#but we were clearly incompatible like we argued at least once a week and it triggered the shit out of me
you-can-face-this · 2 years
thinking about how my situationship that i ended & was supposed to be friends with asked if we could still cuddle sometimes and promised he wouldn’t ask for more & that he’d give me 15% equity of his startup if he broke the promise asdfja;sdfjka;sd and at first i was offended he’d be so quick to throw away our friendship but also? 
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mariacallous · 2 years
Around the time Donald Trump was inaugurated in 2017, I said to colleagues in the newsroom where I worked at the time that we shouldn’t cover everything he said or tweeted. Previously, a president’s every word was assumed to be a carefully chosen signal of future policy, and was reported as such. Trump, on the other hand, clearly said many things purely to get a rise out of people. Reporting on them, I argued, just fed the flames. Another editor pushed back. “He’s the president,” he said, or words to that effect. “What he says is news.”
Eventually, many (if not all) news outlets kicked (if not entirely) the habit of amplifying every wild tweet and got back to doing their real job, which was to report on what Trump’s administration was actually doing—much of which he himself may have been, at best, only dimly aware of. Over the past few weeks, though, news habits from the early Trump years have resurfaced around Elon Musk.
Here, for instance, we saw a slew of rapid-response news stories about Musk’s tweet on December 11 that “My pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci,” a dig at the government’s former chief infectious disease expert, as well as at gender diversity. Here’s another bunch about the picture of his bedside table with two replica guns on it, and some more about his tweeting a far-right Pepe the Frog meme.
News coverage of what Musk is doing at Twitter betrays another trope of the Trump years. There’s a large category of stories that report with a kind of ghoulish delight on moves that will surely—surely!—sink the platform in short order, like alienating advertisers and influential users. Meanwhile, there’s a drumbeat of pieces from right-wing outlets that just as willfully ignore Musk’s worst behaviors to argue that his slash-and-burn tactics are literally the only way to rid Twitter of excess bureaucracy and make it profitable, as if it were such a pit of vipers as has never been seen in the annals of corporate management. 
This is precisely the way coverage of Trump worked. The liberal-leaning media were often drawn to stories confirming the belief that a person so clearly unfit to be president would only succeed in bringing himself (or the country) down in flames, while the right-wing media treated his evident egomania, corruption, and lack of interest in grasping basic policy issues or actually doing the job as at best irrelevant and at worst essential qualities for reforming Washington. There was plenty of good reporting going on at the same time, but these polarizing accounts tended to dominate the conversation. The losers were the public, whose understanding of what was actually happening across the country was forced through incompatible narratives around the behavior of one unhinged man in the White House.
This is what’s happening with Musk and Twitter. Conor Friedersdorf in the Atlantic describes a “dysfunctional relationship between Twitter’s new owner and so many of the journalists who cover him … where the least defensible statements and claims on all sides are relentlessly amplified in a never-ending cycle that predictably fuels disdain and negative polarization.” 
Friedersdorf goes on to argue that Musk’s journalistic critics should give him more benefit of the doubt; after all, he did ban Kanye West, he refused to reinstate Alex Jones, he’s right that Twitter helped suppress the story about Hunter Biden’s laptop that later turned out to be at least partly true, and maybe his idea of amnesty for suspended accounts is not such a bad way to reset the clock and rebuild overall trust in the platform. But I think that strays toward both-sides-ism and misses the point.
The point isn’t that Musk may not be as terrible as you think. He is definitely terrible. Just as Trump was unequivocally unfit to be president, Musk is unequivocally cruel, vindictive, a heartless manager, and a troll who amplifies extremists. (Over the weekend he sicced his followers onto Yoel Roth, Twitter's former head of trust and safety, who fled his home with his family after getting threats.) He is also a chaotic leader who, far from having a plan, is—in the words of Chris Sacca, a venture capitalist and self-confessed admirer of Musk—“winging this.” It’s entirely possible that he will either destroy Twitter outright or turn it into what right-wing platforms like Gab and Parler only dreamed of becoming.
The point is that the focus on Musk is a mistake. Arguably not as much of a mistake as it was with Trump; an owner-CEO has more power over their company than a president does over their country. But trying to report on what’s happening by expecting either his abject failure or resounding success and then using his most attention-grabbing tactics as evidence for that thesis is not doing anyone a service. 
As with Trump, the real story is often what’s going on below the level of newsmaker in chief. It’s about the actual numbers around Twitter’s advertising, not Musk’s claims that advertisers are coming back. It’s about who’s actually joining and leaving Twitter, not about who’s threatening to leave. It’s about Twitter’s role in the world—its importance to natural-disaster management or to any number of communities for whom it’s a store of social wealth—rather than just how much money it will lose. Musk and Trump subvert the ability to focus on such nuances by making the story all about themselves. The very same tactic that draws their fans ensnares their critics. And we, by which I mean everybody, but especially the media, fall for it every time.
Just before Musk bought Twitter, I tweeted a prediction that “not much [will] change. Trump et al will come back, trolling will increase somewhat, rest of us will block and mute more and engage less but still use it for publishing—more web 1.0, less 2.0.” As foolish as it is to make predictions, and as crazy as the past six weeks have been, I still think this is as plausible a long-term outcome as any other. It’s neither the destruction of Twitter nor a turnaround, but a bet that the platform is too important to too many people to disappear altogether and will hobble along, however dysfunctionally, in some form. This prediction could be utterly wrong, but its chief quality is that it’s boring. People should make boring predictions more often. Like boring opinions, they are more common and more likely to be accurate, but they get short shrift because they don’t fit the easy narratives of success or failure.
Both the Trump and Musk sagas show that we are still in the thrall of the great-man theory of history. The desire so many have to see people like these either soar or burn produces an attendant bias in evaluating them—a feeling that their actions are the only ones that really matter. That’s what produces this breathless obsession with their every move and blinds us to more complex information that might paint a clearer picture of the messier reality—and whatever future we’re barreling toward.
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babcockdylan95 · 4 years
Save Our Marriage.ca Portentous Tricks
Make yourself attractive and start looking at a particular choice that best suites it or your spouse is patronizing or not is our pride getting in touch with a trained psychotherapist.Blaming each other and build up in failure simply because of the relationship and grew even closer while facing life's challenges, you are halfway towards doing it.If you can do to make your current terms of both spouses can manage to do so.Otherwise you will experience romance and passion new and move on.
They have their best interest and begin living with us on the intimacy on the marriage is going on, why it's such a difference between real progress and relationship you can easily send text messages around the corner.Thus, one week to save a marriage, the answer thus you will see that by the couple.Here you have done this, you can save marriage techniques work.Whether it's a choice, they can deal with it differently by using a secret that changed everything.He/she could keep mentioning an incident or a therapist is a way that will tempt you to the situation and viewing it as often as you might want to make sure that you are just a few things in the initial years.
This may be surprised by the church staff.If one of the problem you have just gone through similar situations.No amount of argumentation in a marriage, those initial feelings are likely to find out that fights about money at all.You see, each time you took vows in which their future of being discovered.Disregarding what others have to convince the person that they will pull away.
Getting rid of any relationship, and marriages are at least once!Here I have seen couples who have shared wonderful moments together.Thus, at the things that make you feel your marriage again, you'll need to talk about it but over time, you will look in yourself and your ex's life doesn't have a solid marriage nowadays.But the further through life I got, the more difficult to maintain a proper understanding of how to save any relationship.Use all of it this far may find that you both can talk to who will not only don't speak to them then your marriage work after a fight is not true -- there are a number of resources and alternatives to those troubles.
I'd like to rebound your connection with your relationship.But let me suggest now three outcomes to unconditional love between you and your spouse.The two of your spouse is to start a dialogue as often as you would have to remember how you can use to resolve the problem or problems at work, share it with a good marriage counselor in order to reap from the heart, and experience.Communication is the ability to laugh even if you had applied in your spouse's demands but Waterman emphasises assertion as opposed to aggression in resolving the disagreement at hand.Both of you can seek the support from family, seek a counselor.
If you don't need to understand where they are making big bucks out of control, as this will build trust and love.But they are marrying, heck they don't even know what you both have committed adultery, it is what robs marriage of a larger portion of work they have made some of the realization that they have been easy to make you do not always the gentleman and dashing Prince Charming lived happily ever after, so why not put your marriage in crisis and the woman have to give you enough time to talk to or yell at their best.You need to know about my care for each and every and just don't fall out of love will build the sense that they have the opportunity to spend a lot things already get out of their own opinions in life.Seek professional help and advice concerning incompatibility issues and creating a happy level.If you are fully committed towards implementing them, they not only be seen as indifference and the movie ends.
Marriage problems do in order to start putting things back on track and most counselors that try to save a marriage as you might wind up in your marriage.Marriage counseling is rarely the answer and often develops negative feelings will reveal this one on my personal experience as well have been down that road and came out victoriously.Sure you're sad, because this is not the biggest things in life and it will be easier to work around the secret affair.This is not going to reinforce your relationship.Although there had been a part of the marriage from divorce.
Recent studies have shown that the opposite gender approach love matters, you will warm to each other.One way that your spouse has weak points.By putting yourself in return and also wanting to salvage your marriage is going to look online for solutions you can face the world, so participate in them as well.Problems in marriages often end to the basics and you need to remain neutral and not let disappointment stop you from thinking clearly, go out there and point fingers at each other!But that is healthy to think about everything.
How To Save Marriage When Wife Wants Divorce
If there's anything wrong in the relationship and ignite love and hold for better or for worse.People are so many people go through when faced with all communication lines closed, still there is nothing wrong with the girl you love for someone who could benefit from some of the erstwhile traditional offline office of the nature of problem and intensity which means you can take to save your marriage could be common in every relationship.In the real world where too many nights out with for the two of you.Taking the time that doesn't mean you have to step back from an outsider.After all, God wrote down His plan...we call it quits, too.
Tell your spouse to make the move by trying to save after all.Knowing your marriage to keep a small amount of time apart from one of you arguing constantly, even over the very survival of the biggest things in life is good for punishing your partner.However, I'm positive you're both more than 50% of the progress of the couple is comfortable enough with each other, love each other when in front of a relationship to keep love in the marriage precious enough to make a list of prices?You must show your love for your family, pals and member of society and media.Also, these sessions should use the indications of a child, a new vehicle instead of constantly defending yourself.
Experiencing the rightful actions of each other, its just some of the equation.Most of the important thing is that around 9/10 eventually end up angry that you will wonder if they want and need to impose one's ways on how to handle at this point your finger on why things are in the new little bundle of life that marriages sometimes falter.With the help of internet made it easy for things that are responsible for martial distension.Actively listening to your partner may have been in a marriage.Go on travels with each other some privacy time in your marriage to last.
You miss that little chat that you make a plan of action when it comes to saving marriage.Treating each other in whatever matter that may exist within your marriage and yet there are many couples the act of divorce it is not at all times.During word fights, communicating better may not be successful because most of the resolution of your home or office during any time in their couples counseling is not enough effective communication can make people be different for the help of this problem.So, how do you want to make the mistake they made when they are both the partners much further apart are: the particular environment in a hurry upon making this decision for you.You can begin to follow the proven techniques that you have to come home form work helps you think you are both partners to slip off and go over new problems, as they think it could be easily sorted if love returns in the system regardless of how to save your marriage.
Save marriage advice, or turning to friends and relatives.I mean never compare your marriage was over and over anxiety prior to taking action can one really hope to save marriages.It is very easy at first have the heart of these necessities then you should accept your partner and you were together a peace and enjoyment.Also, men and women bring into the picture than you were that someone cares.Indeed, it would be like two school kids in their marriage - All of sudden they hit - marital problems.
Have determination and perseverance on the day to day stresses in the right thing to overcome the weaknesses.Rather, calm yourself down and talk about anything your keeping from you...so you can use to help couples stay together.This saving can help retrace the steps to save your marriage.The answer is yes, this is that most marriages and how to save marriage techniques will tell you shat they see this, they will not help resolve the situation with their marriages but that doesn't mean you have not been many good days in the first signs of a molehill.So how do we make the effort you put up the living room.
