#but these two. are at the forefront of my mind. bc i am insane about found family
haunted-xander · 1 year
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I NEED to know what the dynamic between these two are. Are they a family dynamic? Is she his nurse? She tries to get him to drink something. Why? And what? Why is he refusing to drink it? Is it medicine? Is he unwell? They're probably friends of some sort since they seem comfortable with each other (or, well, as comfortable as a short clip like this can show anyway). You can't give me potential family units without explaination like this hyv. I am going to go insane over this until Fontaine is released and I get confirmation.
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coredrill · 7 months
perhaps my most insane collection of brvn thots yet
do we think lulu is from the moon. i think this for three reasons. one: when she told superbia she was going to ride him the moon was quite large and prominent in the shot. symbolism. two: when she got her fancy hairdo, she had two little buns that looked like moons. three: “lulu” could come from “luna” the same way it could come from the first syllable of smith’s name. why would she become spanish? don’t worry abt it. also if she’s from there then maybe the “final battle” which obari allegedly said would take place in an unexpected location will indeed be on the moon (pls dont ask for a source on this bc i don’t think i could find it again but it was one of the like. EARLY early interviews iirc. or it was just a rumor. this part of the post is a joke anyways LMAO). however this IS a super robot show so i feel like the moon in general is actually a more expected location for me than like. idk. cleveland
everyone pointing out the animation differences maybe indicating different timelines is so funny to me cause like. if it’s NOT intentional, the fans are putting together a list of fixes to make for the bluray on a silver platter LMAO. also god i hope we get a western bluray release, i honestly am considering getting the jp one if it somehow winds up w eng subs though just cause i know it’s such a long shot for CRUNCHYROLL of all motherfuckers to put one together 🥲 discotek ur our only hope………………
i keep thinking abt the like. pacing of the previous fight scenes being reused in ep9 in such a smart way…………like with smith/lulu v superbia - isami/bravern v cupiridas AND with smith/lulu v knuth - isami/bravern v pessimism/vanitas they kept doing the quick jumps between each of the two fights in a way that made it clear that isami and smith were in conversation even if they were doing completely different shit, and then bringing that completely to the forefront this ep while isami is asking smith why he died and at the same time smith is refusing to die bc of his promise with isami. BLEW MY FUCKIN MIND to see the pattern reused like that, i swear to GOD everyone talks about how fun and hype this show is but it’s so damn GOOD too 😭😭 and then after that the fuckin. symmetrical docking ass cut and then later the gattai which has been held off for SO long bc they are no longer separate conversations. JESUS
called my shots too early tho w smith not melting ppl’s minds in a kaworu manner where they convolute the story x1000 to try to make him seem straight 😭 congrats white boy, your days are numbered until ppl start saying you love isami like he’s your pet dog……….also in a related fashion the giant naked smith fanarts are taking me out LMAO
you can tell idk shit abt fuck when it comes to time travel fuckery cause i rly am just here like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ atp LMAO, the serious theorizing is GONE. i trust the show to finish out in a satisfying manner and also in a way that my pea brain can understand and i’m rly looking forward to savouring these last 3 episodes :] and then rewatching the whole thing from the beginning once the remaining twists have been revealed and i Know :3 like not to get way too sentimental w 3 whole episodes left but we are so lucky to be following this story in real time you guys 😭 like i’m just gonna put the same post i made back after episode ONE here cause it’s true but times a million with what we’ve seen so far, truly this is such a special experience to have and i’m so glad this show waited until i got into mecha to get made so that i could like. Understand it yknow. anyways good for january 14 2024 version of me, you are so excited andyet still have NO idea the kind of treat you are in for 😭
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“lewis” jumpscare tho omg. i forgot it took me like a week to figure out what the hell was goin on with all the characters first and last names LMAO. anyways everybody go look at sumiisa sekiha love love tenkyouken right now i am no longer asking
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calumcest · 4 years
hello i don't have time to answer your messages today bc i have to go watch umbrella academy with my dad now i'm very sorry but i heard soulmate au drabbles & i need them. i miss luke being bitchy so much it's insane (not that i'm not loving all the britpop content but soulmate lashton are my life) okay so i can't decide between 'it's freezing in here' & 'i don't want to talk about it' so please write whatever you want with either of those just please make it soulmate lashton -spoiler twin
omg i hope u enjoyed umbrella academy! also dont worry about it omg no stress get to it when u get to it theres never any pressure from me god knows itd be hypocritical anyway given how terrible i am at responding to messages but i get it no pressure x 
Of course, it stands to reason that the first time Clifford goes missing is while Luke’s in London with Ashton. 
He’s not even sure how it happens. One minute Clifford’s in Luke’s line of vision, barking happily as he chases a squirrel and then changes his mind and chases his own tail instead, and then Ashton’s calling Luke, making Luke turn around on instinct, only to see Ashton tapping his watch to indicate they need to get going if they’re going to make it to their next interview with the researchers, and when he turns back, Clifford’s gone. 
It doesn’t immediately register, because Clifford bounds about like a fucking madman anyway, so Luke just searches the area a little lazily, eyes flicking from tree to bush to path to tree, but when he’s covered about three-quarters of the patch of grass in front of them, he’s frowning, stepping forward as he twists left to right, panic rising in his chest as he realises shit, shit, Clifford’s not there. 
“Shit,” he mutters, and looks over to the tree Clifford had been playing near, just in case he’d somehow managed to miss him, but the only dog there is a huge Samoyed ambling lazily around its base. 
“Luke,” Ashton calls again, and Luke feels a sudden stab of anger so strong that it makes his vision blur, mixing with the panic to create a hot mixture of fury that tries to claw its way up his throat and onto his tongue. God, if Ashton hadn’t called his name just to tell him they need to leave, this wouldn’t have happened. He couldn’t’ve just fucking said Luke, we need to go like a normal person, could he? No, the fucking narcissist needed Luke to be looking at him, needed to be the centre of Luke’s attention. Fucking hell. 
Luke grits his teeth as he jogs past the tree the Samoyed’s sniffing around, not even catching its attention as he passes, and looks wildly around the open, empty space on the other side. There’s a couple walking their Labrador to his left, three children playing football on his right, a mother exasperatedly dragging her screaming child away from a puddle he clearly wants to play in, but no tiny, yappy dog bounding around, chasing birds or squirrels or other dogs. 
