#but the manga one suits my style more so I always go for that ig
frootsnak · 2 months
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oh of course, it's my old friend satan!
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aloera · 21 days
Aloera hii came running when i got the notification, djdjd incredibly as always ❤ can i ask how much time did it took you to find that tone in ur writing? I mean they way you describe things and feeling without making them too "poetic"and corny like it often happens when one tries to write? Also i wanted to share with you the manga panels i searched after reading your fic just so idk gsjd the expressions and significance fjdjf (i love this face is so :() (second one their canon dynamic>>> fanon)
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I know these last too have been brought so much times but idc this will always be iconic, the first high epic point in the manga, everything got set in motions after this(to me) wish with a follow up more substantial after this a hint of a conversation idk (a lot of people have move on from this but i will always remeber) sorry that this got so long i just wanted to share this with you excuse my english have a great week/end.
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first off thank you so much!! youre so sweet :)
as to how much time it took ive been writing since i was like.. six. and im twenty now. so ig fourteen years skull emoji.. but in general i think i focus less now on trying to sound like... super smart? if that makes sense? sometimes i think what makes things sound kinda corny is when youre describing stuff that you dont actually know.. so i try to just focus on stuff that i do know!! like for example with similes and stuff i just draw from stuff that i see in my own life.. common things.. and the hope is that it comes across as familiar and people reading that go oh i know what that feels like. yk? instead of trying to like.. idk be the next shakespeare and be super poetic and delve into topics that are maybe beyond me or just not really suited to my style of writing. no shade to people who do that!! thats just what worked for me in terms of developing my style :) for dialogue as well i'll sometimes say it out loud to see if it sounds like smth a real person would say outloud bc sometimes... its not... and i rewrite it until im not like. cringing as i say it LMFOA but also mind u i think there will sometimes always be a certain level of corn bc we are writing fic. like it is inherently corny asf. but once you get over that you can have a lot more fun with it :D
KIRISHIMAS LITTLE FACE SHUT UPPP i love him. i love him so bad. he actually invented facial expressions its crazy. have u seen that one panel of him glaring at monoma i think about it everyday hes SO FUNNY
you r so so so write on canon>fanon w them. their canon interactions are just so lovely and so full of heart and so recriprocated like i just know they are the most annoying two people to be around but they dont even care bc they are having so much fun with each other!!! which is why i love them :)
also. yeah. you and me are very right where you left me coded re kamino. i will never be over it i fear. i will be like seventy years old talking about "it has to be you" "if i cant do this im not even a man" "come" "you idiot" LIKE THAT WAS CRAZYYYYYYY i feel like as much as i get annoyed ab horikoshi kind of forgetting ab krbk i will never fully be able to be mad at him bc he gave us that.... like That Moment seared itself into my personhood. kickstarted a hand fixation and an undying loyalty fixation and like. twenty other fixations. is what it is ig.
sorry this is so long omg i just had sm to say but in conclusion thank you so much for the ask!! i will always love talking ab krbk so i really appreciated getting to talk about them with you :)))
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boysbeloving · 2 years
highlight what you like or what applies to you
thanks for the tag Krishna <33 @i-got-the-feels
and @sereinartemishan (thanks, love!)
