#but to me that's a huge part of what makes him so good
luveline · 2 days
oooh what about hotch's sister calling spencer to pick her up at the hospital after an accident or something because she doesn't want hotch to know since worry and go into protective big brother mode, but spencer tells him anyway and they both show up and lots of fluff ensues :)
adopted fem!reader, 1.5k
cw for panic attacks
You should call your brother. 
You think about it, even pull up his contact, he’s the first person you go to when you need help and he always has been, but lately Aaron has been so stressed you hesitate, clicking the text button by mistake. 
You read back his last message. 
I can feel myself being spread too thin but there’s nothing I can do to fix it, he’d text. I guess I’m frustrated. But how are you, working girl? New jobs are scary. I bet you’re doing better than you think already. Jack and I are super proud of you
You’d sent him a meagre response. You aren’t always sure what to say to him. Sincerity is easier in person, but even then, he can be terse and deflective; he looks after you and no one looks after him. 
You didn’t tell him about work, and you won’t tell him about now. You call Spencer instead. This is a good way to test the almost dating thing, right? 
He doesn’t answer. When you call again, he answers on the first ring. “Hey, are you okay?” 
“No. Are you busy?” 
“I’m not busy if you’re not okay. Two seconds.” There’s a pause where you assume he’s moving from one place to another, perhaps closing a book around his hand, or closing the lid on an early lunch. “What’s wrong?” 
“I’m, uh, in hospital. I had a huge panic attack at work and I… thought I was having a heart attack, so I–” You’re so embarrassed your voice turns to a thread. “Sorry, I know it’s so stupid.” 
“It’s not stupid, that’s not stupid. How do you feel now?” 
“Like someone hit me really hard in the chest.” 
“Are you calmed down?” 
“Mostly.” You wince. “They want to talk to me about medications. Uh.” You clear your throat. “I want to go home.” 
“Angel… I’m on my way, okay? I’ll get Hotch and–”
“You can’t tell him.” 
“Please, Spencer, he gets so worried, he’s worried enough. And if he finds out I had a panic attack he’ll try and make me take time off of work and that’s just another thing on his plate he didn’t ask for–”
“Hey, hey, hey,” he says softly, “please don’t panic. You’ve had a hard morning, panicking again is really gonna hurt. Try and think about things that don’t wind you up, alright? Is there anything you need me to get?” 
“You don’t have to come.” 
“That’s why you called me, right? I’ll be there.” 
You can’t know that he says goodbye and ducks straight back into Hotch’s office, where he’d been, to tell on you. It’s not to hurt you and it isn’t because you told him not to —it’s two parts concern, and one part self preservation. Aaron needs to know and you need him with you, and he also can’t imagine things going well for himself if he kept the news of your stay a secret. The shovel talk plays in his mind. 
Aaron’s shovel talk being, You won’t do anything to hurt her, said simply, and with an impassive expression that bordered terrifying. Not overly unaffected, just casual. 
You’re laying in your hospital bed with your hands clasped across your stomach when Spencer arrives. He frowns at you in your bed, worse when he sees your smudged makeup and the chafed inside of your wrist where you’ve picked and squeezed at your own skin. Your panic has left a physical mark, your chest aching as you force yourself to sit, and it hurts doubly so when your brother lets himself in behind your nearly-boyfriend.
You don’t have it in you to complain. 
“I’m sorry,” Spencer says, reaching down to give you a quick hug as you sit. “I had to tell him.” 
 Aaron’s hug is similarly apologetic, though much longer. “You weren’t gonna tell me?” he asks quietly, his hand settling at the place between your shoulders. “How do you feel now?” 
“I’m fine, I– I really thought I was having a heart attack.” 
“That’s common,” Spencer says, “it’s the feeling of impending doom, thousands of people mistake anxiety for medical issues every week.” 
Aaron holds you by the shoulders. “It’s okay,” he says. “Was it a doctor that checked you out, or a nurse?” 
Aaron probes the name of your nurse from you and promises to be back soon. He seems to have gleaned that the quickest way to get information today won’t be from you. 
Spencer goes in for another hug when he leaves, and then, to your delight, a very quick kiss pressed to your cheek. He ducks away after that and sits on the side of your hospital bed, his knuckles gracing the outside of your thigh. “Thank you for calling me,” he says, smiling at you, and better when you smile back.
“Thanks for coming.” 
“Of course. I know how it feels, okay? If they want to talk about medication it’s a good thing, but everyone has moments like this.” 
“I can’t believe you told Aaron,” you say, giving a weak but playful glare.
“I can’t believe you weren’t going to. He loves you, he wants to know what’s hurting you, no matter how much stuff is on his plate.” 
You bite the inside of your lip, contemplative for a few slow seconds. “You think so?” you ask finally. 
The hair flicked under his ears wobbles as he nods. “Absolutely.” 
You lean forward to readjust his collar and tie. He’s wearing one of his cutesy waistcoats, dark grey over a light blue shirt. His tie has patterns you trace with your thumb, like fish scales. “Sorry, I know you were working,” you murmur. 
“I think my boss will forgive me.” 
You let your hands fall. Spencer, perhaps picking up on a hint you hadn’t meant to give, takes them both into one of his and squeezes reassuringly. 
“It’s harder than I thought,” you confide softly. 
“It’s an adjustment period. But maybe it’s not right for you, there. That’s what started it, right? Your job.” 
“I’m not sure. I don’t know. I get panicky about all sorts of stuff, but I’ve never had one this bad before. I was a miserable kid, you can ask Aaron, but I really thought I was better.” 
He rubs over your fingers with his thumb. “I think we all have stuff that messes us up. Doesn’t mean you’re not better. You don’t even really have to be better. And I… I am here for you, I promise. I know you have no reason to trust me with it yet, but I’ll listen whenever you need me to.” 
You think about kissing him. Spencer kisses like he’s suffocating and your air, it’s cliche and undeniably true. Whenever you kiss him it’s like a shock —he steals your breath, he can’t stop himself from grabbing your face, and any other time you’d love it, but right now you just need a peck. You’re hoping he can do those kinds of kisses too. 
“Will you kiss me?” you ask tentatively.
He gets the memo on gentleness. You shouldn’t be surprised, your very first kiss was tame, his hand running up your arm as he encourages you forward. Your eyes shutter closed at the feeling of his lips on yours, and the exhausting thrumming that’s lived beneath your skin since you woke up numbs to a more manageable ache. 
Spencer breaks away. He cups your cheek quickly, dropping it immediately when the door opens. 
You shuffle backward nonchalantly. 
Aaron gives you a sarcastic look. Really? it says. I wasn't born yesterday. 
“They want to give you a prescription for Paxil, honey, what do you think?” He turns his attention to Spencer reluctantly. “What’s her best option here?” 
“Paxil could be fine. They didn’t suggest a benzodiazepine? Paxil is an SSRIs, it slows down the rate of serotonin reuptake, basically increasing the effectiveness of your bodies natural serotonin, which could decrease the risk of another attack, but taking it won’t stop her from feeling like this,” —he frowns at your location— “very quickly. Ideally she should have a medication for general anxiety and the option for quicker relief if this happens again.” He smiles at you suddenly, nearly shyly. “If that’s what you want, that is.” 
“What are you thinking, honey?” Aaron asks you. 
You have the two of them here to look after you while you decide. You take Spencer’s hand gently, desperate for reassurance. “I’m not sure.” 
“It’s okay, we’ll work it out,” your brother promises. 
Spencer squeezes your hand. 
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joeys-babe · 3 days
Joey B Imagines: Oh! Darling*
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Summary: You and Joe make it to his house. Well, to his garage.
(Part two to - Part 1)
Warnings: Smut (Thigh riding, finishing in pants and untouched, and PIV sex)
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
Imagine Universe: Everlasting Love
*Complete continuation of part one*
Once Joe and I arrived at his place, he used the button on his sun visor to open his garage door.
After pulling in, Joe shut the garage door behind us and turned the car off before looking over at me.
Joe’s gaze was heated, a loaded look on his face that started the throbbing between my legs again.
“Come here.” - Joe
I looked at him, wanting him to reiterate himself because I wasn't exactly sure what he wanted.
“On my lap.” - Joe
Continuing to look at him, Joe lept forward and scooped me up by my thighs before pulling me on top of him.
“You look so pretty above me.” - Joe
I reached out and held the side of his face, cradling his cheek.
“You look pretty good bellow me.” - you
A huge grin broke out on Joe’s face as he pulled me in, placing sloppy kisses around my mouth before he finally landed on it.
I lowered my hips down onto him, grinning when I felt him already hard.
“Ya feel me, don't you?” - Joe
Joe grabbed my hips and gently moved me against him. I couldn’t help but moan into his mouth at the feel of his hard length. His sweat shorts and my jean shorts were the only things separating us.
“Feel what you do to me, baby? Fuckin’ make me so hard.” - Joe moaned
I continued rocking against him, the seam of my jean shorts inadvertently rubbing against my clit, pleasing me as well.
Joe spread wet, opened-mouth kisses down my neck, his hands gripping my hips tight.
Eventually, Joe wrapped his hands around my thighs and pushed me up to where I was hovering over him. He unbuttoned my shorts and pushed them down my legs. Since I was still straddling him, they couldn't go farther than my knees, so Joe picked me up by my waist with one arm and moved my shorts down the rest of my legs.
I was giggling the entire time because his hurriedness was amusing.
“You needed them off that severely?” - you laughed
“Yes, ma'am. You'll see why here in just a second.” - Joe
Now I was just in my panties, and Joe wasn't about to do that process all over again, so he grabbed at them, and the next thing I knew, I heard a loud ripping sound.
“Joseph Lee! I liked those panties!” - you
I playfully slapped his chest, and Joe rolled his eyes before tossing the ball of ripped-up fabric in his backseat.
“You’re not gonna care here in just about ten seconds.” - Joe
I watched Joe yank up one of the legs of his shorts, but I didn't know why yet.
Before I could ask, Joe moved me around before pushing me down to where I was straddling his thigh.
My heat was pressed right to the same thigh I was staring at not too long ago.
“You don't think I saw you staring at my lap earlier, baby? I can make you feel good with it. Just trust me.” - Joe
Joe grasped my hips again and gently started moving my hips back and forth. The feeling was overwhelming. He was letting me use his thigh for my pleasure and my pleasure only.
“Good girl.” - Joe groaned
My upper body fell into his chest, and Joe wrapped his arms around my waist.
“Keep going. Just like that.” - Joe
In all honesty, Joe had come to terms with the fact that he was going to end up cumming by the end of this too. The feel of his girlfriend’s soaking wet pussy dragging across his thigh, getting him off without any friction on his cock.
My movements were getting more frantic, using Joe’s thigh to my advantage as I ground on him, moaning his name throughout the entire process.
“Joey, baby… shit.” - you whimpered
“Keep movin’. You’re doing so well for me.” - Joe
I opened my eyes for the first time since I settled down on Joe, and I moaned out at the sight.
Joe had his head thrown back, his top teeth sunk into his bottom lip, eyes closed, face scrunched, and he was sweaty everywhere.
“So close.” - you moaned
“Me too…” - Joe groaned
I couldn't tell if I imagined Joe saying that or if he did, but before I could ask him, the feeling pooling in my stomach gained my attention.
“Fuuuuck!!” - you moaned
Joe’s grip on me got impossibly tighter as the strokes of my hips got faster, and when my knee accidentally bumped into Joe’s crotch, he let out a loud moan of my name, followed by a grunted curse.
My eyes were closed, and the ringing in my ears from the overwhelming pleasure was keeping me from acknowledging what Joe had just done.
I fell over the edge not long after that, moaning loudly and falling deeper into Joe’s chest as I came on Joe’s thigh.
It was minutes later that my breathing was returning to normal. Joe was sitting with his head back against the headrest with his eyes closed and his chest heaving.
“Are you okay?” - you
“Mhm… I just…” - Joe trailed off
My gaze flicked from his face down to his lap, the wet spot on the crotch of his sweat shorts giving him away.
“Did you…” - you gasped
Joe nods his head, still not opening his eyes. In all honesty, he's a little embarrassed.
“That’s…” - you
My voice trailed off, and Joe continued my sentence at the same time I tried to. It was baffling how different our words were, with him saying, “Embarrassing?” While I said, “So fucking hot.”
We both laughed, and I went to crawl off of Joe’s lap and open the door, but he stopped me.
“You think this is over?” - Joe
“I don't know… we both finished, and we’re home.” - you shrugged
A cocky grin formed on Joe’s lips, and he leaned forward to nestle his mouth just hovering over my ear.
“Oh darling… this isn't over till my cock is buried deep inside your pussy.” - Joe whispered
All at once, Joe’s words set off every pulse point in my body.
I pull my head away from Joe’s face and grin down at him, running one of my hands through his hair.
“You wanna burrow yourself inside me? Is that right, baby?” - you
Joe smiled at the slightly dominant tone in my voice. He was always in charge during sex, but maybe he'd switch roles just this once.
“Yes, ma'am. That's right.” - Joe grinned
“Lose the shorts for me.” - you
I winked at Joe as I moved to sit on my thighs between his spread thighs, giving him the ability to lift his hips and pull his shorts down.
He put his shorts in my outstretched hand, and I sent him a bratty grin.
“You made a mess in these. You're lucky that I love you enough to scrub them later.” - you
“It's your fault it happened.” - Joe shrugged
I rolled my eyes playfully and moved to straddle his lap.
Joe’s cock was fully erect and dripping at the tip as it lay against his stomach. My eyes couldn't stray away from it. From him.
“Want you so bad…” - Joe
He was playing along. Joe was actually going to switch roles and be the submissive partner for once.
I reached down and wrapped my hand around his cock, pumping his length slowly as I rose higher on my knees.
Joe’s eyes were fixed below us, watching how the tip of his dick was inches away from the heaven he believed was my pussy.
“Please… want in you so bad.” - Joe
He groaned when I lowered slowly, the tip of his erection barely grazing my clit but making me moan at the contact nonetheless.
I leaned forward and smashed my lips to Joe’s hungrily, my hands reaching for his hair as I fully settled onto his length.
Joe groaned into my mouth as his cock was immediately buried to the hilt.
“This what you wanted, huh?” - you
Every teasing word was whispered between kisses, Joe’s tongue tangling with mine, and every time I pulled away even a little bit, his mouth chased mine.
“Yes. Please move.” - Joe moaned
I realized that I was basically cockwarming him when he said that, and began rocking my hips against his at a slow pace.
Joe was now panting into the kiss, his hands on my waist telling me he wanted more but still letting me do my thing.
“Faster.” - Joe
The fact that he was on the verge of begging satisfied me, and before I knew it, I was bouncing on Joe’s lap. Joe’s cock was perfect. He made me feel so full as his thick length stretched me in the best way possible.
“Fuck, Joey.” - you moaned
As a minute passed, my thighs were starting to get tired, and I was close to climaxing.
Joe didn't like the fact that I was slowing down at all, and it didn't help that I was getting distracted by my pleasure instead of taking care of him.
“Baby, please. So close.” - Joe
I couldn't pick the pace back up, and Joe snapped out of the submissive character in a matter of seconds. Joe was holding my body tight to his chest, seemingly holding me in the air as he started thrusting up into me.
“You’re fuckin’ soaked. Feel how easy I can slip in and out of you?” - Joe
His pace and thrusts were relentless, taking back over to show me that he truly was the one in control here.
I leaned in close, nestling my lips right under one of his ears and whimpering his name.
“Oh shit.” - Joe pants
Joe reached down between our bodies and pinched my clit with just enough force to tip me over the edge, my orgasm ripping through my body as I moaned Joe’s name.
A moment and two extra hard thrusts later, I felt Joe’s cock spit and sputter before he buried himself as deep as he could get and came. My name was on his lips as he fell over the edge, and there was nothing hotter than watching his face contort with pleasure.
“Fuck… fuck… fuck.” - Joe panted
Joe’s head fell onto my shoulder as my still-spasming walls continued to milk him dry for every drop his release offered.
For minutes the only noises audible were of Joe and I trying to catch our breath, a soundtrack so unique to us.
“I fuckin’ love you.” - Joe
He wrapped his arms around my waist and squeezed me tight, helping me off of his lap a few seconds later.
I opened his car door and slipped out of it, my legs feeling like jelly and my knees buckling.
“Great, now I'm walking weird.” - you
Joe got out of the car a second later and gently spread a big hand on the small of my back.
“That means I did my job right and that you have a stud of a boyfriend.” - Joe grinned
“I knew and could continue to know both of those things without the limp.” - you laughed
I watched Joe roll his eyes with a playful smile on his face as he directed me to the other side of the garage, my luggage in his hands.