He can’t have lost Clifford. He can’t have. Not in London, especially, thousands and thousands of miles from home and Michael and Calum with only Ashton for company. God, he’d rather be alone, he thinks, as he turns back around and looks back over at the tree a little desperately, like his memory of Clifford trotting around it will make him re-materialise there, somehow. It doesn’t, though, unless Clifford re-materialises as a huge, fluffy white dog, and Luke swears under his breath as his heart hammers in his chest, fists clenching and unclenching at his side as his gaze flits from left to right and back again, hazy around the edges with panic. 
He doesn’t even know how to look for a missing dog. Posters, sure, but where? London’s huge, and Clifford could be fucking anywhere by now, full of endless energy and curiosity and an insatiable desire to explore streets he’s never been down before. He’s far too friendly for his own good, too, always yaps at Ashton’s feet in that way that means I want to be picked up right now and by you specifically, fuck the guy who buys me food and toys and cuddles me at night, and a vision of Clifford sat at someone else’s feet at dinner, blinking up at them beseechingly while they shovel chicken into their mouth hits Luke so hard it almost gives him whiplash, makes him swallow back bile. 
What’s he going to say to Ashton? I lost my dog in the three seconds I looked away from him? Ashton’s had Spot for years, had Ralph and Evie before her, too, and he’s never lost any of his dogs. Luke’s going to look completely incompetent, fucking hell. It doesn’t matter, though, really, he tells himself - at least, not yet, won’t matter until Clifford’s back with him and safe again. 
He takes a deep breath and clenches his fists again, inhales deeply and exhales heavily, trying to let the desire to throttle Ashton leave with the air in his lungs, and then marches stiffly back around the tree, rehearsing what he’s going to say to Ashton. You cunt, Clifford ran away while you were- no, too angry. Clifford’s run awa- no, too matter-of-fact, makes it sound like it’s a common occurrence. I need to find Clifford, maybe? That’s vague enough, isn’t it? Yeah, that’ll do; he can send Ashton off to the interview and let him make their excuses while he combs the park looking for Clifford. After all, it’s Ashton’s fucking fault Clifford’s got lost, isn’t it? The least the fucker can do is come up with an excuse for Luke’s absence.
Luke takes another deep breath, rounds the corner and plays the words over and over again in his head, trying to make sure they’re practiced enough to sound real, eyes searching for Ashton. He spots him waiting by the gate leading out of the park, looking aimlessly around as he stands lazily, shifting from foot to foot, arms at his side, dog between his legs- 
Dog between his legs. 
Clifford’s right there, nestled happily between Ashton’s legs, gazing aimlessly around the park with his tongue hanging out and his tail wagging. He looks serene, that calm happiness that he usually only gets with Luke, and it makes Luke furious for some reason, makes him jog over to Ashton with an expression that makes Ashton frown at him as soon as he sees him coming. 
“What?” Ashton asks, puzzled, brows drawn over hazel eyes. Luke swallows, trying not to think about the way Ashton’s lashes are casting tiny shadows on the smooth skin of his cheekbones. He still wants to throttle him. 
“Nothing,” he says tightly, and yanks Clifford’s lead out of Ashton’s hand without so much as a thank you, relief flooding his veins so fast and hard that he barely even notices the way his fingers tingle as they make contact with Ashton’s skin. 
“What happened?” Ashton sounds genuinely concerned, like maybe Luke had been mugged while he’d been running wildly around the field - Jesus, Luke thinks, with a tiny grimace; he must have looked fucking insane to Ashton. 
“Nothing,” Luke snaps, and winds Clifford’s lead around his hand a few times, making sure he can’t stray further than a foot from Luke’s heels. Clifford glares up at him, like he knows what Luke’s doing and resents him for restricting his freedom, but doesn’t bark about it, which is something. 
“Are you okay?” Ashton asks, and his voice is a little softer now, tinged with the sort of gentle concern that Luke only ever hears from Calum to Michael. It makes Luke’s stomach lurch, somehow, the way he associates that tone with Calum and Michael, and he nods curtly, and looks away from Ashton.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” Luke says, letting all the anger and frustration leak into his voice to hide the slight edge of fear, and Ashton bites his lip but nods, and steps away. 
“Alright,” he says, and that’s it. He doesn’t push, he doesn’t nudge, he doesn’t wheedle, he doesn’t force it out of Luke, he just steps back, steps away, and respects Luke’s space. A wave of guilt washes over Luke at that - it hadn’t really been Ashton’s fault, had it? - but he stares steadfastly ahead of him as he reaches for the gate and pulls it open with a little more force than strictly necessary. Ashton lets him go through first, lets him tug on Clifford’s lead and pull him through too, before walking behind him, closing the gate and falling into step a metre or two away from Luke, giving him the space he needs. 
They walk in silence for a while, Ashton ambling alongside Luke as he tries to focus on his ebbing anger, trying to dredge it back to the forefront of his heart so he won’t have to think about the guilt that’s quietly but insistently making a home in it. Loath though he is to admit it to himself, Luke has to concede that it wouldn’t have been Ashton’s fault if Clifford had run away. And it’s not Ashton’s fault that Clifford had run to him instead of Luke, that he’s happy and calm with him in the same way he is with Luke, but it doesn’t stop the tired anger spiking in Luke’s veins a little when he thinks about it, furious at the idea that Clifford could possibly like Ashton. But it’s not Ashton’s fault. 
Luke doesn’t say anything, can’t bring himself to apologise for his bad mood and his unwarranted snappiness, but by the time they arrive at the interview, still not having spoken a word, he realises that the gap between himself and Ashton has narrowed to all of a few centimetres, his hand brushing against Ashton’s every so often as they walk, and he can’t remember whether it had been him or Ashton who had closed the gap.
(It doesn’t really matter, though, he realises with a jolt, because either way, he’d allowed it to happen.)
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hongism · 5 years
not your typical flower shop story chapter two
Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
Genre: Flower Shop Owner!Taehyung, College!Reader, College!Taehyung, Fluff, Angst, Future Smut
Word Count: 6055
Rating: M
Warnings: mild language
Summary: You always goes to the cute boy next door’s flower shop across the street because hi yes he’s the cutest damn person you’ve ever seen, until one day a guy with tattoos and a severe obsession with the color black shows up in the shop asking for the ‘usual’ and you find out that your cute innocent little flower boy has a dirty little secret.