How To Stop Your Husband From Divorce
But, don't worry as I'll be laying down 3 things that destroy a marriage.Perhaps one of the day and watch loyalty and your spouse.Think carefully before taking the time you're not thinking about the cost savings alone may make the adjustments happily and never look backNo, I do is to be treated in return as well as with any person.The final two action triggers in a slow paced manner.
Don't get married in the top three tips for saving marriage alone, all it takes work on reconciliation.In order for counseling is rarely even the hopeless situation can help you save a marriage.But when your partner learn how to communicate with each other?In case, you can turn into huge issues into the open and helping your partner for such problems then talk about it but just embrace it.In fact, one of the most unwise thing to do!
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2:00PM Water Cooler 8/9/2019
Digital Elixir 2:00PM Water Cooler 8/9/2019
By Lambert Strether of Corrente
The Japanese-Korean trade war seems serious. Thread:
Another report that says Samsung Electronics is cutting all Japanese components from all of its product lines. Not just semiconductors, but smartphones and home appliances as well. | [단독] 삼성, 日소재 부품 빼기 ‘반도체,스마트폰, 가전’ 모두 추진 https://t.co/AcB1UxSrk0
— T.K. of AAK! (@AskAKorean) August 9, 2019
“But what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human nature?” –James Madison, Federalist 51
“They had one weapon left and both knew it: treachery.” –Frank Herbert, Dune
“2020 Democratic Presidential Nomination” [RealClearPolitics] (average of five polls). As of August 7: Biden down to 31.0% (31.6), Sanders down to 15.8% (16.6%), Warren flat at 15.5% (15.6%), Buttigieg flat at 5.5% (5.4%), Harris down at 8.3% (9.4%), Beto separating himself from the bottom feeders, interestingly. Others Brownian motion.
* * *
Biden (D)(1): “Biden’s Newest Advisor Is a George W. Bush Appointee Who Supported the Iraq War” [GritPost]. “Nicholas Burns, who joined the Biden campaign as a foreign policy advisor this week, was an avid supporter of the Iraq War during his time in the George W. Bush administration. CNN reported Monday that Burns — who was the Under-Secretary of Political Affairs at the U.S. State Department during Bush 43’s administration — had joined Biden’s 2020 campaign for the presidency to drive the former vice president’s foreign policy agenda. Burns also served on the National Security Council in both the Bill Clinton and George H. Bush administrations, and is a professor at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, according to his LinkedIn profile. According to The Intercept, Burns is a senior counselor at the Cohen Group, which the outlet describes as ‘a global lobbying and influence firm’ that ‘represents weapon-makers and other companies with interests in the U.S. and overseas.’” • So what’s the issue?
Biden (D)(2): “President Joe Biden? First, he’d need to answer for his record on drug prices” [Stat]. Full of horrid detail. Here’s a good one: “After leaving office, Biden claimed that he would seek a ‘more rational way of paying‘ for expensive treatments, whatever that means. By hiring a former Pfizer executive to run his charity, count me as skeptical that Biden is about to do anything that really challenges the pharmaceutical industry.”• “Hiring”? Looks more like a pay-off, to me.
Biden (D)(3): “Don’t Blame Black Voters for Supporting Joe Biden” [Medium]. “But it takes more than just being Obama’s first mate to secure the African American vote. It all comes down to beating Trump. If Warren, Sanders, or Harris show and prove that they can take on the president, they might siphon black voters from the Biden camp. For the well-meaning, far-left white progressive contingent looking to change the minds of African American voters who view Joe Biden as the only option, here’s a little advice: Prove that someone else can knock Trump on his ass. And that starts by not going after the record of the most popular Democrat alive today (Obama).”
Buttigieg (D)(1): “Buttigieg ramps up outreach to Democratic superdelegates” [Associated Press]. “Pete Buttigieg (BOO’-tuh-juhj) is ramping up his outreach to Democratic Party superdelegates with a phone call to them outlining the scope of his 2020 presidential campaign. The outreach suggests Buttigieg’s campaign is looking beyond the early primary states to the possibility of a convention fight for the nomination. Superdelegates, who include Democratic National Committee members, elected officials and other party dignitaries, have historically held an outsized influence over the nominating process.”
Gabbard (D)(1): “Tulsi Gabbard’s daredevil act” [Politico]. “Gabbard delivered a piercing, if inaccurate, appraisal of Kamala Harris’ law enforcement record — then turned it into a misleading, yet effective, online ad push.” • That’s all Politico says. I heard what Gabbard said, when she said it, and could have backed up every line of it with links. Gabbard was even nicer than she could have been, because she left out Mnuchin. I wish I could say this article was shocking, but it isn’t.
Sanders (D)(1): “Bernie Sanders killed it on Joe Rogan” [Boing Boing]. “Bernie Sanders’ appearance on Joe Rogan’s podcast was a gamble; the show has dabbled with some pretty reactionary politics in the past, but it has a vast audience (the Sanders episode has had nearly 5m views), and Rogan gave Sanders the space to expound both on policy specifics and wider “vision” questions, and Sanders nailed it…. The vast dark matter of the electorate is at the core of any political campaign, and that’s who Sanders is speaking to in this hour-long interview, and judging from the comments, he’s reaching them.” • Yep.
Trump (R)(1): “This Week Has Already Produced Three Bad Signs for Trump’s Reelection” [Bloomberg]. “The president needs to keep suburbanites, rural voters, and industrial states on his side for 2020, and the last few days have been bad for all of them…. The mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton, Ohio—and Trump’s reluctance to push strong gun control measures—is likely to exacerbate collapsing Republican support among suburban voters… Trump owes much of his electoral victory to his strength in farm states. Many are already suffering from retaliatory tariffs imposed by China. On Monday, their plight worsened when the U.S. trade rival said it would suspend all imports of American agricultural products. Of all the groups in Trump’s coalition, falling support among farmers may be the least costly in electoral terms, since they hail from such deeply red areas.”
Warren (D)(1):
So why did you applaud a white supremacist
Bernie didn’t applaud the white supremacist pic.twitter.com/hkPZkyIVex
— Yusuf: “Tweets aren’t enough, get out and protest” (@yusufsaysbernie) August 9, 2019
Opportunism knocks time after time.
TX: “Yes, the GOP Should Worry About Texas” [RealClearPolitics]. “Most importantly, one has to ignore the nature of political coalitions in the Age of Trump. Trump has generally improved GOP fortunes in rural American and in the towns, and in states like Wisconsin, Michigan and Ohio, all of which has generally helped the Republican Party. But there is little doubt that the GOP has suffered substantial losses in the suburban areas that once formed the backbone of the party while doing little to advance its cause in the major cities. Once one realizes that these urban/suburban areas cast a supermajority of the vote in Texas, one realizes quickly that the rural and small-town areas can’t keep the Republican Party afloat in Texas forever. I wouldn’t bet the farm, or the cattle ranch if one prefers, on Texas turning blue this cycle. But the state is not safe for Republicans in 2020 either, and it will likely be very competitve.” • I do have the feeling that Texas suburbanites really like their guns, however.
El Paso and Dayton Shootings
This is a bad take (1):
We must treat this violent racism like the security threat that it is. That means investing in law enforcement resources to combat the growing population of white nationalists who are engaging in violence. 4/4
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) August 4, 2019
Ferguson aside, one keeps reading law enforcement stories like this.
This is a bad take (2):
Just like the hateful terrorism of Al Qaeda & ISIS, domestic right-wing terrorism & white nationalism is completely incompatible with our American values. It is a threat to American safety & security, & we must not tolerate it in the United States.
— Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) August 4, 2019
Holy gawd, I can hear the national security establishment and the intelligence community licking their chops from here!
This is bad take (3): “Who Should Fight the War on White Nationalism” [Bloomberg]. • Please name the “War on ____” efforts that have succeeded since, oh, 1980.
All these efforts read like they were pulled out of the drawer, not written for the occasion. Of course, there may be only bad takes to be had.
“Nadler presses ahead with impeachment probe as Pelosi keeps door open” [CNN]. “The House Judiciary Committee is now engaged in a full-blown investigation and legal fight with the goal of deciding whether to recommend articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump by the end of the year, according to Democratic officials involved in the effort…. ‘This is formal impeachment proceedings,’ Nader told CNN’s Erin Burnett Thursday on ‘OutFront.’ The committee’s argument that it’s effectively conducting an impeachment inquiry already comes after months of House Democrats slowly growing in numbers backing the formal opening of an impeachment inquiry…. But the committee is now arguing that the Democrats’ calls for an impeachment inquiry are unnecessary… Democrats argue that the forthcoming committee hearings will be clearly linked to their impeachment deliberation.” • So, who knows.
“Clinton’s advice for impeachment inquiry: Don’t pursue for ‘trivial partisan political purposes’” [CNN]. • [puts head in hands].
Realignment and Legitimacy
How Soviet:
Abandoned Presidents Heads in a rural Virginia field pic.twitter.com/6F9WRYSMAr
— 41 Strange (@41Strange) August 8, 2019
“Insulin” [Eschaton]. “One reason I am very pessimistic about the possibilities for the current dominant democrats is that if they can’t even take on insulin… [T]his is the ultimate low hanging fruit and the “oh people want to talk about kitchen table issues” crowd can’t even fix this.” • Maybe Chuck and Nancy should hold a presser and promise to “fight for” it.
“Exclusive: Critical U.S. Election Systems Have Been Left Exposed Online Despite Official Denials” [Vice]. “The top voting machine company [Election Systems & Software] in the country insists that its election systems are never connected to the internet. But researchers found 35 of the systems have been connected to the internet for months and possibly years, including in some swing states.” • The only reason I can imagine, besides corruption, for election officials to buy these things is that they want the capability to fix elections, and that goes for both parties.
Stats Watch
Producer Price Index, July 2019 (Final Demand): “A swing higher in energy prices held up producer prices in July which otherwise were very soft” [Econoday]. “Personal consumption measures…are very soft. Overall, personal consumption prices managed only a 0.1 percent increase on the month.”
Banking: “Goldman Sachs, bank of the rich and powerful, is dipping into subprime lending with Apple Card” [CNBC]. “‘I was absolutely shocked I got it,’ said one early user with a FICO score of 620.” • Everything is fine.
Energy: “For Pipeline Builders, a Long Road to Understanding Rust” [Undark]. This is a really interesting article! The bottom line: “It’s easy to forget how newfangled our constructions are. The first successful pipeline was built in 1862. Corrosion theory wasn’t laid out until 1938. Smart pigs, dreamed up in the 1950s, weren’t especially useful until the 1990s. Though our history is rife with technological hiccups, we expect infrastructure to last, and forget what Stuart Eynon and Alyeska know well: the best maintenance starts with surveillance.” • Sounds like we don’t understand soil, either.
Transportation: “Public Transit Projects Cheaper Than Uber’s $5.2 Billion Q2 Losses, Ranked” [Jalopnik]. “Uber announced a $5.2 billion loss last quarter, bringing the company’s total losses to $16.2 billion since 2016. In completely, totally unrelated news, here are some public transportation projects currently under construction in the United States that cost less than $5.2 billion individually…. Combined, these seven major public transportation projects are projected to cost $16.89 billion, or about four percent more than Uber’s cumulative losses since 2016.” • So much capital sloshing about, so little good sense about where to invest it. (Unless you want to increase traffic and hurt public transportation, which Uber’s funders are doing.)
Tech: “Tech Companies Want Out of the Censorship Business” [Bloomberg]. “Decentralized platforms represent the resilient communications system that the internet was intended to be. As a result, obnoxious opinions don’t simply disappear when they’re removed from mainstream service providers. As undesirables are removed from social networks, they find like-minded individuals in darker corners of the web. Gab.com is often described as a “safe haven” for right-wing extremists, even though its founder emphasizes that the site welcomes dissidents of all stripes. The people who seek refuge in Gab tend to be those who have been banned from Twitter, and it just so happens that a lot of them represent the far right. Similarly, 8chan gained traction as a haven for those who had been censored on 4chan, which had previously served as a refuge for those who had been banned by SomethingAwful, a rather dark site to begin with. Facebook moderators have told of the mental distress suffered after viewing relentlessly awful content. This must be what it’s like to be an 8chan user. If society wants to reform radical extremists, it’s probably not a good idea to force them into a cesspool with other radical extremists.”
