#but we still dont understand whats happening ¯\_(ツ)_/ ¯
ravioliwings · 1 year
now that I'm caught up on csm i need to catch back up on jjk
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beatcroc · 7 months
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a year!!! as of today i have now been drawing these funny little pizza freaks, to the exclusion of almost everything else, for!!! an entire year!!! i wanted to do a nice group shot/lineup of everybody to compare to when i first started trying to draw them because oh boy were they bad. i never even posted most of them anywhere because they were so bad. but im posting them here, now, to see how everything's changed/evolved.
this is probably the hardest time i've ever had trying to figure out how to work with a style, but we got there eventually; i'm pretty happy with the handle i've got on everybody now...dont let ur memes be dreams. lots of unimportant journaling and idle thoughts abt it below.
older pics
the first one is the VERY first time i drew them, before i thought i was going to actually have any interest in drawing them [lmao]; it was just the one isolated image, for my friendserver, to illustrate the funney message, so there was no attempt to make it Good or actually understand anything going on w/ the designs or style.
second is the original run of practices sketches to start trying to figure them out for real; done after i started having ideas for the comics and such and realized oh god maybe i am actually gonna draw fanart for this. [again, lol, and lmao.]
third one is the first pt art thing i posted on here. there were a couple weeks of sprite studies between this one and the previous image. the one on the top right wasn't part of that post i just threw it on as space filler; i'd intended to shift to doing Sprite Redraws But Stylized to explore tings more, but that was the only one i did. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
individual characters
peppino: by far the hardest dear god. bro what ARE your shapes how DOES your face work. jesus christ. everything i have trouble with this style for, peppino has it in excess. i draw in polygons! i need consistency! and that is the last thing this kind of style is concerned with. they are made of squarshy clay and i do not understand how to mold them. i was really hoping trying to learn this game's style would GIVE me that kind of flexibility for fun exaggerated facial expression but i don't think much came of it in the end 😔. anyway on the bright side all this means once i got peppino figured out a little bit everybody else clicked way easier.
fake peppino: honestly i never did anything with him on purpose except for how his eyes work + the perma-smile thing. i figured ok hes supposed to look weird and off model so whatever happens with him happens. and it did. and it kept happening. it is still, in fact, happening.
noise/ette: somehow, for every bit that peppino was the least natural thing i've ever tried, these two worked pretty much right off the bat. i still don't understand it, seeing as pretty much all the things at play for peppino are also at work for them. i think the new sketches are actually a little worse than older ones but not enough that i care.
gustavo: really funny bc i drew him on model twice and just went 'okay, cool nice, easy, um. he doesn't have any fucking legs?' fortunately he was the only one i had a strong idea for how to stylize him [square] and it worked exactly as i was hoping so wahoo.
brick: is an animal and therefore 5000x easier and more natural for me to draw/stylize than anything else in the cast. that is Just a rat bro. i can draw a rat.
gerome: i think the funniest one here. the most drastic and least necessary change imo. i was gonna have him be really small at first, like smaller than the noises, but then i just... didn't. he's just peppino-sized now. also i gave him like. actual human facial structure, which is funny bc in most cases i'd do anything to avoid, but it works well for his being A Rock to give him some angles and definition like that+ to differentiate his vibe from the rest of the cast who are all very squishy. also since he is essentially Just A Head it's good to emphasize that too ig.
john: i only drew john a couple times but he gets to be here because i like him. and because most of the stuff i applied to gerome was readily applicable to john, though i did try to keep him a little more uncanny because he is a Huge And Lanky Freak. i hate that he is barefoot btw but idk how to make his color balance look right with shoes.
pizzahead: i did not want to put him on here honestly but i Have drawn him a handful of times and more importantly i didn't know what i was gonna do with john's pose if i didn't have him there to be glared at. the only thing that's different with him is giving him wider-bottomed pants, which i got from when i tried to draw these guys in clone high style [i never posted that one either][i will eventually]
snick: he gets to be here because 1. he's like 6 lines 2. i like him and 3. ive scribbled him a few times offhand and it went pretty well
there are some guys missing because those are guys i didn't draw enough [or at all] to have gotten comfortable with them. sorry
i would have Liked to shade these but for the time being i have accepted that my grasp of light/shadow has decayed to the point im not going to be happy with anything i try there, so For Now i am working on my presentation with flats i guess. gerome has a shadow only because he's shaded like that ingame and looks naked without it
anyway if you are still reading [hi?] i get to shamelessly plug now. i'm over the hill of my pizza run now, and while i still have plenty of things i want to make here, most of the bigger more in-depth ones have passed. pizza tower was the first thing in THREE YEARS to get me out of my oc groove to doing fanart, and once i am done with my ideas here i will be going right back to it. if you like my art or how i write characters/interactions you should check out my oc/webcomic blog @jamverse . i can't promise people who like pizza stuff will be terribly into my designs, but i can guarantee i treat my guys with the exact same sort of tone i handle the pt guys with. and hell, i've mentioned it a few times before, but like 70% of my characterization for fake pep is just copied off one of my characters, so if u are going to miss him... he will still be there in spirit >;p
and if you dont care about any of that and are still reading thank you anyway. actually making these comics + seeing how shockingly well-received they've been has done a lot for my confidence, and for seeing that my kind of stuff IS something people enjoy :')
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whwie · 8 months
okay this happened like two days ago but
so I'm like bantering with him and honestly it's been good, like I genuinely feel I've got our dynamic back whatever that is without me feeling too nervous. like we friends or whateva (this is not me trying to act like it doesn't matter, I genuinely dont know if I'm friends with him((ppl have to really cement it into me that we r)))
anyways we bantering or smth and he makes a joke about me (idk what, it doesn't really matter), towards me and then I'm like exaggerated being like ughhh and then I say "I fucking hate u!" but this like being screamed across a wide room so it's kinda lost it sassy tone and im like oh shit, feeling a bit guilty
and then he says some sarcastic shit like "yeah u definitely hate me, I know that well(?)"
the question mark is there bc like its been 2 days and I didn't want mullover it too much so I don't exactly remember what he said but I was like and I'm still like ????????????
I'm definitely overthinking our current banter but like bro like how do u have the balls to idk fucking make jokes at me? with me? LIKE IK UR OBSERVANT THERE'S NO WAY U DONT NOTICE I STILL LIKE U
why am I like pointing out that I'm over thinking, all my diary posts are for overthinking.
anyways im glad we vibing but deep down just a little I'm hurt of what I'm not too sure.
anyways he's fucking stupid, how did this happen, but I mean he's pretty fucking cute so it's whatever ig ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'll just keep looking from the side until,,, idk I don't see him or probably any of the ppl on my floor as often next term.
funny moment time aka me simping:
I got to see him more often in a white tank top and damn. I mean yall don't understand bro I fucking— Sigh. Everytime I see him wearing it I fucking,,, ughhhhhh omfggg,,,, I start being like omg wait i should stick around him more. Sigh I'm a fan. like my last post about him, I was writing that drunk right, but that night he took off him like button up shirt he was wearing on top and bro. my drunk mind shortcircuted. I was like "OMFG" he was playing beer ball in my room and I just turned into SUCH A FAN. and then he left my room :( and then I was like imma go to where he is and then I spent the rest of the night with him and few other friends just talking late into the night. it was an enjoyable night :). can I say he's so fine here or is that weird but maaaaannnnnn...
white tank top on him 10/10—I understand the het girlies and this is why I'm bi
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lesbiankendall · 1 year
i dont think you're like an evangelical for stating the obvious at all. its more like. its evangelical when people who talk about abolishing punitive justice get all fucked up and bent out of shape over feeling compassion for evil fictional characters and double down on wanting to punish them extra hard. it feels good to see even fake rich people suffer but i also dont think it would heal us all forever instantly if we lined up all the billionaires and shot them. theyve done too much hurt for that to fix. some people are very obviously uncomfortable with their capacity to understand "bad" people. i don't think thats you or have beef with you or whatever. that's just. thoughts. im sorry
i mean i get what you mean but this is not what's happening here at all. i'm just sharing my opinion on my blog i'm not punishing anyone lmao. you can talk about how kendall has never done anything wrong in his life ever or whatever on your tumblr/twitter/whatever and i can talk about how that interpretation is extremely boring to me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
like i literally wouldnt even care about him that much if he wasnt such a piece of shit. that's what's interesting to me! he's complicit in so much shit and yet he still thinks he can be a good person! that's such an interesting dichotomy and reducing him to always being the victim makes everything so bland and boring. i want to sink my teeth into everything that makes him thick and not talk about Wobified Male Character Template #454521
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lightlycareless · 2 years
is it going to become a naoaki x reader in the end? I just find hes kinda stupid for growing up with his family and knowing how they treat women and putting her in danger by getting so close. Like even if some members joke about it i dont see it going well for her if shes found in a situation that cant be explained away. He’s just getting on my nerves because shes been through enough, i dont know what he thinks is going to happen or how this will end.
Hello anon!
Now that’s an interesting question I will not be answering for obvious reasons 😂 however, I can respond to the rest :>
I understand where you’re coming from—after all, both Y/N and Naoaki know that just by being close is very dangerous, specially for her.
But they’ve gotten to a point where they just don’t care. I mean… y/n as of right now is set to die anyways, where do you go from that? Adding to the fact that Naoaki is kind of invisible to the rest of the clan, and… Naoya is not very liked right now.
Ok, sure, he wasn’t liked anyways, he was kind of “best of the worst” in a way, but after he failed his exam, he fell out of their favor and now they see him as useless because he didn’t do that in the first time and with flying colors! 🙄 I think I stated that one of the elders were like “well, at least his wife is behaving somewhat appropriately” (hypocrites) however, that’s a comment referring more to her doing her duties correctly than her relationship with the rest of the clan.
