#but then i just went on to spend so much money at the gp so its fine its whatever!
skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
Finally returning home from the war(being abroad for a month+) today. I am *not* excited for the transit journey I'm about to have to endure. It's funny tho cause all I can think about is just "man I wanna go home and redecorate"(I bought a billion posters)
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spidybaby · 1 year
Omg can I please have some fluff like Kylian and reader visit his parents house for the weekend and it makes Ethan really happy to see reader because she’s his bestie, when they get there Ethan takes her away from Kylian and he gets jealous they spend over 3 hours together and then reader comes back to Kylian in his childhood bedroom where they watch movies and have cuddles💕
"Can you say it again?"
You laugh, making him repeat words in english. You love the way his accent sounds, loving the way he pronounces the words.
"I love it." You laugh, squishing his hand. "Don't forget to call your dad."
You were driving to his mother's house. He planned this weekend exclusively for his family and you two to be together.
Since the beginning of the season, he has had so much stress, making him crave some family time.
His mother and brother lived remotely close to his house. Sometimes, even spend nights with him.
But this season, everything changed, Ethan was practicing with the first team, but he was traveling with the second team a lot, and his mom was busy with his foundation. Making the time very much tighter for them.
Fayza went to Bondy. She wanted to get some paperwork and some things ready to sell the house. The thing that made Kylian sad.
His mother's house was the first thing he ever bought with his hard earned money. He wanted his parents to have their own home. So he gifted them the house.
His mom kept the house during the divorce, so it was hers now. Kylian didn't have a say because, as he says, it was theirs and not his.
Before the divorce of his parents, they all used to live there. Even their older brother and Melissa.
But when he moved from Monaco to Paris, Jires went to Turkey and Wilfried to another place closer to Paris. The house felt different.
Melissa and the kids stayed there with Ethan and Fayza. But to him, it was still weird not having his father with them.
"Oui, mon amour."
He was in charge of the music, being the passenger princess he was, refusing to only sit and relax. So he took the dj job.
The call was quick, Wilfried and him exchanged some words and then hang up.
"I want some waffles with whipped cream." He says, stomach roaring.
"Well, you could have had it, but you refused to eat."
"I wasn't hungry. You knew that."
"Maybe because you chose to wake up like ten minutes before leaving."
He pouts, not answering, but his facial expression was enough of an answer.
"We are almost there, bébé." You say pointing at the GPS. "And knowing your brother, he's probably waiting for us."
"Correction, he's waiting for you."
Ethan and you have an amazing relationship. He sees you as an older sister he can trust. Always stealing you and making you two do all sorts of things while visiting.
"He is." You sigh, turning your head to him quickly. "It's not my fault your family loves me more than you."
He scoffed, rolling his eyes. He knows you're joking. He actually loves how close you're with his family.
He never met someone who was so perfect with his parents, brothers, and even extended family.
The drive continues for another twenty minutes. Thankfully, the roads were pretty empty, making the drive a fast one.
"Look, we're here." You smile, squishing his arm. "Ready to have an amazing weekend?"
He nods, smiling like a kid on Christmas day. "Oui, I'm so happy."
He helped you with the bags, asking you to go onside and announce yourself, but two little laughs beat you at that.
"Y/n" Lana yells, she throw herself at you.
"Bonjour, mon petit fille." You spin her around. Kissing her cheeks.
You look for her brother, noticing he is in Kylian arms. He's welcoming his uncle. "Bonjour, Isayah."
You got closer to them, kissing his cheek just like you did with Lana. Making him laugh.
Fayza was standing at the front door. The scene was adorable to her. She can easily picture you and kylian in a few years with your own children.
Living in a house with a big garden, she thought about it maybe a little too much. But she can't be blamed. After all, Kylian was the one who described how he pictures your life together.
"Bonjour, my babies." She says, catching your attention. "Come here, let me help you."
She hugs you tightly, repeating the actions with her son. She took Isayah from Kylian arms, following you to the living room of the house.
"Melissa, hello." You say happily, she has become a close friend for you. Always counting on her for everything.
"We literally saw each other like three days ago." She laughs, hugging you.
"She's obsessed with you, that's why."
"You're just jealous, kyky."
He rolled his eyes for the second time, going upstairs to leave the bags and to wake Ethan up.
"How was your exams?" Fayza asks, curious about your life.
"It was good, I think I did a good job."
"You did, don't doubt about yourself." She says, kissing your cheek.
She was like a mom to you, always caring and loving you since you met her. She was extra special to you, knowing you were there to stay since the beginning.
You can hear kylian laughing from the second floor, probably doing something to Ethan or laughing at some joke.
"Boys." Fayza shakes her head. "Come help me, sweet. I can guess Kylian didn't eat breakfast."
"You know your son." You laugh, walking with her to the kitchen where she was cutting some fruits and making waffles.
You chat with her and Melissa, who joined you. Kylian and Ethan were in the living room chatting with their dad.
Wilfried and Kylian were messing with Ethan. He recently changed his style, so he felt a little more confident than usual, which Ky loved.
"Let's eat everybody." You call.
Wilfried shared some stories about his most recent trip, Melissa worked with Kylian, so her stories weren't new for the family.
Ky told them about the next matches, feeling like his stories were kind of repetitive, but you enjoyed them.
The way he was very into creating new ways and opportunities for him and the team to score and win.
"But the news here is, this mademoisell right here." He pats your knee. "Is going to be a valedictorian again."
They all got so excited at the news, Fayza and Wilfried telling you how proud they're of their "daughter."
As the day continues, you spend the rest of the morning helping Ky and Wilfried to prepare the meat and veggies for the barbecue.
It was Ethan the one with the idea of making a big family barbecue and everybody agreed with him.
"After this, you and I are going to play some fifa. This time, you're not beating me." Ethan lightly pushed you, making you laugh.
"Yes, and I want to know about that girl you texted me about." You whisper in his ear, making him blush at the thought of his crush.
"Deal, but first a fifa game."
After lunch, Lana and Isayah wanted you to join them on the pool. Wanting to play with you and their uncle like always.
"Oh, mon bébés." You say sadly, you wanted to swim with them but also you promised Ethan days before to have a chat with him. "As soon as I finish with Uncle Ethan, I'll be here, okay?"
Kylian pouts more than they do. You send him a kiss while you walk inside the house.
Ethan and you have an amazing relationship. He trusted you with his life. Sometimes, when Kylian was away and couldn't get a hold of him, you were there for him. Ready to help.
When it comes to girls, you're his go-to person. Maybe because he knows how much Kylian is a master with the football but not that much in the dating area.
"Okay, pause pause pause." You laugh at him, pushing you in order to make you lose the goal. "You, young man, own me a story."
"I own you anything, woman." He laughs, imitating your tone.
"C'mon, tell me, did she like the roses?"
"She did." He smiles. "Thank you so much for helping me. I don't know what I would do without you here."
"Probably be the best at fifa." You say, making both laugh at that. "But don't worry, E. I'm here for anything you need."
The fifa game took hours, hours Kylian didn't got to spend with you. Hours he was pouting like a child.
He's sitting on the couch hearing the laughs and screams you and Ethan are making. Feeling left out.
He knows feeling like this is dumb, but he's been so busy lately that even spending time with you was a bit difficult.
He helped his parents with picking up the plates, washing them and even helped Melissa with the kids.
And still not you.
"Bonjour, Monsieur Mbappe." You say in this funny accent. He was in his old childhood bed, a single one. He looked so big for the bed.
He turns to the wall, feeling left out and being jealous. "Go play fifa."
"Yeah, it was fun, I had to pick your player." You tease. "But maybe I should have picked Olivier. He's faster."
He turns back to you, eyes narrowed and pout. "Did you just call me slow?"
"You're such a baby, come here, mon amour." You throw yourself on top of him. He hugged you like a koala bear. "God, you're crushing me."
"Good, so you don't go."
"What if we moved and watch something?"
He thinks about it for a few seconds, making you squeak. "Can we watch that scary movie I like?"
"If I say yes, would you let me breathe?"
He laughs, softening the hug, making you sigh and breathe deeply. "Can you get some popcorn?"
You nod, getting up from the bed. But first, leaning down to kiss him on the cheek. "Some soda too?"
"You're making me break my diet." He laughs. Kissing your lips.
"Good, once in a while." You return the kiss.
Going down to the kitchen, you notice that Fayza is there, sitting at the kitchen island with a book in her hands.
"Hi, I thought you were asleep by now."
"No, Ky wants to see a movie, and he's kinda grumpy from all the attention everyone is getting from me. Everyone but him."
"Well, he's a man. They always want more but never know how to ask." She laughs, winking at you.
You laugh with her, making a little chat while the popcorn is getting ready at the microwave.
"I'm gonna miss this house. I feel like it was yesterday when Kylian brought me here to meet you."
"Oui, so many memories. But I think it is time for us to move on."
You nod, thinking about the amazing memories you shared with Kylian and his family there.
You place the popcorn in a bowl, grabbing two sodas and leaving Fayza and her book alone.
The movie was good, it has a scary factor. But your mind was still roaming through the memories.
You scratch lightly Kylian arms, something you do when you're cuddling while watching a move or a show.
He's focused on the movie and the popcorn. Not noticing how you're so lost into nothing.
"I wish we could stay longer. I know this is not my family home, but this place has something that I love."
"I get it, I feel like a part of me hurts from thinking about letting this go."
You stayed quiet for a while, trying to focus on a little bit of what's left from the movie. Kylian, on the other hand, got lost into his thoughts, he loved this place.
He wanted to make this a vacation home, to bring his kids to the place where he grew up, where the people supported him.
He wanted to save his childhood house. He wanted his, well, your kids to be able to hear the stories you created there, to be able to feel the magic you two feel there.
He takes the remote, turning the TV off, making you protest. "I have an idea."
"We're not pranking anyone, Ky."
"No, that's not it." He gets up. "Well, that's a good idea, you can't deny."
"No." You laugh.
His hands found yours, intertwining them and looking at you in the eyes. "Let's buy the house."
"What?" You say, taken aback by the sudden proposition.
"Oui, we can use the house for weekend getaways, we can use it for vacations. For special occasions."
"But I thought."
"I know what I said." He interrupts you. "But I can't deny that there's a special something, and in the near future, I want to create more memories with you here. I can't wait for our kids to enjoy this place like we did."
"Oh, bébé." You let his hands go to press your palms to his cheeks, kissing him slowly. Feeling all the emotions. "We have to talk to your mom about it."
"Can you believe that? If she says yes, this will be our first house together."
"This will be your house, Kyky." You laugh, even tho he always told you that what was his was yours, this was different from a t-shirt, this is a whole house.
"No, bébé. This will be ours."
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luvmyoui · 1 year
five - good?
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previous masterlist next
gp!myoui mina x fem!reader
warnings: cursing, mentions of sex
word count: 1,443
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“mina, you actually can’t keep doing this. not only are you sleeping around, but you're bringing these girls to our dorm. just imagine what could happen if it got out that you were sleeping around and that you had a dick.” nayeon said the moment mina stepped foot out of her room.
