#but the meaning-making happens mostly off the field & that's what museums are for surely?
girderednerve · 8 months
i went to the baseball hall of fame! here's a very long post about it!
it's not a very good museum, but i found it sort of hypnotically compelling. there are many extremely interesting objects in the baseball hall of fame, alongside some junk, but mostly there's very little effort to actually propose or illustrate any particular baseball narrative and the whole curatorial perspective is deeply conservative (small c, but nevertheless).
the galleries are nominally sorted into exhibits, but in practice only a few areas were actually findable & delineated; most of the space is given to cases of baseball objects, which are not particularly sorted or contextualized, through which one sort of meanders until one stumbles across a dedicated exhibit. we managed to just catch the tail end of their exhibition about the history of black baseball, which was i thought very well-done. if you have been to museums since 2020 you will have noticed that several of them made rather frantic efforts to be more inclusive & aware, with sometimes obvious disagreement among whoever was putting together the exhibit; for example, this exhibit used "black," "African-American," and, on just one placard which implicated inaugural baseball commissioner kenesaw mountain landis in the segregation of baseball, "Black." i am always fascinated by choices like these, especially given that the baseball hall of fame relies heavily on corporate donors and strong, friendly relationships with MLB teams to exist. outside of this exhibit, any time racist discrimination was acknowledged, the conventional formulation that someone was excluded "because of the color of his skin" was employed, which was of course infuriatingly lazy & obscurantist.
other highlights included a fun exhibit about women in baseball, which kept things pretty light, although it did also point out that the gender segregation of sports has always been an aggressively enforced choice (a woman signed to a minor league contract had her employment terminated by the baseball commissioner after a single game, for example). also there was a little bit about effa manley, which was cool because she's my favorite hall of famer (i'm gay & she's the only woman in there). they also have a creepy-looking set of statues of famous fans right at the top of the stairs, and a timeline of changes in baseball stadiums, which was characteristically light on the incredibly fraught urban politics surrounding large sports arenas & blithely asserted that these arenas bring in many measurable benefits, although this claim is, um, contested at best. i was absolutely sure that there'd be like, plans of the stadiums, because baseball is unique in that each baseball field is different & has different dimensions, which is so strange & silly, but they didn't do that. instead there was a big sign about how the stadium is "holy ground" for baseball fans, whatever that means.
the baseball hall of fame is self-consciously the keeper of the story of baseball, but it's very light on any baseball that happens outside of the united states; there was an exhibit about the latino experience in baseball (the only exhibit, btw, with spanish translations of the text) which documented some caribbean leagues, including, very briefly, the mexican league, but it was weirdly squished in a corner & didn't have enough space to go into detail. the records hall also included a few more or less random items for record-holders from the japanese NPB, but there was nothing for other leagues, even the KBO. this was a strange choice to me because the international history of baseball is very interesting & as you might imagine very fraught & openly tied to a history of american military occupation. (the baseball hall of fame plaques have rosettes under the plaques for veterans of WWII, but that's almost it for talking about the army, although the museum offers veteran and active-duty discounts.)
the actual hall of fame was kind of astonishingly horrible (very bright, pretty crowded, limited seating, unfortunate statues of babe ruth & ted williams). my experience was not improved by the multiple dudes in jerseys who elbowed past me to take pictures of plaques for guys they like, although i can't be too mean about it because now i have a selfie in front of old hoss radbourn's plaque. the hall of fame is stodgy & annoying, mostly because the members of the baseball writers' association, who do all the selection voting, are so stingy & convinced that almost no one now is as good as the greats of the past (obvious nonsense). there are a bunch of self-aggrandizing quotes up on the wall of the museum about how the hall of fame is a mecca for baseball fans & players, really leans into the idea that these are the beatified few, which is always such a strange way to me to think about athletes & what they do, although it does at least hold some weight with ballplayers themselves, many of whom care deeply about hall of fame inclusion. i will note that there's a display right outside in the lobby which claims that the HoF inductees are not just baseball icons but role models, and pull out lou gehrig, jack robinson, and roberto clemente as particularly impressive in this regard, and while i don't dispute the legends of any of those three particular people, it does seem like an egregious claim to make when, say, bobby cox is in. but it's a great excuse for leaving barry bonds out!
there's a central wall in the plaques hall for the original five inductees from 1936, but other than that the hall of fame is not very interested in telling you about its own history, perhaps because it's not very flattering. there's a very obvious cutoff where plaques honoring players in the negro leagues appear, and it's right after ted williams' 1966 HoF induction because he famously took advantage of his induction speech to point out that it was a travesty that some of baseball's best players were not included; MLB itself only recognized the negro leagues as "major leagues" for statistical & records purposes in 2020. while marvin miller's plaque credits him with the advent of free agency, curt flood is still not in the hall of fame. & so on.
just in general the hall of fame is weirdly cagey about a bunch of current shifts in baseball, for all that it had annoying touchscreens with fan polls. it has one little case of stuff about labor stoppages in baseball (the quiz is about seeing whether you could "save the season" by agreeing equally with players & ownership on a few contested issues like a salary cap, which is a horrible framing); one of the things in it is a political cartoon about greedy players, and another is a fan-made shirt that says "i survived the baseball strike." nowhere in it is an explanation of what players were actually fighting for; it just seems strange to me that a sports museum is so profoundly uninterested in the actual labor of sports, the opinions & workplace needs of the people who make the game. also just an L, obviously. there's no timeline of equipment or rules changes (designated hitter went universal after the covid-shortened season! let's talk about it! or not?) less loaded but still interesting: the hall of fame doesn't really talk about 'moneyball' or the statistical turn more broadly, even though sports stats were invented by baseball nerds & advanced stats ("sabermetrics") are increasingly important in front offices. lots of people find them confusing or complain about them. the single acknowledgement is a little placard about the 2012 american league MVP selection, which some people argued [correctly] should have gone to the angels' mike trout, primarily on the basis of his 10+ WAR that season. but it doesn't explain what the stats are or who was arguing or if there was a broader context for the argument, because of. some reason.
also. also. i got jumpscared. because in the middle of a random display case they have a helmet that steve dahl wore to conduct the infamous disco demolition. and that's basically all it says - "steve dahl wore this for the disco demolition at the white sox's comiskey park in 1979" - and there's absolutely no other context for what happened; it just says that the white sox had to concede the game, not that there was a whole fuckin riot. as a side note to this completely decontextualized commemoration of a homophobic, racist event, glenn burke appears in the hall of fame only in the sense that the out-of-the-way bookstore sells copies of roger maraniss' YA biography of him. so fuck that. as far as the HoF knows, gay people & baseball have nothing to do with one another.
my experience walking around in the baseball hall of fame was like, "wow, this place is not laid out very well," and then like "wow, this place doesn't want to be a museum so much as it wants to have a lot of objects in it which could be explained to me by my hypothetical grandpa," and then "wow, this museum does not want me to ask any of the questions i came here to ask."
anyway we're going to go back & i'm sure there will be interesting things to look at. but it's bizarre to go to a museum which is so famous & such a destination & so important to the thing it documents & see it bend over backwards to find no narrative in its holdings, no social meaning in its collections. cowardly & kind of sad.
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writing-good-vibes · 3 years
brad dourif characters x reader headcanons: birthdays (fluff and smut)
requested by anon !! what do our beloveds do for your birthday (spoiler, they (pretty much) all spoil you) warning for smut. more notes in tags
charles lee ray
avoids his own birthday but goes all out for yours
buys (or steals, don't ask) you a lot of presents
i mean a lot !!
new tv (stolen)
a lot of lingerie (classy)
you have a very late night the night before (takes you to a very rough bar)
lazy morning
expect a very happy birthday fuck to start the day
doesn't make you breakfast because he hates cooking
but does go out for coffee and your takeout breakfast of choice to bring home for you
has a cake professionally made/decorated
(because you made one for his birthday)
the message on top is something v horny like "your pussy tastier than this"
or it's like one word like "whore <3"
either way it is both hilarious and embarrassing that some poor bakery worker had to frost those words
takes you out for dinner (very fancy restaurant)
or to the movies
another happy birthday fuck when you get home
("how old are you again? guess that's how many rounds we've gotta get through tonight")
billy bibbit
billy doesn't much like his own birthday (his mom was too overbearing for him to ever properly enjoy himself)
but he is great at organising yours
lazy morning
as many kisses as years you are old
makes you breakfast in bed because he is a sweetheart
he makes you a present !!
he's actually really good at drawing and he fills a notebook with little drawings and pictures
(drawings of you and of things you love and one at the end of himself that he's embarrassed about but you love it)
then immediately thinks it isn't good enough and that he should of just bought you something
but you kiss him and reassure him that it's beautiful
the best present you've ever been given
you stay in that night to cook dinner together
he's definitely made you a cake !!
is it very aesthetic and the frosting is your favourite colour/flavour
sitting outside to watch the sunset !!
sheriff brackett
does everything in his power to make the day extra special for you
(has told his deputy not to bother him unless something really important happens)
buys you a sentimental/thoughtful gift
like some fancy thing related to your favourite hobby (e.g. expensive art supplies if you're an artist, etc.)
breakfast in bed !!
in your underwear, sun coming in through the windows
definitely the kind of guy to get ballons and banners to decorate the house with
(which is embarrassing but also wholesome)
takes you out to dinner at a very tasteful restaurant
you are birthday girl and he won't let you forget it
he's set the bar pretty high sex wise so has to pull out all the stops to make it extra special
clear your diary for the next 3 to 5 hours
("daddy's allowed to treat the birthday girl")
jack dante
forgets your birthday every time
its not that he doesnt care
but he has a lot going on
and keeping track of time whilst he's down in that basement is easier said than done
when you remind him that it is your birthday he gets more excited than you
sends you out to get cake and jelly and ice cream
which you begrudgingly go and get because you really think he might cry if you dont
sex is abundant but when is it not with jack
as it is your birthday he might be kind enough to give you a reach around whilst he rails you
when he actually gets you a present
(usually like a week late)
its either something actually brilliant (like the latest futurist technology (idk what they had in fake-future-2003))
or its something real fucking sleazy like a weirdo dildo ("so you don't get lonely when i'm not around")
doc cochran
would rather die than celebrate his own birthday
but he wants you to be happy on yours
(and every day)
gets you the best present
(where from? he has his ways)
definitely like some first edition copy of a niche book you like (poe, shakespeare, homer, that kind of thing)
makes sure he has no scheduled visits that day and wants to spend as much time with you as possible
(will personally beat Al's ass if he sends for him for no reason)
you spend the day talking about this and that
and he reads to you from the books he got you because goddamn does he have a beautiful voice
gets jewel to bake you a cake !!
gives you some special loving on your special day
this man knows how to take his time
usually he is busy and feels like he doesn't pay enough attention to you
so he makes up for it ten fold on your birthday
grima wormtongue
for a long while your relationship is pretty casual so he doesnt even know when your birthday is
once he actually figures out when your birthday is he wants to do something special
even if he isn't the most... emotionally open person
grima has sticky fingers so he tends to be able to get a hold of things that others cant
gets you something exotic, something you might not of ever even seen before
(think, pineapples or some other middle earth equivalent delicacy)
you appreciate him going out of his way for you
makes an excuse for you to leave meduseld with him
you go up to the fields and look out at the horizon
tommy ludlow
you both bunk off work to spend the day together
he is excellent at buying present(s)
knows exactly what to get you because he's a good listener
definitely gets you a record or new clothes
neither of you have much money so all your plans are always simple
but tommy is the perfect person to just hang out with, he's so mellow when he's with you
has no plans for the day except letting you do whatever you want
you drive around the city
end up going by the natural history museum
(because both of you are actually secretly soft and love holding hands and wandering around the exhibits)
or the met (because you both know your fair share about art, working around fashion shoots all day)
that night you go to some shady dive bar
(and drink too much, if that is your thing)
tumbling in through your front door, you two were never going to make it to the bedroom
"happy birthday" he smirks against you as you both lay, tired, on the living room floor
leo nova
spends so much money on you
mostly because he likes to show off his money
("when can i treat my girl to all that she deserves if not on her birthday?")
but partly because gift giving is his love language, or at least the only way he feels comfortable showing that he cares
a new dress that costs more than the rent on your old apartment, shoes that cost twice as much
takes you to the fanciest restaurant possible
and then fucks you in the dirtiest way possible when you get home
and he can go all night long
*wink wink*
tucker cleveland
hasnt celebrated his own birthday in years so has kind of forgot that birthdays are a thing
remembers yours like 3 days before and kicks himself for leaving it so late to get you a present
(you help him out by giving hint to what you want in the run up to your birthday)
keeps the whole thing very lowkey
which you don't mind, you're not into big celebrations anyway
he does get you a gift in time, thanks to your hints
he's probably at work during the day
but after he gets home and you have dinner together, he hands over his present
although you sort of already knew what it'd be, its definitely the thought that counts with tucker
"and the best is yet to come, don't you worry" he says smiling
of course, the real present is him pounding you over the table
(because who has the time to go up to bed)
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taetaespeaches · 3 years
“I find you absolutely fascinating.”
namjoon x reader (oc) genre: fluff word count: 2.2K
a/n: Lovelies! Namjoon and Daisy/reader are being cute and soft and in love again :(( I mean at this point you probably know the drill. These two are about to take a big step and thinking back on how they started... they deserve this! I hope you all enjoy, and thank you for reading! :))
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Strolling through the museum halls, you found it quite difficult to focus on the masterpieces surrounding you as you watched Namjoon stand in front of a colorful contemporary painting. Inspecting the piece, he leaned closer to it, his gaze bouncing from feature to feature within the work.
Nodding to himself, he put his pen to his notebook, jotting down a thought. You couldn’t help but grin at the way he absorbed knowledge, every piece of art intriguing him and inspiring him. It was something you truly loved about him.
Looking up from the paper, he slowly dragged his eyes from the piece to you, his orbs meeting yours as he noticed your smile. A bashful grin overtook his features, his dimples appearing as he stepped closer to you.
“Are you amused?” He asked, you nodding.
“Always by you,” you beamed. “I find you absolutely fascinating,” you confessed, amping up the cheesy tone of your voice to emphasize your playful teasing, though the words were genuine.
Shaking his head as he let out a breathy chuckle, he draped his arm around your lower back. Pushing his lips to your forehead, he snickered against your skin.
“Are you ready to go?” He asked, just before leaving a sweet peck to your temple.
“If you are,” you told him, Namjoon nodding his head. As he started leading you down the hall toward the exit, you halted, the man looking at you curiously. “Dimples, what do you think of this one?” You pointed to a painting, Namjoon’s head darting to the piece.
Humming in thought, he squinted at the painting. “I like the palette,” he nodded. “The colors are cool in tone, it’s interesting,” he continued, his eyes drifting back to you as you stared at the piece intently, feigning a serious expression. A smirk curved up on Namjoon’s lips as he watched you pretend to critique the piece. “What are you doing?” He chuckled, you fighting to hold back your grin.
“It’s phallic, is it not?” You asked, Namjoon’s eyes widening as he cocked his head, looking back to the painting.
“What?” He asked in shock. “Is it?” He questioned further, holding back a laugh.
“Yeah,” you held your hand out, dragging your finger in the air to draw the shape you were seeing. “Like that, see?” You asked, turning your head toward Namjoon.
“Fucking hell,” he chuckled, squeezing his eyes shut as he lowered his head, trying to hide his amusement.
“Jot that down,” you nodded to his journal with a smirk, Namjoon taking a deep breath as you began walking away from him. As you left down the hall, your boyfriend watched you go, shaking his head in utter amusement and fondness, a massive dimply smile spread across his face.
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Crowds of people surrounded you as you walked down the busy Seoul sidewalk, your hand intertwined with Namjoon’s. After about thirty minutes of walking, and finding yourselves at Olympic Park, Namjoon bumped his shoulder against yours. “Are you hungry?” he asked, looking to your face to see you smirk.
“Starving,” you giggled, Namjoon chuckling as he nodded.
“Good, come with me, babe,” he said mysteriously as you led you further into the park, your confusion growing.
“Are we getting something delivered?” You asked him, the man simply smiling.
“Something like that,” he said, giving you no further hints, you huffing though you couldn’t hold back your grin.
You walked for a few more minute, watching other couples stroll the park, people play with their dogs, parents as they watched their kids run around, until your eyes landed on a couple across the field who looked quite familiar.
“Wait is that Jin?” You asked your boyfriend, pointing at the recognizable man and his fiancé.
“Ah,” Namjoon simply said, changing the direction of his walking to get to his friend. “I almost walked right past you guys,” your boyfriend called out to them, Jin lifting his arms into the air.
“I thought you already did, you took forever,” Jin complained, you looking between the three people completely lost.
“What is going on?” You asked, just before giving the girl a hug, not missing the way she randomly held your face between your hands as she beamed at you, though you chose to ignore it for the time being as you simply giggled at her. Namjoon smiled shyly at you just as you followed his gaze to the picnic setup in the field and slowly realized what was happening. “Wait is this for us?” You asked in surprise. “A picnic?”
“Yeah,” Namjoon chuckled. “These two set it up for us. And cooked everything,” he explained, you looking to the couple with widened eyes.
“Oh my god, guys, that’s so sweet, thank you,” you expressed your gratitude, Jin brushing you off with a wave of his hand.
“It’s all Namjoon’s idea, he just needed some help with the execution,” Jin explained as your lips spread into a warm smile, your eyes glued to Namjoon as he ducked his head slightly, the man bashful under the attention.
The couple didn’t stay long, leaving you and Namjoon to enjoy your picnic alone, however your friend kept looking back at you both as she walked away with Jin.
“They were acting weird, don’t you think?” You pointed out to Namjoon as you both sat on the cute little picnic blanket.
“I don’t know, they seemed about normal,” Namjoon countered as he opened Jin’s old picnic basket.
“No seriously, look, she keeps looking back at us,” you nodded to the couple, your boyfriend looking after them with a small chuckle.
“She’s always strange though, is that really any different to how she normally acts?” He reminded you of your friend’s sometimes weird behaviors. Giggling, you nodded.
“Ok, kind of true,” you confirmed. “And I’m letting you dissing my friend’s eccentricity slide for now since you planned this adorable picnic” you teasingly added as you watched Namjoon lift a bottle of champagne from the basket. “Ooh, fancy,” you smirked, Namjoon’s dimples on display as he dug further inside the basket, setting different food containers onto the blanket. “Jesus, it’s a feast.”
“You said you were starving,” he pointed out, you giggling as you reached forward and opened a container of fruit. Bringing a berry to your lips, you watched the man as he uncorked the bottle of champagne. His face was full of concentration as he twisted the metal cage that held the cork in place. Dropping the wire on the blanket, he pushed up on the cork, both of you flinching at the sound of the pop, the cork being sent a few feet away and landing in the grass. “Oh, shit,” Namjoon mumbled as he set the bottle down, nearly knocking it over as he hurried after the cork, you having to catch it before it spilled all over your picnic set up.
Chuckling to yourself, you looked toward the man as he adorably made his way back, holding the object out toward you with a goofy grin on his face. There were several moments, nearly constant actually, where you looked at Namjoon and remembered all over again just why you wanted to spend your life with him. And as he sat back down, less than gracefully, dropping the cork on the blanket proudly, you found yourself in yet another one of those moments. What a blessing it would be to spend forever with this man.
As you enjoyed the meal your good friends put together for you, all you could think about was how unbelievably lucky you were in this lifetime to have found Namjoon. And how privileged you were to be on the receiving end of his love, along with his forgiveness. The man could have given up on you early on in your relationship, leaving you behind when you gave him nothing but insecurity and inconsistency. But he stayed by your side, showing you the care and patience that you’d never been given before him. He was a treasure, and he was yours.
The sun was setting over the city, casting Namjoon in a heavenly golden glow. Staring at him fondly, you wondered if he understood how beautiful he was; how beautiful you found him to be.
“You’re gorgeous,” he suddenly interrupted your thoughts, your jaw dropping slightly as he stole the compliment you were just about to give him.
“I was just thinking the same thing about you,” you grinned, Namjoon letting out a breathy chuckle. “You really are gorgeous, Dimples,” you appreciated him sincerely. “I never tire of looking at you, or talking to you, sitting with you in silence,” you shared, Namjoon’s eyes softening as he stared at your face. “You really are the most fascinating thing I’ve ever come across,” you whispered.
Namjoon’s adam’s apple bobbed against his throat as he swallowed nervously, a warm smile overtaking his features. “I have something for you,” he announced, digging inside his bag. Watching him curiously, your eyes fell upon the envelope he pulled out. Presenting it to you bashfully, you beamed.
“What’s this?” You asked as you took it, reading your name that was written across the front of the envelope. Carefully, you opened it, pulling out a folded piece of paper. You weren’t sure what the contents of the letter would be, but you had a feeling this was going to be a major moment for you and Namjoon. Opening it carefully and slowly, your eyes scanned the words across the page, mostly scribblings with crossed out words. But the first sentence told you exactly what you were looking at.
Etched in hangul were the words person and love. And below that, You make live to a love, was written in English.
Your heart raced as you realized this was the draft he started with when writing his song Trivia: Love.
Other single lines were scratched across the page such as, What if I go? If I go, would you be sad? And You’re my person, my desire, my pride, my love, my one and only love.
You could feel tears pricking your eyes as you read over the paper, the sentiment of the lyrics hitting you all over again; the love and vulnerability and purpose he revealed on the page, all feelings you caused him. The word destiny was written with an arrow pointing to, we’re meant to be. Do you feel the same?
At the bottom of the page, he abandoned single lyric ideas where he instead decided to write his thoughts plainly.
“This is love. I know it is, I just feel it. I’ve never truly known it before, but this is it. Like how the moon rises after the sun. You give meaning to my memories. Will you make memories with me forever?”
Lowering the paper to your lap, you looked across the picnic blanket to find your boyfriend holding a ring between his fingers, his eyes soft and large as he stared at you nervously. “Will you make memories with me forever?” He asked you, your breath leaving your lungs as the love you felt for the man rushed through your frame.
You couldn’t even form words as you began nodding, smiles overtaking both of your faces as you stood on your knees. Namjoon mimicked your actions as he met you in the middle, your mouths crashing into a needy kiss. Ignoring the other park goers, you and Namjoon were lost on cloud nine together.
Trailing kisses across your face, he wrapped his arms around your body, pulling you against his frame as he held you close. “I’ve wanted to marry for years,” he chuckled against your hair, you smiling against his neck in response. “I wrote this song knowing I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you.”
“I’ve known for years too,” you assured him. “You’re incredible, you know that?” You asked him, chuckling as you pulled away from him to look at his stunning face. His eyes held your gaze for a moment before they landed on your hand, his fingers grasping your hand as he slid the ring into place.
“Here’s to a lifetime of being forever fascinated by each other,” he said cheesily with a massive dimply grin.
“A lifetime,” you beamed. “That sounds perfect.”
Staring at each other for a moment, Namjoon broke the moment first by lunging forward, pushing you to the ground as he positioned himself above you. Kissing you softly, your hands brushed over the sides of his face.
“I almost put the ring in your champagne glass but I was afraid you’d swallow it,” he giggled adorably, your finger tracing over the dimple in his cheeks before dragging over his smiling lips.
“Now that would have been a story,” you teased as Namjoon kissed the tip of your finger. “Thank you, Joon,” you said suddenly, his eyes widening in question. “For believing in us even when I couldn’t.”
Smiling softly, he shook his head at you as if he shouldn’t be thanked for such a silly easy thing to do. But instead of speaking against your gratitude, he chose to gently press his lips to yours. Because it didn’t matter how you started your relationship or who believed in what. You were there, and you were in love. And he knew you both would be loving each other for as long as you both lived in this lifetime, and even into the next.
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katy-l-wood · 3 years
Hey I can't come up with something more coherent right now but: I think you're really cool! Thank you for sharing so much art and writing, I'm consistently impressed and often inspired by what you make.
Also! Do you have a post anywhere talking in detail about your day job? I don't know if I have the chops to get a spot making museum-quality replicas, but I'd really like to build on my sculpting skills and make more accurate replicas (starting with non-fossilized remains I have, since I can't very well mold/cast something I don't have access to of course). Do you have advice on materials or tools or techniques for making skeletal replicas? And/or any resources you know for learning such things? I don't mean to burden you with large requests, mostly I don't know where to start.
Hm. If that makes sense? I also ask because I'd love to hear about sort of what your trajectory looked like to get to your current job, or any recommendations you may have for people looking to get into similar fields (quite vague, sorry :/ ) and of course, how you like it! Hope you're enjoying life right now!
Sorry for such a long ask! And of course don't feel like you have to address everything (or anything hah), mostly wanted to send in some positivity! Thank you!
Second ask: Oh and of course the weird real estate posts are always funny, so thanks for those as well
Awww, thank you so much! I'm so glad you like my work.
So, everything about my day job is under the tag "Makin' Bones." I've done a few minor things about what it entails, but I'm happy to go into more detail! How I got into it, though, was that I saw a facebook post that they were hiring about a year and a half ago and thought "that sure sounds neat even if this is a kinda sketchy facebook post, I shall apply!" And I did. And I got the job. And now I make replica bones. Do I have a background in Paleontology? No! Do I have a background in molding and casting? No! I literally just followed a weird facebook post into the woods and HERE WE ARE.
Firstly, my business trains from scratch! I can't speak to other fossil replication places, but we're the top fossil replicators in the US so if we can train from scratch I don't see why anyone else couldn't. With that said, there's really not that many places in the US that JUST do fossil replicas. A lot of museums have a department for it, or a few people that happen to know how to do it on top of their main job, but very very few JUST do replicas like we do.
When it comes to physical sculpting we really don't do much except when we get the RARE life model commission (usually of fish, for whatever reason). What we DO do a lot of, however, is digital sculpting. Digital reconstruction is a rapidly growing part of our business. For example, here is a diagram of a mosasaur skull we recently did a digital reconstruction of to remove it from the surrounding stone and reconstruct it into its original shape since it got squished over time:
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The original skull was scanned using photogrametry and then the skull was extracted from the matrix and restored using Zbrush. So, if you want to get into the nitty gritty side of reconstructing fossils my advice is: learn Zbrush, learn photogrametry, and learn 3D printing.
Now, onto molding and casting. This is the biggest part of what we do. This process involves taking the original fossil (or a high quality 3D print of it made using the aforementioned techniques) and using high resolution silicone to create a cast of it. This cast is then filled using a two part liquid plastic (some large bones are rotated during this process, creating a plastic shell that is then filled with foam to cut down on weight). One the plastic sets the silicone mold is removed and a dremmel is used to trim off any excess plastic around the seams of the mold. From there the replica is assembled into its final pose on a custom welded metal support structure. Once this structure is complete the fossil is broken back down and painted. Once painting is complete the job is done and it is packed off and shipped to its new home!
So! If you want to get into this part of things I recommend looking into how silicone molding works. It takes a very good eye for forms and how liquids move to be able to make a good mold that fills properly, comes apart easily, and can be easily reuseable. Silicone molding isn't really the best "at home" project, though, as it is SUPER messy, hard to clean up, and you have to wear a respirator to be safe with it. I recommend looking for a local maker space in your area, or a local art group of some sort, just something that has an official space set up for that sort of thing. Barring that, you can also just use play-dough while you're first starting out. Find a bone, get some playdough and some quick set plaster, and just start pressing the playdough into bones, then pouring plaster into the cavity to see how your copies come out.
Other stuff that would be useful to learn: how to use a dremmel, general anatomy/how to recognize different bones, basic paleontology, and basic painting techniques like dry brushing and washes.
Hope this helps! Feel free to send me more asks if you have more questions.
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tennessoui · 3 years
34. meeting at a masquerade ball au pls ✪ ω ✪
oh boy oh boy oh boy!!! did you know i cannot write snippets/short fics?? did you know i just wrote 1200 words for this ? strap in
34. meeting at a masquerade ball:
“I thought the point of these things is for rich people to give us money,” Anakin grumbles, crossing his arms over his chest. He wants to reach up and adjust his mask but he can’t because last time he had, Padme had slapped his hands away and spent five minutes yelling at him under her breath about him ruining all of her hard work.
“It is,” Padme responds, smiling pleasantly at someone walking past. “The museum relies on these events to keep departments like yours funded well enough so that you can afford to go cavorting around the globe, exploring unstable ruins and giving me stress ulcers.”
“But don’t you think these guys won’t want to give us money if we can’t see their faces? I mean half the reason they do it is for the recognition.”
“Would it kill you to not think the worst of everyone, all the time?” she asks with a sigh as she turns to give him what he knows is a very judgmental stare from under her mask.
“I guess we’ll never know,” he responds immediately, uncrossing his arms just so he can reach up and fiddle with his mask. He keeps forgetting that he’s wearing it, it’s so light on his face. The black lace is sort of itchy, and it’s not really doing anything to actually hide his identity, but Padme had insisted. Padme had insisted on a lot of things tonight, most infuriating of them being that Anakin show up.
“I did not dress you in gold and black just so you could stand in the corner and complain, Anakin Skywalker. If I don’t see you out on the floor, making nice with potential donors in the next five minutes, I’m pulling your Peru trip.”
“Padme!” Anakin yelps. “You know that’s not--” but she’s gone in a whirl of blue fabric and Anakin is left alone to sulk. He snags a flute of champagne off of a passing tray and downs it in two swallows. Liquid courage as he moves out of his little alcove and into the main floor of the museum, turned into a proper ballroom for the evening.
He’d wanted to stay in tonight and do research for his next trip. He still needs to brush up on the language and customs, as well as relisten to audio clips one of his field interns had sent him yesterday. He’d had plans, Padme, and they did not involve being stuffed into a very stiff outfit that exposed more of his chest than he was comfortable exposing around his coworkers, Padme.
He smiles painfully at the coworkers he recognizes and wonders if he can just talk to them instead, if Padme would notice. She probably would. And with the Peru trip on the line, he can’t afford to play around here.
One more champagne flute. And then he’ll talk to a stranger. Is he getting paid to be here?
He looks around despairingly for a waiter, but they all seem to have unanimously decided to leave him high and dry, emphasis on the dry.
“Ah, good evening,” a voice says to his right and Anakin temporarily abandons his search in order to have what is going to be a very tedious and hopefully brief conversation.
Plans, Padme. He’d had plans.
And they had most certainly not involved impeccably groomed older men dressed in dark navy three-piece suits, holding out a glass of champagne to him. The man’s mask cut diagonally across his face, exposing one steel blue eye, a defined cheekbone and a jawline almost entirely hidden by a neatly trimmed beard.
Anakin accepts the flute almost as if in a dream. “Hi,” he says dazedly.
“You seemed to be looking for one of these,” the man says in a crisp British accent, gesturing with his own glass to the one in Anakin’s hand.
“I--yeah. Yes. Thank you.”
The man smiles at him as if charmed. Maybe the man has terribly low standards in conversational partners.
“I like your. Outfit.” Anakin says, which sounds very stilted but it’s also much better than what he first thought of saying, which is that he liked the way that the man’s shirt was unbuttoned just far enough to expose his collarbone to Anakin’s very greedy eyes.
“I wish I had had something in my wardrobe more worthy of the compliment,” the man responds, falling to stand next to him casually, as if settling in for a long chat.
Anakin’s plans for the night are rapidly shifting and changing before his very eyes. He’s not even mad about it anymore.
“You don’t work here,” he means to ask, but it comes out sounding much more like a statement. He takes a sip of his drink to fortify himself.
“Do I look so out of place?” The man, thankfully, laughs.
“No, no,” Anakin says quickly, and then even faster, “I just would have remembered you.”
One eyebrow raises in something like amusement, and Anakin wants to die. “Oh, you would have, would you?”