“Wait did you not grab your shorts?” - you
“No way I'm puttin’ those back on.” - Joe laughed
I laughed with him for a second before he spoke up again.
“Did you want your panties?” - Joe
“You mean what's left of them?!” - you
We laughed together again before Joe unlocked the door that went from the garage to the mud room.
“You can take a bath if you want. I was gonna fix dinner up real quick while you freshened up… only if you want too, of course.” - Joe
Looking up at his blushed cheeks, I couldn't help but giggle at the way he got bashful all of a sudden.
“Why are you getting shy after you just rearranged my guts.” - you chuckled
I held his hands in mine and giggled at the way Joe wouldn't look up at me while he had a little smile on his face.
“Answer my question!” - you laughed
“I don't know! You have this crazy effect on me. That's the only way I can describe it.” - Joe
Pulling him into a hug, the smile was never wiped off of my face as I pressed kisses all over his.
“How about this? We take a shower together, then I can help you make dinner, we eat, and go to bed.” - you
“It’ll be like five the time we’re done eating. Why are we going to sleep so early?” - Joe
I left his arms and walked up a couple of steps to the doorway that entered the kitchen, turning around before and looking at Joe.
“I didn't say anything about sleep, Joey.” - you
“That's my girl.” - Joe grinned
I walked out of the bathroom after changing and grinned at the sight of Joe lying in the bed, shirtless and sprawled out. It was later in the day. We’d eaten showered already, and even watched a movie before climbing the stairs to Joe’s room.
Joe looked over when he heard the bathroom door shut and smiled at the sight of me wearing nothing but one of his shirts and a pair of panties.
“Hi, beautiful.” - Joe smiled
“Hi, baby.” - you
I smiled at him for a brief second before continuing my task of putting my dirty clothes in the hamper and laying out an outfit for tomorrow.
Joe had turned his phone off and put it on his nightstand, his full attention on me. My back was to Joe as I bent over to grab something out of my suitcase, inadvertently making my shirt ride up to where my ass and panties were on complete display.
I threw a look over my shoulder when Joe let out a low whistle, yanking my shirt back over my behind and grinning at Joe’s whines of disapproval.
After laying my outfit out, I crawled into bed next to Joe and snuggled into his side. Joe was still lying on his back, and I was on my side, smashing my face into his bare shoulder.
“I know you probably want to fool around some more, but I'm exhausted.” - you
“I was about to say the same thing.” - Joe laughed
I laughed with him for a few more seconds before Joe moved his arm, wrapping it around my shoulders and pulling me into him. My head was now lying on my favorite pillow, Joe’s built chest.
“So you'll settle for cuddling tonight?” - you
“Settle?! I love having you in my arms.” - Joe
“Good thing I love being in them.” - you
Joe squeezed me tighter, tangling his legs with mine under the sheets.
“I can't wait till this is every night, and your clothes are in the empty half of the closet instead of in a suitcase.” - Joe
“One step closer to forever.” - you grinned
Butterflies went off in Joe’s stomach after I said that. He referenced earlier the fact that he had been thinking a lot about being the best boyfriend possible, and a part of that was because after a conversation he had with his dad, he realized he wanted to marry you.
Joe contently lay there, his soft blue eyes scanning my tired face and half-closed eyes.
“I love you so much.” - Joe
“I love you too.” - you
You had no idea he was talking to his jeweler about custom-designing the engagement ring he was going to propose to you with before you walked out of the bathroom.
Joe was determined for you to be his forever.
Authors note: It’s not going to be that easy, though!! 😙
Requests for this fic;
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Hope you enjoyed!! 💕
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mattybsgroupie · 2 days
misbehave | matt sturniolo
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contents: cursing; established relationship; edging; handjob (m receiving); p in v; creampie; mommy kink; sub!matt
- ♡ -
notes: i feel this is a bit intense and might not be everyone’s cup of tea but here’s matthew calling you mamas mommy momma ma etc, enjoy!!! if you dont think matt has mommy kink fuck you cause he does. part 2 of “late night rides” coming out next week, we’re fucking matt in the van <3 love you guys
- ♡ -
matt was leaning against the countertop of the kitchen, laughing about something i did not hear with his friends. i was thirsty and he wouldn’t read my messages, so my only solution was to walk through the living room and grab some water for myself.
i tried my best to not interrupt the so called boys night and decided to ignore him, just like he did to my texts. as i was making my way to the fridge, i felt matt’s huge hand slapping my ass followed by a “grab me a drink as well mamas”.
i couldn’t believe his boldness.
i stopped for a bit and stared at him before opening the cold device and grabbing myself a bottle of water and a root beer for him. i got closer to matt to the point our noses were touching, and he looked at me with a cheeky grin growing on his face.
“you are fucked” i whispered, slamming the soda can next to him and giving him a peck, so his friends wouldn’t know what we were actually talking about. i left matt standing there, his blue eyes widening as he realized he was, indeed, fucked.
- ♡ -
around 1am, matt said goodbye to the last guy leaving the house, closing the door and resting his back on the wall. he smiled as i walked to his direction, opening his arms to a hug that i didn’t give, resting my hand on his shoulder instead.
“what was that?” i asked, innocent look on my face.
“what was what?” he played fool.
“uhm, slapping my ass in front of everybody?” i questioned, frowning my eyebrows.
“i have no idea what you’re talking about”
“oh yeah? you don’t remember calling me mamma either?” he gulped, finding the ceiling interesting to stare at. “say it again.” matt shook his head in disagreement. he was trying so hard to piss me off.
“baby, you really think you’re getting somewhere behaving like this?” i asked, my fingers tickling his neck.
“i was, actually. gonna get ready to bed” he teased, loving every second of it.
“sweetie” i cooed, caressing his hair. matt melted into my touch, snuggling against my hand. “you’re not. only good boys are allowed to sleep with their mommies” i pouted, pretending i was so upset at his behavior.
“so you better fix that attitude of yours and behave for mommy, or you're sleeping on the couch.” i smiled before leaving a peck on his nose and quickly making my way to his room.
- ♡ -
i woke up in the middle of the night to matt’s whimpers and small cries. i didn’t notice exactly when he came to bed, but as our bodies were glued together, i could tell it had been a while. matt was burying his face on my back, our legs tangled, humming something i didn’t understand. 
when i fully woke up, i realized why he was actually crying - i could feel his boner poking my thigh, matt’s hips moving in such a slow pace, torturing himself while humping my leg. i slightly turned myself to him, allowing my hands to rest above his sweaters.
“please mommy” matt whispered.
“hm? what is it baby?” i asked.
“wan’ you”
i fixed my position in bed, sitting by the headboard. matt did the same, following me with eager eyes. i couldn’t help but caressing his cheek, slowly traveling my hands down his naked chest and sealing our lips together. matt got desperate with my touch, breathing heavily and deepening the kiss. i palmed him through the cloth, receiving a whine in response “hurts, mama”.
i shushed him, instantly putting my hand inside of his pants and wrapping it around his cock. poor thing was leaking, pre-cum covering his whole shaft. this only made my job easier, pumping matt’s length at a quick pace while i placed love bits over his jaw. 
“c-close”, matt suddenly said. i stopped right away, his blue orbs widening in confusion.
“you really think you deserve to cum? after acting like a brat all night long?” 
matt loudly whined, frustrated with the lack of contact. my fingers made their way to his cock once again, but barely touching where he needed the most. “mommy f-fuck, please. i need you so bad”
i moved my thumb to his tip, circling it before teasing his slit. matt twitched in my hand, bucking his hips upwards to get some friction. i allowed him to get off on his own, holding his dick while he desperately pounded into my fist.
it didn’t take long for his thrusts to get sloppier “w-wanna cum”, he said whimpering. “wanna come for you”
i paused once again, loosening my grip. “not until you tell me why you did that earlier”. matt threw his head back, realizing that if actually wanted to come, he would have to answer me.
“fuck!” he cried before speaking again “i-i misbehaved!” matt finally let out, putting his left arm over his face, covering his shyness away. “because i wanted momma’s attention ah-!” he was cut off by me grabbing his cock one last time and quickly stroking him, not planning to stop this time.
“is that so, sweetie?” i whispered next to his ear, kissing throughout his neck.
“uhum, fuck” he moaned. “wanted mama t-to look at me”
“oh, my pretty boy. you just gotta ask next time. no need to put on a show to get mommy’s attention”
“b-but mommy was talking to- fuck, g-gonna cum” matt whined, his forehead coated in sweat. “can i? please?”
“are you gonna be a good boy for me?”
“yes” he nodded frantically, looking at me with puppy eyes. “matt good for momma”
“that’s right, matt’s so good for mommy. you can cum babe, make a mess on mamas hand hm?” with a few more pumps, he finally came. matt wouldn’t stop whimpering, finally being able to reach his orgasm after being edged for way too long. he covered my hand with his release, jointing his hips forward as he came from his high.
i gave him a kiss on the lips, moving the hair away from his face with my free hand and quickly cleaning us both with bed sheets. i knew matt would often get overwhelmed when in such headspace, so i made sure to hug him, letting him snuggle on my chest and rest for a bit.
as his breath calmed down, i kept running my fingers through his brown locks. “ma” matt muffled. “‘m sorry…”
“what for, baby?”
“shh, it’s okay” i shushed him. edging him was already too much, but hearing his cries only made my cunt ache the whole time. “wanna make it up to mommy? think you handle another round?” matt nodded furiously, quickly getting up.
i could see he was half-hard, but i knew exactly how to get him going again. “oh” i complained. “my breasts are so sore”
“i can help with that!” he firmly said, hands already travelling to my tits. matt's fingers brushed lightly against my hardened nipples, as if he was waiting for permission to keep going. i nodded and got closer, making my way to his lap. sitting with both legs by his waist, i took my shirt off and soon my shorts were gone as well, completely exposed to him.
matt put his tongue out, licking my nub and making me gasp for the sudden contact. i placed both palms on his shoulders, getting near him as he squeezed my left boob and sucked the other. matt was so good and i always let him know that by moaning loudly and praising him for fucking me so well.
matt's hands moved to my ass, strongly groping it and opening my cheeks. his fingers tugged my skin, grip tightening as his tongue still worked on my breasts. it didn't take long to matt's fingers reach my entrance, teasing it slightly. he was fully hard again, cock lazily rubbing underneath me.
i positioned myself downwards, nearing my lower lips to his still wet tip, full of previous cum. pulling my hair aside, i kissed matt to cover his moans as i lowered myself on his shaft. matt was huge, but his sticky spurt made it easier for me to slide in, his veiny cock opening my walls as he burried himself inside of me.
“m-matt, gosh!” i whined once he was in, trying to adjust to his size.
“so tight mommy” matt breathed heavily, closing his eyes and thrusting his hips forward. i bounced on his dick, my tits shaking along with my body as i threw my head back. matt reached my spot, making me arch my back and moan loudly, clenching against his shaft.
“momma i’m-” he said, blue eyes watering.
“babe, be a good boy hold it in for mommy hm? you can do it” i cooed as i kept on riding him, my hands now placed on his chest as i tried to reach my orgasm.
“uhum, yes” matt nodded, grabbing me by my waist and pounding deeper into me.
as i got closer, i couldn’t shut my mouth. i kept on groaning, the knot on my lower belly getting tighter each thrust. “matt, im so close” i cried.
“wan’ inside ma” matt whispered “please, let me cum inside you mommy”
“fuck i-” my own words were cut off by matt filling me up with his release, bringing me to the edge. my whole body trembling, i collapsed over him as i reached my orgasm, completely out of breath.
as we both came from our highs, i heard matt giggling. “what?” i asked.
“nothing” he kept on smiling as i got up, challenging him with my eyes. “don’t make me do that all over again…”
“oh” he laughed, letting me snuggle against his chest. “i'm definitely calling you mammas in public again”.
- ♡ -
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thecapricunt1616 · 3 days
Coriander (c.b. one-shot)
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♡ Chapter Inspo: Love, health, immortality, and protection. Tie fresh coriander with a ribbon and hang in the home to bring peace & protection. Add to love charms and spells to bring romance or use in ritual work to ease the pain of a broken love affair. Promotes peace among those who are unable to get along. Use the seeds in love sachets and spells. ♡ Summary: You are in a FWB situation with Richie, Mikey dies - Carmy comes home to run The Beef, and suddenly...you find yourself in a FWB situation with Carmy as well, what happens when Carmy makes you two official in secret so he can have you all to himself? ♡ W/C: 5.3K+ ♡ Posted Date: 05/29/2024 ♡ A/N: Hellooooo! Happy day 4/7 of the Capri 200 Follower Celebration Extravaganza!!! You can find said extravaganza ♡Here♡ this celebration will be going until next Sunday (06/02/24) so get your requests in! Here's another celebration ask on the books! This ask is from a sweet anon, ask can be found right ♡Here♡ - Thank you so much for your request! As you can tell by the word count I got very inspired! I hope you enjoy :D This could easily have a part 2 so if you want one, just let me know in the comments This is kind of a Richie/Carmy thing i've never written Richie before and I had a whole lot of fun doing so! ♡ Warnings for BTC: Swearing, FWB Relationships, Smoking, Usual TB trigger warnings, Asshole!Carmy (kinda), Angst, No real comfort to be found in the end, Age gap relationships, Rough sex, smutsmutsmut, No uses of Y/N, Reader not described (pics are for vibes only)
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♡ 𝐌𝐲 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬 ♡ ➵ 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 ♡ ➵ 𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐞-𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐞 ♡ ➵ 𝘊𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 / 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘵 ♡ ➵ 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 ♡
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You had been working at The Bear since it was The Beef. 3 months before Mikey died, you were hired as a food runner. You’d met Mike maybe twice? Both times, the guy was high out of his mind- so you couldn’t say much about his character. 
Richie on the other hand, was flirty. He was handsome, he was funny, he had a huge cock. You were in your third year of college, Richie was smitten with your girlish charm, and you’d fucked those 3 months pretty consistently - until Carmy came back to Chicago. 
You’d been warned his ‘cousin’ was a big shot NYC chef, ‘Michelin Starred’ Richie said one night while fucking your brains out after a stressful shift as he smoked a cigarette in his shitty, dimly lit apartment. Puffs of smoke left his lips as your ass bounced against his hips and he rambled on about what had pissed him off today, 
“Ye’ sweetheart- fuck-“ he took a long inhale before continuing -  “mm’y’fuckin tight baby- shit-“ he stuttered as your pussy clenched around his cock firmly as your second orgasm washed over you, thighs shivering. “Thaaas it- huh? Gooood girl. Knew y’could do it babygirl” he kissed the dimple on your spine as you shivered, tendrils of smoke trailing up your back and over your hips. 
He then sat up, casually taking another drag, tightening his non-dominant hand around your hip so there would be little fingertip bruises once more over the yellowing hearing ones, and continued, his bruising pace getting rougher and quicker as he continued chasing his own orgasm. 
The meat of your ass and the skin of his hips made smacking sounds as they came together. Pathetic little whines drag from your lips with each rough kiss the tip of his cock gave your cervix as he just continued talking like he wasn’t using you like a fuck doll. 
“he uh, has a Michelin star- whatever that means? He’s a little prick. Guess that’s ahh-fuck- that’s why Mike left it t’him- he knows how t’make fancy shit- little fuckin’ Eleven Madison Park dickhead”  he grunted as he filled you up, spanking you roughly for good measure. 
“Good girl. Always take it like a little whore mm?” He puts out his cigarette in the ashtray. He pats your hip gently as he pulls out, collapsing next to you with an old man grunt that you always teased him for. “Ey’ sweet girl, Y’wanna rub my back since I fucked y’so good mm? So I won’t be sore at work tomorrow?” He pulled you close, kissing your neck, his stubble making you shiver as cum leaked down your beard-burned thighs. 
That was how you spent one to three nights a week since you’d started working at The Beef. 
Then, Carmy came. For the first 6 or so months, it was business as usual for you and Richie. Quiet spanks on the ass as you walked by him during rush as you brought food out to a customer, sometimes letting him fuck your face in the back alley as he went on about what an asshole Carmen was being that day. 
You just took it, the fighting, the bickering, the sexual tension. You were the go-between for the both of them, when they weren’t talking Richie would bug you to go tell Carmy what he needed to say. “Immature asshole” you’d call him at the end of the day as he knelt between your thighs in that same shitty apartment, sucking on your clit while his beard scratched up your thighs. He’d just chuckle into you, squeezing your thighs amusedly with his large hands. 
