#but what if other games get their own stuff like dat hmm...
nitromemustdie2 · 8 months
tw: eyestrain
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yeah bro ur totally doomed
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and yeah
this is a nitrome must die pseudo AU fanart
cause we can always contribute AU things about nitrome games
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dxrksong · 4 years
Chapter 5 part one
Probably gonna be a three parter
*screams into the void* I've rewritten this chapter like FIVE different times!!
Warning: mentions of alcohol and drugs. And then vomiting/nausea.
Several in spell hours have passed, the guys taking their time to push this thing without Potentially damaging anything. 
As they got distracted telling you how you guys met and what has happened to them since then. 
Apparently the 'heist with markiplier' thing ACTUALLY happened, the whole internet game Markiplier had set up in your dream was ACTUALLY their reality, Mark, you, and everything else! 
Flashbacks to the times you'd actually visit Yancy every other Thursday ran through your head as you remembered the entire train wreck. Yancy seemed to be remembering as well, scratching the back of his head
Yancy: I appreciate youse for rememberin' us. Youse has no idea how repetitive dat place can get.
Y/N: trust me when I say I have a VERY GOOD GUESS on that. 
No one questioned you as they made their way to the manor. You on the other hand had lots of questions you didn't know how to voice. 
How you should feel about the whole Markiplier somehow connecting you to that whole event being the main one. 
One part of you is angry and it's rightfully so as he didn't even ask permission and whatnot. 
But the other part of you held more logic and understanding and was actually kind of glad that whole thing happened. The clicking on the event more than once WAS the permission Mark needed to connect you, and if you hadn't you would've never met those three! 
Your mind was completely at war with itself as you tried to sort out your feelings. It was giving you a headache as you leaned against the railing of the ship, not knowing how to fix any of this. 
When ye all got to de manor 
Sorry, that accent came out of nowhere. 
Anyways. When you got to the manor, despite dropping the area spell you didn't really feel like going in to face the music, but with everyone else going inside you pretty much felt like you had no choice BUT to face the music. 
You took out your phone and checked it. 
Damn that's a lot of missed calls……
You sighed and put it away before joining the small group as they approached the front doors. Almost immediately Mark opened the door to greet the group and he spotted you in the crowd.
Against your better judgment (and the others apparently) you immediately climbed onto Magnum's shoulders to avoid getting crushed by Mark's bear hug. 
Straight up noped right out of that situation. Mark looked more than a little stunned at the act of avoidance. 
Probably because of your little talk with him earlier. And honestly if you didn't feel so emotionally strained you probably would've actually taken it from him. 
But you are, so you didn't. 
Mag: ye ok first mate? 
You said nothing as you got comfortable.
Yancy: oy Mark, dat's yer cue ta leave! Y/N's clearly doesn't want to talk to youse! 
Illinois opened his mouth to speak but someone from the front door beat him to it. 
Dark: Mark, go back to the table, we'll discuss this there. 
Mark nodded slowly before leaving at a snail's pace, hesitating every step or so, looking back to you as you avoided eye contact. Dark sighed and straightened his suit before adjusting his neck
Dark: Y/N. are you alright? No one has seen you in about three hours. 
You paused before shrugging. Your emotions were starting to become dull and void, you just feeling tired above all else. You yawning kind of sealing the deal on the whole thing. 
Until Wilford showed up. 
Wil: Y/N you rapscallion! Where have you been?! 
Wil straight up snatched you from the Capitan before you let him drag you across the floor as he scolded you. 
Wil: next time you want to go out on your own, at least take the Jims with you!
That's defeating the purpose of being ALONE tho.
Wil: I don't care, it's better than worrying about you!!
Wil didn't say anything, continuing to drag you to the dining room, the others not too far behind as Dark was showing them around on their way. 
Man that must've been a weird sight to see YOU of all people being dragged around on the floor like some kind of ragdoll. 
You honestly just wanted to pass out on the floor right then and there though….you were more or less forced into your seat, some food already set onto your plate. 
The urge to faceplant was tempting but you didn't feel like suffocating in mash potatoes today as Wilford sat down nearby. 
CameraJim: So where did MirrorJim go? 
You shrugged, picking up your utensil as you started eating. You physically and mentally couldn't summon enough energy to speak even if you wanted to. 
Maybe you should call it an early night tonight? 
MicJim and CameraJim looked at each other before turning to them
Mic: hey MirrorJim, did you know we're hosting a party for the newbies?? We'll have alcohol and everything!!
All of a sudden you just lost any and all appetite you had. Alcohol……...you feel nauseous at the meer mention of the word. Your face must've given yourself away.
Wil: don't tell me you're going to skip out, what would be the point?
You groaned as memories came rushing to you. You remember the party, the whole damn thing. Even the drugs…….
Your head is pounding something FIERCE. All of a sudden you stood up
Y/N: not MY party…
You forcibly started walking to your room, not letting anyone stop you as you more or less collapsed into your room. 
Dark walked into the Dining room 
Dark: mind explaining why Y/N suddenly left to their room?
Mark: the Jims were talking about the party when suddenly their face went pale.
Dr.Iplier: Judging from what I just witnessed it seems Y/N may have some kind of trauma with alcohol according to their reaction. 
Dark: hmm I should probably go talk to them…..
Yancy: maybe I should go-
CameraJim: no no! We caused this, WE should go! 
MicJim: Jims aren't allowed to have alcohol anyway.
You shut the door behind you before collapsing over a trashcan near your desk, the headache upgrading to nausea as more memories flashed through your mind. 
You didn't just suffer the party one time…...It was a loop. 
Just how long were you forced to-
You heaved, the contents of your stomach coming up into the trash can. So much for that you suppose. 
You heard a knock on your door, you turning your head as the Jims peeked into the room
MicJim: May we c-MIRRORJIM!! 
Oh goodness. They more or less scrambled in, kneeling beside you
CameraJim: oh Jims are so sorry, Jims didn't know!! 
MicJim: please forgive Jims, MirrorJim!!!
You waved them off. You'll be fine….you think. You looked around your room, finding the collection of bags from earlier today and reaching over to find a specific bag before grabbing it and handing it to the twins who looked at you confusedly. You nodded and they went through the stuff you had gotten them
Mic: is this-
You smiled with a silent chuckle. Suddenly the Jims had attacked you into a group hug, you hesitating before hugging back. 
Another knock was at your door and surprisingly it was Cherry this time! Cherry readjusted his glasses.
Cherry: do not let this be mistaken as worry but I had came by to escape the noisy ego's downstairs. 
You coughed, waving your arms around in a seemingly random manner to you
Y/N: good to see you too Cherry. 
Oh, that reminded you! You reached over and grabbed a book from one of the bags, handing it to the Red Google Android who took it with intrest.
Cherry: what's this?
You gestured for him to open it. On the inside of the book was a hand written survival book by your's truly with the help of some quick Google searches and random knowledge you've had for a while now, including anything poisonous, safe to eat, first aid training and what NOT to do, etc
The android looked up at you bewilderdly.
Y/N: you're a humanity destroying Android right? Best to equip you with the do's and don'ts of survival in case of an apocalypse! So you can best predict their moves. 
Everyone kind of gave you a shocked and surprised look. All you did was snicker and hold a finger to your lips to tell them to keep it a secret. 
Probably best to not to weird out EVERYONE here after all. 
Cherry: I'm…..pleasantly learning more and more about you.
So you surprised him! Didn't think that would happen. Good to know your gift was a good one! You smiled, relaxing more. 
(Legit not even kidding when I say I rewrote this 5 times)
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trashboatprince · 6 years
I told @thedobermutt and @inkspottie that I was gonna write angst for the Bioshock au tonight.
And here it is!
Warning: character death
On with the fic!
Delta was not pleased that Joey had requested, no, demanded that he come to his office. He had been in the middle of playing hide ‘n seek, Bendy’s favorite game, and it was his turn to hide.
Well, he was found, but not by Bendy.
“What is that you want?” Delta frowned. “I’m rather busy.”
“Entertaining the gatherer, yes, I know.” Joey huffed, waving him off as he leaned against his desk. Delta noticed something next to Joey’s hand, his pistol. He’s been carrying it on him lately, because of those demented people, addicted to INK.
Delta didn’t like how he had it out like that.
Joey moved from the desk, picking up the gun as he did, looking it over. “Oh dear, oh dear... you seem much more attached with the Little Devil than expected. Heard you view him as your own flesh and blood, as your son.”
“Yes...? He’s my child, and I will do anythin’ to protect him.” Delta crossed his arms, staring at the gun. “Is this another problem for you?”
“Hmm... more of an annoyance to me. But there is a problem, and it involves you.”
“Me? Great, what did I do this time?”
Joey looked at him, his stare was colder than the water outside. “I’ve had... some issues, in recent weeks, Subject Delta. Two people, who have been living in the labs, have escaped and frankly? I can’t allow that to happen again.”
“What does this have to do with me? Do you want me to play security or somethin’?”
The man shook his head as he approached Delta, standing before him. “Subject Delta, I’m afraid that I cannot for another escape. Alpha and Omega are gone, up on the surface now, and I can’t have you joining them.”
Delta blinked. “What? Alpha? Omega? Who- what the heck are you talkin’ about, Drew?”
“Well, since I’m going to take you out anyway, I suppose I can tell you the truth. You are not really Henry Ross, or at least, not the real one. You are nothing more than a clone, the third successful one, to be exact, of Ross.”
There was silence between them before Delta let out a nervous chuckle. “W-what? What does that even mean? I can’t be a clone, I’m Henry.”
“No, you just share his name and most of his DNA, but you’re just a clone. And two of his other clones have escaped, they have betrayed me! They have betrayed the studio!”
Joey grabbed Delta’s hand, putting the gun into it. “And you will betray me as well. I know you have been wanting to leave as well, to take your gatherer to the surface. But I can’t let that happen, I’m sorry, Delta, but you have to be eliminated, best to do it by your own hand.”
Delta looked at the gun in his hand, before looking at Joey with hurt and shock. Then he got angry, his eye going to yellow in warning. “This is bullshit, Joey! I’m not gonna kill myself just cause you tell me I’m a clone or whatever! This is stupid!”
He moved to throw the gun across the room, to bolt out of there and get Bendy, find Norman, he was not going to stay here if Joey was gonna spit out such nonsense!
But as he moved to throw it, he froze up. What? Why couldn’t he- the Big Daddy noticed that Joey’s hand glowed brightly, a faint trail of energy connected it to him. Oh no...
“Like the new plasmid? It’s meant to control Big Daddies and the like, to put you under my control and influences. I knew you wouldn’t obey my commands, you’re not like Alpha, you’re too much like Omega and his stubbornness, thought I made sure you didn’t get that trait. Well, this little plasmid will take care of this for me.” Joey said this in such a casual manner, was this a joke to him!?
Delta felt his arm raise up, the gun was pointed at his head now. He moved his finger onto the trigger, he could feel the cold metal of the gun against the side of his head.
“Joey, Joey, please, don’t do this...!” He begged, which made Joey narrow his eyes.
“You sound just like Alpha and Omega when you say that...” He growled, before hearing the doors to his office slam open. “Great, what do you want, Polk? I’m busy.”
“Mr. Drew!” Norman shouted, he had noticed that something was right, and he felt like something was wrong. He came to the office as soon as possible and was shocked that this feeling of dread was attributed to the scene before him. Delta, standing in front of Joey, with a gun to his head. “What... is dis your solution?! You said you were gonna fix da problem, an’ you decide to do that wit’ a gun?! Henry, put dat down!”
“I-I can’t...” Delta gasped, his hold tightening on the gun.
“Sorry, Mr. Polk, there’s nothing that you can do to change what I already have in mind for this. Delta, say good bye, it’s time to leave.”
Delta inhaled sharply, he could feel something wet coming from his eyes and he knew it wasn’t the occasional leakage of ink. He was going to die, he didn’t want to! Sure, his job as a Big Daddy had that consequence but if he was going to die, he’d rather be doing it protecting Bendy, like he was suppose to.
Oh no... Bendy, oh his sweet, precious devil... he had no idea what was going on, he didn’t understand death, he thought the bodies of splicers were just sleeping angels. What would he do if he saw his father’s body on the ground...?
“Norman.” He spoke up, his voice cracking. “Tell Bendy I love him, and that I’m so sorry...”
The last thing he heard was Norman shouting his name as the gun went off, and he knew nothing else.
Bendy stumbled, there was a sudden, sharp pain in the side of his head. What... what was that? Did someone throw something at him? No, he was alone in this room.
But something felt wrong, why did he feel that? Why did he suddenly feel like something was torn from him?
Did something happen to Delta?
“Daddy?” He called out, moving about the room to find him. “Daddy, where are you?”
“Aww, lookin’ fer yer dad, kid?” Someone asked and Bendy looked over at the doorway. He saw someone standing there, finely dressed with a rabbit mask on his face. Bendy could smell the scent of ash and decay coming from this man, he could see the dark aura coming off him.
This was a bad person, and someone Bendy should avoid.
“Want me to help ya? All you gotta do is gimme some INK.” The man said, walking towards him.
Bendy shook his head, letting out a small whine, before his eyes burned, no, no! That meant something bad was gonna happen...! He closed them tightly before opening them.
He didn’t see clean floors and decorations in the room. No, he saw cracked mirrors, knocked-about chairs and tables, tears in the carpet, and a human with ink-stained clothes and a broken make that covered his rotting face.
The Little Devil screamed and ran, clutching his ink syringe tightly to his chest as he ran, hearing the man shout as he chased after him. Bendy was unable to fight, he didn’t know how! Yes, he’s seen Delta fight these mean people before, but he didn’t know how he did things!
Where was his father, he needed him! Wasn’t he suppose to sense automatically when Bendy was distressed?!
“Daddy! Daddy! Henry, where are ya!?” Bendy shouted as he ran through the halls and corridors of the studio through rooms, seeing more damage and addicts. He passed by Little Devils and their guardians, but he saw no sign of Delta anywhere.
He continued to run as fast as he could, his head hurting on the side, as if someone hit him with something sharp. It only added to the sharp pain of his blackened eyes, he hated it when he saw this scary version of the world, he liked the nicer version better!
Where was his father, he needed him! Someone was gonna hurt him, take his INK! He just knew it!
He ran into a large room, with a grand staircase, where he slipped on some water at the top step. He tumbled down the stairs, shouting in pain as he did, before he hit the final step with his head.
Bendy landed hard, laying there in a stunned state, before the pulsing pain in his head alerted him to something wrong. On wobbly arms, he pushed himself up, touching the side of his head, where we felt a gash. Bendy pulled his hand away, finding a black liquid on his finger tips.
“Daddy... where are ya...” He whimpered, crawling away to the side of the stairs, to a corner that was hidden away by a vending machine. His head hurt so much, his eyes blurring with tears as he laid down, passing out on the cold floor.
When he came to hours later, he saw the world as it should be, bright and colorful, and that he had woken up on a small pile of black rose petals. What sleeping angel left these here?
Why did Bendy’s head hurt, and why was he hiding?
Oh! He was playing hide ‘n seek with Delta! But he remembered being the one seeking, had he found Delta? He couldn’t remember, but he seemed to have dozed off.
He crawled out of the corner, turning when he heard footsteps and a relieved sigh of someone. Oh! It was Mr. Norman, he was in the room, looking a bit out of breath. “Hiya, Mr. Norman!” Bendy smiled, approaching him.
There seemed to be some red spots and stuff on Norman’s clothes, did he spill something on himself? What a messy guy. Bendy almost noticed that he looked upset, did something happen?
Norman looked down at Bendy and got on his knees, opening his arms. Bendy happily accepted the hug, moving into his hold, but blinked when Norman held him tightly, sniffling hard.
“Mr. Norman, are you cryin’?”
30 years later...
Delta found another Devil Vent, but he knew he had been here before. He knew this hall and this vent, of course he did, there's a triangle drawn in green crayon right next to the opening. 
This was his third time passing this one, he's been walking in circles through this damned studio. Of course he has, it's bigger than he remembered it being. There's more to it, more to what Delta knew was here. 
How long had he been out for Joey to expand this place? He stopped in front of the vent, frowning deeply. He was so tired, he's been wandering for hours, fighting splicers and searchers, banging a little song on vents, waiting for a little response to the song. 
He has yet to hear one, he keeps finding drawings of himself and Bendy all over walls and floors, many damaged and smeared over time, but he still knows what they are. He leaned forward, resting his forehead against the vent. 
His eyes burned with tears as he lifted his hand, banging on the vent to a beat. "I'm the dancin' demon..." He mumbled as he knocked out the beat. He paused, looking at the dark hole, hearing nothing. "I should have kn-" 
Then he heard it, the response. 
'Watch me twirl around and spin'. 
"Bendy?" There was a shuffling, thumping, getting louder. In the darkness was a soft glow, he knew those two, glowing lights anywhere. 
"Bendy?"The thumping got louder, the glows getting closer, as Delta stepped back. Then he saw the little white and black face, poking out of the hole. Oh, oh he was just as cute as Delta remembered. 
Bendy looked at him with a shocked stare, before his eyes watered with inky tears. "D-Daddy...?" 
"It's me, kiddo, it's your dad."  
Delta smiled softly, opening his arms. The little demon sniffed before a big grin came to his face as he launched himself at the man, wrapping his arms around Delta, who did the same to him. 
"Daddy! Daddy, Henry, I missed you so much...! Where were you!?" 
 "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I just... I don't know where I was, somethin' happened to me and I was asleep..." 
 "Mmm, no, when angels sleep, I gotta work..." Bendy mumbled into his shoulder, his hold tightening. Henry frowned, feeling his eyes sting again. 
"I know, buddy, but I'm okay, I'm not a sleepin' angel, I'm here. I'm here, I won't ever hide from you again." 
I’m ending this one here, but Norman never had the heart to tell Bendy what happened, so for thirty years Bendy believed that Delta was playing the game still. Since Bendy has no concept of time, this just seemed like a long, long game that left him feeling really upset.
And as for what I meant about his vision. Bendy’s eyes often look like white circles with deep, black lines outlining them. He sees the world through rose-colored lenses (just like how Little Sisters see in-canon), but sometimes his vision changes to where he had his typical black eyes and he sees how terrible his world really is. Yet he doesn’t understand this, he thinks his void eyes are his real eyes, what he really sees, and that his black eyes show a fake, scary world.
Also, Joey is a huge dick.
EDIT: I tacked off the fluffy angst I wrote for dober and spottie on discord to the end cause this was SAD!!!
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9/22/2018, Part 1
We don't need to take the boat this time! We're a witch! This time, we're flying in on a broom! Y'know, like I did the night before I got crushed to death by 2488? Yeah...We dismount and head to the resort grounds.
"so, wat u wanna do 2day, tem?"
"uuuuuh... cookys?"
"oh yea, cookies! but... were do we start?"
"uhhhh... i dunno..."
There doesn't seem to be anyone else here at the moment. Where would we even start our search for the mysterious cookie salespeople? Actually, speaking of buying and selling things, I just remembered something. And right on cue, Temmie does too. We go into the lobby.
We enter the lobby and assess our situation. Temmie has been missing Baku terribly. To the point where lately she's been writing "ばく" all over my walls in bright, neon colors. Since that is not a healthy way of dealing with this issue, I had suggested to her that we find some other DJs to come and help us throw our own rave party while we wait for Baku to return.
She was hesitant at first, because she didn't think other DJs would be as good as Baku, but I reminded her that since Baku's not here, we don't really have any other option than to settle for the second-best DJs. It's either them, or no DJs at all, so Temmie reluctantly agreed to help me find some other DJs to help us.
So we did! We found a pair of sisters who've been running a radio show ever since, according to them, the old DJ got fired for being too abrasive and rude to the callers. Although the sisters are radio DJs, they have been wanting to host a rave, and they would be happy to give it a shot for us! And we even found a few fellows who'd like to attend! Things are looking up for us, so far!
But perhaps, since we're here, we should buy some things to give out at the party, just in case our partygoers don't have anything to bring, themselves. ...Wasn't there a store here, before?
"were is store?"
We look around. There's the bar, there's the game room, there's the infirmary, where I've crashed for the night more times than I'd like to admit... There's the ballroom- oh, do calm down, Temmie, we're going to the store first, remember? Aaaaaand... no store. Huh... I wonder where the store went? Maybe we should look outside?
"but i wana go do hapy fun raevtiem in dancin' room..."
"ya, i kno, but we gotta buy stuffs so othr peeps can do happy fun ravetime wit' us, rite?"
"oh ya..."
We step out the door and back outside. The store isn't in there. Hmm, where should we look? We could probably get a better view from the beach.
"ooo! beach is gud 4 hapy fun rave-"
"yea, i kno, tem. lets go." We get down on all fours, stretch our legs up, and trot like a horse over to the beach.
We arrive at the beach, retract our front and back legs, and stand back up on our back legs. Huh... I wonder where everyone is? Well, more importantly, we need to find the store.
"is da store on da beach?"
"maybe? i dunno."
We'd better start looking. I don't want to dillydally. Let's see, over there is the... beach bar. I don't think that place sells what we're looking for.
"u sed u met Baku at a bar???"
"yea, i did. not dat one, tho. it was da one in th' resort bilding."
"oh ya?"
"yea, he was drinkin' from a lil', uh... it was a... uh..."
"a bottl?"
"no... it was to small to be a bottle..."
"wat was he drinkin?"
"he sed it was calld "aftershock". id nevr herd of it. i didnt kno dere was a drink called aftershock."
"shock?? does it make u do cool litening magicses like u do, hooman??"
"no, its just a drink."
I don't know exactly what the right word is for the container that Aftershock comes in, so I picture it in my mind so that Temmie can see.
She observes my memories intently...
"o ya, i remembr dat! u showd me wen yu first met him and dat lil short humin was throwin' stuff at him!"
"uh... ya..."
I don't think Coraline and Carrie are entirely human, but more importantly-
"hey hooman?"
"wen yu were lookin for a drink behind da countr..."
"yea? i was just lookin' for water or somethin'."
"ya, but... whyd yu have skelly arms???"
...Oh no.
I was hoping she would never, ever ask that... But I suppose with us sharing a body and having access to each other's memories, it was inevitable... 😔
Although my gloves were covering my hands and forearms, I suppose Temmie must have taken notice of my uncovered... uh... humerus...es. Humeri? I don't know what the plural for humerus is. And even without looking, Temmie could also-
"wate a minit!1!" Temmie cries as she continues to analyze the memory. "u were a skelly! u were a skelly like Baku!?!?! HUHHHHH??!??!"
