#but u could make him a nephilim somehow to spice it up lol
starlite-png · 1 year
Very messy spn au fic idea
Dean tries to commit suicide in 2004 by jumping off of a bridge. Sammy's off at college, Dad hasn't contacted him in months, and at this point, he's too much of a mess to even hunt properly. But as he stands on the bridge, ready to just be done and jump off, he notices a baby carrier set by the railing. It’s not empty. Inside is a baby no older than 6 months old, and notecard with the name "Jack" written on it. Despite his...previous plans, Dean can’t just leave the baby there. Granted, he doesn’t trust the local police to take care of the kid, and he really, really doesn’t trust the foster system, but he has no other choice than to grit his teeth and take the baby to the police station.
The poor kid has no known parents, so Jack stays in the system. Dean winds up sticking around the local town to make sure the kid is being taken care of, and then he winds up fuming as the baby is stuck in an orphanage that barely takes care of him. After a couple of months, the baby is adopted, but to Dean’s disgust, the child is even more neglected and mistreated by the couple—who obviously were just rich assholes who wanted to look charitable. One night, while checking up on Jack, Dean has to sneak into their house just to give the poor kid a damn diaper change because the couple was too busy smooching in their fucking jacuzzi to hear the crying of the baby they left alone in their empty mansion of a house.
After that particular incident, Dean snaps. He buckles down and does whatever it takes to make himself presentable. Eventually, after about a year of hard work and worrying over Jack: having 3 jobs at once and barely sleeping, buying a decent house suitable for a child, getting sober, hanging up his Dad’s leather jacket for softer flannels, and doing his genuine best to be a decently sociably and helpful member of the community; he finally, finally decides that it's time to file for custody of Jack. He knows that he still won't not be considered the best candidate for adopting, and he certainly can’t afford some fancy lawyer like rich couple has, but he’s gotta do his best to not let this little guy suffer either by letting him stay in those assholes’ house without by resorting to kidnapping the poor kid and dragging him across the country to evade the cops.
In the end it’s disgustingly easy. The rich couple didn’t even try to go to court. They just gave Jack up like he was nothing. They had obviously grown tired of their charity-child and didn’t want to waste their precious money fighting for him.
Dean is actually granted custody. The small town's community had apparantly spoken greatly in his favor when the social workers asked around, and after the normal reviews, he's deemed fit for the role. When Dean holds Jack in his arms for the first time as the kid's adopted father, he can’t help but cry. In the span of just a year, this kid had wound up meaning the world to him, and he knows that from then on, he would do whatever it took to take care of Jack. They may have both been abandoned by their families, but they were going to be eachother’s family from now on.
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