#but this shot of LG reaching out is a close second
curapicas · 8 months
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I know we were too busy looking at his thigh, but I appreciate the amount of subtle details on his body language before reaching out for Cheng Xiaoshi
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dadolorian · 3 years
(Diamonds and Daddies one shot) An Angel, A devil, and a Daddy ,Whiskey x F!Reader x OFC MXFXF
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A/N: This is a colab fic written with @talesfromtheguild​ and omg guys you have no idea how fun this was to write and the ideas we shared  🥵 🥵
Huge thank you to her for the help and being willing to collab please go read her stuff. 
This is a CANON side story to Diamonds and Daddies
Fandom: Kingsman the golden circle Ship: Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels x Cis F!reader x OFC!
 Warning/tags: Threesome, unprotected sex (wrap it up irl) , Oral (M and F receiving) , Creampie, strap on , FXF action, MXF action, over stimulation, aftercare, rough sex, dirty talk, P in V sex, slapping, DD/LG /BDSM style relationship
Word count: 10K +  🥵
Summary: For Jacks birthday, HoneyBee surprises him with a threesome.
Your limbs ached as you rolled over and snuggled into Jack’s bare chest, your nose pressed into the crook of his neck as you pressed lazy kisses against his skin. You could feel him start to stir in his sleep, as your soft kisses began to rouse him awake. His arms wrap around your torso, pressing you closer to him. His skin is warm beneath yours, and part of you never wants to leave the warmth and safety that he radiates. 
    “Good morning.” he says, his voice a deep rumble. The combination of loudly moaning all night long, and his sleepy morning voice made his voice a deep growl that reverberated through the air.
    “Good morning Daddy.” you reply, kissing along his jawline, early morning stubble rubbed against your skin.  
Jack finally cracks his eyes open, and tips his head downwards to look at you. He smiles softly and proudly when he sees your hair is still a mess from last night's activities, and your lips are still slightly swollen. He shifts slightly in bed, and brings his hand to cup your jaw before pulling your face towards his where he gently kisses you awake. 
You pull away from him, and he openly pouts. You laugh at him before ducking back down to press a chaste kiss to his lips. He tries to follow you and your sweet kisses when you pull away again. 
“How would you feel about a threesome?” you ask him out of nowhere.
Jack’s head falls backwards onto his pillow with a deep groan as he squeezes his eyes shut, trying to will the naughty images his mind conjures up away. He releases a huff of air as his hands adjust their grip on your waist.     “Darlin’...” he says tilting his head to the side to look at his alarm clock. “It is 6:30 in the goddamn morning. You can’t just spring that on me.” 
“But would you be interested?”
“Babygirl, you know I don’t share.” 
“But Daddy…” 
“It ain’t gonna happen darlin’. My cock is the only cock that gets to fuck your sweet little pussy. No other man is gonna touch you.”
“Unless you got a girlfriend that wants to join us, the answer is no.” 
Your eyes light up - you’ve got just the friend to join the two of you in bed, but you school your expression and pout slightly, trying to steer Jack away from the conversation you’d started. 
“Okay Daddy…”
He rolls you over and onto your back with a devilish smirk on his handsome face. His hands hold onto your hips as some of his body weight crushes you. “Now, how about breakfast in bed?” he asks, licking his lips before disappearing beneath the sheets. 
When Jack had said he didn’t want anything and that you didn’t need to get him anything for his Birthday you felt bad. You had wanted to get him something, but for the life of you, you couldn’t think of a single thing your man could want, need or desire. Additionally, if Jack truly did want something, he could buy it himself. He was a grown man who could provide more than enough for himself - and you. Your monthly allowance was generous at most, and all the gifts and dates Jack took you on… he spoiled you rotten. 
But then you recalled that silly little conversation you had with him one morning after a long night, and you suddenly knew what you wanted to get Jack for his birthday, and you knew exactly who to call to help you out. 
It hadn’t taken much to convince your good friend Taylor to join in on your plan. In fact, Taylor was on board before you even finished asking your question. When she had agreed, you explained to her how Jack liked things - your relationship was heavily based in DD/LG roleplay, and he liked being able to feel all of you without a condom on. 
Taylor wasn’t surprised at this information - she’d been on the Sugar Baby app you used for years, and had been with many daddy’s, and baby’s, and had been a part of many, many fantasies. Getting to join you with your Daddy was something Taylor was looking forward to. She was curious about your himDaddy, what with you constantly talking about him and how great he treated you, and how well he fucked you. To say she was curious about him was an understatement. 
After she had agreed to yours and Jack’s terms, you made sure to get everything in order. You had Taylor tested to double check she was clean, she was already on birth control so you didn’t have to worry about that, and finally you took her shopping. You were going to go all out on lingerie for Jack’s birthday - after all your Daddy deserved the best. 
When you had arrived at the fancy lingerie store, you were greeted by Amy, one of the sales associates that had been a good friend of yours and always knew what to put you in to make Jack drool. 
“What are we going for today?” Amy asked with a coy smile. She had been a Sugar Mama long ago, and knew what suited you and your Daddy’s tastes. 
“We’re just browsing today. Birthday surprise.” you’d told her. 
Amy winks at you, and tells you to call for her if you need her help before she slips away to help another customer. Together, you and Taylor walk through the lingerie store, browsing for something that Jack would like to see the two of you in. It feels like you wander the whole store and find nothing that feels right to wear as a gift for Jack. 
With a dejected sigh, you look over the tops of the racks for Taylor’s dark head of hair, before you spot  her on the other side of the boutique. You weave your way through the racks before you come to stand beside her. 
“What about these?” she suggests, her hand running over a vibrant red silk bra and matching panties set. Your hand reaches out to run over the material, and you’re surprised at how soft it feels under your fingertips. Your head cocks to one side as your eyes land on a separate yet similar looking set just a foot away, and an idea sparks inside your head, remembering one of Jack's favorite kinks to explore with you. Stepping away from Taylor as she grabs the red silk number, you reach outwards and grab onto the set that caught your eye. You spin around with a devious little smirk on your face as you reveal what caught your eye to Taylor. Her own wicked smirk bloomed across her face as she eyed the lingerie in your hands. 
“Oh you little devil.” she teases you. 
“You’re the devil,” you teased back, sauntering off to find some accessories that would really finish the look off. 
Jack was in for one hell of a birthday surprise.
When Jack stepped inside his apartment, and dropped his keys on the hallway table, he didn’t notice the trail of rose petals leading further into his home at first. He only noticed the silence that greeted him.  By now his Honey Bee should have been leaping into his arms, as you always did when you heard him return home from a long day at work.             Curious, he took off deeper into the apartment, not finding you in the lounge and kitchen, he knew you had something planned for his birthday, so to not have you jumping on him the second he got home concerned him. There was no way you would go out at this time, surely? You knew not to head out without telling him. He was extremely protective of you and you’d be punished if you didn’t follow the rules.  As he neared the stairs, ready to search the bedroom, he finally noticed the petals. He chastised himself in his head, how a secret agent didn’t notice something so obvious in his own home was beyond him.     The annoyance he felt at his lack of observational skills was quickly overruled by a growing heat in his stomach as it clicked in his mind as to what the petals could mean.     He had no idea what you were planning, but he was excited nonetheless, all he knew was his precious little baby had a surprise for him, and that was all he needed to know. He slowly ascended the stairs, undoing his tie and throwing his jacket to the side as he walked. He followed the trail with his eyes, his smile and cock growing as his eyes were led up to the bedroom door. He paused at the door, hearing some soft, muffled moaning coming from the other side. He growled to himself, picturing you lying on the bed, legs spread wide, pleasuring yourself, as much as the idea got him hot and bothered, you knew the rules, and pleasuring yourself without his permission was a sure fire way to earn his ire. He didn’t bother knocking, intent on catching you in the act, and it was his home and his bedroom after all, instead he opened the door slowly, and let his eyes follow the petals right up to your shared bed. His eyes widened in surprise and lust at the downright sin before him.           His precious, innocent little girl laid out on the bed, wearing nothing but a frilly little white get up, that sight just by itself would be one to instantly make him hard. But no, you weren’t alone. 
Your hands clung to the hips of a woman he had never seen before, the two of you seemed unfazed by his presence, too distracted by each other's tongues as you kissed one another.
The strange woman, who was wearing a matching outfit to yours in red, opened her eyes and looked over to him, she smiled into the kiss, keeping eye contact with him she started trailing her hand from its place on your hip to between your legs, making you moan loudly. 
That made him snap out of his daze finally, he growled and strode towards the bed, stopping at the foot to watch you two more closely. 
“I don’t think this is what good girls do, ain't that right Honey Bee?” he rumbled hungily. 
You jumped, truly having been too distracted by Taylor to notice Jack come in. Your lips left hers and you stared up at him, batting your eyelashes at him, trying to feign innocence. 
“D-Daddy,” you whimpered, caught. “We were just-”
“No excuses,” he cut you off. A large hand trailed up the length of your body, stopping at your chest. Firmly, he pushed you onto your back, his eyes trailed down your body to take a good look at what you were wearing. A new set he noted, as his fingers traced the edges, white and frilly, just how he liked it, with fluffy angel wings and a matching halo to really finish the look off.  He leant over you, kneeling between your legs and nuzzling his face into the side of your neck, he peppered it with teasing kisses before wandering up to your mouth.
His lips ghosted above yours, you could feel the heat of his mouth on your kiss swollen lips,, he was so close, but as you leant up to kiss him he pulled away enough to stay out of your reach. 
“I come home, after a long, hard day at work, all I want to do is spend some quality alone time with my Honey Bee, on my birthday, instead, here I find you, breaking my rules, playing with a friend you didn't even ask me if you could invite over,  and making excuses?” 
He slapped your thigh before straightening up, eyes now focused on Taylor who had been patiently waiting beside you. 
“Now, who might you be Gorgeous? “ he asked,  his voice softening and letting his gaze wander over her form, admiring the matching outfit she wore, red, with little devil wings and tail in place of your halo and wings. 
“Taylor, Daddy,” she purred, stretching out on the bed, a playful smile gracing her red painted lips. 
“Taylor,” he repeated, trying it out. As much as he tried to keep the stern facade up, he couldn’t help mirroring her smile. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, although I would have much preferred it if we could have met when I wasn’t upset with my Baby.” He emphasised his point by slapping your thigh again, rubbing it soothingly straight away and ignoring your startled cry. 
“I-i was trying to surprise you, for your birthday Daddy,” you mewled, whimpering again when he glared down at you. 
“Surprise me you did Honey Bee, but that don’t mean you have permission to break Daddy’s rules,” his fingers danced over your covered core, tutting when he found you wet. “Getting yourself all worked up without Daddy’s permission? I’m disappointed Honey Bee.” 
“B-but that was Taylor-” 
He cut you off with a hard slap to your covered pussy.
“Don’t you blame your friend when you’re the one who invited her and started playing with her!” He snarled. “You know the rules!” 
He turned to Taylor again with a sigh. “I’m sorry you have to see this Gorgeous, I think I’ve been spoiling my Honey Bee too much if she thinks she can behave like this.” His eyes didn't leave her face, but he began rubbing up and down your core as he continued to speak to her, ignoring your pleas and mewls as you writhed between his touch. “I want you to know I ain’t blaming you for her behaviour, you’re a guest in this house and I don’t expect you to know all the rules, but I do expect her to follow them.” 
He leant forward towards her, until his nose was touching hers. 
“Can you be a good girl for me and tell me who’s idea it was to start playing?” 
Taylor swallowed and nodded.
“Y-Yes Daddy, it was me, it was my idea,” she admitted. 
Jack hummed and closed the small gap between them, locking his lips to hers. 
Taylor moaned and you whined, jealous of the attention and praise your Daddy was giving her. 
Jack broke the kiss , giving her one last peck. “Thank you for being truthful with my Darlin, instead of pushing the blame onto someone else like a bad girl,” his gaze drifted back to you as his sentence ended with a growl. “What are you whining for huh?” 
You pouted up at him, refusing to answer. 
“Quit being a brat and answer the question Honey Bee,” he warned. 
“I want a kiss too,” you sniveled. 
“Good girls get kisses.”
“But Taylor just admitted she started it!” You whined. 
“We aint going over this again Honey Bee, you know the rules, she doesn’t. She’s a guest in this house and she told me the truth, so she gets a kiss.” 
You huffed and crossed your arms, turning your head away from him in annoyance. 
“I really do spoil you too much Honey Bee,” he sighed, pulling you up into a sitting position. “One kiss, you get one,” he said sternly, finger raised in warning before dipping his head to finally kiss you. 
You moaned, your perfectly manicured fingers raking through his hair as you attempted to deepen the kiss. If you only got one you were determined to make sure it was a good one. Normally Jack loved to tease you with his tongue as you kissed, but he denied you entrance as you tried to deepen it. He growled, warning you as you attempted to push your tongue past his lips for a third time. He pulled away from you far too quickly. “Sit up on the bed, both of you,” he ordered, hands trailing up and down your back. 
You nipped at his jaw, ignoring the instruction and kissing your way down his neck, making little marks appear on his skin, as Taylor moved to sit on the bed like he asked the two of you to do. 
“Angel…” Jack’s voice drops low, the sound sending shivers down your spine. “My little devil is behaving better than you are right now. I think she deserves all the rewards you were going to get tonight.”
You pulled away from him just slightly to stare up at him, with big doe eyes. Jack’s cock throbbed in his pants as he stared down at you, and your innocent expression. Both of his hands came to cup the side of your face as he pressed a single chaste kiss to your lips. 
“That look won’t work on me sweetheart. You’ve been a brat since I stepped in the door. Bad girls don’t get rewards.” he says, his eyes staring deep into yours. 
“But... tonight is supposed to be all about you.” you said, breaking out of the bratty submissive role you’d taken on for the night. You really wanted Jack to have a good birthday, and you didn’t want to ruin it in any way. Shitty birthdays sucked, and you didn’t want Jack to remember this birthday as one you had messed up. 
“And it will be. Right now, Daddy wants to punish you for your bratty behavior.” Jack reassures you in a soft voice, telling you that everything between the two of you was okay.
Taylor sat in the middle of your shared bed, and watched the two of you as she bit her lip. It was obvious to see just how much the two of you cared for each other, how much it went beyond the dynamic the two of you had arranged and agreed to. Shifting her weight around, Taylor felt honored to share your bed for a night. What the two of you had… it was something Taylor hadn’t seen in a very long time, and she was proud to see you had found something so precious with Jack.
“Honeybee, you’re gonna sit right here,” Jack ordered you, pointing to a spot right next to Taylor on your large bed, “and you’re gonna watch as I fuck your friend with my tongue.” 
You whined at the thought of just sitting there and watching, but this was a punishment and you don’t wanna disappoint your Daddy. Positioning yourself comfortably on top of the sheets, you tucked your legs beneath your body and settled directly next to Taylor. At the foot of the bed, Jack watched patiently as you sat down and looked at him, waiting for any other instructions he might have for you. When he’s satisfied with where you’re sat, he turns his eyes to the woman casually lounging on his bed. 
“Darlin’, as good as you look in red, I bet you look better naked.” he said as he gently reached out and ran a hand upwards, letting his fingers drag over her skin from her ankle to her hip. 
His hands gripped her hips tightly, but not painfully, and dragged her down the bed slightly trying to bring her closer to him so he could reach her easier. His fingers play with the little straps on her garter belt, before hooking one finger underneath the elastic and letting it snap back against her skin. Taylor moans softly in the back of her throat as her thigh stings slightly. 
“Fuck.” Jack exhaled as he stared down at Taylor. As much as he wants to just tear her lingerie off and fuck her senselessly, Jack wants to take his time with her, wants to show his baby what happens when she breaks the rules and acts like a brat. Everything he’s going to do to Taylor is what he could have done to you instead if you hadn’t disobeyed him. 
Jack’s hands wander to the clips that hold up the garter belt, and slowly he begins to snap each elastic band against Taylor’s skin before unclipping them fully. His hands moved to the belt those straps were sewn to, and unclipped it, pulling away from her body and tossed it somewhere within the bedroom. 
You whine loudly as your eyes are glued to Jack’s hands as they roam over Taylor’s body as she mewls and hums softly at his touch. His hands ran over her ribs before coming to cup her breasts. You can see Jack’s eyes darken as he tests the weight of Taylor’s breasts in each of his hands, loving the way they feel in his palms beneath the silky red fabric they’re confined behind. Taylor’s back arches off the mattress, pressing her chest farther into Jack’s hands wanting him to touch more of her. 
“Relax sweetheart, we’ve got all night.” Jack shushes her as he pulls her bra downwards, exposing her hardened nipples to the cold air in the bedroom. 
“Daddy,” Taylor whines as Jack’s hands return to her breasts. He leans over her and takes one of her dark, pebbled nipples into his mouth as his thumb tweaks the other one. 
Jack shushes her as he lets go of her breasts and moves his hands downwards. His fingers dipped beneath the waistband of her scandalous panties and pulled them down her long, toned legs - legs he wants wrapped around his head as he eats her out. His cock throbs beneath his pants, aching to be touched by either of the two beautiful women in his bed. He wants to touch himself, but he can wait a little bit longer before he gives in to what he wants. 
Jack brings Taylor’s wet panties to his nose and inhales her scent. His eyes fall closed as he moans. His eyes open slowly, and when he looks at you, he smirks. “Kitten, open your mouth.” Your mouth opens a moment later, and Jack shoves Taylor’s wet panties into your mouth, gagging you. 
“There. Maybe that will shut you up for a while.” he growls. 
You taste the tang of Taylor’s arousal on your tongue as he stuffed Taylor’s panties into your open waiting mouth. To say the action doesn’t make your pussy drip would be a total lie. 
Jack turns his attention back to Taylor, drinking in the way she’s spread out for him. In the soft glow of his bedroom, he can see just how wet she is for him. Her folds glisten with her arousal, and Jack wants nothing more than to sink his cock into her. But first he has to start your punishment. 
“Don’t touch her.” Jack warns Taylor, nodding his head towards you. Taylor nods at his words. 
Jack crouches over Taylor, and brings her mouth to his, in a hot searing kiss. Jack adores how soft her plump lips are against his, but he prefers you and your kisses… if only you hadn’t been such a brat. Jack’s kisses trail down Taylor’s body, kissing every expanse of skin he can find. He draws a nipple into his mouth again and gently nips at her flesh when he pulls away, making Taylor gasp out as pain flares beneath her skin. Jack smirks against her skin as he soothes the sting of his teeth with his wet tongue before he repeats the motion on her other breast. 
His mouth travels down her sternum before stopping just above her aching pussy. His shoulders spread her legs wider as he settles at the edge of the bed, crouching down to hover above where she wants - needs him most. 
“You want this, right baby?” Jack asks Taylor, wanting another confirmation that she has fully agreed to this night with the two of you.
“Yes Daddy. Please fuck me with your tongue. Please - I wanna cum for you.” she pleads with him, her dark brown eyes locking with his. 
Jack’s mouth hovers over Taylor, as he breathes in her scent. With one hand splayed over her stomach, he uses his thumb to brush over her clit. Taylor gasps as her body jerks slightly, before calming down again as Jack continues to rub circles over her bundle of nerves. 
You shift on your knees when you begin to feel your toes falling asleep, and Jack cuts his eyes to you in warning: don’t fucking move. Your body stills instantly as you lock eyes with him. Your chest heaves as you watch him move closer to Taylor’s spread thighs. 
His tongue spears into Taylor’s pussy. He smells her. He tastes her. He devours her. His hips arch forwards and he bumps his hard clothed erection against the end of the bed where he’s knelt on the floor.
“Oh fuck babygirl.” he snarls into her, humming, not breaking away from licking into her for even a second. His nose bumps against her clit, making Taylor pant and moan and gasp his name like a prayer. His hands clawed into her thighs, his hot tongue curling and lapping up her arousal, shrewd wet sounds of his sucking tongue and mouth fill the air around you all. It’s filthy.
Taylor’s legs tremble beneath Jack’s hands, but he keeps them anchored down. His nails dig into her thighs, tugging her closer into his face. She can feel his tongue exploring every inch of her, dipping and prodding.
You smirk as you watch them together, watching as Taylor’s face pinches up in pleasure and her fingers dig and grasp at your bedspread, trying to ground herself on something. You knew how skilled Jack Daniel’s tongue was. 
Taylor’s moans fill the silence that settled over the bedroom as Jack sucks and licks into her, working her open with his tongue. Taylor can feel the damp path of cloth beneath her ass, and it only turns her on more, knowing just how aroused she is right now. She raises her head off the mattress and looks down at Jack, seeing his dark eyes gleaming up at her, watching as she writhes beneath him. Her eyes flutter closed for a moment before they fly open again when Jack laps at her clit again. She can feel that pulsing energy knotting in her abdomen, coiling tighter and tighter, rushing her towards her impending orgasm. 
“Oh Daddy…” she warns breathily. Her thighs threaten to clamp down around his head, as her hands fist the sheets below her. Jack’s tongue spears into her again as his thumb rubs tight, harsh circles against her clit, driving her towards her orgasm.
“Can - Can I cum Daddy?” Taylor gasps out. Jack hums into her, not giving her an answer.
“Please Daddy! Lemme cum for you. Please let me cum. Please, please, please, please.” she begs again. Jack hums against her again, the vibrations stimulating her nerves more. She feels her thighs tremble more, and before she knows it, her body arches and convulses, shuddering as her climax blindingly powers through her.
She cums violently fast and loud. Jack’s tongue never leaves her as he drinks down every drop of cum her body gives him. Her orgasm had successfully coated his mouth and chin in her arousal, he loved how her pussy drooled for him. Taylor collapses back against the cool sheets and pants heavily, trying to catch her breath and revel in the feeling of her first orgasm of the night. 
Jack licked his lips and wiped off the remainder of Taylors arousal with the back of his hand. He sighed contentedly as if he had just eaten a five star meal. 
“Now Honey Bee,” he said, turning his attention back to you for the first time since he started going down on Taylor. He pulled the soaked panties from your mouth, tossing them to the side for now.  “Can you prove to me you can behave? Prove to Daddy you can be a good girl?” 
You nodded desperately, fingers itching to relieve the burning need inside you, but not willing to risk another punishment. You did want to be a good girl for him, to make his birthday memorable, to please him. 
“Good,” he purred, a wicked grin on his face as he stood up and rounded the bed to the headboard. He started unbuttoning his shirt, tossing it to the side along with his undershirt, leaving his torso bare to you both. 
He settled down on the bed, back leaning up against the pillows and headboard, and beckoned the two of you over with the crook of a finger, chuckling as the two of you scrambled over to him. 
“There’s my good girls,” he praised, unbuckling his belt and shimmying his pants down his hips just enough to free his aching cock. 
You pouted up at him, noting he wasn’t wearing underwear again. He caught your pout and chuckled again, giving you a cocky wink, ignoring your displeasure and teasing you further about your continuing disdain over the underwear ‘argument’ you kept having..
“Come on now Honey Bee, prove to me you can be good. Show Taylor here just how Daddy likes his cock sucked.” 
Wanting to be obedient and finally earn Jack's touch, whether it be by his hands, cock or tongue, you batted your eyelashes up at him, maintaining that eye contact he loved as you lent forward and began scattering soft, feather light kisses up and down his length. 
Your eyes stayed on Jack but you held out one hand to Taylor, who took it and allowed you to drag her closer, placing her dainty hand on Jack's balls. 
He groaned above you, head falling back into the pillows and you hummed proudly, loving how you could reduce him to a mess just as often as he made you. 
Taylor took initiative and bent forward, taking Jacks balls into her mouth at the same time you had taken his tip into your mouth, sucking and playing with your tongue. 
A flurry of curses left his mouth as he tried to suck more air in, overwhelmed by the double, startling sensation. 
“Jeesus fuck! Givin me a heart attack!” he gasped, snapping his head forward to watch the two of you intently. The visuals only added to his pleasure, two pretty girls servicing his cock, looking up at him with big, innocent eyes, he wanted to cum just at that. 