I quickly clasp our paws over our mouth.
"Temmie, please don't yell!" I think, "I know you must be very confused, because-"
"i thot u wer a humans!1!" Temmie thinks back. "ur supposd 2 be a humanses!1! cuz u gota humin SOUL!1!! skellys dont gots hooman SOULS!!1!"
"Yes, I know... and you're right. They don't. But, as you know, I am a magic user myself, and I was able to use magic to transform into a skeleton monster. However-"
"Whhhhhh??" Temmie's voice is muffled as we yell into our paws.
"h-human... can turn into... monstr??"
"Well, I can. I don't know any other humans that can, but I can do it because I can use shapeshifting magic. The reason I turned into a skeleton monster was to better fit in with the other monsters of the underground, who used to come here and visit a lot."
"but u got a human SOUL??"
"Yes, the transformation only changed my body into that of a monster, not my soul."
"Whh... hwhwhwhwhwh..." Temmie mumbles into our paws. She cannot believe what she is hearing. Or, telepathically receiving, as it were.
And then, just when I thought this line of questioning would be over, she asks...
"does Baku no ur realy a hooman???"
"NO. No, he does NOT."
My reaction startles Temmie, causing us to recoil a bit.
"h-hoomin...?? u... u ok?? u mad at me?? i dont want u to be-"
"No, Temmie, I'm not angry with you. But there's something very, very important that I need to tell you right now."
"...ya?" Temmie clearly isn't convinced that I'm not upset with her.
"It is true that I first met Baku while I was transformed into a skeleton monster, but I have also met him in my normal, human body. He does not know that we are the same person, and I intend to keep it that way. It is absolutely paramount that I prevent him from finding out that the brunette, pigtail-haired human woman, and the skeleton monster wearing the bunny hood, are one and the same."
"...whys dat??"
"It's for my own safety, Temmie. I shudder to think how he would react if he found out that the skeleton monster he met at the bar, and the human who he's hugged, kissed, and fiddled around with the pigtails of, were the exact same individual. Dear lord... he would never let me hear the end of it if he found out..."
We lower our paws from our mouth and sit down. Temmie is seriously worrying about me right now.
"hooman...? do u... not like Baku...?" 😥
"its not that, Temmie. its that im just scared of what hed do if he found out..."
"why u scared of Baku?"
"well... im gonna tell yu somethin' scary he told me."
Even though no one else is on the beach at the moment, I decide this is probably something I shouldn't say out loud.
"One time, I asked Baku why he was even called Baku. And he told me..."
"Dreams are my playground, sweetheart. I do with them as I please."
Temmie tilts our head in confusion.
"wats dat mean?"
I move our head back up. "well, a bakus a thing that eats dreams. its got a trunk like an elephant-"
"wats an el-a-fint?"
"uh... its an... never mind. anyway, a bakus a dream eater. da Fresh para-"
😱 ...
😐 ...
"...da funky fresh DJ u no an' love is named after a dream eater."
"yea, hes named aftr a dream eater. and he told me that dreams are..."
"...play ground?"
Temmie doesn't seem to be picking up where I'm going with this.
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avaantares · 7 years
Tag game - Torchwood edition
Tagged by:  @humany-wumany-stuff
Rules: Always post the rules. Answer the 11 random questions posted for you. Create 11 new ones and tag 11 people. Let the person who tagged you know that you answered.
1. When did you start watching Torchwood and what (or who) got you to start watching?
I was actually a bit late to the party, since my personal history with Doctor Who is... complicated (and waaaaay too long to relate here, though I’m happy to share the story if anyone ever gets really bored). The net result is that I didn’t catch up with New Who and, by extension, Torchwood until long after Torchwood had finished its TV run. I think it was 2014, maybe? (Sadly, I’d already been spoiled for most major series events, so I didn’t get to experience the shock and dismay of those who watched when it was new.)
I started watching because yes please, more Captain Jack Harkness, thank you. But I stayed for Ianto Jones.
2. What is your go-to episode to watch when you’re feeling down/bored and why?
You know, I really don’t have that kind of relationship with television. I watch TV so rarely (by which I mean I went for 13 years without even having TV and didn’t miss it), and I have so little free time in my schedule, that I don’t tend to rewatch shows unless I’m 1) showing the series to someone new (which I’ve done with Torchwood) or 2) looking for specific costume references (which I have also done with Torchwood).
That said, I think KKBB probably packs the most pure, shameless entertainment value, so if I really needed a Torchwood fix I’d probably go for that one.
3. Which of the TW villains/aliens/whatevers did you find the scariest and why?
I think Torchwood’s storytelling was at its best when the team wasn’t facing camp alien monsters, but rather dealing with concepts and issues rooted in our reality. Suzie Costello was a decent person, slowly warped into a serial killer by the things she’d seen and done. Out of Time touched on aging and cultural disconnect and loss. Meat was about exploitation. Children of Earth used aliens as a frame to explore political corruption and the abuse of power. Those stories were much darker and stayed with me longer than, say, a poorly-CGed “fairy” with improbable dentition. (Apologies to The Mill, but those effects... weren’t scary at all.)
4. If you had to pick 2 characters to do a BF audio, who would it be and what would it be about?
Ianto Jones and Norton Folgate. Probably having to join forces to save Jack, or something. I don’t even care what the plot is, I just want a full hour of catty insults and cutting dialogue between those two. SO MUCH SASS.
5. What is your favourite fanfic-trope to read/write?
To read? Probably slow burn, but it has to be done really well. I also enjoy emotional H/C, if it’s believable and not just abusing or woobifying the characters.
To write? The pen-dulum (ha!) swings liberally between angst and dry humor/snark. I also have a tendency to get characters into really heated, emotional arguments, possibly because they’re all so stupidly repressed and it’s nice to see them let loose once in a while.
6. If you could assemble your own TW team (post-CoE) with canon characters from the extended Who-niverse (any show related to DW), who would be in it?
So this is basically just a list of all my favorite companions, right?
Core Modern-Day Team:
Martha Jones - brilliant medic; worked for UNIT; saved the world a few times. Won’t take guff from anyone.
River Song - Jack’s equal in every way, only far more likely to shoot you. Tolerates even less nonsense than Martha.
Zoe Heriot - super genius from the future who can calculate pretty much any mathematical solution in her head faster than a computer. Adorably perky, but not afraid to hit bad guys over the head.
Sara Kingdom - by-the-book former Space Security officer. The one who would constantly be reminding Jack that he’s in violation of Torchwood code #439.27 subsection A. Also handy with a blaster.
Ianto Jones - because of course he’s still around, why wouldn’t he be?
Victorian Team:
The Paternoster Gang (Lady Vastra, Jenny, and Strax) - They’re pretty much doing Torchwood’s job for them already. so why not?
Jamie McCrimmon - 18th-century Highlander. Only barred from the main team because if Jack actually had a young, athletic, kilt-wearing man on his regular team, he’d never get ANYTHING accomplished (also, Ianto would probably have to intervene due to Olympic levels of workplace sexual harassment).
Sarah Jane Smith and K-9 - journalist-turned-suburban-mom who still saves the world on a weekly basis, and her robot dog. She doesn’t really approve of Torchwood (that’s actually canon!), but helps out when they need it.
7. A question you would like to ask the actors on a panel (assume they are all present :p)
Since we know that the storylines and character arcs were often in flux as the series was being written, what grounding concept or idea allowed you to keep your character’s portrayal consistent throughout the series?
8. If there was another season and they would do a crossover with any show/movie/book/whatever of your choosing for 1 episode, what would it be and why?
This is a little bit cracked, but someone recently posted about a Dirk Gently/Torchwood crossover, and I think, with enough suspension of disbelief, there’s actually some potential there. I mean, except for the conflict of Samuel Barnett being in both series. (Though I could see some good material there, too...)
Apart from that, it’s already been, er, “established” that Sherlock and Doctor Who/Torchwood exist in the same universe (oh, Arwel Wyn Jones, did you know the chaos you were unleashing?), so... why not?
9. If you were to find out tomorrow that Torchwood is real and Jack is leading a Torchwood team in your home city, how would you convince him to let you join them?
Oh, man. Would I want to? I mean, what are my odds of survival?
I am (among other things) a professional animal trainer with some certification letters after my name, so I would probably just point out that they really need someone to train their pteranodon so it stops eating livestock and pooping on all the war memorials.
10. How would you recast the original Torchwood team? (Jack, Owen, Tosh, Ianto and Gwen)
Hmm, I’m not sure I would. The characters are so closely tied to the actors in my mind, I can’t picture anyone else playing them. I can only come up with alternate faces if we port it completely out of context. So here’s my completely ridiculous Golden Age of Hollywood Torchwood cast:
Jack - Errol Flynn (dat jawline, yo)
Owen - James Cagney
Gwen - Barbara Stanwyck
Ianto - Marlon Brando (young Brando. Not Jor-El.)
Tosh - Miiko Taka? (This is a hard one to cast in that era, because Toshiko’s Japanese heritage is so significant to her character, but there were so few headlining Asian actresses during the GAoH. Or... well, even today, for that matter.)
11. If you could pick any author to write a Torchwood novel, who would it be and why?
Are we excluding fanfic writers? Because if we’re going to talk novel-length Torchwood stories, I could name a few that are more consistent and true to character than the official ones... *sidelong glance at @gmariam321*
But while we’re dreaming of impossible things, how about Douglas Adams? He wrote for Doctor Who, and his own books spanned the bizarre (Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy) and the tragic (Last Chance to See), so I think he would bring an interesting perspective to a bunch of alien hunters trying to save the world from their glorified sewer in Cardiff.
Also, potential sofa cameos.
In all honesty, I was going to do the 11-new-questions-and-tag-people thing, but it’s now 4:59 a.m. (ZOMG1 what am I still doing awake at this hour?!) and I really, really need to turn off the computer instead of thinking up creative new asks. So I’ll just open this up to anyone who hasn’t yet been tagged and offer them the same questions @humany-wumany-stuff posed!
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askdawnandvern · 7 years
A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:27
So we've got a long one this week, and this is only really part one of three when it comes to a portion of the story I'm dubbing as "Girls Night". Part two is equally as long, if not longer. And there's a palette cleanse between part 2 and three where we will be dropping in on the boys. There would probably be more portions of boys night, and maybe there still will, but honestly I just want to get through act two of the story and move on already. Even though I know a number of you would like this story, and especially bits like this to go one forever.
My apologies for posting relatively late today, its kind of looking like a hectic week what with Thanksgiving approaching. I spent most of today running all over doing prep for it only to come home and have a bad health issue crop up pretty hard. I don't want to go into details but it's making things a bit harder when I have to force myself to rest because of it. I have things to draw, passages to write, and I can't let it get in the way of that but it does sometimes. I really hope you like this chapter. It was fun to write, and I hope it proves as fun to read. But, lets dive in, this bad boy is long enough as it is without me rambling...
Chapter Twenty Seven: Girls Night: Rule Breakers
"But enough stallin' sis." Ada grinned widely at the ewe. "You gonna spill it or what?"
"She doesn't have to if she doesn't want to!" Vanna said with a huff, her muzzle still flushed with red. "Lay off Ada!"
Dawn hadn't even registered Ada's provoking statement, she had been far too lost in thought over the confirmation that Vanna had indeed broken the Hunter house rule. Vanna, who on all accounts seemed to be the most responsible and rule abiding out of all the Hunter girls, had willingly defied Audrey's wishes. It was simply impossible for the ewe's mind to parse. Dawn was stuck staring at Vanna in shock as the feline's eyes met hers again. Vanna's ears flattened against her head as she shrunk deeper into her shoulders.
"I mean...I um..." Vanna sputtered as the ewe's senses returned, making Dawn aware of the gawking stare she had levied at the tigress. The ewe quickly turned her gaze away, trying to play it off with an awkward cough. "Things happen sometimes, right? We don't need to say anything more!"
"Youse are just tryin to save yer own hide kit kat!" Ada cackled. " If old fluff ball doesn't have to tell, den needa do youse right?"
"No!" Vanna snapped back, drawing a paw over her scalp frantically before slipping back into a more confident posture. The large tigress folded her arms, glowering at the still smugly grinning hyena. "I mean, it's wrong to try to pressure someone into talking about something they aren't comfortable sharing!"
"Vanna's right." That had come from Qali. The petite fox was now curled up at the foot of her bed, clutching a pillow tightly as she eyed the rest of the group. The fox frowned for just a moment as she spoke, letting out a disappointed sigh before her smile suddenly returned.
"That's why we should tell her about when we broke the rule first!" She happily chirped, giving her pillow a tighter squeeze. "That way it will make her way more comfortable about sharing her own story!"
"Now wait a min-"
"That ain't a bad idea Snowball!" Ada cut Vanna off. The hyeness flashed the big cat another smug grin before shifting her attention back to the arctic fox.
"Why don'cha start us off, and we'll go around da room?" Ada added.
Qali's response was an eager one, the diminutive arctic fox stowing her pillow behind her before giving the mattress a few more playful bounces as she clapped her paws together.
"Oh, okay!" The fox chirped happily as she settled back onto her mattress. Resting one paw against her cheek, the vixen placed a finger to her lower lip, tapping it lightly. She seemed to be thinking over just how to begin, rolling her eyes back slightly as she softly 'hmm'd' to herself. While this was going on, Vanna had simply placed her head in her paw, her shoulders slumped in seeming defeat. Dawn wasn't keen on the prospect of retelling the exact details of her own lurid exercise with Vernon in the field, but she would be lying if she said she was uninterested in hearing the other girls own stories, especially Vanna's.
With a sudden snap of a finger, Dawns attention was drawn back to Qali. The vixen was now leaned up to the edge of the bed, both her arms now prone against the mattress as she flashed a wide grin.
"Alright, so this was the last time we were out, back when Trenny first graduated." Qali said. "You remember Dawn, I mentioned it in the truck."
Dawn nodded softly, moving closer to the foot of her bed as she prepared to give the vixen her full attention. Easing around Vanna, the ewe slid up to the edge, sitting herself in much the same way Qali had.
"You mean the first time you met Audrey and Dorian?" Dawn asked in shock.
Qali gave a brisk and energetic nod.
Dawn placed a hoof to her lips to hide her surprised expression. The stories had just gotten started and already it had turned out that the ewe had not been alone when it came to tainting her first official family meeting. Although considering Qali's general personality, the ewe felt that perhaps she shouldn't have been so shocked.
"We had been out here for...hmm..." Qali murmured as she once again brought a claw to her chin, tapping it questioningly. "It had to be two days at most." Qali affirmed with a soft nod.
"Ol' Auddey wanted me and Trenny to help clean out the closet in the boys room." She placed a paw against her cheek. "Move some of the more important stuff out to the barn and yadda, yadda, something." Qali waved her other paw dismissively.
"You mean the room downstairs right?" Dawn asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion. "The closet that looks like a bomb went off inside of it?"
Qali nodded without missing a beat. "Hee hee, I guess it went back to being a dump pretty quick huh?" Qali chuckled. "But I assure you Trenny had straightened it up."
"Anyway..." The fox continued. "We had just moved a few things out to the barn and Trenny was already in the closet by the time I got back inside." Qali raised a paw. "So I slipped in to the closet after him and closed the door behind me. No big deal, we had been doin' that all day right?" Qali asked.
Dawn nodded slightly despite the fact the question was clearly rhetorical.
"So we get a bunch more boxes together, and we go to carry 'em out." Qali continued.
"So like two for you den squirt?" Ada chuckled.
Qali glared back at the large hyeness briefly. "Yeah, so?" Qali snorted. "They were big boxes!" Qali crossed her arms.
"I'm sure dey were." Ada mocked, rolling her eyes as she teased the vixen.
"Let's see you come down to my families farm and lug around a fifty pound tree before makin' judgements!" Qali snapped. "And those boxes were holding your mates weight lifting set by the way!"
"Yeah, yeah, sure, sure." Ada said, a clear tone of disinterest lacing her reply as she waved a paw. "Just go on wit da story already."
Qali furrowed her brow before turning her attention back to the group at large.  The fox let out an annoyed huff.
"So, anyway..." Qali muttered flashing the large canid one more nasty glare before continuing. "Trenny goes to open the door, and what do you know, it's stuck."
"So you were locked in?" Dawn asked.
"The door doesn't have a lock." Qali corrected. "But the wood frame tends to warp in the summer..." The fox trailed off, tapping a claw to her chin. "At least that's what Auddey told me later."
"So what did you do?" Dawn questioned.
"I tink she made it pretty clear in da beginning what she did. Weren't youse payin' attention?" Ada chuckled.
Dawn shook her head dismissively. " I mean, what did you do to try to get out?"
Qali shrugged. "Everything really." The arctic fox sighed. "Trenny and me tried calling for help, prying it open, everything short of breaking the door down. Mostly because Trenny wasn't keen on the idea of having to pay to replace the door himself." Qali rolled her eyes. "Of course ol' Auddey was out picking up groceries at the time, so we were just going to have to wait it out."
"Lamb sakes..." Dawn murmured quietly.
"And the worst part was that the closet wasn't connected to the house's air vents." Qali groaned. "It was stifling in there, all the built up Summer humidity was locked inside that tiny room."
Dawn grimaced sharply at the thought. Just a few weeks prior to their visit to the Hunter Ranch, the central air conditioning unit in her and Vernon's shared apartment had broken down, and the couple was forced to endure a week at the mercy of the stifling humidity that built up in their rainforest adjacent home. It was torture, although the ewe was grateful that they at least didn't live in Sahara Square. But for an arctic fox, who's fur was thick and built to combat the cold, Dawn could only imagine being subjected to overbearing humidity was that much worse.
"So naturally we ended up stripping down to little more then underwear and over-shirts." Qali giggled. "Well at least I did, Trenton was holding out."
"Probably because he was trying to avoid puttin' himself in a situation that might lead to rutting." Vanna finally spoke, although her response was low and quiet.
"Didn't woik." Ada chuckled.
"So there we were, killing time by playing board games and junk while we prayed for Mama Hunter to get home." Qali continued. " And it was soooo boring..."
"Not a fan of board games I take it?" Dawn asked.
"Not this girl." Qali chirped, pointing a thumb to her pelt. "I like active stuff, like taking walks, swimming, and snow sports especially. I'm an excellent snow boarder!" The fox said proudly. "But musty old board games where you have to sit and take turns and wait a whole bunch practically puts me to sleep."
Ada laughed. " I hear dat."
"So when we started playing cards....well..." Qali grinned widely. "I decided to try to make it interesting." The diminutive foxed waggled her eyebrows suggestively.
"O-oh?" Dawn asked, her curiosity peaked despite knowing where the vixen's story was inevitable leading. "How so?"
"Strip poker." Qali giggled.
"Nice." Ada replied with an impish grin.
"And I lost..." Qali added with a mischievous grin of her own.
Dawn placed her hooves over her mouth. "O-ho my." Dawn said, doing her best to suppress her own smile.
"On purpose." Vanna added.
"Of course on purpose!" Qali giggled. "Why else would I want to play?"
Vanna simply rolled her eyes.
"Now I thought you said ya'll were already stripped down to yer undergarments." Malcolm chuckled.
Qali smirked. "It was a short game." The diminutive fox giggled. "He was skeptical of course, but with a worried frown and a playful bat of my eyes I was able to convince him it was just to make him more comfortable. To get him out of that stifling clothing and relax a bit." Qali feigned an innocent expression, flicking a paw lazily. "He thought I just wanted to help, but instead I was out to hustle him." Qali brought her paw to her lips as a blush began to form on her muzzle.
"Ya'll tricked him?" Malcolm said with a quiet laugh. "And how'd ya manage that? I thought ya'll said you didn't care fer parlor games and the like?" The russet wolf raised an eyebrow.
"Just because I don't like them doesn't mean I don't know how to play them!" Qali laughed. "My Dad was a card shark, and he passed that on to me and my sisters." Qali grinned evilly. "I just hadn't told Trenny at the time."
"Ohhh!" Ada cooed knowingly. "Bad foxy."
Qali giggled in response.
"So what happened?" Malcolm pressed, the wolf hiding his grin behind clenched paws.
"Well I was out of clothes, so I had to bet something." Qali cooed. "So I told Trenny if he beat me with his next hand, well..." Qali's smile grew practically cheshiren in size, practically stretching from ear to ear. "Let's just say I told him I'd wrap my muzzle around mount Trenny for a while."
Dawn raised an eyebrow in confusion breifly. "Mount Tre-?" As realization hit the ewe, a deep crimson blush rapidly followed. Qali offered a simply nod in response, as if to further affirm the ewe's conclusion as to just what part of Trenton's body the diminutive fox was hinting at.
"Again, he was totally against it at first." Qali smirked. "But a bit of my best fast talking, some fluttering of the eyelids, and the distracting view that I was going out of my way to show off he caved pretty quickly." The fox snickered. "By the time I was cramming cards into his paws he wasn't putting up much of a fight."
"You naughty goil!" Ada laughed.
"B-but didn't you...?" Dawn cleared her throat awkwardly as her bashfulness strangled her words. "You said you tricked him...y-you hustled him?" Dawn asked.
Qali chuckled. "Well you see..." Qali could barely keep her giggling under control as her own blush deepened. "If I won, Trenny was gonna have to...well do it to me instead."
Dawn let out an 'oohhh' as she placed her hooves over her muzzle.
"Datta goil!" Ada clapped, letting out a barking laugh.
"So he lost the bet then?" Malcolm chuckled.
Qali gave a brisk nod. "And let me tell you, Trenny knows how to work that tongue!" The vixen smacked her lips. "He had me up against the closet door, screaming his name at the top of my lungs while I rode his muzzle!" Qali giggled. "My legs were so tightly wrapped around his head, I'm surprised he didn't pass out!" The fox rolled backwards on her mattress as a giggling fit ensued. Qali kicked her tiny legs as she continued to laugh, taking deep breaths as she tried to compose herself.
Finally seeming to catch her breath, the vixen sat back up. Qali let out a few more weak chuckles as she wiped a tear from her eye.
"It was amazing." Qali cooed. "Until the door opened and the two of us spilled out right in front of Mama Hunter."
Dawn felt herself reflexively cringe at the mere prospect of being in Qali's position. Despite breaking the house rule, at the very least the couple hadn't been found mid-mating by Audrey. She had barely been able to look the she-wolf in the eyes just from her easily deducing what the couple had been up too outside. If Audrey had found them while Vernon's snout was buried in the ewe, Dawn was certain she would never be able to make eye contact with her again.
