#i dont get where this person got all that from
bridgyrose · 2 days
Weiss assumes everyone has ridden a horse/pony before... only to find that the only person who doesn't fall off in the first five minutes is Jaune.
“Oh come on, it’ll be fun,” Weiss said as she walked her friends over to the corral with a smile on her face. “This is going to be a nice and relaxing day to take our minds off finals.” 
“And how, exactly, is horseback riding relaxing?” Yang asked. 
Weiss stopped at the gate and looked back at her friends. “Why wouldnt it be relaxing?” 
“Because its an animal that can potentially break our necks?” Jaune asked more than he said. “I dont know if this is a good idea.” 
“You have nothing to worry about.” Weiss opened the gate and took the reins of one of the horses. “Its easy enough to ride them and these horses have been trained to let people on them. Plus, there’s ranch hands at the ready in case anything spooks the horses. Everything about this today is going to be safe.” 
Nora walked over to one of the horses. “If Weiss says its easy, how hard could it be?” 
Weiss nodded and watched as Nora got up onto the horse… and then slipped off when she couldnt get her footing in the stirrups. With a heavy sigh, she walked over and helped Nora get steady before taking a few steps to let Nora try to get the horse moving. Then, she watched as the others tried their hands. Blake seemed to get up the easiest, but couldnt seem to stay steady once the horse started moving. Ren and Pyrrha struggled with getting up onto it, Pyrrha worried about hurting it and Ren unable to keep his balance. Even Ruby and Yang, the two she would’ve expected to ride a horse easily, struggled to get onto their horses correctly or even to stay on while the horses were moving. 
She pinched the bridge of her nose. “Okay, this is going to be harder than I thought…” 
“Not our faults that we’ve never ridden a horse before,” Ruby said as she held her horse by the neck to keep stable. “Some of us have only watched it in shows or movies.” 
“It shouldnt be *that* hard to ride a horse.” 
“Its not, but sometimes it takes a bit for people to really learn how to do it,” Jaune said. 
Weiss looked over at him, expecting for him to be falling off, only to be surprised to see that he seemed to be the only one of her friends that was capable of riding a horse. Even as he brought the horse to a quick trot, he seemed to hold on fine and almost professionally as he kept himself up right and gentle with the horse. “Where… where did you learn to ride like that?” 
Jaune brought the horse to a stop next to Pyrrha and got off to help her up. “My parents had a friend who owned horses and would ask us to help take care of them. Riding lessons were put up as payment, so my sisters and I all learned how to ride a horse.” 
“I guess that makes sense.” Weiss watched her team continue to struggle with their own horses and started to make her way towards them. “You want to help your team while I help mine?” 
Jaune nodded. “Sure thing.” 
Weiss paused for a moment as she watched Jaune make his horse trot over to Nora. It was almost too easy to envision him as a knight from the romance novels she read, a blush crossing her cheeks when she thought about it. If he were to bulk up and get a set of armor that fit him-
“W-Weiss!” Ruby called out from hanging under her horse. “A-a little help?” 
Weiss shook her head as she was pulled out of her own thoughts and started to make her way over. “How did you do that?” 
“I tried to get on and I dont think I set the saddle on quite right.” 
“Its not that hard. Just drop to the ground and we’ll set it right.” 
“I dont think I-” Ruby winced as she dropped on the ground. “Nevermind!” 
Weiss pinched the bridge of her and took a deep breath. “This will be a relaxing day… as soon as I teach them how to stay on their horses correctly.”
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loverslodge · 2 days
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summery: you is a broken mutant and Bucky is very adamant to protect her
pairing: bucky barnes x reader
warning: experiments, violence, ptsd, angst, fluff
A/N: finally a bucky baby romance. love him so much i want to cuddle him to death.
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You didn't know how to react. You were kissing Bucky Barnes and you didn't know how to react. This was not the way you thought kissing Bucky Barnes for the first time would go.
You joined the team over two years ago. You weren't an agent, you were a lab rat. Well, a lab rat is a harsh way of putting things. You had somehow gained some sort of superpowers. You were attacked during the Ultron takeover and something burst near you that gave you just enough powers that could make you glitch. Many glitches later, you determined that it was the panicked adrenaline that set off the glitches and once you calmed down, everything was ‘normal’. Someone must have found out about you after years so SHIELD came to you. They basically kidnapped you and shoved you in their labs.
You met The Avengers. The new recruits as well. Including the famed Winter Soldier. You have seen him work, when he was under control. Actually, they had exchanged conversations. He did save you from an enemy, the one he was supposed to assassinate. But he was beat so you had nursed him. You had left the next day, you were on the run after all. And now, here you were again, meeting him. He didn't remember you and why would he? You were nobody with whom he shared a passionate kiss as Winter Soldier. He made her a promise that he'll come back for you but you knew you weren't going to see each other again.
He stood on the other side of the glass and was talking to Captain America and Iron Man about something. He kept on glancing and pointing at you. You also saw the Eye Patch Man join the discussion. Winter Soldier was getting angry, frustrated maybe, you couldn't really tell. Captain America put a hand on his shoulder and patted his back. He huffed in frustration and left the room.
Bucky saw the state you were in. none of the avengers were allowed in that facility till two years later. He was shocked to see you, a person, like him, treated like a lab rat just like he was. Something about you seemed familiar but he couldn't put a finger on it. He got angry. They told him she was going to be part of the team and yet she was trapped in a glass cage for everyone to look at. She had wires attached to her. She seemed unbothered, unfeeling even. It broke him a little, to see you give up. He used to be like this, then he got friends and they helped but you had nobody. He had Steve. He argued with Tony and Fury but they said you needed more time. He knew what that meant. They were willing to keep you in there till they had control over you. He didn't like that. All of them walked in the conference room where the rest were. They all put out points. Wanda saw his point and agreed, so did Natasha. They finally agreed to have her roam free in the compound but she would be engaged in the lab with Banner. She would be his helping hand and might also be part of experiments that will help her. They explained to Bucky why you needed to be experimented on. You had become part mutant which was not good for you. Either they can help you be a complete mutant or take away the powers and turn you human. Till they find the root of it all, they couldn't even give you options. Bucky agreed. He just wanted you not tied to the wires.
You got your own room. To your right was Wanda, to your left was Natasha and across you was a huge room of Winter Soldier, whom you now know as Bucky Barnes. You were introduced to almost everyone. Others later, once they came back from their missions. They were so nice to you. Especially Wanda and Natasha. But you knew, they had you close because they were supposed to watch you. Make sure you dont glitch on the compound and if you do, drag you straight to the labs. Sleep was evasive. You would wake up glitching because of nightmares. You would not sleep with water because it gave you a reason to walk to the kitchen and settle your glitch. Every night you would meet Bucky there. You didn't talk but both of you shared a silence. He kept your glitches a secret from Fury. and that made you want to look for a solution even harder. You didn't want him to be in trouble because you were sure it was because of him you roamed free.
You avoided Tony’s parties. But your window provided enough entertainment of these parties. You would gaze down and see people buzzing. Sometimes you had tears in your eyes and sometimes you glitched. Bucky knew you were watching. It was obvious. He felt eyes on him and he could hear your little squeaks when he looked up at your window. He liked having you around but he didnt know how to help. So he would stay silent. He followed your schedule. He knew you had nightmares. He also knew you liked to go to the kitchen to grab water because it took your mind off. He started to wait for you. The moment he would hear your door lock after you after you returned from the kitchen, he would go back to sleep as well. He wanted to keep you safe, he doesn't know why.
It was the Fourth of July. It was also Captain Rogers’ birthday. You loved to make small desserts so you thought this was a good time of showing the team that you were grateful for inclusion. You gave the first piece to Steve and he very graciously accepted. He loved it so much he asked you to bake some more for him whenever you had time. You blushed. He nodded vigorously and bumped into Bucky. He insisted you call him that. You offered him your dessert. He didn't have to say he liked it, his face and eyes talked for him. You felt your heartbeat rise and you ducked away from them, yelling ‘happy birthday steve’. That was the loudest he had heard you. He loved your smile. He loved your voice. Even though none of it was directed to him, he still soaked them in.
You started to open up more. Not a lot, just enough for people to interact more casually with you. You started to spend more time in the kitchen. It started relaxing you. You did glitch sometimes, if startled, but over all, you were getting ‘better’. Dr. Banner had taken your blood samples and had been working on reconstructing your cells. He said something about broken threads needing to be sewed but you wouldnt understand. You were more of a stenographer in the lab, everything Banner said was written down. You were happier, more relaxed. Even tried to step outside the compound once but someone saw you glitch and you ran back to your room. You spent more time with Bucky too. He said he could train you and you had said yes. Twice a week was your schedule with him. He would make sure you both were alone in the gym and so, even if you glitched, he would be there to calm you. His presence did that to you. Calmed you so much that even the tiniest glitch disappeared. Just like it did when he had kissed you way back.
There was a part of this though. You were very scared of fireworks. It reminded you of your lonely years and attacks. You had been dealing well because New York had been protected by The Avengers. You rarely hear fireworks too. Just during the New Years this year but they were muffled because FRIDAY had turned on sound blockers after seeing you flinch, glitch and shiver.
The celebrations began. You were in your room again, looking down the window. Your eyes were following Bucky. Again. He was enjoying his drink with Steve and Sam. he glanced up and you squeaked and slid down to hide. You still weren't aware that people couldn't see you from down there but Bucky loved it. He loved that your eyes followed him everywhere. But then he heard Tony say that he had bought shit-ton of fireworks this year to celebrate Steve. He tensed. He weaved his way to your room. You were unaware of this blasting development and gazed down at the people. Bucky knew you feared fireworks. FRIDAY told him after the first time. He was vigilant and made sure nothing startled you but he would always startle you. He was very stealthy after all.