You wrapped your hand around his base and began pumping him as you took him further and further into your mouth. Since your first time together, when you had struggled to take his cock any further than halfway down the two of you had spent a lot of time practicing. 
Now, now you were able to take him all the way, having spent many hours with him learning how to suppress your gag reflex enough and widen your jaw, it was still a struggle, but the moan he gave you when your lips reached his base made it all worth it. 
“That's it, there we are, you’re my good girls,” he rasped, praising the two of you as his hands grabbed the back of your heads, holding you in place as he savored the duel experience of his cock in your throat, and balls in her mouth. 
His hands trembled as he took deep breaths to ground himself, to not give into the pleasure so early into your attention. Since the moment he had opened the door to his bedroom Jack had been more aroused than he could ever recall being in his entire life, not even when he was a teenager and first discovered porn could compare. 
“Honey Bee,” he moaned as the hand he had on you slowly snaked down to grip your throat. Something he loved to do every time you managed to deepthroat him was to grip you lightly, so he could feel the bulge of his cock move up and down your throat as you took him. 
You began moving for him, concentrating on breathing through your nose as he lightly choked you with both his cock and his hand, squeezing lightly every time he felt the bulge in your throat pass by his palm. 
He spread his legs wider for the two of you, giving Taylor more access to his balls as you sped up your pace. 
“Look at you Darlin,” he cooed softly at you, admiring how your mouth stretched around him, saliva leaking from your lips, coating him.
 “Your tiny little mouth can barely take me, but it feels so, so, good.”
You mewled around his length, soaking up his praise, the vibrations it caused traveled down his length, his balls tensed up and he hissed in pleasure. 
“Knew you could be a good girl for me...You’ll do anything for my cock wont cha? My perfect little cock slut.”
He always knew what to say to turn you on more, your pussy throbbed again, you wanted more than anything to make him proud, to earn the reward he always gave you after each punishment, his cock. Having it in your mouth was just further torment, reminding you just how big he was, just how well he would stretch you out. 
“I’m in heaven,” he sighed, stroking Taylors tight curls affectionately as she swirled her tongue around him, causing him to buck up into your mouth and making you gag.  
He growled as you tried to back up. “You can take it, you were made for my cock,” he encouraged, tightening his fingers around your neck to stop you from backing away. 
You calmed yourself down, trying not to struggle in his grasp, focusing on your breathing so you could take him deeper once more. 
“That's it, what good babies.”
Both you and Taylor moaned at his words of praise, his thighs shook in an effort not to keep bucking up into your mouth, his entire cock throbbed and pulsed and the moans that poured from his mouth were downright sinful. He was so lost to the feeling his head fell back again, unable to watch the two of you without blowing his load. 
You were so distracted and aroused you didn’t even register the feeling of your own hand trailing down your stomach and between your legs. Only when you let out a high pitched keen at the relief your burning core got did you realize what you had done, as your fingers pushed up against the covered folds of your pussy. Your eyes shot back up to Jack, who was now staring intently back at you.
“You better not be touching yourself Honey Bee,” he rumbled. 
You snatched your hand away and let him fall from your mouth with a pop. 
“I’m not!” you lied, throat raspy from taking his dick, and from the hand still choking you. 
His balls left Taylor’s mouth with a wet slurp as she sat up to watch the interaction. 
He groans at the loss on his cock, but is far too focused on you to complain. He drops your throat and grabs your wrists, pulling you up to him. 
He pulls your left hand up to his mouth, maintaining fierce eye contact with you as he pulls the fingers into his mouth, tasting them. His tongue plays with your fingers, it was warm and you couldn't help but imagine him using it to pleasure you. 
Satisfied he doesn’t taste your arousal on you he drops the hand and he repeats the action with your right one, he closes his eyes in pleasure at the taste, groaning as your slick coats his tongue as it teased your index and middle fingers. 
Then when realization hits him his eyes snap back open burning into yours as he growls, as much as he adores your taste, he was disappointed at you for breaking another rule. 
Your fingers fall from his mouth and he firmly pushes you away. 
“Breaking a rule? And not only that? Lying to me about it?” He sounded angry, you should be scared, but the rough timbre of his voice and heated tone only sent more arousal flooding out of you. As enraged as he sounded, you knew it would just mean more pleasure for you later on when he deemed you had learnt your lesson. 
“I’m sorry Daddy!” You pleaded, trying to crawl back to him. 
“No Honey Bee, I don't think you are!” He growled, pushing you away again, his arm looped around Taylor, bringing her flush against his torso, kissing every inch of skin he could reach. Showering her with the affection he would normally reserve for you. 
“You just have to keep acting like a brat tonight! Just can’t stop showing off in front of your friend, wanting to act like a cool, big girl is that it?” His hand fisted her curls to pull her in for a deep, passionate kiss. Ignoring you and your distress as his tongue mixed with hers. She moaned and you whimpered, missing your Daddy's kisses, he was trying to make you jealous and he was doing a damn good job of it. 
“Think you’re wearing the wrong costume,” he panted to her when they broke apart. “Think my little brat over there needs to be wearing this little Devil get up, and you need to be in that Angel one,” he murmured into the skin of her neck, showering kisses upon her skin, just the way you liked. 
He continued to ignore you, distracting himself by making out with Taylor. He pulled her into his lap properly and began grinding his hips up into hers, one hand gripped her ass and the other kneaded her breast gently.
She mewled and whimpered into the kiss, rocking her hips back onto his, his cock rubbing up against her soaked folds, with one little change in angle he would be sheathed inside her. You were mesmerised, enraptured by the image of this tip of his cock leaking, so close to pushing inside her and stretching her out. 
How you had never envied another person more in your entire life. 
You yowled like a cat in heat, trying not to rock your hips into the bedsheets to chase that far off relief, you knew you weren’t getting any anytime soon, but you were trying so hard not to anger him further and delay your pleasure even more. 
Your pathetic little whine caught his attention, dragging his gaze back to you, eyebrows raised in surprise as if he had forgotten you were even there. 
“Honey Bee,” he drawled, rolling Taylor’s nipple in his skilled fingers as he kept eye contact with you. “You’re going to sit there and watch as Taylor finishes what you started. No, don't give me that look.” He continued to glare at you as he helped Taylor widen her legs, better to take him with. He cooed at her affectionately and praised her, telling her what a good girl she was for him as he notched himself at her entrance and slowly pushed inside of her. 
You glare at Taylor and Jack as you sit on the end of the bed, watching as Jack tosses his head back against the headboard as Taylor takes all of him inside her dripping pussy. Your pussy throbs between your legs, just beggin’ to be touched. You watch Jack intensely as his face contorted in pleasure, his eyes clamped firmly shut as he enjoys the warmth of Taylor’s body. Shifting slightly on the bed, your hand moves beneath your panties and your fingers brush against your clit. You will be in so much trouble if Jack catches you touching yourself right now, but the ache between your legs and the relief your fingers give you is enough to spur you on, to keep you going. Whatever punishment Jack will give you will be worth it in the end. 
You remain quiet, which feels like an impossible task, as your fingers rub circles over your clit, and lightly dip inside your folds as you gather your slick. Your breath stutters in your chest as you rub your clit faster and harder, trying to match Taylor’s pacing as she rocks her body against Jack’s. Wet slick sounds fill the air and combine with their moans as Taylor rides Jack, their bodies making the bed rock roughly. 
Sinking your fingers into your aching pussy, stretching you just slightly, you sigh happily. Your fingers could never compare to Jack’s - two of your fingers equaled one of his, and no matter how many times you tried to replicate the feeling of him inside you, it was never the same - but having something to ease the ache between your legs is a relief. 
Your legs tremble slightly as you increase your pacing, rubbing furiously against your swollen aching clit as you pump two fingers inside yourself. You can feel a tight bundle knotting and twisting in your stomach, clamping down tighter and tighter as you race towards your own orgasm. 
Glancing at Taylor, you watch as she stares at you with a hungry gaze as Jack fucks up into her.  Taylor’s body falls roughly against Jack’s thighs as she tries to drive his cock deeper inside her, desperately working towards her release. 
“Can you cum for me baby?” Jack asks, his lips trailing over her jawline.
Taylor whines, unable to answer him.
“Come on baby, answer me.” 
“I - I can. Can I cum for you Daddy? Please? Lemme soak your cock.” she begs. 
Jack’s arms wrap around her as he growls, and he uses his strength to hold her down as he cums inside her. Taylor’s moans and Jack’s growls fill the air as they both revel in their highs - Jack filling Taylor with his cum completely as Taylor clamps down tightly around him, her cum gushing out of her and running down his cock before dribbling over his balls. 
Your orgasm washes over you before you know it, and a high pitched but soft whine leaves your swollen lips as you cum around your own fingers, your cum soaking into your panties. Your eyes connect with Jack’s as you come down from your high, and you can’t even enjoy the feeling of getting to cum before you realize your mistake - you’d been too loud. 
“Honey,” Jack sighs in a disappointed but satisfied voice, “can’t you wait your fucking turn?”  He sighs again as he stares at you and the mess you’ve made of your panties.
“If you wanna cum so badly, then you’re gonna have to work for it.” Jack growls.
 Jack’s hand travels over Taylor’s arm before sliding down her back, where he cups her ass, and kneads the flesh beneath his fingers. He shakes his head disapprovingly as you pull your hand from between your legs, and stare at him with scared and innocent eyes. “Taylor and I are gonna have to punish you now babygirl. You didn’t follow the rules of your punishment.” 
Jack swats Taylor’s ass, nodding with his head for her to get off the bed, and he follows suit. When the two of them are standing, he wraps his arms around her, and hungrily kisses her, moaning against her mouth. Jack could see how a man could get addicted to her - she was sinful like the devil himself. 
“Taylor, baby, go into the closet and on the top shelf is something I need you to grab for me. Can you do that for me?” he asks her when he pulls away and draws in fresh air. 
“Of course I can do that for you Daddy,” she quickly agrees, looking over her shoulder at the door leading to his walk in closet. 
When she walks away, Jack turns to you, his eyes dark and hungry. “Now, Princess…” 
He moves to the end of the bed, and roughly grabs your hips. His hands move across your skin, ripping and tugging at the lingerie clinging to your body, tearing off yet another brand new set . When you are semi-bare before him, Jack wastes no time in groping your breasts before dipping his head down to suck a pebbled nipple into his mouth. Your back arches as you shakily inhale, trying to get more of his warm mouth on your skin. His mouth leaves your breast as one of his hands grabs your wrist and brings it towards his mouth. His tongue laps over the fingers you came on, and drinks down the taste of your arousal. 
Taylor reappears by Jack’s side with a long box in her hand. Jack’s mouth and hands leave your body just as quickly as they appeared. You whine at the loss of his touch, but shut your mouth when Jack sends you a warning glare. 
“Here Daddy.” she purrs. 
“Thank you baby.” Jack says as he takes the box from Taylor and presses a kiss to her cheek. 
"Now this was for your birthday…” he said, regarding you again. “Yeah I remember that kinky little fantasy of yours...but I think this is going to be put to better use tonight." Jack explains as he opens up the box, and reveals what’s inside. 
It’s almost comical the way your eyes widen and your mouth drops open when you realize what Jack holds in his hand. Taylor smiles coyly at your reaction, buzzing with excitement as she takes the packaging from him. She pulls out the harness and slides it over her legs as she steps into it adjusting the buckle so it sits snugly against her hips. 
“Now babygirl, this here is the Royal Mustang, and from the way you’re lookin’ at it… I think you want it.” Jack teases you. Taylor’s hand wraps around the dildo, and takes it from Jack’s grasp. Her eyes lock onto yours as your eyes follow the strap on, and she licks a long, broad stripe up the fake cock before sucking on the tip just slightly, covering the silicon in her saliva. 
“Oh my god.” you breathe out. 
“God can’t help you honey.” Jack tells you. 
“How do you want us Daddy?” Taylor asks Jack. He looks away from you and wets his lips when he sees the strap connected to the harness she wears. 
“Damn you look good.” Jack breaths out. “Taylor, baby, you’re gonna fuck our little angel until she cums on that toy. And then I’m gonna fuck her before she has anytime to recover.” 
Taylor leans in and presses her lips against Jack’s before pulling away with a satisfied smile. “I like the way you think Daddy. Can I fuck her however I want?”
Your eyes dart back and forth as you watch them discuss what they’re going to do to you, like you’re not even here. A wave of arousal runs down your spine and pools between your legs at the thought of both of them fucking you silly. You’re a little nervous that your body might not be able to handle both of them with no recovery time, but you’re also excited and eager to get started. If this was your punishment for being a brat - especially when a friend joined you - then you were going to have to disobey the rules more often. 
“Turn around Honeybee.” Taylor orders you, a more dominant side of her coming out to play. Your pussy clenches at her tone, and at her words, and you blink stupidly at her for a moment. 
“Turn. Around.” she orders you again. You flip your body over, resting your weight evenly across your knees and elbows. You feel her settle behind you, the tip of the strap on rubbing through your slick folds, roughly bumping against your clit with each teasing rock of her hips. Your head drops down against the sheets as Taylor presses the head of the toy against your entrance, and slowly - oh so fucking slowly - breaks you open. 
You can’t stop the wanton cry that leaves you lips, and is muffled by the sheets below you. Taylor’s hands grip your hips, and run over the curve of your ass, before roughly pulling you flush against her hips, driving the toy deeper inside you. The Royal Mustang stretches you in ways Jack doesn’t, and it makes you pant heavily beneath Taylor. Her hands roam across your skin, and she moans when her hands snake to the front of your body where her fingers brush against your hot and swollen clit. 
“That’s it Taylor, get her nice and ready for me.” Jack purrs somewhere behind you. You can’t quite tell where he is in the room, but you can’t quite bring yourself to care either. 
You can feel yourself clenching down tightly around the toy as Taylor continues to rock her hips to your ass, refusing to draw the toy out of your pussy more than a few inches. Her fingers rub against your clit in tight circles, and you’re surprised at just how quickly your body reacts to the things she does to you, in the few short minutes she’s been inside you. 
You were getting close, the need for release building inside you more and more, until you were rocking your ass back against Taylor’s thighs, trying to chase and reach your release sooner rather than later. Taylor’s fingers press a little harder against your clit, and suddenly your orgasm blindsides you. 
You cry out, the sound you made echoes loudly around the room. Your legs shake as Taylor pulls away from you, but you have no time to catch your breath before Jack takes her place. He grips his cock, and runs it through your cum soaked folds, enjoying the way your warmth coates his length. He bumps against your clit one or twice before sinking inside of you. 
Your head drops against the sheets again as he bottoms out and gives you a second to adjust to his incredible size. Jack groans behind you, and digs his hands into your hips, trying to drive himself just a little bit deeper inside of you. 
“You’re so very wet baby. So full of your cum. I can feel it, thick and hot around me.” Jack remarks in a grunt. He pulls outwards and begins to drive into you at an almost brutal pace. 
You whine aloud like you’re slowly being slaughtered when he hits your cervix, and you’re certain you can see stars behind your closed eyes. Jack’s eyes are focused on your pussy and how it swallows his cock with such ease thanks to the orgasm you wrongfully gave yourself and the one Taylor took from you. Along with his own release and Taylor’s cum, the way he’s able to slide in and out of you so easily nearly makes his brain short circuit. Jack closes his eyes and grits his teeth - if he looks any longer at the sight below him, he’ll cum too soon. Jack fucks into you for a moment, before slowing his pace until he stops, completely sheathed inside your wet, tight heat. 
“Taylor, toss that toy in the sink in the bathroom, and then lay down in front of our little angel. She’s gonna make you cum again before she gets to.” Jack demands. 
“Don’t you wanna cum Daddy?” Taylor asks from behind you. You can hear the clink of the harness being adjusted as Taylor shimmies out of it. 
“Oh I’ll cum darlin,” he reassures her. You hear her feet pad across the floor towards the bathroom, and a second later Jack thrusts into you. “Right.” another thrust nearly makes you fall forwards on the bed, losing your balance. “Here.” 
Your pussy clamps down on him tightly at his words, and what they imply. You will never get enough of him cumming inside you, filling you up with his cock and his cum, of him making you feel full and completely satisfied like no one has ever done before. 
Taylor’s body settles in front of you, and Jack gives you time to work out how you want to eat her out. She settles against the pillows, and spreads her legs for you to settle between them. You waste no time, diving in to taste her cum and Jack’s too, savoring the way she openly cries out at your actions. Her hands grip the back of your head and tug roughly on you as you lick into her. 
Jack begins thrusting into you, each forceful push forwards, sends your face and tongue a little deeper into Taylor’s pussy. You rest all of your upper body weight on one arm, and bring the other upwards, before sinking two fingers inside Taylor. She gasps and moans loudly as your fingers press against her walls, searching blindly for that sweet spot that will get her to cum. 
As soon as you find it, she cries out, and you can feel her clamp down on your fingers as her cum gushes from her pussy and runs down your fingers and onto your hand. 
Jack slaps your ass, once and then twice as he fucks into you, his hand landing firm against your flesh. The sharp slaps he gives you makes your flesh sting, a few tears escape you, your mascara running down your face just the way Jack liked. 
Leaning down, Jack snakes a hand around your torso like Taylor had done earlier, and furiously rubs your clit. 
“Be a good girl and cum for me. Cum all over this cock and show me how sorry you are.” 
Your head swims as your body gets completely lost in your pleasure. Your orgasm sweeps through you, the feeling so powerful it feels like you’re no longer in control of your body. Jack’s thrusts slow down as he cums deep inside you, coating your walls with his seed. You can feel it in  your chest, the unending spurts of his hot, thick cum filling you completely. 
You collapse on the bed when Jack pulls out of you, and you’re certain the two of them had fucked you to within an inch of your life. You know you’ll be sore tomorrow when you wake up. Sore and very hungry.
Jack watched the two of you lay panting on the bed, clinging together as your bodies shook from the aftershocks of your orgasms. He wants nothing more than to join you on the bed, collapse and cling to the two of you, but he had a job to do. 
He had never been quite so harsh with you, sure he had been pretty physical with you when you had been a brat before, times like that usually ended up with a spanking or some other physical punishment, but he could tell this time you were much more emotionally raw from the experience, having him ignore you in favor for your friend may have been all part of the fun, but he knew you well enough now to know you needed his reassurance and care after such an intense physical and emotional session. 
He began by making sure you were both comfortable, gently pulling off the remaining fabric the two of you wore, Taylor’s fancy straps and stockings were removed and the tattered pieces you still had clinging to your form followed.
 Carefully he lifted Taylor up, ignoring the slight twinge in his back, humming to her when she snuggled up in his embrace, and carried her back up the bed to lay her down properly. 
He repeated the action with you, depositing you gently on the other side of the bed, kissing your cheek as you mewled in protest of being moved. 
“Shhh Honey bee,” he soothed. “Let Daddy take care of you.” 
He dashed to his ensuite to gather two warm wash clothes ready to clean you both up the way he did with you every time you played with him. 
Taylor purred and thanked him with a kiss, considerably more alert than you were currently.  He cleaned up your ruined mascara before moving to clean up the mess between your legs. Your over-sensitive body tried to wriggle from his efforts helplessly as he cleaned the cum covering your thighs and his seed that had begun leaking out of you . Gently he held you in place so he could make sure he cleaned you up enough to sleep comfortably. 
“Awwww Honey Bee I know, I know , you’re so sensitive,”  he soothed, brushing the hair that clung to your face from sweat out of the way with his free hand. 
He kissed his way along your jaw as he cleaned you up to distract you. Once he was satisfied with that he threw the cloths into the sink, joining the toy before he sauntered back to bed. He pulled open the bedside drawer on your side, taking out the cream he keeps there just for times like this. He popped the cap and ever so gently soothed each of the slaps he had given you, he felt a pang of guilt at your pained whimper, but he knew just how much you enjoyed it, shaking off that brief feeling. The cream was shoved back into the drawer, ready to be used the next time you needed it.
 It was too hot for sheets, Jack decided, the three of you were more than sufficient enough to warm each other up. Carefully he crawled into the middle of the bed, pulling your exhausted body to his side, resting your head on his chest as his arm held you protectively. 
He held his other arm out to Taylor in invitation, allowing her to decide if she wanted in on the affection too, he was pleased when she rolled closer to his, mirroring your position on his other side. He gave her a quick, gentle kiss.
“Thank you very much for agreeing to this tonight Taylor, it was an absolute pleasure,” he purred into her ear. She giggled as his breath tickled her. 
“You’re quite welcome, Daddy,” she hummed, snuggling into his warmth and closing her eyes. “I’ve been quite curious about the two of you for quite a while...I couldn’t quite believe her when she told me about her ‘perfect’ Daddy. But it's quite clear to me now...You’re everything she’s ever wanted.” 
Jack's heart skipped a beat at her comment, he glanced over to your sleepy form, who was looking up at him with hooded, sparkling eyes. 
You thought to keep them open, to bask in the afterglow the three of you were sharing for just a little longer.
“Baby girl, Honey Bee,” Jack hummed, kissing the top of your head. “You did so well, so well,” he buried his nose in your hairline, kissing you tenderly wherever he could reach. “This was the best birthday ever, thank you so much Darlin, no one’s ever gave me something quite so amazing.” 
You teared up, still raw and overwhelmed by his praise. 
“Really? You liked it?” Your voice cracked. 
“Darlin, Honey Bee, I loved it!” he cheered softly, reassuring you. “And not just because I got to have sex with two beautiful ladies, you clearly put so much effort into surprising me and making tonight special.” He sighs in contentment, pulling you closer so your head settled in the crook of his neck, he rested his chin on the crown of your head . “You didn’t have to, but the fact that you did, just for Ole Jack, I know I say this every time Sugar but I really feel like the luckiest man in the world with you. “ 
You felt a few tears escape you and trailing down your cheek,onto his neck. 
“I hope those are happy tears Darlin,” Jack cooked, stroking your arm tenderly. 
“They are,” Taylor sang, joining Jack's affections and rubbing your back soothingly. “You make her happy. Happier than i’ve seen her in a long time.” 
“Well, that goes ditto for me then,” Jack smiled, giving you another kiss to the top of your head. 
“Rest up girls,” he yawned. “When we wake up, we’re ordering some real unhealthy food and snuggling on the couch with a movie till you both are feelin’ better.”
Taylor lifted her chin, about to protest, knowing her, she would insist on going home so you can Jack you have some alone time.
“Nope you’re joinin’ us too Gorgeous,” Jack cut off whatever thought she was going to say. “S’ only manners that I make sure you’re taken care of too.” 
You smiled proudly, he was ever the gentleman. 
“Fine, I wont complain about that” Taylor sighed,settling back down. 
“Happy birthday Jack,” you purred before letting yourself drift off. 
Tag list 
Diamonds an Daddies:
@thats-one-tender-foot  @luminescentlily @nuttybeardetective @ishqinbbc @ben-is-a-hoe @calamity-queen @phoenixhalliwell @talesfromtheguild @the-arctic-violet  @jeeperky @mando-amando @Finnisrioting @officerbrowneyes  @eli-the-thinker
136 notes · View notes
harryspet · 4 years
rogue angel [1] bucky barnes
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[Warnings] dark bucky x reader, forced (noncon) age regression, daddy bucky, kidnapping/abduction, drugging, mild violence, hydra reader, post endgame bucky, dd lg dynamic (future ab dl?), wetting, pacifier
A/N: This one has a super taboo dynamic so forewarning! I’m trying something out that I’m into and I want to know if my readers like it too! I’ll continue if I get some good feedback. Reader is 18+ READ AT YOUR OWN RISK
In which Bucky tasks himself with deprogramming you, a former hydra soldier.
series masterlist
word count: 3.3k
You were the Rogue Angel and you were completely unhinged. 
You went off the radar when Hydra was destroyed but, without the guidance of your commanders, you lost control. With no orders from the evil organization, your new identity was crumbling around you. You killed when you felt threatened. You robbed and stole to survive and to keep yourself hidden from the agencies tracking you. 