Ada was the first to bust out laughing, her hyena like cackle loud and uproarious as she rolled on her own mattress. Qali was quick to join the large canid, followed by Malcolm shortly there-after.
"Phew..." Qali said, composing herself once more as the others laughter died away. "Talk about getting caught with you pants down."
Ada let out another sharp laugh. "Good one Snowball!"
Dawn leaned forward, her attention remaining fixed on Qali.
"So what did you do?" Dawn asked nervously.
Qali lolled her shoulders before letting out a tired sigh. " Honestly, I was pretty ashamed." Qali shook her head dismissively. "I was luckly ol' Auddey let me off lightly."
"She told you to go 'think about what ya'll done', right?" Malcom asked.
Qali gave a meek nod. "Yep, and I did. I felt super terrible afterwards, especially because it was mostly my fault."
"It takes two to tango..." Dawn mumbled softly as she chewed at her hooves.
"That's exactly what she said to me!" Qali chirped, pointing a claw Dawn's way as she rolled slightly in her seat, rocking back and forth. "She even called me Ms. Pelagere for a while, like I had lost status with her..."
"Trust..." Dawn added, causing the fox to nod her head in agreement.
"I had like, tarnished her trust in me." Qali sighed. "And it certainly didn't come off as respectful."
"Dat's puttin' it lightly." Ada added with a chuckle.
"It was another two days before we were back to first names." Qali lamented. "And boy did that suck."
"W-what about Trent?" Dawn asked.
Qali chuckled. "Not only did he have to finish cleaning the closet, but he spent the rest of the day organizin' the attic by his lonesome." The vixen shook her head. "No AC up there either, poor Trenny."
"Lamb sakes..." Dawn uttered. Qali more or less had been through the same, if not a worse situation than she had. The fox even had to endure two days more of the She-wolf's cold shoulder. Then again, despite what the diminutive fox expressed, Dawn had a hard time picturing the cheery, excitable fox being significantly down about the affair, at least not for very long. She just seemed far too happy a mammal to let such a thing weigh on her as much as Dawn had. Then again, the ewe had a lot of other guilty feelings weighing on her already before Audrey had come to scold her.
"Yeah, yeah." Ada scoffed. "I'm shure da mook was feelin' real lousy and down when he was wearin' you as a muzzle."
Qali let out a soft giggle which faded away into more of a sorrowful sigh. "I still felt bad though, for Trenny, and for how I made Auddey feel." The fox offered a weak grin. "Auddey's such a sweety, and I hated that I put her in such a position."
"I hear that." Malcolm sighed. "I know I felt the same way when me and Xavey got caught."
"Speakin' of..." Ada grinned. "I'd say you're up 'Buddabuns', unless Kit Kat wants ta go foist?" Ada grinned evilly, her glance shifting back to the massive tigress. Vanna grimaced sharply, turning her head away from Ada as she let out a scoff.
"Aw c'mon Vanna, we're all sisters here." Malcolm paused for a moment, glancing down at himself briefly before offering an awkward smile to the group. "Well, mostly."
Ada and Qali giggled at the pudgy wolf's words.
With a tired groan, Malcolm shifted his body toward the rest of the group, laying on his side. The red wolf leaned his head on paw, while allowing the other to drape over his gut. His paw idly scratching at the baby blue fabric as he let out a comfortable sigh.
"Xavey and I had been an item fer about a year at that point if I remember correctly." Malcolm tapped a claw to his chin as he rolled his eyes. The wolf seemingly trying to recall a more concrete memory. "Yessir', it was just shy of a year!" The wolf declared, returning his paw to it's resting place on his stomach. "By then we had visited a few times, so I knew Momma Hunter purty well by then. But this was the first time we were gonna be spendin' the whole week at the ranch. It was Courtship Day break, so we finally had that kind of time free from work to take a real vacation. And I was really lookin' forward to the holiday festivities."
"Courtship Day ain't supposed ta be for couples like youse!" Ada snarked. "It's supposed to be about gettin' new couples togeddah! Not celebratin' bein' a long term ting." The hyenas shook her head.
"Yeah, Ostara is the holiday for celebrating long term relationships." Qali added, raising an eyebrow curiously. "Right?"
Vanna and Dawn nodded in confirmation.
Malcolm chuckled. "I know that!" The wolf replied. "But I was more so lookin' forward to the town festival, more so the cook-off and bake-off aspects of it!" Malcolm ran a paw though his russet hair. "I was kinda eager to throw down with some of the local chefs, and see what they were made of." The wolf declared proudly. "And gettin to taste a bunch of specialty foods and deserts you can't get most other places was a purty enticin' prospect too." Malcolm ran his tongue across his maw, patting his belly affectionately.
Dawn raised an eyebrow curiously. "I thought you said you two were coming to the ranch for a 'vacation'." The ewe adjusted her glasses slightly. "Participating in a series of cook-offs sounds like a lot of work."
Malcolm laughed. "When yer line of work is also yer favorite hobby, the line between the two gets real blurry." The wolf sighed. " 'Sides, cookin fer contests is a lot less pressure than running a diner. More fun and free wheelin', and ya'll don't have a buncha customers breathin' down yer neck."
Dawn understood where the wolf is coming from, or at least could somewhat understand. While she had yet to publish her first book, writing had always been a fun hobby for her. It was something she freely pursued in her downtime for her own enjoyment from her adolescence onward, and even if she never shared any of those works with those around her, the time spent writing them had never seemed like a waste. Now that she was staring down the barrel of releasing a book for public consumption, she found herself wondering just how she would be able to properly delineate 'work writing' from 'play writing', or if there could be any clear distinction at all from that point on. One thing the ewe was certain of was that even if her writing career ultimately flopped, she would still find herself writing for fun regardless.
"Anyhow..." Malcolm sighed, scratching his belly again. "Once Xavey and I first came out to the Ranch, we had a few days of preppin' before the 'Courtship Festival' opened up officially. So Momma Hunter and I went out and entered in to all the contests we were plannin' on participatin' in, and then we basically spent the whole day in the Kitchen cookin' up a storm." Malcolm chuckled. "We were practicin', honin' our skills and tradin' recipes and tips while Xavey just stood there and watched."
"Why?" Dawn asked. "Xavier didn't want to help?"
Malcolm let out a hard laugh. "Didn't want to? Darlin' he wasn't allowed to!" The russet wolf let out another jovial laugh. "I love my 'Fluffybuns' to death, but that boy can't cook worth a damn." Malcolm shook his head. "If I even let him hold a wisk it'd probly' catch fire, that's how bad he is. When it comes to baking, well that boy is practically the Anti-Crust."
Ada let out a cackle of her own. "Nice pun on dat one 'Buddabuns!'"
Malcolm bowed his head as if bowing for applause in response to Ada before letting out a contented sigh.
"But he didn't want to be alone all day, at least until Pa got back from the precinct. So he stayed and cheered us on." Malcolm smiled warmly.
"So what happened?" Ada smirked. "C'mon, get to da good stuff!" The hyeness said with a sharp snort as she slapped her knee.
"I'm gettin' to it, hold yer horses there city girl!" Malcolm chuckled, pushing his hair away from his eyes.
"Yeah, c'mon!" Qali added. "I haven't heard this one yet!"
Vanna was quick to shush the pair, her eyes were stern and serious as she glared at the hyena and fox until they went silent. Despite Vanna's previous stance on spilling their collective guts when it came to their most intimate moments, the glint behind the tigress' eyes shone with interest as she returned her attention to Malcolm.
Malcolm sighed. "Alright, so we had been baking fer hours at this point. Pies, cakes, pred cuisine, all sorts of goodies."
"The Kitchen must have smelled amazing..." Qali said dreamily as she leaned her head in her paws. The diminutive fox kicked her legs idly as her attention remained on the chubby wolf.
"Yeah, to be a fly on the wall on dat day..." Ada smirked. "For da smells and da show!" Ada chuckled.
Malcolm shook his head, a grin crawling across his muzzle. "Anyway, I remember I wanted to show Momma Hunter how to cook up some 'de-licious' raspberry tortes. They're kind of a staple food fer Courtship Day. But by then, we had pretty much used up all the supplies we'd need to keep cookin'."
Malcolm extended his paw, holding it up as he eyed the group. "So naturally, someone had to pick up more flour, sugar and so on to keep us bakin'" The wolf waved his paw. "And since Ma Hunter doesn't like to let anyone else drive her truck aside from Papa Hunter, she was the one who decided to go get the ingredients we needed."
Malcolm raised an eyebrow, a sly smirk crossing his muzzle. "That left me and Xavey alone to monitor the food that was still cookin'."
"So is that when you two-?"
Malcolm held up a paw, effectively silencing Qali's burgeoning curiosity.
"Now don't get ahead of me Darlin'." Malcolm chuckled. "I'm gettin' there. I promise."
Malcolm let out another groan as he sat up, placing his paws on his knees as he crossed his legs into a seated pose.
"Now, I wanna start off by sayin' the last thing I had on my mind was breakin' the house rule. I wasn't even thinking about sex. I was more concerned about the pies in the oven than anythin' else."
"Sure you was." Ada rolled her eyes.
"I wasn't!" Malcolm affirmed. "Although I can't say fer certain if Xavey didn't either, it certainly didn't seem like he was thinkin' it at the time anyway." Malcolm sighed, drawing his paw through his hair again. "We spent most of the time just talkin' while I kept busy workin' on the food we still had supplies fer."
A mischievous smile crawled across Malcolm's muzzle. "Then, I accidently dropped a spoon I was using." The wolf brought a paw to his chin. "It was covered in batter, and on it's way to the floor it smudged on Xavey's pants before landin' right between his paws."
Qali was already rolling in her seat eagerly as she eyed Malcolm with an intense focus. The arctic fox seemingly giddy with anticipation as she rocked in place.
"I take it prissy pants was none to pleased about the stain?" Ada quirked an eyebrow.
"Oh Xavey was none too pleased. He hates gettin' food on his clothes, even the less than fancy stuff." Malcolm chuckled. "So while he's flippin' his lid, I'm reachin' fer the spoon and cursin' the fact I wasted a good bit a batter that was glopped onto the thing." Malcolm shook his head dismissively. "I finally get a grip on it, and as I'm going to stand up, my muzzle bumps right under Xavey's crotch."
Dawn blushed slightly as she brought her hooves to her muzzle. Despite the fact that she had known where the story had been heading from the get go still did little to prepare her for when the pudgy wolf got to the 'meat' of his story.
"Oh my..." She said quietly. The ewe could pretty much assume where things were going from here.
Malcolm chuckled. "I got the batter from his pants on my snout, but more importantly I got a deep whiff of my 'Fluffybuns' delicious scent." Malcolm's eyelids drooped slightly as he stared off dreamily. "That virile, dusky earthen' scent that sent shivers down my spine."
Dawn gulped slightly as the wolf's description tickled at her memories of her mates own scent. In that moment she couldn't help but picture herself in the same situation, just inches away from Vernon's own wolfhood and drinking deeply of his musk. Dawn shuddered briefly, thanking the gods that although the thought was a stimulating one, at the very least her estrus was dulled enough for the sudden fantasy not to stir up too much agony in her loins.
"At that point Xavey had stopped fussin'." Malcolm continued. "We had both sorta locked eyes, and I could see we were more or less thinkin' the same thing." Malcolm grinned slyly. "Of course I couldn't resist a bit of teasin' first."
"What did you do?" Dawn asked, leaning forward slightly as she bit at her hoof.
Malcom chuckled. "Well, I batted my eyes at my lil' Xavey, and I said 'Aw, I'm sorry about the mess Darlin', how bout I clean ya'll up?'"
"And what did he do?" Qali was quick to ask, the fox now leaning well over the edge of her mattress as she watched the pudgy wolf.
Malcolm rolled his eyes. "My little wordsmith, master of the Animanglish Language, didn't say nothin'." Malcolm shook his head. "He stuttered and stammered a bit before finally givin' me a slow, shaky little pleadin' nod."
Malcolm licked his maw as his grin widened mischievously. "So I lapped that little bit of batter up....and then..." The wolf shook his head. "And then I opened up his pants, and started lappin' at my favorite dessert."
"Right in Audrey's Kitchen?" Dawn asked in shock.
Malcolm simply nodded, the smirk never leaving his muzzle.
"Right in front of the counter. I was down on my knees teasin' that poor boy seven ways to Sunday." Malcolm chuckled. "Xavey was making the cutest noises, he always does when I got him at my mercy like that." The chubby wolf said dreamily. "Like lil' half begs. Dyin' fer me to end his sufferin', but at the same time lovin' the teasin'."
Dawn's blush deepened as the wolf's tawdry tale went on. Even her romp in the corn field hadn't been as risky as what Malcolm and Xavier had done. Short of mating in Audrey's bedroom, the ewe couldn't imagine a more dangerous place to try to sneak in a rut than her Kitchen. At least, up until Vernon had howled the pair had the privacy of the night to more or less shield their deeds. It was unlikely that Audrey would have come looking for them unless they had been out for hours. But her Kitchen was surely asking to be caught.
"Unfortunately..." Malcolm's smile waivered as his ears began to sag. "From where I was...er...handlin' things, I couldn't exactly see the entrance of the Kitchen." Malcolm's voice grew quieter as a blush began to form on his muzzle. "O'course Xavey was in the perfect position' to meet Momma Hunter's eyes when she came back from the store."
Ada hissed as she sucked in a sharp breath. "Ohh..." The hyeness shook her head. "So you didn't know huh?"
Malcolm chuckled weakly. "I felt Xavey suddenly tense up, but I couldn't figure out why..." The pudgy wolf's blush deepened. "And I couldn't exactly ask him with my mouth fulla'...well...y'know..." The wolf trailed of, tapping his fingers together idly.
Malcolm placed his head in his paw. "He had to pull me off and turn my head around before I knew what was happinin'."
"Look's like youse two got caught wit Xavey's pants down!" Ada said, letting out a hyena-like cackle.
Malcolm kept his head down, clearly deeply ashamed of Audrey catching the couple like that. "I was purty much on a full name basis fer the rest of the holiday." Malcolm sighed. "And as fer Xavey, well he was on dish duty fer the rest of the trip. Which considerin' how much we were bakin', well...it was a tall order."
As Malcolm's story sunk in, Dawn was having a hard time deciding which story had been the worse of the two. Each one prominently featured being caught mid-act by Audrey, a fate the ewe mentally held up in her mind as worse than death. More or less the couples had been caught committing the same crime against the house rule, but was catching your son with his girlfriend riding his face better or worse than catching your son on the receiving end of oral? Either way, if there was one thing Dawn could glean from the stories for certain, it was the fact that even if Vernon had successfully limited their escapade in the field to taking care of Dawn's problem, the trouble they faced would have been more or less the same. Despite that Xavier could, from a legal standpoint argue that the house rule only technically mentions rutting, clearly it wouldn't fly in Mother Hunter's courtroom. And that fact was readily apparent in Malcolm's story.
"I just felt so ashamed when Momma Hunter' eyes fell on me. She looked so hurt..." Malcolm sighed. "And when she called me 'Mr. Hackett', it cut me deep."
"I know how that feels..." Dawn murmured, reflecting on how painful it had felt when Audrey had simply referred to her as Ms. Bellwether. Even thinking about it now, despite the fact that she had more or less made amends with the she-wolf, it made her feel just as hollow and sick as when she had first heard it.
"I'll betcha do." Ada said with a smirk. "O'course I don't, cause I'm da only one wit da curtsy and dezenzy to control myself."
Once again Ada reaffirmed that she remained the only Hunter girl not to break the house rule. But it was an idea that Dawn couldn't wrap her head around. While she had no real reason to doubt the hyeness statements, her attitude and the way she carried herself made Ada seem the least likely to care about things like Audrey's house rule, or even what Audrey might think of her. She didn't want to pass judgment, but at the same time she couldn't help feeling like there was no way she was telling the truth.
"I find that kind of hard to believe." Dawn said without thinking, only to quickly bring her hooves to her muzzle. She hadn't meant to let it slip out, but now that she had said it, it hung in the open air awaiting an answer.
Ada cackled. "Well it's tru dere fuzzy butt!" The hyeness flipped her black and white hair out of her eyes. "Whaddya tink I'm some kinda impulsive animal who can't control herself?" Ada raised herself off the mattress slightly as she threw Dawn a sharp glare. "Dat because I look like sum sorta trouble maker I can't follow da rules?"
Ada's tone was sharp and stern, and Dawn was quick to jump to her feet at the sudden accusation. The ewe held her hooves out defensively.
"No! No!" Dawn stammered, terrified that she so easily offended her new sister, especially after what she had done for her earlier in the day. Dawn clasped her hooves together pleadingly as she tried to think of a way to explain herself.
"I mean, I...I didn't-"
Ada let out a hyena-like cackle as she rolled backwards on her bed, kicking her feet slightly as she held her stomach. Dawn simply stood staring in shock and confusion, unsure of what to make of Ada's sudden change in tone as the hyeness managed to right herself. Ada wiped a stray tear from her eye as she tried to stifle her laughter.
"Oh Mam'!" Ada giggled. "I had you goin huh!? Da look on your face was priceless!" The hyeness wiped another stray tear from her eye as she tried to compose herself.
"Ada, that isn't funny." Vanna said tersely, throwing a glare of her own at the hyena.
Ada scoffed. "Ah, you have no sensa humor Kit Kat!" The canid replied, waiving the massive cat off dismissively with a paw. "'Sides I have to razz da newest Hunta goil, it's part of da hazin'!"
Dawn eased back down into her seat, still somewhat confused as she found herself looking back and for the between the tigress and the hyena. Ada was still laughing, but Vanna's cold stare remained rigid and unrelenting, and slowly the smile dissipated from Ada's muzzle. With a harsh and irritated sigh, Ada turned her attention back to the ewe.
"Ugh. Fine." Ada grumbled. " I was just funnin' whicha Fluff Butt, I know I don't really seem da type give a pile of dung about wedder or not I care what mammals tink of me, but I do." Ada rolled her eyes slightly, but her tone remained firms and earnest. "'Specially da Huntas." Ada smiled, but there was a strange sadness behind her eyes. Almost as if admitting that had hurt her to some degree. The ewe felt the desire to press her new sister on what had caused that somber change in her tone, but decided better of it as the hyeness was quick to continue.
"So when I tells ya I swear on my own eyes I never broke da rule, I mean it." Ada grinned confidently.
"It's true." Vanna said with a tired sigh as she turned her attention back to the ewe. "As unlikely as it would seem, Ada is the only one of us here who hasn't..."Vanna closed her eyes briefly, gritting her teeth for a moment before continuing. "Made a bad decision."
"Speakin' of dat..." Ada's grin grew to almost Cheshire like proportions. "I'd say it's your turn Kit Kat."
Vanna quickly turned back to the hyeness, crossing her arms in defiance.
"I'd rather not." Vanna stated simply. "In fact I never agreed to."
"Aw c'mon sis!" Qali chirped. "I'm dying to know!"
Vanna shook her head briskly, opting to remain silent.
Malcolm raised an eyebrow. "C'mon now Sis, it's only fair ain't it?"
Vanna grimaced. "Fair?" The tigress spat. "Nobody forced the two of you to tell those stories. So why should I have to embarrass myself just because the two of you decided to do the same?"
Dawn could see the tigress was growing increasingly irritated. By now Vanna had risen to her feet, walking away from Dawn's bed as she glared at the other members of the group. Her ears flattened tightly against her head as she sneered.
"What a kitten!" Ada snickered.
"I am not!" Vanna spat back, reaching a paw for the pillow on what was presumably her mattress. The large feline lifted it off the bed, clutching it with her paws as she eyed the hyena across from her.
"And whaddya gonna do now?" Ada chuckled. "Gonna belt me wit a pillow?"
Vanna hissed as she glared at the hyeness. "If you don't shut your yap I might ju-"
"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." Dawn was quick to interject, hoping that she would diffuse the situation. As much as she was intrigued to hear what had happened between Vanna and Zach, the ewe was more keen on avoiding a bedroom brawl breaking out between the two females.
"I-I can understand if I-it's too embarrassing." The ewe frowned, looking at her feet as she stood up on her mattress. "I won't hold it against you." Dawn sighed. "I certainly know the feeling."
The tension seemed to ease as the two sisters turned their attention Dawn's way, Vanna going so far as to let the pillow hang loosely from one paw as she frowned back toward the ewe. But what was even more surprising was that Ada was sporting a frown of her own. The hyeness placed a paw behind her head, scratching awkwardly as she grit her teeth.
"Ah geeze..." Ada whined. "If youse are both gonna be dat way about it, den I don't wanna hold your paws to da fire." Ada crossed her arms. "I was only playin'."
"It's alright." Dawn replied, adjusting her glasses. "Besides, I've decide I..." The ewe trailed off as she struggled to find her words. "Well, I've decided I'm willing to talk about what happened with Vernon and me outside, despite how embarrassed I am in retrospect."
Dawn had surprised herself with her sudden decision. Perhaps it was the fact that Malcolm and Qali had been so willing to open up about their own misdeeds, or Vanna's need to rise to Dawn's defense regardless of what stake she had in it. Or perhaps it was even the fact that when it came down to it, Ada had been more than willing to let her off the hook when it came to telling her tale. But regardless, Dawn felt much more comfortable knowing she was more or less among friends who had been through the same thing, and could even find humor in it. It made the ewe feel confident enough to press forward with her own embarrassing and shameful ordeal.
But Dawn found she wasn't the only one surprised by her statement. Ada was looking back at her in bemused shock, while Qali seemed to be brimming with overwhelming joy. Malcolm too, wore a bemused and playful grin. But the most startled was Vanna, the large and unusually unexpressive tigress' jaw now hanging open in shock as she stared back at Dawn in an almost terrified surprise.
"YES!" Qali chirped, bouncing on her mattress a few times as she held on to the headboard.
"Well look at dat." Ada smirked, crossing her arms again. " Lil' lamb is steppin' up to da plate!"
Ada laid back down onto her mattress, resting her head on a paw as she grinned back expectantly at Dawn.
"Youse got more spunk den I had ya pegged for wools." Ada snickered. With that, the hyeness flicked her free paw in the ewe's direction. "Youse can start when your ready, take ya time sis."
Dawn sat back down on the bed, taking a long sigh as she tried to steel herself for opening up about the debacle in the field. It certainly was not her proudest moment, but she knew confronting it like this was a good way to cope with it. She had learned as much in therapy when it came to recounting and reliving her criminal past. The only way to work through it was to acknowledge and reflect on it, and sometimes sharing it with those you love and trust was the best way to move past it. The ewe took another deep breath as she tried to figure out just where to start her story. Finally settling on what seemed like the most appropriate point, Dawn took a final deep breath.
