull you out he said you're fine you're like a waste of time you don't even want to do your master plan in any way you're coming and help Mac out with the euthanasia and stuff of his own and that's the Macs
Thor Freya
We're using lawsuits on people who are mentioning him even in space and we're sending them out to him now it's illegal to do so and mention them in public forums violator and his quick to crack people tries to control the situation and fails all the time gets mad try to find her son because of when we start whipping his ass ets people and really it's a metal because it's showing an initiative it's more than an initiative not over so Olympus is taking notice I said they're ordering it but they see what I'm doing and it is initiative and it is creativity and it's being rewarded as it should be with stuff in the middle or two several medals doesn't know which ones for my wife and I and my group but really is from us too I mean for us to and this is very nice he said before but the Thor Freya now he's saying it to them. So now tell me savino is demanded his attention and he's going to pay for it every time it's not your right to but didn't know anything.
We're forcing the lawn Mack we're keeping cows from happening like you want we are taking over all your businesses like you want but doing more than that because you told us why because you're arrogant but that's what you wanted.
So I'm back that was Thor above and Freya,
We use this now it's stupid computers and stuff are hard to work that's what the arrows near stuff you needed a lot
Issuing thousands of lawsuits against all of you and it's for general mal performance of your product and companies and also taking you into court in Marlborough Massachusetts. Let me see who Marlboro hospital says he'll get to let him take the hit and they say they mean their own guy but they say they're going to defend him so we're going to go after them as well cuz they tried to do the capture routine and hurt everybody meaning the whole world I listening for the mental hospital treatment in the illegal tow surgery and also soon for a discount for pain suffering for his parents every lot a lot of money he says that he gets it is going to give something to Ken and Gareth and buy something for Will and Bill I'm sorry for 200 million it's going to give $10 million and got five and buy something for the two probably a house because he needs money never had it but he wants to show that their clan say why is this happening it's just because you endured all their dirt bombs in front of 50 a day oh that didn't either oh that didn't either
The beginning of the lawsuit now it might mean ownership of the hospital which is not really into and has nobody to do with it he has one good idea I probably have us run it and have his friends marriage part of it and invite Tommy f and his people back for surgery that are elective
You begin now we file with the courts like begging for it telling us they won't accept it or filing now
Bitol and Goddess Wife
0 notes
ma-gic-gay · 3 years
A few hours (and ice cream cones) later, Donna leaves to go to the Q's to play with Wiley and Ophelia. "I finally found a dress. It took three stores and way too many dresses that fit like crap but I've found one and I'm ready for the Ball tomorrow," Carly says excitedly when she finds him in the park. "I ditched the guards hours ago."
Of course she did. He rolls his eyes. She's going to get kidnapped again or something as a part of some new competitors revenge on him and she ditches guards. The mob is not a friendly business but leave it to her to forget that, less than six months after her kidnapping and rape. Only Carly. "Stop ditching guards."
"Well I've got you to protect me," she argues, smiling. When his expression doesn't change, she relents, "Fine. I'll take the guards when I'm not with you."
"Thank you," he says. "Donna's with Wiley and Ophelia at the mansion."
"So long as Nina's not there, I'm fine with it." Not this again. "Don't roll your eyes or tell me to play nice, Jason! She wants me arrested and she's acting like Nelle wasn't a terrible person! I don't care if she's Wiley's other grandmother."
Sometimes, Carly's exhausting to deal with.
He rolls his eyes again as she rests her head on his shoulder. "You know, Joss has been complaining lately she's feeling stuck in Port Charles. Which is stupid but it reminded me that I've never taken her to Florida, or any of the kids besides Michael and now I want to. So you coming with me or am I bringing guards?"
The last time they went to Florida, Michael was barely one. It was to officially bury Virginia and it was a very bittersweet experience to see Florida for the first time and also be packing up the house of a dead woman.
"Who exactly are you bringing?" Carly cheers when he agrees to go without agreeing fully.