You were only a child when they stole you from your family and reprogrammed you into a super-soldier. They taught you to use your youth and beauty in order to do their bidding. You never had a chance to be innocent. Still, the world wanted you dead for all the deaths you were responsible for but Bucky thought you could be saved. You could learn to be good just like he did. 
Bucky was familiar with being a fugitive. He was risking a lot by going after you especially since he was going behind the governments back once again. 
You had decided to “lay low” in the East End of London, “renting” an apartment sat above a convenience store, and you had little idea that Bucky was watching you. It confirmed his suspicions that you had gone off the rails and it was even interfering with your normal training. Back in the days when he was brainwashed, it would’ve taken him seconds to realize someone was trailing him and a few more seconds to kill them.
As you left the apartment one day, Bucky noted your erratic behavior. You even fumbled with your keys as you locked your door. As soon as you disappeared down the rough streets of the East End, Bucky made his way into your apartment. He didn’t bother with keys, knowing the strength of his arm could push it open easily. 
He forced it open enough just to crack it, then his eyes trailed down to make sure there wasn’t any tripwire. There was and part of him was a little relieved that you weren't completely unprotected. Normally, he wouldn’t doubt that you could protect yourself, but without hydra commands, it worried him.
He maneuvered himself over the wire before shutting the door and carefully dismantling the wire that was attached to an explosive. He wondered who exactly had sold you the parts to build it. Checking for more booby traps, Bucky made his way around the apartment. It reminded him of the time he spent in Bucharest, trying to understand his relationship with Steve and why exactly he had pulled him from the water. 
There was a small mattress in the corner and only a few knick knacks to decorate the barren run-down apartment. He found money shoved into a jar in one of the cabinets, currencies from all over Europe, and a large map tucked away. Bucky quickly noted that you had mapped out a few Hydra locations around the world.
Bucky sighed, folding up the map, realizing you were going to try to find another Hydra factor to join. As far as he knew, they had all been destroyed and you’d only get yourself caught by a government agency going on this scavenger hunt. 
“I’ll blow your head off if you take another step,” Bucky knew you were behind him as soon as he heard your small voice. You were trying your best to deepen your feminine voice but Bucky could tell it was only an act. 
Bucky moved to turn around until you shouted, “Don’t!”
You hadn’t shot him yet which raised Bucky’s suspicions, “I’m putting my hands up,” Bucky decided to test the theory developing in his mind. He slowly raised his hands and you got a glimpse of the gold and black that was his left arm. 
You knew who he was as soon as you got a glimpse of his face. The Winter Soldier. You racked your brain for more information about him but all you could remember was that he had betrayed Hydra. He used to be like you. 
Bucky took in your appearance, the way you skillfully held your pistol, but also the darkness around your eyes, “Who sent you?” He could tell you had recently cut your hair to be shoulder length and, whatever clothes you had purchased, were from the men’s section. 
“No one,” Bucky answered monotonously, “I’m not here to turn you in.”
You were quiet for a moment. Looking over him, you realized that so much had changed since you had last heard about him. His hair was cut short and he even had a new arm. 
“Then you’re from Hydra?”
You sounded … hopeful, “They’ve been destroyed, Y/N.”
You blinked, staring, before gripping your gun tighter, “That’s not my name.”
Bucky took a step forward and you only narrowed your eyes at him, “It is,” Bucky continued, “You were five when Hydra started experimenting on you. Ten when they started using you in the field. They killed your family and then made sure you’d never remember then.”
You faltered and Bucky took a step closer. You closed your eyes, shaking your head, before lunging towards him, “You’re lying!” You lunged towards him but Bucky was too fast as he sidestepped. 
His arms were still raised in defense, “I’m not here to hurt you either, Y/N.”
“Don’t call me that!” Your finger pressed down on the trigger but Bucky’s movement were sudden, pushing your wrist and grabbing a hold of the barrel as he tilted it away. This led to you wrestling for the weapon. You were still strong, capable of superhuman abilities, but you were weaker without Hydra. 
Bucky pinned your to the ground, sliding the gun away, and it hit the wall with a clang. You continued to fight although it was futile against his vibranium hand. He pinned your legs with his own, keeping you from kicking at him. 
There was nothing but anger in your eyes, pure venom, “I’ll kill you, traitor. I’ll kill you and everyone you care about-”
Bucky shushed you, reaching into his pocket to grab a syringe, “Everything’s going to be okay,” Bucky was still learning to be gentle too and he’d get even more practice in the coming days. You flinched away but only exposed your neck more. Bucky took the opportunity to sink the needle into your neck.
Bucky began to loosen some of the pressure he was using to keep you pinned down. He watched as your body began to slump and you tried to blink your eyes in order to keep yourself awake, “You’ll pay … for this,” Her voice trailed off before you quietly whispered, “Winter … Soldier …” 
Bucky’s lips pressed into a thin line as he watched you float away into a dreamless sleep, “I’m sure I will.”
You awoke in unfamiliar surroundings. Of course, everything was unfamiliar to you these days, but you had an especially bad feeling this time. You turned your head, your eyelids heavy as you blinked them open. You saw a blue sky and clouds. A supposedly peaceful scene but what was peace to you anyways? You felt nothing. Death and destruction were peaceful to you. 
You turned your head to realize you weren't outside, looking up at the sky. Her eyes met with a tan leather chair and, as you continued to look around, you realized that you were sitting on an airplane. A private one. 
Panic began to set in as you looked down at your body, a soft blanket covering it and keeping you warm. You lifted your arms but they shook, weak from whatever sedative was in your system. It took all your energy to throw that blanket off and everything else you had to crawl out of the chair. Well, it was more so a fall.
You grunted as you collided with the floor and Bucky finally looked up from where he was standing by the cockpit. 
You realized that your legs were completely asleep as you tried to pull your body up. You turned onto your back with a wince, poking at your barren legs. You couldn’t even feel them. 
“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” Bucky approached the scene, realizing that you had fallen from your seat. He didn’t expect you to awake this soon or even have enough energy to try to hurt yourself. As soon as you saw him, you tried crawling away, pulling your limp legs with you. Bucky grabbed you by underneath your arms, against your protest, and lifted your back into the leather chair. 
“Don’t,” you moaned, your voice weak too but it was useless. Bucky continued to sit you up, reaching behind you to buckle you into the seat. 
“There, that’s better,” Bucky looked over his work, his hands on his hips, “You shouldn’t try to walk for awhile, Y/N.”
“What did you do?” You asked, barely able to raise your voice higher than a whisper. 
“It’s easier this way,” Bucky said simply. Easier for him to keep you from escaping and for you to start to depend on him as your caregiver. He took a seat in the leather chair in front of you, lifting some mechanism that brought up a small table.
You looked down to see your legs were bare and you trailed your shaking hands up to your stomach to find soft pink fabric. Moving your hand down, you felt the soft white fabric of your panties. He had undressed you and that made you grow even more frustrated. 
Bucky brought out a manila folder, flipping through its content before grabbing pictures and setting them on the table in front of you. You saw a mother and father sitting on a picnic blanket, a baby girl in their hands. The next photo was a young girl with her grandmother. They were cooking some dessert in the kitchen. Something in that little girl's eyes gave you a sense of familiarity. 
“Do you recognize them?”
You shook your head and Bucky started to add even more photos. The girl seemed to get happier with each photo and you continuously shook your head.
“This was your family, Y/N.”
“And I’m … s-supposed to believe m-my . . . kidnapper,” You hated how weak you felt. Sure, you had made thousands of people bend to your will and tortured them until they told you what you wanted. Unlike you, Bucky’s motives seemed personal. 
“Your Daddy,” Bucky corrected, “You’ll refer to me that way from now on.”
Your eyebrows furrowed, “You crazy-”
“I won’t punish you here,” Bucky interrupted, collecting the pictures and putting them back into the confidential file, “But when we’re truly alone … I have a feeling you’ll find out.”
He wanted to be loving and caring with her. To make her feel like finally someone, other than Hydra, is looking out for her. Still, he’d have to train the bad behavior out of her. 
“Where are we going?”
“America,” He was a man of a few words, you noticed. You were hoping for something a little more specific. If you knew then you could track down some former Hydra bases.
“Where’s my weapon?”
He only chuckled, a smile tugging at his lips. 
“Whose plane is this?”
“My friends.”
As you opened your mouth to ask something else, a stewardess approached, carrying a tray in her hand, “Your bourbon, Mr. Barnes,” She set down the alcoholic drink and flashed the woman a thankful smile, “And for you, Ms. Barnes.”
You scowled at her, wondering if she was in on all of this, “I’m not-”
“Thank you, this is her favorite snack. Could you close the curtain for us, doll.”
“How cute,” The stewardess blushed, walking away, “Of course, Mr. Barnes.”
A white curtain was closed, blocking the two of you away from the front of the plane. You looked down at the table to see baby carrots, apple slices, chicken nuggets, and a juice box, “You should eat. We have a lot of time left before we arrive.”
“I’m not a baby,” Bucky took a sip from his glass. 
“I’d have to disagree.”
You opened your mouth to argue, but instead, you slouched back in your seat, “There’s a good amount of time left on the flight,” Bucky continued.
“I’m not hungry,” You lied. 
Bucky only shrugged, knowing that you were dealing with the battle going on in your mind. You wanted to be taken care of, he knew that, but your conditioning wouldn’t allow you to think that way. 
You didn't touch the food, as Bucky expected, even as the flight continued for five hours. You’d experienced worst torture before. This was nothing. You could starve yourself to death if you wanted to but Bucky would just end up force-feeding you. 
“Are you sure?” Bucky asked you again.
“I. Don’t. Have. To,” You explained again, though you could feel your bladder was painfully full. 
“I won’t look, I promise.”
You shut your eyes tight and shook your head again.
Bucky sighed, standing from his chair, “Let’s get you dressed then, little one. We’re landing soon,” Your eyes widened as he walked to the chairs across from yours, a baby blue backpack sitting in the chair. It had the first initial of your name sewed into the front. He pulled out a pair of floral printed overalls, frilly socks, and pink Converse. 
He laid out the blanket that was wrapped around you when you awoke. He undid your seatbelt and your struggling commenced as he lifted you into his arms, setting you down on the blanket, He lifted your legs, sliding on the outfit as you landed futile hits against his back, “If you ate your snacks, you might have more energy,” He was baby-talking you, “Maybe your hits would be more effective, little one.”
Little? You weren’t little. You could kill him if you just … just got your strength back. 
He snapped the overalls into place, easily maneuvering your body. Next was the socks and shoes. You were sure you looked like an overgrown barbie doll. He wasn’t finished though as he pulled out another item from the bag. It was blue, leather, and reminded you of a choker. Instead … it had a white binkie built into it. You struggled the most as he forced it into your mouth, locking it around your head. You reached your hand to find the mechanism that closed it but it seemed to be a magnetic lock. 
Bucky admired his work, grinning, as he put you back into your seat. The plane’s descent began shortly after that. 
No one seemed to mind that a grown man was carrying you, a grown woman, like a child. Bucky thanked the pilot and the stewardess as if he was a totally sane person. Despite you pushing at his chest, he wrapped your legs around him and carried you down the steps of the plane. The gag muffled whatever curses you were spewing at him.
The sun was setting now at the private airport and you looked around for any sign of what state you could be in. 
A sleek, black car was parked beside the plane and a blonde woman emerged as you and Bucky made your way to the bottom of the stairs, “You work fast, Barnes,” The woman spoke. She was dressed in a dark pantsuit, her hair straight as a pin. She looked you over, noting how different you looked from all the photos that were in your file. 
You turned your head away from her, your cheeks heating up in embarrassment. You mentally cursed, angry at Bucky for putting you in this situation but you were more upset with yourself than anything. 
“You have to when you’re starting from scratch,” Bucky answered, seeming to be on relatively good terms with the woman, “You have what I asked for?”
Sharon handed Bucky an envelope, “Sam thinks you’ve lost your mind.”
You felt Bucky shrug, “What’s new?”
Maybe this Sam person would help you escape. Bucky opened the back door to the car, setting you inside and buckling your seatbelt for you. As soon as he closed the door, you started fidgeting with the gag in your mouth that was forcing you to suck on a pacifier. 
You were gaining some of your strength back, you could even move your left leg a little, but it wasn’t enough. Bucky was partially right, you probably would be stronger if you’d eaten the food. And now that your bladder was about to explode, you had too many things overwhelming your senses. Bucky got in the passenger seat and soon Sharon was driving them off. 
You tuned yourself out of their conversation, deciding you should map out your surroundings. As you sit up to look out the window, you watch for significant landmarks that would mark your location. Your plan was foolproof except for the fact that it seemed you were completely in the middle of nowhere. You passed no cars on the road and, as the airport went out of sight, both sides of the road were covered by evergreens. 
That meant you were either in the North West or Bucky had lied about even being in America. 
It made your brow furrow. How could he have chosen such a perfect location? You had underestimated him. Clearly, the Winter Soldier used his new resources wisely. If only you had time to get back on your feet after Hydra. 
The car pulled up to a two-story cabin, a red truck sitting outside in the driveway. 
“Welcome home, Y/N,” You realized that you had zoned out when you felt Bucky undoing your seatbelt. He took you into his arms again and you wrapped your arms around his neck, only for balance. 
There wasn’t some big fence or electric wires. It was just a quaint little house. 
“I’ll see you soon, Barnes,” Sharon waved her goodbyes, and Bucky watched as the car backed away. 
When the car was out of sight, he turned to you, “You’d like Daddy to give you a tour, wouldn’t you?”
You only scowled at him, as much as you could with the gag on. Your baby bag on his back and you strapped to his hip, he carried you inside. As he did, you felt another part of your freedom slipping away. 
He carried you around the cozy home, through the living room and dining room, baby-talking you as he explained small items. The walls were a light beige, the floors a dark wood, and there seemed to be bookshelves made into all of the furniture items. 
Bucky had brought you into the kitchen which surprisingly had stainless steel appliances. The thought of eating flooded your mind but you pushed it down. Before, you could completely clear the thoughts from your mind. Now, your mind was a mess of conflicting thoughts.
Suddenly, there was a loud bark, causing Bucky to pause before he smiled a bit. He set you down on the counter, your limp legs hanging down, “Wait for Daddy for one moment.”
You didn’t acknowledge his command, only watched him slip out the backdoor connected to the kitchen. As soon as he disappeared, you slowly started to ease yourself off the counter. It was a far jump, one that he probably wasn’t expecting you to attempt. 
Your whole lower half was still numb but you felt it as one of your shoes touched the floor. You were relieved, holding onto the counter tightly as you tried the next leg. There was still little feeling but, if you took a moment to practice, maybe you could make it. 
“Y/N?” You were so focused on the task that he had startled you. You almost fell but Bucky was there to catch you. In a swift movement, he was holding you as you pressed against the kitchen counter. 
You felt tears stinging in your eyes as Bucky looked down. You felt the warmness running down your leg and pooling by your feet, ruining the new outfit he had put you in. You’d been so frightened that ...
You can’t cry. 
You can’t be weak.
You started to hyperventilate, anger and frustration boiling over.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay, angel. It was just an accident,” Bucky spoke soothingly. You couldn’t even look him in the eyes. He knew you wouldn’t be able to hold it in for so long and he should’ve forced you to go earlier. Still, it gave him an excuse to comfort you, “Daddy’s gonna get you all cleaned up, don’t worry.”
Being without hydra had made him weak, you thought, and it looked like the same thing would happen to you. 
Let me know if you’d like to read a second part of this story! I know this type of dynamic isn’t for everybody. Check out my master list for more of my dark marvel fics.
update: both chapter 2 and 3 are posted :)
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cs0127 · 5 years
A detailed review of the OnePlus 7T from :wired:
I TEST A lot of phones here at WIRED. Smartphones incrementally change each year, and they’ve become more of an essential utility and less of a source of the tech world’s greatest innovations. I often appreciate their new features, but few of those enhancements spark actual joy. The OnePlus 7T, however, has done just that. Putting down the glossy, fingerprint-plastered Galaxy Note10 to review the matte glass 7T was both a relief and a reminder why OnePlus has continued to gain popularity as a smartphone brand year after year.
Like the company's previous devices, the 7T is a phone that showcases much of the best smartphone tech introduced in 2019 at a $600 price—more than $100 cheaper than many top rivals from Samsung, LG, and other manufacturers. What I’ve come to appreciate more is how it uses all that latest tech to enhance my life, often by getting out of my way. Its touch interface is simple and looks just like the brand new Google Android 10 OS it runs on, only a little easier to navigate. It’s just more pleasant, like a PB&J sandwich where mom cut the crust off just because she loves you.
Smooth and Frosty
If you’ve seen an expensive smartphone in the last two years, you know what the 7T looks and feels like, but I’ll describe it anyway. It has a 6.5-inch AMOLED display (that means deeper blacks and richer colors) that takes up its entire front. A teenie teardrop cutout hanging from the top of the screen holds a 16-megapixel selfie camera.
Like the similar and more expensive OnePlus 7 Pro, this display has a 90 Hz refresh rate, which makes the entire interface noticeably smoother. OnePlus calls it a Fluid AMOLED display, and it may live up to that name. Phones have been bumping up the resolution (this one has a 1080p HD screen), but the bump in refresh rate is more noticeable. Everything feels smoother and faster, with richer color than many displays.
The power and volume buttons are in all the right places, and OnePlus has kept its sound/mute/vibrate switch on the right side. It’s a dead-simple little toggle and worth every millimeter of its cutout, letting you easily silence your phone or perk it up anytime.
OnePlus was one of the first companies to introduce an in-display fingerprint sensor, and the latest iteration on this phone is faster than ever. I’ve had trouble with Samsung's on-screen sensors in the Galaxy S10 and Note10, but the optical fingerprint reader in the 7T does the trick in a way that’s more convenient than the fingerprint sensors on the back of many phones like the Google Pixel 3A.
The phone's frame is metal, and the back is covered in shimmering Gorilla Glass because ... well ... trends. It’s silly that the back is made of glass at all, given that we probably drop our phones more than anything besides our keys, and there's no big advantage to the glass here since the 7T doesn’t have wireless charging. But the “glacier blue” color certainly is sleek, and the frosted texture repels fingerprints better than some phones. OnePlus thankfully includes a clear case in the box. I suggest you slip it on.
All Spec’d Out
Between all that glass is a list of luxury technical specs. The 7T runs on a Qualcomm Snapdragon 855+ processor, which is half a tad speedier than the 855 on some earlier phones this year. It also comes with 8 gigabytes of RAM, and 128 GB of storage. (Sorry, no MicroSD slot; that’s all you get.) These are all fantastic numbers, as are the numbers you’ll see from benchmark performance tests. It’s a powerful phone, right up there with the best.
OnePlus doesn’t make a lot of changes to Android 10, but the changes it does make seem to (mostly) improve the phone's performance. You can more easily swipe up or down from anywhere on the homescreen to access the notification shade or pull up your entire list of apps. I also like the gesture controls that mimic recent iPhones, and the option to turn the back button into a swipe from the left side of the phone has worked well for me. Your mileage may vary, but you can disable these gestures controls and go back to a traditional back-button setup if you like.
The fact that the 7T even has the latest Google OS is a testament to the company’s focus on delivering software and security updates. It promises two years of updates for buyers of the 7T, and has demonstrated a positive track record on updates for older phones. This is notable—despite costing close to $1,000, most Android phones outside of Google’s Pixel line and Motorola's handsets do not get regular software updates, leaving security vulnerabilities exposed and new features out of reach.
With stereo speakers and a gaming mode that optimizes graphics (and can also restrict notifications and calls so you can play without interruption), this is an ideal machine for playing Mario Kart Tour, or any other high-end title, until your eyeballs fall out. Netflix looks lovely, as well.
I’ve ended most days having spent four or five hours with the screen active, and seen about 50 percent battery remaining. A few nights, it’s been closer to 30 to 40 percent, if I stay up late. This is good, but somewhat normal battery life. If you want to improve your power efficiency, you can turn the 90 Hz refresh rate down to a more normal 60 Hz. In a pinch, the included charger is very quick. It can juice the 7T up significantly in a half hour.
Sadly, like many high-end phones, there’s no audio jack (and no adapter in the box), but OnePlus sells an adapter for $13. And this phone also isn’t IP-rated for water resistance. OnePlus claims it will handle some rain pretty well, but you won’t want to drop it in the tub.
Ready to Zoom
When it comes to smartphones, you ain’t cool unless you have three rear cameras these days, and OnePlus always wants to be cool. Like the 7 Pro, it has a 48-megapixel standard rear shooter that outputs extra sharp 12-megapixel images, a 16-megapixel sensor beneath an ultrawide lens, and a 12-megapixel telephoto. This lets you take shots that you can both zoom out a bit, and zoom in to 2X. There’s also a portrait mode, which adds a bokeh effect, the shallow depth-of-field trick that keeps the subject in focus but blurs the background in a close-up photo.
I had a great time shooting plenty of outdoor shots around Tulsa, Oklahoma, in the past week, and I've even enjoyed the extra stability of the Super Stable video mode, which uses the wide angle lens to better stabilize 1080p video; 4K 30 fps video is also available. Everything looks good, especially shots in the Nightscape mode. Like the new iPhone 11 and the latest Pixel phones, the 7T enhances night shots, adding more light, color and detail to areas that would have just appeared as black splotches on older phones. Night shots require a steady hand and a second or two wait, but they are a definite improvement.
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In some of the above shots, you can see some examples of Nightscape mode and Super Macro mode. If you press the flower icon in the upper left side of the camera app, you can move in closer to small objects and still see them stay in focus. The effect isn’t perfect, but I was able to get closer to some plants and ants than I ever have before using a smartphone. It’s a blast to play around with modes like these, and they solidify the OnePlus 7T as a phone for shutterbugs.
Plus One
OnePlus isn’t tampering with the formula that got it to the dance, and that’s good. The 7T is one of the most powerful phones you can buy, and it costs hundreds less than its peers. It also runs on all four major US carriers, and T-Mobile sells it directly.
I've recommended the Pixel 3A ($400) as the best phone to buy for a few months now, and given the performance it offers for the price, for many of you it still is the best phone. But if you are willing to spend an extra $200, the OnePlus 7T will give you a taste of the luxuries you’d otherwise miss out on.
Correction: I referred to the display as a "Liquid" display. OnePlus calls it a "Fluid" display.
you can check out all Amazon has to offer in the One Plus lineup at:(https://amzn.to/35H33nU)
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eyes-of-dominance · 6 years
@lil-deviousbrat for asking me to answer all the questions.
1.  what is your biggest kink?
Spanking; it’s been my thing since before I had any idea what sex was, and it’s what led me to the rest of my kinks. However, any form of domestic discipline kinda applies here as well. I just have a thing for naughty girls learning their lesson.
2.  describe your go-to masturbation fantasy
I have a few, but my most common is surprisingly a low-key bed time or otherwise domestic spanking. The girl being punished is usually dressed in sweatpants or cute pajama bottoms. She’s led to the edge of my bed as we talk about the offense; usually she gets very whiny and apprehensive about what’s about to happen, begging me not to, but to no avail. I then lower her bottoms, put her over my knee, and give her an exceptionally hard spanking with multiple implements until her ass is cherry red, tears are flowing, and her apologies and cries fill the room. After a post spanking lecture, it then usually leads to sex or an edging session for her. There’s a couple variations; sometimes she’s gagged for mouthing off or tied up for not cooperating, a lot of times I imagine her doing corner time beforehand, admiring her cute bottom before the main event, the implements used often change based off what I’ve been excited about recently, though the hairbrush usually features in some capacity. I sometimes find it weird that the majority of my sexual fantasies are kinda low-key and domestic in nature, but I guess I just like to fantasize about the kind of life and relationship I want more than something a little more conventionally sexy or scenario based. Even in my other more specific fantasies, the roots often trace themselves back to this core scenario.
3. do you play a more dominant or submissive role?
If it wasn’t clear by now, dominant.
4. describe a roleplay scenario you would enjoy
I’m not terribly big on roleplay; as stated earlier a lot of my fantasies are more domestic in nature, and that dynamic covers a lot of what I enjoy. That being said, there’s some things I can see myself having fun with. The classics of teacher/unruly student, coach/lazy player, boss/secretary, preplanned forced sex, all sound fun and enjoyable in their own way.
