#but then we get to some weirder shit like “heres in detail on hoe to breed a rotom and gardevoir!”
quillpokebiology · 10 months
I wonder what pokemon can have parents that would make you say "How are they able to breed!?"
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I mean, Dragonite and Bidoof are in the same egg group-
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golbrocklovely · 5 years
only the lonely survive // colby brock - chapter two: ain’t it fun
A/N: let me know what you think of the story so far :)
description of the story here
trigger warning: swearing, drinking, douchey guy, graphic language, light physical fighting (no blood or anything)
word count: 2589
During the car ride, I stayed silent. Corey and Casey are two of the most outgoing people I had ever met, and my introverted ass couldn't really jump in and say anything. Not that I minded, to be honest. I was kind of pissed at Casey.
How could she not tell that Corey Scherer was her best friend?
She knew that I watched him and all of the Trap House guys, and yet never mentioned he was her friend. I was conflicted... I thought we were close but maybe we weren't.
"So, Skye, what do you do for a living?" Corey asked, looking at me through his review mirror.
"Oh... I work in retail at the moment. I also do youtube on the side." I shrugged.
"Same here." He laughed.
"Yeah, me and Skye watch you all the time. Along with all your room mates." Casey replied, giggling.
"Are you a fan?" Corey questioned, smiling.
I cleared my throat, feeling uncomfortable. "I guess you could say that. I do love your content."
He nodded. "Aw thanks. What type of stuff do you make?"
"She does amazing covers. She is seriously one of the best singers I know." Casey said, jumping in.
"You can sing? That's cool." Corey beamed.
Casey chuckled, "No seriously, she is really good. I mean, she did study musical theater in college so she better be at least somewhat good."
"Oh that's sick." Corey cheered.
While Corey and Casey went back to catching up, I looked out the window, watching the houses we passed. Everything was white and pristine. The lawns were mowed to perfection. Every so often there would be a person walking a dog.
The car came to a stop as Corey pulled into the driveway of the house we were staying at. He turned the car off and popped the trunk. All three of us slowly got out of the car. Corey helped us bring our luggage inside the house.
The house was simple but beautiful. Everything looked new: the furniture, carpets, curtains, every little detail.
Man her uncle must be really rich.
"It was good seeing you again, Casey. I gotta go pick up Devyn from the gym and then we're gonna go get something to eat. I'll see you tomorrow. It was nice meeting you, Skye!" Corey said, giving Casey a quick hug and leaving.
Casey and I waved bye, watching Corey pull out of the driveway. Then she shut the door.
"Okay... what the fuck Casey?" I demanded.
"Alright, I know I have to explain myself. I'm sorry I never told you about Corey." She apologized, grabbing her luggage and starting to bring it to her room.
"I think you need to explain a little bit further." I crossed my arms, annoyed.
She sighed, putting her bag on her bed. "Look, back before Corey blew up on Vine, we were friends. I was even in one or two of his Vines. Because of this, when he got a following, immediately people pretended to be my friend just to get to him. Then he moved, and we remained friends, but I never told anyone I was friends with him. Then I went college and I met you. One day you brought up the Trap House and I thought 'shit she knows' but you never asked about him. Then you told me how you never followed Vine back when it was alive and that you only knew of them because of youtube. So I was in the clear..."
"I thought you trusted me a little more than that..." I muttered, looking down at the floor.
"I do trust you. I wouldn't have traveled across the country with someone I didn't trust. I just wasn't sure how to bring up the fact that I'm friends with people you stan. It would be like me telling you I'm related to the Jonas Brothers." She joked.
I looked up abruptly, "You aren't, are you? Because you know I love them."
"No I'm not." She laughed. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I just wasn't sure how I could tell you. Besides, seeing the look on your face when you saw Corey was kinda hilarious."
"You know what's more hilarious? Me punching you directly in the throat." I hissed jokingly.
"You're all talk." She retorted, throwing a shirt at me.
I threw the shirt back. "I wouldn't be so sure about it."
"Well, let me make it up to you. Tonight, let's go out clubbing and I'll buy you alcohol." She smiled.
"You're only suggesting that because I don't drink that much, you fucking cheapskate." I laughed.
She nodded her head, "Yes. However, I do have another gift for you."
"Oh goodie." I clapped my hands mockingly.
"How do you feel about meeting the Trap House tomorrow?" She asked, smirking.
I gulped, "What?"