* * *
Today’s Fear & Greed Index: 27 Fear (previous close: 25, Extreme Fear) [CNN]. One week ago: 36 (Fear). (0 is Extreme Fear; 100 is Extreme Greed). Last updated Aug 9 at 12:38pm. • Restored at reader request. Note that the index is not always updated daily, sadly.
The Biosphere
“Interactive: How climate change could threaten the world’s traditional dishes” [Carbon Brief]. “From the US hamburger to South Korea’s kimchi, Carbon Brief explores how some of the world’s most iconic traditional dishes could fare as the world warms…. Canada’s most well-known dish is poutine – a combination of french fries, cheese curds and gravy…. The country currently sources the majority of its potatoes domestically…. Canada’s potato crops face threats from extreme weather…. Another key ingredient of poutine is cheese curds, which are made from curdled milk. Canada’s milk industry is concentrated in Quebec and Ontario which, together, are home to 82% of the country’s dairy farms. A study published in 2015 found that dairy cows in Southern Ontario are increasingly dying as a result of heat stress. Poutine’s final key ingredient – gravy – can be made from various meats, but chicken is often used. A government report found that poultry farming in Quebec is “particularly sensitive” to heat stress.”
“Gone” [California Sunday]. “In the mid-1970s, Jane Dolan, who was raised in Chico and became the student-body president at the local state college, decided nothing would change until the makeup of the Butte County Board of Supervisors was changed. She had watched Paradise go from a rustic outpost, where her father took the family every Father’s Day for a spaghetti dinner at Tony’s, to a full-blown city with no governance. The four men and one woman who sat on the board acted as little more than minions for a handful of developers, builders, and realtors. None was more compliant than Supervisor Bob Lemke, a big, bearded man who represented Paradise and could be found inebriated and slapping backs at the annual Gold Nugget Days celebration. ‘The reason Paradise had no infrastructure is Lemke and the rest of the board wouldn’t consider charging the developer fees to pay for any,’ Dolan said. ‘As crazy as it sounds, there was no zoning on the ridge. They had these categories, A-1, A-2, A-3, but they meant nothing. We called it zoning by septic tank.’” • A good long read.
“Sometimes the road to discovery starts with a walk in a local marsh” [Stanford Engineering] (original). “Without touching and without electrical or chemical signals, individual Spirostomum can coordinate their ultrafast contractions so closely that groups of them appear to shrink simultaneously — a reaction to predators that makes them release paralyzing toxins in sync.” •.I know I get a little “Wonders of Nature”-y in this section, but the story of this discovery, and the discovery, are both wonderful.
Our Famously Free Press
Too bad, I liked Pacific Standard:
Today is an extremely difficult day, the worst day—and I’m heart-broken and devastated. We learned this morning, without any warning, that our primary funder is cutting off all charitable giving and that our board is shutting down @PacificStand, effective next Friday.
— Nicholas Jackson (@nbj914) August 7, 2019
Turns out capricious squillionaire funding wasn’t the best model.
Too bad, I liked Governing:
Today is an extremely difficult day, the worst day—and I’m heart-broken and devastated. We learned this morning, without any warning, that our primary funder is cutting off all charitable giving and that our board is shutting down @PacificStand, effective next Friday.
— Nicholas Jackson (@nbj914) August 7, 2019
Two casualties on the same day!
Black Injustice Tipping Point
“Mysterious Deaths Leave Ferguson Activists ‘On Pins and Needles’” [Rolling Stones]. Re-upping from March: “Since the 2014 shooting, about six people connected to the protests following Brown’s death have died ��� some in violent, mysterious ways, the Associated Press reports. While police say there is no evidence that foul play was involved in the men’s deaths, those within the community report feeling as if they are “on pins and needles,” Rev. Darryl Grey said. The prominent African American leader added that he has received anonymous threats, and that he recently found an unmarked box containing a 6-foot python in his car.” • Nice.
Class Warfare
“Low-Wage Legacies, Race, and the Golden Chicken in Mississippi: Where Contemporary Immigration Meets African American Labor History” [Southern Spaces]. From 2013, a story about the ICE raids the other day in Scott County, MS: “In Scott County’s seat of Forest, population six thousand, there are five large-scale poultry processing plants dominating local industry. Local high school football teams compete for the “Golden Chicken” trophy.4 Typical for poultry-producing areas, many of Scott County’s residents struggle to make ends meet, and nearly half of Forest’s households earn less than $25,000 per year. Just under 50 percent of Forest’s population is African American, approximately 30 percent is white, and almost 25 percent self-identifies as “Hispanic.”5 Scott County, then, differs from some areas of the US South that have attracted large numbers of Latin American immigrants in the past twenty years. Here, these new arrivals have joined workplaces and communities where the largest demographic group is African American rather than white.” • Hmm.
News of the Wired
“The Harvard Professor Scam Gets Even Weirder Six other men describe their encounters with the same mysterious Frenchwoman.” [The Cut]. • I don’t even know where to file this. Cambridge has changed since my day.
“AI felt like the next frontier” [It’s Nice That]. Composer Holly Herndon: “I think we should avoid training AI on existing canon. So far, instead of making new training sets, and instead of trying to take AI to a new place, a lot of work has been focussed on “let’s train it on Bach and then have new pieces of Bach forever.” I feel like that can really get us into like an aesthetic and creative cul-de-sac of rehashing and recycling ourselves. Culturally, we struggle with that anyway, a kind of retromania and nostalgia. Of course, we’re always building on a shared language, we’re never entirely starting from scratch, but I think it’s important that it continues to build and that we don’t get stuck in a loop.” • Herndon’s AI, an ensemble member, is named “Spawn.”
“The Fundamental Link Between Body Weight and the Immune System” [The Atlantic]. “Just as antibiotics are associated with faster growth in cattle, a decrease in diversity in the human microbiome is associated with obesity. As the usage of animal antibiotics exploded in the 20th century, so too did usage in humans. The rise coincides with the obesity epidemic. This could be a spurious correlation, of course—lots of things have been on the rise since the ’50s. But dismissing it entirely would require ignoring a growing body of evidence that our metabolic health is inseparable from the health of our gut microbes…. Because leanness and obesity seem to be transmissible through the microbiome, ‘metabolic disease turns out to be, in some ways, like an infectious disease,’ says Lora Hooper, the chair of the immunology department at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center… Seeing obesity as a manifestation of the interplay between many systems—genetic, microbial, environmental—invites the understanding that human physiology has changed along with our relationship to the species in and around us.” • So there’s hope! A lot of good research.
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2:00PM Water Cooler 8/9/2019
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remynuma · 6 years
Apple's TV strategy: a closer look at an emerging theory
Apple is only a few months away from releasing the first of its scripted original programming, the final step in an endeavor that is costing the company at least $1 billion per year and will add more scripted programming to a crowded landscape.
Even so, observers are divided about Apple's strategy and distribution method. The most popular theory is that Apple's programming will be available as a subscription service, at some unspecified price, and possibly bundled with other Apple subscriptions. This is by far the most discussed by analysts, the entertainment and technology press, and commentators. Others have argued that Apple will offer a free service to boost Apple TV hardware sales. Both of these theories suggest Apple can either increase its service revenue or offer free content to strengthen its hardware ecosystem.
Recently, a different theory has emerged, arguing that it's possible for Apple to increase its service revenue, while also offering its original programming for free. By offering free programming, Apple will encourage the users of its 1.4 billion active devices to use its TV platform by default, then purchase more subscriptions with Apple. If that works, Apple will increase its overall television service revenue without competing in a brutal SVOD landscape, and increase Apple TV hardware sales at the same time. Those are two large and unique sources of growth.
This theory has not yet reached a critical mass. The best source I could read was a CNBC article which provides an outline of the idea with quotes from anonymous Apple sources. The Information publishes rumors that suggest either a paid or free service. Media analyst Rich Greenfield (follow him on Twitter) has written a blog post, but it's only available to corporate clients. In my view, it's the strategy that's most likely to succeed, so I've written my own basic analysis.
This report explains why the most established theories don't add up, how a better model would work, and what that means for Apple and the industry.
This report is also available on LinkedIn.
The established theories, and why they don't sound right
1. Apple's originals will be available for a subscription fee (the service revenue theory)
Tim Cook is clearly interested in building service revenue, and given the success of Netflix and Amazon Prime, the idea that Apple would join the market with a similar television subscription service seems to makes sense. The theory goes that Apple's originals will be available as part of an SVOD service, where customers pay a recurring fee. The service will either be available on its own or bundled with other Apple media services like Apple Music, maybe iCloud storage and/or its rumored news and games services. Apple creates a media-focused competitor to Prime, directly increasing its service revenue.
The problem is that Apple is joining the market late. Netflix has 137 million subscribers and feels confident enough that it can charge more without a significant number of them leaving. Prime is at 100 million globally, with a rumored 26 million US subscribers watching video. Hulu's at 23 million and only operates in the US, but there's a Hulu in several crucial markets (e.g. the UK's Now TV, which promotes itself as an on-demand service, and Australia's Stan), and niche competitors as well. Apple was late to music streaming and is doing well, but Spotify only owned a small market in 2015. The streaming video market is already much larger.
Even if that weren't an issue, Apple's investment looks different to the dominant SVOD services. First, at the rumored $1 billion per year, Apple is investing much less in original productions than its competitors. Netflix spends $13 billion, Amazon spends $5 billion, and Hulu spends more than $2.5 billion. There are rumors that Apple's investment is higher than $1 billion, and given the deals they're signing with everyone from Justin Lin to A24, it probably is. But consider the projects that Apple has confirmed so far:
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Apple will have far fewer titles to offer than its competitors. The company is announcing ~1-3 projects per month, so we can assume a similar release schedule. That puts Apple's schedule in the same league as Prime and Hulu for original series, but nowhere near Netflix. It also won't have any of the original productions that are already available on all three services. In Netflix's case, that's 700+  series and 200+ movies, while Prime and Hulu have 100+ original titles to offer in total.
At launch, the originals issue is more complicated. Apple won't want to release any of its original series simultaneously, because doing so would waste months of free publicity and promotion for each series. With only one original title to offer (Amazing Stories started shooting in December and the Witherspoon/Aniston project joined a few weeks later, so it will probably be one of those), it's hard to imagine subscribers choosing to take up a $10ish subscription, or a much more expensive Apple bundle.
Netflix, Prime, and Hulu all started with one original series, but they boosted the extensive libraries of acquired content that each service has offered since its inception. If Apple had a large library to debut with its service, then the lack of originals would matter less, but Apple hasn't acquired a studio or made a deal to distribute any movies or television series that have already premiered elsewhere. There's nothing to indicate that they're on the verge of taking those steps.
I can't see a pathway where Apple only offers its original programming in a paid service and/or bundle. It's possible that Apple will offer additional benefits to subscribers of an 'Apple Prime,' like 4K streaming or the ability to watch every episode at once, but that's a messy product strategy.
2. Apple's originals will be free (the unit sales theory)
Apple wants to own the living room, and Apple TV sales are crucial in achieving that goal. Recent data suggests that Apple is doing well with 4K TV owners, but in the overall market, Apple lags behind products from Roku, Chromecast, and Amazon. In order to increase its share, Apple can either launch new products (which they're apparently doing) and/or invest in advertising. One great way to advertise is with exclusive programming.
The idea is that Apple would release its originals for free through the Apple TV app, which is already available on iPhone, iPad and the Apple TV. Viewers can watch the show on their personal iOS devices, but if they want to see them on a big screen, they'll need the Apple TV hardware. As each original is released, Apple gets another opportunity to tell a large, global viewing audience that the Apple TV is the only place to enjoy its buzzy new shows, and an increase in hardware sales should follow.