“okay, okay, this was the last time.” mina waved her off as she went to open the fridge
“you say that everytime, I'm serious about this. It has to stop.” nayeon said with a groan. 
“no more, got it.” mina said while taking out the leftovers that remained in the fridge. It was too early for her to say anything in disagreement. 
“i'm gonna hold you to this.” nayeon said with a pointed glare. 
mina hummed in response but the next thing that left nayeon's mouth made her freeze up. “I hope you were responsible enough to have taken precautions, having a child would ruin us.”
“w- what, o-of course i um i obviously wouldn't have any.” mina stuttered out. 
she didn't want it out anywhere that she had a kid, her whole career would be over if the news got out. nayeon sent her a questioning gaze wondering why she suddenly froze up. mina usually never froze up like this. mina didn't say anything to explain her sudden change of demeanor and simply walked back to her room. she could eat in there for today. 
she set the food down on her desk and sat down on her gaming chair. no matter how much mina had changed, her obsession with video games was something that never would. she opened minecraft and scrolled all the way down to her first few worlds. her cursor hovered over the one named ‘dream house w y/n’. 
reminiscing the time when she made it and showed you it with a smile spread across her face brought sadness to her. she missed you but she hated you. in her eyes she treated you amazing and still did. it wasn't like she had disappeared, she sent you money monthly and sometimes she would even send gifts. she thought that she was fulfilling her role as a parent pretty well. 
mina often thought of messaging you, asking for updates on isla. the hesitance would hit while her thumb was hovering over the send button. her ego not allowing her to talk to you after the way you had ended things. 
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sixth harmony, the group that was formed after the time you spent on x factor. you had sadly lost on the show but it seemed like that was for the better. after being eliminated, simon cowell had signed you under his company saying that he saw the potential in all of you. simon taking the risk with you and the girls had only ended up paying off, your fame skyrocketing. 
your debut single miss movin’ on being a huge hit, your group name being known nationally. with time the fame of sixth harmony only grew and grew. though you had finally achieved your dream of becoming a famous singer it seemed as if the hole in your heart never filled. you thought that maybe doing this would make you feel better about all that had happened. (spoiler alert: it didn't!)
being a singer wasn't easy either, the paparazzi were insane. you couldn't leave your house with isla in fear that you being a mother would be leaked. It was much harder to spend time with your daughter with your busy schedule. you ended up having to tell your company that you had a daughter, so you could bring her to the studio.
seeing simon as someone you were close to you revealed the information to him and to say he was upset was an understatement. you being a teen mom changed everything, this could not get out. due to the fact that sixth harmony was very famous, you being one of the fan favorites, he could not do anything, they needed you. 
you honestly considered yourself lucky to have been gifted with such an amazing daughter. even when introduced to the new environment isla barely fussed. In fact she quickly started to look forward to going with you to places, being able to see her favorite aunt dinah. although having been with camila for more time she for some reason changed her favorite to dinah. you were ecstatic that your daughter both adored and was adored by your bandmates. 
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it had now been 3 years since you debuted and two years since mina had left you. the thought left a bitter taste on your tongue, two years since she left you with a broken heart.
you stepped out of your apartment (which mina was still filling the rent for) to go down and check for mail. you were stopped at your door by a box though, you picked it up and brought it back into your room. you took the box to a kitchen and used a knife to cut through the tape, you checked the address and noticed it was from korea. you immediately knew who it was from.
Inside resided a thick white envelope on top of a sweatshirt. your eyes widened as you picked up the envelope, feeling how thick it was, filled with without a doubt hundred dollar bills. you didn't know why she continued to do this, you knew that she knew you were a singer. still, mina never failed to send a monthly allowance and gifts. 
after taking out the envelope you took out a sweatshirt, and once you unfolded it your jaw dropped. in a recent interview you had mentioned that your favorite expensive brand was prada. in your hands right now was a prada sweatshirt, one that you knew cost over a thousand dollars.
you made sure to use that sweatshirt to its full extent.
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you were currently holding a small party at your home for isla, as it was her birthday. a ring at your door had caused you to momentarily put her in lauren’s lap as you went to answer it. standing there was a delivery man who was asking for your signature. you went to sign it, confused on what it could've been, you didnt remember ordering anything. 
the man asked if you wanted him to put the package inside as it was heavy and you kindly accepted. after he left, you got a knife to open the package, it was huge. It was almost the same height as isla. when you opened the package your eyes widened and you called isla over. 
“hey baby, you got a gift.” you softly said squatted down as she smushed her face into yours. 
at the mention of a present, she immediately pulled away and tried to peep into the box.
“weally?! whos it fwom?” isla questioned, not being able to pronounce her r’s correctly.
“It's from your other mom.” at the mention of her isla’s face dropped. 
“why cant mommy come and see me? why doesn't she wanna see me?” isla said her bottom lip wobbling. 
“baby, it’s not that she doesnt wanna see you, she's just really busy working. she has to work hard to provide for us, she misses you so much!” you said trying your best to make sure isla didn’t cry on her birthday. 
“c’mon, don't you wanna drive around this super cool car?” dinah intervened, sensing that isla would cry.
the girls had come over along with isla, and had seen the whole interaction. isla’s mood immediately went up at the mention of riding in the car. she ran over to dinah and reached her hands up, gesturing that she wanted to be picked up. dinah reached down and picked isla up, isla now finally getting a look at the present in full. it was a pink toy rzr 900.
although everyone's mood had been lifted heavily, camila’s stayed down. a frown etched onto her face. she understood that mina was still isla’s parent but you referring to her in a positive way didn't sit right with her. camila was there with you through everything mina had put you through, and camila hated mina. 
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“mina what the fuck?!” nayeon shouted as she burst into mina’s room. 
startled by the noise, mina flinched hard and accidentally hit a piglin in minecraft.
“what the fuck?!” mina shouted in response, now being attacked by all of the piglins in her vicinity. 
“check your fucking phone.” nayeon said in a scarily calm voice.
mina obliged and the second she picked the device up her eyes widened. 
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taglist: @moon-ellie @lisas-earlobe @cocojy @second-daughter-of-clexa @runassimp @eliii1sblog send an ask if you want to be added to the taglist!
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firetrucks-fastcars · 4 months
Your Home's Really Only a Town You're Just a Guest In
2.5k words | Logan Sargeant/Oscar Piastri | The Miami GP is over in a matter of seconds for Logan. Losing it all at his home race makes him realize a few things about what home and family truly mean
He was spinning before he’d even registered the impact. He barely had the brain capacity to cross his arms over his chest as his car went careening off the track. The gravel trap rattled his teeth and he tasted blood as he bit down on his tongue. He braced himself for impact just before his car hit the barrier, sending a shockwave down his spine, making his toes tingle and his head snap forward, despite the brace holding him in. God, that fucking hurt.
He’d never get used to this feeling. One might think he had, considering the amount of times he’d been in this position over the last year. He pushed down the self-deprecating thoughts for now, only focusing on moving his hands enough to press the radio button and answer his engineer’s desperate pleas to know if he was alright. 
“Oh mate,” he groaned, unable to think of a more intelligent response.
“Not your fault. Not your fault.”
“Ugh. I bit my fucking tongue.”
He knew SkySports would be angry at him for having to spend money on the bleep effect but he didn’t have it in him to care at the moment.
“You okay? Are you okay?”
He huffed into his helmet, trying to catch his breath, “I- yes. I think so. Did I do something wrong?”
He couldn’t think of anything he could have done, he couldn’t even see Kevin in his mirrors. The first look he’d gotten at the car had been blurry at best as he spun his way off the track and the Haas kept on racing. 
“No I don’t think you did. I’ll look at the review. Can you get out of the car on your own?”
“Yeah, I’ve got it.”
He began undoing his seat belts as the marshals moved toward his car. One gave him a helping hand and he stepped over the halo, hopping from the cockpit, the crunch of gravel under his boots. This was it. His home race was completely undone in less than 30 seconds. And he’d been doing alright too. He’d been on pace with Alex, he’d placed higher in the sprint. For the first time since Australia he’d felt a little glimmer of confidence. However, this sport and everyone around him seemed determined to put out any fire he had as quickly and as harshly as possible. 
The marshal led him to the evacuation car and he slid into the backseat, placing his helmet next to him. He wished the ride to the Williams garage was longer than a few minutes. He wished he had more time to come up with something better to say to his team other than a weak apology for fucking up another car. His only saving grace was that his parents weren’t in the paddock. Instead they were probably shaking their heads from their couch, turning off the tv and moving on to do something else since their son had failed so spectacularly, yet again. 
As he stepped out of the car into the oppressive Miami heat, he found himself wishing for England. So rarely did he miss the gray skies, but today they would match his mood much better than the inescapable Florida sunshine. He wished for the milder temperatures of Monaco, where the sun didn’t feel like quite as much of a mockery. Where he could hide in Alex and Lily’s apartment and neither of them would push him to speak until he was ready. Where he could escape to Lando’s and play games with him and Oscar and Max Fewtrell until his throat was sore from yelling and he felt slightly human again. Where Max would grow tired of Lando complaining about him moping and invite him over for dinner. Where he could sit in his designated seat on the balcony (declared as such by a drawing featuring entirely too much glitter, made of course by Penelope) and drown his sorrows in cheap European beer. Where people actually cared about him, or at least pretended to. 
But no. He was trapped here, as if held down by the humidity that blanketed the entire state he had once called home. Now, he felt more like a guest. He knew that after this race was all said and done, he’d crawl back home to his parents’ house that bore no signs of their second son, save for a few pictures on the walls, relics of his karting and junior formula days. He was a guest in the place where he was raised.
A firm hand gripped his bicep as he was led into the garage, “Are you alright?”
Elias had practically materialized next to him and was leading him past all of the engineers and mechanics, their well wishes and promises of “There was nothing you could have done” nothing more than tv static as they made their way hastily toward his driver’s room. Elias unlocked the door and pushed Logan inside but didn’t follow.
“Take your time. Get cleaned up and settle down. Don’t come back out until you feel human again.”
“What if I never feel human again?” The vulnerability spilled from his lips in the worst case of word vomit he’d ever experienced. He didn’t have a chance in hell of stopping the words once they started flowing. 
“You will. I know it doesn’t feel like it and you don’t want to listen to my pep talk right now, so I’ll save that for Alex later. But you will feel human again Logan. You will come out on the other side, stronger and better because of everything you’ve been through.”
“Can you ask James if there’s still room on the flight back for me tomorrow?” he asked instead of acknowledging what his trainer had just said.
“I thought you were staying for a few days. You had plans to fish with Kyle and go to the hockey game.”
“I know. And I’m sorry, I do really want to take you out on the boat. I just don’t know how much longer I can be here before I suffocate.”
“I understand. Don’t worry about me, I’ll get everything sorted with James. Just promise me that you’ll talk to your brother before we go. He’s worried about you.”
“Dalton is always worried about me.”
“He loves you. Don’t take it for granted.”