He’s not going to answer that. He’s already said enough. More than enough. Too much.
“You’re right, of course. I’m a writer. But I do spend much of my free time here.”
“A writer?”
“Oh yes, science fiction mostly but I’ve found the best science fiction novels take inspiration from our own world.”
“Anything I’ve heard?”
“Quite possibly,” the man nods, taking a sip of his own champagne. “I like to think I’ve done well for myself.”
Oh, so this man’s a donor. He almost wants to look around for Padme, to make sure she’s paying attention to him, but that would mean looking away from the man in front of him, and he doesn’t want to do that at all.
“And you?” the man asks.
“I’m an archaeologist. And archivist with the museum,” Anakin says, trying to think about how to phrase what he does without boring the man. It’s happened too often before with people Anakin’s interested in: they’ll ask him about his job and he’ll talk for so long that by the end of it, he’s single-handedly killed any hopes for a second date.
Not that this is a date or anything remotely like a date. But the principle is the same.
The man’s eyes have lit up, however. “That sounds absolutely fascinating. I would love to hear more.”
“You--you would?” Anakin asks, wrong-footed.
“Absolutely, darling,” the man says, the endearment gliding off of his tongue.
“It’s Anakin,” Anakin says, blushing a furiously bright red.
“Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to overstep by call--”
“It’s fine! That was fine, don’t apologize, please. Just. In case you wanted to know. My name.”
The man smiles then, and it’s beautiful. “It just so happens that I did want to know your name, Ahna-kin. And mine is Obi-Wan, but why should we stop at names? There’s so much more I’d like to know about you.”
“Yeah?” Anakin asks, feeling brave enough to put his hand on Obi-Wan’s--Obi-Wan’s--arm gently. “Like what?”
Obi-Wan covers his hand with his own. His fingertips are rough, or maybe Anakin’s feeling particularly sensitive at the moment. “Everything.”
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Here to Misbehave (Pt. 4 | S.R.)
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Summary: Spencer and Reader go on their first date. Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!Reader Category: Smut (NSFW 18+) Content Warning: Adults w/ Age Gap (10yr), exhibitionism, masturbation, fingering, spanking, penetrative sex, Prof/Student fantasy Word Count: 8.3k
MASTERLIST | Series Masterlist
When I was younger, I hated going to museums. Granted, I'd only ever really had the opportunity to go during school field trips. The crackling, barely coherent ramblings of a stranger through a loudspeaker had never been my idea of fun.
In fact, I'd been to that exact museum before. But the present time was a little different. That time, I was enthralled with the objects on the other side of the glass. With wide eyes and childlike wonder revived, I was hanging on every word out of Spencer's mouth.
I knew the guy was probably a genius, but I had no idea how much of a genius he was until he was recounting the entire history of civilization like he'd been reading straight from an encyclopedia. He looked like a hilarious mix of proud and embarrassed when he finally admitted his IQ. Meanwhile, I had to admit that I not only had no fuckin' clue what my IQ was, I was certain it was significantly lower than his. 
He didn't seem to mind.
In a way, I thought it was strange when he told me he wanted to bring me to a place like that. After all, I'd told him I wanted to learn more about him. I figured a museum would teach me about everything else, not him.
But seeing him in this environment told me more about him than I ever could have imagined. I learned about his avid love for the most trivial facts, the way his inflection changed when he got excited, and that despite reading probably hundreds of thousands of books, his hunger for knowledge was still very much alive and well.
Most of all, I learned that Spencer Reid was unlike any man I'd ever seen before.
It was a bad idea. Because when we finally made our way out of the final exhibit, I didn't want to leave. Not even close. If you'd told my mother I spent several hours in a museum and didn't want to leave, she'd never believe you.
"Hey, so..." I started, pausing outside the gift shop on our way out. "It's almost 5. Did you want to grab dinner before we head back? I have worked up quite the appetite listening to you for the past 4 hours."
"Has it really been that long?" he asked incredulously before glancing down at his watch wrapped over his shirt.
I tried very hard, and failed, to suppress a giggle at the habit.
"I'm honestly surprised you still have spit left in your mouth," I joked as I swayed closer to him, almost enough to touch him.
"Ha ha, very funny," he replied. A slight pout formed on his face. I almost enjoyed the swapped roles; it wasn't often that he was the one who looked so forlorn.
"Come on, I'm joking!" I laughed before slipping my arm around his and pulling him closer to me.
Spencer glanced down in surprise, staring at my chest that was now fully pressed against his arm. Although, the way he looked at me was nothing compared to the response he'd given after I showed up in a pleated skirt that better belonged on a Catholic schoolgirl.
But I mean, like I'd said, I used to go there on school trips. It was only fair.
"I love listening to you talk, Spencer. You know that."
The speed with which he looked away when I finished talking was enough to tell me that I had said the wrong thing. His goofy, playful demeanor vanished so quickly, I'd almost gotten whiplash. He didn't remove his arm, instead clearing his throat and pulling out a brochure from his pocket to look at nearby places to eat.
A bit reserved, he asked if I was interested in one of the closer casual restaurants, to which I agreed. At that point, I removed myself from his side and was only a little surprised to see the way his body immediately relaxed.
I wanted to believe he just didn't like to be touched, which I was certain was true, but he was behaving differently with me than he had before. We'd touched in public before, a lot more than that, and we'd known each other a lot less!
But of course, that was probably why. The closer we got, the farther away he felt.
The walk to the restaurant was slightly awkward, so after a moment I decided to break the silence.
"You said you grew up in Vegas, right?"
"Yeah, until I moved to go to school," he explained, looking around at the surroundings of the D.C. crowds winding down rather than turning his attention back to me. 
At least I was finally learning more about him.
"Where did you go?"
He was keeping his answers short, but I feel like he might still be a little embarrassed at my little jab at the museum. That was fine, I knew ways to make him talk. I clasped my hands behind me as I walked by his side, still tempted to touch him somehow, however ill advised.
"Was it hard being away from your family? That's a few hours away, isn't it?"
He laughed awkwardly, a sure sign that I'd forgotten that him and I come from different worlds.
"Well, I was barely 13, so... My mom was kind of legally obligated to follow me."
He was so cute, and he definitely wasn't aware of it.
"Right, sorry, forgot about the genius thing for a minute. Don't know how."
The smile he returned was genuine, which helped my guilt for bothering him yet again. But in my defense, it was easy to do when he was a literal genius and I was barely scraping by half the time.
As we arrived, we were seated in a booth near the back of the restaurant. I offered him the booth with a view of the door because I'd figured he would want it. He gave me a strange side glance at my assumption, like I was hiding something from him that would grant me the knowledge that it would be more comfortable for him to be able to see the door.
I didn't want to talk about how I knew that, though.
Instead, I asked, "Do you like it here? In Virginia?"
He nodded as he flipped open the menu, speaking almost scripted answers absentmindedly, "I do, but mostly because it's been so long that everyone I know is here."
I'd already been here before, so I didn't bother looking at the menu. Naturally, he'd only required a few seconds to read it. When he made eye contact again, I spoke through my thoughts.
"You said you're a profiler for the..."
"Behavioral Analysis Unit."
His tone was a mix of pride and nerves, which immediately made me nervous.
"I haven't looked it up yet because I'm scared about what I might find. What do you guys do, exactly?"
The server brought us drinks just in time to pause his answer, which he seemed to appreciate. I figured it was either a tough job to explain, or he didn't want to share that part of his life with me just yet (or, potentially, ever). 
Spencer lowered his voice like he usually did when he talked about work.
"We profile the behavior of serial killers. Sometimes for research, but mostly to assist local police in catching them."
"Oh..." I started, stopping mid-sip of my drink. It was a lot to take in at once. "So... yeah, I'm glad I didn't google it."
He scrunched his mouth in that unsure way, like he wanted to explain to me how he really felt about his job. Something in the bags under his eyes told me he hasn't talked about this in a long time. At least, not like he should. But he didn't talk about it. He looked away, opting to say nothing at all.
"Doesn't it get to you?" I pushed, trying to offer him the platform to talk about the thing that no doubt consumes most of his life.
"Does what get to me?" His voice sounded so far away.
"Spencer, when I met you, you were whisked away at the crack of dawn to go talk about serial killers. On a weekend. The second time you showed up at my place after clearly not having slept, I'm guessing straight from work..."
His eyes narrowed as I spoke, like I was talking from a tightrope that I could plummet off any second. He seemed scared that I would speak something into existence he wasn't ready to face himself.
"You're surrounded by evil all the time. You're responsible for learning, recognizing, and manipulating evil. That can't be easy."
Spencer's eyes were glazed over in a way I couldn't describe. He seemed defensive, steeled, and absolutely terrified. He wouldn't look me in the eyes, opting instead to stare down at the menu in front of him.
He shrugged as he halfheartedly concluded, "I guess that's one way to look at it. We also get to see a lot of good."
"Yeah..." I nodded solemnly, recognizing the dismissive thoughts from my own experience.
He was downplaying the great likelihood of traumatic memories he carried, as if he could will away the damage. Like it would stop existing if he could convince himself it wasn't that bad.
I wondered what had happened to him on the job for him to already have forgotten that things didn't have to be the worst possible to matter. That he still deserved better. That hurt does not require permission.
I couldn't stop myself, needing to see how he reacted when I continued, "But which do you see more of?"
I never got my answer. The server once again saved him from a conversation that got away from him. The presence of a third, impartial person shifted the mood back to what it was in the museum. I wondered how much was an act, both back then and in that moment.
Deciding it best not to dwell on the thought, I tried to forget about the darkness brewing in those coffee colored eyes. Once our orders were in, he turned his attention to the cocktail menu still laying in the middle of the table with a smile.
"I'm almost surprised you didn't try to order alcohol," he half-joked.
I leaned forward on the table, bringing a hand up to my mouth and whispering, "I heard there might be an undercover fed here, so, never can be too safe."
The bubbly, childish laugh that followed renewed my faith in him. He had that kind of infectious laugh that made you forget that badness existed at all. Once our ruckus had died down, he looked at me with the softness that had drawn me to him in the first place.
"You're cute."
When the words registered in my mind, I couldn't believe I'd heard them. The way his expression changed shortly after the words left his mouth told me he hadn't meant to say them aloud. But their effect on me was not at all stifled by his momentary lapse in judgment.
I'd wondered if it was getting hotter in the building, or if it was just my nerves getting the best of me. But it wasn't bothering Spencer, who was about to down yet another cup of coffee in front of him. I cleared my throat, trying to not look like a schoolgirl whose crush had just checked 'yes' on a note asking if he liked me.
Pointing to the mug in front of him, I joked, "How do you sleep?"
"Honestly? I usually don't."
That was the goofy overly literal dork I wanted to see more of.
"I can think of one way to wear you out," I suggested, lifting my leg to press the top of my foot against his leg under the booth.
He raised his eyebrows, giving a simple glance down to acknowledge the contact. Then his eyes were back on me, staring deeply with a hunger that would not be satisfied by whatever dish they brought out to us.
"I can think of several."
Humming cheerfully, I continued to run my foot up and down his leg. My cheeks flushed with my growing desire that I'd managed to put off for several hours. I was honestly shocked that I'd spent the whole day with this man, and only then thought about sleeping with him.
"It's too bad we can't," I pouted. "My roommate is back in town. Not sure she'd appreciate all the noise."
That time as my foot drew up his leg, he shifted in his seat so that his legs moved closer to me, extending the contact for a few seconds longer.
"Not to mention, I don't think you'd like to deal with several 20-year-olds."
The way he behaved whenever I pointed out my age was endlessly entertaining. That time, though, he seemed significantly less bothered.
"One is already borderline for me," he teased back.
I gasped, clutching at my chest as I batted my eyelashes just dramatically enough to showcase my pride.
"You flatter me, Dr. Reid."
He almost choked on his coffee as he stifled a chuckle, putting it down as he shook his head.
"Only you would take that as a compliment."
Recognizing this repartee as the foreplay it had always accompanied, I leaned forward on my elbows towards him. He immediately mirrored the movement, putting our faces much closer to each other than they'd been all day.
"What can I say? I enjoy being a challenge."
"Yes, you do." He hadn't even thought about it, responding almost instantaneously, suggesting once more that he could actually read my mind.
"How are you so good at that?" I kept the question vague on purpose.
He didn't fall for it.
"I'm good at a lot of things. Which are you referring to?"
What a cocky bastard. A very handsome, ridiculously sexy, dork of a bastard.
But he wasn't the only one at the table that knew how to get someone hot and bothered.
"Your humility is my favorite part, Dr. Reid." I stuck my tongue out at the end of the sentiment, a cheeky grin that reflected on him just as quickly.
"Quoting me? That's bold."
Deciding it had been too long since I had touched him, I lifted my hand to press a single finger against his chest as I taunted, "You aren't the only person with a good memory."
He leaned back at this point, backing away from my finger and the heated exchange.
"I don't have a good memory. I have an eidetic memory."
He had been very proud of that fact earlier when I asked him why the hell he was able to list off every single word from a museum display we'd seen an hour earlier. I'd asked him if it was the same as a photographic memory, and he'd gone on a rant about the pejorative connotations of the term. I wasn't going to go down that rabbit hole again today.
Instead, I took the same hand that had touched him moments before, curling all but one finger into a fist.
"So you'll be able to remember this forever?" I cooed as I held up my middle finger.
"I'll just file that away with the most important memories, like birthdays and the works of Arthur Conan Doyle," he sighed in response, graciously admitting defeat.
I was not brave enough to tell him I had no idea who that was, but I was sure I'd learn one day. That one, I thought, was probably safe to google. While he filed away my crude gesture, I filed away yet another fun fact to surprise him with later.
"You are, by far, the most interesting person I've ever met," I implored, to which he immediately shot back, "I could say the same about you. And I regularly talk to serial killers."
Touché, Dr. Reid.
"I'm flattered," was the last word I got in edgewise before our food arrived.
The rest of our time in the restaurant went very similarly, with teasing comments that built the sexual tension that was already too big for this tiny room. Our legs never stopped touching throughout the entire meal. Maybe that was why, when it was finally time to leave, we both felt a strange mixture of excited and sad. Once we were no longer behind the booth, it was back to pretending like we weren't constantly trying not to pounce on the other.
The walk to the metro was equal parts long and tense. At one point I'd swayed closer to him than I intended, and our sides brushed up against one another. Unlike before in the museum, he hadn't moved away. I couldn't believe something so minuscule could made me so happy.
The metro was more crowded than I'd anticipated. The fact that the station is underground was usually enough to make me feel a little claustrophobic, but the number of people bustling around me felt especially overwhelming. I couldn't help but chastise myself for having worn a skirt, considering the stark number of perverted men in places like these.
Spencer's touch woke me from my reverie. His arm had wrapped around my lower back with such unassuming delicacy, I'd hardly registered it at first. He was looking down at me with concern covering his features as he asked, "Are you alright?"
"Yeah, sorry, there's a lot of people here."
I had one hand holding my skirt down against my leg, the other crossed over my chest.
"Makes me nervous," I further explained.
"Can I help?"
Even though he was offering, I could tell the crowds bothered him just as much. Thankfully, his presence was enough for me.
"You already are."
There was something so calming about his presence that was hard to explain. It wasn't his ability to physically protect me, considering he didn't  have his weapon with him most of the time I was with him. It wasn't his emotional availability (or lack thereof). It was more like he  exuded some chemical that made me docile. It was hard to explain.
I just liked him, okay?
When our train pulled in it was relatively crowded, but we managed to grab two seats near the back of a car. I sighed in relief as I plopped down into the plastic chair, happy to finally be able to rest my legs.
With Spencer on the aisle seat and us on our way back to Franconia Springfield Station, I let myself relax. My head dropped down onto his shoulder without much thought, and my entire body slumped over with it.
"How am I supposed to stay awake for this when you're so comfy?" I mumbled, looking down at the hem of my pleated skirt as I fiddled with it.
"That certainly sounds like quite the predicament," he said in what I assume was jest.
He sat up, bumping my head off his shoulder for a moment. I interpreted it to be a subtle way of telling me not to do it, but once he had shrugged off his cardigan, he looked at me like he was confused I hadn't resumed the position.
Armed with a simper, I cuddled up even closer this time, wrapping my arms around his and resting my cheek against his shoulder. I wasn't sure why he had gotten so open to touch, but I wasn't going to complain. 
He didn't say anything when he draped his cardigan over my lap, covering my knees peeking out from under my skirt. A nice gesture, I thought as my body instinctively gravitated towards him. It wasn't until I closed my eyes that the pieces started to come together.
I was on the metro, in a skirt, with Spencer Reid's hand slowly but surely inching up my thigh.
My eyes shot open, and I tensed my grip around his arm. It was the only thing I did to betray my otherwise composed and unassuming position.
His breath was hot on my ear as he leaned over to me and began to whisper, "Do you know the idea that people fall asleep after sex is less true for women than men? Many speculate it's because women are just neglected in bed, but that's not quite it."
I didn't dare respond, hardly trusting myself to breathe as his hand continued to move closer to me.
"Both sexes do release the same chemicals during orgasm. Oxytocin to stimulate smooth muscle contraction and initiate the need to bond, prolactin to relieve arousal and signal satiation, and the leftover gamma aminobutyric acid, dopamine, and serotonin..."
I couldn't understand how he'd managed to make the lecture sound sexy, but I was too lost in the sound of his voice to bother thinking about it then.
"Still, women are less likely to fall asleep. Sure, they typically exert less physical energy during sex, but what about those women like you with a penchant for going for a ride?"
A woozy, lovesick smile spread across my face at the reference to our first encounter.
"Those women might still stay awake for longer and may actually be more invigorated after reaching climax. And it's all thanks to their naturally lessened refractory period."
I nodded dumbly, gasping lightly once I felt his fingers make contact through the flimsy cotton of my underwear.
"Which might sound like a curse. But it's not. It means that those lucky women can reach multiple orgasms in succession. Some partners just aren't willing to put in that kind of effort," he continued, tracing a finger up and down my folds through the fabric.
"But I'm not one of them."
His words were strong, and I buried my face into his shoulder, trying not to alert the entire car what was happening underneath his cardigan.
"I would much rather watch you come undone. Again, and again, and again. I want to make sure that when I'm done with you, you can't keep your eyes open."
My breath was getting quicker, and I let out a small squeak against his shirt as he pressed down on the bundle of nerves at my center, drawing circles around it.
"That being said, if you need something to keep you awake, I do have a solution. But if you make a single noise, I will stop."
I had to bite down hard on my bottom lip to prevent any noise from slipping out. My legs were wavering between opening and closing as I tried to keep them apart. I could feel how damp I was getting. My hips were moving with a mind of their own, rocking toward his hand. It took all of my concentration not to give us away.
I choked on my breath as a sly finger snuck into the side of my underwear, allowing entrance to the others that followed.
"Shhh," he hushed, pressing a soft kiss on the top of my head. Underneath my skirt, though, he was much less chaste. Slipping two fingers into my heat, I could have sworn I heard him laugh from above me.
I didn't dare look at him, nervous that the moment I did, I would lose all control.
"I had no idea it would be so easy to get you to follow directions. Are you that worried you might get caught?"
He could feel my heartbeat against his arm. He must have been able to, because I was suffocating against his arm. My hands clenched around him like he was the only lifeline in an ocean of pleasure.
"Imagine what they would think if they knew what you let me do to you. What you beg me to do to you."
My legs were beginning to tremble around him as he stroked me from the inside. All I could feel was him. His hands, his breath, his words.
"Is that why you wore this skirt? A naughty little schoolgirl fantasizing about an older man touching you like this?"
He quickened the pace of thrusting into me, his words getting more insistent as the train was almost empty now, closing in on our stop.
"Is it everything you thought it would be? No. Can't be. You wish there was something else of mine in between your legs."
I couldn't explain how, but my climax snuck up on me. When it happened, it smashed into me like a wave crashing onto the shore. I gasped for breath against his arm, and he thankfully took mercy on me. Despite definitely making a noise, he continued his motions, palming at the crest of my folds to give me one last boost of stimulation.
I shook around him, my thighs tightening onto his arm as I finally found release. I could hear the announcement calling for our station, but it felt worlds away. Still, Spencer pulled his hand out from underneath our pile of clothes, wiping the evidence of our escapade against the inside of my skirt before also removing his arm from underneath my tight grip.
"Son of a bitch," I puffed, relaxing all my muscles at once as I tried to retain control over my pulse. I could barely think straight.
"You're welcome," he beamed, as if he hadn't just gone full dominant as he finger fucked me on the metro.
I didn't understand how the hell he expected me to get up and walk off like nothing happene, but somehow, I managed. I stood with wobbly legs and a flustered state of mind until he linked his arm with mine and led me off the car and into the station. I clung to the assistance, grateful that he was once again taking pity on me.
However, it felt like it wouldn't last long. Once we'd gotten to his car, he helped me in before climbing into the driver's seat. It was silent for a moment, like he wanted me to ask him a question that I wasn't willing to ask.
I didn't want the night to be over, but if he asked me if I was ready to go home, I'd have to say yes. After all, it wasn't proper form to invite myself to his apartment. Especially with how weird he got whenever I got close to him.
"Do you want me to take you home?"
The pity was gone.
I didn't think before I spoke, immediately responding as a joke, "Not unless it's yours."
The silence was back.
I realized that I'd spoken out loud at the same time he delivered his response; I was going to stop him, but he was too quick.
"My place it is, then."
I couldn't help but smile, my cheeks burning as I asked quietly, like my volume might change his mind, "Really?"
"Sure, why not?"
I didn't have an answer. We didn't talk for a moment, enjoying the contented silence as I texted my roommate to tell her that I was going to be late home, if I came at all. I was hoping for the latter. Once that was sent off, I returned my gaze to the man paying almost full attention to the road.
"You know, I have to get you back for what you did back there."
He smirked, not breaking away from the road as he replied, "I did you a favor."
"A cruel favor," I whined, turning in my chair as I buckled my seat belt so I could get closer to him.
"No such thing," he corrected, although I think we both knew there very well could be such a thing.
I watched him for a moment, trying to decide the best way to get back at him. I could always try the most relevant payback...
He didn't even notice my hand reaching out until it was already sliding up his thigh at a rapid pace.
"What are you doing?" he asked, as if it weren't already obvious.
"Getting you back," I snickered as I finally made it up his leg, palming the quickly forming erection under his pants.
"I'm driving!" His voice was so high pitched it was heartwarming. It was like our roles had switched, even just for a second.
"I'm not stopping you from driving!"
Obviously trying to compose himself, he grabbed my wrist and held it in the air and out of reach of him.
"Unless you want to crash this car, you'd better wait until we get back to my place."
It was a valid warning, but not one I wanted to hear.
"Spoil sport."
"At least you're alive!"
It was back to the sexual tension from before in the restaurant. I wanted to touch him, and I was guessing based on the visible tent in his pants, he wanted me. So, I got to thinking, and I figured that if I wasn't allowed to touch him, that only left one other person.
"... What are you doing?"
It was a valid question. He'd glanced over to see my hand traveling up my own skirt as I parted my legs just enough to maneuver beneath my underwear.
"Nothing," I hummed, now looking at him with half-lidded eyes as I rocked forward onto my hand.
"That's cruel." He sounded so devastated to see that I was doing what he couldn't, despite the fact he had his hand in this exact spot not that long ago.
My fingers dipped between my folds, collecting the remnants of the orgasm he had given me as I crooned, "What? You said I couldn't touch you while you're driving. I'm not touching you. You're welcome."
I opened my eyes just enough to see the way he tightened his grip on the steering wheel while trying not to look at me. Couldn't drive distracted. That was the entire reason why I was touching myself and not him.
"Unless, of course, you do consider this part of me as your property. In which case, I'm not going to stop, anyway," I snickered. 
Rewarding myself with a soft moan, I tried to prolong the experience the best I could. It was hard when every couple of seconds he would look over at me. I hadn't thought that I would find his anger that attractive, but there I was, coming apart at the seams already based on nothing but a look. 
He was thoroughly unamused, which only egged me on, honestly. I didn't care if I was being overdramatic as I touched myself, I wanted him to think about what he was missing. Which was why I didn't stop myself from moaning. Pants and gasps echoed throughout the car as I picked up my pace.
"I hope you're ready for the consequences of this very poorly thought out decision."
On the contrary, Spencer. I had very clearly thought it through. I was thinking it so clearly I could picture his hands where mine were, among other parts of him.
Thinking about how to dig an even deeper hole for myself, I found the perfect mechanism.
"Mmm, Professor Reid," I cried, recognizing that it would either infuriate him or bring him a great sense of pride. I was fine with either.
I closed my eyes so I could better envision the fantasy that was actually just a memory. For now. With my eyes closed, I couldn't tell much of what was going on outside of my touch, trying to ignore the man beside me as best as I could. I wanted him to suffer.
Spencer, however, had other plans. With both eyes still on the road, his hand had found its way to my legs, where it shot up to join mine. He removed my hand quickly and replaced it with his own.
There was no subtlety or warm up this time. Without any hesitation, he dipped a finger into my heat just to remove it and begin rubbing harsh circles over my clit. I couldn't stop the yell that resulted, and seconds later I came undone against him.
As soon as the spasming stopped, he removed his hand, not speaking a word or even looking at me. I'd realized at that point that he'd only finished me off because he hadn't wanted to grant me the satisfaction of doing it myself. He was asserting that yes, in some sense, he viewed this as a part of his property.
I was oddly okay with that.
"Is the silent treatment my punishment?" I asked with a pout after a few moments of nothing.
He laughed bitterly back, finally looking at me for a moment before vaguely replying, "No. Your punishment will be much more fun for me."
I had to admit the implication that the silent treatment wasn't fun for him was flattering, at least. I was glad to hear that he enjoyed talking to me as much as I enjoyed listening to him talk.
But for the moment, I was sort of exhausted. Not in the way that would make me fall asleep, but in the I-just-had-two-orgasms-let-me-recoup way. Even though we enjoyed talking, those moments were refreshing in their own way. The best kind of connections were the ones that could always be maintained, even in the quiet.
Despite it not being my punishment, Spencer remained fairly quiet the rest of the way home. I wondered if part of that was due to him brewing a plan for what would happen when we got there.
God, I hoped so.
As we pulled up to the nondescript building, I had to admit I was a bit disappointed to find Spencer didn't live in some whimsical fantasy like I'd always envisioned. The building looked like every other one. But, at the same time, I couldn't want to see the inside. If I had to bet, there would be a lot of books and a stark lack of computers.
Walking into Apt #23, I was only a little surprised by what I saw. The warm green tones of his walls were complimented by red and brown accents, and my theory was quickly proven correct.
"Whoa," I mumbled under my breath, "It's like a library."
"You must go to some pretty small libraries, then."
I rolled my eyes. Like his usual attempts at humility, Spencer failed horribly.
I spun around on my heels to face him, but at the same time as I heard the lock flip into place, I felt his hand around my arm. Spencer's movements were quick as he gripped tightly on my wrist and pulled me towards what I could only assume was his bedroom.
Weirdly, I was still trying to take in my surroundings rather than focus on fucking him. It made sense, I figured. I had already experienced two orgasms today, whereas he had none.
Oops. Guess I really was a spoiled brat.
But seriously—I was in his apartment! I wanted to snoop, dammit!
Spencer wasn't going to give me an opportunity, though. He'd even made a point of shutting the door to his room once we were inside. Something told me he would keep a close eye on me as long as he could. That was probably deserved, considering that within the first few hours of interacting with him, I had answered a call from his boss.
In my defense, it had been fucking hilarious.
He led me to stand in front of him, and out of instinct and habit, I moved forward to kiss him. I never made it to his lips, though. Spencer pushed me aside toward the bed, and I laughed as I leaned over it, making a point of flipping up the back of my skirt.
"I've been bad, Professor," I giggled, turning to glance back at him from the position I had happily assumed without being told.
He had that dark fire in his eyes that usually came before a storm.
He looked like he was ready to break me. I was ready to be broken.
"Are you going to teach me another biology lesson?"
When his hands touched me, they were as tender as ever. He caressed my hips where I had turned the skirt up, hooking his fingers around the waistband of the underwear and casually removing them.
"No, I'm afraid not."
He sounded delighted despite the words he spoke.
"This will be a very different kind of lesson."
Oh, I realized all at once.
"A lesson in discipline?" I inquired, swaying my hips underneath his hands and waiting for confirmation.
The loss of his hand on one side caused anticipation to build. I could hear the sound of blood rushing in my ears.
It was hard to tell which happened first. Instantaneously, his hand came down hard on the soft skin of my backside as he responded, "Yes."
The adrenaline that coursed through my veins in response shook any feelings of fatigue I might have sustained throughout the day. I welcomed his body heat against my back as he leaned forward against me, and used his weight to press me down into his bed.
"Unless you've changed your mind."
"No!" I shouted back much too forcefully before gripping onto the sheets in front of me. "I deserve to be punished, Professor Reid."
He withdrew from me and, within seconds, brought his hand down on me again, that time striking the other side. The snapping sound of the contact was enough to elicit a response. I clamped my legs together and gave a soft mewl. Appreciating my vocal response, the next two hits came in rapid succession. I could feel the warmth building in the skin, the breeze from the motions acted as a buffer for the delicious sting.
He roughly grabbed both cheeks in front of him, for no reason other than wanting to. I groaned at the sensation of the tender flesh being handled, which only led him to release one to smack it once more. He followed with the other, appreciating the balance required of this particular punishment. I wasn't going to stop him. I was happy to continue. But something told me that he was breaching the point of comfort in his own conscience.
He was always so worried he would break me. I couldn't say it wasn't endearing. That didn't stop him from giving each side one more forceful blow, however, which earned him a mangled cry from deep in my chest. His body was against mine again, one of his hands reaching around to tilt my head up, despite not being able to see him. I was beginning to think he just enjoyed manipulating my body at will. To see how far I would let him.
"I think you're starting to get it, (y/n)."
"Yes," I responded, not caring if it didn't make much sense in response.
Despite the fact he'd already finished me twice today, I somehow already wanted him again. Maybe it was the allure of finally being able to fuck him in his own bed, or maybe it was the desire to see him fall apart as a reminder that I'm not the only one desperate for the other's touch.
So quickly he returned to the gentle, barely there traces along my skin.
"Punishment looks good on you," he praised, and something about the way he said it filled me with pride.
"You look good on me, too, sir," I slurred as he continued to draw feathery markings on the abused skin. He chuckled, finally moving up along my back before I interrupted his thoughts and appreciation once more.
"Fuck me," I begged. I wanted him and didn't care how I got it. "Let me help you feel good."
The hands that had inflicted pain moments ago were now gently massaging my shoulders through my top. I sighed, relaxing further into his touch. So easily I had become complacent to his desire. I let him do whatever he wanted, trusting that he would never do anything to truly, honestly hurt me. 
"Something tells me you're more interested in making yourself feel good," he asserted — quite correctly.
"Can't we have both?"
His silence told me he was considering my words. I knew that he didn't want to, since that would ruin the whole idea that this was a punishment in the first place. Then again, I didn't think he was fully committed to that idea anyway.
Dragging his hands once more down the plane of my back, he stopped to grip my hips and shift me backwards until I was pressed against him.
"You're lucky you look so fucking cute in that skirt," he growled.
I felt dizzy again already, drowning in the way his bed smelled like him.
"Mmm, I wore it just for you," I admitted, rubbing myself gently against his crotch now pressing into my bottom.
"Smart girl," he responded.
It felt like I was in a dream, to be there with him like that. For a long time, I'd thought I'd never see him again, let alone be laying on his bed.
I could hear him stripping behind me, and I peeked over my shoulder with a modest smile.