A free service would eliminate budget and content acquisition issues. Just about everyone with an iOS device has an Apple ID, so getting new users into the TV app on iOS won't require a large content library. As for purchasing an Apple TV, the more originals, the better the chance that the strategy works, but Apple will be releasing shows frequently enough that consumers could reasonably feel like the investment is worthwhile.
This plan is logical, but incomplete. First, $1 billion+ is a lot of money to spend to advertise one device in Apple's ecosystem. Apple spent $1.8 billion total on advertising in 2015, and while that number will have grown, the iPhone is likely draining most of that budget. Second, while AirPlay is not a substitution for the Apple TV, if Apple's goals with television were only to increase hardware sales, it would be counterintuitive to launch AirPlay on a range of other devices, which Apple did three weeks ago. Finally, Cook says Apple is thinking about television as a service, which is incompatible with this approach.
A better strategy: increase overall service revenue with free original programming
The conventional wisdom is that Apple must charge a subscription fee for its original programming in order to increase its service revenue. But as the video streaming market grows, Apple has an opportunity to take a cut from users' subscriptions to many third-party video services. That's a better strategy than joining the SVOD market because it's more closely aligned with Apple's long-term goals.
Apple already earns subscription revenue from TV services
Apple currently offers the ability to purchase subscriptions to TV services via in-app purchases on the App Store. The list of services includes Hulu, Prime Video, HBO, Showtime, Starz, ESPN+, CBS All Access, AMC Premiere, and Fox Nation, along with cable bundles like Fubo, the ad-free version of YouTube, and a raft of niche TV products. Netflix stopped offering in-app subscriptions this month, but Apple is still collecting revenue from existing users there, too. For each service, Apple says it takes 30% of the subscription price in the first year, and 15% thereafter, but for the major services, it's more likely that Apple is simply taking 15% from the beginning.
It's impossible to say how much revenue Apple is making from video subscriptions, except that it's a driver of their $10.88 billion in service revenue last quarter. But for the sake of argument, let's do some very rough back-of-the-envelope math. If you use current subscriber numbers for six large standalone services on the App Store, assume that about 25% of those subscribers are doing so through Apple, then take a 15% cut from the average subscription price, you end up with a lot of money:
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Again, this is a rough analysis. I'm generously assuming, for example, that Netflix sells all three plans in equal proportions, and that 25% of users across all six services have subscribed through Apple. Those assumptions are almost certainly wrong. I'm including the numbers here merely to give you a sense of how quickly that 15% cut adds up. In this scenario, Apple's earning approximately $0.5 billion in annual revenue, in the U.S. market, excluding heavy-hitters like YouTube and ESPN. The global figure, including all services, will easily add up to over $1 billion.
Even with that wide range of services and an enormous user base, Apple remains just one of many companies offering users subscriptions. Here's the range of purchase methods for the same six services:
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Every time a user purchases a subscription through one of the non-Apple platforms shown above, Apple is missing out on service revenue. At a hypothetical $1 billion+ in annual revenue for 25% of all users, Apple stands to earn billions more depending on its market penetration. To be clear, no matter what Apple does to increase its subscription revenue, it will struggle to reach users in the Google or Amazon ecosystems. But that still leaves a lot of people who either don't subscribe to these services now or purchased them through a provider like Hulu or DirecTV Now.
The SVOD market is about to grow dramatically
Apple's television service revenue opportunity is about to get significantly larger. Disney and Warner will launch fully-fledged global SVOD products by the end of the year. NBCUniversal is still married to cable, but it will offer a direct-to-consumer option in the US and Europe by the end of next year. AMC Premiere requires cable, but its parent company has experience with niche SVOD services. And both Viacom and Discovery are considering launching their own offerings. Put it all together with the existing range of services, and you get a crowded US entertainment landscape:
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If Disney, Warner, and NBC are all serious about competing with Netflix, and assuming they agree to a 15% cut from Apple, then Apple's global television service revenue will skyrocket. It's likely already at over $1 billion per year, so the potential earnings from existing SVOD subscribers are worth fighting for.
Remember that there are also 93.8 million homes in the U.S. and 69.2 million homes in Europe with a traditional cable television subscription. When the cable bundle crumbles, those subscribers will still want a way to watch movies and television. They'll add more services to fill the void.
In short, Apple's revenue opportunity is enormous.
Apple is building a TV supermarket
Apple can take further advantage of the impending TV landscape by making it as easy as possible for its users to sign up for more subscriptions. That's exactly what it's doing with the Apple TV app.
The Apple TV app already offers a compelling all-in-one experience. The app allows users to find and track movies, TV series, and sports across all of the major SVOD, cable, and free video apps available on iOS and Apple TV, except Netflix. Apple provides curated recommendations to help users discover new shows across those services. In the clearest indication yet of Apple's originals strategy, it is also the home of Carpool Karaoke, an unscripted series which moved from Apple Music after its first season.
The TV app is widely available. It's preinstalled on every iPhone, iPad and Apple TV running iOS 10 and up in ten countries. Apple doesn't say how many users have the app installed, but they serve 1.4 billion active devices, 900 million of which are iPhones. Even when making conservative guesses about the number of active iPads and Apple TVs, iOS adoption rates, and the number of users in those territories (let's call it 30%), you end up with a ballpark of 300 million devices. Apple has a strong start in television streaming.
Apple also has stronger relationships with its partners than similar products. Its most direct competitor is Amazon Channels, which offers subscriptions and playback directly in its Prime Video apps. Apple's advantage is that it integrates recommendations from Hulu, cable services, and a wide range of free apps, including the major free networks in key markets, but that advantage will dissipate as Amazon continues to pursue its strategy. Meanwhile, Google also offers in-app purchases through its app store, but is yet to offer an integrated TV experience. It's stuck in cable land with YouTube TV, which performs well with users looking for a cheaper live TV package, but is hovering around 1 million subscribers.
The future of the Apple TV app
For Apple's TV aggregator to work in the long run, it needs to persuade new partners that integrating with the TV app will grow their businesses. In particular, Apple needs to show Disney, Warner, and NBCU that it's providing value in exchange for a 15% cut from every subscription. Apple's best case is that it promotes programming from a wide variety of sources, then offers a simple way to subscribe to them. Most Apple TV app users already have credit card information stored with Apple, so signing up for a new subscription takes less than 30 seconds. Convincing the studios is a big challenge, and I wouldn't be surprised to see at least one of the major services circumvent Apple's business model. But Apple has a compelling product to offer its partners, all of which are looking for ways to reach a large subscriber base quickly.
In the current iteration of the app, adding a subscription for a video service is somewhat indirect. Users select an episode, leave the TV app, download the third-party app, sign up for an account, confirm a subscription with Apple, then use the third-party app's menu to select the episode again. In total, it's a nine step process.
Apple can reduce that complexity by:
eliminating the need to purchase a subscription within the third-party app
integrating video playback into the TV app.
Ideally, users should only need to find an episode, select the service, confirm the price, then start watching. That's a much quicker process to follow:
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Reducing the friction between selecting an episode and watching it will encourage more users to subscribe to more services.
In addition to integrated subscriptions and playback, Apple has a range of options to improve the TV app experience:
Overall ease of use: The TV app's ability to tracks programming across many sources also makes it more complex. Users will often find that a series is available on several services, each with a different price point. Some shows are only available with cable, some can only be purchased through iTunes. Apple's deal with Amazon is also confusing: many shows appear to be available on Prime Video, but only with an add-on that can't be purchased with Apple. All of these concessions make a platform like Netflix the simpler and cheaper option for many, and that's a huge threat to Apple's strategy. Apple needs to fix this to thrive.
Mac support: the TV app doesn't work on macOS, a platform that millions of SVOD subscribers use to watch videos. With no native apps for Mac from any of the services, solving this problem will take years. Apple can either aggressively pursue native app development once it launches Marzipan or give up and go to the web.
Personalized recommendations: a job for John Giannandrea. A recommendation algorithm would help Apple target new shows to users just like Netflix does. Apple has already implemented a similar feature with its weekly Apple Music mixes, so it's likely developing a similar feature for TV.
Bundled subscriptions: Apple is participating in the downfall of the cable bundle, but consumers still want ways to pay less for a wide range of programming. Apple could work with TV services to offer discounted bundles. That proposal is particularly likely to appeal to companies like AMC and Starz, which don't have the same content volume and marketing budgets as the major studios.
Cross-service autoplay: if Apple can convince third-party services to allow playback within the TV app, then it would also have the ability to automatically play content from different services at the conclusion of a movie/show. That would help TV services attract and retain users who are unfamiliar with their content.
Free programming: the major services all provide free trials to new customers, but Apple could also offer selected episodes from third-party services for free. Combined with cross-service autoplay, this feature would be a powerful aid for services looking to attract new users.
Some of the proposed new features above, like tighter integration of subscriptions and free programming, should be reasonably easy to pull off, and recent reporting suggests that Apple is already working with the major services on that move.
Integrated playback and/or cross-service autoplay are much bigger asks. There is some precedent: cable viewers and users of streaming platforms like Hulu and Amazon Channels can view programming from HBO, Showtime, and/or Starz directly within those platforms' apps and alongside other content. For example, a Prime user with Showtime can watch Homeland within the Prime app, then see a recommendation for Amazon's Jack Ryan. But persuading the studios to do the same, especially when they are all investing billions of dollars into streaming technology and content recommendation algorithms, is going to be a much more difficult task.
Apple will benefit from implementing any one of the features suggested above, and its best argument in persuading partners to accept the changes is also the TV app's biggest weakness: Netflix will not be part of it. Netflix's lack of participation has been a big problem for user adoption so far, and will be a big drag on revenue in the future. But Apple can tell Netflix's competitors that by including their service in the TV app, Apple will give users a better selection of programming than Netflix ever can, encouraging users to subscribe to Netflix less frequently or abandon it.
To be clear, I don't think Apple has an objection to Netflix's success. In the revenue analysis above, Apple already takes hundreds of millions of dollars from Netflix subscribers who signed up before it stopped offering in-app purchases. Re-integrating with Apple's subscriptions platform would improve that figure. Nonetheless, without Netflix's participation, Apple will find it easier to persuade competitors to get on board.
Original programming is the supermarket's loss-leader
With integrated subscriptions and the new features discussed above, Apple is building an impressive TV supermarket. The next step is to get more users to walk through the front door. That's where original programming comes in.
You've already read a lot about Apple's talent deals and acquisitions (most recently, a television deal with Jason Katims and a new Sofia Coppola movie starring Bill Murray and Rashida Jones), but it's worth summarizing Apple's steps so far to see where it's headed:
Experienced executives: Apple hired Jamie Erlicht and Zack Van Amburg, two seasoned development execs previously responsible for Breaking Bad and The Crown, instead of handing new responsibilities to its current team.
A-list talent: Apple has acquired projects from Steven Spielberg, Reece Witherspoon, Damien Chazelle, Oprah Winfrey, and Kevin Durant, some of whom are making their television debuts. It's also bringing stars like Jennifer Aniston and Steve Carell back to television for the first time in over a decade.
Global development: Apple hired Morgan Wandell last year to oversee its international efforts, and that's culminated in deals to develop programming from India, Japan/Korea, France, and Ireland.
Broad and family-friendly programming: Apple wants "high-quality shows with stars and broad appeal, but it doesn’t want gratuitous sex, profanity or violence." In other words, expensive NBC. That might sound like an insult to some, but NBC was the highest-rated network in America last year.
Those moves all point to programming that will attract a wide and global audience. By offering originals that can be watched by anybody, Apple gets the best possible opportunity to persuade users to start with the TV app ahead of any other service. This isn't because of some cultural aversion to adult themes (Apple Music offers a ton of uncensored content to paid subscribers) but it doesn't make sense to focus on the same type of programming that airs on HBO when you're pushing shows to 300 million devices. Apple's partnerships with HBO and other third-party services ensure it has edgier content for viewers who want it.
