#but the way they assumed i was immediately trying to pull some master manipulation tactic and was a bitter and unstable person because
garyfischy · 1 year
god people online are freaks
#over it now but some person online got super fucking mad at me and tried to claim i was a bad person basically#because i self deprecated in conversation#which is like fine#but then he like tried to fucking psychoanalyze me and say i was like a flawed individual and just tried to infer all this shit about me#posted this comic about these cartoon animals with autism and said it was like#supposed to be me? it was really confusing#they were calling each other retarded and i think he was trying to say that i was.. making excuses for my 'bad behavior' using my autism#and like#that i was complacent with my awful behavior and using my autism as a crutch#i dont get where this person got all that from#all because my habit of saying 'oh yeah my ideas suck lol'#theyre a famous twitter artist and already made a post abt how much they dislike me so i wont go into much more detail#i know self deprecation is bad#and i know i should cut it out#but the way they assumed i was immediately trying to pull some master manipulation tactic and was a bitter and unstable person because#i made a fairly common disparaging remark about myself#is just confusing. and i know if i try to justify myself they'll just go 'you're using that as a crutch to not better yourself and be norma#if i say 'oh ya btw i have self worth issues and also i was violently threatened and physically/emotionally abused as a child' thats#me being a pussy#but if i say im bad at communication thats also an excuse#theres just no winning!#anyways sorry for being such a downer ill get back to posting funny stuff on main#watch em make a vague abt this too lol#garyfischy number one master manipulator and bad person#the comic was called “dogi saga” and what the fuckeven is this its like.... racist furries killing each other? what? why are you comparing#me to ehse characrters#im just some guhy#fish talks
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gunkreads · 3 years
Ok small analysis/rant about the changes to Aes Sedai culture in the show and a little extra rant at the end:
One scene sticks out to me like a sore, swollen thumb. Liandrin trying to wiggle her way into Nynaeve’s head in the hallway felt like such a painful, jarring change from the books and... even after deconstructing why I believe the changes happened, I don’t like it. My personal opinion aside, it’s very clear that Liandrin, along with literally every other Aes Sedai, is being given miles more room to be expressive than the books suggest. In the books, for example, Alanna is noted as a weirdly expressive and open Aes Sedai; in the show she’s played fairly similarly to how I imagined, but is still one of the less expressive sisters we see. Aes Sedai are frequently defined by the phrases “serene expression” or “schooled her face to stillness”. These women don’t let a damn thing show on their faces unless they want to. In the show, this has been changed to slightly more familiar manipulation tactics of ingratiation and congeniality, specifically in Liandrin’s case. This, obviously, lets the actors go absolutely nuts and, devoid of the context of the books, it totally works. Every woman playing an Aes Sedai absoLUTELY comes across as at least a bit creepily manipulative.
But it’s fundamentally different from the books. I understand that a visual medium with live actors can’t really afford to have a bunch of people walk around completely expressionless, but that’s what makes Aes Sedai so scary. They literally DO NOT look fully human. Their faces throw you off, their voices and expressionless demeanor put up the hairs on the back of your neck--to the layman, they’re practically eldritch in some ways. The way they’re described, you could almost say they’re halfway down the slope of uncanny valley. It seems the show, so far, is leaning in to the idea that Moiraine has mastered this stoicism to a much greater extent than most Aes Sedai (which is fine--she’s kind of a folk legend to them in the books as well). I assume Siuan will have a similar mastery of it. However, she’s still selective with it, and that pulls the whole damn thing apart. Think about it logistically: acting serene all the time as a way of being unreadable only works if you’re serene all the time. Moiraine is far too expressive in the show for this to work; the second she puts on the serene face, it’s painfully clear she’s hiding something. If you want to hide something, you can’t just go around telegraphing that you’re hiding something.
Again, considering the show as a standalone, most of this is pretty chill. I personally liked this establishment of Aes Sedai as, above all, imperious. They’re cold, they’re calculating, they’re frequently cruel, occasionally kind, and commanding to an extent you rarely see in ANY media. I’ve said before that every shitty thing the Aes Sedai do translates to real life perfectly if you imagine the women doing it as a bunch of men in suits around a conference table. Personally, that take on a matriarchal organization was super cool! It’s one of Jordan’s few gender-relations decisions that feels weirdly progressive; he’s effectively saying that gender doesn’t decide what kind of leader you’ll be, only the manner and degree of power you have. A woman given a colossal degree of influence over world affairs is fundamentally no different from a man in the same situation, in his world. There are good and bad women leading the world to the same degree that there are good and bad men. I love that shit! I love this idea that putting a fictional woman in a position that’s male-dominated in real life doesn’t immediately make her better or worse than the fictional man that would’ve been there! I’m sure this is a concept from like three waves of feminism ago, but that’s not my purview; I just think it’s a more interesting world than one where women and men lead in a fundamentally different way.
More to the point, the fact that Liandrin’s manipulation tactics are very specifically aligned with traits that, in real life, are often considered feminine bothers me. She lays it on thick in honeyed words, ingratiating smiles, and naive body language. It very clearly doesn’t work on Nynaeve, and that makes it look sillier. I loved the way that, in the books, Aes Sedai “manipulation” frequently involved just giving a command and walking away with such confidence that people did it, not for any reason more than sheer fear of the consequences of failure. Their whole MO is to browbeat people. No carrot, all stick. The only variations you see is how much stick is applied and how well they hit pressure points with it. Moiraine is a great manipulator because she’s smart about when to ease off the stick, going from full-bodied smacks to light pokes. Elaida isn’t good at it because she puts her hips into every single swing she takes with that stick. Aes Sedai almost never learn that there can be a give-and-take to their commands because they’ve been trained that no one has the right to ask anything of them. Sure, they’re servants of the people, but the prevailing culture in the Tower is that people will take what they are given by the Aes Sedai and offer fealty or loyalty or trust in return.