In the end it’s kind of… the clan berating Naoya by teasing him with the fact that his wife is more “valuable” as of that moment, and that she’s at least still able to carry children (…sure, some believe that because not everybody knows that she’s essentially on death row for seemingly being infertile) and as long as the kid is a Zen’in, they’re happy. (That’s a topic that I do intend to explore a bit further down the road, specifically with y/n’s parents :> all I can say is… it’s messed up) I guess that’s why they’re allowing whatever is going on with Naoaki and Y/N. (I wouldn’t be surprised if one of the elders were like: Well, Naoaki is stepping up where Naoya couldn’t 🤮 weirdos…)
Maybe if Naoya had been successful…
Well, whatever the outcome, we still have to agree that she’s still in a bad position, referring to her in a condescending manner and using her as some kind of "punishment" towards Naoya simply because "how come a woman can do her job, but not you?? and you can't even deal with your own issues!!" even if she had done something directly against the leader, their need to put others down is soooo big, they're willing to go against their own beliefs ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I believe next chapter will offer more information regarding your question and what the clan thinks of her and the situation that transpired :> If not, feel free to send in another ask! I’ll be more than happy to give further insight wherever I can ❤
Thank you for sending an ask 🥺❤ I hope you have a wonderful weekend, take care, and hope to see you soon!
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blairwitchapologist · 6 years
spending time with my mom for the first time in forever and immediately reminded of why we have a very basic relationship 🙃
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fedonciadale · 3 years
This is a genuine question don’t take it personally, But I’ve always seen your side of the fandom criticizing GRRM not To Say Others Dont Regarding Sansa. What’s makes y’all certain that’s he is going to reward her by making her QITN and will not end up as unimportant. Especially when he have other favorites female characters that are arya and dany ?
I'm tempted to just answer with
"Everything before the word but is horseshit."
Nevertheless, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and treat this as a genuine question.
I think you should really consider for a moment that the Jonsa fandom is not a hive mind. Occasionally some of us (including me) criticize GRRM but for various reasons, and only very rarely in regard to Sansa. Sansa is a well written character and I've rarely seen criticism on how he writes Sansa. I've seen criticism of some things he said about Sansa because they cement the general fandom idea that Sansa running to Cersei led to Ned's death (which is not true if you look at the text, because it was Joffrey who decided on his own [probably urged by Littlefinger] to kill Ned and Ned had shared his plans with Cersei). I also think that GRRM severely miscalculated how the PoV trap would work against Sansa even several books later (but this is more fandom critical than GRRM critical).
I think you should also try for a moment to entertain the idea that the end of a story arc is not about rewarding or punishing characters, it is about bringing them to a logical conclusion. Frodo in LotR is a likeable character, you could even say a hero. Is he rewarded? No. His ending is logical nevertheless, fitting. This is where it led all the time. And it's there all the time in the first book, from the first time Frodo is introduced.
So, Sansa as Queen is the logical conclusion to her arc. There is a ton of foreshadowing. Right now she retraced Ned's step towards Winterfell (and remember Ned was also not the apparent heir for a time). Sansa as Queen is not a reward, not for her, not for her fans. It's where her arc leads and that is why it is a satisfying ending. The character who is kind, who excels at soft power is the character who gets the responsibility in the end.
Once you understood that the end of characters in a good story is about what is fitting, that is develops organically from the character and what happened to the character you can also understand that being a fav character does not predestine survival or being raised to Queen. Villains can be fav characters, you know. Cersei is one of my fav characters and I have no illusion that she'll survive the series.
Take LotR again: Boromir dies, and as sad as it is, it is the logical conclusion to his arc. He falls to the temptation of the ring because of love for his people and he comes to himself again when he realizes that he must protect the hobbits who are in need right before his nose. He is protective and that's his failure and his success at the same time.
Ned is honourable (apart from lying for Jon's sake of course) and it looks like he fails, but in the long run we see that his legacy is the one that is going to prevail, but in a better way. Sansa is Ned 2.0. If you don't want circular story telling and still want the story to end where it began, this is how you do it. I don't make these rules. It's literary methods of good storytelling.
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ukaiknowsbest · 3 years
Review: Tamayomi
[will contain spoilers]
Lately I have been pretty bored with the recent developments in Daiya no A and Oofuri. New Shonen anime stuff just don't appeal to me, so I bit the bullet and watched Tamayomi for at least one episode a day.
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But I did it. I watched the whole thing. 12 episodes.
And I enjoyed it.
pretty standard fare
Pitcher Yomi Takeda accidentally reunites with her childhood friend who's actually a nationals-level in middle school catcher when they both end up in the same highschool.
School: former powerhouse located in Saitama, now baseball club is almost non-existent. Yomi and a few other will try to revive the team from scratch.
Basically Shin Koshigaya is a brand new team where they struggle to look for new members and majority are first years.
They have to face other stronger teams even when they have a few members and some decent players.
Demographic is SEINEN (like oofuri, last inning, one outs, etc.)
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Yomi Takeda as Main character and pitcher- skilled, resilient, funny, hardworking, does a lot of research which enabled her to perfect her form and hone her breaking ball. She keeps improving in a good pace too.
Tamaki Yamazaki former childhood friend of Yomi. Is a decent catcher in middle school. A bit well known. Good communicator.
Yoshino - team manager and coach. srsly she is a boss. She's not infallible but she tries her best.
and other decent players with adequate skill
For a sports anime they have decent cast. This is probably the closest we can currently get of a story where the girls are just focused on the sport, do their own strategizing/planning/training. All of them are cute but also serious about what they do.
There's no boys here so there's no talk about het-crushes and other distractions. It's a clamfest babyyyy.
I've seen a little of Major 2 (the one abt the son and his coed team) and I couldn't stand it because it was just slice of life in sportsy undertones.
There is also decent communication among all the players. It's pretty refreshing to watch. The catcher is well rounded and the pitcher is good. Everyone talk things out and there is not a lot of drama.
Wearing shorts to a sport that involves a lot of making contact with the ground is just illogical lmao.
Their school uniform skirt is pretty short
A little bit of their manager prodding the thighs of each person she meets but with good reason (she can tell how much muscle/exercise a person does just by a little prodding). It's a trope thing.
That's all. There are no panty shots, unnecessary locker room nudity, boob action, see through sweaty shirts. Most of the cringy things I've seen in other girls sports anime aren't present.
Eventually I even forget that they're wearing shorts or that it impedes their performance. It seems like it doesn't matter much to the characters so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I don't know if like the hugging or holding hands is considered fanservice. In my experiece we ladies just act like that irl. What they do is nothing out of the ordinary.
3/5. They wear shorts and dont tie their hair up. The baseball part seem pretty decent though. The pacing of the story and matches was like watching IRL Koshien. It's all very clinical and straightforward.
Plus they include a lot of interesting baseball stuff which I haven't seen happen in early stages of other shonen anime like: specifically training the pitcher in other positions, showing what fielders yell to each other, letting other relievers start to reserve their ace (ppl can yell DnA did this but remember Tanba was injury boy throughout Act 1).
based on technicality Tamayomi is prolly one of the top among baseball anime/manga I have seen.
Last Inning
Daiya no A
Now don't chase me with pitchforks because of this ranking just yet. The fact that Shin Koshigaya coach's decisions and reasonings for plays and lineups are discussed makes the show at par with Last Inning and Oofuri. (we dont see DnA kataoka talk abt this sht like..ever)
Moreover Tamayomi has similar vibes to Oofuri/Big Windup but less dramatic. I do not think it's good for beginners too (especially with just 12 episodes). You need to have prior baseball knowledge to understand what the characters were doing.
However, this show is probably the most no-fuss baseball anime/manga I have watched. It does not rely on hype like DnA and it also don't have heavy topics like Oofuri and Last Inning. It's not wacky like One Outs and it's not uber slice of life like Cross Game. It's just baseball.
My minor complaint is that they don't give numbers when talking about things like pitching speed tho. It would've been more realistic if actual numbers were dropped XD
A.k.a the thing most viewers complain about.
Character design is subpar. Everyone's faces are almost the same. You can tell who's the character not by face but by hair and height. Personally I don't mind this. I don't really look for realism in most things I watch. And I think the hair designs are cool.
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Lots of people drop this show because of bad animation. There are shots/scenes where it's like I'm watching fanmade AMV's in nicovideo/youtube from the early 2000's. Pitching motions and Batting motions look like character movements in rpg games.
It's not really a problem for me though. I think it's charming for some reason. I don't mind it. A lot of people do but I'm not them.
NGL I wanted more. 12 episodes is too short. I hope a better animation company picks this up. I'm rewatching the whole thing because I enjoyed it a lot. I'll even check out the manga if I have time.
If anyone's interested here's my tamayomi livetweet thread
This is one of the closest thing I could get to what a decent girl sports anime looks like. If the character designs, art, animation and the uniforms were just better this show would have gone pretty far.
Compared to Shonen types of manga this was relaxing to watch, especially before bed. I'd honestly recommend it you wanna watch smth that doesnt involve a lot of feelings and drama but still feel like watching an actual sport.
Girls are fun. Finally.
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[personal notes under the cut]
I get that people reading this would think I'm being too optimistic about a show they considered shtty but I kid you not, I dropped Bakuten (boys gymnastic's anime) coz even with it's wonderful animation i thought it was boring af.
I have dropped so many prettily animated shows coz i just cant get into the characters nor the story.
I've also said before in my Two Car review that I am actively avoiding shows with popular VA's. Idk much abt female VA's in anime, therefore watching Tamayomi was the perfect solution for me.
The reason I like tamayomi so much is that it gave me the same feeling of watching Summer Koshien 2021. I just think an anime that made me remember that kind of feeling was cool.
I'll rewatch hanebado next. wish me luck.
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sxvethelastdance · 3 years
Hello my name is Lee and it’s time to be annoying about my Z headcanons bc
a) it’s my go to show when I don’t have more than 2 brain cells
b) it amuses me to make dub-specific headcanons because while I respect the original intentions of the series and understand that the early 2000s western recontextualization wasn’t keen on the nuances of the original script:
I am simply a corny bitch. I make content for corny bitches only. If you don’t like Frankensteined bits of lore and the use of GT’s ideas then well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ fair enough.
More under the cut.
