#but where is the purple kermit do not steal?
max-atomic · 2 years
Where are the muppet fursonas? Where are the muppetkin?
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theweirdestroller · 10 days
Crime Time!! Identity Theft, But Not Really
I'm back with the criminal AU! More actual crime™️ and a couple of fun references in the beginning because why not? I want to dive head first into this AU, but I also want to keep writing all the fun interactions between Mugsy and Peri rather than bother with anyone else.
'Nother reminder that the criminal AU is brought to you by me! And @cubbihue!!
“This feels illegal...” Peri mumbled as he picked through a couple more cards. “Do I look like a Neal?” He asked, holding up a card from some New Yorker. Mugsy squinted at it before shaking his head.
“Nah. Besides, I’m pretty sure he’s got his own criminal record that I don’t think you’d want to inherit.” Peri tossed the card into the reject pile.
“Why do you have his id?” The fairy combed through a couple more cards, picking out anything too obviously different from himself.
“Gave it to me for some prank on his boss or somethin,” Peri choked on air before Mugsy even finished his sentence.
“How the hell do you have Kermit the Frog’s id?!” Mugsy chuckled at Peri’s bewilderment.
“I ain’t gonna explain that one yet,” Peri stared Mugsy down for a good couple of minutes before returning to the stolen ids.
There was more silence as the pair slowly narrowed down the options. Eye color was a big thing, as Peri’s eyes were an unusual shade of purple in the right light.
“Marcus Wells??” Peri held up a card with a very familiar face on it. Mugsy glanced over Peri’s shoulder at the card.
“Don’t think you could pull that off, sorry buddy,” Peri set the card down.
“I want to ask about this one, but also, no. No I do not.” Mugsy snatched the card.
“You know the guy?” A nod. “I think I got this one at some parascience thing at the Galax Institute. You ever been there?” Peri was still staring at the card.
“Uh. No. Is it far?” The id was set into the reject pile. Mugsy had turned on his phone and was typing something into it.
“According to the map, it’s an hour or so walk away. So, if you wanna check it out, we could go some time,”
“Wait- Are we in Dimmadelphia?!” Peri’s voice took on a bit of a screech. Mugsy set down his phone.
“Yyyess? How did you not know?” The fairy’s face flushed.
“I- Uhhhhh... I was randomly dropped off. Or something...”
“Or something?”
“Don’t- I really don’t know how I should answer that,” Peri hurriedly picked up another id. Mugsy decided to let it slide for now.
The two continued picking through stolen ids. There were only a couple handfuls of cards left, and nothing was close enough to Peri for either of them to pay much attention.
“Maybe we should  just keep an eye out for your doppelganger and steal their id,” Mugsy suggested, leaning back in his chair. “Or go to someone who can make you one,” Peri shrugged and got up, snatching one of the cards as he did so.
“Whichever one you think is easier. I’m gonna turn in for the night,” Peri said, stretching his arms as he walked away.
“‘Night Peri.”
It was hours later by the time Peri re-entered the dining room. All the cards had been cleaned up from the table, stashed back in some box in Mugsy’s room.
Peri pulled out his one stolen id and looked at it. Marcus Wells. Hazel’s dad. Peri was still in Dimmadelphia. He could go out and find Dev if he wanted to. Sure, he wasn’t exactly sure where in Dimmadelphia he was, but the fact that he was in the same city had to count for something.
Maybe... Maybe he could just continue whatever it was he was doing for now. And if he came across the others, so be it. Besides, it’s not like he could go home. Not really. Not anymore.
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ilovefandoms102 · 4 years
Part 21
Summary: Scary shit goes down for the Pogues....
@lonely-kermit @iamaunicorn4704 @outerbongs @lasnaro @justcallmesams @jellyfishbeansontoast @agirlwholovescoffee @ma10427 @eb15 @lopineapples @fernweh-fangirl @hurricane-abigail @gviosca @runway-to-my-aid @tangledinsparkles 
Part 20 Part 22 
Note: I can’t believe this series is almost over! I’ve had so much fun writing this and I can’t wait to put out more content for you guys, so stay tuned!
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“JOHN B!” I screamed, JJ having to hold me back from running to my brother’s aid.
The plane was still going full speed right at the van my idiotic brother decided to stop in front of the plane’s path on the runway. My heart stopped as it was mere inches from crashing into the van. Coming to an abrupt stop, I let out a sob of relief. JJ hugged me hard, Kie wiping the tears from her eyes. 
“That fucking idiot” I spat, starting to where my brother was. Then we heard the sound of sirens, all of our heads snapping to where the noise was coming from. 
“You guys have to go” I said, turning to look at them.
“She’s right we’re no good in jail.” Kie said, looking at the two boys.
“I’m not leaving you” JJ said, coming closer to me.
“You have to J, you’re on probation.” I said, “Go, I can take care of myself. I’m getting us out of this mess.” I kissed him before taking off to my brother, leaving JJ screaming for me. Pope and Kie having to drag him away to wait for us.
My brother spotted me, his eyes wide as he shook his head at me. Sarah still crying and holding on to my brother for dear life. Ward trying to get up in my brother’s face before I wedged myself in between them, shoving Ward away.
“Don’t touch them!” I shouted, Sarah reaching forward to grab on to my wrist while JB’s hand went to my shoulder. 
“You Routledge’s never know when to stay out of it!” Ward yelled, coming towards us before we saw the sheriff pull up. 
“Sheriff help us! He tried to kill us!” I said to her.
“These kids are delusional, that one stabbed me while the little brat tried to kill my daughter!” Ward said, pointing at John B. and I.
“That’s not true! You killed their father!” Sarah yelled.
“Sarah shut up!” Ward bellowed, the sheriff looking at him with accusatory eyes.
“Put your hands behind your back Ward” the sheriff said, going to cuff him when a shot rang out. We all jumped at the unexpected sound, Rafe coming from behind the plane.
“Run” the sheriff said, looking at the three of us.
“Don’t think about going anywhere little Pogue, I have major plans for you.” Rafe laughed.
“You aren’t taking her!” John B. said, pulling Sarah and I behind him. 
“Watch me” Rafe growled, lifting his gun higher.
“Rafe stop!” I said, wrenching my arm free from my brother’s hold to stand in front of him. “I’ll go with you, just let them go.” I pleaded.
“Bubba no!” John B. shouted.
“You’re finally mine now little Pogue, not even your piece of shit boyfriend will be able to save you.” Rafe said menacingly. 
He grabbed my arm and hauled me off to his vehicle, which just happened to be where the other Pogue’s were hiding out. Sarah and John B. got in the van and took off, I watched them for as long as I could before Rafe pulled hard on my arm again.
“What a gentlemen” I said sarcastically. 
“We’re going to have so much fun little Pogue.” Rafe said as he started to open the backseat door, shoving me to it.
“JJ!” I screamed, hoping that he heard me. Rafe slapped me, my head whipped to the side, and hit the car door.
“Get in the fucking car!” Rafe yelled, shoving me harder. The harder he pushed, the harder I pushed back. I screamed until my throat was raw, starting to lose hope.  Then I heard my name being shouted, I turned my head and saw JJ sprinting with the other Pogues behind him. 
“JJ!” I croaked, Rafe taking his gun and hitting me in the temple. I blacked out for a minute, seeing stars behind my eyelids. 
Rafe was pulled off of me by JJ, Kie coming to catch me as I fell to the ground. I regained my footing and grabbed JJ before things could escalate as he and Rafe were both pointing guns at each other. The Pogues took off, running towards the chateau. We met John B. at the exit of the airport, jumping into the van.
“They think I did it, the police think I killed the sheriff.” John B. said, pounding his fist on the steering wheel. 
“You have to get out of here John B., lay low until this blows over.” I said, anger coursing through me that those dumb ass cops think my brother would be capable of this. 
“I could get my dad’s boat and we could meet you down the coast. It’s the fastest boat to get you there.” JJ said, my heart dropping to my stomach at the mention of his father. 
“You sure man?” JB asked. 
“Honey we can find another way..” I said, gripping his hand tighter in mine. 
“It’s the only option, there’s no other boat faster.” he said, looking at all of us. 
“You don’t have to do this JJ” I whispered.
JJ and I were sitting in the driveway at his dad’s house, my hands gripping the steering wheel tight. I didn’t want him to go in, especially since we were basically stealing from his dad. He didn’t respond as he got out of the van, going into his home. My heart raced, hoping the man I loved came out in once piece.
I know his dad wasn’t always like this, he was actually a pretty decent guy until his mom left. JJ never told me the reason she left, he probably doesn’t even know. I related with JJ on that level since mine left when John B. and I were 3. I couldn’t even remember the last time I saw that woman, I didn’t even consider her my mom. She was merely the woman who gave my brother and I life, the woman who left our family in the dust. JJ came out, an unreadable expression on his face as he got back in the van. He held up the key to me, faking a smile.
“Honey,” I whimpered, tears coming to my eyes.