"Well, as you all are prob-"
Dawn blinked rapidly in surprise. That had come from Vanna, the large tigress now holding a paw out toward the ewe to signal her to stop.
Vanna sighed harshly, running her free paw down her face as she cursed quietly to herself.
"If you are going to tell your story..." Vanna muttered. "T-then I guess I should at least share mine." Vanna grimaced sharply.
Dawn stared at the tigress in silent confusion for a few moments before managing to find her words again. "V-Vanna, you don't have-"
"No, I do." Vanna sighed. "It would be wrong for everyone else to open up about this stuff, and I'm the only one who stays out of it." Vanna shook her head. "I-I just, I don't like to think about what I did. I'm very...I'm ashamed."
"Hey Sis, relax." Ada said coolly. The hyeness' tone was surprisingly sincere as she eyed the large feline in concern. "If its got ya dat twisted den-"
"No." Vanna sighed, shaking her head dismissively. "I can do it. I can."
With that, the tigress plopped down harshly on to her mattress, causing it to groan under the sudden harsh strain. Vanna placed a paw over her face, looking down at the floor as she began her story.
"Zach and I had been working together for a year before we officially became a couple." Vanna said calmly, her eyes remaining locked to the floor. "But working in the Police Department, and being his partner, well...I saw a lot of the ranch on my off hours."
Vanna slowly eased her way back onto the bed, until she laid flat against it. The big cat was now staring at the ceiling as she rested her head on the pink plaid printed pillow at the head of her bed.
"I was more or less a part of the family by Ma and Pa Hunter's standards. So when Zach and I announced we had become mates, well..." Vanna smirked. "They were overjoyed."
"Aww..." Qali cooed, her grin widening as she rested her head on her paws. The diminutive fox was now hanging off the edge of her bed in the direction of the tigress', watching her intently despite being partially upside-down.
"But that's really only important to note so you have some idea of how long we had been together before..." Vanna shook her head slowly as she let out a terse sigh. "Before the whole incident happened."
Dawn had now creeped up to the foot of her bed, lying prone much like Ada was. The ewe rested a hoof against her cheek as she listened intently. The tone of Vanna's voice clearly told Dawn just how hard the story was for her to share, the wavering and sighing indicative of her mortifying embarrassment. But this only did more to capture Dawn's interest. If the normally stoic and reserved Vanna was so overwhelming ashamed of when she had broken the house rule, especially after Malcolm and Qali had told their own rather lurid and shocking stories, then how much worse could her own tale stand to be? How could anything be worse that getting caught in the act by Mother Hunter?
"This was about a year after we had officially become mates." Vanna continued. "So about two years of knowing Ma and Pa pretty well by the time this happened."
Vanna squeezed the bridge of her muzzle with her fingers. "Long enough for them both to grow to trust me." Vanna allowed her arms to flop lifelessly to her sides. "And I went and soiled that trust."
Vanna's tone was heavy and somber, leaving her statement to bask in deathly silence as soon as it had left her muzzle. The quiet lingered for what seemed like minutes before the tigress suddenly shot up from her bed.
"It was my fault!" Vanna lamented. " It was all on me! I took Auddey's trust and faith in me, and I threw it away in favor of my gnawing, primal urges!" Vanna groaned.
"Hey, dial it back a notch sis'." Ada said with concern. "Look at everyone else here, dey all fell into da same ting. It's like Auddey says, 'takes two to tango.'"
"Yeah, don't be so hard on yerself there Vanna." Malcolm added.
Vanna simply fell back into the mattress again, placing a paw over her face.
"No, it really was my fault." Vanna sighed quietly. "There was no excuse for my behavior. I could have avoided it all so simply, but I chose to do something stupid."
Dawn had heard enough. Based on her experiences with Dr. Gnu, she could easily recognize the obvious signs of a mammal in need of someone to reassure her. This particular incident seemed to weigh heavy on the normally stoic cat's chest, and the ewe knew through experience that having someone close by to help coax her through retelling the story and easing her fears as she worked through each leg of it. Vanna needed someone to lean on now more than ever.
The ewe slid off her bed carefully before scurrying her way over to Vanna's bedside. With only some slight difficulty, Dawn managed to clamber her way up onto the side of the larger mattress frame. As Dawn settled her self in by the large felines side, only then did Vanna seem to notice her presence, raising an eyebrow curiously at the ewe now seated by her side. Dawn did her best to mimic the pose she often saw her therapist sit in, to convey an air of professionalism and concern through sheer body language before speaking.
"It's alright Vanna." Dawn said softly. "I'm sure it wasn't your fault, and even if it was..." Dawn glanced briefly around at the other girls and Malcolm before gesturing a hoof toward them "We're all sisters here. No one is judging you."
That seemed to have been enough to ease the troubled feline somewhat as she slowly laid her head against the pillow once more. With a deep and shuddering sigh, the tigress continued.
"It was around the time of the Harvest Festival." Vanna placed a paw over her face. "Ma Hunter had asked for Zach and my help to clear space in the barn for the corn cobs we'd be picking later that day."
Dawn nodded reassuringly, gesturing for the feline to continue her difficult tale.
"I-It..." Vanna stuttered slightly, taking a moment to clear her throat before continuing. "It had been unseasonably warm that year. A Saharan Summer, at least that was what most mammals call it."
Vanna slowly drew her paw down her face, placing it at her side as she let out another long and tired sigh.
"And well...that sort of....well..." Dawn could hear the tigress audibly gulp. "Kind of trigged an early heat for me..."
Dawn placed a hoof to her muzzle to hide her shock. Of all the motives she had assumed could be the root cause of Vanna and Zach's indiscretion, the last thing she had considered was that the tigress may have been at the mercy of the same forces of nature that she had been enduring just hours before. Vanna seemed far too strong, too composed to imagine her faltering under even the worst a remnant estrus had to offer. And yet here she was, more or less confirming that she has succumbed to the same vice as Dawn.
"Ma Hunter was out, she was picking up supplies." Vanna sighed. "And Pa was at the station." Vanna mumbled, wiping her paw across her eyes. "We were all alone."
Ada was now leaning in almost as far as Qali was, the large hyeness now practically hanging off her mattress.
"Yeah?" Ada's eyes were wide. "And den what?"
"I had been dealing with my estrus all day...and between the late summer heat, and the ache, and the gnawing desire...I just...." Vanna brought a paw up to her mouth, biting down softly on a finger as she struggled to get the words out. Dawn reached a hoof out, placing it on Vanna's shoulder comfortingly. The ewe offered a meek smile.
"You couldn't help yourself?" Dawn asked.
Vanna nodded. "I had an idea...a fool proof plan..."
Dawn had to stifle a giggle from slipping out. In that moment, Vanna had reminded her of Vernon, and his own 'fool proof plan' that had gone so awry. It appeared that the large and seemingly unflappable tigress' had more in common with her brother in-law than she knew.
"What was the plan?" Qali asked, eagerness lacing her tone.
Vanna let out a sorrowful grown, laying the back of her paw across her face.
"I-I was gonna take him in the barn..." Vanna grumbled. "Hold him down and have my way with him right there on the floor."
"Mhh..." Malcolm cooed. "Vanna, you wildcat you."
The tigress let out another groan, and Dawn could see a blush forming on her muzzle. The ewe continued to gingerly pat her shoulder.
"There, there Vanna." Dawn smiled softly. "It's okay."
"I even went so far to plan how to stifle that dumb mutt's howl, even though Ma and Pa were too far away to hear it." Vanna continued.
"How!? How!?" Qali chirped. By now the fox had completely left her mattress, and was now clambering her way on the other side of Vanna's bed. The petite fox now leaned over Vanna, her smile ear to ear as she excitedly awaited an answer.
Vanna let out another groan, covering her face with both paws.
"I...stuffed...mrmr...mrr..." Vanna's words trailed of inaudibly.
"I'm sorry, didn't catch dat." Ada grinned, placing her paw to her ear in the direction of the shrinking tigress.
Vanna replied again, even more quietly, but now there was an edge on her mumbling. As if she was trying to force the words out through pain.
"I'm sorry what?" Ada repeated.
"MY PANTIES!" The tigress snarled, causing the girls to jump in their respective pelts. "I STUFFED MY PANTIES IN HIS MOUTH TO SHUT HIM UP!"
With the tigress' loud and sudden admission, came shock, then horror as Vanna realized just how loud she had revealed her method of muzzling Zach. The tigress quickly covered her face with her paws again, her blush practically glowing despite her attempts at covering it up.
The room remained quiet for what seemed like an eternity, the awkward void created by Vanna's outburst leaving everyone in the room struck dumb. Even Ada, despite her wide smirk, seemed to be biting her tongue if she had any witty remarks bubbling below the surface.
Dawn had covered her face with her hooves. Though the ewe was blushing fiercely, she was more concerned about covering up the slight, shaky smile that was now creeping across her muzzle. Despite how woeful and agonizing the tigress' admission had sounded, the mental image of Zach being choked into silence by the big cat's unmentionables was patently hilarious. Dawn cleared her throat sharply in an effort to shake away the urge to giggle. It took a few hard coughs, but eventually the ewe was able to regain her composure.
"And I take it...?" The ewe trailed off, unable to bring herself to finish her question.
"He didn't even see it coming." Vanna mumbled. "He put down one of the corn buckets, turned around, and I just...I lunged at him."
"Did he fight?" Malcolm asked with a laugh.
Vanna let out a sigh. "Not for very long..." Vanna placed her paw over her face. "Especially when he figured out what was going on."
Qali broke into a giggle fit, giving the somber tigress a playful nudge as she rocked back and forth on the balls of her knees. The diminutive fox was clearly eating up the scandalous nature of Vanna's tawdry tryst. Vanna only mustered another lamenting groan at the arctic fox's gesture.
"Okay, okay..." Qali wheezed, trying to catch her breath as her giggling subsided. "I only have one question for you Kit Kat." The fox said with a wide smile.
Vanna grumbled a soft, inaudible series of words before finally ending in a long, and agonizingly drawn out "Whaaaaat? "
"Did it work?" Qali quirked an eyebrow curiously. "The panty thing?"
Vanna removed her paw, turning to face the eager fox. The tigress stared back at Qali in quiet disbelief, her mouth opening briefly only to close without uttering so much as a single word. Her response however, seemed to had failed to register with Qali, as the vixen was still staring back at Vanna expectantly.
"Well?" Qali added.
Vanna closed her eyes sharply, letting out an irritated huff as she turned back toward Dawn. The tigress' blush had only managed to grow a deeper crimson in response to the curious fox's question. Dawn watched as her grimace deepened, Vanna seemingly straining herself to force an answer out.
"Yes." Vanna said softly.
"Awesome!" Qali responded, rubbing her paws together excitedly. " I wonder if I can make that work with Trenny?" The vixen wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.
"Please, your panties are so tiny he'd probably breade 'em in by accident." Ada said with a chuckle.
The fox seemed to deflate slightly, her ears sagging as a frown crawled across her muzzle. "Aw mam', you're probably right." Qali sighed, flopping down against the bed sheet with a dull 'thwump'. She remained face down, her muzzle buried into the mattress for a moment before slowly raising it back up and leaning it on her paws.
"Maybe I can use my shirt..." The fox quietly mused to herself as her tail lazily flipped from one side to the other.
"Just buy a gag, it's da easiest solution." Ada added with a smirk.
"I'm not walking into one of 'those' stores." Qali whined, raising her eyebrows slightly as she emphasized the word. "Especially back in Fox's Glen! Everyone would know about it!"
"Y'know there is such a thing as shoppin' online Darlin'" Malcolm added with a chuckle.
"I know bu-"
"So I take it Mother Hunter caught you around then?" Dawn cut the vixen off. The ewe knew this story was hard enough for Vanna to get through without it being drawn out by idle chat amongst the Hunter girls. She had made it this far, and Dawn was keen on hearing exactly what ultimately exposed Vanna's misdeed to Audrey. " She walked into the barn and found you like Malcolm and Qali?"
Vanna winced slightly at Dawn's words. The ewe tried to meet her gaze, but the tigress' eyes kept shifting away.
"Nooo...." Vanna mumbled softly.
Dawn quirked an eyebrow in confusion. If Audrey hadn't caught them in the act, and if the crude gag Vanna had come up with had kept Zach's howl from carrying across the farmlands, then how had the She-wolf caught them?
"Was it the smell?" Dawn asked, trying to put together the means which had proven to be the couples undoing. "You didn't shower afterwards and Audrey could smell the pheromones?"
The tigress continued to avert Dawn's gaze as the ewe tried to figure out the mystery. Vanna let out a quiet groan as she shifted away from Dawn. Now laying on her back, the tigress stared up at the ceiling.
"Nooo...." Vanna repeated, even more quietly than before.
Dawn scratched her chin, puzzled. She was out of guesses, and summarily perplexed. If she couldn't guess it, then it might take hours to finally extract the information from the tigress. And unlike Dr.Gnu, Dawn couldn't exactly schedule to pick up the session the following week.
"Oh dis is gonna be juicy." Ada cut the silence with her snarking tone. The hyeness was now leaning on a paw, grinning in the direction of the group now amassed on Vanna's bed. Ada wiggled her eyebrow playfully. "C'mon kitty, it'll make ya feel betta. Just let it out already!"
Vanna let out another groan, placing her paws over her face and letting out a mournful snarl before allowing them to fall to her sides. The large feline took a long, deep breath before letting out a long sigh.
"I...." Vanna said quietly. "I told her."
Dawn blinked in surprise, tilting her head slightly as she tried to parse what the tigress had told her.
"W-what?' Dawn uttered.
"I told Audrey." Vanna whined.
"You told her?" Qali asked.
Vanna suddenly sat up, her sudden movement nearly knocking Dawn and Qali off the bed in the process. The large feline let out a sharp hiss as she placed her paws on top of her head. "YES, I TOLD HER!" Vanna snarled. "I TOLD HER AS SOON AS SHE GOT HOME! I COULDN'T HELP MYSELF!"
The tigress turned to Dawn, nearly scaring the ewe out of her wool at the sudden rapid movement. Vanna looked at her with mournful and pleading eyes, her lip quivering slightly as if she were about to start sobbing.
"I went in with my best poker face, doing my best to look as innocent as possible while I helped her unpack groceries." Vanna mumbled. "I was so sure Mother Hunter would see right through me, right through my attempts at deception. But instead, she seemed completely oblivious."
"So whats da problem?" Ada asked. "It was woikin' wasn't it?"
Vanna let out a sorrowful sigh. "She was her usual happy self, and that's what made it worse." Vanna visibly cringed as she continued her tale. "Every smile, every time she called me 'Darlin', it felt like my insides were being torn to shreds with guilt."
"It just got worse and worse until I couldn't take it anymore, I just completely fell apart." Vanna whimpered. "I couldn't bear to look Auddey in the eyes knowing that I was lying to her!" The tigress put her head in her paw. "And when she noticed and asked me what was wrong I just...I just..."
"You couldn't lie." Dawn asked.
"I broke down, falling to my knees and telling her everything!" Vanna slapped a paw over her face, only to slowly drag it down her face as she let out an agonizing groan. "I wrapped my arms around her waist and begged forgiveness!" Vanna began to raise her voice, the tigress becoming increasingly upset. "I was so ashamed of myself!"
Dawn was flabbergasted, only able to watch the tigress in deafened shock as she continued.
"She said 'it takes two to tango' but I know the truth! It was my fault!" Vanna lamented.
"Aw, lighten up pussy cat. Zach coulda-"
"The trailer was only three miles away! We could have easily went home!" Vanna groaned. "But no! I had to have him right there!" The tigress dragged her paw down her face, turning her head to the ceiling as she let out a shuddering sigh.
"I'm a trained officer, and I let my baser urges get the better of me. I caved to my own lurid desires and broken the trust Ma Hunter had put in me." Vanna shook her head. "I never felt so weak and foolish." Vanna's looked down at her paws, her head slumping in defeat.
"Tch, dial it back Kit Kat, don't be so ova dramatic." Ada shook her head. "It's just a rut."
The tigress let out a weary sigh, placing a paw over her eyes once more.
"At the very least Audrey was willing to forgive me for being honest." Vanna sighed. "She still called me Vanna despite how I had clearly broken her trust."
"Aw, no fair!" Qali whined, a pout forming on her muzzle. "What do we have to do to get that kind of treatment?"
"Zach was less fortunate..." Vanna continued, ignoring Qali's objection. "He was forced to finish the barn work on his own."
Vanna let out a weak and shuddering sigh. "But despite what Audrey said, I still felt so badly." Vanna muttered. "That regardless of what she said to try to ease my fears, I still feel like I had damaged the trust between us."
Dawn was shocked to say the least. Through the retelling of her story, Vanna had been the most emotive the ewe had ever seen her. It was amazing how much guilt the felines affair had left weighing on her heart. But considering how kind and accepting Audrey was, it wasn't hard to see why the tigress felt so bad. Dawn had only really known the she-wolf for two whole days, and she had felt sick with guilt over breaking the house rule. But Vanna had gone at least two years of unspoken trust before breaking down and defying Mother Hunter's wishes. Two years of growing close and getting to know each other, getting used to seeing Audrey as her Mother. Despite how preposterous it may have sounded to the other girls, Dawn could see herself just as easily following Vanna's footsteps had she been in her sole-pads.
"I let the heat get the better of me." Vanna sighed. "I should have been stronger."
Dawn placed a hoof on the large felines knee, causing Vanna to look up at the ewe. Dawn offered a warm smile in response.
"You aren't alone Vanna." The lamb sighed. "I let the heat get the better of me too."
"I knew I smelled sumtin' funny on da ride out to da fair!" Ada chimed in, flashing Dawn a smug grin.
Dawn rolled her eyes. "Well I think your mate made it more than obvious at breakfast this morning, didn't he?"
Ada grimaced slightly, running a paw through her mane of hair. "Y-yeah, sorry about dat Fluff." Ada muttered. "He really shouldn'ta putcha on blast like dat."
Dawn shook her head dismissively. "It's fine, it's all over with anyhow." With that, the ewe turned her attention back to the sullen tigress.
"I should have been stronger too. I should have resisted the urge to rut." Dawn said sadly. "But it was so agonizing, and then...well...Vernon just wanted to help."
"Wait! Wait!" Qali piped up. "Start from the beginning! How'd you get from the picnic to the rutting!?" The fox had now crawled over Vanna's leg, leaning her chest on it as she eyed Dawn expectantly.
Dawn rolled her eyes at the chipper fox, the ewe let out a bemused sigh as she placed her hooves in her lap.
"Well..." Dawn muttered, shaking off the last of her nervous jitters as best as she could before continuing. "First off, I had been dealing with my remnant-estrus all day."
Dawn began to wring her hooves as she recounted the lurid anguish she had spent the day enduring. "Between the hot flashes, the chills...." Dawn bit her lip. "And the burning, unrelenting, gnawing..." Dawn shook her head sharply to keep focused. "sufficed to say on top of everything else that had been going on today I felt absolutely miserable."
"I can imagine." Ada muttered. "One time I had a twelve hower shift at da hospital durin' my heat last year." The hyeness ran a paw through her hair. "I swear I felt so bad I wanted to crawl into one a dem morgue shelves with da rest of da dead guys." Ada said with a chuckle.
"So naturally, on the picnic I was still more or less suffering." Dawn sighed. " I was sweating bullets under my wool, squirming in my seat as I tried to keep from focusing too much on Vernon's....well...body..."
Dawn shook her head softly. "But Vernon already knew what I was going through, and he was worried about me." Dawn rolled her eyes. "And so, he suggested trying something out..."
"Heh Heh." Ada chuckled. "Just like Kit Kat huh?"
Vanna let out another lamenting grumble.
"Well if that was the case we wouldn't have heard Vernon's howl now would we?" Malcolm added.
"The whole point of Vernon's plan was that he'd never...I mean..." Dawn held her hooves out. "He was going to help me out. Just me."
"Ahh..." Malcolm, Ada and Qali said in unison.
"Of course I know now that even if that plan had worked out, it still would have qualified as breaking the house rule if your stories are anything to go by." Dawn gestured to Malcolm and Qali, both of whom nodded in response.
"But Vernon was so worried, he just wanted me to be able to enjoy the rest of the trip." Dawn sighed. "And I wasn't in a strong position to say no to the idea. My estrus was eating away at my brain." Dawn raised a hoof simply to let it flop at her side. " I couldn't think straight, I just wanted an out!"
With that, Dawn looked back up at Vanna, flashing her a sympathetic glance.
"And when it came down to it, I pushed Vernon to....well...finish the job." Dawn said sadly. "Just like you did with Zach."
"I take it he got ya too close, but couldn't work ya over without gettin' in dere huh?" Ada grinned knowingly.
Dawn blushed, covering her muzzle with her hooves. But despite the embarrassment, she found herself smirking slightly. Slowly the ewe managed to nod her head affirming.
"I...I was supposed to hold his muzzle shut..." Dawn mumbled. "But as you can probably tell..."
"That didn't work out so well." Qali said with a giggle.
Dawn sighed. "I just felt so awful afterwards." Dawn shook her head. "I mean everyone heard us. Audrey had heard us. And it was my fault Vernon had howled." Dawn placed her hooves back in her lap.
"When Audrey called me Miss Bellwether, that hurt the most." The ewe lamented. "It felt like a knife had cut me. The feeling that I had ruined the trust I had worked so hard to build over such a foolish thing."
Dawn looked up to Vanna, her eyes shimmering slightly as tears started to well behind her lenses.
"Audrey thought I was stronger than that. And I felt like I should have been." Dawn smiled softly. "Just like you did."
For the first time since Vanna had poured her soul out to the ewe about her time in the barn, a smile began to form on the large cats face. It was a small, furtive smile, but it was clear the ewe had managed to help ease some of her pain.
"And then of course there's Vernon, who's been doing nothing but trying to make sure I have a good time." Dawn sighed, turning her attention back to the group at large. "My faltering just made more trouble for him." The ewe shook her head. "The gods knows he's got enough of that already with Dorian..." Dawn paused, her memories drifting back to thoughts of the study, the stench of brandy and the cruelty of the wolf's words. Dawn shuddered briefly, trying to shoo the painful memory back into hiding.
"And Yuri." Qali added.
