#but the winds aren't gonna be horrific
epicwinsauce · 2 years
Hi! This is your neighborhood Florida Man speaking. Hurricane Ian is coming right at me.
Glad y'all have been pleased with my meager queue, but I may be relying on that solely because I'm out here vibin'. Survivin'. And the forecast just gets closer and closer. I hope I don't need to show my neighborhood what a strong swimmer I am
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
tbh i'm getting the vibe given the lewis-addition to the story that jaune is gonna sacrifice himself to the tree to let the girls escape back to remnant and i'm really not sure how i feel about that.
Yeah, it's a possibility at this point in the Volume, especially given the old!Jaune reveal. Personally, I'd be really disappointed in that for three reasons:
1. I like Jaune. Frequently I dislike what the story chooses to do with him, but I like his character, parts of his journey, and - like so much in RWBY - his potential. I'm not a Jaune stan by any means, but I by no means despise him either.
2. Critics have said for years that the men in RWBY are treated pretty badly, to the point where there's this discomfort that it's a "girl power" show only because all the guys wind up being personal or external antagonists: Ozpin is a manipulator, Oscar is hated, Qrow is useless, Ironwood's a villain, etc. Jaune is the one HUGE exception to this, especially after Ren was so thoroughly rejected last Volume until he fell in line, so it would be disappointing, to put it mildly, for Jaune to go through another horrific trauma and then get dropped from the story, continuing this trend of the male protagonists being left behind (be that emotionally or literally).
3. I get why fans who don't have patience for criticism frequently write some version of, 'Aha! You claim Jaune gets too much screen-time but you also think the men aren't treated well? There's no pleasing you!' because yeah, there are complications here that don't invite easy, make-everyone-happy solutions of, 'Do ___ with Jaune and then RWBY is fixed.' But beyond the fact that I don't think killing off characters should be the go-to solution for writing problems, the fact that there are problems just means that Jaune is a symptom, not the disease. RWBY suffers from giving its male characters the plot focus that should rightly be going to the title team - Ozpin is cursed, Oscar is his host, Ironwood has the plan, Ren is angry instead of Yang, Jaune kills Penny - and then treating them badly because the show realized that they're supposed to be writing a story with the girls at the center, whoops, better pull back and kill/ignore/make that character evil or completely, thoroughly wrong so the girls look good in comparison. That's the disease, so to speak, and it's not going to go away just because one example of it, Jaune, meets a similar end. A decade in RWBY is already irreparably entrenched in these problems (eg: Ruby has little reason to head this fight whereas Ozpin and Oscar do) and there's no reason to think these problems won't repeat in the future (how important will Theodore turn out to be before the show decides he needs to be killed off too?). Having Jaune sacrifice himself won't achieve anything except passing the writing problem off to someone else and we'll have lost a legitimately good character in the process. He's good because he's been given so much attention over the years and regardless of the issues inherent in that for a show named RWBY, losing him now - at a severely low point when he's spent a lifetime alone, in a story that wants to teach that love and unity will win the day - feels like such a waste.
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decepti-thots · 1 year
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OHOHOHO. I am always ready to help enable someone's reread, anon!
The way I'm gonna do this I think is, I'll put down a list of what I think is worth reading if you want to follow the IDW Prowl arc in a way that hits the main beats that wind up paying off in retrospect, with the luxury of examining the entire continuity from the vantage point of it being complete.
I'll also mark some of this stuff as "optional". Some of this is optional because it is not very relevant to the overall arc, or is out of sync with later depictions in some way; some of it is frankly just optional because it's bad, and forcing yourself to read endless shit TF comics is something that should never be demanded of anyone with limited time on this Earth if you aren't the kinda freak who wants to. LMAO.
Finally: I'm gonna write this as though it's for someone totally new to the whole thing. Because that way I can have fun infodumping. Hehe.
Below the cut is an excessively long explanation of what I would suggest and why. But the short, just-a-list version is:
[OPTIONAL] Transformers: Infiltration Spotlight: Kup [OPTIONAL] 99% of All Hail Megatron All Hail Megatron #15 specifically Last Stand of the Wreckers [OPTIONAL] Read all of Costa's run on the ongoing (#1-#31), inflicting horrific psychic damage on yourself Read just issues #8, #25-29 and Spotlight: Prowl The Death of Optimus Prime The early MTMTE Prowl stuff (#1, all of Shadowplay, #14) Robots in Disguise ("exRiD") in full Combiner Wars crossover event Sins of the Wreckers Titans Return crossover event [OPTIONAL] Requiem of the Wreckers Optimus Prime ongoing issues #1-7, #13-14, #22 Unicron (+ Optimus Prime #25)
[OPTIONAL] Transformers: Infiltration
Up front: Infiltration is a miniseries that is mediocre at its best and pretty bad at its worst IMO. It is, yanno. A Simon Furman comic, so.
Why am I putting this here anyway? One, it's the literal start of the IDW continuity and contains a shitton of stuff that will go on to be referenced through even comics like MTMTE. Two, it establishes Verity's character, which is obviously relevant for Wreckers later for our purposes here- and more specifically how she and Prowl actually know each other, which gives some context to their interactions. And three, it establishes the "original" Prowl characterization for IDW1, prior to Roche coming in and mucking about with him later on. Rather than be something which later retcons and developments undermine completely, this is more something where if you've been reading from the start, it makes it feel a bit less weird that every other character isn't constantly going 'why the fuck would we trust Prowl, though'. You get a sense of like 'oh OK, he was being Fucking Normal around them', haha.
Spotlight: Kup
Prowl is actually barely in this page time wise, but it still has big implications for stuff later down the line by way of setting stuff up, and since it is 1) only a single issue and 2) Actually Fucking Good, I'm putting it in. This issue works to help set up the eventual Prowl characterization we get, as well as his ties to both Springer and Kup. (Actually, I would generally say that if you've read Wreckers but not this, go back and give it a read, as it contextualizes a lot for the relationship between those three!)
[OPTIONAL] 99% of All Hail Megatron
This is a similar thing to Infiltration, really. Prowl is in it somewhat, it helps establish a kind of baseline characterization for him at this point in the comics. None of it is super important down the line but it gives more context if you want it for some later choices, and there's a few bits that establish stuff like e.g. his unpopularity with certain segments of the Autobots, that sort of thing. Also uhhh. Spike is in it! Y…ay. But I mean, he WILL be unavoidable in this overall trajectory; and he starts off here.
You can skip it though. Or skim it; again, it's soooo goddamn LONG. Sigh. You know, this series was what was coming out when I got into TF, it put me off IDW for years, hah.
All Hail Megatron #15, specifically
The one bit that's not optional because this is where his entire post-AHM characterization hinges, basically. The first half of this issue, which contains two 'coda' stories, is basically just one long inner monologue of Prowl showing himself to be someone who lies his ass off and manipulates people around him using his position and resources to do whatever he thinks is necessary, and it sets up a major plot point in Sins of the Wreckers with Kup and Springer. So, this is where Prowl goes from being kinda an asshole interpersonally to actually a war crimes man in-canon, haha. …well uh, sort of… we'll get to that later.
Last Stand of the Wreckers
Duh. He's not in this one as much as its sequel but this is still the first 'full' story to explore the version of Prowl detailed above and to cement him. He's an ambiguous little asshole whose presence in this story is less rooted in how much he shows up on the page proper, and more in how much his actions ripple out to effect other people.
Also like. Last Stand is great, it's just a good comic! Treat yourself to a (re)read sometime. Especially with the extras and the like.=
[OPTIONAL] Read all of Costa's run on the ongoing (#1-#31), inflicting horrific psychic damage on yourself
Prowl is in Costa's run of TF and it ties in to the above, sometimes controversially! It seems he was something of an author's favourite, honestly. Anyway it's awful. Actually doing this is a terrible idea. Costa's run of TF sucks so bad it actually kind of fascinates me, but 31 issues of terrible, badly-paced comics is way too much for most people, and rightly so.
The thing is though, Barber DOES pick up on stuff from this run in his exRiD stuff. He often makes sure to try and reintroduce it so you don't have to have read the Costa run to get it, but there genuinely is more stuff in there than you might assume given how much the fandom as a whole would go on to mostly just sort of ignore it. This includes with Prowl, who Costa seems to have latched on to a bit.
Of course, mooost of this run isn't about Prowl. So instead of doing a whole re-read, you can just read…
Read just issues #8, #25-29 and Spotlight: Prowl
Issue #8 is not actually an issue with Prowl in it. It's the issue where Spike kills Scrapper. This matters both because it gets picked up in Costa's run later, and also because Barber is gonna lean hard on a storytelling opportunity for this in early exRiD. Also, this issue is really awful, but will instill in you a loathing of IDW Spike that I think is part of being a well rounded person.
Spotlight: Prowl also sucks. It's basically a comic that exists because Costa didn't want to write the new Prowl characterization but everyone got mad he retconned it for his comic, because the Roche take from AHM's coda was wayyyy more popular than Costa's 'idealistic sort-of-noir-ish-not-really cop' take. Spotlight: Prowl tries to give an in-universe explanation for Prowl's complete personality 180 by giving us a story about how Humans Are Super Special or whatever. However, Barber doesn't retcon it, and in fact will treat this as an important if brief moment in Prowl's life in exRiD.
Issues #25-#29 are the 'Police Action' storyline which involves Prowl finding out about the above murder and confronting Spike about it. This betrayal will be something Barber also leans into very hard, though he's gonna recontextualize it a bit. Similar to the above, all this stuff is gonna get mixed up by Barber into a big old 'Prowl's having Issues around projecting his hopes for being better onto humans and getting burned' later on. So retrospectively, this is when Prowl's most recent attempt to turn a new leaf goes sour, in-universe.
The Death of Optimus Prime
This is the prelude to both MTMTE and exRiD and is sometimes overlooked when people talk about phase two these days. It sets up the new, phase two status quo for the ongoings. This is your introduction to Prowl as written by Barber and Roberts.
The early MTMTE Prowl stuff
Read the first issue, Shadowplay in its entirety, then at least issue #14 (the mnemosurgery/flashback one) from the Overlord arc. I talk about these on here all the time, whatever, you know the drill, it's Prowl And Chromedome Are Awful Exes ft. War Crimes AND Regular Crimes! Roberts has a take on Prowl that is actually pretty distinct IMO, it's fun to read alongside Roche and Barber's work in this period. They're not totally out of sync with each other, just... individual. (Sidenote: this, combined with a chunk of IDW1 fandom not reading exRiD in full or honestly at all, means that IMO a lot of disagreement over Prowl boils down to folks only knowing the Prowl in this comic and taking it as fully representative of the whole canon. Shrug.)
Robots in Disguise ("exRiD")
AKA 'the phase two ongoing where Prowl was one the main characters' so yeah, this one, obviously. This is where like… a good 70% of the Prowl stuff is in IDW, honestly. Anyway, Prowl is especially in focus at the start, where Barber gives us a lot of focus on him in the aftermath of the Earth stuff Costa did with him. The first arc of his runs through issue #16, the end of 'season one' before Dark Cybertron starts. (exRiD has a lot more arcs overlapping at once than MTMTE does, so its arcs tend to run along more issues as they take turns.) But he's around the whole time basically, right through to the end of Barber's time on IDW1. If you want to talk IDW1 Prowl, you basically gotta read everything Barber did with him. And if you want to understand it, you ought to read it fully.
(Note: exRiD underwent mandated name changes etc that mean at some point, the collected editions turn into 'The Transformers'. Use tfwiki if you get confused, haha. Also, Dark Cybertron gets its own trades as a crossover event- but that's the one everyone remembers, so I'll put it here. Buuut speaking of this comic being confusing...)