hot shower or cold shower // texting calling or email discord (i've never been a part of any discord....it's a group chat thing right? ya...i would be silent lol) // earbuds or headphones // paperback hardcover or ebook // matte or gel // 12 hour clock or 24 hour clock (it's only time [bonus points if you get the reference]) // blue or green // sunsets or sunrises // tulips or orchids // candle light or moonlight // sci-fi and fantasy or horror // pen or pencil // pandas or koalas // gold or silver // sneakers or boots // denim jacket or leather jacket (neither....i haven't found good ones in my (plus) size ever...so what if i have big boobs....give me a decent jacket??!!)// pink or purple // chocolate or sour candy // deodorant or perfume // drive-in movie theater or the cinema (neither if i could help it...we don't have drive-in theatres in my country and i avoid cinema as well...just sit at home and watch something) // pastel colors or neutral earth tones (i go for pastel when defining a colour palette for books but personally i go for deep shades in clothes and lipsticks) // lemonade or fruit juice // past or future//
crying in the shower or making out in the shower (both...both is good...like...i personally cry in the shower so i get that totally) // give cute boy line ID or stalk his IG // share his earbuds or share his closet // manga or manwha (haven't read either! sorry!) // long dangly silver earring (i'm very emotionally invested in men wearing danglers) or dark leather cuff // time loop or reincarnation // blue engineering smock or red engineering smock (neither but also both...no preference here) // kisses at the beach or kisses in the mountains // cactus or chili plant (???) // fairy lights or spot lighting // ghost boyfriend or vampire lover // hard sub or soft sub (this is for subtitles right?)// stray cat or … actually that’s your only option (i'm not a pet person actually...there are fur allergies in the family....BUT! i always appreciate and adore other people's pets) // Hawaiian shirt (more tiddie display opportunities) or blue shorts // evil ex-girlfriend or predatory fujoshi (neither...it's the society) // suit jacket (i love me a man in a well-fitted 3-piece suit) or leather jacket // high school or university // kitchen drama or office drama // forehead kisses or cheek kisses (omg both....why would you make me choose between any kisses?? how about crotch kisses?? hhmmm???) // Viki or GaGaOOLaLa (neither) // Japanese arthouse depth or Korean high concept (both) // pink milk or yakult (neither...) // censored Chinese BL or trashy Thai pulps // body swap or dead body (neither! but if body swap has to be done then it should be in Kimi No Na Wa style...i mentioned this before as well right?) // sexy or story // back hugs or lap sitting (both...coz both have the potential to go from soft to absolute filth...starts with the grinding ofc) // piggybacks or cradle carry (JUST WALK SIDE BY SIDE OMFG)
if anyone wants to do this please consider yourself tagged by me!
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asphodelical · 3 months
The Great Anime Rewatch of 2024 - Part VI
Magic Knight Rayearth
First watched: circa 2006? Maybe? Rewatched: February 2024
Original rating: 5 New rating: 5
This is very ‘baby’s first anime.’ Far be it from CLAMP’s best work, it fits in perfectly with all the isekai shows currently drowning the market. Rayearth also is one of those stories that feels specifically intended to be enjoyed by a specific age group of a specific gender and little else. It at least hast he benefit of having magical girls and mechs, making it less generic than having a bland male wish fulfillment hero. I also like how the girls’s armor evolves. But Rayearth really is nothing special. 
First watched: circa 2007?  Rewatched: February 2024
Original rating: 5 New rating: 4
The colors look so flat and washed out. I also forgot how much anime original material was here, too. Similar to like how I remembered, the only things I really liked about this adaptation are the music and the voice cast. Ah, the illustrious history of weird, botched CLAMP adaptations. 
Tsubasa Chronicle 1 & 2
First watched: circa 2006? Rewatched: March 2024
Original rating: 4, 4 New rating: 2, 2
Bee Train, your art style is awful. Just like xxxHOLiC, the colors here look dull and flat. The animation is also abysmal, with consistently off model characters and abnormally slow blinking. It doesn’t help that the anime has a lot of closeups and long shots on faces that I’m sure someone thought were very dramatic. But it’s just awkward standing and staring—a clear effort to cut corners. Also, the pacing is terrible. Why did we spend four and a half episodes in kudan-land? It’s an absolutely botched adaptation that happens to have a fantastic soundtrack, courtesy of Kajiura Yuki. (That opening song I never liked is still bad, though.) 
As for the second season, it wouldn’t have been so bad if the anime original episodes hadn’t been so uninspired. Whose idea was it to have everyone revisit previous worlds? Also that final episode always bothered me, even as a kid. This dumbass is made up of Sakura’s feathers, and she only absorbs one? Bro, what? If only Bee Train hadn’t gotten their grubby hands on Tsubasa, and they started the adaptation later in the manga's run. Production IG really saved us with Tokyo Revelations. 
Also, for the record, an animated work can still not look the best and still have good visual direction or interesting imagery. (I.E. Jimmy Neutron, Revolutionary Girl Utena.)
First watched: circa 2006 Rewatched: March 2024
Original rating: 6 New rating: 4
This was one of the first anime I watched in Japanese. Since then, it’s mostly stayed with me in the form of its soundtrack. But how does the actual material hold up for me nearly twenty years later?
Not very well. The beginning has so many problems: episodes 2-4 have absolutely nothing of importance or of consequence. Even after that, we learn almost nothing about either Kirika or Mireille, and the episodes are terribly repetitive. As bitching as the music is, it feels like there are only five songs because they’re reused so often. 
Revisiting Noir was a boring slog. I don’t think this story warranted a 26 episode TV series. It would’ve been more suited to an hour and a half long film. 