Saiyan Culture
- I fucking refuse to believe that “we’re wired that way” shit lmao. The implications of Saiyans as a genetically savage race who are wired to fuck fight and die and do only that because they dont have the genetic human capacity for 'civility' are uh, not good when we factor in their place in the narrative as an in-universe example of a marginalized people. I know it’s aliens and shit but it’s soooo much richer to account for how universally a society’s values influence the people who are a part of it. but yeah I think that a social culture that prioritizes fighting and killing and battle over everything else is bound to turn out people who by and large are defined by their ability to use their bodies to fight. They have high metabolisms and a culture of fighting, so it only makes sense for them to have high protein diets- not some inherent need to kill and eat the spoils. It's survival and also a collective sense of what's successful, what is efficient no matter how brutal it is. They value partners who can fight/who are vicious because that is the common conscience of what makes someone ‘worthy’. Also, Vegeta’s attitude can be explained by his status as a royal + what is likely the recontextualization of Saiyan glory to fit what the child version of himself thought they were and Goku’s can be explained by the fact that he was (1) dropped on his head as a baby and (2) raised in the woods. Have you MET rural folk? Completely bonkers.
- The Saiyans and Tuffles evolved from a common genetic ancestor, but that the Saiyans settled on Planet Plant later than the Tuffles did.
- Per the Saiyan-Tuffle war and the disparity between what happened (based on King Kai’s account, stating the Tuffles were a peaceful docile nonaggressive race that treated the Saiyans as equals vs Vegeta’s account in Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans where they forced the Saiyans to live out in the badlands as second class citizens)- What actually happened probably falls more to the middle. The Tuffles allowed them to settle on the land out in the deserts and to their credit- gave them the resources to start, but never really saw them as equals in terms of intellectual development vs their big advanced sprawling cities. A big microagressive cycle of holding out and tensions rising that culminated in the Saiyans deciding to say fuck it and commit tactical mass murder for their own advancement. I don’t want to push Saiyans out of accountability for their colonizing and take no prisoners philosophy, but I also don’t want the Tuffles to be totally absolved of their stake if there are other parts involved (because even if it’s true, they still didn’t deserve that! Complex storytelling you guys) so that’s my take.
Muse Stuff
- She was very obviously your typical child-prodigy. By the time she met Goku I’d put her in college, taking a gap semester to live her teenage life and hunt for the dragon balls
- Bisexual, she is sooooo bisexual. No further context here except that if Son Chi-Chi ever gets a divorce that she will love her soooo so right
- Bulma is 100% a sports TV girl, beer and belligerent yelling at bad calls is a very nice break from the hard intellectual work of being the team AND company scientist
- She cannot fight. Somebody get this bitch a gun (that works on ki users), something please.
- Her and Yamcha’s relationship didn’t work out because they were too similar/generally incompatible, not because of cheating or anything like that (seriously, they weren’t dating anymore when Yamcha took another girl to some concert or whatever.) For the longest time they had a ‘break-up-make-up’ relationship, coming back to each other because they were each other’s firsts and because quite honestly neither of them were ready to let go of the good times. But I think they gave it one more go during year 1 of the Android time-skip and broke it off relatively amicably.
- Her teal hair is the result of putting toner in her conditioner
- Bulma doesn’t really… Run the business logistical side of Capsule Corp as much as you’d think. She’s CEO, but I think that along with her keen business acumen that she maintains a very elite term to fill in her gaps and coordinates them to manage her affairs in more tedious divisions. She’s very hands-on in Capsule Corp’s technological advancement/R&D division and quite frankly cannot stand the idea of sitting still for 6 hour board meetings. She goes when it’s necessary and will generally crunch the numbers if things aren’t right, but otherwise you will find her in her lab and on the ground tinkering.
- His relationship to fighting is less him giving into his innate urge as a half-Saiyan and more an evolution of a child’s sense of personal responsibility after watching his friends and family die to the idea that training to protect his loved ones will be what makes him strong enough for just that task. Gohan does not, and will not ever possess the zest for fighting that his father and the Z-Fighters have.
- Speaking of [jazz hands] childhood trauma, I think he had some major unpacking to do during the time skip after cell. A lot of how he’d been handling it up to that point was rationalizing the circumstances and viewing himself as having fundamentally failed because he wasn’t up to the task fast enough to keep things from going the way they did. Getting Gohan to see himself as a child after all of that was /a lot/, not to mention the sibling envy of Gohan getting to train from the outset and generally having it easier than he did growing up. But I do think that he was able to sort it out with himself, and I think in sorting it out he REALLY pushed to go to public high school for a sense of normalcy he didn’t have before. He loves his family and the Z-Fighters, but I do think it was a good means for him to cultivate that kind of life for himself. He’s not quite the scholar-pacifist that his mother wanted (for his own safety and well-being, but for him- still to the detriment of taking agency for himself to help), but he’s not the hot blooded fighter his dad was hoping he’d be. He has his happy medium and he is oh so happy where he is now.
- Baby bisexual. Because I said so.
- Also, tangentially: As much as I love Videl - we have Chi-Chi and 18 for the stay at home mom stuff. Videl is a gotdamn fighter, I think having her either succeed Hercule as the champ (having effectively surpassed him) or running a dojo for young girls who want to fight while ALSO being a kickass mom is a good path for her to take as opposed to being defined solely as Gohan’s wife or Pan’s mom yknow? Let her maintain her grit and haughtiness while allowing her to have evened out from her teens. Her and Chi-Chi spar in the off-season to keep in shape
- He is the ‘toxic hypermasculine to malewife OG’ no I will not be explaining. He’s cooking dinner for his daughter in an apron to keep his clothes clean as we speak and that’s on that
- The reason why he dogged Goku so long wasn’t because he beat him- Goku /did not beat him during the Saiyan saga/, the combined efforts of Goku, Krillin, Gohan and Yajirobe did. But because Goku was in his eyes ringleader and a full-blooded Saiyan, he latched onto attaching the blame to him for his humiliation. It was a shake-up of his status quo and he would spend so many years trying to get back that security. Tsk tsk, what a fragile ego.
- His relationship to kindness and affection can be aptly described as “you’re being facetious, cut the bullshit or I’ll kill you” because well [gestures to Frieza]. For a while, saccharine sweetness meant some shitty things. But see, him accepting those things (even if he bitches you out about it) shows that he HAS learned to like it in a fashion. Nobody can make him do anything he doesn’t want to do. He is actively engaging with this shit you guys.
- I am personally a fan of the idea that by the end of Z/GT that he recognized Goku as the better warrior, and that in some sense he gave up dogging his footsteps and started giving more of himself to the peace that followed, BUT I don’t necessarily thing that stopped him from pushing himself to the limit. He will never be free of his pride and that competitive push, but I personally enjoy the idea of a Vegeta that has learned something of a rest-fight balance. Not being as strong as Goku is no longer ‘not being strong at all’
I was ranting about how good GT looks on paper condensed into these short points for your viewing. If you didn’t already want to shoot me then you’ll proooobably be fine with these takes.
- a Return to form. Widening Dragon Ball’s original scope of a journey to collect the dragon balls- but including more of the south galaxy in it.
- Reckoning with the Saiyan legacy in the form of the Tuffles, the race they slaughtered for their own advancement. How the ones left remaining have to deal with the fallout of those actions and what the Saiyans were
- The very real consequences of how frivolously everyone has used the dragon balls for the last 15 years or so given physical form. How the balls weren’t /meant/ to be used like this, a resource pushed to its limits and what it’s done to the planet as a result of their reliance. It’s like the exhaustion of a resource and kind of like a tie to the idea of what overconsumption does to the natural world and the (speaking here) magic around you. Consequences, give me some.
- Super Saiyan 4’s harkening back to the great ape motif.
Like all of it on paper? Amazing! So fucking rich with thematic content and a means to bring the series full circle. But the execution? Ghastly. Wildly entertaining in it’s absurdity but we missed out so bad
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starlightsearches · 4 years
People seem to depict hux as sexually dominant and while i think he’d want to be i just dont think he would know how well enough to take control so please can i request reader teaching hux how to kiss and maybe also giving him the first loving hug he’s ever had?
I 100% agree with you on this, thank you for sending in this request!
Requests are open ✨
Armitage Hux x Reader
AN: I mentioned that I was working on an earlier request, a second part to the Hux x Reader on Arkanis. I am almost finished with that, but it got really sad towards the end and I had to take a break. That’s when this happened. I promise I haven’t forgotten about the other one; it will be out any day now 🥰
Warnings: This is kind of horny (sfw) but it’s also kind of soft, so . . . ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ also, language. 
Every nerve in his body is screaming for him to leave right now, but he’s glued in place on the edge of your room, watching as you move around it so casually. This is so unlike him. He’d never believed himself capable of doing something like this. How had he ended up here?
Canto Bight had to be one of General Hux’s least favorite places. The whole planet was gaudy in the extreme, and the casino was the gaudiest spot of them all, full of drunkards and fools all laughing and screaming as they threw their credits away. Ridiculous. However, business was business, and that meant he occasionally had to venture away from the discipline of the Finalizer to meet with an informant or businessman on their terms. He had been at the casino—waiting with some reluctance for one of those meetings—when he stepped out onto the balcony for a cigarette, hoping to calm his frayed nerves and get away from all the noise. 
He had only been alone a few moments before you had joined him, greeting him with a simple nod and then finding a place to lean against the balcony, a little ways away, placing a cigarette between your own lips. He had watched out of the corner of his eye as you searched through your bag, rustling through the contents of the tiny purse without any luck.
“Damn,” you said to yourself, before turning to address him, “do you have a lighter I could borrow?” That was when the trouble had started. 
He walks through the interaction now as he waits for you to finish whatever it is you’re doing, moment by moment, trying to figure out exactly when he had agreed to this, but he can’t seem to remember that part. All he can remember is the way your eyes grazed over his figure as he leaned in to light your cigarette for you and the secret in your smile as you took your first drag.
“I’ve never seen you here before,” you said, casually sliding closer, “business or pleasure?”
“Business,” he had replied curtly, trying to ignore the way his throat caught when you said the word pleasure. “And yourself?”
“Oh I work here.” The rest of your conversation was a blur now, and all he could really manage to recall after that was the feeling of your breath brushing up against his ear and the tug of your hand as you led him to one of the lifts.