The Combiner Wars event, which includes but is not limited to exRiD, oh god this comic is so complicated.
There's an event that's set mostly around the exRiD parts of phase two called Combiner Wars. It includes some exRiD issues but is collected in a seperate trade called "Combiner Wars" and crosses over with the Windblade comics. Spoiler alert, Prowl is very important in it, because it deals with combiners and in exRiD he became a combiner. It's also kind of a mess because errrr, a HUGE amount of it was editorially mandated and in multiple cases basically required backtracking and retconning stuff to make work within what was requested for advertising purposes. Not... the series' highest moment, but there you go.
Sins of the Wreckers
Yaaaaay it's the Prowl divorce story! My favourite one!!! Anyway, you can actually read this one whenever after LSotW. The Wreckers stories exist as their own thing really. But this falls soooometime around, oooh, middle of exRiD, gestures at Combiner Wars, etc etc. (Basically: SotW was written while the ongoing was coming out, obviously, and by the time it was complete and being released, the timeline got a bit wobbly, so nailing it down to a super specific timeline in-universe is a bit 'eh'. The final page of SotW #5 was edited to reflect this but just read it sometime after CW, it's fine, whatever.)
This series actually has like. No meaningful impact on the broader universe's plot. But it has so many crimes and schemes! And divorce! And the one big thing: it's when Arcee gets properly sick of Prowl, after their relationship in exRiD was established throughout that comic's run up to this point.
The Titans Return event, mostly for the MTMTE bits, which I guess a lot of people skipped???
Same as CW except, thank god, smaller scale. Has its own trade, and the main bit of interest winds up being that the last two issues of MTMTE before it relaunched as LL were issues with Prowl in focus as part of this event. Apparently some folks reading MTMTE in trades these days have nooo idea these two issues exist because they're in a totally separate trade, oops. Anyway, Roberts puts Prowl on the moon and picks up some dangling MTMTE plotlines. TR makes no sense but these specific issues are fun because they are ridiculous in a way that is enjoyable to read if you just ignore the plot.
[OPTIONAL] Requiem of the Wreckers
...OK, fine, he's not really in this one. You should take the excuse to read it and conclude the Wreckers saga though, I mean. Why not.
Optimus Prime ongoing issues #1-7, #13-14, #22
I'm being nice and not telling you to read all of the OP ongoing even though I kinda want to. A lot of folks skipped out on that comic, even folks who liked exRiD, for a great many reasons. So I'll keep it to the essentials. The first arc includes some flashbacks to Prowl's early association with Orion and gives some insight into Barber's take on his backstory; he's not in every single one of those issues, but you may as well read 'em all, it's a full story. #13-14 is when Prowl comes back from his moon vacation and re-enters the exRiD playing field. And #22 is the issue that features Prowl that leads into Unicron, and. Well.
Sidenote: if the plots don't make sense this is pretty normal, and might not be meaningfully changed by reading the whole series, I'm not gonna lie.
Unicron (+ Optimus Prime #25)
Read the Unicron miniseries! It's what finishes off the IDW continuity and, crucially, is Barber's grand finale. Lost Light had its own ending where everything was at something of a remove, as a series that was able to exist a little more as its own thing. The other series, however, had Unicron. Prowl's in it, he does stuff. Some people hate this miniseries, I really like it, regardless it's the capstone to the entire segment of the comics Prowl has been a major player in. And then read Optimus Prime #25, the IDW1 universe's epilogue of sorts, which ties it up not so much in plot terms but thematically. Prowl gets his last word in there.
'James', you may ask. 'Did you know all this off the top of your head???' Of course not; I had to look up some of the issue numbers. Anyway, if you need a ludicrously specific reference list of stuff worth checking for specifcially IDW1 Prowl across the 17 odd years of IDW comics, here it is, for no good reason. Does this reading list result in a coherent story? No, but it does give you maximum schemes per page, I guess.
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logical error cassie's fnaf spin + timeline stuff
i love her so much thank you @hearts4ggy and @viarayy01-blog for enabling me
also holy shit this is going under a read more. it's like 1300+ words oops
okay okay cassie got into fazco history first, and that was because she was pretty much drowning in the place from a young age. her dad worked there so she was at the daycare all the time, she met all the bots, when she was a little older she was allowed to watch her dad work on repairs in parts and service. the tech fascinated her from a very young age, and sometimes she would even be allowed to take apart scrap parts to see how they work! she's seen everything from wet floor bots to even freddy being fixed! she wasn't really supposed to be back there, but no one was gonna tattle, and she was super respectful of the tools and projects - never broke a thing, never stole anything, never got hurt. (her dad has his own workshop at home for personal projects, so she's had safety precautions around mechanical equipment absolutely drilled into her brain.)
so anyways, she of course cant exactly pin down when her special interest was sparked, but she was pretty young. originally it was just the differences in models over the years - the endos, the types of casing, the pros and cons of fur casing vs plastic vs metal, the variations between the different endoskeletons and how that changed what they could do (she was especially fascinated by just how different these models could wind up - circus baby's pizza world endoskeletons are WILDLY different from any of the others, what's up with that? ohh, those were made by the other co-founder, so all the other ones were mostly made by the other guy? maybe that's why they teamed up..)
while the models and tech stuff was her initial fascination, looking into all this, and especially trying to find knowledge on the elusive springlock suits and how they actually worked (seriously, they only ever made two?? the things she'd do to get ahold of one of those bad boys! even just the blueprints!), she came across article after article about mysterious disappearances around the place. suspected murders. horrific injuries. animatronics acting wrong.
one of the founders being accused of luring away and murdering children in the establishment, and then stuffing their corpses into suits.
so she digs deeper! finds an old series of games by an indie game developer - stark crowthorne? there are eight main games and several spin-offs. (actually, she's played some of these spin-offs. the freddy in space games - aren't there some machines of those in the arcades at the plex? just who is this guy? AND he made flipside? she LOVES flipside!!!) she gets super, super into the fnaf games. some stuff in them lines up with real-life events - the murders, the shutdown of fredbear's, jr's, and pizza world.. and fazbear frights burning down - that all actually happened. the details tend to be either super vague, especially in the first two games, super embellished (surely someone would've noticed and reported a walking corpse, right? how did he even stay alive after that?), or it was just outright fantastical (you expect me to believe there's molten metal that the souls of dead children latched onto? you expect me to believe a dude injected himself with it just to be immortal??)
...but a lot of it seems to be based on real events. and this guy was hired by fazco for other projects, after he had already made these games..... and the more recent disappearances..
she's not quite old enough at that point - nor does she have enough information to piece everything together, but she does have a conspiracy board to put all her thoughts down on. her dad has absolutely listened to her talk about it before, but he was so lost the whole time. which, fair. she was like eleven and explained things poorly and he couldn't even begin know what was going on.
additional things before i move on to the timeline:
the indie developer stark crowthorne made every game, excluding security breach (it and ruin just don't exist).
flipside is what im calling fnaf world. in this world it was originally part of the fnaf series and called fnaf world, but the fans basically ignored it and fazco bought it, renamed it flipside, and slapped their new cutesy rpg on arcade machines.
fazbear frights burnt down BEFORE the games were made
help wanted is different. like, multiple minigames are just gone. have you seen the mobile port? that's what i'm using as my basis for the "official" final game, since the actual full length one was a beta tester version in-universe. unfortunately for me, the last time the wiki for it was updated there was a lot of stuff that we didn't know, so i'll just have to do my best (or buy the game myself, lol)
okay it's definitely a rough timeline, but
fredbears and circus baby's pizza world were planned to be open at the same time.
pizza world was shut down day one, while fredbear's was still open. elizabeth was the first death.
the bite later happens at fredbear's, on the crying child's birthday in 1983. fredbear's closes shortly after. the crying child was the second death.
jr's was opened at some point, and ran side by side with fredbear's until it closed.
jr's is the fnaf 2 location, and also where the missing children's incident took place.
the suits they were stuffed into originated from fredbear's, and are the same ones as in the fnaf 1 location.
charlie is murdered outside of jr's. this sparks an investigation. william is detained briefly, but let go due to lack of evidence.
jr's closed in 1987 after the second bite. mangle is the one who bit someone, in part due to their programming being really messed up due to their condition. the bite victim survives.
after the place is abandoned, william goes back and dies in the spring bonnie suit. the saferooms are ordered to be sealed in all locations.
a couple years later, the fnaf 1 location - just "freddy fazbear's pizza" opens with the newly repaired and cleaned up old models from fredbear's.
phone guy dies. they are shut down by the health department.
mike gets scooped, ennard is freed, and mike is officially on the path of suffering. this all happens at some point between freddy's being shut down and fazbear frights opening.
nothing else of note (that i can think of) happens prior to fazbear frights, which opens in 2017.
fnaf games begin to come out. all are released the same day as their real life counterparts, offset by three years.
prior only to fnaf 6's release, the events of 6 take place.
the vr title begins to be worked on. jeremy dies, tape girl ???, and vanessa gets glitchtrapped. (she's actually not even old enough to drink at this point. she's like eighteen.)
vr releases on the date of the mobile release.
another leap, pizzaplex opens like five years later in 2028. in that time, vanny makes her suit.
vanessa gets a job at the pizzaplex as the only night a security guard. takes night shifts.
whatever the hell goes down in ggy happens in between the plex opening and security breach. i unfortunately don't know enough about it to pinpoint anything more specific. but cassie's birthday where no one showed up happens during this time.
gregory accidentally frees himself from glitchtrap. that night, the events of security breach take place. the ending achieved is princess quest.
ruin takes place a couple years after, on cassies birthday.
additional info two <3
the crying child is cassidy/the vengeful spirit. they are not separate people.
charlie is the fifth in the missing children's incident. her corpse is the only one found, however it was days later. hence why the kids were still "missing". she wasn't the first killed, but she had a lot of emotion attached to her death, especially since she knew will. so she was the first to latch onto an animatronic. funnily enough.. susie actually was the first.
cassie knew ggy, not gregory :)
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inventors-fair · 8 months
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Two-Faced Runners-up of the Halloween 2023 contest! ~
Congrats to @horsecrash, @real-aspen-hours, and @snugz as our runners-up for this week!
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@horsecrash — Morphic Trickster
I'll be honest: there were two faerie-oriented cards in this pool, and I knew that one of them was gonna get up there and one of them was gonna also be praised, and I just think it's funny that we had two faerie transformation cards. Not surprised, but—well, to be honest, a little surprised. Let's take a look at this aspect! It's certainly a little more mean-spirited, but there's nothing wrong with some jerk faeries. The flavor text is spot-on for sure, and wow, Insects? That's a great choice.
The multikicker and the ability that comes from it is a great choice to really sink mana late-game or just make one problem creature a little pest, OR to give yourself some extra aerial advantage later when you gotta swing for it. The multikicker wording seemed odd at first but you used the right wording for that. With the changing part of it, Eccentric Apprentice says you can drop the "gain" off that ability. I think overall this is a fun, versatile card that plays into some mischievous aspects of its color/type that aren't super easy to capture. Unlike Steve, the Recently-TF'd Insect.
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@real-aspen-hours — Amoeboid Gift
There are two main wording tweaks for this card. Firstly, I would make this an "as it enters" rather than "when," although I couldn't tell you precisely why. I suppose just for reaction's sake. Secondly, Arachnoform tells us that Embrace can be worded: "Enchanted creature gets +3/+3, has trample, and is every creature type." And also Reject should have "loses all creature types" after but whatever—those are some weird ones. The concept: solid. The card: really strong in limited and would probably be a bulk rare. The feeling: genuinely horrific.