Just to keep the monkeys off my back, I’ll reiterate that I’m still enjoying the show. Even if I’m not some hardcore fan who speedread every book the day it was released and reread the series every year, I still love this series and the show is making critical changes to things I enjoyed in the books. translation: let me have this one. I’m going forward in the show treating it drastically differently than I initially hoped I could. So much has been changed, so much not to my liking, that I’m ready to give up trying to keep track of it all. I almost want to quit posting analyses of the differences between the show and books because there’s just so much going on in the adaptation that I’m just... not vibing with. I think the show is good, I think it’s well made, I think it’s doing at least a passable job of capturing the spirit of the series, but it truly doesn’t feel like the same story. It’s going to have to re-sell me on everything I love in Wheel of Time. So far it’s doing a bang-up job, but the sheer effort of forgetting what I know of the story is making the show so much harder to enjoy than I’d like. It’s hitting me hard in a lot of ways, but it’s not even throwing many of the punches that made me love Eye of the World so much the first time. The world feels smaller, the arcs are shorter, the mysteries shallower and more contained. The show isn’t qualitatively worse for any of that; it’s just different in a way I’m having a hard time getting over all the changes.
inb4 “rip to you but i love everything about the show” proud of u bb <3 couldn’t be me
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An Abridged Overview:  The Sleeper and Related Topics
An Abridged Overview:  The Sleeper and Related Topics
by Velerodra Valesinger, Sun Speaker of Dead Sun Harbor
    2.The Immediate Threat:   The Sleeper
                2.1.Known Abilities
                2.3.Relative Power Level
                2.4.Known Weaknesses
    3.Recent Background
                3.1.Old Allies
                3.2.The Keys
    4.Greater Context
                4.1.The Dreameater
                4.2.The Dreamer
                4.3.The Cycle
    5.The Seven
                5.1.The Sisters
                5.2.The Red Web
                5.3.The Lord of Deals
                5.4.The Great Worm
                5.5.The Puzzlemaster
                5.6.The Hunter
                5.7.The Keymaker
    6.Closing Remarks
The purpose of this document is to provide a general understanding of a threat that has plagued Dead Sun Harbor to those who are new to the Harbor.    This overview is limited by my own knowledge.   While I have endeavoured to keep track of this situation, I do not claim to be an authority on the matter and further insight may be gained from speaking to others.   The information contained in this document is derived from my personal notes on this matter and my own experiences.   However the basic information contained here should be enough to provide those unfamiliar with the current threat with a good framework for further understanding.
 I have attempted to arrange this document by providing the most vital information first, followed by supplemental details.    For those only concerned with the immediate threat, sections 2 and 3 should be sufficient.   For those who seek more context, I have included sections 4 and 5.
 My objective is to present the most accurate information I can, in a clear manner.   It should be noted that the nature of many of the topics covered here remain somewhat mysterious, so the information shared in this document should not be taken as a matter of fact.    Rather, it is what I believe to be most accurate information at this time.
 I also have endeavored to avoid editorializing.   While I have my own opinions and speculations, this document is not the proper place for such things.   While such conversations are worth having, the primary goal of this document is to quickly bring someone with little knowledge of the threat up to speed.    
     2.The Immediate Threat:   The Sleeper
The entity known as The Sleeper is the immediate threat.   It has plagued the harbor for over a year.   The exact nature of The Sleeper has been difficult to gauge.    However the following is what I believe can be said with a fair degree of accuracy.   It should be noted that the Sleeper serves a greater entity which is discussed further in sections 3 and 4.  
                 2.1.Known Abilities
The sleeper has displayed a variety of tactics and abilities.    It’s primary tool is void energies.    It has used such energies to corrupt other beings.   The Sleeper does not always appear directly, and has been known to make use of void corrupted minions or void spawn.     Not all of it’s attacks are physical, the Sleeper often preys upon the mind and senses.    It has shown itself adept at making one see and hear things that are not real.    It also has displayed a knack for using the contents of one’s mind to try and manipulate one into doing it’s bidding - or to cause distress.  
 At least once it has induced a sort of mass illusion causing many members of the harbor to fight an illusion form of the Arbiter and the Admiral of the Harbor.   There have been reports, though not confirmed that the Sleeper has tampered with dreams, inflicting nightmares.   The Sleeper has also shown an ability to pull others into strange realms.    And to corrupt other realms and even powerful entities (more details in sections 4 and 5).  This is not a comprehensive list of its abilities, but should provide a basic idea of what the Sleeper is capable of.  
The Sleeper’s presence is marked by a distinct chill in the air.    A deeper chill than mere cold.   Reality often becomes confusing or distorted.   The Sleeper does not always show itself.   When it does it has been known for distinct pinhole eyes.   The Sleeper has made use of void spawn or void corrupted minions, which can come in a variety of appearances, however - often are accompanied by the same chilling sensation.  The Sleeper has been known to speak, but it is not an entity to be trusted.   I have not personally spoken to it, but others have.  
                 2.3.Relative Power Level
The exact power of the Sleeper is not entirely known nor understood.    It seems to prefer isolated targets.   Yet at times it has shown no issue standing before a group.    And at times it seemed overwhelming powerful.   Other times it has seemed like something that can be damaged.   The variance in its level of strength could be accounted for by various things, such as proximity to locations, or the strength of its master.   It is unclear.   It is advised to assume it is in a powerful state to er on the side of caution.
                 2.4.Known Weaknesses
When dealing with Sleeper or its minions, a few things have proven effective at inflicting damage.   Arcane energy, and the Light, stand out.   However it is not advised to try and fight The Sleeper or its minions without backup unless there is no other option.   There are other entities that oppose the Sleeper that have been useful in combating The Sleeper as well.   These are detailed further in section 5.  
If one senses The Sleeper’s influence may be present, it is advised to seek back up as quickly as possible.   Mental wards, or defense against void magic is advised as well.   Having arcane or Light infused weapons or armor may be useful.    Though it is NOT ADVISED to try and confront The Sleeper alone.    Suggested courses of action are to request backup, or to flee.   This concludes the most vital information regarding the nature of The Sleeper in the most immediate sense.   It is also encouraged that any interpersonal disputes be temporarily be set aside, as allowing The Sleeper to foster or worsen rifts between us, would be playing into its hands.
     3.Recent Background / Motives
Of course the natural question is ‘why is The Sleeper vexing the Harbor?’.   But fear not gentle reader, I have anticipated your question, and in the following sections I will attempt to explain what The Sleeper seeks and why it continues to attack the Harbor.
                 3.1.Old Alliances
To the best of my knowledge, we first drew The Sleeper’s attention while searching for relics.    The Harbor at one point was allied with The Blackholme League, a group that sought to collect a series of relics and hunt void spawn.    In truth, that is all I know for certain of the League.   We worked in conjunction with them and along the way we encountered several relics and - encountered a few keys.    The Harbor’s alliance with this League has since dissolved.   However our collaboration with the League led us to the first in a series of seven keys.   It was likely the moment we encountered that key  that The Sleeper began to pay attention to us.    It has been suggested that The Sleeper, in it’s own way, even manipulated us into seeking out the other keys.  