"Hey, he ain't dat bad." Ada interjected. That managed to earned a dull stare from the other girls, all aside from Dawn who simply gave the hyeness a curious glare. After a moment, Ada let out a derisive snort.
"Well, not all da time!" She huffed, crossing her arms defensively.
"Still, I don't want to put anything else on Vernon." Dawn continued, bringing the groups attention back to her. "My Puppy Love had more than enough already."
Qali let out a soft, amorous sigh as she smiled widely at Dawn. "You two are so cute together." Qali cooed. "'Puppy Love', 'Honey Lamb'" The fox playfully exaggerated the pet names.
"Yeah, ya'll two see almost as tight as me and Xavey." Malcolm said with a chuckle.
Dawn smiled warmly as she thought of Vernon. Her poor little Puppy Love who was doing everything in his power to try to give her the ultimate North Meadowlands experience. Fighting a battle against his Father that the wolf couldn't know was bound to lose no matter what he did. All for her sake, all to make her feel like a part of the family. To show her that she belonged, that they fit together.
"He's my soulmate." Dawn sighed warmly. "I love him."
Qali let out another adoring sigh.
"When did you know?" She asked.
"Hmm?" Dawn replied.
"When did you know you loved him?" The diminutive fox added. "That he was the one?"
Dawn smiled warmly at the unusually focused fox. Qali was now leaning on her paws as she stared back at the ewe in childlike wonder. Unlike getting the story of what had happened in the cornfield of her chest, this was one story Dawn knew how to tell.
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handsomewrites · 7 years
Catching Up With The Fastball - Ch.3
broken mornings, broken nights, and broken days in between. open ground, the sky is open, makes an open sea.
There's really nothing to live for, any more. But there is lunch.
“This is the common area,” Dr. Ludwig introduced, pushing a wheelchair full of Jeremy through a pair of swinging doors. The walls and floors were white, just like all the walls and floors, but they’d tried to make it a bit homier with a seafoam area rug. There were some couches, and some tables, and some bookshelves, and a TV. “You can come here whenever you like, once you are more... mobile. Or call a nurse to help you into a chair.”
There it was. Jeremy sighed, leaning back in the chair again. There was no respite from the constant reminders of his new disability.
“I suppose you could grab some books and take them back to your room, as well, if you wanted?” the Doc suggested. He was trying, to his credit.
“Not much of a reader.” Jeremy glanced over to the TV. “Could come in and watch some stuff, though. What day is it?”
“Hmm? It’s Friday. Why?” The Doc wheeled his chair over by the couches and handed him the remote.
“The Sox play the Jays tonight and tomorrow. I guess I could watch that.”
“You like baseball?”
Jeremy shrugged. “Yeah. I tried to get the rec center to start a baseball team, but not enough people were interested.” He flipped the game on. The Red Sox were up by six. There was a familiar spark of excitement in his chest, but smaller than before, and as he watched the men run the bases, it faded back to the inky black suction that he’d been feeling there lately.
“I have never understood sports,” Dr. Ludwig admitted, taking a seat on the couch. “Perhaps you could teach me.”
“...Yeah. I could’ve, maybe.” He watched the players--his heroes, the men he’d aspired to be as a child--for a few moments more. He felt the Doctor’s eyes boring into the side of his face, so he tried his best not to betray any emotion as he turned the set off and tossed the remote to him. “Well. We should finish the tour, right?”
“Hm. Yes, I suppose.” Doc stood, brushed some imaginary dust off his pants, and moved behind Jeremy’s chair to roll him away. “This is a good place to socialize, as well. It may help you feel better.”
“How many times do I gotta say I feel fine? As soon as my legs heal up I can roll on home, Doc.”
“What about prosthetics?”
Jeremy shook his head. “Can’t afford ‘em. I’m sure there’s someplace that’ll hire me in this chair, yeah?”
The doctor was quiet for a moment, chewing the inside of his lip. “...Well. Perhaps put a bit more thought into the possibility. We work with insurance plans and have some affordable payment options. But you have time to discuss these things with your mother.”
“I don’t gotta discuss it with Ma, neither. I’m an adult, you know. You been treatin’ me like a baby all this time, but it ain’t ‘cause I can’t take care of myself--”
“I know, Jeremy, I know.” He patted the boy on his shoulder, and Jeremy deflated a bit. “It’s just my job, is all.”
Jeremy turned his head to watch the rooms go by. They were in a different wing of the hospital, headed towards some other room--so far, they’d seen the waiting room, the ER (well, the doors to the ER, anyway, since they weren’t allowed inside), the morgue (doors again), and the common room. He wasn’t sure how much more there could be to see. It had been more fun than sitting in his room all day, at least.
“These rooms are really nice,” he pointed out.
The Doctor hummed. “Yes. This is the cancer wing. Sort of our ‘pride and joy,’ they say.”
“You don’t sound so proud and joyful, Doc.”
The older man rolled his eyes. “Yes, well, this isn’t my area. I think there’s too much money here and not enough everywhere else, but, eh, hospital politics.” They slowed to a stop in front of an elevator, and the Doctor pushed a button.
“Wait, these rooms all got TV’s in ‘em!”
“Hospital politics,” the Doctor repeated, exasperation in his voice.
“Well fuck dat,” Jeremy huffed, and the Doctor laughed.
The elevator dinged, and the two men boarded it and rode skyward.
Turns out, the doctor was leading him to an unused operating theatre. He stopped Jeremy’s wheelchair by the door and allowed him to steer it himself, walking across the wide open room to look over the instruments. There was a little sparkle in his eye that his patient hadn’t seen before.
Jeremy followed behind him, albeit slower since he was still getting used to wheeling himself, and peeked up to see what he was looking at.
“What’re those?”
The Doc shrugged. “Medical tools. I doubt you’d want to hear me explain all of them.”
“Well you can explain some,” Jeremy prodded. “I’ll stop you when I get bored.”
Doc hesitated, but acquiesed after a few moments under Jeremy’s gaze. “Well, I’m sure you’re familiar with a scalpel,” he started, holding the tool in question up for a moment. “Then there’s the clamps, which are, you know... Clamps. They hold things.”
“What sort’a things gotta be clamped in an operating room?”
“Well, skin. You need something to hold it back and away. Sometimes you use them to hold wounds closed.”
Doc giggled, which wasn’t a word Jeremy expected to apply to a man like the Doc, but it was cuter than a chuckle and smaller than a laugh. He also hadn’t expected to think the Doc cute, but the smile on his face definitely was.
“You’ve seen this before,” he said as he held up a curved needle. “It’s curved to make sewing flesh easier. Then this,” he held up what looked like a tiny pair of scissors, but with very tiny dulled blades, “is a pair of forceps. For grabbing.” Next he held up a fork with curved tines. “Retractor. For pulling fleshy bits aside. I prefer to use my fingers, but sometimes the space is too small, you know, to stick a finger in there, so you need something smaller to put in...”
Jeremy smiled a little at the Doctor’s enthusiasm, even if it was a bit... weird. He couldn’t imagine putting his fingers in a person’s organs, but Doc seemed to enjoy doing it.
He rummaged around in the drawers, humming. “Suction tubes pull blood out of the way,” he explained, “and--oh! Here are the bone drills!” He pulled out an intimidating looking device, grinning over at Jeremy.
Jeremy gave him a hesitant smile back. “You really dig this stuff, huh?”
Doc gave a hum, shrugging as he put the drill away. “Well, yes. I do. Surgery is my specialty. I sometimes wish I could do it more, but that’s not really a thing you can say to patients, is it?” He laughed, with a bit of a strange edge to it. Jeremy felt like he should probably be afraid of it, but he wasn’t. He laughed along with the Doctor, and he actually felt like smiling, for real.
“Hmmm. Yes, well. Are you hungry, Jeremy?”
“Huh? Uh, I guess I could eat.” He shrugged. “Not... You don’t have somethin’ squirreled away in here, do ya?”
The Doc laughed again, and it brought another small smile to Jeremy’s face. “No, no, of course not. I did think we could have lunch together, though. If you’d like?”
Jeremy shrugged again. “Sounds good to me. Lead the way, Doc.”
Lunch was... well, not terrible . It reminded Jeremy of high school cafeteria lunches: once-frozen chicken patties on almost-expired buns, with slightly soggy french fries and juice, not soda.
“I miss soda,” Jeremy lamented, looking at the juice can with a longing frown.
“You’ve only been awake for a few days without it,” Doc pointed out.
“Yeah, well, I usually drink, like, three a day.”
“That’s... terrible for your health. It will rot your organs from the inside and your teeth from your head, not to mention what the caffeine is doing to your heart--”
“Yeah, yeah, well. Somethin’s gotta kill me, right?” Jeremy shrugged, sipping his juice.
Doc just frowned. “I suppose we all have our vices,” he acquiesced.
“Even you, Doc?” Jeremy smirked, and Doc rolled his eyes.
“Yes, even me.” His patient wiggled his eyebrows, and he scoffed. “I doubt you really want to hear about what sort of habits I’ve acquired over the years. I’d rather talk about you, actually.” Jeremy seemed to deflate a little, but Doc pushed forward nonetheless. “What does your mother do? I haven’t seen her come by as often as she used to.”
Jeremy gave an owlish blink, taken off-guard by the question. “Oh. I thought you were gonna talk about, like... medical stuff. Like my legs or whatever.” Doc shrugged. “Well, uh. She works at Kroger’s most, and also at Sears, but she had to get an extra job and a few more shifts to pay for...” He waved his hand vaguely. “What, you into my Ma?”
Doc snorted. “Not at all. I just was wondering where she’d gone, is all. Any siblings?”
“Seven, actually.” At the doctor’s surprised look, Jeremy laughed. “They’re all older,” he explained, “and most of ‘em have moved away. Nicky’s still nearby-- he has a wife, but no kids.” He started counting off on his fingers. “Then there’s Finny teachin’ at a college upstate, Billy in the military, Vick in jail, Ronnie who owns a bar, Tony who’s a stay-at-home dad now, and Donnie wit’ his garage.”
“Gracious. Your mother is a... tenacious woman.”
“That’s one way’a puttin’ it,” Jeremy agreed with a snort. “She just... has a habit of hookin’ up with the wrong kind’a guy, you know? An’ she thinks it’s gonna last, an’ they end up hurtin’ her.” He frowned into his juice. “I try to tell her, but she don’ listen.” A few moments passed, then the boy looked up from his drink with his smile back in place. “But yeah. Eight boys. Two of ‘em are twins, too. Lord knows we didn’t make it easy for her, neither.”
“I’d imagine,” Doc said with a laugh. “Children are hellions when they aren’t in a pack like yours.”
“Plus we had all that energy holed up in a lil apartment in the city,” Jeremy added. “She’s a good Ma, though. Always tried real hard for us.” He trailed off, then seemed to remember something. “Hey, can I ask you questions back?”
“Sure, I suppose, though I can’t always promise you answers.” Jeremy frowned, and Doc shrugged. “I’m sure there are things you wouldn’t tell me, aren’t there?”
“...Alright, that’s fair, I guess. But, uh, howcome you got so much time to hang around me?”
Doc hesitated for a long time. “How do you mean?”
“Like, you got other patients, donchu? Shouldn’t you be, like, busy?”
“Well...” He hummed. “The short answer is, ah, no? You remember how nice the cancer wing was, yes?” Jeremy nodded. “Well, that’s this hospital’s specialty. Cancer. Specifically, bone cancer, as well as bone and blood diseases such as sickle cell. People come to this hospital from around the world to seek treatment for these things. But I’m a trauma surgeon, with a specialty in reconstruction and orthopedic. And I’m not the only trauma surgeon, so it’s sort of like we’re sharing the few trauma patients among us, and most are in and out...
"Plus, I like you. You have a lot of..." He continued, idly motioning with his hand as he searched for the right word. "Spirit."
Jeremy had a light dusting of a blush across his cheeks, and though he didn’t betray the fact that he noticed it, Doc thought it brought out the light freckles on his cheeks very nicely.
The Doc looked at him seriously, but with a softness in his features. “I want to help you find your spirit again.”
Jeremy was quiet for a while, staring at his empty tray. He didn’t look up when he spoke again. “...Sorry, Doc. My... spirit... was running. Running was what I did, it was what made me happy. But now I can’t even walk . Maybe we could make prosthetics work, but just one pair, not enough to have them sporty ones, you know? So it’s just... over.” He shrugged, then looked up at the Doctor, a weak smile on his face, his eyes dull. “Sometimes I think it’d be better if... I dunno. Ma’s in all this debt. I don’t really got anything, now. I just wish everything had happened different... Maybe Ma’d be good with seven kids.”
With that, he rolled his chair back from the table, grabbed his tray and clumsily rolled his way over to the trash can. Doc sighed, leaning his cheek on his hand and his elbow on the table. He pushed his fries around on his tray with a plastic fork, thoughtful.
Only a few moments passed before he saw Jeremy wheeling back over to his table. “Uh, that would’a been a cool exit and all, but I don’t actually know how to get back to my room from here. So, uh. If you could...” He scratched the back of his neck.
Doc smiled and stood with a nod. “Of course.”
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6-v-6 · 7 years
1-100. Just give it to me all
ALNLSNGLSG ARE YOU SERIOUS OMFG im so sorry this is going to be Long
1. Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? I’ll say Pandora just because it’s the only one I’ve actually ever used. If I used Spotify I’d probably like it the most but I don’t use those apps so
2. is your room messy or clean?VERY VERY MESSY I need to clean it but im lazy
3. what color are your eyes?Brown!
4. do you like your name? why?My birth name? No. And that’s why I changed it ahahahaha yes I like the name Jae since i chose it myself. It’s short and simple
5. what is your relationship status?Single 
6. describe your personality in 3 words or lessContradictory ....... Situational 
7. what color hair do you have?Currently it’s blue c: Natural color is a lightish brown
8. what kind of car do you drive? color?I don’t have a car nor a license :/ I want a motorbike tho ! a black one
9. where do you shop?I shop pretty much exclusively online. Buyma or Amazon, typically
10. how would you describe your style?I’ve been told that I dress like a “bad boy”. I like leather and black and ripped skinny jeans but I do like casual stuff too. Like hoodies and sweats
11. favorite social media accountIf this is talking about my own social media accounts, then this one right here on tumblr. I’m not very active anywhere else
12. what size bed do you have?uuuuhhhh I don’t know proper terminology but it is small
13. any siblings?Yup! I have an older sister and a younger brother
14. if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?Japan probably? It’s super pretty and I’ve always wanted to visit
15. favorite snapchat filter?hmm I don’t use snapchat that much but probably the flower crown one it’s cute
16. favorite makeup brand(s)I don’t wear makeup tbh so i dunnooooo 
17. how many times a week do you shower?7 I don’t ever skip showering 
18. favorite tv show?Psych? I also like the 100 currently
19. shoe size?asglnasg... god .... im a 6 in mens nd like a 7 in womens i have small feet
20. how tall are you?ALNSLGNSG im trusting no one has read this far so it’s okay to disclose this info...exposin myself.. im 5′2″ ............
21. sandals or sneakers?Sneakers !! I don’t wear sandals like ever
22. do you go to the gym?Yes! Only recently, actually! I just bought a gym membership with my friend and we’ve been going 3 times a week c:
23. describe your dream dateoh geez I havent really thought about this? I’m not very romantic or anything (im on the ace spectrum) but... i dunno. I think it’d be nice to just have fun together. An amusement park maybe? And just a lot of hand holding and smiles
24. how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?Upwards of 100 bcuz my mom keeps giving me money even tho i dont use it
25. what color socks are you wearing?HAH im not wearing any 
26. how many pillows do you sleep with?1-2 it depends on the night
27. do you have a job? what do you do?I work at the cafeteria in my school. I run the register and help to stock items and also serve food to people
28. how many friends do you have?wow this is a Tragic question. Online I have quite a few! In person i literally have....... 2. Barely that lol. More like one
29. whats the worst thing you have ever done?Killed my sister’s fish (on accident)
30. whats your favorite candle scent?I’ve never thought about this or really smelled many candles to begin with :( something mild though. Maybe a mild vanilla??
31. 3 favorite boy namesuuhghg 1) Cain 2) Luka 3) Eden
32. 3 favorite girl names1) Erin 2) Rayna 3) Kira
33. favorite actor?I rly dont give a crap about actors if I’m being honest lmao. Uhh choi minho :)
34. favorite actress?Lupita Nyong’o?? she’s gorgeous
35. who is your celebrity crush?I don’t have a crush on him but does Lee Taemin count
36. favorite movie?Princess Mononoke
37. do you read a lot? whats your favorite book?I read ff more than books these days. I don’t have a fav book
38. money or brains?is this what I prefer? Money binch if I had money I wouldn’t need brains also I’m dumb anyways 
39. do you have a nickname? what is it?No I do not
40. how many times have you been to the hospital?Twice? Maybe 3 times
41. top 10 favorite songscheck out shinee’s entire discography 
42. do you take any medications daily?Nope
43. what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)i ?? have no idea?? I guess oily? My skin doesn’t get dry so
44. what is your biggest fear?Probably flying. I hate planes
45. how many kids do you want?Exactly none
46. whats your go to hair style?? uh side-swept? I have no idea what to call it just what my hair normally looks like I guess
47. what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc)A moderately sized house
48. who is your role model?Not to be cheesy but Lee Taemin also Kim Kibum also Choi Minho also Kim Jonghyun also Lee Jinki
49. what was the last compliment you received?that I’m great? lol
50. what was the last text you sent?’okay’ to my mom lmao
51. how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?ARE YOU TELLING ME SANTA ISNT REAL??? okay but for real who remembers the age they find out omg .. i was Young so idk maybe like 13
52. what is your dream car?ohhh boy a lambo for sure
53. opinion on smoking?Gross. Smells terrible
54. do you go to college?I do indeed. I’m gonna be a senior ya’ll
55. what is your dream job?To be a writer I guess. I don’t really have a dream job
56. would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs?Suburbs? I dunno. I like living in the city I’d probably die of boredom in some rural area
57. do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?hell yea binch
58. do you have freckles?nope!
59. do you smile for pictures?Not for selfies but for other pictures yes I feel like it’s weird or rude not to
60. how many pictures do you have on your phone?like 300 something
61. have you ever peed in the woods?what the fuck?? lol?? no??
62. do you still watch cartoons?does voltron count :/
63. do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?neither if I’m being honest but Wendy’s I guess. I never ever eat at mcdonalds
64. Favorite dipping sauce?barbeque sauce?
65. what do you wear to bed?An oversized shirt and boxers lol
66. have you ever won a spelling bee?no i cant say I have
67. what are your hobbies?Writing, sometimes. Playing video games. Bein unhealthy
68. can you draw?Naaaah
69. do you play an instrument?No :( I wish I did but I never learned any
70. what was the last concert you saw?SHINEE WORLD V IN LA!!!!!!!!! BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!
71. tea or coffee?Coffee bcuz i h8 tea
72. Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?Well the coffee at dunkin donuts is worlds better so dunkin donuts
73. do you want to get married?no
74. what is your crush’s first and last initial?i dont have a crush
75. are you going to change your last name when you get married?’when’ lol i dont plan to get married
76. what color looks best on you?black, in my opinion
77. do you miss anyone right now?no not really
78. do you sleep with your door open or closed?open because if it’s closed my cat will scratch on it incessantly until she’s let in
79. do you believe in ghosts?hell yeah dude
80. what is your biggest pet peeve?when people like, dance around a subject. I prefer it when people are straightforward. Especially if they want something from me
81. last person you called`Honest to god I can’t remember. I don’t ever call people lmao so probably my mom
82. favorite ice cream flavor?I like Rocky Road a lot!
83. regular oreos or golden oreos?regular. Golden oreos are a lesser creation
84. chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?RAINBOW. GIMME DAT GAY SHIT
85. what shirt are you wearing?It’s just a plain white t-shirt
86. what is your phone background?ot5
87. are you outgoing or shy?Horribly, annoyingly shy although I can mask it pretty well
88. do you like it when people play with your hair?yes :D
89. do you like your neighbors?lmao I don’t know them?? They arent noisy though so yes I like them since they aren’t annoying or anything
90. do you wash your face? at night? in the morning?Both. I take a shower in the morning and wash it then. And then do a skincare routine at night
91. have you ever been high?no.... not that I know of. One time I took nyquil though and it Fucked Me Up i felt high but idk if I was or if that’s even possible
92. have you ever been drunk?nope. I’m not a huge fan of the idea of getting drunk. I don’t like letting my guard down like that so if I ever do it’ll be when I’m alone
93. last thing you ate?a mento 
94. favorite lyrics right nowthe entire lyrics to So Far Away by yoongi
95. summer or winter?WINTER. I hate summer fashion i like being able to wear my jackets and jeans and not Die of heat stroke
96. day or night?night I guess just bcuz I can be alone
97. dark, milk, or white chocolate?dark chocolate is superior in every way
98. favorite month?uhm.. December? Because its the end of the year and I’m on break then and Christmas and cold weather and hot chocolate
99. what is your zodiac signI’m a virgo 
100. who was the last person you cried in front of?uhhhHHHH I really make it a Goal to never cry in front of people since im just super uncomfortable with that and honestly dont feel comfortable enough around anyone to do that. My sister walked in on me when I was crying once though so her I guess
10 notes · View notes
t--o--f--u-blog · 5 years
☼☼☼☼☼ also think tank a white lecturer using the n-word when quoting literature in a lecture? I think she used it once outside of quotation as well certainly not meant in a disrespectful way, just seems unnecessary
☐☐☐☐☐ better have a justification at least but if you just use it out of the blue it always seems like some attempt at provocation 'i can say this because my interests are purely academic'
☼☼☼☼☼ mmmmm we're reading uncle tom's cabin, so it's hard to avoid
☐☐☐☐☐ should only be quoted verbatim if absolutely necessary, if there's no alternative I think
☼☼☼☼☼ yeah seems like she could have avoided it pretty easily
☐☐☐☐☐ if she's making no acknowledgement of the word's relationship to her privilege, that's rly not good
☼☼☼☼☼ yeah she's older so there might just be an outdated perspective there 'I'm just quoting the text, it was anti-slavery so I'm fine' sort of mentality maybe?
☐☐☐☐☐ still she would know about the contemporary attitude to the word and she should at least mention that! ugh like it doesn't sound malicious or super super racist, but eh
☼☼☼☼☼ Yeah I feel iffffy about it
☐☐☐☐☐ should mention it!