“Make yourself at home,” you say to him now, but there’s little chance of that happening. You’re in front of the dresser, in the process of removing the many rings and bracelets that cover your hands and arms, plucking them off one by one and dropping them into a small bowl with a plink, plink, plink. Hux should do something, like remove his suit jacket, or his tie, but he can’t. He’s having a hard enough time breathing, as it is.
He observes the room instead, which is small, neat, and wholly impersonal. There’s a window on the far side of the room and light streams in through the gap in your curtains, throwing a yellow stripe over your neatly made bed. It’s just a regular hotel room. You couldn’t possibly live here. A new thought hits him, and he goes red.
“You said you worked here,” he ventures, looking everywhere in the room but you, “what do you do?” You pull off the last of your jewelry and drop it in the bowl, leaning on the dresser and looking at him with a small smirk.
“I’m a bartender,” you say, “you caught me at the end of my shift. Why? Did you think I was . . .” You trail off when you sense his embarrassment, but the smile doesn’t leave your face as you approach him, shrugging off your own jacket and tossing it onto the floor. Your nimble fingers begin working at the knot in his tie, and he swallows hard as you discard it in the same way.
“I’ve-” he begins as you pull at his jacket, stuttering despite himself, “I’ve, uh, never done anything like this before.” He really should leave, before you start laughing at him. He feels ridiculous, no, worse. He feels inadequate. Weak. It’s only a matter of time before you recognize the mistake you made in bringing him here and force him out the door, off to find someone who knows what they’re doing.
“I’ve heard that before,” you laugh, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and pulling him closer, and he can feel you against all of him, the silky material of your dress whispering as it rubs against his own clothing. His arms stay firmly attached to his sides, his hands in fists, and he curses under his breath, looking up at the ceiling to avoid seeing all of this. 
“No,” he says, his voice shaking, “I mean I’ve never done anything like this before.” You pull away from him and the playful smile is gone; instead, you study him with a gaze that’s much too sharp to be at home on a face as beautiful as yours. 
“Oh?” you say at first, skeptically, like you think he’s lying, and then when he makes no response, your eyes widen in surprise. “Oh.” Hux thinks about grabbing his coat and tie off of the floor and running out the door, leaving the planet. He’d forget about the meeting. He’d forget about all of this, hopefully, with enough time. He’s about to do it, too, when you trace your hand down from his shoulder, resting it at the top of his collar, your thumb just barely grazing the hollow of his throat.
“I could teach you,” you say, looking up through your lashes, “if you wanted.” He wants it. He wants it very much. Even though he should know better, he nods, letting you take his hand again and lead him to sit on the edge of the bed. His heart is beating wildly as he watches you adjust yourself into a comfortable position, sitting with one leg propped on the bed, facing him. He’s a grown adult, not some damn adolescent, but the sight of your legs, bare underneath the hem of your skirt, is about to send him into cardiac arrest. He needs to get a hold of himself, and fast.
“First things first, you need to relax,” you say, and you bring both hands down on his shoulders. The contact is less charged, more casual than before, and you shake him, just a little, trying to get him to loosen the tension he’s holding in his back. You lean in, a very slight amount, and look him in the eyes, breathing  rhythmically, and he follows your lead, his thumping heart rate slowing to a much safer level.
“Better?” you ask, and he nods again. You take it as an invitation to move closer, sliding across the mattress, only stopping once one of your knees brushes against his. The pounding of his heart returns, but it’s more manageable this time, and he doesn’t feel like he’s going to pass out. An improvement.
You stay here for a moment, allowing him to adjust to the novelty of it all. “Just let me know when you’re ready for the next step,” you say with a laugh, and he’s glad for it—that you’re handling this whole situation with humor, even if he can’t.
“Alright,” he says, and you remove one of your hands from his shoulder, taking him by the arm and guiding his hand to your waist, letting it rest there, on the curve of your hip. When you know that he’s not going to pull away, you bring your hand back, this time holding his jaw, your fingers smooth and warm against his skin.
“Look at you, doing so well,” you whisper, and—even if it’s undeserved—the praise goes straight to his head. His vision blurs for a moment before he can focus on you once again, memorizing your face in the glow of the window. He still doesn’t understand how someone like you—someone with those eyes, someone with a mouth like that, would want to kiss someone like him, but he’s not going to ruin it now. Not when he’s this close.
You brush your thumb over his mouth, pulling his lips apart just slightly, before your hand moves to the back of his neck. “Okay, remember: the whole point of this is to feel good, so if you don’t feel good, let me know, and we can stop.” He nods his head one last time, and you close the gap, pressing your mouth to his.
Good is an understatement. Incredible is an understatement. Actually, Hux is convinced that there aren’t words in any language to describe exactly how it feels to kiss you, but he tries anyways. It’s electric. Breathtaking. Sacred. You pull him closer, your other hand reaching up to the back of his neck, and he moves into you, pressing his mouth more firmly against yours, your lips parting with a small sigh.
“That was good,” you say when you pull away, and he can hear that you’re slightly breathless, “really good.” You lean back slightly, so that you can look him in the eyes again. “Do you want to keep going?”
“Yes.” He kisses you again before he’s finished the word, following you as you lean back against the bed. His other hand finds your jaw, gripping it tightly as you move beneath him, and you brace yourself against him, your hand moving to his waist, holding on to him at his ribcage.
Thin as a slip of paper. The words pass through his mind and he immediately pulls away. Hux can’t think of a worse time for his father’s voice to come back to haunt him, and he clenches his fists, his nails digging crescent shapes into the palms of his hands as he tries to banish it from his mind.
“Everything okay?” you sit up on the bed, leaning on one arm. You look like a goddess, like sex personified, with your wild hair and swollen lips. He can’t believe he did that. He can’t believe that you let him do that.
“I just . . .” how could he explain himself? You seem to understand, even if he can’t put it into words, watching him with careful eyes as you sit up and slide one leg over both of his, straddling his lap. He swallows hard, trying to keep his eyes on your face, and not on the hem of your dress, which is stretching taut between your legs. 
“What are you doing?” His hands find your waist again, holding you in place because now that you’re here, he doesn’t want you to leave.
“I just wanted to get a better look at you,” you whisper, brushing your hand over his hair tenderly, and the feeling makes him shiver. No one’s ever been this gentle with him before. Your gaze combs over his face, and he closes his eyes when he feels you lean in, peppering faint kisses over his nose, his eyelids, his cheeks. 
When you return to his mouth, he’s too stunned to react. This is better than he ever imagined. He’s not sure how he’ll live without it, and he wishes he could stay like this forever. Somewhere he feels wanted. Somewhere he feels safe. 
A faint beeping sounds off, distracting him, and he pulls away from you to check the time.
“I should go,” he says, gently nudging you off of him so that he can stand, “I have a meeting.” He thinks that maybe he should stay, as he watches you flop back onto the bed. Damn his meeting, he’d really like to stay.
“The next time you’re back on Canto Bight,” you say, “come and find me. I want to see you again.”
“I’d like that,” he reaches for his things, pulling on his jacket and re-tying his tie, examining his reflection in the mirror.
You follow him to the doorway and he kisses you again, hard, passionate, and up against the wall. It’s better than the first time, and it makes him feel brave. “My meeting might be over in a little less than an hour,” he says tentatively, “I could—if you wanted, that is—I could come back tonight?” You kiss him again, as he pulls the door open behind him. He takes that as a yes.
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charmspoint · 4 years
fr tho hmmm, ok since ur bingeing alot of anime lately, top 5 anime youve watched recently (u can include ongoing stuff if u want ily)
For this ask meme
I havent binged that much anime recently ;;; Just a few, a lil few.
Long list with pictures ahead, this is not list by quality but by joy factor
5. Jujutsu Kaisen
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It’s weird that the anime I’ve been talking about the most is so low on the list but that’s mainly because I’m mostly hyperfocused on the manga rn. The arc the anime is in rn is where I got really invested when I was reading the manga and it only got better since then, would probs rank very high in my fav manga list rn. I’m feral for the next season and I would like to know when it’s coming out hehe~
4. My Next Life as a Villainess 
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Catarina vs my exam slump, who will win? The answer may surprise you.
This show brought so much happiness in my life when I needed it the most, I just enjoyed it a whole lot and on a few occasions it even made me laugh at loud. Catarina is a fucking dumbass but in a way that makes her lovable instead of frustrating...or at least lovably frustrating lmao! And I’ve already said my peace on the rest of the cast. The only way it could be better is if it went gay all the way 
3. Skate the infinity 
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Can you imagine that I almost didn’t watch this anime? The only reason I started it because I looked at the op cuz ‘skating anime is bound to have some good tunes’ (it has), but truth to be told from the amount of it I see on my dash I would have probably got into it anime. I love these characters (except Adam but Adam falls straight into the sort of villain trope I dislike the most so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) But honestly has some of the best and most lovable characters these season and Reki’s arc is goddamn heartbreaking to watch. This is the kind of show with a beating heart you know, I love it.
2. Dr Stone
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Funny how I watched this after you complained endlessly about it and then ended up enjoying it so much. I’m not much of a science buff and there are times I just zone out when Senku is explaining shit but as I’ve said countless times before it’s the characters that make or break the show for me and I love every single one. I just like how full of passion it is and how obvious it is that this is the author just nerding out. Senku is very interesting protagonist because he wasn’t supposed to be the protagonist at all and it’s great how passionate he can be while completely avoiding the passionate shonen youth trope. Also I ranted to you constantly about how nice is to see a character with who has such a prominent way of showing love exclusively by his actions. Also the emotional moments hit so hard despite it being a nerd out show. Also just Gen, as a concept. This show feels like someone is constantly ranting to you about the thing they are passionate about and as someone who loves to listen to ppl rant about things they love, it’s just great. Also I get to share in with something you really like and that always makes it better <3
1. Talentless Nana
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Didn’t we calculate that I finished the entire anime and then the manga start to finish in two days flat?
Yeah I think that says it all.