With that Elias slipped back out into the hallway, closing the door behind him. Logan sighed and laid back on the massage table, staring at the ceiling. He could hear the faint roar of engines in the distance. He wondered if Lando was still leading? Maybe one of them would finally have some good luck. He forced himself into a sitting position and leaned over to retrieve his phone from the front pocket of his backpack. He pulled up his brother’s contact and sent a message.
To Dalton: with mom and dad?
From Dalton: Yeah but I can leave. Need me?
To Dalton: yeah
From Dalton: Okay. Give me five
Logan counted in intervals of sixty until his phone began to buzz in his palm. Dalton always kept his promises.
“Hey little bro.”
“Are Mom and Dad around?”
“Nope. I went down to the dock. I figured you wanted this to be a private conversation.”
“Are they still watching the race?”
“Yeah. We’re all rooting for Lando’s first win. They aren’t mad at you Loges, there was nothing you could have done.”
“Yeah that time. What about all the others? They’re disappointed and you know it.”
“I know what they can be like Loges. Trust me, I know better than anyone. They want you to succeed but they don’t understand what the pressure does to you.”
“‘Pressure makes diamonds son’.”
Logan’s poor imitation of their father’s deep southern accent made Dalton chuckle. 
“Pressure makes dust. You can’t let them get to you bud. This is how they are about everything, it's how they always will be. You just have to prove them wrong.”
“They won’t give me a chance.”
“Mom and Dad? Or the team?”
“Both. Every time something starts to go well for me, Williams tears the rug out from under my feet. Mom and Dad will always side with them, especially Dad. Nothing is ever good enough, I don’t even know why I bother anymore. I love a sport that hates me and I’m a guest in my own fucking family. I don’t belong anywhere Dalton. I don’t belong in Europe, I don’t belong here, I should just fucking disappear and then everyone would be happier.”
“I wouldn’t. Kyle wouldn’t. Neither would Alex or Oscar or even fucking Lando. Loges, you’re so focused on everything that’s working against you, that you can’t acknowledge that there are people in your corner. Williams fans fucking love you, but all you care about is the keyboard warriors who think you should make your car levitate to avoid being hit. Fuck them. And fuck anyone who ever says you can’t do something. Fuck Mom and Dad. But don’t toss aside the people that want to help you. When was the last time you talked to Oscar about how you feel? Or are you just telling him that you’re fine and that none of this shit affects you? Because I know the truth, Loges. When are you gonna stop lying to yourself and playing tough guy and accept some help? Because until you start leaning on the people around you, you’re gonna keep crumbling. And I won’t be the one that’s left to pick up the pieces. Not again. I love you way too much to watch you destroy yourself because you’re stubborn.”
“I love you too.”
“Now what are you going to do?”
“Stop feeling sorry for myself.”
“Go out tonight to celebrate Lando’s win. Then I’m gonna go back to England tomorrow with the team and work over data with Alex so we can find a way to fix this tractor of a fucking car.”
“Good. I’m proud of you little brother. Call me anytime, day or night. Okay?”
“I’ll see you soon. But not until you’re ready.”
“I’ll see you soon.”
As he cleaned himself up and changed from his sweaty race suit to his usual team kit, he turned on the monitors to watch Lando win the race. He left the team (with permission from Gaetan) to run down to the pit lane and congratulate his friend. He found Oscar and Alex, leaning against the wall together, waiting for their turn in the media pen and joined them so he could fulfill his own duties to the press.
“Hey Osc,” he linked their pinkies together briefly in greeting, before pulling away. “Shame about your race.”
“Yeah, some people were just itching for penalties today,” Oscar rolled his eyes. “How are you doing? You seem surprisingly carefree.”
Alex regarded him with a raised brow, “You are suspiciously calm.”
“I talked to Dalton. I’m still annoyed about the crash but Kevin got what he deserved and there’s nothing else I can do. Other than comb through the data and try to figure out a way to make this God forsaken tractor go any faster.”
“I’m with you,” Alex agreed. “I already told Gaetan and James to book a conference room and stock the fridge with Monster because we’re gonna be there a while.”
Logan chuckled and bumped their shoulders together, “I’ll be there Monday.”
Alex raised his brow again, “I thought you were staying for a few more days?”
“I was going to. But, I need a change of scenery. And living in London has ruined me. I can’t handle the heat.”
Oscar gave him a look that said they’d talk about it later, but was called away by his press officer, “You’re coming out with us tonight. We’re celebrating Lando’s win!”
“I expected nothing less.”
It was way too late (or early, depending on how you looked at it) when they finally made it back to the hotel Mclaren was staying in. He and Oscar had left the party a few minutes early, leaving Lando in Max’s capable hands. Elias had already retrieved his luggage from his parent’s place and had it brought to Oscar’s room. Once they were both showered and half asleep, Oscar finally asked what he’d been dying to all night.
“So what made you decide you want to leave early?”
“I talked to Dalton. And he made me realize that how I’ve been acting lately isn’t healthy. I’m tearing myself down to meet these unrealistic expectations my parents have set for me and I’m killing myself to try and prove myself to people who don’t actually care. I’ve been realizing lately that I feel like a guest here. Florida isn’t really home. I don’t really feel at home anywhere to be honest. Only with you, or Alex. Sometimes Lando and Max.”
“You know what my mom told me once? It was right after I left Australia for good and I was so homesick it hurt. And boarding school sucked and I was just about ready to give it all up and come home. But my mom told me that home isn’t really a place, it’s people. And family isn’t just the people who raised you. So I’d always be welcome at home with them, but I was also responsible for making my own home and my own family and that once I did that, I wouldn’t be so lonely. A few months after that, we became teammates. And I figured out pretty quickly what my mom meant. I know you’re proud of being from America, to be the first American in F1 in a long time. But that isn’t your whole identity, Loges. And Florida doesn’t have to be your home because you were born here. Your home can be in England with me, or Monaco with Max, Lando and Alex. You can consider both places home if you want because all of us are your family. We care about you so much baby, especially me. It has hurt so bad to see you struggle for so long. I just want you to realize you’re with so much outside of racing and outside of your hometown. You will never be a guest with me Logan, I hope you know that.”
“I do. And I’m starting to figure out this family thing. I just think it’s going to take some time. I have to really figure out where I belong in the world.”
“I know. And I’ll always be with you, there is nowhere you can go that I won’t follow.”
“I’m stuck with you forever huh?”
“You bet your ass you are. You’re stuck with Lando too because he’ll tag along just to be annoying. And Max because he has to supervise when I’m not around. And Alex, because he’s just along for the ride.”
Logan laughed and hugged Oscar close, “I think I’m okay with that.”
He stared at the ceiling as Oscar snored lightly next to him, waiting for sleep to come. So what if he felt like a guest in his home? He’d just make another.
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thisismeracing · 9 months
I came to present headcanons for Wolff! reader and Mick.
— I can see Wolff! reader wearing his clothes which sometimes makes him go feral
— even if she could drive he would offer
— Toto gave Mick another shovel talk
— Mick would get her flowers every other week
— Whenever those two arrive together at paddock it's iconic and I can see her working in the motorsports industry as well
— if she is sick or tired she would try to hide it or work even more.
I think he started getting her flowers because he would buy expensive gifts from the countries they were at the time with the gp like "saw this and it reminded me of you" and wolff!reader would be like "mick, stop spending so much money on me, love" and it took some time but he switched from the gifts to flowers, she seemed to love them a lot more.
wolff!reader probably works in economics dealing with the investments in the f1 academy along with susie.
def got this trait from her dad, and it just got worse after face masks became popular bc you can bet she'll have a runny nose or a cough but will put on her mask and go to work (staying far from ppl of course) but she'll get around the readings and numbers as if it's just another day and mick is pissed when he finds her in her office with a fever. a fever!!!! he's def calling susie and telling her he's taking reader home to rest to which susie will be pissed too bc "what do you mean she went to work like this?" and then she's calling toto and though he understands he's scolding her too, so she ends up accepting and just snuggling under the covers, taking any med and food mick brings her.
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tightrope. 01
Pairing: Carlos Sainz x Original Female Character Warnings: Language, I guess?  Word Count: ~4.253
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— Just hold my hand. If you are afraid, you can hold my hand.
And it was so cold, my hand froze when I pulled it out from under the covers to extend it towards him. Carlos was on the bed across from mine, his hand stretched out toward me. The beds were far enough apart that I could barely reach him with my fingers. We both got as close as possible to the edge of the bed, the whisper of sheets spreading through the room. I grabbed two of his fingers. He smiled at me. And we fell asleep like that, with our fingers intertwined, hovering over the face of my brother, lying on a mattress between the beds. Eventually, after I had fallen asleep, I let go of his hand and hid it under the blankets. When I woke up, I had both hands on the pillow, but his was down on the side of the bed, his fingers still outstretched—not towards me, but pointed at the floor. And there was no longer a storm and I was no longer afraid.
Chapter 01
Looking back, it warms my heart to remember moments like those.
We are so much older now; Our lives took a major turn and we barely speak anymore. I don’t even know if he remembers that episode, but I think about it a lot.
The idea of him appears in my mind in moments I don’t expect, like when it’s raining, and, in the search for comfort and warmth in my pockets, I remember how warm his hands always were and that’s when I realize how much I’ve missed him.
How much I’ve missed having him around.
And the fact that I couldn’t just text him and ask him to hang out made everything worse. I knew I shouldn’t dwell on the past, but sometimes it was hard not to.
Especially when the present was so lonely.
We gradually stopped talking when he signed for McLaren. He had a lot of responsibility on his shoulder and he would spend a lot of time in the factory, or London with his teammate. He had to train more, learn more, read more, help more. He was a mentor, now. At least, that was what he told me — always the same excuse, no matter the occasion.
“I’ve been so busy”, he would say. “I’m sorry, but I know you understand.”
And I would nod.
I went to the Spanish GP in 2019. We didn’t get to talk. He was busy, it was a busy weekend. A lot to do and a lot of people to meet.  I know you understand. The same happened in Monaco and Silverstone. He promised me then he would show up for my birthday party, happening some days after the Grand Prix. And just hours before the dinner, a text.
“I can’t make it. I’ll send you something over the mail.”
I stopped caring. Or, at least, I pretended I did.
That’s just how it is with some people.
You grow apart and move on. That’s fine. That’s life.
But I couldn’t help but wonder if he ever thought about that stormy night and how we fell asleep holding hands. Or if that also disappeared in time.
I resented him for a lot of reasons and, to be honest, looking back I was quite happy about the separation the universe forced upon us. I resented him more than Rio, my brother, ever did. Their friendship only grew stronger. But Rio was a better person than me. He welcomed the uncertainties and he was grateful for them. He found wonder where I just found pain. I was more melancholic, driven by nostalgia and memories.
Thinking about what would have happened if we had gotten a place for Rio in GP3 consumed my days. Not enough money and not good enough sponsors shortened his chase for the dream.
Carlos, on the other end? We all know how it went for him.
He used to call Rio and tell him about what he was doing, the simulators he got to try and the drivers he worked with. My brother was so happy for his friend that I think he forgot to be sad for himself.