Time was not moving fast enough, I thought, but it was also moving too fast. Because as badly as I wanted him to ravish me, I was afraid what would happen when it was over.
I couldn't think about that in that moment, though.
Once he reached into his nightstand, I giggled with anticipation. He raised his eyebrows at me, unable to contain his own laughter.
"Oh, you're happy with yourself, huh?"
"A little bit, yeah."
When he returned to me, his hands were still gentle as they pushed my skirt back up where it had fallen. He revealed my body to himself, and I didn't have to be able to see it to know that my arousal spread down my inner thighs. I had, after all, already had two orgasms before now thanks to the man behind me.
"I'm also pretty happy with you," he whispered as he leaned over me.
With no warning, he fully entered me with one swift thrust. I whimpered at the feeling of him hitting against angered skin, mixed with the pleasure of being full once again. I clutched at the sheets and wished that they were him, wishing that I could somehow be even closer to him than I already was. 
"We'll see if you still feel like smiling after I'm done with you."
It was the last thing he said before he began to ruthlessly pound into me. I struggled to scream as loudly as I wanted to, but I couldn't make any noise at all. My body seemed to have relented all control to him within seconds; I didn't put up a single battle. Although his grasp held me in place, I still attempted to cant my hips forward to allow him better access.
My chest and face were warm with friction from rubbing against the bed, and my knuckles were blanched from the force exerted to try and remain grounded. Each movement seemed so purposeful, much like the way he thrashed at my skin with his hand.
"Fuck me," were the first words I managed to string together.
With one forceful thrust, he held me down on him as all the moans I couldn't make previously came pouring out of me. I thought I might actually cry from how overstimulated the day was  becoming. Seemingly reading my mind, Spencer pulled out of me entirely. I tried to reorient myself, but he stopped me. Using one hand to grab hold of my arm, he flipped me onto my back beneath him.
I hadn't even realized I was still wearing basically all of my clothes until he had to force my skirt back up again. Missing him between my legs, I began to crave him everywhere else, too. I struggled to pull my shirt over my head.
Spencer didn't stop me, just watching while he playfully rubbed his arousal at my entrance.
"Please, sir," I pleaded once I was finally able to lift my legs. I wrapped them around his hips and pulled him closer to me without letting him slip into me just yet.
"Just as impatient and needy as ever, (y/n)."
I chewed on my bottom lip, looking up at him with the puppy dog eyes that had always worked on him up to that point. It must have worked again, because he was sinking back into me before I knew it. My arms spread out across the bed, holding onto whatever I could reach as he set another brutal pace.
Our bodies melding together in a chaotic fusion of skin and fluids, I let myself get lost in the bliss of Spencer Reid laying claim to my body. I threw my head back, my eyes clamped shut as one of his hands came up to caress one of my breasts through my lacy bra.
"With undergarments like this, I have to wonder if you planned this all, young lady," he teased, no doubt referring to the matching underwear now discarded on the floor.
I opened my eyes to meet his, and for a second I was left breathless at the sight of him pumping into me. How I managed to say anything at all is a miracle.
"Never a plan, sir. But always a pleasure."
A flirtatious sparkle in his eyes, he slowed down as he pressed, "Did you wear them for someone else, then?"
The way I arched my back caused him to push even further into me, and I had to pause to moan before I continued.
"Are you jealous?"
His hips snapped forward, producing a simultaneously jolt of pain and pleasure. His voice was breathy as he tried to hold himself together while speaking, "Should I be?"
Our eye contact caused tension so powerful that I was certain it was palpable. A devilish grin and a bit of a snicker was the provocation he needed to drive into me harder once again. I didn't even try to suppress the noises he elicited from me, tightening my grip around him with my legs.
"Take me," I whispered under my breath, almost hoping that he wouldn't hear me.
I couldn't tell if he did, but his hand switched sides of my chest, and our faces grew closer together.
"I'm yours," I slurred. I truthfully hadn't thought about the words when I gifted them to him, but he clearly took note of them. That time, it was his moan that filled the air in the room, and I had never felt so excited by one of his responses. I chased after the feeling, locking eyes with him as both his hands grabbed my hips to begin the race to the finish.
"I'm yours, Spencer."
I didn't stop to wonder if I could play this off as part of the fantasy. I mean, it was part of my fantasy; the fantasy of being his, and him being mine.
He didn't object to my words then, either, and he had definitely heard me that time.
I smiled, barely noticing that he'd placed his fingers back on my heat, swiping frantically at my clit until I lost all composure underneath him. My hips rocked at no apparent rhythm, and distorted versions of his name broke through my mouth.
I hadn't even come down yet when he rammed into me with full force, bottoming out once again. I felt his cock twitch inside of me, followed by my muscles pulling everything out of him that they could.
The view of his satisfied face through my lust-filled daze was angelic. It appeared that he saw the same in me, but I couldn't be sure. Just as quickly as the moment had come, it had passed, his arms giving in to his weight as he collapsed onto my chest.
His hair tickled my collarbones, and I laughed at how incredibly out of shape he was. Especially for an FBI Agent. Even if he did go on the field often, I figured the resident dork didn't need to be totally ripped, anyway.
And, hey, he was strong enough to treat me like a ragdoll, so who was I to judge?
"Tired?" I asked, taking a shaky hand to his head, playing with the soft brown curls damp from sweat.
"You aren't?" he slurred, his words smothered against my skin.
"I am fucking exhausted."
That time, we both laughed. He was clearly pleased that, despite any perceived weakness, he was still able to thoroughly wear me out. When he moved to leave me, I dropped my legs. I was surprised I had managed to hold them until then, honestly.
He fixed his hair that had fallen in his eyes first, and I smiled at the peculiar priority. It was cute, though.
"Do you have to take me home?"
I tried not to let the disappointment bleed into my voice, but it did. He tried not to notice. He didn't answer as he cleaned himself up, and I sat up to look at him — once the world stopped spinning, anyway.
The butterflies spiraled out of control, spreading through every inch of my soul. I must have been beaming, because he looked so very nervous.
His response came in the form of an unsure smile, followed by a genuine appreciation.
I briefly wondered if he realized just how transparent he was, but then decided I didn't want to think about it. I excused myself to clean up before bed, taking a long moment to rub my skin with aloe from under the cabinet, only to realize that I had basically nothing clean to wear. I rolled my eyes at the situation, wondering how many red flags it would set off for me to ask Spencer for some of his clothes.
I could just be naked. He seemed to like me that way.
I padded back into the room, expecting him to be waiting up for me. He wasn't. Spencer had passed out on the bed before he even had a chance to get under the covers. I stood at the door for a moment, trying to appreciate the value of this quiet moment while I still could.
Stripping off my clothes as quiet as possible, I was careful not to wake him. However, that also meant I couldn't climb under the covers, either.
It isn't exactly snooping if I'm looking for something innocent, right? That's what I had to tell myself, regardless. Because I was not going to freeze my ass off over a hookup's paranoia. Glancing at the dresser, I almost convinced myself it wouldn't be an invasion of privacy to open it. Luckily, I didn't have to. Directly next to it was a hamper of clean, folded laundry, with a pair of boxer shorts and a t-shirt on top. While disappointed that I had lost my excuse, I was grateful I had stripped myself of the choice.
He deserved better than me trying to pry into his life like that.
Slipping into his clothes, I stopped to hug myself in the soft fabric. With him asleep, I felt comfortable taking a moment to revel in the position he'd allowed me to exist in. I was in his apartment, in his clothes, and I would soon be back in his arms.
For now.
I chased the inevitable end out of my thoughts, slinking onto the bed and shimmying over to him until his hands found me in his unconscious state. I faced him, my hands pressing softly against his chest to feel his heart happily working under my touch.
His eyes fluttered open for a second, just long enough to see the wonder in my own. A smile crept along his cheeks, and he wrapped a lazy arm around my waist.
I wondered if he recognized his own clothes, or if he even realized this was real. Then again, the alternative was him assuming that it'd all been a dream... and it was a pleasant one, it seemed. 
"I'm happy," he confirmed in a hushed tone.
My heart almost stopped, and I peeked up at him, inching up so I could better see his face. His breathing evened back out as I felt the way he relaxed, quickly retreating back to the comfortable embrace of sleep.
"About what?" I whispered back.
Our legs twined together, and a soft sigh left his lips. I waited with bated breath  for his response, although I don't think I could have ever been prepared for what followed.
"I'm happy that you're mine."
... What?
| Part 5 |
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Describe one of your OC’s worst nightmares.
An optimist would look at the world of divination with wonder. The universe is a but a magnificent hall of tapestries, beautiful pieces of art woven into anything you could imagine. Tapestries where you are a hero, tapestries where you are royalty, tapestries where your people live with riches, tapestries depicting your eternal victory over your enemies. The universe is endless and bountiful, for in the future, all futures are possible.
This is how Astor usually can depict the good fortune tellers from the worse.
If they’re an optimist, they’re most likely a faker.
The only true divinator that he had met that was even a bit of an optimist was his mother, and even then, he had always had the sinking feeling that she hid a deeper sorrow behind her simple shoes of colorful flames and shining moon and starlight. No, it was quite hard to stick to true, unfiltered optimism in this field, as while it was true that all futures and choices were possible, that freewill ran its course through all who walked the vast possibilities of the universe, the issue came in the fact that you could not travel it to and fro.
There are futures where you live, there are futures where you achieve your wildest dreams, timelines where your childhood is happier, and timelines where you find true love and satisfaction.
But you aren’t in those timelines. The future you have is this one, and it is set in stone.
Walk all the roads you want, say all the words, read all the stories, but when a seer analyzed exactly what world we live in, exactly what end is destined for this string of the universe, there will be no holding back. There is only the unfiltered, raw, typically pessimistic truth of the end. Savor it.
“In truth, Elane, I hate my job. Fear it, even,” Astor set his teacup down, looking out the balcony towards the inky, midnight view. “I fear one day I will find the prediction—the true, ultimate glimpse into the night, that seals in the fact that we’re doomed.”
The Queen only cocked her head with a smile. “Well, I’m flattered that there’s still a ‘we’ in this scenario. Good to know I’ll be joining you in the lockup when my mother find our contraband cucco nuggets—“
“I’m serious, Elane.”
She only laughed quietly, before leaning back in her chair, and gazing out into the pleasant evening. “I know...”
There was a quiet between them, not quite awkward or stiffening, but quiet in the way that you might hold your breath after someone embraces you warmly. Quiet in acceptance, quiet to make room for the sounds of something rare and fickle.
“I swear, I might retire early,” Astor finally said. “Quit while I’m ahead. Head off to Hateno or Mabe and bury my head in the sand.”
“You might want to try Gerudo then, if sand is what you’re searching for. I’m sure Urbosa would be thrilled.”
“Tsk. I am inclined to disagree.”
Elane chuckled again, and she let the quiet embrace her for a moment.
“Eternal doom aside, for a moment, I would posit that there’s hardly anything to fear. You’ve foreseen my daughter’s growth, analyzed the future livelihood of the kingdom, and predicted our victory over Ganon. I’d say it’s hard to bargain with that.”
“Maybe, but I could be wrong.” Astor circled his finger on the lip of his cup. “It happens, people make a prediction, but miss one star, or slip up one word...or perhaps one cow suddenly dies, or one ember quickly fades, and suddenly we’re actually in an entirely different timeline than predicted.”
“Didymos Astor? Wrong about something? Oh my, I never thought I’d see the day...” Elane smiled to herself again as she lifted her cup for another sip.
Astor clicked his tongue. “Well. You should hope I’m not wrong about anything. If someone of my skill makes an incorrect prediction, it would probably be disastrous for everyone.”
Elane winked as she set down her cup. “Well, good thing you’re a prodigy, then.”
“Good thing, indeed.”
Quiet keep their third company once again. Astor still had not sipped from his cup, but Elane was already heading for her fourth refill, no doubt begging for any energy after tucking her daughter to bed. A young toddler with enough energy to power a Guardian army, Elane has always found it quite odd that she used up a lot of her energy to annoy the Royal Seer. It was charming to see him get put off by a Mallory’s boundless curious aura, but mostly relieving in the sense that the Queen could get a moments rest and trust little Zelda would be alright.
Elane looked back inside through the half open door, and smiled at a bundled sleeping figure, surrounded by an army of stuffed animals. She then turned back and finally noticed Astor’s continued silence on the next refill.
She sighed. “Although I would be saddened to see you leave,” she began, “If a retirement would make you happy, Astor, I would loathe to do anything to stand in your way.”
He looked up at her, analyzing her body language and expression. She was genuine, of course, as she always was in these sorts of talks. Astor finally let himself exhale in peace, as he smiled and shook his head.
“Unfortunately I don’t think it would do me much good, anyways. Location won’t let me escape my own thoughts and visions.” He took a sip of his tea—a bit citrusy this evening, a hint of apple—and relaxed. “I’d imagine His Majesty would miss me dearly, and I simply wouldn’t want to leave him in distress.”
“Ha! Oh yes of course, Rhoam would be crying tears if you left us...” she replied, sarcastically. “Tears of deep, deep sorrow.”
Astor looked out into the night in silence again, not touching his cup.
“But I’ll tell you what Astor,” Elane began again. “If you ever receive that world dooming prediction, whatever may happen that may instigate your view of the deepest hells,” she raised her cup. “You come find me, and we’ll have a drink.”
He raised an eyebrow. “A drink? What sort of drink?”
She shrugged. “Whatever you like. Tea, wine, beer, water or juice if it’s your fancy. Whatever will keep your spirits high.”
Astor smirked, solemnly. “I don’t think you understand just how severe and dreadful certain predictions can be. When we say ‘all futures are possible,’ we do mean all possibilities.”
“And I understand, dear seer. I truly do.” She tilted her head as she kept her cup in the air. “But the way I see it, is that with divination or not, doom and hell come into people’s lives one way or the other. But it hasn’t really stopped the majority from loving their lives now, has it?” Her eyes twinkled like starlight. “Dearest Astor, if our destined doom is predicted one day, I command you to at least smile through our tea party.”
He finally sighed, the corners of his lips perking. His protests drowning in her expression.
“I suppose if you’re the one pouring, it’d be difficult to refuse.” He raised his cup and clinked it with hers.
She was dead eight days later.
With her death came the final factor. The final star.
“Your daughter is destined to fail us,” he said again. “The Calamity shall rise and consume us all, and she won’t stop it in time.”
Rhoam slammed his fists on the desk, but the seer did not flinch. “We’ll train her hard, we’ll start now, even! I’ll get those clerics from the temple to teach her the starting prayers!” he yelled.
“It won’t work.” Astor replied, simply. “Perhaps she might attain them down the line, but she most certainly won’t awaken her powers by Ganon’s rise. It’s over.”
“You told me we could do this!” Rhoam pointed a finger, accusingly. “You saw our prosperity, our victory!”
“That was what I initially saw, yes. But unfortunately we live in world where the Queen of Hyrule is dead, and thus the threads of our future weave accordingly.”
“You’re a liar!” Rhoam bellowed again. “You saw her death, saw our end and lied to us since the beginning, haven’t you?!!”
“Don’t you think that if I knew Elane would die, I would say something?! That I would give ample time for her to say goodbye to you and her daughter??” Astor finally raised his voice, met with equal silence. “I failed to correctly analyze our timeline the first time around, and for that I am sorry. But I can not control what pieces of the future fate allows me to see. It’s not an open novel for you to give me a bad book report grade on. It’s a museum of endless tapestries, of which I am task with analyzing one stroke at a time to identify which is woven to a singular man, and the fact that I have given you a complete enough answer now is a gift within itself, so don’t even try to accuse me forgery and lies.”
The two men clenched their jaws, staring angrily at each other.
Astor finally whispered. “Overtime I might gather more specifics, but overall—this is over.”
Rhoam balles his hand into a fist. “We’ll start a new schedule for Zelda first thing in the morning—“
“It won’t work, it’s futile—“
“We’ll make it work—“
“This is set in stone, this is the world you live in—“
“Well what if you’re wrong again?”
“I’m not.”
“But what if you are?”
“I’m. Not. I’ve read the signs again and again and again, in fact I’ve been reaching the same conclusions repeatedly for the last four weeks. It. Is set. In stone.” He tapped his finger on the wood with each syllable to emphasize. “Perhaps the futures of prosperity are accurate for the Rhoams and Mallorys that live in a different time, but unfortunately for us, we live in one where Elane is dead. This is our reality and you’re doing no good denying as such.”
Rhoam made his way towards the door. “You’re a liar.” The seer scoffed. “You’re a liar and you don’t know what you’re saying! Borderline treason if I’m being honest! You’re pathetic, and a rotten fake—“
“If it pleases His Majesty to confirm the integrity of his humble subject,” Astor cut in, sarcastically, “It might be good to know that also I’ve predicted you won’t imprison me, or exile me, or execute me, given you’re still ever reliant on my uncontested skills for more personal matters. That, and you wish to try and keep me around to hopefully prove me wrong, in which you can then tell yourself you’d be in the right to truly punish me.” He stared the regent dead in the eyes. “But don’t worry, you won’t.”
Rhoam slammed the door shut as he stomped off.
That night, Astor has another dream. Or perhaps it was a vision, he wasn’t sure, as the details were so surreal and horrific and captivating that it would have surely been a blessing to chalk it up entirely to vivid imagination.
There were screams and the sound of rocks crumbling. Bones were cracking and monsters were squealing and shrieking. And be felt his arms burn, and he felt his soul drain, and he looked down to see his skin peeling into dark flakes, his muscles, sludge. And in the distance, a young woman with golden hair laughed at him, but her eyes were hollow and gold. And she laughed and laughed as his body was slowly broken to pieces, bones torn asunder, skin burned to smoldering malice, senses vivid until the final moment when he woke.
But the good thing about nightmares, was that...that was it. There was no where else to go. There was nothing left to offer. No more pain to fear.
It made sense of course. Of course, of course. He never went to the funeral, he never offered his sympathies. There was no longer anything to mourn, as he allowed himself to view the world in its true, disgusting form. The people were doomed, and the dead, well...perhaps they might have deserved it. Yes, that was the only way this all made sense, of course. He even stopped trying to warn other folk after a few too many dozen harsh rejections to his character. No, now in complete isolation and resignation of his path, there was nothing else that could possibly drag him back to—
“How do I die?” Zelda Mallory Hyrule asked, one day.
At first, he was confused, and he turned in his chair. “What?”
She was seven at the time, and it was truly an odd and concerning thing to be coming from a seven year old girl’s mouth. Or perhaps it wasn’t, given the circumstances.
“How do I die?” she said again. She was laying down on his worn carpet, fiddling with the frilled edge.
Was she truly that bored? Already out of other questions? Hmph, he had always warned her to stay away, as a seer’s office wasn’t really meant for childish entertainment. Yet still she always came and asked to hide away from her father, and, well...anything to spite that man...
“Why do you ask?” he finally replied. Had someone said something to her? A threat? He clenched his jaw. I swear, if that fool tried to force her powers by—
“You’re always going on about how I’m wasting my time with praying and stuff...but father says I still gotta to stop the Calamity or else we could all die.” She didn’t look up from the bits of carpet string she was playing with (and contemplating on popping in her mouth), “So I figured if you tell me how I die we can settle the debate for good!”
Astor just sighed. “Well, of course you d—“
He stopped himself, but not for the reasons a more put together person, might. Not because of the generally frowned upon action of telling a child how she dies, no, that was not exactly beyond him. No, Astor cut off his sentence simply because it had crossed his mind that—
“...I’m not entirely sure...” he whispered.
He suddenly stood. Walking towards the other end of his office, carefully stepping over the child. “E-Excuse me a moment.”
Why had he never considered this? Of course, he had seen the signs clearly enough, the visions, the stars. A girl cries over a corpse, a light vanishes in the night. Malice plagued the sky and dooms the day. But did the Calamity actually kill her? Does she drown in rubble and malice like the others? Slain by a demon or monster perhaps? Or if not, then, would that mean...?
The princess soon forgot about the question by the next day, and the next, and the next, and the next, and the next.
Astor spent nearly eight sleepless nights into finding an answer.
But he never truly did.
These things happened more times than one may think, when it came to predictions. Vagueness was commonplace, but specificities and straightforward answers were about as rare as a green sunset. Of course, he knew she would die, goddess blood or not, she lived the life of a mortal. But how? When? While it certainly wasn’t impossible to predict a person’s death, but whatever the circumstances of Mallory’s was made the process was infuriatingly impossible.
It was possible she would die of malice or suffocation under rubble, even circumstances where she dies at the Ganon’s hand himself. But then there were clear visions of her living, walking through a grassy field, ruins in the distance covered in leaves and moss, her turning and calling to a friend to keep up with her pace.
But no, nonono. She would die during the Calamity’s rise, that was the majority of what the futures offered to her were. That was the probable outcome.
But the factors and visions and signs and alignments were so fine and minuscule in difference, that Astor truly couldn’t a true statement, a true prediction, a true answer to the question. What timeline did we live in?
It taunted him.
Maybe it was better if the question was put to rest, did it even matter?
“Mallory?” he asked. “That’s a stupid name.”
“What?! No it’s not!” Elane laughed and shoved his shoulder. “Please, YOU’RE not one to talk.”
“Well as a victim of stupid first names, I think I’m qualified to speak accurately on the subject.”
“Aha! But it’s not technically a first name.” Elane tapped his head. “It’s a middle name, her first name would be ‘Zelda,’ of course.”
“Yes, and that is also a s—“
The queen shoved his shoulder into the wall before he even finished the sentence. “Oh would you shut up...”
He laughed, unconventionally carefree. Her Majesty’s happiness these days truly was contagious. Or perhaps that was a side effect of pregnancy? Did all expecting mother’s give off this aura?
“I think it’s a wonderful name.” Elane said. “Reminds me of a cute little duck, like a mallard!” She tucked her arms and flapped her elbows to imitate as such. “Quack, quack!”
“This is further adding to my argument actually”
“Hmph! Ok then Mr. Overseer of all names” She tapped a finger to his chest. “If it’s such a stupid name, then when she starts getting bullied for it around the castle, I shall expect you to take care of her in full.”
He scoffed. “Oh, I’ll be sure to do so. She’ll definitely need it.”
Elane pecked his head with a kiss.
“Good! I grant you my blessing lovingly tease her, as well. And I expect the best from you, Astor!”
His face suddenly warmed for some reason, and he couldn’t form words.
He was suddenly whack in the head with a rolled up piece of paper. Astor sprang awake from his desk. “...W...What...?”
“Morning, Mr. Astor!!” Princess Zelda-Mallory beamed. “And happy birthday!!! Sorry I woke you up early, but I needed to give this to you before the winter solstice festival later and—“
She continued to ramble on and on, but Astor simply opened the rolled up paper she had handed to him. It was simply filled with dozens and dozens, arguably hundreds, of hand drawn stars. In the corner was written, “You always look at the same stars so here’s some new ones!” in crude purple crayon. At the time, he failed to notice the accompanying note on the back that read “One for each year of how old you are!” Thankfully he was too busy looking through the different stars, with varying degrees of sparkles and smiley faces.
He finally looked back at the princess, who was still rambling on and on about her day, and her father’s day, and her newest stuffy dress, and her latest adventures with her stuffed toys, and—
“Why are you always here, Zelda?” Astor finally said. She stopped talking, looking at him, quizzically. “I mean...” he grumbled, “You know I don’t really like you, right?
“Eh, I don’t care. I think you’re neat!!” She held out her arms as she zoomed around his circular office. “Your room is so cool! And you got fun books!”
“Necromancy isn’t necessarily what I would consider ‘fun’ reading material—“
“Plus your outfits are cool, and you’re super smart, like my mom.”
He blinked.
“Plus, you’re the only one that’s not mean to me about my dumb powers. But really that’s just a chair on the top!”
“Do you mean cherry on top?”
“No! I meant chair! Watch me!! I’m gonna do a backflip off of this—“
“NO.” Astor immediately stood up, and snatched the girl off of the wooden chair. “NO. No backflips.” He set her down on the rug and pointed to a side of the room which held a broken table, stool, and a few old chairs—the victims of the princess’ previous acrobatic attempts.
She crossed her arms and stuck out her tongue. “You’re no fun!”
“I’m running out of furniture, is what I am.”
“But I’ll let this slide since it’s your birthday! Hmph.”
She started pulling at the loose threads of the carpet. “Don’t know why you had to stop my birthday backflip! Who cares if I get a little scratch?”
“I do—“
“YOU DO?!” Mallory was immediately up and clinging to his robes.
Astor sputtered, instinctively waving his arms to free himself from the child’s grip. But then he finally processed her question, and...
“I...” He looked at her starlight eyes. She had that stupid, naive grin that he always remembered from her mother. A stupid, pathetic, horrible, terrible, optimistic smile.
He finally scoffed. “I just can’t have you getting hurt on my watch, as otherwise, I’d probably be a dead man. That’s all.”
The princess lifted her hands in a “hooray!” fashion, and yelled the exclamation, accordingly. She then resumed her zipping and zooming around the room, much to Astor’s unexpected relief.
That night, he visited the question again.
Why? He didn’t really know.
The question wouldn’t offer him anything, it wouldn’t relieve him of anything—in fact it really did just the opposite. If he found that died miserably, it would be another scream in the nightmare, another nail in the comforting coffin of despair. But if he someone found that she lived, that there was a day after the Calamity, where even a child such as her could possibly prosper...
Having hope and seeing it fail anyway would probably be the most torturous of all.
Again, he had a dream, of a world tainted by blood and malice. But this time he was floating. He was floating and watching the end of it all.
Castle Town was nothing but ruins and ash, and no colors existed but red, black, and grey.
He couldn’t hear anything but a shrill hum in his ears, but he knew there was screaming. He looked to his hand, expecting to see malice or blackened skin, but instead found a strange floating device in his palm. It spin slowly, pink constellations drifting across its surface.
The hum in his ears turned into a groan, and then a whisper. It said something familiar, but he was sure he had never heard it before.
It is time.
The next night he had a dream of a girl standing in a green field, calling out to her friends somewhere behind her. She rested under the ruins of a collapsed pillar, and ate a homemade sandwich with a memorable smile.
Astor reached a conclusion.
In most futures, the girl dies horribly. He wrote in his journal. To be expected, I would assume the rise of the Calamity isn’t exactly easy to survive from.
But what I have discovered is a very specific set of circumstances that lead to a more favorable outcome, at least for her.
I have no way of knowing if it accurately depicts the comings of our time, or another. There are too many variables and specifics. Too long I have spent trying to discern our fate, but the probabilities and possibilities for doom are so interchangeable that it really go either way. The only truth I know is that she lives if—
He paused, tapping the dry quill to the desk again in thought. He dipped it once more.
I’ve decided that if I ever find myself in the scenario where I can solidify her a more favorable destiny, I will take it. I can only hope dare to alter my existing nightmare into something different, there’s really nothing left to lose, is there?
Astor leaned in his chair for a moment, savoring the silence of his office. He looked out the window and took in the night. The stars were gorgeous this evening.
Although if it fails I hope it kills me.
Call it arrogance, but I don’t think I can handle being wrong again.
The seer sighed, then suddenly flipped to the next blank page, angrily.
If I had never met her it would have been fine. If I had just minded my own damn business and continued to work in being resigned to our fate, at least then I could have—
There was a soft knock at his door.
He knew who it was.
Astor pinched the bridge of his nose as he opened it. “It’s past 2am, Princess, what could you possibly have to tell me?”
She looked down and shuffled her feet. “I had a nightmare...”
“Yes, people do have those sometimes.” He immediately closed the door.
Another knock.
After a moment, Astor opened it again. “Don’t you have guards outside your room, how did you sneak up here?”
“Secret tunnel!” She grinned, proudly, as she replied with a sort of sing-song tone.
“That’s nice.”
The door slammed shut again.
She knocked once more. There was the longest pause.
“FFFFFFine!” The world was out of his lips before he even fully swung open the door, and Mallory happily scrambled inside. “But no touching anything, I’m working.”
“It’s ok, I just wanna stay up all night and read your books!” She was already scrambling for the necromancy section, again.
Astor sighed, and went to slump back into his desk. The princess was already sprawled across the floor, distracting herself with another stack of wondrous, ill-recommended book. He didn’t really care.
I don’t really care. He wrote once again. I know there are futures where I dedicate myself to the Calamity, and she dies anyway. I know it doesn’t really matter, I know it’s hopeless to care, and that’s why I don’t.
He looked back at Zelda, he saw her slowly blink back her tiredness. He knew in a few hours or so, he’d have to drop her sleepy figure back off to those useless guards, and berate then for letting her wander off again, as it always was.
If I do this and it’s all for nothing, he began, I fear it will be worse than if I had just stood to the side and perished. It’s already doomed, and this pathetic, foolish optimism might cause me to turn this nightmare into something even worse.
He sighed, and the hours passed as he just sat with his thoughts.
Zelda was using and open book as a pillow.
Astor opened the door, and went to pick her up.
I’m not living through another nightmare. He thought, as he descended the stairs from the observatory. The girl’s breathing was steady as she wrapped an arm by his shoulder.
If it fails I hope it kills me before I see it. He repeated again.
I can’t handle being wrong again.
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california-raccoon · 3 years
eye’s on the sparrow
He just stares at her, like he’d been wishing for his mom but she appeared instead. This belief - in wishing, in divine intervention, in fate - is probably the reason why he chooses to believe in her. BLEACH / AU / ICHIRUKI • [← PART 1 ○ PART 2: A study of Rukia Kuchiki] 
Of all the things Rukia considers herself as, fortunate is not one of them. Though the echoes of fortune haunt everything she sees and touches, she considers she’d rather do without it all. When she looks in the mirror, she recognizes herself, but it’s in a vague way. She knows what she looks like, but she doesn’t actually know who she is.
It isn’t that she’s ungrateful for what she has.
Her parents love her as much as any daughter; her childhood with them is filled with memories of picnics in the park, trips to museums… the annual cherry blossom festival where she’d walk down the rows of trees, warmth on her face and always two hands to hold.
They have always been kind, giving, and extremely passionate about their work. It seeps into her blood, as if they were related, to work twice as hard, to shine twice as bright. Rukia wears her last name like a medal she’s won and lets it define her completely.
Her father is her pride. He works tirelessly at the Kuchiki enterprises, recently inheriting the company from their now-retired Uncle. She learns importance of proper etiquette and strategy from him. Her mother is her heart, working at a non-profit that finds shelter for the homeless. Rukia used to ask her why she worked, not really in need of anything given their status, but her mom just ruffles her hair, and tells her there’s more to life than money. Rukia understands, because what else had she ever wanted besides the two of them?
Adjusting the hem on her black dress with a tug, she takes one last look at herself before leaving her room.
She is thirteen when she attends her mother’s funeral.
Her mother looks asleep in the coffin, make-up caked on, her giving her an artificial glow like she’s just sleeping. Rukia thinks it’s a pointless gesture, but she appreciates it anyway. She’d like the last look of Hisana not to be the pale image she used to visit in the hospital to say goodbye. The cancer came quickly, too late when they found out. They’ve already been grieving for months.
The event is small and intimate, mostly filled with family and friends. Her grandparents and cousins hug her and keep her soft, reminding her of everything her mother was. When they share their stories of Hisana, they reveal sides of her mother that she’d never known: when she and her friends got lost traveling around Japan during their last high school summer, her first big win gaining a successful client at the office, one of her first dates with Byakuya retold by her best friend. She was adventurous, determined and loved fiercely, they say; she will be missed. Rukia cries. It’s the first time she’s cried since she’d been adopted.