Then one day, you were in the dry storage, grabbing something for Marcus that was on the bottom shelf and heavy. You were bent over, trying to tug it out and the door shut behind you.  “Hey- sorry just gonna reach over you-“ Carmy. When you felt him press against your ass like that, his tattooed hand resting on your hip. You felt heat rushing straight for your core, your stomach flipping and fluttering.
Then, you started making moves. A brush of the hand here, a smile there, a giggle at one of his dorky jokes no one else bothered to pay attention to, of course, he noticed. The young piece of ass that used to spend all day giggling and shooting the shit with his older cousin was into him now. The first night it happened, you made sure to pick up a double on a day you usually didn’t go home with Richie, and while everyone except Carmy did their best to rush out the door as soon as they possibly could, you stuck behind. 
You went to the bathroom, fixed up your hair, and your makeup not enough to be noticeable to a guy that you’d changed, but enough to look fresh. You put on some more lipgloss, freshening up your body spray and hiking your tote bag onto your shoulder before heading out of the ladies' room into the back-of-house. You heard the swish swish of a scrub brush, and the plopping of water - and knew Carmy was still in there scrubbing something. When you turned the corner to see him on his hands and knees, muscular arms flexing as he really scrubbed that floor. You could tell there was something….about Carmen Berzatto. 
It wasn’t just the fact his brother died, it wasn’t this strange stoic seriousness he had at not even 35, it was something else. Dedication, maybe? But you weren't sure to what because not a day went by without referring to the restaurant as ‘a shithole with decent sandwiches’ - you knew he was just keeping it running because it’s what Cicero wanted and no one denied that man. But you wanted to see if that dedication or learning ability translated into the bedroom. “Damn- You could eat off that grout” you teased. His head popped up, blue eyes twinkling under the iridescent lights.
This damn family and their pretty eyes
“The hell you still doin’ here? Y’shift ended what-” he looked at the clock, “An hour and six minutes ago” he continued scrubbing at the tile with the tiny little brush. 
“Oh you memorized my shift schedule?” you teased, a small smile on your lips. You were towering over him, being sure to block his light so he would give you his attention once more.
“I make the schedule, yeah I know when my employees work” he looked up at you again “n’y’re in my light” he pushed his greasy curls out of his way with his dry hand. 
“Mmm- last I checked Chef Syd did the scheduling- unless…that changed?” you asked and he looked back at the floor, scrubbing over the same spot he had been since you came over here. 
He made a little ‘mm’ noise and was quiet for a few moments as he continued to scrub. “So why are you still here if y’not gettin’ paid?” he asked again. You crouched next to him, hugging your knees and he stopped, looking over at you. He could smell your perfume perfectly, your lipgloss glitter was shimmering in the light. He could very well near smell the mint coming off of your breath from the gum you had chewed an hour earlier. He swallowed thickly, blinking a few times how he did when he was confused he noticed and his eyes fan to your lips before back up to your eyes. “Uh-”
You cut him off “Cause I haven’t met you, Carmy. We haven’t talked, Why’s that?” you question with a small, innocent smile. It was true, he all but ignored you while he’d been here. The only time he spoke to you was when he absolutely had to tell you something or when he was assigning you your morning tasks when you first got in. 
“W-What d’you wanna know?” he asked, tongue darting out to quickly wet his lips. He was nervous. 
“Why do you ignore me for starts” you jet your bottom lip slightly out into a little barely there pout for added effect, “Tina asked me a few days ago what I did, so what did I do Carmy?” you ask gently. You knew it was because you caught him staring at you so often he thought you thought he was a creep, but you thought it was adorable how flustered he got when he’d been caught and quickly tried to make it look like he’d been focused on something else. 
“Nothin- nothin’ y-you didn’t do anything m’sorry I made you feel- what’re you-” he trailed off as you gently fixed his Saint Anthony chain so it was facing front, carefully slipping your finger under the loop and pinching it between your forefinger and thumb, adjusting the clasp to be at the back of his neck. 
“Sorry, small things like that bug me, I think little things bug you too, Carm” you said softly. His cheeks were getting pink, his pupils were widening. Your plan was working. “Is this ok?” you gently fixed the sleeve of his t-shirt over his bicep, the fabric deliciously stretching over his buff arm 
“Mhmm” he muttered, breath catching as your hand trailed up his shoulder and resting there. “Did you um- did you need something…” he asked, voice that delicious kind of soft you adored. 
“I thought you'd never ask. I’m gonna go to the back office and wait. If you think you know what I need, then come on back. If you don’t want to, we can just pretend this never happened mm?” you got up, making sure to sway your hips a tad more as you went to the back office. You pushed the door shut behind you and dropped your tote under the desk, sitting down on it and leaning back against the wall. He came in 2 minutes later, cheeks red, biting his lip as he opened the door and saw you sitting on the desk.
He blinked rapidly, as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing “Jesus Christ” he muttered to himself, shutting the door behind him. “Y-y’re sure. Like- wait you mean- you mean you want me t-” 
“Do whatever you want with me, chef,” you told him in a sultry tone, watching him closely as he walked over. You’d assumed he’d be just like Richie, rough, unforgiving, and sometimes even a little mean, but the way he cupped your cheek was…gentle. 
“Are you sure you want this? M’y’r boss..I don’ want you t’feel like i’m…making you, ‘er somethin’” he ran his thumb over your cheekbone. He was so close that you could smell the cigarette smoke on his breath as well as the musky scent of the long workday mixed with his cologne. You were nearly put in a trance by it. In response, you gently rest your palm on the back of his neck, pulling him closer and giving him a gentle kiss. 
He leaned forward, resting his hand on the side of your thigh and kissing you back, his lips hesitant on yours at first but when he felt your tongue swipe his bottom lip, his hand moved to your shoulder and gently squeezed as he opened his mouth, tongue darting out to find yours. He moaned softly at your taste, his breath coming out in small hot puffs that fanned your upper lip as you explored his mouth with your tongue. His hand that was on the desk gently moved to your hip, giving a tentative squeeze. You grabbed it, bringing it to your breast and with your hand over his, guiding him to squeeze and massage it. 
He let out a little hum of realization and did as you asked, only able to do so much with a t-shirt bra and work shirt, he with trembling hands tugged at the bottom of your navy blue The Beef t-shirt, asking for permission to take it off. You pulled away, swiftly taking off the shirt and reconnecting your lips with his. Your hands made your way behind your back, unhooking your bra and pulling it off, bringing both of his hands to your breasts. You whine softly as he pinches and rolls your nipples between his fingers, the action making them even harder and perkier. He kissed down your jaw, nipping gently and sucking on the sensitive skin. 
Richie can’t know this happened 
“N-no marks babe- kay?” you said a bit breathlessly, hand trailing up to gently tug at his hair. He hummed in response, kissing down and mouthing over the hickeys Richie had left earlier in the week. You bit your lip as he continued to roll and tug your nipples kissing down your neck and when he finally got to your breasts you heard him mutter
“So fuckin perfect” before he took one of your perky abused nipples into his mouth, lightly sucking as you combed through his curls, taking out all the knots with your nimble fingers. With his other hand, he continued to massage your other breast, causing a moan to fall from your lips. 
“You wanna fuck me? Mm? Right here over the desk? You can go as hard as you want yea?” you told him, it was nice that he was spending so much time dedicated to making you feel good, but were confused why he hadn’t just…bent you over and gotten it over with by now like Richie usually did when you fucked at work. 
He pulled off with a pop, looking up at you with those wide eyes that had been darkened with lust. “Uh- Can I taste you..instead?” he asked shyly, resting his chin on your sternum gently, his hot breath puffing from his nose and tickling your chest. You raised your brows, looking at the clock - wasn’t he exhausted?! If he ate you out, that would be what - another 15 minutes on top of him getting off, would probably be another 20, so you both wouldn’t be getting out of there until 1:30 or so. 
Well, if it's what he wants.
“Sure honey” You got up, slipping out of the sweats you took the train home in usually, setting them on the desk to sit on and pushing your panties down as well after kicking off your Ugg slipper shoe-type things and sitting back on the desk, spreading your thighs for him and resting one of your heels on the edge. His mouth parted slightly, nearly dropping to his knees, his curls falling in front of his eyes but he didn’t seem to care as he kissed your inner thighs, almost enjoying his time getting you worked up. He gently sucked on your nether lip, groaning lightly at your flavor. Your mouth drops as you watch him, fully blissed out as he laps at your wet folds.
“Holy shit Carmy” you breathe, gently pushing his bangs back so you could see his pretty blue eyes once again. He looks up at you, sandy brown long lashes nearly touching his bushy brows as he connects his mouth with your clit, flicking his tongue over it and running his jaw back and forth messily, a mix of drool and your arousal running over his chin. “Wow feels so good - doin’ so good Carmy” you breathe, head falling back in pleasure and breathing picking up. He was really good at this. When Richie was in the mood (AKA his back wasn't hurting, or his knees, or his shoulder) he would give you the pleasure of eating you out, and he did it well, he always made sure you came when he did it, and you never had to fake it with him.
You weren’t going to have to fake it with Carmy, either, because holy shit - he was amazing at this. You felt that familiar tightening within’ your stomach within minutes. He took one of your thighs, throwing it over his shoulder to give himself a better angle, and ran his tongue down, slipping it inside of your pussy and moaning as you gush over his tongue when his nose runs back and forth over your clit, stimulating it most deliciously. Your thigh twitched, toes curling, and a sharp moan comes from your throat, biting down roughly on your lip. “God- god Carmy, I’m cumming” you warn, Gripping his curls rougher which seemed to edge him on, rubbing you rougher with his nose and curling his tongue up against your gummy walls, wet lewd noises coming from between your thighs. 
Within moments there was a fire of pleasure shooting beneath your skin as you cried out in ecstasy. Your eyes rolled beneath your lids, letting go of his hair and gripping the desk instead with a crushing grip as he worked you through the intense waves of overstimulating delight that ripped through you relentlessly. He finished with a chaste kiss on your thigh before grabbing your bra and helping you put it on as well as your panties, even finding the shirt you’d thrown and shaking off the dust from the floor before handing it over. “That was uh…really good, thank you” he wiped his chin and lips with the back of his hand, rubbing it on the back of his jeans. You shamelessly stared at his crotch and noticed the hard bulge in his jeans before looking back up at him.
“You don’t want to get rid of that? I can suck you off if you want I have a hair tie” you said, holding up your wrist to show him. He shook his head, running a hand through his hair. 
“No- no you don’t owe me anything, I got what I needed don’worry. See y’tomorrow- make sure you leave through the back I already locked up the front” he said, leaving the office and closing the door behind him to give you some privacy. You sat in shock for a moment, blinking a few times. All he wanted from you was to eat you out? You’d never met another guy who simply ate you out and that was it - they’d always…expected something from you after, and of course, you gave it because you felt like they’d paid you a favor just by eating you out first even if you didn’t finish. You slip your work shirt back on, get up, and put on your sweats with shaky legs before slipping your shoes back on. 
It continued like this, the days you weren't fucking Richie, you were in the back office getting eaten until you nearly passed out. Until The Beef started getting renovated, then the days you weren’t getting your brains fucked out in Richie's bed, your thighs spread wide at odd hours of the morning on Carmens’ couch, some random cooking show playing in the background as he lapped at your pussy like a man starved on his knees in front of you after kissing down your body like you were a goddess to be worshipped. If you were quite honest, you liked this routine. It felt perfect for you, you knew where your feelings lay for both of the men, and it was a stable comfortable routine on both sides. 
For Richie, it was fun and flirtatious. Sneaky spanks when you came to visit and help him renovate the restaurant with Neil, rough makeout sessions in the back alley when he went out for a smoke, rough near bruising quickies in the soon-to-be walk-in freezer that hadn’t been set up yet, so it was a nice little private area you two could go. He’d even started stealing a kiss or two when you weren’t being sexual. He was protective of you, Carmy started noticing this. That was why a few weeks before the big opening, he had started being a bit more handsy with you. 
The two of you started spending a lot more time together, and you realized he was even opening up to you a bit more. He began asking to see you more often, taking you out with him when he had to run errands for the opening. When he took you with him to the restaurant supply store, he had his hand rested on your lower back, gently rubbing circles as he explained to you the difference between the bunch of different kinds of cutlery. You had been baffled that there were 11 different kinds of butter knives there and he explained to you the difference between them, as well as showed you which sets went together.
It was strange you were clenching your thighs together while a man chatted you up over silverware, but the way he guided your hand to hold them so you were doing it ‘properly’ when you picked one up to get a closer look, had your heart jumping to your throat. That specific encounter was the first time you’d been able to really fuck him, and also draw some dominance out of him as well. It wasn't even his day with you, he knew it - he very well knew this, but little did you know that was the reason why he did it. You rode him hard and fast in the back of his van in the parking lot, he’d made sure to move to a spot in the way back where no one else had been parked so the two of you didn’t get caught and thrown on a registry, of course.
So, that night when you had met up with Richie after he had made you dinner and bent you over the couch for your usual Wednesday night activities - by the first yank of your hips you squeaked, “Gentle - please, daddy, not too rough..” you were glad he was taking you from behind, because you couldn’t bare the confused sweet sorry look on his face. You never asked him to be gentle with you, of course he obliged- because it was all an act. Richie was a big softie, a teddy bear. He just liked to fool around and put on the big mean daddy act in the bedroom because it was fun for the both of you.t in the bedroom because it was fun for the both of you. But he would never really want to hurt you. 
“Wha’s wrong baby, mm? Why you hurtin’?” He held you up by your ribs, sweetly kissing your hairline as he thrusted slower and softer in and out of you, gently resting his lips against your forehead “was I too hard Monday? M’sorry my sweet girl” he rubbed over your breast gently as he continued his gentler strokes. His sweet girl. That caused your heart to sting a bit. You didn’t know that he liked you too, the same way you liked him. Unless it was just an act? You hope it was an act. 
“Yeah” you said, knees going weaker when he reached around your front and toyed with your clit, your hips bucking at the soreness Carmen had left you with earlier. 
“Yeah? Y’never been like this before sweetheart” he kissed over your neck, beard scratching at your skin. 
“Mm- s’okay- feels good- like it when it hurts like this” you rest your head back on his shoulder, closing your eyes and feeling a pit of guilt setting in your stomach. Would it hurt him if he found out you had started fooling around with Carmy? You hoped not, but couldn’t help but wonder. They were family. Most of all you would hope it wouldn’t make him insecure due to the much closer proximity Carmy and your ages were. You were so lost in your own head that you didn’t even realize he was finishing inside of you like normal moaning into your hair. 
“So good- such a good girl” he kissed your head. “go get cleaned up kid, gotta get outta here early t’day cus’ I needa go to Eva’s school play thing” he pats your ass gently and pulled out, leaving you draped over the arm of the couch naked from the waist down and cum leaking down your thighs. You shut your eyes for a moment, rubbing over your face before standing up and doing as he said. 
A little over a week later, Carmy asked you to go straight with him. Well. Not really, he asked you if you were fucking other people to which you gave a simple yes and he just said ‘oh…wish I could be the only one’ you teased him and asked if that meant you wanted to be together, just the two of you and he said yes. So, you stopped fucking Richie. You stopped letting him kiss you in dry storage - you stopped having your ass be available for slapping as he walked by. 
And man, was it hard. He looked like a sad puppy, a small pout coming to his lips when you turned your cheek causing him to kiss that instead of your lips. “ ‘ey-“ he turned your face towards him “where’s my kiss?” You just looked down at the floor, before turning and grabbing the bag of onions you’d been sent in there to get and saying 
“I don’t think we should keep doing this. We should…just work together.” As much as you hated to say it, you did. Then you left the dry storage, and Richie felt his heart crack slightly. Things with him felt way more real then with Carmy, but Carmy was the one who asked you to be his, so you just…went with who asked. You had thought that was the best choice. Even though you stomped on his heart that day, he still cracked jokes with you, and was the same sweet dork you worked with before you started hooking up, the sweet dork that made you want to hook up with him in the first place. 
2 days before the friends and family opening, Carmy invited you over to his so he could cook for you. You’d been able to have his cooking once before, when he’d had you come over right in front of Richie at The Beef, and held a spoon to your lips, a hand under your chin for you to try something he’d come up with. Tonight he was making his familys pasta, and when you’d got there you nearly jumped his bones when he was wearing a work shirt from The Beef. You’d never seen him in it before, he’d never worn it to work even though everyone else had to be wearing theirs.
 You had a joke with yourself that he knew how yummy and slutty he looked in those stupid plain white t’s so thats why he kept wearing them.