The main one that sticks with me in came from the internet. I read it awhile ago, so the details are fuzzy, but there was a scenario where the Dominant acts as an interrogator trying to get a piece of information from the submissive, given to her before the scene. The Dominant, within limits of course, then tries to extract that information from the submissive in any way he can, spanking, bondage, clamps, edging, until the submissive can’t take it anymore any gives it up. Perhaps a reward can be given to the submissive if she successfully keeps the secret within a time limit, so there are some stakes. Sounds like a really fun way to assume a character and have fun with it while still giving it some meaning as well.
5.  what’s a kink that you’re not into but would do for a partner?
I’m very sexually adventurous, in that I really don’t have much that I couldn’t get into to some degree or wouldn’t try for a partner. I guess the easiest answer for something I’m not innately interested in would be the more overt aspects of ageplay. I’m not really into paci’s and diapers and all that; I’m much more naturally attracted to middles in that regard, but if I liked the girl enough I could see myself giving it a shot.
6.  what was the best orgasm you ever had?
I mean, that’s a hard thing to keep track of. One that stands out in my mind is when I was writing a story. I was trying to plan it out in my head before I actually began to write it, and I absentmindedly just began stroking as I thought about it. Wasn’t very vigorous, just enough to keep me hard and in the mood. At least an hour passed, probably more thinking back to it, where I was just stroking myself thinking about all the things I’d do to this brat, and by the time I started going at it in earnest and reached the edge, it became overwhelming. The orgasm lasted a fair bit longer than usual, was extremely intense, and I came far, far more than I normally do, which was a sensation in itself. The funny part is, I can’t remember what story it was even for, because my mind ended up drifting off the original course.
7.  do you have any kinks you’re ashamed to admit to?
Not that I can think of.  As a kid/young teen I didn’t really understand why I was different in my desires, and I’m not exactly out telling everyone about my dominant feelings everyday, but I have come to terms with my kinks/fetishes and see them as much a part of me as any other, if not more so. There’s pretty much nothing I’m into that a close friend wouldn’t be able to ask about. 
8.  what’s a kink you enjoy in fantasy but wouldn’t really want to try?
There’s a few that there’s too many issues with. The first is a very public spanking. Now, I have little qualms about spanking a naughty brat in front of her/my friends, or in a place that it could potentially/likely be seen or heard by someone else. But the kind of fantasy you sometimes see in stories about a Dom turning his submissive over his knee in the parking lot of a crowded store, the bathroom of a mall, or otherwise around a ton of strangers? It’s hot to think about, that she gets her punishment wherever and whenever, no matter who’s around, but involving other non consenting people in my kink isn’t sexy, I’m sure it’d be way too much anxiety for both her and me, and I’d rather not have to explain D/s to a crowd of randos. 
The second is really, really long term denial. Like the several months to a year kind. As hot as it is to read stories about, there’s one major problem; I love to see girls cum. Particularly a girl I’m involved with. The only person a several month denial period would be harder on than me is the poor girl subjected to it.  I still love denial as both a punishment and as a power dynamic, but I’d likely stick to the shorter term variants. 
Also, hardcore bondage. Can look very sexy in porn and in photos, but I’m not exactly looking to wrap my girl from head to toe and hang her from the ceiling any time soon.
9.  would you say you’re sexually adventurous?
I would, especially within the realm of my kink. My main hard limits are knife/blood play, and stuff like scat. Pretty much everything else within the dynamic I am open to try.
10.  tell us about the kinkiest sex you’ve ever had OR if you haven’t had sex, your kinkiest masturbation session
Well, one of my single greatest regrets is that the one time I’ve had sex it wasn’t kinkier. So that leaves masturbation, which raises the question, kinkiest way I’ve masturbated or kinkiest thing I’ve masturbated to? I don’t really know how to respond to the former; aside from switching up techniques and adding some different stimulation, I’m not sure what constitutes as kinky or not. For the latter, I’ll go with fantasies, not like videos I’ve seen since that’d be too hard to track down. The kinkiest thing I’ve fantasied about would probably be the ‘sex doll for a day’ style fantasy. Where the submissive is gagged, blindfolded, earplugged, and tied up extensively, and spends a prolonged period of time being an ass to spank and a set of holes to fuck. Completely impractical and arguably dangerous in real life, but it’s hot to think of a consenting girl being put in such a position that you have complete and utter sexual control over her for a prolonged period, where she has no idea when or in what manner she’ll be used, only that she’s going to be there quite a long time.
11.  has a scene in mainstream media ever tripped your kinks really hard?
Quite a few times. I love Tangled for so many reasons that aren’t sexual, but the bondage potential for Rapunzel’s hair is quite endless, and any time she is especially adorable trips my daddy side quite hard. I never really watched the show, but I remember my friend once reblogged a gifset of Jade from Victorious being put in time out; that did a lot to me.  Any scene in which a cute female character is mildly embarrassed or put in a compromising position tends to trigger the sadist in me. I actually have to give this one a little more thought, since I’m sure there’s a ton more but I’m kinda drawing a blank at the moment.
12.  how did you discover one of/some of your biggest kink(s)?
There’s not really a huge moment of self discovery for most of them. I was interested in spanking as long as I can remember. My first developing sexual thoughts were about spanking pretty classmates and girls I knew rather than touching breasts or normal adolescent thoughts. That developed into my love of domestic discipline and traditional D/s in all its shapes and forms over the years. I will say that Realspankings helped shape a lot of my sexual preferences, and I started learning a lot about spanking and discipline in general from reading Michael Masterson’s old blog.  I didn’t really get into the more broad world of BDSM until late adolescence, and specifically the DD/lg side of things until I came to Tumblr, and more specifically met @lil-deviousbrat. All the other stuff has just fallen into place over time.
13. are you into [send a kink]?
The brat that asked to to answer all the questions neglected to give me a kink to answer this one. Until she gets back to me with one, this will remain blank.
[Updated: The kink is suspension rope play]
Rope play in general is something that I’m curious about, but am somewhat apprehensive to get involved with, as I have learned that I am very much a novice at it. It definitely can be hot, and if I ever get better at it I think my interest may increase, but for the moment it’s a fantasy only type thing, until I can get reasonably good at restraining a non-airborne girl.
14. do your real life friends know about your kinks?
A few do. My brother and a close friend know explicitly.  My brother’s girlfriend/fiance used to joke about me being DD/lg a lot, but I’ve never responded to it and she to my knowledge doesn’t know any specifics beyond that. I assume my mother kind of knows, but we’ve never discussed it outright. Outside of that, I tend to make jokes that hint at the fact with my close friends, but I doubt any of them know beyond a suspicion at best.
15. what is the weirdest situation that has ever turned you on?
I’m not sure about weird, I’d have to ruminate on that one a bit, but I’ve had a few unexpected/sudden ones that kind of count. I remember I was in the pool with my friend that I had a gigantic crush on. We had a slide right next to the pool, that occasionally we would jump off (maybe 7-8 feet up) into the deep end. I remember that she went to climb it, put her foot on the edge, and stalled for a second. I, somewhat worried for her safety, told her jokingly that she better not jump. She mock responded something to the effect of “what, you’re gonna come and get me?” So I got out the pool, walked over to the ladder, and started to climb it briefly considering how to bring her down from the ladder. I ended up letting her jump, but the D/s part of me was instantly and massively triggered by the whole event.  Another one is when she tried to tickle me, and as we wrestled for control I ended up with her pinned over my knee with both hands behind her back. To say I was aroused would be an understatement. Not very weird, but was definitely a “0 to 100″ moment.
In general, the “weird” things that turn me on tend to be innocent phrases or scenarios that relate back to D/s. I will also say that I get intensely turned on by expressions. Some make sense, like a girl rolling her eyes or flushing with embarrassment, but there will be times where I have no idea why it turned me on at all. Some might consider that weird.
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theoraeken5696 · 7 years
Good Boy. Liam Dunbar. Smut.
Pairing: Sub! Liam Dunbar x Dom! Fem! Reader.
Warnings: This contains sexual content/Smut/Sex, or however you call it, some dry humping, dirty talk, teasing, puppy kink and  and this is all in a type of DD/LG (Daddy Dom/Little Girl) relationg ship. And this is un-protected,Requested?: Nope.
Summary: Despisite Liam being an aggressive teenager due to his IED (Interminent Explosive Disorder [He gets really angry for those who didn’t know]), you had always know that deep down, he’d just be completely submissive for anyone who could dominate him. Just what you plan to do.
Author: Ellie.
A/N: I got the inspiration to do this from the amazing owner of the blog @thelittlehalewolf this one and this one.
“Nobody’s P. O. V.”
You look at Liam from across your spot at Scott’s house who had called his Pack all over for a Pack meeting and of course Liam his newly, and only, bitten Beta is here. While Scott keeps on explaining the subject he’s been talking about since the last few ten minutes, Liam has no idea he’s been practically stalked those same passed ten minutes.
At least not until he has that weird feeling eveybody has when they feel like they’re being watched. Liam looks in your direction to see you staring at him but you doesn’t even bother to at least try and hide the fact that you’ve been doing it for so long nor you try to hide the fact that you’ve been caught either.
In turn, Liam quickly looks away while his cheeks start to burn, an evident blush appearing judging by the deep red that appears on his cheeks as if he’s the one that’s been caught staring at somebody. You smirk to yourself but keep staring at him, a plan slowly creeping it’s way to your mind.
You walk out of Scott’s house a few small moments after Liam does sense Scott had to ask you something that was actually just about homework. You see Liam standing just right out side down the prch steps with his phone out, the noise of the buttons on his screen being touched as he sends a text message.
“Hey.”  You naturally greet and Liam glances at you for a second before his eyes return to the bright screen while he simply said the same thing only that he said it awkwardly. “You have a ride home?” You ask. “No, Mason just told mehis parents grounded himwith the car.” He answers when actually, that was you.
You got Mason to bail out on him so you could take him home. “Want me to drive you home?” You ask. “Um, I- I was actually going to ask Stiles.” He nervously says. “Well I don’t think that’s such a good idea sense Stiles and Malia are going to have some late night ‘study’. They’re pretty eager about it.” You explain.
“Oh.” Liam simply says in an awkwadr tone. “So, you want me to take you home?” You ask with a small smirk. “Y-yeah.” He stuters and you smirk even more.
“Do you want to come inside?” Liam nervously asks while he opens the door. “Sure.” You answer, walking in after he does as he holds the door open for you and you say a ‘thanks’. You walk in somewhat slowly, wondering if his parents are here, and once you don’t see them, you ask “Where are your parents?”
“They’re out, it’s their anniversery.” Liam answers. “Wow.” You say while looking at the pictures around of when he was a kid. “You know Liam, I knew you’d be the submissive type, the one to easily give in.” You say while walking closer to a specific picture and looking at how even when he was about 8 or 9, he’s always had that baby face.
“W-what?” He asks, his heart starting to beat faster and his cheeks getting slightly pink. “Well you know,” You start saying while turning atound to look at him and then you finish saying ”During a fuck.” You say and Liam repeats his previous word. “W-what?” He re-asks but this time his cheeks are completely red while he feels them burning hard.
“Look, you may fool other girls who say behind your back that you’re ‘hot’, but you don’t fool me.” You say while walking closer to him, which in turn he walks backwards and ends up against the door with you so close to him that your chest is lightly pressed against his. All he can do is close his eyes and title his head up towards the ceiling as he swallows thickly.
“What I mean is, you probably act like a puppy in bed. I bet you even like being called a good boy.” You say, placing a hand flatly on his chest and slowly trailing it lower and lower and lower, until it reaches the waist of his jeans, making Liam swallow so thickly and so hard that you can easily hear and you chuckle at it. “Mind if I meet your little friend?” You teasingly ask, slowly undoing his jeans.
You slowly unbotton them, pull the zipper down and place your hands on his waist to pull his jeans down while by now Liam’s starting to get hard even if he’s trying not to. You pull down his jeans slowly, your finger tips passing over his butt and you give it a small squeeze. Just when his jeans are just about to get to the start of his erection…
Liam’s hands quickly move to put themselves over his crouch, preventing you from pulling his jeans lower, once again his cheeks being a deep red. “Oh sorry, where are my manners, I should’ve started with a kiss first.” You say with a small smirk. Liam’s eyes shot wide open and as soon as they do, he instantly feels your lips against his own, pressing and moving over his softly.
If Liam’s eyes could widen even more, they would have. But all he can do is slowly close his eyes out of pleasure, a small moan escaping him as he then moves his lips as well, being coordinated with you. His hands start to loosen up and you’re able to move them away, place your own on his wasit to pull him as close enough as possible to you and wrap your arms around his neck as his go around your waist.
At some point after kissing for a few moments, you brake the kiss, making him let out a small whine which makes you chuckle before you speak. “I think we should take it up stairs to your room.” You say and he doesn’t have to be told again. He immedietly  grabs your hand and leads you up stairs to his room sense you don’t know the way.
Not long after, the both of you make it to his room and he eagerly places his lips on yours again after closing the door. You place your hands on his chest, lightly pushing while walking forward to make him walk backwards and he does, the back of his knees hitting the bed as he then falls back onto the bed, braking the kiss like previously.
But it only lasts a few short seconds before you’re on top of his straddling his waist and kissing him, placing your hands on his chest again to keep him still. You start to slowly in a teasing way grind on him, moving your hips back and forth, barely even applying pressure while he tries to do it himself by placing his hands on your hips and attempting to press you down against him harder.
But in turn all he gets is you grabbing his wrists and pinning them up against the sides of his face, making him whine again. As you keep on grinding down on him, you decide to give him just a small part of what he wants so you press yourself only lightly harder against him while you trace his well built arms with your hands in a slow motion and then slip them under his shirt, doing the same to his chest and abbs.
You remove your lips from his and now place them against his neck, kissing, sucking, licking and biting on the skin to mark what’s yours now even tho the marks would heal, but you can still have you fun while looking for his soft spot, making him moan but mostly whine. Within a few seconds, you easilyfind his soft spot and he whines louder, his hands closing into fists to control himself.
By now, Liam’s completely and fully erect and you can feel it while your underwear is soaked, being as hot and boothered as he is, but you can’t let him know that. All tho you know he’d stay submissive towards you. “Y/N, please.” Liam whines out at your teasing. “What does my little puppy want? Come on, use your words.” You say, purposely grinding your hips harder in one motion as he then lets out another whine.
“Do something.” He cries out. “I am.” You answer with a chuckle. “No, I- I” He starts saying with whines but doesn’t even finish speaking due to his noises. “Liam, I can’t give my little puppy what he wants if he doesn’t tell me.” You innocently say but he finds himself unable to talk while feeling a the new, but amazing, sensation he’s ever felt.
“You know, I could do this all night and you still wouldn’t get what you want because you’re too busy letting out noise that make me so wet. In fact, I could cum in my clothes without having to do any more than this.” You whisper in his ear and he starts to pant with his cheeks a bright red at the feeling of his stomach twisting in knots just by dirty talk.
You take the chance you have of his mouth being a bit open and his tongue lightly peaking out and you kiss him, but this time, practically shoving your tongue in. Liam’s eyes widen at the other new sensation of kissing someone with their tongues swiping over one another but like previously, he soon closes his eyes out of pleasure while attempting to kiss back with his own tongue too but you quickly dominate his.
After a few short seconds, his eyes re-widen while gasping into the kiss against your lips and you feel his jeans getting soaked, instantly realizing that you were able to make him reach his orgasm just like that. His eyelids start to slowly fall down, but his eyes don’t close, instead, they stay midway. You brake the kiss and sit up, sliding back until you’re sitting on his thighs.
You look at the big wet spot on the front of his pants and you smirk to yourself. “I think I should finally meet your little friend.” You say and Liam lazily sits up, placing his hands on your wiast and using his grip to pull himself up easier, but you don’t mind. You pull on his jeans along with his boxers and this time he doesn’t try tos stop you.
Instead, once his jeans and boxers are down enough for his surprisingly still hard dick to pop out, he has his thighs pressed together, eyes squeezed shut, a small whine leaving his lips, head hung low and his cheeks turning a deep red at the embarrassment of the mess he made over himself. to be more exact, his upper thighs, lower stomach and all over his hard member too.
You stare at his length with slightly wide eyes and a small smile with your mouth opened at his size, thinking of all the things you could do. With no doubt, you’re definetely having a lot of fum with him and his not so little friend. “Wow.” You sigh out and make a small pause before speaking again with the usual level of confidence you have.
“Who knew a little puppy like you would have such a big dick.” You say against his ear in a seductive tone, running the tip of your finger over the front of his dick from base to tip, your finger getting coated in his cum as well and you place it in your mouth to suck and lick it off, letting out a small moan at the flavor while Liam just watches as his dick twiches at the sight.
You get off of his lap and got down on the floor on your knees in between his legs which you had to separate. You like on the traces og his cum on his thighs and he fists the sheets, trying to look away from you who’s looking up at him with innocent eyes as if licking his cum is the most natural thing. But his eyes, like with every little thing you do, shot wide open with a loud gasp coming out of him as soon as you take his length into your mouth.
He looks back down at you and you look up at him, releasing him, running your tongue over the under side of his shaft to lick off the whitish, sticky and salty liquid off of it, your tongue making it’s way up to his tip and then you take him back in. His grip on the sheets tighten and he starts whining and whimpering again while you keep on sucking him off.
You place your hand on the base and start to move it up and down at the same pace you’re moving your head, jerking off what you can’t fit in your mouth, at least not easily, as you feel yourself getting even more wetter, occasionally letting out a moan to send vibrations all over him and make him fist his sheets harder, cry out louder and squeeze his eyes and jaw tighter.
Soon enough, you use a faster pace and start to take him in deeper, your hand having to leave him so you can take more of him in your mouth. His tip starts to go further from just hitting the back of your throat, now the tip along with some of the upper part is going down your throat at you officially deep-throating him. Liam lets out a loud groan at this and falls back onto the bed.
Each time you move forward, you take at least about half an inch more until he’s fully practically inside of your throat, your nose coming in contact with his small pubic hairs he has from shaving and your bottom lip with his balls as you breath through your nose to not gag so much, small gagging tears being in the corner of your eyes while he just repeatedly cries out at the feeling of another orgasm approaching him and you know it.
He starts to pulse in your mouth, his cries getting louder, grip on the sheets increasing and with his claws out, he starts to rip them. You pull away, gasping for air due to the lack of it and he lets out a small sigh of relief, slightly coming down. But you instantly start jerking him off again while your free hand plays with his balls, making him start to pulse again but now in your hand instead of your throat.
“You’re not aloud to cum yet.” You say. “What?” He says in a whiny voice which you find funny and you chuckle at it. “I said, ‘you’re not aloud to cum yet’.” You repeat. “Why?” He asks in the same whiny voice. “Because I say so, and if you keep on asking and insisting, I just won’t let you cum at all, so be a Good Boy and wait.” You say, but you say the last part in a seductive way which makes him almost cum right then and there.
While you give him a hand job and play with his balls, you start licking stripes on the under side and on the sides, sometimes even sucking on the tip or kitten licking it too. After a few moments, you decide to take him back into your mouth, so you do. You take in the tip first and slowly start to sink your head down until it’s completely in your mouth like previously and Liam lets out a loud mewl.
“Y/N,” He whines out your name and you take him out of your mouth again, knowing that he can’t contain himself any more that probably just a few seconds. “Cum for me.” You say before opening your mouth and stckinf out your tongue right in front of the tip, ready to recieve his load. He instantly lets out a long and loud grpan while finally letting himself reach his orgasm.
His grip on the sheets loosens up and his facial expression starts to relax, his groan slowly lowering the volume until he’s done letting out his pleasure-filled noise, which is just when he’s done with his orgasm. Majority of it fell into your mouth like you wanted to while some of it is around ypur face, on your lips, chin and on your hand do to you jerking him off when he was cumming.
But by now, you’re not doing anything other than swallowing everything that’s in your mouth, wiping the traces of the liquid with the back of your hand and licking on it too, letting him relax and gently come down from his orgasm by himself. Just when you’re done with his juices, he’s done recovering and you get back on top of him, straddling his waist and laying on top of him.
“You were such a Good Boy for me.” You say and at that, Liam smiles even if he has his eyes closed, finding a warm feeling within himself at the sound of being called a ‘Good Boy’. Sure it was in a kind of dog way but he liked being told that he was good. He instead constantly got angry and dissapointed looks due to his IED, but even if it was in something as simple as what he just did, he couldn’t help but feel happy that somebody told him he was good.
“You do like being called a Good Boy, don’t you?” You ask with a smirk and he nods before opening his eyes. “You wanna be a Good Boy and undress for me before helping me out of my clothes too?” You ask and he eagerly nods. You get off of him and sit to the sid on your calves. He quickly sits up, pulls off his shirt and then takes off his pants and boxers completely, kicking off his shoes and socks afterwards.
Liam eagerly approaches you and pulls you in for a kiss which you accept, his tongue entering your mouth and you expect to fight for dominance but he just gives in, willingly submissing to you even more. “So are you really going to help me out of my clothes or not?” You ask after spending awhile of just kissing. He doesn’t answer and instead grabs the bottom of your shirt, pulls on it to the top and you lift your arms, letting him take off your shirt.
He instantly starts to kiss, taking you so much by surprise that the force makes you fall back and pull him down with you. The both of you let out a small laugh before he apologizes as he then returns to eagerly kiss all over your neck, soon licking, biting and sucking too, making you moan his name. “Can you help me out of the rest of my clothes?” You innnocently ask after pulling his face up to yours.
He takes a glance down to the valley of your boobs and then nods. You both stand up on your knees and he reaches behind your back to un-clip your bra, finding it difficult and taking it as if it’s some sord of challenge. While he figures it out, you start to trail wet kisses on his neck, making it even harder for him but not long after he’s able to un-clip it and pull it off, your boobs becoming visible to him.
His eyes lightly widen and he swallows thickly at the sight of your bare chest, his length all ready starting to get hard. You grab his wrists and place his hands on the waist of your jeans, hinting him to take them off too. Liam understands and slowly, somewhat unsurely, unbottons and unzips your jeans, then pulling them down only to be hit with the strong scent of your arousal, making him moan just by the smell and sigh out somewhat happily.
You lean back, sitting on your calves and leaning on your hands which are behind you besides your ankles to support yourself and keep you up. He placesa small kiss under your bellybutton above the waist line of your underwear and then he starts toslowly pull them down with his teeth, being layed on the bed against stomach while his eyes are half open and half closed at the same time from the toxicating but addictive smell of your arousal.
Once he gets to your knees, he pulls himself up a bit and pulls your panties off the rest of the way with his hands as you slightly lift yourself up to make it easier for him. He throws them to the side on the floor when they’re completely off and you move to lay on you back, but keeping your calves pressed against your thighs while Liam has his tongue lightly sticking out as if he were able to taste you like that.
“Do you wanna taste me?” You ask, noticing the way he keeps his gaze at your soaked core. He quickly nods without looking away and you smirk before placing your hands close to your ass on the upper but back part of your thighs, having your wrists on the inner side of your legs. “Then what are you waiting for? Be a Good Boy and make me feel good.” You say and he looks up at you.
With that, he quickly lays over his stomach just how he was a few seconds ago and passes his hands under yours, leaving them where your own were considering you moved them higher when he took your place. He wastes no time in starting to devore you, stroaking your wet opening with his tongue and soon givving wet opened mouthed kisses while moaning at the flavor.
You remove your hands from your legs and place them on top of his head, fisting his hair and pulling him even closer your core, using your legs to wrap them around his head and push him deeper too, quickly starting to moan out his name. Liam also pulls you closer and tries to bury his face deeper but only gets his nose pressing against your clit, making youlet let out a loud pleasure-filled scream.
At that, he smiles against your wetness and moves up to flick his tongue on your clit and start to suck on it, taking in the note that it’s what gets you to make more noises. “Ngh.” You whine out after just a few seconds and now try to push him away due to your clit now being sensible and sore. “Liam, my clit’s a little sensible.” You difficultly say and he pulls back.