A/N: okay tbh i didn’t write an outline for this so i just wrote whatever to my mind and let the story take me where it wanted to go. I’m hugely overwhelmed by the support you guys have given to the first part! and hahahahahhaahahh yoongi isn’t a bad boy whOOPS, i wanted to kinda break that stereotype and throw you for a loop lol. And I’m super excited to see where it goes! I am bumping the rating up, because i kinda expect it to get more mature as it progresses and possibly have future smut but??? I’m anxious about that bc i’ve never written smut askfskdjf we will see where it goes!! Onto the story~
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"Here's some hot tea. I don't know if you like that kind of thing. Um, it's peppermint flavored." Taehyung passes a steaming mug your way, but you don't reach out to accept it. You refuse to look in his direction in fact and opt to pull the wool blanket draped around your shoulders closer to your body as though it will take the coldness out of your skin. Taehyung sighs and sets the mug on the coffee table before you. "Y/N..." He trails off without finishing whatever train of thought he had, and instead moves to sit on the couch beside the chair where you sit.
Wood squeaks, protesting against movement that does not belong to Taehyung, but rather Yoongi, who occupies the chair directly across from yours. You lift your gaze to look him in the eye. The furrow of his brows shows the evident concern that both him and Taehyung must be feeling, but too much is running through your system at the moment and you can't bring yourself to care all too much.
The events that followed your text are still a blur, and you aren't sure the memories will ever return to you.
That small, supposedly insignificant word remains emblazoned at the forefront of your thoughts. How are you supposed to focus on whatever was happening outside the shock of seeing that word beside your texts after going so long without it? To put it simply: you aren't, and you won't.
You blink at the coffee table, looking past the steaming mug of tea Taehyung set down and towards the identical black objects a bit further down.
"You have a gun," you say at last, eyes fluttering shut as reality slowly settles in.
"Y/N, I can ex—” 
"I must be dreaming. Or losing my mind. Maybe this is all a hallucination, and I've finally lost it."
"I know this is a lot to handle, and I'm truly sorry for putting you in a position where you could have been hurt." Taehyung scoots forward and tries to lessen the distance between the two of you, but you lean away from him in response. "I can explain."
"Explain what? The boy across the street who sells flowers for a living — and is my neighbor — has a gun on his coffee table. Not only that, he brought said gun to dinner with me. Then there was an armed robbery at the diner, and I had to text your "friend" in code." You shake your head as you speak, unable to process the words yourself. "You're a drug dealer. My neighbor is a drug dealer."
"I'm not a drug dealer!" Taehyung protests.
"Part of the mafia? A gang? Nothing else explains why you would carry a gun, talk in code with your supposed friend, and talk about drugs in your texts!"
"That's not—it wasn't—I have an explanation." Taehyung stands up and brings his hands to his face as though pleading you to hear him out.
"I'm gonna die."
"What? No! Why would you think that?"
"You're gonna kill me to keep me quiet," you reason. "I can't do this."
"No—Y/N, no one is going to kill you." Yoongi cuts into the conversation, pulling your attention off Taehyung with his raspy tone. You press your lips together. "Taehyung, let me explain."
"I'm the one who got her into this mess though! I should be the one to explain," Taehyung argues. He falls back onto the couch, arms falling to the cushions, and heaves a deep sigh.
"It's not your fault that robber came into the diner tonight. There is no way you could've known that was going to happen, okay? Listen: you need a breather as much as Y/N does, so let me explain what's going on."
"Okay, okay." Taehyung relents, and his eyes find you again. You look straight ahead though, chin a bit dipped, and stare at the black combat boots that came to the table you were crouched under at the diner and the pale hands that pulled you out from under it to tell you that it was over.
The faint scent of cinnamon touches your nose as you sniffle, and you acknowledge the smell for the first time since coming to Taehyung's apartment. Warm. Cozy. Safe. Except you are anything but safe right now, and nothing about this situation feels comfortable or warm.
"Y/N, Taehyung is not part of the mafia or anything like that. Neither am I. We aren't drug dealers either, and there are no gangs. It's just a concealed handgun—” 
"That's not legal here though," you interrupt. Another surge of panic rushes through you at the idea of being involved in something illegal. That could mean that I won't be able to visit the hospital anymore, even if it is just the front lobby. Maybe they'll kick me out of university too. Fire me from my job. Then what? I can't pay the medical bills if that happens. I'm fucked.
"You really aren't making this easy, Y/N." Yoongi rubs his forehand, exposing the pale skin under his jacket, and you spot more black ink across it.
"Well, I'm sorry but how in the hell is any part of this situation supposed to be easy?"
"Okay. Fine. I am going to give you two options then. The first: drink the tea and regain your strength, then go back to your apartment and act like this never happened. The second—” 
"Done," you say before Yoongi can finishing explaining anything else. You jolt forward and snatch the mug from the table. The liquid burns your tongue and tastes like fire as it goes down your throat, but none of that is important in the moment. You just want to get out of here. Away from Taehyung, away from Yoongi, and away from the guns. The table trembles when you slam the mug back down against the surface. Both Taehyung and Yoongi wear similar expressions of wide eyes and dropped jaws. "Thanks for the tea, and thanks for saving my life I guess. I'll be leaving now." You hop up from the chair, blanket falling off your shoulders as you do, and head for the door without sparing either man another glance.
Then you're out the door and moving towards your own apartment with uncertain steps and weak knees.
I don't want to know, you tell yourself as you fumble with your keys and struggle to get the door unlocked. I don't need to know. Whatever the hell Taehyung is doing does not matter to me. It doesn't involve me. The less I know the better. You burst into your apartment, and the door slams against the wall hard enough to leave another dent in the plaster. It truly is in your best interest to walk away from Taehyung and Yoongi, ignore them and whatever insane life they're living, and focus on yourself. You don't need flowers anymore.
Hifumi is right. I shouldn't be wasting my money on flowers anyways. I should be saving the money for the medical bills. I should focus more on my studies.
The abrupt scream that leaves your lips surprises you. You aren't sure why the noise escapes — maybe the frustration and panic surrounding your situation or the realization that someone is reading your messages now of all times. Why now? I didn't get any calls from the hospital, they didn't give me any updates, so why? Why is this happening? Why tonight?
Knocking interrupts your train of thought, and the force behind it is so strong that you fear whoever is behind is may break the door. Your heart feels like it's beating in time with the rapid knocks. As you stand in the dark, part of you wants the night to be over and for you to wake up to find that it was all a dream. The other part panics because who the hell would be knocking at your door at this hour? Was it the robber from the diner? Did he follow you back here? Or maybe someone else is here to kill you.
"Y/N, open the damn door!" Taehyung, it's Taehyung's voice. Thank goodness. You stumble towards the door, and in your moment of panic, you forget about your intentions of putting Taehyung out of your life. Twisting the handle, you pull the door open to reveal Taehyung's face behind it. He pushes past you and into the apartment, leaving you to look at Yoongi, who stood hidden behind Taehyung.