“Told me he loved me, that he was sorry he was hard on me. He said I looked so much like my mom it triggers him.” he said with a smile, laughing as he shook his head. It took everything in me to keep it together, my heart shattering as I looked at my broken boyfriend.
“JJ” I sobbed, putting my hand to my mouth.
“Drive” he said coldly, not looking at me and staring out the window.
I did as he said, tears blurring my vision as I drove. We were meeting Kie and Pope at The Wreck to discuss our plan, not expecting to walk in on a screaming match.
“I’m sorry Pope!” Kie shouted, tears welling up in her eyes. JJ and I looked at each other, wondering what they could possibly be arguing about now.
“It doesn’t matter anymore Kiara, I’m going to get some gas for the boat.” Pope said, storming out of the restaurant. 
“I’ll go with him, you guys go get the boat set up and we’ll meet you back there.” I said, following Pope outside. Pope was revving his bike engine up, I told him I was coming with and hopped on the back. Kie and JJ came outside, Kie running to us.
“Pope, please-” Kie started saying, but Pope revved the engine louder. I awkwardly sat there as Kie kept trying to speak. I looked at JJ who shrugged his shoulders, he came over to me.
“Be careful, please” he whispered, kissing me hard before tugging on Kie’s arm.
Pope took off to his dad’s shop, I held on tight as he sped along the streets. We pulled up to the gas tank, taking cans and filling them up quickly.
“So it’s not enough that you blew your scholarship, but now you’re stealing from me?” Pope’s dad asked. I was frozen in place as I looked at Pope.
“Dad, I’m sorry but my friend is in trouble!” Pope exclaimed.
“Your friend is going to get you in trouble Pope!” he said.
“I’m so sorry, I have to go.” Pope said, tugging on my arm to go back to the bike.
“Don’t even bother coming home! You are no longer apart of my family!” his dad shouted as we walked away.
“Pope,” I whispered, looking up at my friend.
“He’ll understand, hopefully..” Pope said. 
We got back on the bike and took off to the garage where the boat was at. We got there and heard a lot of commotion, seeing a bike that looked like Rafe’s. I ran to the door, seeing Rafe choking Kie while Barry was holding a gun to JJ. How Barry was alive, I’m not sure. I found a tire iron and whacked Rafe in the back, making Rafe drop Kie.
“Don’t touch her asshole!” I screeched, reeling back to hit him again. 
He knocked the iron out of my hand and punched me, I reciprocated and kept going. Hitting him again, again, and again. His face was covered in blood as I took my frustration out on this man who was the reason my brother was in trouble.
“YOU-TOOK-EVERYTHING FROM ME!” I screamed as I kept hitting him, Kie yelling at me to stop. Rafe laughing as I kept hitting him.
“Baby stop! He’s had enough!” JJ said, trying to come closer to me. I kept hitting him, my knuckles splitting at the force.
I grabbed some tubing I saw by Rafe’s head and wrapped it around his neck, choking him just like the many times he had done it to me. I screamed as I pulled it tighter, JJ trying to pull my arms off of Rafe. He was yelling at me to stop along with the other Pogues.
“Rot in hell you piece of shit!” I seethed, his face beginning to turn purple from the loss of oxygen. JJ got in front of me, grabbing my face and forcing me to look at him.
“THIS IS TOO FAR STOP! SNAP OUT OF IT!” JJ bellowed at me.
I let Rafe go, no one helping him when he dropped to the floor. I looked down at him with the most sinister look.
“Stay off The Cut” I said, spitting at him.
“Shit man” Pope said, running his hands over his head. 
“Are you nuts?! That was way too much, you could have killed him!” JJ yelled at me.
“Save it JJ, let’s go.” I huffed, rolling my eyes at him. He grabbed my arm to stop me. 
“No, babe, seriously what the fuck?!” he said again, I pulled my arm away from him. I wasn’t in the mood to talk about what came over me, we needed to get to my brother. 
“We need to get to John B. JJ, can you please just stop! It’s no worse than what you’ve done since you actually killed someone.” I said, putting my hand over my mouth. Regretting the words I stupidly said.
“Wow, ok” JJ nodded.
“JJ, no please I’m sorry” I said, trying to reach out for him.
“Get the fuck away from me, I can’t even look at you right now.” JJ said, his voice stone cold. My lips quivered as he walked away from me, helping Pope and Kie set up the boat.
I really fucked up now...
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funeral-clown · 4 years
for @matttheratking
happy birthday king
you ever take a look at your hands and wonder, how did i get here?
i don’t
pepe the prawn/rizzo the rat 4 times someone thought they were dating and the 1 time they realized they were
1. Kermit
Kermit knocked on the door rapidly, trying to quell his rising frustration.
“Rizzo, c’mon, open up! The cast meeting is in ten minutes, and you still need to present your ideas for the Pizza Rat sketch! It’s cultural relevance is dwindling by the second!”
When no reply came, he grumbled loudly before lifting his tiny green hand to bang on the door again. Before he could connect, it swung ajar in a sudden jarring motion. Light filtered from the dressing room into the dim backstage hall, illuminating the shadowed wooden floor. Kermit wished vaguely for eyelids, so he could blink. Instead he looked down.
“Oh. Er. Hi there, Pepe, I was expecting Rizzo.”
“I know,” the prawn snapped, “I am thinking the whole county knows! Your frog lungs are very loud, and I,” he gestured grandiosely to himself, “am trying to take a nap!”
Kermit coughed, feeling awkward.
“Right. Well. There’s a staff meeting in ten minutes. What are you doing hanging around in Rizzo’s room anyways?”
The prawn shrugged.
“We are the same size. It makes his clothes the perfect size to steal, okay?”
Kermit frowned.
“You have more arms than he does!”
“I also have scissors, okay? Now leave! This king of prawns, he needs his beauty sleep.”
“Yeah, well,” Kermit fumbled for the reigns of the conversation, “Well. If you see Rizzo, tell him-”
“I will be telling him you want to see him. Okay? Okay! Now leave! You are late for your cast meeting.”
With that the door slammed shut. Kermit turned to leave, only to hear a rusty wheezing laugh.
“D’ya think he bought it?”
“Of course he bought it! I am an ACTOR, okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Now help me back into this pizza costume.”
Inexplicably flustered, Kermit dashed towards the stage for the meeting.
2.Bunsen and Beaker
Rizzo and Pepe were playing their usual game of “Who Can We Scam Into Buying Lunch” when Bunsen and Beaker slid across from them at the table. The friendly banter halted immediately as they blankly stared.
“Hello!” Bunsen offered cheerfully.
“Meemeep!” Beaker echoed.
“Uh. Hi,” Rizzo responded. “What, uh. Whatcha up to?”
“Well! I’m glad you asked, my rodentious friend! Beaker and I were hoping to share our luncheon with our two similarly minded friends today!”
Pepe’s antennae twitched.
“So you will be begging off food too?”
Bunsen and Beaker looked at each other and laughed.
“Oh no, I’m sorry, but we won’t be trying to steal anyone’s lunch. WE have worked tirelessly through the night, and have constructed a perfect alternative for the worker on the go!”
“Please don’t blow to table up,” Rizzo muttered, “Please, God, don’t let them blow the table up.”
“Don’t be silly! Of course we won’t be blowing anything up outside of the lab!”
Beaker nodded, meeping in agreement.
“However, as a pair of hard workers yourselves-” Pepe laughed- “We think this might interest you.”
“Is it food?” Rizzo asked bluntly.
“In a way!”
“Is it sentient?”
“Not so far!”
Pepe looked at him and shrugged. He shrugged in return.
Bunsen jostled excitedly.
“Very well! Prepare to feast your eyes, and your bodies, on THIS!”
He rolled up the arm of his lab coat dramatically to reveal several stickers with various food shapes.
“Uh, Doc, I don’t wanna harsh your vibe here, but are you saying you’re edible, or are you trying the feed us stamps.”
“Not stamps, my dear friend! Oh no, these are no mere stamps at all! These are nutrition patches! A whole serving of food, compiled on a simple slab of sticky paper! We have cut out the need to eat entirely! We’re sure they will be all the rage.”
Beaker meeped excitedly, showing his own arms covered in piles of the things. Bunsen paused, alarmed.
“Beaker, I thought I told you to stick to just a few! These are still in beta testing, there’s no telling what wearing so many at once will do!”
Rizzo chuckled nervously.
“Hey, you guys haven’t seen Willy Wonka by any chance, have you?”
“No, why, does he work here?”
Rizzo and Pepe slowly started making their way from the table.
“Great visit. I would rethink the nutrient patch thing, though. Taste and smell and texture are all parts of what make food so great!!
“Plus, the unions, they will be all over you, okay? Workers will be told to wear patches instead of eat, it will be a whole mess, okay?”
“Oh, I wouldn’t worry, Mr. Prawn! Beaker and I have been in our own union for quite some time! Another thing we have in common!”
“....Yeah, sure, okay! Just be ready to juice him.”
“Juice him?”
Beaker slowly began to swell, turning purple.
“Juice him.”