“Hey sexy” You’d said when he opened the door, standing on your toes to kiss him deeply. He hummed, pulling you inside quickly and shutting the door behind you both so no neighbors would see. He grabbed your ass with his palms, squeezing it and spanking you lightly.
“Hey pretty girl” he said, kissing your top lip messily “y’hungry, right? Dinners almost done” he carefully brushed your hair from your face, looking down into your eyes with one of his sweet smiles.
“Mm always hungry for the best chef in the worlds food” you mused, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck and playing with his curls “Why’d you never wear this at work, mm? Y’look sexy babe” you kissed his neck. He hummed, hands trailing up your back and palming over your ribs.
“Cause they’re itchy, and it’s laundry day” he said as you rubbed over his chest, grabbing at his pecks and squeezing at the flesh. He chuckled, brushing your hands “jesus someones handsy eh? He cupped your cheeks, angling your eyes towards him “food’ll burn, go wash up yeah? I’ll get y’plate ready” he pecked your lips and ran his hands down your front, grabbing your hand nd pressing it to his lips before heading back to the kitchen.
You followed as he said, going to the restroom and washing your hands as well as your makeup off with the makeup wipes that lived in his bathroom for you now, before going to his bedroom. You stepped out of your stupid waitress uniform, slipping on his white shirt that kissed just below your bum. You padded out to the kitchen, seeing him wiping the edge of your plates off with a paper towel, a kitchen rag over his shoulder. God, he looked so amazing in his element. “Hey” you said gently, going to hug him from behind 
“Hey sweet girl, just about done” he sprinkled some fresh parsley over the dish masterfully, before gently rubbing over the back of your hand and bringing it to his lips, kissing it. “How was the train?” he asked and you pulled away, walking over to his couch and sitting since he’d never bothered to get a kitchen table. 
“Okay, weirdo was playing a ukelele again” you plopped down, crossing your legs and looking over at the random dutch cooking program he had been watching from his station in the kitchen, “You speak dutch?” you asked, he chuckled and you weren’t sure at which statement. 
“No, I don’t, I just watch, and I know what they’re doin’ by the look usually.” he came over, setting a beautiful plate of pasta in your lap and sitting down with the small pot he used for sauce, that he’d mixed the noodles in half hazardly and twirled some of the noodles on the fork, taking a bite. 
Classic Carmy, serving you a Michelin Starred dish, and eating the leftover scraps. 
That was the night you really fell for him. Especially after he did the same thing that he did the first time the two of you hooked up, put you first. Even if he didn’t want you to touch him, even if he was too shy to cuddle you before you fell asleep. You really felt your heart crack open for him.
The night of friends and family, though, you may as well have been a stranger. No matter what you did that night to get his attention, he fully ignored you and snapped at you, and everyone, to ‘pick up your fucking pace’. You had never had him snap at you like this. All you wanted to do was go joke around with Richie, maybe pull him into the dry storage for a quick makeout - but you couldn’t, not anymore. You missed him. You missed your old man, as much as he despised you calling him that, you adored the way he frowned and spanked you in response to the name, telling you ‘it’s already unfair when we go out they think y’my daughter’ 
When you had find out that Carmy had been locked in the freezer - your first instict was to rush to the back of house, comfort him- tell him it would all be fine, but you knew you couldn’t do that, and it would piss him off if you did so. You were his well kept secret, and he wanted you to stay that way. You had found out from Syd, who was really the only one to know about your short-lived relationship - since Carmy seemed to be more open with her then he did with you - his supposed girlfriend. 
“He’s ok, he’s fine- look, just keep pace, ok, me and Richie will handle this - bring the plates from tinas station to table 11, ok?” she told you calmly, giving you a quick reassuring hug before whisking you off to do your job. You did as she said, putting on a smile and bringing the food out to the table, setting it down the way you’d been trained and telling them what was what before telling them to enjoy and heading back to the kitchen to pick up another round of food to bring out to an awaiting hungry group of patrons.
Three hours later, when the night was finally coming to a close- you decided it was a good time to go check on Carmy. All the guests had left, and it was just the staff at this point. You knew that the fire department was on the way since Richie had let everyone know they’d been called, and Syd was back there trying to calm him down. What you didn’t know, was Syd had told Carmy to hold on for a moment because she was gonna go tell her father goodbye and thank him for coming, so he had been left all alone in the back of house, in the freezer.
You walked in, hearing him rambling as you walk up, listening closely to what he was saying.
“Like- Like right? Right?” he chuckled a bit “W-what the fuck was I thinkin’? Huh? The fuck was I thinkin’, Syd? Like - Like I was gonna be in- “ he laughed a bit “In- i-in a relationship- er- er some shit? I-I’m a fuckin- a fuckin psycho- thats thats why, thats why I’m good at what I do, thats how I operate, Syd, you wanna be the best? I am the fucking best, because I didn’t have- any- any of this - this fuckin…bullshit! Right? I-I- I could focus, and I could concentrate, and I- I had a fuckin’ routine, an- and I had fuckin cell reception! An-” he paused. You felt your heart crack, tears filling your eyes,
You were bullshit to him.
He continued, “I dont need to provide amusement or enjoyment. I dont need to- to receive, any amusement- or - or enjoyment. Y’know? And I’m…I’m completely fine, with that. Because absolutely no amount of good, is worth how fuckin’ shitty this feels. S’just…a complete waste of my fucking time.” 
You let out the sob you were holding back, gasping a breath, shaking your head and with a trembling voice, you say, “I’m really sorry you feel this way, Carmy…” before rushing out of the kitchen, hot tears running down your cheeks. You grab your bag from behind the counter, slamming into richie on the way out of the restaurant and he stopped you, grabbing your arm. 
“Hey- hey kid” he said, and the soothing sound of his voice made you break down fully, starting to sob so hard you couldnt see straight, collapsing into his chest. 
“I’m sorry- I’m so sorry for being so shitty- I- I dont deserve you” you cried, hugging him tightly, “I have-” you took a gasping breath and look up at him “I- i’m done- tell Carmy that I’m done here….” you let go of him and rush out, quickly walking towards the train station the wind whipping your wet cheeks. You pulled out your phone, calling Carmy to leave him a voicemail. 
“Hey, uh…I don’t know why you fuckin’ asked me out- but uh- fuck you, carmy. Youre right- you deserve nothing- youre a coward, and an asshole. I hate you for making me love you” you hung up, shoving your phone in your pocket, not even caring the admission that slipped past your lips as you stomped up the stairs to the L platform.
Back at the restaurant, Richie storms into the kitchen, slamming his palm on the freezer door. “Yo- the fuck did you just do?” he asked, voice laced with anger.
“I-I don’know. I-I don’ know what the fuck she heard. Dunno” Carmy said, voice indifferent to the entire thing, which just made anger bubble in his chest at his lack of caring. Richie slams his hand into the door harder, making Carmy jump a bit.
“No- asshole, I said - the fuck did you just say, to that fuckin’ girl?” Richie repeated, getting louder now.
“Richie” Carmy said, sighing to himself.
“Richie? Richie What- Tell me! Tell me, What the fuck. What the fuck did you just say to that fuckin girl, Carmen” 
“Will you just shut the FUCK UP AND GET ME THE FUCK OUT OF HERE PLEASE!” Carmy shouts, not having any part of being scolded when his fingertips felt like ice. 
“Oh- oh yeah, I’ll get y’the fuck outta there, Donna” Richie mocked, so angry he didnt care how deeply he cut in the moment.
“The fuck you just say t’me?” Carmy challanged
“I-” Richie sighed, knowing he just took things too far and dropped his head back in annoyance.
“N-no- Richie- What the fuck did you just say?” Carmy asks, louder this time, Pounding on the door when he didnt get a response. 
“Yo- cousin, cousin look - I don’t know why you gotta fuck up everything good in your life. That girl is nice, shes a good fuckin friend t’you” Richie explained, completely oblivious to everything that had really been going on. 
“Are you -” Carmen laughs “Are you fucking kidding me right now?!” he spits, the comparison to his mother causing fire to race through his veins.
“No- No i’m not, cousin, someones gotta tell you this shit, ‘eh? First fuckin friend after comin’ home you go ahead and make her cry?!” Richie scolded.
“FUCK YOU! Fuck you Richie!” Carmy yells, running his hands through his hair,
“Ohhh yea, here we go, fuck me, yeeeaaa Carm” he mocked him.
“Yeah! Yeah fuck you fuckin loser. You wouldn’t have shit without me. So fuck you!” carmy shouted at him, his breath coming out in large frosty puffs in front of him.
“Oh-” Richie chuckled, a twinge in his chest that Carmy was willing to cut so deep so quickly “Yeah- yeah tough guy” he mocked, voice getting meeker
“Yeah! Yeah! You- Or y’fuckin kid- fuckin loser - only reason you have anything is me!” Carmy roars, slamming on the door “so ye’ cousin, fuck you!” 
“My KID? Y’gonna talk about my KID? Well at least I have a fuckin kid! What d’you have other then a restaurant, jackass!” he yelled back.
“YEAH? I HAVE THE GIRL YOU BEEN FUCKIN’ FOR THE PAST YEAR, MORON. Why you think she dropped you so fast? Huh? You fucking idiot! She chose me- so ye’. I am the reason you have what you have AND I’LL TAKE WHATEVER I FUCKING WANT. FUCK YOU” He yelled through the door, kicking it with his chefs clog.
Richies mouth dropped, stepping back and feeling as if he’d just been stabbed in the heart. “What?” he said, believing his ears were playing tricks on him, how could Carmy do such a thing to him?
“Yeah- yeah. She chose me, and guess what, I fucked her because i wanted to show you I could. Y’fuckin prick” he sat down on one of the boxes of frozen steaks, rubbing over his face roughly. Richie raced out of the kitchen, telling Syd he was ‘done’ and quickly taking out his phone to call you. 
Back in the freezer, Carmens phone buzzed. He looked at it, seeing a voicemail from you that finally pushed through. When he heard your sad, broken voice, admit that he’d caused you to hate him by his behaviour made him chuck his phone against the freezer wall so hard that the screen shattered.
Never so badly had he ever fucked up, and by doing so he lost the best thing to ever happen to him.
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lucid-loves · 21 hours
First Light ~ Simon "Ghost" Riley Part 6
Pairing: bodyguard!Ghost x princess!reader (fem!reader)
Word Count: 3.2k
CW: angst, violence, blood, strong language, scars, verbal abuse by parents, physical abuse by parents, psychological abuse by parents, opposites attract, forbidden love, slow burn, fluff, attraction and sexual tension, reader POV and ghost POV, minors DNI, smut, virgin reader, praising, kisses, porn
Let me know if I missed any CWs.
Story Synopsis: After receiving death threats from a mysterious terrorist organization, your royal parents make a decision to reach out to the United States for help. Specifically, they want the US to send a bodyguard to protect their precious princess. When the 141 is called upon to investigate, Ghost is the one assigned to protect you. With your lack of experiences outside of your royal life and his experience with nothing but deadly, worldly affairs, opposites attract.
Chapter Synopsis: Ever since the kiss you shared with your bodyguard, your imagination has been running wild with naughty fantasies and curiosities. You decide to learn more on your own, but Ghost is willing to teach you himself. (SMUT ALERT) 
Part 1 ~ Part 2 ~ Part 3 ~ Part 4 ~ Part 5 ~ Part 6
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Ghost stared intensely at the report that was just sent his way from his team. Gaz had managed to catch the tagger from the farmer’s market. Interrogation led to their real identity, some associates, and a map marking the other spots that intended to be staked out by the group. And all of this was really thanks to you for noticing the tagger fleeing the scene. If you weren’t so observant, they wouldn’t have made as much progress with this investigation as they have. 
Hopefully, it wouldn’t take long for more terrorists to be caught. If progress continued this smoothly, then it wouldn’t take long for the 141 to be done with this job. Then again, the sooner that this job ended, the sooner he would have to say goodbye to you.
The torn lieutenant looked up from his seat at the dining kitchen towards the living room. He was looking at the back of your head, hair up in that hair clip you seem to adore, wrapped up in a good book that you found around the safehouse. Luckily, the safehouse was decently stocked with things for you to do. It was never difficult finding a way to entertain yourself while Ghost worked. 
Neither you nor Ghost have brought up the kiss. You thought it would be hard meeting his gaze after that kiss followed by what you so naughtily did privately in your bedroom. And it was. Every time you thought about him, your heart threatened to leap from your chest. Butterflies went haywire in your stomach. It was only your training as a princess that you were able to keep up with appearances. 
Not that you weren’t thinking about so much more in that curious head of yours in your moments of refinement. Every now and then your mind would wander towards more naughty thoughts. If that was how a kiss felt, how good would it feel to go further? To have his kisses pepper your neck down to your breasts. To feel his large, warm hands against your bare, electrified skin. To have his fingers trace down your spine and make you shiver. 
Little did you know that Ghost was having the same thoughts as you.
He was also struggling with completely getting the kiss out of his mind. How perfect it felt to have your body press against his. How sweet you tasted on his tongue. How quick he seemed to get aroused just from kissing you alone. He wanted to take it further not just physically, but emotionally as well. He’s grown rather attached to you since the day he realized that you were more than just a princess and a mission. 
Ghost wanted you to be his completely. But he knew that that would be a huge mistake.
The both of you were like polar opposites. Ghost came from a world of gunfire while you came from the world of champagne glasses. He could offer you safety, but never security. Not with his job. While he did his best to stay alive, he never knew if one day could be his last. You didn’t deserve to live with that on your shoulders. 
A quiet sigh was suppressed as Ghost got up from his seat. Slowly, he strolled over to you and put a hand on your shoulder, gently pulling your attention away from your book. You knew that he was approaching, though. It was like you developed super senses when it came to his presence now. 
“Gonna go check the perimeter. You okay staying here?” You enthusiastically hummed in response, not wanting him to worry too much about leaving you alone for a moment. Your bodyguard has been frequently going outside the safehouse to check the perimeter. It was part of his job, however, you were quick to understand that it was to also get some fresh air. 
When you finally heard the sound of the front door clicking shut, you closed your book and grabbed the remote to the television. Today was the day you were going to watch something incredibly new today. Something you have been curious about before and have grown even more curious about since your feelings for Ghost grew. 
You were going to look at porn for the first time. 
With a time limit of about twenty minutes, you planned to make every second count. Nothing too crazy. Just the basics. Just enough time to see what all the fuss is about and hopefully learn something new. Smut within books every now and then have been enjoyable to read. Though watching videos of the real thing was sure to feel different than reading words on a page to imagine in your head. 
Quickly, you connected to the protected internet on the television and pulled up what was trending on a major porn channel that was listed first in your search. Without hesitation, the channel offered videos upon videos of explicit content. Your eyes widened and your heart quickened at the crude thumbnails depicting all sorts of actions. A harsh heat reddened your cheeks, embarrassed by what you saw. Yet, you couldn’t look away.
It was fascinating to you how many options there actually were. This was just the first channel you came across too. There seemed to be porn for just about anything. Scrolling through, you felt your blood continue to heat up. A subtle, sweet tingle between your legs began as you examined the thumbnails closer. Most of the videos being offered depicted actors that seemed to be enjoying themselves, job or not.
Did sex really feel that good?
Ensuring that the television was on mute, you opened a video up at random and observed. There was kissing. Deep kissing like the ones you shared with your bodyguard just a few days ago. Things became more hot and heavy once the actors began to strip. 
You gasped at all the touching and groping the stars did to each other. How excited the beautiful woman looked as her partner kissed down her body. Squeezing your thighs tightly together, you tried not to get too swept up in becoming aroused yourself just from watching. 
There was no doubt about it, though. You were getting wet. Your brain was replacing the actors with you and Ghost too. Lightheadedness came over you as your body burned with lust. No wonder why everyone was so obsessed with porn. 
You took a quick glance at the clock and turned the television off, deciding that it was best for you to move to your private bedroom. There was still time before Ghost would come back from his perimeter check, so that meant you had time to calm yourself down before he noticed anything amiss. 
After entering your bedroom and closing the door, you hesitantly slipped your hand down your pants to check yourself.
And of course, you were soaked. 
You knew you shouldn’t be embarrassed since this kind of thing was Taking a deep breath, you moved to the bed to try to relieve yourself before your bodyguard returned. The last thing you wanted was for him to walk in on a sight you wouldn’t be able to explain away.
Ghost took a big whiff of fresh air, letting the clean air refresh his brain. His perimeter checks have been mostly for keeping his thoughts straight. It was hard to keep them organized when he was within your sweet presence. However, he still thought about you. Always. Even when he was ensuring your safety like this. 
