#but then turned into just silly fluff as the weeks went on hahahaha
boyfrillish · 1 year
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The other day, I was going through my Switch screenshots from Sword to try to find something else and remembered all of the Emotional Pain™ from up until the Final battle lmao
Anyway, yes, these two sillies still give me All The Feels in all the ways, for like 8 whole months and counting now. The OTP ever
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pillow-anime-talk · 4 years
nice and warm.
request: hi 👉🏻👈🏻 i think requests are open- if so can i have some bennett x fem!reader fluff for genshin ✨ not rlly anything specific he’s just underrated oh also you said to include if bdays coming up!!! mine is january 22nd 🥰 sorry if that was vague i’m kinda boring hahahaha
# tags: scenario; current relationship; winter!au; romance; fluff; cute shit; kisses; sfw
includes: female reader ft. bennett {genshin impact}
author’s note: awwww!! bennett, bby. i love him. also!!! happy birthday, my first genshin anon. i wish you all the best (i’m writing this a bit early but hope it’s not a problem hahahah). love youuuu. 
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Your body trembled slightly as you went to the heavy door of your house to open it to the visitor who waited on the other side of the dark wood. And as soon as you saw the boy you knew very well in front of you, a huge smile appeared on your cute face and a feeling of bliss in your heart; nevertheless, after a short second, a cold gust of wind reached your skin, making your arms tighter around your chest. That’s why you quickly invited Bennett to your little home, always pleasantly smelling of citrus and sweet spices.
“Do you want some tea?” You asked, and he nodded. However, seeing your body shaking, he quickly took his thin jacket off his shoulders, then grabbed your cool, right hand, pulling your body against his. “Mhm.” You breathed a sigh of relief as you felt the lovable warmth emanating from the boy with the goggles on his head. At one point, your cold hands even touched the bare skin on his stomach, making your fingers slowly return to their normal temperature. “Sooo nice.”
“Did you run out of wood in the fireplace?” He asked hesitantly, and you nodded slightly, rubbing your nose against his neck. “I should bring some to keep you warm.”
“No, no. Stay with me. You’re better than a fireplace, dear.”
Bennett smiled gently as he removed a few unruly hairs from your forehead, then kissed you on the smooth skin, saying he would go with you to the kitchen so you could make the two of you some hot drink with the addition of orange and a clove. You offered him some food, of course, but the young man declined, adding that he recently got some soup in the tavern after finishing the mission.
“So... when’s your next mission, baby?” While preparing the ingredients for the tea, Bennett kept hugging you from behind so you wouldn’t feel nastily cold. Hearing your question, the green-eyed rested his chin on your shoulder, biting his lip so as not to smile silly.
“Hmm. I asked very politely to get another mission only next week because of your birthday, so...” He started with a calm tone of voice, but hearing the first words you turned quickly, looking at him with big, glowing eyes. You hugged the ash-grey-haired teen even tighter than before, and then a few soft, quick pecks landed on his delicate face decorated with a small plaster.
You couldn’t be happier than you were at this moment because it was the first holiday you could spend together; your and his earlier birthdays, Valentine’s and whole Christmas you always spent alone because of his missions and training, but now... Now it was definitely perfect, so you forgot about tea for a moment and took care of each other, planning the next days to spend them as best as possible.
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kpopgirl1234bl · 4 years
Mmh i'm in the mood for a scenario with Zuko, one where team avatar meet a girl who has selective mutism and Zuko has a crush on her cuz she doesn’t judge him and is very tender, and one day Zuko makes a very silly joke making her laugh, surprising everyone, and Zuko blushes?, Sorry if is to much again, love you 💙
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I had to look up what selective mutism was, because I kind of forgot what it meant. But I read up on it, and tried my best. And I'm sorry sorry that I took so long to respond to you request. I took a week off and went on vacation with my family and just relaxed. But here it is, and I hope you like it.
Summary: after freeing y/n, Zuko finds himself falling for her despite her not speaking most of the time.
Pairing: Prince Zuko x fem!reader
Words: 2.046
Warning: none, maybe a little fluff at the end
Request: Yes
Team Avatar had met you after Sokka and Zuko had saved Sokka's father and girlfriend, Suki. Suki insisted on rescuing you since you had helped her during her imprisonment.
You had fought bravely in the fight with Azula. They went through the trouble of rescuing you, the least you could do was repay them.
It was late when you arrived at the temple and greeted the others. You could tell they didn't trust you because you didn't speak, but Suki assured them all that you could be trusted.
That night, everyone went to sleep peacefully.
The next morning you were woken up by the sound of a bomb exploding. Another bomb exploded and shook the whole structure.