In the frantic mayhem left behind them, one could almost miss the small exchange.
“How do you think he knew about the actors guild for small animals?”
“I dunno, okay? My question is how long until Kermit decides our next parody movie is gonna be Willy Wonka!”
“Honestly,” Rizzo added, “I’m shocked we haven’t done it already.”
3. Gonzo
“Wait, you’re moving out?”
Rizzo stopped to look up at him from throwing things in a suitcase.
“Of the room? Yeah.”
“But where will you go?”
Rizzo dropped the jacket he was holding and jumped up to sit on the bed.
“Well. It’s a bit pricier, rent-wise, but I was thinking down the hall.”
“You pay rent?”
Rizzo wished his eyes could roll.
“No you lamebrain, and neither do you! We all live in the same house, I just thought, you know, it might be time for me to move up in the world. Literally. I’m bunking with Pepe now, things are a little more my size with him.”
Gonzo frowned.
“Is this because I keep stepping on your stuff on accident?”
“It is, in fact! It is in part because of that!”
“I said I was sorry!”
“And I forgive you but you can’t help being a big.....whatever you are any more than I can help being a rat! And when a rat’s stuff gets crushed for the twenty thousandth time, a rat starts looking for other lodging.”
Gonzo sat on the floor so they were eye level.
“You’re not mad at me?”
Rizzo laughed.
“Nah, besides. I think your girlfriend wants to eat me.”
“Camilla would never!”
“A chicken can’t help being a chicken anymore than a rat can help being a rat!”
“Why not live with some of the other rats then?”
Rizzo scoffed.
“I’m related to most of em, and the ones I’m not want their own space too. If y’know what I mean.”
“I don’t!”
“Yeah that’s for the best. Anyway, aside from not getting stepped on anymore-”
“That was only once!”
“Ahem! Aside from not getting stepped on anymore, I think me bunking with Pepe would be good for us from now on too. Give us a chance to grow the act without being around each other all the time.”
Gonzo shrugged, setting a blue hand on Rizzo’s shoulder.
“Well. I like being around you all the time, Rizzo. We’re best friends. But if this is what you wanna do, go live with the prawn, I understand. Besides, I can finally fit that chicken coop in here!”
Rizzo laughed awkwardly.
“Yeah you go wild buddy. I’m gonna finish packing.”
Pepe poked his head in.
“Hey, Ritzo, you ready to go?”
Rizzo pulled Gonzo’s hand off his shoulder before hopping down.
“Yeah almost.”
Pepe squinted.
“There is a weird energy in this room right now, eh?”
“That’s just Gonzo. He can’t help it.”
“It’s a medical condition!”
“I pity your doctor,” Pepe stated.
Rizzo grabbed his suitcase and dragged it to the door.
“Hey buddy, any chance I can get some help with these?”
“Oh, sure!” Gonzo leaned over to pick them up, only to heave and huff dramatically trying to lift the tiny luggage with his fingers. “Oh wow, what do you have in these, rocks?”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Rizzo scoffed, “It’s the set of encyclopedias my mom sent me for Christmas. Now let’s go, it’s just upstairs!”
He and Pepe ran ahead before Gonzo could object.
“Well,” he muttered, “At least the suit each other well.” He jiggled the suitcases in silent reiteration of the pun.
4. Miss Piggy
She saw them practicing ballroom dance with Pepe in a tutu and just assumed.
Rizzo frowned at the mail.
Pepe looked up from the blueprints of the vending machine he was studying.
“What’s wrong? You look upset. We’re finally pulling off the snack heist of our dreams, okay! We’re never paying for chips again! This is a time of joy, okay?”
Rizzo hesitated.
“I just got a letter from my ma.”
Pepe got up and walked over, concerned.
“Is everything ok?”
“Yeah, it’s alright, it’s just. Well, look.”
Pepe scanned it over.
“Congratulations on your- Oh. She thinks we’re?”
“Yeah. And I mentioned it and turns out she’s not the only one.”
Pepe frowned.
“Yeah! Like what, just because we live together, we’re in a relationship?”
“And eat together every day?”
“And are listed as each others emergency contacts?”
“And know each other’s bank account information?”
“Wait, what?“
“Nothing! We were listing things!”
“I’m changing my pin number.”
“Eh, I can guess it again.”
“Back to the list, okay! And we, uh, we share clothes!”
“Sure, if laundry’s backed up! And we, um, we hatch schemes together!”
“Snack heist!”
“Snack heist!”
“And sometimes at night if I am lonely I steal your blankets to simulate the warmth of another person!”
“That’s- I have nothing to say to that.”
“Well I wouldn’t have to do that if I could just crawl in with you, okay?”
“You- Wait. Pepe do you WANT to be in a relationship?”
“I don’t know! If we get married we can’t testify against each other in court.”
“True. And it would be a pretty big tax break, if either of us paid taxes.”
“Kermit and Piggy would finally have competition, okay? We can overthrow there cutest couple powerstreak and usher in a new age! It’s the time of rat and prawn, okay!”
“Year of the rat, baby!”
“And prawn!”
“And prawn!”
They both stared at each other for a moment.
“So I guess she was right. We are in a relationship.”
Pepe shrugged.
“Eh. I could do worse. And you could not do better.”
Rizzo wished again, and not for the last time, that he could roll his eyes.
“Whatever you say, babe.”
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iwannafuckyexiu · 5 years
GOTH BOI AND ♪ WALKIN' ON SUNSHINE ♬ contrast man, contrast - from a cold and elegant god to a bright and radiant teenager.
It's a typical Saturday night and Y/N is out getting that cash at Rake, a shady underground bar popular for its big tiddy hostesses and youthful hosts. No, he's not a server there, only a bartender at where all the crowd is at which means shit gets busy as fuck. But Y/N doesn't mind, because who would if they could stare at pretty and refined boys all night plus some nice asses as a bonus.
"So how old are you?" Y/N brings up a question to the young man at the bar. He scans the shelf of glass bottles for the Vodka requested while also continuing, "You look bordering underage."
"I'm literally twenty this year!" babyface defends himself friskily, dust of pink painting over his cheeks, clearly the previous glass of alcohol is getting to his skin.
"Ahahah, well to me you definitely look like a snack to those older women or even men." Passing the glass of Vodka to the young man, Y/N moves closer to his ear and says, hot breath tickling against his skin, "You gotta be careful down here, don't take drinks from strangers and don't ever leave your glass unwatched."
The young man's smile clots for a second. "What about you then? You look about my age, just a little shorter," he changes the subject oddly.
Y/N goes along with it and answers, "Me? I'm seventeen, not legal but this place isn't too, so who really gives a fuck around here."
"Good point." The young man chuckles and inclines in agreement.
"Anyways, you lookin' for any f-"
"Ohohoh!" a raucous laugh cuts off Y/N. From the entrance of the underground bar, a guy in a black cloak smacks the back of the man that came with him, poking fun of him, "This place has some nice looking girls, maybe you wanna try getting yourself some pussy while you're at it here?"
Goth boy clinks his tongue, "Shut the fuck up, Twice. We're here to have a meeting, not fuck around." Head twisting in a stoic demeanour, he lours at his companion, turquoise pupils faint with venom slithering slyly at the edges.
The several guests at the bar hush down for a second, all getting the frigidity from goth boy's tone of voice but soon return to normal, only more wary of their surroundings. Everyone here is familiar with the underground rules - even if you hear something or see something, you don't; mind your own business, or you might end up found floating across a river one day, dead.
Y/N peers at goth boy there from the side of his eyes, pouring the Whisky into the glass for the guest in front of you. A cold beauty. Not mentioning those eyes, albeit his face is wreathed with purple patches, you can still tell that before those stitches adorned his face he was definitely hot as fuck (not saying that he isn't now). Picturing some R18 shit in his mind, Y/N wets his ashen lips with a suspicious shine in his eyes as he ogles at goth boy.
"Tsk tsk tsk, waste of some good looks," Y/N comments under his breath stifled, whilst he joggles the cocktail cups in his hand. He lets out a big sigh at the shame in the form of Facepalm-kun. If he got the chance to spend money on coming here, he'd definitely get like at least ten hosts and hostesses.
Goth boy looks over as soon as Y/N utters out his remark. The latter catches his gaze and gasps, then hastily pretends to not notice the eyes on him while he gives another customer their drink in cold sweat and a stiff smile.
"What's wrong?" seeing goth boy raise a brow at the direction of the bar, dark Kermit curiously questions him as he pokes his head out to see what exactly could make his partner interested except for vengeance.
And just as Y/N thought goth boy's going to maybe come over and beat him up, he only withdraws his gaze and carries on striding straight ahead with a poker face. "Nothing, let's go."
Let's just say that goth boy didn't go beat up Y/N mostly because he thought the bartender wasn't good enough for his fire and he wasn't very much bothered at the moment. Well, there goes one of the only exquisite charmers Y/N has seen in recent days.
Fast forward to after Y/N finishes his shift, around eleven at night, he changes out of his uniform and exits the bar by the back alley door. That night, he walks home with the face of goth boy just zooming through his mind.