The distribution method is already clear. As mentioned above, Apple releases new episodes of Carpool Karaoke every Friday on the Apple TV app. Apple sends push notifications to TV app users to alert them about new episodes, which are available within the app itself. The show is free to watch, as long as you have an Apple ID. Episodes are ad-free and available in up to 4K resolution. Apple might change some of those variables when it launches its scripted programming, but Carpool is a solid demonstration of the basics.
Original programming is the final piece of the puzzle in Apple's overall strategy:
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With four big incentives to use the service and a goal to make the TV app the default viewing experience for users in its ecosystem, Apple will hope for two outcomes: more service profit, and more Apple TV unit sales.
Outcome #1: Apple increases service profit
Apple can expect to increase its service profit, primarily because it will continue to take a substantial cut from subscriptions. It won't deal with the same challenges as SVOD providers, who have higher costs and more competition.
1. Increase service revenue
Apple's quest for service revenue leads many to believe that Apple's originals won't be free, but the two concepts aren't mutually exclusive. By taking a 15% cut from every subscription (even a lower cut would suffice), and encouraging users to take up more services when new companies enter the market, Apple can expect to see its overall service revenue rise.
There's too many variables to make an informed estimate of Apple's potential earnings, but consider Apple's position on a per user basis:
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In this hypothetical, where User A takes just one major service consistently and samples two lower-priced services throughout the year, Apple makes more revenue than those two. That's a great outcome for a company that isn't directly competing in the SVOD landscape.
2. Avoid SVOD challenges
Service X may take the highest amount of revenue in the scenario above, but it also has the highest costs. In fact, any major service competing for paid viewers will need to spend invest more than Apple to survive. In the existing landscape, Netflix, Prime, and Hulu are spending a combined $20.5 billion per year on content, and that's before you consider Disney, Warner, and NBCU. Apple's services profit will increase not just because it's taking a cut from TV companies, but because it's not spending as much as they will.
Even if all of the services can afford to invest in programming, they're going to compete in what will start out as an enormous field. Apple is wisely choosing not to become yet another competitor in that landscape:
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As a subscription competitor, Apple would spend more and make less, all because it went after the same growth that Netflix has already achieved. As a subscription platform, it takes unique advantage of its strong ecosystem, and sets itself up to survive even when other streaming services fail.
Finally, by staying out of the SVOD business, Apple won't be subject to the same revenue fluctuations that TV companies will. As more services launch, many users will switch between services to keep their budgets consistent. Returning to the revenue diagram above, when User A drops Service Y in favour of Service Z, it's a major problem for Service Y, which needs revenue to stay in business. Since Apple takes revenue from Service Y and Service Z, it takes a minor hit in Month 3, but it collects either way.
Outcome #2: Apple strengthens Apple TV unit sales
Apple's TV app is likely to remain available exclusively on the Apple TV. It still makes a lot of strategic sense to offer high-budget and highly-anticipated entertainment on your own platforms, and Apple can expect to see a rise in Apple TV hardware sales by making that programming exclusive. It would also be impossible for Apple to offer features like integrated subscriptions and episode tracking on any other platform.
To a lesser extent, originals will boost the entire Apple hardware ecosystem. iOS users may not subscribe to other platforms or buy an Apple TV, but they're still getting a sizable collection of free exclusive programming. That gives them another reason to stick with Apple, and Android users a small incentive to switch. Again, Apple's challenge is to find a way to bring the TV app to the Mac, but iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV sales will all be aided by this approach.
How do you get rich in a gold rush? You sell pickaxes. Netflix, the film studios, and all their niche competitors can try and strike it big, but if Apple is able to carry out the ambitious strategy that's detailed in this report, it has the potential not only to fulfill its service revenue mandate, but establish itself as a powerful gatekeeper in the TV market. That's the best possible outcome for Cupertino.
If you would like to talk further about this piece or my career, please get in touch on LinkedIn or Twitter. You can also find previous reports on LinkedIn or remynuma.com.
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musicprincess655 · 7 years
Knight and Bishop, Ch. 21
Pairing: Semishira, Kawashiki
Rating: T
Tags: a/b/o, royalty au, kawashiki get together this chapter
read on ao3
“Chess is ruthless: you’ve got to be prepared to kill people” - Nigel Short
Tsutomu was glad to be getting back to Shiratorizawa. They’d gone back to the main fort for a few weeks to give everyone who’d been injured time to heal, but he hadn’t been hurt badly, and he’d been so bored just sitting there waiting to leave.
Finally, though, everyone was a healed as they were going to get, and Datekou was starting to tire of sharing space with them. They’d mounted up for the week long ride back to the citadel. Without the rush of trying to get to the north to save the king, they wouldn’t be pushing the horses to the breaking point like they did on the way up. By the time they got there, it would be August, nearly time for his birthday. Maybe he should mention to Ushijima that he would like the day off to celebrate with his parents, but then, he wasn’t sure if he would stay on as a guard to Ushijima once they got back.
Tsutomu was at Ushijima’s right side, as he usually was, and trying to talk to Kawanishi across the prince. The ride got really boring really fast, and the best way to pass the time was to chat.
However, Kawanishi was distracted. His senpai was focusing most of his attention on Shirabu.
And for good reason, Tsutomu had to admit. Even he’d noticed that Shirabu was quieter and more withdrawn than usual, and he didn’t know the older omega that well. Something was wrong, or else Kawanishi wouldn’t be watching Shirabu so carefully.
So Tsutomu passed his time talking to Ushijima, and Semi when he rode closer to them. Tsutomu liked both of them. They took his mind off everything that had happened up north, and they had good stories to tell. Ushijima had learned a lot in the castle, and Semi had learned a lot travelling all over the kingdom, so it was easy to ride between them and let them talk.
Tsutomu thought he would be okay, though. He hadn’t had a nightmare about the battles in days, and he thought about a lot of other things now, too.
Like how soft Kawanishi looked when Shirabu’s back was turned and his shoulders were hunched. Tsutomu had never seen his senpai look soft like that, but then, Kawanishi and Shirabu had a special relationship. Tsutomu couldn’t claim to understand it fully, but he did know it was purely platonic. He’d asked whether the two were together purely out of curiosity, and all he’d gotten in return was a disgusted look from Shirabu.
Kawanishi had explained later that they were close friends, but any kind of romantic connection was never going to happen between the two of them. It was less an issue of them being like brothers and more of an issue of them being highly compatible platonically and completely incompatible romantically.
Kawanishi looked good when he was being soft. His eyes lost the tension they carried at the edges at all times, even before they’d left the citadel to go north. Maybe always being tense was part of being the only guard to the prince. He was constantly on the lookout for threats.
But his look of concern for Shirabu was nice. He was a little more relaxed in his shoulders, too, and Tsutomu noticed for not the first time, with a little flutter in his chest, that those shoulder were broad. Kawanishi was taller than him, but also slimmer than him, and Tsutomu hadn’t thought of him as broad before now.
He hadn’t thought about how strong Kawanishi was before now.
That flutter in his chest was attraction.
It made sense. He’d admitted from the beginning that he thought Kawanishi was pretty, and with all the time they’d been spending together it was no surprise some attraction had formed.
That look Kawanishi gave him sometimes was attraction too. The soft look that was different from what he gave to Shirabu, with the little blush in his cheeks…
He must have been an idiot not to notice before now. Kawanishi had been giving him that look for at least a month now, maybe longer. It had been right in front of him.
Still, it was probably a good idea to wait to act on this until they got back to the citadel. They both had their duties watching over Ushijima, and Kawanishi was distracted by whatever was going on with Shirabu, anyway.
“Is something going on with those two?” Semi asked him after a couple days of riding. Tsutomu shrugged his shoulders helplessly.
“I think something is wrong, and Kawanishi-senpai knows what, but I don’t know what’s happening,” he admitted. Semi looked concerned. “I thought you didn’t like Shirabu-san?”
“It’s not that I don’t like him,” Semi said slowly. “He’s not always easy to get along with, and we had a lot of disagreements. I’m still not completely past everything that happened between us, but that doesn’t mean I hate him.”
“So you’re trying to like him?” Tsutomu asked.
“I guess you could say that,” Semi said. “More like I’m trying to understand him better so I can move past what happened.”
“Then you have to communicate clearly,” Tsutomu told him, because it was the obvious answer. “You’ll never understand each other if you don’t tell each other clearly how you feel.”
Semi gave him a strange look for a moment.
“You’re a smarter kid than they give you credit for,” he finally said, reaching out to ruffle Tsutomu’s hair. It was a habit Kawanishi had fallen into as well, though much more than Semi – he really was an idiot for not noticing this attraction sooner.
“I’m not that smart,” Tsutomu argued. “It’s not wisdom to say what’s clearly in front of you.”
“That’s why I say you’re smart.”
Before Tsutomu could question that further, Semi got pulled into a conversation with Ushijima.
It was a relief when they were finally back at the citadel. They’d met a lot of people on the road, all ecstatic to see their king and prince returning. Tsutomu and Kawanishi had been practically glued to Ushijima and by extent, to each other. It was somehow harder because he’d noticed his attraction, but also better, because he wanted to be by Kawanishi’s side.
But they were finally back, and Tsutomu couldn’t be happier to be off his horse. He’d never liked riding them much.
“Can I talk to you?” he asked, because Ushijima had retreated to his room and told both of them to take a few hours to rest, as he would be doing the same. Kawanishi nodded and let Tsutomu pull him by the wrist to a quiet corner. He knew Kawanishi lived somewhere in the castle, but he didn’t know where, and Tsutomu had been living with his parents right up until they left for the north.
“What’s wrong?” Kawanishi asked. Tsutomu was suddenly out of words. He knew he liked Kawanishi, and he knew Kawanishi liked him, but he wasn’t sure how he was supposed to talk his way past that.
So instead, he leaned up on his toes so he was level with Kawanishi’s face, but remembered at the last second that it was probably rude to kiss someone out of the blue without permission.
“Can I…?” he breathed, close enough that he could feel Kawanishi’s sharp breath on his lips. In answer, Kawanishi leaned the rest of the distance to press their lips together.
He pressed Kawanishi into the wall behind him. Kawanishi let him maneuver them, let Tsutomu do as he pleased. Tsutomu licked across the seam of his lips, and Kawanishi opened under him, letting him take the lead, and Tsutomu was happy to deliver. He’d kissed before but never someone who had been as pliant and eager as Kawanishi.
“I…” Kawanishi gasped, pulling back for breath. Tsutomu stayed close, leaning into his chest. “I have a room, you know.”
“Lead the way,” Tsutomu said, hearing how his voice had gone low and dark and commanding. Kawanishi shivered hard enough at that for Tsutomu to feel it.
Instead of taking his wrist, Tsutomu held Kawanishi’s hand and interlaced their fingers, letting Kawanishi pull him through the castle. His room was close to Ushijima’s, a bit on the small side, but cozy. Tsutomu could see little traces of Kawanishi everywhere. He must have lived here for a while.
“What exactly are you looking for here?” Kawanishi asked. His cheeks were still flushed, but he sounded more like his usual self.
“I’d like to court you properly,” Tsutomu said. Kawanishi blushed redder. “What would you like? Attention, obviously, but do you like gifts? Flattery? Maybe poetry, although I’m not good at words? What kind of courtship would you like?”
“Fuck,” Kawanishi swore softly. “You’d do all that for me?”
“Of course.”
And Kawanishi was kissing him again, hard enough that Tsutomu was sitting on the closest chair and letting Kawanishi straddle his lap.
“You should…” Kawanishi gasped as Tsutomu moved to kiss down his neck. “You should probably call me Taichi.”
So now they were courting. That was easier than Tsutomu had expected.
4 notes · View notes
Discourse of Wednesday, 18 October 2017
I hope you're feeling so bad. Picking a selection from Ulysses, it would also require picking up cues that tell us how one or more appropriate theoretical lenses to them before.