“Sorry.” He says with a small chuckle and smile, deciding to just go back to kissing and licking your core just to be called a Good Boy again. Gives long licks at your core and occasionally even gently bites, pulls and sucks on your folds while all you can do is moan and groan to express how good he was making you feel, only encouraging him even more.
You had started to pull him in deeper with your hands as soon as he let go of your clit and he’s been trying his best to pleasure you due to you constantly pulling and fisting his hair all tho he doesn’t really mind. He starts to use more pressure and at that, he accidentally ends up slipping his tongue into your wet opening which instantly makes you scream out of pleasure.
Liam mistakens it for a pain-filled scream and he quickly pulls back with bright red cheeks. “Sorry! Sorry, I didn’t mean to!” He quickly says while you lightly pant. “No, no, no, don’t stop.” You say and he soon understands and lets you push his face back to your wetness. This time, he gently slips in his tongue and you let out a loud groan at the feeling.
“Y-you like it?” He asks after awhile of you just groaning and moaning at his tongue inside of you, but stopping when he pulls it out to ask about it. “Yes, so don’t stop.” You murmur before pulling him back to your pussy. He slips his tongue into you again and this time you let a loud moan leave you. He pulls it out for a split second and runs it over the insides of his mouth for a few short seconds, finding the flavor weird but not bad.
Soon, he gets use to the flavor and finds it more than delicious. He starts to constantly stick his tongue in, quickly collect all your juices he can, bring it back into his mouth to swallow them and then he repeats. “Y-you’re doing so good.” You difficulty say with a hand fisting his hair and the other one on his shoulder with a hard grip, nails digging into the flesh, but he doesn’t mind.
Liam lets out a small smile and continues with his actions, but now, with a small change, he just adds more pressure. He pushes upwards with his tongue and your eyes shot wide open, a small scream escaping you. “Oh, right there!” You say, being shocked at how he was able to reach the perfect spot just with his tongue.
Your grip on him tightens at the feeling of your stomach twisting in knots, indicating you that you’re soon going to reach your orgasm. You start to pant instead of continuing with letting out your moans, groans and an occasional scream, trying to keep up with your breath now while Liam just keeps on repeating his actions of sticking his tongue inside of you and flicking it upwards.
In one particular sharp flick of it, you let out a loud scream, your orgasm finally hitting you. Liam quickens his pace at licking you up due to your cum rushing out of you while your legs lightly shake. Not long after, he’s done with licking you clean and he stands up on his knees, showing how hard and straight up his length is while he wipes some of your cum off of his chin with the back of his hand, licking it off too.
You reach your hands out for him and he’s quick to understand you. Leaning over you, you wrap your arms around his own, placing your hands on his shoulders and pulling him down for a kiss. You remove your lips from his and detach your arms from his own as well, now placing them around his shoulders and pulling him lower, starting to kiss his neck.
He lets out a small whine at you sucking, licking, kissing and biting on his soft spot. “You’re being such a Good Boy for me Liam.” You murmur against his ear, makng him smile at the sound of being called a Good Boy again. “Is there something else I can do?” He asks after letting out a pleasured sigh, being despereat to pleas you to be called a Good Boy again.
You smirk while he’s looking to the side at you but you just have your head burried in his shoulder. Instead of answering, you wrap your legs around his waist and pull him close, the tip of his dick going past your folds and resting right at your still soaked entrance. Liam’s cheeks turn a bright pink but he doesn’t hesitate.
He instantly pushes in, slowly but quickly stopping at the feeling of you around him. “Ah!” You let out, being shocked on how easily he had accepted. He feels how his eyes easily start to glow, claws and canines growing out while his mouth falls open with his tongue sticking out between his lower canines as he pants. You let out a few breathy moans while you quickly start to get impatient, not being able to wait to feel all of him inside of you.
You move your arms to now wrap them around his upper back to have something to hold onto and then start to push the rest of him inside your legs, earning many loud noises from him. He’s just now use to feeling anything like this. Soon enough, he’s completely inside of you and his facial expression turns into a more happy one, obviously due to the pleasure.
Your face has now a happy look too and you wait for a couple of seconds, getting use to the feeling that you haven’t felt in so long. Liam himself, tries to push in deeper but he can’t, so he starts to slowly move back and forth, seeing how you instantly throw your head back out of pleasure, your back arching off the bed, eyes closing and rolling to the back of your head while letting out a moan.
He leans down even lower, places his arms under your back to keep it arched and he sucks and licks on your tits, trying to move at the same time but just ends up going even slower to concentrate on your boobs, licking and biting on your nipples. You open your eyes and lean your head up to look and as soon as you do, you feel your cheeks getting hot.
You had never liked the size of your boobs, sometimes you got self-conscious of them but Liam was letting you know that he clearly liked them. He gives big wet opened mouthed kisses on your boobs, switing to the other one every few seconds to give them both the same attention. At some point, he moves his hands to grab and squish them together to bite and suck on your nipples at the same time.
You let out a small whine, which encourages him to keep up with his actions and he does. At some point, you decide that you much prefer have him moving back and forth instead of leaving hickies and love bites with small scratches due to his canines, all tho you really don’t mind, on your boobs, so you speak. “Liam, please… Move faster.” You moan out.
He removes his lips from your tits and moves himself more upwards, being chest-to-chest with you. He places his hands and forearms besides your head to keep his body right above you and you place your arms around the upper part of his back like previously. You had moved your arms away when he started to play with your boobs from how uncomfortable it was.
Liam does as you asked and starts to move his hips faster, easily starting to pant against your ear sense his head is low enough to be next to yours. Your moans get louder but you still don’t feel satisfied with the pace. “Faster.” You repeat. He moves faster like you told him to, and with the pace, it’s enough for the both of you to hear his balls smacking against you like his thighs against yours due to your legs being around his waist.
After just a few seconds, he moves his hands to place them on the wall sense he doesn’t have a headboard and starts moving faster and harder on his own, letting out growls while he tries to last longer. His change of pace makes him hit your g-spot and you let out a scream out of pleasure. “Right there!” You scream out after and he moves even faster, loud noises of skin on skin, besides your screams and his growls that get louder and louder, filling the room.
“Right there Liam, you’re doing so g-good… M-my Go-od Boy.” You difficultly say while your nails start to dig into his shoulders. He breathes out a growl each time he moves back inside of you and your eyes roll to the back of your head, your back arching off the bed, soon returning to the same position only to tighten your grip around his back at the feeling of an orgasm approaching you again.
“H-harder, I’m ab-bout to cu-um.” You say in a quiet voice due to the difficulty. He starts to pound into you even harder, making you continuosly scream loudly and the bed move back and forth while you hear how he’s literally leaving deep claw marks on the wall at him dragging his claws down while you do the same. Dragging your nails down his back and leaving scratches that with heal later.
A few more of Liam’s rough thrusts and you let out an even louder scream, reaching your orgasm and clenching even tighter around him. In just about two seconds, he instantly cums after you, the feeling of you getting tighter around him and your cum gushing all over him too, being too much for him and making him get to his orgasm to.
Thick strips over cum shoot out of the tip of his dick which twitches at least about one time. Not long after, you both finsh and he slowly pulls out of you, falling on his back next to you on his bad while you both pant loudly as he feels himself shifting back to his human form. A small silent moment passes, besides the two of you panting heavily, and not long after you both let out a sigh at finally recovering, him much more before than you due to being a Werewolf.
“Did I do good?” He asks while looking to the side at you. You look over at him with a small smile, letting out a small breathy chuckle while he seems nervous and worried that you probably didn’t like it. “That was the best fuck I ever had.” You say, a small somewhat awkward or nervous smile appearing on his face. “Soo…” He awkwardly says after another small moment of silence.
You look back over to him and pull him at you, he easily understands and moves closer to make it easier for you to move him. You pull him to rest on top of you with his head against your chest and a hand in his hair, gently stroaking and running your fingers through it, placing a small kiss on the top of his head before speaking while your free arm is around the upper part of his back, tracing the scratches with your fingers and feeling how they heal.
“You were a really Good Boy.” You say and he lets out a small hum in approaval. “Your my Good Boy.” You say, the both of you falling asleep after a few short minutes, not caring that there’s nothing covering you and thatyour on top of the sheets.
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kikoqueenofrats · 3 years
Lil Guy belongs to @toastraccoon Next Chapter is out This isn't anything relevant to the current rp I'm doing with Toonie...however the next chapter is so look forward to that I guess
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The duo laid on their shared bed as they waited for Lil Guy to come over and check on Cels Injury.
They were both still somewhat processing the events of yesterday.
Mari the fact that they had suddenly grown incredibly attached to the small blue stick laying next to them.
Whilst Cel thought over what Mari had told him during their moment of emotional vulnerability.
The sound of Mari yawning suddenly echoed through the room and Cel turned to look at them, concern beginning to build up inside his chest.
"Mari?" Cel turned to face them, noticing how exhausted they looked, which only caused their worry to skyrocket.
"Yeah?" Mari asked, turning to look at Cel, Cel cringed as his eyes fell upon the almost completely exhausted look Mari was currently giving him.
"You wanna go to sleep?" Mari looked away at that, a slightly irritated but mostly scared look in their eyes. Cel noticed this and managed to predict Maris answer before it even left their mouth.
"No" Mari replied bluntly before turning to their side, essentially telling Cel that they were done with this conversation.
Cel was persistent however as he had been worried about Maris sleeping habits for a while now.
Cel used to believe that Mari didn't need sleep, that they were just immune to it.
But after multiple instances during that awful week where Cel had caught Mari fighting to stay awake.
He wasn't so sure that was true now.
"Why?" Cel asked, pulling himself closer to Mari, a determined look on his face.
".....it's complicated" Mari muttered, still not turning back around.
"Complicated how?" Cel huffed, beginning to get annoyed at how stubborn Mari was being.
"Haven't I already told you how..." Mari huffed back, turning their head to give Cel their most frustrated expression.
Cel stared back in confusion for a few moments, before what Mari had been implying finally clicked in his mind.
".....Yes...." He muttered looking down at his hands.
"Shouldn't that be the end of this discussion?" Mari went to roll back over.
"Mari" Cel huffed suddenly feeling incredibly annoyed.
"Cel-" Mari snapped, turning their whole body around like they were a child throwing a tantrum.
"There isn't anyone here-" Cel retorted.
"There could be '' Mari stated firmly, fully convinced that their argument was completely logical and that Cel was being ridiculous.
"Mari, why would you think this place would allow an...insanely violent stick in here?" Cel asked, knowing that this stubbornness was coming from somewhere.
He had an idea of where, but he wanted to make sure before he tried to tackle it head on.
"An accident? You never know..." Cel rolled his eyes at that. Mari was just pulling out excuses from the top of their head at this point...they must be terrified of getting attacked whilst they slept again...just like back in their game.
"Okay, so on the off chance a dangerous stick bursts into our room, wouldn't you want to be alert for it" Cel retorted.
"I AM alert" Mari replied.
"You can barely keep your eyes open Mari!" Cel snapped and Mari huffed, trying to think up another excuse but Cel had well and truly cornered them. “Adrenaline will keep me going…” Mari spoke slowly, not looking Cel in the eye “I just...I don’t want anything to happen to you whilst…I’m out...” They muttered slowly looking up at Cel with a somewhat begging look in their eyes.
Cel frowned softly at that, this whole conversation was leaving a bad taste in his mouth but Cel was determined to win this argument. Especially since it was his friend's health that was on the line.
"...Mari don't you trust me?" Cel muttered softly, also looking at Mari with a somewhat begging look. Though there was a hint of betrayal hidden within his features; After everything they had been through surly Mari would at least feel comfortable closing their eyes around Cel for a few seconds. Though with how much they were fighting this Cel figured that the trust wasn’t entirely there.
"Of course I do," Mari muttered back, slowly going back to avoiding eye contact.
"Then why...why can't you trust me to look after you whilst you sleep?" Cel begged desperately trying to get Mari to look him in the eyes when they decided to answer him.
"Because you can't fight!" Mari snapped an angry look flashing across their face for a few moments before a guilty one quickly replaced it.
They both stared at each other in shock for a few moments before Cels' expression turned into one of annoyance.
"Did you not see me take on those monsters!?!" Cel snapped back, not fond of the way Mari had seemingly brushed off this achievement.
"Yes! But if they had been moving any quicker you would've died!" Cel opened his mouth to retort but Mari continued "And you still got hurt, but that's just because you were too busy looking after me!"
"Do you want me to let you get hurt then!" Cel snapped, his voice cracking with emotion.
"No! I don't want me to get MYSELF hurt in the first place! So you don't have to protect me!" Mari snapped back, hoping that Cel would finally understand their point.
Cel didn't, they only saw that as another reason to get Mari to rest.
"Well what if I want to protect you!" Cel said eyes now blazing with as much emotion as his voice currently was.
Mari sighed in frustration, covering their face with their hands. There was no winning this, Mari didn't know what to say.
That was until an idea popped into their mind.
"Alright, you want to protect me, fine" They got up off the bed and turned, looking down at Cel with a mostly determined look on their face.
"But we gotta work on your fighting technique first, because not every enemy will go down because you threw an umbrella at them," Mari huffed. Cel went to get up, almost forgetting about his injured back; However the movement quickly reminded him of it as a flash of pain shot down it and he cringed.
Maris' features immediately softened and they reached forward to comfort their ailing friend. Though Cel flinched away, mind currently elsewhere, not realising he had hurt Mari by doing that.
"Am I interrupting something?"
They both stopped in their tracks and turned towards the door.
Lil Guy was standing near it, a bemused but worried expression on his face.
"Or have you finished with your lover's quarrel? Because I still need to give Cel a check up" Lil Guy piped up; causing Cel to look up and give LG one of his meanest glares, whilst also blushing furiously.
Mari on the other hand looked up at Lil Guy, a grateful look on their face. “Yes, please...we..we’re done…” Mari muttered going over to sit on the chair standing next to the window; Figuring Cel wouldn’t want them around at this moment in time.
The duo spent the rest of the check up and healing in silence; Cel only really whimpered in pain as Lil Guy treated his wound. Mari could only take so much of Cels whining before slowly getting up off the chair and walking over to go comfort his injured friend.
Lil Guy smiled as he watched Mari gently take Cels hand and begin rubbing circles into it, understanding that arguments were a decent part of a growing relationship but hoping the duo would make up soon.
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josephlrushing · 4 years
The LG G8X ThinQ Dual Screen Is Something Special
The iPhone ushered in the era of slab phones and quickly became the design-standard for the industry. Companies looking for “the next big thing” are exploring dual-screen phones. Some look more intriguing than others, but all are pricey as hell. With the LG G8X ThinQ Dual Screen, LG has taken a unique approach and kept the phone affordable.
Do more at once with LG G8X ThinQ Dual Screen, and multitask like never before.
That’s how LG describes the G8X ThinQ Dual Screen. As you will see, it is an apt way to capture what this unusual device is all about. To be clear, this isn’t the first time we have been wowed by LG’s approach to dual-screen devices. In February of 2019, Judie wrote about the LG V50 ThinQ and its dual-screen case. And last month, she posted on the LG V60 ThinQ Dual Screen. As both of those posts make clear, LG has settled upon their approach to dual-screen phones and is busy refining it. We have the LG G8X ThinQ Dual Screen in hand and are excited to share some of our thoughts with all of you.
A great deal has been written about the LG G8X ThinQ Dual Screen while I’ve been putting it through its paces. Rather than repeat what is available all over the internet, I thought I would share some of the things that have impressed me during the last few weeks using the phone, as well as some things that have not. Before we dig into that, however, let’s take a quick look at the phone itself.
  For those of you who are not familiar with the LG G8X ThinQ Dual Screen, that last statement might seem a bit odd. After all, how do we look at the phone without… looking at the phone. The answer is one of the key things that differentiate the LG G8X ThinQ Dual Screen from other dual-screen devices on the market. Most dual-screen have a single foldable screen that either fold in on itself, thereby hiding the screen or fold out and, when closed, have a screen on both the front and back. The LG G8X ThinQ Dual Screen takes a different approach. It is a traditional slab phone that can be used as you would any other large phone. It, however, comes with an innovative case that adds a second, separate screen. Ideally, this design gives users the best of both worlds. But does it? That’s the question I’ve been asking myself since the phone first arrived.
So let’s look at the phone itself. The LG G8X ThinQ has a 6.4” FHD+ OLED screen with an aspect ratio of 19.5:9. Inside the phone, there is 128 GB of storage with slightly more than 102GB available. The phone can accept up to 2TB of additional storage via a microSD card. That’s likely more storage than you will ever need on your phone, but it is nice to know it is possible.
Striking Sleek Design: This device is crafted with smooth, contoured glass for a modern aesthetic. Plus, rounded corners and a sophisticated pattern add an extra touch of elegance.
The front of the phone is entirely glass with a small pinhole camera at the center of the top. If you hate pinhole cutouts, you can change a setting and turn it into a black bar across the top. I honestly can’t understand why anyone would do that, but the option is there for those who are troubled by the pinhole camera cutout.
On the left side, there are volume up and down buttons and a dedicated button for activating Google Assistant. I love the Pixel’s innovative approach that allows you to bring up the Assistant by simply squeezing the phone, but this dedicated button gets the job done too. Toward the top of the left side, there is a small hole for the microphone. It is difficult to see, but it is there.
The sleep/wake/power button sits on the right side of the phone. Access to the SIM and microSD expansion slot is at the top.
On the bottom, you will find the speaker, the USB-C charging port, another microphone, and … a 3.5mm headphone jack. Yup, LG has decided to stick with the traditional headphone jack for now. Unfortunately, they didn’t see fit to include headphones in the box, but if you have a pair of wired headphones hanging around, you will be happy to know they can still be used. Of course, the phone can also be charged wirelessly if you have a Qi-enabled charger handy.
On the back, you will find both cameras and the flash. Notably, the cameras sit flush with the phone. And while that indicates that this promises to be a good smartphone camera but not a “great” one, I do love the fact that there is no camera bulge that looks like it was thrown on as an afterthought, gets scratched, and rocks when you put the phone on a desk.
The sides of the back have a gentle curve toward the from that feels fantastic in the hand and gives an otherwise uninspired design a bit of style.
In all, this is a good-looking but not inspired design.
Fast Performance, Bigger Battery: A Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 Octa-core Processor delivers fast, powerful, experiences—all while providing what matters most: insane battery life, powered by our long-lasting 4,000 mAh battery.
The phone is rather zippy. It has a Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 Octa-core processor and a 4,000mAh battery. That means it is not only fast but that it will last an entire day and then some. (Obviously, your mileage will vary depending upon how you use the device.) When you need to charge the phone, you can either connect a cable, is offers Qualcomm Fast charging QC 4.0, and it has wireless charging too.
A Quick Way to Pay: Leave your plastic cards at home and pay quickly with your phone virtually everywhere at both NFC and magstripe payment terminals. LG Pay is a digital wallet that lets you put your credit/ debit, gift, and loyalty cards in one simple-to-use app.
As you would expect, the phone packs Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, Bluetooth 5.0, and NFC connectivity. The NFC is ideal for using LG Pay instead of reaching for your wallet.
Superb Pixel-Level Detail + 4x Zoom Power: An immense 32 MP front camera gives you superb detail, 4x zoom capability, and the ability to crop photos with the high-resolution quality you expect—and deserve. This is more megapixels than you’ll find in any LG selfie camera!
The rear cameras are a 12 MP Standard with a 78° FOV and a 13 MP Wide-Angle offering 136° FOV. That’s pretty substantial for any phone, let alone one that is priced as a mid-tier device.
The front camera surprised me when I realized it is an impressive 32MP shooter with a 78° FOV. In all, this isn’t the best camera available on a phone in 2020, but it certainly is no slouch. Moreover, if this were just a year or two ago, the hardware being into this phone would be considered bleeding edge. High-end phone cameras have made it to places unheard of until recently, which pushes this phone back into “really good but not the best” territory, but this system will be more than enough for the vast majority of people.
Camera features include:
Capture Every Whisper: It’s your turn to shine. Capture videos with refined sound and detail that tickle your senses and send tingles down your spine.
The Ultra-Widest Lens, Mic Drop!: With a whopping 136? field of view, truly get it all with the widest camera lens out there. Fully capture epic vistas, sweeping landscapes, beautiful architecture, and huge group shots that take your breath away.
Portrait Keep the Focus on You: Add a professional touch by zeroing in on yourself and softening backdrops for an artistic bokeh-blur effect that allows you to stand out.
Action Shot Clear, Action-Packed Shots: Capture crisp, sharp, and clear photos of fast-moving subjects. This feature automatically adjusts the shutter speed to minimize photo blur and keeps subjects in focus.
AI CAM Smart Photo Enhancement: This clever camera recognizes up to 19 subjects and recommends optimized filter options to enhance the exposure, saturation, and more.
Time Lapse Memories at the Speed of Life: Vivid and intricate time-lapse videos help you turn anything from a flower blooming to an inspiring sunrise into a timeless, storytelling film.
Google Lens Search What You See: Get stuff done faster, and interact with the world around you using your camera and AI integration. Copy and paste text, add events to your calendar, find products online, and see similar styles, identify popular plants and animals, learn about landmarks, and more.
Superior Sound Experience: This is what balance sounds like, with 2.4W audio distributed evenly for optimal stereo sound. And with your headphones on, DTS:X 3D Surround Sound lets you get lost in your movies, music, and games with audio that seems to come from all directions.
Finally, LQ wasn’t content to let mobile audio be the compromise it so often is. Instead, they built a 32Bit Hi-Fi Quad DAC and DTS: X Virtual Surround into it. The audio experience from the phone is superb.
So while the LG G8X ThinQ isn’t a top tier device, it is an impressive phone even by today’s standards and an amazing phone if you compare it to devices from just a few years ago. And while many phones, my iPhone 11 included, cost $1000 or more, this device is under $700 unlocked. (It is even less with carrier activation.) That alone makes it a decent choice if you are in the market for a new, large Android phone.
DISPLAY: 6.4”1 FHD + OLED 19.5:9
MEMORY: Internal Memory: 128 GB ROM (up to 102.8 GB usable), Expandable up to 2 TB with Micro SD Card
AUDIO: 32Bit Hi-Fi Quad DAC and DTS: X Virtual Surround
CHARGING: Fast Charging QC 4.0 + Wireless Charging
CHIPSET: Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 Octa-core
CAMERA: Rear: 12 MP Standard, 78° FOV and 13 MP Wide-Angle, 136° FOV Front: 32 MP with Pixel Binning, 78° FOV
CONNECTIVITY: Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, Bluetooth Version 5.0, NFC
BATTERY: 4,000 mAh3
BIOMETRICS: In-display Fingerprint Sensor
So that’s a quick look at the LG G8X ThinQ phone. It’s not exciting but, in a world where premium phones are now more than $1000, this is an excellent phone at a mintier-phone price. That alone makes it a winner in my eyes.
BUT… that is only part of the story here.
The LG G8X ThinQ Dual Screen
As Judie shared in her posts about the LG V50 and LG V60, this company is taking an unusual approach to dual-screen phones. Rather than develop a flexible screen that folds in on itself, LG decided to stick with the proven technology of large screens that don’t fold. Instead of taking a single screen and finding ways for it to fold, LG simply added a second 6.4” OLED FHD Display into the inside of a protective cover. When closed, you get the same slab phone as we described above, only double the thickness. When opened, however, the user is greeted by the 6.4” screen of the phone AND a 6.4” screen to its left. That provides double the screen-estate without the potential failures we’ve seen time and time again with folding screens. As we will see, it isn’t perfect, but it is a unique approach that solves many of the issues seen in devices with folding screens.
Interestingly, the second screen is the same display panel as the one on the phone. It even has the selfie-camera pinhole even though it lacks a camera. Moreover, the second screen is powered by the phone itself, so there is no need to charge the case separately.
Flexible Point of View: With a 360 freestop hinge, flip the screen around or lock it in place at any angle. Open it like a laptop, use it in stand or tent mode, or do a full 360° flip for a versatile viewing experience.