Blotting up his hair with a white towel, Y/N saunters into the living room to find his sister calling him vigorously from the kitchen.
"ONII-CHAN ONII-CHAN!" S/N rushes over to him, footsteps echoing through the house like an elephant just passed by. "A-... a ... hah ..." she tries to speak but her lack of oxygen restricts her as her chest heaves up and down.
"Jesus Christ, calm down man," Y/N rubs her back fondly, "what is it S/N?"
After S/N catches her breath, she clasps onto Y/N by both his shoulders and literally wails in his face, "A letter came in from Yuuei!" She waves the letter in his face, so much that Y/N's vision gets rather muddled up from the action.
"Who was the one to tell me to calm down?" S/N lifts a brow up, taunting him.
"Ahahahhahhahahah. ... let's just look at the results now," Y/N awkwardly laughs then changes the topic to distract S/N. He tears the envelope open and the figure of All Might appears as a hologram in a sudden which petrifies the two for a second.
"Young L/N, I am here to announce that you've been," drum roll, "accepted into Yuuei! Although stealing a kill from another student isn't a very hero thing to do, you still got the point for it! And also you did help catch a lot of falling students which avoided a great number of injuries for us to heal, so that's a bonus!"
"Congratulations, my child!"
"Holy shit you're in!" S/N yells before she begins bouncing up and down around the house like she's the one who got accepted into Yuuei. After a while, her stamina goes back to zero and she sits herself down on the couch, taking deep breaths. "Onii-chan?" she realises that Y/N hasn't spoken at all after watching hologram, he's just been sitting down in utter silence.
But when S/N sees his face, she lets out a giggle, "Are you crying?"
The male springs up as soon as he hears that, "N-No I'm not! It was just sand okay?" The glossy shine in his eyes makes S/N think otherwise.
"Mhm, sure. Now spill."
Exhaling deeply, Y/N's head droops and his eyelids curtain over any emotions divulging in his irises. He pauses for a while, then says in a low whisper, "I'm just ... happy that I got in despite having such a fucking useless quirk in combat."
"Awh, is this a heart to heart conversation?" S/N is a mood ruiner.
Now the feeling of standing at a railing of a bridge alone and drowning in melancholy is gone, replaced with only the purest urge to give his sister a big ass slap.
"No, now let's go eat and celebrate or something," Y/N responds with a flat tone, clearly just wants to get done and over with the shameful talk. He gets up from the couch and strolls over to the doorway, fishing the chain of keys that dangled on the edge of the shelf to the left of the door.
Chasing after him, S/N tugs on his shoulder, "Don't try to ignore the fact that you were crying and melting, I saw it with my own eyes!"
"What do you want to eat?" Y/N disregards the statement and continues to ask her, successfully taking her attention away from the embarrassing moment that just happened not up to five minutes ago.
"Let's go to McDonald's! It's like five minutes away and twenty-four hours open!" her eyes gleam like stars while she thinks about all the fries she's going to get.
"Okay, now put your shoes on you lazy ass, you're not going bare feet."
"Woah that's a lot onii-chan, are you sure we can finish this?" S/N's pupils dilate at the amount of shit on the tray that Y/N sets on the circular table.
"Of course, we have you don't we?" Y/N retorts with a mock, a cheeky grin rising on his features as his eyes curl into crescents.
"Onii-chan!" S/N pouts and glares at Y/N, which honestly give him the chills with those shoujo school girl vibes.
"Hey, I remember you!" a voice calls outs. The two siblings turn to find the source of the sound but they only see a blur of yellow dashing towards them, not minding the queer looks that the other customers are giving them.
When the blur of yellow stops in front of Y/N, he takes a while to flip through his gallery of bishounens until he finds one that matches this blur of yellow, "Oh, it's you!" Like his switch has been flicked, his expression alters to one in glee, eyes flaring up.
"Bro!" the boy immediately hooks his arm around Y/N's shoulder like they were on intimate terms and takes a seat with them, joining their table.
Y/N stiffens for a second before relaxing his muscles and gripping sunshine boy's waist back, "Bro!"
"Did you get accepted? The results are out now!" sunshine boy lets go of Y/N shoulder to take a handful of fries from the pile on the tray, taking no attention of S/N glare.
"Of course! Why else would I be here celebrating?" Y/N remarks in an: 'of course I'm here to celebrate and not to cry, what are you thinking man' tone, as his hand mischievously rubs against sunshine boy's waist. And sunshine boy thinks Y/N's hand is ticklish around his waist but he just assumes it is a natural thing to do between guys, so he doesn't mention it.
"Oh shit, I forgot! We don't know each other's name yet right?" Sunshine boy bends over the table and looks up at Y/N from a lower view, enlarged flaxen eyes literally disarming his heart. "I'm Kaminari Denki!" he beams, and Y/N can swear that Denki's background sunlight is so bright that he's actually going blind.
"I'm L/N Y/N, Den-ki~" Y/N trills with devilry, batting his eye at the already red Denki, "Remember that~" He narrows his eyes into a sly smile.
"L/N," Denki makes an effort to not get flaming at Y/N's words as he mutters. But the boy cocks a brow as if saying: 'shouldn't we be on first name basis already?', and don't ask me how but Denki just gets what Y/N's saying.
Sunshine boy tautens then utters with sedate, "Y ... Y/N?" A vivacious smile responds to him instead of any words, but it still makes his heart blossom with warmth. So he returns a sincere smile of his own back.
Absolute harmony is achieved at this moment.
But it just cracks the next second.
"I need sunglasses to block out this fucking treachery," commenting monotonously, S/N spins away from this public display of affection to avoid poisoning her eyes.
Y/N breaks the eye contact (heart connection) with Denki to look across to S/N, "Language, B."
"Hmph," S/N ends the conversation cold and elegantly, twisting her head away from the two gayass shitheads that say they're 'bros'.
"So ..." Y/N starts, dragging out the end of the syllable.
"So ...?" Sunshine boy tips his head, repeating after the boy with a smile that kind of says: 'I am planning something bad'.
Y/N continues, "Can I get your number?" He props up his elbow on the table and lays his chin in his hand, from head to toe just screaming wicked charm (fuckboy).
"O-Oh, sure! I'll help you type it into your phone and you can type yours into mine." Denki fishes out his phone from who fucking knows where, keys in the passcode and slide it over the table to Y/N.
The latter does the same, but instead says, "1708, remember my passcode~" To which Denki just calmly replies to with a: 'of course~'. Sunshine boy's just used to it by now enough to stay thick-skinned it seems.
"That's a sexy home screen, the boobs are nice."
"Hahaha ... yeah ..." Denki laughs awkwardly and refuses to look at Y/N because he's sure that the asshole's probably got a shit-eating grin on his face.
After a session of both boys poking fun at each other with their contact names for people, they finally switch their phones back. And almost immediately they ask in unison.
"Pika pika?"
"Your future b-b-boyfriend?"
Y/N doesn't respond, he just nods as he props up his elbow, laying his chin in hand and smile at him with dote.
That continues for quite some time until Y/N's sister couldn't take it and breaks Y/N out of the gaze that is making Denki awkward, "Onii-chan stop staring at him, it's creepy." Denki, the subject of the gaze, just remains tranquil and zen - though the red tips of his ears sells him out.
Denki is screeching internally.
"Oh shit, I gotta go!" Denki yelps after he takes one look at the time on his phone, he briskly delves out a one thousand yen bill from his pocket and sets it on the table, "here's the money for the food I ate, I'll see you next time!"
"Well, I'll see you in April then," Y/N pauses then grins from ear to ear and continues in a lower voice, "Denki."
Even after he leaves the place, his rapid heartbeat doesn't seem to slow down one bit. Every pound hits the g-spot of his heart, making him clutch chest as he suspires by the side of the road, the aftertaste just cuffing him out now.
"Okay, my heart totally didn't skip a beat because of a guy, nonononono," Denki attempts to convince himself, holding his head between his hands just mentally breaking down. "I am as straight as a pole."
"As straight as a pole!" He clenches a fist and lifts it up high in the sky.
But poles can bend too, his mind says.
i feel accomplished as fUck man, i finished a chapter in a day aHAhaha.
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the-elemental-sides · 7 years
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The Elemental Sides: Chapter 2
Urban fantasy AU: The Sides are four spirits trapped in an amulet. When Thomas finds it and puts it on, he gains the powers of the four elements…or that’s what should have happened, but mistakes were made. Now the Sides have to coach him in their respective elements while Thomas deals with both his new powers and his ability to see into the magical realm. Not only is magic real, but there’s some pretty intimidating stuff out there, and only Thomas and the Sides have the power to stop it.
A/N: The newest chapter is here! Again, tHANK YOU for the nice comments and reblogs and likes. It’s all so appreciated!
TAG LIST (!!!!!): @shinylyni, @hissesssss, @vexation-virgil, @madd-catter, @rptheturk, @asofterfan
Previous Chapter
The ride back to Thomas’ apartment was silent.