☼☼☼☼☼ Trying to work out if I should send email and if so how to word it
☐☐☐☐☐ mm
☍☍☍☍☍ be interesting to actually properly discuss it
☐☐☐☐☐ yep
☍☍☍☍☍ heck I’d be interested to know more of a history of the word basically teach properly why its offensive
☼☼☼☼☼ Yeah, I might bring it up in the tutorial different teacher, but maybe good discussion
☐☐☐☐☐ mm that seems appropriate i'd love to hear how that goes
☍☍☍☍☍ uhhh there was someone who used it at Bar Oussou  the host reallllly should’ve said something and I normally would but just too tired for confrontation
☼☼☼☼☼ Yeah ☐☐☐☐☐ was telling me Sounded very cringe
☐☐☐☐☐ v unfortunate most disappointed in yhe host tbh
☐☐☐☐☐ he maybe had a old-worldy attitude to it and didn't mind or was too cowardly lol which do u think?
☍☍☍☍☍ I think he thought it was in the context of the poem she didn’t use it to degrade someone directly, but the word itself is degrading
☐☐☐☐☐ ugh but the poem is in the context of fuckin oussou yep ppl need to have a think before using words
☍☍☍☍☍ I just think its great to have a stage to do emotional work, but it can cross a line into normalising shitty white behaviour
☐☐☐☐☐ mm
☍☍☍☍☍ I went to a coloured school so I can’t b racist wah wah wah
☐☐☐☐☐ and you have to consider your audience if your rant is dehumanising or brushes aside/causes suffering u gotta reconsider felt pretty ashamed on behalf of bartender/various black audience members not saying that dumb white shit would be acceptable with a different audience, but her obliviousness was kinda astounding
☼☼☼☼☼ wow yeah cringefest
☍☍☍☍☍ lol spoken word scene as a whole can b so lame haha rings true to why I/we left
☐☐☐☐☐ mm so macho! that's what I liked about talkbox some sensitivity there, gentleness
☍☍☍☍☍ still, I just wish people read more lok *lol
☐☐☐☐☐ yep I wish I read more
☍☍☍☍☍ like the stylistic range is generally pretty lame
☐☐☐☐☐ I guess that's why anyone reads mmm
☍☍☍☍☍ I wish I read more too
☐☐☐☐☐ hahahaha
☼☼☼☼☼ :')
☍☍☍☍☍ don’t mean to shit on everyon, I just think the scene as a whole and the conception of poetry is lacklustre - it doesn’t seem like the time for poetry, sometimes
☐☐☐☐☐ mm
☍☍☍☍☍ ppl too distracted by netflix uwu sounds like phones but too much
☐☐☐☐☐ doesn't seem like the time for art, sometimes! hahhh
☍☍☍☍☍ its definitely a time for music
☼☼☼☼☼ I think there's a place for poetry It's just raps and memes
☍☍☍☍☍ yeh but I play dat long game there might not b a place now but I’mma fkn make one whether you like it or not lol
☼☼☼☼☼ Oh yeah fair go 4 it
☐☐☐☐☐ loll
☍☍☍☍☍ I just mean that I think 'poetry' has evolved into other forms, and now the traditional form is struggling to find a place I mean does anyone pay attention to Victorian satirical cartoons? I don’t I think it’s also tho that the low brow is more apparent in the moment, the high brow more apparent from a distance the shit sinks, basically
☼☼☼☼☼ elaborate?
☍☍☍☍☍ time brings forward higher brow material while a lot of lower brow stuff falls back or like there’s an art for getting through your days, and there’s an art for elaborate long form spiritual liberation
☼☼☼☼☼ so u don't mind about a lack of audience now if your work has staying power?
☍☍☍☍☍ different works have different digestion time and yes that is what I’m saying
☼☼☼☼☼ hmmmmmmm
☍☍☍☍☍ hmmmmmmmm?
☐☐☐☐☐ personally I don't know whether I'm prioritising the reception of my work or its value to me right now i feel poetry/art in general are useful tools for thinking about the world useful philosophical tools i guess and idk whether i'm learning for the sake of my own knowledge/making 'better' art or learning so what I put out into the world is better received I suppose the two aren't mutually exclusive but yeah - feeling fairly indifferent to the idea of creating work that will persist right now part of me feels more comfortable with being lost forever lol or at least that I should become comfortable with that, bc that is what will happen inevitably
☍☍☍☍☍ I just think in this atmosphere of complete denial of the arts as an important component of society, as well as the stigmatisation of ritual and other mystical practices that used to house what we now might describe as an artist, its important that we follow our intuition rather than give in to a system that routinely prevents us having access to basic resources like I want to be there for whoever is there when this period comes to end and those peoples are looking for anything to rudder them, whether or not I’m alive
☐☐☐☐☐ you want to add to the cultural record?
☍☍☍☍☍ I want provide a map for future generations is how I would put it
☐☐☐☐☐ mm how do you feel one can ensure the persistence of their own work? or are you just hoping it'll be around for others I suppose whether or not anything lasts is out of ur control past a certain point
☍☍☍☍☍ for one I make an effort to give away a lot of work
☐☐☐☐☐ mm
☍☍☍☍☍ I also store it all and make sure that that stockpile is kept w care but I also think there’s something to be said that I try and operate within many pre-existing canons I also it’s important to use the more meme-y, short stay work to bring attention to the slower works yeah, re: canons, like tanka and before that wakka as poetic forms stem back as far as a thousand years - perhaps more by putting myself in conversation with the ancients... idk it feels a bit like entering a cultural refrigerator haha
☐☐☐☐☐ mm
☍☍☍☍☍ sometimes I find it better to see my individual works as modules that make up a whole more prescient than its parts (Morton lolz) soo... maybe my work won’t carry the same weight until I finish, so to speak who knowsss but this how I think about it lol
☐☐☐☐☐ best to try and contribute something I spose rather than do nothing w ur resources
☍☍☍☍☍ I’m weird with this shit u don’t have to be
☐☐☐☐☐ mm it seems fairly simple to me and not that weird
☍☍☍☍☍ not everyone should spend their life tending their gravestone it’s a job for a particular type of person, and I am it
☐☐☐☐☐ but in a sense everyone does anyway everyone does things with the future in mind or without it in mind I suppose
☐☐☐☐☐ and i guess that influences what you leave when you die eheh, whether you do it consciously or unconsciously
☍☍☍☍☍ I just am particularly stubborn that I have something to offer - I think its partially a result of being denied that a lot in school, I found other ways to have social bonds that were more... non linear bonds with past peoples, and inadvertently bonds with future people
☐☐☐☐☐ mm
☍☍☍☍☍ I find it frustrating that its seen as arrogant to suggest your work should be read after you die - if anything its remarkably humble as I'm acknowledging that I will never properly see the fruits of my labour it's a ridiculously isolating position to find oneself in, where your best friends - books, music, content - have no form of human intimacy with you and completely defy all survivalistic, lizard-brain humanity plus you're just on a total different dimension from most people you meet
☐☐☐☐☐ mm you're in a very specific position here
☍☍☍☍☍ lol goodluck catching up ☼☼☼☼☼
☼☼☼☼☼ unrelated btw
(☼☼☼☼☼ posts a meme in chat)
☍☍☍☍☍ see y'all @ da rally (in reference to the meme)
☐☐☐☐☐ where and when is this? oh oops thought you meant a real one
☼☼☼☼☼ hahaha
☍☍☍☍☍ xD
☼☼☼☼☼ structurally is the meme ok ? took the photo the other day, and just added the text.
☍☍☍☍☍ yes are u going to weigh in on the conversation tho lol
☼☼☼☼☼ nah not really
☍☍☍☍☍ meme fine
☼☼☼☼☼ I have so little to add
☍☍☍☍☍ well hm why make memes? why not write novel? do memes have staying power?
☐☐☐☐☐ it's a question of what timescale is important to you at any given time maybe
☍☍☍☍☍ oh absolutely - not trying to infer a hierarchy here, I just think there are different approaches for different problems
☐☐☐☐☐ sometimes I'll say something to someone so they'll remember it for tomorrow, sometimes I'll say something to someone and hope they'll remember forever lol mm I don't think I care about staying power that much
☐☐☐☐☐ memes have such a short lifetime, they're like cultural mayflies haha
☼☼☼☼☼ Yeah defs
☍☍☍☍☍ why tho lol
☼☼☼☼☼ Because the art itself can date while still inspiring change
☍☍☍☍☍ yeah so using it pragmatically like a single use tissue
☼☼☼☼☼ If you create something short lived, it (with the help of other artists producing similar work) is able to push art and society in a specific direction The butterfly effect I guess
☍☍☍☍☍ it's true that you have more effect in the current conversation
☐☐☐☐☐ mm
☍☍☍☍☍ but that conversation draws intensively on a language formed by the ancients so the two are dependent on each other, a back and forth
☐☐☐☐☐ and that's dependent on their work's longevity?
☍☍☍☍☍ not following ur question
☐☐☐☐☐ not following your point haha hmm
☼☼☼☼☼ so you're suggesting a works longevity is crucial in that it helps reinforce and update the ancient language in which short term work of the future will be influenced by?
☐☐☐☐☐ mm also - what if of all the work you make, it's only a meme that survives the passage of time?
☍☍☍☍☍ basically... like you're just reiterating points that have been made more in depth in 'higher' brow culture - that's definitely how I feel when writing raps
☐☐☐☐☐ like Roman graffiti surviving on the walls or whatever
☍☍☍☍☍ did you a hear copy of the I Ching, the Chinese numerology classic more than a thousand years old, was found in the 70s and had a heap more sections and a different order? effectively completely changing the understanding of the I Ching gotta get those nice lead storage chambers ayyyyy ahahaha it was found buried in a coffin, obvs haha
☐☐☐☐☐ mm
☍☍☍☍☍ a lot of Chinese philosophers only exist in so much as someone else described them
☼☼☼☼☼ But what does that changing of contexts of that piece actually mean for us? Is updated Ching from the coffin helping us in any way?
☍☍☍☍☍ I think for me finding the I Ching and looking over it is like a person in a thousand years finding a functional iPhone it gives great insight into human impulses regardless of time and offers a way of writing the past a new, which in turn presents a new future (thinking of the cowboy article you sent me) reconceptualizing the past IS the future look at 'Make America Great Again' or calls to restore the caliphate both are founded on histories that have more to do with our current state than the actual happenings of the past
☼☼☼☼☼ I do see where you're coming from I like the idea that it's important to preserve our work for understand the past better And I hope that someone in the future will have a clearer understanding of our time through your well preserved works But what fucking future is it
☍☍☍☍☍ haha but like looking back we see people been asking that for a veeery long time I get it seems on a new scale but we're on a new scale too
☼☼☼☼☼ It does seem that yes Also if we do survive and keep on teching on
☍☍☍☍☍ I'm for an integration of the human/natural binary where we properly acknowledge our mutual codependency, the earth and humanity that is
☼☼☼☼☼ Are we even going to be translatable? Is the functioning iPhone found by the future person going to even be able to be translated? Or will it be meaningless because everyone is already part of the grid
☍☍☍☍☍ where artificially effecting the climate for the benefit of 'nature' isn't seen as strange but completely akin to Aboriginal burn back practices
☐☐☐☐☐ i guess it's productive to hope that it will be translatable
☍☍☍☍☍ we've always interfered in the running of nature
☐☐☐☐☐ mm
☍☍☍☍☍ ehhh idk we translated fucking hieroglyphics
☼☼☼☼☼ Or future tech can look into the past and someone is watching our lives as we type this now, constantly being understood through our context in a way we can't comprehend through our recording processes shrugs
☍☍☍☍☍ I mean yeah, imagine if the internet was even vaguely archived
☼☼☼☼☼ You probably have a better understanding of how the future will pan out than I do tho
☍☍☍☍☍ even if 0.1 % was kept, it would be a massive resource
☼☼☼☼☼ No sass intended there, I'm sincere
☍☍☍☍☍ lol idk I just try to see a bigger picture and it keeps me calm remember me old saying? we survived the plague and nukes lol
☼☼☼☼☼ I just don't see the issue with creating short term work, especially if it is preserved
☍☍☍☍☍ oh neither do I
☼☼☼☼☼ Like a meme may have more impact than a novel rn
☐☐☐☐☐ well it could be argued that we're yet to survive nukes but I see your point impact on various timescales
☼☼☼☼☼ I've heard the plague make be thinking of making a comeback too haha
☐☐☐☐☐ mm
☍☍☍☍☍ oh duh peasantry is fully hip rn
☐☐☐☐☐ but like
☍☍☍☍☍ bring back the boils, they look great with my Balenciaga sneakers
☐☐☐☐☐ lol bubonic chic
☼☼☼☼☼ Pretty close to heroin chic tbh haha
☍☍☍☍☍ not jking that was tb
☐☐☐☐☐ but like, I don't find a huge amount of solace in the fact that we survived the plague
☍☍☍☍☍ "The Victorians romanticized the disease and the effects it caused in the gradual build to death. For decades, many beauty standards emulated or highlighted these effects. And as scientists gained greater understanding of the disease and how it was spread, the disease continued to keep its hold on fashion. and the severity of the corsets was known to harm the lungs in such a way that would increase the likelihood of transmission LOOOL
☐☐☐☐☐ mm Balenciaga look out idk it's a question of what capacity we survive in
☼☼☼☼☼ lollllll
☐☐☐☐☐ quite depressing to think about
☍☍☍☍☍ eating disorders have a pretense
☐☐☐☐☐ what if ecocide leaves a few insular eco fascist regimes who gradually diminish over centuries always engaged in pointless wars of attrition with one another lol
☍☍☍☍☍ I mean you could probably say the same thing of colonial regimes now
☐☐☐☐☐ just because we can survive, doesn't mean my outlook should b at all rosy :((
☍☍☍☍☍ point is its a big ol' world that has plenty of room for pain AND love any future pain you think is imminent probably already is happening, and nonetheless breakfast tasted good this morning
☼☼☼☼☼ 'The hipster middle class would dress with raggedy beards and large jackets and refuse to use deodorant, perhaps to reflect the look of people suffering from homelessness at the time. It is suspected that this made them less likely to be hired, and therefore more likely to become homeless themselves.'  ☍☍☍☍☍ ahahaha
☐☐☐☐☐ mm that's true hahhh
☼☼☼☼☼ Planning on making this into a full essay. Might not be popular now, but I think it has staying power? Soz for shitposting haha
☍☍☍☍☍ I was talking with ☲☲☲☲☲ a while back, and something struck me - she said, "I never thought this age would have its own fleet of particular medical conditions." (or something like that lol, translated via my nerd brain)
☼☼☼☼☼ Yeah that didn't quite sound like her But that sentiment is great
☍☍☍☍☍ 'fleet'
☼☼☼☼☼ In that ofc there is, but also wow yeah ofc!
☐☐☐☐☐ mmm hahh these conversations should be recorded so we can all think about em without scrolling up endlessly
☼☼☼☼☼ I do like the idea of people reading these works in the future tho
☐☐☐☐☐ and also so that they can be preserved for 10,000+ years of course
☼☼☼☼☼ In the same way we read the letters sent between dead artists now
☐☐☐☐☐ mm very true
☍☍☍☍☍ mmm
☐☐☐☐☐ messenger is not a particularly stable storage medium and also is more vulnerable to third party scrutiny although the fact we're reading artists letters now means that medium is also pretty fucking vulnerable to scrutiny lol
☍☍☍☍☍ I fucking found the word! (sorry was searching for it so hard) Neurasthenia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neurasthenia
☼☼☼☼☼ Americanitis lol
☍☍☍☍☍ uhh the page doesn't rly talk about this, but its like a condition of over-working effectively, and people would try and get prescribed the pills to treat it as a way of signalling they were a dedicated worker its total hokey
☐☐☐☐☐ wow yeah you mentioned this a while back
☼☼☼☼☼ oh I've heard a similar thing in Japan were workers will pretend to fall asleep at their desks to show how hard they're working No idea the trust behind it tho
☍☍☍☍☍ to this day, "In Japan, shinkei-suijaku is treated with Morita therapy involving mandatory rest and isolation, followed by progressively more difficult work, and a resumption of a previous social role. The diagnosis is sometimes used as a disguise for serious mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and mood disorders." a dignified mental illness uwu none of that lower class shit I'm a classy fuck with money, I don't get the same mental conditions as the poor lolol reminds me of now: I don't have shitty parents, I just have adhd (not to deligitimise all uses of adhd, just over diagnosed)
☼☼☼☼☼ mmmmm i feel u yes this has been a wild ride
☍☍☍☍☍ yes I’m leaving to get late lunch uwu have a good day in this cosmic spider web lololol
☼☼☼☼☼ :')
☍☍☍☍☍ Like the burning of this charcoal fire, our years too will soon expire Kobayashi Issa listening to Krista Tippet talk with Maria Popova, this particular phrase resonated with our conversation: we live in a world where disruption over-fetishised; we need cultural stewardship to help along new waves of disruption
☼☼☼☼☼ How would u define cultural stewardship in a practical sense?
☍☍☍☍☍ caring for the legacy of those past as a means of refreshing their insight for a new age a very straightforward example would b the importance of new translations, in this regard - as our understanding and depth of connection to Japanese society has deepened, so too have our translations dusting off the books so to speak in some sense I see that in our music too or reappropriating to a new context
☼☼☼☼☼ Well remasters are a time terry literal example Fuck
☍☍☍☍☍ time terry
☼☼☼☼☼ Pretty* not time terry lol
☼☼☼☼☼ lime berry yeah exactly
☼☼☼☼☼ Slime Jerry
☍☍☍☍☍ I mean rereleasing is an obvs example mhm but more abstract examples are how I’ve exported into both your brains Bridle/Steyerl/Haraway via conversation and art lolol I’m helping it move from one place to another same w Zappa lol
☐☐☐☐☐ also - looking after artist friends being generous I feel these are acts of pre-emptive cultural stewardship
☍☍☍☍☍ haha yeah definitely different time scales it could function on
☐☐☐☐☐ looking after and maintain communities
☍☍☍☍☍ hosting open mics lol helping teach ppl poetry lollll
☐☐☐☐☐ not allowing hate speech to creep into open mics lol
☼☼☼☼☼ Truuuuu Or anywhere for that matter
☐☐☐☐☐ not becoming so dusty that you actually have a detrimental impact on cultural progression
☍☍☍☍☍ I think religions only exist in so far as they have active practitioners
☐☐☐☐☐ mm
☼☼☼☼☼ Tru
☍☍☍☍☍ I think my sense is, in religion, this same argument plays out with orthodoxy versus mysticism Maintenance of buildings is in there too for religion People being assigned paid positions as the keepers and givers of religious knowledge oh yeah thinking a lot here of Shanzai, ☐☐☐☐☐, and the idea of an object as a lived practice
☐☐☐☐☐ when home I'm gonna do my best to archive this conversation mmm
☍☍☍☍☍ you’re going to steward our conversation bout stewardship ...
☐☐☐☐☐ this is all going in
☍☍☍☍☍ ...the tv where I am says “The comedian getting behind ‘Know Thy Nuts’” and there are big walnuts on the screen
☐☐☐☐☐ ???????
☍☍☍☍☍ “I didn’t realise chemotherapy would be such great comedic material!”
☐☐☐☐☐ ¿¿¿¿¿¿
☼☼☼☼☼ Huhhhh
☍☍☍☍☍ lol highly recommend https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/on-being-with-krista-tippett/id150892556?mt=2&i=1000429408054https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/on-being-with-krista-tippett/id150892556?mt=2&i=1000429408054
0 notes
natural--trash · 7 years
Tag thing, wanted to do it for some time but now im at my comp and stuff so uh yeah anyways
Rules: once you’ve been tagged you’re supposed to write a post with eighty-two truths and then tag twenty-five people
I was tagged by @fluffyliontae
Name: tsu (just call me that, or susu or smth yknow)
Blood type: A-
Nickname(s): susu, mym
R/s: single
Zodiac Sign: libra
Pronouns: eh whatever, on some days its he > she > they but it can also be a diff order so yeah seriously whatever floats your boat
Favorite TV Shows: W - Two Worlds (same), a Persona 5 anime could be one of them but there’s none
Long or short hair: long
Height: 162cm or so
Do you have a crush on someone: romantic none, aesthetic ones? squishes? hoo boy
What do you like about yourself: my eyes, that cute scar on my hand
Right or left handed: right
List of three favorite colors: too many, i mostly like colour combos, but light blue, black and #540003 i guess
Eating: nothing, i had brownie ritter sport a bit earlier tho
Drinking: water
I’m about to: draw
Listening to: Believer - Imagine Dragons
Kids: 0
Get married: nah
Career: I want money
Drink: water
Phone call: i think my uncle??
Song you listened to: before Believer there’s Bonfire on my spotify playlist but rn its Queen by History
Dated someone twice: nah
Been cheated on: thats a long story
Kissed someone and regretted it: dont think so
Lost someone special: hmm
Been depressed: yeah
Been drunk and thrown up: never drunk alcohol
Kissed a stranger: nope
Had glasses or contacts: yeah
Had sex on the first date: nope
Broken someone’s heart: not that im aware of it
Turned someone down: kinda??
Cried when someone died: yeah
Fallen for a friend: im aro, that doesnt work
Made a new friend: yes
Fallen out of love: no
Laughed until you cried: yes
Met someone who changed you: mhhh dont think so?
Found out who your true friends were: kinda (I’m sorry that I’m always answering like this omg)
Found out someone was talking about you: cant remember
Kissed someone on your fb list: i dont use fb
Lips or eyes: eyes
Hugs or kisses: hugs
Shorter or taller: taller
Romantic or spontaneous: platonic
Sensitive or loud: sensitive
Hookup or relationship: friendship
Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
Best friend: have conatct with both or them but we’re not as close? although I still don’t mind lying/rolling around on his floor
Surgery: does removing my wisdom teeth count? (does it?)
Sport: swimming (I wish I hadn’t stopped)
Vacation: Turkey
Yourself: depends on the day (same)
Miracles: yeah
Love at first sight: i dont rly believe in romantic love, but other than that yeah has flashbacks to when x impulse bought a ps vita
Heaven: i want to
How many people from your fb list do you know irl: i still dont use fb
Do you have any pets: i used to have a duck
Do you want to change your name: yeah kinda i’d prefer something gender neutral
What did you do for your last birthday: i played video games at home bc i have no friends
What time did you wake up today: idk, fell asleep again
What were you doing last night at midnight: internet
Something you can’t wait for: when i move out
Last time you saw your mom: some minutes ago
What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: how my brain is sometimes
Have you ever talked to a person named tom: yeah, had a classmate with that name
What’s getting on your nerves: loud noises in the morning, often ppl i dont consider as friends
instructions: You can tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. Put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people. No skipping.