                 3.2.The Keys
The seven keys are what The Sleeper seeks.   The Sleeper’s master (more in section 4) is currently sealed away and can only be released by the seven keys.    It is believed that The Sleeper cannot touch the keys itself.    Thus it requires others to open the gate on its behalf.   While we currently have all seven keys, The Sleeper will continue to try and achieve its goal by some method or another.    This may involve trying to coax or coerce us into doing the opening for it, or by eliminating us, and recruiting some other minion to collect the keys from us in order to use them to open the gate.    This is believed to be the primary objective and motivation of The Sleeper.  
     4.Greater Context
The prior sections covered the basics of the Sleeper, and why it plagues us.   The sections that follow seek to provide a greater context.     As I have alluded to earlier The Sleeper servers a greater entity, an entity of void.     A great darkness that has been sealed away in the sands of Tanaris.    This entity is known as the Dreameater.     It is opposed by an entity of life energy known as the Dreamer.   These two entities seem to exist in perpetual opposition.    It is at this point gentle reader, where the details are not entirely clear, but I shall share what I believe is accurate.  
                 4.1.The Dreameater
The truth of the matter is, very little is known for certain about the Dreameater.    Given it is locked away, it is difficult to speak of it directly.    However it has been said that whenever Azeroth falls into darkness the Dreameater’s cage rattles.    And when the cage rattles, the Sleeper rises.   The entity itself has no discernable motives other than to be free of its’ prison, and to cause destruction.      
                 4.2.The Dreamer
As if it exists in order to serve as opposition to the Dreameater, the Dreamer awakens.     I have spoken to the Dreamer, and she has offered aid in opposition to the Sleeper.   The Dreamer’s realm is a grove of some sort, and from what I understand there is a realm - with a mountain, where the realm of the Dreamer and the Seven (see section 5) all intersect and border the Sleeper’s realm.    The Sleeper at one point managed to corrupt the Dreamer’s realm.   However we lent aid and dealt with the corruption.   It is unclear if The Sleeper was directly responsible for the corruption or if it was one of his minions.   The minion attacked us in The Dreamer's Grove, and was felled.    The Dreamer can be contacted by druidic magic, or perhaps merely by speaking to the pond outside of Stormwind nicely.    The exact details of how to contact her are not entirely clear, but a druid is likely able to reach her through the pond.    The flowers from her Grove also may facilitate a connection.  
                 4.3.The Cycle
I confess, gentle reader, that this section is one that I still do not fully grasp.    I will avoid speculating and stick to explaining things to the best of my understanding.   The Dreamer and the Seven refer to cycles.    Each time Azeroth falls into darkness, the Sleeper rises, and the Dreameater rumbles within its prison.    I am not sure how many times the seals have been needed to be sealed.    I know there were once Seven entities that sealed the Dreameater.    Some of them remain the same, others - may not be the same as the originals.    In the realm with the mountain I spoke of, there is a display of the original Seven in statues.    Since I am unclear on the exact nature of The Cycle, I will refrain from speaking more on it.     I will note that the keys did not exist until after the original Seven sealed the Dreameater away, at which point one of the Seven, the Keymaker, created a key representing each of the seven.   And at some point these keys seem to have been used to seal the Dreameater again.   It is possible this has happened multiple times since.    That is all the information I feel comfortable sharing on this topic.    As I may be vastly misunderstanding it as it is.  
     5.The Seven
Have you made it this far?   I know the previous section may have seemed rather confusing or vague, but it cannot be helped.    My understanding is limited.   However it would have felt incomplete to ignore it.     While the Dreamer and the Dreameater and the Cycle may seem rather abstract, the Sleeper is connected to them both.     And the Seven are connected to them both as well.    Though each of the Seven is a different entity, and while they have sealed the Dreameater, and have keys that correspond to them, not all seem as willing to lend aid as others.    Little is known about most of the Seven.    Though I have been trying to learn more of each of them.   Sadly, progress has been frustratingly slow.     While I am hesitant to speak of the Seven as ‘allies’ - they have lended aid to us, and so they should not be viewed as threats.  
 The Seven seem to be powerful entities, not quite what I would call demi-gods - but something not unlike demi-gods.     Though they are not as powerful (presumably) as the Dreamer or the Dreameater.    To avoid any metaphysical confusion, I refer to them all loosely as ‘entities’.   At least a few have been confirmed to be Loa - or Loa-like.     I will offer what little I can say about these Seven, and leave it to you, gentle reader, to maybe learn more about them and help me eventually fill in the many blanks I have.    
                 5.1.The Sisters
While I personally have little knowledge of the three sisters, I believe we encountered them in temples.    Others may have more information about these entities, but I have very little, nor do I know if they can be contacted.    Based on the statue depicting them, I believe the three sisters are all aspects of one entity.   Shegora (The Puzzlemaster) once referred to one of them as The Harbinger, and noted that the sister were less inclined than she was to end the cycle.     Based on comments made by the Great Worm, and confirmed by Shegora, The Keymaker also wishes an end to the cycle.   The Great Worm seemed more resigned to the Cycle, and seemed to imply that Shegora and the Keymaker were among the younger of the Seven.  
                5.2.The Red Web
The Red Web is mysterious to me.   Though I have been to it’s domain and it has provided aid more than once, by providing webways into it’s realm.     The Dreamer says the Web is made of many fractured souls.     It does not seem to be able to speak in a direct manner, which makes sense if it is a web of fractured souls.    However, it does seem to act as one.   Among the Seven, the Web has seemed among the most eager to lend aid.    Others have more insight on the Web than myself, I encourage you to seek out Reveria if you would like to know more.    
                 5.3.The Lord of Deals
The current Lord of Deals is known as Saakes, a Lao.    His temple is located in Zul’duzar and he resides in a realm called the Crossroads.     I confess, I do not know all that much about him, other than his assistance likely requires a deal be made with him.    I have been urged by the Arbiter not to speak with him, and advise others also follow this advice.     For further information on this Loa, Eilithe likely is the best source.  
                5.4.The Great Worm
When we first met the Great Worm, he was corrupted, and we entered his realm.   He was called the Leftover then.   But now, I am unsure what he prefers to be called.    He is currently recovering from when we destroyed him.     If one wishes to speak with the Worm, please speak with me.   Though he requires a great deal of sleep, and can be difficult to follow.    However he has become more intelligible since he has been reborn.  