He was seconds away from your room when the fireworks started. You jumped and glitched and screamed. He heard you. He ran. He asked FRIDAY to open your door. He saw you glitching and quivering under your blanket. He rushed in. He held you tight and covered your ears. The sound blockers were not working. You grabbed his shirt. You think you tore it a little but it didn't matter. You were holding onto him for your dear life. You were hyperventilating.
“Can't… breathe…” you huffed, trying to regain your pulse.
“Breath with me, y/n. Here, feel me. See, I am breathing well, yes?” he tore off his shirt and placed your palm on his heart. It did calm you a little but not enough. You tried to concentrate on his breathing but the loud fireworks riled you up even more.
He had read that stopping someone’s breathing for a few seconds would help with hyperventilation. He could choke you but you were a blubbering mess and he didn't want to leave marks saying he tried to kill you to save you. So he did the only logic that spun in his head. He pressed his lips against your. His hands were cupping your face and his lips firmly against yours. He felt your breath hitching to a stop and he sighed. He held for a few more seconds to actually feel your body relax against his. But something unexpected happened. Your lips moved against his. Now his breath hitched. You were kissing him. You angled your head for better access and he registered that. He immediately pulled you on his lap and moved his lips. You opened your mouth and his tongue went right in. you moaned. The familiar feeling of kissing him was back and you didn't want to let him go. Your hand moved from his chest to his neck, pulling him closer. His hand held your waist tightly against himself and the other cupped the back of your neck.
Suddenly he was transported to his Winter Soldier days. One day to be very specific where he had almost become Bucky just because he shared a heated moment with a girl. That familiar touch, that moan and those lips. They were the same. He latched onto you even further. He remembered you. He went back to look for you but you were long gone. Then shit went down and he came back to be Steve’s best friend. He had forgotten about you, almost, till this very moment. He cradled your head and tried to pull back to let you breath but you caught his lips again. As if you were thirsty. He chuckled and started caressing your head. He slowed down the pace of the kiss and you calmed down. You slowly pulled away and looked down. Your face was on fire. The fireworks had died down.
He cupped your face and tilted it to make you look at him. “It was you, the one who almost pulled me out of my insanity. I have you back in my arms.” he sighed and kissed your forehead. “Are you okay? I will talk to Tony to not schedule updates on fireworks days.”
“I thought you didn't remember me.” your voice came in whispers. “I'm okay. Now. I didn't mean to pull you away from Steve’s party. I, uh, waited for you. A bit. Back then. But I had to run.”
“You didn't pull me away from anywhere, doll. I came to you myself. I always found you familiar but it was your kiss that reminded me that you were the one I had lost back then. Now you wont run, will you?” He asked, looking at you. You shook your head and he pulled you to his chest. You could hear his heartbeat clearly. You breathed deep. You were exhausted after the episode.
“Let’s get you to bed.” he stood up and carried you to his room. Your blanket was still wrapped around you. He lowered you down on his mattress and went to change out his clothes. You nestled deeper into his bed and tried to keep your eyes open. He trudged back in the room and got in bed beside you. Your arms immediately went for him and he let you pull him to you.
“You will not let me go again, will you?” you asked softly.
“Never. You are holding on to me forever.” he wrapped his arms around you and you both snuggle to sleep.
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fae-morrigan · 2 days
Someone put a post (where they admit they straight up dont know these characters lol, and also spell damian as 'damien' so like. yknow.) in the tags saying that if you're a fan of Jon & Jay, you shouldn't buy super son. Well, as the crowned CEO of Jay & Jon, I'm here to tell you guys that you absolutely should.
Super Son did the amazing thing of hitting several marks that I predicted while still managing to surprise me in how they hit them. Which is high praise for any story: A great narrative should be able to both meet reasonable audience expectations (i.e, staying in character, setup payoff) WHILE STILL throwing in curveballs that tell you something new.
There's a lot I want to analyze and get into, namely how I think the rooftop conversation between Jon & Nia is really brilliantly done in what it says about both characters, but mainly I've been thinking a lot about how great those last few pages were and how I think Sina absolutely nails how Jon & Jay's specific issues interact with each other.
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Jay's always been a blunt person. From their first meeting back in SOKE 2, hes said what he thinks, and rarely does he try and soften himself. More than that, his bluntness is often a shield from vulnerability, which Jay struggles with the whole scene. It makes total sense, after what hes experienced (re-traumatization at the hands of a friend) that he's displaying that trait again.
Jon, however, is immediately vulnerable. This is the most poignant confession of the issue: Not even in the amazing sequence of Nia helping him make a place in the darkness (look, its back, thanks isabel!) do we get this admission of fear.
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And Jay, like always, embraces him. Sidenote, LOVE how they got in the thing Jon does where he's constantly tucking his face in people's shoulders during hugs.
But the moment ends, and we get here. First of all, cold af. I could feel the aura before I turned the page.
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Second of all: Jay is totally valid in feeling this way. And it makes perfect sense that he would.
Sara was his everything. Getting her back was one of his main motivations in SOKE. Because of Nia's actions, she died horribly (do you know what happens to a person when they fall from that sort of height? I do. Its AWFUL.) for an unjust cause. Of course he's glad she can't hurt anyone else!
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And that's when we get to my FAVORITE PART! Oh how I love this bit. Because like. You understand why Jon's angry- Its a harsh thing for Jay to say! Nia was the one who kept him sane while he was trapped in his own mind! But Jay, like always, is RIGHT: Jon DOESN'T get it. How could he?
Jon Kent will NEVER, ever, be put in this position. Out of universe, his parents are Clark Kent and Lois Lane. They'll ALWAYS come back. Hell, the fact they'll always come back is something Ma LITERALLY says to Jon in SOKE. He will never, ever have to know this pain.
In universe, Jon's a white american. Despite being queer, despite being an alien, he'll never know what its like to be this kind of collateral, delegated as pawns in a greater war for 'freedom'. That is what killed Sara at the end of the day: imperialism.
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This next bit hurts my heart. Great job, guys!
For one: Jon claims he's not excusing the mistakes Nia made, but by downplaying it like this... yes he is. But did you catch that part? Right at the start of that bubble?
"I'm going to fight every day to make up for my own part in this."
That's where it clicked for me. Something I had been hoping for since Nicole first called them twin flames.
He's projecting.
Of COURSE he's defending Nia. Of COURSE he wants Jay to forgive her. It isn't just about the fact that she gave him support, it isn't just the dreams, its the fact that... well. If Jay can't forgive her... how could he EVER forgive HIM?
THIS is where the fact that Jon and Nia are so similar as character SINGS. They become mirrors to each other, evaluating their own self worth through the other, at the unintentional expense of the people they've hurt.
Jay's right, though. Again. Its almost like he's the embodiment of the truth or something. He doesn't HAVE to do anything.
When he starts crying though, I immediately was RUINED. This is the first time we have EVER seen him cry before during his entire existence of a character. And its not really even because his mom is dead (though yes, that) and its not even because of the argument. Its because Jay fundamentally wants to be understood, and he's not getting that.
Which is important for the next bit:
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I want to first backtrack a bit to Son of Kal El again, specifically, issue fourteen, right here.
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Hello, two-panel sequence that succinctly describes these two as characters. How convenient you are for me, a guy analyzing a work that isn't written prose.
Jon isn't good at letting go, for better or for worse. The things he cares about stay with him, and when something or someone tries to exit his life, he clings to them with all his might.
Jay however, both selflessly and selfishly, is willing to let go first if he thinks its better for the other person. To me this line so effortlessly summarizes who Jay is- he's a person who's accustomed to not having things, and will leave before it hurts and he gets too attached.
And that thought is ALL over this scene. Jay, who begins to let go, Jon, who both literally and physically CLINGS to jay, practically begging him to stay.
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(Sidenote. This is like, the third time Jay mentions breaking up when Jon starts acting up. Good for you king, keep that white boy on his toes, let him know he ain't all that.)
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Every little detail of this four panel sequence is killing me. "My worst nightmare is not having a home with you in it." His greatest desire. The thing that kept tipping him off in every fake reality Nia constructed for him- Jay's absence. Him wiping the tear of Jay's cheek. Jay walking away from him.
But what really gets me is how on this page, Jon talks about them as 'we', while Jay is firmly stuck in 'I.'
This is what made me LOSE MY MARBLES at three in the morning. Just utterly fucking off my rocker in a straightjacket talking to myself.
Because this is what JON wants. But is it what JAY wants?
Jon never asks.
What about what Jay fears? What about the life that HE wants? What if he doesn't want San Francisco? What if the life he wants is the life he HAD before everything went wrong? Jon outright says he wants a fresh start. But Jay, Jay's someone with such deep connections to what he just lost, what he likely WANTS to get back. His country. His mother. His sense of self. But. He says yes.
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(Sidenote. FIRST I LOVE YOU WOOOOOOOOOO) To quote my buddy Dami: Oh, the drama of needing a future with someone who can't get over the past.
It is left unclear, by the end, whether or not Jay is saying yes to this because he genuinely wants to, or if he's only saying yes because he doesn't want to lose Jon, too. Jon doesn't stop to question whether or not Jay's only reaching after him because Jon's walking away. We, the audience, are left to ponder that for ourselves.
How much of Jay saying yes is him just accepting that this is the best he's going to get? That he's never going to be understood because nobody wants to understand?