So I was sad for both; Each year sadder, because distance grew with time until Carlos stretched it to a point that nothing seemed capable to make us fall back into place.
There came a point in my life where I accepted that things were going to stay like that.
I would see him once or twice a year if he bothered to show up to the occasions, and we would be civil. And we were. Always civil. Polite. He would talk to me as one would talk to a stranger. I would do the same.
Didn’t take long for us to become strangers. And suddenly, I became the one that didn’t bother to show up to family dinners when he was in the city. He stopped going on our annual ski trip to the Alps.
That being said, I absolutely didn’t expect to meet him that way, around midnight, in the dark cold garage, with his hand outstretched towards me, frozen in the air, to assist me in getting out of the car.
It felt like an eternity before I could come back to myself again after seeing him. I was still seated in the driver's seat, my helmet covering my head and the visor blurring the lines of his face. My eyes were desperately attempting to draw new lines across his features, but it was a tough task to make sense of the chaos. I kept looking at him, trying to find something that I could recognise, something that would make me feel at ease. But nothing seemed to be familiar.
It was like looking at a stranger, a stranger with a face that I once knew.
Rejecting his assistance, I got out of the car and, from the corner of my eye I saw him sliding his hand back into his pocket. I couldn’t find myself saying or doing anything. I stood there, taking him in, rejecting the idea of taking out my helmet and seeing him clearly.
A year had passed. Of course, I had seen him on television, on social media, on posters and photographs around the circuits and streets, but—
“It’s been a while,” he broke the silence.
“Yeah,” I wanked off my helmet and balaclava. “It has.”
Arms slightly apart, a silent invitation for a hug I knew I didn’t want to give him. I turned my back on him, closed the door of the car and left my belongings on one of the counters of the garage. On the chrome of one of the cabinets, the reflection of his face.
Different, but the same. Older, but his eyes had the light he had as a boy. But he was a man, now, not the boy I once really liked, the boy I thought I was not capable of living without.
Anyways, he was still Carlos.
“What are you doing here?” I asked, my body tensing up, twisting around itself, turning back to him.
“I came to see you,” he replied, a hint of a smile in his voice. His hands were still in his pockets, his eyes drifting from me to the car. “I heard you’re doing well in the championship, so I wanted to see how you’re really doing.”
I nodded my head in a polite gesture, though my mind was still reeling from the surprise of seeing him again. I muttered a simple “I’m fine, as you might have heard, too.”
“Glad to hear that.”
The bright red of his team polo shone through his black puffer jacket. He was probably there on behalf of his team, for some PR duties, most likely. I reached up to my neck to undo the velcro of my suit and unzip it slightly.
Despite being the middle of July, when summer is normally at its hottest, the evening air was chilly. I could feel the cold breeze of the night, making my skin feel clammy and sticky with sweat. My hair was plastered to my face and neck, and I shivered as the chill settled in my bones.
“How did you know I was here?” I asked, my fingers undoing the band that hold my braid together. After that, I passed my fingers between the strands of hair.
“Well… I saw the schedule online,” he finally moved. Walking towards the car, a black, red and yellow Ferrari 488 EVO. “Rio just confirmed you were here.”
My mechanics were still inside, packing up tools in the carts and cleaning the oil-stained floor, that the too-bright lights did nothing to hide. The smell of rubber and oil lingered inside the garage, perhaps even in my hair.
“Why didn’t you come to see me before?”
“I don’t know,” he said. His voice carried some kind of serenity and tranquillity that was making me as mad as nauseous. He turned back to me. “I was waiting for the right moment, I guess.”
"And what made tonight the right moment?" My eyes didn’t leave the red of his polo, peaking through the jacket.
Convenience made it the right moment.
"I don't know," was his response. The cadence of it rang hollow, underwhelming some expectations I didn’t know I still harboured.
Suddenly, I felt the attention of some mechanics fall on us, curious eyes discreetly lurking at us, or better, at Carlos. The Ferrari driver standing in my small team’s garage. The newest Formula One race winner. Carlos Sainz.
I started walking out, to the pit lane, and he, circling around the car, but not lifting his eyes from it, followed me closely.
“Just felt like it was time.”
“Time for what, exactly?”
He caught my arm and I stepped outside, turning me around and making me look at him. I don’t know if it was the breeze or the piercing gaze he held, but something shifted inside the second my eyes met his.
“To talk to you,” he answered to the question I had honestly forgotten I’d asked. “Can we do that without you running away?”
His hair was longer and slicked back. The beard was not too long, but not clean shaved either. At this hour, with only the garage lights brightening half of his face and the heavy shadows of the night weighing down the other, he looked even more handsome than I remembered.
I felt my heart skip a beat. That feeling I recognized too well. His effect. His aura, his gaze, his perfectly drawn face and his fucking voice—so deep, so earthy. Something about him, only him.
“We’ve nothing to talk about,” I finally said, looking down at his hand; long fingers wrapped around the black sleeve of my suit. He let go. “We’ve moved on, we’re both doing great. Congrats on that win, by the way.”
“Eva.” I always loved the way my name sounded when he was the one who voiced it. “Come one. I just want to talk to you.”
“I don’t know,” again. A pause. “I just missed you, I guess.”
You guess.
Almost three years apart, one year without being in the same room. I don’t know why it didn’t make me happy to hear that. After all, I had spent the last few years waiting for him to say it. At the same time, the realisation that if he missed me, it was only his fault and he could survive another day away from me, from us.
But, surprised by my own words, I let out an "I missed you too.”
And he smiled.
God, that smile. That same smile he had as a teen. That same smile I kept seeing on every video, in every interview. That same smile that once made me fall for him. I liked him. I really did. I used to confess, only to myself, that I loved him.
I loved him in the way children do, in a way so genuine and pure that it actually seems and feels like a fairytale. I loved him in the way little girls do, in the blushed cheeks, weird sentences, poor jokes and a lot of giggles way.
My heart would explode each time I laid my eyes on him, which happened a lot because we basically grew up together.
And that hasn’t changed.
My heart was racing. Its sound muffled any thoughts in my head and soothed the rage boiling inside. He had grown up and become a man and, at that moment, looking at him and his smile, being hypnotised by his gaze, I went back to being that little girl.
I had never stopped caring. I’d never stopped loving him.
One thing had changed, though. I had grown past that middle-school crush and I knew that no matter how much I’d missed him we would never come back to that pure, simple, naive version of ourselves. The memories I had were nothing more than fragments of the past and I could not let myself fall into the traps of my hopelessly romantic patterns in an attempt to find them.
I took a deep breath.
The smell of burnt tires and the noise of the rattle guns woke me up from my trance.
Over Carlos’ shoulder, Rio’s silhouette grew bigger as he sprinted down the pit lane. Fast-paced with a big smile on his face and holding his iPad in his hands, he positioned himself beside Carlos, not before patting him on the back.
“So, you found her,” Carlos nodded at my brother’s words, his hands back in his pockets. “Is everything okay?”
Carlos and I exchanged looks. He was still smiling and, for some reason, I felt defeated. Through the silence, Rio could probably hear my thoughts. He fixed his gaze on me, those deep green eyes, forcing an answer out of me.
“Yeah,” I finally burst. “Everything’s fine.”
“Nice,” he took my side and extended the iPad out to me.
Tiny notes in red and blue were written across the outline of the circuit, with numbers and words coupled around the corners. Graphics and reports on the following pages, just the distraction I needed.
“It’s looking good, Evita,” my brother said, excited. “Seems like winning tomorrow won’t be too difficult.”
My pace in the race simulations during the morning testing was great and we had gathered enough data to not be too worried about the next day's race. Besides, the small issues I’d found with the wheel were quickly fixed by the team. Nothing to worry about.
“I’ll be going now,” my eyes moved up from the screen, finding Carlos’. His gaze seemed to be waiting for something, and after a beat, he said, “Unless you need any help.” His words held an almost pleading quality.
I looked back down at the screen, trying to kill the tug of sympathy he’d awoken just then. “We don’t,” I said; from the corner of my eye, I saw Rio looking at his friend, an apologetic look on his face. “I’ll see you around, Sainz.”
And then, he was gone and Rio didn’t even try to confront my attitude. Carlos stopped walking when he was just a black shadow against the strong light of a spotlight positioned at the end of the pit lane.
“If you have plans, you can go,” I said.
“Wait for me for breakfast, tomorrow,” Rio slid up the zipper of his jacket. “Try to get some good rest, tonight.”
Some kind of weight forced my head down, until I was more than sure they wouldn’t be there when I looked up.  Alone in the pit lane, I looked at the iPad, trying to find a distraction to avoid processing what had just happened—just like he used to do before, he inebriated me with his presence and stripped me from any shield I had held against him.
For a brief moment, I hoped to win the next day’s race, not just to win it, but to see him under the podium. Show him I was doing good, in fact, showing him that I was doing great. But then, like the universe was punishing me for my thoughts,  it all came crashing down. I was not there as he celebrated his maiden win. He didn’t deserve to the there tomorrow. He didn’t deserve to be here today.
That night, when I lay down to sleep, nostalgia was running in my blood. My skin burning like his presence had started a fever that was taking me whole. Fingers tingling. Soul aching.
I tried so hard to convince myself it would have been better if he hadn’t shown up but at the same time, for the first time in what seemed like an eternity, he had taken some time for me, and that was everything I had desired for a long time.
Just some time. Some attention. To feel that I mattered to him.
And I finally got it and, having it, relief came accompanied by a whirlwind of doubt. That encounter wasn’t nearly enough to fix anything. He shouldn’t be there. He didn’t deserve to be there, to be around. He had to do more for me if he wanted to mend something.
And that sparked another idea: if that’s all I needed— everything I'd done for him to be repaid, then I'd never loved him. Because this wasn't the love, in its purest form, that I’d once thought I felt.
That was not caring. That was not love.
Love is not selfish. Is not needy. Is not asking for too much attention or being content with a small fraction of someone else's time. Love is about commitment, and not about expecting the same in return.
I was not okay with being an option, I was not okay with a fraction of his time. I was not okay with being a past-time for when he finds the time, but I was also not okay with the idea of losing him, again. Not that I ever had him, not that I had him just because he came back, but at least, I had a bit of him. And I was not okay with the idea of losing him completely. To disappear from his world. To be forgotten by him. Again.
I was not okay with the idea of moving on without him.
I was not okay with the idea of him moving on without me.
I was not okay with any of this, but I did not know what to do. Too quickly, I failed my own promise. I was too deep in the memories and my mind was already finding ways to chase them. I felt lost.
That night I dreamed about the stormy night. I pictured his adult form on the bed in front of me. The adult me was still scared of thunderstorms. Our hands were extended towards each other, but this time the beds were too apart, and I couldn’t reach him.
He made no effort to reach me.
Of course, he was not there.
Rio pushed me into a thigh hug as I got off the car, muttering words of praise in my ear. “So proud, so proud, you’re amazing.” Fucking hell, it felt amazing. There wasn’t a moment when we thought we weren’t gonna win that race, but each corner was an opportunity to take risks and increase the lead. The gap to the second car stretched with every lap, the machine roared around me in an amazing symphony. The track was amazing. The light rain only helped. The team was ecstatic. Hugs, victory songs, a lot of laughter.