I know that you wanted this to have the creature lose all abilities, and you know what, that would've made it a much stronger rare, but I want to focus on the strengths of this card. Besides being a slammin' good time for combat tricks and aggro Simic strategies, you nailed the art description and nailed something I wouldn't have thought about this card otherwise. I would've said that this was more of an actual-Simic card without knowing the thoughtless annexation of the amoeboid in question. I can see the gunk-drowned scream frozen on the soldier's face beneath the translucent body that is soon to become their body forever. It's grotesque and, like you said, deeply unsettling. Great show of transformation's complexities on a solid body of a card!
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@snugz — Brazen Banner
Doesn't it feel good to go back to basics? This card's a pain in the butt and thank goodness it's not common. These days, you never know, but still. I think this card shows a little historicity and a return to Magic without being nostalgia-bait or pandering. Flagbearing is a pretty complex pseudo-mechanic as it stands. You gotta start somewhere, though, and the target is right there. The ability to block stuff implying that this thing sits back and takes the hits is kind of sad for it, actually. I feel bad for a creature that doesn't even exist yet.
And I would've liked to see more flavor here, honestly. Not necessarily flavor text, but: where do you imagine this card taking place? What do you see happening to this determined soldier? Are they proud to carry the banner? Does the banner stand unfurling in the wind? To be honest, I thought about the Tarkir banners, and a young warrior with their hands gripped around a pole so ancient that the wood is indented with other finger-marks of generations past. But it could be a makeshift rebel flag just as much, a hooligan's mark running through the city. What's it to you? What's the line between nobility and novelty? I'd like more of that—from every card that ever gets submitted, for sure, but here especially where the resonance feels just on the cusp.
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Commentary's a-comin'! @abelzumi
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luke-o-lophus · 2 years
Two Faced (Marc Spector/Reader & Steven Grant/Reader)
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Summary : You have a sudden, unexpected injury on your face. Marc and Steven help you deal with it in their own ways as you heal, and after.
Warnings: Insect stings, pain, facial injury, scars.
They weren't home when it happened. Maybe if they were, it wouldn't have gone this far; Steven would've definitely fussed over you. You'd been cleaning out the attic when something stung the side of your face, just shy of an eye. You'd smacked it away, but didn't get a look at whatever it was. Neither did you find anything as you finished the work, and the sting barely burned. So you shrugged it off as an ant or something, didn't mention to Steven when he came home hours later.
Nothing could have prepared you for what you wake up to the next day. You are awake before them, and a side of your head immediately feels heavy and sore. When you gather your bearings you realize your afflicted eye is swollen, badly. Still, it is just an annoyance, and you don't bother waking them up. You get up to brush your teeth, and the image in the mirror knocks the wind right out of your lungs. The eye is swollen, sure, but the side of your face looks...horrific. Irritated, reddened flesh runs in long, burning lines from your forehead to your chin. The side of your cheek swollen, and your normally clear skin painted in vivid shades of crimson and purple. It looks as if someone has clawed you in the face, and then dragged you face first across concrete.
Pain aside, you can't recognize the person in the mirror.
You shut yourself in the bathroom, swallowing in tears that threatened to let loose. Salty drops on that skin on top of a killer headache doesn't sound good at all.
"You alright, love?" you hear him call out. With a whimper, you unlock the door. Palm hiding an entire side of your face, you slowly look up to meet Steven's worried eyes. He's confused, slowly coaxing your hand away. And then his eyes are blown wide: shock, concern..and your unhelpful mind drones at you, disgust.
The doctor seems dumbfounded as well, he can't think of what could cause this. Even under Marc's strong insistence, he prescribes only basic skin creams and antibiotics. You are unusually quiet on the way back home, face held down. Marc wishes he could understand at least your level of physical pain, so he could somehow help But you had shut down.
Back home, he prepares a small ice-pack to help the swelling. Your eyes are closed, unprepared to face him. You haven't looked at him all day. He presses the chilled pack to your flesh with a small sigh, other thumb stroking your knee.
"I can't recognize myself", you suddenly stutter, and Marc's heart constricts in his chest.
"Do you need painkillers, baby?" he asks, and you angrily shove him back by the chest. There isn't much force to it, but you're heartbroken. To you, it seems, he's trying to change the topic.
Steven is better with his words, he always is. When he fronts, he is gently applying ointment, whispering encouraging words. Telling you that you can stay away from the mirror as long as you want. He reminds you though, over and over, that you are beautiful. Still beautiful, with the marks. With the scars they'll bring, not despite them. His thumb traces the edge of the swirling lines of purple as he mutters,"If you weren't in pain, this would almost be art." It's a weird statement, but oddly, it helps. You let him take pictures of you showing off the red, blue and black 'art' on your face.
You and Marc make up soon. He kisses the now healing flesh with breathtaking tenderness, whispering words of apology and endearment. He makes love to you that night, sweet and fulfilling, and you know now that he never pitied you. For the first time since this began, you feel like it's gonna be okay.
It does scar. You often find yourself absently tracing the rough patches of flesh, contrasting the smooth skin on the other side. The marks aren't as obvious, but they're there. Shiny and pink now, with raised white edges that stung time and again. Steven takes over then, his forever cold fingers heavenly in their touch.
You still can't recognize your face completely. Something so small has changed it forever. But you can recognize the look on your lovers' faces. Their look of adoration has stayed the same.
(A/N: self indulgent fic. This is my life in the past few weeks, sans the care the Moon Boys gave reader. I woke up with the wound I described but there was no attic cleaning. I went to bed like a regular day and woke up with my face...changed. I keep touching my scars and wondering what it'd be like to have Marc and Steven with me through the ordeal so, here's this small blorb of imagination)
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A Clash of Kings - 59 TYRION XIII (pages 756-762)
The Battle of Blackwater - Tyrion Edition, part 1. There's fire on the river, and knocking at the door.
Okie dokie. I am as emotionally prepared as I can get for Battle of Blackwater Land Edition. And the chapter's only like, 6 pages long, how much of The Horrors can GRRM really fit into 6 pages. I'll be fiiine.
Oh no. Why is this split up? Why would you do that to me George!?!?!
I guess I'll save the emotional support cat videos for another day.
This chapter wasn't as wrought as I was expecting, but it was still pretty intense:
A dozen great fires raged under the city walls, where casks of burning pitch had exploded, but the wildfire reduced them to no more than candles in a burning house, their orange and scarlet pennons fluttering insignificantly against the jade holocaust.
Like shit. Even they guy who set that fire, whose plan this was, knows this is a horrific thing.
The furnace wind lifted his crimson cloak and beat at his bare face, yet he could not turn away. He was dimly aware of the gold cloaks cheering from the hoardings. He had no voice to join them. It was a half victory. It will not be enough.
The phrase you're after is "Pyrrhic victory." To win through means so devastating you may as well have lost.
Plumes of fire thirty or forty feet high danced upon the waters, crackling and hissing. For a few moments they washed out the screams. There were hundreds in the water, drowning or burning or doing a little of both. Do you hear them shrieking Stannis? Do you see them burning? This is your work as much as mine. Somewhere in that seething mass of men south of the black water, Stannis was watching too, Tyrion knew.
I wonder if Tyrion truly believes that, or if that's something he's trying to make himself believe so that he doesn't have to carry the weight of this alone.
iirc, Cersei contacted the alchemist guild first, so she likely always planned to use wildfire, Tyrion just made the plan more efficient and effective. But he still gave the orders. My gosh, I can't even imagine the weight of it, the guilt of it.
I do like that even as the 'victory' there's still a strong undercurrent of 'this is a horrific outcome.' It doesn't turn that into glitz, glamour and badassery just because the POV changed.
Oh, and freaking Joffrey, "UwU my ships! how dare!" Shut up Joffrey! men are dying and all you care about is how cool you look and that you get to fire- holy shit, the antler men, he is going to catapult the antler men.
It is interesting though, iirc the show had Joffrey wimp out and flee the battle, but in the book he is being deliberately side lined away from the main fighting so there's no chance for him to run away from the front lines.
meanwhile over at the other gate under attack
Even the Hound's refusal to fight feels different, like the show made it very much just about an over whelming fear of fire, but book Hound is worn out and they've already lost a lot of men and horses, he's at his limit.
He looked contemptuously at the others, the knights and sellswords who had ridden with Clegane. "They say I'm half a man," he said. "What does that make all of you?" ... If I fight, they must do the same, or they are less than dwarfs. "You won't hear me shout out Joffrey's name," he told them. "You won't hear me yell for Casterly Rock either. This is your city Stannis means to sack, and that's your gate he's bringing down. So come with me and kill the son of a bitch!" Tyrion unsheathed his axe, wheeled the stallion around, and trotted towards the sally port. He thought they were following, but never dared to look.
Don't get me wrong "Those are brave men knocking at our door, let's go kill them" was a great line, very funny and pithy, but this hits a little different, and the non-spoken brings back the reminder that a lot of Tyrion's forces aren't loyal, and are likely to abandon him at a moment's notice.
... hang brb, gonna rewatch-
Yeah, that's what I thought, in the show this speech comes directly after Joffrey runs away ("He bravely ran away~") so Tyrion is being thrust unwillingly into a role he shouldn't have had to shoulder, he steps up nervously but charismatically rallies the men with a not quite floundering speech that gains steam and morale.
But in the show it's also confined to a single gate rather than Tyrion riding from the Mud Gate to the King's Gate.
In the book he's a lot more... focused? I guess is the word? He's not here to waste time, the men losing the will to fight isn't a surprise to him and afraid or not he's going to do everything in his power.
There's a difference in the weight of his obligations, if that makes sense? The show had a very "elevated to eleventh hour hero" feel, where as the book has a more "I'll do it myself if I have to/If not me than who?" vibe.
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chordsykat · 2 years
🎶✨when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) 🎶✨
Been tagged by a few of my favorite goofballs by now, so I have consulted my most used playlist and here my list finally is!
5. Ritual by Ghost: Gonna start with something I listened to just now and can never get enough of. This song just straight up slaps. And the lyrics/tone made it an easy choice for Kerrang!'s Top 50 Most Evil Songs Ever. So there's that.
4. Shine On Through by Elton John: I've said it before but it bears repeating, that this song has the damn gall to open with the most beautiful lyrics in all of music history -- "Oh, my love, I have cursed the stars above, that led my heart to you." And it continues to be one of the best laments to romance gone awry for the rest of the song.
3. King of Pain by The Police (but performed by Alanis Morisette): Ironic imagery with a haunting, almost horrific sensibility delivers the world's most desperate wish of a 'nice guy'. A rarity to be sure, but the queen of ironic herself provides such a masterful cover here that, despite my love of The Police, I freely admit to enjoying more than the original (and isn't that ironic?)
2. Bladecatcher by Mastodon: What is even happening, here? Wait I know... No, nevermind.
1. The Long and Winding Road by The Beatles: This track is hands down, the song I have listened to, closely, the most. You see, there's a rumor going around that it might just have the worst bass track in the history of ever. And I encourage you all to listen to the bass part specifically (I understand some of you aren't used to doing that, so luckily, the internet has you covered with an isolated version, here and if you just want something without the orchestral stuff, that's on the naked version, here). Suffice to say, it's a pretty stupid bassline. It's not particularly good by any stretch. But in my opinion, it's functional and maybe more to the point, pretty well hidden in an otherwise outstanding mix. Yeah it sucks and John Lennon has admitted to not understanding bass, but it's not the sabotage the Beatles scrutinizers of the interbutts would have you believe it is. Still, the opportunity is there -- listen to this song very closely and enjoy the orchestration while you decide for yourself. I certainly have. Probably too much. :)
Once again, I'm late to the party, but go ahead and tag yourselves if you haven't done this yet! Don't feel lyou have to break it all down like I have to, either. I'm just too into sharing my thoughts on music silly.