He's an afterthought to Nia, an obstacle at best, and to Jon he's a particularly handsome prop in this little fantasy he has of running away and starting new. He's either not thought of at all, or when he is thought about, it's in the context of how he can emotionally fulfill the other person And you get why Jon did this. He's desperate, he's hurting, he just got tangible evidence that the time he has with the people he loves isn't ever guaranteed. He's been needing space from Clark and Lois for MONTHS because god knows they haven't been fulfilling his emotional needs. In a very real sense, Jay is who he has.
But wanting someone to stay with you so much that you'll... Not even ignore, but just not ever consider what they may want. The intentional isolation, moving halfway across the country away from all support systems. The need to cling to someone.
It reminds me of... something. Someone.
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Don't tell Jon I made this comparison. He'll kill himself. Jon and Ultraman ARE similar. They're both such deeply lonely people who cling very tightly and even though it manifests in different ways and even though they have different core thoughts about it. The effect at the end of the day is the same, isn't it?
Is loving Jay not a brutal act of destruction?
There's so many more details about this story I love. Jon & Nia's conversation being vague enough that you have no idea how Jon meant what he told her but you KNOW how NIA took it (girl you can do better hes literally ugly!). Jon breaking a pillar by bonking his head against it (LMFAO). The pretty lies vs ugly truth dichotomy of Jay vs Nia here.
But this one scene, man. This one fucking scene takes the cake. STELLAR work all around. Every panel counts.
This better lead into a full Superman & Gossamer run or SOMETHING or I'm going to have WORDS with DC's editorial staff.
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neonfretra · 2 days
does anyone want to discuss hrpf outside of shipping + written fic context . because i think about where what i do sits in relation to it all
for brevity i will be referring to the real person as the player and the fictionalized interpretation of the player as the character
to get things outta the way, i dont think theres very much you can say about real life people before you start crossin into real person fiction (rpf) territory LOL
transformative art is rpf. speculation is rpf. narratives is rpf. the second you start steppin away from a direct relay of the facts as is, we gettin in ficticious waters IMO. its really a neutral thing to me and my ethics begin and end at "dont show people who dont wanna see"
and its real funny to think about how i do art just because it feels like i set up way less barriers compared to people who DO write fic . i see all this talk about making sure you make your stuff login exclusive, about not sharin it to the people involved, disclaimers about how its in fact NOT a reflection of reality that your favorite athlete is mpregnant and YOU are are mfather.
and i just hit post and call it a day LOL
TO BE CLEAR there is definitely layers to it in the sense that i see similar amounts of caution with say ship art or certain degrees of raunch.
shipping in the rpf scene is funny to me in the sense of the tendency to treat shipping as THE exclusive rpf thing. like no i dont think my tomas tatar fanart is 1:1 on the reality front either. for example, nj devils hairline is not that far back and thags the only inaccuracy.
heres the kicker: mmy foot.
most of my doodles tend to evoke a degree of characterization or narrative. yeag maybe its a little less 30k slowburn and a little more fabian zetterlund shot putting a man but. that is fictional, that is a character
im not saying that rpf defines players more than the reality of them does but i do believe it does enforce certain views
in the spaces i hang around ive noticed the narrativization around certain characters being part fueled by the information that is filtered by reporters and part interpretations bounced back and forth by fandom . and when you have eyes on a story, its easy to pick out information solely as it agrees with you
maybe the most prominent narrative ive seen for the sharks has been macklin celebrini having a jock dad -> therefore he got daddy issues, joe thornton houses him -> therefore mentor and father figure joe thornton? where even though i havent seen any direct relay of information from any players (though ivent been looking LOL) a lot of the discussion around it revolves around this common understanding that it just is (the funnier part is arguably that will smith hockey has been doing more for this narrative for patrick marleau BUT NEITHER HERE NOR THERE.)
and its really interesting to note HOW fandom warps or weaves the story by going off common tropes or dynamics to make sense of the public facing parts we do see, which is what i think is magnified through the lens of fanworks but not (necessarily) CREATED by fanworks
which is where i feel my work is part of the. ecosystem??? life cycle??? and then we all return to the dirt and the worms eat us???
how much or how little we define the gap between player and character changes from person to person. i simply do not have that goin on here. devin cooley eats joey daccords hair take it or leave it. annnnd main tag that
other times i feel we wear the divide thin are when there is headcanon that uses facts about the player (ie a lot of ship talk) or when the character becomes the kneejerk understanding of the player (ie liveblogs. very fun way to get a read of a communitys feelings on something because of how immediate the reactions on it are)
the point of this post isnt to shame or interrogate people about participating in rpf, im not looking for those sort of feelings, im fascinated by fandom culture as a twig off the old branch and i would love to hear other perspectives on the same topic (and different communities! i dont have much involvement in fic. which is. a massive hole in my perspective on this probably)
is it possible to cross the line from rpf to plain old original content LOL (the answer is intent i know but. walk with me here its fun to think about)
naturally theres a degree of "original character" to every depiction . you gotta make up some amount of it. theres no clear separation OF rpf and original content because everything is about borrowing. you make characters with inspiration from other things. its near enough universal for someone who deals with characters to have at some point lifted a character directly out of their original context and made them their own.
its not just their face or name or some other physical attribute that makes it rpf id also argue because i have seen people using attributes of real people as "claims" for origubal characters (like a "faceclaim" to say "this is how i imagine my character to look")
on top of that there is fluctuating interest on actually depicting the player, with approaches that i have heard of ranging from "character that shares the quantitative aspects of the player and thats IT" to "character that was made heavily referencing to things the player has said/done"
its interesting when certain players in rpf have a consistent character! which trends to be in teams with a more active rpf oriented fanbase (vs interest mainly in the real life hockey played), comparing the fandom of kraken to the golden knights on tumblr for instance. its also interesting to note that more popular teams just have more rpf centric leans. because there are more people to write rpf. i mean also we are on a fandom centric site and rpf bridges that gap from narrative/character fueled media and sportsball more LOL
(if you like sports from a purely sports oriented angle do you enjoy watching it? genuine question. because at what point is it "i could just be doing this myself" because ive hit that point with other things before LMAO)
i do call the difference being more "fandom" oriented but IDK if thats correctly using the word or just less syllables. and on top of that i cant exactly tell you if its popularity or stand out personality that holds more sway. though then again i guess those two traits arent separate from each other necessarily. or even that those are the only two factors to broad appeal (probably popularity with another player is up there. but im not trying to find a formula for most attractive to make rpf of)
to return to the kraken because that is the most rpf oriented team i follow, i do notice when players portrayed consistently. i can definitely tell you like. one or two character traits about players i do not follow the media of solely from liveblogs and art. complexity of the character varies by a lot, though i do think its interesting to consider the hows and whys.
a trait or interest being highlighted by media (i tend to see this in offical media coverage that gets spread by jokes) -> the character heavily revolves around this feature in jokes or casual reference, with heavy personal interpretation
media pushing a narrative by following a more cohesive timeline or story structure (i usually see this in fanworks. easier to identify the influence of IMO) -> fairly consistent character backstory or , at least in the broad strokes of it
just general agreements about tropes that are appealing with little basis on the player -> this is usually the more relationship focused character interpretation
there isnt usually just one factor (and this isnt an exhaustive list of factors) to one characters history. unless its a super new player on the radar.
its definitely a character that belongs to the fandom! as in the unique character to the unique community! its actually really funny how they evolve. you could probably fingerprint someones influences if you tried hard enough. with how new the kraken is (and the fact the fandom leans more towards being united as one body than any other team ive seen so far) it does get pretty easy to get it down to the post but. do your own treasure search. I wont deprive you!
(also its EMBARASSING... what if the people i mention SEE... im SHY...)
harder with an older fandom like the sharks there are so many dead and defunct sources or jokes so widely spread that it gets hard to locate the origin . because dead and defunct sources. though i think its growing a new ring around the fandom tree because of the newer players! so its a thought. to think about how different events influence the size and activity of a fanbase and to ask how different fans from different. eras? of a fanbase interact (or dont).
again i notice this in the sharks fandoms by comparing fans from the playoff contending sharks era (last playoff season was 18-19? start is a little murky but ill toss out that 2012 was the year tomas hertl was drafted because tomas hertl was an era of the sharks LOL a whole 12 years! i know people younger than his professional career and those people are catching up to me in height. humbling!) and fans from when the sharks were very much not playoff contending (quite an amount of the current active fans LOL). not sure if theres much to say without looking stupid. different jokes, notable players, friend groups, feelings towards other teams. all still feel very strongly about general manager mike grier scattering players like dandellion seeds to the wind.
how many sharks fans havent seen logan couture on ice
again i am saying all this as someone who ACTIVELY participates in this BTW!!! does anyone notice that players i dont know definitely have a flatter "whatever is the funniest thing to say" angle . or that characters of players i know a few things about have like one punchline . or even that certain characters are consistent and not just bound by direct interpretations of one moment (which i do a lot of when im liveblogging) (dont get your hopes up for anything new here, the character usually is "pathetic and a little bit of a bastard")
i keep writing these disclaimers like. if someone disagreed this strongly they would not be reading this far. hi! is anyone still here. is someone still reading.
i have created life and i dont know to kill it.
i talk about one of my depictions of a player as a separate character (that is to say, a SEPARATE character from the character intended to represent the player) and i have NO idea if this is like. an OC? a defamation case in waiting? my spawn? do i have to pay childcare. does anyone know who or what im talking about or has the character been festering in my mind like an infection.
is it just me???
my advice to you: if you dont want somethin to come back dont give it a name.
consider dissecting your personal and the more widespread fandoms take on players and characters! its fun for me but i also just like taking things apart ^_^ i fear i may not be as analytical as this post demands i do a lot of restating information and thats it
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mywitchyblog · 23 hours
"Debunking Misinformation: The Truth About Age Changing in Shifting and Why Your 'Mature Soul' Argument Falls Flat"
Tumblr media
Disclaimers : read the post fully you dont understand something ? ask me and i will happily clarify it for you. And debates and arguments are welcome, Fallacies arent.