                 5.5.The Puzzlemaster
Currently goes by Shegora.   Prefers to appear as a brightly colored squirrel.    Has a bit of an attitude.    Though, others seem to find her endearing.    She can be contacted by speaking with Mairdrin.     She often occupies his hood, and the Dreamer referred to Mairdrin as her champion.    She has alluded vaguely to tending to a maze, which I assume is her realm.    I believe I was there when she was under the Sleeper’s corruption.    At some point, she was cleansed of this corruption.    I do not know the details regarding how.    Mairdrin likely does.  
                5.6.The Hunter
Little is known.   Believed to be in Northrend.
                  5.7.The Keymaker
The maker of the keys.   As the name implies.    Has been in hiding for quite a while according to Shegora.    I have no further information on this one’s location.   He is apparently considered young by the Great Worm.    Though, I’m not sure who the Great Worm considered old.    So - that may not be that useful of a metric.  
     6. Concluding Remarks
Thank you for sticking with me, gentle reader.    I hope this has helped give you some idea of the threat we face, as well as the context that surrounds that threat.    I apologize for being vague in many places, but as I said, I am limited to my own knowledge.    And I also wanted to avoid my personal speculations and thoughts - as that would have made this document even longer than it already is.     I will continue to try and learn more of the various entities, and I encourage anyone who knows more than I do, or learns something new, to - please - inform me - so that I am able to further document things and keep people   Also note, that this is my first draft, as I wished to make sure I was able to help get people up to speed as quickly as possible.    There are likely a few errors contained in this, and I will be revising this in due time.   But for now, I hope this has been of use!   If anyone with more knowledge than I - wishes to share it with me, I will revise accordingly.   Thank you for reading.   Be careful.    
 --Velerodra Valesinger
Sun Speaker of Dead Sun Harbor
 @deadsunharbor, @eilitheduskbringer, @revthepunchbear, @mairdrin
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witch-of-letters · 6 years
Alliances don’t come cheap - Part I
I’ve decided to (almost) completely rewrite the series ‘cause I felt that something was off about the story (the way it sounded, the descriptions etc.) This time though, the details should be well-written and the characters well-described. I’v also taken the liberty to add the actual scenes and dialogues from AC: Brotherhood here. Hopefully, the description of things is better this time.
P.S. The feedback is always appreciated. Don’t only tell how much you’ve liked it, say how well the characters were written, what do you think of the main character (i.e. the Reader) and what do you think will happen next?
Synopsis: Arriving to Rome was not what you had imagined. Some painful memories are brought up, but that doesn’t make you lose your focus. The Apple is safe in the Assassins’ hands, but for how long?
Theme song: The Seccession - One Hundred Strings
Bold italics - Spanish/situation/places
Italics - thoughts/Italian/emphasizing
Tumblr media
Previously on ADCC:
“Promise you’ll come back.” You looked at him. You didn’t want to leave him either but duty called, and you’d be a fool if you chose to ignore the threat the Borgia posed.
“I cannot, Aguilar. The Borgia must be brought down. It’s now or never.” with that you stabbed the map, right on the spot that you’d be visiting next. Rome.
Rome, 1500
Roma. The city of long gone centurions, senators, and gladiators, looked captivating as though it was built by the God himself. Ancient structures were still standing, now but a shadow of their former selves. You, now a ‘respectable’ ambassador (the title of which you earned through shrewd manipulation of people and well-thought tactical plans), were currently looking at the horizon, watching as the sun was slowly descending down the sky and illuminating everything with its orange glow.
Everything was as you had predicted. The forces of the Borgia were stationed throughout Rome, terrifying its citizens into submission; Corruption was running rampant among the ranks of both nobility and priesthood; The presence of the Assassins was weak - and nothing was being done about that. It would be up to you to find the solution to all of the above. With or without the local assassins’ help.
Stepping down from the roof, you walked all the way to the port in silence despite receiving strange looks from some of the passerbys. It was a known fact that Italians looked down upon the Spanish, demeaning them in almost everything, be it fashion, commerce, or the way of ruling over the something. And you chose to ignore it - for their own sake.
It didn't take long for you to find the exact spot where the messenger would intercept you and give you a letter with the most recent updates on the current situation. You let out a quiet but amused hum as you once again realized how used you were to carrying out the duties of an assassin while disguised as a seemingly harmless bureaucrat, whose persuasiveness could rival any of the diplomats'. ‘What would mother say about this?’ A tinge of sadness struck your heart at the mere mention of her. You were still heavily mourning her, as though she died only a week ago...but in reality, it has only been eight years since it happened. Neither you nor your father, who disappeared after your twelvth birthday, were ever the same after her initial disappearance when you a three-year-old. But while you were on duty here in Rome, you refused to let your mind be consumed with these thoughts. They would only interfere with your life and make you lose yourself.
“Signorina, signorina!” a shout was heard from behind your back. ‘Finally.’ you thought. The young man, wearing only a pair of pants, boots, and green rags, handed you a sealed letter as he tried to manage his breathing. You looked at the sky once more. He was fast, you’ll give him that.
“Grazie, I assume no one followed you?” This type of questioning was always necessary in this line of work, so that no lose ends would be left to tie up. At your words, he looked around, trying to make sure he was indeed not being followed.
“No, signorina, I was alone all this time. Even if anyone followed me here, they’d be no match for you. Everyone in the Thieves’ Guild knows that.” he whispered last bit excitedly. Indeed, if anyone dared to go against you, physically or with words alone, they would instantly regret doing so. They didn’t call you a Spanish Mentor and Master Assassin for nothing.
“Bene. If you see La Volpe, be sure to extend him my thanks. I really appreciate his help.”
“I will.” The young man left your presence in a hurry, as though carrying the message to its current receiver was a matter of life and death. The thief in question though, was even more elusive than ever. While he has responded to a letter you had sent him from home, so far, he still hasn’t met up with you to discuss various important things. How could you reorganize the underworld network without the Master-Thief and a long-time friend of yours at your side? You hoped you would receive an answer to that question soon, before everything crumbles beneath the heavy feet of the Borgia.
The Vatican Vault, in the meanwhile
Ezio was confused by Minerva’s words. Who was she? Who were ‘Those who came before’? What were the Apples made for? Why did she call him ‘the Prophet’? And who was Desmond? She showed him various things through her projections that he couldn’t make sense of, and then disappeared abruptly, leaving him with many unanswered questions. But he didn’t have time to ponder on that, the Apple and the Papal Staff had to be dealt with, so he left the secret chamber, only to find that the Staff was still standing in the center of the platform. He tried to pull it out, but the mechanism clicked, and it was quickly pulled down and sealed off. So much for trying to get it out. Suddenly, the platform started to lower down, and bringing forth the walls, making the circle Ezio was standing in even smaller. Mario appeared up on the edge of the Vault.