Toph and Haru quickly made a tunnel so everyone could escape. You saw Aang had trouble with pulling Appa, so you ran over to help him.
"What are you doing?!" Aang shouted, and you spotted Zuko staring at closed doors that were crumbling.
"Go ahead! I'll hold them off. I think this is a family visit," Zuko said and ran out the partially smashed doors.
"Zuko! No!" Aang shouted and was ready to run after him.
"Come on! We got to get out of here!" Sokka shouted over the loud rumbling.
You were now flying on Appa together with Aang, Sokka, Katara, Toph, and Suki.
As you were flying, you watched the fight between Zuko and Azula, as you had learned her name from Katara and Sokka.
Aang did everything he could to avoid the fireballs targeted towards Appa.
All of a sudden, there was a giant explosion from where Zuko was fighting Azula. You looked over and saw them both falling.
You grabbed Sokka and pointed towards Zuko.
"Aang!" Sokka shouted to him.
"Already on it!" He shouted back.
You had Zuko in your sights and stretched your arm out for him to grab on to it. Luckily, Zuko got a hold of your arm, and you pulled him towards you.
You all looked towards Azula, who as still falling.
"She's not going to make it," Zuko said. But he didn't even sound sad about it. But as soon as he had said, that she saved herself.
"Of course, she did," Zuko said, sounding disappointed. Zuko turned to thank you, but when he turned to look at you, you had this determined yet far off look in your eyes.
You caught Zuko looking at you. You turned your head and smiled at him.
You guys had found a spot to set camp for the night. You were sitting around the fire and enjoying some food and a drink.
Everyone was having a great time laughing, well everyone, except Katara. At one point, she left and, Zuko went after her. You didn't know what happened between those two, but you had a feeling fate would find a way to strengthen that bond between them.
"So Y/n, is there a reason you don't talk?" Sokka suddenly asked you. You looked at him and just shrugged your shoulders.
"Oh come on, there's gotta be a reason." Sokka pleaded. You raised an eyebrow and looked at him in the eye. That was enough for him to stop asking.
That night, you had a hard time sleeping, so you stood up and walked outside of your tent.
You climbed one of the small rocks surrounding you all and sat on top of it and looked at the sea.
Seeing the waves and listening to the waves hitting the rocks calmed you.
"What are you doing out so late?" You heard a familiar voice ask you. You turned around and saw Zuko.
"Couldn't sleep?" He asked you. You nodded and turned towards the sea again.
"Mind if I join you?" He asked. You smiled at him and scooted over a little bit so he could sit beside you.
Zuko sat beside you and looked at the sea.
"I don't think I ever thanked you for saving me. So, thank you." Zuko said. Zuko looked at you and saw you already looking at him. It was as id your eyes said:
"You're welcome."
You both looked back to the sea. For a while, none of you said anything. You gave Zuko this weird feeling ever since he first met you. He felt like he could tell you anything, and you wouldn't judge him. But of course, no such person existed, or that's what he thought.
Zuko felt you shove him a little bit, so he looked at you and saw you smiling at him. He looked into your eyes, and they said:
"You can tell me."
"So, you're probably wondering why Katara is mad at me," Zuko said. Zuko then went on to tell you how it all started and how he ended like helping the Avatar instead.
"I want her to trust me, but I don't know how to make her." Zuko hung his head in defeat. You lifted his head by the chin and made him look at you. You spread your arms and gestured to the night sky, sparkling bright with stars.
You looked at him and poked his chest where his heart would be. He looked where you poked him, and then looked at you. He saw you giving him the kindest and most tender smile he has ever seen.
Your eyes told him everything.
"So, you're telling me that the universe has a plan for me, and I need to follow my heart and do what feels right, " Zuko asked you. Your smile brightens, and you nodded your head.
"Thanks, Y/n," Zuko said and gave you a small smile.
You and Zuko talked a little more until you finally felt tired. Zuko saw how sleepy you had gotten and suggested that you both went to sleep. You agreed and bid goodnight before walking to your tent.
Before Zuko entered his tent, he turned and looked towards your tent and smiled.
Just then, he remembered your smile and felt his cheeks heat up. He entered his tent and went to sleep, thinking about what you had told him.
You heard shouting from where Appa was eating. You existed your tent to see what the fuss was all about.
You found out Zuko knew who had killed Sokka and Katara's mother. Zuko told Katara this and wanted to help her find him.
Aang and Sokka pleaded Katara to forgive the man and not kill him. You wanted to agree with Aang and Sokka, but in the end, it was not your decision to make what she decided to do.