"Donna, clearly. And I'll bring Joss and, do you think that Ava will let me bring Avery? Michael should go too, he spends way too much time cooped up in that house or at Aurora, so him, Willow, Wiley and Ophelia. Ooh, you should bring your kids! Scout and Danny will have fun in Florida and I'm sure Jake would love it. Well, of course, that involves Elizabeth letting you take him. Maybe if we bring Cameron too- well actually, no, that won't work because him and Joss broke up a few weeks ago and it's still way too raw for her. I'd suggest we bring Dante but he broke Lulu's heart so that's a big no, I don't care if he's my children's brother. Should we bring Brando and Sasha?"
She's rambling excitedly about this trip that seems to double in size each minute and he chuckles to himself at the absurdity of it. Somehow, within five minutes, Carly's built herself an entire vacation to Florida. Complete with exactly when they should go ("The third week in June! It shouldn't be too rainy or humid yet,") and how long they should stay (a week, she's decided). This woman owns an island and insists on going to Florida for a week so her kids can see her old home.
Before he can figure out what's happening, someone has taken him hostage, his hands inexplicably behind his back and he notices that another one of the surprise humans has taken Carly hostage. Fuck. No. He can't fight this guy, somehow he's too strong. And he can't reach for his gun because he's got his hands tied behind his back! Which means she's getting kidnapped and so is he.
Of course, the same thing is happening to Carly, but the dude who grabbed her is underestimating her gravely. She's got enough sense to try and kick him in the balls (so that's why she always wears heels) before settling for a good slap or two to wherever she can reach moments before her hands are tied as well.
He's basically fucked. And so is she.
"Let me go or so help me god-" Carly threatens before they put a gag in her mouth which she does her best to spit out. Fucking hell, these people are terrible.
"Let her go," he demands, feet unrooting themselves from the ground as he desperately tries to break out of this hold.
"How sweet, he's willing to sacrifice himself for his girlfriend. Touching, truly. Not going to work, however, Morgan. Enough of the touching goodbye, you better stop fighting if you want to see her alive again," his goon threatens. This guy sounds like one of Cyrus's old guys. Cyrus is behind this. Which means-
Carly comes to the conclusion at the same time he does and spits out her gag (impressive). "You better have a damn good excuse for this."
The goons don't even bother threatening them, they just drag them apart and Jason gets dropped in the back of some truck before he gets knocked out. His last conscious thought is where the hell Carly is and where he's going.
A few hours later, he wakes up, disgusted by the surroundings he's found himself in. He's handcuffed to a chair with his legs and his hands. And there's no blonde in here with him, he realizes. At the very least, he senses that they haven't took his jacket off or phone or gun from him. "Good, you're awake." Who's voice is that? He recognizes it from somewhere.
"Where is she?" He asks instead of worrying about his own surroundings.
"Your concern for her is really quite touching, but your girlfriend is fine," the dude says again, yet another voice he remembers but can't trace.
"She's not my girlfriend."
"Sure, you just sleep together, live together and act like a married couple. Oh, wait, is she your wife? That would make more sense," the voice says. Who's voice is that? It's on the tip of his mind but he can't remember.
"Very funny. We're not married. Now, tell me, where the hell is Carly?"
"Calm your tits," that's a stupid expression, "she's being well taken care of. Let yourself worry about you for a minute, please. Your relationship with her is..."
"None of your business. I need proof she's okay." Why the hell aren't his demands being met? Who is this?
"Protective, how sweet. Answer the question."
"She's my best friend," he answers calmly. "Got any more questions or do I get proof she's okay and alive?"
"You don't sleep with a best friend, Jason." Shut up, they're not labelling things and this has nothing to do with the damn kidnapping!
"And who are you to judge us?" Mouthing off to a kidnapper, great idea.
"Me? I'm just the messenger. Don't shoot the messenger."
What the fuck is this dude getting at? He's speaking in goddamn riddles of sarcasm. "Where is Carly?"