Joan offered to stick around, but Thomas declined politely after swearing to text Joan later just to confirm he was still okay. He watched Joan leave, thinking about how lucky he was to have his friends.
Then it was onto more pressing matters.
Thomas’s eyes darted nervously around his apartment. Those hallucinations...were they watching him?
He touched the crystal amulet, which he still hadn’t taken off. The four colored marbles were dark.
“If there’s anyone in here,” Thomas said loudly, just in case, “I have a very intimidating friend who will curse at you if I don’t text them back!”
“Joan, right?” said a voice. Thomas almost fell over in spite of himself. The first copy was back again. He’d changed his clothes into a sensible dark shirt and tie, and he was wearing glasses...Thomas’s glasses?
Thomas ripped off the necklace and prepared to throw it at him.
“NO NO NO!” he yelled, and suddenly the other two clones were there too, trying to stop him.
“Don’t throw that!” the prince-ish one was saying. “Do NOT let go of that!”
“Stop yelling!” protested Thomas.
“Okay, time-out!” The third one was also wearing Thomas’ glasses, and he’d replaced his cat onesie with a gray sweater on his shoulders. “Indoor voices, now.”
“What’s going on?” asked Thomas.
“Thomas, we are inside that amulet, and we can only come out of it when you’re touching it,” the prince said with forced calm. “We just got done with spending fifteen years in there. Please put it back on.”
Silence. All the copies watched him. Thomas sighed and slipped on the necklace. “I’m gonna need some answers, because I am very confused,” he said.
“Allow me to introduce myself,” said the one with the tie. “My name is L—“
“Wait!” the strangely dad-like one said. “Don’t you want to hide our names with, I don’t know, apt descriptions of our personality, and then reveal our names during suitable moments with a lot of emotional buildup?”
More silence, but this time it was because everyone was just staring at him.
“Point taken!” he concluded. “Hi there! I’m Patton.”
The one in the tie growled a little. “Stealing my thunder, all right, that’s fine. My name is—“
“I am Roman!” the princely one declared with a dramatic hand gesture. “Pleased to meet me, acquaintance?”
“Uh, yes?”
“Of course you are!”
“Ugh! I’m Logan!” Logan scowled. “You guys are always ruining my fun.”
“Wasn’t there a fourth one?” Thomas asked.
“Oh, that’s just Virgil,” Roman said dismissively. “Or, as I like to call him, Ruby Gloom, the Grim Creeper, Raggedy Anxious, An Emo Nightmare—“
“You called?” the fourth copy said, appearing behind Roman, which made him scream and lose his composure.
“You—” Roman fumed. “Ugh! I don’t like you.”
“Isn’t that flattering.” Virgil sidled off to sit on the arm of Thomas’ couch. Thomas noticed that, in addition to a purple-and-black jacket, he had black makeup thickly drawn under his eyes. He looked a little like a raccoon.
“So, uhhhh….” Thomas said. “How did you know my friend’s name?”
“Because we know your memories, Thomas,” Logan said, clearly glad to be back in control of the situation. “You’ve been friends with them for a long time now, right?”
“Since you were the one who picked up our amulet, we’re a part of you now,” Roman said. “Or, to put it another way: you are lucky enough to have us around to guide you!”
“Wait, what?”
“So it only makes sense that we know who you are as a person! We have to make sure the right guy found us. Can’t have Dingo Dingus from down the lane stumbling around with my magic powers.”
“Um, again, what??”
“Okay, let’s back up,” said Logan. “In short: yes, we have magical powers. We would like to give you those powers. So we’re just poking around to make sure you can handle them.”
“Me?” Thomas said in shock. “Why me?”
“Because you picked up the amulet, son!” Patton said.
“I—that’s a little weird? I’m not your son?”
“You’re the shining sun in my heart!”
“Try to use them,” Virgil offered.
“Use what, the powers?” Virgil gave him a look that meant ‘well, clearly.’ “Okay, okay. Um, what exactly are they, though?”
“EARTH!” Logan yelled.
“FIRE!” Roman yelled.
After a long pause, Virgil said “Wa—”
“AIR!” screamed Patton, and waved his hands wildly, creating a gust of something bright green that blew across the room and managed to knock over Thomas’ lamp.
“...So that’s what we can do,” Logan said while Thomas picked his furniture back up. “But you? You can use all four of them.”
“Water, earth, fire, air?”
“Oh my gosh, I’m the Avatar?!!”
“You’re the what now?”
“I’m like Aang from The Last Airbender! Oh my goodness gracious, that’s great!”
“I’m...not following.”
“You know? The show from 2005?”
“We don’t know anything past 2003. We were a little busy being in a crystal.”
“But...how can you not know? It’s like, super popular.”
“We were supposed to be doing Captain Planet, but Virgil got it wrong,” Roman grumped. “Also, we don’t have a Heart.” (Patton, for a second, looked offended.)
“You know what Captain Planet reminds me of?” Thomas said thoughtfully. “That old thing, the Rainforest Rap.”
Logan gasped. “Now what is a rainforest let me tell you—”
Another gust of green wind blew across the room and violently blew Logan’s tie into his face.
“Whoops!” Patton said cheerfully. “I’m still a little airheaded after being out of practice for so long! Hey, why don’t you give it a try, kiddo?”
“Well, okay,” said Thomas. He concentrated, took a deep breath, and flailed his arms in the air like Kermit. Nothing happened except that he looked pretty silly.
“Earth might be more your style.” Logan created an illusory rock from nothing and tossed it at Thomas. It bounced off his chest and dissipated on the floor.
“Fire?” Roman asked.
“No, not in the apartment!”
“Relax! As long as we’re transparent, our attacks are too. Patton’s the only one who can touch anything.” Roman opened his hand and created a thin column of fire. He approached Thomas and carefully placed it in his cupped hands. The second Roman stepped back, it was snuffed out.
“Well, heckity heck.”
Thomas looked at Virgil, who made no move to try anything. “Mine’s not gonna go any better. Look, we should give this up.”
“What’s going on?” Logan asked himself, frustrated. “Skilled or not, you should at least have some grasp of using magic merely by having the amulet. I—Oh no. Thomas, when you put the crystal on, did you feel anything?”
“A little,” Thomas reflected. “It just made me feel really sick and dizzy.”
“Oh no.”
“Yeah, what, Left Brain?” Roman asked.
“We messed up. We have to have messed up.”
Logan started pacing. He was so nervous that he wasn’t looking where he was going. He walked back and forth straight through the couch and partly into the stairs. “The formulas…” he was muttering. “The compounds, the rituals we all had to perform. It was all perfect. I made sure of it. Who messed it up?” He turned on the other sides. “Who messed it up?”
None of the spirits said anything.
“Virgil?” Logan demanded.
“Why are you looking at me!” Thomas hadn’t seen the fourth spirit emote much, but he was furious when Logan accused him first. He stood up. “I’m sick of this, okay? I thought you’d have learned to treat me better after fifteen years. What happened to sticking up for me, Patton?”
“Hey, kiddo—“
“That’s enough. I’m out.” Virgil vanished. Thomas looked at his crystal just in time to see that the four marbles had been glowing again, and the purple one abruptly went dark.
“There he goes again,” Roman mumbled, but there wasn’t the same snark behind it.
“Can anyone...explain what just happened?”
“It’s not your fault,” Patton said. “But, uh. Logan?”
Logan stared at Thomas. He looked like a very old and tired college professor. “The ritual we used to seal ourselves in the crystal,” he whispered. “We weren’t always spirits, you know. We were human too, fifteen years ago. We were supposed to find someone, make sure they could be trusted with our powers, and move on. But if you got sick, it means our powers didn’t take. We’re trapped here. We messed up.”
“Logan…” Patton said.
“I worked so hard,” said Logan. Then he vanished.
“It’s not that bad, right?” Thomas asked Patton and Roman feebly. “If I learn your powers, the problem is solved, isn’t it?”
“It’s not just that,” Roman said darkly. “It’s...oh, never mind, Thomas. Look, we never finished the background check. We’ll go in the crystal, and, you know, confirm you’re all right to hand off our powers to. If you’re even capable.”
“Are you okay going back in the crystal?”
“Oh, yeah,” Roman said. “As long as you’re in contact with it, it’s not what it used to be. There’s a pretty sweet mind palace in the place now. Virgil’s already built his own room.”
“Don’t worry too much, okay, sport?” asked Patton as Roman gave Thomas a tired wave and disappeared. “Logan’s always stressed when he hasn’t had his jam fix in a while.”
“Is everything okay?” Thomas asked.
“It’s fine!” Patton was smiling as he always was, but Thomas couldn’t deny that he looked worried in his own way. “We made our own crystally beds long ago, and now we’re lying in ‘em. We’ll talk to you later, all right, Thom-O? Text your friends.”
“If you say so.”
“Would your ol’ pops lie to you?” Patton asked confidently. But before he vanished like all the others, Thomas thought he saw a flash of guilt.