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I wish they’d stop trying to make people feel bad for these characters who’ve done horrific & unforgivable things. Like they’ve been doing it with Merula for as long as I can remember & it seemed like they were trying to do it with Rakepick last chapter too. At least with Merula it’s a bit more acceptable since she’s still a teenager/young adult so she still has some time to better herself even though it doesn’t excuse her actions & she really needs to wise up soon at this point. But Rakepick is a grown ass woman in her mid 30s, her age isn’t an excuse whatsoever. Doing those things because R told her to doesn’t let her off the hook at all. Like if people are gonna forgive her for “just following orders” then maybe they should forgive the other R members too because chances are a fair number of them are in the same or similar situations that she was. Plus her no longer being in R doesn’t automatically make her a good person & neither does fighting off like 2 dementors, it just doesn’t erase any of the things she’s said & done.
I can understand that frustration, anon. The trouble is, this is an extremely common trope.
Introduce a villain, make them do horrible thing, and then try to introduce their more sympathetic qualities or backstory, to put the audience in an awkward position of caring about a person who's actions aren't compatible with that. Emotional upheaval of the finest variety, exactly what writers want from their audiences. They want to write complex characters who the audience get invested in. Rooting for a character or hating them is one thing, but being confused by them? That's a feat in a league of it's own.
Or at least...it is when it works, but it doesn't always. Every writer ever wants to create what Prince Zuko of ATLA had. A villain with a proper redemption arc. But the thing is, every character's journey is a gamble from the writer, based on their own skills in storytelling. Ideally, the reader/viewer/player will feel the way the writer wants them to feel about the character. But people are complicated and different, and if a story succeeds in making the character complex...or just utterly fails Step 2 and doesn't manage to make the villain likeable...more often than not, you have a frustrated audience watching the story tell them that this character is going to be redeemed when they haven't earned that.
Rakepick will never be a good person. I accept any development and sympathetic qualities they might give her, personally, because I just want her to be complex again. But if it's any consolation, I really don't think the writers are aiming to redeem Rakepick. We still know so little about her as a person, about her backstory or motivations...that redeeming her isn't really an equation that's been put on the board, so to speak. Even if we ignore all of the irredeemable shit that Rakepick did, the story just hasn't given us enough information about her for redemption to be possible. I don't think that's what the writers were after. Actually, I have a theory as to that.
I think Rakepick's appearance in Year 7 has one symbolic purpose (other than to foreshadow The Leader) and that is to give MC a look through the window into the future. This. This is what happens to people who throw their lives away to go after the power that R promises. They wind up locked away with nothing but their minds, and they won't have those for much longer. Rakepick was a world-famous curse-breaker, she was powerful, talented, confident, well-connected (friends with Dumbledore!) she basically had it made. She threw it all away to join The Cabal...and look where that got her. With how many times the game has drawn parallels between MC and Rakepick (to the point of having a chapter where MC literally turned into her.) I wouldn't be surprised if this was something of a cautionary tale for MC. Something to remember when R makes their final offer.
One more thing. You're quite right. Rakepick no longer being a part of R doesn't make her a good person. If she hadn't failed in The Sunken Vault, she would still be a loyal agent - it's not unlike the people who argue that Snape's turnaround is illegitimate because he would have remained with Voldemort if he'd targeted anyone other than Lily. That is probably true. However...I don't think it matters? Yes, if the circumstances that led to them breaking ties with their evil masters had not happened, then they wouldn't have done so...but that's just cause and effect. You could just as easily say that MC isn't a Curse-Breaker because if Jacob had never disappeared, they wouldn't have investigated the Vaults. But he did, so they did. The same reasoning applies here, at least for me. I'm not saying this makes Rakepick a better person. I'm saying, I don't care what sort of person she is. If she's turned on The Cabal, that could potentially make her a useful asset. It's the same calculation Dumbledore made about Snape. That being: Fuck morality, embrace pragmatism.
I feel like both Fawley kids would encourage Rakepick to escape with them for no other reason than because she knows The Leader's name. At any cost, MC should want to extract that information from her. Knowing the Leader's identity would be a game-changer. This is an opportunity that doesn't come along every day, and this is about as classified as it gets. I'll say it one more time: Fuck morality, embrace pragmatism. The Cabal murdered Rowan, and they're not going to stop. MC should use whatever and whoever they have at their disposal. Even her.
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spoopy-fish-writes · 3 years
i lit rally cant remember if i asked ya this before, but habiba's opinions on all warlords?
would raph drookick me if i thretened to eat his paintin👁👁 askin for no particular reason
anne's opinion of this pic?
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would ayumi ever dropkick mizuki? if so, what would it take👀
how would maria react to me drinkin a bottle of ketchup👁 agian for nooooo reason
Habiba's opinions on all warlords?
Nobunaga? Fuck you the very most
Hideyoshi? Fuck you slightly less because it's fun to wind you up
Mitsuhide? No eye contact. No thoughts. Go away, I'll eat your hand
Masamune? I'm gonna steal your tiger one day. That's a promise. You can still visit him though because your food isn't terrible
Ieyasu? Why are you like this? What did Mitsunari ever do to you???
Mitsunari: If anything happens to you, I will kill everyone in this room and then myself
Ranmaru? You look fake. Like a doll... Can I make clothes for you?
Keiji? I'm gonna teach you belly dancing. Just you wait and you'll be damn good at it too
Kenshin? Uhhhh... Pretty. Nice sword. Very cool. Pickled plums are nice-
Shingen? Your funny but I'm gonna throw something at you if you even so much as hint to my feelings for Kenshin again
Yuki? Call me a boar again, I dare you. You are so luck you're friends with Sasuke
Kanegetsu? He looks like he's gonna bite me. And he's rude >:/
Kennyo? Aren't you supposed to be a monk? Why are you trying to kill Nobunaga? Makes no sense
Motonari? Pirate man. He might know Arabic. Does that mean I can talk shit with him behind everyone's backs?
Kicho? Pretty. I want your bird. I also want to play with your hair. Lemme touch.
Would Raph dropkick you if you threatened to eat his painting?
He'd more than just dropkick you. He'd throw you off a cliff. Or give you to Faust to experiment on it it was one of his favourites
Anne's opinion of this pic?
Borderline crying. She absolutely hates the dress because it looks horrific because of the shape but also turning not to laugh because she's just thinking that it looks like something Arthur would do
Would Ayumi ever dropkick Mizuki? If so, what would it take?
She already has. It was like the second time they met. she didn't know he could turn into a snake and he just felt really weird on the fabric that she was wearing so she flung him off and ended up kicking him because he wouldn't let go <3
How would Maria react to you drinking a bottle of ketchup?
She would join you. If only to traumatize everyone in the mansion but she would join you.
Tags under the cut
@rurifangirl @damnfoxx @daisiesandshakes
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houseisekai · 3 years
House Miisekai Prologue: The Adventure Begins!
House Miisekai Masterlist Here
Our story begins in the land of Miisekaitopia! (No, I couldn't think of a better name.)
It is a world where everyone from both storylines and unholy amounts of AU's can live in peace without worrying about wars breaking out every 4 seconds.
At least it was.
The darkness came without warning, a great and terrible shadow threatening all of Miisekaitopia! An unspeakably huge dick came and stole everyone's faces! Then, to add insult to injury, put those faces onto monsters across the land!
But, we shall follow the perspective of Sara Valestein, Instructor of Class VII and the original House Isekai...
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Sara casually strolled through the hills, enjoying the sunlight and wind blowing gently across her.
(Sara) "...Goddess I am so bored."
She had been kicked out of yet another bar recently for drinking too much.
Left with nothing to do, she decided to take a trip to nowhere in particular, going wherever fate took her.
Sara continued muttering to herself, mocking the established "rules" for drinking in a tavern until she noticed something flying in the air.
(Sara) "Is...that a face?"
She rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn't seeing things, and saw the eyes slowly float over to a nearby butterfly.
(Sara) "Uh...?"
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(Sara) "GAH!"
The horrific creature began floating faster towards Sara, which prompted her to run full speed ahead towards the closest town.
As she ran out of breath, she ran towards anyone would even take a minute to listen.
(Sara) "H-Hey, there's some freaky bug thing out there with a human face!"
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Tiny lines of text ran down the guide's face.
It showed too many messages at once for her to properly read it, and the person remained completely still.
(Sara) "...Hello?"
(Everyone) "..."
(Sara) "...Right."
Sara moved to the next person she saw.
Sara saw a platypus with a name tag 'Perry' calmly sitting on the market stall.
(Sara) "Hello, anyone here?"
The platypus stared at her, not saying a word.
(Sara) "...What in the hell is with this town?"
Next try. That would probably work.
(Anakin) "What did we get ourselves into this time?"
(Obi-Wan) "I'm not sure but...I do not like this a single bit."
(Anakin) "At least you're in a taller body, my head barely reaches your stomach!"
(Obi-Wan) "It's not the first time."
(Sara) "Hey, excuse me ma'aaaaaaaaaa...What in the?"
(Anakin) "Listen lady, we got our own problems right now. We're not in the mood-"
(Obi-Wan) "What my young padawan means is that we unfortunately cannot spare any help if you need it ma'am."
(Sara) "...Evidently."
Sara nervously walked away from the two grown men in a child and woman's body.
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(Sonia) "Did we get transported again?"
(Gundham) "By the works of dark magic, no doubt..."
(Sonia) "Oh, looks like there's someone over there. Hello ma'am, do you know where we are?"
(Sara) "Eh?...Huh. That's a good question. Where is this?"
(Sonia) "Oh well, I'm a bit more comfortable knowing that someone I like is with me here!"
(Gundham) "I...uh...er..."
(Sara) "That's cute. Ah, to be young again..."
Sara left the two to talk amongst themselves before finding the next...person?
It was an extremely fat rabbit that was grey and white.
(Sara) "What in the hell-"
(Sara) "Okay, screw that."
Sara finally saw the mayor and approached him, and when he turned she almost jumped.
It was a Piranha plant. She thought so anyway, it was covered in white polka dots and bright red.
(Plant) "Ah, welcome to the town miss?"
(Sara) "Uh, Sara. Sara Valestein. Listen, there's this weird face that attached itself to a butterfly outside your place! You're gonna do something right?"
(Plant) "Did...did you say a face float down? OH NO."
(Familiar Man's voice) "OH YES."
(Sara) ?
(Anakin) "Uh, master?"
(Obi-Wan) "I've got a bad feeling about this..."
The platypus, fat rabbit, and the discord notification looked up into the skies, getting increasingly alarmed.
(Sonia) "His voice sounds grating like Souda's..."
[Imperial Will - Final Fantasy XIV OST]
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(Sara) "...Faces? You mean like services or...?"
(Anakin) "Maybe that's metaphorical?"
(Obi-Wan) "I'm not sure I want to find out-"
Several faces began to fly off the townspeople.
First was the platypus's face, quickly followed by the discord notification and Anakin's.
(Obi-Wan) "ANAKIN!"
Then it was Sonia and the fat rabbit's faces that floated next to Chris.
(Gundham) "AAAAAAAGH!"
(Sara) "Can someone tell me what the hell is happening?!-"
Chris flew off into the skies, the faces following closely behind.
(Sara) "What an asshole!"
(Sara) "Right uh..."
Sara reached for her sword and pistol, which was nowhere to be found.
(Sara) "Well, that's just great..."
Obi-Wan struggled to walk over to here, still not accustomed to his body and looked at Sara.
(Obi-Wan) "Ma'am, I'm afraid I cannot go into battle myself to assist with this matter. And we don't appear to have our weapons either..."
(Sara) "So, what do you reckon I do? Ask nicely?"
(Sara) "Damn it."
Chris was floating away from the town when Sara finally caught up to him.