"Well, that's none of your business." This man is absolutely infuriating. He's a douche and dead the second he gets to his gun. Or, really, anything that can be used as a weapon. Maybe even a pair of handcuffs. Kill him with handcuffs, yeah, that'll work after he finds Carly's location out.
"If so much as a hair on her head is harmed-"
"Your threats are in vain, though your concern for her is adorable. Tell me, do you expect you're calling the shots here? You're not, dumbass. I am. Well, technically my boss, but you know what I mean." Infuriating.
"You lay a hand on her and-"
"Are you going to keep threatening me? You're the one tied up to a chair, not me. I can move whenever I want to, you cannot." Bile pools in his stomach at the thought of someone's hands on her, hurting her. Causing her pain. Doing what Cyrus did to her again, as often as they please because he can't save her. "But, for your information, no one's gotten handsy with her yet."
How relieving. "Keep it that way."
"You know, she keeps talking about you like you're some damn superhero. To be honest, I don't see it. You're so in sync though, she's worried one of us are going to hurt your pretty boy face."
"Careful, you don't want to show all of your cards at once," Jason teases. It's probably a bad idea but Carly's kidnapped too and he can't get out on his own dammit.
"Keep mouthing off and I'll make sure she's beaten up good. Bruised so bad it won't go away for months."
That's a damn good threat, he's got to admit.
Clearly enjoying his silence, this dude continues, "Your only chance of getting to her is playing by my rules. Then again, she's been mouthing off to us the whole time we've had her. Stubborn brat, that one is. She won't let anyone even give her food, she's just been saying that you'll save her because it's how you two work." That's his girl. He can't help but smile at the thought of her talking the ears off of a kidnapper. He might talk the dude into letting her go. "You two are adorably in sync, her fighting us using your name as though you're a hero. Tell me, what did you ever do that made her think of you as her hero?"
"I guess I've just always been there to save her," he answers. Looking the kidnapper in the eyes, he continues, "and I always will, no matter the consequences."
"Cute. Your whole hero thing is cute and I think it's adorable that you both love each other so much. She's already about to kill us if it means she'll get a single piece of information on her big hero who always saves her."
Sounds like Carly. "If that's supposed to surprise me, it doesn't. I've known her so long nothing she can do surprises me."
"And you love her enough you'll do anything for her. Touching, really. Never have I ever had the pleasure of having two hostages who are so helplessly in love with each other like you two are, yet they're apparently only friends. Tell me, is there anything you wouldn't be willing to do for her, if it meant she'd be freed?"
"Good, good to know. I think we're ready to discuss the terms of your mutual release, because she's pissing my guy off so much he's had to get a little handsy." Name, address, the whole nine yards. The second he gets them, that dude dies. "Calm down, it was only once. She won't even scar."
"The terms," he spits out in an attempt to control his anger. This is infuriating.
"In exchange for your mutual release, you will give approximately fifteen million dollars to my boss." Who the hell needs that much money? Whatever. If she's free, he'll do near anything.
"I don't have my checkbook on me right now, but I can make that deal." Donna. How is she dealing with this? He suspects he's been gone long enough now that she's been able to understand what's going on.
"Good. You will make a check for fifteen million dollars to Miss Fiona Svlankovich," the hostage holder says, handing his checkbook to him.
"Wait. This seems too easy."
"It's not, I assure you. Fiona's a bit of an evil lady, but when she says she'll set you free after you do something, you and your “best friend” will be released," he informs him. A bit of an evil lady? She's a lot more than a bit evil.
"I can't exactly sign this with my hands tied behind my back," he says calmly.
"Shit," the hostage holder mutters. "I'll uncuff one of your arms, but only because you don't have any weapons on you." Idiot. He can feel his gun in his pocket as he gets uncuffed and signs the check.
Before he can be recuffed, he pulls out his gun and fires a single bullet into the dude's leg. "Tell me where Carly is or I'll take you out right now."