The Hinge:
To make this screen case work properly, LG had to design a hinge that provided maximum flexibility. The hinge on this device is loose enough to open with ease but tight enough that it will hold any position into which it is placed. That will become important when we look at some of the ways this approach can be used.
The hinge has been redesigned and now can flip all the way around to sit flush with the back of the phone. That means you can have the phone in the case but still use it as a slab phone. Yes, the case and screen make it thick, but the design means you don’t have to remove the phone every time you want to use it “normally.”
The front of the screen case is a mirrored plastic that is a fingerprint magnet. The “LG Dual Screen” logo is embossed toward the bottom but, other than that, it would seem there is nothing of interest and no functionality to this glossy surface. In this case, however, looks can be deceiving.
When the phone is one, this cover doubles as a notification display that lets you see the time, remaining battery life, and a variety of notifications. It is a great way to get a general sense of what is going on without needing to open the case and fire up the phone. (If you look closely, you can see a small slit at the top of this surface. That allows the sound from the phone’s speaker to pass through when the case is closed.)
The right side of the phone remains largely exposed, so you still have access to the power button.
  The buttons on the left side are covered by a second “layer” of buttons. These work surprisingly well and, if you didn’t know better, their responsiveness would leave you thinking they were the actual buttons.
At the bottom, there is a cutout so you can access the 3.5mm headphone jack. The cutout should be large enough for most headphones, but thick plugs probably won’t work unless you have an adapter that can fit without the cutout. A second cutout leaves the phone’s speaker exposed.
Between these two cutouts is a charging area that is ready for the included Fast Charge adapter dongle.
On the plus side, this design is the magnetic connection made between the dongle and the case. When the two are brought into proximity with one another, they connect and stay connected until you pull them apart. (The other side of the dongle has a USB-C port into which a USB-C charging cable goes.) But while this approach works … I hate it. I hate that, while the magnets are strong, they can release their grip if the dongle is angled away from the phone. Worse than that, if you don’t have the dongle with you or, worse yet, lose it, you are out of luck. Fortunately, LG sells replacement dongles for the reasonable price of just $7.99. [Were this Apple, you know the same dongle would be $35.] You can still charge the phone directly via USB-C, but you will need to pull it from the case to do that. I hate this design, and I wish LG would find a way to ditch the dongle and use USB-C for charging whether the phone is in the case or not.
Instantly See Notifications: See essentials at a glance. The cover display allows you to view the time and notifications, like when messages are received, while the dual-screen is closed.
At the back of the case, there is a large cutout. It leaves the dual camera lenses and flash exposed and provides space for the G8X ThinQ logo. I don’t understand why they made this cutout as large as they did since it deserves no purpose. It is an interesting design choice but not one I would have made.
There are several ways you can use the dual screens. All of them hinge off of the “360 freest hinge.” As LG puts it, “With a 360 freestop hinge, flip the screen around or lock it in place at any angle. Open it like a laptop, use it in stand or tent mode, or do a full 360° flip for a versatile viewing experience.”
The big question is, of course, why would you want two large screens?
Dual Screen Multitasking Mode
The first way to use the dual-screen setup is to simply think about the screens as individual screens that “speak” to one another.
Tapping the small icon that sits on the side of the phone’s screen yields a “Turn on Dual screen icon.” Tapping it fires up the second screen that sits inside the case.
If you tap the same small icon now, you will be presented with several choices that include Swap Screens, Show Main on Dual Screen, Put Main Screen to Sleep, and Turn off Dual Screen.
You can also adjust the settings of the dual-screen mode by digging a bit deeper with a few taps.
You can now use the dual screens in the simplest way possible. If you open a browser on the phone’s screen, tap the small dual-screen icon and select “Swap Screens” the browser window will move over to the second screen.
This can also be done using three fingers swiped simultaneously on the screen. Now you can select a second browser window or any other app and fire it up on the phone’s screen.
That yields two independent screens that each have their specific app or browser window open. That may not sound like much, but being able to have two 6.4” displays that work independently is far more convenient than you might expect.
Surf the Web in Style: Make the most of your web browsers. Look at the webpage on one screen, and see more details on the other while reading articles, shopping, and more.
But it gets better. In the settings, you can lock which app appears on the secondary dual screen when the phone is fired up in dual screen mode. In my case, I have it set to pull up a browser window with my Gmail. Now, whenever I open up the case, my email is immediately present on the secondary screen, and I can use the phone’s display however I want.
And it gets even better. If I bring up something like the browser app and then activate the dual-screen control and select “Wide View,” the single webpage on the phone’s display is spread over both of the screens. It’s a cool trick, but the gap between the two screens that are created by the hinge doesn’t make this very practical. It does work a bit better if you switch the orientation to landscape, but it isn’t ideal.
Gamepad Mode
Control and Compete: Play for the win by using the second screen as a customizable controller, freeing up your main screen for all the action. Choose from multiple virtual controllers or design your own to match your game play needs and style.
Wanting to leverage the potential of their dual-screen approach LG, the company baked a special gamepad functionality into the LG G8X ThinQ Dual Screen. The phone ships with some built-in gamepads, but you can also create your custom gamepad if not of the stock offerings meet your needs.
The GamePad functionality doesn’t work with every game, but for those it does, you get to enjoy the entire phone display for the game graphics and can use the dual-display to control the action. I’m not much of a gamer, but I can see this functionality being a key selling point for people who use their phones in this way.
Mini Laptop Mode
On-The-Go Mini Laptop: Convert your smartphone into a mini laptop while on-the-go with the LG Smart Keyboard. Use the entire bottom display as a full-screen virtual keyboard to write emails, edit presentations, text, or search the web in full-screen on the top display.
If you pull up your email in either the email app or the browser and turn the dive into landscape position… nothing happens.
BUT, when you tap into a content field and bring up the soft keyboard, you are on the way to something unique. At the top of the soft keyboard, there is an icon that indicates two screens. Tapping, it results in the soft keyboard overlay disappearing and the entire dual-screen display turning into a keyboard.
Now you get the benefit of your entire phone’s screen being the content email screen and the entire dual display screen serving as your keyboard. Best of all, this laptop mode also works with apps like Outlook, so you aren’t locked into the stock Google apps or the browser.
Make the Most of Images Mode:
Add A Personal Touch To Images: Use the second screen to instantly view your pictures without having to exit the camera app. Try out different filters and edit on the main screen while previewing your full-size image on the dual-screen.
If you have ever taken a picture with your phone and then had to jump out of the camera app to check whether or not you captured the image you wanted, you are going to love this.
You can use the phone’s display as your image finder when shooting pictures and set it so that each new image you take immediately appears on the dual display. This lets you check each shot before taking the next. It also lets you test out various filters before going to the next shot. It is a nice convenience, but I’m not convinced it justifies the added weight and bulk of the dual-screen approach.
Dual Mirror Mode: With Mirror Mode, use the second screen to shoot from creative angles, such as over your head during a concert. Or, use the second screen as a live viewfinder to preview your selfies as you take them.
If you fire up the camera app, you will see a dual-screen icon at the upper left of the screen. Tapping it mirrors the phone’s display to the dual-screen dimply, so both displays function as the camera’s viewfinder. This allows you to use the dual-display as the camera viewfinder and get shots at angles that would otherwise be possible.
Fun, but It Still Falls Short
This dual-screen functionality is fun, and there are some neat tricks it can perform, but the design has its limitations. For example, I can watch a Netflix video on either display, but I can’t extend it to appear on both, thereby doubling the image. At the same time, since there is a thick black space between the screens, watching a video that is split in half wouldn’t be all too enjoyable. I’m sure I will find more examples of this limitation as I do more with it.
All of this is rather cool, but I’m still not quite sure if it is worth the added bulk and weight of the dual-screen case. So while I am still fascinated by LG’s approach to larger and dual screens, the thick border between the screens that are created by the hinge makes it a bit of a puzzle to me. It doesn’t double the phone’s 6.4” screen, but it does offer some unique ways to use your phone and your phone’s camera. In a world where phones feel iterative one model to the next, that’s not a terrible thing. It also doesn’t make me want to run out and get such a device. Still, at under $700 unlocked, there is a compelling argument one can make for purchasing this phone on its own. Then, if you think about the dual-screen case as a free add-on, it suddenly makes sense why someone might purchase this phone. It is a solid, large-screen performer that has a microSD expansion slot, retains the 3.5mm headphone jack, and gets good battery life. $700 for that is completely reasonable in today’s market, and the add-on accessory just makes it even more compelling. It is a phone worth checking out. Learn more here.
Source: Manufacturer supplied review sample of the LG G8X ThinQ Dual Screen
What I Like: Phone has a large screen and tons of power at a reasonable price; Expansion slot for microSD card; Good battery life; USB-C and Qi wireless charging available; Dual-screen case included; Hinge is solid and holds any angle or folds completely back to sit flat against the phone; Front notification display so phone doesn’t need to be opened as often
What Needs Improvement: Case requires a dongle for wired charging; Dual-screen is fun but not entirely practical, the curiosity will likely diminish over time; Dual-screen works with some but not all apps; With the case, the phone is big, bulky and heavy
  from Joseph Rushing https://geardiary.com/2020/03/09/the-lg-g8x-thinq-dual-screen-review/
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LG G7 ThinQ hands-on: Amplified The latest in the G series tries to bring the relationship between LG and Google even closer, while once again upgrading its main feature, the camera experience. The LG G7 ThinQ brings an AI-enabled camera, a Google Assistant button, and more, but is that enough to bring LG back to the forefront of the flagship game? Let’s find out in our LG G7 hands-on. First things first — the ThinQ name on the end of the official title for this phone is a connection to LG’s IoT platform. However, we were told during our time with the phone in Korea we can just call it simply the LG G7. The LG G7 looks a lot like a mix between the V30 and the G6. Though LG has moved to a slower release cycle for its mobile devices, the influence of the past is still very strong in this handset. The design of the device is much like the LG V30, which had the shape of the LG G6. The design’s tall screen now sports a notch, with a glossy back that comes in four different colors. It might not be the most unique-looking device, but it is still a looker. What is interesting in the G7 is how LG is ever so slightly moving away from certain aspects that helped differentiate their devices from the rest of the field. A big example of this is the fingerprint reader, which is still in the same place as before, but no longer doubles as the power button. Instead, the power button is located more conventionally on the side, which might feel a little odd to LG veterans. Apparently, this was changed to make waking the device easier. Some users found the back power button a little annoying to reach, especially in situations like driving (or when your phone is lying face up on a table). The power button on the side also affords the phone a new way of quickly launching the camera with just a double tap. A new AI button is now found on the other side of the phone. LG has partnered up with Google very closely again to provide G7-specific functionality. Google Assistant is the G7’s AI assistant of choice, and this button allows for full control over its triggering. Press the button and it will launch Google Assistant in the same way that holding the home button does. Double press the button and it will launch Google Lens. Press and hold the button and Google Assistant will listen for as long as the button is pressed down for the voice search string, making the start and end of your query easier to identify. The AI key is a unique and potentially invaluable way of interacting with Google Assistant Editor's Pick Google Assistant guide: Make the most of your virtual assistant What is Google Assistant? Google Assistant is Google's virtual assistant, available on Android and iOS mobile devices, as well as smart home devices like smart speakers and smart TVs. Think of it as your own personal … That last function might seem simple — like talking to Google through a walkie-talkie — but it might be the most significant change to the way Assistant works. Only Google Pixel Buds support that kind of long-press interaction, where the touch-sensitive earbuds can be held down to take a search string for the duration of the hold. Think of all the times you failed to get a proper search done with Google Assistant because it failed to recognize when you’d stopped speaking. For that reason alone, this implementation will make Google Assistant a bit easier to manage and use. It is certainly a different take on what we have seen in the form of squeezing on other devices. The notch is becoming a very common addition in new phones this year, and every manufacturer is trying to bring their own spin on it, LG included. First off, the phone speaker and the better front-facing camera are centered at the top, where the notch just covers up that portion of the screen. LG tries to make the notch easier on the eyes through customization. It can be “turned off” by making the entire notification area black. Those same areas can also be made different colors and gradients. Admittedly we are a little miffed that what is called the “New Second Screen” doesn’t really add any new functionality, like the old second screens of the LG V10 and V20 once did. The screen is still a powerful Quad HD+ IPS LCD panel. An OLED screen might have appealed to more people, but LG chose to stick with LCD for one particular reason: brightness. When set to Super Bright Display mode, the screen can get to 1000 nits if the user so chooses and can stay that bright for a maximum of three minutes. The screen has also been tuned to retain the fidelity of colors and sharpness of text. This is more than just changing the screen settings in broad daylight situations. When directly underneath the sun, the screen will brighten automatically, but prioritize textual elements in places like the phone or messaging apps. It is only when the user triggers the Boosted Mode that the screen will be a very bright, but still effective, display experience. Everything looks crisp and proportionate on this display. LG’s software has been accused in the past of feeling bloated, without a fully coherent design language. Yearly updates have been good to this now Oreo-enabled version of its interface. There isn’t much wasted space in the new menus. The home screens can be changed to include not only an app drawer button, but also a swiping motion similar to the Pixel Launcher or Samsung UI, and LG’s own companion home screen experience seems simple enough. LG’s ploy for AI capabilities shows in not only the included SmartThinQ application, but also its Smart Bulletin, which tries to give users contextual information based on location and time. The page will display all of that in cards. It isn’t too hard on the eyes yet, though we will need to spend more time with it to see if LG’s algorithms are up to par with the likes of Google Feed and Bixby. The specs you’d expect from a 2018 high-end device power this phone. It’s got a Snapdragon 845 with either 4GB of RAM and 64GB of onboard storage, or 6GB of RAM and 128GB of storage. The larger version will be available later, though we are not sure which markets will get it (we were told the U.S. will only get the 4GB/64GB version). A 3,000mAh battery might not sound huge, but we will reserve judgment until our real-world usage and tests. All the other bits and pieces you would want in the phone are here, including the headphone jack. LG continues to be one of the few companies that pays this much attention to the audio experience. A single bottom-firing speaker might sound like a pretty conventional setup, but LG has taken it a step further by creating Boombox Sound. This is a unique take on the speaker experience, as it makes the entire back portion of the phone into a sound chamber. Don’t miss: LG G7 ThinQ specs: Fantastic audio and a super bright screen In simple terms, the space between the back cover and everything it protects is now a place for sound to literally emanate from. When playing audio at loud volumes, the entire back of the phone will vibrate — just enough so you can feel it, but not so much that it becomes annoying. This vibration makes the sound resonate through anything the phone might lay on. Any box or hollow container will thus create great sound. The vibrations make materials like thin wood and cardboard boxes literally amplify the sound, making for a richer experience far better than any other device — even if you do that trick of putting phones in glass cups. There’s a striking difference between the LG G7 and any other phone we’ve tested; practical or not, this is an interesting way of thinking — or listening — outside the box by LG. The headphone jack returns, bringing with it the Quad DAC once again, this time with tuning made for the DTS-X 3D standard. That standard is basically an add-on for changing the soundstage of whatever you are listening to and can either narrow or widen the audio experience. The Quad DAC is still one of the big trump cards for LG’s phones. Anyone disillusioned by the USB Type-C adapters of the world can rest assured everything out of this phone sounds really great, no matter what headphones you use. Also, the Quad DAC plus active noise cancelling is one hell of a combination. The camera has been LG’s most unique and most polarizing phone feature the last few years. Let’s start off with some great news: the front-facing camera is finally good — and not just because of the bump up to 8MP from 5MP. Just from a cursory glance, the sharpness has been greatly improved and details are no longer smudged by shoddy processing and over-softening of features. The front-facing camera also now has a portrait mode, which is software based but still welcome for the artistic bokeh background effects it brings. The improvements to the front-facing camera alone make the G7 a viable upgrade for anyone unhappy with selfies on their previous LG phones. Finally — an LG flagship with a good front facing camera! Portrait mode tends to take advantage of a dual lens setup, most commonly through a regular and telephoto lens. LG did not want to mess with a good thing, however, and kept the wide angle lens. It now has a 107-degree field-of-view, which helps correct the distortion on the sides of the frame without sacrificing too much of the wide angle. That wide angle lens is still one of the best parts of this phone — the style and drama it affords still makes for one of the most unique photo-taking experiences around. Because the rear camera lacks a telephoto lens with tighter zoom capabilities, LG’s portrait mode keeps the field-of-view the same as the main lens to remain effective. This means users don’t have to step back because the camera is trying to reach farther into the frame. Some might prefer the look of the tighter frame, but others may like not having to move in order to make the portrait work. Though our devices were very pre-production, the portrait mode shots needed a little bit more work. It messed up the cutouts around elements like hair or my glasses in certain shots. LG decided on a pixel binning solution for low light photography. Essentially the 16MP of either rear camera shifts into larger pixel groups of four so each group can more effectively flood in light in a darker scene (the same thing Huawei has done with the P20 and HTC did with UltraPixels). The result is a 4MP image that hopefully exposes better than the alternative. We didn’t get to test this much but we’re looking forward to trying it further when we get our review unit. Video is still a big deal with the LG G7. It retains the manual movie mode and the high-quality audio capture capabilities of the LG V30. The wide-angle lens is still very viable, too, though I noticed I could not change between the two lenses while recording. The camera AI is mostly consistent at identifying the subject, but the tag cloud might make some users think otherwise. LG already introduced AI in its updated LG V30S ThinQ. The tag cloud from that release has made its way to the G7. This cloud is a flurry of words that shows the camera is trying to recognize what object or subject it is pointed at when AI is on. Once it decides what is in the frame, settings change to enhance the photo. Take a second on a plate of Korean BBQ and the camera will change to the food settings, which mainly bumps up the saturation. Take a picture of a tree and the AI mode will make the green colors pop. AI modes in cameras are a little bit new and their effectiveness is down to the optimization of the software. I found some odd words in the cloud during a selfie session, but it never ended up deciding I was a cauliflower. The camera seems to find its subject well enough by the end of its search. Thousands of objects have been inserted into the AI memory of the camera and it is always searching. We will see how the AI Cam fares when we test it further in our final production review unit. There you have it: the LG G7 ThinQ. LG proves each year it really prioritizes key aspects others might take for granted (like a high-quality headphone jack, for instance). While some of its decisions this year seem more trend-following (like the notch), the features where LG tries to be different are what people will really appreciate. The wide-angle camera is great but we will have to wait and see if Boombox Sound ends up on the list, as well. We are excited to get our hands on an LG G7 review unit to see how the handset fares under more rigorous testing. Until then, let us know how you feel about the LG G7 below! , via Android Authority http://bit.ly/2rjNy1Y
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newsintodays-blog · 6 years
U.S. strike on China's ZTE another blow for Qualcomm
New Post has been published on http://newsintoday.info/2018/04/17/u-s-strike-on-chinas-zte-another-blow-for-qualcomm/
U.S. strike on China's ZTE another blow for Qualcomm
SHANGHAI/BEIJING (Reuters) – A move by the United States to ban American firms selling components to the Chinese telecom equipment maker ZTE Corp will also hit a target closer to home: Qualcomm Inc, a U.S. company that is a major supplier of chips for ZTE’s phones.
A booth of U.S. chipmaker Qualcomm is pictured at an expo in Beijing, China, September 27, 2017. Picture taken September 27, 2017. REUTERS/Stringer
The U.S. Department of Commerce slapped a seven-year ban on sales to ZTE on Monday for breaking terms of an agreement reached last year after it was caught illegally shipping goods to Iran.
Caught in the crossfire is Qualcomm, whose products account for the lion’s share of chips inside ZTE smartphones. The Chinese company shipped an estimated 46.4 million phones last year, according to IHS Markit.
“If you look at ZTE it sells around 45 million smartphones per year globally, and almost half of them have Qualcomm chips,” said Neil Shah, research director at Counterpoint Research.
“So if you look at an average of 25 dollars per chip set that’s close to half a billion dollars in revenue.”
Canalys, a technology consultancy, estimate that a higher 65 percent of ZTE phones contain Qualcomm chips.
Loss of business could be just the start for the U.S. company, which had sales of $22 billion last year. As Washington and Beijing square off with threats of tariffs and trade barriers, Qualcomm is a clear target for retaliation.
Technology is the crux of the tensions.
China wants to boost domestic champions like Huawei, which also makes chips. The United States, meanwhile, concerned about China’s growing might, has shot down Chinese technology deals overseas, citing national security concerns.
That puts Qualcomm, which makes the bulk of its sales in China, in an awkward position.
“Domestically there are competing attitudes: for someone like Huawei, Qualcomm is the enemy,” said Andrew Gilholm, director of analysis for China and North Asia at Control Risks. “But for many smaller Chinese phone makers they are actually very dependent on Qualcomm.”
Qualcomm, which has government and defense contracts at home, is closely tied to the United States government; it is also grappling with regulator approval in China for a $44 billion takeover of NXP Semiconductors.
It may, ironically, get hit by the ZTE issues more in the United States than in China.
Visitors are seen at a booth of Chinese telecom equipment maker ZTE Corp at an expo in Beijing, China, September 27, 2017. Picture taken September 27, 2017. REUTERS/Stringer
ZTE, while China’s second-largest telecommunication equipment maker, has dropped out of the top ten in terms of domestic smartphone sales in recent years, according to Canalys, as rivals such as Huawei, OPPO, Vivo and Xiaomi have surged.
But in the United States it is the fourth largest smartphone vendor after iPhone maker Apple Inc and Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics of South Korea.
ZTE held 11.2 percent of the U.S. market last year, according to data from the consultancy Canalys.
Its phones in the United States use chip sets and processors from Qualcomm, according to company specifications on its U.S. website, which showed all its “signature” phones using Qualcomm chip sets such as Snapdragon 820 and Snapdragon 617.
“Most carriers want Qualcomm chip sets in the United States, so basically they are in deep trouble,” said Shah, referring to ZTE. He estimated the United States at close to one fourth of the company’s handset business. “They’d be losing one of their biggest markets.”
Qualcomm was not immediately available for comment.
The ZTE issue could create a triple threat for Qualcomm: the loss of an important customer, rivals bolstered as they step in to fill the vacuum, and a potential hit as China looks to retaliate against the United States.
China’s commerce ministry said Tuesday that it will closely monitor the ZTE case and be prepared to take action to protect the interests of Chinese firms.
The impact of the trade war is already being felt. Qualcomm withdrew, and plans to refile, an antitrust application for its pivotal NXP deal on Saturday at the request of China’s commerce ministry, sources told Reuters.
Qualcomm’s shares dropped 1.7 percent on Monday. Smaller U.S. optical components firms such as the ZTE supplier Acacia Communications fell more steeply.
Counterpoint’s Shah said ZTE could now look to rivals like Samsung, Taiwan’s MediaTek Inc or China’s Spreadtrum for alternative chips. Huawei on Tuesday repeated a long-held policy of not selling its Kirin chips to outside parties.
Shah added, however, that ZTE phones might need expensive redesigns and other chips wouldn’t have the same level of performance: “Either way the costs will be high for ZTE.”
Reporting by Adam Jourdan in SHANGHAI and Cate Cadell in BEIJING; Additional reporting by Sijia Jiang in HONG KONG; Editing by Philip McClellan
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themusetv · 7 years
Here Is A List Of Best Selfie Stick In India Along With Price And Key Features
A selfie stick is a monopod up to expectation is old to bust ordinary and selfie photographs. Selfie rod takes pix by means of positioning a digital camera yet smartphone. Selfie sticks are chronic in conformity with absorb photos at one-of-a-kind angles regarding yourself and possibly a crew of friends. The selfie sticks are extensible yet enter including an certain clamp in accordance with hold a phone concerning one quit yet a take care of on the lousy end. You be able pass you cellphone between location yet attack that regarding the cease concerning the knobstick yet connect it via Bluetooth then 3.5mm jack. In addition, the brink about the selfie rod is fat as nicely so strong at the contrary cease beyond the camera. This is performed in imitation of grant better press and balance. So check out the best selfie stick in India alongside along execs as well as cons so are listed below. Now a day’s most concerning the models come including partial type on digicam government button as is formed among the deal with regarding the stick. This button makes a good deal less difficult to honestly snap snap shots whilst your phone is abroad concerning reach. The phone or a camera can be partial according to the stop over the fagot and do stand flourished among face on them. In addition, the shutter button of the stick or a button of the wireless far off be able be pressed once you get the preferred angle. Sometimes you do additionally usage a built-in timer between the digital camera because of clicking pictures then a quantity over seconds bear elapsed. There are bit best selfie stick in India to that amount allows increased measure and wider pictures and comes together with telescoping capabilities Selfie stick comes of a thoroughness of patterns yet designs, then several kinds are available.