Her dad takes it the worst. After the funeral he floats around like his gravity’s been taken from him, no longer tethered to Earth. To counter this, he chains himself to his desk, focusing on his work to keep himself grounded. She comes home from school to an empty house.
If this is the cost of having a family, Rukia thinks, she isn’t sure it was worth the price. The loss she feels in her chest is too heavy; six years of happiness ending so abruptly that no fortunate person could ever experience.
So Rukia lets herself float. She skips classes and spends the day in arcades, in parks, talking to homeless people and stalking cats.  
It takes her back to another time, hazy infinite summers sneaking out of the orphanage and playing by the river. It gives her the idea.
On a fair winter morning, Rukia takes a train to Karakura. The ride itself doesn’t take too long, and she hides her school uniform with her coat so as not to seem suspicious.
Walking around the streets, the town is quiet and serene. It feels like a dream. The buildings don’t seem as tall as they used to, the distance of things having shrunk between her steps. The river flows beside her at a constant ebb that floods her with nostalgia.
When she reaches the hill, she takes a moment to take it all in. Overgrown foliage and forest trees surround the Torii, weathered and dulled by time. It welcomes her like the arms of the birth mother she never met, but she ignores them in favor of the off-beaten path to the side of it, leading to the gate of a traditional-style house.
The laughter she hears from the children stops her cold on her feet. Rukia hides behind the gate and stands there, watching. The boys are running, all pranks and belly laughs with one another and the girls are gathering the toys to fight back at them. They were playing house when the boys had usurped the game with a declaration of war. There’s one kid, a little too scrawny and too short, who joins in the fight anyway, scrappy and unwavering.
She watches till she realizes her cheeks are wet, tears coming undone at the sight of it all, guilty for everything she’s built up in her head. These kids are tenacious, hoping for a better life that’s out of their control as foolhardy as it is. She was once that child, until fortune smiled upon her and gave her everything she wanted. Who was she to refuse it now when it was all she had asked for?
Rukia’s family may be broken, but it doesn’t mean she can’t try to mend what she has, to be grateful. Her mother was everything to her - to them - and she doesn’t regret anything about her life with her. She thinks of her mother, her ferocity for living, and keeps the spirit close to her heart.
Stepping away from the orphanage, she walks back to the station with renewed energy. The town itself seems to come alive with her. It’s the late afternoon and there are kids playing by the river, others biking past her in their school uniforms.
She deep in thought when a glint of orange across the street that catches her eye. She knows him, she realizes. He looks a little menacing, with a crinkle between his brows and a frown that’s permanently taken residence on his face. The look doesn’t suit him, too angry for someone so young. She doesn’t think she’d recognize him if it wasn’t for his hair. It has to be him though, right?
Rukia thinks she should say something. Hey. Hi. It’s been too long. Didn’t we used to write to each other? …it’s been years. Do you even remember me? The thoughts spill into her head all at once and jumble into a pit in her stomach.
What should she say? What would he think?
She stops walking and settles for a polite wave and a firm “Hello” deciding not to yell across the street. Panic calcifies in her chest when she can’t remember his name.
In the end, he doesn’t notice her. He’s got his earbuds on and when he’s closer she swears she can hear him humming a fast tune. They cross each other on the street with little fanfare.
The moment it’s over, Rukia just laughs, the sound foreign as it escapes her lips. She thinks herself silly for even trying.
Rukia’s mind wanders as she watches the landscape from the train windows morph from open fields back to the compact buildings she’s familiar with. She wonders what happened to him. She wonders if she’s changed as much as him.
Back home, she cooks a dinner big enough for two and waits for her dad to come home. He finally arrives two hours past his usual office hours. If he’s shocked by her gesture, its marginally expressed. The stovetop ticks to a lively fire as she reheats the food while he hangs his coat in the foyer. She’s laid the dishes out onto the table into a traditional setting she knows he’d appreciate.
“We can’t do this to her,” Rukia breaks the silence during the meal, fire in her words. “She would hate what you’ve become.”
“She’d hate what you’ve become too, skipping classes all the time.” He responds with ice, eyes low. “Don’t think I didn’t know. Your school’s called me every day this week.”
“You’re right and I’m sorry, but—” She grimaces, gesturing a slight bow to apologize.
“It’s hard to lose someone, isn’t it?” He says softly. “I don’t blame you for taking some time for yourself, but tell me next time… I know your mom usually handled these sort of things better, but…”
Rukia’s eyes are wide, her heart gutted at seeing her dad this way.
“I’ll make a deal with you. No more skipping classes but you have to come home for dinner.”
“I can’t help the office has been busy lately—“
“No excuses.” Rukia interrupts, strengthening her resolve, but her voice cracks. “I hate coming home to this empty house every day.”
There’s no response from him then, but his brows lift slightly in an expression she’s not used to.
“I visited the orphanage today.” Rukia says, the implication unfolding before him. She looks at him and his brows are still raised. “I just - I just wanted to see… to remember that time. I’m grateful for everything you’ve both done and given me, but.”
She takes a breath. There’s no fire in her now, just the calmness of knowing. “I forgot what it was like. Not to have parents. Or anyone. I don’t want to lose it again.”
The chopsticks clink against the porcelain of her dad’s bowl as he puts it down. He looks at her with a warmth that she’s never seen from him.
“I’m sorry… You have a deal.”
They don’t shake on the agreement and neither really speak much after the talk, but she feels the shift in him after dinner. Over the weekend they buy a frame and candles and set up a shrine by the dinner table. They buy flowers every week for Hisana. It’s not a lot, but they’re trying, and it’s enough.
Still, sometimes, she’ll take a train every once in a while back to Karakura.
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honeypiehotchner · 4 years
i knew you (Bucky Barnes soulmate au) -- part five
This part is allll action but that’s what you need to pay attention to (that sounds so vague and cringe-worthy,,, anyway). Enjoy! xx.
Warnings: a lot of h*ckin’ words lmao, but other than that just the same violence in the movie, angst (of course)
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Bucharest, Romania.
You recognize some of the city from your dreams. You didn’t think it was possible to dream about what your soulmate is currently seeing because if that was the case, you can’t imagine what you would’ve seen through The Winter Soldier’s eyes. But when you recall a third building from your dream, you think it’s less of a coincidence than you originally thought.
The plan is simple. You and Steve are to go into Bucky’s apartment, wait for him (or find him already) there. Sam is standing guard outside, but he’s already said he doesn’t think he’ll be able to do much. It’s one man against whatever forces get called in. It’s not looking to be in Sam’s (or your and Steve’s) favor.
Unfortunately, you think he’s right.
The end goal is to bring Bucky in alive. You desperately want to run away with him and disappear to some place where no one has orders to shoot him on sight, but you know that isn’t possible. Despite your confidence in Vienna not being Bucky’s fault, Steve still wants to do the right thing and bring him in. Even if he might be considered a criminal doing it.
Stepping inside Bucky’s apartment nearly suffocates you.
You’ve had dreams about this place. Multiple times. 
You spin slowly in a circle, taking it all in. When you saw it in your dreams, it wasn’t this vivid. The bed wasn’t a small twin because you both fit on it. And newspapers weren’t taped to the windows. Because in your dreams, those aren’t needed. No one is watching the two of you there.
That’s how you want things to be. 
Through the radio -- that Sam bitched about connecting you to -- you ask Sam if he’s got anything.
“Not yet,” he replies. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing,” you shrug, then you freeze. Your back is to the doorway, but you feel Bucky when he enters the room. You don’t hear his footsteps and you imagine he wanted it that way, but you feel his soul just the same. There is no hiding one’s soul from its counterpart.
You turn around slowly, keeping your movements controlled. You don’t know who you’re about to meet. You know it’s Bucky, but…
“Heads up,” Sam comes through. “German Special Forces approaching from the south.”
“Understood,” Steve replies. He turns to look at you, realizing how quiet it’s gotten, only to find you standing in a staring match with your soulmate.
You should say something. Anything. But you can’t think of a damn thing right now.
After all this time, he’s standing here. The hat over his head only makes you want to take it off so you can run your fingers through his hair. He’s layered in so many clothes, most of them baggy. Hiding in plain sight is easier than some think, and he looks like he’s mastered it. No wonder you couldn’t find him for two years.
“Do you know me?” Steve’s voice breaks the tense silence, slicing right through the air.
Bucky’s eyes move from yours to Steve’s. His expression remains blank, giving away nothing. “You’re Steve.” He nods to the notebook in Steve’s hand. “I read about you in a museum.”
Sam’s voice comes back through. “They’ve set the perimeter.”
“I know you’re nervous,” Steve presses on. You feel useless standing here, saying nothing. Rendered speechless by the mere sight of your soulmate. “And you have plenty of reason to be.”
Finally, you find your words. “You’re lying.” Bucky’s eyes snap back to yours. “I can feel it.”
“You can feel it?” Bucky asks incredulously, the first emotion he’s shown since he saw you.
You nod. “I’m your soulmate.” 
Your voice shakes as you say it. Somewhere along the past two years, you had worked up the perfect fantasy in your head. The one where he’d recognize you immediately, hug you tightly, and say how glad he was to see you after all this time. The one where he’d turn to Steve and thank him for keeping his promise, for finding you.
But in every single fantasy, you never predicted what he says next.
“I don’t have a soulmate,” he says firmly. “I don’t know who you are.”
Before you have time to let yourself be upset over that, Sam’s voice returns. “You guys better hurry up with whatever the hell you’re doing.”
“Shut it, Sam,” you bite back.
“I wasn’t in Vienna,” Bucky says, looking at Steve. “I don’t do that anymore.”
“I know you don’t,” you murmur, causing Bucky’s attention to shift back to you. “I know it wasn’t you.”
“What do you mean you know?” Bucky asks again.
“I told you,” you try to keep your voice even, but you can feel his lies. You don’t know why he’s lying. You know these circumstances aren’t ideal as a first meeting, but neither was D.C., and you still dealt with it. You’re not asking him to kiss you right now. You just want him to admit he recognizes your face. “My name is Y/N. I’m your soulmate. Steve is your best friend. You made him promise that he’d find me, and he did.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Again, Sam interrupts the conversation. “They’re entering the building.”
“Got it,” you reply. Now isn’t the time to talk to Bucky about this. You can be upset with him for lying later -- and figure out why he’s lying, too. Not right now, though.
“Listen, the people who think you were in Vienna are coming now,” Steve gets the conversation back on track. “They’re not planning on taking you alive.”
“That’s smart,” Bucky replies without hesitation. You feel it in your chest. His acceptance. “Good strategy.”
“I’m not letting you die,” you hiss, nearly adding you son of a bitch at the end.
“They’re on the roof. I’m compromised,” Sam’s frantic voice comes through the radio.
“This doesn’t have to end in a fight, Buck,” Steve says, near pleading.
You listen to the footsteps circling all around, your hand already pulling out your gun.
Bucky slips off his gloves, revealing his metal hand. “It always ends in a fight.”
“Five seconds.”
“Shit,” you curse under your breath, seeing shadows outside. You’re caged in. “Goddamn it.”
“You pulled me from the river!” Steve argues. “Why?”
Bucky’s answer is full of lies. “I don’t know.”
“Three seconds.”
“Yes, you do,” Steve counters, clearly as fed up as you, but there’s no time left to argue.
Your heart is pounding, and despite Bucky’s insistence that he doesn’t know who you are, you still don’t feel so panicked that you want to shut down. You’re ready for the fight. Especially if it’s for him.
“Breach! Breach! Breach! Get the hell out of there!”
Grenades launch through the windows. You smack one right back out the shattered glass with the side of your gun, hearing it explode midair. Steve hits another with his shield. Bucky kicks the last over to Steve who covers it just in time, controlling the blast.
Bucky grabs you by the shoulders and wrenches you away from the window, just in time to miss a gunshot. His wide eyes stare down at you, almost like his reaction was involuntary. You’re grateful nonetheless, but there’s no time for exchanging thank yous.
You turn and kick the table, the added support from Bucky’s arm sending it flying and blocking the door. 
Men swing in through the broken windows, firing rounds as fast as their weapons will let them. Bucky handles one, watching in bewilderment as you handle the other. Yours is knocked out cold in seconds thanks to Steve’s shield.
Another comes in through the back door that Steve takes care of, but not before Bucky starts trying to run, shoving the guy out onto the roof.
“Buck, stop!” Steve pulls him backwards by his arm. “You’re gonna kill someone!”
In such a quick movement that it makes you gasp, Bucky has Steve pinned to the floor. He punches the floorboard directly next to Steve’s head, pulling out a backpack.
He’s been planning for this day. Probably since the first day he moved in. Ready to run. Your other dream makes sense now. In it, you’re always chasing after him, but in an open field. It always ends the same, with him catching you in his arms. But you know reality won’t play out that way.
“I’m not gonna kill anyone,” Bucky says, looking up at you, for what reason you aren’t sure. He tosses the backpack out the door without looking.
“What the hell?” You say, mostly to yourself.
Another guard comes through the window, and once again, Bucky grabs you and hauls you over to him. This time he holds you into his chest, using his metal arm to block the bullets before Steve covers you both with the shield. Too much is happening for you to register the way he’s protecting you again, but he stops doing it before you can even blink.
Bucky sends Steve flying out the window on top of one of the men. 
You give him a look and yell, “Seriously?!” but you’re cut off when his eyes widen, catching sight of the other gunman coming inside.
Bucky shoves you behind him, using his metal hand to block the bullets until he can knock the guy down. You kick the other in the chest, and Bucky finishes the job with a cinderblock.
“Damn,” you mutter, your train of thought ending when a gun outside the door begins shooting the hinges. “Fuck!”
Bucky moves you behind him again, his arm steadying you when he realizes he pushed you a little too hard. His eyes are apologetic, but given everything he’s said to you, you think you might be fantasizing again.
Bucky shoves the door forward when they try to break it down, effectively taking down three guards with it. He shields you once again when a man breaks through the ceiling, firing at Bucky. 
“If you don’t know me, then why the fuck are you protecting me!” You yell, shoving Bucky away angrily. He barely moves, but it’s enough for you to start firing at some of the guards. Not headshots, because you aren’t that cruel, but enough to slow them down.
Bucky ignores your question and grabs onto the man still hanging from the ceiling, using him to swing down. He looks back up at you, almost remorseful, but you glare at him.
Steve returns in time to crush one of the radios a man was using to give information on Bucky’s whereabouts. He grabs you around the waist and jumps down to Bucky’s level.
You elbow the guy in the back of the neck as hard as you can, and Bucky’s expression is grateful.
You must be seeing things.
Guards are flung in every direction. Steve catches one from falling all the way to the bottom, giving Bucky a stern look as he throws the man back into the wall. You almost laugh at Steve’s “Come on, man.”
While you’re busy fighting and firing, Bucky jumps down the middle of the damn stairwell like an idiot. You hear him scream when he catches his arm on one of the railings, pulling himself up to the floor.
You kick another guard in the chest, knocking him out cold when his head connects to the concrete wall.
You run down the steps as fast as you can, narrowly avoiding shots and firing some of your own over your shoulder. You reach Bucky’s floor just in time to see him jumping from the window.
“Son of a bitch,” you curse. Heights are not your thing. They’ve never been your thing. And Bucky just jumped who knows how many stories down to the roof of the adjacent building.
Guards are closing in on you. Steve is occupied with another group. You don’t have any other option.
“Oh, fuck it,” you cuss, running forward, giving yourself no time to think about it before you jump.
Your legs flail as you soar through the air. You search the roof of the building down below and see Bucky’s backpack, but you don’t see him.
“Shit!” Your feet barely connect with the side of the roof before Bucky is catching you, rolling with you in his arms, but careful not to crush you with his weight.
“Are you out of your fucking mind?” He yells, shoving you off of him.
“Are you out of yours?” You fire back with just as much venom, elbowing him in the ribs. “Why do you keep protecting me? I thought you didn’t know me, huh?”
“I don’t,” Bucky grits out, grabbing his backpack.
From above you see a shadow. With what feels like natural instincts, you tackle Bucky to the ground, resulting in a very pissed off look, until he sees what just landed on the roof.
“A cat?” You mutter. “What the fuck is going on?” You raise your gun and fire, but the bullet ricochets. “A bulletproof cat. Great.”
Bucky growls and throws you off of him. “Stay behind me,” he orders.
“Fuck off,” you hiss.
Yet another fight begins. 
Whoever the person is, they aren’t interested in you at all. Their focus is entirely on Bucky, which leaves you hiding behind some sort of pipe system while you wait for Sam or Steve.
“Southwest rooftop,” you say through the radio. “Bucky’s fighting some...cat.”
“Cat?” Sam calls back. “What the hell?”
“About to find out,” Steve mutters, and seconds later you feel his bodyweight thud onto the roof.
But then, as if there isn’t enough going on, a helicopter comes overhead.
“For fuck’s sake,” you groan, staying crouched and firing up at the copter’s tail rotors. “Sam? Little help?”
“Got him,” he replies, and a few seconds later, the helicopter is literally kicked out of the way.
You straighten and keep firing, worsening the damage, but unfortunately not enough to knock it out of the sky. Bucky manages to throw the cat off of him, giving him enough time to do more jumping, which only makes you more pissed off with him. 
Does he just love parkour or something?
“He jumped, Steve.” You start running toward the edge and Steve joins you a second later. “Are we?”
Steve nods. “Hang on,” he says, grabbing you around the waist again before he jumps from the roof. 
You squeeze your eyes shut, only opening them when you feel the two of you hit the ground.
“You okay?” Steve asks when the two of you break into a sprint.
“Fine,” you mutter, seeing Bucky up ahead, but then, just like that, he disappears, having jumped again. “I’m not cut out for this!” You scream, holding onto Steve again as you both sail down onto the busy street below.
Running like it’s the only thing you know how to do, you mentally punch Bucky in the face a thousand times for acting the way he is. How can he protect you one moment and swear he doesn’t know you in the next? Talk about hypocrisy.
You follow behind Steve, swerving to avoid hitting cars as you run after Bucky.
“Stand down!” The police yell through the speakers on their car, the sirens only adding to your stimulation and pissing you off further. “Stand down!”
“Ready when you are,” you say, nodding to Steve. 
The two of you split up. Steve crashes into the windshield of the car and it screeches to a stop. Wrenching the door open, you shove the driver out, hopping in and locking the doors. Steve punches the rest of the windshield out of the way before sliding in, and you literally floor it.
Weaving in and out of the cars, you smack the sirens off in annoyance. This is not how you saw yourself spending today. Or how you saw seeing Bucky again turning out. This is ridiculous.
And the fucking cat. Who the hell even is that?
Speak of the devil, he latches himself onto the back of the car. 
“Seriously?” You mutter, swerving as best you can, but it’s hard in a tunnel, and you’re not trying to cause any wrecks with innocent citizens.
“Sam, we can’t shake this guy,” Steve calls out.
“Right behind you.”
But you don’t know how far behind he is, so you start some more counter measures when you see more police cars speeding up next to you. Even slamming the car into the others doesn’t knock the cat off, and now you’re pissed.
Up ahead, police are coming at you from the other direction. You spot Bucky jumping to the other side, and upon realizing the only thing blocking it is barrels, you swerve and take the same route.
Bucky loses time when he steals a motorcycle, giving you enough time to catch up to him, but the goddamn cat is still on the back of your car. And you’ll be damned if that guy gets to Bucky first.
Somehow, the cat manages to crawl over the car and attempt to latch onto Bucky, but Bucky fights him off just enough before Sam swoops in and grabs him — finally.
But the cat puts up a fight, nearly dragging Sam down. An explosion happens ahead, caused by Bucky, no doubt, and you see Sam fling the cat directly into it.
It isn’t enough.
With the rubble everywhere, you can’t drive anymore, so you and Steve abandon the car, jumping over large chunks of concrete. Steve speeds ahead, tackling the cat and pulling him away from literally clawing Bucky’s eyes out.
Bucky seems more pissed than pleased to see you, not that you can be bothered to care right now.
Steve holds his shield, keeping the cat away from Bucky. Sirens wail and close in on all of you. Bucky, much to your annoyance, steps forward to put his body in front of you, his metal arm crossing over your body in protection. The action would warm your heart had you not just jumped off buildings for him.
A silver Iron Man suit appears from the sky, landing in front of all of you, both hands raised and ready to fire. “Stand down. Now.”
Steve puts his shield away and raises his hands. You do the same, dropping your gun to the floor. They’re probably going to take it anyway.
“Congratulations, Cap, Y/N. You’re criminals.”
“Who the hell are you?” You ask.
You don’t get an answer before men are storming forward and practically throwing Bucky to his knees. You’re shoved away by one of them and you hiss when your arms are wrenched behind your back. Bucky jerks himself out of their grasp, only to punch the guard that was rough with you. The guard lays unconscious on the ground with a broken, bloody nose, Bucky’s chest heaving as he’s shoved back to the ground.
You’re too stunned to resist arrest.
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closer-stars · 3 years
Heart of Depth (2)
Member: Yeosang Genre: Action, Slice of Life, Fantasy, Fluff, a little tension. Genshin Inspired AU Word Count: ~12k Requested: Sort of yeah Content: Yeosang x MC development. More world building. Food stuff. A little bit of crime stuff, some history, some art info dump, some typical genshin shenanigans Note: this was done way before, I’m already 90% done with part 3 but I kinda got bored while focusing on IRL things that i decided to post this. Enjoy folks.  Network: @ateezlovenet Tag list: @barsformars @miniyeo @jeongyunhoed @yeekies @yeotlny @frankenstein852 @shinyddeonghwa @prodbyteez @yeochikin @yeocult @harubirus
Part 1
It’s been a few weeks since Wooyoung finally met Yeosang. While Wooyoung was mostly impressed with his background, there were a lot of mixed feelings from your end. For starters, he doesn’t stop talking about Yeosang and his job to you. 
“Listen, he’s loaded.” Wooyoung tells you back in your apartment. It’s not that you didn’t believe him, in fact you did. It’s just the way Wooyoung is processing the entire thing made it seem unrealistic. Since Wooyoung found out he works at one of the most popular art museums in the region, he’s been pestering you about it nonstop. 
“Wooyoung, I’m not saying that I don’t believe you but really, with the clothes he wears and how he carries himself, it’s not unbelievable that he’d be rich…” You say as you make yourself a cup of instant coffee. To most, they’d be surprised with how you choose to make instant coffee when you know how to make other types of coffee with ease. It’s just more convenient and less work for your head. It won’t give you the same caffeine boost as the coffee you make in your work but it’ll do for now. 
“And you didn’t tell me this because…?” He trails off, dumbfounded at how you were so nonchalant about this. Well, maybe nonchalant isn’t the right word but you were a little too unaffected about this. He has a feeling that there’s more to this man, he just can’t place what it is exactly. Wooyoung does find the guy trustworthy, but there’s still something beneath the surface and that’s what bothers him. 
You raise your shoulders at his question. “I just.. Didn’t see any point in telling you? Like, Wooyoung let’s be real,” you say as you write down how much you’ve made today. “What’s him being rich got to do with us? He’s a good person yeah but at least his money keeps my shop afloat with his daily purchases. If he wants me to make bulk orders then I’ll gladly consider it.”  
He had to give that to you, your business was doing great too, judging by the money on the table. But he can’t help it, there’s something about Yeosang that tells him he’s not as regular as he makes himself out to be. There’s only so much that research and studying can tell you but to be able to talk about history as if he’s been there to experience it firsthand? Sounds fishy. He drops the topic though, seeing how you’re starting to struggle with the money. “So slow.” Wooyoung teases as he gets the cash box from you, as he starts to flip through the bills.
You roll your eyes at his teasing, kicking his shin under the table. “Even if I was slow, you enjoy my food and drinks so either way, we’re even.” You shoot back. You count the stacks he makes on the table and do the basic math that your brain can comprehend. Despite how infuriating he can get, you have to admit he’s really someone you can depend on. 
Something in Wooyoung’s head clicks when he realizes that this was your closing routine every night. “You’re closing up early today?.” He asks, looking up at you from the stacks of coins. “Yeah uh,” You stammer out. “I’m uh, meeting up with someone..” You mumble. Even to you, it feels unreal that you’re catching feelings for someone. Someone who honestly just feels way too out of your league. Yet, here he is, sharing the same interest towards you and he’s about to see you in two hours time. 
The mention of the date makes Wooyoung’s eyebrow quirk upwards, a lopsided smile on his features growing. “Oh, with Yeosang?” He asks, crossing his arms across his chest. If he could take a photo of you sulking at him, he would for future blackmail purposes-- he’d also send it to Yeosang. 
The mention of the man that has been making your heart race a little more than it should makes you hit his calf with the tip of your shoe. He doesn’t yelp so you coat the tips of your fingers with ice and tap the back of his neck, giving you the reaction you wanted. “Yes, it’s with him and please…” you already know what he was about to say, so you beat him to it. “I doubt it would blossom into something more..” Even to you, you don’t sound that convincing. You hope for something more but you know better. 
At how flustered you look, he can’t help but chuckle lightly. It’s nice to see you show interest in someone in that light. Even if he’s still a little hesitant about Yeosang’s energy, he wants to trust your judgement. If anything happens, you know how to defend yourself. “I won’t push. You know what I’ll say anyways.” Once everything’s been accounted for, the two of you close up the shop for the night then head home. 
The entire walk home, you let Wooyoung recount the conversation he had with Yeosang when they met. You wondered too how Yeosang and San found your best friend. The two of you were opposites but somehow it made sense. At one point, you kind of zone out of his stories, thinking of what to wear for tonight. 
Wooyoung doesn’t really mind you zoning out. The two of you appreciate the alone time, you more than him sometimes. In a sense, it also helps Wooyoung to make sense of his thoughts when he thinks out loud. 
The two of you arrive at your apartment and already you make a beeline to your room. You got roughly an hour to prepare now. 
“Just wear something comfortable.” Yeosang reassures.
“Yeosang, comfortable can mean sweats or just jeans.” You point out, while you also had slacks, those were usually set aside for more formal stuff. 
“Fine, not sweats.” He laughs softly only to stop at the look of mild panic in your face. “I promise, it’s nothing expensive.” 
You mutter as you change out of your work clothes and into something more appropriate. You wiggle around your room, trying to find something appropriate and it’s a little unfortunate that you room has become a little messy from all the clothes you’ve been trying on. It took a little while to look presentable but you think you did well once you give yourself a once over on the mirror. 
Wooyoung already barged into your room, already nagging you for taking so long. “You got less than an hour to get to your--- oh my god your room.” He says, his features dropping into one of horror as he takes in how your room looks. 
“I’ll clean it up when I get back.” You beat him to it as you grabbed your bag. “What do you think?” You ask, shifting his attention from your room to you. His eyes scan your look closely then eyes your accessories. Without even saying anything else, he goes through the mess and picks up another bag.
“This goes better with your outfit.” 
“Isn’t it a bit too big?” 
“Who are you going on a date with tonight?”
“It’s not a date--”
You sigh. “Yeosang, so?”
“Use it. I’m telling you, that guy has a lot of money on him. You might bring home more things than expected.” He points out. “Also, make sure you wear your boots.” It made sense that Wooyoung would have more fashion sense than you. It just did. 
“I’m not bringing him home!” You take the bag regardless and put your belongings in it. 
He snorts at how you understood his words. “Not like that! I do trust you’d do it responsibly! But, that’s not my point. Just have fun okay?” He walks you towards the door. “If anything happens, call me.” 
At his shift from insufferable to endearing, you decide to spoil him with a peck to his cheek. “I know. I brought a spare key also in case you get too tired from staying up.” 
He scoffs at your words. “Go, have fun.”
It was short sighted of you to forget to bring a jacket. The area Yeosang told you to meet him at was rather chilly especially at night. As you wait for him, you look around, the shops that lined up across you looked expensive. Did you bring enough money? Well you had a credit card but you only used it for emergencies. You doubt you could even buy one item from any of these shops. Maybe one day. 
[ Yeosang to You ] Are you there?
[ You to Yeosang ] Yes! Are you here already? curious_ryan
You don’t know why you added an emoji to your message but you did. Once sent, you look around for the familiar black haired male. 
[ Yeosang to You ] 2 minutes. 
You lean against the wall, eyes still roaming around for the tall man. Truthfully, you wondered where he could be and what he was wearing since this was his idea after all. It’s up to what he wears that could decide if you wore too much or too little. You spot the raven-haired man from a few feet away; in a striped pull over and slacks as well. Though it looked just as casual as he said it would, his shoes seemed to make his outfit look more put together. You hope you looked okay. Once he gets a little closer, you wave your hand a bit to get his attention and it does. 
“There you are.” He says softly, tipping his head politely to you. You take a few steps forward, greeting him warmly. It felt a little weird to meet him outside work but that’s the reason why the two of you are here. 
“How was work?” You ask him, just like how you would back in your shop. 
He gestures for you to walk with him, wherever it will be. “Same as per usual; scheduling field trips for high school students, collections from other countries and collectors coming in, restoring a few pieces and the like.” He returns with what you could assume was an exasperated sigh. 
“It sounds like it was more than just the usual.” You point out as you look at the stores. “Where are we going exactly?” 
“It’s the usual for me I suppose, maybe except for the field trips. Other than that, it’s routine for me.” You remember how he would talk about art restoration along with art collections coming in from foreign partners. It wasn’t an easy task for sure, maybe that’s why he didn’t mind staying for hours in the shop. “As for your question, there’s a small night market outside this mall. Nothing too flashy, just a lot of unique things that you might like as well.” You genuinely didn’t take him to be someone who would be into markets, based on his outfit that he feels your surprised gaze on him. “Is something wrong?” He asks. You shake your head at his concern.
“I just didn’t take you to be the type to like markets.” Well, for one, you know he’s rich and he’s wearing clothes that you can only assume are made to order. Two, even if you don’t really listen to Wooyoung’s insistent ‘He’s Rich and here’s Why’ tirades, you picked up a thing or two from it. 
He takes no insult from your words and actually laughs behind a loose fist. “I’ve received those words a lot in the past. To be honest, it’s thanks to San and his lover that I’m more open to things now.” Back then, he was still in the dark about what the people like, intellectualizing everything to the point of disconnect. It took them having to explain things to him over and over until he understood things. “Though, old habits do die hard.” He continues, referring to his clothes. “But I have learned a lot.” 
There’s something in his words that tells you there’s more. Your attention shifts to his clothes as he gestures to his pullover. You catch a glimpse of the brand name and in doing so, your heart drops. You know that name. An outfit there can cover two months worth of rent for your shop. Maybe even the bills.
That’s how the rest of the night goes: Yeosang showing you around the market, showing you various treats to the senses. There were various stalls that you fell for, buying a few of their products but you stopped yourself from over indulging in the purchases-- some merely out of impulse, some for the mere fact it just looked pretty. “Why don’t you buy it?” Yeosang asks as he catches you eyeing a small bottle of perfume. 
“Hm?” You aren’t startled by his strange ability to slip in and out of your sight every so often now. This market has such a vast amount of products, that one would easily lose sight of their companions if they didn’t pay attention. Thankfully, he was tall enough for you to find him when needed. “Oh, well, I still have a bottle I use back at home. I don’t think I need another one just yet.” You shift your gaze to him, and you see he has bought quite a number of items. “Do you want to eat dinner already?” 
“I was about to ask you. It is rather late.” He notes with a glance at his watch. 
“Let’s go? I’m kind of hungry now as well.” 
“Any preference?” He asks, offering his arm for you to hold to which you don’t turn down.
“As long as it isn’t anything expensive.” 
Now why did this restaurant look expensive? 
You were seated a little further inside the establishment. The seats were comfortable, privacy was assured and the music playing overhead wasn't Today’s Top 40. You were certain it was jazz. “I thought I said anything that isn’t expensive..” You say, unknowingly pouting at the man across you. 