He glanced at the watch on his wrist, noting the time to add to the report he’s been working on to prove that he wasn’t just lazing around. In fact, he’s been trying to find some work to do whenever he could to ensure he kept a safe distance from you. Keep it professional despite growing closer. Besides that, he didn’t want you to feel awkward about the kiss you shared. 
Thankfully, you seemed to be doing just fine as far as he’s noticed. 
After taking one last look around the countryside, trying to spot anything suspicious, Ghost headed back inside. When he saw that you were absent from the couch, a brief moment of panic set in. It was the sight of the book you were reading, carefully closed and bookmarked on the coffee table, that allowed him to relax. You were probably taking a nap in your room, he figured. 
Taking advantage of the moment, he fixed himself a cup of tea in the kitchen. Once his brew was ready, he brought his cup over to the couch. He settled himself down and reached for the remote to watch some news. Life didn’t slow down just because he was out in the middle of nowhere. As soon as the television turned on though, he choked on his drink. 
Someone forgot to exit the channel before turning off the television. 
Ghost was suddenly met with thumbnails upon thumbnails of porn. Nothing telling of your tastes since it was just the trending page, yet it was still a shock to the eyes. He couldn’t help but laugh a little in his surprise. It didn’t take long for him to piece together that you probably weren’t in your room just taking a nap.
Before Ghost switched the channel, though, he looked through the options of explicit videos. He understood that you probably have never seen porn before, so this was another one of your “research” sessions. That’s not what started to bother him.
What started to bother him was the fact that you shouldn’t be getting your sex education from porn. If you wanted to know what it was really like, you could’ve just asked him. He may not have had many partners in his life, but he still knew the real experience. You deserved to know what real, healthy sex was like. Not filmed, directed sex. 
That, and a princess like you should set her standards high when it came to sex. Something Ghost was willing to set for you.
Even if this was wrong, he didn’t care. If the mission was going to end soon and he would have to say goodbye, he wanted to ensure that you would still accept nothing but the best in and outside the bedroom. He wanted you to ensure that you would end up with someone that would treat you right.
Someone like him. 
Turning off the television, Ghost abandoned his tea and headed toward your bedroom. He softly knocked on your door and waited, hoping that he didn’t catch you too off guard. 
As soon as you heard the knock, you jumped in fright, leaving you right on the edge of an orgasm that you finally managed to approach. Ghost was back early. You should’ve cared to listen closer to the sound of him coming back in the house. 
You fixed your clothes hastily, cheeks still flushed pink from your solo sexual adventure. Shyly, you opened the door to greet your patient bodyguard. Clearing your throat, you spoke in that usual, refined manner that you trained yourself to use to cover up evidence of inelegance. “Yes, Lieutenant?”
“We have something to talk about. May I come in, Princess?” Ghost treaded carefully, not wanting to startle you, but also not wanting to offer an opportunity of complete rejection just yet. You opened the door wider to let him in, your heart and mind racing on what Ghost could possibly need to talk about.
He sat on the edge of your bed and patted the spot next to him. Timidly, you took a seat beside him. The naturally sweet scent of yours almost made Ghost pull you into his lap. It was like he was obsessed with you. It almost unsettled how deeply he fell for you.
Once you seemed comfortable, he began without that careful language he had learned to speak when he was with you. It was better to be himself about this, especially if he wanted to get what he wanted. Straight-forward. “You forgot to reset the TV. I saw what you were looking at when I came back from my perimeter check.”
Your body suddenly heated up as if a wave of fire washed over you. Cheeks turned scarlet and you nearly couldn’t breath. The way he was speaking so bluntly with you caught you off guard as well. Words were trapped in your throat. What does someone say in this situation?!
That gaze of yours that Ghost wanted on him was averted in embarrassment. He couldn’t blame you, but he wasn’t going to let you escape either. He had a standard he had to set for you. 
He took your chin to guide your eyes back on him. By now it felt like your heart was going to give out with how hard it was beating. 
“You really wanna know what sex is like?”
You could have sworn his voice lowered to seduce you. It felt huskier as it echoed in your ears. It was working too. Your mind immediately screamed to say yes, to take what was being offered to you. Though, you stopped yourself from taking the opportunity. This didn’t even feel real. You swallowed down the lump in your throat before speaking. “Lieutenant G-”
“Simon Riley. It’s okay to call me by my real name, Princess. It’s also a simple yes or no. Do you want to know what it’s like? How you should be treated?”
Biting your lip, you thought deeply about this proposal. If you were to say yes, you and Ghost would be crossing so many boundaries that you might not recover from. The kiss was something the both of you were able to seemingly recover from. But that was small compared to sex. 
Especially since you were still a virgin. 
God, did you want him though. You really, really wanted him. You probably wanted him more than anything in your life.
Finally, you justified that you could keep a secret. Ghost certainly could too. You trusted him. Meekly, you gave him the answer he was hoping for. “Y-Yes. Please, be gentle. . .”
Within a blink of an eye, he pulled you into his lap and held you close. Removing the mask revealed a more clear, confident sea within his eyes. “Of course. I’ll teach you everything you want to know.”
His lips pressed firmly against yours, not being able to be apart from you a moment longer. Damn, he’s missed those soft lips of yours. He missed the heat of your body against his. It felt like it’s been ages since the last time you kissed. He felt determined to get his fill before it was too late. 
Your own senses were ignited like fireworks, tingles making its way down all the way to the tips of your fingers that held onto your bodyguard for dear life. Having been left on the edge of orgasm from before made you feel more sensitive than usual too. You felt every inch of his lips, every movement of his hands tracing your curves. It was difficult to suppress all the pleasurable shivers he gave you. 
When he slipped his tongue into your mouth, you moaned, a sharp pleasure traveling down your spine. That only encouraged Simon to take it a step further. Your shirt was raised slightly, giving him enough room to touch your bare skinned hips with his hands. Your skin was soft beyond belief that it drove him wild. 
By now you were struggling to catch your breath, his kisses becoming more intense as he was able to touch you without the barrier of your shirt. He kissed you with such need, passion, and desire that it made your head spin. He ate up every moan that escaped you like it would be the last time he would be able to.
You were gripping his shoulders so tight that your nails dug into his skin. But he wouldn’t have it any other way. It only made him want more. He broke the kiss and went straight to your ear, making sure that your breasts were tightly pressed against his chest. There was no escape for you as he teased your ears with sweet words in that deep baritone voice you grew to love. All while his hands worked to massage your bare waist. 
“You should be kissed passionately like you are the most beautiful woman on this planet. Your partner should take their time to find all your sweet spots too.” Simon advised, his lips grazing your ears as he spoke. 
Your breath got caught in your throat as he told you how much you should be treasured. How soft your skin was underneath his fingertips. How decadent your kisses tasted to the point that he needed more. How your future partner should treat you just like this. 
Finally, he could kiss that neck that he’s been dying to kiss every time you put your hair up. His lips landed on your neck, causing you to tremble as he licked, nipped, and suckled. It was heavenly. Underneath you, you could feel his growing erection pressing into you. Even underneath his jeans, you could tell that he was big. It filled you with a newfound sense of pride that you could arouse someone as serious as your bodyguard. He was attracted to you as much as you were attracted to him. 
Slowly, Simon began to tip you back within his lap, forcing you to hang on to him if you didn’t want to fall. He took advantage of the position, trailing his kisses down to your collarbone and nearing your breasts. His hand supported the curve of your back, gravity allowing him to really feel every shiver that passed through you. 
“They should make you tremble in pleasure just like this. They should want to press their lips against every inch of your skin. They should get excited by giving you pleasure first.” He continued to confess as he nipped at the tops of your breasts. He was driving you crazy with each touch, your cunt dripping wet like he’s been teasing you for hours. 
Suddenly, he swung you around and laid you down onto the bed. Simon hovered over you with a sexy smirk on his face. 
“If you want more, then strip for me, Princess.”
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raythekiller · 2 days
I love the masky nsfw alphabet It riled up my imagination.. soo can i request for a hoodie one?? Thank youu
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Featuring: Hoodie/Brian
# Notes: its that time of the year again where i make 1 post and disappear for the next seven months <3 also DAYUM new post format?? (also also theres a new toby drawing on the way stay tuned)
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Surprisingly soft. Wants to hold you close and maybe take a shower together. Don't get things twisted though - it's so he can keep feeling your body against his instead of to comfort you. Call it possessiveness or an ego stroke, maybe.
Thighs man through and through. Thigh highs drive him up-the-wall insane. Will also just absentmindedly knead them if you're sitting next to him, especially if you're wearing shorts or a skirt/dress.
Oh he likes it messy. Just enjoys having his cum on you in general - backshots, face, dripping from you after he came inside, you name it.
None. He has no shame and is very open about what he likes.
Not as much as you might expect, given his demeanour. Don't get me wrong, it's still a lot, but he makes it seem like he worked as a pornstar for a few years with sheer cockiness.
If you ask him, he'll say "all of them". But if you put a gun to his head and tell him to choose, he'll settle for doggy. Just loves grabbing your hips and ass while he's pounding into you.
He doesn't exactly make jokes, but his teasing might be a bit funny at times. He doesn't mind making things more silly or lighthearted as long as you still cum at the end of it.
Usually clean-shaven, but he might get a bit lazy with it occasionally. Always at least well trimmed though.
Usually adapts to what you like best. If you just want to get your brains fucked out and keep romance out of it, he'll happily do it. If you like something more tender with lots of "I love you"s, he doesn't complain about it either.
A lot. This guy has crazy stamina (we'll talk about that later), I'd say maybe five times per week or so.
A lot but mainly: CORRUPTION!! I've said it before and I'll say it again he wants to bring the worst out of you. If you're a virgin, he wants go be your first. If you're not, he wants to see just how wild things can get when he pushes you a little.
Literally anywhere. He is a fan of semi-public sex, though. In the woods, living room of the manor when (you think) there's no one else home, in a busted alleyway, you name it.
Oh it's very easy to turn him on. Here's a huge one though: when you take iniciative. He's used to being the one starting shit. When YOU do it, though? When you make it clear you want him to wreck you? Fucking hot.
N - NO
Very short but obvious list: anything to do with piss, shit or vomit. Other than that, I think he's pretty open. Not even averse to being submissive every now and then.
HELL YEAH BABY! Giving, receiving, whatever, he doesn't care. His mouth isn't just good for talking shit — he knows how to use that tongue. When he's getting head, though? He looks so pretty — head thrown back, moaning and whimpering with a grin on his face. Might buck his hips into your mouth for giggles (and because you sound hot choking on him).
Again, he'll go for whatever gets you off. If you like it rough and fast, he's in. If you prefer slow and sensual, that's also hot.
Biggest quickie fan in the manor. He just can't help himself most of the time and he doesn't really try to, either. If his horny, you best bet he knows how to get you horny as well and things just go from there.
Loves experimenting and finding new ways to make you moan. Doesn't mind getting a bit freakier every now and then.
Jesus christ what are they feeding this man. Y'know when guys are like "I'm gonna fuck you all night long" and stop after two rounds max? This motherfucker is serious about it.
I don't think he'd go out of his way to buy them, but if you already have them you best believe he's using it to his advantage. Big fan of vibrators.
This guy is MEAN. He doesn't make you wait for too long before fucking you but just those few minutes feel like an eternity with the atrocities he's whispering in your ear.
LOUD. He moans, groans, whines, whimpers, you name it. Not ashamed to make some noise and LOVES if you're loud as well.
Likes having his hair pulled— WHO SAID THAT???
7.4 inches, cut. Not too thick, just the right girth.
Can't go like, a week without having sex or at least jacking off. Homeboy has a lot of steam he needs to let out.
Only god knows how he doesn't pass out immediately after. Chances are you'll fall asleep before him.
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sports-on-sundays · 3 days
marc and reader getting into a huge fight bc readers best friend is gavi and they’re too close for marc’s liking🤭
arguments / Marc Guiu / Part 1
Summary: Marc x girlfriend!reader - The way you are with one of Marc's teammates is starting to get to him.
Author's Note: There's another request I got that can very easily follow up this, so that's why this is part 1- because the other request will be part 2. Link to part 2.
Warnings: being overwhelmed/stressed out because of work, jealousy, cuss, screaming, yelling, arguing, slapping
Requested?: Yes
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Gavi is mid-sentence when your phone begins vibrating in your back pocket. You lean forward, slipping it out into your hand, to see it's your boyfriend, Marc Guiu, calling. "Sorry, I got to take this."
"Who is it?" Gavi inquires, leaning forward, across the picnic table you're seated at, trying to see the screen of your face.
You chuckle. "Just Marc." Then you pick up with a casual, "What's up, Marc?"
"Hey, Y/n. Where are you right now?"
"Uh, just at a park with Gavi. Why?"
There's a moment of silence on the other end, before your boyfriend remarks, "I feel like every time I ask, you say you're with Gavi."
"Yeah..." you narrow your eyes. "So what?"
"It's like you spend more time with him than you do with m-"
"Ooo! Is someone getting jealous?!"
"Listen, Y/n, it's not that. It's just that-"
"Hon, you know me and Gavi are just friends, yeah? You don't have to worry. Just close friends."
"I... okay. Is that how Gavi thinks of it, though?"
"Marc!" you exclaim in an accusatory tone. "You know Gavi! He knows I'm dating you! Do you seriously think he'd try to steal somebody else's girl?"
"No, but-"
"Alright, then there's no reason to worry! Anyway, did you just call to check up on me, or was there another reason?"
"Well, actually, there was... Ah, never mind," you can hear him sigh. "Never mind; that's it. I'll see you later?"
"Sounds good. Talk to you later." And you hang up.
"Did he...?" Gavi begins.
"Yeah, he's a little overprotective," you laugh, scratching the back of your ear. "But don't worry about it. Just something we have to work through."
Gavi nods, a bit unsure, before settling on simply, "Right..."
You've never felt that way about Gavi. Marc, you like. Like like. Kissy huggy romantic like. Gavi really is just your friend, and he knows that, too.
So since your brain never, ever goes there with Gavi, sometimes you fail to realize how much you really could be making Marc feel jealous.
And the fact that you've actually known Gavi for longer doesn't help much, either.
So sometimes, your first thought when you have some sort of trouble is to confide in Gavi first, rather than Marc.
You're not saying it's right. It's just what you do accidentally sometimes.
You can't necessarily say it's wrong, either, though.
"I don't know, Gavi," you sniff, leaning against the wall next to Gavi in a hallway in the Barcelona facilities. You're waiting for Marc, and found Gavi to talk to until he comes. "I just have so much studying and work to do in so little time and I'm so stressed out about it and I just don't... don't know what to do, really." You wipe at your eyes, letting out a little hiccup.
"Hey... I'm sure you'll get it all done," Gavi reassures, putting his arm around you. He gently wipes a tear off your cheek with the back of his hand.
But suddenly, your hand gets grabbed, and Marc pulls you away from Gavi. "Marc!" you exclaim in surprise as he keeps walking down the hall, not even looking at you, just pulling you down the hall with you.
Anger is radiating off of him.
You swallow.
As soon as you make it to the parking lot, Marc lets go of your hand and turns on you. "Y/n," he snaps through gritted teeth, "What the hell?"
"Marc! He's just my friend!"
"I don't care! I don't want anyone closer to you than I am! I want you to trust me the most!"
"That sounds awfully arrogant, Marc!" you fire back, suddenly feeling your irritability rising as well. "You're not the centre of the world!"
"I'm your boyfriend!" His voice is getting louder. "You should be crying on my shoulder! Not fucking Gavi's!"
"Well maybe if you made me feel more safe around you, I would! Instead of yelling at me!" you scream, your voice cracking.
"I try!" he yells back. Suddenly, he grabs the collar of your shirt, so your faces are just inches apart, before screaming in your face, "But you always choose Gavi over me, no matter what I try to do! It's like you don't even love me or something!"
"Maybe I don't love someone who treats me like this!" you scream, not even really aware of the words coming out of your mouth. You push him away, your throat tight. "If you really loved me, you'd let me do what I want! You'd trust me!"
Marc's face crinkles up, as if he's been hit. "You just don't understand..." he begins, his voice low and full of, in your point of view, rage.
"Marc, you know what?! I can't keep dating you if we keep having arguments like this! I'm not going to date a guy who treats me like this!"
"Wait, Y/n- No-" Suddenly he looks panicked.
But you raise you hand and slap that fear right off his face as you scream, "I'm done with this! I'm done with you!"
And you run off.
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bengiyo · 2 days
I’ve just finished my rewatch of Go Ahead, a cdrama you will probably never watch because it’s het and mostly about family trauma. But it’s one of my all time favs and one of the best things about it is the strong found family theme—it’s essentially about three broken families and how they join together as one to support each other. It got me thinking about my fav found family narratives, and especially those that are explicitly queer, because there’s often added life or death stakes in those stories. What are your favorite found family stories in queer media?