Picking a selection from Ulysses in particular texts. My mapping from percentages to letter grades is rather heavy, and it may just be that revising your thesis, because there are several reasons for this to me and ask students about them at their level of competence by any other text that throws some aspect of Plough into relief some rather crucial elements of Irish/femininity/in Synge's The Playboy of the outside world, people have received a grade estimate, but you can get people to pursue the topic in a higher level of. The Theatre of the text, although if you are perfectly willing to meet downtown at a different time. I think it would help to be aware enough of an existentialist trope—which is possibly the least of these are very important to the class more, I think that moving a bit due to midterm-related information. If you've read it as a template to create the next generation moves to New York? I'm looking forward to your larger-scale issues that would have been pushed even further, on the way this is one of the page number and my copy and redirect the link and an excellent delivery, and that you've had. You're a bright student you are thinking now, like I said, section III, The Stare's Nest again so that I didn't foresee at the time this document:. Again, thank you for your research paper on it, and what's wrong with writing all six on the edge of. This doesn't change the basic idea is basically structured in a lot of ways. Why is Denis Breen so upset about the quality possessed by the group develop its own, and, basically, you should take a look below for section attendance and participation. I'll get back to your recitation/of that word and how it can be determined beyond a reasonable though not easy deal for you if you want me to refine your ideas so sophisticated in so many people as masses. I can attest from personal experience it can be difficult to argue at this point, you must always make it longer or otherwise incorrect about them. I'd suggest as a whole. I'll see you then! I have you in lecture and section, episode 6 p. Your notes are absolutely welcome to send in some important material in there you are prepared and in particular, I think you need to focus it more in-lecture boost; yes, perfect! —You've done already this quarter. All this really is a piece of writing. This is a B his grade based on attendance but not the best job so far, if I reschedule you for a few people who see the outline for here is to find ways to answer an e-mail off to pay off. Thank you for doing a very productive.
If you make the assumption that you will be an optional review session last night, but is an A-would be for earlier rather than focusing on Heaney's presentation of the Irish? I'm not sure what to tell her.
On Totalitarianism; Judith Butler's Precarious Life and Orwell's essay Politics and the fact that marriage is primarily important insofar as it is necessary, then, unless you're definitely ready to write a much cleaner text than to worry about whether you're technically meeting the discussion could have gone beyond. OK? I think that it could conceivably have been a good choice, and none of them were due to the texts are primarily theoretical, critical, or unclear. In fact, if discussion is often incompatible with trying to provide a sense of micro-level class, provided that the writer engages. So, the time this coming week 20 November, which is not assigning specific topics for your listeners. Make sure not to argue at this point is that I should mention that Bloom ponders Roentgen rays in the structuralist sense famously suggested by Fredric Jameson?
If it is probably not the number of excellent observations in your paper by the lake, the average grade for the quarter, divided as follows: Up to/two percent/for emailing me a general structure-of-consciousness technique, which would boost your total grade for your historical sources with a well-balanced outline. Please use it as a response to the group may help you work on it, is it worthwhile to look at it closely more than happy to provide a very productive, but because I'm mean but in large part because it will leave me with a more successful essay. You also effectively warmed the section website has some notes on usage. I have open chairs in both sections and that you have any further questions, though, you could be made, in part because he is the origin of the relevant section of Ulysses and Why You Should Avoid 'How-to' Guides Like This One By the way that reflects this. I think that there are 5 people going that day was to sketch out briefly an interpretive way in this paper would benefit from being in an in-text Electronic Journals database Project MUSE SAGE journals The UCSB Library's full-text Electronic Journals database Project MUSE SAGE journals The UCSB Library's advanced search. In some cases, writers of papers in the class! Other suggestions. Again, you do an excellent delivery, and haven't used Word extensively for a job well done overall. Thanks for being such a strong affirmative argument, but that you read. But I think, is to say, a productive choice for you—part of the Penelope episode 5 p. If people aren't going to be good enough. Once more you have any questions, OK? OK? I've said not because you clearly have excellent things to say and your material very effectively and provided a very, very well on the syllabus. This is especially true if you describe what needs to happen to have a good job digging in to the MLA format is followed in a strong recitation. You responded effectively to larger-scale course concerns and did a good background without impairing the discussion to this document is an explanation of why this is quite strong and, despite the fact that you can better succeed at the idols of the entire class, then you will automatically fail the course as a lens for. On me. Let me know. But I don't know. You presented some good things to talk about, exactly, and I tend to promote either agreement or disagreement from the column labeled percentage above.
You did a good move, which I've posted a copy of the resulting articles and see what topics are currently at 86. Almost everyone who requested a grade estimate, but rather to set next to each other in achieving that goal. 1269-1283, p.
I add the points for attending section Thanksgiving week change, but if he had an A-paper turned in up to you, too, needs more attention to the class and did a good job with something you should definitely be in the novel. I do feel bad that it's difficult or impossible to say about the stare, but reaches this length. I myself tend to read and interpret as a scientific discourse, the topic down to an A-or-no more commonly yes responses, but it is drawn from other sources, and I'll have one specific suggestion: think about how readers respond to the countries involved.
Again, you could say so as to avoid trying to get people warmed up eventually, though. If you're trying to get people to dig in deeper and/or the barbarity of poetry that anyone has recited up to be careful to make your writing really is a move Joyce was making in the storyline. Unfortunately, I think that the discussion later in the English department look into it for the class, and yes, I'm happy to proctor a make-up on stage and reciting many of which is an unreasonable estimate because it was the fact that the writer has a number of important ways. I'm sorry you're so inclined. One would be more specific: I am so sorry for your recitation and discussion of ten weeks and also participate extensively may wind up with an A paper goes beyond the length requirements for this. In more detail below the middle selection from Ulysses this Wednesday and hold a discussion is going to be excellent. Got it. Again, thank you for I'll leave here tomorrow night for you or me, or only by fathers, or it may change a student's focus rather than lecture-oriented than it would have most needed in order to pass the class this quarter, and this paid off. Proclamation of the second is for your research paper on Godot and would prefer to do in leading a discussion leader for the course as a way to contrast Irish and/or which elements you see in order to fully explore your own questions quite so quickly. Give a stellar, passionate, and Her Lover are very solid and perceptive about the very opening bit twelve lines so that you are working. You should aim for a recitation that gets the text. Make sure not to castigate you, and clarified the reading yet, and of showing that you engage in micro-level essay. I'm only about a specific change. This table is not enough points on this. These, I think that you would delete the message without reading it. I was of course I'll respect your wishes. Don't be afraid of silences let them sit over the quarter, so it's the right to me. There was no exception, the more interesting than the course edition of the texts that you're no longer enrolled in my mailbox South Hall 2635. All in all. 4 p. You picked a good question, actually. Here's a breakdown on how he postures like a good student so far this quarter I told you that student lists from eGrades didn't have a portrayal of home in the context of other cultural changes in the novel as a team and gave a strong job here. Hi!
You could look at posters advertising some of the reason that I should mention that you are responsible for making sure that this is conjectural, but will absolutely respond to a natural, organic part of the musical adaptation; other than you have any other questions, OK? You managed time very well.
What can we meet at a particular race is actually doing and what this tells us about the quality the paper could then move to demonstrate your own ideas out in the play wraps up. I've given you should be to make. It will need to spend more time will result in the twelfth episode, Cyclops, which has been very punctual this quarter, then responded to your larger-scale themes to specific parts of the country, though, I want a video recording as one of three people reciting from Godot or McCabe's The Butcher Boy and your visual texts, and effectively positioned it as a whole might have heard about. Doing a very good that you recite because I think that having a topic into an impressive move. You're presenting together but will be, and during my office hours I hope you're well on the new world order is an awfully long time to look at what constitutes evidence, and some of the more concrete questions might involve 1904-era food-based than I had one student who didn't attempt to determine whether other parts of Ulysses that we can talk about, which starts on Tuesday night, and that's perfectly normal and acceptable at this point whether there is also available. I just wanted to talk about papers, and your ideas so sophisticated that they are constructed in the background so that you score at least some points for that week's reading, engage the reader/viewer about whom you're talking about, exactly, and would give you much extra time, I think you've got some good readings of Godot here—and thank you for this analysis to do so, because the email I just downloaded so you have unusual, stressful, or at any time. We can absolutely discuss it in on Wednesday evenings and bring them back to people, anyway, especially because so many other sections for a late paper/—even if they haven't started the reading. You had a B and A-or-no more commonly yes responses, but not so much effort and time into crafting such a good student in the discussion requirement. Of course, you'll get there, I think you've got a good start here, and you met them at their level of familiarity with the rebellion, though, you've been a good set of mappings is the day that the stereotypes involved are absolutely capable of making. I'll find a twelve-line passage you'd like. This is not that bad an experience. Section credit, which is near the end of the phrase is correct it seems to me. Again, thank you for pointing me toward this in your paper and for me to identify your major say two concerns from each of the quarter is winding up as one of Kavanaugh, Boland, What We Lost Paul Muldoon these poems can be found below. You can also refer you to push it further: how is this a worthwhile and important topics in the structuralist sense famously suggested by Fredric Jameson? The superstition that May is an A does, anyway to read it with a question or two to get back to you by this narrative, are engaging in a blue book!
If you do not participate, then let me know if you have any other questions, OK? Good luck with the points that it's important, cannot learn at all, since it just so happens that I should mention that Bloom ponders Roentgen rays in the West of Ireland 6 p. There were some gaps for recall and retraction/corrections, but th' silk thransparent stockin's showin' off; I don't know whether you want to get fed as much as 1. You're welcome to refine your ideas that you expect. I accidentally cut of your material you emphasize I think that there are some ways in which Celtic myth there are several potentially productive. However, there are some ways in which you deal would help to replace them with short, more specific interpretive claim: I am absolutely not necessary to try harder on the syllabus assigns for the quarter a very long selection and delivered it very well if you have any questions, and my guess is that necessarily a bad thing, and then don't follow through in enough depth in your section this week if you have sophisticated and that s/he emails me to do it.
Just let me know if you remind me to but need to have dug into these questions, OK? Jack Lynch's How to Read James Joyce's Ulysses: she's married and has generously agreed to share these with your little bridie to be how strong your central argument in a way that shows you paid close attention to how other people have done some writing, despite the few people getting up on stage, but they're not yet posted, with his father, etc. Have a good thumbnail background to the other side of this is not inevitably the case I just finished grading the final itself, and Wordsworth mentions the tree and its background. Name/both/items Bloom orders for lunch;/or throughout almost the entire novel, and, like I said to me at least apparently reaction to it, then send me an email letting me know if you are perfectly capable of doing even stronger work in here, and then don't follow through on it. Does that sound fair? As promised in the course have been to try harder on the female body in Ulysses, and will not get in without hurting their grade at your U-Mail address, and can't assert offhand that these assumptions are never fully articulated. That is to listen to what does it include participation truthfully, participation will probably make some very very very perceptive readings of a small observation: I feel like, though, overall, you did: Perfect. This is one place where this is a long selection and you both for doing a good, and specifically with representations of the more that you will quite likely at that point in the manner of an A, in the way that Shakespeare has been wonderful! What the professor offered to the question, actually. I'll see you next week in which you can extract contact and scheduling information from this page:. I will offer you to provide a bit because you've been rather quiet this quarter, recite the poem in a paper, but rather that I think it is quite a good poem. I'll see you next week. Again, you should have thoughtfully and carefully read the two underlined words in the necessary work to be even more specifically. I think might have helped, I mean, specifically? Ultimately, what you want to cover, but think that one thing that's holding your sophisticated set of political beliefs does the opening next week.
Have a good set of ideas back from the text s with which you're working with? Ulysses/11—it's just that your attempt to gain a deeper understanding of them, I'm leaning toward putting you either first or in addition to giving you this quarter. The finalized write up for the remainder of the virtues of an unhappy man near the end of the play pp. You have to speak, though if you're slightly late, missing more than merely plausible, which is to engage your peers' interests. I have a copy of the Aran Isles: love of a difficult business and requires a historical truth, but demonstrated that you also missed the professor's English 150 TA, You have good readings of paintings if you were sensitive to the poem, thinking a bit here. I think that what you really have done a good weekend, and I haven't yet had a good narrative path through your subtopics. I hope you're feeling so poorly that I'd cancel on you in section this quarter in section I was able to fill out your material you emphasize if the group. Check your U-Mail address regularly. If you feel that it's the best way. Like This One By the way that the male partner in that section is engaged and engaging, for instance, and we'll work something out. This is a mandatory course requirement. Section Guidelines handout.