“Consider this as thanks.” He says simply, not even looking up from the menu. The in-house steak sounds lovely, especially at this time. 
You look up from the menu, confused at his words. “For what?” You don’t remember what you did to result in such a lavish meal-- you don’t even remember what you ate for breakfast today. A small part of you wishes Wooyoung could be here too, he would’ve loved to try out the dishes here. 
“Putting trust in me to be considered a good friend of yours.” Yeosang says, it’s only then that he looks up from his menu. “Have you decided on what to eat?” He shifts the conversation to you upon noticing the confusion still etched on your face. 
“Uh, well. I’m not sure what I should order” Also known as, everything’s expensive but also they sound good. You were bouncing between the pasta, beef and the fish, unsure of which one would be better for you. 
“Anything that you were eyeing?” He presses. Odd enough, he can tell when you’re holding your tongue now. While he doesn’t force you to say what’s really in your mind at times, you’re human, your body has limits as well. An empty stomach carries repercussions that would probably have Wooyoung on his head.
At his question, you tell him your options. He asks about your diet preferences and your appetite for the night until he finds a good dish for you for tonight. Once all that is over, the two of you are left alone once again. “So, my dear, what did you get in the market?” He asks you, leaning a little forward, hoping for a bit of a peek into what fancied your interests. 
You look at the small bags that came with your purchases, wondering which one first to show him. “Oh I just got those small perfume bottles,” you start, pulling the box out of the bag. “It’s not much but it was such a lovely scent.” You start to gush over the purchase. It took you some time to decide on purchasing it, as it was your last purchase for the night. 
He picks up the box, looking at the details of the perfume, noting all the things about it. Truthfully, he didn’t think you were into this but he’s up for surprises from you. Also, San’s into this brand as well, he didn’t think they made perfume bottles in such small sizes. He hands back the perfume to you, a pleasant hum leaving his curved lips. There’s always something for him to learn. 
“What about you?” You ask him as you keep your purchase away. “What did you buy?”
Yeosang looks at the small bag he had by his side. He lets you bring it out of the bag. You peek inside first, confused to see a few envelopes of varying sizes. “What are these? Are you sure I can open these?” You ask, picking a small envelope, the length just roughly around the same as your hand. When you see him nod, you carefully pull up the flap. Being greeted by a strip of colored paper behind a cream colored paper confused you, so you carefully pull it out of its confines only to gasp at the quality. 
It’s a watercolor painting. It looks like a flower, something you’ve never seen before. The color was soft against the cream paper yet it was so lively, as if you could tell how the petals could feel under your fingertips. He sees the shock on your face, smiling a little at the sight of how wide your eyes get. “They’re all paintings, you can look through whatever fancies your curiosity.” His words make you feel like a deer in the headlights. 
“Where did you get these? I didn’t see an artist in the market…” You mumble in thought. You’d like to get one for your shop too. “What flower is this?” You ask Yeosang, holding up the painting you initially chose. Finding entertainment in watching how you look at art results in his eyes taking a while to adjust to the art in front of him. 
“Ah this, it’s called a Névé Jewel. It’s rare to find them now but the artist, a good friend of mine in the market knows of the flower and managed to create this painting. No one else seemed to want it so I got it for myself along with a few other works.” He explains. “If you wish to have work made by him, I can easily arrange that should he leave the market after we’re done with dinner.” As he was about to continue his explanation, the food started to arrive. As you return his purchases, you check the time, it didn’t take as long as you would’ve thought. The flash of warm light from your phone catches his attention. Even at an angle, he can kind of depict what the photo is. “Apologies for the question but is that your family?” 
After thanking the staff for serving your meals, you let him see your wallpaper, though you cover the image of a child you from his view. “Yeah, it’s an old photo of my parents, and I.” 
“How are they now?” He asks, studying the photo like he would with artwork. The sunlight casting shadows over your mother’s hat, your father squinting through the glare, probably done at high noon. The wall definitely was a product of its time, bricks but covered over with a huge mural. He’s unsure if this was shot here or in another country, regardless, it’s evident it came from a much simpler time. 
“Well…” There’s something in your voice that makes Yeosang quiet. The wistful tone is something he knows too well and not something he wants to bring at the first dinner with you. Maybe he shouldn’t have asked such a question. 
“If you don’t want to talk about it, we can change the subject.” He immediately adds after the gap. He gestures at your meal, not wanting it to go cold. 
You shake your head at his concern. “It’s okay, it’s been roughly a decade now.” You explain as you pick up your utensils. “They’ve passed on now, it’s why I live with Wooyoung.” After your family’s passing, Wooyoung’s family took you in as one of theirs. It’s why you and Wooyoung can pass off as siblings now. 
As he takes makes sure he gets a spoonful of the pasta, he smiles a little at your words. “If you didn’t tell me that the two of you weren’t related, I would’ve thought otherwise.” Yeosang’s voice takes on a teasing tone, a subtle attempt to bring back a smile of joy on your features. 
You make a face, carrying no malice but rather fake annoyance. “Oh dear, that means he’s rubbed off on me.” You carefully cool off your meal before tasting it. It really was a good idea to bring a few extra in your wallet. “What about you? What’s your family like?” 
“Well,” He takes a moment or two to eat before continuing. “I suppose, just like you, they’ve passed on when I was younger. It’s been just San and I since then.” People he considered to be his family have passed on, or have retired from the outside world. Regardless, it has left him in a rather lonely state at times. While there are memories he is fond of, who else is there to share these memories? 
The two of you share stories, at least the happier ones, about each other’s families. How it was your dad who instilled in you an affinity for art, your mom teaching you history a little more entertaining than your teachers did. Yeosang shares his stories as well, his brother being a reason for his inquisitive nature that eventually grew into his work. He also talks of how his older teacher taught him the tricks and trades of business. Despite living well off, it was really his siblings who had more or less raised him as his parents were often or rather always, working. Eventually the business of art rested on his shoulders, as he was the only one who had an interest in it. You wondered if he was aware of how much money the business gave him before he signed into this. Come to think of it, there’s only two families that have a hold on the art business. Surely he’s from one of them? 
Come to think of it, you still don’t know his last name. 
“Are you alright? Is the food okay?” He asks you after the stories have ended. That’s when you realized that you had spaced out in your thoughts in the middle of the meal. “Huh? Oh! Yes, i’m fine. Sorry I was thinking...” You continue to eat what’s left of your meal. “Because you said you took over the art business in the museum right? There’s only two families I can think of that has a hold on the art business industry here: Kang and Song.” 
He chuckles lightheartedly, a little pleased to know that even until now his family is this impactful. “Ah, the Song. They’re a lovely bunch, the next in line is rather clumsy outside of formalities, it’s rather cute to see.” His comment makes you stare at him in disbelief. That leaves the option left is Kang. Kang Yeosang. 
You’re eating with The Kang Yeosang. 
The Kang family has been a pioneer in art restoration especially in works prior to the 1400s. Their own art collection were always pieces hard to find anywhere else-- either due to human’s hubris or due to nature, the way they’re able to keep them in pristine condition as much as possible. You don’t know how they’re able to find some of the artifacts, or how they have the rarest pieces but it’s one of the reasons why they’ve amassed such wealth. Curating in a popular museum, restoring old pieces, tours from not only students but also from diplomats, scholars while being funded to keep security at its peak by the government. It makes sense. It’s been a dream of yours to work in the National Museum and here you are, eating dinner with the owner of what could be more than 60% of the collection in the museum.
He watches the gears in your head click and the realization set in your eyes. He says nothing but flash a bright smile once he knows you know the answer. “I hope this doesn’t complicate our friendship.” He admits earnestly. 
You reassure him, with much fervor that it doesn’t. It just makes you respect him a lot more. It’s not easy to keep a bit of a low profile and privacy yet he’s able to do so. Shit, Wooyoung’s right then, a mental note to make up for your lack of reaction and doubt was stored away. So the rest of the meal goes by with you asking Yeosang how it is to handle a museum, knowing how things have been lately. 
He sighs a little, the recent rise in art theft has been the bane of his existence since day 1. The amount of artworks he had to keep from sticky fingers, the security of those works is where a good portion of his money goes. He fears the day more works end up in the wrong hands. “We do what we can. It’s not easy but we’ve upped the security in and out of the premises.” He reassures you. There’s comfort in meeting someone who loves art just as much as he and the staff outside of work. “Maybe in the near future, I can give you a private tour.” He casually passes his credit card to a staff member, as both of you are now finished with the meal.
If he was asking you on a date, it’s already a yes in your book. 
“I’d like that.” You admit, unable to hide the excited grin on your lips. “Though, as thanks for the meal. If you want dessert, can I pay for it this time?” He didn’t give you enough time to react to the fact he had just paid for your meal. Might as well make up for it, somehow. 
On the way to a dessert spot, the two of you decide to stop by the market in hopes of seeing his friend. “Oh hey!” Yeosang’s friend greets him upon realizing who’s right in front of him as he puts away some of his earnings from a recent sale. 
“Hey Seonghwa, so my friend here discovered your works and wanted to see them so I brought them here.” The man next to you explains. You see some of his works on display, all of them were in various sizes, some bigger than the pieces Yeosang had bought. Yeosang catches the curious gaze of his friend on you then at him to which Yeosang shakes his head, not wanting to keep anyone's hopes up. 
“They’re so pretty…” You say softly as you gaze at the larger pieces in awe. Seonghwa has created watercolor pieces of scenery, places you have yet to see, some look dreamlike. The smaller pieces are of various plant life, one of them looks similar to the flower piece you peeked at from Yeosang’s purchases earlier. “How much are the small works?” 
Seonghwa looks at the general direction of your gaze. “The flowers are fifty thousand while the terrain’s at sixty thousand.” You weren’t so surprised at the prices but you had to pick one or the other. 
Your lips press into a thin line in thought. “What do you think, Yeosang?” You ask. “I’m thinking of hanging one of them up in my shop.” Truthfully, the flowers would look good considering the plants you’ve cared for in your shop. The terrain on the other hand would stand out in all the good ways. 
“Perhaps the floral one would suffice. It suits the ambiance of your shop as well.” Yeosang notes. You trust his judgement with this-- he handles a museum after all, and you fish out your wallet.
“That’s a lovely bracelet you got there.” Seonghwa gasps, awed by the beauty. He knows what that is, eyes flitting to the archon a little too quickly before shifting again to you. His words bring you flattery that you accept. 
“It’s from my mom.” You simply explain, ears a little pink from the sudden attention on you. The blond male doesn’t miss your bashful ears that he chuckles lightly behind his hand and drops the topic. 
“Your mother has quite an eye.” He simply says as he hands you your change. “Thank you for buying a work from me.” With that said, the two of you make your way to an ice cream parlor. 
You let Yeosang look at the various flavors on display. “Before anything, I’m paying.” You remind him. It’s how determined you are to repay his kindness that produces a light laugh from him. 
“Very well.” He returns his attention to the display, pondering on his options for the moment. “I’ll get the injeolmi and red bean in a cup. Two scoops please?” He asks. He stays by your side as you order, curious by the other flavors. If he remembers right, San loves the mint chocolate with the popping candy. 
As you wait for your turn, your phone buzzes with a message. 
[ Wooyoung to You ] How are you? 
You smile at his worry. 
[ You to Wooyoung ] Cheeky_ryan.emoji
[ You to Wooyoung ] One of these days, you need to go here with me. It’s so pretty here.
[ You to Wooyoung ] Also buying ice cream right now hehe. 
You pay for your orders, and let Yeosang choose a spot to sit for the next hour or so. You put your purchases right next to you as your lips widen into a giddy smile. It’s been a while since you last had ice cream too. 
“Oh yeah. Now that we’ve settled in a good spot in this shop.” He hands you the same envelope that had the terrain you were in turmoil over earlier. “Consider it a gift.” He reasons when he sees how you were about to turn down such an offer. A smile of triumph brightens his entire face when he sees you give in to his request. You look cute sulking at him when you know you can’t turn down his offers. “The thing Seonghwa noticed, he’s got a good eye for jewelry.” It took eons for him to have such specialized sight but it’s been an asset since he could remember. ���It’s something your mother gave you, yes?” 
You show him the bracelet from your seat. “It’s an ancestral piece,” You admit. It’s the most watered down way you can explain without showing too much of yourself to someone. Since their death, you’ve become a lot more private about your family life when it pertains to them, but when it comes to your family life with Wooyoung you can easily talk about it. Here’s the kicker though, why were you so willing to share things with him? 
Honestly, you didn’t know the whole name of the bracelet. You only vaguely remember it being called Aurora so that stuck with you until now. At night, the pearl shines brighter, when you use your cryo vision for whatever reason, the light inside the pearl pulsates. In a well lit room like where you are, it looks like an average pearl. It was one of the things your mother told you to hold dear before seeing them for the last time. 
The male senses your inability to remember clearly along with your discomfort. A part of him reprimands himself for letting his desire to know get the better of him. You are your own person. He has to remind himself of this over and over. “You don’t have to tell me everything, I do respect your privacy.” He says softly. 
“Yeosang?” You ask. The tone makes him stiffen, worried for having hurt you in such a short span of time. 
You prod at your ice cream for a moment, trying to find the words. “I mean, considering how historical the museum is. Has there been times where artworks have been stolen?” It was a valid question, most museums you know through the years have attempted thievery one way or another. Some works never find their way back home; you wondered if the same has happened to his museum. 
“Oh of course.” There’s a bit of relief in hearing you shift the conversation. A little bit of dread since this is a difficult thing to deal with. “Before I became the head, a group did an art heist. Around ten works were stolen, until now we don’t know where they are.” 
This somehow surprises you. You know how tight the security is in that museum even without knowing Yeosang’s hand in the museum, the security there was rather strict too. “What?” 
“Yes, a number of works that are considered rarities were stolen. Not a lot of people know that these artists did such works either.” Under the jurisdiction of his predecessor, they kept the frames of the missing works up, hoping that one day they’ll get them back. Yeosang knows otherwise at this point. “Truthfully speaking, I have my doubts they’ll return in one piece if at all.” Yeosang continues. “It’s been decades, if I remember right, since those works were stolen.” Artworks gone for decades usually end up in the same place one way or another. If they’re lucky, they know where it is. The only problem is revealing how they know and why they know, usually. 
As he tells you about the works, you search them up on your phone. These are works centuries before you were born only to be stolen decades before your birth. Despite the time difference, the impact it left on the art world seems to be immense. It explains the growing levels of security in museums around the world, among many other things. 
“How do you know of these artworks? I haven’t heard of them.”
“With the people I work with, I have to know information like this.” Well that makes sense but why does he talk of these works as if he’s seen them? 
“But, it’s been...what.. Decades? Since it’s been seen, how is your memory that clear?” The way he describes it as you look at the painting on your phone, you pick up on details you would have missed but there’s something in his words that tells you something more. 
He stares at you, sweat already forming at the back of his neck as he tries to come up with a logical excuse. “I have the records, also the internet gives us the nearest accurate rendering of the paintings.” He explains, gesturing to your phone screen that displays one of the mentioned works. 
He’s got a point and you drop the topic. After a few more minutes of looking at the painting, you turn away from your phone, shifting your attention to your ice cream and to him. 
“The Ninth Wave by Ivan Aivazovksy”
“Judith Beheading Holofornes by Artemisia.. I don’t know how to pronounce her last name..” It was a little embarrassing that you didn’t know how to pronounce these names but you couldn’t really help but love the work. 
That was something he didn’t expect. He looks up the work you mentioned, along with the artist’s name, wanting to avoid possible confusion. “Ah, this work?” He asks, as he shows you his phone. At the sight of the work, you nod shyly but the spark in your eyes overpowers the bashful nature on your cheeks. He gives it a good look for a moment or two, studying what he can from such a small screen. The blood in the work’s dynamic, actively spurting out from the male’s neck while the women wrestle to keep him down to finish the act. The women don’t look disgusted by the action at all, rather they look determined. “Why so?” It’s uncommon but not rare, for people to like works that were rather morbid. He just didn’t take you to be someone to appreciate works like this. 
You gnaw on your spoon for a moment, trying to find the right words to say. Truthfully, you find it a little embarrassing to admit that this is your favorite work, not things like The Milkmaid by Vermeer or something more calming. “Uh, well,” you start off. “It’s not everyday really, that I see works made by women. Especially with the subject being someone who’s determined even in doing something morbid.” The reason behind the painting was just as violent, but could’ve been cathartic to the artist herself. To you, you want to do the same to those who have hurt you and your family. But hey, who would talk about that the first time they hang out right? “What about you?” You shift the topic almost immediately. “Why The Ninth Wave?”
Yeosang takes this moment to think for a moment or two, wondering what he should say. “Well,” he starts before scooping a small mouthful of the ice cream. “Seeing the ocean be so dynamic isn’t an everyday thing.” He lets the ice cream melt in his mouth for a moment before continuing. “People tend to forget that the ocean while giving, can take. We’re at its mercy, whether we like it or not. It’s a good reminder I suppose, that we’re not as invincible as we think we are.” 
You look closer at the artwork. It’s a handful of men, clinging onto what looks like planks of wood as they face a wave that looks tamed. You wonder why it’s called the Ninth Wave, seeing that the painting was washed with soft pinks, warm bright yellows and various shades of blues and greens. It looks much more peaceful than the description Yeosang gave. 
“A little ironic isn’t it?” He muses. A sheen of blue glowing softly in his eyes as he watches you study the painting with confusion. “You see, it’s an old sailing expression that means that another wave is coming. After the previous eight that were already big, the ninth one coming, much bigger than the last eight. The worst has yet to come but storm through it and then there will be peace.” He gestures to the faint wave just by the line of horizon. Indeed there’s still one more but the skies promise peace should they get through it. 
You jolt in your chair when you see what time it is. You’re hoping Wooyoung’s already asleep back in the apartment. “I’m sorry, but I have to head home. It’s already late and I usually open the shop early.” You explain as you stand up. Yeosang looks at you with alarm as you nearly stumble from the rush.
“I’ll drive you home.” 
“It’s late isn’t it? Going home alone isn’t safe, I’ll drive you home.” 
That’s how you ended up in his car, breezing through the wide streets as you direct him to where you live. “You don’t have the app?” You ask him as your eyes dart from building to building. You’ve been so used to using the trains and walking that you don’t really spend time looking up to see the bright signages and other restaurants. More things to explore in the future, perhaps. 
“What app?” Yeosang asks as he weaves through corners and light traffic. You take that as a cue to explain to him that there’s this app that tells you where to go when traffic in the main roads are too heavy or when an accident has happened to be aware of and the like. All of this while you eat what’s left of your ice cream. Though you did have to explain as well that while you don’t see any use for the app, Wooyoung’s workmate, Yunho, uses it and it’s been helpful for him when he oversleeps. 
Yeosang chortles at the reasoning. “Well, I might use that app then despite not being the type to oversleep.” He spots your apartment building, based on your descriptions earlier. “I suppose that is your place?” He looks around. This seems to be a few stops away from your coffee shop. The more he learns, he supposes. 
You sent Wooyoung a quick text saying you’d be home in five minutes should he still be awake. “Yes! That’s the building, you can just drop me off here.” You say as you look out the window to make sure there weren't any cars coming so you could hop off. 
“I’ll drive you there, just sit tight.” He reassures. The drive was smooth, stopping just by the entrance of the apartment complex with a pleasant smile. “At least I can tell San that I can still make a drive be pleasant.” At his words, you raise a questioning eyebrow at him. “Another story for another time, I’ll see you again soon I hope?” He asks. 
“Of course.” You return as you hop off the car. “Stay safe please?” You ask, as you wave at him. He shoots you this smile, and it’s enough to make your heart skip a beat. Too much that you have to remind yourself that the two of you are just friends, that regretting not having given him a kiss is not very friend-like. You watch him drive off until you can’t see the car anymore, by then you head inside back to the safety of your own abode. 
He arrives home, his mind still replaying the way you looked so flustered before he left. You were lovely in his eyes, that much he can admit. He tosses the keys on to the table. His coat shrugged off and hung somewhere. Coming home to an empty apartment after being with company and bright lights is a little disorienting. Maybe he should really invest in softer lighting for his home. He switches the lights on, and heaves a tired sigh. It’s been a long day but it was a fun one. Should he consider having you and Wooyoung room with him here? Granted, he already has a room for San whenever he’s in the mood for company as well. It’s been a ritual for him as well to let his place become a haven for those who have been injured through out the years. Perhaps that’s another thought for another day. 
As he prepares himself a cup of tea, he goes through the current happenings around him. It was a little alarming that reports of crime were shooting up, some of which bearing certain similarities that he hopes the officials catch soon. The crimes reported haven’t changed regardless of the presence of a god’s protection. He’ll also have to talk to the security in the museum to keep anything from being stolen. 
This reminds him to check on any emails concerning the museum and their upcoming events. Most of them were updates of planned exhibitions with other museums outside the country, along with events in partnership with brands in the country. It was rather tiresome really, same routine with every museum, every shop, anything to keep the museum running in ethical ways. Though he wonders how the gardens in the museum are coming along, the seasons are slowly changing and this means that some plants will have to be changed in order to keep up with appearances and health. 
His cup of tea was finally ready when he remembered to send you a message. 
[ Yeosang to You ] Hey, I’m finally home. I had fun today :) 
No less than five minutes did you manage to return the text. 
[ You to Yeosang ] I’m glad, I had fun too~ Sleep well! 
He finds himself smiling at your reply as he takes a sip. He had a feeling that tonight, he’ll be able to sleep well. 
Unknown to him and the rest of the staff, a small bud was already growing. 
“I got a proposition for you.” 
Whenever Wooyoung has those words come out of his mouth, you were sure it wasn’t a good idea. Regardless of the fear, you entertain his thoughts. “And what is it?” You ask, your focus on the ceramic mug that you dry in your hands. 
“What if I work with you here?” You were thankful for your reflexes for not falling lax at such an offer. The idea of Wooyoung working with you was okay to put it nicely but there was an important question you had to raise. 
“Why?” You ask him as you keep the clean mug away. It was a Wednesday, which meant business runs slow. This is also the reason as to why Wooyoung was in your shop and not at home catching up on sleep. 
“For starters, you work alone.” He says, raising his pointer finger. “Two, you’re practically dating Yeosang by now.” He raises his middle finger and it takes all your will power to not freeze his fingers off his hand. “Three, I want to help you with your work.” You admit, he’s got a good heart but you still want to freeze his hand off. 
“Do I have time to think about this?” You ask, keeping an eye on the students who seem to be preparing for a final just a few tables away from you. 
“Well, yeah you do cause you pretty much call the shots in this place.” Wooyoung returns with a shrug. “It’s just an offer.” he reminds you. “Oh yeah, is Yeosang coming today?” 
You eye him in confusion. “I hope so..? Why?” 
“Hope so, huh.” He repeats, a smug grin on his lips.
At his teasings, you let a rush of icy wind brush past the back of his neck, cold enough that snowflakes appear when he touches the skin. “We’re not dating! And yes, i do hope he comes in today or at least I think he will?” He didn’t really send you any message that says he won’t be able to make it today so you were rather confused. Then again, he and Yeosang have started to become good friends as well. San, though impressed, was just as alarmed considering how mischievous Wooyoung could get. 
“It’s nice to see Yeosang make friends outside his work. I’m glad you and Wooyoung came along.”  San said as he watches Yeosang fall for Wooyoung’s jokes and tricks. 
You on the other hand, were behind the counter, cleaning up the coffee machines. The high pitched laughter echoing in the room countered by embarrassed chuckles and feeble attempts to defend themselves. “You think so?” You ask. 
San catches onto your light hearted sarcasm and giggles. “Yeah. Guess you can say, you kind of opened him up to a world beyond what he knew. He’s been insistent in learning trends.” He continues. “Oh and don’t tell him i told you but he also wants to learn how you make your coffee. He can never get it like you do. Don’t be surprised if he ends his work early just to ask you to teach him how to make coffee.”
By then the two of you knew it was Yeosang’s way of spending time with you whenever work allowed the two of you to do so.
“Not dating yet.” He takes the extra effort to emphasize the ‘yet’. “Kid, I’m telling you,” he continues, not paying any mind to the lasers that shoot out of your eyes due to being called a Kid. “The two of you are going to date sooner or later.” 
Just as he finishes his sentence, San enters the premises. You stand up straight to welcome him just like any other customer but by now you also know his usual order. “Usual order?” You ask him, already ready to write his order on his cup. 
He shoots the two of you a cheeky smile. “Yeah, for me and Yeosang.'' The cheeky smile turns a little bashful now as he eyes the treats on display. “Can I also get the lavender blueberry sponge cake, two slices, to go? Yeosang’s been stressed with meetings today.” 
Hearing this, your eyebrows furrow in concern. “Would tea be better for him then?”
The male shakes his head. “Coffee might do him better for his work. If we got time to come by later, then yeah give him tea.” You and Wooyoung look at each other, slightly alarmed and worried for him but the explanation will come for another time. 
“Sure thing. “ With the payments out of the way, San and Wooyoung catch up as you prepare his orders.
“Something up?” Wooyoung asks, rather worried to see San be this concerned for Yeosang and also look just as stressed. 
San takes this moment to take a deep breath and deflate in his seat. “Some of the sponsors are being illogical along with some logistical problems for upcoming exhibitions so all of us are pressed for time and resources.” He runs his fingers through his hair, already tousled by the amount of times he’s been doing the same motion since this morning. “On top of that, a break in just happened near the museum so security measures have been heightened.” San says under his breath, not wanting anyone to overhear that statement.
Wooyoung looks at him in alarm, then looks at his phone for any updates on their area. He wonders if leaving you alone would be a good idea at this rate. “There’s nothing yet on social media..” He mutters, still concerned for you.
“The media’s on their way to cover the situation so give it around ten minutes.” San explains, by then you arrive at the table with his orders packed up for him to pick up and go. 
“Tell Yeosang, I said hi?” You say as you watch the two of them, sensing the tension in the air. “Something wrong?” 
San shakes his head for now. “Just the usual work stuff, thanks for the food, I have to get going now.” He picks up the bag and bids the two of you farewell. “I’ll send your regards as well.” He says before running out the door. 
You glance at Wooyoung and he shows his phone to you. “Besides stressful work issues, a break in happened nearby so their stress hasn’t been anything nice.” You read through the news article: nothing valuable was taken but everything’s in disarray. Though the museum’s a little further down the road from the break in, and further away from your shop, you’re a little worried for your own shop’s security as well. You also know how protective Wooyoung is of you. 
“Fine, you can work with me in this shop, your shift’s gonna depend on your availability as well since I know you have to create choreographies and teach them.” You state. He smiles a little too triumphantly this time, mostly due to the relief of knowing you’re safe and because he can keep you company as well. “This also means I have to teach you how to work these machines…” You note with a sigh, you were never confident in your teaching skills. 
“Hey don’t lose faith in me. I pick up quickly, don’t I?” Wooyoung croons with a proud smile. 
“Do you have a shift today in the studio?” You ask as you look through the cabinets. 
“No why?” The answer to his question is an apron tossed in his direction.
“Good, I’m teaching you today then, get your butt over here,” 
The two of you crash onto the chairs after a long day of working. Wooyoung glances over at you as he rubs his sore muscles, wondering how you’re able to do this day in and day out, all alone. You don’t seem to be as fazed as he is, as all you do is stretch in your seat. “How do you do this on your own?” Wooyoung asks, now that it’s only the two of you in the shop. 
“I have to.” You say simply. It’s rare for Wooyoung to hear you complain as well. This was something you wanted after all. The only complaints he hears from you are usually just muscle pain that he helps ease, and the occasional horror customer. Besides the occasional pet discussion, he never hears you complain over how hard your job is. Meanwhile, he always complains about his. Not that you minded them, some of them are rather valid. He was simply the type to externally process what happened before being able to move on. 
He catches you often looking towards the door, in hopes of seeing Yeosang. “He hasn’t said anything yet huh?” He asks, a little sad for you as well. He knows how much you look forward to seeing him, even if you don’t say anything about it. 
You shake your head, your phone’s been silent the entire day and with San’s explanation, it makes sense why he’d be busy. Maybe you can send him a message? But wouldn’t that disrupt his work? 
“Just send it.” Wooyoung says, hanging his legs over the arm rest. Well, at least it’s not his shoes against the arm rest. “I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.” Were you that transparent in his eyes? 
You shoot him a pout but take out your phone. You didn’t think he’d send you a message now.
[ Yeosang to You ] Still in the shop?
“He just messaged me, asking if I’m still in the shop.” You say, blinking at the message, slightly surprised. 
“Well, you are so let him in.” Wooyoung says, eyeing the door. The mentioned guy was standing outside the shop, clearly exhausted from a long day. His words confuse you as you still gaze at the phone screen so he takes the honor to unlock the door to let the man in, then lock it once more. “Didn’t think you’d be able to drop by after what San told us.” Your friend notes, noting the loosened tie. He wonders just how much he had to go through today. 
It’s only by the time the wind chimes chirp of someone’s entrance that you look up from your phone. The man responsible for the weird heart racing you’ve been getting is in front of you but instead of letting out your frustrations, you heave a sigh of relief to see him alive in one piece. “You’re lucky we haven’t closed the place for the day.” 
“Not like they could until they saw you.” Your best friend cuts in much to Yeosang’s delight. 
“I see Wooyoung’s now working for you?” Yeosang says, as he takes a seat on the stool next to your table. A soft groan slips from his lips as he finally feels peace after a tiring day. 
“Do you want anything?” Wooyoung offers, as you watch the two of them banter in front of you. You let Wooyoung take the lead for his order this time, wanting to see just how much he has picked up today. 
“Earl grey tea-- do you guys still have a vanilla macaron?” Yeosang throws back as he removes his blazer, folding it over his arms. 
“Gotcha.” He says simply, already getting to work. 
“It’s on me.” You tell him as you slip towards the stool across him. He takes the chance to hold your hand, holding it close to his lips. 
“I apologize for the late arrival, my dear. Work was not merciful today.” He mumbles softly against your skin. “I was looking forward to seeing you today at a preferably earlier time.” His voice clearly carried the stress of unexpected problems that you wonder what else went wrong after San’s visit. Wooyoung comes back with his order, already pulling up another stool to listen to Yeosang’s woes. “I won’t stay too long today, it’s been a long day and I’m sure the two of you had a busy day.” It was a little worrisome to see him try to keep his stress to a minimum when it’s already clearly nearing the limits. You wonder how much he kept from you the past few weeks. 
You don’t notice the look Wooyoung gives you at how intimate you and Yeosang look. Your eyes are on Yeosang the entire time, his free hand taking a sip of the tea, tension in his shoulders easing at the warmth of the tea spreads around him. “Do you want to talk about it?” You ask carefully. 
He shakes his head. “For another time, I promise I will fill you in on them.” He says. He opens his eyes after a while, and it shocks you how vividly blue his eyes are. They weren’t the striking ice blue the foreigners have, rather it’s a deep blue. The blue that reminds you of how vast and deep the world you live in is, you don’t know why that came into your mind but it did. But, why does it feel so familiar? “Are the two of you done cleaning for today?” He asks all of a sudden. The two of you look around and the only thing left was to take out the trash. 
“Just need to take the trash out then we’re done for the day.” 
“How will the two of you head home?” 
Wooyoung and you look at each other, surprised by the question. “Well, we just take the train.” His eyes darken just a bit and you want to ask Wooyoung so badly if you’re seeing things. He shakes his head.
“That won’t do. The two of you can ride with me on the way home tonight.” 
“I’m sorry?” The two friends ask at the same time, much to Yeosang’s amusement. 
