#but um yeaaaa im impulsive
wulvert · 1 year
YEAAAA!! trying to move towards vegetables more is a very admirable goal :]] the way farm animals raised to be food are treated is so fucking bad. nd yea despite my um. Impulsive Tendencies,,,littol reptilian beasts nd insects r both creatures nd i usually try 2 escort the bugs who just appear inside back 2 the outside world. NOT THE ONES I FEED MY BEARDIE OFC IM NOT MAKING AN INVASIVE SPECIES I PRMISE
brown recluses are very venomous!! theyre one of the bad boys up there with black/brown/red widows nd wolf spiders!! i have all of them where i live and i am in. a constant state of fear when i see an arachnid.
what r avery nd scarlet's opinions on bugs since we're on the topic,,,is one of them the designated bug killer/releaser. does agnes eat them. HAS SCARLET HAD ANY PETS,,,these are the very important lore questions,,,
(p.s i wont avery so bad. thnak u so much 4 her i owe u my life)
i was baking yesterday and forgot to answer this omg sorry ok i will now!!
understandable fear.. im scared of the pathetic little tiny baby spiders we have here i couldnt deal with them actually being capable of getting me
Scarlet doesn't mind bugs! she just lets them hang out- she had a pet tarantula but it's dead now
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RIP also scarlets head is too forward for her neck in this panel i cant stand it anyway yeah, shes sad she doesnt have time for pets atm so agnes' presence is very appreciated to her
avery tries to put bugs outside before agnes eats them, despite being a violent murderous thing she does like animals (but she would still stomp a baby dragon, it's different to her)
of coruse!!!!!!!!!! i like to draw her
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thewhizzyhead · 3 years
so here's a fun fact for the day: it still completely astounds me to this day that when I first sent a recording of me singing a draft of a musical I started conceptualizing when I was 13 to a really friendly mutual of mine on here back in 2019, she said it reminded her of motherfucking Chant from Hadestown. I haven't even heard of Hadestown back then so I've only realized just now how HIGH FUCKING PRAISE THAT IS WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK-
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