Another win. Three in a row.
Mugello had an incredible public and an incredible atmosphere. Red and yellow all over the place, prancing horses in every hat or flag. I stood on the podium, watery eyes when the crowd joined the Italian anthem that played on full volume. I looked for him—I should know better, but of course, I looked for him—and he was not there. The champagne washed away any pain the disappointment had caused and my brother's smile, celebrating on the pit lane floor alongside the entire team, made me forget about anything other than the race I had just won.
After that, a long shower followed. Half drunk on champagne, we rummaged into the town, finding rivals and friends amongst Italian teens in the nightclubs.
Another podium and I had my championship. Two races left. It could not escape.
And after three wins in a row, a podium seemed an easy task.
And those were enough reasons to celebrate like tomorrow would not exist. We danced the night away, flirting my way through the bottles on display in the club’s bar. We stepped outside well before 6 am, the sun already peaking between the old beautiful buildings.
“Not that you really care, but I won.”
In my defence, I was pretty drunk when I sent that to Carlos, drunk enough to think into it but apparently sharp enough to escape any typing mistakes.
Rio was trying to find us a uber to take us back to the RV, but he was taking his time and I was bored and drunk and with a loose tongue. The alcohol was siding with my anger, the rage making my stomach twist. Very quickly, the status of the message changed from “sent” to “read”, but there was no sign of a response.
He read the message. He was awake.
Impatient as always, I called him. He picked up right away.
“Hey,” he said. Hoarse, deep voice. I can’t lie and say it didn’t make my stomach twist even more.
“Hi,” my brother looked back confused, likely trying to figure out who I was talking to. As quickly as he had turned around to me, I turned his attention back to his phone. “I’m drunk.”
“I can tell.”
“I want to talk to you,” I heard a sigh on the other end and the ruffle of sheets. “Maybe later?”
“No, no,” he rushed to say. I heard him breathe, and then his sleepy voice spoke again. “Talk about what?”
“The past.” A pause. “How it hurts to know you’ve always had time for Rio.  You go out every. time. you’re in Madrid.” Another pause. My gaze fell on a pigeon walking around in front of me. “Why were you sooooo busy to see me but always had time for him?”
“I was an idiot. That’s how.”
“You were.” I was nodding, although he could not see me. “Oh, God, you are. And I am too. And I was because you were so… shitty to me sometimes, and I always forgave you because I understood your life and because I understood your work and I loved you. Oh my God, I loved you. And you were a fucking idiot. You didn’t even s—”
“Eva… I’m sorry. I—”
“No, I don’t want your apology.” The pigeon took flight, as my voice burst out to stop him from talking. “I just want you to know it hurts. And coming were on the night before a race? For real?” I paused. “Also, think about all the conversations we had on the phone when you moved to the UK and you were feeling homesick. All that time, I used to think I reminded you of home.” I chortled at my own stupidity. “And I was so fucking stupid,” a short laugh erupted through my lips again, “so so stupid because it took me months to realize you only called me because I was the only person that would pick up the phone at any time. You knew that, you used that, you used me.”
“That's not tru—”
“Don’t! Don’t interrupt me, please.” He mumbled a fast apology. “Until today, I felt like you owed me something. But… “ I took my hand to my stomach, feeling sick all of a sudden. “It’s not your fault I had all these expectations.”
I said too much, too fast, and my stomach was aching, my mind was rushing and the world was spinning around me. Carlos then started talking but I couldn’t hear his voice clearly. I put the phone down on the step I was sitting on and leaned forward. The only thing I could see, besides the cobblestones and the pigeon that had come back, was Rio’s feet, rushing back to me.
“You okay?”
“Drunk as fuck,” I replied and, as an answer, I got a small chuckle from him.
I lay down my head on his shoulder, my eyes closing for mere seconds; the soft sensation of his lips against my hair made me open them again.
“Just please,” he paused and stroked my back gently, “please, don’t throw up in the uber.”
A tired chuckle managed to drag itself from my lips, an antithesis to my watery eyes and sick stomach. A car stopped in front of us and my brother’s firm embrace accompanied me there. Settling down on the too-hot and too-smelly car, I opened my eyes to collect the last image from that weekend: the first rays of sunshine dropping over the Santa Maria del Fiore Cathedral, its dome painted across the periwinkle sky, the lines of it experimental and incoherent due to the layer of tears that blurred my vision.
Next Chapter: 02.
Hello there, soooo I hope you enjoy this. I’ve been writing Tightrope for like 5/6 months, now? It’s been a while, I know. I have a few chapters ready and I’m loving to write Eva and Carlos so much that I feel it’s time to share them with the world.  I’m thinking about doing weekly updates, maybe sunday nights? If I’m not talking to the void, you can give me your opinions on that.  Also, English is not my first language, so I apologize in advance for eventual mistakes. 
All the love, Bru 🤍
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starryriize · 6 months
xikers reacting to you liking f1
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╰┈ ⋆。˚ 🪼author’s note: this is a repost from my other acc!! i think i might do an smau for racer xikers…idk we’ll see
🫧laur's taglist: @chiiyuuvv @cherrycolaberry @leehanascent @hyvelxve
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minjae - would 100% be down to watch f1 with you!! strikes me as the type to love the underdogs of the grid (williams, alfa, etc) and definitely watches the funniest moments of f1 with you later :) also watches grill the grid with you just to see if either of you know the answers
junmin- he definitely has f1tv and has seen drive to survive so best believe that he's incredibly happy that you like f1...even if it's because charles leclerc is devastatingly handsome. is 1000% down to watch it with you after you get home from work or when you need a break from studies! he definitely gets you matching f1 merch
sumin - he’s lowkey unimpressed by f1 since it’s watching cars go round and round BUT he’s willing to watch a few races with you bc he knows how much you enjoy it!! doesn’t admit it but later watches drive to survive and orders matching merch for the two of you!!
jinsik - doesn’t strike me as the type to follow f1 all that much but he’s definitely down to watch highlights and binge drive to survive! he’s definitely a big fan of oscar and yuki :) wants to watch past races because he thinks that the history behind f1 is so cool which leads to cuddling while watching the story of fangio on netflix and how f1 started!!
hyunwoo - once again, doesn’t strike me as the type to really want to watch it but is definitely a fan of the ps5 game!! has a whole day set aside for when you each catch up on what kinds of f1 news you’ve been reading and then a cuddle sesh while watching f1 recaps and netflix!! he finds it cute that you support the underdog teams :)
hunter - he’s cultured and tbh gets so hype when you tell him you got paddock passes!! definitely wants to meet yuki and see the mclaren cars <3 the type to take insta worthy pics of you at the GP too!! oh he’s also most definitely aware of every single trend and gossip going around the f1 world
junghoon - he’s seen it and is vaguely familiar with it but decides to start with drive to survive. wants you to not be ashamed to like motorsport! asks why you like f1 and when you begin explaining that you simply like the whole team management concept, he suggests you major in management instead of what your parents expect you to do
seeun - strikes me as the one to be happy for you but he thinks it’s a waste to pay for the f1tv subscription so he finds other ways to enjoy f1 with you!! he’s definitely bought you some ferrari jewelry or apm monaco stuff because he knows you like ferrari!! he’s always ready with two cups of coffee and blankets when you want to play f1 with him!! he usually would play and let you win because he likes seeing your smile
yujun - i don’t think he would follow f1 all that much but is 100% down to watch the race highlights with you :)) definitely listens intently when you explain the rules and how each team has been doing! thinks your commentary is much better than crofty because your voice is 1000x more calming to him, plus he remembered it all!! went and got you daniel’s merch after you kept going on about his story and how you sympathized with him!! whatever team you like, he likes <3
yechan - the type to make bets about who wins in which he always says some underrated driver who definitely has no chance and you say verstappen. definitely sends you reels and edits of f1 drivers immediately followed by a selfie of him where he asks who is cuter!! thinks you only watch f1 for the drivers and you keep repeating that it’s because you’ve liked mclaren since you were little! watches highlights and grill the grid with you, but tells you to spend money on his photo cards not on f1 drivers :(
🫧join laur’s taglist!
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trivialbob · 8 months
I'm happy over a simple shirt I bought yesterday.
Feeling a need to walk, but tired of being cold, I went to the Mall of America. Some say it's about a mile to walk one loop inside the mall. After I strolled all three main levels my Garmin came up with 2.6 miles. It's a little wonky using the GPS indoors, so I'm not making any guarantees.
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People watching is excellent. This has got to be the most diverse place in Minnesota. I heard English, Spanish, Arabic, Russian (?), Japanese, and more. People are in all shapes, sizes, political persuasions, gender identities, colors, attitudes, and manner of dress. The huge mall is next to the airport, and Minnesota doesn't charge sales tax on clothes, so I've heard the place gets plenty of out of state shoppers.
Does your bingo card have an ex football player with purple hair? Wait, is that the ex football player with purple hair in a wheelchair or the ex football player with purple hair shuffling along in a silky track suit? How about a cute young mom with three adorable children? Well, yes, but do you want the one with three girls, or three boys, or two girls and one boy? Because they are all there.
I like that I didn't see any of those silly, virtue signalling signs declaring All Are Welcome Here or We Respect All People. Those signs are not necessary because it just happens. All these different people all got along without placards telling them to.
Sure, I wanted to holler at a parent with a triple stroller (filled with three adorable children, two boys and one girl - BINGO!). She had stopped in the middle of a busy hallway to read her phone, causing chaos like Prius dawdling in the left lane of a busy highway.
But I wiggled around them quietly, as did other walkers and shoppers, and went on my way. Also I really can't complain because 25 years ago I was a parent with a double stroller (reasonably looking dad, two boys), taking winter walks there with my young kids. Surely I had been in someone's way.
At Old Navy I decided to go inside. Prices at my once-beloved LL Bean have exited my comfort zone. I also wasn't pleased with the quality of the last three items I purchased there. Eddie Bauer prices are high too ($85 for jeans? Please!) but EB at least has perennial steep discounts. Though I rarely shop Old Navy, I've always had a good experience there.
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This long-sleeve tech shirt was marked at $22 (not bad) and just $11.50 (whoo hoo!) after the always-available Old Navy sale price. It was sort of a two-for-one in that I love how it looks and feels AND I didn't spend much money. I'll be back.
All my other tech shirts are from races. They're comfortable for exercising or sleeping on cold nights, but I'm not a fan of the graphics on some of them. Displaying "2016 Twin Cities Marathon" is okay with me, but I don't care for the word "Finisher" on the shirts. It looks odd to me, no better than "Participant" or "I did this." At least that one didn't have "Finished in 16,422nd Place."
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 1 year
What's the point of th's supposed popularity if no one is listening to his music? He's basically an influencer at this point. The Kardashians have more ig followers than Beyonce and Taylor Swift, but they could easily lose those followers, unlike Beyonce and TS, who have the most loyal fan bases in the world. Quality over quantity, honestly.