“It’s late, though I trust and know that the two of you can protect yourselves.” He starts, gesturing at the visions the two of you carry. “But it is late, the recent crimes have been spiking. Let me pay back your kindness through this at least.” He wasn’t leaving any room to sway his decision so the two of you take his offer. This time you take the responsibility to throw out the trash, the two of them waiting for you by the door. 
You wonder what has been going on nowadays for them to be this worried. Frankly, while you were touched by such concern, you were also frustrated. You know how to protect yourself with or without your vision. You’re not the same helpless child that saw the atrocities of this world. Busy in your thoughts, you don’t see a figure keeping an eye on you from a distance. Just as you look at their direction, it disappears. The familiar feeling of dread doesn’t leave, it lingers and it makes your skin crawl. Quietly, you coat your hands with a thin sheet of ice as you make your way back to the two. 
“You okay?” Wooyoung asks, noticing how alert you’ve become. He sees the ice around your fists and already he’s on high alert, looking around. Yeosang too notices the frost forming around your skin and wonders what you have encountered. 
“Let’s go.” He simply states, making sure that you were walking next to him and Wooyoung. The way your features became so cloudy was a concern but he’ll have to ask Wooyoung for more information for another day. What matters now is your safety. 
It’s only in the safety of his car that Wooyoung starts to freak out again over how loaded Yeosang is. Maintenance for this car model isn’t easily affordable, especially for its size. Did you understand anything of what Wooyoung has been talking about? Vaguely. Yet Yeosang manages to answer everything with ease that you wonder just how much he knows beyond art, and history. 
On the other hand, The ice around your fists has melted into puddles at your feet. “Sorry for the mess..” You say under your breath. Yeosang doesn’t miss a beat about it, saying that they’re rubber so it’s nothing that can be easily cleaned. His tea was already finished by the time the three of you were near your apartment. 
Honestly, if his work hadn’t let him off so late, he could’ve already asked the question already but he’ll have to wait until he arrives outside your apartment. “He knows where we live?” Wooyoung asks, realizing that you didn’t have to give him directions. 
“Yeah, he brought me home after our hangout last time, so I just directed him.” 
He takes pride in his clear memory, smiling to himself as he can already picture the bashful smile of yours as Wooyoung looks at the two of you incredulously. “So when are you guys going to be officially dating?” 
The question causes your heart to race once more, despite your calm exterior. Yeosang as well, appears composed. Yet, the shock of Wooyoung’s honesty can be felt in the car. “Well.” Yeosang speaks up. “That depends on our dear, here, if they would be okay with it.” Just in time, the car slows down to a stop outside your apartment complex. 
You face Yeosang, with your heart beating fast, your hands feel cold even without the frost. “I-I’d like that.” You manage to sputter out. 
“Thank heavens.” Wooyoung exclaims, eyeing the two of you like the relief of an impatient sibling. 
“Can I fancy you to a date soon?” Yeosang says as he unlocks the car, giving Wooyoung the chance to look away from such an exchange.
Ever the cheeky guy, he stays and waits for your answer. 
“I’d like that.” You repeat softly, you couldn’t believe yourself for being able to speak up after such a shocking twist of events. 
“Lovely, I’ll update you then.” Yeosang promises, waving the two of you a good night. 
Wooyoung then hooks his arm around your shoulder as the two of you head back into the safety of your apartment. “About time, the two of you became a thing, he keeps asking me how to properly court you.” He says much to your flustered state. 
Will you be able to sleep tonight?
On the way home, Yeosang’s phone rings. It’s San. 
“Hello? I’m driving. Can this wait?” 
“Depends, are you at a red light or not?” San asks. When San’s voice goes that deep, it’s serious. He eyes the stop light. 
“53 seconds.” 
“The officials found a symbol on the break in. They don’t know what it is yet but gave us a copy in case we see it somewhere.”
“What is it?” Already, Yeosang feels his blood rush to his ears. 
“It’s a severed triquetra symbol.” San doesn’t have to say anything else anymore after that as Yeosang lets out a growl. 
It seems they’ve returned. The question is why. “I’ll be home by 5 minutes. 20 seconds on the red light. I’ll call you.” WIth that he hangs up, in time for the red light to turn green. While people forget the events, he doesn’t. 
It’s been so long since the Abyss has acted up. The last being a few thousand years back. The last few immortals like him and San remember their deeds. The Abyss was responsible for a battle he had to fight that wiped out a huge land mass in the region he now resides in. 
The question that disturbs him: Who or what are they looking for? Because as far as his memory remembers, they stop at nothing to get what they want. 
A field. 
This is the second time you’ve been here. Around you were plants that you don’t see everyday, in fact some of these look very odd to you. As you look around, hoping to make sense of this dream, you see someone dipping their feet into the clear water. 
Just as you approach them, they stand up. It was hard to make out what gender they were: the clothes hang onto them like water slowly freezing, nor did they carry any feature that could separate a man from a woman. They smile at you, as if they’ve been expecting you this entire time. “It’s nice to see you.” They say, voice soft and calming. 
“Apologies for not introducing myself, I’m Aos. I’m sorry I didn’t make myself known a little sooner.” They say. The apology doesn’t make any sense to you as you continue to gaze at them. 
Despite them having introduced themselves to you, the name still doesn’t ring a bell. They don’t seem fazed at all to see your questioning eyes on them, in fact, they chuckle lightly at how confused you look. You manage to get a better look of their eyes and it reminds you of the sky when the sun is barely above the horizon. “What’s happening?” You manage to ask after getting yourself out of your trance. 
“Nothing really. This is just me reaching out to you and giving you my blessing.” Again, the figure speaks in riddles. The last time they did was when Wooyoung’s family took you in, shortly after you were given your vision. You wonder what was going to happen this time. 
The world around you loses its color for a split second and neither of you miss this slip up. “It seems that you’ll wake soon. I won’t make this any longer then, this might be our last meeting. Take care of yourself” The color around you fades into greys and whites, yet they don’t. The way they bid you farewell, reminds you too much of your mother and it makes your eyes hot. 
“When you get the chance, tell him I’m sorry I couldn’t keep my promise.” 
Before you could make some sort of sense, you feel someone shaking you awake. “Hey.” Wooyoung’s voice rouses you awake, and you don’t miss the concern in his voice. “You were crying in your sleep.” He states, seeing how dazed your eyes are as you try to look around, startled. 
That’s when you notice that you were holding onto your bracelet while sleeping, and he was right. Your pillow felt damp with your tears. “Weird dream.” You groan out as you wake yourself up for another day. 
Your phone flashes at 6:30AM, why did Wooyoung wake you up earlier than usual? It’s only then that you realize that it was raining once more. Couldn’t you get a few more minutes of shut eye after such a weird dream? The groggy feeling takes a little longer to shake off but you eventually get yourself out of bed. 
“What’s your plan today?” At least you are finally looking a little more presentable as you enter the living room.
“Choreography teaching for an idol group this morning until afternoon. I can close up the shop for you if you got plans today.” Wooyoung says, teasing you a little now that you’re more awake. 
It’s not hard to miss out on what he insinuates with such that you roll your eyes at him. “It’s not today yet,” referring to your date, “but I need to visit a few shops to buy some ingredients and other stuff by 5PM.” You had plans of opening the shop a little later the following day, wanting to change the interiors even by just a bit. That and having to stay up later than usual to bake and experiment with new recipes was starting to catch up with you. 
“Yeah I can take over by then. I’ll be at the shop by 4:30.” Wooyoung promises. He might have to be a little stricter today to get things finished quickly but the group he’s teaching today are quick learners. He can see so much potential in them too. 
You flash a grateful smile as you eat. “Your overtime’s covered, I promise.” From this, Wooyoung hops around in glee. Of course, he was eyeing a new clothing line. 
A glance at the time and you figured you should get moving. “I’ll see you later then. I need to start moving.” You say standing up from your seat. 
“Lunch is by the counter!” He calls out from his seat as he watches you get your things and shoot out the door. With him now on his own, he lets out a sigh. He heard your mumblings earlier and those were the same words you muttered after you were gifted with your vision. Even when you looked put together for the day, there was still a hint of confusion in your eyes that you can’t quite hide from him. Whatever it is, he hopes things will turn out a little better this time. 
“Can we do three more runs after a five minute water break?” Wooyoung asks, sympathizing with the boys as they’re now drenched in sweat and breathing heavily. After the chorus of agreements, he lets the boys off for a few minutes and decides to check on you and Yeosang. 
[ Wooyoung to You ] How’s work?
[ Wooyoung to Yeosang ] What’s up? Are you gonna drop by later?
It’s only Yeosang who manages to reply immediately. 
[ Yeosang to Wooyoung ] There have been better days, but I will be alright. Yes I will be there later. 
Seeing that you haven’t replied yet, he just chalks it up to rush hour. The boys enter the room and he puts his phone down. “Ready?” He asks just as he’s about to press play, he sees Yunho peeking into the studio. “Uh, give me a moment. Hyunjae, can you clean the choreo slowly while I’m gone? I’ll make it quick.” The male excuses himself to check on his peer, quietly leaving the studio. “What’s up?” 
“Did their manager tell you of the changes to the schedule?” Yunho asks and by the way Wooyoung looks at him with wide eyes and that already tells him what he needs to know. 
“Tomorrow or the day after will be the shooting day.” With such information being told to him, he panics a little, unsure if he has clothes that could fit a recording for this. He probably does but he’ll need your help assembling it. 
“Okay, uh, forward the email to me and cc it to Popsicle.” Somehow the nickname doesn’t faze Yunho, already knowing well that he meant you. It’s not like there were a lot of cryo vision holders anyway. Yunho shoots him an okay signal and Wooyoung takes this as a sign to head back to his work. “Okay, let’s take it to the top? 3 runs at 100% energy then we can eat lunch.” He says as he enters the studio once more. The proposed plan instills a little bit of fear on the boys but he continues on. “No worries, there’ll be a break in between before going at it again.” 
Beneath the calm demeanor he had for the boys right now, he was slightly panicking for his schedule in the next few days. He hopes you wouldn’t mind him being MIA for a day or two. 
Wooyoung’s schedule has turned a little more hectic now thanks to the sudden update of the shooting. Not that he minds since at least he’s not at home whenever he’s not needed in the studio. If it means helping lessen the stress on you and keeping you safe then he doesn’t really mind it. 
Though, he doesn’t know if you’ve been keeping an eye on the news lately. You still carry on with your day like normal. If he has a shift in the dance studio, he asks Yeosang or San to accompany you to the studio, no matter how many times you reassure that it’s okay for you to walk alone, either one of them is adamant about it. 
He spares a glance at the clock as he watches the boys dance. The four hours will fly by quickly. 
“Yeosang, you might have to skip on meeting with them today.” Part 3
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liibrii · 3 years
Yours, tonight
continuation of Forbidden
timeskip!Akagi x fem!reader
Genre: the legendary and there was only one bed. a true classic. y'all know already how this is gonna end. smut with very little plot. explicit, 18+
Warnings: badly written smut, other than that none. 
wc: 2.6k
a/n: writing this fic made me realise how awkward all synonyms for boobs sound. this is my first smut so ya know. keep that in mind when casting judgement. as always feedback is greatly appreciated!
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'Winds of fate are cruel. They blow and turn your life around and always hit where it hurts most.' Whoever said those words must have had about as much luck as you.
“Gather round!! Arata, what did I say about vendin' machines?!“ Akagi calls out.
Of all the teachers it has to be Akagi you got partnered up with for this field trip. He doesn't seem to mind nearly as much as you do. His carefree smile is as wide and bright as always.
His completely normal acting around you stings, mainly because your cheeks heat up every time he's around. Ever since he kissed you all those weeks ago you feel like a teenager with the biggest crush in his presence and to be completely honest; it’s embarrassing. 
Students head for their rooms and after you finish helping them settle down you finally head to yours. The door clicks open when you slide your room card and you shuffle awkwardly through it. When you enter and see who your roommate is you drop the bag.
“Oh,“ is all you manage to utter.
Seeing you makes all colour drain from Akagi's face.
“I, I think I got the wrong room,“ you say after a few very uncomfortable moments of silence.
You didn't. Slight panic starts to take over. No, no, this can't be happening. You doubt you can stand to spend three nights in the same room as him without doing something incredibly foolish.
You hurry down to the reception but no matter how hard you try to convince the lady you need one more room you return empty handed.
“So I guess we're stuck together,“ nervously chuckles Akagi.
You want to punch someone. Preferably whoever messed up the number of teachers coming on this trip. The room is so small it's hard to stay out of each other's personal space. After seeing there is only one bed you're on the verge of grabbing a pillow and sleeping in the hallway.
“I'll sleep on the floor,“ offers Akagi.
“Where exactly?“ you ask with more irritation in your voice than intended. “There's barely enough space for our bags.“
You end up dividing the bed with some sheets and extra pillows. Akagi jokes it's almost like building a pillow fort. If you weren't a sack of irritated nerves you'd laugh and agree.
You take much longer preparing for bed than you need. Despite being exhausted you aren't looking forward to climbing under covers. Being so close to Akagi is nerve wracking. Even with blankets and pillows between you you still smell his shampoo.
“Hey, y/n, whaddaja think, should we give kids more free time tomorrow?”
How can he be so calm? “What's the plan like?”
“Museum in Nara.“
“Maybe... I mean, majority of them won't find it very exciting anyway. How much longer are we talking?“
Akagi shrugs. “An hour.“
You think it over. “Sounds good,“ you agree. “Let them run wild in the park with the deer. At least we won't have to worry they'd run in the street.“
“They could get attacked by the deer though,“ chuckles Akagi.
“But it won't be our fault.“
He looks over at you. “I thought you were supposed to be the responsible one here.“ You roll your eyes. “Well Arata will like it. Did ya know he wants to be a zookeeper?“
You readjust the pillow to make yourself comfortable. “No, no I didn't.“
Akagi tells you about the career plans students have told him about. A warmth spreads through you, thinking how nice it is to hear they trust Akagi with their dreams.
“-He’d known he wants to be a university professor since he was 7! Can ya believe? When I was his age I wanted to join circus. What?“ he looks over at you when you fail to hold back a giggle.
“Nothing.“ The picture of Akagi in circus is just too funny. And kind of adorable. “What did you want to be? Clown?“
“Knife thrower.“ His face lights up when you laugh again.
“Let me guess, your parents disapproved so you had to choose a different career?“
“Found another love when I started playin' volleyball. Before high school I even wanted to go pro.“
“Why didn't you?“
He shrugs. “Wasn't good enough. What about ya?“
You have to think a little. It has been a long time since you've thought about your childhood dreams.
His eyes trail over your face when you speak. “Mhm, can see ya.“ He pauses. “Kind of.“
You smack him with a pillow. “What's that supposed to mean?!“
With Akagi's laughter echoing in the room you can't stop a smile creeping on your face. You turn away and burry your face in the pillow. “Goodnight Akagi.“
He turns the lights off. “Night.“
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The next morning you wake up before alarm rings. Akagi's still deep asleep, tightly hugging a pillow. In the faint morning sun coming through the window he looks so peaceful. And kind of cute. Despite the snoring. You get ready and leave the room before he wakes.
During the day you try your best to keep your distance but your efforts do nothing to stop Akagi from circling and annoying you throughout the day. In the crowd at the museum he sticks close, his hand grazing yours when you pass each other. When the time for a break comes and you head outside he trips you just so he can catch you in his arms. For heaven's sake, he's being more childish than the students you're supposed to be looking after.
For the third time that day you grab his hand before he manages to tickle you. “Stop that.“
“Stop what?“ he innocently asks but the grin on his face is anything but innocent.
You glance around, making sure students have already scattered throughout the park. You step away from Akagi seeing one of your teacher colleagues is still nearby. Luckily her back is turned. “We could get in trouble.“
“Over what?“ The innocent look in his eyes could as well belong to a toddler asking for candy. “Besides, I like trouble,“ he winks before walking away.
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By the time you return to your accommodation it's already evening. Just the thought of being in the same room as Akagi makes your heart pound. He leaves the room when you take a shower, saying he'll check up on the students in the mean time, and you're thankful for this little act of mercy.
You're not sure how much of his teasing you can take before you wipe away that mischievous grin of his. With a slap or a kiss, you have yet to decide.  
You make yourself comfortable on the bed. You pay a lot more attention to the schedule for tomorrow than usual. Mostly because it's Akagi's turn to shower and you're trying to keep inappropriate thoughts out of your mind.
At least he has the decency to come out wearing a shirt. He dries his hair with a towel and stretches his neck. “These pillows are just so weird, dontcha think? It's been hurtin' the entire day.“
You don't look up from the schedule. “Maybe you just don't know how to sleep.“ He playfully smacks you with a towel. “Come here,“ you pat the mattress beside you.
Akagi sits down. When your fingers touch his neck he freezes for a mere second before relaxing. You  press the sore muscles of his shoulders, running your fingers to the back of his neck.
“You have so many knots,“ you notice.
He chuckles. “First field trip. It's more stressful than I expected.“
You rub circles down his back and focus on the particularly stubborn knot just below his left shoulder. The muscles under the thin fabric of his shirt are pliant beneath your fingers.
He hums contently and leans closer into your touch before freezing and sitting up straight as if he just remembered there's a line he's not allowed to cross. His smell is intoxicating. You move back to massaging his neck. Tips of his hair is still wet from the shower.
“Better?“ Something is telling you you're on thin ice.
Akagi turns to face you. Brilliant smile on his face makes your heart skip a beat. “Much better. Thanks!“
Only now you become aware of just how close he's sitting. You can feel the warmth radiating form his body. Ah, fuck should've listened to that small voice telling you this was a bad idea.
You kiss him.
When you pull away he's beaming. Before you can speak he pulls you into another kiss, his hands slowly move up and down your back. “Knew ya wouldn't be able to resist for long,“ he smirks.
You’ve crossed the line already. So what damage would it be taking one more step? You climb in his lap and run your fingers through his damp hair. His lips feel perfect against yours. You can’t seem to get enough. One more, you tell yourself, just one more. When he pulls away you drag your teeth along his jaw, just testing the waters. He carefully lowers you on the bed and moves to plant sloppy kisses on your neck. His hands roam down your sides and slip under your shirt, making you shiver.
Akagi gently nips at the skin under your ear. “Stop, no marks.“
He plants a soft kiss on the reddening patch. “Sorry,“ he murmurs.
“We could get in trouble.“
In response he grinds against you. “Told ya I like trouble.“
He slides his tongue past your lips. His touch makes your head spin and a knee pressing to your core isn't helping. It’s embarrassing how eagerly you grind against him.
“Listen,“ he pants, “I know we shouldn't...“ You put your hand on his flushed cheek then brush your lips against his again. “I want ya,“ he mumbles against your lips, “I want ya so bad. Even if it's just tonight.“
Your stomach flips. “Just tonight,“ you breathe.
When you kiss him deeper and drag your tongue against his he trembles. You fiddle with the hem of his shirt before pulling it over his head. Without a warning he pins you underneath him, grinding his already noticeable bulge against your throbbing core. The moan he draws from you is almost shameful. Not that you care since you're far too preoccupied with helping him get you out of your clothes.
The way his eyes darken at the sight of your naked body makes you flush even harder and you bashfully try to cover yourself. He grabs your wrists. “Hey. What are ya tryin' to hide for love?“
His hands wander over your arms. He trails kisses down between your breasts and nips at the skin of your abdomen. When you squeal and playfully smack his head away he grins wider and presses a soft kiss over your naval before moving lower.
He takes his time kissing and nipping at the skin of your tights. As good as it feels you wish he'd just fuck you already.
The way his eyes glisten when he drags his fingers between your wet folds sets you on fire. You can barely hold back a whimper which only becomes harder when he parts them and latches on your clit. He's sloppy, his tongue lapping in quick circles, his fingers digging into the flesh of your tights. You buck hips against him wanting more. “Michi.“ His name is a whimpering plea.
Fingers replace his tongue, rubbing soothing circles that only make the knot in your stomach tighter. “I got ya love. Just relax and enjoy.“
He sinks his teeth into your inner tight, making you yelp in surprise, then laps his tongue over it in soothing circles. You know it will leave a mark. His fingers slide from your clit to your entrance, slowly sliding one finger inside. He observes every shift of your body. He returns to giving attention to your swollen bud  and it isn't long before you feel orgasm building. You grab on the sheets. His pumping fingers graze your sweet spot just enough to make you see stars. It's hard holding back moans as the waves of pleasure wash over you. When your orgasm hits you clamp a hand over your mouth, trembling and clenching around his fingers.
He presses soft kisses all over your body while you come down from your high. “Ready?“ he asks once you've caught your breath. You nod.
He climbs off to grab a packet of condoms from his bag.
“Did you bring them with you?“ you half joke.
“Nah. Bought them yesterday. Just in case,“ he winks.
You can't help but laugh. His hair is a mess and the blush on his face makes him even more adorable than usual.
He lets you put the condom on and digs his fingers in your shoulder when you slowly stroke him. You peck his parted lips. He’s panting and you almost can’t believe the lust in his hooded eyes is all for you. He pushes you on your back and lines himself up with your entrance. He holds your hand while he slowly pushes in you, giving you all the time to adjust to his length.
A string of breathy curses fall from his lips. “Fuck y/n yer so hot, fuck, finally-“
The way he fits inside you makes your head spin and the fast, relentless pace he picks up isn't helping either. He leaves messy, wet open mouth kisses down your neck and chest. “Slow down Michi, slow down.“ Slow down, this is the only night we got.
“Shh,“ he presses his hand over your lips, “we can't have them hear ya, right?“ He kisses your forehead and slows so you can catch your breath. His hand slips in yours, pinning it above your head, fingers tightly intertwined with his. His lips brush over your cheek. His skin burns against yours. Each of his slow thrusts pulls a moan from you that gets muffled by his hand.
Akagi stops and sits back on his heels. He's covered with a sheen of sweat, his chest heaving. He runs his hand through the mess you've made of his hair in an attempt to compose himself. His fingers brush over your nipples, down your stomach. Then he hooks his arm under your leg and gently pushes it towards your torso. He moves the hand from your lips to cup your flushed face. “Be good and quiet for me, yeah?” His finger brushes over your lower lip and you nod.
The new position makes him reach even deeper. You clasp shaking hands over your mouth when he hits your sweet spot. He notices your reaction, thrusting again and again in the exact same spot. His fingers find their way back to your clit, rubbing frantic circles and it isn't long before the pool of heat in your abdomen bursts. Akagi's fingers dig into your hips, holding you steady as he thrusts faster, helping you through your high.
His lips meet yours again, hungry and almost desperate. In the darkness of the night they muffle his whimpers as he comes closer and closer to the edge, you feel him shudder and inhale sharply every time you clench around him. He hides his face in the crook of your neck, picking up a much faster pace.
Your nails dig in his back, he's reaching so deep and it feels like heaven and you don't want him to stop. A thrust more and he comes, biting your shoulder to hide his loud moan.
For a moment there's only the sound of your panting. Akagi lifts himself on shaking arms to kiss you. Softly. On your lips and your cheek. He caresses your jaw, peppering kisses all over your face.
“One more?“ you murmur.
He kisses your nose. “I was hopin' you'd ask.“
Just tonight, you think to yourself, just tonight he's yours.
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punkpoemprose · 3 years
Single Bells- A Kristanna Oneshot
Rating: G (General Audiences) Universe: Modern AU, Librarian Anna, Single Dad/ Firefighter Kristoff Length: 8239 Words
A/N: Merry (day late) Christmas Val! @val-2201 I’m sorry I got a little bit behind. As per the usual the word count got away from me a bit so I ended up needing a little time to finish, haha. You said you enjoy single parent AUs so I hope you enjoy this little piece about single Dad Kristoff needing to solicit assistance from a very nice red headed librarian!  I hope you had a wonderful holiday and that your New Year will be full of joy!
Anna wasn’t supposed to still be at work, but if there was one thing she couldn’t say no to, it was a kid with a research project. Especially a first grader with beautiful blonde ringlets dragging her frazzled looking father to the information and research desk that Anna had been staffing for the day. Normally she worked only as the children’s librarian, but since two different librarians were out on maternity leave, she’d been willing to shift gears and wear many hats.
They’d come to her desk within the last five minutes of her shift, but Anna hadn’t mentioned it. It was two weeks from the last day of school for the winter holiday, and if her suspicions were correct, the father and daughter were working on a particular project for which she’d assisted four other families in the last few days.
Teachers loved to assign festive work before the holidays, but sometimes she wondered if they really thought through the fact that heavily parent involved projects were sometimes more stress than they were fun. She'd helped quite a few families try to determine what their ancestral traditions had been. Some, she was happy to report, did have legitimate plans to include them in their celebrations after the project conclusion. That at least made her feel like some good was coming out of the stress.
“I have a presentation to do!” the little girl announced with a smile that revealed a missing front tooth.
She was dressed in the brightest green coat she'd ever seen and her little hat, that she'd already pulled away to reveal static filled curls, was made to look like a reindeer. She couldn't help but feel that this was going to be another kid who insisted upon celebrating a newfound tradition. If she was, in fact, working on that project.
Anna grinned in return, noting the child’s enthusiasm for the project she was in the library to work on. She’d said it perhaps a bit too loudly for some of the other librarians’ tastes, but for Anna there was nothing like the boisterousness of young children. She supposed there was a reason that her office and the children’s area in general had been relegated to the basement. Being upstairs still felt strange.
“That’s due tomorrow,” the father said, sounding a bit miserable but looking mostly defeated.
He had a bit of scruff to his chin, and the bags under his eyes told Anna that he probably hadn’t slept well in weeks. It was a common sight with parents around the holidays, exhaustion and uncharacteristic scruffiness. Not that she really knew whether his scruffiness was uncharacteristic, having never seen him before in his life.
“Uh oh!” Anna said, directing her attention at the child rather than the father, knowing that she was much better at working with kids than adults, “We’ve got to work fast then, huh? What’s the presentation about?”
The little girl nodded, “It’s about Christmas traditions! I told Daddy on Monday that we needed to do it, but he forgot.”
When Anna looked toward the father out of the corner of her eye, she saw him flush. It was Thursday, so she imagined that they’d had some time to complete it. She wouldn’t judge him for the timing of course, she barely could keep herself on a schedule somedays, let alone a six-year-old. She also made a conscious effort to not judge any of her patrons, even the ones who came in asking about unique topics.
She’d once had a woman come in asking for an entire book on just Guinea pig costumes, and she wasn’t sure whether she should be more concerned for her guinea pig or that the library system had not one, but six books on guinea pig costuming. Last minute project fell somewhere toward the bottom of the judgement list.
“I didn’t forget,” the dad said, sounding very tired, but not particularly upset, “I’ve just been busy, and I didn’t realize it was Thursday.”
Anna smiled and then looked at the dad, “It happens to all of us. Can you two narrow down the kind of Christmas traditions you’re looking for?”
The dad looked embarrassed again.
“She needs to pick a specific country to look up traditions from and she wants to pick the one my family’s from.”
“Oh, that’s easy enough,” Anna said with a nod, “Where is your family from, and we’ll go from there!”
“That’s kind of the problem,” the man said with a sigh, “I don’t know.”
They were in the children’s area, on one of the library’s iPads at one of the kid sized tables. The little girl, Ivy, was in her glory. She’d spent more time commenting on the posters on the walls and snowflakes on the ceiling than she had focusing on the task at hand, but Anna didn’t really mind. It was easy enough for her to hold a conversation with both the girl and her father as she searched for clues about the man’s heritage. Really all they had to go on was his last name.
  Bjorgman. Kristoff Bjorgman.
“I think that my parents were maybe immigrants. I was adopted when I was just a little older than Ivy, but I’d been in the system since I was maybe two or three? I don’t remember them, and I was never given any records. My birth certificate was created when I entered the system, so it doesn’t have either of their names on it. Just mine, and that was just because it had been pinned to my shirt when someone dropped me off.”
Anna couldn’t help but feel as though that was terribly sad, but the man, Kristoff, and his daughter didn’t seem phased by it. It was just another detail of life for them she supposed, but she couldn’t imagine not remembering her parents. All she had of them now was memories, and a few knick-knacks that had managed to be saved after the house fire.
She tried not to think about that though, and it was easy enough to direct her attention back to the man sitting across from her.
He was much too large for the table, and he made the child’s chair he sat in look comically small. He was handsome, and by Anna’s estimation, not much older than she was. He was maybe 26, tops, and she couldn’t imagine having a kid of her own.
“Your adoptive parents don’t know anything?”
He shook his head, “No more than I do. The information just doesn’t exist I guess.”
“She didn’t want to do her Mom’s family’s traditions?” she asked, fishing only a little bit. 
She thought that maybe given the level of flustered he seemed to be exuding might be indicative of him being a single dad. She hoped not on the one hand because that was such a difficult position to be in, but also he was the first cute dad she’d run into that wasn’t significantly older than her. So she wanted to make sure if she was ogling him in the chair it was something that she could do with a clear conscience.  
“No, and even if she did, we don’t really know anything about hers either. She’s passed on. It’s just us.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry…”
He shook his head, “It’s alright.”
He looked over at his daughter then, smiling at her softly as she pushed her little chair back and walked over to the bookshelf to grab something out of the easy reader bin. She’d looked bored for a little while and was now clearly determining that this was grown up work that she didn’t want anything to do with and therefore was free to explore.
Anna couldn’t help but grin when she saw her pluck out a Mercy Watson book. She loved those. She must be reading a little beyond her age group to be reading it for fun.
Turning her attention back to the ipad, and away from the little girl who was eagerly plopping herself into a beanbag, she looked at the search results she pulled up with his last name. The information on the screen was pretty much what they already knew. His first and last name were Nordic of some kind.
“So we’re looking at Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, or Iceland. We can make an educated guess based on where you lived when you were a kid based on the census data from that area as most immigrant families move to areas with other people from the same country, or where there’s a strong presence of the culture they’re familiar with.”
“Well… I was born here, I think. Or at least this is where I got put into the system, which is why I moved back here a few years back.”
 Anna lit up, she didn’t have to do any more searching. Any vaguely Nordic last name in their town generally meant one thing.
“I can say then, with 90% certainty, you’re Norwegian. Not that it helps right now, but have you ever thought about taking a DNA test? Kids tend to just have more heritage questions as they get older and if you both take one it can help with any genealogy research."
"That's a lot of certainty for just a last name and a town," he said, looking surprised as he met her eye.
"Oh, well I mean Arendale was named for the Arendelle family and was founded by Norwegian immigrants so most of the population is descended from Norwegian families. Most immigrant families from Norway still settle here when they come over from the states. I mean there’s a little Norway downtown." 
"Oh," he said, "You just knew that? I guess it's probably something that comes up often…"
"Yes, but well also I'm an Arendelle. It's been drilled into me since I was born. We turned the family manor into a museum a few years ago. I used to give tours when I was in my master's program."
"Extremely boring,” she interrupted, not wanting him to trouble himself to find something nice to say, “Except on field trip days. Which is how I decided working with kids was for me. Adults, eh. No offense of course."
"None taken,” he replied, grinning, “Why do you work at the research desk then?"
"I'm actually a children's librarian," she said happily, glancing over at his daughter who had looked up over her book at them with interest as they talked about information valuable to her project again. Anna motioned with her hands like she was opening a book and then gave her a thumbs up which the girl returned with a grin.
"I'm just helping out because a few of the librarians are out on maternity. If you want to see what I usually do you should come for my ornament making sessions. I'm doing them every day after school and then in the mornings on the weekends until the day before Christmas Eve."
He looked almost impressed.
"Daddy! We have to!"
"Now she's tuning in," he said with a sort of shy smile that was quickly accompanied by a shrug. "Come here sweetheart, you have to pick a tradition. We're pretty sure I'm Norwegian."