"Corey and I were talking about hanging out tomorrow. He told me all the guys are gonna be home and I figured I could catch up with him and all of them. They haven't seen me in like a year or so." She said.
"I-I don't know." I stuttered, looking around her room.
"They all know about you." She replied.
I turned to her, wide eye, "I'm sorry, what?!"
"You know how during the summer I go home to Florida? Well sometimes I come out here instead and hang out with Corey and everyone in the Trap House. The last time I was out here I told them all about you. How you're my best friend and how amazing of a singer you are and also how you're a fan of them." She smiled brightly.
"Did you... go into detail of how much of a fan I am?" I questioned.
She turned her head to the side, "Like?"
"Like how I have a fan account? Like how I have all of their post notifications on and I follow them on literally every social media platform?" I stated.
She shook her head, "No. I just said you were a fan. That's it."
I sighed in relief, "Thank God."
"So... does that mean you're gonna hang out with me and the boys tomorrow?" She asked beaming.
Take chances, right?
"Sure. I guess so." I rolled my eyes.
"Yay! Honestly, you're gonna love them. Well, you're gonna love them more than you already do. They are seriously some of the nicest dudes you'll ever meet." She stopped in her tracks, gasping, "Oh my God, maybe you can get with one of them!"
"Everyone in the house has a girlfriend besides Colby." I said, confused.
"You're right. But... weirder things have happened." She replied, putting her clothes in the closet.
/  /  /  /
"Casey! Come on! Our uber's gonna be here in like two minutes." I yelled, filling up a cup with soda and vodka.
"I'm coming ya loud hoe!" Casey screamed, running into the kitchen. She grabbed the cup from my hands and took a swig of my cocktail.
I grumbled, "It's a little hard to be a hoe when no guy wants to fuck you." I snatched the cup from her hands, "Also make your own."
"There are plenty of guys that want to fuck you, Skye. It's just most of them are gross and don't deserve a text back, let alone seeing you naked." She replied.
"I think you're thinking of yourself. If you find a guy that wants me, feel free to send him my way." I rolled my eyes. I placed my cup down on the counter, grabbed my purse and headed towards the front door.
"Well if you want to attract a guy, maybe don't wear jeans to the club." She smirked, downing the rest of my drink.
I looked down at my outfit: a low-cut top, jeans, and platform boots. This was an average outfit for me.
I sighed, "Look my dude, I didn't feel like getting dressed up. Besides I haven't unpacked yet and this outfit was on top."
"We've been here for seven hours, why haven't you unpacked?" She asked, shutting and locking the front door behind her.
"I'll do it when we get home, mom." I mocked, turning to look at her. She raised her middle finger towards me. I blew her a kiss.
/  /  /  /
"It surprisingly busy for a Sunday night!" I yelled, getting close to Casey's ear.
The club 'Roses' was packed tonight. I asked Casey how she even knew of this place, telling me it's where her and Corey go every time she's in LA. Apparently this is also the go-to spot if you want to see D-Listers and influencers all in the same tiny place.
The whole place smelled like shitty cologne, tequila, sweat, and poor life choices.
I was home.
"Let's just try to get a drink! I need one!" She yelled back, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the bar.
When we got there, we ordered our drinks. First, shots. Two each. Then a cocktail.
"I'm surprised you're letting me drink more than one tonight, you know, since you're paying." I stated, elbowing her lightly.
"We're only in California once, why not live it up a bit? Besides you won't have more than three drinks, four tops." She shrugged.
I raised my eyebrow, "How do you know that? Maybe I'll surprise you and have FIVE tonight."
She rolled her eyes. The bartender came up to us.
"That guy over there ordered you these." He said, pointing at the other end of the bar.
We both looked over to see a tall blonde hair guy. He was buff, wearing only a muscle shirt and tight black jeans. He had one sleeve of tattoos. He smiled, nodding over at us. He disappeared into the crowd, coming over.
One guess as to who he was going to talk to first.
"Sup ladies, my name's Mark. It's nice to meet ya!" Mark said, eyeing Casey.
"Hey. Thanks for the drink by the way." Casey replied, smiling.
"No problem. What's your name, beautiful?" He asked, smirking.
I rolled my eyes but jumped in before Casey could speak. "I'm Christina, and she's Emily."
We both made a pack many years ago that if we weren't comfortable around a guy, the easiest way to let each other know was to change our names. It was subtle, but efficient; especially when you're drunk.