"Are you alright?" Yoongi inquires. He stretches an arm out to touch your shoulder, but you shy away from his grasp.
"I'm fine. What's the problem?"
Taehyung rushes around your apartment, scouting out every corner and crevice in sight, and once everything is searched to his liking, he stops to look at you.
"Is someone here? Did something happen? Why did you scream?" He interrogates. You glance down at his hand, spotting the black outline of a gun in his grasp. When you turn back to Yoongi, you spot the same object tucked into the waistband of his pants.
"Di-Did you think—” you stop yourself as the lingering contents in your stomach churn. "No one is here. I'm alone." Why did he have to mention that? What if someone really is here? Dammit there's no way in hell I'll be able to sleep tonight.
"We heard you scream. I thought something happened," Taehyung explains. He tucks the gun behind his back, no doubt placing it in his waistband as Yoongi did. "Y/N, I know you would rather put this out of sight and out of mind. That's fine with me. If you really want to do that, then I won't stop you. Please, though, please stay at my apartment tonight. I need the peace of mind. It's the last thing you have to do for me, and after tonight, we don't ever have to talk again." You fold your arms over your chest. The plea sinks into your skin, and you stand in contemplation of the possibilities as Taehyung waits for your answer with bated breath. No. At least, that is what you ought to say. The puppy dog eyes — those damn puppy dog eyes — are present. How can I say no when he's looking at me like that?
"I—look, you're right next door. Isn't that safe enough for you? Even if it's not, why can't you just stay in my living room? Why do I have to go over to your apartment?" Arms fall to your sides, and you blink at Taehyung. He sighs, fingers coming up to tug at his loose hair, then looks behind you.
"My apartment is safer, Y/N."
"What? Do you have iron bars over the bedroom windows or something?" The man stays quiet in the face of your accusation, exchanging a glance with Yoongi.  "Oh my gosh, you have got to be kidding me. Taehyung, is that even allowed here?"
"Can we ignore that for now?"
"Fine, fine! Just let me change clothes, okay?" You sigh and scoot past him to get to your bedroom. Taehyung prevents you from making it to the door, taking quick steps to reach the wood before you do.
"What if someone is in there? Let me go first. I'll check it out." He jiggles the handle to no avail because you locked the door before leaving this afternoon. Without a word, he finds you with his eyes and waits. The sigh that leaves your lips is a long one, and after that, you unlock the door for him and pray that your room is in a decent enough condition to be seen. Then again, if someone really is in your room, then they've already seen the disaster inside so you shouldn't care all too much. Taehyung bursts into your bedroom with gun in hand, and you nearly scream at the suddenness of his action. The ease and fluidity of his actions shows that this is something he has done before, and he's done it enough times to be comfortable with it. If your heart could plummet any further in dread, it would. After everything that has happened this evening though, you think it's safe to say that you've reached your limit for dread and panic for the rest of the month.
"If it makes you feel any better, he's like this all the time." Yoongi appears at your side. You don't hear him approach, and the darkness in your apartment makes him blend in a bit too much for your liking since he's wearing an obscene amount of black. You jump, hand coming to your chest when he speaks. His eyes widen at your reaction, then fall to a relaxed state again after a moment. "Sorry, I do that a lot."
"I don't wanna know," you claim. Yoongi sends an indiscernible look your way, and you have to remind yourself that it's the truth even though there is curiosity in you that truly does want to know what the hell is going on with Taehyung. "I just want to go to bed and wake up tomorrow as though this didn't happen."
"Is that how you handle all your problems?" Yoongi asks as he watches Taehyung analyze every inch of your bedroom.
"It's the best way to handle problems," you counter. Heat rises on your cheeks, and you begin to feel a bit sheepish for acting so dramatic.
"Really? Let me know how that works out for you in the long run."
"I won't because this is the last time we'll be seeing each other." Again, Yoongi looks at you, and this time a smirk plays at his lips.
"Okay, Y/N."
"Hey, the violets look really nice!" Taehyung's voice cuts through your conversation. He grins at you from the doorway of your bedroom, the boxy smile seeming out of place alongside the gun in his hand. He tucks the weapon back into his waistband, then says, "It looks safe though, so you can go ahead and get whatever you need for the night."
"Oh, uh, thanks." You slide past him to get into your room, glad to see that it isn't as much of a mess as you thought it was. "Can you give me a few minutes? To use the bathroom and stuff?" Taehyung nods and hastily steps back into the living room alongside Yoongi. Shutting the door in their faces feels awkward but the moment of privacy makes it worth it. You head for the bathroom but once you get there, you sit on the floor to stare at your phone, the message you sent earlier still bearing the small insignificant word next to the block of text.
It can't be him. There's no way. The hospital would've called. Someone must have stolen the phone.
You force your shaking fingers to type out another message.
from y/n, 10:49 p.m. unread
   - who is reading my messages? why? what do you want? why do you have this phone?
from y/n, 10:49 p.m. unread
   - i know you can't be the actual owner of the phone because i would know if you were. answer me before the morning or i will call the cops.
Breathe, just breathe, Y/N. You place your phone back in your lap. The amount of time you have left before Taehyung starts to panic and think that someone snatched you from the apartment is dwindling, so you pull yourself to your feet and leave the bathroom. It's cold when you step back into your bedroom, but you like it that way typically, so you shouldn't complain. Tonight, however, it doesn't feel right; nothing does. The air filling your lungs, the cold touching your skin, the methodical rhythm of your heart straining against the confines of your rib cage.
You strip down to your undergarments slowly, peeling each layer away one by one, then you remain in the center of your room. Standing. Thinking. Wondering what the hell happened tonight still because you can't wrap your brain around it. The fan above your head is quiet, so quiet that you can hear Taehyung's voice through the wood of your door.
"She's taking too long, Yoongi."
"Leave her be for a few, Tae. I'm sure she's fine."
"What are we gonna tell the others?"
"Nothing for now. Eventually you'll have to say that you screwed up tonight."
"I screwed up? What the hell did I do?"
"You know the rules! You should've kept your ass in that booth and messaged Tower instead." Tower? Who in the hell… 
"I couldn't do that. Y/N looked way too terrified for me to just sit there and wait for Tower to get off his ass for once."
"Hey, keep it down. She might be able to…” Yoongi's voice dies down and even as you press your ear to the door, you can't hear whatever they're saying anymore.