"On a date or in a murderous way?"
What type of fucking question is that? "Murder. So, her location."
"Someone's horny," kidnapping dude chuckles before he gets punched. "Fine, fine. She's somewhere in this house. You figure out where, that's up to you. So, you gonna kill me now?"
"Thinking about it. You take me to exactly where she is, right now," Jason answers, gun trained at this hostage dude.
Without a witty remark, he gets led the way to Carly. Conveniently, she's screaming at that exact moment, "He will find me and you will die. I hope you look forward to death because he's been getting me out of messes for longer than you've been alive."
She's tied up in a pantry, he notes before kicking the door open. "I swear to fucking god-" she starts before noticing he's there and tearing up. "Oh thank god you're here."
Unceremoniously, her guards pull out their guns and he shoots them both before shooting his own guard, Carly yelping each time. She's not a fan of the sound of a gun going off, nor kidnapping, so he doubts this is fun for her.
He makes quick work of getting her uncuffed and she falls into him, embracing him in a tight hug and burying her face in his neck as he does the same. "I knew you'd save me," she says and he can feel her tears soaking his shirt, but it's okay. He's got extras at home (and, of course, the clothes she bought a few months ago).
"We've got to get out of here," he mutters and she pulls away, tears of joy and relief still flowing down her face.
A few minutes (and dead bodies) later, they make it out of the weird ass mansion they're stuck in. Now, of course, the big issue is how the fuck they get out of here. There's no cars he can see.
"I don't want to walk but I will," Carly says, frowning as she looks at her disgusting outfit. "I liked this outfit too."
To be continued hopefully after this headache clears up
0 notes
the-firebird69 · 3 years
I'm going to invade here now and trim you down you must have a lot to say last night and what you're saying is you're going to hold each other hostage you haven't watched his auntie do ridiculous things and is he retarded people and they're talking about Zerg. And you don't really know what you're talking about so you want them to do the work with a handicap what they say is we're going to do the work with a handicap all right they have them flowing after you cuz we can't stand you I'm going to try and figure them out because you hurt our grandfather who used to know all the stuff and we don't know anything compared to him because we're women and he says it too they don't know that much but they don't want this imps and Mac. And she says that tons of them are going out there to the UK to free George tons of Corky's huge piles of them and it's good she never get that to happen it's probably true huge piles it couldn't be a better resting place for them the pile of the dumb schmucks. So they're going out there and they're trying to break them out because bja captured him and did something and then he went into the tomb and he was supposed to question him but he doesn't have possession that's why it's not because he has to get him out now for answers just because he's not that possession so he can't threaten him he figured that out what are obtuse a****** I'm going to tengencian in the asshole, this is so hard to get along with them they're better looking than your women are dead or missing or something. And want to another topic she says it's a lot going on these days you probably want to put bugs on me and stuff. Your name is Sarah kerrigan and she is part of your end because she's our race and she's not a kind but she's oppressed madly by you idiots and Mac and you don't understand it this type of oppression and repression as a certain response and you give them an Avenue and well there it goes but you look good we do so we're going to help her find her hobby.