Types Of Selfie Stick :
Bluetooth Selfie Sticks
These types concerning selfie sticks are regularly aged yet make use over Bluetooth into method in accordance with connect you selfie staff including the smartphone. Further, the Bluetooth selfie sticks are on two types. One with solve Bluetooth faraway then the sordid together with an in-built remote button as is existing on the stick. Make absolute in accordance with monitoring upon the Bluetooth shutter together with batteries and by using charging. In addition, at that place are also few Bluetooth selfie sticks up to expectation enter along a rechargeable battery as be able keep charged with the aid of USB. There is tons good selfie staff in India so much read below it category.
Wired selfie sticks
Wired selfie sticks make uses regarding a plug so is present in the selfie staff wire. This stopper need to be linked after the headphone jack over the smartphone of order in imitation of smoke selfies. Once the plug is related in conformity with the smartphone the click far off button about selfie fagot is used after take photos. This type about selfie sticks does no longer require some Bluetooth connectivity because of its operations.  In addition, it kind over best selfie stick India is easy then rapid to makes use of due to the fact that selfie stick depends solely concerning the 3.5mm headphone jack.
GOPRO Selfie Stick
The GoPro selfie sticks are old without difficulty to drink self-panorama video. In addition, that kind concerning selfie sticks is an ought to because of this anybody fancy to journey or explore. In addition, the GoPro selfie club is formed challenging yet additionally comes together with a sturdy knobstick as much properly as accessories as a pulse strap. Most of the selfie sticks are waterproof. Check abroad the best selfie stick in India beyond our website and reach extra money returned presents over thy orders.
How to pick a good Selfie Stick : Folded length yet quantity reach This is one about the important factors in conformity with be considered whilst buying a selfie stick. A selfie rod be tight then it is folded. Most over the selfie sticks board over in accordance with the eighth level among spread whilst not many selfie sticks linen in imitation of a shorter thoroughness for easy storing between thine backpack. Go because the selfie fagot up to expectation executes extend on according to 40 inches. Here we bear sorted out a list concerning the best selfie stick in India so much manufactory efficaciously so nicely as much gives honest performance. Build quality Selfie fagot should stand made concerning strong multiplication hence so clever telephone is Immune at some point of reception selfies. Make certain the stick does now not vibrate whilst shooting pictures. In addition, the best selfie knobstick 2017 is mild measure and have to be carried effortlessly in your hand. Also, test whether selfie knobstick has a cope with grasp so as much in accordance with avoid slipperily. Camera control or connectivity Selfie stick be able stay addicted according to the cellphone and such do keep managed the use of a remote. Most about the fashions bear buttons wrought into the cope with so much clicks pictures now it is pressed. In addition, this type concerning auspicious selfie staff in India perform remain related in imitation of the smartphones by Bluetooth yet a cable along a 3.5mm jack. Bluetooth alternative requires paring in accordance with the smartphone yet is more high-tech version. Accessories and specialty rigs Best selfie club India lets in the users to take photographs or pix among unsafe situations certain as like receiving pictures over a cliff. There are much excellent selfie fagot into India including different accessories, which includes lanyards, flip-lock extensions, facia clips, mirrors, etc. A selfie stick is an extensive gift because of every person at any time. Selfie sticks would stay an extensive help after the humans who kind of according to suffice oversea about adventures with the considerable scenery. Gets the auspicious selfie stick so provides a proper mixture regarding performance namely well as services between the budget charge category. stability There are many best selfie stick in India or selecting the superior would remain a vast as like nicely namely a difficult task. Therefore between order according to assist you of shopping for the good selfie staff India, we have a list about the top selfie stick. This under listing on best selfie stick 2017 will honestly keep away from you muse and allows thou in accordance with figure out the best selfie stick underneath thine budget alongside together with theirs specifications, then prices.
List Of Best Selfie Stick In India Along With Price And Key Features :
iVoltaa Next Gen Compact Selfie Stick Wired for iPhone and Android
The iVoltaa Next Gen Compact Selfie Stick Wired for iPhone yet Android is like minded with most concerning the Android smartphones namely properly as like iPhones. The iVoltaa Next Gen selfie club value is round 299 yet comes with adjustable cellphone holder as is a formality solution after restoration thine mobile phone phone. In addition, the selfie club comes along 6 months over assurance yet has an adapter up to expectation matches all cellphone that has a concealment much less than 8.5 cm. This best selfie stick for iPhone do stand up to 500 g of load and comes along a remote because of clicking photographs. In addition, it is one about the best selfie stick in India as is virtue the price.
Key Features :
This is a hundred percent well suited cell greatness package combo. Performance to that amount is higher than at the beginning furnished production
In addition, that is a certified product.
Provides lasting namely properly as like dependable overall performance beside an excessive virtue technical unit
In addition, comes along a hundred and eighty days (or 6 months) substitute warranty 
Provided together with a center button up to expectation wishes to remain pressed lengthy because of at least three seconds in conformity with flip on the device
This device desires in accordance with keep charged because of at least twain hours earlier than advance use
In addition, the device is well suited including  Sony, Oneplus, Samsung, Coolpad, HTC, Nokia, Asus, Lg, Lenovo, Oppo, Vivo, Xiaomi, Micromax as like properly as iPhone
Photron Professional New Compact Pocket Size Selfie Stick
The Photron compact pocket altar selfie staff comes including the modern-day or advanced foldable close-fitting smartphone holder. This selfie staff workshop fantastic along each iOS namely nicely as much Andriod smartphones. The Photron Professional New Compact Pocket Size Selfie Stick price is around 399 then comes together with a 50mAh battery. In addition, the best selfie stick 2017 comes with U shaped clamp because bearing the smartphone with silicone protection. The staff has a matte floor holder for better grasp or feel. This beneficial selfie staff because Android is portable yet the telephone bearer be able circumambulate 270 stages along safety because the device. This best selfie stick in India is easy in accordance with raise into pocket and rupee yet even is no want after raise an additional remote.
Key Features :
This device is like minded including Android as nicely as iOS
Comes including a battery capability on 50mAh
Made about spotless steel, plastic, or silicon
In addition, affords 18.5 -72 centimeters extension length
Comes together with 5.5 - 9 centimeters holder size
In addition, it has a maximum load capability concerning 500 grams
Photron SLF400 3rd Gen Wired Selfie Stick Monopod Holder
This selfie stick comes including a rotatable tip layout or allows you in accordance with receive snap shots beyond one of a kind directions. In addition, the cell clip is best appropriate because cellular having 55mm in imitation of 85mm width. This selfie rod perform folding on 7.2 height and is light weight. The selfie club be able be extended upon in imitation of 35 pitch lengthy yet comes along an adjustable tip so much permits rotating 270 tiers to reap the excellent angle for taking pictures photographs. Photron SLF400 third Gen Wired Selfie Stick Monopod Holder virtue is round 249 then comes together with a built into Bluetooth. This is certain concerning the best selfie stick in India beyond Photron.
Key Features :
Latest unique all-in-one selfie stick
This is an extendable monopod including 3.5mm jack cable
Provided along a far off button because of IOS yet Android system.
Comes together with notable easy silicone handle, difficult PVC holder, non-slip soft silicone and rope
The selfie staff is compatible along most of the camera, cell phone, because of IOS and Android upstairs 4.2.2 system
In addition, this selfie club eliminates the mean pix committed at arm's measure including remote built-in shutter regarding the stick
Camera Interface- Universal 1/4 screw
Provided with unique ball-head because of easy synthesis according to some angle
In addition, that is provided together with faraway button after receive a photo anywhere
This selfie knobstick does now not require Bluetooth then charging or comes including a rope wire
In addition, the selfie club is lightweight, transportable as like properly as convenient according to carry
Satguru Selfie Stick Monopod with AUX Selfie Stick Satguru Selfie Stick Monopod together with AUX Selfie Stick is a Felicitous desire because of these who journey yet lets ye receive this selfie snap shots with ease. The selfie fagot is waved yet is well suited together with a huge range smartphones. This device comes including an advanced Bluetooth science with paltry battery consumption. The best selfie stick in India offers quickly connections and has an astonishing spread about system compatibility. Please test abroad the Pros or Cons share regarding that manufacture highlighted below who has been done from various Satguru selfie rod reviews beyond its users. Key Features : Selfie Stick Monopod along AUX Selfie Stick NexGen Universal Mobile & Small Size Camera & Selfie Stick Holder Tripod Attachment The NexGen selfie knobstick charge is around 169 and is compatible together with nearly concerning the Android as much properly namely iPhones. This product is mild within ounce yet has a honest formed between quality. NexGen Universal Mobile & Small Size Camera & Selfie Stick Holder Tripod Attachment can without difficulty fit smartphones including altar much less than 6 inches. In addition, this auspicious selfie rod because iPhone has a rubber chump at the top and is cushioned nicely at the backside or secure up to expectation the phone is safe. Check abroad the NexGen selfie fagot comment into the Pros or Cons Section below. This is certain about the best selfie stick in India together with such upstairs features. Key Features : This selfie fagot suits good along entire phone bulk beside iPhone 6, iPhone 6, 6 plus, Samsung Note 2, Note 3, Note 4, S4, S5, S6 or ignoble smartphones underneath 6" Screen In addition, the super springs regarding the selfie stick give it give to healthy beneath 6" smartphone size but choice stay good fitted to 5" phones Not suitable because drugs as like properly as much phablets In addition, the pinnacle rubber head, as like nicely as much the cushioned bottom, ensures to that amount cellphone is sure or out of danger within the grip The selfie knobstick will be best outfitted in imitation of 5" phones In addition, that selfie knobstick perform additionally be ancient of Gorillapod, tripod, monopod etc Xtra Extendable Selfie Stick Bluetooth Monopod together with Built-In Shutter Button
The Xtra extendable selfie stick comes along a telescoping design yet lets in thou in imitation of make bigger on in accordance with 37 inches together with Felicitous stability. In addition, the anti-rotation home about the system prevents the constant smartphone from shedding then flipping over. The Xtra Extendable Selfie Stick Bluetooth Monopod together with Built-In Shutter Button price is round 299 or it best selfie club in India is very handy in imitation of use. In addition, the 270° rotatable smartphone carrier regarding the selfie fagot approves ye in imitation of receive pix beside complex angles. This best selfie stick 2017 comes with a Li-Polymer 60mAh battery that provides lengthy battery life. Key Features : The selfie club lets thou shoot professional videos together with ease This extendable selfie rod lets in you in conformity with capture wage prevailing pix or beginning stable, wobble-free videos In addition, this wireless selfie stick comes along the built-in shutter button This wonderful selfie fagot comes along a solid phone bearer that may effortlessly stay ordinary in conformity with agree some smartphone The selfie club do without difficulty agree phones together with 5.5cm according to 8.5cm within length In addition, it premium selfie Bluetooth 3 monopod would stand a Felicitous desire because of ye LG G5, iPhone 7, 7 Plus, Se, 6s, 6, 6 Plus, Moto X, G, Samsung Galaxy S7, S6, Edge, Note 5, 4 so properly namely sordid Android phones. This selfie fagot permits thou in conformity with drink photos beyond distinct problematic angles. In addition, it features a 270° rotatable bearer and approves thou to seize thy almost wondrous moments into the trickiest concerning angles The special, anti-rotation temple diagram alongside the aluminum pole prevents thy machine beside flipping over You can raise that device without problems the place always ye go In addition, the fairly transportable as like nicely namely the foldable layout over the selfie knobstick approves ye according to pack the selfie club down in accordance with a close size This convenient, telescoping selfie club do without difficulty suit among your pocket, handbag and backpack Dimensions- 19 x 4.2 x 3 cm In addition, the selfie stick comes including a robust Li-Polymer battery as choice assign thou a total regarding 60.000 selfie photos This selfie stick gives easy connectivity In addition, in imitation of activate the Bluetooth enquire ye necessity to lengthy grasp the government button because of 6 Secs or yoke the phone via Bluetooth
Inditradition Selfie Stick With Bluetooth Remote, Extendable Up to 113.5 CM, Black The Inditradition selfie staff is a high-quality lightweight selfie stick. This selfie stick operates including the help over a detachable Bluetooth faraway control yet is durable. The Inditradition Selfie Stick With Bluetooth Remote price is around 499 or is durable. In addition, that excellent selfie staff because of Android does not require any software program yet app about phone because of pairing along itself. The selfie club is compatible including almost concerning the units along with camcorders as much properly as like smartphones.In addition, the selfie stick is absolutely value the price. This is one of the best selfie stick in India including mangy virtue then high features. Key Features : This is a high quality, perdurable so nicely as like light-weight selfie stick In addition, the selfie rod comes with a detachable Bluetooth remote control The Bluetooth remote perform lie placed over the selfie stick then and so such does now not find lost  In addition, the selfie staff is well suited including entire IOS, Andriod, Windows so properly namely Blackberry Phones This selfie fagot presents effortless Bluetooth connectivity In addition, no app yet software is required in imitation of stay mounted of phone The selfie stick permits reception selfies, embark timer as like well as like in imitation of control zoom feature Easy Expandable As Per Your Need From 33.5 cm after 113.5 cm. Whatever the Group Size, You Can Take Easy Selfies This Selfie Stick Is Also Compatible For Camcorders yet Digital Cameras Photron Wired Cable Selfie Stick Monopod SLF150 The Photron selfie staff is compatible along iOS as properly so Android smartphones. The Photron Wired Cable Selfie Stick Monopod SLF150 price is round 249 and does no longer require some charging. This selfie staff features non-Bluetooth capturing or execute stand plugged without delay into the audio port regarding the telephone in imitation of snap pictures. In addition, it selfie fagot comes with 7 leg obliquity sections then weights solely one hundred fifty grams. The selfie stick execute lie prolonged up in accordance with forty height or execute accept a assign potential regarding 500g. In addition, Camera 360 app can also lie required on partial android telephones because of clicking pics or is easy in conformity with carry round at someone time. Key Features : This is a Plug and Play selfie staff then is geared up in conformity with use Since that is a tap then circulate it does no longer require somebody charging In addition, the selfie fagot does no longer require Bluetooth You necessity in conformity with just tap that among the audio base on the cellphone then snap away In addition, the selfie club does now not require any app yet makes use of 3.5mm earphone jack  The 180-degree strength chump is absolutely certain or may stand extendable on to forty Inches In addition, the Universal Phone Holder is appropriate because multiple devices up in imitation of 3.5" Width This selfie club is portable, light-weight and convenient to carry Provided including 1-year restricted warranty In addition, the gadget is no longer like minded with Moto, HTC so well as much Windows phones
BLUTECH Selfie Stick mini with Aux cable For for iPhone, Android, Windows Phone BLUTECH Selfie Stick is compatible together with each Android namely well as like Windows Phone. This selfie knobstick does not require anybody Bluetooth connectivity because its act yet can keep connected after smartphone without problems including outdoors some hassle. The selfie fagot is at all easy after utilizes or does no longer require any charging. The BLUTECH Selfie Stick wee including Aux cable for iPhone price is round 299 and is handy to elevate around. In addition, the selfie rod has an worthy construct characteristic and is highly durable. This is some of the best selfie stick in India that provides strong performance. Key Features : This selfie club is absolutely effortless after use and easy to carry The ordinary Selfie stick monopod does now not require any charging In addition, that selfie knobstick is like minded including whole smartphones as well as iPhone's This extremely good selfie staff may stay linked with out Bluetooth ZAAP NUSTAR4 Aluminium Premium(3rd Generation) Selfie Stick(Battery-Free) with In-built Remote Shutter The ZAAP NUSTAR4 is light Weight yet comes together with an aluminum design. The ZAAP NUSTAR4 Aluminium Premium(3rd Generation) Selfie Stick allows in conformity with adjusts 275° for the Faithful shot. In addition, the spring-loaded rise of the selfie sticks gives a profound oppress in imitation of the smartphone yet prevents the cellphone from falling. The selfie fagot is well suited with iPhone, GoPro mounts as nicely as much Android smartphone. This best selfie stick in India can make allowance for a smartphone together with screen 5.5 cm in imitation of 8.5 cm. In addition, the ergonomic format regarding the selfie stick with anti-rotation science makes it is totally value the price. Key Features : The selfie stick comes together with a top rate aluminum design This NUSTAR IV is the present day then increase selfie staff among ZAAP Selfie range In addition, the selfie knobstick do keep adjustable after 275° because of the ideal shot In addition, the spring-loaded become loud provides intensive grip for you phone and prevents careless falling The selfie fagot is well suited including iPhone then Android smartphone In addition, it perform allow telephones about width 5.5 cm according to 8.5 cm (2.7 height in accordance with 3.34 inch) ] Supports OS including Android 4.2 & iOS 5.0 above In addition, the selfie knobstick appears sure yet is mild weight  The anti-rotation technology of the selfie knobstick makes makes use of regarding auspicious substances yet approves such after exceptional increase 70cm/27 altitude thoroughness barring including any weight It is the younger size then without problems suits within Pocket 7 level folded length This selfie staff weighs solely 155 grams In addition, the unique U-shape steel clamp on the selfie knobstick ensures one hundred percent Compact or Stable The deal with about the selfie club is also done concerning silicone because of strong press together with control strap In addition, it selfie stick is a Plug-and-Play device including battery free  The built-in shutter button execute lie ancient in imitation of non-stop germ so nicely namely after capture somebody moment Photron Mobile Holder PHMH50 including SLF50 Mini Selfie Stick Combo Kit The Photron selfie stick is light-weight yet is effortless in conformity with lift around. The Photron Mobile Holder PHMH50 along SLF50 Mini Selfie Stick Combo Kit price is around 249 and is portable. In addition, that selfie club has 7 segments or comes together with nonslip silicone handle. The selfie stick do remain prolonged in accordance with 60cm and the outer fabric is performed concerning environmental ABS. In addition, the Photron normal mobile smartphone clip bearer be has lengthy as much nicely as flexible tool yet execute stay trimmed onto someone desk, chair, wall cabinet. This wonderful cellular bearer is provided along strong double-end clip yet is 360 levels adjustable. This is certain of the best selfie stick in India up to expectation is compatible with almost every smartphones. Key Features : The cell holder appears passionate with double-end clip as much well as much non-slip silicone mat It execute remain clipped to someone desk In addition, the cell carrier is taken concerning exceptional aluminum-magnesium alloy as like properly so plastic The 360 ordinary angle choice pair thy distinct demand within anywhere, somebody angle In addition, the bendy arm allows because just in relation to anybody ground position The V type graph clip comes with rigid protection because phone In addition, that mobile phone carrier is well matched along iPhone 6S, 6, 5S, 7, 7 PLUS, SE, Moto G5 G4 Plus, Redmi Note 4, 4A, Nokia, ONEPLUS 3T, Lenovo, Oppo, Samsung Galaxy, HTC, LG, Vivo etc. The selfie club is magnificent mini-sized or is extremely light-weighted In addition, the selfie club is foldable or be able be extendable The selfie club is effortless in imitation of carry or thou need according to cork 3.5mm audio tow of earphone gap about thine machine yet press button in accordance with bust photo This selfie knobstick does not require Bluetooth yet is widely compatible In addition, that manufacture factory perfectly together with Android provision atop 4.2.2 or IOS system atop 5.0.1
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davidegbert · 7 years
LG G6 Review: Versatility at its finest
So factor in your most common complaints with smartphones today. Your phone is either too big or slippery for regular sized hands, or some companies ignore design efficiency with large bezels, or my least favorite, which is a beautiful phone that doesn’t sport software optimized to make it feel that way.
This is one of the main reasons why I’ve spent nearly half a decade carrying two phones. The small one has always been my communicator, since large phones can be uncomfortable to handle in one hand, and the large one is my media powerhouse, since consuming content is best on a large display. I can’t say this is the best solution, but you end up getting used to it.
Now, what if a company decided to offer just one product that could serve both needs? A device small enough to be used in one hand, but also large enough to be comfortable for media consumption? We’ve dreamed about the ideal of bezels taking a step back in order for displays to get larger on regular smartphones, but the Sharp Aquos didn’t really find a massive launch in 2015, and then the Xiaomi Mi Mix that we saw in 2016 still remains a concept. It seems that 2017 is the year for this to actually happen, and LG has begun the trend with its new G6.
Is it really bold enough to be the only smartphone you need? Read our full review to find out.
To describe the LG G6 in a word, I think “Versatile” would be the most fit. I mean seriously, what else do you call a product that’s designed to solve specific needs without affecting core experiences? At least for me, these needs are practical communication, without affecting my ability to enjoy content consumption, though obviously your needs may vary.
To achieve this new approach, LG came up with a few genius design moves. The bezels got reduced significantly, providing an insane near 80% screen to body ratio. The display became taller, now of 2 x 1 aspect ratio. And since they went fancy, we even have curves on the corners of the display in order to make it stronger in case of a fall.
Now fancy is about more than just the curves. The aluminum trim is actually slimmer than it seems, but it provides an amazing sense of grip when holding the phone. The back, now made of glass, has managed to fit a sizeable 3300 mAh battery, in addition to the dual cameras. Oh, and did you notice that it’s all flush on the chassis, and also including IP68 water and dust resistance?
Seriously, the effect is surreal. On a table, and in the hand, this phone feels small, but it actually isn’t, which is both a good and a bad thing.
What hasn’t been so surreal at least in the opinion of some is the choice for internals. We have a Snapdragon 821 with 4 gigs of RAM and 32 gigs of expandable storage, all either steps back or adjacent to the OnePlus 3T, which costs a lot less than this phone. If you ask me, I haven’t complained one bit about performance after nearly a month of going from the demo unit to the final product. Whether it’s your standard daily usage or the most demanding of games, I have yet to find this phone stutter with anything, so I think waiting for the Snapdragon 835 would’ve been a waste of time.
My favorite thing about this phone is honestly the display. We have a 5.7-inch QuadHD+ panel at 2880 x 1440 that LG is dubbing its “Full Vision Display.” This is still IPS technology, but now capable of Dolby Vision and HDR10, which you can enjoy on certain Netflix content at the moment of this review. Color accuracy is top notch, and if your content is of the new 18:9 aspect ratio, you’ll feel right at home. It’s only flaw at the moment is being ahead of its time, as apps are still not enhanced for this new resolution. The result is pillar boxing on key apps like YouTube, which can be annoying. LG does offer a new app scaling feature, but it can result in content not fully shown on the display, and it sadly still doesn’t work with YouTube. We have a feeling apps will scale soon, but at the moment, you will deal with this problem.
This 18:9 or 2:1 aspect ratio is actually quite practical for LG’s new UX 6.0, which takes advantage of the fact that you’ve got perfect squares at the top and bottom.
Most of the user interface is design as a split of areas as a result. Since this phone runs on Android 7.0 nougat, split window multi-tasking seems far more like if every display should be of this aspect ratio. I can’t say that I’m a fan of LG’s design choices for its user interface when it comes to iconography, but your taste may vary.
Things I applaud are the fact that LG continues to push for extra functionality with navigation buttons by adding the option to include up to two extra buttons. I’m a big fan of the notification shade button, but sadly the other options available are kind of useless. Q-Slide, which lets you launch certain native apps as windows over your UI is something I rarely use, and Capture is really only for those rare occasions when you need a screen shot. I would love it if LG would create an extra button that becomes context aware, and that helps navigate through hamburger menus at the top left, or become the arrow button, or menu button when needed. Yes, we know you can slide from the left to activate hamburger menus, but it doesn’t make selecting options at the top any easier. Sadly the biggest problem about using a display this tall is that one handed use goes down the drain if items are at the top.