“Better in the hands of the Earth, than in the hands of man.” Ezio didn’t expect him to appear there.
“What can I say?” Mario continued while gesturing with his hand, “We sent a single man against an entire army. I was worried. Quick, climb up. We have to get out of here.” Ezio did as he was told. There was no time to waste. Once he was finally up, he turned back to his uncle.
“You would not believe the things I have seen, Mario,” he began but was quickly cut off.
“Then be sure to stay alive, that I might hear of them!”
“I expect opposition.”
“And I expect the Borgia to mourn the loss of many lives tonight.” With that, they quickly left the room, running through the illuminated halls, only to stumble upon a big group of monks standing near the exit. One of them exclaimed: “Che cosa fate qui? (What are you doing here?) Assassini. God will see you pay for your crimes!” Another one said: “You have desecrated the sanctity of this holy place." Ezio was quick to respond.
“You condemn what you do not understand.”
“We must go, Ezio. Now!” Mario sternly reminded. They ran through the group, pushing a couple of monks aside, and once outside, Mario voiced his concern over his nephew.
“Did Rodrigo manage to hurt you?”
“Barely, my armor blunted his attack.” Again, another group of religious men was mumbling amongst themselves ‘For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.’
“Be ready to fight.” When they opened the doors, they were met with a bunch of Borgia guards. They attacked them immediately on sight.
“What are you doing?!” exclaimed Ezio while running a sword through a guard’s gut.
“Saving you, from the look of things,” replied Mario.
“Not bad for an old man.”
“Agreed. You still have some skill.”
“Buona questa. (Good one.)”
“Excellent!” They kept fighting them off, one by one, untill all of them were dead and bleeding. When Mario started running away, Ezio was quick to follow him, climbing up the crates and portruding beams. On their way, they were again met with some guards, who were dumb enough to unsheath their swords. They were dead within moments.
When Mario finally stopped, Ezio found himself standing at the edge of the tower, overlooking the Tiber river, and holding the Apple in his hands. He was hesitating to throw it into the river below.
“This decision is yours alone to make, only do so quickly.” Ezio kept holding the Apple over the edge, but he couldn’t unclench his fingers. Something didn’t seem right about just throwing it away. Seeing his hesitation, Mario offered a solution: “Give it to me. You can do with it as you will later.”
“Bene.” He handed the Apple over to his uncle.
“Jump!” They jumped off the ledge. It was time to go home.
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Later, in the evening
It was getting dark. Torches were burning with a golden glow, not only attracting moths to themselves but also illuminating the way to your new residence, courtesy of your another long-time friend, Niccoló Machiavelli. If you were honest with yourself, you had quite the strange relationship with him. While you knew each other almost like the back of your hands and you still kept secrets, it felt as though he knew what they were. Knew how heavily they weighed upon your shoulders. Even so, he was a very good friend - one that would never dare to betray you (despite a certain fox thinking otherwise in the nearest future).
Once you stepped through the front door, you immediately went upstairs, taking off your clothes, and subsequently drawing yourself a hot bath. It was a privilege to have one, since not every person could afford buying one, and frankly, some people were apparently still believing the superstition about washing their own body being bad and sinful. Idiots.
Allowing yourself to relax in the water, you heard a knock coming from downstairs. ‘A guest? Now? *sigh* Can’t you let a woman enjoy the relaxation time?.’
“Come in!” you shouted. While the nightly visit was a surprise for you (you never expected guests so late), you were thankful for it being done before you went to bed. The footsteps were getting louder and louder, and soon enough the door opened, revealing the Niccoló Machiavelli himself, without a stain of dirt on him. The bastard. You gave him a look. He threw a sincere apologetic smile your way.
“Couldn’t let me scrub myself clean, amigo? I’ve never pegged you for being that kind of man, Nic.” you velvety voice sounded sweet but with a hidden tone of annoyance and warning in it. He produced a paper from beneath his red robes.
“I only wanted to give you this letter with instructions, Y/N. Besides, you would never kill me, I’m your friend.”
“So you are saying but don’t let my calm voice and facial expression fool you, I’m still pissed off about you coming here at night. I prefer to receive visitors in the daytime. And besides,” you mocked him, “you could’ve sent that letter with a messenger. I received one from Volpe today.” You began washing your long hair, applying an almond-scented oil, which according to the merchant you had bought it from, would make your hair shiny and soft. He wasn’t lying when he said that - that much you knew.
“Really? What did it say?” he stepped closer to the window. “I assume those were the updates on Roma?” Your silence was an answer enough.
“Then you know that he has to do it as quickly as possible. This city hasn’t been in a good state for quite a while now, and I fear the situation will become even worse.”
“That much is clear. The Borgia have always been up to something. If they want power, they will stop at nothing to achieve that. The unrests in Madrid and Barcelona were handful enough after the end of Torquemada’s Inquisition eight years ago. He was a fool. The king was a fool. I was a fool, Niccolo.”
“There’s nothing wrong with-” you swiftly cut him off.
“You don’t know what happened in there! It…It was a mess. No, worse, un montón de mierda (a pile of shit)! If things were different…maybe all of the Borgia would already by lying deep beneath the earth, forever trapped in the darkness…” you stood up from the bathtub, not caring if your current visitor saw you naked. He focused on something in the distance, allowing you to cover yourself with a simple white nightgown. Once you were done, you approached him.
“I will start gathering the intelligence myself tomorrow. Preparations will take time but as always, it’s better to be ready than making up everything as you go.
“I will take my leave then. Buona notte, Y/N.”
“Buona notte,” you whispered back once he closed the door. Tomorrow was going to be a long day, that much you knew. But before laying down under the warm covers, you went towards your writing desk and sat down. For days now, Cesare has been gathering his forces near Castello Sant’Angelo. While his motives were somewhat unclear to you, you knew that nothing good would come out of this. If you were correct - and with those things you usually were - he would set his sight on Monteriggioni, since just earlier today, you heard of Ezio defeating Rodrigo in the Vault. And now his son would try to get the Apple back...If Mario doesn’t receive the letter you’re about to send him, you fear Ezio will experience a great tragedy once more. As if the man hasn’t gone through enough.
