#but to ask why i havent continued sooner is incredibly personal and actually quite rude
lena-in-a-red-dress · 2 years
Not to sound like an ass, but how could you let Heartbound languish for two years?
Hmmmm... what could have possibly caused *anything* to languish for two years?
Straight up.
Ever since the pandemic started, my creativity has been completely depleted. These little ficlets and snippets are about as much I can manage, and as I'm sure you've noticed, these ficlets and snippets are a far cry from the depth and scope of my actual fics. My actual fics, like Heartbound, consume a significant amount of time, energy, and mental bandwidth. Which I don't always have.
I'm working on getting back to where I used to be, creativity wise. But I'm also trying to treat myself with grace. The pandemic has been traumatic even for those who haven't contracted it, and it's altered how I completely live my life, and I'm trying to be conscious of that.
My brain is not a machine. In fact, in the past two years I've learned it is in fact quite squishy and unreliable, seeing as covid also coincides with me getting my depression and adhd appropriately medicated, which may also have played a role in my lack of creativity.
All of this to say that I'm being gracious with myself and treating myself with the same gentle encouragement I'd treat a best friend. I've treated myself horribly in the past, and honestly... I'm too old for that shit.
I'm soft. I'm sensitive. I'm healing.
Also, languishing?
Bish, it's hibernating.
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