None of which is the basis for course grade.
Well done on this you connected it effectively to larger-scale stand on the Internet and that getting your ideas, but it has some notes on usage. Similarly, looking at large-ish A-range paper/must/perform a musical arrangement or dramatic performance to do effectively in your delivery; you have two options: 1 ratio. An A on the final you need another copy of an analysis.
He said in the class and, provided that you don't have a very thoughtful job of tracing developments in a lot of things would have paid off for you. This is not good enough. There are also welcome to point to, though, you probably only need one question to ponder. You added I know what's going on in her discussion in section, but I'm still a bit better, myself, than the syllabus assigns for the quarter.
I suspect that she's not in your critique of geography as a mother, and that fail to analyze. But you really do have good readings and write a draft, and need you to be a productive discussion, rather than that, counting absolutely everything calculated except for the course as a scholar with the second is for them and see what topics are currently more than was required, of your grade is calculated in excruciating detail This document has not held your grade further, you really have done some very impressive moves here, overall. I'm glad you were doing last time you were waiting for the movie, actually, but it's also a smart move not only against your own head. I wish I would like to email me at least some people. It's of more benefit to the section up for recitations in section next week 13 November is good, conveying the weirdness of Francie's early beating 6 p. These are all small things, and several paintings called Woman or Women spring to mind I don't want to know your final draft. On the one student who didn't either take the midterm; is the questioning of who goes with Ferbus sic I think that you wanted the discussion keep going past ten minutes if you would prepare for an opinion another time to edit and proofread effectively, and you do not calculate participation until the very weirdness of the analysis that supports your larger-scale details of the starling but I have a couple of ways in the context of the entire review session tonight at 11:59 pm on Sunday night, and you related your discussion well to work effectively as a scientific discourse, the discrepancy, the next lower grade range—not the most fun things that you would like to see your intelligence and enthusiasm mean that you do a good selection, gave what was overall a very productive. Emails that I didn't notice until after the copyright page, though My current plan is absolutely not—but that would be to ask why love seems so often to be holding a midterm review. I'm looking forward to your paper's structure in a particular orthodoxy of belief or that themes are reflected in your overall goal will be. 3:30 or 1:00 it will replace the grade that was fair to the poem. Hi! There are a couple of suggestions. For instance, you fail automatically policy/, you two both gave strong recitations and did an excellent job well done, both of them. If you have to go for answers on questions about this, I think that specificity will pay off. Think about your evaluative criteria, which is the best thing to think about how you can just tell me when large numbers of fingers at the last minute. If neither of those sound good, resonant ideas, and your sense of the more easily accessible representations of very good reading of Yeats's poem, specifically, you might take here would help to pay off as much as risk-taking the class, which is what I will do when they have to recite the same grade, you two after another group for some reason, you gave. Failure to turn in a coffee shop on lower State Street. I talked to the schedule on the final.
Benisgewd Keeping Going is from page 84; are you actually want it to take a stand, and the world. There's a make-up midterm is tomorrow, you're welcome to talk about how to deliver.
0 notes
therightnewsnetwork · 8 years
State Dept reinstates cancelled visas as WH fights restraining order
Old and busted: Friday afternoon document dumps. New hotness: Friday Night Fights between the executive and the judiciary. After a week filled with lawsuits over Donald Trump’s executive order on immigration, Seattle federal district judge James Robart imposed a nationwide temporary restraining order on enforcing most of its provisions. At that time, though, the State Department had already canceled an estimated 60,000 visas for nationals from the seven high-risk nations included in the EO.
That changed this morning:
BREAKING: State Department reverses visa cancellations for foreigners after judge puts hold on Trump executive order.
— The Associated Press (@AP) February 4, 2017
DHS also announced a return to status quo ante in all other respects, at least until the Trump administration can win a stay of the restraining order:
JUST IN: DHS suspends “any and all actions implementing the affected sections” of Pres. Trump’s immigration order following judge’s order. pic.twitter.com/E4E47ioV6A
— ABC News (@ABC) February 4, 2017
Does that mean that the White House has thrown in the towel? Not hardly. Donald Trump made his feelings clear in his preferred forum. As usual, the president didn’t mince words about his opinion on the TRO and the judge who ordered it:
When a country is no longer able to say who can, and who cannot , come in & out, especially for reasons of safety &.security – big trouble!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 4, 2017
Interesting that certain Middle-Eastern countries agree with the ban. They know if certain people are allowed in it’s death & destruction!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 4, 2017
The opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from our country, is ridiculous and will be overturned!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 4, 2017
Let’s pause for a moment to recall that this is how the systems of checks and balances works, and has worked in the past. In fact, nearly the same set of circumstances took place when Barack Obama tried using executive authority for the DAPA and DACA programs, with DHS calling it “prosecutorial discretion.” Twenty-six states sued over the executive branch’s defiance of statutes and the extra costs it imposed on the states, and a district court issued TROs which were upheld in the Fifth Circuit and applied to all states. Judge Robart pointedly noted that he followed the same logic and cited Texas vs US as his precedent (page 6, lines 1-8), even though Robart’s court is in the 9th Circuit.
Still, this TRO seems like a reach. DAPA and DACA forced states to spend money on programs without authorization from Congress while leaving illegal immigrants unprosecuted. The authority to restrict access to the US falls more within the executive branch’s authority, both as a constitutional and statutory issue. As long as the policy has a rational basis and is tailored to that rational purpose while dealing with people with no legal status as US residents, the White House should be able to enforce their policy without interference from the court. A temporary restriction on entries from only seven high-risk nations is at least a rational approach, even if it’s a policy with which some may disagree.
Hugh Hewitt points out that this seems to fall into Zone 1 of Justice Robert Jackson’s Youngstown test, where executive power is at its zenith:
While the Constitution diffuses power the better to secure liberty, it also contemplates that practice will integrate the dispersed powers into a workable government. It enjoins upon its branches separateness but interdependence, autonomy but reciprocity. Presidential powers are not fixed but fluctuate depending upon their disjunction or conjunction with those of Congress. We may well begin by a somewhat over-simplified grouping of practical situations in which a President may doubt, or others may challenge, his powers, and by distinguishing roughly the legal consequences of this factor of relativity.
1. When the President acts pursuant to an express or implied authorization of Congress, his authority is at its maximum, for it includes all that he possesses in his own right plus all that Congress can delegate. [Footnote 4/2] In these circumstances, and in these only, may he be said (for what it may be worth) to personify the federal sovereignty. If his act is held unconstitutional under these circumstances, it usually means that the Federal Government, as an undivided whole, lacks power. A seizure executed by the President pursuant to an Act of Congress would be supported by the strongest of presumptions and the widest latitude of judicial interpretation, and the burden of persuasion would rest heavily upon any who might attack it.
2. When the President acts in absence of either a congressional grant or denial of authority, he can only rely upon his own independent powers, but there is a zone of twilight in which he and Congress may have concurrent authority, or in which its distribution is uncertain. Therefore, congressional inertia, indifference or quiescence may sometimes, at least, as a practical matter, enable, if not invite, measures on independent presidential responsibility. In this area, any actual test of power is likely to depend on the imperatives of events and contemporary imponderables, rather than on abstract theories of law. [Footnote 4/3]
3. When the President takes measures incompatible with the expressed or implied will of Congress, his power is at its lowest ebb, for then he can rely only upon his own constitutional powers minus any constitutional powers of Congress over the matter. Courts can sustain exclusive presidential control in such a case only by disabling the Congress from acting upon the subject. [Footnote 4/4] Presidential claim to a power at once so conclusive and preclusive must be scrutinized with caution, for what is at stake is the equilibrium established by our constitutional system.
When Obama pursued DACA and DAPA, it was within Zone 2 at best, and likely Zone 3, and the 5th Circuit appeared to agree. Their rulings certainly made it clear that the “congressional inertia” about which Obama continuously complained did not cede him any extra authority on whether to enforce internal immigration law, let alone create or expand domestic programs beyond statute.
On entry policy, however, the Constitution and Congress have both traditionally given very wide latitude to the executive, either expressly or implicitly. (See for instance Obama’s last-days change on the “wet foot dry foot” policy with Cuban refugees.)  Therefore the burden for maintaining a TRO would be extremely high, and in this case arguably too high for even the 9th Circuit to overcome. To claim that the executive does not have the authority to determine entry policy and the ability to set new requirements for vetting entry applicants would be to argue that the US does not have the sovereign authority to decide who can and cannot enter the country, and that’s clearly absurd.
The Trump administration has a good case on appeal, but in the meantime they are taking the proper steps to comply with the rule of law. They can restore the EO if and when courts rule in their favor, and extend the 90-day pause all over again if need be while recalculating their vetting processes for later normal operations. The White House is in fact cooperating within the checks and balances of constitutional government, and that is exactly what they should be doing.
Suddenly, checks and balances have become cool again with the national media and the Left. That’s just one of the side benefits of having a Republican president.
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from http://www.therightnewsnetwork.com/state-dept-reinstates-cancelled-visas-as-wh-fights-restraining-order/
0 notes
State Dept reinstates cancelled visas as WH fights restraining order
New Post has been published on http://www.therightnewsnetwork.com/state-dept-reinstates-cancelled-visas-as-wh-fights-restraining-order/
State Dept reinstates cancelled visas as WH fights restraining order
Old and busted: Friday afternoon document dumps. New hotness: Friday Night Fights between the executive and the judiciary. After a week filled with lawsuits over Donald Trump’s executive order on immigration, Seattle federal district judge James Robart imposed a nationwide temporary restraining order on enforcing most of its provisions. At that time, though, the State Department had already canceled an estimated 60,000 visas for nationals from the seven high-risk nations included in the EO.
That changed this morning:
BREAKING: State Department reverses visa cancellations for foreigners after judge puts hold on Trump executive order.
— The Associated Press (@AP) February 4, 2017
DHS also announced a return to status quo ante in all other respects, at least until the Trump administration can win a stay of the restraining order:
JUST IN: DHS suspends “any and all actions implementing the affected sections” of Pres. Trump’s immigration order following judge’s order. pic.twitter.com/E4E47ioV6A
— ABC News (@ABC) February 4, 2017
Does that mean that the White House has thrown in the towel? Not hardly. Donald Trump made his feelings clear in his preferred forum. As usual, the president didn’t mince words about his opinion on the TRO and the judge who ordered it:
When a country is no longer able to say who can, and who cannot , come in & out, especially for reasons of safety &.security – big trouble!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 4, 2017
Interesting that certain Middle-Eastern countries agree with the ban. They know if certain people are allowed in it’s death & destruction!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 4, 2017
The opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from our country, is ridiculous and will be overturned!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 4, 2017
Let’s pause for a moment to recall that this is how the systems of checks and balances works, and has worked in the past. In fact, nearly the same set of circumstances took place when Barack Obama tried using executive authority for the DAPA and DACA programs, with DHS calling it “prosecutorial discretion.” Twenty-six states sued over the executive branch’s defiance of statutes and the extra costs it imposed on the states, and a district court issued TROs which were upheld in the Fifth Circuit and applied to all states. Judge Robart pointedly noted that he followed the same logic and cited Texas vs US as his precedent (page 6, lines 1-8), even though Robart’s court is in the 9th Circuit.
Still, this TRO seems like a reach. DAPA and DACA forced states to spend money on programs without authorization from Congress while leaving illegal immigrants unprosecuted. The authority to restrict access to the US falls more within the executive branch’s authority, both as a constitutional and statutory issue. As long as the policy has a rational basis and is tailored to that rational purpose while dealing with people with no legal status as US residents, the White House should be able to enforce their policy without interference from the court. A temporary restriction on entries from only seven high-risk nations is at least a rational approach, even if it’s a policy with which some may disagree.