(Sara) "HEY, JACKASS!"
(Chris) "...Oh, you mean me. I-I mean, OH, IS SOMEONE TRYING TO BE THE HERO NOW?"
(Sara) "Don't play smart with me you glasses wearing freak! Give back their faces!"
(Chris) "Or what? You're going to fight me?"
Sara cracked her knuckles.
(Chris) "...Oh shit. Uh, here have it."
The face slowly floated over to a slime, which reattached itself and began hopping towards Sara.
(Chris) "Uh anyways, LATER!"
Chris quickly flew away from Sara, leaving her and Anakin's face on a slime.
(Sara) "Alright, LET'S GO!"
Sara drove her fist into the slime, which quickly bounced off.
(Sara) "...Oh right. It's a slime."
The slime retaliated by knocking Sara onto her back.
(Anakin's voice) "Sorry!"
(Sara) "Damn, my weapons aren't anywhere to be found either!
(Sara) "Oh, what is it now-HURK?!"
Sara reached for her head as the voice boomed thunderously.
"THOU ART...Okay, no we're not rhyming. I'm your guardian spirit, Sara!"
(Sara) "Really now? And where were you during Erebonia?!"
"ANYWAYS, it seems you're in a bit of trouble! Do you need some help?"
(Sara) "It's either getting help or getting killed by a damn slime of all things, so...Yeah, sure."
"Good choice! Now, I bestow upon you the awesome power of the guardian!"
(Sara) "You're gonna explain later where I got this from, right?"
"That depends, do you want the plot to get moving? Our other posts are slowed down as it is, and this has gotten too meta in just the first few lines of this."
(Sara) "Ugh, fine."
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Sara's outfit shined forth and became donned in armor, wielding a new sword.
(Sara) "Hey, you cheap bastard, where's my gun?!"
"This is a fantasy RPG, why would you get a gun? Just kill the damn slime already!"
(Anakin's voice) "WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO?!"
(Sara) "Hold on, I'll getcha outta there, HIYA!"
Sara took one swing of her sword and smacked the slime into the floor, it quickly disappearing.
Anakin's face floated off the slime and back to the town.
"That was..."
(Sara) "Really anti-climatic."
"You should uh...probably go back to the town and check up on Anakin."
Anakin's face slowly floated back onto the child's body, making him trip over.
(Anakin) "AGH!"
(Obi-Wan) "So, how was it?"
(Anakin) "I was just put into a slime's body, how do you think I feel?!"
(Obi-Wan) "Same as usual, got it."
Obi-Wan turned to Sara, who now looked like a proper knight.
(Obi-Wan) "You have our thanks for helping us, Miss?"
(Sara) "Name's Sara."
(Anakin) "Thanks for helping me out there. What are you gonna do? We'd join you but our bodies would just get in the way."
(Sara) "I'm going to uh...Hey, what is the plan?"
"What do you think? You're the only hero in a fantasy land."
(Obi-Wan) "Is she alright?"
(Anakin) "Yeah, she started doing this earlier, no idea what's up with it."
(Sara) "Might as well go after the others, see what happens I guess. Anyways, I'll be back once I restored this town, until then!"
Sara held onto her sheathe and ran out of the town, those still faceless watching her leave.
(Gundham) "Please hurry. Sonia is...unsettling me."
(Plant) "Miss Valestein, you're our only hope...!"
(Anakin) "Think she'll be okay? That talking thing is really concerning me."
(Obi-Wan) "Probably...?"
[Chase Me - Faky]
(Sara) "Right so...do I just go forward?"
"Where did you see him fly off to?"
(Sara) "Was a lot more focused on trying NOT to get murdered by the slimes."
"It was just a slime, you've killed enemy mechs and demonic beasts like it was nothing!"
(Sara) "That's when I had my weapons and ARCUS unit!"
"..Still. Should've had no problem. I probably didn't even have to interfere."
(Sara) "Good goddess, am I going to be stuck with you? Actually WHO even are you?"
"The narrator! In a sense anyway."
(Sara) "What-"
And so begins the tale of Sara Valestein and her quest to defeat the Dark Lord Chris!
What friends will she encounter on the way?
How much of the meta can we break more than we have?
How many more jokes will the writer run into the ground as this series goes on?
(Sara) "...What?!"
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And yours truly as the antagonist for this story!
Here's to some more god-awful written meme stories like this one, everyone!
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thedyingmoon · 5 years
🖤 I See My Future Before Me 🖤
"Jack is dead!"
"But, that is just a movie!"
"I know! Poor Rose!"
"I'm gonna take a shower. Wanna join?"
"As if!"
"You bought another painting?"
"Yes. And?"
"But, you already have that!"
"There is a fine line between Aphrodite and Io. Learn to see the difference."
"What movie are you gonna watch?"
"But, you've seen that about twenty - ish times!"
"Twenty - six, to be exact."
"Twenty - six?! Twenty - six freaking times?!"
"Dracula is my favorite movie! Got a problem with that?!"
"Watching it twenty - six times is problematic enough!"
"At least I don't watch porn!"
"Hey, babe, will you be my girlfriend?"
"Because you rarely take showers."
"If I take a shower now, will you be my girlfriend?"
"So, will you join me instead?"
One by one, memories of you flooded through Dante's mind, reminding him of all the precious moments he had with you.
The way you dressed, the way you carried yourself,...
... your subtle mannerisms,...
Your eyes, your hair, your laugh,...
... your kindness,...
Dante's shoulders slouched. He dropped the Empusa head on the ground as Balrog reached its limit. He looked up at the massive demonic mechanism in the sky, then back to the ground where the carcasses of the Demons he slew lay.
He closed his eyes and inhaled, his chest suddenly getting heavy.
Then, your voice came back to his chaotic mind.
At first, it sounded like a whisper. Subtle, soft, and like a gentle wind in his ears.
All of a sudden, your voice grew louder, sounding more and more like a moan.
A moan of pain and suffering.
Dan,... te,...
He opened his eyes, feeling the tears threatening to come out of them.
Instead of going directly inside the Dreadnought to end it once and for all, he hastily went towards the opposite direction, longing to see you,...
... just one last time.
Went your voice inside his head. The more you called him, the more his movements became rash and quick.
"(Y/N), wait for me,..." the Devil Hunter groaned, feeling absolutely sick in the stomach. "I'm coming,..."
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Him hearing your voice like that, he knew something really bad was going to happen. And he couldn't shake the foreboding feeling off his mind.
He needed to see you. He had to.
With every step he made and every path he crossed, memories came crashing down upon his heavy heart, making it harder and harder for him to control himself.
He heard your voice once more but, this time, he saw your tear - filled hurt eyes, like some heartless person managed to bring you down to such a degrading state.
At that painful vision, Dante finally lost it. Without so much as a little effort, he summoned all his strength and transformed to his Devil form. He spread his wings wide and darted into the sky in search of the person who needed him.
Of the person he loved above all,...
He searched with his weary, yet sharp, eyes, saw every inferior Devil Hunter in combat against the demonic horde the Dreadnought just brought, and spotted, right above that hill, the form he ached to meet the most.
He focused his gaze on his goal and flew hastily towards it with unbelievable speed.
"Hey, what's that?" Griffon asked as he saw a blur of speeding red light flying rapidly towards the two of you.
You looked up, adjusted your gaze to the morning light, and realized who it was.
"It's,... Dante,..." you mouthed breathlessly, unable to believe your own eyes. "But, why?"
"Sorry, sweet pea. Have to deal with this on your own!"
But, you were too late. Griffon vanished, returning to you and making your new contract markings visible once more.
The man, or the Red Devil, landed right in front of you, annihilating everything beneath his feet and within proximity.
You covered your eyes to protect them from the dust and debris, and a few moments later, you felt yourself being wrapped with an extremely strong and warm pair of arms. You opened your eyes and saw the achingly familiar maroon jacket belonging to the man you pushed away a week ago,...
... for the man who just rejected you.
Dante embraced you like he never embraced anyone before: with complete and utter intensity, yet, with gentleness he didn't know he had. He sniffed your hair and breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that you were safe and unharmed,...
... until he smelled the faint scent of your fragrant blood coming from the bandage around your wounded stomach.
The man then grasped your arms as he looked at your mid - section, sensing your injury beneath your stained parka.
"You're hurt." Dante, with furrowed eyebrows, uttered with such pain in his voice.
"I,..." you were about to lie but, seeing it was futile, hesitated to do so. "I was."
"What happened? Please, tell me." The man begged.
You swore you would never cry again after what happened with V, and yet, seeing Dante worried about you like this,...
... you knew you're going to bawl your eyes out again.
And at the mere thought, you could already feel your tired eyes stinging.
What did I do to deserve all this torture?!
"A Demon almost killed me,..."
"Then, withdraw from this battle! Please, I beg you! I don't want to see you hurt like this! Please!"
"Dante,..." you whispered, cupping his face with your soft and gentle hands in an effort to calm him down. But, you knew he would never budge. "It would take,... much more than a demonic attack to hurt me. You know that."
"What do you mean? (Y/N)?"
And then, he saw your eyes, your forced smile,...
... your tears.
Right then and there, he realized what just happened.
For almost a week, a thought has been bothering him about letting you go.
And now, it seemed that his hunches were proven to be correct.
"V DID THIS TO YOU." He said, his tone almost sounding like a growl.
"Listen to me very carefully, Dante - "
Dante became engulfed with the red glow that emanated from his body, enabling him to morph into his demonic form once more.
This time, to murder the man who hurt you.
To end the man who started all of this.
The man,...
... who was the sole reason for that innocent kid to murder his own father without even knowing,...
"Dante, listen to me!" You pleaded, throwing yourself in front of the horrific creature and wrapping your arms around him to calm him down. "No one has to get hurt! V doesn't deserve this! Dante, please!"
The Devil, who was undeniably powerless before you, couldn't even throw you away. "HE HURT YOU! HE HURT THE WOMAN I LOVE!"
You looked up, shocked at what you just heard.
All of a sudden, some memories flashed through your weak state of mind.
"Hey, babe, aren't you aware that you're the most beautiful woman I've ever met?"
"I got nothing on Trish and Lady, I'll have you know,..."
"And that I love you so much?"
"Oh, shut up, Dante. And stop making jokes, it's not funny,..."
"(Y/N), can't you even understand?" Dante morphed back to his human form, his emotions getting the better of him. "He doesn't love you. WHO, IN THEIR RIGHT MIND, WOULD HURT SOMEONE THEY LOVE?! (Y/N), V NEVER LOVED YOU! AND HE NEVER WILL!"
Despite the hurtful truth that he was trying to instill in you, you remained rooted to the ground, still embracing the Devil Hunter who truly cared about you.
"I know but, I have a duty to see this through." You answered, your voice trembling with the tears that poured out of your already bloodshot eyes. "V needs me and I have to see this until the end!"
Dante cupped your face with his huge hands and made you look up at him.
"If you must, then I will let you go. Once more." He replied, every drop of your tears painfully driving a nail through his already beaten heart. "But, swear to me that after all this, you will go back home. Back to me, where you really belong."
As if your eyes never had enough of tears in one, single day. "You don't understand,..."
"What I don't understand is your blind devotion to that man! (Y/N), I love you! Even if you always poke fun at me for telling you. I love you!"
You gasped and sobbed, unable to control the fresh bout of tears that were coming out of your eyes.
Dante, you don't understand! You helplessly thought. Even if I swear to you, even if I want to, I will never be able to make it out of this alive! I'm going to die - !
"Dante, please - !"
But, your thoughts and words alike were silenced the moment he crashed his mouth unto yours, kissing you with such passion that you never knew he was capable of.
And at that moment, some more memories came back to haunt you.