Next Chapter
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Section 7 (I messed up the copy and pasted the middle of the chapter)
~~Part 7~~
Cupcake was busily exploring the lair under the wandering eye of Ringo. She had crawled around the now inflated air mattresses, bared her new teeth at the fanged man hanging on a pipe along the western wall, kicked the yarn of the knitting Berry, bitten the leg of the reading Icy, and pulled the hair of the sleeping Junior. The green frog puppet, who they had identified as Kermit, was sitting cross legged next to Robbies empty chair. He didn’t say much besides the occasional, ‘Leave me alone’ or ‘Put that down’ to the curious toddler. It wasn’t until she bit his leg that he actually raised his voice to let out an unholy scream that not only scared her and caused everyone to flinch and cover their ears, but also snapped Ringo back to reality.
  Ringo had been so caught up in his thoughts that he hadn’t been paying much attention to the antics of Cupcake. Everytime she passed Icy to get to another place he couldn’t help but stare at him. The way he crossed his legs at the knee, or how he periodically flipped his hair out his eyes. The way his electric blue eyes moved across the page of the book in his lap. With a sigh the ginger stood up and made his way to the crying toddler, pulling a pacifier out his pocket and popping it in her mouth before lifting her up and away from the frog.  “Sorry about that Kermit.” He apologized in a tired voice. Rather than holding her or allowing her to roam once more, he set her in the blanket filled pool.
  Kermit ceased his screaming and returned to his silent staring at the wall, an arm resting on the side of Robbie’s chair and his pineapple beside him. The room soon fell back into their activities, save for Icy who was glaring intently at the puppet. It was quiet in the lair, possibly due to the lack of Sportabork who still hadn’t returned after his angry departure from Lazymart. The only sounds were coming from the Lair itself, but even those were at a minimum.
  In RottenVille, Robbie Rotten was preparing to make the first of many nightly phone calls to his pets at home. He was sure they would be fine on their own, but he still found it necessary to check up on them. He already knew what would go down even without him being there, Cupcake or Icy would answer the phone; the cat that wasn’t able to get the phone fast enough would be whining and yowling in the background like a fool. Then he’d hear the ups and downs of the day, what pests had been found and killed in the lair. After a few seconds of silence the cat would just hang up on him with either a simple swear word, Cupcake’s favorite way of doing it, or a praise, Icy’s usual way of hanging up.
  Rita, unaware of the talents of her grandchildren, assumed he was always talking to a pet-sitter. She didn’t understand why he didn’t bring the pets she loved so dearly, even if they gave her the occasional frighten. Still, the elderly woman treasured the time she had alone with her beloved son, secretly happy to not have to deal with the usual hubbub of the creatures. She watched in adoration as her son dialed the number to his lair and waited for someone to answer.
  ‘’RING- RIIIIIIIIIIIING- RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING” The ringing of the phone startled all but Kermit who simply looked at it confused. Instincts kicking in the leather clad Icy rushed to the phone and put it to his ear. “Hello, Icy speaking!”
  “What’s happening at the lair?” Robbies asked, smiling at his mother. Normally he would call at night, but he had promised his mom he’d join her for one of her knitting circles tonight and wasn’t sure what he’d be able to call again. “Is everything alright?”
  “Y-Yeah, peachy.” Icy replied. Ringo waved to him and pointed at the device where they’d cornered Junior. “Well, actually we might not be fine…”
  Rita watched curiously as the smile left her precious son face. Had something happened to one of her grandchildren, was something wrong with the lair itself? ‘What’s wrong?’ she mouthed to him from across the room.
  “What happened?” Robbie demanded, trying to keep a level head. Internally however, he could only imagine the chaos that could have happened in the six hours he had been gone. He didn’t hear Cupcake in the background, was she outside the lair or dead? Did they destroy one of his various inventions around the lair? “Hello?”
  “The device on the first floor near your workbench, the one that resembles a microscope, what is it?” Icy asked. Behind him, Trevor was climbing off the pipe and moving closer to him in hopes of hearing the conversation better.
  “You mean my Therianthropy Scope?” Robbie relaxed, he should have known it was just the typical inquisitiveness of the cats. He gave his mom a hand motion to let her know that there was nothing to worry about. “It’s just one of many things you shouldn’t touch because as you well know, curiosity killed the cat.”
  “Yeah, well satisfaction brought it back.” Icy said sharply. “What does this Therianthroaty thing do exactly?”
  “Therianthropy, and none of your business, just don’t touch it.” Robbie replied coldly. He was surprised that Icy was being rude, usually it was that female cat that would sass him back like this. “You’ve already touched it haven’t you?”
  “I didn’t personally, but Trevor was on it earlier and it might have broken.” The tattooed man began hissing loudly from somewhere behind him, and the blue haired man knew he had to cut the conversation short. “Err…is there any way we could fix it?”
  “NO!” The shout that came from Robbie’s mouth caused Rita to jump. “No, do not lay so much as a pa- HAND on it!”
  “Understood darling, now I simply must get going I believe there is a mouse in the lair.” Icy slammed the phone down on it’s base so fast it nearly fell off the small table it resided on. He whirled around to find Trevor  inches away, his eyes narrowed to slits and tongue flicking in and out of his mouth wildly.
  “How DARE YOU PIN THISSSSSSSSSSSSSS ON ME!” The tall man jeered.
  “WELL I’M NOT WRONG!” Icy shot back, shoving him away.
  “OI, BREAK IT UP YOU TWO!” Ringo snapped from across the room, where he had been looking through the dictionary to look up therianthropy.
  “Quiet….” Junior mumbled from one of the mattresses. He didn’t want to wake up yet, he wanted to sleep more, but that was impossible to do with all this yelling and bickering.
  “Well it’s YOUR fault Trevor, if you hadn’t been on it in the first place!” Icy snapped.
  “Well if Junior hadn’t taken my socks!”
  “Keep me out of this!” The purple haired boy whined, pulling the blanket over his head. He had hidden the socks, yes, so he didn’t have much to worry about. “If Cupcake hadn’t been a coward!”
  “Cupcake did nothing, she was merely frightened by Trevor and wished not to start conflict!” Ringo jumped in at the defense of the toddler who was currently rolling around in the blankets. “Keep her out of this!”
    “EVERYBODY QUIET DOWN!” Berry roared, his voice thundering and echoing around the lair. It immediately fell quiet as the teen set down his knitting aside and glared around the room. “Look at us, fighting like children over who is to blame for our own misfortune!”
  “Well, it was Juniors fault.” Ringo pointed out, still going through the dictionary.
  “NO, IT WAS TREVOR’S!” The child insisted.
  “QUIET!” Berry ordered again. “It was all our faults, we were reckless.”
  “Me too?” Cupcake asked, pulling the pacifier from her mouth.
  “Yes Cupcake, even you.”
  “I sorry.” She put the pacifier back in her mouth and resumed sucking away.
  “Icy, you apologize now.”
  “Blaming Trevor, he meant no harm to anyone!”
  “Sorry Trevor, even though you were the one that activated the Scope.” Icy said.
  “I am sorry for blaming you Trevor.” Icy repeated, folding his arms.
  “I’m sorry too chaps, I had a large role in this. Going mad over socks of all things!” Ringo pinched his nose and took a deep breath. “My most sincere apologies to you all.”
  “I’m sorry for stealing your socks but you’re not getting them back!” Junior chimed from the mattress.
  “I’m sorry Junior, but if you don’t return those socks I’m going to throw you out the lair for the rest of the week.” Berry threatened. In a flash the child was rushing to a box of rags and throwing things aside until he held up Ringo’s precios socks.
  “I’m thorry for nearly biting you Ithy.”
  “What the hell dude, get away from me with your Dracula self.” Icy scowled, walking to the other side of the lair.
  “I sorry for poo.” Cupcake chirped from in the pool.
  “I’m sorry for Ringo who has to change her.” Berry looked over at the ginger who let out a loud sigh.
  “C’mere poppet,” Ringo groaned as he grabbed a diaper from the package.
  “Robbie, what was going on at your lair?” Rita sat next to her son concerned, rubbing his back with one hand and holding one of his with the other. “Are the pets alright?”
  “Yes, the sitter was just worried about them messing with one of my machines, it’s all fine Mommy.” Robbie assured her, giving her a tight hug. In reality, he was worried about what his devious little pets were doing. The lack of Cupcake in that last call worried him to no end, but he wouldn’t let that get in the way of him and his mother’s special time together. “We have nothing to worry about.”
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scarlet-knightt · 6 years
At the new disco kingdom, tronald and his wife broccoli-sama rained supreme. The kingdom had grown very large since the downfall of disco jesus.. the 8 people where now 13 people!
"Tronald, I'm perginant." Broccoli-sama said, barrel rolling into the room. "Fuck, OK I guess" tronald mumbled from atop his cheese thrown. After 3 seconds, the baby girl was born. "What should we name the little bastered?" Broccoli-sama said, holding the potato baby in her arms. "We shall name her Morgan Freeman, princess of hyrul- disco jesus" tronald said grimming. "Welcome to hell Morgan Freeman" broccoli-sama cooed.