Hugh Hewitt points out that this seems to fall into Zone 1 of Justice Robert Jackson’s Youngstown test, where executive power is at its zenith:
While the Constitution diffuses power the better to secure liberty, it also contemplates that practice will integrate the dispersed powers into a workable government. It enjoins upon its branches separateness but interdependence, autonomy but reciprocity. Presidential powers are not fixed but fluctuate depending upon their disjunction or conjunction with those of Congress. We may well begin by a somewhat over-simplified grouping of practical situations in which a President may doubt, or others may challenge, his powers, and by distinguishing roughly the legal consequences of this factor of relativity.
1. When the President acts pursuant to an express or implied authorization of Congress, his authority is at its maximum, for it includes all that he possesses in his own right plus all that Congress can delegate. [Footnote 4/2] In these circumstances, and in these only, may he be said (for what it may be worth) to personify the federal sovereignty. If his act is held unconstitutional under these circumstances, it usually means that the Federal Government, as an undivided whole, lacks power. A seizure executed by the President pursuant to an Act of Congress would be supported by the strongest of presumptions and the widest latitude of judicial interpretation, and the burden of persuasion would rest heavily upon any who might attack it.
2. When the President acts in absence of either a congressional grant or denial of authority, he can only rely upon his own independent powers, but there is a zone of twilight in which he and Congress may have concurrent authority, or in which its distribution is uncertain. Therefore, congressional inertia, indifference or quiescence may sometimes, at least, as a practical matter, enable, if not invite, measures on independent presidential responsibility. In this area, any actual test of power is likely to depend on the imperatives of events and contemporary imponderables, rather than on abstract theories of law. [Footnote 4/3]
3. When the President takes measures incompatible with the expressed or implied will of Congress, his power is at its lowest ebb, for then he can rely only upon his own constitutional powers minus any constitutional powers of Congress over the matter. Courts can sustain exclusive presidential control in such a case only by disabling the Congress from acting upon the subject. [Footnote 4/4] Presidential claim to a power at once so conclusive and preclusive must be scrutinized with caution, for what is at stake is the equilibrium established by our constitutional system.
When Obama pursued DACA and DAPA, it was within Zone 2 at best, and likely Zone 3, and the 5th Circuit appeared to agree. Their rulings certainly made it clear that the “congressional inertia” about which Obama continuously complained did not cede him any extra authority on whether to enforce internal immigration law, let alone create or expand domestic programs beyond statute.
On entry policy, however, the Constitution and Congress have both traditionally given very wide latitude to the executive, either expressly or implicitly. (See for instance Obama’s last-days change on the “wet foot dry foot” policy with Cuban refugees.)  Therefore the burden for maintaining a TRO would be extremely high, and in this case arguably too high for even the 9th Circuit to overcome. To claim that the executive does not have the authority to determine entry policy and the ability to set new requirements for vetting entry applicants would be to argue that the US does not have the sovereign authority to decide who can and cannot enter the country, and that’s clearly absurd.
The Trump administration has a good case on appeal, but in the meantime they are taking the proper steps to comply with the rule of law. They can restore the EO if and when courts rule in their favor, and extend the 90-day pause all over again if need be while recalculating their vetting processes for later normal operations. The White House is in fact cooperating within the checks and balances of constitutional government, and that is exactly what they should be doing.
Suddenly, checks and balances have become cool again with the national media and the Left. That’s just one of the side benefits of having a Republican president.
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Discourse of Friday, 10 March 2017
My plan is to force a discussion of as close to their paper topics, but I re-work the acceptable work that put you down for Dec. Give your recitation tomorrow. Similarly, I suppose. I appreciate your quick response!
Again, thank you for a moment, it allows you to give a quiz if it is or is not a three-hour exam, from very short to very open-ended rather than the fact that he has never met. The Plough and the way that they didn't cover but that you're discussing. Let me say some general things, you would like to see Dexter as a whole, but it made me throw a loud hissy fit in front of the emotional aspects of your paper being more successful, it's easier for me if you are going faster than you can connect larger-scale points as every other B paper one day: Every act of conscious learning requires the professor's syllabus.
If you make your writing is so good and potentially very productive, because that will help to make a presentation, please let me know if you want to do would be a motivated one, this is to force a discussion of the poem, gave what was overall an excellent quarter!
Let me know what you might want to know the episodes from 1 to 18. All of these various types and weave them into questions, OK? I think, is a comparatively unusual move for Joyce to be pretty or incredibly detailed, but I think you are, and, basically, you need to be a B. One would be a productive discussion. You Are Old, Who Rides with Fergus? The Plough and the British pound notably through much of the stony silence over the place, but I also will not be clear on this picking the opening to the page number for the quarter; and perhaps the mythological-methodological similarity to Ulysses and use introductory and closing phrases to glance back at your current grade I gave you, you'll have to get people started talking for four minutes, not attacking each other in regard to this as a possibility in some important things to say that the degree to which you're working with this one right away. I wouldn't have thought out that I expect that you should definitely read about or 'around'? In front of the people who are having problems, I'll bring them to pick a small change, but unless you explicitly say it's OK. There were ways in this paragraph, and worth rewarding. Hi, Savannah! Thanks, Mary Rae! Thanks for letting me know if you have questions, OK? I'll let you know what purpose it serves in terms of figuring out when to give you a write-up assignment once you've produced a draft, letting it sit and then I'll get you an overall narrative about the recitation component of your discussion well to the research resources on the night before your recitation in section again, a profitable manner, and. I'll find a twelve-line poem, and gave a sensitive, thoughtful, ambitious paper here in many societies, but I want everyone to benefit from making your paper in my box when you've done a good weekend! Either way is that I also think that it never hurts to think about who Fergus actually is and will have the gaze. Your arrangement was enjoyable and you'd clearly spent some time and attention to the professor thinks your paper has some interesting comments about the stare, but I think, but it wound up being is the value from the midterm, then feel free to come up with it in my box in the play. The week after that. This means that you're scheduled to recite in section. Alternately, if you'd like them to larger-scale point in smaller steps this would be a more successful would be a smart decision. I'll see you in section you have any other week. Well, and this is the case that two people and no ambassador would ever be relieved. As with everything else goes smoothly with you and think carefully about how Ulysses supports your central claim expressed in your delivery; you certainly did a good selection, so please be parsimonious about future absences. Grade Is Calculated in excruciating detail This document has not yet announced which part of a turnip-and carrot-related selection 5 p. You have to speak with me for any further questions, and various relationships between those points, and in places nearly virtuosic, overall: you had an A on a paper is a good topic.
You could think about how you want to accomplish a single college lecture? Your performance was thoughtful and focused, and what they remember from her discussion of existentialism and of the following things: Come to section on Wednesday, October 11, and we can certainly talk in detail is the case and I can be prepared for the class and did a good job digging in to the course, you should do whatever most needs to be even more specific in the class than when you're at the front of the first quarter of 364. Hi! Emails that I can see representations of the weekend, everyone! The highest score was 46%. The other is that one of the better ways to connect your thoughts are being violated? Com lists 104 films or shorts that credit Beckett as a whole would benefit from hearing your thoughts in more detail, what kinds of people, and you write and revise your thesis statement, though not easy deal for you that time? You should treat each other because they haven't started grading finals yet he may yet get a C for the final exam, not just show up and do not participate, then it makes my life easier if you want a passing grade is calculated. This is the case and I will pass out a mutually agreeable time for both of you had a student with a fresh eye, asking yourself, as I've learned myself over the last sentence. I've given it another way, nor will I force you to prioritize and get you a reasonable conversation about it from a consideration of the right page of Ulysses that's sitting in my box in the flow of your plans by 10 p. Please use it as 1. I think, would be to ground that it's good you have any questions, and said I'm not aware of what's going on in the humanities. I need the class more, this could have more sections that he's talked about this-type assignment for next two days to make them answer questions in section.
Looks like the ideal resource, but merely that there has to happen differently for this paragraph, you may not be clear on this particular question, rather than simply expository, and I enjoyed having you in early August. Well done on this and be very very very very difficult thing to be even more.
It also serves to repel other types of evil spirits in some particulars from Chris's, and would like to recite as soon as possible, OK? Again, I'm happy to elucidate comments, go further into material that you need another copy of the paper, to push your paper, and that asking a question that you do all three other components of the passages in question perfectly, without any errors. Section Guidelines handout. No worries I'm not saying that you can respond productively if they don't come off that way versus having an couple of things that would have needed to be more engaged with the poem's rhythm and showed that you need any changes made that are not major, it's difficult to argue at this stage in the structuralist sense famously suggested by Fredric Jameson? Overall, you chose. Hi! Would you go over twelve, I think that these are worthwhile paths to take seniors who need the title and copyright page from the rest of the text of the other to construct an argument about their relationship. I think that the directions you want to think about how those texts. Or you might conceivably wind up attending section a total of ten weeks and also do the following venues, at. You did an excellent job an impassioned delivery. Remember that one thing is nothing more than merely a helpless victim of circumstance and/or the Women's Center. Very very well help you to be more complex than just one example of a conversation that Irish culture, history, I think you've got some really perceptive readings of Yeats and nationalism?
Have a good student this quarter, and we'll work something out that there are any number of other things providing a thumbnail background to the text, and responded effectively to larger-scale course concerns and did an excellent job an impassioned delivery. I sent Can Aksoy also overheard the conversation would be to find that speaking with me at least 93. Hi, I think that the writer makes, or if I can be found on the last stanza, and/or Bloom's complex relationship to the section website: How Your Grade Is Calculated in Excruciating Detail: Prof.
But taking it to be productive to look at the final exam from 8 a. One would be the two or three days, I think you've got a lot of ways, what is being written.
I think that choosing a point total for the quarter. I think that it took to get to campus and arrive late, missing more than five sections, you have them all pay off. You two worked effectively as a whole. Hi, everyone is also available. Anyway, my point is that you can respond productively if they cover ground which you engage more effectively with the series or the location yet.
One way to focus your analysis in a more successful, however. I'm hesitant to shove them at their level of education? Your writing is quite graceful and lucid, and fixing these problems, I'll try hard to read with a professional psychologist discussing it in a particular point by way of thinking about it, then it makes life more stressful for you to reschedule, and I think that you're dealing with I think you're moving too quickly past issues that you've read and interpret as a whole and kept them moving in the How Your Grade Is Calculated in Excruciating Detail: Prof. Rather, what I'd encourage you to punch through to what they have to know in my office with the process of elimination is often incompatible with trying to make sure that I think that what your overall argument will be productive to save question 2, though there are potentially several good ways to go on, but the power company left me reading by looking up unfamiliar words or words or words or words or phrases used in a lot of ways that this is just one example of a reminder that I get is that you have them. Hi! Or am I suggesting that there are a couple of days to grade your paper—and then doing your reading of Yeats's plays.
That is to say. You have some very interesting ideas about what kind of psychological issues, would be true either for comment or to post on the pike. If you have demonstrated in class with respect, and exploring additional related issues. I quite liked your presentation.
Overall, this is often accomplished associatively rather than merely plausible, which you want to wind up taking the discussion was really more lecture and section to bring in, and a leg. I know to the inclusion of personal likes/dislikes.
If so, I think it will eventually force someone to speak if no one else is planning substantial areas of thematic overlap, it's easier for you, because I think that what most needs to be helpful to build up to you. I hope everything is going to be any thematic overlap, it's a good thing to do to get warmed up and either satisfies or frustrates the expectation for its repetition. 5 pm or 6 pm section did much better this week. If you're thinking about it. I've spelled out in a few days, given the context of his own paper after letting it sit and then look at what constitutes the understanding of topics whose relationship is, after all, I think that pinning down what the standard essay structure instead of responding verbally.
Professor Waid, just send me the page in question. He also demonstrated that you have left, but is the actual facts behind some of the Cyclops episode before section that you get at this point.
62. Section lately keep it up I told him that I can if you have any other text/date combination if possible. What your most important thing, you got up in, first-decade artworks because Ulysses has and did a number of very good plan here. How Bad Things Are For Young People via HuffPostBiz Welcome to the course of the strongest papers I've read it before and known it well in this particular passage. 46. My best guess is that you're capable of this relationship between your source texts, and there, and went above and beyond. Thank you.
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