And also i apologie for the tone that may be rough and/or intense i am trying to change that and perfect it , my apologies.
Alright, it’s time to really break this down and rip apart every flawed, uninformed argument you’ve laid out. You’re out here acting like you’ve got it all figured out, but spoiler alert: you don’t. So buckle in, because we’re going deep into the weeds, and I’m bringing receipts to debunk every one of your points with twice the heat and twice the sources.
"You bring up the fact you fully embody the reality that you go to, but your soul and experiences from here whilst ur there. It’s a mix of both."
Let’s get one thing straight: this idea that shifting is a "mix of both" is flat-out wrong. When you shift, you fully immerse yourself into your Desired Reality (DR) and become that version of yourself completely. There’s no half-and-half bullshit where part of your Original Reality (OR) self is sticking around while you live in your DR. If that were the case, no one would even bother shifting—what would be the point if you’re still dragging your OR baggage with you?
As I’ve said before and as extensively covered in sources like this Tumblr post, when you shift, you adopt the mindset, emotions, and even the memories of your DR self. Your awareness is fully aligned with the reality you’ve shifted into, meaning you think, feel, and live as that person. You don’t just “borrow” the body of your DR self while keeping your OR experiences in the background. It’s not a costume; it’s a complete immersion.
To say that part of your “soul” from OR sticks around? That’s just an uninformed take. Souls in this context are not limited or bound to the rules you’re trying to impose. Consciousness is vast, all-encompassing, and when you’re in your DR, you’re fully there. The idea that there’s some kind of fractured awareness where part of your “mature soul” is lurking in the background? That’s nonsense. As I’ve previously said, your soul adapts to the context of the reality you’re in. You’re not half in, half out. You’re all in.
"Being romantically involved with a minor knowing at least a part of your soul has matured is incredibly disgusting no matter how you phrase it."
Let me stop you right here because you’re trying to apply OR morality and assumptions to something that doesn’t even apply in a DR. You’re not walking around with your adult OR mind when you shift to a younger version of yourself. When you shift down, you fully take on the age you’ve shifted to, and that includes your mental, emotional, and cognitive states. As I’ve discussed before, and backed up by posts like this one, you aren’t keeping any “mature” part of yourself intact while you’re in the DR. You are mentally and emotionally aligned with the age you’ve shifted to, whether that’s 16 or 60. So this whole "part of your soul is still mature" argument? It’s based on a complete misunderstanding of what shifting really entails.
And let’s talk about your use of the word "disgusting." You’re trying to frame consensual experiences in a DR as inherently gross, but that’s just because you’re stuck thinking in OR terms. When someone shifts into a younger version of themselves, they aren’t an adult with a teenager’s body—they’re a teenager again, period. They think like a teenager, feel like a teenager, and experience relationships as a teenager. There’s nothing inherently disgusting about exploring love, relationships, or even sex in a different stage of life—especially when you’re doing it as a fully immersive part of that DR.
If you really want to cling to the argument that having any part of your soul "matured" makes romantic relationships problematic, then by that logic, you’d also have to condemn teenage shifters aging themselves up into adult relationships, because guess what? That’s the exact same thing, just reversed. But no one’s out here screaming about that because it doesn’t fit the "adults are creepy" narrative, right?
"It’s vile to see how many shifters do this and will never get any repercussions to their actions. I’ll die on that hill."
Alright, let’s talk about this hill you’re so eager to die on. The idea that shifters should face “repercussions” for engaging in consensual relationships in their DRs is just ridiculous. Shifting isn’t the same as living in OR, and you can’t impose OR consequences on DR actions. In your DR, you are the age you’ve shifted to, and the dynamics of your relationships match the context of that reality.
Here’s the thing: Intent matters. If someone is shifting to a younger version of themselves to relive missed opportunities, heal from trauma, or just experience youthful love again, there’s nothing inherently vile or wrong about that. As I’ve written extensively before, shifting is a deeply personal and immersive experience, and most shifters are doing it for reasons that have nothing to do with anything harmful. The idea that people should face "repercussions" for their DR relationships just shows you don’t understand how shifting works in the first place.
And let’s get real: If someone truly had vile intentions, they wouldn’t even bother shifting down. A real predator wouldn’t waste time becoming a teenager in their DR. They’d shift into a reality where their disgusting behavior is normalized or even celebrated. They’d create a world where their actions have no consequences. So the fact that you think “repercussions” are necessary shows that you’re missing the bigger picture. As I’ve discussed in depth here, the true issue lies in intent. If someone’s intent is to heal, grow, or explore, then no harm is being done. Full stop.
If your hill is built on assuming that every adult who shifts down is doing something harmful, then you’re standing on a pile of fallacies and fear-mongering. You can die on that hill if you want, but it’s made of weak arguments and ignorance. The majority of shifters aren’t engaging in anything harmful—they’re using shifting as a tool for self-discovery and healing. Don’t throw the entire community under the bus because you’ve failed to understand the complexities of the practice.
Bonus: Let’s Address the “Soul/Consciousness” Argument One More Time
Since you seem stuck on this whole “soul and consciousness” bit, let me break it down again. Souls and consciousness are vast, all-encompassing. When you shift, your soul is fully adapted to that reality. You’re not carrying over some mature OR fragment of yourself that suddenly taints your DR experiences. As explained in this Tumblr post, souls are adaptable and expansive. The idea that part of your soul stays mature while you’re in a younger body is a complete misunderstanding of the nature of consciousness. You’re just not aware of the vastness of your soul because, in that moment, you’re immersed in your DR self. Trying to claim that you have this lingering OR maturity floating around is just plain wrong.
So here’s the bottom line: Your entire argument is built on misunderstandings, double standards, and a fundamental lack of knowledge about how shifting works. You’re out here trying to apply OR morals and logic to something that exists outside of those rules. Shifters fully become the age they shift into—mentally, emotionally, and cognitively. There’s no half-in, half-out soul situation happening. And when shifters engage in relationships in their DR, it’s not “disgusting” or “vile” because they’re living in a completely different reality where their mindset aligns with that age.
You want to die on a hill of fallacies and false assumptions? Fine, but don’t expect everyone else to follow you there. The truth is, the majority of shifters are using this practice for self-exploration, healing, and growth. Intent is everything, and unless someone’s specifically scripting harmful dynamics, there’s nothing wrong with shifting to explore different stages of life.
So maybe it’s time to rethink your stance before you go throwing around accusations and blanket statements about how “vile” shifters are. As I’ve said before, most shifters aren’t doing anything harmful, and they’re not dragging their OR experiences into the DR to manipulate age dynamics. They’re fully embodying the age they’ve shifted into, living that life with the mindset, emotional capacity, and maturity of that version of themselves. Your assumptions about maturity and the soul are based on a limited understanding of what shifting actually entails, and frankly, it’s not helping anyone.
You’re out here dying on a hill made of shaky, fallacious arguments, while the rest of us are living in realities where intent, self-discovery, and healing are the focus. If you want to keep painting shifters as predatory based on a misunderstanding, that’s on you—but maybe take a second to realize that your perspective is rooted in fear, ignorance, and a flawed interpretation of how consciousness and shifting really work.
If you can’t wrap your head around the fact that shifting is a deeply personal, nuanced, and immersive experience where your OR doesn’t come into play the way you think it does, then maybe it’s time to step back and reconsider how much you really know about this community before making sweeping judgments.
P.S. Let me hit you with one more thing:
When it comes to your Original Reality (OR), you’re not walking around in your Desired Reality (DR) with your OR brain tagging along for the ride. Instead, you have extensive knowledge of your OR through the lens of your DR self. Your OR becomes more like a distant memory or background information that your DR self is aware of but isn’t actively living or processing with the same emotional or cognitive weight. So yeah, you’re aware of your OR, but it’s not some dominant force influencing your every thought or action. You’re living fully as your DR self, with only as much knowledge of your OR as your DR self needs to function in that reality.
You’re not straddling two worlds, dragging OR maturity into a DR body—you’re embodying your DR self, period. The knowledge you have of your OR is filtered through your DR self’s perspective, which means it’s not the same as living with your OR mindset in your DR. So again, the whole “part of your soul is still mature” argument? Nonsense. You’re aware of your OR, but you’re not mentally living in it while you’re in your DR.
Hope that clears up whatever lingering confusion you’ve got about how this actually works.
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theo-1992 · 1 day
Can we talk about how dogshit the jjk end is?
Like we've got the katana and sumo guys but we don't get a fucking explanation on the Gojo situation?!! Like we know that bro is dead currently in the manga (I STILL HAVE A TINY BIT OF HOPE) and nobody fucking grieves and don't care about him at all and shit, they literally mentioned him and grieved more for him when he was stuck in a goddamn box but now that he's six feet under nobody NOT EVEN YUTA OR YUJI GIVE A FLYING FUCK?! and the ONE time he is mentioned by kusakabe (dont even get me started on this dude) HE BLAMES HIM FOR EVERYTHING?!! LIKE WHAT THE HELL GEGE?!