"Dante, how do I look?"
"Okay, you can put those right over there."
"How many more of these vases are you gonna collect, hm?"
"Dante, you need to stop eating pizza!"
"And why is that?"
"Because, it's unhealthy! And,..."
"So, if I stop, will you be mine?"
"(Y/N), I feel dizzy,..."
"You drank too much again,..."
"One kiss will make me feel better."
"Oh, shut the hell up."
You held up both your hands and placed them against his chest in an effort to push him away but, he only tightened his hold on you, at the same time making his kisses more intense than ever before.
When he finally let you go to catch some air, you felt your head spinning with all the emotions and the memories that plagued your mind.
He brushed some tears from your face with his thumb as he made you look at him in the eye once more.
"Promise me you'll make it through." He told you with a much calmer tone. "Then, after all this, I'll come and find you."
"Dante, I - "
"Okay, baby, let's change it. I'll come when you need me. I'll rush to you as fast as I can. After this fight, we'll come home, take a long bath, and stay in bed for as long as we want. I'll be your home. I promise."
Your heart ached for the kind man who sincerely adored you. As much as you wanted to accept his offer, knowing that he'll never break his word, you had to accept that you would not survive this battle.
As much as you wanted to heal the wounds of rejection, you knew everything must end.
And finally, as much as you wanted to tell Dante everything, you just couldn't. The truth would break the man's heart, and he might actually murder V in the process.
You bowed down low and simply nodded, the simple, deceptive gesture making you utterly sick to the core. You feared that the man would see through your lie but, apparently, he didn't.
"Alright. I'll make this quick, then." The man said, finally letting you go as he took some steps away from you. "I'll see you soon."
He would leave. He really was going to leave,...
"Dante!" You helplessly called, your conflicting emotions tempting you to just drop everything and tell him the truth.
"Don't worry, babe. I'll finish this battle as quick as I can." The man said with a brave smile. He then saluted you as he morphed into his demonic form once again. "Adios!"
But, you were too late. He launched himself, flying away from you like the last thread of hope that just escaped your clutches.
It was the last time you saw him.
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"Don't look back.
Don't regret.
Time's falling out of these hands.
I'll let you leave me.
Go on, 
You know home is always inside your soul.
All the light to bless your way.
Don't be afraid,
And I'll be your home.
In this time,
In this place,
This moment is all we have.
And tomorrow we never know.
Every precious time,
Let it go,
Somewhere away.
You will learn, And you'll love, 
Forgive the past and you can move on.
All the distance 
You've come to a place.
Then you see that your home is away
Now the sun is rising 
Lighting up your sky again brightly.
Every precious time,
Let it go,
Somewhere away.
You will learn, And you'll love, 
Forgive the past.
Go on, 
You know home is always inside your soul.
Where ever you go,
Whatever you see,
I'll be the place,
And I'll be your home."
~ A Dante X Reader X V set in an Alternate Universe wherein a galon of tears is never enough. 😥
~ This chapter is especially dedicated to @lessy86 and @gxthghoulfriend . Thank you so much for everything. ❤
~ @heaven-on-a-landslide , @diabeticsugarush , @ehrzeth , @simmy-ships , @ceruleanworld , @boundbysoul , and @krazy06 . 🖤
~ I'm gonna call this genre, "Oh my God, my feels". 👌👍👍
Dante landed just in time when Lady and Trish finished some Demons below the Dreadnought, itself.
"And he finally arrives." Lady sarcastically said as she lazily leaned on her Kalina Ann.
"What? No guts to enter that ship thing?" Dante teased as he transformed back to his human form.
"It won't let us." Trish sadly announced, making Dante furrow his eyebrows in confusion.
"See for yourself." Lady pointed at the Dreadnought's entrance where some kind of a barrier made of light could be seen. "I tried shooting that but, I can't destroy it."
"Not even I can." Trish admitted.
"Were you two just weak, then?" Dante asked them.
The Bewitching Devil rolled her eyes and shook her head. She then threw the Devil Sword Sparda to Dante. He caught it with ease, then glanced at her with an awkward smile.
"It only allows certain people to enter." Trish informed him. "V just got through."
At the sound of the man's name, Dante's veins threatened to pop. "HIM?!" He practically screamed.
"As easy as blinking an eye."
"How could he even - ?!"
Lady sighed. "Well, you have the Sparda! Go after him, then!"
The Devil Hunter growled as he morphed once more. And with the powerful Sparda at his disposal, he flew towards the barrier, and was able to enter easily without even breaking a sweat.
"And there he goes." Lady sighed as she saw the Devil disappear into the Dreadnought.
She sighed even more at the sight of the incoming horde before them.
"You sound bored." Trish stated as she held up a single hand, summoning all her powers and making it light up. She balled it into a fist and a clear jolt of electricity ran through her whole body.
Lady shook her head. "What's the fun in this? The real enemy is up there!"
Trish gave her a sideways glance. Ever since she had that talk with V, her mind had been in total shambles due to the confusion on who the enemy really was.
So, she just decided to let Dante handle everything by giving him the powerful sword, knowing that he'll beat some sense out of V, who seemed to have learned nothing.
Not at all.
"Hey, the one who bags the most Demons gets treated to the salon." Trish challenged Lady with a smile.
"Ohoho, no you don't!" Lady smiled, lifting her weapon effortlessly in an acceptance of the challenge.
The two ladies charged forward, not letting a single Demon escape their clutches,...
~ 16 ~
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rebelmeg · 6 years
65 Questions You Aren't Used To
(I know, it’s an ask meme, but... I just kinda want to do them all.  I LOVE this kinda stuff, it’s like writing a nifty journal entry for people that suck at journals, like me.)
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?  Um, no... they’re right there.
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?  1.  I’m very comfortable in the dark.
3. The person you would never want to meet?  Donald Trump was the first to spring to mind.
4. What is your favorite word?  Popcorn.  (Because it visually appeals to me, and it feels nice to say.  I know, that made literally zero sense.  I know.)
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?  I always fancied myself a weeping willow, but there is literally nothing willowy about me.  Ooh, ooh, can I be a fruitless pear tree?!  They turn every color from yellow to purple in autumn and they’re so pretty!
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?  Probably something like, “Ew,” or “I need to shower,”.
7. What shirt are you wearing?  It’s cute!  It’s a gray tunic with a deep V in the front with lacing, and the words, “I’d Rather Not.”
8. What do you label yourself as?  Writer.
9. Bright room or dark room?  Bright when I’m working, dim when things are winding down, dark as sin when sleeping.
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?  Same thing I’m doing now, screwing around on Tumblr when I should be finishing up and going to bed.
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far? 17 was a good year for me, I found the other half of my heart.  Everything before and after was basically a crap shoot.
12. Who told you they loved you last?  My daughters.
13. Your worst enemy?  Probably myself.
14. What is your current desktop picture?  It’s doing a slideshow through my saved file of New Years pictures.
15. Do you like someone?  Romantically, just my hubby.  He’s awfully cute.
16. The last song you listened to?  Listening to “U and Ur Hand” by P!nk right now.
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?  No one wants me to have this responsibility.
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face? I could prepare a list...
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?  Oh geez, I have no idea.  Who wants to be my slave and clean my house?
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)  My eyes!  I have pretty eyes.
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?  I’ve got no idea what I’d look like, I’ve got too much boob and hip going on.  I’ll be honest, I’d have to have at least one orgasm, because I’ve always wondered what the difference is.  
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?  Secret?  Not really, I’m pretty open with all my talents.  
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?  Family members dying.  I’ve never had a close family member die, and I’m like... ridiculously afraid of that (especially my husband and kids), especially since I’m deeply religious.
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.  The #11 at Jimmy Johns, plus bacon.
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?  Probably on something stupid.  Discount Christmas shirts (I only have one), stuff on my wish.com list and Amazon list, that kind of thing.  Takeout from Arby’s.
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?  Europe!
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?  Um... yeah, I don’t drink so... maybe the rarest, most expensive liquor known to man.  I’ll sell it and be rich.
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?  No littering.
29. What is your favorite expletive?  I can’t say, I’m trying to quit.  (And it’s a bad one.)  If we’re doing PG rated expletives, I’ve taken to using “son of a nutcracker” and “oh my honk” pretty frequently...
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?  LAPTOP.
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?  I know what it is.  But I’m not telling all y’all because it’s horrifically embarrassing.
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!  SCOTLAND.  It only gets, like, into the 70′s there in the summer.  I can dig that.  I’m a freaking polar bear.  (Do I get to pick the celebrities I get to fictionally sleep with, because I’ve prepared a list...)
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?  Like, for a visit, or for permanent?  Because that’s different.  If it was for a visit, I’d bring back one of my two grandparents that have died.  I have QUESTIONS.  If it was for permanent... if an early term, miscarried baby counts, I’d bring back mine.
34. What was your last dream about?  I only get dreams when I’m in that weird “not 100% sleep” state, and man are they bizarre.... and I rarely remember them, but you can trust me that it was weird.
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]?  Yes.  Yes I am.  Exceptionally.
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?  Several times, yeah.  Most of them for baby things.  (I had the baby, I was not the baby.)
37. Have you ever built a snowman?  Oh yes.  Not yet this year though, not a really awesome snowfall yet, just a few inches.
38. What is the color of your socks?  I’m wearing neon pink and navy blue Black Widow socks that I got from my hubby for Christmas!
39. What type of music do you like?  Most of it.  Seriously.  Country, rock, pop, oldies, alternative, instrumental, show tunes, classical, movie scores, Disney, Celtic and Irish.... seriously.  Most of it.
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?  Sunsets, sunrises are full of tiredness.
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?  Depends on my mood, really.
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer)  I... don’t.  I’m not a sports person unless the Olympics are involved.
43. Do you have any scars?  Lots, yeah.  Biggest is my c-section scar(s), my favorite is the one on my middle finger from when I sliced it open trying to set up a trampoline.  Pro tip, wear gloves, because those springs can slice your finger open when pulled back and loosed.
44. What do you want to be when you graduate?  I’ve already graduated (high school, never went to college and I don’t regret it), I wanted to be married and happy.  I’ve mostly succeeded.  Still chasing happiness, but I get the golden moments enough that I can call it successful.
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?  Probably body size, mostly because they don’t have a lot of cute clothes in my size and I have no power to change that sad standard.
46. Are you reliable?  Almost 100%, yes.
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?  How does Infinity War and Avengers 4 end?
48. Do you hold grudges?  Big ones, yes.  Little ones, not so much.
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?  Panda peacock.  Because a cute, cuddly panda with peacock colors?  Best.
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?  Someone trying to goad me into participating in one of their infantilization fantasies that made me feel extremely uncomfortable.
51. Are you a good liar?  I’m an excellent liar.  I shouldn’t be proud of that.  I am.
52. How long could you go without talking?  Does talking to myself count, because I do that a lot...
53. What has been you worst haircut/style?  The awkward between-phase after I did a shoulder-length bob and needed to grow it out again after my perm started to lose strength too.  Poof.
54. Have you ever baked your own cake?  Tons of times.  I made my own birthday cake this year.
55. Can you do any accents other than your own?  I do a pretty decent British (a few dialects), I can pull of Australian, Irish, Scottish, New Zealand, French, and occasionally Russian or German, as long as I get a good audio clip first to jump off of.
56. What do you like on your toast?  Butter, or butter with jam/jelly or cinnamon sugar.
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?  A terrible sketch of Marty the zebra from Madagascar for my three year old.
58. What would be you dream car?  A big honking pick-up truck with the full backseat and excellent gas mileage and fuel efficiency.