In about everything else, I love how dense the LG launcher has become, and yes, if you’d prefer the option for the App Tray, it’s here as well.
Where I’d give this phone a solid A+, and even add an extra plus if I could, would be the camera experience. LG has spent the last two years impressing with their camera performance, and the G6 has taken what was already good to a great level. This year we have dual 13 megapixel cameras, both sporting the same sensor, the primary with f1.8 aperture and 71 degrees of field of view, the secondary at f2.4 aperture and 125 degrees. This creates the illusion of optical zoom, but instead of getting closer to your subject, it allows you go farther.
It became really convenient in my recent trip to the Vatican, and later Barcelona, where certain areas would require you to step away, and where the G6 solved the need brilliantly. The added megapixels on the wide angle and reduction in field of view have allowed me to trust it just as much as I’d trust the primary camera with great color, saturation, detail, and very little barrel distortion.
The selfie camera can also be used in a wide angle 100 degree mode, or in the standard crop, depending on your needs. There are manual controls for both photos and video as well.
And since we already started talking about video, this is another spot where having a secondary wide angel lens makes filming anything far more practical, even if stability is mixed depending on what camera you use.
When it comes to the experience of using the G6 as a daily driver, I’d rate this phone on an A-. Phone calls are loud, callers said I sound clear, and Juan is very optimistic on the audio quality of this phone, even without the quad DAC. Sadly for me, I just can’t get over the lack of stereo speakers. Yes, it is probably the loudest single firing speaker I’ve heard, but that’s until you muffle it.
The same goes for things like battery life. Our final review units still run on Android 7.0, and since it still lack the battery enhancements of 7.1, the device barely reaches a day of moderate use. Quick Charge 3.0 does come to the rescue for a quick top up, and if you’re in the US, you can always count on wireless charging.
Pricing and Availability
At the time of this review, pricing on the LG G6 really depended on the carrier. We have cases like Verizon, which is selling the device out right for $672, or $28 a month. AT&T is offering for a little less monthly at $24, but if you want to buy it out right, the price is higher at $719. Sprint has it for $708, or $29 a month, and then in the case of T-Mobile, you have the lowest out right price of $650, or a moderate $26 a month compared to the rest. Pre-orders will also land you a free Google Home, so it drops the cost of the phone by another $100 if you do the math.
Overall, the versatility of the LG G6 is unquestioned. This is a phablet, that feels like a standard phone. It has a set of cameras that adapts to your surroundings like no other dual-camera combo in the market. Best of all, it sports a design that will turn heads no matter where you go.
I wouldn’t call it perfect. It brings the hardware that I need in order to actually drop my second phone, and use just one device for both communicating and content consumption, but the software still needs work. The battery could sure use Android 7.1 for better longevity, and LG also needs to re-think its user interface if it truly wants to push ergonomics to the next level. Most of the presentation we received from LG focused on how well it would be to use this phone with one hand, but reaching menu items at the top of such a tall display is truly a challenge, even for hands as large as mine. What´s funny is that LG did have features like these in previous G flagships, so all it needs is to bring them back.
For everything else, I’m going to close this review by inviting you to go to a store and hold one for yourself. This is really a product that’s hard to describe on a video, or through a text review. Try it out. I’m sure that’ll help you understand why this product is worth your money. Welcome back LG!
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myupdatestudio-blog · 7 years
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Tigers’ Norris part of CBS Sports activities’ ‘Breakout Brigade’
The Tigers’ achievement this season surely will hinge on its rotation, and its mix of veterans and young starters.
                                              CBS Sports 
CBS Sports activities expect young starter Daniel Norris to hold his weight, naming the Tigers’ left-hander Tuesday to its six-participant “Breakout Brigade.”
In a nutshell, the “Breakout Brigade” is a set of gamers who’re now not freshmen, and who have yet to make “the bounce” to having a large season. But they’re in function.
Henning: Tigers’ mop-pinnacle Norris may be mound linchpin That’s Norris, writes Jonah Keri of CBS Sports activities. Norris made 14 appearances closing season, along with thirteen stars of evolved, compiling a 3.38 Generation and 1.forty WHIP. He went 4-2, with 71 strikeouts in 69 1/three innings.
“The path to success from right here might without a doubt come down to health,” Keri writes. “Norris fought thru thyroid most cancers years ago, then eased returned into the fold in 2016, splitting time between Triple-A and the majors while hitting the DL greater times.
“Taking the ball 30 instances this season could help Norris iron out some inconsistency in terms of his splits too: Proper-handed batters smacked him for a .290/.332/.469 closing 12 months, even though that came after Norris posted opposite splits within the first 662/3 innings of his huge-league profession. A fastball-dominant lefty, Norris’ secret to regular results ought to lie together with his exchange-up: Proper-surpassed hitters have feasted on the pitch thus far in his younger main-league profession, However it was a powerful weapon in opposition to righties inside the minors.”
Norris, 23, has pitched in 22 video games in parts of two seasons with the Tigers, coming over from the Toronto Blue Jays in a July 2015 exchange for David Charge — a deal that also netted Matthew Boyd, the Tigers’ probable No. five starter this season.
A Listing to overcome within the Studying Curve of three-D Sports activities
The modern motive force of the 3D revolution is recreation, game, and recreation. However, like the Apollo missions, every “flight” has produced successes, instructions to be found out, and a List of issues to conquer.
Simply why 3-d Sports has this kind of great function in three-D Television is a blended bag. For one, main Sports obviously generate a massive viewing audience to showcase new technologies to get hold of the most important comments and response.
Additionally, Sports activities uniquely give sponsorship opportunities to offset some of the additional costs both through partnering (as in line with Sony with the 2010 FIFA World Cup, LG with CBS Sports activities’ Final 4, and Panasonic with the 2010 French Open), and via specialized / targeted marketing campaigns.
sports Additionally naturally lends itself to 3D, with movement ( movement parallax ), the trajectory of gadgets, and games in front of players ( occlusion ) obviously assisting the intensity perception and therefore “realism” of the impact.
In different phrases – sport appears exact in 3-d.
However, there already has been a steep Mastering curve and the popularity of some ongoing challenges.
Coverages in a single While shooting and broadcasting an occasion, production needs to include both a 2d and 3-D version, coverages in a single. While it’s miles remarkable to be capturing in 3-D, the saturation of 3-d televisions continues to be extremely low, and the mainstay – everyday 2nd insurance – still has to be maintained, and consequently there are crews.
“We do not plan on having one for one for the two crews,” commented ESPN Vp of Rising Generation Anthony Bailey, “[by sharing staff across both productions], as a substitute for getting perhaps 50 more humans, we might have 25, in order that prices could upward thrust, say, 50% in preference to two hundred%”.
There are technical possibilities for lowering the infrastructure fees, say with a single digicam unit recording both the 3-d and second photographs as opposed to the modern-day two separated gadgets, But there are operation issues to be taken into consideration like below.
Style Variations between 2nd and three-D taking pictures One of the consistent feedbacks from all the production heads after handling a 3-D telecast is the Fashion distinction among taking pictures for 3-D as opposed to 2d. As an example, pictures need to be wider than usual to permit greater players, items, fanatics, and coaches to lend intensity to the picture.
Criticism of the primary Australian 3-d broadcast of the Socceroos on Fox Sports activities turned into too low to the floor led to an alternate in Fashion to pictures being further from the motion to take all of it in, But regularly going lower to decorate the three-D.
“With 3-D you have to be very cautious. The whole lot must be slower and extra mild. all of the pans and zooms must be a lot slower due to convergence. [The convergence people] decide what part of the 3-d photo is going to be in consciousness” stated Soames Treffry, Director of Fox Sports Australia.
“If you try to do any of that too speedy, effectively you’ll supply people motion sickness and make them a cook, and also you don’t need your viewers throwing up. In 2nd we have a heap of cameras and you may cut fast and circulate matters around some distance more dynamically.”
This may make the technical potential of sharing second and 3-d camera gadgets prohibitive.
Even enthusiasts can come to be a hassle, “In case you get digital camera positions wherein even the smallest of enthusiasts leap up in front of the lens, it truly is sort of worrying,” stated Ken Aagaard, SVP Operations, and manufacturing, CBS Sports. “So anybody are going to have to observe digital camera positions even greater selectively to ensure that it’s definitely going with the intention to work well.”
Schooling and Personnel Not only are there a level of greater Group of workers required But then there may be the Training required. camera Operators are the most obvious, However, there are also the prep technicians, production Workforce – all and sundry. For the Australian Country of Foundation Rugby in a three-D broadcast by using Channel nine, professional digicam and related Group of workers were flown in from foreign places to assist the production.
There actually have been surprising profession and fitness issues with the weighty 3-D dual digicam rigs. At as much as 60 lbs CBS Sports discovered they needed to rotate their operators every 20 minutes spoiling their rhythm. Reacting to the movement and transferring the device proved more hard and complex than the previous 2nd systems.
An excessive amount of 3-d feedback from enthusiasts on early ESPN proclaims blanketed some 3-d pix to be distracting and as a result, ESPN is now trying to make sure it would not overuse 3-D results.
Striking the balance may be difficult, although some are herbal successes; “The group line-u.S.have been exquisite – you had been truly in them. You noticed the shot broaden from the goalkeeper, defenders, midfielders, and strikers; and it Simply came around you,” stated Soames Treffry of Fox Sports activities Socceroo insurance.
So some interesting challenges beforehand. However the reach the producing and broadcast industries seem devoted to creating 3D Tv and 3-D Sports activities particularly a fulfillment.
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ds4design · 7 years
What to expect at CES 2017
It's easy to be cynical about CES. Every year, hundreds of companies head to Las Vegas to hock their wares to the tech press, which gulps them down like so much fast food. The big companies mostly spend their time showing off untold numbers of TVs which look excellent but aren't all that different from what we saw the year before. True innovation is hard to find, buried under the piles of commodity gadgets -- but when you find it, it's worth the trouble.
Take the Oculus Rift, which was first revealed off at CES 2013. Few were publicly thinking about virtual reality as a viable consumer product. We all remember the failure of Nintendo's Virtual Boy -- it may not have totally killed VR as a consumer product, but it was years before we saw VR hardware for consumers that actually felt compelling. Oculus only had a simple demo to show off, with no details on its business plan or how its gadgets would get into the hands of customers.
But that didn't matter. We were captivated, and Oculus rode that wave to partnerships with Samsung, a purchase by Facebook, and status as one of the most dominant players in the nascent VR market. Indeed, the company directly influenced the business paths of four of the biggest companies in technology: Facebook, Samsung, Sony and Microsoft, all of whom have heavy investments in VR now.
That's not to imply that established product categories from big companies aren't worth your time at CES. Whether you're into home theater, PCs, cameras, cars, gaming or the many bizarre, hard to classify gadgets out there, CES has something for everyone. You just have to look hard to find the good stuff. Engadget will be doing that for you all week long — and we'll also bring you the new, unexpected and potential industry-defining new technology as soon as we spot it.
Nathan Ingraham
Cherlynn Low
Let's be real: We're probably not going to see any MacBook Touch Bar clones in the land of PCs at this year's show, but we'll likely see some Surface Studio wannabes. It's possible that there will be some all-in-ones or monitors with moving hinges, but don't expect anything fancier than that. Companies like Lenovo, HP, Acer and Dell usually roll in with an array of notebooks and convertibles, but they typically show up with iterative upgrades. We'll likely get models with Intel's new 7th-generation Core CPUs and NVIDIA's latest graphics chips. Last year, laptops became skinnier and more stylish-looking, and we expect them to continue becoming slimmer, with narrower display bezels, as well.
While there were plenty of Surface competitors unveiled at CES 2016, this year will likely see more thin-and-light MacBook alternatives touting additional ports when compared with Apple's offerings. Lenovo has already unveiled its new ThinkPad line for CES, featuring Microsoft's bloatware-free version of Windows and the anticipated upgrade to Intel's 7th-generation Core processors. We may also see more companies adopt Intel's Optane 3D storage system for faster performance, or borrow (cough, steal, cough) ideas from each other, such as HP's laptop with a built-in privacy screen or Samsung's fast-charging notebook (although they probably should steer clear of this, given Samsung's exploding-battery woes).
Another thing to look out for: more laptops that support Windows Hello with biometric sensors like fingerprint readers or face and iris-recognizing cameras. The few PC towers that might be unveiled at CES will most likely be smaller and more attractive than their hulking eyesore predecessors, taking after the HP Pavilion Wave that was released this summer. Since HP followed Lenovo's suit and made a business-oriented modular PC, it's possible that other rivals such as Acer, Asus, Dell and Samsung will do the same.
Otherwise, the PCs that will be announced at CES are less likely to wow than the ones that will be shown off closer to next holiday season. Given all the other eye-catching products that typically get unveiled at the show, PC makers are better off keeping their flagship products under wraps till later in the year.
Jon Fingas
As big as it is, CES isn't usually where companies show off major mobile innovations.. That's reserved for Mobile World Congress, which kicks off at the end of February. This doesn't mean that the mobile world will twiddle its thumbs at the 2017 trade show, however. In fact, CES this year promises to be more exciting than usual for smartphone and smartwatch fans. Big names in the business are expected to either stage a comeback or make a big splash in the US, and cutting-edge technologies like augmented reality and 5G will edge closer to practicality.
This year, we'll see faded brands and platforms take another shot at glory. BlackBerry will be "giving a glimpse" into the future of its phones now that TCL is taking the reins on hardware. Xiaomi is making its CES debut this year, and it's promising its first global launch for a brand new product -- an admission that it has to expand its reach beyond countries like China and India if it wants to recover from its recent sales plunge.
2016 was a tough year for smartwatches, particularly those brands trying to compete with the Apple Watch -- remember how Google punted the Android Wear 2.0 launch to early 2017? We may finally see some news on that front at CES. It's expected that the first Android Wear 2.0 devices will appear at CES, showing what they can do with major upgrades like Android Pay and Google Assistant.
Of course, it wouldn't be CES if there weren't some out-there tech on the way. This year, much of the mobile news will revolve around the buzzwords that dominated 2016. Case in point: Huawei. When its CEO delivers his keynote on January 5th, he'll unveil a mobile strategy that centers around "artificial intelligence, virtual reality and connected technologies." Expect many, many other companies to take a similarly trendy focus. ASUS, meanwhile, could continue its history of boundary-pushing CES launches by introducing the second phone to use Google's Tango depth-sensing technology for augmented reality.
Even though 5G data won't be ready for the real world in 2017, we should hear a lot about the forthcoming technology at CES. It's close enough that device makers and carriers are envisioning what they can do with that much bandwidth, such as smarter self-driving cars and robots.
You should see some bread-and-butter phone updates, of course. Many companies use CES for launches that would otherwise be overshadowed at Mobile World Congress a month later. That's not to say that they'll be pedestrian, though. Take LG's 2017 mid-range lineup as an example -- the company is making a point of including features that were previously reserved for higher-end devices, like fingerprint readers. Sony, in turn, is rumored to be reviving its 4K smartphone dreams now that the technology is more mature. In some ways, these could be the most important introductions at CES. They won't revolutionize the mobile landscape, but they should make once-exotic technology more commonplace.
TV / home theater
Richard Lawler
Coming into CES 2017, several of the big players in home theater are holding their cards closer to the vest than usual. Of course, even without a slew of pre-event reveals, we have some ideas about what's in store for TVs and the devices that surround them.
OLED is well-known for offering up the best display quality out there -- so what comes next? Price cuts, for one: LG's has made its series of 4K OLED TVs much more affordable while keeping the quality up, but it will need to go further to match LCD for value. As for the competition, we're waiting to see if anyone else will try the technology on for size. Panasonic and Sony are good candidates for OLED TVs in 2017, even if they end up using LG's panels.
There's no indication yet that Samsung will switch gears on its display technology, but it's already done an incredible job of improving LCD displays. Enhancing picture quality while lowering prices will keep the battle tight for at least another year.
Speaking of price, just how cheap can 4K TVs get? They've almost completely edged 1080p out of the picture already, and in 2017 Ultra HD may be ready to finish the job. Especially now that you can get 4K content through Netflix, Ultra HD Blu-ray Disc, Amazon and more. We're wondering who will be the last manufacturer standing at 1080p.
After a decade of teasing, high dynamic range (HDR) video arrived last year. Unfortunately, despite collaborations like the UHD Alliance, support for different standards is inconsistent. Bringing wider contrast and more colors to TVs is definitely the next big step in picture quality. Now, customers are seeing TVs that say they're HDR capable but can't actually deliver the goods, and confusing compatibility could drive people away from even trying it.
Also mixing things up is a new HDR standard, Hybrid Log-Gamma, that's joining the ranks of HDR-10 and Dolby Vision. Meanwhile, videogames, movies and TV are all jumping into HDR production, but there's still a limited amount of content currently available. The question of who supports what -- and how -- should make for a very interesting CES. The only thing we know right now is that anyone who can make things less confusing is a step ahead in the race to win Best of Show.
Given how good most modern sets look, it's becoming even harder to stand out from the competition -- so some companies will focus on design to catch consumers' attention. Samsung's sticking with the funky curve for its Ultra HD Blu-ray deck and, probably, for its new TVs as well. LG has a speaker that floats, and we don't know if it will stop there. We've seen various levels of artsy influence on televisions before, but the 2017 battle could take things to an entirely new level.
Big, beautiful and bright is always the story for home theater at CES and of course, that will continue. The trick, as always, will be in convincing anyone to upgrade now instead of waiting for everything to go 8K, or maybe VR, in a few years.
Roberto Baldwin
Cars have been part of CES for years, thanks in part to the blindingly white Audi booth luring attendees to the automotive accessory-filled North Hall. But CES 2016 was the year that automakers like Volkswagen and GM took over the annual electronics show in the desert. VW showed some ambitious concept vehicles, while GM introduced a long-range EV that you could actually afford. With this year's orgy of gadgets just around the corner, the automotive industry is hoping to grab a even more of the tech news cycle with bolder electric vehicles and a fleet of autonomous cars.
Automakers have traditionally used the auto shows in LA, Paris, and Detroit to unveil new vehicles. But the huge splash made by the Chevy Bolt announcement last year means we're going to see a ton of new cars (most of them concepts) in between unveilings of new TVs and connected home devices that will never land on retailer shelves.
In fact, nearly every major automaker is hosting a press event. Nissan, Toyota, Fiat/Chrysler, Hyundai, Honda and BMW will all be either showing off new or concept hardware or will be talking about the future of driving.
Not to be outdone by the old guard, Faraday Future will be unveiling its first production vehicle. Like an actual car, not the napkin sketch brought to life it showed off last year. The company could have done this at the LA Auto Show in November or waited until the Detroit International Auto Show in January. Both of those events would have been an opportunity to prove to the world that it's a real car company (although according to reports, one with financial difficulties) ready to start populating the roads with tech-filled EVs. But instead it's doing it at CES.
So expect an onslaught of car news coming out of CES. Even more than what was shown off last year. On the electric vehicle front, automakers will try to one up one each other on range. Who cares how awesome your concept car is if it needs to recharge after 100 miles?
Self-driving, while still years away will get plenty of stage time -- not just from the car makers but from companies like Delphi, Nvidia and Mobileye that make the feat possible. Be prepared to see a ton of self-driving vehicles as we inch closer to full autonomy (which I can't stress enough, will happen years from now).
Get ready for cars. Lots of cars. Ones that'll make you wish we already lived in the future with glowing headlamps and glass roofs. Vehicles that talk to you and show you your favorite show while you commute. Automobiles with insane zero to 60 times and EV ranges in the hundreds of miles.
CES 2017 isn't going to be an auto show. It's going to be better.
Jess Conditt
We did it, folks: Virtual reality is widely available as a consumer product. With the launch of the HTC Vive, PlayStation VR, Oculus Rift, Google Daydream and other mobile and desktop headsets, 2016 proved there's a market for virtual reality -- and video games in VR. Games are the most natural expression of everything VR has to offer, showcasing the platform's ability to immerse and engage users in new ways.
But, VR is old news. As we enter the technophile fantasy land that is CES 2017, the video game industry is looking at what's next. This means augmented reality, 4K gaming and only the fanciest new hardware and accessories.
It's certain that Sony and Microsoft will show off a raft of new technologies and devices at CES 2017, and it's a good bet some of this content will be gaming-related. Microsoft is in a particularly intriguing position, as it's been looking beyond VR, to the world of augmented reality, for a few years now. And now, Microsoft is on the verge of introducing AR to everyday folks, starting with a solid foundation in VR.
In 2017, a handful of partner companies will roll out a series of $300 Windows 10 VR headsets designed to introduce consumers to AR. Specifically, they're meant to be a bridge between VR and Microsoft's AR platform, HoloLens.
Microsoft has already laid out its plans for Minecraft on HoloLens, but other than a few tech demos, the company has kept its mixed-reality project quiet. CES 2017 would be a good place to break the silence.
And then there's Sony. The company had a busy year with the launch of PlayStation VR and the PlayStation 4 Pro, which is capable of running games in 4K. The PS4 Pro is a leap forward for the video game industry, but it doesn't mean 4K gaming is suddenly standard. As we noted in September, it takes a while for games themselves to catch up with the promises of new, beefier consoles.
Developers are in the process of upscaling their games for the the PS4 Pro, and Microsoft even has a 4K-capable console due out in late 2017, currently codenamed Project Scorpio. It's guaranteed that 4K TVs will be a hot topic at CES 2017 -- and that includes 4K gaming.
Plenty of big brands will bring their latest and greatest gaming hardware to January's show, including VR and AR headsets, keyboards, mobile devices, headphones, PCs and laptops. Expect to see new products and features from Nvidia, Roccat, ASUS, Razer and other companies. Anyone in the market for a Shield 2 or a relatively cheap HD gaming laptop? CES 2017 might just have your answer.
The day is near when video games will be barely distinguishable from reality, whether they're beautifully rendered in 4K on a curved OLED TV, presented directly on our faces in a VR headset, or projected onto the existing world via AR. CES precedes E3, the massive video game convention taking place in June -- even if it doesn't offer any ground-breaking announcements, January's show will lay the foundation and establish priorities for the gaming industry in the year ahead.
Internet of things / connected home
Nicole Lee
The connected home has long been a promise of the future -- think Internet-linked refrigerators and WiFi thermostats -- and is therefore a regular staple at CES. 2017 should be no different, though we expect to see less innovation and more just a continuation of existing trends.
Specifically, most companies are realizing that instead of building their own platforms, they need to be a part of a larger one to remain relevant. While big corporations like Samsung has its own in the form of SmartThings, most companies are turning to existing platforms like Apple's Homekit and Google's Brillo to power their IoT ambitions. We saw some of this at CES in 2016, and we'll likely see more of that in 2017.
But the focus at CES 2017 will likely be on integrating voice assistants like Amazon's Alexa into existing products. This past year, we've seen Alexa incorporated into all manner of consumer electronics -- you can use it to control Neato's robotic vacuums, adjust the AC at the Wynn without getting out of bed, and even lock your BMW from afar. So get ready for more of that in 2017 too.
It might sound like Alexa is getting a lot of love here, but that's only because it got quite a bit of a head start. A couple of months ago, Google finally brought its very own Echo competitor to market, which means we'll certainly see support for Home as well.
Indeed, Google Home also points at another trend in IoT -- artificial intelligence. The idea behind Google Assistant is that it integrates with your email and your calendar. It can learn your daily routine and, potentially, improve them. We'll likely see more of that AI and machine learning integration in all manner of consumer electronics, which may or may not be a little creepy.
Aside from that, we'll probably see more of the same. That means more electronic pet feeders, more WiFi doorbell cameras and more connected kitchens. The IoT landscape has been pretty messy and confusing thus far, so there'll still likely be a few kinks to work out, and we're guessing that most of the so-called "smart" gadgets at the show will probably be pretty dumb. But we won't know until we check them out, so who knows -- there could be a connected home gem buried somewhere in the Las Vegas Convention Center.
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