Nana turned out to be such a niche show and it really deserves more. I’ve seen people compare it to Death Note but it’s really not like Death Note when you get past the cat and mouse game that isn’t even it’s core more like a bait to lure you in to the real thing. Like this isn’t a show that is going to vow you with it’s mindgames but I do like it better than Death Note just because it has infinently more interesting and lovable characters and Nana could kick Lights ass any day. Nana has bits of BNHA in it and bits of Death Note in it but what it’s really about for me is abuse and how it can break and remold a person and how hard it’s to get out of it and start acting against what you’ve been conditioned to believe is the right thing, no matter how much you want to do better. That message is more thoroughly explored in the manga though and since it ended up so niche I doubt we’ll be getting second season ;-; But damn don’t I love Nana’s arc. She makes for an amazing protagonist that you just love despite everything she does and then you start to understand her better and how she ended up like this and you just really want to root for her to figure out what happened. And when she does it’s not an instant switch, she doesn’t immediately go ‘oh ok i know what teh good is now ill do that’. It’s a struggle to go against what she’s been taught to believe, it’s a struggle to turn her back on the only safe person she knows in her life (who is very very abusive but abusers can still be safe places that’s why abuse is so hard to leave) and try to join in with people who are very likely to refuse her just because she knows that’s the right thing to do. Watching Nana go from mindless drone to a girl struggling to leave an abusive situation and make up for all the wrongs she did is just amazing. One day I wanna go through the manga and detailly document Nana’s journey. I hope she finds stability soon my girl ;-; 
This has turned into a Talentless Nana rant but I just love how seriously the story takes the topic of abuse, how much it can impact you, your actions and your view of the world and how hard it is to leave. How much easier it would be for Nana to just stay where she is and ignore everything despite knowing leaving would be the best choice. Recently the manga updated with a chapter on Moe and it showed so well how much abuse can impact and persist even when a child is in a safe situation and ;-; MOE I’M SORRY I SAID I DONT LIKE YOU AAAA. 
Anyway if anyone aside from Peter made it to the end of the list uhhh read Talentless Nana, it’s really good and I would like more please
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grlfriends · 4 years
revolutionary girl utena review
ep 1-5
the plot is actually kinda different from what I thought ?? in my mind the plot was: utena was a girl in a princess school who each and every princess would be "conquered" (for a lack of better words rn) in a ceremonial duel by a prince who fancied them, maybe she didnt wanna wanna marry anyone or she liked Anthy already but anyway in my mind utena showed up in the ceremony with duel clothing and then, in a very brave tm like-scene, she would openly declare she refused to be conquered by anyone and tbh I'm not even sure how Anthy would come into the plot... but back into what actually happened in the episodes everything so far is very introductory and just showing what mechanics will be explored further down the line I think?? the op is really good too
also every boy so far reminds me so much of knights of the zodiac?? maybe it's just the design I guess...) and nanami can get these hands, jealousy is a disease and she's the sickest person on earth for all I know
dont ask me why bit I just feel like room of mirrors - gfriend has a very well fitting vibe for it but I'm not exactly sure why hm.... 🤔🤔
ep 6-12
ok so why does this school just have random animals around 😐 I could understand the horse but a bull and a kangaroo?? what ...
touga just says the most random dramatic things and then just casually says anyone who believes in friendship is a fool ?? the guy wouldnt last a day in the naruto universe tbh, he kinda irks me in some way but I'm not sure why so I'll live with this strange feeling for a while I guess
↳ okay so watching ep 10 made me especially kinda creeped out, I know I've watched only 10 eps so far but like can he fall downstairs and break a neck or something already ...
also haha what if I watched that bet on it fmv and gave myself a bunch of spoilers would that be funny or what 😍 this is why i cant have nice things yall.... hope my memory goes to shit when sleep so I dont remember about it this week while I finish it
I feel like the main thing on the episodes are parallels, one way or another I always feel like they're setting up parallels and giving me clues for a bigger picture and a deeper plot arc that is still to come and the bet on it fmv just made this impression stronger, also I wanna say it's done in a good way, one that is both mysterious (??) and "honey you've got a big storm coming" at the same time 🤔🤔 much to think about honestly
↳ just saw ep 11 and even though I already knew this was coming sooner or later it still felt like crap seeing utena lose to dick head, at the end of the episode when he says anthy was always just reflecting utena's own wishes for himemiya (in another way bc I dont remenber the exact words) it felt like 😐 bc yes I knew that (the way she was working her thoughts was simply a copy and paste of what utena was saying) at all time I kept those essays about anthy in my head, I dont think theyll be truly relatable to what I'm seeing rn but yeah anthy rights (even though I know you betray/cheat on utena down the line bc of the bet on it fmv but I'm sure you had your own motivation)
↳ saw ep 12 bc I just couldnt handle being in a cliffhanger and yeah it happened what I absolutely thought it would lmao not that it was that difficult to foresee but yeah, I kinda liked how utena did it for her instead of being like "oh I wanna save anthy from touga" and treating her like a damsel in distress (I know that's kinda her position as the rose bride for what I've been told so far and that this is a subject spoken about in many many essays on tumblr but yeah) bc so far she's been treated as a trophy and a way to get something else, for the green haired guy it was a way to see something eternal, for miki it was a way to hold on into his "shining thing" and for touga it seems (so far) like a way to manipulate (just like he does with nanami) and just mark his position as above everyone else as he seems to view himself?? man I might be saying random stuff rn but it kinda does makes sense in my mind with the information I've had to this point
ep 13-25
honestly 😐😐 through 9 whole episodes I felt like they were trying to make the side characters deeper and show their hidden face and motivations but it felt so shallow...... not even actually shallow, just not deep enough that it would make me care about these characters and the fact there was no actual build to showing us why we're getting to know these characters backgrounds was just kinda meh too, didnt really help that all episodes had all the same formula and the same timing just for the developers made in those episodes be forgotten at the end and also just that pink haired guy could be like "ah failure again", it felt like watching the same episode over and over again, it was really tiring and like?? girl help I do not care about these characters at all, I feel like it could have been done well (like the keiko ep in comparison to the furuba chapter that deals with the yuki appreciation (??) club president graduating.... the way this ep was done and setup didn't really bring me any emotions) overall not to my taste and tbh I feel like I could have skipped all those episodes except for maybe the miki and juri one so 😑
all nanami focused episodes are the worst so far, she's so boring and I cant stand now annoying she is, the diary episode?? the cow episode?? the episode when tsuwabiki fuels with utena?? honestly I know they're trying to show me a better and different side of her but it just doesnt!! work!! bc i feel no sympathy for her, my biggest wish rn is her and touga just disappearing and no more filler episodes🗣🗣
I thought akio was utena's prince?? but apparently he's just anthy's brother and like.. I'm do done with his little talks with utena and yadda yadda, I just wanna see their duel is that too much to ask I'm dying over here (if this lenga lenga continues until ep 25 i will be so mad bc why were so many episodes wasted on such boring and and not necessary side characters backstories?? idc about them at all man aaaaaaaaaa)
↳ ep 25 was good finally we got what we deserve boys 😭😭😭😭😭 can utena just beat up akio already I'm tired of his ass, he exhales both "I'm a feminist I even take women studies classes #herstory" and "if she breathes she's a thot" energy also he has 0 style that mullet is simply horrible I bet there's a hairstylist community who considers him a criminal bc like 😐 it is simply so bad (q bit less when it's tied up but when it's all lose jesus Christ)
also touga thinks he's suuuuch a genius, sooo smart like king, I do not care about you at all can you shut the fuck up please and can we tall about the pink haired guy episode?? wack. honestly thought it would be more emotional or something, I binge watched 12 episodes with his ugly haircut face and did not even feel a thing he can choke I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
ANTHY TAKING A SWORD OUT OF UTENA'S CHEST??? OSCAR WORTHY KINGS❗❗❗and then her lame ass brother being like "oh ho ho idk idk" shut up no one cares no one cares I swear to you no one cares shut uuuuup
ep 25-39
first of all, ep 25 was good but kinda reminded me of the nine episodes (13 until 21) where absolutely nothing interesting happened so I hope I'm wrong also can I just say just seeing the preview of the next episode made me roll my eyes so bad I almsot saw my brain?? bc yeah I'm fucking tired of nanami fosuced episodes she's so annoying oh my god nobody cares about a goddamn egg and much less one coming from her let her die or something pls she's so annoying there's nothing I've learned about her that was not against my own will I'm basically rotting over here 🤒
↳ ep 30 has me thinking Akio has a foot fetish or something 😐 bruh leave utena aloooooone I already know your plans and schemes you're not fooling anyone that's embarrassing for u and also... utena you're not very bright are you.... you start seeing every duelist you face with the same exact car and then when you see akio has the same car you didnt even stop to think about it that 1+1 equals 2 ... girl help yourself 😐
↳ yet again another nanami focused ep 😐😐😐😐😐 even though I do understand her better now I still don't find her particularly enjoyable to watch, call me a woman hater but like. idk she's still a bit annoying to me (but touga is straight up evil and is manipulating her so I feel bad for feeling like that tho.....)
↳ ok last 2 eps to go but listen. I thought the akio duel would have happened much sooner, maybe on ep 33 max but well didn't this age well lmao ngl, it did seem a bit too slow paced for my personal taste but also I feel like there's a certain level of drama that comes with slowing the pace down....