Wdym his instagram likes don't matter???!?!?!
I think it has to do with everyone's obsession with "GP". Kths started that conversation around some grammys red carpet, I don't remember what year it was when they said "locals" kept asking if taekook were a couple. That's the first time I remember being taken aback and confused about this "gp" and "locals" validation. Then it was because he was in that kitchen show and they all went "omg gp darling this, gp darling that". And it hasn't stopped since solo era started. Do you have any idea of how tired I am of reading "gp" - take a shot everytime you go on army/solos spaces and read those letters.
Nobody cared about "gp" when BTS got all those billboard hot 100 positions and streams thanks to the huge fandom. As I've said before, BTS had a huge fandom for a while but only became somewhat "popular" (as in, random people would know about them - oh sorry, I meant precious GP would know about them) after butter or maybe my universe. Mind you, I've never in 6 years heard anyone in real life say "BTS". Literally Never. Meanwhile I just started this new job a month ago and I've already heard 3 different groups of people of all ages talk about Taylor. I've got students umproptly coming up to me and say "Miss, I've been listening to Taylor Swift songs to practice my English".
You'll see.. kpop fans are stereotyped as white, chubby/obese high school girls with blue hair who spend too much time online daydreaming about celebrities and have no life and get no sex. The truth is that some fans -even if they themselves are white chubby blue haired girls- are obsessed with not being associated to that stereotype. They don't want Taehyung's fans to be some miserable, lonely losers. They want him to have "LOCALS" admiration and respect. When the members opened their own ig accounts, those interactions were a gateway to that, mostly because instagram is you know.. theee place for the skinny, tanned, successful, pretty LOCALS.
I've always thought the whole obsession with "gp" and "locals" was so stupid. There's absolutely nothing wrong in having a big fandom. That's literally how BTS came to be what they were until last year, and armys weren't praying and begging for "gp" support. Taylor gets the numbers she gets because yes, many people around the world know her name and willingly listen to her music; but also because she has a huge ass fanbase. She's been building that fanbase for more than a decade. Three years ago, if you listened to Taylor you would've been considered a pathetic, lonely loser too.
At the end of the day, all this popularity talk it's just fans' own insecurities and their itch to distance themselves and the idol from the image of a "fandom" because they know what everyone thinks of people who are part of fandoms. Ironically, most BTS fans started out as people who didn't know anything about kpop -gp- and two years later they're getting hit tweets calling Jennie a lazy slut and saying "my fave is so popular amongst locals."
Taehyung stans clung to his ig interactions because they thought having the likes of "locals" made him more important or better in every way than the other members. However, in music, it's always better to have a huge fandom that will make eight hours long playlists of your song and play it multiple times a day -investing their own money and time on you- than it is to have random people liking your ig posts. And if what I'm saying it's not enough, take his china bar activities as an example. They bought almost a million albums; there's no 800k "locals" that would've bought his album.
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landofzero-archive · 9 months
Battle on the Sugoroku Board - God Won’t Roll The Dice 1
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(Location: “Battle on the Sugoroku Board” program set)
(CosPro Team’s Amagi and NewDi Team’s Mikejima have surrendered.)
Natsume: …… HmM. Looks like Mikejima-senpai has been defeaTED.
He’s the weakest member of the NewDi Team…… I don’t mean to sound clicHÉ, but it’s not something to panic aboUT.
What bothers me is that they both went into the “State of Surrender” at the same tiME.
It’s only natural to think that Rinne-senpai and someone from CosPro Team were togethER, but they seem to prefer to act alONE.
Either a third party gained the fisherman’s profIT (1), or, against our expectations, Yuuta-kun and Ibara-kun were accompanying hIM— 
RegardlESS, as the leader I’m having trouble thinking of when to bring back Mikejima-senpAI.
…… HM? GPS information has been updatED?
Kaminari-san is approaching ME?
Arashi: Ahh I found you! So you were hiding in a place like this, Natsume-chan.
But why are you climbing the roof? I wouldn’t have known where you were without GPS.
Natsume: I can’t afford to cut corners when it comes to winnING. The golden rule of ground warfare is to secure a viEW.
Arashi: Ufufu. Natsume-chan doesn’t like to lose either.
Then, let me walk through the building and get there too……
It looks like Mama’s in the “State of Surrender,” so what should I do? You can revive him by paying money, right?
Natsume: HmM. As I said befoRE, the first time will cost 100G, and from there it’ll double as the game progressES.
In other worDS, if I spend too much, then I’ll end up with an amount that can’t revive anyone at the end of the gaME.
Aren’t there many teams anticipating this and also making the decision to not reviVE?
I’m a bit puzzled over whether Mikejima-senpai’s abilities are irreplacaBLE.
(…… Even sO, I hate losING.
I have no intentions of losing “Battle on the Suogoroku BoaRD.”
It could just be that I hate losING, but by winning, I can get closer to the production director and management of NETV.
It may be cut from the broadcaST, but it’ll remain in the recordiNG. If I want them to come cleAN, that’s where I have to question thEM.
As a condition for my appearanCE, I was allowed to bring in a few film crew members who are close to us at NewDI. I’d like to hear their answers through the recordING.)
Arashi: Natsume-chan?
Natsume: I thought about it for a whiLE…… The question of whether or not to revive Mikejima-senpAI.
Considering that it’ll be an all-out war at the eND, wouldn’t it be appropriate to leave this aloNE?
Let’s save up some gold for a whiLE. It’s better to let Mikejima-senpai go on a rampage latER.
Let’s let the beast rest in the cage for a whiLE♪
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(Location: Cage)
Madara: Help’s not coming, huhh? And yet our fellow prisoners are watching our every move…… It’s exactly like a bed of needles.
Rinne: Even though we’re the ones trapped in a cage, they’re lazing around. …… I guess they didn’t notice that we were caught?
Madara: No, since it was announced on set, I guess they’re not bringing us back on purpose.
I wonder if my leader’s thinking “In the end, it’s going to be an all out war so we’ll just let other agencies compete with each other for now.”
That seems like something he’d think.
Rinne: Looks like we were thinking the same thing…… I think Mikeneko-chan and I are similar even if we’re in different positions.
Madara: But, compared to Maizuru Manor, this is a lot more easy going, isn’t it? You don’t have to try to pacify others to make them like you, and it’s okay for them to hate you as much as they’d like.
Rinne: “Maizuru Manor?” What’s that? Did you get banned from a hotel or somethin’?
Madara: Haha. It has nothing to do with you.
More importantly, let’s have a fun little chat♪ We won’t gain anything from staring at each other, right?
…… It’s difficult to say if there’s anything particularly worth talking about. I know, how about talking about Rinne-san and I’s experiences?
Double Face, Crazy:B, and MaM…… None of these units are straightforward, and I think they’re worth hearing about.
Rinne: Oh, then let’s talk about our funny friend, hm? I’d like to hear about how you see Kohaku-chan.
Help isn’t coming anyway. Let’s have a chat♪
Madara: Let’s. As long as the cameras are rolling, we can’t talk carelessly. It’s convenient if we talk about that.
For example…… How about the story from when Kohaku wore a suit for Double Face work?
It was funny seeing him struggle to tie his necktie, don’t you think?
Rinne: Great! I looove stories like that♪
Then I’ll also tell you an anecdote that won’t disappoint!
You guys should join the sharing circle too. It’s boring just watching silently, isn’t it♪
TL Notes:
A fisherman’s profit is a Japanese proverb wherein a third party effortlessly benefits from two parties being in conflict with each other.
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maxverstepponme · 1 year
Do you want an honest read of what I think is happening with Max and Kelly. This is going to be very long and I don’t believe this is 100% what has happened it’s just my opinion on what might be happening. I think Max and Kelly aren’t together anymore. Seems they actually broke up some time before Miami. Kelly going to a hotel by herself/with P was right after the breakup and then she went on the solo trip with P to NYC. I think she(yes Kelly nobody likes to get broken up with) needed time to clear her head and think so she took P on a trip. I also think the reason K isn’t acting like she did with Daniil is because Max is paying her off. I’m sorry but think about it. Ever since things have been obviously bad between them Kelly has been getting bigger opportunities than she ever has before. The PatBo thing Kelly randomly became a part of and now they’re besties. Working with together all the time, acting like this is nothing new when it is. Kelly has never hung out with Patrica or Dafne this much? Now they’re doing events together, hanging out, having dinners all the time, coming to races IN MONACO? The weird hug after Miami(no kiss) and Kelly spending almost non of Miami with Max. Max for the first time ever saying something about his sweet girlfriend, which very random. The fact that he’s the one who brought it up, like oh got to remember to mention I definitely still have a girlfriend. Then Kelly went to Cannes ALL WEEK. She had the works too. For once Kelly actually could pass as a model. Why now is Kelly getting this exposure? Suddenly Kelly gets to go to Miu Miu and LV events and gets to bring a LV guy to the GP to get her foot in the door further. Max is supplying Kelly all these amazing opportunities so she has a reason to not make their break up known yet. Kelly is playing along because wtf else is she going to do but I don’t think she’s happy about it.(Obviously like I said before nobody likes to get broken up with) Kelly looked uncomfortable when Max come to hug her(no kiss two races in a row. have they ever not kissed till this year?) and her pulling away first. Seems like the situation is maybe settling in that they’re over. The maybe mistake, maybe not, apartment listing. Him and his family trying so hard suddenly to make everything looks ok after months of silence. Also this is why I think she did the weird fish thing in the hotel before NYC was because it really hadn’t hit her that they were over. Her not really posting anything about him recently, her not liking his posts, and her literally never being home. In the pictures form the Monaco Gala they are literally standing a foot apart form each other. It’s so obvious that something happened and Max probably wants to wait till summer break to announce, but preparation are already being made. The mysterious apartment listing, verstappen.com is slowed down the Kelly posts, and the weird liking habits of Vic, Sophie, and Kelly, and Max is doing everything in his power to make sure Kelly doesn’t walk till he’s ready even if means dishing out money so Kelly can play pretend wag and milk all the publicity she can. Max somewhere a long the line released that Kelly and him weren’t going to work and ended it. He and Kelly come up with some type of agreement and that is what is playing out now. It was better to give Kelly what she wants for a few months and letting her set up her “future” so he doesn’t have to suffer the media hell.
ps: I think the big decider of him wanting to end it was them getting pap’d in St. Barth with Victoria and her kids. I think this really upset Sophie and Victoria and it was an eye opener/ final straw was his mom and sister being over Kelly and distancing themselves from both of them.
It’s definitely weird. The latest interactions are weird af, but only time will tell.
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wolfiemcwolferson · 2 years
if ur still doing spotify wrapped fics, 5 pls!!
This is more Del Water Gap - Alone Together. You didn't pick a pairing, but this is screaming Maxiel at me. This is angsty and a little bittersweet. Previous F1 Journalist Daniel and Driver Max. (This got out of hand.)
Sometimes Daniel is in an airport and he catches a flash of a Grand Prix on a TV in a bar or he'll be out with some friends and he'll run into someone he knew from college and they'll ask hey, I thought you were doing that racing thing and Daniel will shake a little bit.