"I knew it," you mutter under your breath. "It's some sort of drug cartel or the mafia or a gang. Oh my gosh, one of my neighbors is a stripper and the other is a criminal. What the hell?" You are vaguely aware of the fact that you are standing in nothing but a bra and underwear while pressed against your door -- and it isn't hot and sexy in any kind of way because you're alone. The main struggle of this whole night is coping with the fact that your messages say "read" and there is no explanation as to why. Until now actually, because your phone buzzes on your bed, a ding resounds through the room, and you lunge for the device without thinking twice.
from y/n, 10:49 p.m. read
   - who is reading my messages? why? what do you want? why do you have this phone?
from y/n, 10:49 p.m. read
   - i know you can't be the actual owner of the phone because i would know if you were. answer me before the morning or i will call the cops.
"Okay, okay, okay. Y/N, don't panic. Just breathe." You let the device fall to the mattress again. Yet there is still a tremble in your hands as you pull a fresh set of clothes out of your dresser. Your knees still feel weak when you press your legs through the holes of the pants, and a distinct pain lingers in your chest. You wish you were numb, or that the cold would sever this feeling from your body.
No buzz emits from your phone again. You leave your bedroom, bearing sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt. If the night's events had not occurred maybe you would be more concerned about the way you look in front of the cute innocent flower boy that is Taehyung. Correction — that was Taehyung, because he no longer holds that image in your mind.
He and Yoongi have moved to your kitchen counter, where one stands on either side of the counter and exchange hushed whispers. The sound of your door opening does not divert their attention, so you clear your throat albeit a bit awkwardly because intruding on such a seemingly serious conversation does not feel right.
"I, uh, I'm ready whenever you are." You shift your weight from foot to foot and stretch your arms away from your sides. The image resembles something a young child would do to get the attention of her parents. You feel like at child too, because of the way you are being coddled and protected by Taehyung and Yoongi. The focus doesn't stay on either man for long as your phone buzzes in your hand. Taehyung speaks but the words go in one ear and out the other as you read the message you just received.
from jimin, 11:05 p.m. read
   - now that's not very fair, is it Y/N?
“Now that wasn’t very fair, was it, Y/N? C’mon, you gotta play fair!”
“I am! I haven’t done anything unfair. You’re the one who is supposed to be good at games, aren’t you?”
You stumble on thin air, grabbing hold of the door frame behind you to steady your wavering balance, and Taehyung stops talking at the sight of your blunder. Shit. Dammit. What the hell? There's no way…what the hell is going on?
"Y/N? Y/N! Hey, are you okay?" Taehyung's shouts grow increasingly louder as he gets closer to you.
"I'm fine," you hiss through gritted teeth. Gripping the wood tighter, you steady yourself and hold out your free hand to deter Taehyung from coming any closer. He pauses at the end of your hand, eyes lingering on the tips of your fingers then travelling up to your face. "I'm feeling a bit lightheaded from everything that's happened tonight."
"Come on, you can lay down as soon as we get back to my apartment." Taehyung wraps his fingers around the hand that you have extended. The warmth from his hand almost burns your cold fingers. He tugs you away from the door frame, and you lose your grip on it, knees locking as the support leaves you, but you manage to stay upright.
"I-I need to lock the door, Taehyung," you say when he pulls you into the hallway. You hold your keys out to prove your point, and Taehyung snatches them out of your hand before you can blink. He tosses them to Yoongi as he steps out to join the two of you in the hallway.
"And I need to make sure you're okay, Y/N." His features soften a bit as he looks down at you, a breathy sigh leaving his parted lips. "I feel responsible for what happened tonight. It's my fault for putting you in a position where you could be hurt, and it's my fault for letting you get this involved with things you're too good for. I'm sorry." The warmth of his hand leaves you, and the cold rushes back. You have to stop yourself from chasing the warmth of his touch.
"You couldn't have known that was going to happen," you argue.
"You really think so?" Taehyung's voice holds a melancholy thickness in it, and although he has his back turned to you now, you can picture the puppy dog eyes.
"I could've picked any other place and this wouldn't have happened."
"That can't change anything now, Taehyung. As upset as I am, I still want you to know that I don't blame you for anything that happened. There's no way you could've known."
"That's where you're wrong, Y/N. I should have known, and I should've said no to you when you asked to get dinner because I know how dangerous it is to know a person like me." Taehyung won't look at you as he speaks. You follow him into his apartment again, the warmth scent of cinnamon hitting your nose once more. Yoongi follows close behind, your keys hooked on his index finger and jingling as he twirls them around, and he snaps the door shut. "Yoongi has the right idea. You ought to act like this never happened after tonight, because that's the best way for you to be safe. I promise that I won't bring you into anything ever again. You should avoid coming to the flower shop too. There are other places to get bouquets if you still want them, but I don't think it's smart for you to keep coming to me when you don't trust me and I'm dangerous."
"I know," you mutter. "That's my plan." Taehyung shifts from foot to foot, then turns to face you.
"Good. Yea…that's good."
The clinking sound behind you ceases.
"I'm getting a call," Yoongi announces, clearing his throat before he speaks. "I'll be right back, Char—Tae." He stumbles on the name, the first syllable spilling out awkwardly before he rushes to correct himself. You don't bother looking in Yoongi's direction, instead focusing on the flash of panic that flashes through Taehyung's brown eyes. He notices your stare lingering.
"Uh, come on, I'll show you my room." He motions for you to follow him and leads the way to his room. "I'm sorry if it's a bit messy. I wasn't really expecting…well, never mind." Taehyung opens the door to a dark room, one with blue painted walls and a pale carpet spread across the wood floor. The room illuminates as Taehyung flicks the light switch on. A bit messy, no. It's not that, and you couldn't call it that even if you were being nice. The mess starts near the front door, a pile of clothes beside the entrance, and it continues to the bed where the sheets are pulled back and almost tugged off the mattress. A pile of papers scatter haphazardly on his desk, crumpled up balls of paper fall from the surface to the floor, missing the trash bin only a few feet away. Across the window, sure enough, lie five rows of iron bars, the handiwork obviously belonging to someone who isn't an engineer or architect by any means. You decide not to comment and pass a smile Taehyung's way instead.
"Don't worry about it," you say.
"Do you need anything?"
"O-Oh, okay, well — uh just let me know if you do. I'll be right outside."
Taehyung glances over the mess again, and you see the internal debate etched across his features. He must talk himself out of picking anything up because he spins on his heel and steps out of the room, leaving you to stand alone. The two of you stare at each other. His grip tightens around the door knob. The tension hanging in the air thickens.
You speak at the same time. If the tension didn't exist, maybe both of you would laugh and urge each other to go ahead and speak first. Neither of you say anything though, voices dying in your throats. Taehyung pulls the door shut after a quiet apology, and you blink at the wood in shock.
