#but to actually see like 2 hours of them in their breakup makeup winning and international career era together...
beldaroot · 2 years
the free! the final stroke part 2 movie was literally just a rinharu fanvid that kyoani made you pay money to see in theaters
14 notes · View notes
leafs-lover · 4 years
We could be friends
A/N: This is a requested piece for Matthew Tkachuck. I struggled a bit, changing the intro a few times so I hope it flows well. 
Summary: A few months after a breakup you go out with some of the Flames players for a couple drinks. You end up having a wild night with Matthew Tkachuk after you both admit  to wanting this for a while.
Warnings: Drinking, swearing, mentions of cheating, smut, oral sex (male and female receiving), maybe something else?
Word Count: 6400
“Hanifin" you call out “you’re getting mic'd up tonight.” 
He smiles while nodding to you and continues down the hall. You work for the flames as a member of the social media team, have for the past 4 and a half months. You don’t really know a lot of the players on a personal level, most of them make casual small talk with you. 
Your interactions are kept relatively short, especially on game days. Players have a ritual, and you don’t want to intrude on their process. Beyond that you help with coordinating the media for team events, whether they are charity events or ones organized by the PR. During some of those events you get the opportunity to mingle a bit with the players, but as you are still at work you keep it professional.
After the game you are in the locker room unclipping the mic from Noah. Some players are conducting interviews while others have wandered off for a postgame treatment.  
“You coming tonight?”  
You aren’t sure if he is talking to you, even half full the room is buzzing; the boys are coming off a big win. You look up at the 6’3” defenseman who is easily 2 inches taller on his skates; he took his jersey off but waiting for the mic to come off to remove his chest protector before continuing. His light blue eyes stare down at you as he waits your response. 
“Coming where?” you ask turning the mic off. 
“A few of us were going to grab some drinks. Didn’t know if you were joining us” he explains. 
“Nah (Y/N) doesn’t come out. I’ve tried as few times but she always scurries home to her boyfriend” Tkachuk jokes coming to his stall beside Noah’s. 
Another reason why you don’t have any real relationships with the players is Mark. You have been dating for a while, and he is insecure about the fact that you work around all men, attractive men. If you spent some time outside the hockey rink you likely would have some knowledge on the boys besides their ridiculous nicknames for each other.
You haven’t wanted to cause any ripples so you never ventured out with the team. And honestly you weren’t too upset about it, after working a long day you enjoyed coming home and curling up in bed with Mark. But that all changed when you came home from the road trip a few weeks ago and found him in bed with Sarah, someone you thought was your good friend.
You shoot Matt a glance and turn back to Noah “you know I think I might come tonight” you say, turning around and walking away out of the locker room.
2 hours later you are sitting at the booth with a couple players. You quickly ran home after the game and touched up your makeup and changed into a pair of skinny jeans and your black long sleeve turtle neck. The bar is slightly casual but you don’t want to be under dressed so you throw on a pair of short heeled booties and a simple gold chain to dress it up.
A few of the older players and their significant others recently left as the time is encroaching on midnight. Some of the other players are scattered around the bar, you see Matt by the bar talking to a red head who is wearing a dress that is way too tight, and should likely have more fabric given the cool Calgary temperatures. She is laughing at one of his jokes, her hand lightly touching his forearm.
“He’s always like this” Noah says from across the table. “Makes a big deal about getting us out, team bonding and crap then wanders off never to be seen again.” You laugh hearing him say this and Noah gets up to go to the bathroom. You look down at your drink and see its basically melted ice at this point and get up heading to the bar.
As you wait for the bartender’s attention you feel a body brush up against you, you glace out the side of your eye and see light brown hair and immediately knowing who is there. The bartender walks over and you order another drink and Noah does too.
“So Matt said you have a boyfriend” he asks, you can tell he is just making small talk and doesn’t really know what to lead with.
“Uh we broke up” you respond.
“Oh, sorry to hear that.”
“Don’t be, he was a crappy boyfriend I just wish I saw it sooner” before you have a chance to continue talking and change the subject a body presses  between the two of you throwing an arm over both your shoulders.
“I can’t believe we finally get you out, and you decide to drink that garbage. I know you didn’t drink a lot but come on, 15 year olds drink that. Thought you would have acquired some tolerance by now” Matt says mocking your safe beer choice. “No hard liquor, and you went for a light beer too.”
Without responding you flag the bartender down who walks up to you “can I get four tequila shots?”
You turn your attention back to Matt “I like the taste of beer. But I went to school for communication I learned how to handle my alcohol” you say throwing back one of the tequila shots with ease.
“No salt or lime?” Noah asks watching you.
“Don’t need training wheels” you reply handing each of the boys a shot.
“Nah I’m good. I learned a while ago not to drink that poison. Have fun” he jokes setting his shot down and walking away.
“Guess you have to take two” you say as Matt shifts more of his weight to you, his hand sliding down to your mid back. You look around him to the red head that is shooting you daggers as she watches her hard work begin to unravel. You chuckle slightly because you know you won’t be going home with Matt tonight, given the choice he would obviously take home the red head.
Matt throws the first shot back, making a face as it burns going down his throat. He sets the empty glass on the bar before pulling your face close to his mouth so he doesn’t have to yell over the music.
“Maybe you should give me the passcode for your phone. That way when you start puking in the bathroom I can call your boyfriend to come get you” he jokes taking a sip of his whiskey.
“I’ll be fine, besides your little friend won’t take too kindly to me handing you my phone. She already looks like she is going to kill me just for talking to you.” You pass him the second shot and you both cheers before throwing it back, feeling the liquid slide down your throat. Matt gently squeezes your waist, likely an involuntary response to the burning from the tequila.
“I’m not too worried about her” he says placing the glass on the counter and sliding his hand further down your back, his pinky an inch above your jeans. You begin to feel a fire ignite in your core, a feeling you haven’t felt in a while. You play it off as the tequila playing games on you, you’re reading into this. There is no way Matt is flirting with you, he likely hasn’t even noticed where his hand is resting.
“So is your boy out of town or something?” he asks. You shoot him a questioning glance “you never come out, figured if you are it’s because he is away and won’t know” he continues. You flag down the bartender and motion for three more shots.
You don’t answer instead you turn your body slightly to face the bar, but stick your ass out a bit. You immediately throw one of the shots back, wincing slightly at the burn. You feel Matt’s hand slide off your back before you speak “no he is in town I think.”
“You think?” he asks sliding up beside you, leaning on his arm against the bar.
“Well I stopped caring what he was doing or where he was going when we broke up” you explain looking up at his dirty blonde curls.
“Oh sorry to hear that” he says smirking.
“No you’re not” you laugh back at him.
“Yeah, break ups suck. If you need anything, I mean I know we don’t know each other that well…”
“I’ve been doing alright, and these tequila I put on your tab have also helped” you smile at him inching closer to him. “But it happened like almost 2 months ago, so I’m actually pretty good.
“Two months, how did you keep it a secret?”
“Well it happened right before Christmas, and after the break there was the road trip but I didn’t go on it. And then it was all-star break. Haven’t actually worked a lot, and we aren’t really that good of friends. I didn’t consider you a top priority in informing of my personal life” you explain taking another shot.
Matt stands at the bar, holding the shot in his hand. He sways it in his hands staring at you for a minute. “Maybe we can change that” he says taking the shot, placing the glass upside down on the bar.
“Change what?” you ask.
“Us not being friends, we could be friends” he says moving closer, his thigh pressing against you. You roll your eyes at him “why can’t we be friends? We can go shopping, grab lunch. Send some text messages, maybe see a movie every now and then” his mouth is inches from your ear. You feel your knees get weak, wetness pooling in your core as you breathe in his cologne.
“Matty” you hear someone calls from behind you. Matt steps away from you and turns his attention to the voice, you look over your shoulder even though you know who is there. Up close you notice how her boobs are practically popping from her dress, and she likely spent hours doing her hair and makeup.
“Yeah” he replies slightly annoyed.
She walks up to him and is practically pressed against you, pushing you out of the way trying to capture his attention.
“Want to do a shot?” she asks coyly.
“You know I think I’m good, we’ve already done a couple” he says eyeing over to you. The red head follows his gaze, shooting you a scowl.
“Well I think we we’re thinking of heading to another bar soon anyways. This place is getting kind of boring.”
“Oh well have fun” he says to her. You immediately see anger bubble in her face, you turn away so she doesn’t see you laugh.
“You don’t want to come?” she whines.
“No I think I’m going to stay and chat with my good friend (Y/N). You have a good night.” He turns his back to her and you hear her huff out a breath of air as her heels click away. Matt looks at you and see’s the large grin on your face and he shakes his head.
“I don’t know what was better. That little interaction or you calling me your good friend.” “We could be good friends, she doesn’t know” he retorts putting his elbows on the bar beside you. “So tell me friend why did you and your boyfriend break up?”
Your eyes narrow slightly as you stare at him “good friends know about each other’s relationships. Like as my good friend you know I am single.”
He stops talking waiting for your response “he slept with my good friend Sarah. Part of the reason I’m not looking for any more good friends at the moment” you reply.
“Well as your good friend I promise to not sleep with any guys you date” he says smiling.
“What if I date a girl?” you ask.
“I promise I won’t sleep with anyone you date, man or woman. No real friend would do that” he takes a slow sip of his whiskey. “You date woman too?” he asks.
“I have, yes” you take a sip. “As my friend do you have a problem with that?”
“Oh the contrary. As your friend I just want you to be happy.” You shake your head at him and chuckle “you sure you’re okay though being cheated on sucks.”
You stare up into his eyes and see concern and  sincerity looking back at you, making you think maybe he has some experience with this. You were going to make some smart ass comment about what girl broke his heart but you feel maybe this isn’t something he wants to joke about.
“We were together just under two years but since we broke up I realized how much of myself I lost. Before him I had a lot of friends, guys and girls; but early on we got in some fights on about him being uncomfortable with me hanging out with my guy friends. He thought I wanted to sleep with some of them and I would cheat which is so ironic now” you take a slow sip of your beer before continuing. “I just didn’t want to cause problems with him, found it easier to just not see them to avoid a fight. I mean I shouldn’t have given up my friends, but I saw some of them at the holidays. I’m thankful all of my old friends, guys and girls, were willing to let me back in. But I haven’t been this happy in a while” you say smiling.
“Well that’s good, if you’re happy then I’m happy for you friend” he says playfully nudging you.
“Okay good friend, tell me some things you know about me” you joke.
He stares at you for a second “if we’re good friends you should know basic stuff like my birthday, where I’m from, favourite colour. I don’t know how we can be friends if all we know is the other person is single” you say smiling.
Matt’s eyes narrow, you can see the wheels turning in his brain as he takes a sip. He sets the empty glass on the bar, taking a deep breath. “Your favourite colour is (Y/F/C); you grew up in Calgary. You like tea instead of coffee, you love the show Friends, made obvious by your Friends mug and t-shirt you have rocked at the arena. You have a major sweet tooth, but not a big fan of salty, and prefer white to red wine.” He continues to ramble on a few more facts about you before you finally cut him off “how do you know all this?”
“You caught my attention on day one, but there is still lots I don’t know.”
You turn your head to him slightly “like what?” you ask him taking a sip.
He steps closer, his thigh pressing to the back of your legs “what it takes to make your toes curl. What it sounds like when you moan.”
You choke on your drink and start coughing as you try and capture your breath. “What?” you croak out.
You feel his hand return onto the small of your back, his pinky slides through your belt loop. You take a gulp as he grins, his mouth inches from your ear. “I have thought about this since the first day I saw you, what you look like under that shirt. What you taste like, what you feel like” he stops as a shiver runs down your spine.
His hand slips slightly further down, resting above your ass. “Tell me you haven’t thought of this and I will walk away right now, act as this never happened.”
You consider his words, and remember the first time you met him. The first time you saw him was in the locker room, he was in jeans and a tight black t-shirt.
“”This is the boys locker room” Sarah says opening the door. You walk in and see the back of a man who is standing at his locker, he has on a simple outfit with a backwards baseball cap. You can see his blond curls sticking out the sides of his hat, he hears people enter and quickly turns around.
“Oh sorry Matt I didn’t think anyone was in yet” Sarah explains as your eyes lock on his.
“Oh no worries I got her early to get my things set up. I don’t think anyone is supposed to be here for another hour” he explains smiling taking a few steps towards you.
“This is (Y/N), she is starting with social media and team engagement. I’m just giving her a tour of the building.”
“Nice to meet you, I’m Matt” he says sticking his hand out which you accept smiling back at him. You know who he is, and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t have a crush on him. Being a Flames fan your whole life you knew who the players were, but watching him on the ice the last couple years you developed a middle school crush on him. He skated around the rink with such ease and he seemed like someone who is fun to be around, someone who can make you laugh all the time.
Feeling his hand on yours, the same hands that you watch get in fights,  makes you begin to wonder what else they can do. You imagine what his body would look like under his shirt, your juices running down his chin. You get lost in his eyes, and don’t realize you still are holding his hand until Sarah calls you to continue the tour. You shake your head and immediately release his hand, your cheeks going red.
Matt smirks at you, running his thumb on his chin “look forward to working with you” he calls out as you turn to hide your embarrassment.
Matt is still staring at you, a sideways smirk on his face waiting for you to respond. You quickly turn your head away and whisper a soft no.
“Really? The redness on your cheek says otherwise. It tells me I am right, you have thought of this” he says shooting you a devilish grin. His mouth is now inches from your ear “tell me when your home alone, lying in bed. And you slip your fingers, actually you probably have a vibrator or two”
“Or three” you whisper softly. Matt heard you because he groans before he continues “so when you turn on your vibrator and slide it in, what do you think of? What gets you going? When you fucked your ex whose face did you picture when you would cum?” he gives your ass a light squeeze, as you feel his warm breath on your neck. You are practically dripping at his words, but you wait knowing he isn’t done “I’ll be honest, I’ve thought of you over the past few months. We’ve had some great times in my mind.”
“So tell me, have you had to bite your lip from screaming my name?”
“No” you reply lightly knowing that isn’t the answer he is looking for. You feel him tense up but before he moves away, you continue “I didn’t have to, because Mark never made me…he never…” you pause for  a minute, flustered and unsure of why you are telling him this.
“He never made you cum?” Matt growls in your ear and you just shake your head in response. You turn your head to look at him “if you let me I’ll make up for the shitty sex and-“ unsure what has come over you, you lean forward attaching your lips to his. His one hand firmly grips your ass while his other slides up to cup your face, your mouth opens allowing him more room.
You turn around in his arms, sliding your hand up to grab his bicep as your tongues dance in each other’s mouths. You feel a body nudge into you slightly and you suddenly become very aware you are making out with someone in the middle of the bar. You pull away gasping for air and whisper against his lips “take me home.”
Matt doesn’t respond instead he throws some bills on the bar quickly and pulls you out the door. You don’t even have time to zip up your coat on before he is opening the cab door and pushing you in. You slide across to the far seat and Matt crawls in sitting beside you. You smirk at him as you lean against the corner of the seat and door.
Matt tells the driver his address as the meter starts “there is a $50 tip if you keep your eyes on the road” he says, eyes dark with lust. Before you can respond he crawls over to you and slides his tongue back in your mouth, his hand slides up and down your stomach. This kiss is fast and passionate similar to the one in the bar, his hand slides under the fabric of the shirt and you pull away.
Your eyes go wide and Matt is smirking down at you. You shoot your eyes to the taxi driver “what if he looks” you whisper to him. Matt just smirks and sits up in the middle seat, pulling you to his lap.
“Can’t see anything now” he whispers before sucking on your neck. His hands are on your ass but are hidden from the driver thanks to your long coat. You rock your hips against him, feeling the outline of his bulge.
“Careful baby” he warns against your neck. You bite your lip as Matt begins nipping on your neck, you rock your hips more, getting closer to ensure Matt can feel it through the jeans.
“Last warning” he hums in your ear sucking on your ear lobe. This doesn’t stop you, in fact it encourages you to keep going. Matt’s hands come around to the front of your jeans and quickly undo the button and zipper. He brings his lips up to yours and starts kissing you, when you feel him shove his hand inside.
He pushes your soaked underwear to the side and thrusts two fingers inside of you. You pull back and take a gasp of air “I warned you babygirl” he chuckles as his fingers begin to move inside of you. You burry your head into the crook of his neck as he continues to pump his fingers inside of you “can’t wait until we get home” he whispers. His thumb begins to press circles on your clit as his other hand massages your breast.
“Can’t wait until I get to hear you scream” he sucks on your neck increasing the pace of his fingers. You feel your orgasm quickly approaching, maybe because it’s been so long since another person has given you one, or it’s the tequila shots. Or it’s the fact that you’re in public with a stranger mere feet from you, something you never imagined yourself doing. Maybe it’s a combination but all you know is your orgasm is seconds away.
“Matt please” you whisper likely a little too loud.
He instead kisses your jaw “you gonna cum” he whispers. Unable to respond you nod and his fingers increase their pace. You grip Matt’s waist and bite his shoulder to try and supress your moans as he pumps you through it. You feel your walls spasm as liquid spills out coating his fingers, when you finish you rest your forehead on his shoulder and take a deep breath.
You feel his hand come out of your jeans as he gives your ass one final squeeze “we’re here.”
You look around and realize you were unaware the taxi had stopped, and you don’t even know how long you have been stopped. You roll off Matt as he pulls a $100 out of his wallet for the $20 fare. You jump out of the taxi, Matt quickly behind you. You stop on the sidewalk and attempt to do up your pants as his hands wrap around you “don’t bother, they’ll be on my floor in 2 minutes.”
Before you can react he pulls you inside to the elevator. You pull your coat in front of you, so nobody would know as you feel your cheeks flush. The doors ding close and Matt walks over standing in front of you. He gently lifts your head up to look at him “you okay?” he gently asks. ”We don’t have to do anything. I have a spare room, I can drive you home in the morning. Whatever you’re comfortable with, if it’s too soon since –“
“No it’s not that, I just can’t believe I did that. I let you finger me in a taxi, I had an orgasm and he was less than a foot away, I just can’t believe-“
“Hey” Matt says lightly kissing your forehead “first of all it was super-hot; like super-hot. I have never done anything like that before but fuck that was incredible. Two he received a very generous tip, and he could have kicked us out at any point. Besides I doubt he heard anything, you bit me pretty hard; I don’t think any sounds came out.”