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain.  Okay, the way that is worded is hilarious.  I do sing sometimes, when I’ve got music going, but I am pretty quiet since neighbors.  I don’t usually do anything unusual, except sticking my loose hairs to the wall so I can wad them up and throw it all away rather than it going down the drain and clogging it.
60. Do you believe in aliens?  Not in the traditional sense, but I know we’re not alone.  It’s based in religion.
61. Do you often read your horoscope?  Rarely.  When it pops up in magazines from last year or whatever.
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?  M, probably, for my name.  And, fun trivia, M is the 13th letter of the alphabet, which puts it smack in the middle.
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?  DRAGONS.  I’d have a dragon as a pet if I could.  Hagrid and Charlie Weasley would be over all the time.
64. What do you think about babies?  They’re cuuuute.  Most of the time.  Mine were cutest.
65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.  If anyone thinks of something, do ask me.  I seriously love this stuff!
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"I'm real proud of you, You know. We didn't know who they were but we could have been real hurt," little Tiny Queen Girl just almost 4 years old, hands on hips just telling me how it was. How she felt.
My Little co-member in our Army of Two.
Lord Blesses us with the moat precious for such a short amount of time.
This idiot shot her and when he realized he had shot a small child and she was in the hospital on life support, he went and kidnapped her from the hospital.
Finished killing her and hid her body in a freezer at his house.
It wasn't for years later that he thought the coast was clear and he placed her body partially in a trash bag next to a dumpster in that Compton neighborhood.
He didn't want the body to not be found. He wanted it to so his message was clear -- "No ni**ers in his neighborhood"
She was labeled only as missing by the family, at least to me anyway. They didn't want me to get crazy and go on a killing spree. Her brother joked that was what little 3 year old Laquisha Antuana Jefferson would want.
After the Rodney King Trial, I took racism hard. I took it differently. No longer could I be on top of it and stop it.
It was here to stay and there was no changing it. I was glad I lived in a mostly white suburb because I felt i could talk to the few African Americans at my school and make sure they were doing okay, individually and not have to worry so much like i did in NYC.
There were less. So less could get hurt and i closed my mind off to the rest of the world.
7 weeks before i was called to Compton they found Laquisha Antuana Jefferson by that dumpster behind the 711 Chevron.
My mom thought it would be good because she was shot just 6 blocks from the race track.
Maybe I could do something.
I bought him a house in a white suburb. I got him transferred to a predominantly white neighborhood and made him promise his entire family and anyone he associated with would never kill or go near a black person again.
He just had to pay bills in a Beverly Hills home.
If he broke the rules he would be killed but i didn't tell him that. I just told him he would move out and it would be grave.
The house is still in my name and he never did break the rules.
But he hadn't killed just Laquisha Antuana Jefferson, he had killed over 700 others.
This i didn't know or understand or I would have had him killed.
He was black so I couldn't understand how he would say African American children were niggering up the neighborhood or "bone thugging the street" part of me didn't believe he killed Laquisha Antuana Jefferson but the whole of me couldn't deny he was capable.
Her whole death was horrific and hard to believe. Who would do such a thing and to such a precious child?! I loved her with my whole being, everyone did. There wasn't anyone i loved or respected more than that child.
I had a nervous break down for three weeks. I visited all the places she had been and I cried the whole time. I was miserable.
Queen Elizabeth II had to come fetch me and get me awake, see there was more life to live and Laquisha Antuana Jefferson wouldn't want me so upset and she believed what happened although I couldn't wrap my head around it, She could.
So she bugged his house and set speakers in it and we tortured him. Part of me thought it was wrong but it made me feel so much better, healed even and brought me joy.
Could you imagine Queen Elizabeth II egging and toilet papering a house!!?? Well we both sat in the car while Prince Harry and William and Princess Diana did it
I owned it and still do so it was alright with me.
Princess Diana painted a red bloody swastika on the door and Prince Andrew hung a white paper mache man made from reprinted newspaper clippings of the people he had killed from his garage.
It gave me a sense of pride. I knew that my little Royal Army did just what my co-conspirator in our Army of Two would had wanted. It was perfect retribution for Little Queen Laquisha Antuana Jefferson. The reincarnated Queen Nefertiti.
As Princess Diana returned to the limo, laughing, I said "thank you, I have never been more blessed than I am just right at this moment. I don't even want to leave. I want to sit and stare all night"
About an hour later, a patrol car with its lights on came up behind us and rapped his knuckles on the window. "Oh you're all white good. Does anyone know what happened here tonight or were you all just driving by?"
"Well see Its just..." Oh in the pit of my stomach I felt bad.
"Oh Sabrina you're all here. Good."
"Well see me and my friends were just driving past, I wanted to show the Queen the luxury of Beverly Hills and the good neighborhoods here and well we saw all this and thought we might want to stay and catch the vandals in the act in case they came back" I hung out the window and looked around "nope all good"
Princess Diana took to a snort of laughter midway through my speech and tried to cover it with a fake sneeze. Then a cough and a mere sound of strangling herself.
"Hey miss! Are you alright?!"
"Oh that's Princess Di"
"Too much champagne it went down the wrong way÷"
"Yeah I gotta laugh at her, sometimes she's much too silly"
"Well take a look at my house! That's serious enough for you!"
"Oh God! William help me! This is much to much!" And she leaped forward and buried her head in his chest so she could laugh freely.
"Oh is she crying?!"
"Oh she will be fine" I was relaxed and drunk myself and wow how easy i found it to lie! We could get away with anything! Even murder! Nope! I told myself we must'nt lie. I just got too carried away and didn't speak soundly enough. I said all I was supposed to but much too much so it was actually a lie! But I must'nt have to be tooo careful, After all I did just buy him a house didn't I? Even so that wasn't the right way to be and I felt surrendered to guilt.
"Well I say, I say do y'all want to come in?! I've said it three times but yet no one is to answer!"
"Oh yes. Please move. Lets show off this mini mansion bought just for you" I opened the door and Queen Elizabeth II slid out quickly behind me
"Oh it feels so good to get out and stretch! I haven't gotten out since well id gotten in it!"
I snorted drunk laughter "Oh yes we have been truly blessed to be in this limo"
"So shall we?" He offered the crook of his arm for my hand to take which I did "I don't want y'all stumbling all over, you ole drunk things!" The queen had rejected his arm and allowed Princess Diana to take it. And i felt suddenly less callous. I felt sober and somber. Walking up to the house we just destroyed wasn't the problem. It was his ability to take over the situation with peasantry and take two drunken women into his home. The "goblin" hung from his garage blowing in the wind, saying all that he was accused of. In the dark, suddenly I imagined myself as a black woman. I thought that soon i would be inside and i could puke and wash my face and still take a shit if i needed to. My nervous tummy did that.
"Here you two stand here and hold yourself up if you need to. I'll be right back. No no I meant each other. I wouldn't take my face off him but i peeked a glance at Princess Diana and she was pleasantly smiling as ever. Still having fun. Queen was patiently pleased as well. The boys seemed fine looking around at all the had done. "You know i didn't kill that kid. You know that right?"
"What?!?! What the Hell did you say?!?"
Princess Diana grabbed me and put her arm around me and put her finger to her lips and Queen Elizabeth II put on her black leather gloves
"Oh i suppose you didn't hear me, i said "let me get my key out" it will be just a moment" he bent at the waist "oh it seems someone put gum in the lock. Let me go out back and hopefully i can get in"
I watched him and heard the back gate click "did he say about the key twice?!" Princess Diana nodded solemnly. "He didn't say anything about killing a precious black kid?"
"NO!! SHH!"
"Hey you know i been praying to Jesus a lot ever since i put that girl out" the lights for the front porch turned off. I let out a giant terrified scream!! Princess Diana slapped her cupped hand over my mouth instantly. I nodded and breathed in. She removed her hand and wiped my germs away. On his wall. -.- good DNA to prove ive been here in case they aren't seeing the truth. Not that anyone would check that place though for sure.. Maybe i ought to pee in the bushes?? Thank God Shaquille O'Neal stayed in the car. Maybe i could light this house on fire and send him smoke signals before he gets stabbed in the neck!
The door suddenly swung open "WELCOME TO MY HOME!" he spread his arms and stood back. Like a Royal Butler "i will even bow!" And he did so. "I'm not drunk. Not yet. But I did take a couple swigs of this, to catch up you want?"
"No thanks I'll pass" princess Diana put her palm out
He pleaded
"No I've got the boys and mom's already drunk and so someone has to be able to watch them. She will drink tho. She's a real drunkard especially with guests. She swishes it between her teeth, says it gets her drunk faster" wow we were all gonna die. But hopefully we wasn't gonna feel it. "Sabrina i feel you and i hoped you weren't right, but it's all here. The writing is on The wall. This is a beautiful home."
He was towering over me "this is the nigger you want" and i was fuckonf terrified. He was staring into my eyes with possessive lust and i looked back in terror. I was trapped between the fireplace and him
"Uhm sir?" He tuned to her and slipped his flask into his pocket. Idk why but Princess Diana and I both saw Freddie Kruger instead of a police man in uniform. She stifled her scream better than i did. I played the fireplace scraped me. And i was told to sit and i did.
"Excuse me, i have to take this" Queen Elizabeth II had brought in her satellite phone and she went to the far end near the bottom of the stairs to talk to Shaq.
"Is it Snoop?"
"Oh no. The man in the car. Much better than smoke signals!!" I squeaked
"Oh are you hurt? Let me see that for a second"
"Oh uh sure" I let him lift my leg into his lap but kept it straight so it would not go to his crotch and put my hand between my kegs to hold my short party skirt down to protect my vagina.
"Oh a prude are ya?"I wondered if he said that out loud. NO one seemed to notice I felt alone and I felt scared. I wondered if he left a gaping hole in Laquisha Antuana Jefferson. I hoped she was dead when he did or at least the fear killed her... If she had any. I hoped she did for her sake
"Oh don't look sad! You'll be alright"
"Yeah because I'm old..." My eyes drifted to the Queen, "and big enough" i would take one for the team but i was gonna fight first. If i had to. Just keep my eyes open and my ears ---
"All i can tell you is that she is seeing truth and all is alright." She looked up at me "or was. I must go. Please stand by"
"Was that Snoop?"
Oh dear God i wish she would quit saying that. We were all gonna die. He grabbed my chin and stuck his tounge in with a French kiss. Okay let's die first. Much better on that.
"Uh yes. Was it Snoop?" I removed my leg and put my knees together and pulled my skirt to cover them both.
He reached down, grabbed my ankle and pulled up my leg again
"Oh you're so gentle!"
"I wouldn't do that if I were you she has a fiancee" warned the Queen then she turned to check on the boys.
"Oh is he white?" He asked twice. In our culture we didn't speak of race so we all remained silent to his quest.
He turned to me "oh just one more" I pulled back
"Ouch! This thing is poking me!" I lied. I was scared. In my ways of life i didn't reject people. I distract. I dont like to be put in those situations. And the Queen had my back. We just needed to leave. "Queen please this house is attack-- guh ugh" somehow puke was on my breath although I hadn't yet, his tounge must had gotten my gag reflex as he kissed me rudely
"Ugh" I cursed him and had disgust in my face. "Im not into snoop. He's married and i am almost" he had fingered me during his kiss it seems or he was imagining it i wasnt sure but i seemed unaltered between my legs but the next kiss brought promises. I put my foot down and slid over.
"Snoop is? To who?"
"Shaquille!! I mean Shawntee!! You met her she came to this house with us!"
"What oh. Oh. Yeah get off. I guess i was jealous i thought you were fucking him. So who are you about to be married to, huh?"
I just kept seeing dead bodies and my heart was going to kill me. Inside i was screaming loudly we got to get out. It was as urgent as i had set a smoke signal. In my mind I saw the limo and I beat on the glass next to Shaquille's head. Maybe that would do the trick. I was sitting on the fire place after all. I saw a satellite view of the limo driver door opening and I resurrected back into Hell.