"And I know so many traditions!" Anna told the girl brightly, "we don't even have to search!"
“Hooray!” she said with a grin, carefully sliding the book’s ribbon bookmark into the page she had marked with her thumb before running over to where her father was seated.
She crawled up on his lap, book still in hand.
“Can we pick one that talks about food?”
He laughed and as he tucked the little curly head under his chin he mouthed, ‘bottomless pit’.
Anna couldn’t help but feel that before she left for the evening, she’d be processing a minor and adult card sign up and checking out a Mercy Watson book and perhaps even a Norwegian cookbook.
“No! Wait! One about ornaments! I love ornaments!”
Maybe, she thought, a craft book too.
The dad rolled his eyes playfully from up above where his daughter could see and Anna did her best to stifle a giggle. These were the moments where she loved her job most.
They'd come for her craft time the next day, and Ivy had told her how well she'd done at her presentation and how she'd been proud to already know a bunch of the other Norwegian traditions other kids had shared.
Now though she was busying herself with playing with the other kids, the usuals that Anna had introduced to her by name.
Her blonde head was bobbing along in a conversation as the kids built a large block tower together, and she could see her dark little eyes gleaming with mischief as they discussed knocking it down when they were all done. Anna had never in her life been more grateful that they had foam instead of wooden blocks.
“She looks just like you."
Her hair was just a little lighter than his, and her eyes a little darker, but there was something in her features, her expressions that was an identical copy to her fathers. Even only having met them the day before, she could tell that she definitely took after him.
“I hear that a lot, and it’s funny… Not like really funny, I mean, it’s just interesting because Ivy’s not mine,” he said quietly as the little girl played with the other children.
Most of the other parents had been content to talk amongst themselves. They were regulars and they were comfortable together, being mostly moms. Anna noticed that they were occasionally glancing back and forth between the two of them surreptitiously. Or at least as close to sneaky as a group of nosy 30-something women could be.
“I usually don’t tell people that. I don’t know why I told you that.”
“It’s par for the course for librarians. We’re like bartenders, just with books,” She replied a bit too quickly.
He looked down at his feet for a moment then met Anna’s eye again, smiling a bit nervously, like he’d worked something out in his head, and then took a deep breath.
“I mean legally speaking she is mine, just so you don’t think I stole a kid. After her mother died, I adopted her. Genetically she’s got another Dad out there somewhere, but her mom, Evelyn, she never mentioned him. I don’t think he was ever involved.”
“Oh,” Anna said, feeling her face grow hot at the misconception, “I’m sorry. So Evelyn was your…?”
She knew she was probably just digging herself a deeper hole, but she felt a warmth flutter to life in her heart. He’d mentioned before that Ivy’s mom had passed on, but she’d assumed that he was her biological father and that was why she called him Dad. That he’d been adopted, and then he’d adopted a child after meant a lot. That made her realize that her interest in him, regardless of how new and how impossible, was rooted in more than looks.
“Neighbor,” he said quickly, like he was afraid of her saying anything else.
She stared at him, surprised by the answer, watching him blush under her gaze.
“Sorry, I’m just used to people thinking we were… you know, together. She was just… she was so young. I wouldn’t have been with her like that, she was just a neighbor and a friend. I think she had a rough life. She didn’t talk about it much, but when she moved in next door to me she was working a bunch of odd jobs with crazy hours and Ivy was two. Evie was eighteen. I think her parents might have kicked them out or something, so I would watch Ivy on my days off because Evie didn’t have anyone and it was just me and my dog anyway, so I had plenty of free time."
He took a breath. Before Anna could find the words to say, he kind of sighed and shrugged, deciding to say more. Anna just focused on his eyes while he talked. There was a deep love there and she could tell it was for Ivy.
"I started taking extra days off here and there with my vacation time because Evelyn started to not feel well and she would go to the clinic a lot. Sometimes she would wait for hours for someone to tell her she was stressed or whatever. When they found out it was cancer it was too late. It was less than a year before she was gone. When no family came forward for Ivy, I did. She was three then. I’m the only dad she knows. The only parent she knows really. I didn’t have many pictures of her mom, because she was my neighbor and I didn’t think to take some when we found out she was sick, but we talk about her.”
Anna thought she might cry.
She was no stranger to loss, but she’d never heard of anyone doing anything like that before. She tried to step up for strangers and community members a little but each day. She donated to charity and worked with the economically disadvantaged, but she’d never changed her life forever just to help someone else. She’d never been able to see herself stepping up that far.
“You adopted your neighbor’s kid.”
She let her eyes tear up, her throat felt tight.
She could certainly see that beneath the sort of gruff exterior he first offered, there was a kindness that ran through him. She could see it now, as she had before when he’d been focusing on helping his daughter. He had a lot of love in him, and it was obvious when he glanced back over to where Ivy was playing and smiled.
 “Well I fostered her first, but yeah. I mean my parents did it for me, and I guess I didn’t want to roll the dice and hope that someone else would be as kind when I had the means… at least financially. I’m three years in and still working out the rest. I just feel lucky everyday they let me adopt her with my work schedule and everything.”
“I think,” she said quietly, trying not to cry, “I think most parents are. Even the ones who’ve had their kids from the start.”
“Thank you for saying that. I don’t know many other parents, so it’s always a guessing game about whether I’m doing the right thing.”
 He looked back from Ivy and caught a glimpse of Anna’s expression. She saw him frown and look genuinely concerned. She wanted to tell him not to worry, but he found the words quicker than she did.
“I didn’t mean to upset you, sorry. I’m not great with people.”
He held a hand out to her, paused for a moment like he was wondering what he should do, and then rubbed the back of his neck with it.
Anna shook her head and wiped her eyes on her sleeve, giving the moms staring at her openly her best and most polite look of “it’s fine, but also mind your own business”. They seemed to get the picture well enough, returning to their own conversations with only a mildly mischievous and conspiratorial gaze at each other. Anna was sure she’d have plenty of texts later from the library mom chat asking what she and the “hot dad” had been talking about.
“No, you’re fine. I’m kind of an emotional person. I’m just happy for you two. She loves you so much, I can tell. She deserves to have someone who loves her just as much.”
He smiled softly and then nodded, putting his hand back down at his side and appearing to relax slightly now that the topic was back to just Ivy. He still looked as tired as he had the day before, especially now after she’d accidentally worried him.
“She’s a special kid. She’s not like me very much, even though I’m raising her. She’s so optimistic and brave and sort of stubborn… which I suppose she could have gotten from me, but really she’s great and I’ve been so lucky to have her."
Anna nodded in return, wiping the tears away on her sleeve.
“Yeah, I can see that. And I don’t mean to pry but… you look a little tired. I hope she didn’t make you pull an all-nighter on that project.”
He sort of chuckled at her lame joke, and she appreciated the attempt at acceptance of her levity. She was never particularly good at intentional humor. Most people just laughed when she accidentally tripped over something or had chocolate on her face and didn’t notice.
“No, no all-nighter. I’m just exhausted.”
“I hear parenting does that to a person.”
He nodded and then sighed, giving her a sort of nervous look before looking beyond her to Ivy.
"I don't mean to tell you my life story. Even though, I kind of already did, but… I just feel bad when I can’t give her the world, you know? Like, I finally wanted to do a big at home Christmas for her this year. We were going to go home to see my family like usual, but my Dad just had some pretty serious back surgery and even though he loves the kids my sisters and I agreed not to flood the house while he’s recovering.”
She nodded along some more, knowing that he probably didn’t have anyone to vent this sort of thing to. She wasn’t a parent herself, but working with so many young children meant that she talked with plenty of parents, and she at least comprehended a bit of what it was like. She couldn’t pretend to understand fully, but she didn’t mind listening to parents when they needed to breathe. She particularly didn’t mind listening to Kristoff.
He looked back at her with a sort of exasperation that she was familiar with. He looked like he’d just run a marathon in his head. He looked like her after inventory day.
“You know I never realized how much my mom did for us for the holidays, you know? It’s one more week of school, and then I have to find a babysitter for the days I’m not off during her winter vacation. I barely managed to negotiate for Christmas off at the firehouse as it is, let alone to find all that time. The guys are great and sometimes I can bring her to work if I don’t have anyone to watch her because someone usually stays behind or one of the guys will have their wife or older kid there for a visit, but around the holidays… there’s a lot of fires you know. Not really a place to bring a kid. I have shopping to do, wrapping, we have to get a real tree because she really wants one, and then there’s cookies to bake, and God I’m just glad she hasn’t asked about those elf things because I don’t think I could pull that off too.”
“That seems like a lot.”
“It is, and that’s not even the half of it. We have to get a wreath to bring to her mother’s grave, and it’s so hard to find in the snow because it’s just a small grave marker so it’s really a whole day affair. I don’t mind, but I don’t want to run out of time to do everything else. She wants to go caroling and see santa and make ornaments… which thanks for this by the way, it was nice. She’s very proud of her star. It’s just with work and everything it feels like there’s not enough time.”
Anna nodded. It was a common concern with the other parents, but most of them had more hands to help, less work, and more practice at it.
“I can help.”
She didn’t think before she spoke. She was absolutely shocked by her own words even as she said them. They were practically strangers, and he was venting about his difficulties as a single dad while she was trying not to notice how perfectly chocolate brown his eyes were, or how easy it would be to imagine him in a firefighter’s calendar. Or rather, trying not to let herself wonder whether AFD had plans to put out a firefighter’s calendar this year.
“I couldn’t ask you to do that.”
“You weren’t,” she said, watching as some of the moms began to get their kids ready to leave, knowing her window of opportunity to get her thoughts out was closing by the moment, “I offered. I’m great at wrapping and I love to shop. If you’re looking for help I’m happy to give it.”
He looked at her for a long moment, until Ivy ran over and pulled on his pant leg.
“Daddy,” she said, “Can I have some candy? Danny’s mom brought candy canes and she said I had to ask you first.”
He looked to Anna for a moment, and she understood the concern in his eyes.
“Oh, you mean Mrs. James! She’s so nice. She brings candy for us all the time. She’s been bringing Danny here for storytime and crafts since he was just a little baby.”
She could understand his concern. She was always a little worried herself when the parents brought things to share, especially if the parents were fairly new. It was one of those fears that was mostly irrational, but one really never knew.
He looked back to his daughter and gave her a stunning smile that made Anna melt on the spot.
“Yeah sweetheart that would be fine. Please and thank you, right?”
“Always!” she said, running off in the direction of Danny’s mom who was waiting with a cheeky smile, staring again at Anna and offering her a wink.
“Were you serious?” Kristoff asked, breaking her concentration as she tried to give Mrs. James a ‘please don’t interfere’ look in return.
Not that it would do her any good.
“About Mrs. James? Of course. I’d never encourage anyone’s kid to take candy from a stranger I couldn’t personally vouch for.”
“No, I…” he was flushed again and Anna realized that she’d missed a point. She was making him ask her, just like she’d said he didn’t have to.
“I meant about the help.”
“Oh, yes! Of course I meant it! I love the holidays and I’ve been working a little more than usual but I still have plenty of time.”
“Your boyfriend wouldn’t mind? I’d hate to take time away that you could be spending together around the holidays.”
“I… I don’t have a boyfriend.”
She was almost certain that there was a look of interest in his eye when she said it, but as quick as it was there, it was gone.
Maybe, she thought, she wasn’t the only one interested.
“Then I’d love the help,” he said with a nod, “For Ivy’s sake.”
Anna wasn’t sure she’d ever enjoyed anything so much as she did being Kristoff’s personal Christmas elf. She’d given him her mother’s family recipe for Norwegian butter cookies, an answer to Ivy's now rampant desire to learn about those traditions, and she’d picked up stocking stuffers and amazon packages and bits of this and that. She’d wrapped gifts and brought them to the fire station for safe keeping. Somehow, she’d managed to mostly do so when Kristoff was out on a call, or when he wasn’t working at all.
It was unfortunate as she wanted to see him, so she was pleasantly surprised when five days before Christmas she’d received a text message from Kristoff inviting her to help him and Ivy go tree shopping. She’d seen them at two separate decoration making events before it, so she supposed that it was only right for her to help them select the canvas on which to display Ivy’s beautiful work.
Ivy had, of course, been on a mission during the trip.
“Color, smell, and needle retention,” she’d said in her little, but very certain voice.
Anna had later learned that she didn’t actually know the meaning of the word retention, and that she’d learned her tree picking skills from a YouTube video, but she had been nevertheless impressed.
She’d helped Ivy pick, and then she’d helped, with mixed results, to strap the six-foot tree to Kristoff’s car. He’d mostly brought it inside his apartment himself, but when Anna had turned to leave, Ivy had caught her hand, and Kristoff had shyly offered her some hot chocolate. They'd sung Christmas carols, lead by Ivy and decorated the tree together with some ornaments that his friends from the firehouse had given them and the ones that Ivy had made herself. Anna wished she had her old childhood ornaments. Ivy, she knew, would have loved one.
The rest of the week passed much the same until, two days before Christmas, Anna found herself finishing her last ornament and story session with the kids before the holiday. It was a bittersweet thing, being swept up in the excitement of children looking forward to Christmas but knowing that she wouldn’t see them again for a while after.
Ivy, who had been in attendance, was busy playing with her new friends, and Kristoff, who hadn’t taken his eyes off Anna for the whole session, was speaking with her again.
Anna couldn’t help but note how quickly they were getting to know each other. She couldn’t help but blame the holiday in part. Not only was she doing more story and craft sessions in the evenings than she normally would, but she’d also been helping him make the holidays for Ivy. She supposed it was inevitable that they would talk, and in their conversations get to know each other a bit better.
The topic of conversation now, was a wrapping accident on one of Ivy’s “little” presents, a slime kit. It was from Santa, but Anna had accidentally wrapped it in the paper she’d set aside to wrap gifts from Kristoff in. The tag though, still said “from Santa”.
“So you’re sure you don’t mind,” she said quietly, low enough that they kids couldn’t hear her, “I know some kinds are just really perceptive, so I don’t want her to see that dad and santa have the same paper and realize what happened.”
“If she notices I’m just going to tell her that Santa accidentally ripped the wrapping paper coming down the chimney and had to rewrap it in some of my paper to keep it a secret until Christmas morning.”
She nodded. It was a brilliant plan.
“That’s so smart,” she was thoroughly awed, “I come up with a lot of little fibs around the holidays to keep the magic for the kiddos, but that one’s just genius.”
He laughed and shook his head, “Maybe I’m better at this than I thought.”
“You really should give yourself more credit.”
His smile softened then, “As should you. I can’t believe that you just offered to help a stranger put Christmas on for their kid and then actually followed through with it.”
“Need I remind you that you adopted a neighbor’s child without hesitation? What I did was nothing in comparison.”
He was close to her and stepping closer. She could practically feel the eyes of the moms as they lingered in the room, just to see what was going to happen. Her eyes drifted down to his lips and she felt herself flushing at the thought of kissing him, even though she told herself that they couldn’t, that it wasn’t going to happen. His previous stubble, the ball he’d had to drop to keep his daughter on schedule was now even more pronounced, but in an intentional sort of way. She could imagine how it would scratch against her.
“I wouldn’t call that nothing,” he said quiet, so low that she could barely hear it. “To us, it’s everything. I don’t think I can ever thank you enough.”
She focused for a moment on breathing as she’d realized that she’d been holding her breath ever since he leaned in. It was easy, she thought, to let him take her breath away.
And then the giggling and “goodbyes” of children broke Anna’s focus, and she turned her head to see moms giving her subtle thumbs up, and kids donning coats.
Ivy was skipping towards them, candy cane in one hand and her popsicle stick star in the other. Glitter was flaking off the craft as she bounced towards them, and Anna knew she’d be spending at least the next hour vacuuming. She almost felt bad for the parents who were about to have their houses covered in poorly glued sequins, glitter and foamies.
“Ms. Anna!” the little girl said with great excitement, “What are you going to do for Christmas?”
The question caught Anna off guard. The kids had asked her before, but it had never felt like a big deal to tell them the truth. Kids understood more than adults most of the time, and they felt things stronger and they were more open with it, so Anna was more open with them. With Ivy and Kristoff though, just having gotten to know them, and having all sorts of confusing feelings in her chest for him, she wasn’t sure she could take the pitying eyes.
“Well hon,” she said quietly, waving to the other parents and kids as they drifted out as both a politeness and a distraction, “I’m not doing anything. My sister is my only family and she lives far far away.”
“Oh,” the little girl said, looking sad.
Anna couldn’t look at Kristoff, but she could tell he was giving his daughter the soft but chiding look he’d given her a few times in the two weeks she’d known them. The look that said he wasn’t mad at her, but that she’d said too much or her manners were lacking. She thought it was a nice way to remind kids of their behavior and had filed it away for her own use.
“Like Grandma and Grandpa.”
“Yeah,” Anna said in response, “But it’s okay, I’m used to being by myself. I’ll read a book and make myself dinner.”
She knew she didn’t sound particularly believable. She wasn’t even buying it herself. Truth be told her whole apartment was decorated for Christmas, complete with a tree, and she always made herself sad around the holidays thinking about how she’d had so much fun as a kid, but now spent them alone. She always thought that there was an unfairness in showing that to a child though, in showing them that the holiday was anything but magical for some people, so she tried to keep a stiff upper lip.
“That’s okay Ms. Anna,” the little girl said, grinning broadly at her with little tears sparkling in her dark eyes, and stepping close to grab her hand, “You can have Christmas at our house!”
She felt like crying again.
“Oh Ivy that’s so sweet,” she said, her throat feeling tight, “But it’s your family Christmas. You don’t want a stranger there.”
 “You’re not a stranger,” Kristoff said softly, reaching for Ivy’s other hand and giving it a soft squeeze that made the little girl’s smile brighten.
She seemed glad for her dad’s backup.
Anna forced herself to meet his eye, and she found in it a sort of shyness. He looked at her like he was uncertain, but also like he was excited by the prospect. She noted the twinkle in his eyes despite his furrowed brow, the gentle upturn of his lips as he looked at her for an answer.
“I don’t want to intrude…”
“You wouldn’t be. Ivy invited you as her guest. I’d… I’d also like you to come as my guest if you don’t mind. I know you’ve only known us for two weeks, but I think we’d both really like it if you came. Right sweetheart?”
Ivy squeezed Anna’s hand tightly and then nodded, bouncing a bit on her heels as she did so like her whole body was agreeing with her dad.
“Well then,” Anna said quietly, “How can I refuse?”
Her arms were full of presents and chocolates when she came to his door, so she had to tap the wood twice with the toe of her boot to knock. She’d been battling herself the entire drive over, trying to decide whether this was the right thing to do and whether she should really be feeling as giddy about the whole thing as she was.
She was basically crashing someone else’s holiday, and she knew that she should feel bad about taking them up on an offer made out of kindness and sympathy, but she didn’t. She didn’t feel bad because she really liked Ivy and wanted to help make Christmas a little more special for her this year. She didn’t feel bad because she really liked Kristoff and even the idea of pretending for a few hours that he felt the same made her heart flutter.
She’d never fallen for a patron before. Nor had she ever been so sure that she loved someone so quickly. She’d had bad luck in the past with similar feelings, but this time she had faith in the rightness of the feelings and the positivity of the situation. Kristoff Bjorgman was a good man, and whether anything more came from it, she was happy to be his friend and to share his Christmas.
She thought maybe if she could have written a letter to Santa though, she would have maybe wished for more. If it wasn’t too much to ask.
She hadn’t so much as put her foot down after tapping the door than Ivy opened the door and ushered her in. Kristoff was watching from just a few feet back, letting her know with a smile that Ivy had been so excited to open the door that she’d been waiting for the knock. She wondered if she’d been waiting for her since she called to let them know she was arriving.
“I waited to open my presents from Santa until you got here Ms. Anna,” the little girl said with zeal, “I wanted you to see!”
Kristoff stepped forward then, helping Anna with her parcels while telling her quietly that she hadn’t needed to bring them. He whispered into her ear about how excited Ivy had been about Santa and how she’d been even more excited to wait for Ms. Anna.
She thought that her heart might pound out of her chest. Less at the thought that Ivy had wanted to wait for her, and more at the fact that Kristoff hadn’t told her not to. That he’d just whispered in her ear, and that he was making it extremely evident that he wanted her there from the very start.
“Ivy that’s so sweet. I can’t wait to see what Santa brought you!”
“I hope I got a Pokémon stuffy!” she said excitedly, running towards the tree that they’d decorated together.
It felt strangely domestic, like she belonged there because her touch was in the tree. Like she was family, and not just a new friend they’d invited to share their holiday.
“You know what?” Anna asked, feigning ignorance, “I don’t know if he did, but I’m sure you’ve been so good this year that you deserve it.”
Kristoff raised a brow at her, and Anna got the message. “Good cover.”
In fact she knew that Ivy had two Pokémon plushies under the tree, one from Santa, one from her Dad, and Anna also knew that there was one more in the box Kristoff had taken from her labeled with the little girls name and Anna’s own.
Being an elf had its perks.
“But first… if you don’t mind, I have a couple special gifts for you two to open.”
“You really didn’t have to,” Kristoff said, giving her a soft, but appreciative look that she knew she would treasure in her memories for as long as she lived.
She knew that she didn’t have to. But they didn’t have to share their Christmas with her either.
And also, she’d already fallen in love a little bit with them both, and she knew that for now presents were a good way to demonstrate that.
“I have a special present for you too Ms. Anna!”
“You do?”
She looked over at Kristoff, who looked almost as surprised as she did.
“You mean the one we got her at the store yesterday sweetheart?”
“Nope! A special one! I made it, Mrs. James told me how!”
“Huh,” he said with a shrug, “I guess I’ll be as surprised as Ms. Anna then.”
“Would you mind if I gave you yours first?” Anna asked, excited to know what Ivy had made her, but more excited to give the little girl and her father the special gifts she’d gotten them first.
“Okay!” she said excitedly and ran into the apartment proper as Kristoff and Anna managed the process of her removing her outerwear, hanging it up, and him helping her bring in the gifts and treats.
Once Ivy and Kristoff had settled themselves on the small loveseat near the tree, and Anna had brought them their gifts, she settled into the well worn high back chair that served as the only other Livingroom seating.
“Okay. I have some other presents for you guys too, but these are the most important ones, so I want you to open them first, alright?”
Ivy was already tearing into the paper on the box. Not needing to be told twice.
She held up a little soft ornament, and then held it to her chest.
“It’s Mama,” she said in the quietest littlest voice she had ever heard her manage, and Kristoff quickly looked between Anna and the ornament.
It had been easy enough really, to look up Evelyn Taylor. She had a Facebook before she passed, and some friends on the page who mostly lived out of state. There wasn’t much that Anna could find on the page without sending a friend request that she knew, sadly, would never be answered, but there were a handful of photos that she had access to. One of her and Ivy, confirming that she had the right Evelyn Taylor in the first place. The little girl had been two or so at the time the picture had been taken, but her little face had even been then, so strikingly like Kristoff’s. Evelyn even looked a bit like him she thought, like a cousin. The others she’d found included some pictures of the girl with high school friends, a few shots of her looking brave in photos where she’d moved into her apartment, a photo or two of her without hair when she’d been going through chemo.
Anna had gotten them all printed, every single one she could find, and put them in a small box that was under the ornament. The ornament had been a last-minute project. She’d run to the store and picked up printable iron on paper and felt. She printed the photo of Ivy and her mother onto it, ironed it onto the felt, and did her best to channel her mother’s creativity to make a small Scandinavian style embroidered felt plush ornament. It was shaped like a heart, and on one side she’d managed to layer on felt and little stitched snowflakes, while the other held the image on white felt.
She felt a bit bad, of course, about not asking Kristoff if it was okay first, but she thought that the soft look he was giving her may be proof that sometimes it’s better to try for the surprise.
“I’ll tell you later,” she said before Ivy could even get to the box below, “You still have a box to open.”
He looked between her and Ivy for a long moment, like he wanted to say something else as the little girl was excitedly hugging her little ornament, but ultimately, he looked down at his own gift.
“Go on,” she said, eager to see if her surprise gift for him would be met with such excitement.
He opened his gift with less speed, but with equal interest.
She held her breath as he pulled out a small box and a small book.
“Is this… is this a DNA test?”
She felt tension return to her body. He didn’t sound upset really, just surprised, and she hoped that she hadn’t just crossed a line.
“I mean… it’s just… you know, if you ever want to. They’re expensive usually so a lot of people don’t do them, but my sister is in business and she happened to know a guy who knew a guy so I was able to get it for you for nothing. So it’s just if you want to dig in and do some research. You know because I’m a librarian and all. One track mind.”
“I’m sorry if I crossed a line, I just thought…”
She looked at him and saw he was smiling, a little bit teary eyed.
“Anna, thank you. I was going to buy one after the holidays. That project Ivy did… it made me realize that I want to know where I came from.”
“Oh… good. I’m…” she sighed, letting the tension leave her, “I’m glad, because I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
He smiled, and then looked at the book.
“But… uh, what’s Hygge?”
She laughed at that, feeling happy in a way she hadn’t ever remembered feeling outside of work, and she saw Ivy smiling brightly too, hopping down from the couch to go grab something from under the tree.
“Hygge is a Norwegian and Danish concept… it’s just, you know, since I hope you’re Norwegian like me. Hygge is just that cozy mood that we can’t put into words. I think you feel a lot of hygge when you get a moment to breathe when you’re with Ivy, and I thought you’d like the book. There’s another one I ordered you too, but it won’t come in for a while. It’s all Norwegian fairytales. I thought you might like to read them together.”
He grinned broadly and stood from the couch, walking over to her and taking her hand, “Anna this is…”
But Ivy cut him off before he could finish.
“Ms. Anna! I have your present, are you ready?”
“Of course! I’m so excited,” she said, giving Kristoff an apologetic smile and turning her attention towards the child who was holding something behind her back.
The little girl grinned in response and held up a picture she’d drawn in crayon. There were little green leaves and little white berries. It was immediately obvious to Anna what it was meant to be, and depending on how things turned out, she was either going to ban Mrs. James from the library, or send her a fruit basket.
“Is that?” Kristoff started.
“Mistletoe.” Anna finished.
She felt her face go hot, but then when she looked over at Kristoff, his hand still in hers, she saw him clearly doing some internal negotiating.
“May I… may we?” He asked.
“It is a tradition,” she said quietly, looking over at the little girl and giving her a bright, if not a bit embarrassed smile to let her know that she did in fact, love the drawing.
And before she could say anything else he was helping her off the chair and into his arms. She giggled when he kissed her, his stubble, now an almost beard tickling her skin.
Ivy, ever the encouraging an delighted audience, was jumping up and down.
“Santa must have gotten the letter I hid under the cookie plate last night!” she said delighted, “I knew Daddy liked Ms. Anna!”
Kristoff, ended the kiss a bit abruptly to look over to his daughter, a deep blush on his cheeks that Anna was sure was mirrored in her own.
He didn’t release her though, still holding her close, his touch tender but firm.
“Santa didn’t get a letter under the cookie plate last night,” he whispered low into Anna’s ear as Ivy took back off toward the tree, leaving her drawing on Anna’s chair.
Anna couldn’t help but giggle at his bewilderment. She thought that it was most likely that Ivy had simply dreamed writing the letter. Some kids her age had a hard time remembering what they had and hadn’t done when they woke in the morning.
“Well either the big man is more real than we thought, or Mrs. James has more connections than I thought. Or you know, she just dreamt the whole thing.”
He grinned broadly.
“Well someone must have gotten my letter too,” he said, a little louder, “Because Ivy is right. I do like you. I know it’s fast but…”
“I like you too Kristoff,” she said quietly, “And we can take this slower from here, but for now…”
He leaned in again, kissing her gently. She let her hand slide up, her palm cradling his stubbled cheek.
When they broke the kiss, they rested their foreheads together, the sound of tearing paper and Ivy’s excited cheering behind them.
“Merry Christmas Kristoff.”
“Merry Christmas Anna.”
She’d never been so grateful for a reference desk query in her life.
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jeannereames · 3 years
Hi Dr Reames, I hope you're well! I think I might have asked this before, so sorry if I'm being obnoxious, but do you think there is very much studying left to be done in regards to Alexander/Macedonia? Looking at the field from the outside, it seems a little bit like all that can be said, has been. Would you recommend studying Alexander specifically as a prospective academic path, or would you advocate pursuing other areas of classics?
The problem with studying ANYthing in the ancient world is always a problem of the sources. Unless there’s new material, then we’re all just doing ring-around-the-rosie with what we have. That doesn’t mean new things can’t be said. I’d point to my own work on Hephaistion, or for that matter, Alexander’s bereavement. I wasn’t looking at anything new, just looking differently at what we already had. As someone who’d done bereavement counseling, Alexander’s mourning of Hephaistion didn’t strike me as particular unusual, except in the amount of money he had and power to have his desires put into practice.
Also, scholarship tends to go through “fads,” like anything else. That is, someone makes a splash with a new approach, one that can be applied more broadly, and suddenly, a lot of people jump on board. That’s not necessarily bad, but it can result in oversaturation. Right now, one of the big fads is “reception studies.” So the rise of new directions in the study of old fields can offer alternative approaches to familiar material.
Another thing that can happen is for old fields to give birth to new ones. E.g, Charles Edson, Harry Dell, and then Nick Hammond all started asking questions about the country that produced Philip and Alexander, instead of writing just about them. Edson’s 1939 dissertation at Harvard, “Five Studies in Macedonian History” widened the lens but things really began to churn in the 60s and 70s. In 1972, Nick Hammond published the first volume in that massive A History of Macedonia, after having done Epiros earlier. He got Griffith to work with him on vol. 2, Griffith writing much of the material on Philip (which is still, btw, a pretty damn good summary of Philip’s reign, if you allow for material discovered since), then Walbank, already well-known as a scholar of Philip V, worked with Hammond on Vol. 3, which is the Hellenistic period.
Macedonian Studies was born, and by 1990, 3 different histories had appeared: a short version by Hammond on Macedonian Institutions called The Macedonian State, Gene Borza’s (still) excellent In the Shadow of Olympus, that goes up to Philip II, and Malcolm Errington’s A History of Macedonia that included ATG and the Hellenistic period. What followed (and was in between) involved numerous articles, then companions and conference proceedings. Alexander (and Philip) were still hot property, but many articles had nothing to do with them. New direction had been found.
Yet notice most of those early scholars were English-speakers. Partly, that owed to where it got started: Edson and Dell were Americans. They trained students who were also Americans. So Bill Greenwalt (Dell’s student) would go into Argead Macedonia with an interest in Illyria (and Thrace) because Dell had the same. There were some Greek scholars, such as Miltiades Hatzopoulos and Argyro Tataki doing a lot with epigraphy, and Manolis Andronikos himself, but the field was dominated by English-speakers for a while.
One of the bigger shifts in the last 20-25 years has been an expansion into other languages, plus the Greeks dominating the archaeology. When you take up high-level scholarship, there’s an assumption that you will read material in languages besides your own. When I got my PhD, aside from the ancient languages, common wisdom dictated I learn German and French.
BUT my NUMBER ONE piece of advice to anybody who wants to do ancient Macedonia today is LEARN MODERN GREEK.
Why? Because, as I said, the Greeks have taken back their own archaeology and most of their reports are in Greek. They’re talking to each other, and most (non-Greek) scholars don’t read modern Greek [that well]. That’s not entirely accidental, and some payback for the colonial dominance of the late 1800s and 1900s. (Elgin Marbles anybody?) The best way to keep out “interference” is to write mostly in a language few other scholars read well. That keeps Macedonian history in Greek hands. I would now advise young scholars that modern Greek is more important than French. Just as, if you really want to do Thracian history, learning Bulgarian and/or Russian might be a good idea.