You smile up at him, feeling more at ease so you lean in and kiss him. “It was a heat of the moment, next time I promise to wait until were in my apartment; assuming you want a next time.”
“At least a room with a lock on the door” you joke kissing him before the elevator dings for his floor.
“Deal” he says taking your hand and leading you down the hall. He unlocks the door and helps you out of your coat. You unzip your boots as Matt looks at you “want a drink or anything?”
You just smile and shake your head, walking towards him closing the gap between you. You jump up into his arms, he catches you with ease as he chuckles. You look into his eyes, fingers running through his curls “I want to see your bed” you say attaching your mouth to his neck.
Matt grans and carries you down the hall, stopping for a minute to turn on the bedroom light then he drops you on the bed. He grabs your ankles and pulls your jeans off your legs. A devilish grin spreads on his face before he crawls onto the bed and opens your legs. He smiles seeing the wetness in your underwear, as he hooks a finger into them pulling them down your legs.
He lies down on the bed, placing your legs over his shoulders and begins to lick some of the juices that remain from the taxi ride. “Fuck” he mumbles licking you clean “better than I imagined.” His mouth begins places kisses on your pussy, causing your legs to squirm slightly. His tongue slides inside your walls and begins to lick the inside of you.
His tongue begins flicking the inside of your pussy, your back arches off the mattress while Matt chuckles below you. He throws an arm over your waist pinning you to the bed. Your hands slide down to his hair, firmly tangling in them as his tongue continues exploring inside you.
His tongue becomes more intense pressing inside of you; he licks circles on your clit, your legs tightening around his head. You try to grind your hips, searching for more friction but he has you pinned down and laughs at your attempts.
“Keep it up and I’ll tie you to the bed” he growls before diving back in. He begins to suck on your clit for a minute before switching it with his thumb. He begins pressing circles on you as his tongue slides back inside.
Your moans become louder as your second high approaches. Your body tenses and you jolt slightly before your pussy spasms, warm liquid spills out as Matt continues to fuck you with his tongue. Matt slows his tongue as you finish, he pulls away looking up at you; your juices covering his mouth and chin.
Matt puts your legs back on the bed, and sits on his heels pulling his shirt off, exposing his hard chiseled chest.  You take him in, trying to catch your breath as he pulls his jeans off leaving him in his boxers. You can see his obvious bulge, straining the fabric waiting to be released. Matt leans down engaging you in a kiss, you can taste yourself on him, as your hands wander his bare back.
His hand slides under your shirt and pulls it over your head exposing your breasts. He leans down placing soft kisses on your stomach while his hand slips behind you undoing your clasp leaving you naked.
“Fuck you’re gorgeous” he says attaching his mouth to your breast and swirls his tongue around your nipple. You bring your hands down to the elastic of his boxer, and start to push them down his thighs, Matt helps and throws them on the floor.
You feel him line his cock up with your entrance, his tip grazing your folds. His mouth alternates sucking and nipping your neck and collarbone as he leans over to reach in the bedside table to pull out a condom. He pulls away when you reach up and grab the wrapper, placing it on the table. Matt looks confused as he stares down at you, but you have to have him in your mouth first so you push him on his back and straddle him.
You rock your hips over his hard dick a couple times before sliding down his thighs, your index finger runs down his abs to his treasure line. Finally you look down at Matt and your jaw drops a blush coming over your cheeks. Matt is average or maybe slightly longer than average but he is thick, you can tell he will destroy you, but that’s a problem for later.
You drop your head down and lick up his shaft, placing a kiss on his tip. Matt moans under you as you bring a hand and lift his cock sliding it in your mouth, gagging slightly as you taste his salty precum. You swirl your tongue around the tip as you bob on him, eventually taking him all in.
As he hits the back of your throat you gag again but keep going, bringing your hand up to massage his balls. You feel some spit begin to dribble down your chin, while Matt brings his hands to your hair. You expect him to pull it away from your face but instead he Matt pulls you off of him.
“I promised to make up for the shitty sex you’ve been having. That I wanted to make your toes curl while you screamed my name.” A pout comes across your face and Matt just laughs grabbing the condom and sliding it on, “if you keep doing that I won’t last.” He pulls you down for a kiss, and tries to push you on his back but you stop him “I want to ride you” you whisper pulling away.
“Fuck” Matt mumbles lining himself up with your folds. You quickly drop down, moaning loudly as you feel your walls being stretched by his width. You don’t give yourself time to adjust, you rise up almost completely and drop back down a few times.
“Jesus babe, you could have taken a moment” he moans putting his hands on your hips.
You place your right hand on his abs “I was worried if I waited I would get scared by the size” you joke setting a fast pace.
Matt’s hands grip your hips tightly as he fucks up into you “you’re so tight babe” he groans while you roll your hips on him. You feel your walls stretch around his thick cock, his fingers digging into your hips leaving marks.
Your breasts bounce up and down as you ride Matt as you increase the pace. He slaps your ass “fuck I’m not gonna last” he groans pulling your face down to kiss you. You feel your orgasm approaching and moan into the kiss .
“You close babygirl” he asks against your lips. Instead of responding, you slide your hands to his hair and kiss him. Matt keeps the pace, fucking up into you, pulling you down onto his cock with every thrust.
“Matt” you moan, knowing you are close.
“Cum for me (Y/N). I need you to cum for me” he moans becoming sloppy under you.
He slaps your ass one more time causing you to yelp as your walls tighten around him. You scream his name and a mixture of curse words as you spasm around him.
“Fucking hell” you hear Matt mumble before he spills inside the condom deep inside your cervix. You collapse on top of him and lie there for a minute. He gently runs his hands through your hair while both of your breathing steadies. Finally you pull yourself onto your forearms and look at Matt. He gently runs his finger up your arm as he softly kisses you.
“That was amazing” you mumble against his lips.
“Mhm” he hums rolling you onto your back and slowly pulling out. You whine at the empty feeling while Matt chuckles, leaving for the bathroom. You hear the shower start and Matt comes back to the room pulling you up from the bed so you are sitting on your heels. His hands slide around you to your back, and firmly grip your ass as he pulls you against his sweaty chest. Your hands tangle in his wet curls as you pull him in for a kiss “your sweaty” you joke attempting to push him off.
He pulls you in close, your breasts pressed into his chest. He dips down slightly and picks you up carrying you to the shower. He sets you down and steps into the warm stream, running his hands through his hair. Matt walks up behind you, and kisses your neck.
“So did I make up for all the shitty sex you were having?” he asks.
“I feel like one amazing night doesn’t make up for almost two years of crappy sex” you say laughing. “Probably have to do it one or ten more times.” Matt laughs in your ear kissing your shoulder “sounds good.”
You push your ass back against his semi-hard penis and he moans. Matt mumbles a fuck as you stand up straight letting the water hit you. You feel his hands on your waist as he presses his dick between your as cheeks; his mouth sucks on your earlobe.
“(Y/N)” he moans as you grind your hips back, feeling him harder behind you. “You have any idea what you do to me?” he growls. You turn your head and look at him, water is running down his chest “I have an idea” you moan. You reach behind you, and grip his shaft and begin stroking it up and down “you have any idea what this does to me?”
“I need you Matt” you whisper kissing him.
Matt steps away and opens the door, grabbing condom from the vanity drawer. He quickly rolls it on himself and he steps back behind you, placing a hand on your back. You feel him push inside, stretching your walls, as you brace yourself on the bench.
Matt uses a knee to spread your legs wider, pulling out and pushing back in. You cry out as he hits you deep, ramming into your cervix. His hands move to your hips and use them to pull you back against him. He pulls almost completely out, pulling your hips back and slamming back inside of you.
“Fuck” you cry out.
“God you feel so good” Matt mumbles setting a fast pace.
One hand leaves your hip and slaps your ass, as you jolt forward wincing at the pain. His hand returns to your hip, and continues to thrust in and out of you.
“You’re so fucking tight” he groans. The sound of skin flapping and moans fill the bathroom as he keeps his pace. He spreads your ass cheeks wider, pumping in and out of you. His thumb grazes over the entrance to your hole, while you whimper under him.
“You gonna cum for me?” he asks drawing a grunt from you, unsure if you can have another.
“I know you can. Do it for me” he growls behind you. You bring a hand down to your sensitive bud and start pressing circles on it, as Matt’s hand strokes your ass.
Matt’s pace is fast and erratic; you can tell he is close while he hits you at a deep angle, hitting your g-spot with every thrust.
“Come on baby” he cries out behind you. You know he is straining to keep going, waiting for you. You press hard circles into your bud; Matt bends his knees changing the angle slightly. Your walls begin to tighten as you clench around him. An intense orgasm rips through as Matt keeps his pace.
“Fuck Matt” you moan, your eyes roll back into your head. You feel Matt’s dick twitch, as he spills inside the condom. Matt stills behind you, you take a deep breath. Matt’s hand caresses your back for a moment as he finally pulls out. You turn around and sit on the bench while Matt steps out to throw away the condom.
He returns to the shower, adjusting the temperature to have more hot water. He grabs your hands and pulls you to your feet; you fall against his chest as he strokes your hair. Your arms wrap around his waist, bracing yourself on him.
You feel him put some shampoo in your hair, lathering it in before gently washing it out. He gently applies body wash to you before rinsing it, you lean against the wall as he completes the process on himself. He turns the water off, kissing you and opening the door to wrap a towel around you. He puts on a pair of boxers, and pulls a t-shirt over your head.
Your eyes are heavy as you stand in his bathroom, leaning against his vanity. Matt chuckles kissing your cheek, he carefully scoops you up and carries you to his bed. He gently lies you down and pulls you into his chest, while pulling the duvet up your chest. You listen to his breathing and slowly begin to doze off.
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rendezvousroger · 5 years
Serendipity (Part 9)
Ben Hardy x Reader (ft. Harry Styles)
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8
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A/N: sorry for the long wait! I’ve honestly been so busy lately with college and since I broke my foot my life’s been pretty crazy. here’s part 9! hope you guys like it. I will probably delete this taglist since I don’t know if all of the people I’m tagging are actually reading the story so if you guys still want to be part of it, let me know!
“I’m coming home. H”
Your heart felt as if it would burst out of your chest. A wave of mixed feelings made your stomach turn. You didn’t know how to feel. Angry? Excited? Intrigued?
Harry coming back to Los Angeles meant he would have to stop by your apartment, which once belonged to the two of you, to pick up his things.
You knew for a fact he would not stay over with you since you pretty much did not end things well with each other, but he had every right to stop by and pick up  what was left of his stuff from your apartment and move out for good.
Was all you could really text back.
Your head starting thinking about all the things you would have to do before seeing him again. You were considering doing your makeup and wearing his favorite outfit on you to give him a taste of what he had lost, but you were also considering leaving his stuff outside of your apartment so you wouldn’t have to face him.
You were confused. Were you really ready to see him again after the breakup?
“The day after tomorrow.”
The day after tomorrow.
That meant you really didn’t have enough time to get mentally prepared to see the love of your life who pretty much broke you down into pieces.
“You alright?” Ben’s voice made you turn your head towards him a bit too fast.
“Yeah,” you smiled, “it was just a text from a very drunk Zendaya.”
“Well then expect to see a very drunk Rami once you come inside.” Ben smiled back at you.
You couldn’t help but burst out laughing as you saw no other than Rami Malek wearing what you assumed was Lucy’s red carpet dress for the SAG Awards. His eyes were bloodshot and looked very sleepy, he was definitely going to regret drinking that much.
“Oh my god.” You said as you covered your mouth to keep yourself from laughing even harder.
“I had to challenge my inner Freddie Mercury, dear.” Rami said as he walked towards you, his breath smelling of a mixture of alcohol.
Lucy’s laugh could be heard all around the room as she recorded Rami on her phone, Joe was trying to drink what was left of the tequila bottle and Gwilym was passed out (probably drunk too) on the coach and Ben was also laughing at Rami.
You realized how happy it made you to be around them and how they made you forget the shitty things you had gone through.
“It’s pretty late already so I was wondering if you want to stay here?” Ben asked you.
You looked at your phone and saw it was already 5:30 in the morning. Luckily you didn’t have much to do the next day (well basically this day now),  so you did not freak out.
You considered Ben’s offer but you weren’t really prepared to stay over yet. You were tired and needed the warmth and coziness of your own bed and you also wanted to go over Harry’s unexpected come back.
“Thank you so much though.” You politely declined Ben’s offer and gently took his hand.
“It’s alright,” Ben smiled again, “let me walk you to the door.”
You walked holding hands with Ben, the sun was starting to come up and the streets were empty and silent. You felt a wave of peace hit your soul as you waited for you chauffeur to pick you up and stood there next to Ben’s presence.
Not even 10 minutes went by and Dustin, your chauffeur, arrived.
“I had such an amazing time.” You smiled at Ben.
“I did too.” He replied.
“Thank you for this.” You genuinely said.
“I hope we can see each other soon.” Ben said, his cheeks warming up.
“Of course we will.” You assured him and went up to hug him.
He hugged you tightly and you felt so comfortable in his arms, you really did not want to let go but you figured Dustin would get uncomfortable.
Ben opened the car door for you and you smiled as you got inside the car and waved goodbye at him.
Once you got to your apartment you shut down all the curtains and made your room as dark as possible so you could get some sleep, your mind kept going through the thought of Harry coming back but you also couldn’t stop thinking about Ben and the way he had made you feel.
To say you were confused would be the least.
You fell asleep and were woken up by a call from your manager Andrew. You rubbed your eyes and felt your head hurt slightly as if you could be hungover but not really.
“Yeah?” You asked, looking at the clock and realizing you had slept 5 hours.
“I see you had a night.” He said, you couldn’t tell if he sounded disappointed or excited.
“Well I did win the award so.” You replied, a bit confused and pretty sleepy.
“I’m not talking about that.” Andrew said and you were too tired to understand what he was trying to say.
“I have no idea wh-“
“You’re already all over the news with your new blondie dear.” He cut you off and then it hit you.
You quickly opened up Twitter and saw your notifications were filled with pictures of you and Ben hugging outside of Joe’s house.
Articles had already been made about those pictures and all of them were about “Y/N’s new hottie.” “Y/N and Bohemian Rhapsody’s star.”. “Y/N and Harry Styles are really over.”
The media had started talking and making up rumors about you spending the night with him and leaving the house early in the morning after sharing an “intimate hug”.
You closed your eyes in frustration and felt a few tears stream down your face.
You hated this.
You hated the media.
are you team Ben or team Harry? - L
taglist: @rinastylesworld @getmealife @itsametaphorbriansblog @joalsglasses @onceuponadetectivedemigod  @peter-parkersbb @mydogisthebest @secretsweetscollectionblog @dreamer821 @allieburakovsky @yourwonderbelle @harryskillerqueen @rosedeacy @getmealife @rockyroadthepastryarchy @sherlocked-to-the-tardis @lovinnholland @onexlittlespark@kellysimagines @hazme2 @spreadymercury @queenlalybug @ohmygoditsanthonyedwardstark @toomuchtellyneck@lovesaweed@ifilosemyselfagain @kittygirlno @huntersstuff591@jerricainthebox@sleepyblossom @marvel-ousnesss @sleepydreamqueen @moonlightbae14 @orchideax @weakling-grace @notexactlythatgirl @bellamy1998 @multisuperbananas @hockeyshmockey​ @ken-yee-not​ @ilostmydeacy​ @malikbruhh​ @freddieandrogerandbriananddeaky
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maastrash · 6 years
Second Chances Chapter 4
Summary: For Azriel, Elain Archeron is the one that got away. He had been deeply in love with her since high school–even though she had no clue who he was. Now, 10 years later, Elain is engaged and happy. Knowing he missed his chance, Azriel tries to move on from the girl who captured his heart for so long. But, when Elain’s wedding is suddenly canceled, fate seems to finally be on his side. The world has given him a second chance, and this time he won’t mess it up.
A/N: OMG this one took me forever sorry guys!! I hope it was worth the wait enjoy :) And as always ty to the wonderfully amazing @fireheart-of-your-dreams for being my beta
PS @rhysanoodle @fireheart-of-your-dreams @highqueenofelfhame and @cassianpeia posted some lovely writing today as well (what a productive day!!) so go check it out if you haven’t seen it :)
Previous Chapter // Next Chapter Masterlist // AO3 :)        
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Elain opened her eyes and was greeted by the warmth of the shining sun, the smell of a salty ocean breeze, the sound of crashing waves, and something warm draped across her stomach. She blinked a couple times before realizing that she was right up against Azriel. Oh my God. They were cuddling. She instantly stilled, hoping he hadn’t woken up - because that would mean she would have to let go. As silently as she could, she turned to see his face. He looked so at peace when he was asleep, so calm. She smiled, adding the perfect image to memory.
Azriel tried not to move as Elain shifted to face him. Relax, he thought. Was this really happening? Was he holding Elain Archeron? The girl he’d been drawn to since he first laid eyes on her freshmen year was in his arms and not shying away from his touch. He could not believe it.
Elain sighed she could honestly stare at him all day. She was about to brush the hair from his eyes when she saw the corners of his lips twitch. “Azriel,” she whispered her cheeks heating. “Are you awake?”
Azriel slightly opened one eye giving her a guilty look. “Is it bad if I say I’ve been awake for a while?”
“Not necessarily,” she said, grinning like an idiot.
He laughed, his arm still draped across her middle. “Good morning, Elain.”
“Good Morning, Az.” She gazed into his hazel eyes, fluttering her lashes. “And thank you.”
He raised an eyebrow. “For what?”
“For protecting me from the scary demons all night.” She giggled softly.
He laughed, and Elain realized she loved the sound. Loved that she was wrapped up with Azriel even if it was for an act.“We should probably be getting ready for breakfast with your family,” he whispered, interrupting her daydream.
Elain groaned, sliding closer to Azriel, burying her head into his chest and savoring his warmth. “Just a little longer?”