"I heard that you had a little tater tot. I've come to curse her." Patricia said, fluttering in. "No, fuck you." Tronald said, calling over his guards. "Too late, she is now cursed. When she turns 16, she will turn into a hideous monster on every full moon." Patricia said, twerking outa the castle. "Ur welcome" she said before dramatically closing the door. "Fuck." Tronald said. "If only I had a son" broccoli-dama sighed.
~◇~☆16 years later☆~◇~
Morgan Freeman was now a beautiful person who was loved by all 13 people in the kingdom. But tonight was a full moon, and the prince of Netflix kingdom was staying over because whythefucknot. "I'm sorry lylah, but I must turn in early for the night" Morgan Freeman said to the prince of the Netflix kingdom.
"But why tho?" The prince questioned. "Cuz butch, I said so." And with that, princess Morgan Freeman fled to her room.
As the blood moon rose, so did the princess's horrible curse. The princess's skin turned a sickly green, spots appearing in certain places. Her hair was no more, she was bald. She grew a couple of feet, and her clothes changed to that of an ogre. "This is my swamp" she whispered while looking out the window.
The prince was hella determined to see the princess at night, cuz he was into her or what ever. He had decided to marry her this saterday, and had gotten tronald and broccoli-sama's permission, because permission is important, especially if you're trying to steal my god Damm cupcakes you son of a-
Broccoli-sama lead the prince lylah to princess Morgan Freeman's tower room. " Be on your guard. Ganon's power grows...it rises to its peak under the hour of a Blood Moon. By its glow, the aimless spirits of monsters that were slain in the name of the light return to flesh." Broccoli-sama whispered to prince lylah. "The fuck? What's that mean?" Prince lylah yodled.
"She's cursed, good luck or what ever" broccoli-sama said, opening the princess's door and shoved him inside. "Fuck me with a chainsaw" the prince breathed when he saw the ogre princess. "Lolkbye" broccoli-sama said, slamming the door shut. "Ack, oof, oh nose. Now you must hate me because I look like shrek." Princess Morgan Freeman sobbed.
"Nah, I'm in to chick's with curses." Prince lylah said, kneeling on one knee. "Princess Morgan Freeman, would you do me the honor of being my bride?" Prince lylah said, opening a small box that had a mint in it. Princess Morgan Freeman teared up, Putting her hands to her face. "Omg, yas" she said, eating the mint. The prince then got up and the started dancing to abba's dancing queen.
When saterday rolled around, the princess was back to normal and they were getting married. "Do you, prince lylah, take princess Morgan Freeman's hand to hold, in sickness and health, till death do you part?" The hero of thyme asked. "I kermit." The prince said with a smile.
"And do you, princess Morgan Freeman, take prince lylah's hand to hold, in sickness and health, till death do you part?" The hero of thyme asked again. "I kermit" princess Morgan Freeman said. "If anyone objects to the union of these two, speak now, or forever hold your pez." The hero thyme grumbled.
Then, suddenly, the door busted open and a tall, handsome dude stumbled in. "I OBJECT!" The stud yodled. All 13 people and Morgan's parents gasped. " Batman, is that you?" Princess Morgan gasped. "It tis i, the frenchy-est fri" batman said, tearing up. "It thought you were dead!" Princess Morgan yodled.
"No, I was just locked up in lylah's dungeon because I was going to marry you, but he wanted to marry you, kill you, and then take over the kingdom!" Batman screeched. Everyone gasped and looked at lylah. "Fuck, I've been found." Lylah said, stepping back. "But I must let you know! I'm not really prince lylah!!" Prince lylah sung.
Suddenly, in a poof of purple smoke, prince lylah turned into the witch Patricia. "THE BUTCH CAME BACK!!" tronald yodled and held broccoli-sama close. "Yus, and now I will leave. But mark my words. I will come back!" She said before disappearing in another smoke cloud.
"Fuck, well batman. You wanna marry princess Morgan Freeman?" The hero of thyme said. "I kermit" batman said, stepping up to morgan. " then I now pronounce you husbando and wifu" the hero of thyme rhymed. Then they all danced to the Narnia battle song and lived happily ever after. The end.
0 notes
meringuebones · 7 years
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1: How tall or short do you wish you were? I’m fine with my height. 2: What’s your dream pet (real or not)? A mabari or a nug from Dragon Age.
3: Do you have a favorite clothing style? Ninja-goth and street-goth are cool to look at. If I had a ton of money, that would be how I dress. But I don’t, so... I just wear plain black clothes. 4: What was your favorite video game growing up? Final Fantasy IX, Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask, Crash Bandicoot trilogy, and Spyro the Dragon series. 5: What three things/people do you think of most each day: My husband, money, work. 6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say? That I’ll sacrifice them to the almighty Dark Lord if they cross me. I don’t know. Whatever. 7: What is your Greek personality type (Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic)? Choleric. 8: Are you ticklish? Very much so. 9: Are you allergic to anything? Not that I can think of. I used to be allergic to bananas. 10: What’s your sexuality? Hetero. 11: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa? Tea. 12: Are you a cat or dog person? I like both, but I’d go with dogs. 13: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson? Elf, like a dark elf from the Elder Scrolls series. 14: Do you have a favorite Youtuber? No, I don’t watch any specific YouTubers. 15: How tall are you? 5′2″. 16: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to? I’m fine with my name. 17: How much do you weigh? Like 135 lbs. 18: Do you believe in ghosts/spirits? Yeah, definitely. 19: Do you like space or the ocean more? The ocean.  20: Are you religious? Not really. I consider myself Agnostic. 21: Pet peeves? People who don’t use their blinkers while driving, people who are rude to cashiers, people who steal art/writing/whatever and claim it as theirs, when the weather says it’s going to rain and then it doesn’t, silverware scraping dishes, interrupting me when I’m talking, and many other things. 22: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal (opposite of nocturnal)? Diurnal. I like sleeping when it’s dark outside. 23: Favorite constellation? Osiris. 24: Favorite star? Altair, just because of the name. I don’t care for the star itself. 25: Do you like ball-jointed dolls? Uh... sure. They’re kind of neat, I guess. 26: Any phobias or fears? Roaches, the dark, the paranormal, mirrors and windows in the dark, someone I love dying tragically. 27: Do you think global warming is real? Definitely. 28: Do you believe in reincarnation? It’s interesting, but I’m not sure if I believe it or not. 29: Favorite movie? I can’t name just one. It’s way easier if I were to be asked, like... what my favorite comedy, horror, animated, etc. movie is. 30: Do you get scared easily? Yes! Not as much I used to get, but I still manage to get easily scared by little things. I torture myself by reading scary stories when I’m home alone. 31: How many pets have you own in your lifetime? Eight were officially ours—two fish, two rabbits, a guinea pig, a dog, and two cats. One cat is still alive and with my parents. Then there’s, like, a million feral cats around that neighborhood that love being around their house. 32: What is a color that calms you? Gray. 33: Where would you like to travel and/or live? I think I’m fine with where I live for now, but I’d like to travel to Iceland, Bolivia, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Spain, Morocco, Egypt, Turkey, France, Romania, Ukraine, South Korea, Taiwan, and Japan. 34: Where were you born? Rome, Italy. 35: What is your eye color? Brown. 36: Introvert or extrovert? Introvert. 37: Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs? Not at all, but I do like reading the lists people come up with, like the zodiac signs as types of Pokémon or Greek gods or whatever. 38: Hugs or kisses? Hugs. 39: Who is someone you would like to see/visit right now? No one in mind. 40: Who is someone you love deeply? My husband. 41: Any piercings you want? Nah, I’m good. 42: Do you like tattoos and piercings? I do, but not on me. 43: Do you smoke or have you eiver done so? I have smoked, but I don’t regularly smoke. 44: Talk about your crush, if you have one! Uh... I’ll talk about a celebrity crush. He’s an annoying, bald Swedish dude who’s an exceptionally talented guitarist and music producer. Extra emphasis on the word ‘annoying.’ 45: What is a sound you really hate? Silverware scraping dishes, the vacuum, the blender, really heavy footsteps, the sound of vomiting, pots and pans clanking together. 46: A sound you really love? Rain, thunder, ocean waves, fire crackling, strong wind. 47: Can you do a backflip? Maybe. If I want a trip to the hospital right after, sure. 48: Can you do the splits? I can do a front split, but not a side split. 49: Favorite actor and/or actress? I don’t really have any. I mean, I have some I like and find attractive, but I don’t pay too much attention to them. 50: Favorite book? ”Death: A Life”  by George Pendle. 51: How are you feeling right now? Tired. I also still feel blah from that ramen I ate earlier. 52: What color would you like your hair to be right now? I’m fine with its natural color. 53: When did you feel happiest? Mm, probably when I got married this past Monday. 54: Something that calms you down? Usually laying down is enough for me. 55: Have any mental disorders? General anxiety and ADHD. 56: What does your URL mean? Bones made out of meringue. 57: What three words describe you the most? Mischievous, tired, creative. 58: Do you believe in evolution? Yes. 59: What makes you unfollow a blog? They haven’t updated in forever, they start reblogging too much fandom discourse, or they say some stupid offensive bullshit (e.g. racism, classism, homophobia, etc.). 