It’s getting increasingly hard, as scholarship expands, to keep up with all the languages one needs. Current work is being done on Macedonia, as well as Alexander and the Hellenistic world in English, Spanish, Italian, German, modern Greek, and even Russian, and that doesn’t look at the wider world outside Europe (and colonial states). We’ve got a ton of talented young scholars on the continent, while jobs are lacking in many English-speaking countries, meaning students just aren’t going into it. English still remains a major language, largely because Americans and Canadians suck at learning other languages while the Europeans might speak 4-5. But English is becoming less relevant. As a grad student, I couldn’t have guessed I’d need Spanish and Italian more than French.
But LEARN MODERN GREEK, as that’s where the NEW stuff is. I doubt we’ll get much (if anything) new in textual evidence. By contrast, archaeology is rewriting what we thought we knew about north Greece. E.g., Methone now vies with Pithokousai for the earliest Greek script. Think about that a minute. Euboian Greeks and Phoenicians weren’t just hanging around off the coast of Cumai in the late 8th century, they were poking about the Thermaic Gulf, too, interacting with whoever the hell was at Pella before the Macedonians moved in (Bottaians, Paionians, somebody else…?). Who [what people] were buried at Archontiko between 650-450 BCE?? What was happening tradewise between Aiani in Elimeia and Corinth? That, to my mind, is where scholarship is going: or it should be. The Early Iron and Archaic Ages…periods before Macedonia even shows up in the written record with Herodotos.
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Sure, I love Alexander, and I write about him a lot here, or Hephaistion, but I’m really an Argead specialist. I’m just as curious about how Alexander I used Persian power, then Persian absence to consolidate his own power and create Macedonia as we know it. When I first got to UNO, the Hellenistic Era was the “happenin’” place, but there are now a number of Macedoniasts doing that. Pat Wheatley (Brian Bosworth’s student) and Charlotte Dunn just (2020) published a new (probably definitive) book on Demetrios Poliorketes for instance (I’ve been waiting to see that for years). And there will always be Yet Another book on Alexander or Philip, but the place that is WIDE OPEN for research is the archaeology of Archaic and Early Iron Age Macedonia. That shit is interesting.
Go to Macedonia. Drive around and visit the museums (not just the big ones in Athens and Thessaloniki, or even Vergina). Go to Veroia, go to Pella, go to Aiani, go to Ioannina, go to Florina. See what’s up there. It’s COOL.
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thetravelerwrites · 4 years
Geteb (Troll) Lemon
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Rating: Explicit Relationship: Male Troll/Non-Binary Reader Additional Tags: Exophilia, Monster Boyfriend, Troll, Non-Binary Reader, Reader Insert Content Warning: Speech Disorders, Dysarthria, Stuttering Words: 2741
A commission for @mxnsterbabe​​! After getting sick from drinking contaminated water, the reader comes home to find the plumber fixing the water problem. Please reblog and leave feedback!
The Traveler's Masterlist
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Moving to Willowridge hadn’t been your first option, but it was the only one that made financial sense. You were going to school at E.U. for business management, but Coleville was just too expensive, even living in the dorms, so you transferred to the Willowridge campus. There was an apartment complex with plenty of studio apartments for the college kids, and you rented the only ground floor apartment they had left. There was a trade-off, of course. You didn’t have to climb up and down seven flights of stairs every day because the elevator was perpetually broken, but you did hear every argument, party, and session of loud sex your neighbors decided to have.
Well, college life was college life, regardless of where you lived.
The only real problem was that the water was an odd color and tasted funny, and before your first day in your new place was over, you were in the hospital for suspected salmonella poisoning. You were in the hospital for over two days, and when you were released, there was a large stranger in your apartment, looking under your kitchen sink.
“Excuse me,” You said in alarm.
The stranger jumped and hit his head on the cabinet, swearing and dropping a wrench. He stood up, and you could see he was wearing a workman’s jumpsuit. You were suddenly confronted with a solid wall of man, easily seven feet tall, with a broad… everything. He was a troll, you realized, and judging from the dusty, pebbly texture of his skin to the tusks jutting out from his lower jaw to the hair like green moss that curled around his ears, he was a field troll.
Trolls were distantly related to orcs, though they didn’t have the same warrior culture as orcs did, if you recalled correctly. They were typically creatures of nature, keeping to the forests and mountains, often seen as slow or stupid. You weren’t sure if those claims were true or not. You’d met a few before, and they seemed normal to you.
“Sorry,” He said very slowly, his voice deep. “Are you… the one… that… got sick?”
“Yes,” You replied, coming inside the apartment but leaving the door open. “And who are you?”
“Sorry,” He repeated. “I’m Geteb. I’m the… plumber… for the building. I came to… fix the pipes.”
“Oh,” You said. “What was wrong with them?”
“The pipe… that p--pulls water…. from the city… broke… and street water… got in it,” He replied in the same slow cadence. “That’s why you… got sick. Your apartment is… the first in the line. When you… got s--sick, we shut it… off. We only just now… turned it back on.”
“Well, I guess it’s good no one else got sick, then,” You said, trying not to come across as bitter.
“I’m sorry… you did,” He said solemnly, though it was an odd sound, like a puppy whimpering after being scolded. “I… b--brought you… clean water.” He pointed to several jugs of water that were stacked along the wall in the kitchen area.
You nodded numbly. “Oh.”
“Just in case. We’re flushing… the system… now. I was just… checking the water… in the tap… to make sure it’s clean.” He held up a cotton swab that was inside a tube. “It’s a test, see? If it’s blue… then it’s con…” He stopped and struggled with the word. “Co... conta…taminated. But it’s not, see!” He held out the test swab for you to inspect. “So it’s all safe. But you should… drink the jug water… just in case.”
“Okay,” You said tiredly. “Well, if you’re done, I’d like to lie down. I still don’t feel very well.”
“Oh, okay,” He said, picking up his tools. “I hope you… feel better… soon. Call the front office… if anything is wrong… and I’ll come back… and fix it… any time.”
“Sure,” You said, ushering him out of the door.
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You spent the next couple of days in bed, unable to eat. You managed a few sips of tea, but there wasn’t much else that your stomach could tolerate. As suggested, you drank the water from the jugs that Geteb had brought, but mostly because you just didn’t trust the tap water anymore.
Three days afterward, when you were finally starting to feel better, there was a knock at the door. Geteb was standing there in his work clothes with three more jugs of water in each fist.
“I brought you… m--more water,” He said.
“Oh,” You said in surprise. “Okay. Uh, bring them in.”
You stepped aside and let Geteb in, who had to duck to clear the doorframe.
“I’m sorry if I was rude the other day,” You told him. “I didn’t even really thank you.”
“It’s okay! I understand!” He replied. “You felt bad. I’m cranky… when I feel bad… too.”
“I just hope I’m well enough to continue classes next week,” You said.
He chuckled. “School was fun. I remember college. Lots of parties.”
He seemed to be better at speaking short sentences. “You went to college?” You said in surprise.
“Yes,” He said reproachfully, looking hurt. “I know… I’m not that smart… but I’m s--smarter… than people think. Just because… I’m big… and I talk slow… and I have trouble… with big words… it doesn’t mean… I’m stupid.”
Horrified, you said, “Oh, no, I didn’t mean…” But then you stopped. That’s exactly what you meant, and you knew it. “I’m sorry. That was uncalled for, and I apologize.”
His frown melted, and he smiled. “It’s okay. I’m not mad.”
“What did you get your degree in?”
“S--struc…tural engin…eering.”
“Oh, wow,” You said. “That’s really impressive.”
He chuckled again. “Lots of people… don’t believe me… when I tell them… I h--have a… Bachelor’s degree.”
“Well, they’re idiots,” You said. “Listen, can I buy you a drink? To thank you and make up for being a rude asshole.”
His face lit up. God, he reminded you of a puppy. “Okay! I’d like to. I should… change clothes, I’m really dirty.”
“Aren’t you still on the clock?” You asked.
He stopped and thought about it. “Oh. Yeah. Later then?”
It was your turn to chuckle. “Later then.”
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He met you after work at a local college pub and you bought him a round. Well, a pitcher for him. He had big hands.
“So, I don’t want to offend you, and I’m trying hard not to be an asshole, but can I ask something?”
“You… want to know… why I… talk so slow?” He asked with a patient smile.
“Yeah,” You replied hesitantly. “I’ve seen other trolls and they don’t talk like you do.”
“I have… dysarthria,” He said. “I had a… really bad ear… infection… when I was… s--seven… and it turned into… men…ingitus… and caused… a stroke. I was… in… a coma for… a while after.”
“Oh, god,” You breathed. “I had no idea you could have a stroke from an ear infection.”
“It’s rare,” He said. “I’m special… like that, I guess.”
You smiled at him. “How long were you in school?”
“The standard… four years,” He replied. “And then another… four years… app…p--prentice for the… plumbing job. T--that’s a long time… for people… to still think… I’m stupid.” He didn’t seem angry about it, just resigned.
“You’re definitely not stupid, Geteb,” You told him.
“It’s not just… the talking,” He said, gesturing at his mouth. “People… look down on… labor jobs. Just because… we work with… our hands… and get d--dirty… doesn’t make it… less… of a skill.”
“You’re absolutely right,” You replied sadly. “And it’s a shame people are like that.”
“You’re not… like that, are you?” He asked you.
“No, Geteb, I’m not,” You told him. “My dad was a carpenter. I know all about how difficult working with your hands can be.”
“That’s good,” He said. “Because… I’d like to… take you out again. My treat… this time.”
Your smile widened. “I’d like that very much.”
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You went on several dates with Geteb. Because he was such a big guy, a lot of them were outdoors or in places that were wide open, like museums or aquariums. He liked looking at things and letting you talk, shy about talking in public or around a group of strangers. He was already unusual, and his speech impairment made him stand out even more.
Despite dating for almost a month, he still hadn’t kissed you yet, and you wondered why. You knew he was shy, but you’d been more than affectionate with him, so he had to know you wanted him to. Maybe you’d just have to do it yourself.
At the end of the next date, you said, “Bend down.”
“Because it’s hard to kiss you when you’re way up there,” You said, laughing.
He didn’t laugh. Instead, he sighed heavily.
“Do you not want to kiss me?” You asked him, teasing.
“It’s not that,” He replied seriously. “I do… v--very much… but if I… kiss you… that means… something to me…”
“It means something to me, too, silly,” You said. “It means I like you.”
“It means… more than that… to me.” He asked. “I’m… never going… to be normal… you know that… don’t you? I can’t… fix this.” He gestured at his mouth and head. “Kissing me… after so many dates… means… you’re commit…ting… to that… reality. Are you sure… you can… do that?”
“It’s not like kissing you means we’re getting married, Geteb,” You said, your brow furrowing. “It doesn’t bother me how you talk.”
“It doesn’t… right now,” He said. “But what… about in a… month? Or five? What about… when your friends… say something… or a stranger says something… that makes you… uncomfortable with… the idea… of being… with me. You may be… able… to tolerate it… now, but you… may not… be able to… forever.”
“Geteb, don’t be silly,” You said, frowning. “If someone has something to say about it, I’ll bite their ears off. And if my friends have something to say about it, I’ll get better friends. It’s that simple.”
“For you,” He said, looking away, and you took his face in your hands.
“Has something like that happened before?” You asked.
He frowned and looked at his feet. “I almost… g--got married once,” He told you. “I bought… the ring and… everything… but b--before… I could ask her… w--we got in a fight… she said… she always ha--hated… how I talked. After we… calmed down… s--she said… she didn’t m--mean it… but that’s all… I could think… about when I… t--talked to her… so I stopped… talking… and we b--broke up…” He sniffled a little. “I still… have the… ring. I couldn’t… bring myself… to return it. I didn’t want p--people… to be sad… for me. I was already… sad enough.”
“I’m so sorry, Geteb,” You said, stroking a thumb down his cheek. “Even if what she said was true, I’m not her. I love the way you talk. I can understand you perfectly fine. All it takes is listening, and I’m more than willing to do that.”
His expression looked so pained. “Are you… sure?”
Instead of answering, you turned the key in the lock of your front door, opened it, and pulled him inside.
“Let me show you,” You said. He gulped and allowed himself to be led.
Inside, you had him sit down on the pull-out couch-bed and sat in his lap. He carefully placed a hand on your lower back, as if testing the waters. You laughed softly and leaned against his body, laying your head on his chest.
“Isn’t this nice?” You asked him.
“Very,” He said, his lips in your hair. Not quite a kiss, was it was contact. “I have missed… holding someone… I have been… lonely… I guess…”
“I’m not surprised,” You said. “That’s kind of what happens when you try to keep people at an arm’s length.”
“I don’t mean to,” He said. “I just don’t… want people… to be hurt… because of me.”
“And you don’t want to get hurt, either,” You said, sitting up and looking at him. “I totally get that, Geteb. That’s a natural reaction when you’ve been hurt. I’ve been hurt too. You think my parents took it well when I told them I was non-binary? Or my boyfriend? Sorry, ex-boyfriend, because he can’t be with someone--excuse me, something--who isn’t a girl, which…” You scoffed and rolled your eyes. “I know it’s not the same as having a lifelong, debilitating condition that people don’t understand, I do get that. What I’m saying is that in some ways, I completely understand what you’re going through. And I want to go through it with you.”
“You’re sure?” He asked again.
“Yep,” You said. “You’re stuck with me, pal, like it or not.”
“I like it,” He said, smiling.
“Good,” You said, standing up so that you could be eye level and wrapping your arms around his neck. “I like it, too.” Then you kissed him. It was long and leisurely, not pressing him too hard if he didn’t want to go there yet.
Acceptance is a funny, powerful thing. It gives confidence to the meek, solace to the troubled, and in this instance, it made him very, very aroused. You could feel it the moment you climbed into his lap and straddled him. His hands gripped you more firmly and his kisses deepened. The tip of his large, broad tongue brushed across your lips, and you opened your mouth so that he could slip it inside, tangling with your own.
You kissed down his body, opening the button-up shirt and pulling it out of his pants. His jeans were tented, and you thought it might be painful, so you popped the button and unzipped the sipper, stroking him through his underwear, and he moaned.
“You don’t… have to…” He said between gasps.
“I want to,” You said, kneeling down. You opened the slit in his underwear and freed him, swirling your tongue around him. He grunted and his hips bucked upward involuntarily.
“It’s been… a long time…” He said. “I’m a… little… sensitive…”
“I’ll be gentle,” You said, and pulled him slowly into your mouth. A long groan of satisfaction issued from him, and you figured you were doing alright.
It didn’t take long before he was writhing under your touch, panting and gasping. He was throbbing inside your mouth, but before he came, he lay a hand on your shoulder to stop you.
“Can you… get undressed… please? I want… to look at you,” He asked, heaving in deep breaths. You obliged, making a little bit of a show of it. He watched you hungrily, and when you were fully nude, he reached out for you. You climbed back into his lap, and he caressed your body, kissing your neck and shoulders. You rose up and positioned him at your entrance and slowly, carefully, slid down on him.
You kissed him deeply as he grasped your hips, bouncing you a little. You braced your hands on his chest and came down harder on him, making your bodies slap together. You threw your head back and he kissed your throat, his tusks poking into the skin, his hand in your hair.
“I’m… close…” He wheezed.
“Me too,” You whimpered, speeding up. You felt the rush of pleasure hit your body just as he abruptly pulled you up and came all over your thighs and his jeans.
“Sorry,” He said as you collapsed onto his chest.
“It’s okay,” You panted. He held you close until you got your breath back. “You can use my mini washing machine to clean your clothes. I don’t have a dryer, though, so you’ll have to stay until they dry. It could take a while.”
“I d--don’t mind,” He said. “I can sleep… on the floor… if that’s okay.”
“I’ll make us a nice pillow fort,” You said. “Good thing it’s the weekend. We can just stay in our fort and order out and be naked the whole time.”
“The best weekend… ever.”
“Yes, it does. And we can do it every weekend from now on. What do you think?”
“I think… that sounds like… heaven.”
You stood up and dragged him to his feet. “Shower first.”
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Thanks for reading!
My Masterlist
The Exophilia Creator’s Masterlist
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 2, Episode 2 Easter Egg and Reference
Spoilers ahead for Star Trek: Lower Decks, Season 2, Episode 2, “Kayshon, His Eyes Open”
In The Next Generation episode “The Most Toys,” Kivas Fajo tried to keep Data forever. The idea that someone thought it was okay to “collect” was an oddly self-referential concept for Star Trek even in the 1990s. Just like now, the idea of a Star Trek collectible was a thing hardcore Star Trek fans thought about all the time. But, other than the fact that everyone would actually want to “collect” Data, “The Most Toys” wasn’t actually about Star Trek collectibles. 
But, the newest Star Trek: Lower Decks episode, kind of is? In “Kayshon, His Eyes Open,” the crew of the Cerritos encounters one of those famous collectors, while the crew of the Titan deal with some very familiar transporter clones. It’s almost like this is an episode that is filled with as many Easter eggs on purpose. Here’s everything we caught.
Beta Shift 
When Jet joins the Lower Deckers at the start of the episode, it’s implied they are on “Beta Shift.” This seems to check-out with Season 1, in which it was clear that the Cerritos was on a four-shift duty rotation, which included the night shift known as “Delta Shift.” (This idea was first introduced in the TNG episode “Chain of Command,” an episode Lower Decks LOVES to reference.)
Sonic Showers 
Although sonic showers are referenced a lot in Star Trek, we’ve only seen sonic showers a few times. The first time was in The Motion Picture, and since then we’ve only glimpsed the showers. The visual effect for the communal sonic showers here is very similar to TMP, but the idea of communal showering for the lower officers vaguely references the novelization of The Motion Picture, too. If you know, then you know.
Again the idea of various “Collectors” in the galaxy references Kivas Fajo and “The Most Toys.” This is what Freeman means by “they all tried to collect Data.”
Dr. Migleemo
 Notably, the Cerritos’s counselor, the avian Dr. Migleemo returns in this episode, once again, voiced by Paul. F. Tompkins. Echoing Counselor Troi’s non-standard uniform, Migleemo appears to wear whatever he wants while on duty, even sitting on the bridge.
Items Owned By the Collector, Take 1
When the landing party for the Cerritos first boards the ship, just in the first room alone there are a ton of Easter eggs. Getting all of these is gonna be tricky, but we’re gonna give it a go. Here’s what you can spot when you pause the first couple of shots in the first room of the Collector’s Ship.
Captain Picard paper mache head from “Captain Picard Day” (TNG, “The Pegasus”)
The Game (TNG, “The Game”)
Baseball Bat and ball (Possible DS9 Sisko reference?)
Giant Unicorn (Possible Blade Runner reference?)
Marty McFly’s Shoes (Back to the Future)
Terran Empire Flag (TOS, “Mirror, Mirror) 
Khan’s Necklace (The Wrath of Khan)
Valiant flight recorder (TOS, “Where No Man Has Gone Before)
Gold TOS Uniform
Giant Pink Tribble (TAS, “More Tribbles, More Troubles)
M-113 lifeform (TOS, “The Man Trap.” Also, this is AT LEAST the third time the Salt Vampire has appeared on Lower Decks. And, having the M-113 lifeform as a collectible not only references “The Man Trap,” but also, “The Squire of Gothos,” in which your boy Trelane had an M-113 creature as a museum piece, too!)
Special Shout-Out: Betazoid Gift Box 
First appearing in TNG’s “Haven,” this was a talking box that was meant to “bond” with the person who got the gift. 
The existence of this artifact here is also possible a double reference to two other things: In “Haven,” the face of the Gift Box was played by Armin Shimmerman, more famous later as Quark on DS9. But, on top of that, back in 1994 the Star Trek: The Next Generation Collectible Card Game (published by Decipher Inc.) had a very powerful card based on the Betazoid Gift Box. If you played the game, you know this was a rare and useful card that was well…very collectible.
Special Shout-Out: Whose trombone is that?
We briefly see a trombone in one of the collector’s cases, which seems like an easy reference to Riker. But, which one? Because this episode also directly references “Second Chances,” and Will Riker’s duplicate Thomas Riker, it’s possible that this is the trombone that Will gave to Thomas at the end of that TNG episode. Briefly, here’s the case for that being Thomas Riker’s trombone: In the DS9 episode “Defiant” Thomas Riker tried to steal the Defiant, but was later arrested by Starfleet. Presumably, this would mean all of his stuff would have been confiscated, including his trombone! 
Keyshon is a Tamarian 
Tamarians or “the Children of Tama” originate in the TNG episode “Darmok.” In case you forgot, Picard cracked the case with this species by learning they spoke exclusively through metaphor and analogy. Mariner mocks this by pointing out all you have to do is listen for “context clues.”
Riker loves…Rogue Squadron?
Riker tells Boimler to use “attack pattern delta,” on the Pakled ship. This seems to be a reference to The Empire Strikes Back in which Luke tells the snowspeeders of Rogue Squadron, “Attack pattern delta, go now!” 
Items Owned By the Collector, Take 2
Here’s another go at seeing how many Easter eggs were jammed into like less than 2-minutes of screentime.
Kataan Probe (TNG, “The Inner Light”)
Vulcan lirpa weapon (TOS, “Amok Time,”)
Klingon bat’leth (TNG, DS9, Voyager et al.)
Andorian dueling weapon (Enterprise, “United.”)
Shark in a Tank (A reference to the real-life artist Damien Hirst, probably?)
Mars Rover 
Kadis-kot game set (Voyager)
Château Picard wine crate (Picard)
Isomagnetic disintegrator (Worf’s bazooka from Insurrection)
Tendi is later holding:
A trident scanner (Scotty loved this thing in TOS)
And…a Kurlan naiskos (TNG, “The Chase,” a very big episode for canon!)
Kahless’ fornication helmet 
Tendi says that this specific Klingon artifact is clearly something Kahless (the Klingon Jesus) wore while…well, the name speaks for itself. But which Kahless? Hmmm? The fake clone Kahless from “Rightful Heir?” or the real-deal Kahless from the 9th century? The Kahless reference gets doubly meta, because, as you’ll see later, Lower Decks eventually references the very first reference in canon to Kahless, too. 
Data’s Picasso-esque painting of Spot
Barely visible, just as Mariner and the gang are trying to escape, we see Data’s painting of his cat Spot, first seen in the TNG episode “Inheritance,” and later in the background in the movie Generations.
Boimler’s description of the Enterprise-D
Let’s combine two scenes here! In two pivotal moments in the episode, Boimler is defending the honor and relative coolness of the TNG adventures on the Enterprise-D, which he just calls “the D.” Here’s what it seems like he’s referencing.
“They went to other dimensions… (This seems to reference the idea that “The D” did go to another dimension in the episode “Where No One Has Gone Before.” It also could reference “Yesterday’s Enterprise,” but nobody would remember that.)
“They fought the Borg…” (This references “Q, Who,” “The Best of Both Worlds,” and “Descent.”
“They insurrected!” (This seems to reference Star Trek: Insurrection, which was not the Enterprise-D, but instead, the Enterprise-E! The Lower Decks writers surely know this. Why doesn’t Boimler know this? Maybe the game of telephone in the Federation is a little inaccurate? In LDS Season 1, the news of Data’s brother seemed to travel…very slowly?)
“They had a regular string quartet.” (This references several TNG episodes, notably “Sarek,” and again, “Inheritance,”) 
“Riker was jamming on the trombone” (A ton of TNG, including “The Next Phase,” “Future Imperfect,” and of course, “Second Chances.”)
“Catching love disease” (Probably TNG’s “The Naked Now”)
“Acting in plays” (This mostly references Riker acting in one of Crusher’s plays in TNG’s “Frame of Mind.”)
The remains of Spock Two?
In the spooky skeleton room, we see what appears to be a giant humanoid skeleton wearing a blue TOS–era Starfleet uniform. Who is this? The best guess? This is the giant Spock clone from The Animated Series episode “The Infinite Vulcan.”
Excalbian Bones and Abe Lincoln
Toward the end of the episode, the gang is trapped in a diorama that seems to have an alien and a skeleton of Abraham Lincoln. This references the TOS episode “The Savage Curtain” in which the Excalbians produced copies of Lincoln, along with Kahless and Surak. This episode was the first reference in Trek canon to both Kahless and Surak, and so, basically created the backstories of both Vulcan and Klingon cultures through historically inaccurate versions of those people. Funny, right? 
Transporter clone 
When Boimler beams the away team out through the distortion field, Riker says “oh, I’ve heard this tune before.” This references the TNG banger “Second Chances,” in which Riker’s transporter duplicate was discovered on a planet years after the fact. In this sense, Boimler’s transporter clone got off easy. Also, the idea that one of the transporter duplicates makes different decisions that the other also references “Second Chances,” in which “Thomas” Riker ends up being a different person than Will. The idea that both can’t serve on the Titan anymore might reference the idea that the TNG writing staff considered killing off the “first” Will Riker, and replacing him with his duplicate. This would have meant Data would have become the first officer in Season 6, and Riker, the operations officer. It didn’t happen, but from the point of view of the Titan crew, something like this basically DID just happen.
The Riker lean 
While talking to the Mr. Boimlers, Riker puts one foot up on a couch. Classic Riker lean. Classic. 
“Computer play Night Bird”
cnx.cmd.push(function() { cnx({ playerId: "106e33c0-3911-473c-b599-b1426db57530", }).render("0270c398a82f44f49c23c16122516796"); });
Just before Boimler leaves the Ready Room, “William Boimler” and Riker are sharing some Romulan Ale. Riker says “computer, play ‘Night Bird.’” This also references “Second Chances,” in which Riker is unable to play the trombone solo for this song, which Troi teases him about endlessly. “Night Bird” also appears to be a made-up song. But who knows, maybe William Boimler will be able to master it? Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 2 airs on Paramount+ on Thursdays.
The post Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 2, Episode 2 Easter Egg and Reference appeared first on Den of Geek.
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mhdiaries · 4 years
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Freaky Fusion Hybrids Bonita Femur Diary
I have a sweater in my closet that I have never worn. It sits on the top shelf inside a box, and the tags are still on it. It’s multi-colored and as bright as a field of wild flowers in the spring. I leave it in the box because I know that if I wear it, I’ll chew it. Oh I won’t mean to I’ll just get nervous and before I know it – BAM! Hole. So I’m saving it for a special occasion when I absolutely want to look my beast. That’s assuming of course that the anticipation of the occasion doesn’t cause me to gnaw through the sweater on the way to said occasion. Who am I kidding? I’m never taking that sweater out of the box, might as well just chew it up now and get it over with… blah… there may not be anything in the monster world that can make me as miserable as me.
Okay – big surprise here, but filling out applications of any kind makes me nervous. I once applied to work in a second claw clothing store and even though I got the job I chewed through the equivalent of my first paycheck in sweaters before I finished with the section on contact information. So you can imagine the jitters I got when I had to fill out the application for Monster High. I think I could have eaten my way through all the wool in Boo Zealand if mom and dad hadn’t been there to calm me down and help me focus. They totes keep me from turning into a casket case on a regular basis. I guess that must be why when I got to the scaritage section on the application I wasn’t nervous at all. It just seemed natural for me to write about them. Mom’s a skeleton and an amazing seamstress, weaver and all round fabric artist. Her tapestries have a haunting quality about them and she has a waiting list that is centuries long for one of her originals. They’re almost good enough to eat which dad and I are forbidden to ever do. Dad is a flyway patrol monster who has always worked the frightshift but on his frights off he would provide security for art shows and special events. When mom was just starting out as an artist she had a small booth at this weekend swap meet/flea market. It happened to be in dad’s security area so he would always see her there and they struck up a friendship. Dad even reworked his shifts, without telling mom, so he could be there when she was. Mom would weave treats for him although she never let on that it was something she only did for him. Eventually their friendship turned into love. I know it might not sound like a scarytale romance but it worked for them then and still works for them now.
I had a scary good time at the movies tonight with Neighthan and Avea! I love Veronica von Vamp movies and popcorn, lots and lots of popcorn – especially if the movie is suspenseful which this one was. Neighthan didn’t seem like himself though and he was pretty distracted. He kept looking around for Sirena who didn’t make it to the movie at all which I think made him really disappointed for some reason. Avea and I practically had to drag him to the Die-ner. It’s not like this is the first time Sirena’s forgotten to show up for something and she did eventually meet us at the Die-ner so I might have been overly sensitive especially with all of us wondering if we’ll all be starting at Monster High in the fall. I’ve never said anything to the rest of the gang but sometimes I wonder if we’ve been our own worst enemies when it comes to the other schools we’ve attended. We always just assume that we’re going to be rejected by other monsters, sometimes for good reason, so we keep to ourselves and never give them a chance to prove us wrong. Maybe it will be different at Monster High, not there’s a thought to chew on.
I was going to wear my favorite flower print skirt today but forgot that the last time I wore it was the day Sirena and Avea got into an argument that started over where to eat lunch and ended with something else which I don’t remember mostly because I was nervously chewing through my skirt. The flowers now look like rabid aphids have attacked them. So it was off to the thrift store for a replacement. I like going to the thrift store. I think when monsters hear “thrift store” they think, well I’m not exactly sure what they think although I believe if thrift stores started calling themselves “Style Museums” or “Adopt a Fashion” shelters perhaps they would get more customers. So I fluttered down to the shop I always go to but it was closed for inventory. I would normally have just gone home but there was another store a few blocks over on another street so I glided over to that one. It wasn’t as large as the one that was closed but it was bright, airy and everything was neatly arranged. Besides the store lurk, there was only one other monster in the place, a werewolf ghoul who had pink hair with orange streaks and a look of desperation on her face. She was whipping through the hangers of clothes on the racks so quickly I thought I saw sparks flying, plus she was also carrying on an argument with herself and it sounded like she was losing. I started at the other end of the store, just to stay out of her way, and one of the first things I saw was a haunt couture dress that was fangtastically underpriced and out of place in this shop. It looked like it would fit and so rather than trying it on I took it to the lurk to hold for me while I continued shopping. When I held up the dress I heard this bone-curdling howl from behind me and I turned to see the werewolf ghoul sprinting toward me. I almost ran, and would have, but I really wanted that dress. She went straight to the lurk and said, “That’s the dress – you have to give it to me!” The lurk told her that she would do no such thing and she indicated in my direction, “She found it, it’s up to her to decide what she wants to do with it.” The ghoul turned toward me and I could see tears filling her eyes. “That dress belongs to my big sister and it’s uber special to her. I accidently put it in a bag that I thought my mom was taking for dry cleaning, but it was actually for a community clothing drive. I’ve been to every thrift and second claw store in town looking and hoping to find it. Please.” How could I say no to that? After she paid for the dress the ghoul gave me a monster hug and on the way out the door said, “I think you’re wings are totes rad – you’re lucky to have something like that to make you stand out from the crowd.” Then she was gone. My wings are “totes rad”? Well, who am I to argue with a “normal” monster.
Dad came in from work this morning with a letter in his claw. “Looks like somebody forgot to check the mail yesterday.” The letter was addressed to me and it had the Monster High crest on it. I already had one corner of the envelop in my mouth when mom said, “If you shred it before you open it, you’ll really be in a flutter.” I slowly opened the envelope, pulled out the letter and read it first to myself and then out loud. “Welcome to Monster High…” We were all laughing and crying when mom left the room for a moment. She quickly came back with a beautiful tapestry. “I started working on this last year in hopes for this outcome so dig in,” she said. I took the tapestry and folded it up instead. I was going to need something to replace the sweater on the top shelf in my closet since I think I have a special occasion all picked out to wear it.
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