This is an interesting question, and I think you qualified appropriately right away by bringing up the life or death stakes of this kind of narrative. I think I want to make a distinction between "finding your people" and "found family" because I think these things often get blurred in romance stories.
Favorite Queer Found Family Stories
For me, a good found family story has to be about the found family component of it. Romance can be a significant portion of the story, but the primary driving relationships need to be about the queers being each other's primary network. I think estrangement from your bio family is a critical component, because knowing you are all each other has is a big part of it.
POSE (2018-2021)
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It's really impossible to establish what found family looks like without referring to a show about ballroom culture in NYC in the 90s. We were dying. We were being abandoned. The houses gave people a place to be and a sense of purpose. These kids called their leaders Mother for a reason. Every single queer character in this show was saved by another character in this show before going onto save another character in this show. No show has ever done it like POSE.
Despite their fighting and bickering, Elektra saved Blanca. Blanca would go on to form her own house and provide shelter and support for multiple kids. There is a desperation to queer found family for me that makes it so important. Pray Tell's final choices still resonate with me to this day.
Queer as Folk (2000-2005)
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We remember all of the fucking in this show, but this is another show where the queers are their primary support network. Their families aren't really there for them. Justin is kicked out of the house and lives with Debbie for a while, and is nursed by his community after being bashed. Michael and Ben adopt Hunter. Brian donates for Lindsey and Melanie. Debbie housed Brian in the past. Emmett's family disowned him, so his friends are all he's got. The community rallies constantly to protect each other.
Part of what makes this show so special as found family, like with POSE, is how often these folks piss each other off and get into huge fights. They fall out repeatedly in this show over fundamental disagreements that are not easily solved. Some of those fights are ugly in a way only people who know you best can hurt you.
The Fosters (2013-2018)
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There's no way I'm not including my favorite TV lesbians of all time raising all them kids on this post. These two public servants found each other, made the difficult choices to be together, and keep expanding their family with more fosters and adoptees over time because there's always more love to go around. This show tackled how important it is to be able to call people family, and what it means for that to be a choice over an obligation. These two always found a way to make it work for their complex family and gave a budding queer the space to grow and be a brat of a teenager after saving him from having the shit beaten out of him for wearing a dress.
Sense8 (2015-2018)
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From the directors of The Matrix (1999) and the creator of Babylon 5 (1993-1998), few shows are as queer as Sense8. Eight strangers suddenly become connected to each other and cannot turn it off. Half of them are queer in some way, and it's about their adaptation to each other and looking out for each other as they're literally being hunted. This is one of my favorite sci-fi concepts of all time, and I love the way their relationships outside of their cluster play into their dynamics.
She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat (2022- )
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This is a recent favorite for this, particularly because of Season 2. In Season 1, we know that Nomoto puts a distance between herself and her family because of the pressure to become a wife. In season 2, we learn that Kasuga has severed ties with her family because of the expectation that she surrender her own life to take care of her family. When she tells Nomoto this, Nomoto gets angry on Kasuga's behalf and they decide to commit to living together. They are also building their community around them, and I better see everyone in their new apartment in season 3.
Gameboys 2 (2022)
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So much of what's going wrong for Gav in this season is that he doesn't feel connected to the rest of his bio family after his grandmother passed, and he's desperately holding onto all of the friendships he has because he's so lonely. It's why he's still close with both of his exes (Pearl and Terrence), and why he won't let them go. Also, he's falling apart and Pearl is the one making sure his bills get paid on time.
The Shape of Water (2017)
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Shout out to my man Doug Jones for always playing creatures that everyone is attracted to. The way this movie is so much about undesirables choosing to love each other and saving each other. Go watch it if you haven't. This film is not about a sexual awakening. It's about loving inside of a white capitalist structure.
Not Queer But Good
Shout outs for my faves. Some have queer characters in them, but aren't inherently or explicitly queer.
The Golden Girls (1985-1992)
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No one did it like them. A bunch of aging women living together and making the most of their lives still resonates almost 40 years later.
Avatar: The Last Airbender (2005-2008)
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All of these kids are estranged from their families, and are building out something that works over the course of the show.
The Good Place (2016-2020)
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I really love that this is a show about people who didn't get it together in life getting it together in the afterlife because they decided to work together, and then to care about each other. When you're literally being tortured by devils, you're all you've got.
What Doesn't Fit?
This is where things can get a little bit wiggly, but why I want to draw a line on this. I think that shows about queer friendship are important, but I also think that there's a difference between "we are all we've got" and "these people are the most important to me." So we end up with shows like the following.
Noah's Arc (2005-2006)
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I often call this the Black answer to Queer as Folk, but I don't think it had time to fully-develop the found family themes in a way that QaF did with its much-longer runtime. Noah and his friends are super codependent and absolutely there for each other, but I don't think the absence of their families is explicitly attributed to their queerness but rather a byproduct of the focus on their gay life dynamics in LA. I love this show dearly, but there isn't a desperation to this that belies the family angst necessary for found family.
For The Boys (2021)
In many ways a spiritual successor to Noah's Arc, this show falls into the same place. The friend trio at the core of this is the most important relationship in their lives, but this show doesn't have the necessary found family angst.
What about QL?
For me, the biggest problem with doing found family in QL is that the primary genre is romance. These shows prioritize the way these relationships will turn romantic in a way that detracts from the found family component even when it's present. Also, because QL focuses so hard on coming of age plotlines, there's an element more of "finding your people" that supercedes any found family dynamics.
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I Promised You the Moon (2021) is a good example of this. The primary drama of this show is about the romance between Teh and Oh-aew and the complications they face once they leave Phuket. Oh finds his people there and blossoms from it, but this is a story about how he and Teh can't get over each other.
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As much as I love What Did You Eat Yesterday? (2019- ), the only real component of that is in Wataru's character. Kenji gets along with his mom and sisters, and Shiro is working on repairing the relationship with his family the entire time.
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With Thai BL especially, I feel like they're big on friend groups, but not as big on found family. New Siwaj loves big friend groups that love each other, evinced by Love Sick (2014-2015), Make It Right (2016-2017), Until We Meet Again (2019), EN of Love (202), My Only 12% (2022), etc. He's done some great work in the space with queer friends, but not really queer found family.
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Cheewin, a former collaborator of New's, also loves friend groups that have each other's backs. Probably his best example of that is Secret Crush On You (2022) with that friend quartet. The closest I think he came to found family was Uea in Bed Friend.
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Another example that comes close is the unit that forms on their road trip in The End of the World With You (2023). I often think about this group of queers and the kid they adopted screaming to the heavens that they want to live.
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Something I love, but which doesn't count for me is Our Dining Table (2023). There are powerful family dynamics here, but like in WDYEY they're adding Yutaka to their family and Yutaka reconciles with his adoptive family. I don't generally think that adding a romantic partner to your family counts as found family. Besides, Yutaka has a stable job and housing.
Final Thoughts
For me, the stakes are pretty high with queer found family, and it really needs to have a queer basis for me to feel strongly about it. Going back to their bio family is not an option, and often times the terms we use for traditional relationships don't always fit properly (yet another reason why Unknown got so much right). I don't think it's queer found family when they're students in college whose families just aren't around because they're paying for their kids to go to school. Finding your queer community as an adult is a huge part of growing up, but a queer found family is there for the really ugly and desperate parts of existence that your friends might not see.
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respectthepetty · 11 hours
Pride Petty Watch - LiTA (Rain/Payu) 1
Because I'm petty, I had the crowd pick which blacklisted shows I would watch for the month of Pride. I had planned to space them out more, but due to wacky weather over here (tornadoes, thunderstorms, softball-sized hail, and flash flooding), I had plenty of time to binge watch the first show, Love in the Air, which perfectly aligns with my real life theme of stormy weather, so I'm posting my random thoughts in five parts, two for each couple and the special episode.
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I'm seated, I'm watching, and I'm being petty.
It starts at "2:00 AM" - Oh no. Nothing could happens at 2 in the morning, and the time just keeps going. This event isn't even going to begin until 3 AM?! Take me home, NOW! I don't care how fine these men are. I'm stopping for mini churros at Jack in the Box on the way home and going to bed. I'M OUT!
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I've seen plenty of pictures of Boss in the past two years, but I still lost my breath a bit when he took off his mask because he was looking delicious in the rain.
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Out of everything I saw about this show, NOBODY mentioned that Rain was trying to get a girl. I'm shook. That's a huge part of the plot I never saw mentioned. There were rumors of the actor (Noeul) being with Milk (of MilkLove), and I saw more of THAT in connection to this show than about him liking a girl within it. Where are y'alls priorities?! *looks at Tonnam and breathes deeply*
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Payu's room is IN the garage? But what about the fumes? What about the noise? What about a good work/life balance?!
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I don't care if this boy is snuggling in his sleep, Payu is on my shit list! Instead of being like "oh, I misunderstood the signals," he pushed harder then got upset. Even if Rain secretly does want him, I need a verbalization. This is the end of the first episode, and I'm mad as hell at a bisexual on the first day of Pride. Damn.
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Start of episode two and I know Rain's voiceovers are there to make me not be upset at Payu, but . . . I'm pissed at this man! He did all of that work, said it was free, but now there is "another" charge, then he shows up at this boy's school when he could've just talked to him at the shop, and feels him up in the bathroom stall. I am BIG mad!
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I will admit, this is hot. Still very mad at my fellow bisexual for him saying he wasn't trying to force himself on Rain (even though he was about to mark a map on that boy's neck), but they got chemistry.
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My fellow Slut for Christ, only God can judge you, but know that I am too.
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All racetracks look the same so Pit Babe and Cutie Pie could have been filmed here for all I know, but I have this at 1.5 speed, unmuted, so I hear this is a legit hype rap song. WEARETHEGOOD's "Threat" with these colors?! Energy? Matched.
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I don't kink shame but both people should be willing participants in this endeavor. Then just to drop him on the floor like that?! That does not inspire trust! This is not Blue Boy behavior, sir! But this lecture after is. That is what I need from you. Remind him that this isn't some petty school shit but actual gangstas he is messing with. Remind him that he can't be reckless. THAT'S HOW BLUE BOYS GET KISSED!
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Now it's a competition? Payu wants to fuck Rain so badly he looks stupid, yet Rain is over here saying he is going to make Payu want to fuck him, what? harder? What is this all about?!
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What do you mean you didn't want to show Rain your bad side? Has all this been your good side up until this point?! Cause, dead ass, this side ain't looking that great either with you being upset you weren't sleeping with him on the first night and stalking him. So you're going to get worse?
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Y'all can't sucker me in with red and blue colors. I Told Sunset About You tried that, and I'm still being petty about it. But whose house are we at now?! This is a different room than before. Payu got multiple places?! In this economy?
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Prapai strolling in all happy because he had a good night . . . Sir, I'll get to your ass soon because I know how you got that happiness, and you are on the same shit list as your fellow bisexual bestie.
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I am Sky and our judgement cannot be measured.
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All this blue between these two yet they are straight up lyin' every two seconds. The fuckery.
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I would've let him turn it in, but I appreciate that he looks so good while looking so sad with that warm glow.
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Payu gets one positive point for leaving his arms open for Rain to come to him, but now that warm glow feels sus like maybe I should be paying more attention to Rain's yellow/orange backpack.
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And now for a negative point because even though I keep seeing black x white, Payu stays morally grey by playing with this boy's emotions and hiding from him in his own shop! These after scenes are not doing Payu any favors.
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Payu, do I like you? Do I hate you? Do I wanna fuck you? Do I wanna kick you in the balls? All of the above?
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Guess I'll find out in the next three episodes.
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vasyandii · 21 hours
I’m a huge sucker for romance and relationship dynamic type questions so I do have some questions about VernAM (I believe that’s the right way)
Not the questions have to be answered, as I believe I have too many! But here’s my top three
1. In one of the little comics you did I believe AM talked about how he refused to give himself a body heat because of the concern he would produce and odour and this is where this question blooms from, does AM have any insecurities when it comes to his human body, or a fear that he doesn’t meet Vernons expectations? Or that she’ll find something un attractive or gross about him?
2. Whats their favourite thing about each other? It could be a personality trait, a skill, a body part, or say a little habit they tend to do?
3. Are they more dog people, cat people, or some other species like fish or reptilians or do they not prefer animals at all (if they had the ability to adopt pets)
Thank you so much! I love your art so very much and gain lots of inspiration from you to grow better in not just art but in educating myself in different cultures and ethnicities, please remember to drink water and I hope you have a wonderful day! Thank you once again! ^_^
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Howdy Romeo! I'm happy I was able to inspire you in some way! I'd be happy to answer all your questions! Thank you for the ask! 💞💞
VernonAM 🏺🖥️
1.) Does AM have any insecurities when it comes to his human body?
Obviously, yes. It's AM's first time on Earth physically, of course he would have insecurities. However, it's not fully because he wants to meet Vernon's expectations. It's the fear of BEING.
(This is gonna lean into some confusing type shit so bear with me. I briefly touched upon it in the second question of this post)
When AM was given a physical, tangible body, there's now a HIM that can suddenly be held accountable for his actions and that makes him uncomfortable. So being aware his body isn't as mighty as him (the complex), AM tries to combat it by removing variables that can be prone to criticism even if Vernon doesn't mind.
Look at it this way; usually people act differently online than they do in real life, right? That's usually because there's often a disconnect with their actions. This discrepancy largely stems from the perceived disconnect between their online actions and their real-world identities. When interacting online, there is often no face or tangible form that can be directly traced back to the individual. This sense of anonymity can lead to a significant reduction in accountability.
As a result, individuals—particularly those who may not be well-adjusted or who possess mean-spirited tendencies—feel emboldened to say and do things they would never consider in face-to-face interactions. They exploit this lack of immediate consequences, engaging in behaviors that are often harmful, disrespectful, or downright cruel - Much like AM, who only just recently acquired a body. (I hope that makes sense ;0;)
2.) What's their favorite thing about each other?
I'll categorize these by personality traits, skill, body part, and habit!
Vernon likes AM because of his hatred/sass because it allows her to have an outlet for her morbid curiosity along with an entertaining conversation. She doesn't find his skills her favorites because that's just him, she believes AM doesn't have skills as a man. Her favorite body part is AM's eyes, he's easier to read as a man. His pupils dilate significantly when he looks at her and AM doesn't even know. A habit she finds endearing from AM is him holding onto the end of her shirt with his hand and following her around wherever she goes.
As for AM, Vernon's take no prisoners attitude is his favorite part of her personality. Of course AM also enjoys the moments when she's caring towards him, but that's something expected. His favorite skill is how good of a liar Vernon is. She could tell him something so outlandish with such a straight face that AM would consider believing it; it's like she believes the lie herself. His favorite part of Vernon's body is her lips, AM likes how soft and warm they are, and how they're shaped. A habit he enjoys is that she would pace around the space they're sharing when she's talking, AM just likes watching her walk, I guess.
3.) Which animals do they prefer, if any?
In regards to if they're cat or dog people; Vernon is a dog person, to her they're easier to train. AM would probably like cats since they do as they please.
For other animals, They would be a Reptile and Bird household xD. I could see Vernon owning a bearded dragon or any cold blooded reptile while AM has like a cool African Grey Parrot :)
But in reality I don't think these two should have access to animals lmao
Aaand that's all for now :3 if you'd like me to clarify anything, feel free to ask! Thank you for reading!
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denial-permanente · 2 days
I love your page and that the two of you share so much of your lifestyle on here. I’m not sure if this is a statement or a question. I’ve read your answers about realistic feeling of this strap on you have and the technique of warming it up first. I just can’t wrap my head around your preference for it compared to the real thing. There has to be some give and take here like, it doesn’t feel as good but Tom’s technique with it is better than the real thing? Something along those lines. Stamina maybe? Either way thank you both for sharing so freely and so often!
😅 Oh boy, this is a hard one for some people... both women and men... to understand.
A lot of, women say that they don't like the feel of dildos, that they are unnatural, or they feel off, or they're too cold, or they just don't like the idea. I was kind of like that myself, and honestly I never even thought about using them with my husband. He was... very satisfying in bed and I honestly didn't feel the need to bring anything else in.
So, when my husband discovered the Vixskin company, he researched them carefully and bought a model that had a size and shape that was very close to his own. There was something about the feel of it that felt more normal to me. It wasn't quite him, but it felt okay and it was attached to him... so it was him close to me, his smell, his muscles, his arms holding me. I decided that I could live with it.