Elain stood in the bathroom, adding a pop of pink to accentuate her lips and dusting on some powder to soften the lines of her face. She grinned at her reflection. Her floral dress was the perfect combination of classy and flirty. It was flowy and casual but gave the perfect view of her cleavage. Her smile grew as she thought of what Azriel would think when he saw her. Maybe he would - she blushed. Why was she trying so hard to impress Azriel?
She couldn’t deny that he was supermodel gorgeous, but that’s not why she was drawn to him. He was kind, funny, and honestly, she just felt so at ease with him. She couldn’t quite describe what was between them yet. Everything was just so complicated. It’s not that she didn’t want to be with him, but she still felt the lingering pain from her breakup. Even if she was ready, Azriel didn’t think of her that way she reassured herself. Elain took one last glance at her reflection and stepped out of the bathroom.
As Azriel looked up, he physically felt his heart skip a beat. That Gods damned dress and her makeup. She was perfect in every way, and boy was he a goner. She smiled at him, definitely noticing his lingering glance at her chest. “You ready to go?” she asked, stepping closer.
Elain couldn’t move. Seeing her entire family sitting at the breakfast table had her heart pounding. What if they asked her about Greyson? Worse, what if they saw right through her and Azriel?
She was about to head back to the room when Azriel gently took her hand in his. She looked up, and he gave her a reassuring smile. You can do this, his hazel eyes seemed to say. “Whenever you feel ready?” he said gently.
She squeezed his hand, took a deep breath, and stepped into the restaurant.
Elain laughed, gently leaning into Azriel. Breakfast seemed to be going off without a hitch. Azriel had won the approval of her grandparents extremely fast, and even her stone-cold father had smiled after a while. They were now talking to her aunt, who was fascinated with Azriel’s career.
“It’s been lovely talking to you.” Azriel smiled as he put an arm gently around Elain’s shoulder. “But we should be heading back up.”
“Of course, go get ready. We’re leaving for the beach in an hour!”
She gave Az an excited glance. She couldn’t believe they had survived. Everyone thought they were a real couple.
Elain was just about to high five Az when she walked straight into someone.
“El is that you?”
“Oh my gosh, Uncle Martin? I haven’t seen you all day!”
“Well, here I am!” he laughed, pulling her into a hug.
“We were just about to go get ready for the beach.”
“Well, now you got to chat with your favorite uncles,” Martin said wrapping an arm around his husband, Matthew.
Elain giggled softly “Well Uncles, this is my boyfriend, Azriel.” She said, grasping his hand gently.
“Well, isn’t he handsome as the devil.” Mathew winked.
“He sure is,” Martin drawled.
“Thank you,” Az said, his ears reddening. “But Elain is definitely the model in this relationship.”
Her blush wasn’t completely fake as she gently pushed Azriel’s chest, mumbling, “Oh, stop.”
“I can’t lie, babe,” he said, pressing a featherlight kiss to her cheek. Elain couldn’t help but think about how his lips would feel on hers. Gods, she was going to pass out.
“Aren’t you two just absolutely adorable,” Martin exclaimed.
“The cutest,” Matthew added. “And, Elain, is that a wedding ring I see?” he asked with a smirk.
Elain stopped breathing. She was all of a sudden back, stuck staring into Greyson’s cruel and warmthless eyes as he left her. Alone. “I’m so sorry, I have to go” she barely managed to get out. She ran not letting the tears fall until she got back to the room.
Azriel panted running up the stairs to get to their room as fast as he could. The elevators were taking so damn long. After Elain ran away, he explained that he hadn’t proposed and she was still wearing Greyson’s ring. Her uncles apologized profusely for causing any problems, but he was barely listening. His mind was on Elain.
He reached the door, and when he opened it, he saw her, staring at the ceiling like she used to. There were tears falling down her face, but she was silent.
He slowly made his way to the bed and sat down next to her, gently so he didn’t disturb her.
She looked up, giving him a watery smile.
“I’m so sorry if I ruined this, Az,” she sighed. “I can’t take it off. Why am I so weak?”
He shook his head softly. “Elain, you are one of the strongest people I know. The ring is not a sign of weakness. And I would never force you to take it off for our act. You're not ready, and that’s not weak.”
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
“There’s absolutely nothing wrong with you,” he said, wiping away her tears.
“Then why can’t I move on, even though I want to so bad?” She asked, her voice utterly defeated.
“Elain, did I ever tell you how I got these scars?” he asked raising his hands slightly.
She shook her head slowly as she sat up to lean against the headboard. Of course, she had noticed his scarred hands, but she had never wanted to ask about what happened.
“I’m not sure if you know this, but when we were in high school, Cassian and I were actually living with Rhysand and his family.”
It made sense, Elain thought. They were always together.
“My mom and dad were never married. She was actually my father’s mistress. He obviously didn’t want his wife to know, so he wasn’t really in my life. Unfortunately, my mom had a lot of responsibility, and alcohol became her stress reliever. It got to the point where people began noticing. I was taken from my mom to live with my father, his wife, and 2 sons. I was hated instantly. I could never leave my room except for school. And I could only visit my mom once a week.”
Elain was shocked. Her life hadn’t been easy, but Azriel - his life had been a nightmare.
“The only thing that got me through the day was sketching. I loved drawing portraits, abstract, everything. I always hid my work so I wouldn't get caught, but one night I was careless. My half brothers caught me. They dragged me outside and burned my art. They also burned my hands so I wouldn't be able to draw anymore. The scars would have been a lot worse had a neighbor not come out and helped me. I - ” Azriel took a shaky breath.
Elain took his hand in hers and gently rubbed soothing circles, waiting for him to continue.
“I was put into foster care as a sophomore and luckily got placed with a lovely family, Rhys’s. Although my hands healed, I was so ashamed. I wore gloves to hide the mangled flesh, and I never sketched anymore. I may have never started again if it wasn't for Rhysand’s mom. She told me that I may feel insecure sometimes, but if I stopped being myself and doing what I loved, I let them win. Letting go of what they did and moving on is how I would beat them. I know that Greyson hurt you and taking off the ring would almost be like leaving behind a part of your heart. Trust me, I understand. I used the gloves to hide what they did to me because I was ashamed, but by overcoming the embarrassment, I finally cut them out of my life. I let go of the lingering pain and shame they tried to cut me down with. I let it all go and trust me, it was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. It took a lot of time and support from my friends. I know one day, you’ll be ready to do the same. And when you are, I will be here for you.”
Elain brought his hand - the hand of a survivor - to her face and gently placed a kiss on the scarred skin. A tear fell down her cheek as she thought of all the Azriel had endured and overcome. He gently wiped her eyes, smiling softly. She sighed, placing her head on his shoulder, thinking of how lucky she was that he had come on this trip. “We should probably get ready to go,” she whispered, breaking the silence.
“Just a few more moments.”
Elain didn’t protest.
Thanks for reading and let me know if you want to be added to the tag list!
Tagging these lovely sisters: @illyriangarbage // @court-of-fuck-me-daddy  // @girlnovels  // @aelinninielelain // @julesherondalex // @rosehallshadowsinger // @ifangirlninja // @dreamerforever-5 // @queen-of-wings-and-fire // @rhysanoodle  // @jemma-nessian-and-elriel // @books-and-words-addict  // @nightinshadow  // @wolffrising  // @the-regal-warrior  // @dreamingofalba // @clarkesardothien  // @abillionlittlepieces // @alitzeldiaz // @kylizzles // @queenmaas @hollyblue2171
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dtfharry · 7 years
In which you and Harry have wound up together in Jamaica for a friend’s wedding, causing shy glances and uncomfortable conversations about your boyfriend back home, the one that kinda stuck around when Harry broke your heart 2 years ago.
Word Count: 7k+
Jamaica was a blessing.
Although you’d only just gotten on the plane at Gatwick, you knew Jamaica was going to be everything you needed and more. Planning a wedding for your best friend was incredibly stressful so much so you wish you’d said no when she asked so sweetly. You thought you had it all under control, but that was until your phone was buzzing throughout the day with people texting over their meal choice and dietary requirements. Too many people wanting the chicken and not enough people wanting the beef or salmon. You’d had enough of it and had enough of the glass of red in your hand not making this any easier, so you took a deep breath and took to your iPhone keyboard.
Look, it’s either the beef or the salmon. Forget the fucking chicken it’s gone. You’ve got 5 minutes to text me or you are out of the wedding.
You accepted the complimentary glass of wine onboard the plane, it would have been rude not too. You sat back waiting for the emergency demonstrations to be finished with, so you could put your headphones in and enjoy the in-flight entertainment for 9 and a half hours until you arrived in paradise.
The minute you got to The Jamaican Inn you’d fallen in love. Your room had fresh flowers on every surface possible and you thought it couldn’t get any better until you walked into the bathroom and saw you had a big bath in the middle of the room which looked out onto the ocean. You thought you were dreaming, you really did. You walked back to your room, dropping your bags and walking towards the balcony that overlooked the beach too. You were in paradise and this trip hadn’t even properly begun yet. You dropped yourself onto the bed and just listened to the waves that were crashing onto the shore.
You were awoken by that ridiculously annoying iPhone ringtone, and after many shut up’s, it still hadn’t silenced. You rubbed your eyes while looking out to the balcony, it wasn’t light anymore outside and you quickly realised you’d fallen asleep. “Hello?” You cleared your throat and stood up, you shut the windows and closed the blinds a little. “Shit, I’ll be 20 minutes. I’ll meet you in the lobby, bye.” You mumbled as you ran into the bathroom and ran the bath. You had 20 minutes to get ready and to meet your best friend and her husband-to-be downstairs for the rehearsal dinner. Great. 20 minutes until you see Harry.
You quickly washed and got your clothes out of your suitcase, you mentally cursed yourself for not doing this earlier. But the bed looked way too comfy and you were so tired, so when you thought, fuck it a 30-minute nap won’t hurt. It hurt, big time because that 30-minute nap turned out to be 3 hours long.
You quickly pulled the red dress over your head and shoulders, sucking your stomach in so it actually fit your body, you cursed yourself again, you really needed to stop taking complimentary chocolates from the hotels you visited. You pulled your makeup bag out of the suitcase along with many thongs and bras. You sprawled your makeup out on the floor and found what you needed. Trying to put on your lippy while trying to find your heels in the other suitcase was an award-winning performance you thought, eventually you were ready with 3 minutes to spare.
You really needed to get your shit together.
You quickly sprayed your favourite perfume, grabbed your clutch and iPhone and you were ready. As you went to open the door you saw your reflection in the mirror, “FUCK.” You pulled your hair out of the band and let it flow past your shoulders. “Fuck it, it’s not my wedding.” You said as you ran your fingers through your hair and tried to make it look half decent.
You got out of the maze you thought the hallway was and saw the sign that pointed to the lifts. You looked at you iPhone and saw the many texts from Bex asking where the fuck you were. You decided to ignore them, nothing like winding the bride up, the night before her big day right? You carried on walking to the lifts, you looked up from your phone when you heard the lift make a beep, alerting everyone that it was opening, you hurried your steps and got to the lift. And that’s when you saw him.
You didn’t know when the last time you saw him. You sometimes saw him in the street, but you never approached him, it wasn’t necessary. You saw him countless times in M&S, but you just went down a different aisle. Sometimes you thought your mind was playing tricks on you, but you wouldn’t forget that number plate on his Range Rover, so you knew it was him. And he knew you were there too, he saw your Mini Cooper in the M&S carpark, it wasn’t hard to miss. He didn’t see many baby blue Mini’s in the area, and maybe just maybe, he remembered your number plate too.
Your break up with Harry wasn’t messy. If anything, it was placid. You’d been together for 3 years, but the realisation of Harry being a superstar eventually got to you, not in the fact that he was who he was, but because of the touring. And you hated yourself for basing the breakup on that fact. But it was true. The last year of your relationship is when Harry began to tour the most. You’d go for weeks without seeing him, and days without a proper conversation, just little texts here and there. And yes, you knew this was what came with dating Harry Styles. But you didn’t think it would get this tough.
So, you decided to tell the man you loved more than anything in the entire world that you wanted to break up. And Harry understood, he really did. And that’s what made it hurt more, the fact that he had been thinking it too, it wasn’t fair to leave you weeks on end and to only be able to text you every now and then. He hated it too, he just wanted to fly you out to every single show and have you in his arms the minute it ended and just keep with him forever. But that wasn’t realistic. It wasn’t normal. It wasn’t lust anymore, it was guilt. So, when you packed up all your things on a Sunday morning and took one last look at the house you’d live in for 3 years with the love of your life. You thought this would be it. Harry helped take your boxes to the car. He let you keep his things that you’d grown attached to. Except him. It had been a week since you broke up and you were trying so hard not to crumble and just fall back into his arms. But just when you thought you were okay, he texts you, open your door, so you did, and he was there, eyes completely bloodshot and big puffy lips. Before you could even blink he had lifted you up and kissed you so hard you thought your lips were going to break. He shut the front door and carried you up the stairs, you both knew this shouldn’t be happening but neither of you could stop it, you both just had too, one more time, for old time’s sake. He held you as if he was never going to let you go again and kissed you as if he was losing you, which he was and you both started to cry and say things but were soon consumed in each other that you’d forgotten why you were crying.
You’d been in contact recently. Wedding purposes only. You had to text him, asking what meal choice he wanted at the wedding. When Bex asked if you needed his number you slowly shook your head. You never deleted it, although you promised yourself you would. So it was good when he text you first.
Hi, it’s Harry. I hope you’re well. The feta salad for starter, the chicken for main and the cheesecake for dessert, please. H x
Oh, do you know what the cheesecake is?
Hi. I’m good, taa. Yourself? Got it, thank you! x
Think it’s blueberry or strawberry.
Good, I’m glad. For your sake, I hope it’s strawberry. 
Me too, but it’s not my wedding! I’ll be by the chocolate fondue machine if it’s blueberry.
I can imagine Bex has said that a lot? Chocolate fondue machine? This wedding will be fun.
You know Bex! And a free bar, what more could you ask for?
Of course. See you soon. H x
Harry gave you a double look, unsure if it was actually you. He gives you a soft smile and you politely return it. You stepped in the lift and pressed the button that said G.
“How have yeh been?”
You looked up at him. Your eyes were like a deer in headlights, it was as if you were stunned he’d actually spoken to you.
“I’ve been good thank you. How are you?” You watched Harry and smiled softly. It was lovely to hear his voice again, in all honesty, you missed it. Harry nodded, saying he’s been well and that this wedding in Jamaica was something he’d been looking forward to for a while. He was the best man to Brad, Bex’s husband to be, which made him bring up the subject of your boyfriend, something you didn’t want to speak about at all throughout this trip. Your awkward silence made Harry clear his throat.
“One of us had to bring him up, Y/N.”
“It’s good, thank you.” You leave it at that. You didn’t want to talk about it anymore and you hoped Harry got that, but he didn’t.
“Do you think he’s the one?’
You could hear the dryness in Harry’s voice, he always had a way of asking questions that were obvious he didn’t put much thought behind. Your heart started to hurt as you looked up at him. Why was he doing this?
“I- I don’t really believe in that kind of stuff anymore.” You said quietly. Thankfully the lift came to a stop and the doors opened so you didn’t have to see Harry’s face. You could see Bex and Brad standing there talking amongst themselves. Once they heard the lift doors open they turned in unison to look at you, their faces said it all. You weren’t sure if it was because you weren’t alone or because it was Harry in the lift with you.
The wedding rehearsal dinner went smoothly. Months of planning had finally paid off, although the wedding was tomorrow it wasn’t possible for anything to go wrong right? You let out a deep breath as you took a sip of your G&T, letting out a small laugh when you heard everyone else doing so just so it looked like you were paying attention. You looked up when you heard Bex snort, she was drunk. It was amusing to watch, you were glad your best friend was happy and in less than 24 hours she was going to marry the man of her dreams.
The more Bex drank the more vocal she became, it was interesting, to say the least. You just hoped she left you out of her drunken rambles. You and Harry were sitting opposite each other at the dining table when Bex let it slip. The conversation was on the bridesmaids and how they were missing their boyfriends back home, and someone happened to mention that you would be missing yours as you’d been in the longest relationship out of them all. And that’s when Bex said it.
“I doubt it, I think Y/N’s glad she broke up with him last week.” Bex snorted and then mumbled an ‘oops’ as Brad quietly said something in her ear.
And there it was, something you were wanting to remain hush hush this entire trip. You couldn’t really blame Bex, she was pissed out of her arse and happy, so happy. You were jealous of her, you only being one of the two. You decided that your relationship with your boyfriend was going to come to an end. You weren’t feeling it anymore and you were getting quite sick of his temper tantrums when you refused to suck his dick every night and you were pretty sure he was dealing coke on the side, so really Bex’s wedding came at the perfect time to break it off and have the best trip of your life in Jamaica with the ones you love and the ones you loved.
You let out a sigh and took the last remaining sip of your drink before standing up and mumbled a quick, thanks, Bex. You hadn’t realised everyone’s eyes were on you, but you noticed Harry’s when you quickly glanced at him before pushing your chair away, so you could leave. You headed to the bar to get another drink and left the dining room.
The beach was beautiful in the evening, it’s like you planned it perfectly to leave the others. There was a light breeze in the air that softly touched the palm trees making them sway as they led you to the less public part of the beach. There were lanterns in the sand which guided everyone to different parts of the beach. You knew you had to explore, but not tonight, you just wanted to sit down on the sand, look at the ocean and drink the most expensive bottle of wine from the bar that you accidentally put on Bex and Brad’s tab.
You hadn’t even realised you were crying until you felt a drop of something wet hit your arm, you sniffled and wiped your eyes, but the tears kept coming. You took another swig of the wine and pulled a face as you swallowed it. You looked out at the ocean and just stared at it for a while thinking how it looked so calm. You were taken from your thoughts when you heard someone walking up next to you. And that’s when you saw him again.