In the end, Katara stormed off, and Zuko followed her.
Aang and Sokka had dragged you out of your tent to go spy on Katara and Zuko.
You saw them get ready to take Appa and begin the search for the man.
Aang understood that Katara needed this journey, but begged her not to choose revenge in the end.
You walked over to Katara and hugged her she hugged you hesitantly. You pulled back and pointed to her heart and walked away.
Zuko and Katara returned, but ever since Katara returned, she looked so disappointed. Zuko told everyone what had happened, and what Katara had done.
You were happy to hear that she didn't take revenge, but it was also not good to see Katara hating herself for her decision.
Katara forgave Zuko and hugged him. He looked after her as she left. He looked up and saw you standing on the edge of the cliff, smiling at him. He could already hear your words.
"I told you so."
'That smile.' Zuko thought and felt his cheeks heat up once again. He shook his head and began walking back to the camp.
After arriving at Zuko's family beach house, Zuko began training Aang a little more aggressively.
You wanted to stop him and tell him to go easier on him, but Aang needed the training with comet quickly approaching.
You were watching Zuko training Aang how to redirect lightning. Zuko told Aang how it felt and how he once redirected lightning against his father.
Zuko also explained that if Aang didn't let the power flow, it could end up killing him.
"Well, not over as in over forever. I mean, there's always Katara and a little Spirit Water action, am I right?" Aang asked Katara, who was sitting next to you, watching both of them train.
"I used it all up after Azula shot you," Katara explained.
"Oh," Aang said disappointedly.
"This is not like the time we learned the dancing dragon form we learned from the ancient sun people. We can't just tap dance our way into defeating my father. It would have been way easier if we could have done that." Zuko explained and hung his shoulders.
That's when it happened.
The meer imagery of Zuko and Aang dancing around trying to defeat Zuko's father made you burst into uncontrollable laughter.
"HAHAHAHA!!!!" You laughed so hard you couldn't even look at them without seeing the image in your head
Soon Sokka, Suki, and Toph came running to see what was going on.
"What's happening?" Sokka asked.
"Y/N is laughing," Aang said in an almost whisper-like volume.
Everyone was just staring at you until you stopped laughing. When you stopped laughing, you saw everyone staring at you.
You looked at everyone, and then looked at Zuko. You could see Zuko's bright red cheeks, and you immediately blushed bright red yourself.
You covered your face and ran over, embarrassed of what just happened.
"Y/N! Wait!" Zuko tried to run after you, but Sokka grabbed his shoulder and just shook his head.
After that, no one said anything, kind of stunned of what had just happened.
It got dark, and you still hadn't returned to the beach house. Zuko had gone looking for, taking some food with him just in case.
After some time searching, he finally found sitting along the beach.
"Hey, you okay?" He asked you and sat beside you. You looked at him and pouted and blushed ever so slightly.
"Here I brought you some food. I thought you might be hungry." Zuko gave you the food which you gladly accepted.
While you ate, you didn't even look a Zuko too embarrassed after what happened.
"Hey, I'm sorry for what happened before, I didn't mean to stare at you like that." Zuko apologized, even though he had done nothing wrong. You stopped eating and looked at him.
"In all this time, I have known, I've never really heard you talk, but yet somehow, your eyes tell me everything I need to know," Zuko said.
"I told you about my whole life, and you didn't judge me. You told me to follow what felt right to me and follow my heart. I can never thank you enough for that." Zuko continued. All this time, you looked shocked at him.
"And I thought your smile was gorgeous, oh god your laugh was beautiful." Zuko suddenly said. Your eyes widen, and you blushed bright red.
"No! I-I Didn't- I mean! You're beautiful! I mean- Ugh." Zuko continued panicking and ultimately hung his head in defeat.
After your initial shock, you looked at Zuko and smiled.
"Look, I meant what I said before, but I'm not great with words." Zuko tried to explain himself, but not before you pulled on his shirt and felt your soft lips against his cheek.
"Thank you." Those two words rang like bells inside Zuko's head.
'Oh god, Even her voice is beautiful.' Zuko thought.
Zuko paused for a minute, not moving, not doing anything. Zuko was blushing bright red, and looked towards you and saw you hiding away in your arms and knees.
Zuko scooted closer to you and placed a hand on the side of your head and pulled you closer, and kissed the top of your head.
You looked up at Zuko and smiled at him, and Zuko smiled back at you. You placed your head on his shoulder, and you could feel Zuko tense up, but he soon relaxed and wrapped an arm around.
For a while, both you sat like that staring at sea, watching and listening to the waves.