Sitting on a barstool in LA, waiting to meet-up with one of the kid's on the American USA team, he feels it now, the ache where F1 used to sit - the ache where Max used to sit.
But he gave it all up when Max gave him up and -
The kid shows, fresh-faced and eager and shakes Danny's hand. The article will be good, of course. Daniel charms and weasles and prods at all the right places and that's why he gets paid the money he does - in America, for sports he doesn't actually care about.
It makes him sound so dramatic, he circles back around to thinking of Max that night in his hotel - like he always fucking does when he's alone.
Max working up the courage to ask Daniel out to dinner throughout the entire season - Daniel accepting out of pity - Daniel falling hard and fast and furious and then basing his life around him - the man that was going to bring glory back to Red Bull.
It didn't matter how many times Daniel laughed it off and said don't die while Max was sneaking out of his hotel room and it didn't matter how many times Max and Daniel said it wouldn't happen -
Max went off and needed to play house with some nice girl and Daniel spent three GP's in a row hiding from him and he knew he had to go.
Because Max was the missing piece of him or whatever romantic bullshit he used to think about the two of them - the mirror of his soul, the person who saw the worst in him and loved him anyways.
Because it was the worst in the end. Daniel begging Max not to go and Max telling him he had to just for them to switch positions the next morning. Daniel shouting at him to just fucking go while Max cried on his chest and Max and Daniel shouting the awful bits of hateful shit at each other they had gathered up over a three year relationship -
Daniel puts on his running shoes and goes down to the gym so he can forget forget forget.
After LA, Daniel goes to New York before spending a week in Nashville and then he catches a game in Denver before flying home - to Australia.
Grace asks him four times if he's seeing anyone and then Michelle asks much softer if he's talked to anyone from the paddock lately.
Daniel books an earlier flight to his...well, he guesses it's his home.
There's a cabin in fucking Montana. Everyone had thought it was a joke until he did it - bought the damn thing.
Daniel has a joke about how he had traveled for years in flashy circles, but the truth is that he's an idiot pressing gauze to an oozing wound.
It had been a thing with Max. My contract will end when I'm only 28. I could...we could escape to America. Live in the middle of nowhere Montana, yes? All this money has to be good for something.
No one knows, of course. Someone would have intervened, probably. Scotty. Scotty would have intervened.
He's here until Christmas. Alone and working on the book he's supposed to be writing and - he's here until Christmas and then he'll fly to Hawaii and get ready to interview some flashy American Football College Kid.
He tortures himself and watches the last race of the season - wakes up at 6 AM to flip it on and text steady, ribbing commentary to Sam about his own commentary and Max wins, of course.
Daniel turns off the television before the podium.
He's in town buying a couple of propane tanks and more rock salt and some food. He does have to do that occasionally when Janet asks him you know who bought Gerald's old place? Daniel frowns and shakes his head. Thought it might be one of your fancy athletes. Moving in here because you can't keep your trap shut.
It's gentle, but only a half joke. It took Janet a full year before she would talk to him in more than one syllable answers.
He goes home - works on his book. Ignores the text Scotty sends asking Daniel to call.
Max Verstappen on standing in his driveway, hands shoved in the pockets of a puffy coat at 10:28 on a Thursday. Daniel knows the set of his shoulders and the slop of his face even this far away. No one else will ever look like him. No one else will ever have this kind of intrinsic draw on Daniel's entire being.
Daniel steps out on his front porch, wearing socks and a hoodie, absolutely freezing.
"What do you want, Max?" Daniel hears how exhausted his own voice sounds and he wonders if Max can hear it too.
Max is still walking towards him. "Scotty talks a lot when he's drunk."
Fuck. "Yeah, well. Everything he says is shit." Daniel says - finally talking because Max is at the bottom of the staircase, head tilted up to look at Daniel. "What are you doing here? Where's your car?"
Max shrugs, hands still in his pockets. Daniel hears his coat make that slick crinkle noise. "Don't like to drive."
The pieces fall into place for Daniel now. "Gerald's old place?"
"If you're talking about that luxury cabin down the road, yeah. It's mine." Max laughs at his own joke.
Fucking Scotty. Daniel's socks are wet. "You'd better come inside. You'll freeze to death and Christian will have my head."
Max is knocking his snow boots against the porch and he gives a little dry laugh. "What was it you always said? I was selling my 20's? Well, not anymore."
Daniel spins two steps past the doorframe where Max is. They're too close. Far too close. "What."
"There's never been anyone else, Danny." Max says in that voice. The one that preceeded something that would wreck him entirely. "I know you don't - but, maybe if you still -" He shrugs again.
Daniel sees it there. In his eyes. The love they had managed to carve out together back then - before when Daniel thought love could conquer all, when he wasn't so bruised by the hiding and the secrets and the way they had beaten each other against the rocks of F1.
Before they had become the water that broke on that rock.
"Danny," he says again, slipping a hand from his coat. "I retired last week."
Danny breaks this time, curling his head down into Max's chest and heaving a great big sob.
"I didn't have the courage then," Max whispers into his hair, hand on the back of his neck. "But I think I'd like to have the courage now."
"I'm not moving into that house, Max. It's half haunted." Daniel chokes out in between tears.
Max brings his other hand out of the jacket, wrapping it around Daniel, finally bringing their bodies together. "That is fine, Daniel. I already set up the New York Times subscription for this address anyway. I can do the crossword and you can cook me real bacon now since I am not in training."
Daniel laughs now because it all may change, but damnit if it all doesn't stay the same.
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dessarious · 2 years
Guilt and Consequences Pt20
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"I’m going to give that woman a piece of my mind." Sabine sounded ready to do murder, and Lila burrowed further into Izzy’s side.
"No, you’re not. I’ll talk to her." Sabine opened her mouth to argue, but Izzy kept going. "I’ll use everything you’ve gathered along with what I have, but right now the woman doesn’t know you exist and it’s safer for Riley if it stays that way. This is only a safe place as long as it stays off her radar. I wouldn’t put it past her to grab Riley and run if she can find her." The two of them just stared at each other for a few minutes, and Lila knew she was missing something. Eventually, Sabine let out an annoyed breath.
"Fine, for now."
"That does mean that I shouldn’t spend time here until this is sorted out. I don’t want her to find you because I led her to you." Izzy’s voice was soft, and she sounded worried.
"I understand." Lila could see her reasoning, and it made sense. She wasn’t certain why her stomach felt funny at the thought.
"I swear I’ll take care of this as fast as I can. Then you can start your new school and I’ll be here whenever you need me." There was a desperate edge to her voice that Lila didn’t understand. When she looked up, Izzy wore a pained expression.
"I believe you, and I trust you." She frowned as something occurred to her. "I had to sign Marinette in as a guest when we went to get my stuff for a sleepover. Could Mom use that to find me here?" Izzy was scowling now. "Sorry."
"Don’t apologize. I’m not mad, just worried. I’ll take care of the sign-in sheet. Just give me your address. Or better yet…" She reached into one of her pockets, she was wearing cargo pants so there were a lot of them, and pulled out a phone. "This is for you. It’s a burner, so she can’t trace it. You can get whatever you need out of your old phone and I’ll take it with me so that if she looks, it’ll seem like you’re with me." 
"Do you really think that’s necessary?" Sabine sounded confused more than anything else. Lila would be willing to bet she didn’t even know that she could track Mari’s phone if she wanted.
"We’ll have to erase the GPS history too." Lila didn’t realize she said that out loud until Izzy smiled and ruffled her hair. 
"Yes, we will, and yes, it’s definitely necessary."
"Mom’s not due back for a couple more days. Can I go back and get the rest of my things? You could come with me, so the staff will tell her about you. Once she hears that, she might not even think to look at the sign-in sheet from before." She didn’t have much that she cared about, but she wanted to at least get her pictures. Izzy and Sabine both looked less than thrilled with the idea. "I’ll be quick. It should only take a few minutes." That seemed to make them even more agitated.
"Alright, but I’m going to make sure she’s not back yet first. The last thing we need is her anywhere near you." Izzy pulled out her phone and began typing. "You’re just going to grab the things that aren’t replaceable, okay? I’ll buy you whatever you need new." 
"I can buy what I need." Everyone else in the room froze for a moment. Lila watched Marinette wince right before Izzy exploded.
"Excuse me?" She sounded beyond insulted and a bit incredulous. "Don’t tell me that woman was making you pay for things." Lila just looked at her. She didn’t think it was a good idea to answer, given the way Sabine reacted when she’d said she could buy her own food. Izzy started muttering things soft enough that even Lila couldn’t make them out.
"You should try to calm down. You don’t want to get Akumatized." Izzy just frowned at Sabine for a moment before she grunted an acknowledgement.
"Right. Sorry I forgot." She pinned Lila with a stern look. "You need or want anything, you text or call me. I’ll either get it or get you the money for it. Once we get this sorted out and we figure out what your name legally is, I’ll get a bank account set up for you and just put money in it every month." 
"So I don’t bother you." Lila thought it made sense, but Izzy rolled her eyes.
"No. It’s so you don’t have to wait for this idiot," she pointed at herself, "to remember I was supposed to buy you something. My short-term memory is like a sieve. So you should definitely text me if you want something. That way, at least there’s a record of it." Marinette giggled at that while Sabine rolled her eyes. Izzy seemed serious, though.
"You said your mother threw away your camera. Did you ever get it replaced?" Lila just blinked at Sabine. The question sounded rather pointed, but she didn’t understand why.
"No. I didn’t think it was a good idea to do it so quickly." She needed to give her mother time to forget what happened. For something like that, it would take at least six months. Izzy started muttering again.
"We’ll go to the apartment to get your stuff, then I’ll find a store to get you a camera, unless you know of one you’d like to go to." 
"You don’t have to do that. It can wait." Izzy gave her a dry look.
"That’s not the point. Until I get your mother to agree to let me have custody of you, the next couple of days are all I’m going to get to spend time with you and I want to do things you like. Not to mention you shouldn’t have to go without things because that woman had a tantrum, and don’t even pretend that’s not what happened." Lila had opened her mouth to argue, but closed it quickly. She’d always assumed her mother had her reasons for doing things, but it hadn’t occurred to her until recently that those reasons may not be valid. Izzy obviously didn’t think they were and Sabine didn’t like the way she handled things either. 
"There’s an electronics store near here that I’ve been wanting to go to." It seemed like the safest response to get away from the topic. Izzy didn’t need to get more upset and Lila could tell the topic of her mother just added to the fire. She wasn’t certain what Sabine was trying to accomplish by bringing it up in the first place. 
"Good, we can hit that after we get your stuff. And after I make a big enough scene to get the front desk people to remember me."
"Shouldn’t take much if the same people always work in the lobby. There was one woman who seemed very unpleasant when I went." Marinette mumbled the comment, but it was more than loud enough for everyone to hear. Sabine just rose an eyebrow, but Izzy let out a huff.