Taglist: @sassenach-on-the-rocks, @kisstheassassins, @creednight, @assassins--and--hidden--blades, @thelastemzy, @tarjanisfrye, @iceboundstar, @thebgassassin, @undertastic-dork, @mavrisfanfics @, @ermergerd517, @galaxycat-1459, @clara-oswhy, @peanutbutter-kitz, @kittitt, @sazula, @writingsofawaywardnerd
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lx-5point0-blog · 8 years
Nameless Enemy, Secrets Never Hide
ENEMY NAMELESS, SECRETS NEVER LAST. 022317 9am 5fwy south at Avery pkwy An enemy which is nameless, does not have a uniform, but vigilant, and organized, as if it were a MOB, is the most dangerous form of “predatory terrorist” you can face in battle. The ability to hide in plain sight under the cloak of a “false identity” and a DISGUISE of normal citizen with a license or a certificate empowers them to commit criminal acts without any obstacles.-John Lober I was given the DV-100 on LiLi Garcia. Made some phone calls to her phone and Marisa Garcia answered and said,”what makes you think I'm going to give YOU any information on that?” I replied,”thank you.” Proceeded to calm the remaining numbers I had written down on my list, then they began to roll over and forward to appear that I was receiving an incoming call from the previous number. It would hang up immediately upon picking up the call. These women are efficient at manipulating internet phone numbers to appear that they are legit businesses. OP ROM: ENEMY ANA L MEN DOZA aka Ana LiLia Garcia DV-100 We connected on TINDER. ANA insisted on giving oral pleasure. She became enraged and aggressive when I told her we are not a match. Stalked me to Kennesaw GA and back to Menifee and Huntington Beach, Orange County. Threatened to kill me, assaulted me and my current wife with a deadly vehicle. Follies my wife who is disabled, and is aggressive shooting pics of her and mocking her disability in a hateful manner. Disperses flyers with my pic and false lurid accusations of obscenities with minors. Fires gun on Facebook and tags my name. Her roommate threatened me and my wife as well with a baseball bat, a gun and a child-130. I have been in constant fear for my life for 7 months. But who knows, I could be mistaken about the Tinder connection. It's just safe to assume that. Attack by Ana Garcia aka LiLi Garcia Ana Mendoza SECURITY GUARD GREATFULfoundation CA.breeze.com: https://youtu.be/4nq84GijtOM Ana Garcia and her minors create a problem that was not real: https://youtu.be/9VRauLrpWmk After I was supposedly issued a misdemeanor for proximity, I was informed my TRO had not been served on Mario. He would not answer the door when I schooled the deputy on the letter the law, because he had knowledge of the TRO, he MUST enforce it and just serve him. Because Mario was hiding from Police, I came to Kepler at 1am and honked my horn. Mario appeared with a shit eating grin and the phone to his ear. It was cute in the black of night. The cops rolled in deep. I recorded the incident. Ana threw a fit and demanded I be arrested. They told her to stfu because they saw the video of her driving Reckless and Mario with a bat. Now to serve this bitch a DV. She cannot be within 100yards of Lisa's home . 022817 @9:30am Starbucks FV. Sick as fuck yesterday at noon til right now. Slept in my car at Raquetballworld world and Black Anus. An enemy which is nameless, does not have a uniform, but vigilant, and organized, as if it were a MOB, is the most dangerous form of “predatory terrorist” you can face in battle. The ability to hide in plain sight under the cloak of a “false identity” and a DISGUISE of normal citizen with a license or a certificate empowers them to commit criminal acts without any obstacles.-John Lober The Commander, Al Garza, is a vigilante, Minute-Man. Now, Evangelist. Mario and LiLie Garcia are at the last resort , and are having the minors attempt to create an confrontation. LiLie is efficient with the numerous phone lines she possesses and has the ability to roll them over and connect them in ways that convinces me that that stinky bubble butt skank slut but his observing the way my exceptionally and optimimally functioning and problem solving infrastructure, that's my Brain, dip ship, operates. She has compromised the iPhone 6 Plus. That being stated to the enemy, be prepared to know where I am stating fact or fiction from here . And sat down and took a shit. Forgetting anything that ever had to do with a little slut fuck like the cunt scycle on Kepler street. It. Ever even happened, but it did. And my digitally enhanced and visually modified memory bank, and an emotionally intelligent spirit never forgets the way you made me feel. It forgives. It forgives so easy. It just without any conscious effort always recalls how and why it was felled upon at the moment of it. And my battle planner has diagnosed the response from an action of reaction to an ability to just act. Act as if it has no idea what the fuck to do. It confuses the opponent. “He is chuckling. It's a laff? He is. It afraid, he is laffing.” Wrong. I am laughing because I have already done all of the thinking. “Snap!” Quicker than that. The energy has traveled a 45 years light speed highway in only a fracta-second of light switching on and off. So rapidly it appears to be traveling in reverse. So, epically close, that one single more coat of paint, and it would be a 99 car pile up on the 99 north to Fresno in the fog. So, Ana, LiLie, or Bend Oza. I am going to dip the penile punisher in Vaseline, and then, flour it with large grain Huntington Beach sand, just before your gushing pussy hole believes it's gonna receive it. And then I'm gonna jam it into Mario’s spinchter with Love Force. He is gonna scream like a lady. You with receive a great big box of disappoint and a jail cell without a pillow, and a salad bar serving carpet and upside down scissoring with a fat yeasting pig named,”Natasha.” Okay, enough fucking around. Al Garza is a fucking clown. It's what is NOT said tells me it all. I'm gonna send that white haired devil fuck the audio of Willie admitting to know of Pat, or at least being a characterless pos. We will see what his reaction is to the audio. The enemy knows. The enemy knows now, that Lober is a cagey mutherfucker, but, Patrick told us he is a goddamn Jellyfish. He is brainless and has survived a million years. How does he do it. Study closely you fucking butt nutt with bad roots. FYI I know you are growing it out so you can chop it then dye the dark into red.sneaky little pussy hole. The only shafting that will happen here is the elevator shaft of the cut hole like yours. With a windy odor of vastness blowing up and in through my hair of my nares. When, the subconsciousness captures the actual dynamic energy, and I have no idea how to decipher the data, it is when the silly guy begins ranting the most outrageous and obnoxiousness word smithing conjures by even a rap god. Pussy Money Weed… and, BLEED. I do not want bloodshed. I am avoiding shedding your families bloodline at all costs. Not the words I hear uttered from the stretch marked lips of a cunt, but the intent of malicious and sinister clowning of a Mexican Latina hot blooded stink Clit, I am inspired by. The collective cognitive of the “nameless” familia, is absolutely granite. You have crossed the line of no return. The fall to grace is bottomless for all who step into the fake room is cozy comfort. You have tricked yourself. He has Lie to the liar. The SHIT-EATING GRIN of getting over on the master of deception, has been dick-slapped off the wet slutty porno face of the enemy. The excited pleasure of a seven layered flavored bukkaki on the whore that you were, is not the great white face of complete and utter loss and deception. The tactics have been whittled down to using a couple of fuck-tards that so dearly need CPS involvement and real adult supervision, but nonetheless, voice disrespectful diarrhea to a warrior of bright laser death strokes, and repeating what they have heard from the parent.