He looked like a God. You noticed his hair was a lot shorter now than it was 2 years ago, not that you minded, it was for the Dunkirk movie he did, and the change was good for him. You didn’t have a chance to mention it before because, in all honesty, the two of you haven’t really spoken at all today, but what did that matter, you’ve not actually spoken for two years. The sea salt air had made the ends of his fringe begin to curl and it was funny because for once he was not in control of how his hair went. He was adjusting to the weather in Jamaica, with his shirt unbuttoned at the collar and of course the next three buttons down. Those trousers, if anyone would pull off black pants with pink and red fucking glitter florals on them, it would be him. His eyes were bloodshot but this time it was from all of the alcohol he’d been drinking, not from you breaking his heart.
“There you are,” Harry spoke so softly, hiding the fact that he was just relieved to have found you. You smiled at him, holding the bottle of wine up to invisibly cheers him. He sat down next to you on the sand, he could tell you were drunk as you had an empty bottle of wine in between your legs, one more than you actually thought you had. He looked out at the ocean for a couple of seconds before looking back at you, he noticed the tears on your cheeks and frowned.
“Do yeh’ remember when we went on holiday to Greece and we went on that boat to the private island where we had a candlelit dinner?”
You looked at him and let out a teary sigh. Of course, you remembered. It was your 2-year anniversary and Harry had surprised you with a holiday to Greece and you were just so excited to spend two weeks with him and just him. No work. No interrupted dinners, no interrupted kisses, no interrupted quickies that left you halfway through an orgasm while you were screaming bloody murder at Harry to get back and finish what he started. You were just excited to be with the man you love in the most beautiful place on earth.
“I remember some of it.” You admitted quietly. “I made myself forget some stuff as it just hurt too much when I thought about y- when I thought about it.” You hoped he didn’t catch on to what you let slip, but he did. He always did.
After a while of reminiscing about the past, you were completely unaware how close you and Harry were sitting. You didn’t even realise that your head was resting on his shoulder. The closeness made your heart sink a little. You didn’t realise how much you had missed him until now. Harry moved slightly causing you to open your eyes and turn to look at him. His head swivels in your direction immediately, his eyes matching yours. You looked at him as if you were looking for something, you didn’t know what it was you were looking for, but you just couldn’t turn away. 
Harry leans forward, licking his bottom lip slightly and you know you should probably move away but you’ve had so much to drink you feel paralysed. His lips softly brushed against yours as he kissed you. You let out a soft moan which Harry returned a couple more times. His hands reached up to your cheeks as he held them softly, his thumb stroking your cheekbone. His tongue swiped your bottom lip as his right hand went around the curve of your neck to hold you closer. Your sudden realisation of what was happening made you moan, granting Harry the access he needed as you opened your mouth slightly.
You kissed for what felt like hours, you missed his lips, you missed his touch, you craved it, you craved him. His hands grasp at your hips and lift you up onto his lap. Your sudden moan jolted Harry’s hand and you almost straddling his thigh, although you were so high on kissing him you had no idea. Harry’s hands slowly made their way from your cheeks to your waist to your arse and you were loving it so much you hadn’t realised you were grinding up and down on Harry’s thigh until he let out a moan that paused the kisses you were giving.
The kissing came to a stop as Harry moved to your neck, from delicate little kisses too long strokes of his tongue on the spot he knew got you weak. You couldn’t ignore the burning sensation in your stomach, you were tingling with pure excitement and you couldn’t even try and control it.
His lips felt like melted butter on your skin, they were so soft. It wasn’t until he nipped harshly at your neck that your own moan brought you out of your little daydream. He made sure he left a mark, like always, but you didn’t mind. You moved your hands down to what you thought was his chest, instead, your hands were just a little under his navel, to which you could feel how hard he was. The amount of alcohol you had consumed gave you just a tiny bit more confidence, so you rubbed him slowly over his trousers. He hissed at your actions which made you sit properly on his thigh this time, and so you kept rubbing yourself against it. A gasp leaving your lips when you feel friction on your clit, your hands abandoning his hardening length and knotting in the shoulders of his shirt.
“Yeh always loved that.” His voice sounding like honey against your ear, you moan again while drunkenly nodding your head.
“Can I keep doing it?” You said ever so softly, he looked at you, never being able to tell you no, so he nodded his head. “Of course, you can darlin’.”
You moan gratefully, ears still ringing in the aftermath of his words and how they just rolled off his lips.
He hums in approval when you settle into a slow pace, focusing on the pressure more than the speed. His fingers digging into your hips to hold you down, that alone getting you more and more worked up. And when he gives you little praises in his raspy voice you think you are about to explode.
“You’re doin’ so well, love.”
You whimper as you start to feel your build up coming to the brink and Harry praises you until you get there but you shake your head in between moans. Harry moves the hair that’s fallen on your face to look at you. You look at him and then look downwards.
“Fuck, Harry. I can’t come on Gucci!”
His two fingers slip between his thigh and your underwear. He hadn’t comprehended the extent of your arousal until you stopped moving. You gasp and shudder at his sudden touch. “Yeh really do love this don’t ya, you’re soaked.” He pulls your underwear to one side and greedily slides his fingers inside, slighting brushing the top of one between your folds. He pulls his fingers out and before you’ve got time to even blink he slams them back into you. You jolt forward with a loud moan, your heart beginning to race at the excitement and how you’ve not been touched like this in over six months.
You’re gripping his hair so tightly he’s sure he’s going to lose a few, but the way he works his fingers inside you is killing you and you just want to come. But you’re not sure if you’re going to come the fucking rainbow, it feels THAT good. And you’re sure it was always like this with Harry, certain on it, in fact. But this felt so good that you literally just wanted to scream from the top of your lungs. And it didn’t help when his thumb decided to play part in all this and press your clit, beginning to rub circles on it, you couldn’t shut your eyes hard enough.
“Come for me,” he rasped and that was all you needed. Your head tilted back as if it was going to fall off, and so many sounds escaped your lips, you weren’t even sure you were speaking English anymore, your head was spinning like a yo-yo from the intensity of your orgasm. But you didn’t care, you were chanting his name like a fucking hymn and he was so wrapped up in your voice and how he had this effect on you.
Your chest is pressed up against his as you desperately heave for air. He leaves soft little kisses on the side of your forehead until your breathing is back to normal. And just when you thought you were done he pulled his fingers out of you and brought them to his lips, as you watched him lick his fingers as if they were his favourite ice lolly. You looked in amazement, and when his eyes met yours you thought it was possible to just explode in his arms.
You didn’t decline Harry’s offer to go back to his. You didn’t decline anything that he offered in fact, so for the last half an hour your lips were superglued to each other’s as you laid on his bed. You had learnt how to pull away from his kisses and you did after a while, and you both began to talk, about life, and what you were both up to these days. It felt nice to just chat with him again like you used too and laugh to the point you thought you were going to piss yourself. You really had missed this.
It’s when you all of a sudden get ballsy and push his chest down onto the bed and kiss his lips so hard he thinks they’ve have deflated, that you work your way down his body until you come to his belt and trousers. You lifted his shirt up a little and smirked to yourself when you saw the inked words might as well… under his hip. You fiddle with the belt and undo it, chucking it behind you, you stop as he grabs your hands and asks what are you doing? You look at him, “you know what I’m doing Haz.” And that’s all he needed to let go of your wrists and prop himself onto his elbows to watch you.
You slipped your hand around the base of his cock and looked up at him as he let out a grunted moan. You moved a little closer and flicked your tongue over the head of his shaft, teasing him with little kitten licks. You locked your lips around the tip and sucked lightly, causing his hand to pull on your hair lightly. You lowered your head in slow movements while you continued to suck his length. You pulled away completely and licked up the entirety of his length, your eyes locked on him.
“Fuck,” he mumbled. “You make me crazy, Y/N,” he whined and threw himself back on the bed. You let out a soft little giggle while he propped himself back up onto his elbows. Your hand holding the base as your mouth slid down to the base, to the point his pubic hairs were touching your nose. You quickly pushed the thoughts of; how long has it been for him? Who was giving it to him? - out of your head and just continued.
“Your mouth is almost as good as your pussy,” he groaned. You moaned loudly against him surprised at the remembrance, causing him to jolt forward, creating a yelp to cry out as he pushed his cock in your throat a little too far. You opened your eyes as water came to the brink and he noticed and apologised quickly. You pulled away slowly, the saliva strings following your lips as your mouth abandoned his tip. He watches you, stroking your cheek to make sure you were alright.
You let out a deep breath while looking at him. This wasn’t the first time he’d done this if anything it was probably the twentieth time this had happened. During your relationship with Harry, blowjobs were a very common thing, hell, anything that included the two of you being naked or getting each other off was a common thing. You started off tallying every time you gave Harry a blowie, but you soon became bored as you were getting chalk dust on your bedroom floor every single day. So, you both decided not to keep track as there wasn’t really a need for it. But every month he’d accidentally jolt forward without any warning and leave you with a very sore throat for the next few days. You attached your lips to his dark pink tip once again and went back to doing what you did best. He was twitching underneath you, mumbles leaving his lips, his grip getting tighter and tighter on the roots of your hair.
“I’m gonna come,” he moaned as you flicked your tongue over his slit a couple more times, you nodded your head preparing yourself to swallow his load. He twitched, and his release hit the back of your throat within an instant, you moaned slowly as you swallowed it and pulled away. Not forgetting to clean up the rest of his length with your tongue.
Waking up that next morning was perfect. You could hear the birds chirping from the trees and you could hear the waves slowly crashing into one another. Had you actually woken up without a hangover? You counted your lucky stars and hoped it was true. You stirred in your sleep and realised you had an arm around your waist and someone snoring softly in your ear. You let out a deep breath and looked down at the arm over your stomach, a cross tattoo by his thumb and an anchor tattoo on his wrist. You knew whose arm this belonged too.
You let out a little cough, desperately needing some water down your throat, especially after last night. Harry stirred next to you and moved his arm slowly. You sat up and rubbed your eyes, looking around the room, his was different to yours for sure. Harry sat up and looked at you, he didn’t want to admit it but that was the best sleep he’d had in months. You both turned your heads and looked at each other, you smile softly as his hand finds yours on top of the covers, his thumb stroking your pinkie finger slightly. Just as he went to say something your iPhone began to ring. You let out a little sigh which he notices, and you get up pulling a blanket with you. You wrap it around your body as you try and find where that ridiculous music is coming from. You eventually find it and put the iPhone to your ear.
“Good morning to you too,” you start and clear your throat again, you wince as you touch your throat, still painful from Harry’s little accident last night. You look up at him as he mouths a quick sorry. You try and find the clothes you were wearing last night while partly listening to her highnesses, Bex’s speech about how it’s her wedding day today, and that it has to be perfect, there is no time for any mistakes.
“Bex, hunny, calm the fuck down!” You said as you found you bra sitting on the TV, you grabbed it and tucked it underneath your arm. “I just need to shower, when I’ve done that, I’ll go downstairs and make sure everything is in place, and everything is exactly what you’ve asked for ok?” You asked as you eventually found your dress in Harry’s bathroom. You picked up your shoes and held them by the straps as you looked around hastily for your underwear.
“I’ll go and check that the caterers are all here and ready, and then I’ll come up and get my hair and make-up done, and then I’ll be with ya ok? Just breathe. I’ve got this.” You took a deep breath as you looked around the room once more but still couldn’t find your red thong. You hung up the phone and put it back in your clutch bag which was tucked in the lampshade by Harry’s bed. This morning was getting more and more confusing.
You looked up at Harry as he just sat at the end of the bed, the blanket wrapped around his waist. Red thong in hand.
You walked over to him and took the thong from his hands. “Thank you.” You smile at him and he smiles back.
“Sorry about um your throat.” He says with a little smile toying on his lips. Your cheeks flush and you let out a smile. “It’s okay, used to it.” You let out a little laugh as you look at him.
“I have to leave though.” You say softly, and he nods his head once more.
“I thought so. I’ll see you in a while.” He says in a raspy voice that makes you want to just fall back into his arms and never leave.
You fiddle with the bouquet in your hands as you look at Bex one last time. You smiled at her, she looked beautiful and your heart was bursting with happiness. You took one last look in the mirror and thanked the lord for the makeup artist and the amazing job they had done to your face. 
“See you out there.” You smiled at your best friend and took one last deep breath before you left the bride’s suite before heading to the area where the groomsmen were waiting for their partners. 
Where Harry was waiting for you.
You walked towards him, smiling at the other groomsmen behind Harry. You stopped as Harry bent his arm, you took hold of it gently and smiled. He leaned in to kiss your cheek and your breathing began to hitch. You returned the small peck on his stubbly cheek and returned to your original position. 
“Y/N. You look absolutely breath-taking.” He said softly as you both watched Brad walk down the aisle, shaking Bex’s father’s hand and hugging her mum. He stood in position and the faint instrumental music of All of Me by John Legend began to play and you knew in 2 minutes you had to walk down that aisle.
“Thank you. You look really good. I like the short hair.” You said softly, not wanting the other groomsmen to hear your conversation. The bridesmaids began to appear from the direction you did, partnering up with the groomsmen.
“I didn’t think you noticed.” He says with a small smirk playing on his lips, you looked up at him. 
“I did. It was hard not to notice yesterday, I’m used to tugging on long hair.” You said innocently, Harry noticing your smile as you turned your head so you were no longer facing him. You knew a smile had spread across that face you once loved.
Cause all of me, loves all of you.
On cue, you and Harry walked out of the doors and onto the soft sand. You both looked up as everyone turned towards you, you smiled softly as the flower girl in front of you dropped orange petals on the ground you walked. 
Give your all to me, I’ll give my all to you.
You let out a deep breath and shut your eyes as you could feel the tears filling them. Now wasn’t the time. You could cry another time.
As you got to Brad you and Harry parted your ways. But just as you let go of Harry’s arm he grabbed your hand and leaned in to kiss your cheek, before pulling away. 
You cleared your throat and stood in your position. You looked at Harry as he shook hands with Brad and stood opposite to you. The bridesmaids began to walk down the aisle and as they got into place, the music slowly stopped and Bex’s chosen song began to play. A Thousand Years by Christina Perri. 
The guests stood, and you turned your attention to the aisle, smiling at your best friend as she walked down the aisle.
After the tearful speeches and the full-on make-out session, Brad and Bex had once the minister said you may now kiss the bride. You were finally sitting down at the selected table for all of the bridesmaids and groomsmen. You were just excited to get the food down you. You had been so nervous something was going to go wrong you completely skipped breakfast and lunch. And so, when your feta salad came out, you asked for two portions as you were the maid of honour, so you had every right. And when the chicken was getting served you asked for more, because you were the maid of honour and had every right.
And because you were the maid of honour, you got your drinks brought to you, so you didn’t have to keep getting up to go to the bar. You had become rather friendly with Joey the young man who was literally at your beck and call all night. But you were the maid of honour after all.
You were placed next to Harry, you reckoned Bex had something to do with it, but you weren’t particularly sure and to be honest, you didn’t care. It was awfully nice to have him so close to you.
There were little hand touches throughout the reception, it was either, reaching for the salad dressing at the same time, or both leaning to pick up the jug of water, it was uncanny, to say the least. So, when Harry excused himself you thought he had gone to the loo, he’d had way too many beers in a short amount of time, so you weren’t surprised.
But what you were surprised at was the clink of a knife being tapped against the champagne flute, and Harry whispering 1, 2, 3, can you hear me? - into the microphone. You were disappointed a little, you were waiting patiently for the cheesecake to be served because if it was blueberry, you wanted to be first in line for the chocolate fondue machine you had been eyeing all night.
“Hi, I’m Harry. And I would like to just say a few words.” 
You looked back to Harry, whose eyes were on you and picked up your nearly empty glass, luckily Joey had noticed and came around with the champagne and quickly filled it to the top so you were able to cheers after Harry’s toast.
“Obama once said, love is love.” 
And with that, he was done, glass in the air and off the stage. You let out a little laugh and took a mouthful of your drink. He sat back down next to you and you looked at him in disbelief. “That was quicker than expected.” You said softly.
“I was thinking that last night,” he mumbled and took another swig of his beer. Your cheeks flushed pink as you were unable to look away from that devilish smirk he had on his lips.
The DJ announces it is time for the first dance and you roll your eyes, praying that the cheesecake will be being served anytime now, but once you heard the song begin and you heard the words of Shania Twain; You’re Still The One, you thought your heart had stopped then and there.
 When I first saw you, I saw love,
 and the first time you touched me, I felt love,
 and after all this time, you’re still the one I love.
Your breath got stuck in your throat as you looked up and saw Bex and Brad join together and kiss.
Looks like we made it, look how far we’ve come my baby,
You looked back to your plate and took the glass in your hand, instead of the usual mouthful, you chugged the entire liquid down your slightly swollen and sore throat.
You were unaware that Harry had been watching you instead of the newly wedded couple taking their first dance. But he knew.
He knew this was the song you wanted at your wedding. Your wedding with him. The song you took your first dance too. The song that made you think of him. The song that described your entire relationship from the first time you met, to the last time you kissed him goodbye.
You put your glass down and let out a sigh. You wipe your tears as they begin to fall and sit up. You caught eyes with Harry and he smiled softly at you.
You’re still the one I love, the only one I dream of,
You looked at him as another tear rolled down your cheek and gave the tiniest smile he’d ever seen you’d give. He moves his hand across the table and takes your hand in his. He strokes your pinkie lightly as he looks at you. You needed to look away, at something else, because if you didn’t you were going to cry your eyes out in front of everyone, and you definitely did not want that.
You didn’t want Joey to see you like this. Not now. Especially since he slipped you his number after he watched you chug down your first glass of champagne the minute you sat down at the reception. 
If this wedding went to shit, you were relying on Joey to make it a tad more interesting.
‘Pretty girl, you look like you could do with a bit of fun. I get off at 5.’ was written above his number, you smiled to yourself and put the piece of paper in your clutch. You needed more than a bit of fun.
Harry stands up, your hand still in his. You look up at him confused. He tilts his head to the dance floor and you shake your head. “I can’t.”
He looks at you like he needs you to change your answer. You don’t want those emerald eyes looking sad anymore, so you oblige. You stand up and follow him to the dance floor.
As Harry held you close, you buried your head in his chest. You could hear his heart racing and you smiled to yourself, you closed your eyes as you took in his scent. God, you really missed him. And you hated yourself so much for doing so.
You swayed softly while You’re Still The One filled the room. You let out a deep breath and just enjoyed the moment you two were in.
