#but there are a lot of baha'is and queer baha'is who disagree. and are trying to change that
bookwyrminspiration · 5 months
hello it's the bahá'í anon once again !! I've been off reading the official texts (albeit slowly) and was wondering if you know of anywhere to purchase hard copies? my searches have been unclear on what's reputable and reliable </3 if not, that's okay, I have digital access ^^
also thought you'd be mildly interested in knowing that so far the bahá'í faith really speaks to me and I'm thinking that once I move for college that I'd look into the local community! I never thought I'd find a religion that truly pulls me after I drifted away from catholicism so thanks for being part of the push for me to properly look into it again !!
Hi again! Thanks so much for your patience as I got to this.
Personally, we purchased all our hard copies at the bookstore within our local center. For that, you'd want to get in contact with local community members--which you can do on the bahai.us sight (here). There you can also request to be sent free literature (apologies if you know all this already, i'm erring on the side of caution).
Another site I've found is this online bookstore. I haven't used it myself, but it seems what I'd expect. I will say while caution online is warranted, in my experience the Baha'i Faith is so small and unknown there's very little risk of it being used as a front for anything.
I wish I could be of more help! And I'm happy for you, even if the pull doesn't turn into anything more. You seem interested and to enjoy it, and that's worth something! And just because it wasn't for me doesn't mean i'm not perfectly happy to help and answer any questions I can :)
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