(Boomerang) Hold on… who is this little Popeye with his armpit in my face. He is trying to open the blinds behind me. I offer my help and he declines determined to get the string pulled. I poke him in the armpit. Looksyits your armpit bee booop! Haha we laff. He says I am Paul. I am blind. I reply, me too, Paul. Colorblind. Did you go to high school here in fountain valley? No. I am from Armenia. I retired as a government and aerospace engineer. I have three grandchildren and I have a sailboat. What is it that you do? What is your name? I reply I am Mike, and I am a writer. He replies, I read a lot. What do you write about. I replied, when people do things that are unbelievable to others, but are actually happening, I attempt to explain them so that it may help them be better. Black magic . Yes, Black OPS. Operations. Namelesss a concept that is explainable. Have you heard of Kabbalah? The difference between right and wrong Take responsibility for everything you do Subconscious thought rules us more than we think. We are all connected. Paul 8184142426 sail boat Politically correct simply means to be liar. Politics and Religion. There is absolutely no connection. Christ is a lifestyle- Christyle. I do not go to the church. Religion is a business. It's bad. Have you heard of the child abuse crimes within apostle church? No. I mean yes. Well, Paul. Everybody is up to something. He replies,”Yes.” John 9:01 it is not his fault. It is the fault of the third party. A boomerang effect. It always comes back to you. The other religions say do this, and do that, to save yourself. Christianality says believe me and I will save you. Space is expanding. Dynamic. Humans are like a universe and ever expanding. Paul says,”I must go now. For me it's time to go now. (Referring to the grandkids coming home from school. Not dying.) It was good to be talking to you. Let's keep in touch. Goodbye, Mike.” Wow. I feel like a hypocrite. So, how does Mario and Ana feel? Their hearts pump piss through opaque black rubber surgical tubing. It saturates to their children. I witnessed first hand the “Clan” at work. I really wanted to become violent. I applied discretion . Let's let these blind people babble through the name calling. Let's hear what they are saying. • I'm 17. How old are you? Yo’ Mama! • A washed up MMA fighter. • Harassing minors. Pedophile. • My minors children. • Delusion you have associates with us • I don't even live here • You are abashed up fucking bitch. Fuck you These individuals appear to very familiar with John Driver yet, I have never seen them before. Or, maybe I have. Or, they are all sitting around the YouTube and mimicking me because they all want to be me. They certainly are not concerned with a piece of trash or a karate chop to Maria's neck. They kept a dime between each other as if they were traditionally trained in this skit. They did that to not be photographed together. And, also to appear to occupy a greater amount of space. You fucking rookies are not on the realm of ability you believe you are in. You have kids and women doing the job. They are the brains or you are a coward, or vice Vera's and both. Enemies for life. By: JOHN DRIVER LUBRX brand SMASHSHATTER-obliterator Edition License Cover design by OP ROM Book design by LX-5.0 All rights reserved.© No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review. This ebook is licensed for personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this ebook with another person, please purchase an additional copy. *DISCLAIMER. Please excuse any and all spelling, and grammatical errors, vocabulary misusage, flow or redundancy, ramping or un-ramping of vocabulary, BAD WORDS, fouls language, bad words used as punctuation, or bad words that sound like obscenity unintentionally, mistaken words for FIGHTING WORDS, they are not, accusations, are only hypothetical theories based on actual experiences, and or hard copy evidence provided, and all are considered a REAL THREAT to my freedom, until evidence is discovered, or uncovered, not sure which is first, that discredits the REAL THREAT. ATTENTION CONTENT DISCLAIMER COPYRIGHT LAWS INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS OF THE CREATIVE COLLECTIVE ™LUBR X brand channel and John Driver® The views and opinions expressed in this media or video or comments on this channel are those of the artists that provided us with that f*eked up idea and we were lazy enough to accept it, we thought it was funny, but doesn't necessarily represent the beliefs of the ®LUBR X brand channel ©2016-17 Due to the social satire of this channel it may contain content that has been copyrighted, but we took extra care in f@*k in it up, so you won't notice it was poached. The owner of this channel claims no responsibility to the creative collective and its thoughts and ideas contributed to the broadcast and therefore, can not be held accountable for liable. LUBRX brand™
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bffhreprise · 5 years
Entry 306
 My eyes widened as I saw the large, metal gate blocking the very long driveway.  After double-checking the sign, I rang the buzzer.
 “Yes?” came a foreign voice.
 “I’m here to see Mr. Somerset.  I heard that he’s hiring.” I replied, hoping he still was.  With just one meeting, I’d be working here, doing whatever they do.
 “You haven’t applied yet and don’t have an appointment.” she replied succinctly.
 How did she know?  Was there a camera on me?  Only by force of will did I keep myself from looking around, not wanting to worsen the impression.  “I assure you that he’ll want to hire me after meeting me.” I told her, willing her to open the gate.  Surprisingly, she did.
 Elaborate and fantastical bushes lined the enormous driveway up to an equally exquisite fountain.  The three stories of the mansion looked imposing, probably due to the obvious display of wealth.  Beyond the size, the touches of decoration across the front of the building made this place seem almost regal.
 Pulling my head out from memories of stories I had read, I marched up to the front doors, surprised when they opened before I could knock.  A maid stood there waiting for me.
 “Please, follow me.” she told me, not seeming particularly pleased with me.  She was obviously the one who had answered the gate.
 “Sorry to trouble you, but I need to see Mr. Somerset immediately.” I told her, wishing I could use my ability on her, but she hadn’t met my eyes.  Hopefully, she was taking me to him.  I was guided past an exquisitely fragrant kitchen, down a long hallway, and into some sort of waiting room.
 “Would you prefer to sit or stand while filling out the application?” she questioned.
 “There seems to be a mistake.  I won’t need an application after he meets with me.” I told her, wishing that she’d meet my eyes.  She seemed to take this humble maid business too far.