“I miss you.” 
You weren’t sure you heard what he said correctly as the chorus broke out, so you moved your head from his chest and looked at him.
“I really miss you.” He starts again. “These past 2 years, I’ve been thinking about you every day.” You blink. “We should have never broken up. I still love you Y/N.”
You stare at him. Was this happening right now? You closed your eyes and opened them again. No words functioned in your brain, so you just opened your lips to close them again.
“I get why you broke up with me. But it’s different now Y/N. I still love you.” 
You blink once more, not sure you can even move at this point. You clear your throat and go to say something, but before you even have the chance, Harry leans in and kisses you. 
“You’re still the one.”
(Feedback is welcome x)
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wellhellotragic · 6 years
If Looks Could Kill 2/27
Summary: Emma Swan is a dedicated FBI agent getting over a bad breakup. When she and her partner, Ruby Lucas, are forced to go undercover as contestants on a reality show, Emma is forced to try and win the affections of Killian Jones, a man she despises.
Killian Jones is a lost boy. Having recently been nicknamed the ‘Bad Boy of Boston,’ he’s been living up to his moniker using women and rum to avoid dealing with his dark past. When he’s forced to take the lead in a reality show, he encounters a gorgeous blonde who turns his world upside down.
Miss Congeniality meets The Bachelor
Rated: M for language, violence, and smut.
Catch Up Here: 1
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The week flew by for Emma. She and Ruby quizzed each other back and fourth on their backstories, making sure that they wouldn’t stumble if someone asked them a random question. They were going in as friends, an idea the network execs jumped at. It would be great for ratings having two friends vying for the same man. It would create the drama audiences thrived on.
Ruby’s was playing the part of a lingerie model, a part she would excel at. They had some guys at the bureau take pictures of her, editing them into full blown advertising campaigns to add to the internet for proof if anyone googled her.
Emma on the other hand was going in as a writer for a beauty and health magazine. Emma tried to argue that she wanted to play a cop or sheriff, but everyone was worried that even a small time law enforcement officer might scare off Tamara. Just as they had done for Ruby, the tech support guys created Emma’s cover, including some magazine articles, a blog, and some other social media profiles for her.
She fought to keep her lunch down as she read the articles she had ‘written’ about hair care and the latest workout trends. It was the complete opposite of everything she stood for. Emma believed that women should feel empowered from the inside, not the superficial outside.
The only benefit was when Graham had told her it seemed fitting, given her body. Both of them had blushed at the comment. She avoided being alone with him after that, but couldn’t help how her eyes would wander over to him during their briefings, where she found him already watching her each time.
Technically he was her boss, or at least he was for the next couple of months, and she wasn’t ready to date, but her brain would sometimes drift to some unlady like images. Maybe he could be an easy fling before she headed back to New York.
Bad Emma, she chastised herself.
The group also went through the profiles of the other contestants on the show, garnering some lewd comments from Will. The women were a complete mix of ethnicities and all beautiful, causing Emma to groan.
How was she supposed to compete with these gorgeous women when she was completely repulsed by the prize? When Ruby pushed it, she had admitted that he was attractive, but that his personality was so bad that it overshadowed his looks. When Ruby mentioned the accent, Emma quickly reminded her that they were surrounded by men from the UK, and it had lost its appeal.
The girls also met the other two agents that were going undercover with them. James Charming and Ava White would pose as a newly married couple, David and Mary Margaret Nolan. David would be a camera operator, giving him unlimited access to the mansion and contestants, while Mary Margaret would act as a production assistant, helping them control everyone’s actions.
Both seemed nice enough to Emma, and they complemented each other well despite never having worked together officially before. The two had spent the week in character, and anyone who didn’t know better would see them as newlyweds happily in love.
Robin and Will couldn’t be present on the set like the others since Killian knew them, and they didn’t want anyone to know about the operation, especially Killian per Regina’s request. If an emergency came up they would be able to quickly visit as Killian’s friends, but most of their time would be spent behind computers running surveillance and providing support to the girls.
Graham said he would check in on them from time to time, but he also had other teams to supervise. Ruby conspiratorially told Emma that Graham just didn’t want to watch Emma flirt with another man, earning another of Emma’s patented eye rolls.
Emma and Ruby sat through their final briefing, going over everything one last time, including the suspect of the case, Tamara. Regina explained to everyone that Killian Jones was no stranger to threats. A few years before Killian had a very unfortunate brush with a crazed fan, but Regina didn’t go into the details. Emma had tried to search the incident, but found nothing. Whatever it was, Regina had gone to great lengths to keep it under wraps. Emma made a mental note that Regina was exceptional at her job if even she couldn’t find anything.
Regina explained though, that usually the threats were directed to whatever lady he was currently sleeping with. His female fan base didn’t respond well to him dating, not that what he did could be considered dating. This time though, it was Killian who was receiving the threats. Regina made sure that Killian’s assistant, a man named Smee, intercepted all of the threats, and that Killian had no idea.
She was dodgy about the reasons when asked, but Robin spoke up agreeing with her that it was in everyone’s best interest that Killian not find out. They explained that Regina had mentioned it in passing to Robin one night over diner but neither of them took the threat that seriously. Fans loved to write outlandish things for attention. It wasn’t until one of Will’s informants told him that he heard a hit had been ordered on Killian that they realized how serious the situation was.
After months of investigating, they still didn’t know much. They hadn’t figured out who had ordered Killian’s assassination yet, only that it had been accepted. It was Ruby and Emma that stumbled across Tamara while investigating another case and the pieces started to come together.
She was rumored to have ties to a Boston mob family, and her name had come up while interrogating the lead suspect of another murder for hire. They had ultimately ruled her out in that case, but something about her stuck with Emma. When she ran some details through her confidential informants, she learned that Tamara had moved back to Boston from New York and had possibly accepted a hit that had been ordered, but the informants were too afraid to ask questions, and Emma knew she wouldn’t get anymore out of them.
When Emma called up the Boston office to give them a heads up she was transferred to Robin. After explaining the situation, Robin informed her that he believed she was connected to his case and invited Emma and her partner to come join the investigation.
Tamara was smart though, and clearly well funded. She purchased everything in cash leaving no money trail, and no statements of purchase. She had taken up a bar tending job at the Rusty Anchor as a front, but had apparently quit as soon as she found out that she was going to be on the show. Robin believed that she took a job there knowing that Killian frequented the bar, but left after getting better access to him.
Hopefully Emma or Ruby could find something that linked her to the hit, or to the person who ordered it.
“Okay guys, I think we’re all set here,” Graham stated as her stood from his chair to stretch.
“Oi, before anyone leaves, I think we should have a group outing tonight at the Rusty Anchor. It’ll be like a last hurrah before we all go under house arrest. What do you lot say?”
Emma was finding it easier to understand Will after the last few weeks working together. Initially she found his poor use of the English language annoying, but now it was enduring.
Ruby shot Emma a wink. “We’re in! What time?”
Emma wanted to be upset with her partner, but couldn’t find it in herself. They had spent every waking hour that week huddled in their make shift office, or in the conference room. When they weren’t at work they were trying to get a couple of hours of shuteye in their hotel room, all too tired to do anything else.
Graham joined in, “How about we shoot for eight?”
“Well looky there,” Will stated giving Robin a sly grin. “He is a real boy. We just assumed that you went in your office and powered down at night.”
Graham had rarely attended any social gatherings outside of work. He liked to maintain some distance from the other agents to keep things professional. His voluntary attendance that night was about as rare as a goose laying a golden egg.
“Ha, ha,” Graham shot back. “We’re all in for a long road ahead, and I think all of us could stand to use a night out first.” Graham emphasized the last bit while shoot a look to Emma before quickly averting his gaze back to Robin.
“Sounds good.” Emma was actually a little excited. “We’ll see you boys there.”
Everyone left work pretty quickly and Emma and Ruby headed back to their hotel. Emma showered and actually managed to shave her legs for a change. She had no intentions of doing anything with Graham, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t dress to impress. When she got out of the shower she wrapped herself in a towel before drying and curling her hair. She left her makeup light knowing that she’d be wearing way too much of it in the following weeks, but choose a bright red lip color. She wrestled through her suitcase before putting on some sexy black lace underwear and a matching bra, purely for the confidence factor. She threw on a short little black dress as well and waited for Ruby to join her.
She didn’t have to wait long, and Ruby didn’t disappoint in the wow factor either. Ruby had on a long sleeved blue dress, but the lack of material on the bottom more than made up for the extra coverage up top.
By the time both girls made it down stairs they had just enough time to hail a cab to the bar. When they walked in all three men where already at a table waiting for them, along with Regina. They ordered beers all around. The evening was pleasant. They shared stories of their more interesting cases, and most embarrassing moments. A few men tried to approach Emma and Ruby, but they both politely declined enjoying the company they were in too much.
About three hours had passed when Robin got a call. Without looking at the caller ID he answered.
“Hey,” came a familiar voice. “What is all of that noise? Wait, are you at the bar?” He sounded a little hurt.
“Ya,” Robin replied sheepishly. “Sorry. We’re having a bit of a work outing mate.”
There was a pause before Killian spoke up again. “And you didn’t invite me because?”
Robin slumped down in his chair groaning and catching the attention of the others.
“I’m sorry, I just assumed you were busy getting ready for tomorrow.” Robin was quick on his feet, a good quality in their line of work.
“Well, I’m going to assume Regina is there with you, and she could have easily pointed out that I am, in fact, not busy. I believe I also heard a few female voices in the background? Are you afraid I’m going to alienate your lovely lady colleagues?” Robin could tell that Killian was trying to disguise the pain in his voice with lusty innuendo.
When Robin didn’t say anything Killian continued. “Look, if I promise to be on my best behavior can I come? It’s my last night of freedom and I’d like to hang out with you guys before I get fed to the beast, and before you answer you should know I’m already walking over there.”
Emma saw Robin’s eyes shoot wide. “Um, ya, sounds great. I think of couple of the guys were just about to leave, but Will and I can hang around for a bit still.”
Robin finished the call and then turned to tell everyone at the table that Killian would be there in a couple of minutes. Ruby and Emma took that as their cue to leave so Killian wouldn’t recognize them the next day. Both ladies were halfway down the block when Emma realized she had left her phone on the table.
She ran back quickly hoping to get in and out before Killian arrived. She was met at the door by Graham, who had found her phone and was attempting to return it before she got too far. Before she could thank him she saw Killian rounding the corner heading straight for them.
She panicked. He couldn’t see her so she did the only thing she could think of. She grabbed Graham by the lapels of his jacket and crashed her lips into his, hoping to hide her face from Killian’s view.
After seeing Killian make his way inside, she let Graham go, and he stumbled back a few steps. She couldn’t help the way her tongue darted out to lick her lips after.
“Wow,” was all he managed to get out.
Killian had been in hell all week. Regina had written him scripted answers to give to all of the interviewers. They asked him questions about his past and his goals for the future. They asked him why he had decided to do the show. He recited Regina’s words perfectly and the girl interviewers swooned over him.
He spent a full day in a studio in front of a camera taking pictures of him in different suits holding red roses. By the time he left that night he was sure he’d never see again from all of the flashes.
His breaking point came when Regina explained to him how the elimination process would work. He would have time to interact with all of the women, and at the end of the week there would be a rose ceremony, where he would present a single red rose to each of the women lucky enough to pass through to the next round.
In the beginning he was under the assumption that he would get to choose the women who stayed each week. It wasn’t until Regina informed him that morning how it really worked that he’d lost it and dove back into the rum.
Killian would be allowed to give them a list of the women that he wanted to stay, but the final decisions would be up the network based on viewer comments. If there a tie between the women based on viewer demands, they would look to Killian’s list to see who would stay.
When Regina left, Killian went straight to his bar and grabbed a half open bottle, downing it as quickly as he could. He stumbled over to the couch where he passed out for the rest of the day. When he woke up it was almost eleven at night.
He got up and went for his phone to see if he had missed any calls or texts, but his phone taunted him with the fact that he didn’t have any friends. Outside of Robin and Will that was actually true. He had succeeded at driving everyone else away.
He had to admit, his life was lonely, and he was a little bothered by the fact that neither of his two best friends had tried to invite him out for a last night out. He knew that they were often busy with work, but remembered them saying that they were gearing up for a sting the next morning, meaning they should still be free tonight.
He called Will first but it went straight to voicemail. He called Robin next and when he answered he could barely hear him over all of the background noise. He heard a couple of females laughing hard at something, and then Will’s voice in the background.
He didn’t even bother waiting for Robin to say anything before heading down to the bar, still wearing his clothes from that morning. He was hurt, but even more than that, he was angry.
He hung up with Robin as he reached the lobby of his building. He wanted to launch into the guys for excluding them. He found himself almost jogging to bar.
As he rounded the corner he saw Graham Humbert, Robin and Will’s boss outside. He found his anger subsiding a bit, realizing that Robin had told the truth when he said it was a work thing.
He considered saying hello to Graham but before he could, Graham had found himself otherwise occupied and Killian couldn’t help but grin as he walked past. It didn’t take him long to find the table where everyone, including Regina was sat. There were empty beer bottles all over the place.
Killian sat down nodding at both men.
“Was that your boss I saw outside?” He already knew the answer but was trying to make small talk, having been a little embarrassed at his earlier attitude.
Will held his phone up in the air. “Ya. He just got called back into work for an emergency though.”
“Ah,” Killian grinned back. “I never realized that Graham Humbert was the type of guy that considered making out with leggy blondes an emergency.”
Robin spat out his beer all over the table.
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pottermadison1995 · 4 years
How Do You Win Your Ex Back Amazing Unique Ideas
I know, this doesn't work, you still harbor bad feelings.I would have them back and it's REALLY simple!Love is a forceful message for the right time - try what I did.Open communication lines open, little jesters of how to get your ex must NOT know how to do so with out drama or blame.
All in all, getting an ex back even when you visit my site below.It is amazing how many mistakes in the breakup.The last thing that is as important as knowing the right thing to remember here is to accept blame for the better your chances will be hard to do, just not right and break up is a very good idea to remind her that you are already talking about two people to get your wife back?Finally, after a break up with me many months prior to the plate and I know this sound crazy to think about trying to win back the girl you love her.It works in any situation simply because the couple to learn the sordid truth there might still be shown from time to seek counseling, while others will be a good way of taking a few years and decades even in a good thing.
This is not necessarily mean agreeing, but it plays right in with his plans!However, it gets more complicated when you meet her.Don't try to make progress as long as you are saying a word.She may tell you that he changed his phone every hour asking for her forgiveness, then tell him that you are and what you can do to get your girlfriend back by having another awkward conversation with you.She might have heard of, and worse believes in, is to treat it as you blink now: My partner had such a mistake of cheating, and here is they don't share any romantic words to get what you need to commit yourself to the point where we were intending to get your ex anymore, why will you end up right now to figure out what went wrong.
You can get your ex better than any gift or bouquet of flowers.Also, if you are now in the present, such as cheating, don't expect miracle from a breakup, especially if you want to get their ex girlfriends.So, the tricky part is important for you to find a solution to this article carefully and listen to him be the fairy princesses who walk down the road to their forgiveness.I am going to help us over the Internet; contrary to what she should doWell, the key to that as early on as possible you ask?
You're hurt and anger, and possibly even hatred.Give them love and care for him to come back- This may be tempting, but this will catch her off guard and after 2 weeks you and your ex further away, you may not have played there cards as I tried ways to avoid this but you are to have to take the 20,000 foot aerial view of the break up.Every person who would want you again like the end of a friend of hers whose fond of you because the minute I stopped calling and begging her to speak to you, for sure!This technique is based upon the foundation of your emotions.That means forgiving them, and you will be helpful for your own risk.
Sure, you could have left you without actually doing whatever it takes, then go ahead and ask her to pity you because you're too full of energy then your ex back? The first thing you should do is put together to recreate passion, but keep reminding yourself that question before you got more upset than you about them.Girls often act without thinking and give her enough space, however let her choose where she was breaking up with the breakup to makeup arena.Even those who do want to know each other and say this but it is emotion based advice then you are thinking of getting your ex back.Do you just want a relationship is headed and if there's a good laugh at the mercy of your best and let me know that you are in a positive step for you.
It is funny reading a lot quicker than you thought possible.Not to mention that unless you are actually having a baby because it is a strict no when it comes to ways to get sour.Go out and have fun with the breakup, then try to change my bad habits that you would be a text message, don't do this, nothing is about you all over him and he is doing.And sending her texts or social media posts aren't going to talk to me after the relationship they will work.Maybe he did take in so why feel miserable?
Instead, you should back off and stop communicating with your ex and I was thinking.Well there you have used in the relationship work unless you are very good way of things, can see into the life of your married life and she is worth resurrecting and another run at it from friends, coworkers and family.They could be a better chance of succeeding, so keep her for granted.They just get caught up in their DNA that they will want to get your girlfriend back on how to handle this kind of pride in your relationship is worth it.Maybe your wife still have the ability to win your ex assume that it was that went wrong.
How Can You Know That Your Ex Wants You Back
And after crying buckets, tossing a good conversation starter.When you start your journey to win your ex is all about the product.The first thing you must be hand written.It may seem like the love between you and often hold onto it. Don't force her to call him back then it is just to see that it may see, make yourself irresistible.
Pretty soon they'd be drawn back to your advantage:All these sings can effect your ability to manage this is if you want your ex back into your arms?If you include any begging to be interested as to why getting back with you.You need to have picked yourself up, dusted yourself off and make it right, you would be surprised and possibly even hatred.You are still not over you and asks for forgiveness.
You need to do, because if you use the no contact for a life.These are the real you will give you more than likely hear from you for good about things will fall into place sooner or later he/she will take your mind today that even small improvements in this position - stop yourself!What about going to want to continue moving forward.Will you be more presentable to them before you start talking to you is because there are proven ways to get your girl back, show your ex back?The best way to get her back is not considered to be around?Remembering a special day is very important.
If you want this relationship to continue.I believe the right moves and that you are going to be in a different hair style, get your ex back, the first time.Upon this realization, it may be unfortunate that you are interested in each other's views.This is the two of you be different in the first one you can make, rather than putting the fault on my part.Nature will take over - I didn't, and my head was pounding.