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moonlight-dragon · 5 years
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“I just think Lance and Allura are the cutest!” Romelle clapped, smiling brightly to the couple sitting before her. “I never thought pointy chin would master the courage to ask her out!”
Allura’s cheeks flush, her eyes traveling to the boy next to her. Lance looks at her, smiling as he holds her hand in his, giving her a reassuring squeeze. Part of the operation “keep Lotor away from Allura by pretending to be her boyfriend” as Lance had called it. It was not as if she couldn’t do that herself, put Lotor at her reach and she would send him flying, but not now. It still hurt, and she wasn’t sure she could face him without regretting whatever could come after it.
And that was when Lance, sweet-caring Lance had offered to be her fake-boyfriend. At first, she had laughed, punching her best friend lightly in the arm for such silly suggestion. But when he faced her there was nothing but seriousness in his eyes.
“This will keep him away from you ‘Lura” he had took her hand between his, his browns furrowed, his voice in a serious tone that was the complete opposite to the lover-boy Lance persona he displayed so often. If only people knew the incredible selfless person he was… “You would be off limits, he is clever enough to not mess with a girl with boyfriend.”
“…Besides I’d get to live my dream. Having gorgeous, strong and amazing Allura as my fake-girlfriend? WOW.”
Allura punched him harder that time, unbelievably happy that lover-boy Lance was back. Thought not for long. Mischief shone in his eyes, making her try to escape to fail miserably at repelling his tickle attack.
Spending time together was part of their routine, so they didn’t need to do anything special except being touchier… which Allura found herself realizing that it was already there. It was not as if they did it on purpose, they simply were drawn to each other.
A loose arm around her shoulders every now and then, her head buried against his chest when they escaped a crowded party, overacted hugs with bonus spins whenever he was happy, or she was happy, or they simply felt like doing something extreme… And the thing was that it all felt good, sometimes more than she dared to admit.
Allura couldn’t exactly point out when Lance had passed from being an annoying flirt to the person she trusted the most in the world, her confidant, her best friend. Because stars knew how insufferable he was when they had met -all bravado, cheesy pick up lines and forced smiles that had made her roll her eyes more times than she could remember-. But under all that, well, Allura had found a sweet little boy from Cuba who had done nothing but allow her to see that she was worthy, despite all her mistakes and flaws.
-You have greatness within you Lance, I hope you can see it… -she had said in one of their “fake dates” in her room, Netflix and chill, but without the further connotations. Still she found herself hugging his body under the blankets, too distracted by the sound of his heart to care about whatever the film was about. When she had said that phrase, the silence after it made her look up to see her “fake boyfriend” soundly asleep. She had smiled, stars knew why, putting away the laptop and staring at his face, brushing some locks out of it while thinking how long eyelashes he had. He was beautiful. Her cheeks felt warm, but she was too mesmerized to actually realize, putting her whole attention in the way his whole face simply glowed.
That fake relationship, keeping it as platonic as possible, she was sure failing miserably on that. Those hugs, those touches, the way she giggled like a teenager whenever he said something funny… Yes, Allura, way to go, you sure are doing a great job. But the thing is that she didn’t want to do a good job. She craved his lips on her skin, the gazes of pure devotion he gifted her, the way his sole presence made her feel invincible… she wanted all of that to be real. But, did he?
He had always been there when she needed him, even when Lotor was part of her life, she always found herself running to Lance whenever she felt like crying her heart out or cursing the world, or simply feel a warmth that reminded her of home. And he had always been there, with his arms open, listening and making her feel better with the words that escaped his lips… 
She wanted to be selfish and believe herself worthy of his love, that all the lover-boy-Lance’s cheesy pick-up lines still were meant for her.
-Hey Lance, is it too late to accept you travelling across the galaxies to find me?- she whispered, leaning closer to lightly touch his forehead with her lips, hoping her eyes were shinning at least with half of the devotion she always found in those blue gems of his.
Lance had arrived at her room one afternoon, saying he had a surprise, to which Allura couldn’t help but smile. He started talking about the mice and saying they needed a bath and her eyes started shinning as she imagined them in the bathroom playing more than actually giving a bath to her pets. But they liked Lance so sure they would forgive her for using them for expending more time with him. She was ready to drag him to the bathroom when two figures appeared behind him. Romelle and Pidge crushed her in a hug, barely giving Allura time to process the situation. When she became aware she turned to Lance, who already had his hands up in surrender and a apologizing smile that was going to be the death of her.
-You haven’t hang out with them in weeks ‘Lura, they were worried- he simply said, stepping closer to her and giving her a peck in the cheek. -Go, have fun. Me and the mice can handle a couple of hours alone.