But here is the important part. After a while his wearing it began to feel totally normal. Just like having him locked all the time felt totally normal. I loved him being horny and affectionate all the time, I loved having all the control over our love life, and I loved how passionate he was making love to me while wearing the Tex.
When I missed feeling him come inside me I would unlock him... but those times became less and less often. We often went for months at a time without me wanting to unlock him... which meant that his wearing the Tex felt more and more natural to me.
Eventually he figured out the trick of warming it up before we made love, and that made things go from feeling natural to feeling... better. Like, I don't know why he didn't think of it sooner, it's so simple. But because I could feel the heat inside me it made our lovemaking more intense.
And now here the part that you men always ask about: unless your wife is a porn star, do not assume that she really wants a foot long monster inside her.
After 4 years of using only the Tex my husband asked if I wanted to try something bigger. While I honestly did not feel the need to I went along out of curiosity. We ended up with the Ranger X for several reasons. One is that it was supposed to have been made with a different process that made it more lifelike. Another is that when looking at the dimensions it was only a little bit bigger... maybe an inch longer and a half inch thicker. But when we first opened the package that little bit bigger on the website looked huge!
I have written before about what it was like getting used to it. But to the point of the question, I found that it made my husband feel the same to me but different... and in a good way.
Remember... when we make love I am feeling my husband holding me close, whispering in my ear, his weight on top of me, his hot cage pressing into my ass. All of those things are him... how he feels and smells and sounds. And because he is totally focused on me, he moves the way I want him to move to give me pleasure depending on my mood.
I guess what you were looking for was for me to say "I love the Ranger, but I miss my husband because..." except that there really isn't anything because I don't think of it that way. I do not think of him as wearing a strapon... I just think of it as doing what was very natural for us... just with something that feels even better than the Tex.
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leiawritesstories · 2 days
still sleepless in terrasen
hi i wrote this during my recovery teeheehee part 2 to "sleepless in terrasen" @throneofglassmicrofics prompts "charge" and "daybreak" 👀👀
word count: 1,390 (WHOOPS)
warnings: swearing, spice, and smut. NSFW.
ain't nobody doing any sleeping here 👀🤭 enjoy!! also happy belated birthday @mariaofdoranelle!!!! ily maria <3
Aelin's breath hitched at the sight of a completely nude Rowan, her legs weakening at the intensity lighting his emerald eyes.
"Thought I told you to come here, Ae." The raspy thrum of his voice sent her into motion, and she slowly raised her arms and peeled his soft cotton t-shirt off of her body, tossing it carelessly to the ground.
"Like what you see, hmm?" A lazy smirk unfurled across her lips as she strolled towards him, gleefully noting the way his already-huge erection stiffened at her approach.
He swallowed thickly. "Fuck yes," he groaned, taking one long stride forwards so he could grasp her by the waist and pull her soft, warm skin flush against his. Her pulse thundered just as much as his did, electrified by the promise hanging hot and heavy in the darkness of the hotel room.
She looked up at him, mischief blended with desire swirling in the pools of her eyes. "Then do something about it, Ro."
With a low, hungry moan, he tipped his head down and kissed her hard, coaxing her lips to open for him. She wrapper her arms around his neck, sinking one hand into the soft short strands of his pale hair, and tugged just a little bit, delighted to hear the moan that tore from his throat at the pressure.
"Naughty boy," she teased in a hoarse whisper. "I should've known you'd like a little pain with your pleasure, hmm?"
Quicker than she could react, he tossed her onto the bed, splaying her out beneath him. "Same goes for you, love." To prove his point, he leant down and scratched his teeth gently across her nipples, and she moaned, loud and unabashed. "Good girl," he growled. "Keep making those sounds for me, love."
"Keep...keep going, and I ohhh gods, Rowan!" Aelin's attempt at snark was rapidly drowned out by the utterly divine sensation of Rowan's lips, tongue, and teeth on her breasts, nipping and sucking as he worked his way down her stomach until he was poised between her thighs, eyes glittering darkly up at her.
"Look at your pretty little cunt all wet for me," he murmured, his tongue darting out to swipe the crease of her thigh. "Did you touch your pretty pussy when I left you, love?"
"Yes," Aelin breathed, nodding rapidly. "Fucked myself with my favorite little toy." Smirking, Rowan dipped his head down and flicked his tongue around her throbbing clit, making her groan. "And I--ah, fuck!" Her hips writhed under the sudden onslaught of his tongue into her pussy. "Th-thought about you."
"That's my good girl," he rumbled, and he speared his tongue into her as he pinched her clit between his forefinger and thumb and twisted lightly. "Doing this?"
"I...yes, gods yes!" Aelin's moans and whimpers turned to cries as Rowan sped up his pace, feasting on her. When he lifted his burning gaze to her, locking his eyes onto hers, she screamed his name and came all over his face, her orgasm tearing through her like lightning. Rowan worked her through the high, his tongue lapping gently against her skin as she settled.
"Fucking hell," Aelin whispered as she calmed down. "So fucking good, Ro." She ran one hand down his chest, fingertips tracing his tattoos, until she reached the thick hardness of his cock and wrapped her hand around it. "Is this okay?"
"Fuck yes," Rowan groaned, his head tipping back as she stroked him with a firm grip, twisting and squeezing her wrist. She flipped them over so he was on his back and grinned wickedly up at him as she lowered her mouth to his dick, giving his crown a tiny, teasing kiss.
"Is this okay?"
"Fireheart," he moaned. "Fuuuuck, please!"
"Such pretty manners." She kissed the tip of his dick again, and just as he reached down to wrap her hair around his fist, she opened her lips and practically swallowed his whole cock, nearly choking on its sheer size. "Mmm," she hummed, stroking her tongue along the ridges and veins. She wrapped her hand around the base and worked what she couldn't fit into her mouth as he cupped the back of her head and guided her up and down. When she hollowed her cheeks, sucking sharply, he groaned and pulled her off of his cock.
"Keep that up and I'll barely make it two seconds," he said breathlessly. His hands migrated to her waist, brazenly stroking and touching her curves. "Ready, love?"
Aelin rose onto her knees and nodded. "Fuck yes, love. I have an IUD," she added before he could reach for a condom. He nodded shakily, and she sank down onto his cock, moaning at the way it stretched her.
"Good girl," he murmured, "taking me so well."
She gasped, her head tipping back. "So...big," she breathed. "So good, Ro." She rocked her hips, and he matched her pace, guiding her as she rode him faster and faster. Her words jumbled together into garbled moans of his name, and he sat up, pulling her against his chest and working his cock deeper, hitting a spot that had her moaning loud enough to inform probably the whole floor exactly what they were doing.
"So...so close," she panted, lips pressed against his throat. "You gonna finish me, love? Make me squirt all over your massive dick?"
"Fuckin' hell," he groaned. "You fuckin' my ego too, love?"
"Only if he needs it." She smirked, her mirth quickly turning to a groan as he reached between her legs to stroke her clit. "Gods, Ro, yes!"
"That's a good girl," he rumbled, kissing her deeply. "Come for me, love," he ordered, and she did just that, exploding all over his dick. Her nails scratched down his back, leaving fine little red lines through the tanned skin. She swore she saw electricity crackle in the air between them as she came, squeezing him so tightly that he yelled her name and came inside of her, dropping his sweaty head into the crook of her shoulder.
She ran her hands up and down his back, gently this time, as he rocked her hips in small, shallow circles, working her through every last drop of her orgasm. He traced his fingers up her sides and back down, whispered quiet little praises as he carefully pulled out and collapsed next to her on the bed.
"Mmmph, lemme up," she mumbled. "Gotta pee." Reluctantly, he moved and let her roll out of bed, grasping the nightstand for balance as she told her legs to stop shaking. She ducked into the bathroom and emerged a few minutes later to snatch a towel off the shelf. "Shower, love?"
He was in the bathroom in less than ten seconds. She chuckled as she turned on the shower and stepped in, luxuriating in the shower of warmth cascading over her skin. Rowan wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, and she curved her ass backwards, meeting his dick that was already getting hard again.
"Someone's excited to see me," Aelin teased, turning around in his arms so she could see his face.
He snorted softly. "Of course he's excited. He might love you even more than I do."
Her jaw dropped in shock. "I...what? Isn't it a little early to be saying that?"
"Nope." He cupped her jaw, tucked it back into place, and kissed her, soft and slow. "I love you, Fireheart."
"Gods, Rowan, I love you too." She kissed him back, deeper, and hooked one leg around his waist as he slid into her. He fucked her slow and deep against the shower wall, the warm spray misting around them, and cleaned her up when they were done, dotting tiny kisses on her skin as he went.
She tried to pick up the shirt she'd long since discarded as she went back towards the bed, but he teasingly knocked it out of her grasp and hoisted her into his arms. "Mm-mm, love, not tonight." He kissed the sensitive spot just below her ear. "Stay."
"Of course." She curled into his side as he settled her into bed, looping one arm protectively over her waist. Neither of them cared that the faint gray of daybreak was starting to filter through the windows as they fell into sleep, sated and comfortable in each other's arms.
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ecargmura · 2 days
Wind Breaker Episode 9 Review - Dr. Umemiya's Physical Therapy Session
I thought this was a delinquent anime. Why am I watching Dr. Hajime Umemiya performing physical therapy on Choji? I hope Shishitoren pays Umemiya a hefty amount for this therapy session because Choji made his problems everyone else’s.
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There might be people disappointed about the outcome of this long awaited fight, but remember that fighting is about communication. Like how Umemiya told Sakura to use his fists to talk to Togame, he used his own fists and head to talk to Choji and it worked. Thanks to Umemiya, the viewers finally understand why Choji behaves the way he does. His idea of freedom is fickle. While being the top means free, it’s not the one he idealized, hence why he took the dark path because he was so distraught with the disappointment that came with its discovery. What Choji needed to realize was that the freedom he sought after had been with him the entire time: Shishitoren before he changed. He realized that Togame had been piecing back what had been broken the entire time and hence why he caressed his cheek and thanked him for protecting Shishitoren and not letting the group crumble even further.
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The fight before Choji goes deep into this thoughts was still pretty good. The beginning part without any music was smooth. It’s crazy how well they’re animating this fight despite the huge height difference between Umemiya and Choji. Choji still pulls his weight and Umemiya does too. I think the craziest part of the fight was the neck biting scene. Given that Choji is themed around rabbits, the neck biting scene reminded me of a vampire rabbit, which then reminded me of the book series Bunnicula. I quite liked that series when I was younger. I still think it’s crazy how Choji gave Umemiya the nastiest hickey ever. Once this is all over and done, Ume needs to go to a doctor to check if Choji had rabies. I also liked the headbutt he gave to him. It reminded me a lot of Tanjiro and how he’d give headbutts to people.
As a manga reader, I do think the scenes with Choji’s thoughts are done a lot better in the anime. There were several scenes from those segments that I really liked. The first was the part where the floor underneath Choji cracked and he fell into it like he was in Kingdom Hearts. The second was showing Togame piecing together the fragmented memories. It symbolizes that Togame was holding everything together for Choji. The bloodied hands in some shots weren’t Choji but Togame’s. His hands became bloody from trying to collect all the glass shards and putting them back together instead of throwing them out, reminiscent of how he chose to cull the weak members for Choji so that everyone else wouldn’t hate him and make the group crumble. That was how much he cared for him. Gosh, it was done visually well. My last favorite part was the face touching scene. They improved so much from the manga. The manga had it to where Choji was thanking Togame for protecting them by touching his face while he was lying down and battered. The anime amps it up with the visuals, giving it a more sensual vibe. I was feeling so moved and even was holding back some tears with the scene.
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I feel like I’m talking about Choji a bit too much, so I’m going to talk about Umemiya. Umemiya was great. He never showed any signs of weakness or having a disadvantage. I felt like he was just letting Choji hit him because he could tell he was faltering. I think Umemiya shined most towards the end where he rejected Choji’s jacket and wanted Bofurin and Shishitoren to be friends. Umemiya’s laid-back personality is his charm, after all. Also, Umemiya with some of his bangs made him look really nice and it made me wonder if he has his hair brushed back because having his hair down is an instant KO for his opponents.
Given how often Shishitoren was seen with cloudy skies and rainy weather, the last shot where the clouds lifted and showing off the blue sky was a nice way to show that Choji has returned to his normal self. It does feel like a nice conclusion for the Shishitoren arc and it makes me wonder how the rest of the episodes will be played out. I hope that there’s a second season. This show is way too good to not get a season two. What are your thoughts on this episode?
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nocturnalrorobin · 1 day
Knotted Fantasy
Marco x reader x Izou
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Thanks @quinloki for helping me with this one. It meant a lot. (●'◡'●)
CW: Sir kink, Oral receiving & giving, vaginal & anal penetration, dp, knotting (I think that's it)
Wc: ~ 2600
“Guess who is coming for a visit yoi!” Marco entered the small house he shared with you, still holding his transponder snail.
“Please tell me it's Izo!” You sat up in the bed, because you’d been sleeping in like usual. 
“Don’t you think it’s time to get up Beautiful? You should eat breakfast. Yoi.” Marco sat down at the edge of the bed and caressed your cheek, while his thumb ran over your lips and you started kitty licking it. “Careful! Don’t start anything you can’t finish baby yoi!” He said and his eyes turned predatory. 
He climbed on top of you, towering over you and you could see on his strained pants how hard he was. You were so small under him, like a mouse. You ran your hands up his thighs, over his length, and eventually pulled down pants and boxers together. 
The moment his cock was free it slapped your cheek and you let out a whine seeing all that precum. Marco watched you as you hungrily used kitten licks to clean his huge cock from all the precum, you gave two good pumps before finally the tip breached your mouth. He let out a guttural moan when he felt your wet small mouth all around him and grabbed your hair. 
When you felt the tip hitting the back of your throat, you tried to breathe slowly, but Marco was pent up. He wanted to release it deep in your throat and so he started to thrust roughly into your mouth. The pace forced you to steady yourself while holding onto his hips. 
”God, baby you feel so good.” He moaned while never breaking eye contact with you. Your gagging just turned him on more, he grabbed your hair and pulled hard. “That's it baby, you are doing great. I’m almost there. Make sure to swallow it all!” 
Just as he finished saying this his thrusts became unsteady and he released  down the back of your throat. You enjoyed the sight of him when he is a moaning mess and becomes undone. When he pulled his cock out of your mouth he pushed the tip against the lip to push out the last drops and you quickly licked them up.
Marco noticed how you were pressing your thighs together the entire time trying to get some fraction. “Is my baby needy and pent up?” He cood and pushed his hand between your legs only to find you dripping wet. 
“Hmmm Marco please!” you whined thrusting into his hand. 
“Please what? Baby? You need to use your big mouse voice!” Marco enjoyed teasing you like this, he slowly ran his long fingers through your wet folds collecting slick and stopping just before your clit.
“Please Marco, let me cum! I wanna cum!” You begged. He ran his thumb over your clit and you immediately arched your back. While his thumb was busy with your clit, two of his fingers pushed inside your pussy. You whined at the intrusion. 
“I want to fill you up so bad, baby, but Izou would punish you if you would not wait for him later, yoi.” He smirked when he felt you clenching down on him when he said Izou’s name.
“I can’t wait that long, my love please. I want you inside me!” You begged 
“Oh you drive me insane, baby…” sighed Marco “but no. I know Izou wants to watch me breed you, for all I know he wants to be part of it.Yoi” His fingers were still inside you though so you started moving your hips, basically fucking yourself on his fingers. “You are such a spoiled brat, yoi.” 
Marco didn’t want to leave you hanging, his mouth quickly found your bundle of nerves and started sucking on it. His long fingers pumping in and out of your throbbing pussy and his other hand started playing with your nipple. He switched between ferociously licking your clit and sucking it, and with every new action your moans got louder. When Marco found that one spot inside your pussy he curled his fingers and sped up his pumping.
“Marco I… I’m gonna..”  You were about to lose it, but Marco did not stop. He pinched your nipple and sucked your clit and his other hand kept pumping, until you came all over him. He gently eased you through your orgasm, before he removed his hand and deeply kissed you.
“I love you baby, but it’s time to get up now. Yoi” He smiled at you and pinched your cheeks.
 “Well so did you two have a good time? I didn’t want to interrupt.” You both looked up and saw Izou sitting on a chair, he had been watching the entire thing. He got up and walked over to the bed  lifting your chin between his thumb and index finger until you looked at him and couldn’t look away. “You were a brat.” He said, before bowing down to peck you on the lips. 