Besides the Gojo situation that I am able to talk for hours on end about there is also the whole "Back to normal" thing with everyone and I am like BRO WHERE IS YOUR TRAUMA⁉️ Everyone came from one of the most traumatic ass battles and everyone is like they just came back from fighting a grade 4 cursed spirit. BRO TALK ABOUT IT, IT WASN'T A SIMPLE BATTLE DO SOME TRAUMA DUMPING ITS NOT BAD!!
ALSO, what the actual flip is going on? Why the anime that brought me to my knees, ripped my soul out of me, stepped on it, crushed as it was a mosquito, ends with a GODDAMN RANDOM MISSION FOR THE MAIN THREE😭 GIVE ME ANSWERS GEGE😡
And for everyone yapping about it being "disney kaisen" ahh I will PERSONALLY come and show you a sad ending. Because you know it really well that you were crying and begging for your favs to come back. And hell we deserve a Disney ending after that shit we've been through.
Now bring my blue eyed goat back bc if you're drawing Mei Mei's feet and bringing back the characters that we couldn't give less of a shit for you can and WILL bring one of, if not the best written character of this manga back.
I have a lot more to talk about in jjk so if you're interested in reading more lmk
P.S. I am a sane Gojo fan so if yall want to talk about him like normal people and analyze his character also lmk
Thanks for reading my yapping love yaa<3 Now I am off to read fanfics on Dadjo and Songumi and ignore the ending that evil cat is forcing me to accept.
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Scales and Feathers Pt4.
Davos/Benjicot Blackwood, Oscar Tully x Targ! Reader
Reader races against the clock to try and stop things from escalating and attempts to mend bridges. And finds help in unlikely places.
Containing: family arguments, mild Helaena/Aegon x reader (them having a soft spot), reader gags Otto and Alicent, reader plays the game (mild manipulation), canon-divergance
Featuring: reader is fav niece, some Aegon and Helaena fluff bc the actors deserve it.
Gonna be another long one guys!
Bold is text spoken in High Valyrian
You wake up the next morning sat in a chair in Helaena's room, a blanket and your sword resting faithfully on your lap. Startled and unsure of how you got there you frantically look around the room for anything awry.
"Be calm dear niece, you did well. Aegon and i moved you in here for a reprieve when you started to fall asleep at the door." You hear Helaena's voice coo. Calm knowing violet meets yours as she makes her way from her spot at the bed; dressed and ready for the day.
"I dont-" you groggily mutter rising from the chair. Your shoulders ache and your legs tingle from the position you slept in but otherwise everything feels as it should. "You brought me in?"
"Well Aegon said he wouldve felt bad if you ended up sleeping on the floor outside... he told me what you said to him..." she hums. Helaena smooths out your attire, giving you a glance before she leads you to the bed. "Come, pick something nice. Youll need to look good for council."
"Council? Why would i need to go?" You grunt, staring at the various targaryen coloured dresses laid out for you.
"To give your piece of course silly. You must have your side heard, i fear my husband may get overruled if he is there by himself much longer." She ponders "Now pick and i will help you ready yourself"
Just like she promised, the Green Queen helps you ready yourself for council. You hair, done in a fashion similar to hers. You almost dont recognise yourself as you pass the glass windows, stealing glances at the new you. Arm in arm you walk to the war room where council is held in the tower of the hand. You stop at the door and feel your aunts arm slip from yours in order to hug you from the side. "Thank you again, my knightly niece, please give our dear Aegon the same strength and valor... there snakes in the grass, hidden like weeds that chok the crops" she wanders off, no doubt to keep the children company. You dont have much time to dwell on her words as you open the doors, steeling your heart, mind and body for the irritation it will have to endure in the following moments.
Silence follows upon your entry, whatever the conversation was previously, clearly not for your ears.
"And what is the Princess (Name) doing here? Last i heard they were on a marriage tour." Otto asked, feigned confusion in his tone as if he hadnt already figured it out based on last nights events. You hold back a scoff at his display, slowly walking around the table to stand at the side of the kings seat.
"I was, but i had to put a pause as a family emergency called my attention" you speak vaguely, watching as the council men squirm under your emotionless gaze. "Though once i help clear up matters here. I have every intention of completing my tour and finding a suitable lord husband. I was made aware by Queen Helaena that my Uncle and King may need my presence here to inform the council of the nights events." You glance around the room, noting that a key person seemed to be missing. "Where is my Uncle Prince Aemond? Does he not attend council as well?"
"He is on dragonback patrolling at the moment but he is set to appear shortly" Aegon says hands clasped "Why would you need him present?"
"Because this concerns him. His actions against his nephew, my brother, is what caused this to happen. And while all of you sit here throwing dirt on my mothers name for attempted kin-slaying and whatever else, the true kin-slayer remains unpunished, free to roam this very castle and cause untold havoc." You state bluntly. The room falls into tense silence. The heave a sigh to quell the rage bubbling. "I can assure this council that my mother, would never wish a tragedy such as the death of a son to befall another. Even if they had been her worst enemy, which, my sweet Aunt is not."
"What would you have me do then Niece?" Aegon sighs, "Aemond is my brother, and your own Uncle besides. Executing him would not bring him back."
"Are you not the King?" You spit eyes flaring "Do you let the capital crime of kin-slaying go unpunished in your city? Is it not part of your job to make your subject feel safe? What will the smallfolk think when such a thing goes unanswered." You gently take his hand and squeeze. "I would not ask that you kill him. As much as the thought may bring me peace. No, if you cannot bring yourself to exact the kings justice via death penalty, then strip him of his titles, and send him to the wall." You insist. As he considers your proposal, the doors swing open. The person you most loathed to see and the person of conversation comes in. At first, he is shocked to see you, his eye flashing with something you cant quite place before is shifts into something colder. More dangerous. A smug taunting grin fills his slim face.
"Why dear niece i had not planned to see you here." He coos "You truly have grown in to a beaitiful lady, who strongly resembles her parents. Tell me what brings you to kings landing? I thought you were making plans to be wed."
Biting back a sneer you straighten youself and force your face into something more unreadable. "My plans of marriage are still going ahead Uncle, but the thought of staying with my future lord husband had me feeling a bit homesick. So i thought i would make one last trip back to spend time with my precious family. Come to find a stop ploy set about to harm them, caused my your rash actions. Im glad i came when i did. I fear what may have happened would have further broken my heart."
The mention of storms end sees Aemond facade crack slightly. You press your advantage, tone sharp and clear. "I heard you werent in the castle at the time so allow me to bring you up to speed. Your... 'confrontation' with my brother which lead to his death, insighted retaliation from the rogue prince Daemon. Who sought to do harm to your kings children. Fortunately, due to my homesickness and intuition, i managed to stop this tragedy from reoccuring. Because of your actions, this council was called to bring about the appropriate response. I am merely here to give me side and act as the voice of my mother. Whom is the person wronged in this affair."
"And what is the kings 'judgement' on this matter? Hmmm?" He taunts stepping forward and staring down you and Aegon from his side of the room. Its a challenge. And everyone in the room knows it. "What punishment has he deemed fit for me?"
Leaning down you move to whisper in your uncle's ear. "This is the best way, i promise uncle. And, should the weight of the crown prove too heavy for you, im sure mother would be more than happy to unburden you. Aunty Helaena told me how stressed and unhappy you both were... how it was something neither of you wanted. You know in your heart of hearts that my mother is the true heir, she held that title for 20 years and grandsire never wavered. You mother herself said she would make a good queen and yet she has forced you to sit here? In a position she didnt prepare you for, nor one you wanted? Please use this moment to make a good choice, maybe even bridge our family together from the viper that wishes to tear us apart because he knows he cant control us." You breifly glance at Otto, who your sure heard parts of what you said. While he makes not indication that he has the tightening of his lips as the press into a thin line gives you all you need.
He heard. And he knows that you know his motives.
I will route you out, root and stem Otto Hightower. No one shall make a fool of my family, even if it is a bumbling drunk like Aegon.
You watch has the gear start to turn behind his eyes. When your gazes meet you see resolve and determination. It fills you with an odd sense of pride. He nods to himself, as if confirming his ducks are in a row, stands and adresses the room. "Aemond Targaryan. For the crime of kin-slaying your nephew Prince Lucerys at storms end, i charge you with acts of treason, and violence against crown. As punishment; you shall surrender you weapon, your title as prince of the realm, and be sent to the wall to take the black post-haste."
Aemond, Alicent and Otto look horrified at this decree. Stunned into utter silence from the weight of Aegons delivery. The prideful feeling from before surges in you again. Seeing him in this light, with the commanding of a king, grants you new perspective. You smile, and you notice him give you a sideways look. "Guards. Seize him, and prepare him for the journey to castle black." He demands. The guards are quick to act. Though Aemond, still in shock, does little to fight back.
"You grace please reconsider acting in haste-" Otto says, trying to seize control over the situation again. "The death of Prince Luke was an accident with no ill intent, with the potential of war so close should you really be listening to the daughter of women who benefits from your weakened state?"
"It is words like that that have turned this once great house unto the brink of ruin" you hiss, placing a hand on Aegons shoulder "My mother was declared heir 20 years ago, the realm acknowledged her. Bowed to her. She has every right to the throne by the word of widows law, decreeing that children of a first marriage shant be disinherited from title or land by children of a second marriage. Or did you forget that Otto?" She sneers forcing the older man to silence himself.
"Your family have taken my sons eye, and now... when the perpetrator is dead you wish to take more?" Alicent wails "As though 'saving' my grandchildren from would be assassins 'sent by Daemon' was not a ploy to have us indebted to you!"