Why was I uncomfortable with this guy? Who knows.
"Nice. Why don't you come dance with me?" He requested, grabbing Casey's hand.
Casey turned to me, "Are you good, Christina?"
I nodded my head. She winked at me, slowly being pulled onto the dance floor. I looked back at the two shots Mark ordered for us. I downed both.
Haha, jokes on you Casey. I have gone over my limit.
/  /  /  /
After scrolling through my phone for the nth time, I looked at the dance floor, trying to find Casey. I spotted her; she had her phone in one hand and her drink in the other. She was also grinding lazily against Mark.
I looked back at my phone, checking the time. Suddenly, a text popped up.
 Casey: plz come ovr nd get ths douche away frm me
 I looked up at her, seeing her stare at me. I nodded my head, finishing my sixth drink tonight, and started walking over to her.
Time to use my theater degree for something.
"Oh my God Christinaaa let's goooo home I'm tired." I whined, bumping into Casey 'drunkenly'.
Casey turned towards Mark. "Hey I'm really sorry but I gotta get my friend home now."
"What why? Can't she call an uber herself? I thought we were having fun." Mark groaned.
She sighed. "I'm sorry, but I want to make sure she's okay getting home. Don't need her to fall into the wrong hands."
"Okay I guess. Wait... isn't your name Emily?" He questioned.
I looked at Casey, she looked at me. I grabbed her hand and we ran outside.
"Shit, how did you forget my fake name?" She hissed, throwing my hand off hers.
"I'm sorry I forgot your fake name, I'll make sure to remember it next time." I grunted, rolling my eyes. I grabbed my phone, clicked the uber app, and called one. "What was the problem with Marky-Mark back there anyway?"
"Well for one thing, he smelled like Axe body spray and I immediately felt like I was back in high school grinding on a dude during prom. Also, I really can't understand how he was out of rhythm when I was the one doing all the work." She explained.
"I had a feeling he was gonna be douchey. However, being a bad dancer and smelling weird doesn't make him a shitty person." I quipped.
Casey's eyes widen. I scrunched my face, confused. Turning around, I saw the reason for her shocked expression: Mark. Standing right behind me, with a beer bottle in hand.
"So... you're not that drunk anymore. Maybe now Emily, or Christina, or whatever the fuck your name is can come back inside and dance with me some more." Mark sneered, reaching for Casey.
I jumped in front of his hand, "Look dude, I understand you want to keep hanging out with my friend, but she doesn't want to hang with you anymore. The both of us... don't want her hanging with you anymore. So, we're just gonna go home and you can go find some other girl to party with."
"You know bitch, you keep cock-blocking me and I'm getting real tired of it." He shouted, getting in my face.
"Fucker it ain't cock-blocking if you were never gonna get fucked to begin with. Also, calling me a bitch really isn't helping your case." I replied, stepping up to him.
He rolled his eyes, "Whatever, slut." He started to walk away.
I grabbed my chest, mockingly, "Ow, you hurt me."
He stopped, turn back towards me, reached out, and poured his beer down the center of my shirt.
"Look: two wet bitches for me!" He bellowed, smiling.
All I saw was red. This motherfucker is about to lose his balls. But as I was rearing up to go Tonya Harding on him, the bouncer grabbed him and slammed him against the wall, smashing the beer bottle on Mark's hand in the process.
"What the fuck?!" Marked yelled, trying to get out of the bouncer's grip.
Casey started pulling my arm. I looked to see our uber pull up. I looked at Mark, flipped him off, and jumped into the car.
After a silent, uncomfortably wet, 20-minute drive, we finally got home.
I sighed, stepping into the house. I immediately took my shirt off, walking into the kitchen.
"Woah, I didn't know coming home with you would get me a free show." Casey joked, dropping her body onto the couch.
I grabbed two water bottles from the fridge. I placed one down on the coffee table in front of Casey.
"I feel like buying you two drinks isn't sufficient enough for the bs that we went through tonight so... how about tomorrow I buy you dinner?" She said, smiling sweetly.
I took a long swig of my water. "Yeah that sounds fine. I would also appreciate it if you could steer clear of douche bags for the rest of the trip, for the sake of my sanity and wardrobe."
"I can't make any promises, but I will do my best." She replied, scrunching her nose. 
 << CHAPTER 1 || CHAPTER 3 >>
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