↳ aaaaaa yall I'm kinda 😢😭 over the ending omg........... even though it took the best of me to keep going in some parts I still enjoyed the ending aaaaa I thought i wouldnt really like it bc I just usually dont enjoy this type of ending but stil 😢😢😢😢 wait for me utena 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 girl I cried and then anthy walking in the end god utena and anthy holding hands 😭😭😭😭 akio can suck my dick
there's obviously many things I've missed or that I kinda didnt really pay attendance to so please dont take this serious, I was just writing as I watched the episodes so it's more like a thought compilation than anything, still I can see why there's many essays written about it and why it is held as a masterpiece by so many people
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ainchase · 5 years
very very rough translation of Elesis/LuCiel Epic Quest with Rosso
rosso: everything related to the protection of El is the masters and the priestesses' responsibility. you stay out of it.
ciel:??? dude wtf we
1. restored the el
2. fought against henir zealots
3. saved your fucking ass
rosso: yeah I can see just how ugly everything got if people like you guys were helping out
lu: !@$!@$Y#$%@#$
elesis: okay well w.e we gon go ask denif then
lu: in case you forgot we beat your ass in varnimyr
rosso: yeah it was like 13v1
elesis: Alright, let's say that even someone with a demon's blood can be come master. Why did you become one?
ciel: yeah did you become master cuz you had some ulterior motive with the el or something
rosso: are you fucking kidding me right now
elesis: yeah why do you insist on going to the demon realm all by yourself? you know, other masters had to stay behind and let us go to the demon realm cuz they had to protect the el. you dont look like you care about that
rosso: others can protect the el. I can handle the demon realm by myself.
elesis: why do you want to go alone so bad? what's your hidden agenda?
rosso: what about you guys? why do YOU want to go back to the demon realm so bad? You find me suspicious cuz Im half demon and I want to go back to the demon realm?? How's that any different from you guys
rosso: you guys have a half demon AND a full blown demon. You guys are more suspicious than me
lu: what did you say you lil shit
we went through all that shit for a reason
rosso: Im saying that we did the same for Elrios as well. We did a lot of shit to protect this world
rosso: doing shit to save the world aint a competitive sport
elesis: why are you so fucking uptight
lu: what do you mean? this fucker is just crazy
ciel: I see. if he really meant harm, then he wouldnt be this defensive against us from the start. it's better to back stab when he has our guard lowered
elesis: yeah see how hes like threatening us physically but answering every single one of our questions? its like hes doing doing his bare minimum to make us understand
elesis: you just really want to stop us from going to the demon realm, huh
rosso: gdi
rosso: what makes you think you guys have to go to the demon realm?
elesis: in order to stop the Order and fully restore the El, we need the Dark El.
ciel: You're not entirely wrong. It doesn't necessarily have to be us to find the Dark El.
ciel: but think about it logically. There's no other team that's more suitable for this mission than ESP. Isnt that true?
rosso: I...
elesis: you alone doesnt make a team. You have a ridiculously low success rate if you jump into the battlefield by yourself.
elesis: i mean sometimes you gotta make 5 teams each with 2 people but uhh
rosso: I dont give a shit
elesis: right back at ya, ESP is under the velder kingdom. we dont have to listen to you, a so-called higher up from a kingdom long gone
rosso: that place is an abyss. none of the shit like order and process work there
rosso: wasnt it enough to lose your brother to the el once?
elesis: :tears:
ciel: you talking like we're going to demon realm to die
rosso: look, if everything worked out the way you plan, then the El wouldn't have exploded in the first place
rosso: going to a world where there isnt El or the influence of the Goddess means you have to be prepared for death. You guys have way too many things to lose to do that.
rosso: you have a shit ton of precious things to protect and yet you want to drive yourselves into danger? you've gotta be kidding me
elesis: so what, are you saying youre going to sacrifice yourself in our place cuz you got nothing to lose or something?
rosso: Im just trying to do my damn job, stop making shit up
lu: wait so you been spewing shit to us just so you can--
ciel: I mean if youre that worried about us, how about you come with us?
lu: lol if it was something like that, you could've just asked honestly from the beginning. I could've pulled some strings for ya
rosso: I swear Im going to kill you
elesis: well of course I dont want Elsword to involve himself in dangerous things, honestly
rosso: and yet you...
elesis: but this is the path we chose
elesis: a path that I chose
rosso: ...
rosso: I dont give a flying fuck on what path you chose
rosso: if you insist that much on going to the demon realm, then there will come a time when you have to make a decision
rosso: whether you have conviction, act recklessly or not, at the end of the day, if you got something that you have to choose over the other, it'll definitely hold you back
rosso: you didnt want to sacrifice your brother so you dragged him out of the El. Are you trying to die for him?
lu: what
ciel: what are you trying to say
rosso: how much more do I have to explain
ciel: why are you thinking complicated things when they didnt even happen yet
rosso: what
elesis: what
ciel: so youre saying, to go to the demon realm, we have to cut all ties, get rid of all worldly possessions, and jump in there all alone? you can think however you want, but I dont agree with that
ciel: it just looks like youre threatening us, like asking if we're ready to give up our lives for someone else in hopes of stopping us but
ciel: from the moment we decided to get elsword out of el, we already made up our mind
ciel: even if someone's life is on the line like you said, then I'll survive no matter what. Knowing Lu doesn't want me to die, I can't afford to lose my life.
lu: :tears:
rosso: the fk is wrong with you guys
lu: ciel's right
rosso: what
lu: we almost wasted our time worrying about useless shit. You got viscerally upset when I said we have to return to the demon realm to keep a promise
lu: if you think trying to survive is more important than trying to keep a promise, then how come you dont practice what you preach?
lu: dont you also value promises and conviction more?
rosso: Im different. I've been given a power.
elesis: youre so fucking stubborn i cant even
lu: me and ciel are bound by a contract. I might have considered what you said if I wanted to go back to the demon realm just to exact my vengeance.
lu: if something happens to me, I might not be able to save ciel
lu: but I still have to return because someone loyal to me is still there
lu: I mean its kinda meaningless to compare him with ciel, but as long as we've made our promise, winster is my people as well
lu: I forgot, for such a long time, what it's like to lead people, to take care of those who follow you
lu: why do I want to go to the demon realm?
lu: Im returning to reclaim my stolen throne. I will save my people, fulfill their wishes and at times punish them if I must.
lu: who's to stop a lord from returning to her domain to do what is asked of her?
rosso: :glare:
elesis: we already experienced a time when we had to make our choice, like ciel said
elesis: we made up my mind to go through even the most impossible things together
rosso: :rollingeyes: Im an idiot for trying to persuade a group of idiots like you
lu: do you finally feel like explaining things now
rosso: dont get your hopes up. Im only telling you cuz I know you idiots cant use this method
ciel: I think Im slowly getting used to his abrasive tone, after listening to it for so long. Okay, we won't think you've admitted defeat after you were persuaded by us, so just tell us
rosso: listen you little shit
rosso: Alright. Remember when I said I was suppressing the fire el's power with demonic aura?
rosso: the power of fire is much more difficult to control than other elements. there are enough of those who burned to ash because they couldnt withstand its destructive power
rosso: rosso clan was always trying to produce a master of fire, and decided they'll need a new form of power to suppress the power of fire el, for example...
rosso: something completely different from the el's power. Like a demonic energy.
elesis: they did what now
rosso: it's not much of a stretch to say that no one knew anything about demons back then. from their perspective, i was just a kid with a strange power.
rosso: of course I didnt have much as an actual demon, but my intrinsic demonic power was good enough for me to be a subject of their experiments The red eye was transplanted into me, and I was able to control the power of fire.
rosso: ...it wasn't without an accident, but in any case, the power of fire and the demonic aura are constantly at a balance inside of me. When one of them disappears, the other goes rampant
rosso: on the day we all decided to imbue the el shards with our respective element, I was the most problematic one
ciel: I see... from the process of trying to transfer the power of fire into the el shard, the balance between your demonic aura and the power of fire crumbled...
rosso: chaotic continent, missing masters... if they had a rampant half-demon on top of that, Elrios would not look the way it does today
elesis: that's why you went to the demonic realm? so you wouldn't go rampant in elrios???
rosso: /shrug
rosso: as the el exploded, temporal rifts were created all over elrios, sporadically. the phenomena was worse near powerful el shards
rosso: I was able to cross into the demon realm thanks to those rifts. After creating the fire el, I jumped into one of those rifts before I completely lost my sanity
rosso: thats the end of my story. now do you see why I said you cant use this method?
lu: you...
ciel: the priestesses couldnt help you? though theyre not blessed in the combative aspect like masters, I thought theyre the same when it comes to using the power related to the el
rosso: the priestess system was still pretty new at the time. They were busy trying to learn from masters too. Creating the elemental el as inexperienced priestesses is like betting your life on it
elesis: why did you go to that extent? even you couldnt have guaranteed your safety when you jumped into the rift. Are you saying even that was part of your mission?
rosso: hmph, there's no one who can tell me to do that shit
elesis: the tower you were locked away in... didnt have an entrance or an exit, blocked off completely, enough for the power of fire which was trying to return to you could only circle around the tower itself
lu: you locked yourself in so you wouldnt hurt others
rosso: I told you everything you wanted to know, so are you happy now?
elesis: rosso, I really dont want you to go to the demon realm
rosso: are you looking down on me after hearing that sob story?
elesis: no it's not that, I just think I know how much you think its natural for you to sacrifice yourself
elesis: I think I know why Im concerned about you. You are similar to my brother.
elesis: I dont know what happened in the past, but... I think he made that decision because he thought similar things as you once did
elesis: you've sacrificed yourself enough. You banished yourself to protect Elrios. I cant even imagine what it's like to hold out in a prison made to imprison yourself for hundreds of years, but
elesis: elrios stands today thanks to the efforts you guys went through. you can leave it to us now
ciel: we're not as weak as you think we are
lu: I can see why you didnt want to tell us. It wasnt particularly helpful, but thanks anyway
rosso: youre really annoying..
lu: the sentiment is mutual
rosso: now fuck off if you're done talking. I have to do more control training
ciel: youre more diligent than you look
rosso: do you wanna die
lu: it doesnt look like you're completely healed yet
lu: you're having trouble controlling your power without the eye, are you not
elesis: so thats what ventus meant when he said youre training to overcome what you've lost
rosso: that pointy eared fucker
ciel: wait; you were having difficulty controlling? but you fought so well...