Cowboy Bebop 
First watched: 2009 Rewatched: March 2024
Original rating: 10 New rating: 10
The Great Anime Rewatch of 2024 is, frankly, not going very well. Let me revisit something I know I’m going to love. From my very first viewing, I knew Cowboy Bebop was a masterpiece. Since then I’ve rewatched it numerous times. I’ve always been bad about talking why I love this show. But it only resonates with me more as I get older. 
Cowboy Bebop is about a spaceship of fools. Fools who fail constantly. And when they find success, there’s no victory in it. Yet this cynicism is wrapped in quiet confidence and unbridled commitment to style and atmosphere. And it’s accompanied by one of the greatest soundtracks in anime. Also, its sense of humor is incredible. 
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theslythertrash · 4 years
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So whenever I see superheroes I always freak out over small impractical costume things but I have never been angrier at show’s costumes than at bnha and this has been on my chest for several months now and it’s midnight and I’m half asleep so it’s the perfect time to write an essay about it on Tumblr. 
Here are my ranking for the bnha costumes for all of 1-A:
I’m fully prepared to be slammed for this. (Also I’m supposed to be an artist so if I ever find some free time I’ll actually draw my babies some proper costumes.)
Midoriya’s is 9.5/10.  It has an aesthetic, good color scheme and it compliments his quirk with iron soles and leg/arm enforcements. Has a nice belt, a mask for gas (hopefully) and facial protection. The only stupid thing is his bunny ears mask but it looks good when it’s down like a hood. My only correction would be to make his mask an actual hood. 
Bakugo is 8/10 Kacchan also has an aesthetic. His mask is a little ridiculous but I’m fond of it. He also has practical shoes and stuff. HIS GAUNTLET IS SO STUPID. HAS THE MANGA ARTIST EVER WORN LARGE BRACELETS? DOES HE KNOW HOW ANNOYING THEY ARE? YOU CANT WRITE. OR SCRATCH YOUR HAND. OR REACH INTO TIGHT SPACES. I know they’re for storing sweat but sweat is a liquid and if people can invent Aizawa’s magic scarf they can invent smaller gauntlets. Jesus. But his winter costume makes them smaller I think (idk I don’t read the manga but I’ve seen fanart) so 8/10.
Uraraka is 5/10  Uraraka has a cool aesthetic. I enjoy the space theme and colors. A helmet is good since she’s flying around (though I don’t understand why it doesn’t cover her entire head? Protect the back of your head! Also her mouth- that should help against gas and things but I also know she vomits a lot so it’s probably better without one). 
However, she’s sexualized too. Even outside of it being skin tight, she has a camel toe? Literally no one mentions it ever and it drives me crazyyyy. Look at her- why does she have that line there? Why? And why is her belt so bulky. How is she supposed to squeeze into tight spaces? AND ONCE AGAIN UNNECESSARY LARGE BRACELETS OH MY GOD. The manga explains her bulky heels and bracelets are to help with nausea but I refuse to believe they can’t invent smaller ones. And also boots without heels. Who is gonna run over debris on heels? 5/10
Iida is 7/10 He is too bulky. Why are they all so bulky.  He looks like when he walks down the street he clanks as he walks. Way to be stealthy dude, smh. 
Todoroki is fine I guess. Little boring but it’s passable. I wish it had more stuff for his quirk. Like maybe thermal fabric so he can cool down faster? Idk. 7.5/10
Tsuyu is a much bigger improvement over Uraraka. She’s got big ass bracelets again but they look like soft fabric so it’s probably easy to ignore. Her outfit has a wet suit aesthetic so that’s practical. Her goggles look a little bulky again but they are practical.  WHY IS SHE IN HEELS.  8/10
Mineta looks like he has a diaper kink and it’s not even there to help his quirk. -10/10
Kirishima. Baby. Put on a shirt. Also what the fuck are those gears. Why are you wearing bulky shit that’s unrelated to your quirk? How are you gonna lie down comfortably when you have large ass rings on your shoulders.  Why are you wearing a muzzle thing? How is that related to your quirk? If your gonna put something on your face wear something to protect your mouth from dust and gas.  His bottom half is fine ig. I’ve got mixed feels on his cape/skirt thing but at least it’s an aesthetic.  6/10
Don’t get me started on Yaoyorozu. God Almighty. Even outside of the perversion, why does she have a whole ass bookshelf on her butt instead of an iPad for easy access? And not only is it AN ENTIRE BOOKSHELF, its HORIZONTAL. Why do you have a horizontal ass shelf when it can be vertical at the very least? She needs tech with Siri so she can ask what chemicals are in stuff into an earpiece. And also some pants. And a bra.  -10/10
Idk what Tokoyami is doing. Being edgy I guess.  6/10 it’s fine.