"Oh." The sigh leaves your lips, a rush of air that feels warm against your cold mouth, and you turn away from the door. Sitting on the bed leaves a strange sensation in your gut, one that tells you that you don't belong here, this isn't your home, and even with the iron bars and Taehyung's promise of safety, you don't feel safe here. You're typing away at your phone in a frenzy now, mind reeling more and more as the night continues.
from y/n, 11:26 p.m. unread
    - i know you aren't really him, because the hospital would've told me if anything happened. so quit playing games and tell me who you really are.
What happened that night...you don't want to relive any of those memories, and perhaps you can use that as your excuse as to why you never visited his room in the hospital. Facing the consequences of your mistakes and decisions would be far too difficult for you to handle. Besides, as you told Yoongi earlier, the best way to deal with your problems is to run away from them. Leaving a vase of flowers in the lobby with instructions on which room to deliver them to was enough. It is enough. You won't change your mind on that decision.
A series of soft knocks touch the door and your ears at the same time, and you look up from your lap. It opens without your permission, and you half expect Taehyung to step through, a rectangular grin on his lips and a twinkle in his eyes. Maybe he would start talking about violets again, or go on about which flowers do best this time of year. But no, you have no such luck, because it's Yoongi who steps in with another steaming mug in his hands.
"More tea from Taehyung. He didn't want to bother you anymore though." Yoongi lifts the mug as he walks closer to the bed. The scent of peppermint mixes with cinnamon, and you wrinkle your nose. If Yoongi notices, he doesn't mention it; instead, he places the mug on Taehyung's bedside table beside a couple balled up pieces of paper. "You know," he says, "I don't blame you for wanting to run away from this situation."
"Who says I'm running away?"
"Oh, my bad. Isn't that how you deal with your problems?"
"It's not running away," you hiss back, glaring up at the leather clad man before you. He tilts his head, a small smile tugging the corners of his mouth up.
"No need to get feisty."
"Don't act like you know me. We met only a few hours ago."
"Don't act like I haven't heard of you before today." Yoongi leans forward, bending at the waist to be eye level with you. "Taehyung is chatty, you know." You bite the tip of your tongue hard enough to draw blood, and Yoongi chuckles.
"What exactly do you want?" You ask.
"Nothing." You frown at the response, disbelief evident in your expression. "Alright kid, scoot over so I can sit."
"Um, kid?"
"You're a university student, so you must be younger than me."
"Aren't you the same year as Taehyung?"
"No, I graduated five years ago."
"W-What? But Taehyung said—” 
"He lied." Yoongi cuts you off, pushing the haphazard bed sheets around to make a spot to sit.
"What else did he lie about?" You mutter the question more to yourself than to Yoongi, but he responds anyways. The mattress creaks under the added weight, and you subconsciously shuffle away from him and move closer to the pillows at the head of the bed.
"He's not a bad person, Y/N. That's probably the only thing he's lied about."
"Except for his profession."
"Has he really lied about that? Think about it, Y/N. What do you know about him?"
"I thought I knew he was a university student who runs a flower shop."
"And both those things are true, aren't they?"
"Have you ever asked if Taehyung does anything else on the side? Any other jobs? Hobbies? Commitments?"
"We-Well, no…” Yoongi lets that information sink in while you refuse to look his way, gnawing on the edge of your lip with a bit too much enthusiasm.
"What are you trying to blame him for?" The question stops you in your tracks.
What am I trying to blame him for? Nothing. I have no reason to blame him. And I'm not blaming him anyways, I'm just upset that he withheld that information, right? Isn't that what I'm upset about? Nearly dying, receiving texts from someone who shouldn't… 
Tears prick the corners of your eyes.
Freezing. Being unable to move. Crawling under the table in the diner. Crying. Puking. I'm upset that I didn't do anything. I'm upset that I couldn't do anything, not once but twice.
"I'm not trying to blame him for anything," you claim. There is a slight tremble in your tone, a quiet shakiness that Yoongi no doubt detects, but again, he does not comment on it. "I'm not."
"I understand that you don't want to know anything about our...profession, but I'll tell you one thing. We don't do the things we do out of enjoyment. It's out of necessity. A need. Whatever that may be: a job, money, help, something to bring home to family, a means of protection for a loved one. We do what we have to."
"I don't understand," you whisper. Glancing out the corner of your eye, you spot the resigned expression across Yoongi's delicate features.
"Take me for example. I don't enjoy the dirty parts of my job. Things like what happened tonight though? I know I helped Taehyung, and that's what is important to me. I know that the money I earn goes to paying for my younger brother's education. It keeps him from ever having to step in the muddy water I live in. Even if one day he learns what I do and calls me evil, I know that I've done what I can to keep him good." Yoongi stands up all the sudden, groaning along with the bed that squeaks in relief from the extra weight. "Take that as food for thought, Y/N, before you put us down for what we do."
The silence after he leaves the room is deafening. The scent of peppermint too strong in your nostrils, and you feel lightheaded.
Yoongi's words bear a striking resemblance to Hifumi's earlier in the day.
“You call me vile now, but you’ll find out soon enough that we can’t always do good things for the people we love. If it means saving someone, there is no line between good and evil."
We do what we have to.
It's a suffocating soliloquy, not a defense but a revelation. However many times you've wondered how Hifumi could have no shame in her work, Yoongi's explanation serves to shed light on her position as well. She does what she has to, just as Yoongi and Taehyung do.
"You just need to stop letting your ego get in the way of what really matters."
“And what would that be?”
“I can’t answer that for you, love.”
What really matters? You could put five people in a room and ask them that same question, and you would receive five completely different answers. What matters to one person is pointless to another. Take buying flowers from a shop across the street for example. To you, an important and crucial part of the day that serves to alleviate the pain from school and classes. To Hifumi, a waste of money and time based on childish hopes and admiration for a cute boy. Whatever Hifumi meant though, you cannot figure out. Your ego is not getting in the way of anything. You just want to get through school, pay off some hospital bills, and not go into debt because of university. Work as a speech and language therapist, doing good work and being a good person.
“Wow…that’s — uh, you’re a really good person. That’s amazing how you want to help people and do good things for others. I...I can’t imagine.”
Perhaps Taehyung's words make more sense now, knowing that he is a part of some less than savory things in his spare time.
“You…you are a person who has seen a lot of terrible and evil things, but you still see the good in the world nonetheless. You want to expect the best from people, and yet you’ve been disappointed so many times that you aren’t sure anymore. That’s why you’re studying linguistics and psychology. So that you can do something good in the future, something with an impact, something meaningful. You’re too good for this world, yea…no doubt about that.”