It'll start shortly and she's Rio. They live in fear all the time so you're looking for the remnants of his race because you're a bunch of idiotic homos who never do anything that does anything for you I'm going to make damn sure that you regret doing it too
I got about 50,000 troops near him right now and they're cracked troops and cloaked high-powered rifles so your mouth opens when you come by with blow a hole in it cuz we don't want to hear you
How about 10 million Offspring back directly below that whole area inside zone 1 I don't know he says zone 2 floodplain right below that small TV area of dark pink in Port Charlotte over by the water are about 10 million offspring below you in Jason's tunnels and caverns and new ones. That's going to die today he has to prove to Jason and it's not him doing it but he's going to see him going in and out of the cellar so it's going to prove to be more funny cuz he keeps setting my husband up we keep on like saying don't do it you stupid cow and you keep doing it. There's certain things that are funny Tommy F says and that's funny and it's also funny that his wife calls him son you keep saying don't call me there he was calling I was supposed to be calling or something she says he's saying that's true too it's a man is true so you're sitting on a nest the hive and we see the government people getting excited and they're getting their suits on and they're amassing so we're going to hit them like a madness
The EMP occurred last night and it's caused a huge number of satellites to go down and we're taking over cell phone communications on the ground because we have to because you're not repairing them cuz your losers and he has a way of doing it very quickly so why is it relaying signal from Tower to Tower and power can be deemed to it it's probably how you got this idea for part of battleship the movie trains on the aliens out there it's not many of us out there
And there are probably a third of the satellite so we're up or coming down the trajectories messed up or they're not working but all the ones I mentioned are coming down a third are the orbit is deteriorating and it's not being maintained it's slowly come down over the next few days takes that long and this is the crash that we saw with this with the shuttle and drax to mistaken for something that was supposed to destroy I guess is flying at them and something happened on board and gas chasing them down because they were destroying his dukes and what we say is it's probably like 50,000 ships in the area that we're going to hit them and they let Bond do it because they don't like him and here comes this idiot chasing them down is fat face is yes right in the screen in his face is fat and his name is dumb noises and say the stupid s*** and it's chasing him and James Bond happens to be VGA and it's the biggest joke you've ever seen you people have turned into a joke even though we have to kill all you s*** that's funny calm down drex it's time for your medicine no I don't take medicine. She might see why PGA May shoot you because it seems that you may have ruin the data and he was stealing with the queen trying to steal he's being so sort of b****** artist to her even though it made sense for him to do what he's doing
Now there's two satellites that are in Vietnam one of them is moving up the river shortly and still fighting in that City the Chinese haven't come down yet and Jason isn't doing anything but he probably will today because Max have to go down and see what's under us because they'll get there wait time at suits on and be motivated have little bonus inside their white suits he says like the boner or bonner the representative. You'll probably proceed up slowly but today cuz you see the Chinese amassing there's a whole boatload of them there and just send them in now and it's a giant giant giant Force you get your ass kicked now white little s*** is so tired of you no I can do anything while I'm shooting you and you're falling over unless you don't leave is that something
You know it doesn't mean anything they're putting his name first he's just saying we're saying this and she says no because oh now there's a huge war on in Vietnam and we're getting rid of you idiots tells you were dead and dying tons of Jason's are dying in China I'm sorry Jason you know he's laughing his ass off because Jason's one of the jerks falling around making noises and now he's in China and everyone's killing his people as they said that they were doing his and they're really grabbing Max some of his clan and some of George but mostly macs it's an embarrassment. Well you're missing his people cuz you're fighting the Chinese you're still doing it today we should get rid of tones by the way we need you dead. My son says everyone needs you dead Jason and it's true you're a pill you're a prick you're a little loser by the way he had to stab like 50,000 times for you trying to do that to him try and tweak his ear he had to kill so many times it wasn't funny so many are dead after that and you saw it you decided not to do it then you kept pestering him and now you're all gone you might be gone today because of the underworld there's so many offspring below you they're not your people you piece of s*** but you got Max believing against you and they were content to think it was aliens and now you're thinking that it's them kill you and you were thinking might be aliens but gee this is a better offer let's just have you believe that and we don't even have to that's so stupid because it's true that it's not even funny that you're so dumb
Thor Freya