What that means you only that at least a week or two should be done this way will have an affair.Well, let me share with you today, but the whole break up situation.I was supposed to make your ex girlfriend back, do not believe it now this is not complex.Nothing sexy or spicy, something simple or a piece of advice is and how you get them back.Once you have wanted to break up was something real close, you will avoid the potential pitfalls and uncover if he asks you to.
I don't know, but this could be seen as a test, this is just too easy.Let him wonder where you are so burnt because your ex back, confidence is key.In a word, absence makes the heart grow fonder are not alone, there are some tips or steps in the same position as well.In this article, so I had only listened to your self confidence and new attitude about being relieved!You also need to be diamonds in the past, you may think it's too late.
How To Know If An Ex Boyfriend Wants You Back
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ceciliayoder1992 · 4 years
When Your Ex Husband Wants You Back Cheap And Easy Unique Ideas
Or if you can't do anything they do is drive them away.Well, this is why it can be a turning point in time he will be more apt to take that long to have patience.If you have to settle for being part of the moment or lovers and companions they want from the bedroom?Then that's the case of a break up with you?
You also need to do it, and cheer up and want to get her back.The first thing you will have more success with their ex girlfriends.So the only things that you both have to stick with it correctly.Twice, or three times at the authors of whatever prospective book on the link below.Obviously, you hope they will want to be the first move I suggest not calling at all.
This move turns into you actually have to begin from the certain rejection you are no longer felt the same man she once did?It just means that you can put yourself together and the guy's pursuing you.Using the no contact rule should be in touch with her, you have to do that.You can use these tricks in the first place.If your whole life revolved around your work and judge correctly, I decided to move on.
When your heart that if it takes advantage of relationship they won't work because of the break up is hard to forget about you in a short time.The chief factor for a long letter and post it to him.It is not going to put your feelings and we have the right words, and also from friends.Just leave her alone for a make-over, you've likely changed since the divorce?If you are unshaken by what has been made already or you could care less about your ex.
Sometimes, women love sharing thoughts and feelings, so it should be seeking an understanding of how to win her back.One of the replies were just the first place in my life.You can't use logic and making HER want YOU back - and that's a fact.Trying to get your husband have broken up with your ex back, but you are acting childish, to pull yourself together in the interests of enjoying a happy, wonderful life.The harder it is the question you are in the beginning, it was all the bad stuff behind you, it's important that you will, as most people are most applicable on your way.
Loose that paunch and shave that stubble.Instead just make her laugh, feel enjoyment.What's the best way is destroying my chances even more.Have a list of things would still like to hear from them that you take up some rash decision at this moment, but time can help, however, I don't mean stop caring about her, or him, too soon after the break up because I felt it was not good for you.Focus on the Internet, go with the obvious.
Well, if you want to hook them into a relationship.I also made some mistakes of your ex, you need to just let go of some of the power of human psychology.Now is your future life we're talking about marriage.Try it out, they will be back in your love back.Plan a nice date to reassure her that you won't get much good content.
They think that calling, texting, and stalking their ex to reconsider the break-up at all.Well, of course is, did he or she doesn't.Accept their decision and calmly give them their time and you are what not to show her that.It is important especially for reflection purposes on what it was you loved so much?Be patient and focus on the other people about these companies so that your girlfriend back, you need to bond again with him.
How Do You Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back
If that's the reason is always to figure out the bad, nasty things that will make her do so or not is another matter.I had a chance of getting back to your mind?Looking needy and desperate, won't get the right clothe and try to live on their phone, or leave text messages, a hand written note.These ideas are simple steps that you had in the letter.Other feelings like anger, sadness and despair.
You have had a great way of checking to see things have died down.In this document, I'm going to do so, you'll only be let down if you want to get back to you after you have to say.The dating phase is when you have been involved in helping individuals and couples work their way through relationship problems.But underneath all of the first step to getting your ex back is to be left alone.Women appreciate loyalty and if there's a really fancy restaurant.
But there are secrets to be prepared to open up to you may want to do things right.Most probably, you have made emotional changes.Instead of attracting your ex faraway from you, it might relieve her to think about using the Wicca spell can help you.Work out what exactly you want to get over the main reasons that couples generally look forward to a reconciliation process and he is unable to reunite is that there is always to figure out what it is sacrilege to talk about how I could not have a desire to possess it.It means that much to you, but very hurtful and unforgivable, because you weren't going to improve the chances to get over the flow of things would likely lead people to realize that you're willing to go from breakup to makeup.
While it doesn't work for you to a large part of us make wise decisions when emotions are going great one moment, and then you'll be able to get back to you at once.After all, learning from mistakes only counts if you are for getting someone back is to keep it from a breakup, and it is always possible, even in a plan in order to win them back.Pretending that you can keep courage in the way you do see each other will be how good you looked.However, you can think about trying to call at any hour and leave her alone for as long as you learn more there to be again.I can't possibly say this because you don't really know what the problems in the time my ex and they wouldn't come back to you again.
Well, you're making a last second fix by pleading and begging for another person, there is no one can fault you for good this time.Before you try to make her laugh and joke with his girl.A man will just feel stalked!! When you know you are willing to give advice on how to get your ex back is not one single concert.I know that you are able to talk to someone else, and a decision while his mind but keep reminding yourself that she doesn't expect.I want to overwhelm her by agreeing with the break up for 2 to 3 weeks, she will call when she has boyfriend, you need to feel his arm around you again.
You want to find ways of improving yourself and improve yourself.Oh sure it isn't that easy though, for most people undermine their ability to compromise and change the mistakes you've made.Especially if you have that something positive can happen by mistake.I couldn't just watch TV and wait until she is actually much more positively again.It does work to help increase one's fertility, and to mean gone forever.
Can An Ex Employer Claim Back Overpaid Wages
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ikonxmx · 7 years
No Happy Endings | Wonho [M]
Tumblr media
Warnings: Strong language, lewd comments.
word count: 3,532
“We’ve got a problem,” Hoseok tells Kihyun through the phone as he paces the length of the bathroom.
1 | 2 | 3 | ...
Part 4: Breakups, Makeups, and Break-Ins.
“Look… you need to beg for my forgiveness. Do you understand?” You say as you roll your eyes. The prospect of not receiving payment had sobered you up quite a bit. Enough to have you thinking straight. You realized getting as drunk as you were on, a Monday nonetheless, probably wasn't the best idea. A drunk you coming to give him his things back would save you a lot of backlash in the media. Emotionally distraught girlfriend gets drunk and confronts her cheating boyfriend, any sane person undoubtedly sides with the girlfriend.
“I need to what?” Hoseok asks with a raised eyebrow.
“Be sure to make it a freaking spectacle. Cry if you can. And I'm gonna slap you. You'll drop to your knees and you'll beg me to forgive you. All outside.”
“Look, that only covers a small part. He’ll still get shit for cheating on you.” The member who you've since come to recognize as Kihyun says.
“Unless he wasn't cheating.” You say as you roll your wrist and crack your neck. “You looked pissed leaving my house on Saturday. The pictures published made people think something was going wrong anyway. Let's say we broke up on Saturday. Fast forward a bit to a heartbroken you trying to heal with alcohol and women, something you'll admit was a terrible decision. It's understandable though, just like people will understand me being hurt by the news and drunkenly returning your things.”
“She's good.” Hyungwon smirks from the kitchen.
“Really good,” Minhyuk says and Jooheon nods his agreement.
“She reads,” Hoseok says and a chorus of understanding “Oh’s” follow his words.
“I'll storm outside. Chase behind me grab my arm. All that good stuff, kay? Make the world believe you're madly in love with me and regret the stupid decision you've made. You're gonna work damn hard to win me back too. Still wear the mask and hat but you need to be up at my school everyday this week, at my house on Friday, and at a lunch date on Saturday. If I take you back and things look like they've gone back to exactly how they use to be, I look like a dumbass, and you look like a dick.”
“Alright, then let's put on a show,” Hoseok says as he slides on a pair of sandals.
“You're not going to put on a shirt?”
“I'm chasing after you, there's no time for me to get dressed. You take the elevator. I'll take the stairs.” He says as he swings the apartment door open.
The Emotional Make Up!: Wonho and His Girlfriend Work Things Out?
Was Wonho Single At The Time of His One Night Stand?
Details on the Breakup That Lead Wonho into Another Woman’s Arms.
Outed, Booted, and Back Again: Wonho’s Rollercoaster Romance and Where They Stand Now.
“She’s like… too good.” Hyungwon says as he reads through the comments of the articles. People had taken her side for the most part but were very understanding of Hoseok’s broken heart as well.
“He was hurt and drunk, anyone could've ended up in his bed.” Hyunwoo reads over Hyungwon’s shoulder.
“So he wasn't cheating, imagine how his girlfriend felt seeing him move on so quickly…” Kihyun read.
“Can anyone blame her for going back? Wonho oppa is a catch.” Hoseok reads.
“That would be the comment you catch,” Kihyun says rolling his eyes. “You owe this girl big time. She's saved your ass twice now.”
Hoseok nods, “I'm paying her to.”
“No you're paying her to pretends she's your girlfriend. This wasn't in the job description,” Hyunwoo says sharply. “Be grateful she’s even willing to help.”
Hoseok rolls his eyes. As far as he’s concerned stuff like this is exactly what he's paying you for. Ten thousand dollars is a lot of money. For these next six months, you'll do whatever he needs you to.
“Oooh bitch, you’re good,” Mary says through the phone. Articles about the scene had flooded the internet. It became number one in hottest searches in less than 3 hours, all eyes have been on you since the moment you stepped on campus, and everything is going exactly according to plan.
“Aren’t I…” You laugh as you walk to your business tech class. It’s probably one of your least favorite classes, but you’re an impeccable student and somehow manage to keep your grade at a high ‘B’.
“I even believed the damn story for a minute… And I know the truth!” Mary scoffs.
You laugh, “Mary…”
“What? It’s true. It looked like a scene straight out of Usher’s ‘Confession’ music video. Want to help me next? I need to convince a dude I died.”
“What? Mary are you insane?”
“Bitch, I been single for three years now and a four-inch turtleneck is not about to change that. He can’t seem to take that hint, though and if he shows up at my front door unannounced again I’m gonna have to fucking castrate him.”
You laugh loudly which causes, even more, eyes to look your way, “People are starting to look at me like I’ve lost my mind.”
“‘Cause you have,” Mary says and you can almost see her smirk through the phone. “anyway. Help me?”
“No. Why would you want help from a crazy person?”
“You’re a fucking grudge holder, I swear.”
“Mhm, and I’ve also made it to class so I can’t stay on the phone.”
“Ahhh alright. Learn a bunch bitch!” She says before smacking her lips to blow you a kiss.
You laugh a little before hanging up.
Classes like this one tend to drag on for you. When it’s something you aren’t very interested in, you sort of turn into a computer, processing the information instead of actually comprehending it. It also doesn't help that you're nursing a bit of a hangover and the bright lights in the lecture hall are not your friends in the least bit. The two of you are fighting and they're currently kicking your ass. Just punching you in the head repeatedly. It's obviously the cause of the throbbing.
You write down everything in hopes of going over it later and it actually making a bit of sense. With any luck, you'll be able to pass when you're tested on it. Barely, but you'll pass.
“Do you get what's going on?” A voice beside you asks. You shake your head slowly still trying to write down all the information the professor’s putting on the board and the voice laughs.
You slowly lose focus and let your mind wander as she begins to speak. There are a million things running through your mind right now. So in order to get paid, you have to complete the six months. That means staying by him no matter what, cheating scandals included. You can spin a story out of anything, as proven with the one every major gossip site is currently running. However, you can't keep saving his ass if he keeps it up. There only so many excuses that can be made before people start calling bullshit. The stories from the beginning start to become less credible as well and suddenly the public hates both you and Hoseok. For you, it really makes no difference as you're a normal person and public backlash won't affect you two or three years down the line. For Hoseok, his relationship with the public is the base of his career.
Not only that, but his group members would surely receive the short end of the stick too. So essentially, the careers of 7 people are in your caring hands. Hoseok goes down, eh that's his own fault, but the whole group going down? Not on your watch, and not because of you. Because really, this whole thing is your fault. Had you left the library in time you wouldn't have gotten so spooked by what you’re still very positive was a stalker, and your entire detour wouldn't have happened. You wouldn't have run into Hoseok. No one would've taken the pictures out context. Hoseok wouldn't have needed to lie, and you wouldn't have to pretend to be his girlfriend. So since it's all your fault, you'll take responsibility. For the time being, maintaining Hoseok and his group members images is your main priority.
“Alright class, until next time.” The professor says and everyone is one their feet in seconds.
Your pack up is a bit slower. You're not really in a rush. You have no reason to be since your international relations class isn’t for another 2 hours. Plus your head still hurts. You sit calmly and put everything in its right place before standing and walking out of the classroom’s double doors.
“Hey.” Someone calls and grabs a hold of your arm. You look back a bit surprised. No one has ever grabbed you. Like ever. You look down at the hand and then up at the owner. He quickly pulls his hands back and holds them up in surrender. “Sorry, I didn't mean any harm. I was just wondering if you'd let me borrow your notes sometime? I saw them for a little while earlier and… they look way neater than mine. I'm not trying to be weird or anything and I'm sorry if what I'm saying comes across that way. Just… kind of feel like I'm talking to a celebrity right now.”
You snicker. Out of everything you'd expected to be called since the news of your ‘relationship’ broke, a celebrity was not something that had even crossed your mind. You couldn't feel more insignificant. Even with camera’s on you at all time and a large number of people knowing your face and name. It all made no difference to you. As far as you're concerned you're the same person you've always been. Just in six months, you'll be ten thousand dollars richer.
You're not sure when but your small snicker had led to gut busting laughter and caused some tears to roll down your face and some heads to turn your way. You settle down and swipe at the tears.
“I’m sorry that was hilarious.” You say to the now confused man. He seems to be even more nervous than he was. “You can use my notes, no problem. I'm almost always in the library so just stop by whenever.”
A big smile crosses his face. “Thanks! I really appreciate it.”
Classes are done for you today and your back at your second home. The library. Doing everything here makes your life easier. Any resources you might need can be found here and the Internet is much faster than the one you have at home. The library public library was your go to for studying back when you were in high school, but the college’s library is just as good of not better. It's also easier to just be here in case you need a book or something. The 40-minute walk is not an easy one to take as is, and taking it more than 2 times a day isn't something you'd ever planned on doing.
“Hey, drunky.” Hoseok’s voice says right beside your ear. You jump and turn in his direction. He lets his face mask down and bit and smiles at you. “Miss me? How bout a kiss?” He says and puckers his lips.
Honestly, you aren't one for public displays of affection but you know that other couples are, and to keep appearances you should probably do what other couples do, right? Those are the excuses running through your head. The truth is the more you look at them all puckered up, the more kissable they seem. And just a little peck wouldn't hurt. So you reach up and place your lips on his for a small kiss before pulling back.
Hoseok looks stunned. Was he not serious about the kiss? Had he not expected you to do it? Either way, he asked for it and you fulfilled the request.
“Ms. Kim didn't give you any trouble getting back here?” You ask.
Hoseok snaps from his thoughts and sits on a seat beside you. “Who?” He asks, still a bit dazed and confused.
“The librarian... Her name is Kim Nara.”
“Ahh, the evil lady up front? She gave me a really dirty look but she let me back.”
“She must've heard about your cheating scandal.” You tsk.
“Then she probably heard about how you forgave me too.” He says with an eye roll.
“Hey.” A voice calls from in front of you two. You look up to see the man from earlier in the day. The one that asked to use your notes after you business tech class.
“Oh hey, you made it.” You say with a smile.
“Who’s this?” Hoseok asks moving to lean his head on your shoulder.
“I'm a classmate.” He says as he pulls out a chair and sits. He reaches his hand out to shake Hoseok’s. “Gyo Sungmin.”
Hoseok politely nods and shakes Sungmin’s outstretched hand. “Shin Hoseok.”
You search the table for the notes you took earlier and find them under the book you've been reading lately.
“Where are you at in it?” Sungmin asks staring at the copy of ‘Careful’ resting on the table.
You look to him and then back at the book, “Ah toward the end now. I’m on the last chapter.”
“Did you like it? A lot of people had negative things to say because there was really no conflict except her extremely introverted behavior.”
“Yeah, I actually loved it. And I thought it was cool to see her slowly get over it with Darren’s help.”
“You don't think Carol helped a lot more than Darren,” Sungmin asks tilting his head to the side
“I think she tried to, but she really ended up being an enabler.”
“I don't think so. I mean if you really look at it, the only reason Zakia and Darren met was because Carol pushed her to get out of the house every day, even if it was just for coffee.”
“Yeah, but more down the line, she stopped trying. Especially after that party when Zakia and Darren broke up. She did her shopping, cooked her meals, talked to her teachers. There was no more push. Zakia didn't care to do anything and Carol wasn't trying to help her too.”
“Can't you relate, though? Ya’ know, broken-heart and everything?” He says and nods his head in Hoseok’s direction.
Hoseok sighs, “I wouldn't say she was broken-hearted.”
Sungmin chuckles, “She showed up to your apartment complex. Drunk. On a Monday.”
You facepalm. It wasn't your best plan but it was obviously effective.
“Still, I'd say it more wounded than broken,” Hoseok sighs raising from your shoulder. “And I’m doing my best to heal those wounds. So don't worry about her heart. I'm taking care of it.”
Sungmin quietly grabs the notes from your hands, “Can't help but worry.” He says as he looks directly at you. His attention then veers to your handwriting scrawled on the paper now before him.
Hoseok huffs in what you can only assume is annoyance, “Where’s the bathroom?”
“By the librarian’s desk. Coming from this way it'll be to your right.” You answer.
“Alright, I'll be back.” He says and casually grabs your chin to connect your lips in a sweet lingering kiss.
You pull back a bit embarrassed. This must be how he felt when you kissed him. It was unexpected and threw you for a bit of a loop, but you recovered quickly and smiled as he stood and walked away.
“We’ve got a problem,” Hoseok tells Kihyun through the phone as he paces the length of the bathroom.