"If i remember that night correctly your Grace, you were as much absent as my mother was. Can you tell me where you were?" You snap, firey eyes turning to her "And if my memory serves... your son instigated the four versus one fight and lost his eye with his own dagger that he fully intended to use against his nephews. Luke was defending his brother and their betrotheds. You also seemed more than content to draw the prince's blood in exchange. Which might i remind you? Harmed my mother in the process instead. Your son lost an eye over insults yes, but he did that himself. My brother lost his life over it because you both refused to let it end with the fact that Aemond was in a bed of his own making!" Tears prick the corner of your eyes as you stare Alicent down. Her eyes also seem to redden as your tirade winds down, memories of the night coming back as strong as when it had first happened. You feel a hand touch yours. You look in shock as Aegons hand holds the one you have placed on his shoulder. You look away from him, refusing to let him see your tears. Wiping them away furiously you clear your throat and move your hand gently from your uncle's grasp.
"I shall send a letter to my mother informing her of the new developments. I will stay until we get a response back and we shall go from there. I will take my leave if you have no further need of my presence Uncle."
"No. I wish for you stay, there are some matters i think may warrant some... new perspective." He smiles, taking his seat once more as Aemond is escorted out of the room in chains.
The meeting feels like it went on forever after that point. But as you try to recollect what was discussed, you find your brain bleeding out of your ears. You exit the room with Aegon and the pair of you wander the hall aimlessly. You follow the imaginary path back to the courtyard in the heart of the keep, staring up at the weirdwood you used to sit under when you were little. You grab Aegons hand and drag him with you. Plopping down on the ground you motion for him to join you.
"This isnt very becoming you know." He jests
"And when have you ever cared for that Egg?" you jab back, giggling. Your laughter stops when you realise that his isnt joining in. You turn and see the look on his face; like you have just physically slapped him. "Are you-"
"What did you just call me?" He interrupts voice small and unsure.
"Uh... Egg?" You answer hesitantly "Did... you not want me to? I overstepped didnt i? I know we werent that close growing up. But i figured since that business the other night we might try- OOFFT" your self-conscious rant is cut off as your knocked backwards by Aegon himself tackling you. Arms tight around your frame and head buried in your neck.
"Im sorry i was a prick growing up... i know we all felt the tension of our parents as children. Thats partly why i drank so much... its why i still do..." you sit quietly as you listen to him, wraping your arms around him and stroking his back. Waiting for him to continue "but you right... that night... it was the worst thing i couldve ever imagined. It gave me a kick i was sorely needing. I need to have my head one straight i know that... but the weight is too much. I dont want this and i dont know what im doing." He sniffs a little and shifts himself to look at your face. "Were you telling to truth? About giving the crown to Rhaenyra? She'd take it... and she forgive me?"
"Of course. I know she would. I would of course, speak for you diligence in trying to fix things and make the best of the situation at hand. Im sure she knows that this wasnt entirely your doing, and that is was people like Otto trying to grab whatever power they could once grandsire had left." You mumble, grabbing onto his cheeks "for all this familys craziness, for all the tension and animosity... she would never wish to do harm to her blood. We were all close at one point... im sure we can come back to that again." You soothe, smiling. He kisses your hairline, which coming from him feels a touch odd, but you accept gracefully. He help you up and you wander the halls again, this time in search for Helaena and the children.
"You are the only person outside Helaena ive shared such concerns with... i didnt know i needed that..." he mumbles.
"Well, im glad i could help. Now. Let us go find our Helaena and write these letters."
--- At Dragonstone ---
"She is WHERE?!" Rheanyra shouts panic plain in her voice "Why ever would she be there?!? Did the greens steal her from under our noses!?!" She frets pacing back and forth around the painted table.
"No mother, the letter states she came there after she saw Daemon skulking off the night of the funeral." Jace says offering the letter for his mother and queen to read. Her eyes scan with a wild madness, searching for a sign of any kind, only to come up empty.
"And what of Daemon? Has he responded to any of our own letters?" The Black Queen asks. Her son shakes his head. Rheanyra clicks her tongue and turns to reread the letter again. "We shall have faith in our girl for now, gods know that Aegon and Helaena use to have a soft spot for her... let us hope that is still the case. In any event we shall respond and use (Name) as an envoy to set our terms. With luck, no more blood shall be spilled"
Even with the authority in her voice she could not hide her worry and hesitation from her son.
"Ill write to her as well, see if she can sway Daemon back. He has proven he cannot be left to his own devices, if this letter from Aegon of people is trustworthy" Jace mutters. Bowing, he makes his exit, leaving his mother to stare solemnly at the flames crackling in the fireplace.
Later, you find yourself in the company of Alicent. Sitting at a small table in the sun of the courtyard. You awkwardly sip at your tea, not knowing why she has summoned you nor what you should say. You dont have to wonder long as the queen sighs and says quietly "I have only ever done what i thought was right for my family. What i thought duty and honor demanded of me"
"You once said my mother would make a fine queen... and then you place Aegon on the throne..." you say bitterly
"That was before your grandsire said Aegon was the prince that was promised to unite the realm."
You choke.
"Princess?!" Alicent gasps, jumping up and beginning to reach for you. You put your hand up and cough the remaining tea from your lungs.
"I am fine your grace" you wheeze "But what did you say?" Fear laced your voice.
"Viserys said that Aegon was the prince that was promised" she repeated shocked at your expression and tone.
"Youre wrong your grace."
"What?!" She shrieks
"He was referring to Aegon the conquer. The story goes 'From Aegons line, will come the prince that was promised who will unite the realm. His story will be a song of ice and fire' him and mother used to talk about it all the time when we were younger" you say, the more you speak, the more you see Alicent grow pale.
"...The Conqueror...?" She whimpers falling back into her seat. Rage begins to bubble forth again.
"You put your son.. on a throne he didnt want... based on words you had no conext for from an old man whos mind you turned to mush with milk of the poppy?" You seethe. Your fists clench at your skirts. All of this, all of this strife and chaos has happened due to a misunderstanding?!
Alicent looks like she is on the verge of tears. Hands shaking as she grasps the edge of the table til her knuckles are white.
"... a mistake..." she whispers "i thought-"
"Well you thought wrong" you snap, getting up and crouching beside her "but you can still make it right. I have received a letter from my mother, she has tasked me to be her envoy and speak for terms for her ascension. Your children and grandchildren shall be spared, she has made it clear no harm will come to them if they swear fealty to her."
"But i was told-"
"By whom? Your father? The father who made you forsake your friendship with my mother in order to gain the kings favour? You knew her better than him. Do you think she would? My brother and i were raised to take her place. Amd had you taken her offer to wed Jace and Helaena you wouldve all but secured peace within the family. I know you hold no love for my siblings and i... but we are not bastards. The mothers on our father and mothers side both had dark hair in their blood. And look-" you pull at clumps of your hair, showing the mix of silver and choclate locks. "Both sits atop mine head. Just like my grandmother" you stand and and dust your skirts. With a shallow cursty you turn to leave. When Alicents voice class out to you.
"How is a child your age so wise? So impetuous toward your elders? To speak with authority in a situation where you have none." The glare she gives is half-hearted, a vain attempt to command your obedience.
"Simple your grace. My mother fufilled her role as my mother and prepared me for any and all dangers of the world. Whether at court or the field of battle, the sharpness of my tongue and wit or that of my blade shall always be ready" You dip again and walk off. Leaving the queen to reflect.
When you reach your apartments, Aegon is there, pacing. Upon seeing you he brightens but a cloud still hangs over his gaze.
"What troubles you Uncle?"
"Do you really have to leave? When this is all sorted. You could just as easily find a suitable lord husband here. Helaena and I would find you a good match." He plea seems almost child-like, and you find yourself wonder just how long this side of him had been hiding. Needing an escape. Something or someone to cling to. You smile and open your door, guesturing him inside.
"It is not so simple Egg. I already have an arrangement with two suitable lords from the riverlands"
"Two?!" He gasps "I need names. Now" he demands
"Houses Blackwood and Tully. I organised to spend some time with each of their houses heirs to determine a match... unfortunately my time with lord blackwood was cut short. I intend to write him a letter explaining things and that i shall soon return after things conclude here." You explain, sitting at your vanity to begin writing. You can feel him shift and stare at the back of your head. "I will be but a dragon flight away. The riverlands are but a couple of hours on dragonback." You say. Tying the letter and sealing it you put it on the foot of your corvid friend and have her set course for Raventree.
"I know. But we have only just started to rekindle family bonds and you are already trying to leave again." He whines, grabbing your hands tightly "The children are happy, more relaxed with you here. I dont think i have ever heard Helaena speak as much nor smile as much before your arrival. The place feels brighter and less stiflingly". Aegon fiddles with the braceletts on your wrist. The soft clinks soothing. "I read the letter your mother sent. You are to be her envoy while we sort out how we are to manage the ascension."
You nod. "Yes, she would ideally like to get it done as quick as possible. As to avoid making things to messy and confusing for the smallfolk. While they dont necessarily care to sits the throne, it would do well to have to period between switching leaders be short and swift."
"Then lets make the arrangements."
The following morning arrives with the flap of dragon wings and dragon roars. You watch as your family approaches the gates of the Red Keep. Your mother and siblings smile and rush toward you exchanging tearful hugs and affectionate greetings.
"My girl! You were treated well? They havent tried to harm you have they? I need all the details, no matter how small." Rheanyra worries, checking for any hidden scratch or scrape.
"You worry too much mother. I had everything in hand, Aunty and Uncle were more than accomodating. Turns out i am indeed their favourite." You reply smugly, returning the hugs and kisses
"Rheanyra" Aegon stiffly coughs from behind you. You turn and give a small cursty to him. He smiles warmly at you. "Jaehaera was asking for you (Name), something about... fables?" He questions
"Oh! Yes, i was telling her about some of the Valyrian ones in the library on dragonstone. I will go to her now." With one last kiss to your brother and mother, to dash off to find your young cousin.