Kaminari is fine I guess? He’s got the same problem as Tokoyami and Todoroki where it’s just an outfit and doesn’t actually help his quirk in any way.  He could include metal bits on his gloves so punches have an extra shock to them. Or maybe a rubber helmet or something to protect his brain from his own shocks...would that work? I’m not a scientist. Maybe carry around extra shock-resistant fabric in a belt or something so he can protect bystanders before releasing a full attack.  I REALLY like his added equipment for long-range attacks and I think he could go further with the idea- maybe add cords in the style of bows and arrows?  Basically very boring but fine ig. 7.5/10 (solely adding the .5 for his new equipment)
Aoyama looks like he has the same bulky and loud problem as Iida but it’s toned down and I’m low key very amused by it so it’s fine. 9/10 for my flamboyant boy.
Jirou looks like she is going to the mall. She has no aesthetic and looks super boring. I like that her outfit actually helps her quirk with her speaker boots but she should carry around some weapons too. And wear a padded suit for hits. Actually they all should have padding. Goggles and mask would be helpful too.  It’s fine I guess. Boring. 6.5/10
Okay, I’ve seen a lot of people complain that Ashido’s is really ugly. I’m actually amused by it so I don’t mind too much. The fur is ridiculous and the colors are loud but they are as loud as her personality so at least it has an aesthetic.  I’m more bothered that it’s impractical. It doesn’t help with her quirk. She should have gauntlets similar to Kacchan’s so she can store acid (don’t make them bulky though, please). Padding too. Her shoes can have an extra retractable surface for gliding on acid. It would also probably be helpful to carry around a similar blanket to the hypothetical one Kaminari would have so she can shield civilians from her acid.  It’s fine ig. At least she’s not sexualized. 7/10
Shoji looks like he has multiple nipples.  At least it’s kinda practical tho.  6/10
Ojiro looks like he was on his way from karate class when a cat died on his shoulder.  Once again he’s boring and doesn’t have anything interesting to compliment his quirk. He’s a good fighter so maybe he can also carry around a staff or nunchucks or something. He should pad his tail so the hits are extra hard.  Boring but passable if he removes the stupid fur. It looks like it’ll tickle his cheek when he runs.7/10
I actually really like Sero’s. It fits his aesthetics and is practical. His helmet and shoulders could be a tad less bulky but whatever. It would be cool if he had like suction cups on his shoes or something to make it easier to stick to walls but I imagine that would be hard to walk in so it’s fine.  8.5/10
Tooru is naked.  She has no costume.  She’s 15- that’s so gross. Also she’s probably constantly cold and extremely vulnerable. I can’t imagine all the scraps she gets just from running around. And her sensitive parts are exposed to disease- she’s going to get a yeast infection. And not to be gross on main or whatever but what does she do when she’s on her period? ALSO, how can she feel comfortable running around without a bra?  If Mirio can have a costume made of his hair so can Tooru. 0/10
Sato looks like a banana.  Very boring with no aesthetic but at least he has pockets to carry sugar in so that’s practical. Some padding would be nice.  6/10 boring
Why the fuck is Koda in shorts. He’s gonna get scraps on his knees. What is that ugly ass symbol on his chest? At least he’s practical with his mask to hide when he’s talking to animals. Personally, I think it’s ugly but at least it’s useful 6/10
Woo I'm done. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk/ midnight essay.  Winners: Deku, Kacchan, Sero, maybe Tsuyu. Maybe Aoyama.  Absolute losers: Mineta, Momo, Tooru, Uraraka.  Everyone else is varying levels of average
Also, I know I said I would only do 1-A but I have a special little place of hate in my heart for Aizawa’s costume so here’s my rant on him too:
JESUS CHRIST MAN CUT YOUR FUCKING HAIR YOU DINGUS. I know you're trying to have a hoboTM aesthetic and you have stubble and blah blah blah- I get it. We got it. (I lowkey think you’re hot) you wanna have dramatic hair. Noted.  But you're entire personality is about being practical and not wanting attention. That’s why you disliked All Might. Set an example for your kids PLEASE.  Why are you even bothering with goggles to hide when you blink WHEN YOUR HAIR IS A BIGGER TELL. I PROMISE I’M MORE LIKELY TO NOTICE YOUR HAIR DROP THAN YOUR EYES BLINKING YOU DUMB DUMB IDIOT. 