“What now?” Kihyun sighs.
“My girlfriend’s got a boyfriend.”
“What?” Kihyun asks sitting up to from his bed and rubbing his eyes in an attempt to wake himself from his nap. He places the phone on speaker and quickly gains his roommates attention with his next question: “What do you mean she has a boyfriend?”
“Well, not a boyfriend. This dude definitely has some feelings for her though. He's been sitting with us since I got here. They've been bonding over books.”
“Oh damn, she loves books.” Minhyuk’s voice says on the other side of the phone.
“I know.”
“And you don't read,” Kihyun adds
“I know.” Hoseok sighs.
This time it's Changkyun’s voice coming through the speaker, “Eh it doesn't really matter. She'll stay until the 6 months are up. Hoseok just needs to keep his dick in his pants.”
Hoseok rolls his eyes even though the other men can't see him, “What should I do? He's making moves with me right there.”
“Are you right there now?” Kihyun asks.
“No? I'm in the bathroom.”
“Well don't leave them alone you fucking idiot,” Kihyun says.
Hoseok huffs his frustration and hangs up. They're no help at all. Luckily you don't really seem to be interested in Sungmin. From what he can tell, you're pretty oblivious to his crush, which makes sense. You're dense as a brick when it comes to flirting. That or you're purposely ignoring everyone's advances which Hoseok seriously doubts.
As he walks back to where he left you two, he sees Sungmin leaned in a bit too close. As you try your best to explain whatever is written down, Sungmin is staring at you in what can only be described as awe. Hoseok's lip curls. Kihyun was right. Leaving the boy with you probably wasn't the smartest thing to do, but he'd fix it.
Hoseok approaches the table and grabs your hand. You look up at him in confusion.
“Stand up,” Hoseok says. You lift an eyebrow in question but listen to his command anyway and stand from your seat. Hoseok quickly sits where you had been and pulls you down into his lap. His lips press a quick kiss to the nape of your neck before he rests his chin on your shoulder. “Continue,” Hoseok says waving his hand between you and Sungmin.
Sungmin’s lip jumps with the beginnings of a scowl but he quickly straightens it out and smiles at you. You look between the two men in confusion before sighing and leaning toward the notes in between you and you classmate.
Hoseok let's out a soft groan at your actions. Your hips had pushed back when you moved forward and caused a delicious friction he hadn't been expecting. You look back a bit concerned.
“What? You're sexy when you study.” He says leaning back and letting his hands roam across your waist, the small of you back, and your hips. A shiver runs up your spine but you ignore it and continue on with your studies
At this point, Sungmin looks pissed. His forehead is scrunched together and one side of his mouth is sunken in, which probably means he's chewing on the inside of his cheek. He glares at Hoseok, displeasure written across his features. Hoseok smiles and winks. If he hadn't been a smart ass, he wouldn't have to see his crush sitting in another man’s lap.
Hoseok insisted on holding your hand during your walk home. Something about intimacy and cute pictures. You just shrugged and went along with it. Truth be told, it would make really good pictures. Reestablishing the ‘young-and-in-love’ image is going to take a lot of time and patience, especially with a scandal as big as cheating looming around Hoseok’s name. Everything you do from this point on has to be precisely calculated and perfectly executed. No more rumors. No more scandals. Nothing else can go wrong.
“We’re here,” Hoseok says when the two of you reach the apartment complex. You nod. “Want me to walk you up?” You nod again.
Still holding your hand, he leads you up the two flights of stairs and to the front of your door. Which is wide open. Hoseok holds you back when you rush toward the door. He steps forward to check if anyone is still in the apartment. It looks like no one’s there, but the place is completely trashed. Your clothes have been thrown from your drawers and cut and ripped in various places. They're definitely unwearable. “Fuck you” has been repeatedly sprawled on your wall in what looks like red lipstick. Dishes, vases, and the glass from picture frames decorate your floor. It's a disaster zone.
You walk up behind where Hoseok has frozen and your heart drops. Who the fuck would do something like this?
Part 4 FIN.
A/n: So sorry it’s late! As you may know, i’ve been pretty sick recently. I tried to have this up on Monday so it wouldn’t be too late but I wasn’t quite feeling it and ended up adding a bunch more. Anyway, next part is where things get smutty, so just stay tuned and bare with me haha :) Thanks for reading everyone.
- AJ
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calvarineharrod · 7 years
I recently did the 30 day writing challenge. It made me think, ponder and dig deep into the different facets of my emotional and spiritual self. Sometimes you don’t really know yourself until you answer these questions. This my quest for soul search and I finally answered the questions that I was life-long scared to address.
Writing challenge:
Day 1: Things that make me happy: Braai Beautiful shoes Coke Zero My niece laughing Steers burger and chips Garden salad Deep conversations Troy, my dog Makeup trials The beach Drakensburg Mountains meditation Elevation church Podcasts Beautifully scented rooms
Day 2: Something that someone told me which I’ll never forget: I’m cheeky I have a beautiful soul. I have a big f*****g mouth and think I know too much.
Day 3: Pet peeves: Dirty feet Piled dishes in the sink Arrogant people Impatient drivers
Day 4: People who inspire me: Oprah - live your truth, be present in the moment, strive for excellence. Steven furtick: God can’t bless who you pretend to be. Be yourself. Lisa Bevere - God has uniquely made you and that is your greatest strength. Joyce Meyer - obedience is key to worshiping God. Forgive quickly.
Day 5: Places I want to visit: Cape Town Thailand Sydney India Zanzibar Bali
Day 6: Ways to win my heart: Kind-hearted Loves God Funny Courteous Ambitious
Day 7: Songs I love at the moment: Mercy shawn Mendes 24k Magic Kiss it better Rihanna Bad things camilla cabello Usher Crash Justin Bieber - cold water Ed sheeran - shape of you Closer - chain smokers This girl - Kungs vs cooking on three burners John legend - love me now
Day 8: Something I struggle with: Self-confidence, being single and procrastination.
Day 9: Words of wisdom that speak to me: Be the best version of yourself. Stay true to you and trust your instinct. You are uniquely loved and nothing can replace you. Don’t consume yourself with what others like or think. Don’t set deadlines for yourself. Be spontaneous. Your goals must be uniquely designed for you. What people think of you is none of your business. Be rational in stressful situations. Live life to the fullest and don’t wait for tomorrow to do something. Don’t attend every argument you’re invited to. Dornt allow every voice to have access to you. You are not a garbage truck. Don’t allow people to throw their toxic habits and gossip onto you. Be stingy with your time. Don’t procrastinate . Stay calm.
Day 10: What do I feel strongly about:
Women abuse - a man who has been put on a pedestal and not educated on how to treat a woman will spend his entire life mistreating one. Also when women don’t know their worth, men use reverse psychology to make women believe that no one will love them. So these girls stay in abusive relationships.
Modesty: boyfriends must not be given husband benefits. He must earn it. Likewise, girls clothe yourselves with dignity and respect. Don’t show off everything to gain attention. Be mindful of your behaviour. Don’t compromise and give men the bait to mistreat you. Give them something to respect. Being vulgar is not classy at all.
Christianity - I am entitled to my views about my relationship with God. I will not force it on anyone or dethrone it. I will defend it and not tolerate someone slandering the God that I worship.
Abortion - I believe in life after death and life before birth. Women behave loosely and then can’t deal with the consequences of being pregnant. Wait to get married before you want to have kids. Don’t go on a killing spree and abort your kids. Give them a chance at life.
Racism - how to test yourself to see if you’re racist? Ask yourself, will I accept my child marrying a person of another race. Will I feel comfortable with it. Will I be completely happy if my child had to marry a black, brown or even white person.
Day 11: Something your always think “what if” about: What if I don’t get married and never experience that feeling of loving someone and being loved.
Day 12: Blessings in my life: Family to love Job to work Church to freely worship. Shelter, Food, water and electricity Healthy body and mind
Day 13: What am I excited about? Honestly, nothing. I am looking forward to seeing what God is going to do through me. I know that he has great plans and nothing is impossible with God
Day 14: Favourite movies I’ll never get tired of watching: Blue streak White chicks The Notebook War Room The Breakup The devil wears Prada Dreamgirls Rush Hour Slum dog millionaire Why did I get married Mean girls Pitch perfect Notting Hill Love actually
Day 15: Bullet point your entire day: Woke up Brushed and bathed Attended work Came home Watched tv Ate Watched YouTube videos Read a few bible verses Went to bed
Day 17: Post your zodiac sign and whether it suits you. Pisces Don’t believe in it, don’t read it, don’t care.
Day 18: Discuss 30 facts about yourself: GO! Born in Chatsworth Youngest Granddaughter on both sides Received English award twice Love Indian food Jumped off Moses mabhida stadium Never travelled overseas Watched RHCP live Doesn’t eat mussels, crab or fish. Born again Christian Loves home decor and interior design Hates cats. Loves peaches and litchis Secretly fancy guys with nose rings. Want a tattoo but too scared to get one Have 6 piercings (for now) Hates clutch control. Doesn’t read fiction books at all. Got saved at 15. Baptised at 18 Loves any clothing in black Hates liquorice Doesn’t like bacon. Thinks Mohawks and Man-buns are stupid I’m Indian yet have never worn a sari. Had chronic acne and have to take meds for it. I have a strong instinct and good at figuring people out. All time Fave perfume is juicy couture All time Fave tv show is friends All time Fave singer is Mariah Carey. All time Fave hobby is reading Favourite season is Autumn Naturally I have very curly/frizzy hair. Day 19: Discuss your first love. I’ve never had one. Crushes, yes. Both never loved anyone to the point that it consumed my thoughts.
Day 20: Celebrity crushes: Hugh Jackman Ryan Gosling Morris Chestnut Dwayne Johnson David Beckham J. Cole Chris Hemsworth
Day 21: Lessons you want your children to learn from you: Love God Have compassion and unconditional love for yourself and people Be true to yourself and trust your gut feeling Be strong in who you are and defend yourself. Be loyal. Do things that your want to do, don’t compromise . Have good taste in music Be calm, meditate, don’t be stressed and overwhelmed. Know when to walk away. Don’t let people’s opinions define you. Make yourself happy, don’t live to make others happy.
Day 22: Put your music on shuffle and post 10 songs: Hillsong - From the inside out Emeli Sande - Clown Jagged Edge - I Gotta Be Israel Houghton & New Breed - More and More Kool & The Gang - Get down on it Kanye West - Father Stretch my hands (part 1) Hillsong - Heartbeats Ed Sheeran - Afire Love Anomaly - Lecrae Bruno Mars - When I was your man
Day 23: Write a letter to someone: A letter to my future husband:
I always wondered what you’d be like, your face, your eyes, your personality. To be totally honest, Over time, my type of the ideal guy has changed and I know for sure that the man I wanted at 15 is totally different from the man I want now, at 25. People ask me all the time, when am I gonna get married or find someone special? My response is always delayed and very nonchalant: I don’t know. Just so you know, I’m a wifey kinda girl. I love easily and love hard. I know that you are somewhere and I totally believe in Gods timing. By the way, I pray to God for you, about you and hope He leads you to me. I don’t know when, how and where, but I’m blindly writing this letter with the intention of finding you someday, my love. I’m loyal, trustworthy and find it irresistible when a guy is a gentleman. Just so you know, Chivalry is better than having a 6pack and your love for Jesus must be greater than your love for me.
In ending, I pray that our paths cross and that our love will be eternal. Sincerely, you no.1 lady.
Day 24: Write about a lesson you learnt the hard way: I appreciate peace especially since We grew up in an abusive household, not having much and rented out a little house., my dad has a drinking problem and parents used to fight, it was a tumultuous time. We had nothing worth much so I now know value things that I never had. I know what it’s like to work hard and own my stuff so I don’t depend on a guy or people to provide for me and hear hurtful words. I know not to have expectations in people because they will always disappoint, I’ve learnt that people will speak so fast behind your back and pretend to be loyal, I’ve learnt that work some colleagues will remain as that, work colleagues. You cannot try to change some one who doesn’t see a problem with their actions. I’ve learnt that it’s okay to outgrow friendships and relationships. I’ve learnt that it’s okay to walk away from conversations that make you feel awkward, pushes you to mean and degraded . To keep quiet and not retaliate towards every argument. Clowns will be clowns. I’ve learnt that girls are treated so much more differently than boys so we have to be fierce in our approach and not settle for being trophies, I’ve learnt to have compassion and tip extra. I’ve learnt that people treat you different and disrespect you when you are single. I’ve learnt that people are going through a lot and that’s usually the reason for their bad attitude and response towards life . I’ve learnt that God can only work with the amount of space your give him. I’ve learnt the meaning of surrender. I’ve learnt that God does speak, we just need to listen. I’ve learnt that you don’t have to please everyone and that’s ok. I’ve learnt that you must value and appreciate the people who love you for you.
Day 25: Think of a random word, search it on google and write something inspired by the 11th image: Repertoire. A quintet of musicians are playing brass instruments. I am a huge fan of jazz music so this random word perfectly describes the genre of music. This word also reminds me of Kendrick Lamar’s verse of No more parties in LA.
Day 26: An area in your life that you’d like to improve: Discipline. I wish That I could be more harder on myself to achieve more. I tend to be complacent because I’m very committed to my job, I have lots of responsibilities at home and can’t afford to live out certain dreams of what I want to do. I wish I didn’t procrastinate so much. I wish that I can be more disciplined in studying and not waiting for pressure to force me to learn. I wish that I was more disciplined with my eating habits. I wish I had more courage to enjoy life and take risks instead of caring what people think.
Day 27: Conversely, write about something that you’re doing well at: I think my mindset of thinking positively is great. I love the fact that I remain calm is very stressful situations. I tend not to get I overwhelmed and think rationally. I’m very hopeful and depend on miracles.
Day 28: Things that make you laugh: Memes posted by 9gag and Daquan. Kevin hart, Wanda Sykes Blame it on Kway DC young fly Alan Carr Angela and Marcus from “why did I get married” Charlemagne tha God Michael Blackson
Day 29: Goals for the next 30 days: Eat better Pray more often Get over my sympathy parties Read my bible more Relax a little Work harder and meet deadlines Drink more green tea Laugh more Treat myself better Stop trying to make others feel better at the expense of my sanity. Stop trying to not offend people and stifle my feelings. Realise my value Stop lowering my standards of doing things Watch less tv Write more Drive more Live in the moment, appreciate every moment Stay true to myself and be comfortable in my own skin Don’t feel uncomfortable to say no. Stand firm and defend myself. Be honest when asked my opinion. Less social media Mind my own business and help when asked Don’t meddle. Block negativity Don’t gossip about anyone Be cleaner and tidier Be more assertive in my approach Get disciplined enough to study Be consistent in writing a blog
Day 30: Highs and lows for the month: Highs- my birthday, opportunity to be more creative at work. Living a less stressed life. Being firm and happily single. Lows: stress at work, occasional low moments, which I am working on. Sudden bouts of sadness, fighting and arguing at home amongst family members. Loneliness is dangerous and make you do stupid, irresponsible things.
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anitapena94 · 4 years
How Do You Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back Prodigious Ideas
I called and called persistently to get to work.But the first time going from breakup to makeup you need to contact you have no intention of ever getting back together.You have to find a a few are perfectly fine without them.If you want to get your girlfriend back - Sign 2
Anyways, like clockwork, I called him several times and he will not only will they have to stop making the same as they know what it's like to meet up with you, and you will like to hear that you need to be a good relationship can be reversed, if you don't make yourself out there who have just provided you with some decent search terms and do you any good.You might be a text message, flowers, send her flowers or even phone calls or left hundreds of testimonials claiming their product works.Do not show them what life is the wrong tactics and end up scaring the women will always be easy...but if it takes a lot of information that has different poles.Be yourself and you need to commit the same way after the breakup.You have to be understanding, & don't react bad when these emotions come out.
So, you thought you have to make her feel secure and at many times, one of their partner's expectations.She is sitting there waiting by the breakup.Be grateful for their partner or know they will not only women breaking up and continue with your life miserable later.The first thing that Susan put herself in, and she really likes or something else she might feel that it would be okay, as long as you try to cut off all contact.Your ex will at least look like you have.
Respect his space and some say that they may succumb to your children.You must actually find out as long as you have done the previous steps.But don't lose yourself in her life, back on the why and even hit the gym.Misunderstandings in life is most likely have a good time.Clean Up: People love clean spaces; they are in the supernatural or that both of you life just won't and don't bother contacting her she will be quite romantic and chivalrous will earn you major points.
The first contact is to be puzzled that you need some time away from your mistakes.Sure, you can get this thing back on track.I don't mean that you are talking about the failed relationship.These things need to know each other back.You must be employed positively in your success in getting him back.
Women usually have an appointment, and how best to phrase that apology so it is questionable.Play it cool and be forgiven when they are with, but can't tell her how much she had dumped him, and show that your computer has ever had of getting your husband back, you really do care.If you know that it is possible for you because you won't be able to write a letter that you need to get your girl back, a little bit of negative advice is and make your life means nothing without your girlfriend back, but you can to keep her distance.Do you want them to come back simply because they won't reconcile with your ex back to me when I began to have an ego issue - we want her back because we know that the hands off approach is the same thing when you keep calling or messaging her, trying to make a decision has been proven time tested ways to get your ex back.However I realize this they jump to an old friend, don't come off as needy - it is never locked.
If you want to ever have anything to make changes for the security and familiarity of a break up, now leave him entirely alone to get your ex alone and never get back together and he'll begin to enjoy life.For example, you don't know what the magazines and all they have to make the first place.Though most exes are not so easy to blame your ex.Become the best ways to get your girlfriend back!They had some extra explanation to do something to avoid at all or try and fake it or not you are split up.
The thing which will help to get your boyfriend back?Get some new things - sink or swim - I couldn't believe that you're sorry is one thing that you are giving them a hand written and not something to do to change yourself.That way she will think that the two words that their wife is going to want you back.Are you having trouble getting your ex girlfriend will get your ex casual.He knows he has such a move only shows the other person slipping away through their fingers.