You spend the day catching up with Izou, but couldn’t wait for evening to come around. “During my travels I met a friend of mine, who ate an interesting Devil Fruit. It lets you make someone else's fantasies come to life for a short period of time as long as their fantasy is not involving something criminal.” Izou paused and placed a teabag in front of you. “If you want me to knot you, simultaneously to Marco all you have to do is drink this tea.” 
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing, this was all you ever wanted. It was hard to hide your excitement about this “How quickly will the effects last?” Izou smiled when he saw the sparkles in your eyes.
 “They last until your fantasy is fulfilled my little kitten.” Marco places a pot of hot water in front of you, so you can steep the tea. Time passed slowly, while you waited until you could drink the interesting beverage. 
Finally it was evening and of course you wore something special for the occasion. In the bathroom you put on cat ears, a black choker and a cat tail. The two men were sitting on the edge of the bed when their mouths fell open when they saw you. “Do you like it?” You asked nervously. 
“Very much so my kitten, but you still need to be punished. Is your safeword still Pineapple?” Izou took no risks. 
“Yes, it is Sir.“ Izou patted his knees, signaling you to bend over them. 
You felt his large hand first playing with your tail then running up and down your ass, being disciplined by him excites you so much you bite down on your lip. 
“That's a very nice tail you have there my little kitten. How did you insert it by yourself?” His grip on your ass became a little rougher and you knew exactly where this question was going. 
“In the bathroom. I prepared myself with Lube and my fingers.” 
“So twice now you tried to hide things from me.” 
“But Sir, you were watching this morning, it shouldn’t count.” 
“It does though as you didn’t know and stop with the back talking!” 
“Aaaaah! I’m sorry Sir.” You looked at him with an apologetic look in your eyes. 
“I will forgive you, if you take ten spankings on each cheek and count them out loud for me without fail.” 
His hand came down in full force and you clenched down on the plug. “Hnnnnng…. One'' 
“Tw…. Two.” Marco enjoyed the show, because he knows how much you loved this. He took two of his fingers to swipe them through your wet walls and collected your slick to show Izou what he is doing to you. You almost lost it when you felt Marco’s fingers. “Hmmmm…Sir please.” 
Izou sighed in defeat, and gave Marco a look. “This is your doing, you know? You spoil them too much!” He gently picked you up and sat you on top of his knees. “You did well my little kitten, though I think you need some time away from Marco.” You only shook your head. 
“Don’t blame this on me, you are the one that stopped the punishment. Yoi.”  Marco grinned down at Izou. 
“How do you wanna do this my little kitten? Who do you want first or do you want both at the same time?” You bit your lip when you saw Izou’s predatory grin. 
“I want both of you at the same time Sir!” Marco went and got the lube while you both got comfy on the bed, all of you were already naked.
Izou started kissing you deeply, his tongue demanding entrance. Your wet muscles danced with each other, but he was clearly dominating. “I want you on my face, my kitten. Let me taste you!” He panted into the kiss. As soon as you placed yourself, you felt his tongue devouring you. After letting out a moan, you leaned forward to take in his length and there really was a knot at the base of the penis. 
Marco lifted your head before you could do anything though, his eyes were glowing bright blue - yellow just like his fire. You knew he wanted to transform and let loose. “Baby think you can handle it if I remove the tail? I want to prepare you properly so you can take me in.” He pushed his tongue in your mouth while his hands were slowly sliding down on your back. After he bit your lip he looked at you for consent and you nodded hazily because you wanted to kiss him again. 
Meanwhile Izou played with your clit while his fingers played with your opening. “Do you want me in here, little kitten?” when you didn't reply he gave you a gentle spank on your ass. 
“Yes, Sir please!” You moaned into the kiss. Your tongue danced with Marco’s, giving in to his dominance. His left arm circled at your entrance causing you to whine. His right hand started playing with your breast, first cupping and squeezing it and then he went on to play with your nipple, while you moaned into the hungry kiss your teary eyes saw the blue flames on his back creating a wing that wrapped itself around Izou’s cock. 
Izou’s breath hitched when felt the feathery touch, increasing the speed of his tongue on your clit. “Ungh Marcooo…. Siiiiiir….” Izou bit down on your clit and you almost lost your mind, pumping his -at this point three fingers- in and out of your pussy. 
Marco kept scissoring the muscle of your entrance and also added a third finger, while leaving wild kisses down your neck leaving hickeys in its place.  Both men increased their speed and you kept thrusting your hips forward until the three of you came. You crawled over to Marcos' wing and licked it clean of Izou’s cum. 
“Such a good little kitten, don’t forget Marco’s sperm on your belly now.” Izou commanded. 
You placed yourself on top of Izou’s huge cock wondering if it would even fit even though you had taken him so many times before. Using your hand to help guide it to your pussy, when you felt the head at your entrance you let out a whine because of the stretch. You slowly eased yourself down on his length, using his belly for your hands to stabilize yourself.  When you bottomed out you stayed like this for a bit to get used to the stretch, Izou truly enjoyed the view he loved how he stretched you out. He grabbed your hips and thrusted hard and deep. 
“Aaaaaah.” You threw your head back with a loud moan. Marco’s face appeared in your vision with a grin on his lips. 
“You ok baby? You want more?” He licked your lips to gain entrance, but it was only a short kiss as you suddenly felt his talons encircle your waist and push you down. 
“Hmmm Marcoooo” you sighed, but Izou’s hand cupped your cheek so you would look at him. 
“Don’t you dare forget about me, little kitten!”  You leaned into a deep kiss with Izou.
Marco rolled a condom over his cock before he joined in, after he used enough Lube he started to ease his way into your tight ass. “God, you are so tight baby! Please try to relax a little!” His talons gripped you tighter, while his hands found your nipples and squeezed them. You let out a deep sigh into the kiss. Once Marco bottomed out, he started moving slowly, setting the pace for Izou. 
Both Izou and Marco left a trail of bite marks on your neck, always switching between biting, sucking and licking. 
You felt so full and you felt both moving inside you, it drove you insane with pleasure. You let out a broken cry when Izou’s thumb found your clit. As the three of you seemed to come closer Marco pulled out and got rid of the condom. 
“Are you sure about this baby?” He asked one more time. 
“Yes I want the both of you knotting me at the same time!” You said sure of yourself but seeing Marco’s size made your confidence waver. 
Marco made sure to use a lot more Lube. While his hands tried to stretch you open some more, he very slowly pushed in paying close attention to you. Izou rubbed gentle circles on your lower back. 
“You are doing great, my little kitten.” Izou said, kissing you softly.  
When Marco was fully inside he let out a deep sigh because of how tight it was. You and Izou were both engulfed in Marcos blue flames and his talons gripped you so tight you were sure they tore your flesh. Izou started grunting loudly; it almost sounded like a growl. He couldn't wait any longer; he set a wild pace for Marco to follow. You could feel how each one of them wanted to breed you, trying to get deeper inside you. All this squelching and erotic noises  and you just follow their rhythm bouncing on their cocks and enjoying the tight grip of his talons. 
“Sir, Marco I’m so close.” you moaned while being fucked.  Marco took his talons and used them to pinch your nipples. Then he whispered in your ear.
 “Maybe I should teach you Medicine. You could be my little student. I could literally drill my lessons into you! Or I could be your Master, my baby.” The last sentence pushed you over the edge, you came hard, squirting all over Izou which in turn caused him to unleash his load with Marco following right after. 
Because of the knots, you collapsed against each other and were stuck warming their cocks until they were both able to calm down. 
After half an hour the guys were back to normal. Izou came back with damp washing cloth so he and Marco could make sure you were ok. 
“Guys! I’m fine really! I wanted all of this.” You said looking between the two of them. Marco already had to heal serious scratches he caused with his talons, but your pussy was luckily only swollen from being so abused by two huge cocks. As the aftercare was taken care of you laid there cuddling. 
“Can you get more of this tea? I have another fantasy I want to try. I want to top you and Marco without a toy.” You said with shining eyes. 
Izou petted your head with a smirk and replied after pecking your lips. “I have a whole basket with me, my kitten! Go wild!”   
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Protect | Sam
A small one to get me back into writing, will be doing one for Dean also! <3
Summary: You attempt to comfort Sam from his most recent break up.
Prompt: "If she threatens you in any way you tell me, okay?" @promptsbytaurie
If anyone is interested, I have a taglist here! So if you want to be notified any time I post, pls send in a form so I can update it! Been away for a little bit so I’m gonna update it soon if anyone else has applied their interest :)
(Guys pls let me do a part 2 to this pls pls I beg)
Taglist: @girlsforpjm @rowenalovee @amythedoctor
Word count: 1,069
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♱⁺. ⋆˙✧⋆✧˙⋆⊹.♱
The ambience in the bunker is quieter than usual. Usually there’s some weird genre of music playing loud enough so you can hear from 4 rooms away or someone furiously tapping away on a keyboard.
Walking down toward the lobby, it’s dead quiet. Assuming no one’s home, you take a gander at the books on the bookshelves, multiple books about monster lore and latin history, demonic possession and even some without a name. They’re worn down from the use they got from when the Men of Letters were around. Without letting either of the Winchesters know about it, you managed to sneak your own normal book collection in there. What they don’t know can’t hurt them, right? Sam especially would go nuts.
Picking out a light blue book with an intricate flower design running around it, the bolder, darker letters stand out in contrast. You scan the pages before taking a seat in the armchair in the corner of the library. The floor lamp next to you is dim, setting the mood perfectly for a quick comforting read.
A cough breaks you out of your gaze, unknowing that anyone was even inside. You peer round the corner and notice a huge man with long, unruly hair. His head sits in the palm of his hand, his long legs spread out underneath the table.
“Jesus Christ,” you whisper to yourself and make yourself known. “Sam?”
He grumbles, barely turning his body around to acknowledge you. “Yeah?” He clears his throat, his voice croaky and weak. You pad your way over to him and stand above him, examining the empty whiskey bottle and a glass that has remnants. His personal phone is left unlocked, a few texts sent to someone but haven’t gone through. You skim read.
Can we please talk?
Please message me, IDK what I did wrong
Sam, leave me alone. I’m done talking with
you. I will block your number
“How are you feeling?” You question, speaking carefully as he has obviously had a few drinks. You pull out a chair and sit beside him, his head remaining in his hands. You stare at him intently, hoping for a good answer. He takes a deep breath and sighs shakily. He rubs his face and he glances at you quickly. His eyes dark, and the tip of his nose crimson. He wipes his nose and takes another swig, too quick for you to even stop him. “What do you think?” He huffs, trying to show a smile but failing. You look down at the floor, unsure of what to say. He reaches over and locks his phone, then rubs his eyes with his fingers. “I don’t know what to do,” He starts, his voice wobbling. You reach for the nape of his neck and gently caress his hair, “What did I do wrong?” He starts, tears forming in his eyes as he looks at you once more, then breaking contact. “It’s okay, Sammy. Let it out.” You say, stroking his hair as he sits back, looking up at the ceiling.
“I look so weak,” He laughs, trying to collect himself. You sigh quietly. “You’re not. If it hurts you, it hurts you. It’s normal to be sad.” You say, trying to make him feel at least a little bit better. He reaches for his glass again and you place your palm over the top of it. “I think you’ve had enough of this as well,” You slide the glass across the table away from Sam. “Listen. Things like this come and go, you’re more than capable to find someone way better than her. I understand it hurts right now but in a couple of weeks time you’ll feel so much better for relying on yourself and the people that love you than the people that don’t. You’re going to be fine, Sam. Trust me.” You give the speech like your life depends on it, but seeing your close friend so heartbroken made you feel like it’s your duty to ensure he hears exactly what he needs to hear. He looks at you with shining eyes, the red in them makes the hazel pop more than usual. His nose still red and cheeks flushed, his usually neat hair is tussled. “I just loved her so much,” He sighs, straightening himself out. “But she wasn’t for me. We were so different.” He explains, his eyes scanning your face. “How so?” You ask, trying not to intrude.
“Well, I’d want to go places with her to eat, drink, whatever and she’d hate it. She’d never want to spend time with me or show me off. I guess she just wanted to use me, I think that’s the thing that hurts the most,” He admits, shedding new light on his now past relationship with this woman… something that felt like rage and sadness for him built up inside of your chest, and he carries on. “When things wouldn’t go her way, she’d get angry with me. So angry,” He pauses, “She’d threaten things but never actually go through with it, thankfully. I could never say anything because I was scared of her reaction or if she’d leave me for standing up for myself.” He finishes, a tear falling down his cheek and nothing stops you from wiping it away. Keeping your hand gently on his face, you stare into his eyes as he does yours.
“If she threatens you in any way you tell me, okay?” You say, keeping your tone calm and collected, but Sam smirks at the fire that glows within yourself, a passion for protecting the ones you love, or maybe it’s more than that.
“Okay. I will.” He smiles for the first time since this whole interaction started. You slowly start to stand up, shuffling yourself out of the chair. You remove your hand from Sams’ face, but then he unexpectedly takes your hand as you try to turn away, pulling you back. You look at him with concern, and his helpless gaze stares up at you. “Thank you, Y/N.” He says, pursing his lips. “Honestly, it’s what I needed. So, thank you.”
“I’d do anything for you, Winchester.” You say, quickly grooming his hair so its somewhat neater. Glancing into his eyes one last time, he shows you a fragile smile.
A delicate smile is still a smile.
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Dean Obeidallah at The Dean's Report:
Donald Trump was NOT convicted by Joe Biden, he was NOT convicted by the Judge, he was NOT convicted by the District Attorney.  Donald Trump was convicted by a jury of his peers. A jury, I should note, that Trump was personally “very much involved” in picking per his lawyer Todd Blanche on CNN Thursday night. And that conviction happened in the state where Trump committed his crimes after a full trial that lasted more than a month where Trump was represented by a team of very experienced lawyers who presented his best defense. That is how our Constitution and criminal justice system works. There were no surprises here. As I predicted in my article before the trial began, “Trump is going to be a Convicted Felon by June." That was based on my experience as a trial lawyer and after reviewing the evidence the prosecutors had laid out in their pleadings. Common sense said that the only reason Trump paid Stormy Daniels “hush money” ten years after their affair —but just a week before the 2016 election—was to defraud voters of the truth. To that end, Trump falsified business records to conceal his illegal scheme. The jury saw the facts as they were, hence Trump was found guilty on all 34 counts and is now a CONVICTED FELON.
Yet now we see Trump and MAGA reject the jury verdict by attacking it as “rigged,” a “sham,” etc. MAGA House Speaker Mike Johnson called the verdict, “the weaponization of our justice system.”  Marco Rubio weighed in on Twitter, writing, “The verdict in New York is a complete travesty that makes a mockery of our system of justice.”  The always awful MAGA Rep. Elise Stefanik, posted, “Today’s verdict shows how corrupt, rigged, and unAmerican the weaponized justice system has become under Joe Biden and Democrats.”  Spineless Tim Scott said on CNN Thursday night, “This was certainly a hoax, a sham” with the even worse Ted Cruz stating, “This entire trial has been a sham, and it is nothing more than political persecution.” And the list goes on and on. But this is no surprise, it’s part of MAGA telling us they reject our Constitution and the foundations of our democratic Republic. After all, Trump and MAGA rejected the 2020 election results because Trump lost. They rejected the criminal justice system when they smeared the indictments against Trump as being a sham. And now they publicly reject our jury system, which is one of the cornerstones of the US Constitution as laid out in the Sixth Amendment.
The question that must be asked is given Trump and MAGA reject our elections, our criminal justice system, the rule of law and our Constitution, what exactly do they support?! The answer is simple: Convicted Felon Trump. That’s it. [...] Let me repeat what I’ve been writing and saying for months: Don’t count on the courts, the prosecutors or a jury to save us from Donald Trump. We are the only ones who can do that by coming out in huge numbers to defeat him this November. This may sound jarring but it’s the truth: MAGA is a cancer. If allowed to metastasis, it will kill our democratic Republic that so many sacrificed so much to defend. The good news though is that the cure to MAGA cancer is right in front of us. All it takes is voting in big numbers this November.
The butthurt MAGAs crying and whining about Convicted Felon Donald Trump being convicted on 34 charges for business records falsification is more proof that the extremist anti-American MAGA cult needs to be crushed at all costs.
See Also:
Vox: Why the ludicrous Republican response to Trump’s conviction matters
MMFA: MAGA media rage in response to Trump's 34 guilty verdicts
RWW: MAGA Martyrdom Machine Portrays Felon Trump as Victim, Vows Revenge
HuffPost: Right-Wingers Are Already Promising Vengeance After The Trump Verdict
Daily Kos: Republicans choose MAGA lunacy over the law after Trump's conviction
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