"Not surprising in a building like that. They can spot designer clothes and tend to treat everyone not wearing them like dirt. Given the way her mother treats her, they probably don’t think much of Riley either." 
"What do you mean?" Sabine’s voice had an edge to it again.
"Those people know where their paycheck comes from. If someone treats their kids like garbage, certain staff members will treat them the same. Whether to stay on the parents’ good side or just because they think all ‘rich’ kids are entitled and need to be taken down a peg is anyone’s guess." 
"The man who helped us seemed nice." She didn't want Izzy to get the wrong impression. 
"I'm not saying everyone acts that way. That type of job just tends to collect people who change their personality based on the people they're dealing with. Especially if tips are involved." Izzy was still typing on her phone when there was a knock on the door. Sabine frowned, but Mari got up to answer it.
"I invited Chloe over to talk." Lila couldn't help but roll her eyes. Of course she had. Sabine didn't seem to know what to do with that information. When Mari opened the door, the other girl stormed in like she own the place.
"This had better be good. My time is... Dimakos?" Chloe came to a sudden stop when she saw Izzy. "What are you doing in this rat hole?" Sabine let out an indignant noise and Izzy just gave the girl a bland look.
"You've been spending time with your mother again, haven't you?" Chloe flinched and puffed up like she was about to explode. "I'm here being reunited with my sister."
"Your what?" Chloe scowled at Lila. "You can't seriously believe that pathological liar is related to you." Izzy looked confused and Lila cringed. Sabine must not have mentioned that. 
"Mari, take Chloe up to your room and say what you need to. She doesn't need to make this more difficult." Sabine's voice held a warning, but Chloe just sneered at her. There was no way this ended well.
"So you're in on it too? No wonder she suddenly switched sides. They're just after your money Dimakos, you should be thankful I'm here to save you." 
"You've definitely been spending too much time with your mother." The words were grumbled this time before Izzy stood up to put herself between Chloe and everyone else. "This situation is far more complicated than you know, not to mention, none of your business. She is my sister, and that's not in question. Now you need to do whatever it is you came here for and stop being so rude to people who invited you into their home. And maybe stop emulating someone who literally wouldn't notice if you suddenly ceased to exist." 
"How dare you-"
"Chloe, you're old enough to think for yourself. You're old enough to see the effect your mother has on everyone around her. Do you really want that for yourself?" Chloe looked like she was going to attack Izzy before the fire just seemed to go out of her.
"What else am I supposed to do?" She sounded resigned more than anything else. Mari actually went to hug her, and Chloe didn't seem to know how to react to it. When Izzy spoke, her voice was softer.
"You stop trying to impress her and figure out what it is you want to do with your life. You will never live up to her expectations because she doesn't want you to. What you can do is create a life where you don't need to."
"How? By becoming a doormat like Dupain-Cheng?" Izzy just raised an annoyed eyebrow at her, but Mari hugged her tighter. Chloe let out a sigh. "I can't just be a different person." 
"Why not?" Chloe just looked at her like she was insane. "What's stopping you? All you have to do is decide to change one thing, doesn't even have to be something big, and you change it. And then you pick something else and do it again, and again. Until you're the person you want to be." 
"It's not that simple."
"It is that simple, but it won't be easy." Izzy put a hand on her shoulder. "People don't like change, and will stay in horrible situations to avoid it. You have to decide it's worth it and do it anyway. But that has to come from you." Chloe just frowned at the floor. "Why don't you go upstairs like Sabine suggested? That way, you two can talk and you can think about it."
"Fine." The sulky tone got an annoyed hum from Sabine, but Mari just pulled the girl up to her room. 
"How do you know Chloe?" Lila hadn't meant to ask, but Izzy let out a huff.
"All rich people know each other. My grandparents also happen to be friends with Audrey. Yet another reason to not have contact with them. That woman is insane." That finally got a laugh out of Sabine. "Chloe never had a chance with the way her mother bullies and dismisses her. Just like you didn't." Lila just blinked at her.
"I'm fine." Izzy let out a disbelieving snort. "I am."
"Well, from now on, I'm going to see to it that you're more than just fine. And what's all this business about lying?" Lila cringed as Sabine started to explain. Maybe she should go upstairs too.
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alarrytale · 1 year
Just want to start saying that I love your blog and the way you are always very respectful of everyones opinions even if you disagree with them. I would just like to say that I find a bit strange how we still don't have an official confirmation of Hussell. I have been expecting to open twitter for some days now to a tweet like "Harry Styles and Taylor Russell are dating according to People Magazine" but nothing. They are already on the holding hands stage and we still don't have a confirmation. I have also noticed that most important media sites like entertainment news, e news, people magazine and most others don't seem very interested on this relationship and they are usually super interested on posting everything about Harry's dating life. Only Daily Maily keeps posting about it. Also none of those magazines have posted anything about them being seen holding hands. Why do you think they aren't talking about this stunt as much as they usually do with the others? It's because they aren't getting pap photos? And why do you think any of those magazines aren't getting fed an exclusive to announce that they are dating? What is HSHQ goal with this? They are barely getting any attention with this stunt outside of fandom. I love data because I might have my opinion, but the numbers don't lie, so I looked at the stats from google trends from both Harry's and Taylor's name and they barely rised with this stunt. If you compare the rise of searches from Taylor's name and with Olivia back in the day the difference is huge. For example, if you compare how much their searches rised on the first month of stunt, that I'm considering January 2021 for Olivia and August this year for Taylor, Taylor's google searches went up 5 TIMES LESS the amount Olivia's did during the same period. And I also looked if this stunt is getting people more interested in looking up Harry's name, but NO. Harry's searches have been constantly declining since the end of tour and you would expect when they do something stunt wise there would be a rise of searches on that day or the following day, but once again it's just not happening. I just looked up the day the first pics of them holding hands were posted and there wasn't an increase on searches, it basically didn't change anything from the days before. Actually, the only rise of searches of Harry's name that I can point on google since the end of tour is the day we first saw the olivia tattoo, in which there was a rise of searches of Harry's tattoos in general, and when Billy Porter made those comments about the Vogue Cover. So I ask, what are they even achiving with this stunt as of right now if this is not reaching people outside of Harries? Is this small publicity they are achiving, according to the stats, worth it? If this is to promote Loewe, well, poor Loewe, they better pray there are a lot of Harries out there with enough money to spend thousands on their clothes, because if they are expecting to influence anyone outside of fandom with his, oh well... And because I always finish everything I start, I went to look if Loewe had a rise in searches but as expected the number of searches didn't increase for the brand, they have been stable for the last 6 months with no increases.... I mean I obviously don't have access to their sales data and hope for their sake that there sales have been increasing bit I guess by looking at those google stats that it might just not be the case...
Anon, thank you! Also you data nerding like that is making me 😍
I think we haven't gotten a statement of confirmation yet because it's early days and they are playing the long game. They might be gauging the reception in the fandom and gp to decide their next approach. They might want to be careful about it. Feeding deuxmoi and the tabloids will come soon enough, if that's where were heading.
Also, they love the 'are they, aren’t they' phase, because it creates a lot of talk (or should do), so confirming too soon would go against their goals - to make people talk and drum up engagement. I think part of the disinterest is because of fandom being stunt fatigued, and she not being a-list yet (hold your horses, TR defenders). We also know nothing about who she is as a person. Holivia was two a-listers (three if you count the added drama with jason), and media naturally took more interest in that. Also that whole thing was a car crash waiting to happen and fandom, even the gp, were waiting with bated breath for the car to hit the wall. So i don't really think it's comparable. It's more comparable to the vs models he's dated or c*mille.
I think they will switch gears if they really want to make an impact and we will see a change in the media interest. On the other hand it might still be kept this low key. We can only hope.
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lcndonboysstuff · 8 months
I’m someone that doesn’t mind Taylor and Travis but even I know that it’s not what it is portrayed to be. I don’t think it’s fake, but I don’t think it’s all that serious and is mostly being used for PR. It’s making them both, along with the NFL, the Chiefs, his family, his businesses, their friends’s businesses, and even the Mahomes (🤮) so much money. It’s made Travis famous worldwide instead of just in the States which will come in handy since he wants to be the next Rock. And it’s kept Taylor in the news constantly even while off tour.
As the other anon said, they don’t spend anytime together. That’s pretty obvious. She shows up for his games, maybe spends an additional day with his friends in Kansas City and then leaves. The last two away games, she flew in for the game and then went back to NYC and is now in Nashville. I think I saw someone say that she has spent one (!!!!) non-Gameday with him all month. There’s something highly performative about it. The GP is not going to know that she didn’t go home with him at night or wasn’t with him during the week- but they know they saw her cheering away in the suite and the cute pictures on the pitch and her saying I Love You so they are doing enough to keep people captured.
yeah it’s definitely boosted travis’ popularity, you’d think he was the main guy and not mahomes😭
the amount of time they spend apart is insane especially when taylor isn’t really doing anything. and i swear swifties said they moved in together a few months ago or did i just imagine that??
well its clearly working, they’re one of the most loved couples out there right now.
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onewhoturns · 2 years
Wanna know how bad my car luck is?
Car crashed on the 16th.
Friends came to pick me up. On the way to their place, light comes on that tire pressure is off, at the gas station they realize there’s a nail in their tire and need a replacement.
Next day, we use the other car instead, come home, get the low psi for THOSE tires too.
Rent a car to get home (6 hour drive), ten minutes after leaving the dealership, low psi light comes on for the back tires. Pull into the first gas station I see, try to fill my tires, no pressure gauge to check, turn back on the car and find out that not only did they not fill, they actually have LOWER psi than before. Have to find a second gas station to properly fill the tires.
Got home, had to figure out how to both return the rental car and pick up my grandma’s old car that I’ll be borrowing until my car is out of the shop. Didn’t understand the terrifying nails on the rental car entrance and thought I might somehow pop the tires just trying to return the car, but I needed to return it before it crossed 24 hours and I started getting charged more, so I drove over the spikes and hoped it was fine (it was). Turned in the rental, saved money by turning it in early, but was then sick in their bathroom cause I accepted food from my grandmother when I went to pick up her spare keys for the car (which wasn’t parked anywhere near her btw) and I’m 90% sure there was hidden lactose in there, so that sucked.
Ubered to the parking garage where her old car was being kept, couldn’t find it for a couple minutes and felt like a creeper wandering through a key-code-protected garage, finally found it and the battery was completely dead.
Fuck. Cars are my new nemesis. I’m so tired and so miserable, and so much for anything I saved on the rental car, I’m now gonna end up spending it buying a new battery for this car, and I just hope it starts up when I need to go purchase the thing, since my gps was lagging so hard that it never registered me asking to take me to the auto store and instead took me home, which I didn’t realize until I was already almost home, and then I was panicked that I couldn’t stop to re-enter the right address because if I stopped the car might die again and I’d have to call triple a for ANOTHER jump.
I’m. So. Tired.
And I still have to deal with the insurance company. I’m so fucking tired.
Anyway, no pressure, don’t put yourself in the hole over it, but if you want to help with $5-10, anything like that, my venmo is @onewhoturns
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