The air is tense between the two sides and Aegon feels a sense of regret having sent you to his daughter. Finding himself alone and needing an ally.
"A crown doesnt seem to suit you." Rheanyra states cooly
"I never wanted it to." He says back "And i be glad to get rid of it." Rheanyra seems shocked at the response. Her intial thought had been that it was part of his ambition. Clearly she hadn't considered that he too had provably been put here, mere a cog in a grander machine. An once of regret seeps in for her inital tone, her shoulders relax and she speaks her next words with a mother's gentleness.
"Well let see what we can do about that."
Later in the throne room scores of people gather for the seat to pass from one royal to another. The grandmaester does the rites. Standing at the front of the room, you stand between the two factions of your family. Acting as it newly formed bridge.
"Prince Aegon the second Targaryen. Do you, under the oath of the 7, hereby swear away your right to throne, to never ascend its steps even in the event that the new ruler cannot?"
"Yes, i do." The measter nods and then turns to Rhaenyra.
"Princess Rheanyra Targaryen. Do you, under the oath of the 7 accept the duty of Queen of the andels, the rhoynar and the first men, ruler of the seven kingdoms and protector of the realm?"
"I do."
"Then, with the gods and the people present as our witnesses, i hereby declare the princess Rheanyra, Queen Rheanyra Targaryen first of her name! All hail the Queen!"
Cheers erupt from the crowd as the crown of the conciliator is placed on Rheanyra's head. As she ascends the steps and sits on the iron throne she looks to you. Pride bursts on her face as she mouths a small 'thank you'. You shake your head and nod to Aegon and Helaena, who look more at ease then you have ever seen them. She nods, understanding your meaning.
With the ceremony concluded, you retire to you room. Despite all the work you have done, it is still not over. Daemon, has still been unresponsive to your mothers summons. According to her, he has cooped himself up in Harrenhal doing god know what.
"I will bring him here, kicking screaming if i have to" you remember telling her, clenching your fist around Seascale. "To not even be at your side when you most needed it... he does not know when to stop"
A knock on the door flings you to the present. "Come in!" You beckon. A shuffle of feet rush quickly to where you stand and had you not been bracing, you wouldve found yourself on the floor. "ACK!" You yelp comically. The twins laugh, now wrapped around your legs. "You two are a little too big to use my legs stilts!" You tease. They giggle again while nuzzling into your skirts.
"Is it true your leaving?" Jaehaera asks, big eyes staring up at you. You nod. "Why? Cant you stay with us? What will happen if we need you again like last time?" She whimpers.
You hear breaks for the two, clearly still distress and traumatised. You stroke both of their heads, giving big kisses. "Im only leaving to go and make sure something like this mever happens again. I promise to visit where ever you are. Thats what dragons are for." You smile.
"But i thought you were getting married soon?" Jaehaerys interrupts "what if your husband wont let you leave? Or he wont let us visit?"
"Then he will be an idiot to deny my family. And if he is an idiot i will divorce him and come straight back." You joke. Jaehaerys nods, reassured by your words. Your aunt and uncle watch the exchange with amusement. Looking at them you open your arms to them and they each take a side. "I am glad i managed to make things right between us... i was so worried the divide was too big..." you whispered to the adults.
"I for one, am glad you didnt give up." Helaena praises "this family is only formidable when we are three heads" she places a kiss on your brow before she ushers the children away. Aegon follws shortly, lingering at the doorway momentarily.
"If he is an idiot... come back to us and we will get you a proper husband... we will even make the last one look like an accident"
"EGG!" You howl, a laugh springing forth. "Neither of them are idiots, they would never deny me a thing. That i am sure. And i will visit, and write often."
"That is all we can hope for."
The door shuts with a soft click. Left with your own thoughts you stare at your room. This may be the last you see of it. Soon, you will choose Riverrun or Raventree. And with peace now hopefully secure, you will be able to pursue the life you mother wanted for you - one of happiness and if lifes pleasures.
There was only one thing left to do;
Confront Daemon.
Taglist: @tssf-imagines @accidentpronedork
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Honestly my favorite thing about you by far is how you build on aus and fanon of old without being needlessly cruel and disparaging to it. OG reverse falls had a lot of issues, but people tend to get lost in dogging on it as opposed to embracing the beauty that comes with creating new content for it with hindsight and maturity that the fandom of old didn’t have. Basically just thank you for being so kind. Anyway my second favorite thing you do is draw reverse ford like a silver fox you’re so fucking real for that
thank you!! i really do try to be kind and positive about stuff as best as i can when it applies, i know fanon stuff gets a lot of flak for often being derivative or just very shoddy at times but its like. idk. ive always seen the bridge to better fanon being lifting up and supporting what you do like, because the more lamenting that happens the more you end up just sorta chasing this giant invisible strawman of "you guys" who are "making the thing i dont like instead of the thing i like" (as a pretty relevant example, ill see posts pop up in tags complaining about "you guys'" humanizations of a certain triangle... -_- )
because like its true! sometimes fan stuff is dumb. because we're all creating stuff out there so some of its going to be dumb. even some gravity falls stuff is dumb. roadside attraction is dumb. parts of the wendy crush arc are dumb. which is why i want to lift up parts of something i like and when i do point out stuff i dont like i always want to kinda be constructive about why. and i do think that trying to build something i like attracts people! i think they pick up on the passion there! and it just feels so much more rewarding than if i were to complain all day. idk. its all about striking a balance and its something i like to think about and ruminate on a lot as someone who participates in the community of fandom.
its also a bit of a glass houses thing to me, because i dont think i can even claim to have fanon that like, doesnt suck. not in a self deprecating way you just have to understand where im coming from here... because im the type of person who loves to ruminate on how the relationships between people affect them and how it makes their story, which ends up meaning i go REALLY hard on shipping! and someone could point to me and be like "wow youve got Yaoi Brain" or something! and i draw my human bill as a skinny white guy because idk i just Do! and people could call that derivative if they so wished! if i was going around proclaiming that i could 'be better' and 'fix bad fanon' it would just feel ironic to me. because sometimes the art i make isnt perfect too. and im fine with that. its a part of my art to me.
anyways thank you for the ask and the gateway for me to ramble :] i always like talking about this stuff. here's silver fox ford gleeful again
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m00njelly · 3 days
welcome to my little journal! You can call me baby, darling etc! I’m 19 years old from the USA! I had two previous blogs called @/thelittlec0ner and @/pr1ncessjellyf1sh ! Follow my main @softieforeveryone or better @pr1ncessjellyf1sh And I now have a telegram and Throne wishlist, links is at the bottom!
The main purpose of this blog is to journal my thoughts on exploring my sexual side! And I’m letting you see the process! (If you don’t like what I post block!)
What I'm into!
Size kink, breeding kink, age g@ps,daddy/knk, strength kink, cnc, free use, m@sk kink, r@pe Fantasy etc. (will add to it as I explore.)
What I'm not into
R@ce pl@y, extreme violence, sc@t,@gepl@y, anything involving animals etc.
I don’t condone anything illegal, this is all fantasy. If you condone anything illegal DNI. THIS IS ALL FANTASY. Anything described is between consenting adults with pre-established limits.
Age less blogs
How to interact👇🏽
First and foremost I love to interact with you all but my safety and comfort comes first to me! So I have rules that need to be followed!
I prefer ask over DM's this is because I'm more likely to respond! My DM's in my previous blogs got flooded a lot!
When doing asks please be polite! And when asking a question make sure it's something you would be comfortable asking someone you just met! Even if it's a kink ask, the same thought process applies
If I don't answer your ask it's either because I answered something similar or, I'm not comfortablel
If it's something that might get flagged I'll answer it on my telegram!
If you do DM me understand that it's hard for me to reply to everyone!
if I don't reply please don't take it personally, it's either that I can't reply, or have a reason not to!
Remember this is all in fun, it’s fantasy, don’t take it too seriously
Featured tags!
#moon's psa - my announcements & updates
#moon's answer - my answers to asks
#moon's thoughts - my fantasizes & rants
#moon's pics - my pics!