 “I have already spoken with Mr. Somerset while you walked up the drive.  Assuming you’re willing to do your part, what would you like to drink?” she questioned.
 “Uh… do you have tea?” I asked.
 A smirk flashed across her face before she said, “Name the tea, and I’ll make the appropriate blend.”
 I blinked while trying to decide whether or not she was making fun of me.  No one manually blended teas on the spot.  “Earl Grey?”
 “I’ll return shortly.  Just follow the instructions on the screen.  If you prefer to sit, the table will illuminate with what you need.” she replied before walking out of the room.
 I remained standing, feeling I’d have a better chance of making eye contact quickly if I was already standing when Mr. Somerset arrived.  The application process was strange.  Beyond the usual, there seemed to be some sort of IQ test involved, but the questions ranged from extremely basic to things that might not even be currently researched.
 “That’s wrong.” stated a voice from behind me.
 I spun to find a very tall boy who appeared around my age.  How would he know which way a magnetic field would flow from the little the question had given?  My irritation vanished as I realized how well-dressed he was.  This was Mr. Somerset.  I had seen him in advertisements.  Using my gift, I said, “Mr. Somerset, I am here to work for you.  I am Dejon C. Powers.  I realize you probably haven’t heard of me, but you want to hire me.”
 “Sorry, Dejon, but using magic to gain employment is a poor tactic at best.  If you can’t even manage to fill out an application, I have little need for you.” he replied, looking as if I had just spat on his carpet.
 My gift rarely failed.  I couldn’t understand what just happened… He knew!  How!?  “M-Magic?” I questioned as the word registered in my fumbling brain.
 “What you just attempted to do there.” he replied in a tone that made him seem perfectly reasonable.
 “How did you know about my gift?” I questioned, taking a step back.  Not only was I cornered, but I was facing someone much larger than me who was immune to my gift in his own home.
 “I have my ways.  A background check has already been performed on you, and I now believe you’ve used your magic a bit frivolously, perhaps to slack around in school.” he suggested, sounding disappointed.
 “Of course not!” I argued, though there had been times…
 “Sorry, but your lies are wasted here, Dejon.  Get out.  You can finish your application from home if you are sincerely interested in joining us, though I do hope you’ll write a proper apology as well.” he told me, unswayed.
 “Master, he’s being evicted today.” stated the maid, though she wasn’t here.
 I looked around, wondering how she was watching us.  Were there cameras in here as well?
 “I’m certain he could manage to apply from a library if his internet has been disconnected.” he replied, already set on throwing me out.  “He also seems to have a phone in his pocket.”
 “The phone’s been disconnected, but he could make use of free Wi-Fi.” she agreed.  “Look at this, master.”
 My mind was reeling.  I didn’t have another plan and couldn’t understand what was happening.  Who were these people?  How did they know so much about me?  As Mr. Somerset looked at his phone, a small girl with very long hair strode into the room as if she owned it.  Her violet-eyed gaze was startling, seeming to take me in at a glance.
 “Did Mila send this to you as well?” questioned Mr. Somerset as he turned to the girl.
 “Yes.”  Motioning to me, she said, “This pest has been causing some problems for a while now.”
 “A charity though?” he asked, sounding disturbed by the idea.
 “As well as a front for some illicit activities.” she explained.  “Portentia’s the one who had turned me onto it.”
 Mr. Somerset nodded and said, “I didn’t realize you were aiding her now.”
 “I’m not.  Our goals just happened to coincide in this matter.” stated the girl.
 “Who are you people!?” I exclaimed aloud.  I knew precisely which charity they meant, and my gift had failed me there as well.
 “You should have looked into us before applying.” replied Mr. Somerset as if that subject was closed.  “Why were you trying to help that charity?”
 “My girlfriend volunteers there.” I lied, knowing that helping a girlfriend was more understandable than what really happened.
 “No, she doesn’t.  Try again.” he replied.
 “Fine, she’s a co-... was a co-worker.” I admitted.
 “And?” he asked.
 “I just wanted to help out.” I blurted, feeling weirded out.  Did he already know?  If he did, why was he making me say it?  His unwavering gaze was unnerving, making me feel like he was looking into me.
 “Good.  Let’s grab your stuff.  I’ll let you stay here tonight, though I’m still not certain I’ll hire you.” he replied, spinning to walk out.
 Touching his arm as she stepped to follow, the girl said, “James, is that such a good idea?”
 Shrugging, he said, “Who knows?”  Then he kissed her head and continued walking without her.
 I jogged to catch up to him, not wanting him to change his mind.
 “If you attempt to use your magic on any of my employees, I will be most displeased.” he stated.
 I nodded dumbly.  He shouldn’t be able to tell, but I felt certain he would.  He knew too much to risk another mistake, and I had a vague idea on how.  Wanting to confirm the thought, I asked “Do you really believe what I can do is magic?”
 “Yes.  I know many people with many sorts of magic.” he replied.
 “But… why do you call it magic?” I questioned.
 Glancing at me, he said, “Manipulation of energies drawn from other dimensions through acts of will seems magical enough to call magic.  My teachers all seemed to feel the same.”
 “What can you do?” I pursued.
 “I can teach my friends, those in my employ at least, and try to make this world a slightly better place through my company.” he stated evasively.
 Not giving up, I asked “So if you hire me, you’ll teach me?”
 He nodded.
 “Teach me what exactly?” I questioned, wishing he would just make this easier.
 “Many things, such as blocking yours.” he replied with a smirk.
 I gave up, deciding I wouldn’t get anywhere yet.  Before too long, we were in a subterranean parking garage.  James hopped into a large truck like that which most people would rent for a move, and the vehicle started before I was even inside.  He didn’t even ask for directions, just taking off and bringing me to my apartment without a word spoken.
 Attempting to help made me feel even more useless than watching would have.  James, as he told me to call him, was inhumanly strong.  My dresser hadn’t been unpacked, and he easily lifted it, asking me to pretend to hold the other side just for appearances’ sake.  Perhaps he was using magic to help, but I had no way to be certain, though the cleaning after he finished hauling  was certainly magic.  One second, my place empty apartment was slightly dirty.  The next, everything was obviously cleaner, possibly perfectly clean.
 After turning in my key and signing some paperwork, we were on our way back to Somerset Estate.  Most of my life had gone my way, since I could force people to do as I wished.  Heading to James’ strange home felt like heading to a completely different world, but I already knew I wanted to stay there.  There was something about James that made me want to follow him.
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