(should i do the whole thing?? ok lemme get my phone pls note that i havent gotten the p5 ost yet)
Obtained a Berry! - DP OST
actually there comes some more Nintendo OST
Awake -BTS
Young Forever (unplugged ver) - BTS
crow tit (jpn) - bts
Mein Block - Sido
We don’t talk anymore - Jungkook
a song i do not remember what it was
Faint - Linkin Park
La la La - naughty boy
i think its time to make a new playlist bc i dont listen to some pop songs anymore
so uh yeah the whole thing it is
5 things you’d find in my bag:
tissues, a shit ton
probably some paper
5 things you’d find in my bedroom:
stuffed animals
my computer
5 things i always wanted to do in life:
Get a job i love
Own a cat
Get a life I like
Have ppl I’m close with that are not far away
5 things i’m currently into:
video games
persona 5, fire emblem heroes (they deserve their own point)
ummm edgesthetic?
5 things on my to do list:
go to a BTS concert
get a part time job
learn Japanese and perhaps Korean and get better at French
visit all the countries I still want to go to
get better at drawing
5 things people may not know about me:
I would love to study video game development but I’m too scared of what’s after that plus there’s no way I’ll get accepted hahaha
i love min yoongi and his mixtape bc he idk he helped me think that maybe not everything in my life will be shitty later and that maybe I’ll be able to be happy one day
I’m currently in a more down phase
i have problems with my sense of reality
i have a cute scar on my hand
Top 10 BTS Songs Tag:
  House Of Cards (Full Length Edition)
  House Of Cards [OUTRO]
  Good Day
No order from here on
4. I NEED U (Japanese Ver.) 5. FOR YOU 6. 쩔어 (Dope) 7. 등골브레이커 (Spine breaker) 8. 24/7 = Heaven 9. Blood Sweat & Tears 10. Not Today
I have time
10 groups/artists you like besides Kpop/liked before Kpop:
nqrse ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎
Fall Out Boy
Panic! at the Disco
DAOKO ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎
Die Ärzte
I think that’s it
uhh I liked Abingdon Boys School at some point
idk the old Sido songs aint bad?
10 favorite non-kpop songs:
ダイスキ - DAOKO
Das Grizzly Lied - Casper
パラサイト(Parasite) - nqrse feat.まふまふ,luz  
ECHO - まふまふ (mafumafu) feat.nqrse
p much any song sung by nqrse im sorry im trash hmu and ill link you some good stuff
Believer - Imagine Dragons
Bonfire - Felix Jaehn, ALMA
Die Vergessenen 1/2 - Casper
omg i totally forgot about OSTs Toberu Mono from The Last Stiry, too much from Persona 5 liek Beneath the Mask, Last Surprise etc
10 favorite movies:
i don’t watch enough :c
10 favorite tv shows, including anime & cartoons:
W - Two Worlds
Acchi Kocchi
Psycho Pass
I’m giving up
10 things you enjoyed before kpop/enjoy besides kpop, that won’t fit in the lists above:
video games
esp atlus n nintendo games!!
cute soft stuffed animals
flight rising
collecting cute key charms
collecting cute things in general
ten tag last movie you watched: i dont know
last song you listened to:  that one song mentioned above by Daoko
last show you watched: I Hear Your Voice
last book you read: Der Vorleser by Bernhard Schlink, don’t read it
last thing you ate: chocolate
if you could be anywhere in the world right now where would you be: Tokyo
when would you time travel to: itll be spontaneous
first thing you would do with lottery money: buy a loft
character you would hang out with for a day: P5 Protagonist
time right now: 23:52
the ‘or’ tag
build a snowman with v OR have a snowball fight with j-hope
get coffee with suga OR get ice cream with suga
go to the cinema with jimin OR the amusement park with jungkook
do a dance cover with j-hope OR sing a duet with jin
kiss rap monster OR cuddle suga
babysit with jimin OR dogsit with v
meet j-hope’s family OR have v meet your family
film a commercial with j-hope OR film a sketch with v
hug jimin OR hold hands with jungkook
go to paris with jin OR go to london with suga (sorry been to paris already)
film a drama with jin OR do a photo shoot with rap monster
attend an award show with rap monster OR wear couple t-shirts at the airport with jungkook
spend a lazy day with suga OR explore a city with j-hope
fall asleep next to jimin OR wake up next to jungkook
make up a silly rap with v OR a silly choreography with jin
have a fun picnic with j-hope OR a fancy date with jin
have jungkook serenade you OR have v sing you to sleep
have a dance party with j-hope OR sing karaoke with suga
go camping with jimin and v OR go to the beach with rap monster and suga
cook with jin AND bake a cake with jimin
have a sleepover with the hyung line OR a birthday party with the maknae line
celebrate halloween with jungkook, suga, v and j-hope OR christmas with rap monster, jimin and j-hope
rules: answer the questions with the first letter of your name, then tag 10 people. If the person who tagged you has the same initial, you must use different answers. you cannot use the same word twice.
What is your name? - Tsu
A four letter word? - text
A boy’s name? - Tom
An occupation? - tailor
Something you wear? - t-shirt
A color? - turquoise
A food? - tomato
Something you find in the bathroom? - toilet
A place? - Tokyo
A reason for being late? - traffic
Something you shout? - yells
A movie title? - something that starts with “the”
Something you drink? - tea
An animal? - turtle
A type of car? - tesla
Title of a song? - Tage wie diese - die toten hosen
I’m,,, maybe later @mama-kisu @metroid-fr (you can do the non kpop stuff) eh whoever wants i guess
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makin' bacon burgies
Aight guys today imma take you on a little barely literate journey on different ways you can make some sweet dough in a pixelated horse game dominated by bored 40 years old women who have made the decision to swap out yoga, accai berry smoothies and kale for a "realistic simulation focused on horses" well...a highly competitive genetic race with a core audience of 8 year old who think genetic is a pokemon #649. 
Now if i am honest i am not a good example of holding equurs but in the last 12 hours my reserve has gone from 600k to 10mil. for me equurs are not something i need as when i do i can easily sell my hordes of shit i have collected over time. so following my "slight dig at 40 year olds intro" today i will be covering 2 topics 1. My financial history and how to abuse it 2. My personal expenses and how to avoid them. 
My financial history 1. sale of horses (pretty basic sell horses!) selling horses i one thing but not making long term gain from the sales, its not worth it. if you are wanting to make gain from this remember NEVER SELL A HORSE UNDER 2,501e weather it is a cross or purebred they still cost 2,500e to breed and with public coverings used the minimum for that horse should be 3,001e this of course only goes for horses under 6 months after that they begin to cost (fodder, carrot and equestrian center boarding) for just one day (2 months) that horse can cost you 46e on top of the 3000e already. now the sales can be tough so really the best thing you can do is stalk obsessively, wait for there to be minimal foal sales at low prices go for 2600-3100e for a woken up 6 month old, remember don't board just wake for that sweet sweet aging point. tips: STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM BREEDING ARABIANS seriously there are currently 3x more Arabians than any other horse on the server they are the poor mans horse NO ONE want's or needs them, go for something a bit more exotic hmm Icelandic, Nokota's, Mustang they will all sell better especially if they are purebred (pssss...avoid cross breeding if possible), and check and label the horses i.e c/5%1109GP, labeled horses are just...easier to sell and once you have got an idea of the sales and costs it will come in handy i.e a pure bay TB foal will sell for 3000e but cremello? Up to 100k pretty good aye! 
GA, RA, seasonal coat stuff whatever you get me lets start with the easy one "seasonal shit" buy them when they are cheap hold onto them when you get them in an event watch the sales learn the prices then sell in the off season or fuck it CHRISTMAS aaahh yes a beautiful time full of children desperate to spend the pass pack there aunt bought them. sadly this Christmas i may have been saving up for it but sadly i was away, at least i got to sell my flammy flame sleiphnir for 45passes more than i bought it NOOOIICE. golden apples (stuff retired apples those aint shit on aus server legit they are only a colectable but...treat em the same way as GA's i guess) Currently the price is at 250k for a golden apple coat (excluding donkey), i personally aim for anything under 190k then sell for 200-250 depending on species, blup, genetic, training, bmi's and limit. when selling whether it is limited or not is quite important if its not limited dump it (psss..when choosing your own GA coats go for limited always like.... for real), if it is try and hold it as long as possible so when it does retire you can get that extra buck on top or become a collector.
hmmm i dont really have much more to say about gold apples...oh sell just under the sales price with donkeys even less, i sold today 30 ga donkeys for 170k they were all gone with in the hour and my golden apple horses all bought under 160k sold for 200k also with in the hour. go for a tad less but never less then the bought price.
sale of products
ill be quick with this one presenting epos' top 3 shop items 1. Carrots, thats right surprise surpise i am sure you have heard this one a thousand times and well... there is a reason for it ok lets break this down 1 carrot sell for 10e, in a 25acre greenhouse you can plant 25 carrot seeds at 1000e add 25 manure costing 2575e (if bought you should make it yourself though) give it 6 days for your 2503 carrots to be ready total profit without expenses taken off 25'030e and 21'455e if you are paying for manure + seeds. now lets say you have 100 acres of land the all growing carrots each week you will be making a total of 100'120e expenses not included, that pretty good for a once per week 5 minute job. 2. apples, simple let the trees grow no care needed sells for 3e literally a completely useless item all round they are just...easy 3. Manure, its shit (free) + Straw (cheap to grow cheap to buy) = shit in a bag selling for dayyuum good price (52e) now i would go through all the math and shit to help you know all the cost yadda ya but i really can't be fucked IT'S CHEAP BOOM BITCH HOW BOUT DAT. 
Misc income, Contest, Coverings, Competitions, Divines, Board, Missions and partner offer thats thats right! i'm smashing it all into one because this is starting to shit me, the first two misc and contest PPPfffrrttt that shits all luck and stuff though in the last 7 days i have made 284,860e out of it so.. thats alright i guess. 
coverings, in 7 days i have in the past made over 1.3mil, this just takes time, the right colts and of course a really high gp, if you have the time and patience i would suggest doing so not only that you will need to make sure you are either apart of a high gp team or constantly buy the next top gp release available, this is of course if you are after 7'500e per cover, coverings are a very good idea sadly i only had the patience for 1 week, now heres an easier option if you are just after a little work daily unicorns well...no just 1 unicorn for me that is my Arabian colt "Dancing in space" of course you could put up all sorts of cover for little to no cost but remember putting a lot into an awesome curly colt thinking he will cover so many per day for top dollar no you are wrong in the sense of covering it is best to use what is popular and spread the cancer known as the Arabian horse, when breeding unicorns though go for the uncommon breeds STAY AWAY FROM ARABIANS. 
Fuck alright where am i now lets see... competitions= nah like only if your a heavy blupper its good don't go for a "comp horse" as you will make fuck all doing so, though i will suggest entering the Grand Prix daily if you can you'll make something like 2000e just for entering thats like 16'000e daily for 8 horses or something idk lol i don't rank that low.
divines and missions if your not a cash cow with 100+ divines and skillors needing lessons its pretty shit, you could do lessons with your app horses but you won't so don't bother because w..wait for it it's shit.
board only worth something if you get type 1 boxes at lowest price or slightly higher, don't add any bonus and just put them out to the public for there app horses, not at all fancy BUT WE NEED THEM!!!
Huffff finally done the "my financial history guideline shit" alright expenses hmmm epos what do you waste money on cocaine, strippers, emma's sweet sweet EPOS NO well my expenses used to be shameful but they are pretty clean now, my top problems used to be boarding and bonus items but they are taken care of now.
Boarding option 1. buy your own shitty box type 1** stick the app slave in there and forget it for 60 days, pre easy stuff prestige and all that stuff i was told not to do, do whats easy and cheap bleh. Boarding option 2. click 60 days on the board page to display the cheapest center at that period of time aim for 1,200e in the afternoon and night this will be tough for a horse with low skill hint do it after update or close to too get them good cheap boarding.
Bonus items: well..when i started of in high leaping gems it was gospel to buy all the bonus item to put on the horse just to blup it in 15 minutes then never see it again, well that fucking stupid especially when your closest opponent is 50gp behind annnnndddd you fill your own competitions anyway, like don't if you can't afford bonus items dont use them if its a low gp and skill horse just fill it yourself from 0 participants dam easy. 
Aight im done now any questions just ask or what ever sorry for the grammar not sorry.
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settingittowumbo · 7 years
An Apocalyptic Work in Progress
Chapter Two
I’m so fucking sick of Susan. I know grief makes us do weird things and she just wants someone to talk to and she’s being human but I’m so sick of her fake, needy shit. I know she doesn’t actually care about me when she asks how I am. Don’t get me wrong, she’ll smile and sound pleasant enough, yeah? But it’s that suburban Splenda shit that you know she doesn’t actually mean. Not to mention she doesn’t even really listen to you when you answer.
“Oh, hi!” she’ll start with, pretending she just now saw you heading up the road even though her nosy ass actually spotted you from two blocks away. Then, when you respond—and she’s waddled far enough to bridge the gap between you—she’ll lean in closer and lower the pitch of her voice just the right amount to sound genuinely interested before asking “How’re you doing?”Then it really doesn’t matter what you say. It really doesn’t. But, for the sake of example, ahem:
“How’re you doing?”
“Well, y’know Susan, I’m actually not doing so hot right now. Cool Steve somehow managed to get stuck inside the deep freezer and from what I can tell, it looks like he choked to death eating the piece of wedding cake Max and I brought all the way back from our ceremony in Hawaii. At least, I can only hope he choked on it before succumbing to a slow death from hypothermia, but I don’t think I’ll ever actually know for sure. But that’s life. When stuff like that happens, sometimes the only thing you can do is move on and just be thankful that the excrement your best friend’s corpse expelled all over the inside of your Kenmore didn’t hit all your rations for the month.”
“Oh, that’s so good to hear, dogs truly are a gift from God…. Well, I just got Richard’s death certificate in the mail today. Really makes it all feel real, y’know? Oh, and they misspelled “Kaminsky,” can you believe it? I know the country’s still reeling from the Incident, but really? I’ll bet it was that new girl down there; those millennials don’t know their gender from a hole in the ground.. Oh, and speaking of holes in the ground! Say, I don’t suppose you’d maybe be willing to take down your lawn flamingos? …Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always loved them, it’s just, their legs remind me of, well, you know… those things.”
“Yeah, mm-hmm, cuz you didn’t bitch about them to anyone who would listen for months before the invasion, you lying, transphobic, self-centered hag.”
“Oh, bless you. Thanks for understanding, Kyle. Oh, and Cool Steve’s been scaring my squirrels away, do you think you could keep him inside more?”
“Fuck you!”
“Oh, fantastic. Have a lovely day!”
Okay, so I’m exaggerating and Cool Steve is alive and well, but I’m sick of her shit and she can calm the fuck down because ALL of us are hurting right now. And, if we’re being completely honest with ourselves, there’s something definitively sadder about losing someone with their WHOLE LIFE ahead of them than there is about losing an 84 year-old putz with type 2 diabetes and stage 3 liver cancer and wow, I’m going to Hell. But in my defense, it won’t be for a lack of HONESTY.
Now Max on the other hand? I loved him more than anything in the world. Even his glaring weaknesses intoxicated me.
“Hey, babe, I’m on the phone with my grandma and Cool Steve is getting into the trash. Can you take it out quick?”
“Batman doesn’t have to take out the trash!”
And BAM! It would be like I was falling in love all over again.
And that’s when he acted like an overgrown man-child. Can you imagine the first time I saw him performing on stage? Speaking fluent Spanish with the parents of one of his students? Filling out his own taxes? Making tikka masala? It was a really strange play. But unfff. 
The only way I can make sense of how great this man was is to pretend he was one of God’s angels granted leave for a few decades. And I like this theory for two reasons. One: dat ass was from outta this world, so it just makes sense. Two: it means I can dream about the day he comes back from active duty because he’s not dead, he’s just… away for a little while. 
I actually daydream about this one scenario a fair bit. So, knowing his love for drama, he’d try to make his return home like one of those videos of soldiers coming back from Afghanistan to surprise their families. Except knowing my luck, the camera would catch me NOT at a t-ball game with my loving, well-groomed family, but rather, standing outside on Susan’s lawn, urging Cool Steve to shit next to her bird bath while my pink bathrobe fluttered in the breeze and exposed my upper thighs.
But Max’s Uber could pull RIGHT up to that shitshow and he wouldn’t run because what we had was REAL. I pretended he helped around the house and he pretended I was actually a novelist working on a novel. I’m told relationship counselors call this “give-and-take,” and we were THRIVING.
...Until all of a sudden we weren’t.
Y’know, if you’ll indulge me, there’s a sort of sadness to an dried up river that can’t be explained away by the factors that contributed to it, something inexplicably melancholic for a thing of such beauty to come to an end that may very well be natural, but will always feel premature to those who depend upon it. 
This was our marriage, and our contributing factors were Max’s midlife crisis, caused by a lack of time and money. In other words, our funds got tighter and I did not. (Pardon the gay joke, but if a quip about anal sex is gonna bother you more than the fact that ACTUAL ALIENS EXIST and THEY’RE ACTUALLY HUMANS who ARE ACTUALLY WILLING TO MASS MURDER ALL THE MEN ON THE PLANET, then I think you’ve been conditioned, friend. But I digress.)
But yeah, as far as I know, that was the gist of it. I would hope there were more contributing factors than that, but Max never talked about it, and I never asked. I was too in love with him to let him go, so I did all I could do: I prayed nightly to Anyone who would listen.
Actually, in hindsight, I probably sounded like one of those pray-the-gay-away pastors and it’s a good thing no one ever heard me at the side of my bed.
“Dear God, please help Max come to his senses. Please let this just be a phase he’ll grow out of. Please don’t let him be out there sucking another man’s dick.” It would have shocked the world. The first morally upright homosexual, can you believe it!?! But I’m getting sidetracked.
Anyway—similar to the efforts of those pray-the-gay-away pastors—all my best, fervent praying was for nothing. All I got from my brief exploration of religion was the unshakeable knowledge that sexism is a fucking crock because after dealing with Max at this point in his life, I can never be convinced that a woman on her period will ever, EVER, be on par with the irrationality of a man going through his midlife crisis. EVER.
Oh, and Susan is a bitch. That’s the takeaway from this chapter. My relationship was on the rocks: the same blunt objects I'd use for murder weapons if I ever came across Susan in a dark, secluded alleyway at 4 o’clock in the morning.
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crazykendal · 7 years
woah if I were you I would .totally. read though this
did you pay attention to anything you were being taught in health class?   health class.. like family life or what
what are your feelings regarding shopping?   I hate shopping
do you think people have any misconceptions about you? Honestly im mean around a lot of people and I think people think im mean to everyone which is not true. I can get really soft with some people
have you ever worn fishnets? nooo...
do you go somewhere to get your eyebrows done? nowhere:)
do you believe prayer really works? no
do you have one best friend who is always there for you? yeah she’s weird
describe one of your most emotional farewells. haha nonononononoonon
have you ever been tied up? like literally or mentally.. ohhh god no
how many times have you been cussed out? dunno
does it bother you when people ask personal questions? no, it just means that they might care more
do you know anyone who’s been in jail? a tonnnn
have you ever considered acupuncture? No
have you ever watched the same sex undress? no..?
have you ever seen the last person you kissed cry? no
have you ever seen your mom or dad drunk? no
do you enjoy mario games? like super mario yes my dads a hardcore fan
do you think that necessities should be free? (ex. food, toilet paper) no you must work for shit dood
does it bother you when dogs lick you? no they love me
do you feed your pets human food? yeah haru loves chicken
which is worse: being sexist or racist? both are absolutely horrible, but nothing is worse than a perachel shipper
do you think suicide is selfish? man.. it ends the pain but it starts more pain to people close to you. It seems selfish but it really depends
would you take a dirty picture of yourself for someone you are dating? No
what are the most embarrassing songs in your itunes library? i dont have any embarrassing shit that i can think of
how picky are you when it comes to choosing who to kiss or not kiss? oooohh man idk
do you feel that having sex anywhere but a bed is more exciting? ..yyeahh..
in your opinion, is it ever okay to get back with an ex? depends on who
what’s the first animal you go to see at the zoo?  i never go to the zoo
what’s the strangest or rarest creature you’ve seen at a zoo? idk
what animal is at a zoo that really, in your opinion, shouldn’t be? all of them they want to be FREED
do you like zoos or aren’t you bothered? why so much fucking zoo shit
i offer you a cigarette, you say… nope i dont want lung cancer
why do you think you were put on this earth? to fucking suffer and to make others suffer
is it ever okay to hit a child? when is this? no unless they are gonna kill you
do you think violence in video/computer games influences the nation also? no i hate people who believe this
are you in any shape or form, racist? no
are you in any shape or form, sexist? no but i kinda prefer girls if you know what i mean :)
how do you think the world will end? either a nuclear war or global warming haha
what natural phenomenon do you find the most beautiful? death :)
would you kill someone who killed a child? how about YOUR child? sure dood
what is your favorite cover of a song? halsey covered justin bieber’s love yourself and replaced love with fuck. i relate to this cover more than I do with my family
have you ever been in love with someone who was fatally ill? no?
have you ever received or given a make-over? no..
do you know anyone who is HIV+? not that i know of
have you ever been to a desert? idk but I feel like i live in a desert
do you know any trans* people? yeah and also I met MILES MCKENNA yussss
what is your favorite beatles song? uh..
what is the poorest you have ever been? when I first had no money haha
i’m sure you know of the gamer fad on youtube. who’s your favorite? like youtubers?? oh god. I used to love ihascupquake, dantdm, and ldshadowlady when I used to like minecraft but its now more vanoss gaming, zac cox tv, thegaminglemon, thedevildoggaming, and lets play games
is there something written on your shirt right now? it says Mavel
what is your favorite song to play on guitar hero or rock band? ooh I love those games I just dont have it
where do you find the surveys you take? I follow an account
what’s one weird/annoying thing your pet(s) tend to do? BUB ATTACKS THE SHIT OUT OF MY OTHER CATS
what’s your favorite song by your favorite artist?   Salt Skin by Ellie Goulding, Colors by Halsey, Secrets by The Weeknd
do you have an “original character?” what.. like something ive come up with myself? If so, dont even get me started. I literally have about 100 characters ive created for this huge long ass collection of stories ive been writing for about 3 years.