An impact.
Something meaningful.
Is that not what really matters?
You shift your gaze to the mug on the bedside table, and an unprecedented rage swells in your chest. They raise you to think that doing good and being good is all that matters. That no matter what evil you see or hear, you are supposed to be good. Help others by doing good and meaningful things. What if doing good things doesn't get you far enough? You stretch your hand out, knocking the mug to the floor as a cat would with a glass. The ceramic shatters upon impact. Hot tea splashes your bare feet, burning and scalding the skin. A rush? A feeling as though you've broken some sort of invisible chains? Why does it send a thrill of exhilaration up your spine and through your body?
The door bursts open, Taehyung and Yoongi standing behind it to find the source of the crash no doubt. You get to your feet. A shard of ceramic crunches under your toes, not enough weight put down to break the skin, but it stings nonetheless. Both men glance between the mess on the floor and your stony expression.
"Is everything alright, Y/N?"
Your phone is buzzing again, a series of vibrations against the bed, and a distraction for both Taehyung and Yoongi. You pull their attention back with your next words though.
"You said you would give me two options. I want the second, and I want to know everything."
written by: jungtaeyoongles
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survivor-kalymnos · 4 years
Ep. 8 - “I’m not sure if I’m just in a really good place or if I’m a clown.” - Michele
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I’m completely blindsided about getting zero votes.....like I thought all of Eliza’s votes were coming my way. Can’t wait to live another day
fuck me running. that's it. that's the confession.
Okay. Like wut? So elle did that and I was shook. She probably has another one. Given her performance in the game. Then Rain tells me that they don’t actually have an idol. Just took two tylenol. Hopefully this headache from this round goes away soon so I can be fresh for tomorrow
I honestly should've just voted van out because I agree with the reasons that cranjes and dusty turned on him for, but I before I thought about it too much I told van I'd vote for him even though I knew it wasn't a good idea and I didn't want to go back on it because I was a Rat in the second to last game I was playing and I didn't want to tell van I'd vote with him and then vote for him and look where the fuck that got me
also I voted with van because he was one of the only people who would substantially fucking interact with me this round but anyway. like shit, y'all, some of y'all could've done more than the blandest small talk, okay?? (and yeah, I could've too but it's not like they gave me much to work with)
on a calmer note, why the hell am I letting myself get this worked up when two rounds ago I could barely be assed to make a single confession
Tribal went well! We flushed out Elle's idol, and in turn pissed off Elle and Sasha. Especially Sasha. Ive tried explaining to them but they're just getting more upset, so I'm just going to let it be until the next time i need to talk to them!
I’m fucking pissed about tribal last night. Like I was not in the majority plan and people who I thought were my allies felt like they didn’t need to tell me what was happening and also just not go with a smart plan and get rid of someone who wants you out, instead they got rid of their own ally like idiots. I swear Cranjes and dusty are some of the worst players because they would rather keep people against them then those with them and that’s just ridiculous. And now Van and Elle are gone, two people I could actually trust so my game is quickly going down the drain. I have to move forward strong though because I can’t afford to do anything else.
people are mad at me that i flipped on van. to that i say, oh well. it’s the game. i’m not comfortable with my position in the game but i know there are people with bigger targets of my back then i have. my job now is to amplify those targets.
Submitting this on our off day. I think getting rid of Elle was the right move, and really drives in that actions have consequences. Enjoying this do nothing day by submitting my application for The Circle and reading a book.
I love doing touchy subjects when I don't know shit about shit
i just have to figure out how to get through this round completely unscathed. i know making the jump last tribal really put that blinking “hello the bitch is playing” radar on my back and it makes me nervous as all hell. i was between a rock and a hard place and i jumped to the side that had my back more in the long run. seeing how elle just vanished i think i made a good choice although that was a different sorta situation. however, i know sasha is scorned. i also know that rain knows that we were going to vote em out before van went like super name jumpy. both are a threat to my game because they recognize the fact that i wronged them somehow in someway. i need to stick with the franco’s and the dustys and the elizas because they are threats. i’m not gonna look as menacing beside them as i would beside worm or sasha. so idk what i’m gonna do this round.
So with Van gone and Elle leaving the game the trains demeanor has shifted. People are aware somewhat of whos working with who. And from my view I see sasha and frank the most distant. They were both very upset about the last tribal. Which you think would mean oh easy let’s take out of them no worries. Buuut my good buddy Cranjes told me that Frank has an idol! So we just vote Sasha! But what if he catches on, and because they only have each other, it’s likely he would use an idol. Also I found a cursed idol in the hunt and to get rid of the disadvantage i decided to tell the whole tribe. So everyone knows I have an idol and in the challenge I was voted a much player than everyone realizes. So I will be watching my back twice as hard this week! Thankfully me and Eliza have the super idol in our back pocket. I’ve also been talking to Lenny rain and worm to get closer with them. I need their votes this week in order to take out sasha or frank, possibly with a split vote. But i do really like each of them and would like to work with them moving forward but unsure how long I can do that without setting off Eliza Franco and Cranjes against me
This game is playing out like a Best Friends Race. I’m not sure if I’m just in a really good place or if I’m a clown. Cranjes is growing on me a lot and my main targets are frank sasha and newly lenny. Also I think I have Timmy narrowed down to worm or frank but I hope hes frank bc I wanna beat him(timmy) and I’m not losing to frank haha. Would be awkward if hes worm because I consider Worm one of my closest allies. Glad I have a little bit of a break for now to play around.
i just have to figure out how to get through this round completely unscathed. i know making the jump last tribal really put that blinking “hello the bitch is playing” radar on my back and it makes me nervous as all hell. i was between a rock and a hard place and i jumped to the side that had my back more in the long run. seeing how elle just vanished i think i made a good choice although that was a different sorta situation. however, i know sasha is scorned. i also know that rain knows that we were going to vote em out before van went like super name jumpy. both are a threat to my game because they recognize the fact that i wronged them somehow in someway. i need to stick with the franco’s and the dustys and the elizas because they are threats. i’m not gonna look as menacing beside them as i would beside worm or sasha. so idk what i’m gonna do this round.
so the plan is to split the vote between frank and sasha. i need frank here. so i told frank to play his idol for himself. i know frank would be on my side. sasha would not. so i’m keeping frank and yeeting sasha. although my alliance wants frank out. scandalous.
touchy subjects is so fun. i've never gotten villain of the season so that's new for me. I also got both "who thinks they're running the game" and "who's ACTUALLY running the game" so that's pretty iconic. I thought this round was gonna be easy and chill, because last round was absolutely batshit insane. BUT i thought wrong!! miss eliza has a crackhead plan that I'm kinda living for!! She wants Cranjes out, which I?? am scared of but I like. he's so scary in this game. he seems way too comfortable and sure that he's gonna get what he wants. i'm also still shook up by our argument last round. I'm not convinced he's not still trying to get me out soon. sO! We set up a fake plan with Cranjes and Dusty to split votes on Sasha and Frank. Those are the public targets everyone knows about. BUT. There's a secret plan for me, eliza, Rain, and Worm to vote Cranjes out instead. Splitting the votes makes it easier for us to get that majority we need without letting too many people in on the plan and risking a rat. so yeah! exciting! stay tuned!
