#but the guy im thinking of i think is a fucking astrophysics graduate so its debatable.
corvidcas · 5 months
it's honestly fucking sickening that anyone can't put aside their ego, their special little form of self obsession for half a second to allow the nuanced idea that you can speak out against literal fucking genocide without condemning your faith cross their minds. fucking disgusting that I have to see people be completely silent about Palestine until it comes to talking about Jewish students feeling unsafe on campuses and immediately after posting cutesy "Jewish and Proud" graphics with no context like I get it. you're not wrong and I support your perogative to bring attention to these issues and be openly and loudly proud of your identity. but can you stop thinking about yourself for two seconds and imagine what the fucking Palestinians are going through? They. Are. Dying. They are Being Murdered. Horrifically. starved to death or riddled with bullet holes trying to get food for their families. bombed relentlessly. and you're indifferent. you're silent. you're functionally endorsing it. youre more concerned about Being Jewish and Jewish students feeling uncomfortable. all because you're too concerned with yourself and the reflection of yourself you see in your community to even consider anyone outside of it. you'll be complacent and proud of it before you even make an attempt at nuanced thought because you're so fucking defensive and it's fucking pathetic.
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thewiglesswonder · 2 years
i dont care if its idw specific i want to imagine waspinator TFA getting so fed up with failed vengeance he decides to really do the whole 'the best revenge is living well' and he just becomes some guy on twitter.
he remakes wasp cup as a little "look i still exist im still alive :D" except its in his wasp altmode. he also gets those 2 degrees. henry masterson hanging out at the college he graduated from (perhaps there were enough different majors offered so that prof. princess is there too as is mac because she cant turn down bothering henry) and waspinator just walks onto campus with a backpack and a textbook and a fucking monster energy and mac is so proud of him.
henry: wha
mac: hes getting a 3rd degree
both henry and prof. princess: he has two already???
mac: yeah ones in astrophysics the other he wont tell me. i think this one is gonna be psychology idk tho.
henry: oh jesus
"Does Bumble-bot have two degrees? Waspinator didn't fucking think so."
No but the idea of a massive techno-organic, xeno-biological organism just. Attending college is the best thing ever. This implies that he went through the college application process. This implies that the professors and students are 100% cool with learning with/ teaching to a giant mutant insect. And the supervillains may be supervillains, but they're pretty damn knowledgeable about their chosen fields. They're guest speakers.
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