Either cut it, put it in a bun (best option imo) or get a hood. 
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unwillingkomaedakin · 4 years
Entry 2 - June 15th 2020
not a lot happened at school today, but it was still boring. the first thing we had was science, i was sitting with an acquaintance who i’ll refer to on here as t. we did our science exam last lesson, so we didn’t know what we were doing. the teacher (i should mention her name is karen) made us do research paragraphs on random shit we weren’t even learning about like electricity resistance or whatever. as a joke i named the word document “yet another science thing i don’t care about” but knew i was gonna change the file name in case we had to email it to the teacher. we were meant to write a paragraph and list a reference we used, i didn’t wanna use one so i just put a link to “that muffin is looking awfully like a hamster” where the reference was meant to go. so later on we send the teacher our documents and she seems mine and is just like “could you not be so rude next time” and i was really confused. a couple minutes later i realized i forgot to change the file name and almost had an anxiety attack right then and there. i’ve been thinking about this event all day, and ended over an hour ago. 
after i had drama, i was absent during most of the assessment (after quarantine ended i skipped on most of the first two weeks back to school cuz i was sad and anxious af) so i was put with a random group with two other girls. lowkey i’m at least happy i wasn’t in the group with my toxic ex-friend group. they scare me. nothing much happened in there, but we’re performing in our next lesson and i know like none of my lines. uh, oops ig. 
lunch was next, nothing really happened. lunches are usually more eventful because i’m usually with e, my best acquaintance, but he’s been sick for like a week so i’ve been alone. i’ve been reading danganronpa zero at school, so i was just doing that. i’ve nearly finished the novel, which i’m both happy and sad about. after lunches, we have this thing called prayer and reading where we just read for like 20 minutes (it’s a religious school but only the staff are actually religious so they say prayers before we leave prayer and reading). again, nothing really happened in there, i was just reading fruits basket. fruits basket has been okay, but i have trouble understanding it sometimes. also i don’t like showing the covers in public since the art style is that really old shoujo sorta art style where all the boys look like girls and it looks weird and i don’t wanna get extra bullied lol. the manga is pretty good though. 
after i have religion, i don’t give two shits about that class. luckily because of quarantine we’re not doing any assessment or exams for religion this term, but we’re just being marked on school work instead. we’re making this stupid poster that makes no sense so i always have to have the teacher explain it to me a few times. it still doesn’t make sense. worst part is i was absent for most of my religion lessons due to the reasons stated before about drama. so i was behind on some of the work, i also missed out on another lesson because i went to counselling. but the teacher was like “the kids who get extensions because they were absent are *names like 5 students that were away for like 1 lesson but not me*”. like what okay i guess i wasn’t away for like 5 lessons okay then. 
after that was lunch again so i just sat in the library. another acquaintance i have who likes danganronpa, c, came up to me. i was gonna draw, but she ended up asking me to show her my drawings and stuff so i didn’t really get to do anything. last was my history exam. i still hate history with a passion, but the exam wasn’t too bad. we had to write a paragraph about this topic we were given based off the planning we made prior. i finished in the middle of the lesson, and the teacher, who’s usually a bitch, let us have free time for the rest of the lesson, which was a pleasant surprise. i ended up just reading danganronpa zero for the rest of the class. 
nothing else really happened. the speed maths contest second round is on tomorrow. basic math is like one of my only strong suits, so i like this contest. so each class has to take a short math test and try to answer as many questions on the sheet as possible, and the 3 people in each class with the best scores go into the second round to do a kahoot against each other to find the top 3 best math kids in the grade. after, in the third round, the top 3 students from each grade do a kahoot against each other, and the 3 best students win. in the first year it was on, i think i got into the school top 3 but i can’t exactly remember. i just remember placing really high. i didn’t get to do it last year because i was absent when they did the first round testing. this year i did it and got the best score in my class. i hope i can win again. there’s this kid that got into the top 3 in each grade who’s in my grade that really wants to beat me since i beat him last time lol. i wanna win, i hope i can do at least one thing right. e just messaged me saying that he might be back at school tomorrow, so i’m feeling a bit better now.
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