rosso: like I said, you guys cant beat me in an even fight
lu: I really hate this guy
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insomnihan · 5 years
han’s Entire Thoughts and Feelings on Dreamcatcher’s “Scream”
there are no read mores here so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
THE SONG THIS F UCKING SONG WHERE👏DO👏I👏START 👏 I KNEW RIGHT WHEN I WENT ON TO LISTEN TO THE GODDAMN LYRIC SPOILER bc im an impatient little bich THIS WAS GONNA KICK MY SHINS KNEE ME IN THE NOSE AND OWN. ME. i forgot which moot i said this to but i said they should try putting their rock/metal sound with an edm kind of sound anD HERE WE ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT SOUNDS SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! this got my heart racing quick as hell even during the slower parts????????? im sorry to the beginning parts, jiu, and the bridge i cant RELAX™
(i wont tag every part they have ill just describe some of them lmao)
JIU JIU JIU JIU JIU JIU JIU JIU JIU JIU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MISS KIM MINJI YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this, this, THIS AND THIS G O D her voice is just so perfect to start the song to ease you into this BOP™ and then her voice for those pre-chorus parts to ready you ONCE AGAIN for that chorus BUT YET its still hype as hell bc you K N O W what shes leading you into her voice is LIKE FEATHERS AND CLOUDS dont ask
yoohyeon i swear to god- her voice........................... i cannot begin.............. to even describe how nice it is.................... I DUNNO HOW SERIOUSLY like it just has that tone and power where its not very high nor very low and its just.................. lord......... going right after jiu for this it was just so UUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH- pls i CANNOT with these parts and then still being a part of the choruses MA’AM WHY DOES YOUR VOICE JUST HITS THE SPOT HUH-
sua ALSO HAS A VOICE I JUST CANNOT DESCRIBE it just has this like..................... its unique and very alluring???????? i feel like i HAVE TO SAY THIS but her voice is as sexy as she is i- putting her right after jiu and yoohyeon at the beginning HOO and then this after gahyeon and damis fire and then shes also in the CHORUS TOO AND SHE ADDS MORE STRENGTH IN HER VOICE HELLO
SIYEON I HAVE TO SAY THIS AGAIN I WOULD LISTEN TO YOUR VOICE FOREVER IF I COULD her voice is just meant to do this kind of genre i swear to GOD like THIS????????? THIS x2??????????? BICTH THIS?????????????? she just sings so effortlessly and the emotion she puts like YOU CAN FEEL THAT S HIT especially in the bridge YEESH listening now it mellowed me out for like two (2) seconds before i went feral again
PIRI GAHYEON WALKED SO SCREAM GAHYEON COULD SPRINT pls i listened to this part and i was like ‘oH OKAY SING GO AHEAD’ oh no. nononononono NECK PLOT TWIST: SHES A RAPPER AGAIN BICTH THIS RIGHT HERE THATS HOW YOU GIVE WHIPLASH- AND THIS S HIT OOF THAT HIT- her voice is a lot deeper than we think LIKE her range is actually pretty big and we LOVE to hear it
dami..................................... what the f uck- FIRST OF ALL this was Too Much already on first listen and then your rap verse DO YALL HEAR HER PASSION??????? BC I HEAR IT DONT GET ME STARTED ON THIS PART WOO!!!!! LISTEN THAT HAD ME HOPPING AND JUMPING IN MY BED ON GOD- i swear pls stop saying this han come on she has one of the most (if not THE MOST) recognizable voices EVER???????? 
(i will be using the suit dance video for this portion)
literally both damis and gahyeons ‘devil. eyes. come.’ ESPECIALLY GAHYEONS when everyone is pointing at her (with this 🤘) thats Art™ right there
GAHYEONS RAP PART the usage of masks.................................. the symmetrical movement......................... Art™ part 2
these dances for sua and siyeons parts after the raps................... especially on the floor................ oh no- also i have to say siyeon lands on her knees really hard for that part i hope shes okay
jiu dancing by herself that is all
siyeon being Sexie™ that is all
dami stealing my heart and stomping on it that is all
ending pose with this 🤘 THE ICONIC™ AND LEGENDARY™ JUMPED OUT
THE VISUALS listen....................... LISTEN............................ LISTEN..................... L I S T E N- OKAY like my last two dreamcatcher thoughts and feelings (which if you wanna read: here and here) ill just show the scenes that i really liked (trust me it was REALLY hard to choose i might as well just put the mv again) and how i felt looking at them
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............................................................................... oh f UCK-
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ma’am whatever this is can you destroy me with it im ready-
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but seriously whoever gave this woman a sword knows what the somnies like and wanna see and yes i too wanna get sliced the fuc k up
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every time i see this i make like this songs title name and S C R E A M
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i have no crazy special reason as to why i put her here other than i d worded when i saw her
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this has to be one of the coolest things ive ever seen like on god this is so Pleasing to My Eyes like what the f kcu im like this A LOT
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b ru H this part........................ theyre all doing this 🤘 at her.................... waht does it mean................... what doES IT MEAN
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ooooooooooooooooooh mmmmmmmyyyyyyYYYYYYYYYY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
also some bonus gahyeon screenshots its what she deserves after spinning my head 360 degrees <3 (also i didnt notice that both did the sign love this for her)
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THE BLACK DANCE OUTFITS........................ THE WHITE DANCE OUTFITS........................... G OD
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her purple hair already hurted me and shes beautiful enough but in this video when she iS LITERALLY THE VERY FIRST MEMBER YOU SEE WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT WHEN YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL- pls i love lace................... her white outfit got chains on it................... and OH BICTH THE BLACK OUTFIT SHOWS HER BACK IM FERAL
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can you pls stop being beautiful for one (1) second can yoU PLS- i saw this shot in the mv and i think i fell in l*ve with her......................... as if i wasnt already shes as stunning as ever i cant stand her the black outfit with her long ass high pony tail witH THE GLOVES HELLO and that one look with the flowers or something on her head covering her eye.......... wow..........................
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GIRL I GET IT YOURE SO PRETTY I UNDERSTAND!!!!!!!!!!!! this look in this specific photo with this dress and the braid uuuuuuuuuuuhhhhh Ma’am youre a goddess I Am Looking 👁👄👁 her white outfit with the pony tail and those straps around her torso oh god and then her black outfit seems simple until you realize it shows a little of her sides pls stop im a weak man i-
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HELLO MISS LEE YUBIN I SEE YOU DECIDED TO GO ‘F UCK YALL LIVES’ AND BE HOT™ HUH- tbh not even mad at her yullet (yubin mullet) but shes dami she can work MANY LOOKS™ her black and white scene during her rap like thats a Look™ that attacked me and like yoohyeons black outfit hers looks like nothing special until you realize her sides are also out........... oh no-
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GAHYEON THE WOMAN THAT YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!!! this is HER ERA NO I WILL NOT LISTEN YOU CANNOT CHANGE MY MIND- i wasnt expecting her to attack me as much as she did its that GODDAMN pink outfit from the l ver. of the teasers i sHOULDVE KNOWN!!!!!!! her black outfit is like suas does she have gabs (gahyeon abs) OH NO LORD PLS- SHES BIG BEAUTIFUL™!!!!!!!!!!!!
BONUS TIME: B-SIDE TRACKS (short thoughts and parts i liked) had to go and use the color coded lyrics to make sure to not mistake the members and appreciate them fake ass fan i have a hard time telling who is who sometimes pls dont roast me ill do better next time
OKAY LISTEN- this intro be hitting a little different compared to their last intros maybe its just me but i feel as tho it COULD go just a little harder yknow???? tho ofc im love it still but ANYWAY-
now this........................ this is beautiful so this was apparently was supposed to be called goodnight????? and changed the lyrics?????? so............... they were hiding this Bop™................ for a few years????? did i read that right?????? LITERALLY A SLAP™ IT IS HEADBANG MATERIAL the fkcuing drums oh pls- THE CHORUS SOMEONE TALK TO ME ITS ADDICTING i............... LOVE jius voice on this song in particular that slower part i dunno why she just got me i- those parts sua and siyeon do before that ‘break the wall’ part i dunno their kinda lower voices theyre making me feel Things™
Red Sun
okay seriously WHAT THE FKCU- IT GRABBED MY NECK DURING THE HIGHLIGHT MEDLEY something about those bells or whatever throughout this song just hurted me so much ‘red sun’ just....................... gets in your brain and im okay with that!!!!!!!!!!! like its true that the beginning part is so intriguing and lowkey hypnotizing WOW and then their voices sound kinda breathy be hitting a little different MISS LEE GAHYEON ON THIS.................. MA’AM-
Black Or White
the guitar the fkycing guitaR CAN WE PLS TALK ABOUT THE GUITAR AND THE BASS FOR A SECOND???????? HELLO??????? THE CRUNCHINESS™ and then dami in the middle (not @ me for thinking she cursed in this song 🤡)  S HU T- AND HELLO JIU SIYEON AND DAMI ALL TOOK PART IN WRITING THESE LYRICS BICTH IM YELLING- THAT BLACK OR WHITE IN THE CHORUS SIYEON SINGS IS STUCK IN MY HEAD HELP ME jk im okay with it being there yoohyeon jiu and gahyeon during those pre-chorus parts......................... good christ............
Jazz Bar
pls stop flirting with me.................................. DAMI ESPECIALLY LISTEN- I HAD TO LOOK UP THE LYRICS WITH THE COLOR CODE TO MAKE SURE MY EARS WERENT MESSING WITH ME LEE YUBIN I WILL FALL IN L*VE WITH YOU S T O P THE F CKUING BRIDGE- dami sitting on a piano during that part................ Thinking™ jiu sua and yoohyeon oh pls they sound so good and pleasant to the ears................. it feels like im in a jazzy cafe during the evening and its raining outside im drinking a latte with a cream heart design inside and im wearing a scarf- ALSO JIU SIYEON YOOHYEON AND DAMI TOOK PART IN WRITING THIS TOO BICTH!!!!!!!!!! dami saying this was one of her favorites Y E A H
HERE WE HAVE THE SONG WE MEMED BEFORE WE GOT IT but like that ‘SA HA RA~ RA RA RA~’ part is SUPER CATCHY siyeon and gahyeon and sua holy damn i- siyeon during the second verse AND HER HIGH NOTE ma’am im love you- also SOUNDCLOUD RAPPER DAMI RISE 2.0 i dunno what it is with dami with her raps being like this but im not even mad????????? i feel like thats an unpopular opinion something about that instrumental that guitar is hitting a part of my heart that i wanna hear it and then those drums it sounds SO COOL
In the Frozen
새벽 (Daybreak)
now this is a song that could heal souls- its not super slow like a ballad but it has like a lowkey jazz lo-fi (???) feel to it and their vocals are super gentle and smooth are these angels- i dunno what it is about all these songs and the second verses like this one is good too??????? especially yoohyeon U H i felt that in mY BONES i can definitely see this song as one i would go to when i wanna relax to or even fall asleep to bc its so soothing
LIKE i was expecting this album to be SUPER INCREDIBLE COME ON ITS DREAMCATCHER YKNOW but i didnt think itd be THIS incredible this group is just so full of surprises and are just the MOST HIDDEN GEMS its unfortunate they really arent very known trying to be a little critical ofc there are SOME things that could be different theres nothing absolutely and truly perfect ever- personally i am IN LOVE with this album theyve topped themselves from their last comeback which like HOLY S HIT however will this be the comeback that will get them their first win? ..................... to be honest its hard to tell i was so hopeful last comeback and yknow stuff happened OFC I DO HOPE AND WISH THEYLL WIN but whats most important (at least to me) is that i enjoy their music and enjoy all the content they give and appreciate their work and their voices
and like before i must bring this back:
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kinarchist · 5 years
how do you reconcile being an angel fictive with the nature of angels in judaism as almost mechanistic beings not possessing free will? and only existing to serve a purpose for as long as that purpose entails?