what about a persona/fursona?   wut
do you ever MAKE your own surveys? no way
why’s it the woman who have to give birth anyway if the man is physically stronger in most cases? because the man isnt strong enough ;)
do you get good internet where you live? no my room has no wifi but my backyard is gr8
ever had a cavity? how many? yeah idk how many haha
ever broken a tooth? I thought i did once
what did you do on the playground at your school as a child? idk
are you into comics? I recently wrote a 60-70 page comic for a series im writing
did you ever have computer disc games you played as a kid? yeah GTA San Andreas all the way homie
what do you think of people who have therapists? pretty brave, my parents think i need one but i could never
do you have any of those adult coloring books? no I hate coloring
ever ridden an elephant? no
deserts: dreary or beautiful?   dreary
ever seen a panda?   like once I think
what kind a camera do you have?   I only have my phone
do you have stretch marks? where? don’t be shy, they’re tiger stripes! no
lobsters: cool or scary? i pet one once
opposoms: total vermin or cute? what
what tv channel dominated your childhood?   idk
ever actually seen a snake in the wild? my friend stepped on one when we were little holy fuckk
have you ever had a PET snake? what kind? no
ever had an encounter with a snapping turtle? they’re scary! no
do you like oatmeal? no
wherever you live, have you ever seen your national bird? yes
ever had a reptile as a pet that you had to feed crickets? no i got cats
ever play hearthstone? no but I know a guy named Hearthstone :)
ever gone hunting? biggest thing you’ve ever shot?   no
how about fishing? biggest thing you’ve ever caught?   MY DAD IS OBSESSED WITH FISHING HE HAS SPECIAL KAYAKS FOR IT AND EVERYTHING. But sometimes ill go fishing (like never) I caught some fish before
coolest place you’ve ever been fishing?   santa cruz is my life
which is cooler: african or asian elephant? I didn't know there was a difference
craziest thing you’ve ever eaten? nothing
what’s in a camel’s back? Idk ask the camel
steve irwin: foolish for messing around with animals or brave for teaching us? who dat
what do you think of people who put their whole life on social media? fine with me if they put up there credit card info :)
don’t you think it’s a bit deceptive to wear a push-up bra?   idc
do you truly believe we came from chimps? not from chimps but from earlier ancestors of them
well, what do you think of extra bones and even organs in our bodies? why do we have them?   people are just sometimes born like that
if you could choose anyone to be your father, who would it be? Han Solo
weirdest video game you’ve ever played? hmm gta v is weird for how inappropriate it can get sometimes even tho its the best game ever but probably sims 3
we’re having a pig-pickin’! whatcha eating? a what
ever been on a scary hay ride? no
ever been to a castle?   I went to Hearst Castle once
what’s your favorite kind of penguin? club penguin :) (ive never played before tho) rip
whales. should they be allowed in sea world? NO
ever seen an albino? whether it be human or animal?   yes
what do you think of the song “miss jackson” by panic! at the disco? omg have I never heard of that song whats wrong with me
what is the wallpaper on your best friends cell phone? my old bestfriend has a picture of her and new best friend, isnt that great haha fuck me
do you feel comfortable singing in front of others? depends :)
do you like using big words when you talk? No i dont know many big words
do you EVER use caps lock? NO WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT
are you loud when you’re having sex? well idk
have you ever wanted to drop out of school? i probably will want to in high school
when was the last time you watched south park? never
are you italian? nope
are you interested in photography at all? only in gta v
any survey takers that annoy you on tumblr? no
do you like bob marley? ive never heard any of his stuff
can you talk to your parents about anything without them judging or bickering at you? I never can or do
are you interested in art? sketch my life away
don’t you think we’re spending too much money on exploring the mere theory of climate change? No but when the worlds flooding they wont regret it haha
everyone always wants to know your favorite animal. what’s your SECOND favorite? I always say cats are my favorite but i also love chickens
who’s your favorite disney character? none
have you ever taken the eharmony personality quiz? no
do you take vitamins? if so, what kinds? idk
how much was your prom dress? what’s the most you’d spend? hahahahahahahaha kill me
would you marry someone of a different religion? ehh.. im not religious and i could never go to church every sunday so maybe not..
how did you learn the word “fuck”? my parents swear a lot
if you could make one of your enemies your best friend, who would it be? id rather stay enemies thank you very much
what is the last movie you saw in theaters? Spiderman Homecoming
have you ever got into a wreck?   not serious
do you think you are an argumentative person? yeah and i lose friends because of it :)
can you admit when you’re wrong?   all the time
are you easily confused? yeah people yell at me for it
do you think you would make a good wife/husband?  
probably not
have you ever caught a butterfly?   hey I used to be afraid of butterflies so no
have you ever deliberately tried to get someone drunk? no
do you like being kissed on the neck? never been kissed so yeah
favorite song by the band the offspring? never heard of them
how many times each morning do you press the snooze button? never had to, ever
when you go out to eat, what sides do your order with your food? idk
what video game or computer game are you best at? GTA V Online, ive become so good from 4 years of experience people think im a modder, fuck all those bitches, but its really funny when they think I can just drop money for them, id love to be a modder but I dont want to get banned
how do you normally come across new music? friends or the radio
what subject in school do you feel is the least necessary? science and english and history even though i love history
do you enjoy power outages or do you get annoyed? i dont care
are you pretty politically correct? kinda
have you ever behaved like a stalker?   no i have no idea what you are talking about :)
do you appreciate other people’s opinions?   depends on who
if you could pick your own pet name, what would it be?   I named my cat Bub so there
do you care what’s going on in the world? If it hurts me, yes
how many partners is too many? at one time, one is good but if youve had a lot in your life time i lose respect
do you examine the tissue after you blow your nose?   no
do you prefer boys to shave down there? uh..
how much does your mother know about your sex life (or lack thereof)? im 14 wtf
are any of your siblings married? what are their spouse’s names?   No but I think my sister is married to Finn Wolfhard
have you ever had a pet bird?   no
how many times have you moved in your lifetime? once
if you could get one piercing and one tattoo, where would you want them?   ahh only if it didn't hurt id get a red triangle on my right wrist (gotta be like ellie goulding) and a piercing? nose? maybe
would you consider yourself to be adventurous?   yes i love to adventure but no one ever wants to come with me :’(
has any part of your house ever been flooded?   no
is there anyone that you’re worried about right now? who and why? yeah, I cant say though. Their friend told me about some stuff
if you won a lot of money, would you donate any of it? to what organization would you donate it?                                                                 
describe the best friend you’ve ever had, or the best person you’ve ever known.   ive been friends with her for about 10 years and we've been fighting for months and ive finally come to realize she cares about me a lot more than I do about myself and she is really worried about me ever doing anything with myself. Ive just been really down with myself these past months
have you ever adopted a stray animal?   maybe
what time did you wake up this morning?   8:28 dont ask how I remebered
ever wonder if you’re someone’s everything? yeah but I know that it’ll never happen but like theres this one person id give my life for (just one person) she knows who she is
would you ever bleach your hair platinum blonde? like once ok stop it
what is your mom’s middle name?   Lei
do you know the color of your ex boyfriend/girlfriend’s eyes? n/a
have you had your wisdom teeth out?   no
your appendix?   no
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askdawnandvern · 7 years
A Lamb Among Wolves:Ch17
Chapter Seventeen: The Harvest Festival
"What about 'Fleece'?" Qali mused.
"Aw for cryin' out loud, we already vetod dat one!" Ada yelped. "Can't yas remember anyting?"
By now the family had long since arrived at the Harvest Festival proper. The elaborate decorated stalls and rides stretched on as far as Dawn's eyes could see. It had been much larger than she could have possibly imaged considering how rural the North Meadowlands was compared to it's southern counterpart. Gleaming golds, yellows, oranges and ruby reds shone from every angle, draping every attraction like gift wrap, All tightly packed in but still featuring large, already massively crowded lanes of fairgoers. A mix of scents from the myriad of baked delights hung heavily in the air, and Dawn found herself covering her mouth to keep from drooling. The Harvest Festival was so much more than she had even anticipated, and yet it also made her all the more nervous. It was so crowded, so many more mammals than she anticipated. How would they react to seeing her and Vernon? Would it be simple stares of disapproval, or something worse?
Dawn did her best to shake off the lingering thoughts as Vanna helped her down from the back of the truck. No, she was dead set on trying to be positive. The fair wasn't for anyone but Vernon and herself. She was going to enjoy it, despite the pheromones, despite possible onlookers, despite it all. The ewe was dead set on trying to have the best time possible with her mate.
"Well, I still think Woolly is a good one." Qali stated as she jumped down from Vanna's paw. The petite fox placed her paws on her hips.
"You dummy!" Ada barked. "I said dat one, remember?"
Qali placed a paw to her head, shaking it as she closed her eyes.
"Ugh, we've been talking about this so long I kind of lost track of who said what." Qali muttered.
"I swear youse are practically a space cadet, youse may as well work at MASA." Ada cackled.
"Hey! You-"
"Let's table it for now." Vanna cut in. " We can pick it up after the fair, right Dawn?" "Hmm?" Dawn turned back to face the tigress. The ewe had been lost in her thoughts.
Dawn blushed sharply, twiddling a hoof in the dirt.
"I-I'm sorry." Dawn muttered. "I wasn't really paying attention."
Vanna smirked. "Clearly the smartest mammal here."
Dawn suppressed a giggle as Ada and Qali flashed the large tigress the dirtiest looks the ewe had ever seen. It was clear that remark stung quite a bit.
"And how was the ride my Darlin'?"
Dawn nearly jumped out of her pelt before recognizing exactly who had spoken. Spinning around rapidly Dawn found her mate standing over her, a big grin across his muzzle. The ewe gave the wolf a playful slap.
"Vernon!" Her face reddened as she spoke. "You startled me!"
Vernon laughed as he playfully feigned a need to protect himself. The wolf raised his paws as Dawn's weak and ineffectual slaps landed.
"Easy Honey lamb! I'm sorry." The wolf said between laughs.
Dawn flashed the wolf a smirk, placing her hoofs on her hips as she struck a more confident stance.
"Hmm, I suppose I'll forgive you." Dawn teased. The ewe casually extended a hoof as she turned her gaze away from the wolf. "If you kiss my hoof."
She heard the wolf let out another soft chuckle.
"I'm afraid I gotta check something first." Vernon replied.
As Dawn turned her head back toward the wolf, she found Vernon had moved his nose in close to her wooly puff. At first the ewe was confused, until she heard the wolf take several big whiffs of the air around her. Before Dawn could ask about the smell, the wolf planted a kiss on the tip of her snout. Dawn quickly clasped her hooves over her nose, blushing intensely.
"VERNOoooOOOOn!" She squealed. The wolf had managed to get her again.
Vernon rose back to his feet, smiling widely.
"Seems the car ride helped kill the smell a bit." Vernon said.
Dawn frowned slightly. "S-should I-"
"Naw, it's still there." Vernon replied, grimacing slightly. "But it's dull enough not to spoil the fun."
Dawn let out a sigh of relief. For a moment the wolf made her worried that the perfume had completely worn off. With no protective barrier formed by Audrey's scent, the risk of making an entirely different kind of scene at the fair would have been something else for Dawn to worry about.
"Heya Snowflake!" Dawn turned to see Trenton approaching. The wolf had only made it a few steps before the tiny fox lunged at him. Within the blink of an eye, she had wraped her arms around his neck, swinging slightly from side to side as she hung from him.
"EiiiiiIIII!" She squealed, as the wolf wrapped his paws around her, pulling her to his chest. "This is going to be so fun!" The fox chirped. Releasing her grip, the fox now hung in Trenton's arms. Stabbing a paw out towards the fair, the fox began to chatter at light speed.
"OH Trenny! What do we ride first!?" She barked excitedly. "Or should we play some of those cheesy carnival games!?" Qali scratched her chin for a moment. "Where do we pay?" Qali was quick to snap out of her reflective thoughts, reaching her paws back up to grasp Trenton's face. The tiny fox playfully mushed the white wolf's cheeks around. "Oh who cares! Let's get going already!" She said gleefully.
Trenton let out a throaty chuckle. "Easy, easy there Flurrie Dust, we got two days."
Qali tilted her head back, planting a kiss on the bottom of Trenton's jaw. "Then we gotta make the most of it!"
Trenton gave a rough tussle of Qali's droopy coif of hair before easing the fox back onto the ground. "We will, we will." The wolf assured. With Qali now out of his arms, the wolf made his way over to Dawn and Vernon. With a gentle smile, the white wolf reached a paw out and placed it on Vernon's shoulder.
"You gonna be good to go?" Trenton asked, patting his brothers shoulder firmly.
Vernon snorted. "Pfft. We're fine. I'm over it. Thanks."
Trenton leaned in a bit closer, staring his brother in the eyes. There was an air of seriousness to it, as if he was searching for some sign that Vernon wasn't being honest.
"I'm fine Trent, we're going to be fine today." Vernon smiled warmly.
Trenton continued his glare for a moment before giving the wolf another firm pat and releasing him from his grip.
"Alright big bro, just-" Trenton paused. "Just remember what we talked about okay?"
Vernon nodded briskly as the white wolf turned his attention back to Qali. The fox hadn't noticed the conversation had effectively ended, she was far too busy standing on her tippy toes to peer at as many local stands as she could. Her nose raised high as she seemed to be taking in the scents as Dawn had been doing earlier. Trenton looked back at Dawn and Vernon for a moment, flashing them a mischievous grin and raising his eyebrows playfully. Turning back to his mate, the wolf gave her rump a playful slap, causing the petite fox to yelp as she jumped in place. Spinning around quickly, she flashed Trenton an irritated glare.
"C'mon Snowflake, we're burning daylight." The wolf seemed to ignore her reaction, instead beginning to walk off into the fair. "You wanted to hurry remember?"
"OOH Trenton!" The fox hissed as she rubbed her hind quarters. "I'm going to get you for that!" Breaking into a light jog, she scurried to catch up with Trenton's stride.
"You know you love it." The white wolf chuckled as he took one of Qali's small paws in his own.
And with that, the couple effectively disappeared into the crowd.
"Well, I betta get ova to dat truck." Ada muttered as she passed between Dawn and Vernon. "Hopefully I can keep Yuri from gettin' himself inta more trouble."
As the hyeness made her way to the corner of the family stand, and began to ease her way between the narrow alley between it and the neighboring stand, she flashed the ewe a smile.
"And don't faget what we said to ya eader." She said, pointing a claw at Dawn.
With a final cackle, she slipped between the flaps and disappeared.
Dawn turned back to Vernon to find him already looking down at her curiously.
"What happened?" Vernon beat her to the punch. The ewe had been eager to ask the same about Vernon and Trenton, and if he was truly in a better mood. Dawn scratched the back of her head, flashing the wolf a timid smile.
"Oh nothing." Dawn said. "Just sister-in-law stuff." Dawn's grin grew into a wide and cheesy one, which Vernon matched with his own equally satisfied grin.
"Sister-in-law stuff huh?" Vernon chuckled. "So I take it the ride was good?"
Dawn shook her head briskly, but as she went to open her mouth Vanna chimed in.
"She's one of us now." The tigress said, flashing Vernon a toothy grin as she reached down to give Dawn a pat on the shoulder.
Vernon made a mock fearful look as he placed a paw to his head, leaning back in fake woe.
"Oh no, now who knows what gossip is going to go on about me behind my back!" The wolf groaned.
Dawn giggled. "Please, what do you think I do with Judy?"
Vernon straightened back up, his mock fear dissipating in real worry as he eyed the lamb. His ears sagged slightly as he frowned.
"Y-you do?" Vernon said, voice quavering slightly.
Dawn broke into a loud laugh, placing a hoof on her knee to steady herself.
"D-don't worry Puppy!" She snickered. "It's a-all good stuff! I-I promise."
The wolf stiffened his stance, running a paw across his scalp as he tried to compose himself. The wolf's expression looked as though he was trying his hardest to appear not to care.
"I'm not worried." He said calmly, but the ewe could hear a tinge of nervousness in his voice. With that, Dawn grabbed his paw, squeezing it tightly as she smiled up at him.
"I know Puppy Love." She cooed, patting his paw with her other hoof. "I know."
"Now where's that Goofball?" Vanna interrupted thier playful spat. The large tigress had a paw above her eyes as she scanned the area for a trace of her mate. It reminded Dawn that the Zach question was still hanging in the air, something she had yet to ask the wolf about. As Vanna continued her search, Dawn gave Vernon's arm a few light tugs to bring his attention back to her.
"P-Puppy?" She mumbled.
"What is it Darlin'?" Vernon replied.
Dawn looked down at the dirt briefly, not entirely sure how to proceed. Vernon seemed happier, he seemed like whatever had set him off before they left was out of his mind. It made Dawn unsure as to whether she should even broach the subject, and risk bringing Vernon back down. Still, she had some inkling that whatever happened involved her, and was too curious to not at least try to see what had happened.
"W-well...this morning." Dawn stuttered. "I mean before we l-left..." Dawn trailed off, squeezing Vernon's paw tightly as she mustered the courage to push on. "What happened with-"
"ZACH! There you are!" Vanna cut Dawn off. Dawn turned to look in the direction the tiger was shouting, only to briefly catch sight of the russet tipped wolf before he slid behind the corner of the nearest stand.
Vanna placed her paws on her hips.
"Zach come over here!" She yelled.
For a moment the wolf remained hidden. But as Dawn watched, she saw his head poke out from behind the stall. From what Dawn could see the wolf looked very worried. His ears sagged as he looked toward the ground.
"Zach." Vanna said sternly.
More of the wolf appeared, and soon he was shuffling toward the group. He was still staring at the floor as he made his way over, like a child who knew he had done something terribly wrong. It took the wolf a while to close the gap between himself and the group, but he eventually made it to Vanna's side, and then slinked behind her and out of Dawn's sight. The large tigress glanced behind her back in confusion.
"Zach, what is going on?" Vanna said bluntly.
Dawn could hear quiet mumbling from behind the wall of mammal that was Vanna, but nothing descernable.
"What?" Vanna asked, clearly having just as hard a time hearing him as Dawn had.
After another awkwardly quiet moment, the wolf poked his head out from behind Vanna, and slowly managed to bring his eye-line up to Dawn's.
"U-Uh..." Zach stammered. The wolf glanced back at the floor briefly before making eye contact with Dawn again. "I-I'm sorry Vern." Zach stuttered. "I'm so s-"
"We're over it Zach." Vernon interrupted. His reply was terse and stiff, but it seemed earnest.
Dawn looked at Vernon in surprise.
"V-Vernon are you sure it-"
"Dawn trust me." Vernon added. "I'm over it."
Looking back at Zach, the ewe could see he was equally as confused. His head tilted as the wolf warily crept out from behind his mate.
"R-really?" Zach sputtered. "Y-you forgive me?"
The wolf squeezed the bridge of his muzzle and closed his eyes, letting out a long, exasperated sounding sigh.
"Y-yeah, we're fine Zach." Vernon muttered.
"But what happened?" Dawn asked. "Did it have to do wit-"
"It was family stuff." Vernon interrupted. "It's not worth worrying about Dawn. Trust me."
"But Vernon."
"Dawn look." The wolf sighed. Vernon kneeled down to her level, placing a paw on her shoulder as he stared into her eyes. "I want us to have fun today. Just the two of us." The wolf wiped a paw across his face. "So I decided I wasn't going to worry about any of the other stuff."
The wolf flashed her a meek smile. "And I want you to be able to do that to."
"It was just about our Pa." Zach interjected, his voice seemingly firmer than before. It appeared that earning Vernon's forgiveness had improved his overall demeanor. "We just had a simple disagreement that got out of paw is all. It's all fine."
Dawn eyed the wolf skeptically.
"You should go have fun, don't waste time worrying about me and Vern." Zach persisted. The ewe continued to scan his face for a tell. Something still didn't sit quite right with her about whatever the argument had been about. She had her doubts she was getting the whole truth, but Zach's face remained unflinching under her scrutiny.
Dawn was ready to further press the reddish wolf, but before she could open her mouth she felt a paw under her chin. Slowly it steered her face back toward her mate's smiling face. The wolf's paw suddenly found it's way to the side of her face, gently caressing her as he continued to stare lovingly into her eyes. Her desire to question the subject was fading rapidly under Vernon's overbearing warmth.
"I just want to enjoy today with the one I love. That's my only goal." The wolf's smile had widened into a warm grin, the kind that easily pierced Dawn's most stalwart defenses. She knew whatever had happened involved her, she was certain. But her own desire to just enjoy the fair with Vernon, coupled with his seeming need to simply push whatever it was aside managed to win Dawn over.
"O-okay." Dawn stuttered, clasping the paw on her face with her hoof affectionately.
"I'll tell you some other time, if you still want to know by then, okay?" It was as if Vernon had read her mind. Her last grasp at standing somewhat firm had been seemingly predicted by the wolf, leaving her with nothing more to add. She was only left wondering exactly how far off that 'some other time' would be. But she quickly decided to brush it aside for now in favor of doing what her mate had said, and making the most of their time at the festival.
"Well then, I-Oop!" Dawn suddenly felt the ground drop out from under her. She found herself briefly swirling through the air before coming to a stop high off the ground. It didn't take the ewe long to figure out what happened, especially considering she was now at Vanna's eye-line. Looking down, she could see the top of Vernon's head. Letting out a huff, she gave it a playful slap.
"Ow!" Vernon laughed.
"I hate when you do that!" Dawn giggled. "Warn me first!"
Vernon glanced back up at the ewe, flashing her a meek smile. "You know you love it."
Dawn groaned. "You Hunter boys say that to all the girls don't you?"
Vernon chuckled. "Only the special ones."
The ewe covered her face with a hoof in an effort to hide the blush from Vanna and Zach.
"Welp, you two have fun." Vernon said, giving the other mammals a wave of his paw. "I know we will."
Dawn found herself slowly spun around until the pair were out of sight, and soon she was moving into the crowd of mammals toward the rides and games that lie ahead. Looking back, she flashed Vanna a weak smile and waved.
"See you guys later!" Dawn chirped.
"Bye!" Vanna grinned, slapping a paw on the back of her mate. It seemingly surprised the wolf, whose stance was still somewhat slackened by whatever was bothering him. It was clear Vernon's okay wasn't enough to fully assuage whatever guilt the wolf was feeling, but Dawn would have to force herself not to worry about it any longer. Turning her view back to the fairgrounds ahead, Dawn steeled herself for the day ahead. She was going to have fun, they were going to have fun, and nothing was going to ruin that.
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