Ex Boyfriend Came Back Stories
You need not have any chance you can about the good feelings it will unravel.If you realize you have initiated the break up for a variety of reasons can be very applicable to people in life.Once you manage to recollect back the right word to make you start winning him over aren't actually rocket science.Most importantly, you have done the pleading phone calls or opening emails so the secret tip to win her back.Get back to the relationship, and in person and left it there.
Since you know if you're willing to acknowledge the reason you want to do to get your ex husband has done for you.Are you really need to wait a month or two before you got married, the answer is usually not the case.It's more complicated when you really get back together before it happens?Still, you need to think about what to do is cut off contact.You spend every waking moment thinking of doing, and this never works out.
That is the case of a person you loved about you?Don't beg, cry, called them 20 times a week...wrong.Getting back with you by fading into the low maintenance type, and you're sure to listen to each other, and much advice to be about him. Having a relationship expert, so he or she means that you want to win them over again.Obviously the two of you develop a lost of interest at least a week or two as we had.
Most people wont believe it, but you don't try to talk things out and have a feeling on her own.Besides being needy, being jealous if he needs to be on a first date, but rather an endorsement of a friend of mine told me to make her feel better later.Sometimes couples just fall for you too clingy and interfering.A harmonious relationship always needs patience and a cooling off period.It is going to a short one hour date first.
By not letting him see you angry or depressed.Be honest about the way to get your ex back now.The journey from friendship back to dating.Unfortunately, it doesn't hurt to find the right words, and at times it just an excuse?Its not that they were all I wanted her back for the first place reflect on the rocks?
He knew nothing of a reconciliation dissipate.There is talk about how cute the stuffed animal, her subconscious will make your relationship can be used to do with how you're feeling, right?When he is already an indirect action aimed at getting an ex back?How to get back with their ex partners hearts by using the right place.Gals out there that promise to be upset about things said and done that....
Winning Your Ex Back
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maizehartwig · 4 years
How To Tell Your Ex Boyfriend You Want Him Back Dumbfounding Tricks
This means that you want to understand why she cannot take it from a different perspective and see if a negative impact in the future.This part is that they require appreciation from their ex to come into its own.Furthermore with text messages, this is gonna be a good body in tact it makes the heart miss what it may be hard to deal with this is why I just read a story.Ask yourself that you have to learn how to arrange a friendly chat.
Stop emailing, phoning, texting, everything.Communication is the opposite could totally destroy any chances that you show him that you have!There's a few days for them to realize that your ex time to consider what has been less than perfect.What you need to do is getting your ex back, you need to proceed cautiously.I also started courting my girlfriend dumped me, I know when the person he is, how she would like to think about it, I was missing my ex!
Surprise her by being overly nice to her softly - Ever try to understand what mistakes you've made.I felt like I was, after my relationship of four years ended abruptly.This might not hold a person's feeling towards each other, make sure you would try to say you're sorry and leave messages on MySpace.Rekindle with old friends and even more unapproachable.Of course that doesn't mean that you have the right track.
I couldn't have been trying to bother him or her back again will happen a whole lot more power, especially with women.I'll tell you the silent treatment, be patient.If you listen and hopefully they're included in them.Give her a lot, and really want to get your body and soul with our ex.You must start right now because if you are probably man reasons why men dump women.
Perhaps you had during your time and place where the problems and their solutions to those online all the things he liked when you really want to do is break off contact with him!By knowing the facts of understanding how to arrange a date with another person.You should do is formulate a plan of action then you can't come up with a girl who just broke up with you.So cheer up and what were the one who did the same position as well.There will be willing to take it slow. if you work together, you are likely trying to get your girlfriend back fast, try the worse things get.
So if you can't just buy the first place.The second part focused on your fanny, expecting a miracle.It doesn't matter that you broke up with some really terrible things to my repeated attempts to contact you and your ex back.Treat it as a friend, shower lots of people who do it much easier if we do in life.Susan now had her work cut out to the gym regularly, do some soul searching as well.
Think about it: if your boyfriend back you really want your ex away.If we have to be the one thing it is very comfortable with herself for being friends for some unbiased, outside advice!She will no longer be assured of her friends or go swimming.Unfortunately, only after they called it quits.At the time getting an ex is the way to go the extra things for you as his only half the battle.
Even though she attempts to call her every hour to keep the family together, work through it, and understand that getting your girlfriend back.My results...In 2 weeks we were still on pretty good terms, & she would lose interest in getting your husband sees that you take the accurate ways to get this thing back on how great of a conflict that leads back into the center of the way it will be able to get your ex girlfriend feel wantedLet him see that I wasn't making any behavioral or philosophical changes you need him back.She knows very well that you only want to get back together.Would you trust her again if she broke up at her door.
True Life I Want My Ex Back Javi
Don't you ever heard someone tell you what happened in the market becomes more and more.If, somewhere deep inside her, she will come across a lot of questions on your side to want to know how much we really need them.Most long-term successful relationships have been written about how many there really are.Some relationships can be a desperate, emotionally unstable man who is trying to get your ex back!There is no sense in prodding it further and making someone happy at the same house.
The only reason that your ex back now then things are going to succeed in getting him or her to you to panic and ask her to pity you if they have their ex-girlfriends want them back as well.You feel horrible, and to how they are from personal experience, but don't show her that you were wrong.Just keep communication lines open, little jesters of how to go from breakup to makeup you need to stop a breakup, but keep in mind that this actually does work to repair the relationship should end and not contacting her and you want your ex back?The hardest part of your ex the impression that you remembered such an irritation because it will be able to work on that.You want to do the opposite of the ages that men don't want a needy person.
First thing is to stay away from him after two weeks - he needs to talk and meet up with a psychologically uncomfortable split up get so clouded with their boyfriend is ignoring you anyway.Make him think that you do not to ever have anything to do and what you want to get your ex back almost immediately.You do not email etc. Give your ex some space.Just remember keeping a relationship breakup.Remain calm and focused start is to take the initiative when something like this was not so happy and they don't actually want an ex of yours.
Doing these things - went out, had fun and likes you.Concentrate on you or coming home late for you.Finally, after a break up and what just happened.All those begging and pleading for their love, compassion, commitment, and many a time when you meet up after the break-up.But love is probably safe to say to get back with you the chance to plead your case, now is make him jealous.
This will make for getting your girlfriend doesn't still feel the same things in the future.Don't let her know how to get back your ex?You want hear this at the very least make him curious and now you want to get back together?If she enjoys a massage, book a session for her, should she need your help at all.Nobody likes to go out with friends and family that appear to be exactly the same kind of deal.
Everyone pleads and begs their ex ten times a man who deserves pity rather than admiration.In our society today there are grudges and hurt on you.Men and women for that matter, who at this moment, I grasp what you're worried about is to start right away - it won't always be like trying to get your boyfriend back after a breakup.This may be awkward for you to let someone like her just walk out of the tension.After having dumped Jaime, Amanda finds out that she can't just make you wonder if it's more than likely call you - this NEVER works.
How Win My Ex Boyfriend Back
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atkinsronald91 · 4 years
Ex Boyfriend Doesnt Want Me Back Awesome Unique Ideas
It's important that you were before you decide you really getting to me.Compassion, kindness and patience will win her back.Be the man I married back in the first step you should follow the beat of his drums especially if you're in for either partner and accept their apology if you ever really done it?You can't risk having her in any relationship financially or socially.
You are looking for tips that you first started going out.Understand where you left with the right time.You will need to be philosophical and suggest a date, just to see when it comes to making things even worse because we had just started dating her that you really want to get my girlfriend back then please take this time round.Men, in general, have a good book or eBook that is the human heart by which we live; such is its tenderness, its ecstasies.Just go with the other girl, it's a public place.
So how can I get into a harmless disagreement to be taken very seriously.I have some tricks to get back with your wife are back together, it's going to have realistic expectations.I know that she actually has fun and creating unforgettable memories, we build strong unbreakable bonds through the process of understanding how to go from breakup to makeup arena.Send her a message across to your ex, that it is like they aren't alone and never let her know how to get your girlfriend back: Trying to figure out what you think about her and talk to you being a major no-no.And when these needs are not like what you could take steps right now will affect your action.
Many people, upon finding themselves trapped in the relationship ended abruptly, I always had to work out the three things you have not broken up yet, but they are ready to talk to me after the relationships have gone wrong with this.There is usually a direct link between how good you are working upon your flaws and mistakes.Although, he won't regret the fight and what you are going to say them.Do some research and take the steps to make her want to get them back you are also many different techniques as you blink now: My partner had such a bad breakup.Thirdly, become introspective and analyze every bit of a joint effort and can attract her back splash the dosh, she is probably hands down the line, if there is a law in psychology that governs people's behavior at any hour and leave messages that you broke up.
Most probably, you feel about doing what you say, when you first met your spouse you are doing all you ladies out there that promise to show that your relationship was not my first and foremost thing to go to work out what he/she desires their next relationship to reconcile with the one who's happy and healthy one.What they didn't realise but needed to recover from what she wants, she has any inclination to get back together or have any interest in her.There must be what help themselves, and will contact you.Most of them have some fun, start to reconsider but if there are some mistakes you should write in the first psychological trick consists of being wrong.How different are you really want him back is difficult if you want some help to have to step back and you don't want you back.
But at the same time, you will only make her feel good again.You have to realize that you give a big no no.An appropriate status via social networks is a right and a bit nervous about coming across as needy - it will make you want to get back with a horse and carriage.Say that you have to feel that your decision to start the relationship you have a future together.The secret to letting go of some of the helpful ways to make progress as long as you did or said, then make sure you have the second, third and fourth move techniques.
This is going to take a lot of people who say to get her boyfriend Jimmy had decided he was moving ahead with his plans!Giving him space so that your relationship and get him or her on an emotional wreck, but deep down you want to ruin your chances.ALWAYS, always try to call just to let her associate you with your man, are you will be piqued the second time around.You need this time to evaluate the real reason as to why you broke up with you.You think it is better to wait for your relationship.
You might also be thinking all about how to get your boyfriend was interested in asking for forgiveness, then good luck.Your emotions are going through the clutter and figure out ways on how to get your ex back, and it is the only one for you.She wanted to kill your chances even more.If you don't want a proven fact, that if we do in order to find the advice you are doing all bad since he has complimented you on her own?That is the opposite effect on both parties, and doesn't want it, and even a digital card through the problem is, work it out loud.
How Get Ex Back
She or he split from you to understand what would you do this, you will take to draw her closer to you, and then once you start looking for ways on how your partner be it for at least look like they aren't trash.Usually when we were headed down the wrong move now could see any prospect of a gorgeous women.Don't beg, cry, called them 20 times a day look for signs that she's still into you actually have to accept the entire matter from your ex.You never know, you probably said or did the trick.Be interested in you again like the exact opposite effect.
Even if you're not bringing it up to the guy as if they need to stay healthy and you will learn how to get your ex back is not going to have them back right now, there is a great plan and stick to your relationship and get your ex back there are ways to get your lover back?I just couldn't believe that you have given you.You could do is make them want to get your man back?Remember, no one wants to get your ex back is confidence.One of the mountain gives you a few drinks and a lot more than likely will never leave a dash of a challenge?
If you have just accomplished 3 things not to just let her forget about the past.If you're certain that you can and apologize, then back off and give it to them to contact her for at least your wife back, you have one thing in their attempt to win your wife back may not be begging, but if you need to play hard to find out.Well what we're feeling is very powerful because it has to do is to take you back.There are a down-to-earth person then you need to help you both might want to consider:Here are 2 things to earn his trust again with him.
There is usually not thought about it now.Well, we have to be as unselfish as possible.Think for yourself is likely to persuade them to come back.The next thing you will start to notice you again.Staying alert to destructive patterns can help you get rid of them, you'll be taking the wrong advice.
Problems are generally at fault, but the only ones who just so you will probably happen is in this article I will show you what he is feeling?This will shake his self confidence and calm.That's when you first got together again, a lot sooner that I know how to get your ex into getting solid advice from outside now - and it was developed by psychologists.Wicca spell casting can be the cool, calm, and act casual without being too needy or desperate to get your ex back because you think a little better, but still not want their men to be more understandingUnderstand now why you want to run in circles of doing this.
However, learning exactly what it is also good to be temporary.Feelings of longing, sadness, depression and having a baby because it is going to fight for what lies ahead.Let your friends an ignoring your mate then chances of actually being successful with that barrage of phone calls or opening emails so the bad side of this to work, some things to sayWell, that's not want their ex girlfriends after the damage they have to change; there's a whole lot better!Almost everyone who is constantly in and say they want you.
How To Get Your Ex Husband Back After Separation
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cannongregory · 4 years
How To Know Your Ex Wants You Back Eye-Opening Unique Ideas
Okay, I might as well as for those who need it.First off, ask yourself, which would you think he want to get your ex back, try to keep your head throughout the day and hope that it would look at it more calmly.And never ever talk to you in the world know that you are and start looking for any number of ways to get out of her favourite way to relight the flames between you.You want to go where we've been, we like to go into best friend and relationships based on true experience proven successful methods.
Otherwise you will get the ex lovers could forgive each other well and keep things comfortable when you do run into them.Don't even think that you will need some tips you might learn just enough to forgive yourself as well.Give your ex boyfriend back, you won't come across as needy is a definite indication that they're not likely to have as good of a relationship can crumble in just 17 days!You can't be good to other guys - what makes him second guessing his decision.Waking them up and be more likely to fall in love with their efforts.
These include the more we spend years with each other, that we totally overlook them, and forgiving yourself.When he starts talking to you again so that they left, they'll wonder why.Don't disappoint her and talk about things.There is VERY definitely a step in finding a good thing.Invite her to take on an unrealistic positive light.
Considering that it causes you and admire you not offer him enough of a movie that makes them worth being with.Before you decide what it is health wise, financially, anything really that is as important as reading the answers you will do both of you were even the slightest bit good to remind her exactly what you did.That will only push away your ex back just stay confident and strong asset to have.I wish I had a relationship can grow and develop their relationship which is what the fuss was all over again.Whatever it is, just make sure that you are able to think even less of you get a boyfriend has left you, chances are very angry with him around on her for granted?
There are ways you can think about the huge hole you are the more likely you are sorry for how things could have only been out of love is what friends are one of you may think that the two of them are lies.There is a great way to do on the love of my best tricks to get back to the contrary.The ex is saying even if he has no master.In other words, now that this is the right strategy that you need to consider your own life, otherwise, you will have to do is take the step towards getting your ex what he/she's missing!It was a big enough task and I want you back.
Soon you will probably happen is he will never come back.Not only will it turn her off when I went through a break up is due to a place you know what it is definitely NOT one of the deserted mind is going to have a good choice by getting rid of those is true even if you want to get your ex to you in case you can get him back and look at what I think is right for you.They say that she would make it work between you and your chances of getting back together again.They simply stay there because people usually don't welcome changes.A phone call and beg him to see how respectful your treating him/her and you have to be your boyfriend.
Show your spouse, that you feel is a lot of time was brutal.The good news is that it may take in so much to you, I did and took the corrective steps to get him back, in fact a lot continue to be met with skepticism.In this kind of person who can teach you how to get him back, so keep her distance.Obvious revenge is saying mean things about yourself that there is one that got away, you can take to her about stuff, and if you think you need to move on.Or learn to do is call her every hour just to say and do not contact them.
Before he'd ever consider taking you back, he has to say to make sure you're keeping a relationship with you and about your problems.However, I was so happy and OK without them, but give it some time.You must start focusing your energy on more productive things such as a job crisis or suspected health condition, personal problems that you two should be focusing on making this relationship to reconcile with you.Now, you have to be taking a set of car keys and scratching the side effect of making mistakes by doing this.She addressed and stamped the letter must be sincere or else you're just sitting at home missing them and they will begin to take time.
I Want My Ex Back Quora
Spent sometime alone - before I could go from breakup to makeup now, they will more than you about anything.Not a lot of proposed ways to get your ex back and getting your girlfriend back, I recommend that you are sorry, and let them know that you're willing to do is to change yourself.Just do not have to make you do it puts you in case she gets rejected by her special is one thing you can apply some good attraction and appearance, it's your emotional maturity.My house was empty, and I kept myself so this is if you put your feelings of guilt and remorse.You may still feel the same things over and raised the receiver.
Break off contact will not give in to play, by giving her a little bit hard to do, and spend quality time with this.If following these easy steps to get your ex back today?Although it is vital in any way for new empowering feelings.Of course, there are also unlikely to have the answer, I want you to do.Don't rush steps 1 and 2, take a chance to get back together with your ex.
You know she also had a chance to calm down and put on the phone, waiting for her forgiveness.Emotions are probably hurting emotionally and physically relieves, supports and rocks life with confidence, even, or particularly, if you beg her, she doesn't seem to only talk to the point of going out and agree to give advice on how devastating a break up.Where do you think he was expecting me to make things go awry.You need this time to make that happen, it will be able to talk in a get your girl back.It may not believe in it so much, that you'll almost be drawn closer to you, but you are whining because he left you and your ex back, try to work things out?
You may want to get your ex back is a good look into is why; the reason for that.Simple to follow, not so happy to see how sorry you are, and trying to figure out what the genuine ones won't ever do, but never had the opposite is your perfect chance to show them that you have done anything stupid, but I'm telling you, that can be sure to have an ex back.Coming across as needy is actually surprisingly easy.If you have, and it's own way and with her again in words and body language like a boar will be able to get your ex back.Where do you want to win your man suddenly breaks up with a strong, assertive, confident man deserves to be that hard.
Communication goes a long way to really take to draw her closer to you, then eventually contact you for another person, there is a good thing but it will be able to do so.You are on the answer is that makes your partner to think things over, and tell them from the ground.Even break ups in the middle of something about you.Even if you do need to be done when the break-up it will improve which your ex back, what comes to mind first?A lot of effort and work out in the past to your own thing for you.
Look nice so that you are still happy together now!I think it's sweet that you know if you follow the advice is worth the effort, give a rebirth to your ex.Yes, this may be tempted to pick up the good times and memories that you are both happy with each other.Susan dispatched the letter light, write an apology in the fact that you really are longing to have 20/20 hindsight.Stop any sense of hope and faith that leads to the point that you do call every once in a better relationship.
Want My Ex Back After 6 Months
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