Omg anon thank u for asking me this, I would love to talk about this! So this is something I learned from my first rabbi, that angels are basically G?d’s Mr. Meeseeks and exist to fulfill a task and then … poof! \o/ I kind of understand it as being re-absorbed into G?d, like the angels are just extensions of G?ds willpower.
BUT! While we may be created without free will for the purpose of a task, that doesn’t mean the task is short or even something that has an end? You did say “for as long as that purpose entails” :P Four angels are named by Midrash as surrounding the divine throne: Uriel, Raphael, Michael, and Gabriel. “We”* seem to be created for a long-purpose task and have been sent out and called upon to do all sorts of things. And in doing those tasks, we seem to still have an amount of choice as to how they happen?
We’re also not necessarily free of opinion, even if we can’t act against our own natures! Both in Talmud and Midrash there’s stories of angels arguing, notably one where all sorts of angels (”myself“ included) argue and protest over whether G?d should create humans or not! So the free will thing is … questionable!
When you get to the issue of how that applies to what happened in the period of time that Supernatural the TV Series documents? Welp. That’s a lotta questions I still got. How could G?d go disappearing on us and leaving Heaven in a state of total disarray? Why were we the “constant brink of apocalypse” universe? There’s a point where the story stops being relevant to me (and where the series should have died) but I still have questions and have zero answers. I also don’t really have an answer for the whole “being a fictive” thing. I don’t know why I’m here, or what it means that I’m in a human body facing the consequences of mortality. :/ I don’t really know how i got away with playing Loki for so long. I have crises over it semi-regularly, but I just try to keep going.
In the end, what I have is a duty to live my life as best as I can in service of G?d, whatever They may be. I’m stuck living the human life at least half the time, so I have to live the best I can under the circumstances. It’s reassuring that mal’ach, “messenger,” is the word for angels, but also used for human messengers. No distinction is made. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
* I don’t believe Im personally THE Gabriel that countless people invoke in prayer and ritual, just one emanation of that being? idk its another question but I dont lose sleep over this one
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carryoncastiel · 5 years
15x06 - “Golden Time” thoughts
Pre-thoughts: Back from work so new episode time! Apparently this is a Sam-centric episode (love me those) and I know Dean and Cas are gonna have an awkward phone call. Other than that I dont know what happens and I’m excited to find out!!!
Recap: Destiel breakup und Sam killing Rowena.Yup this is gonna be fun.
I have the episode with narration again and the narrartor immediately spoils that this is Rowena’s apartment. Though the big out of focus portrait is a dead giveaway...
Honestly I don’t even hear the narrator over the music when the witch throws Rowena’s stuff on the floor. If you’re visually impaired idk if this is even actually helpful
Well witch lady, shouldn’t have touched Rowena’s stuff. Now you’re dead  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Some blurry something walks by behind Sam in the bunker. Eileen is that you?
Dean walks in with his comfy robe and hot dog PJs. It would be cute if it wasn’t sad.
Dean ate a whole box of cereal. Well the munching away your feelings continues. ...And he’s binge watching Scooby Doo. I mean I never had a breakup but I’m sure I’d eat comfort food and watch my favorite show all day too.
The shop owner calls him Clarence. So Cas is not in the mood to use the typical Winchester fake name right now instead opting for the nickname Meg gave him. Oh Cas :(
Apparently Cas has been fishing. I’m sure there is some interesting meta meaning to this.
“I had a friend who praised fishing for it meditating qualities” Not sure if he’s talking about Dean here but I assume he is. Which makes this even more sad because “I HAD a friend”...D:
Cas isn’t even looking for a case instead the shop owner tells him about a dead boy they found. So he’s just been alone fishing to deal with his feelings which didn’t really seem to work. Oh NOO ;__;
We never see Sam jogging and it’s a shame! 
The hellhound that killed Eileen dragged her to hell. I’m not OK!
Eileen doesn’t want to turn into a vengeful spirit so she asks Sam and Dean to maybe put in a good word with the angels. WELL...that might be a problem...
Dean tells her even if they tried she can’t go to heaven and Sam looks the way I’m feeling right now
Sam is pissed Dean just outright told her. Understandable. Dean is all like “Sucks but that’s how it is” Yikes
I want someone to hug Sam so bad he’s having a really rough time here. Seeing Eileen in this state and now having to go to Rowena’s place. :(
And Dean is like “Yeah you do that” and walks away. Dude.
He thinks nothing they do matters anyway so why care. This is fine...
Cas is at the sheriff’s office but the dude gets his hair cut on tuesdays so he’s not there. What can you do.
The woman sitting there thinks her son is missing too and no one will help her. Cas can’t say no to her of course.
This Sam and Eileen conversation is too sad for meeee *sobs* 
(For some reason the narrator is now talking about “Dean” instead of Sam when they enter Rowena’s apartment. Real professional narration.)
Two witches sit in a van outside and spy on Sam and Eileen in the apartment. But one has purple eyes like Rowena. Did she already get the Book of the Damned?
Back with Cas and the Sheriff is back and being annoyed with the woman looking for her son. Sure maybe not many people go missing in that little town but if one kid shows up dead the night before that should mayyyyybe ring some alarm bells?
Cas is kinda getting pissed at the sheriffs don’t-care attitude. (I’d be too.) 
Dude wants to talk to a supervisor so Cas got no choice but to call some Winchester phone. 
Of course it’s Dean answering the call and from the looks of it Cas is really hoping its not him...
I kinda wanna reach through the screen and throttle Dean right now... Apologize to your husband dammit! 
Cas wipes his eye after Dean hangs up. THIS IS FINE. AGAIN.
If you’re searching for some secret witch stash being a ghost is kinda helpful
Sam sees Rowena’s secret room and that she kept journals until the end. We see his face and the narrator deadass goes “Sam tries to smile through the pain” CAN YOU NOT
“You miss her”, Eileen also saw that pain. 
Rowena worked on a spell to resurrect Mary without a body. HELP. MY ROWENA FEELS.
She never finished it but Sam is confident he can do it. And bring Eileen back! (PLEASE. Don’t get my hopes up show!)
Detective!Cas montage. He even has a pen behind his ear. I’m so proud.
Sam is getting the same treatment as the witch from the beginning. Those other witches don’t wanna share. He at least gets to sign for Eileen to find Dean before she gets poofed away by the witch.
Appararently Rowena’s apartment his hexed but it didn’t affect Sam. She left all her things to him....And here are the feels again...
The witch clearly doesn’t know who Sam is or she would’ve gone for his deal.
Cas is up at the lake where people went missing and the woman from before followed him to help with the search. From the promo pics I know this is gonna get bloody....
The witch (who looks more like a typical ghost with her black hair) who is making sure Sam gets the stuff they want didn’t really like the dead witch (her sister it seems). She made her life hell. Well thanks for telling us you’re obviously gonna turn on your mother later on to stop the resurrection.
Cas and the woman (Nelly or something?) walk through the woods. “Thanks for doing this on your vacation” Oh lady, if only you knew.
Cas tries to prepare Nelly for something horrible that might have happened to her son but surprise they just find him sitting behind some rocks. Well this is convenient.
Sam almost convinces Emily to take Rowena’s stuff and leave him the spell. But then she stabs the voodoo doll. This is gonna end bad for you Emily.
The Sheriff is the monster (a djinn) at the lake. I am SHOCKED.
The djinn shoots Cas but it just pisses him off more. 
“It’s always you. You selfish little men in positions of authority. You take what you want, you take who you want. You believe your power will protect you. But it won’t protect you from me.” Ok apart from this being an amazing bamf!Cas scene this is obviously forshadowing Cas being the one who will fuck Chuck’s shit up and I’m so here for it!
Dean comes to the rescue! But the dead witch is also joining the fun. This calls for a witch vs Eileen ghost off!
Sam kills the witch mother with a hex bag and spell. “I learned from the best”. AHHHHH
Cas heals the boy’s ankle but it clearly takes a lot out of him. 
Nelly “This is a miracle. Were you sent by God?” 
Cas is like “You know what - it’s better if you don’t know what a massive dick God actually is”
“If I stay nothing changes. It’s time for me to get back into the game.” Damn right. My boy is back!
They actually have a nice big bathtub in the bunker? Fic writers rejoice!
Narrator about Sam: “He turns around, overcome with emotion” YOU STOOOOOOP
Cut to Dean sitting all alone.... Well you’ve got some work to do before you get to hug your love again....
Dean: “So you’re some kinda witch now”. Sam: “Nah I just got lucky”. Sam please. You’re definitely a witch now. Be proud of that.
Dean just doesn’t know what’s real and what’s not and it’s driving him crazy. Ah my poor boy.
Sam is all confident now they’ll gonna beat god “Cause we are the guys who break the rules”. Well you’re one rulebreaker short...
Dean is not really there yet.
Sorry this got so long *coughs* But pheeeeew that was an episode. Saileen came back with full force and all the Sam and witch!Sam and Rowena feels right with them. And Cas is back in the game too. And Dean is still all sad. Meredith Glynn really knocked it out of the park with this one!
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