Physical Description
Long wavy/curly hair black hair
130 lbs
32 DDD
A bit more about me
I’m a student so I get busy
I’m a virgin
I have two cats
I do weightlifting
I love mangos and pineapples
I’m a foodie (love trying out new places)
(Please keep in mind if I feel overwhelmed or in any way uncomfortable I will delete the channel. And understand that this is my first time doing this so please be patient )
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garyfischy · 1 year
god people online are freaks
#over it now but some person online got super fucking mad at me and tried to claim i was a bad person basically#because i self deprecated in conversation#which is like fine#but then he like tried to fucking psychoanalyze me and say i was like a flawed individual and just tried to infer all this shit about me#posted this comic about these cartoon animals with autism and said it was like#supposed to be me? it was really confusing#they were calling each other retarded and i think he was trying to say that i was.. making excuses for my 'bad behavior' using my autism#and like#that i was complacent with my awful behavior and using my autism as a crutch#i dont get where this person got all that from#all because my habit of saying 'oh yeah my ideas suck lol'#theyre a famous twitter artist and already made a post abt how much they dislike me so i wont go into much more detail#i know self deprecation is bad#and i know i should cut it out#but the way they assumed i was immediately trying to pull some master manipulation tactic and was a bitter and unstable person because#i made a fairly common disparaging remark about myself#is just confusing. and i know if i try to justify myself they'll just go 'you're using that as a crutch to not better yourself and be norma#if i say 'oh ya btw i have self worth issues and also i was violently threatened and physically/emotionally abused as a child' thats#me being a pussy#but if i say im bad at communication thats also an excuse#theres just no winning!#anyways sorry for being such a downer ill get back to posting funny stuff on main#watch em make a vague abt this too lol#garyfischy number one master manipulator and bad person#the comic was called “dogi saga” and what the fuckeven is this its like.... racist furries killing each other? what? why are you comparing#me to ehse characrters#im just some guhy#fish talks
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xxplastic-cubexx · 6 days
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Marvel Meow (2021), Nao Fuji | Professor X and Magneto
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#xmen#xmen comics#cherik#professor x#magneto#charles xavier#erik lehnsherr#erik magnus leshnerr#snap scans#i dont scan ever please forgive me for. Everything jvAE:KJ i tried my best to match the purple as how it looks in person#i love the purple used for this whole comic .. its really nice#all the comics have different colors its neat yall should check it out if youre able. its a lovely silly collection#BUT GIRL PLEAAAASSSEE IM CRYING#as a part of my Visiting My Family For The Weekend trip my bro and i went to the store#and i told him about the wolverine cat comic and the whole collection and he found it while we were browsing ....#naturally i got it. because i love the idea of cats being heinous freaks ESPECIALLY to my faves#this all did happen because of a cat. btw. phoenix possessed one while scott and jean were baking a cake#which had everyone trying to catch it. leading to. this. jWLRAKJAWRLKJKJ#this is 1000% has 'we'll be back by 8PM please keep the house clean' vibes i'm sobbing LIKE WHERE ARE THEY RETURNING FROM#also can i just say ... i love it when american comic book characters get the manga treatment#idk i just love it ... i esp love how wolverine's drawn in these comics but. this aint about him#i just wanted to gush about my favorite old people LIKE PLEASE CHARLES IS GOING TO HAVE A STROKE I SEE IT#the fact they still got that goofy lil 'welcome back charles and erik' banner im going to be sick. theyre the whole mansions dads#anyway i have an assignment to do. because my prof hates me Who The Fuck Makes An Assignment due At 12:59AM#bye bye hpoefully ill be back with my own doodles ajvlekjla
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blueskittlesart · 5 months
deeply refreshing to see someone critical of Swift who also like, genuinely likes her. Like i'm neutral to positive on her, but the online discourse has been absolutely rancid. flipping between "Taylor Swift has never done anything wrong ever and she's a fucking genius" and "Taylor Swift is the worst lyricist of all time and also a bad person" is exhausting, so thank you for like. nuance or something lmao
not to make it serious for a sec but i genuinely think that being able to like things that are bad is really important. like I think that it's an important skill to be able to look at something and see what you personally enjoy about it and then take a step back and acknowledge that objectively it's flawed. and to also be able to acknowledge that liking something isn't necessarily an identity or a moral stance. and i think that fandom space in general could really benefit from more people taking the time to learn how to do that. it's okay to like things that are bad
#people ask me sometimes why ill occasionally talk about something i like and then go 'but it's bad' and the answer is usually because it is#i love teen wolf. i love genshin impact. i love detective conan. and i fucking LOVE taylor swift. that doesnt mean theyre good#it just means i like them. and recognizing their flaws actually helps me better identify what i like about them!#it's like. in my mind bad > good is the x axis and i like it > i dont like it is the y axis yk. they're not mutually exclusive#tldr it's not that serious. we can all relax a little#irt taylor swift i do also think she has done some real harm to her fans in enabling them to deflect all criticism of her as misogyny#and i don't think it's fully the fault of these people who are parroting that response bc so much of her marketing has deliberately#reinforced this idea that to be a swiftie is to be a part of a sisterhood and that any attack on taylor is an attack on all of those women#who are in that in-group. when that's obviously not the case. but she's marketed herself as. for lack of a better term. 'girl music'#to the point where it makes her fans feel as though any criticism of the music or the woman responsible for it is an attack on their#personal experience of womanhood/girlhood/sisterhood/etc. and that's how you get all of thess bad-faith accusations of misogyny#i don't necessarily think this was her deliberate goal with her marketing tho because like. on first glance such a strong sense of communit#among fans sounds like a great thing. the friendship bracelets i got at the eras tour movie are really genuinely special to me.#but it does present a problem when your fans are unable to separate how they feel about the community and experience your music has fostere#from how they feel about you as a person. especially when you are a billionaire who absolutely CANNOT be above criticism in this economy#anyway. tldr i love taylor's music and i don't think swiftie hivemind is as deliberately malicious as it may seem#but it's obviously necessary to be able to take a step back and look objectively at what you're participating in.#anyway stream ttpd or don't idc <3#taylor swift
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ohmytiredheart · 7 days
Honestly I feel for Sam but serves him right.
Even if we ignore the potential intermingling of the web or any other other spooky strings that are likely being pulled, there's a lot to unpack here.
I wouldn't say Sam "deserved" it, but Alice tried warning him for months. This is what he gets for sticking his nose in places it didn't belong.
Did I say the same thing about Jon in TMA? Yes and no. Obviously there isn't a story without someone doing something dumb, but I think Jon's situation and Sam's situation are a little different. Jon was an idiot, yes, but he (and everyone else around him) were forced to go in completely blind. He had no idea what he was doing and didn't have any warnings or help at all except from his creepy boss with ulterior motives.
Sam also went in blind, but he was warned several times by several people including the eldritch computer to stop and turn around. He could have avoided this if he just returned Alice's calls or looked at her messages.
But nooooo he had to poke around with his little crushy crush and get himself thrown into a portal to what we can only assume is the TMA universe. Serves him right.
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joseigamer · 10 months
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Patalliro! is fascinating to me because of stuff like this. It's unapologetically gay - even within its anime which aired during primetime hours in 1982 - in a way that many later BL manga would never be, like the ones from the early 2000s which would never dare to call their characters actual homosexuals. Patalliro has actually aged quite well in this regard, there's something comforting about how campy it is.
#i still dont really understand how they got away with this kind of thing honestly#female VAs i get that - but first m/m kiss in an anime in episode THREE?????#theres also the maraich/thomas episode where they are *Both* voiced by women....advanced yuri#patalliro#i love how bancorans gender expression is pretty much explicitly to attract only bishounen#you blushed - so you must not be a girl#etc#i also love how joyful it all is#theres never anything sad or tragic about being gay - only that bancoran is forced to kill the bishounen spies/assassins/etc#when bancoran finds out that gay sex feels good after demian; in the manga he is elated. its basically a positive thing#he awakens to his true power...lol#also notable is that while bishounen youth is glorified maraich is 18#this means it portrays being gay as an adult as normal; not a phase relegated to nostalgic adolescent periods of time#according to the NYT japan's psychiatric body called homosexuality a mental illness until 1995#im NOT going to say patalliro changed that or anything lmao but its just significant to me that banmara get to live their lives happily#even raise children together in the manga....???#especially contrasting that with kaze to ki no uta and other manga of the time (no shade intended)#yaoi#<- for tagging purposes#obviously it also got away with a lot by being a gag manga. but still!#months later edit: want to say im not intending to moralize BL manga from the 2000s either. like gen. no hate on them.#as a gay person i just appreciate when characters who act gay are considered gay textually#and its kind of disheartening how gay-as-identity was treated as something incredulous in those manga a lot of the time#even the mere suggestion of attraction to men as a whole and not just the other male lead...yknow#this post is meant to praise patalliro for being unique in its approach to gay content compared to other titles#ive enjoyed plenty of 2000s yaoi titles despite their shortcomings lol#joseiposting#shoujo
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dizzybevvie · 1 year
"Stoick was just as bad as Spitelout" just say you didnt watch Riders of Berk
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samarecharm · 5 months
Love being able to write. I can do whatever i want. I can make Ryuji interact w Lala-chan and u literally cant stop me.
#chattin#i feel like shinjuku and crossroads doesnt get enough love#ohya and lala dont get enough love 😭#if they had an option to work there as a parttimer some how my akira wouldve absolutely taken it#u never see the place packed or w customers at all; it just feels cozy every time u go there#akira doesnt have a lot of places free from prying eyes; so id imagine he goes there often to just hang and study#catch up w ohya and get a bit of knowledge and validation from lala#like shes so sweet. i love her. she comes across as wise without being unapproachable#she makes comments she shouldnt (talking about ohyas job and history) bc she just forgot that she shouldnt lol#adamant about not letting him drink while hes there. its like. a safe space for him.#and i think hed like to invite his friends into his safe space; esp ryuji#gets to a point where even ryuji stops by on his own sometimes.#hes got questions but hes always in his head; never says it out loud#but it leads him in the right direction almost all the time#im thinkin of him having like. the most base level internalized homophobia and transphobia#like the kind of shit you just pick up as a child and teen and never question#and u kinda make fun of it bc everyone else is. but akira stumbles into his life and makes it so confusing#like. i dont think hed be trans. but akira would make him second guess alot about himself#about what he likes. what hes into. what hes okay w doing w someone like akira#and lala is like. u got that look in ur eyes kid. come sit.#doesnt entirely get it. but he feels a little lighter. not on labels but on his feelings#‘kid. u think of the ideal person and u think of him. at that point; it dont matter what bits he got.’#and its blunt and MAYBE it gets him a little flustered. but hes always responded well to blunt words. no beating around the bush#makes his brain confront shit head on without the second guessing hed suffer through when left on his own#WAA. rambling.#gonna see if i can draft this up at some point
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