"Huh? What did you say?" I asked drowsily.
"Ah man! Y'all are drunk!! I gotta catch up! Now wait where is my flask?"
I saw in my mind Queen come to me and say "oh no she has a heart condition and touch my chest to gain a proper rhythm. I was dying and she knew.
That's what I get for pretending to be a drunk black woman alone in his home with him. I bent forward and breathed rapidly. Sweat dripping off me.
"Oh no Sabrina is coming down we must take her home"
"Here drink its bourbon" I did and felt hourly sick.
"Its sweet huh?"
The phone rang again "What is going on?!?! I got Sabrina beating on my glass and you two are all stand by?!?! Are you two in trouble?!?"
"Yes she is dearie. Every thing is fine. I'll see you... Next week? That all sounds fine"
"What is that nigger doing to you!?! I'll kill him! I've rang the phone twice already now!!"
"Oh yes. Please. The first. That sounds lovely. Soon. Soon. Yes i tell you the week will pass before you know it"
"Now? You want me to come now?"
"Absolutely! Of course!" She said angrily.
"Mom! You're drunk!!" Scolded Princess Diana. And nodded towards him
"Oh yes Please dearie you know just how it is --"
"Im coming now. Keep on talking. I'm killing this nigger!"
"Me first!" I rose the flask. "Oh here. I can't drink this shit"
"Oh yeah mixing liquor that may not be good. Who is she talking to? What y'all gonna have tea or something? Can i come?"
"Hey have you ever been to a hospital to see a little girl?"
His eyes looked at me in alarm
"About 6 weeks ago? She dead."
The doorbell rang while he looked at me in horror when i said the time frame. The bell rang again and he got up.
"And did you place her body into a trash bag?" I slurred.
"Shaquille! The greatest basketball player of all time! What you doing driving a limo?!"
"Oh you know. A favor to the Queen! Come on girls! Lets go! I got basketball tomorrow and i can't be out this late I still got to drive you all home then go to Vegas"
"No snoop I dont need no help i got this." I waved my arms drastically in the air and did not move my ass
"Come on girls Lets move!"
"Shaquille just pick her up, she's being a slut. Don't worry he's married too. To my -- mom! What in the hell get off the phone!! Come on let's go!"
"Shouldn't we call 911 to report this"
"Ah. No I am a cop and I don't mind as long as it was white people and I know it was because of the swastika"
"How many people have you killed with a plastic bag"
"Come on shh what is with you?"
"You're my legs! Lets move forth!" I announced then whispered "let's get away from this murderous uhhhh town" i got scared and kissed Shaquille
"Don't kiss me! What's going on with you?!?"
"Idk you!!" Was my reply.
"See? Slut" was Princess Diana's smooth comment as she passed. "Come along boys" she said beautifully
"Oh yeah and she fell -- by my fireplace isn't it exquisite?'"
"Oh yeah. You were being raped and all you could do was sit there? What's going on wit' you?!?!"
"Don't forget you belong in jail for killing that little girl!!" I accused and pointed as the door closed quietly. "He's drunk too he don't know. Come on Shaggy! To the Mystery va -- uh limo!"
"Who the hell is shaggy?! Which one of us?!"
"You Shaquille -- shaggy and he always has to carry scoobs the dog"
Princess Diana burst out laughing. "This is a conversation I expect to have with one of the boys! Not the two of you!"
"Well you get to carry the Royal Slut! Can you imagine the words that would be spoken at the police station tomorrow?!?!"
"Who gives a shit? Hes a piece of shit" stomped the Queen
"Well,from what he said to us. No one is gonna believe him anyway. He sounds like a complete doofus and a near rapist. Oh Sabrina that was brave asking those questions!"
"Oh I figured we would die anyway" i took off running to the car.
"What was with that shirt anyway? Didn't he really look like Freddie Kruger?"
"Was he really wearing that!?! I thought I was going crazy and your mom's black gloves didn't help at all i thought for sure we would all die!!"
"And you for real kissed me don't ever do that again. You know who I'm with"
"I panicked all I saw were lips and a face this close to mine and I thought it was him and I was scared too death!! I thought give in, it would go easier on me!! Its not my fault you're wearing a red shirt!! All I saw were lips!! But thank you for not kissing me back!! That was real gentlemanly of you like! And I can see why he just kept kissing me. I think he kisses allot of dead bodies as a matter of fact and he didn't even notice I wasn't responding. Like that woman that was strangled and had ligature marks all pink and he said. He said. Now you're all white and pretty like your vagina"
"Now You listen to me -- you get in this car this instant! He is standing in the drive way looking at you and me. In!" The queen just shoved me in the limo as i climbed blindly in and Princess Diana dragged me in the rest so the Queen could get in.
"Oh so nice to meet you!! Thanks again dearie!! Yoo hoo bye to you!!"
The Queen Elizabeth II relaxed as we got onto the freeway and further away from Beverly Hills. She rolled down the partition "to the ghetto, please sir" Shaquille stepped on the gas harder. "Then we will all feel a little bit better. Get away from this trashy ass place!"
We all looked at her like wtf
"I know! The irony of it!"
And we laughed joyously.
"Y'all were in there 45 full minutes now what did you find!?"
Velma? Queen Elizabeth II
Daphne? Princess Di
Freddy? Well half was Harry and the other Willaim since after all, they were just half pints in 1993.
Laquisha Antuana Jefferson died far too young.
3 days later i had a heart attack and a stint was placed in my chest which later failed in 1997.
I can't handle racism. I can't handle the pain and suffering of innocent people.
I'm not like all the rest of you. I talk to the dead. And sometimes I'd rather be there than anywhere.
My days are long and hard. And sometimes I don't want to live any more.
I'm tired of loving and I'm tired of caring and not receiving anything proper in return.
So for someone like me, just a white girl in a wheel chair. Black Lives Matter marches and people being out and saying it and being seen supporting it.
For little Queens like Laquisha Antuana Jefferson, they were everything. She was out in 1991, she would escape and run down the street sometimes naked in her little wooden sandals with white leather straps.
"Girl! You need a shirt!"
"´hey i know you! You're my Army of Two! I didn't have time to get dressed. I knew the door was opening and. I had to escape! They keep me locked in you know but i can't miss this! Im all about Black Pride and Beauty!"
"Well let's cover some of that up, Miss Queen Nefertiti, you want a pink shirt or black?"
"Oh no!! There he is!! Hide me!!" This tiny child grabbed a shirt off the table, slipped it over her head and dove under the table in front of my legs. "Is he coming?"
He was going straight... So i called him over "miss queen Nefertiti just ran off on me like she own me. Like i don't have my own friends"
"Well what are you doing?"
"Well looking for her now?"
"No i mean what are you supposed to be doing besides looking for her?"
"Oh just meeting my friends to go on the prowl. See?" He lifted his shirt and showed his Panther Pride most people hid in case of cops or white supremacist "i got one, too. He tapped the table
"I got one, too!" She piped up. She knew not to run and hide in the streets and had some hope if she had one she could attend like it was a licence to prooowl.
"Shh... Do you hear something? What's that scuffling? It sounds like her wooden shoes! Do you got her?!?"
I nodded quietly
"What?! Where?!?"
"So i mean if i see her do you think you or your parents i mean your ma would mind she sit here for a spell while you're out on the road?"
"Aw man! I want to prowl. Aw shit! I said it again!" Ahe grabbed my leg and held on tight
So i told him silently.
"I mean sure uhh if you don't mind!"
"Well i got two little boys over there having lunch. Thwyre on break but usually they are over in this chalk lined area."
"I want to prowl!! I want to go meow!" I could feel her jaw move against my calf.
"I can take them for a walk up and down the street"
"Okay that willl work!!" She jumped up excited. She saw her brother and tried to take off.
"Wait I'm gonna stop you!!"
"No way!" She zig zagged right behind me.
"You'll stay right there?" He rubbed his skull "uggggg you know what?! My friends can wait!"
"No! I'll stay! I'll stay! I swear I'm like her! We're an Army of Two!"
"Okay but you know what? Since you're no longer butt naked" he knelt down next to her
"I know! I got dressed fast!"
"She did and all goddess like i never seen someone so fast
"Really? Now what?" She put her hands on either side of his face
"Maybe ill take you for a walk instead. And let you meet my friends then bring you back Here where its safe. Then you can play with those two boys ew yuck icky and be a mascot? Hey? What do you say?"
"I think i will enjoy that. I will go with you." They both stood and she placed her tiny hand in his extra large one.
"Do you want a double layer?"
"No i think it will be safe. If I feel any danger I'll just pick her up and hold her close and hide her black panther. Okay? And you if you feel disgusted or moody or anger, you just come to me and tell me up! I don't want the white supremacy to see they might hurt us and that's not fair is it?"
She shook her head while looking at her toes and she looked up with sad eyes "okay you up?" He picked her up quickly
"Who?!!? Where?!?" He spun around wildly.
She laughed joyously "oh i just wanted a hug!! I didn't know you would protect me!! You are like her! An Army of One! Okay put me down! Lets prowl!!"
When they returned a short time later he looked disturbed "what? What's happening?"
"Turns out my friends are from the white supremacy! She would run around acting wild and when she would see a cop she would bolt back to me Then we would walk silently and she would be all calm then as soon as we passed she would bolt off again which was fine, that's what she do. But then once we got to my friend she didn't know him cause he was alone prowling and she ran to me all "up up" but do you think she knows instinctively that is who is taking m3 away from her at nights? And maybe she thinks they are trouble for me and her? Because we are reincarnated and I'm not her brother that is for sure! But do you think that is what it is? I sure hope so?"
"How about one night instead of prowling you just come over here and BBQ for me? You know it hurts me to stand and.."
"Nope I'm looking for the white supremacy because I have a feeling they're out to kill my Queen Nefertiti"
"Well the ones she is afraid of, have him or them play at the BBQ and then i can find out. I have a nose for it"
"But theyre black!! Is that even possible?!"
"Id have to call Miss Harriet Tubman for sure, But i think anything is likely."
"But can you see past his skin color? He is dark! Darker than me!"
"I don't see skin color I promise if it makes you feel better I can imagine him as white"
"Okay that will work. Come on Miss, lets go in"
3 out of 4 additionally including himself I could imagine as white. Which i could derive as only no racial prejudice between those.
The 4th was the only one she liked. Turns out he was most afraid of white people.
And none were like the man who killed her who was black and a white supremacist living in Compton when they went to go visit her grandmother.
Laquisha Antuana Jefferson
6 months after her body was found, he drowned himself in the Buttermilk Channel between Brooklyn and Governors Island. The Coast Guard attempted to resuscitate and even called me to see him to bring him back to life.
"Oh no. I know him. He wont come back." When everyone moved away from him, I knelt down next to him and prouncounced him dead in the language of the Egyptians. And i leaned over him in a hug and cried.
I kissed his lips, closed his eyes and placed two gold coins over them "in love may you always be. I am too sorry for you. You will be my friend" i picked up his left hand and placed it between his belly button and heart then picked up his right "always for me and for her always in love. I am too sorry for me. I will always cry" I gently folded his stiff cold fingers together. "And in silence you will bear the heart of a true man. May you always be beautiful, kind and unsuffering in her love. May you rest in peace. Ah man"
Laquisha Antuana Jefferson you were a wild one.
The world has suffered in your death. May you always be risen again. In true love and faith. May your heart always be bright and safe from us and all the world. I will love you again. Ah man.
Thank you for understanding why we have killed her killer tonight. June 8, 2020. It has been long awaited and her murderer has suffered plenty in his life in Beverly Hills.
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