OH ALSO I THINK I FORGOT TO WRITE A CONFESSIONAL ABOUT MY IDOL??? yeah i found another idol hehe. SO. There's so many damn idols. Cranjes has one, Dusty has one, I have one, Frank has one, I have a legacy advantage, and Eliza/Dusty has a super idol. jay why are u like this
so the plan is to split the vote between frank and sasha. i need frank here. so i told frank to play his idol for himself. i know frank would be on my side. sasha would not. so i’m keeping frank and yeeting sasha. although my alliance wants frank out. scandalous.
I’ve been hearing that my name is going around so womp. Cranjes is definitely actively working with Eliza and Franco as well as dusty and those people are gonna end up with a majority soon because people trust them even though they’re the biggest threats. I’m voting Franco tonight and going to try to make sure he goes. I’m gonna talk to Sasha since their name is also going around and I want them to be safe as well.
Dear diary... After talking to cranjes a bit more I’m 99% sure I clocked him, but speaking of cranjes he has far too much control in the game right now. He wants to do a 5-3-2 split on frank and Sasha and then whoever they voted for. Well I put together a group of four and got numbers lined up to make a 4-3-2-1 split with cran going home. The group is rain, me, Franco, and worm. I think that this is best especially since our group of four is all close with different people so we get intel from all sides! I’ll fill in more details later
So I think it's time to let you into the mind of a worm. So these last few days have kind have been an eye opening experience since we've merged. Because the last few days have been kind of chill so people are really gonna try to keep up with relationships that they want to go deep with. That means that people you aren't really wanting to work with aren't gonna be at the forefront of your mind. The only reason I'm saying that is because during the time between Van leaving and the results of the immunity challenge, no one has really reached out to connect with me, only me to them. It lets me know that I'm not really anyone number or really even anyone's number 2. I think in most of their eyes I'm just a loyal number that they can us to get majority and make big moves. Which I'm okay with right now. This point in merge is usually the point where larger threats go after one another to try and gain control of the game. With me not coming off as a power player then I'm gonna us that to my advantage and integrate myself into peoples plans more. Eliza came to me today and told me that she wants herself, me, Rain, and Franco to vote Cranjes. I'm totally okay with this cause I was saying his name last round and Eliza confirmed my thought of him ignoring people that he doesn't want to work with. I think anyone that is doing this strategy is just shooting themselves in the foot so I'm happy that its the reason why he is getting out. The alliance between the four of us (the Plastics) is something I'm not sure about in the long run. I know that being in a tight 4 person alliance is probably the best thing for me right now but I know all for of them hold more power in this game than I do and have a great chance of winning. My plan is to stick it out with them this round cause I know by us going against the original plan they are gonna piss people off like Lenny and Michele. I think they are looking too far ahead and are gonna harm their games socially. I want to emphasize the crack at final 8 or 7 and start knocking the three of them out. I have info on all three of them that I think would get people to mistrust them and vote them out. I kind of want to have Michele be the head of the snake during that so then she becomes a target and gets taken out before final 3. I know Franco keeps preaching that we need to take out the people that he sees as sheep/coasters/goats (like Sasha and Frank), but what I've learned through orgs is that whenever a role like a goat or a threat is taken out a new one is going to take there place. If I go along with all their plans then i feel like I'm going to fall into that role of a goat. I have suspected the three of them being close from the very beginning so being in alliance with them has risen my suspicions to basically fact. I think they think I don't know what they are trying to do but this isn't my first org. I just want them to keep thinking the are pulling the wool over my eyes, but reality I'm a wolf in worm's clothing.
Frank says that people are trying to split the vote between him and me, which the split is probably just idol paranoia. I don’t really give a shit how it plays out tbh. I haven’t really talked to others about the vote, and honestly why should I at this point. I don’t know how to salvage my standing in this game at this point so someone vote me out and be done with it
Eliza and Dusty i think organized this vote but hey no harm to me Rain- Elle was removed for sending triggering+r rated messages to the tribe chat for the challenge as well as violating the Jordan pines clause. - This is good, because I was going to flip on her anyway. - Touchy subjects time! I tie for winner, but random.org chooses Michele. Yay Michele! - Cranjes thinks the vote will be 5-3-1 frank-Sasha-??? -Vote should actually be 4-3-2-1 if it goes to plan, which I double it will, sending Cranjes home I don’t trust Michele. Also I got most likely to be betrayed by my allies? Yikes. Can’t trust anyone.
sasha just makes me nervous. idk what it is. like i’m convinced they have some master manipulator plan hidden and on file waiting to strike us down. at least i know that if idols fly it’s gonna be franco’s name? i hope at least. idk.
Dear diary... I lied, details won’t be coming later this round. They will be coming next round tho
sasha just makes me nervous. idk what it is. like i’m convinced they have some master manipulator plan hidden and on file waiting to strike us down. at least i know that if idols fly it’s gonna be franco’s name? i hope at least. idk.
For touchy subjects, I was given  “who is on the bottom but doesn’t know it?” and I too, voted that people saw me that way. That doesn’t necessarily mean I agree. I am being very intentional with my game but I am getting nervous because that makes me an easy target. I hope I can try and get more allies, but seeing how popular Eliza and some others are in the game, I am not feeling to good about it. I've just been trying to be low-key but I think people are mistaking that for weakness. I don't know how to change their minds. Especially with the OGNera people, I think once they tried to vote me out the first time, they are probably really confident that they can do it again and I think they know I feel that way. It is not a pleasant feeling because I've worked super hard to stay in and be a good ally, but I don't really know if people really respect me as a player. I guess I am just feeling a little lack of confidence this round :/
The plan is a split vote between Sasha and frank. But as always I’m nervous there will be a flip. Let’s hope it goes well!
Probably going to get sent home :(
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