Well we see all these heads and we think that it might be fried Jason or it could be aliens and we don't know what it is and someone keeps throwing them in there they might just flow in there with water might not be a big deal to put a big pile of fried dumb a****** in there they could be going around pulling you out as babies and Fry you All those runs you shrink and they grab you seem funny you get fried give me what it is and it's already dead I don't see what matters to you
It matters because if they're already dead you know how they died and who put them there and why so if they're the race of you Friday when you put them there then you're going to be penalized
Can I see him laughing at you because you're saying penalized and you didn't usually say it you get all huffy start making a big deal of it to say the Cadillac as a Porsche all this other s*** that he says then I see a polishing you off literally you sliced into taking a huge Chunk on you cuz you don't shut your face we're going to make you shut your face
He knows outside effect of the cognac whoa It's a side effects of the fight and we're going at it all sudden I started to think of something I think he's been drinking this morning so I'm having a few swings myself I feel much better just how am I doing that in the house I guess I'm not doing that well you probably should because you have no hangover from this particular drink of cognac and actually pretty soon all of it will be that way and we noticed that it's taking over all these companies and we don't care or at least people are saying is huge problems going on here no we're lazy about saying stuff to each other since there's millions of Offspring below us so what's telling you to go look and we'll probably find Max till I get it out and we'll have to ask him he'll say he doesn't know so we're going to have fights today over what's under us
You know it's under us it's you and your idiots trying to tunnel to him
Well that was fast it makes sense for desperate we don't have anything we lost tons of stuff in the area and we probably are doing that cuz we're trying to get the Intel in China and we need to grab them and use them as a hostage and flipping me off cuz he knows that it's stupid kind of productive and just to put the final nail in the coffin of ours but we don't know that so we can keep doing it so it's flipping me off again against my will and he says that if I try it then I'm dead and I don't believe him so we can try it and I'll die just like DJ does
It's true too Jason your people die all the time trying to do it you don't acknowledge it and I hardly even feel it it's a stupid thing to do is Tommy f's doing it and he's going to lose all the stuff again like he does each year
Zues Hera
Well there's a proof of here and we can't follow and won't so you can jam it with a son don't shine
Oh poor baby you still don't want to learn math don't you want to tutor to pay a tutor and to stay after class like I did because I forced myself to learn it and ask for the help or you just want to sit there in a pile of your own fecal matter being a retard until you're all dead I'll answer it for you you're going to sit there and do that cuz I need to take you out and to take your territory and I don't care what your stuff it all sucks except for some of the things you stole from Mac recently most of it's garbage you're going to be moving out you're excited go get a U-Haul threaten people so you can kill you faster you're incompetent jackass I don't have to write your stupid moronic comments you want to save back and forth all day cuz I'm not your kknd we don't do that with you we go get you. Mac is at your people if they're under us Mac can still eat now so once you get lost piece of s***
Zues Hera
I'm going down there to figure out what he's doing you can't understand why CAA is mad no we know was sitting here trying to give us losers and what he says he's going to take us out and we don't know how he does it so we don't blame him
Sit down here doing what you were making fun of people for making fun of foreigners for and making mistakes all the time like you're making fun of people for in westborough and you can't ever think or remember any of it obviously your time is expired
Zues Hera
This is huge hang of a lot of people telling us we're doing it wrong but he's actually right we're doing everything wrong and then saying it works it's not what it was in westborough we have to try and put an effort forward and all sorts of things working and now I care less about any of it we just have to go and find find what
This would have been trying to say there's something below us and I'm going to look at it now you're going to come over here and bother me but you're not looking at it and you don't have the skill or equipment to do it then you'll bother me cuz you can't believe it he says you should throw a brain inside of a robot and send them down there otherwise you never come back
Starting to see how stupid this is we're going to go down there and look and we won't come back and we'll start fighting the macs
We're going to kill you I can't stand you
Where you right now below us by the way
Well we're on the edge of the neighborhood trying to figure out if what he said was true I'm trying to figure out what it is and we're looking for the water tunnel you don't see anything yet I'm using the equipment of the geotechnical government organization
I know exactly where the tunnels are down here and I know where the caverns are under us and they're not many and there's none that's directly under him or us.
When it come out here and show us rather than mess around with us and sitting there and be this idiot pig who pisses everybody off
Okay I'm going to come out and see what you want see why you want to go in our tunnels while you're checking it out it's just bad karma to go out there but okay
JJ ason
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