-Aggggg, please, spare the public displays of affection Lance- Pidge muttered with fake annoyance, turning to Allura with a big smile in her face. -Okay, go pick up your things, we gotta go!
-Already on it! – Romelle appeared with her purse in her hands, Lance handling her a white coat he said looked gorgeous on her. Her “fake boyfriend” had a better fashion sense than her… she wasn’t going to let that get into her, she wasn’t!
Her friends dragged her out of her bedroom, Lance waving her goodbye while Romelle giggled and muttered something about pointy chin being a good partner in crime. Allura snuffled, allowing a smile to form in her face. It was true that after the Lotor thing she had barely got out of her room -except for going to class- and Lance was almost her only contact with the outside world, apart from Shiro, whose presence always made her feel calm, not for coincidence he was the gang’s “dad”… his premature fluff of white hair not helping at all. She hadn’t neglected her other friends on purpose, but she didn’t have the energy to face them, simply that. But she was going to change that today. They met the Garrison girls in the mall, Romelle chattering about Lance’s suggestion of buying something sparkly. Something sparkly was their thing, she wanted to buy it with HIM! Still she had fun,  so the punch her “fake boyfriend”/best friend had deserved at the beginning of the afternoon was turning into a check peek if she felt bold enough. She headed back home a little earlier than the others, saying Lance had been left alone with the mice and she was worried to find a pool instead of a bedroom when she went back.
His voice greeted her in the hallway. Because when he sang, it was for the whole world to listen. She opened the door in complete silence, ready to give him a hug attack from the back when his song stopped, whispers being now the melody escaping from his lips.
-I’m being a complete jerk here… I mean, when on Earth did I thought this was a good idea?! I stepped back when she was going out with Lotor, I decided it was okay, that just being his friend was enough… But I can’t, I can’t touch her and not want to be with her, forever, for as long as she wants me… “Fake boyfriend”? I don’t want us to be fake, fuck, I want to be her boyfriend, her real boyfriend! I love her, I love Allura so much it hurts. She makes me want to be a better person, I feel better when I’m with her… I just, I just… want her to feel better… with me?
-Sorry guys, so much drama… hahahaha, but hey, can’t expect anything else from Lover-Boy-Lance, right? Now let’s leave you guys as clean as ever!
Allura stepped back, picking her things and closing the door behind her. When she felt far enough from her bedroom she started crying, and laughing, and screaming with her head buried in her hands. He loved her. He was still in love with her and wanted to be with her as much as she wanted to be with him.
God Lance you were so dumb. God Allura you were so dumb too.
But that was going to change.
-Do you guys even kiss? - Keith’s question made Lance choke, as well as make everyone around him groan and face palm, specially Pidge, who lightly punched him in the arm. -What?!
-Whoa Keith, who knew you were the bold type? -Lance laughed, trying to change the subject. He was mentally trying to come up with something, but Allura’s face buried on his shoulder was not helping… wait, was she crying? He touched her check, finding no trace of tears on it so then, she was laughing? -We do kiss, healthy and in love couple thing, but in private, where we don’t have to watch all your disgusted faces.
-I wouldn’t make a disgusted face… If you kept it casual.
-I would find it super cute guys, you are couple goals!- Hunk was blushing and grinning and he soon found Romelle joining him in making kissing sounds.
-Hey, enough with the bad kissing sound effects… Tough it would be cute all to be said.-Shiro, you weren’t helping!
-Guys, c’mon! ‘Lura say som….
Allura’s lips cut him off mid-sentence, pressing against his own. His eyes widened for a moment before sliding shut. He could feel Allura’s arm around his neck, pulling him closer as the hand we was holding invited him to cup her check. Which he did, feeling the warm of her chocolate skin as their kiss deepened. Only after they both run out of air they pull away, followed by cheers and groans of unbelief. Not that they were paying attention, they were simply too focused in each other’s eyes.
“So, that kiss…”
“We are… a thing?”
“I think so, yes.”
“Hey Allura”
“Yes Lance”
“Can I… can I kiss you again?”
Allura smiled, nodding as she felt his lips crash into hers, her feet leaving the floor as her no-longer-fake-boyfriend held her in his arms
Allurance fic that had been lying around my folders for so long. Finally finished! Sorry for any grammar mistakes, hope they’re not too bad…
@makesitprecious was an amazing proofreader and honestly, her email-reaction was the cuttest thing ever. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Hope you like it and really, if anyone has any hc, au or something like that for me to write, please send it to me. It’s always nice to have inspiration.
Picture credit: http://cherryandsisters.tumblr.com/post/165446045809/they-love-each-other-and-i-love-them
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