60: What makes you follow a blog? They mostly post what I like seeing on my dash. 61: Favorite kind of person: ... Someone nice. Which I figure is what most people would say is their favorite kind of person. 62: Favorite animal(s): Rabbits, hares, bears, bats. 63: Name three of your favorite blogs. Let’s not. 64: Favorite emoticon: The ghost or pile of poop. 65: Favorite meme: Any Kermit or DW reaction image. 66: What is your MBTI personality type? INFJ. 67: What is your star sign? Cancer. 68: Can your dog roll over on command, if you have a dog? My dog’s dead and she never obeyed commands. She was way too hyper. 69: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most? Plain black zip-up hoodie, random t-shirt tucked into a black tennis skirt, black thigh-high stockings, a pair of black/white low-top Vans. 70: Post a selfie or two? No. 71: Do you have platform shoes? I have a couple pairs of wedges, if that counts. 72: What is one random but interesting fact about yourself? I can walk backwards like Regan from The Exorcist. Now... can I do it on stairs? Probably not without breaking my neck. 73: Can you do a front flip? I can on a trampoline. 74: Do you like birds? Sure, they’re alright. I think puffins are super cute. 75: Do you like to swim? I do. 76: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you? I’ve never gone ice skating, but I feel like I’d still answer with swimming. 77: Something you wish didn’t exist: Donald Trump. 78: Some thing you wish did exist: Fifty large sacks of money right in front of me. 79: Piercings you have? None. 80: Something you really enjoy doing: Sleeping and daydreaming. 81: Favorite person to talk to: My husband. 82: What was your first impression of Tumblr? I don’t remember. That was back in like 2010. Obviously I must have liked it enough if I’m still here. 83: How many followers do you have? Negative five. 84: Can you run a mile within ten minutes? I’m not sure. I could back in high school when we ran timed miles, but I weigh a bit more, so... Hm. Maybe not. 85: Do your socks always match? When I actually bother to wear them, yes. I hate mismatched socks. 86: Can you touch your toes and keep your legs straight completely? Ah, something I can do! Yes. 87: What are your birthstones? Ruby. I’m not sure if I have more than one... 88: If you were an animal, which one would you be? A shark, possibly. Or a hare. 89: If a flower could aesthetically represent you, what kind would it be? Black velvet petunia. 90: A store you hate? I don’t care enough. 91: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day? Like two. Not much. I prefer tea. 92: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds? Fly. Reading minds would be shit with my anxiety. 93: Do you like to wear camo? Not really. 94: Winter or summer? Winter. 95: How long can you hold your breath for? I was bored and timed it right now. A minute and nine seconds. 96: Least favorite person? Any evil dictator. 97: Someone you look up to: My parents. [/cue ‘aww.’] 98: A store you love? Barnes and Noble. I can feel as if my wallet is mad at me every time I shop there. 99: Favorite type of shoes Vans. 100: Where do you live? The U.S. 101: Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If so, why? No, because I don’t want to be. 102: What is your favorite mineral or gem? Sapphires, rubies, azurite. 103: Do you drink milk? Sometimes. 104: Do you like bugs? Not really. 105: Do you like spiders? I like some... like the plush black spider on my bed. 106: Something you get paranoid about? The paranormal. 107: Can you draw?: I can. I even went to school and made a career out of it. 108: Nosiest question you have ever been asked? Anything very sexual, like related to kinks, fetishes, or whatever. 109: A question you hate being asked? I hate when I’m tired and someone asks if I’m okay, and then when I say that I am they say some stupid shit like, “Are you sure? You don’t look okay.”  110: Ever been bitten by a spider? YES. I still have a big scar behind my knee from being bit by one a long time ago. 111: Do you like the sound of waves at the beach? I do. 112: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days? Cloudy. 113: Someone you’d like to kiss or cuddle right now: My husband. 114: Favorite cloud type: Google calls them cirrus clouds. 115: What color do you wish the sky was? Like naturally? Gray, all the time. Or maybe pastel purple all the time. 116: Do you have freckles? Nope. 117: Favorite thing about a person: I suppose the little traits and interests that make them wholly them. 118: Fruits or vegetables? Fruits.  119: Something you want to do right now: Take a shower. 120: Is the ocean or sky prettier? The ocean. 121: Sweet or sour foods? Sweet. 122: Bright or dim lights? Dim lights. 123: Do you believe in a certain magical creature? Kind of. I mean, there are parts of the Earth we’ve yet to explore, and we’re constantly finding new species every single year. Who’s to say something ‘magical’ doesn’t exist and it really isn’t magical? 124: Something you hate about Tumblr: Hive-mind mentality, especially when it comes down to someone being called out. 125: Something you love about Tumblr: There are so many things to pull inspiration from as an artist. Also the roleplay community is pretty sweet, depending on what fandom you join. 126: What do you think about the least? I’m not sure. 127: What would you want written on your tombstone? A curse of some sorts. 128: Who would you like to punch in the face right now? Why would I want to hurt my hand? Pass. 129: What is something you love but also hate about yourself? Hm... Maybe how much I care about certain people/things. 130: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures? Rarely. 131: Computer or TV? Computer. 132: Do you like roller coasters? They’re alright. 133: Do you get motion sickness or seasickness? I used to when I was a little kid, but not anymore. 134: Are your ears free or attached? They’re free, but barely. 135: Do you believe in karma? I’m not a buddhist, so no. 136: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are? Maybe a 7. 137: What nicknames do you have/have had? I have too many. We’d be here all night. 138: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends? I never did. 139: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink? Not repeatedly. I saw one a couple times so they could diagnose me and give me meds that I don’t take, but that’s it. 140: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others? Mostly good, I think. 141: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help? Giving help, mainly because I hate the idea of receiving it in any way. I don’t like admitting I need help. As for gifts, I like both giving and receiving about equally. 142: What makes you angry?: A lot of things. 143: How many languages do you speak fluently? Honestly, one. Kind of sad. I can’t speak my native language fluently anymore. 144: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binaries? Boys. 145: Are you androgynous? No, I don’t think so. 146: Favorite physical thing about yourself: My hair and ass. 147: Favorite thing about your personality: My creativity. 148: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person. I don’t want to. 149: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose? I wouldn’t. I’m fine reading about them. I don’t need to experience their pains. 150: Do you like BuzzFeed? I don’t really have an opinion about them. 151: How did you meet your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner? Short story, mutual friends. I’m too lazy to type out the long story. 152: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons? Not really. I give a lot of nose and head kisses though. [EDIT] Okay, so earlier whenI took this survey my eyes just seemed to skip over the word ‘platonic.’ I don’t give platonic kisses. 153: Do you like to play with others’ hair? Nope. 154: What embarrasses you? Remembering embarrassing things I did like ten years ago and curling up into a ball. It’s an endless cycle. 155: Something that makes you nervous/anxious: Being out in public. 156: Biggest lie you have ever told: No idea. Maybe that I liked someone. Or that I was working on a project when I wasn’t. 157: How many people are you following? On my personal Tumblr, 956. I can’t follow anyone from this particular blog because it’s just a sideblog. 158: How many posts do you have on your blog(s)? I’m not going into my roleplay accounts because I don’t feel like signing in/out, so I’ll just do my main and sideblogs. Main (cyberpunk + fandoms) is 6,073. Cute sideblog is 2,194. Nature sideblog is 1,615. Reference sideblog is 212. Brown/tan aesthetic sideblog is 322. Then there’s two sideblogs I don’t know the aesthetic of, but one has 230 posts while the other has 110. 159: How many drafts do you have on your blog(s)? I don’t feel like looking anymore. 160: How many likes do you have on your blog(s)? 331 on my main. 161: Last time you cried and why: I don’t remember. 162: Do you have long or short hair? Very long hair. 163: Longest your hair has ever been: It’s currently the longest it’s been, and it’s about an inch above the base of my back. 164: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religion? In short, because I don’t care. 165: Do you really care how the universe and world was created? Not really. I mean, I think it’s interesting to read about, but I don’t care when it relates to religion. 166: Do you like to wear makeup? Sometimes. 167: Can you stand on your hands or head for more than thirty seconds? Probably not anymore. 168: Did you answer the questions you were asked truthfully? I did.
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ilovefandoms102 · 4 years
Part 26
Summary: A fun day turned sour once again thanks to the head asshole of the Kooks...
@jeyramarie​ @ma10427​ @outerbongs​ @lonely-kermit​ @agirlwholovescoffee​ @iamaunicorn4704​ @gviosca​ @jellyfishbeansontoast​ @lasnaro​ @justcallmesams​ @lopineapples​ @fernweh-fangirl​ @runway-to-my-aid​ @tangledinsparkles​ @hurricane-abigail​ @eb15​
AU:Part 24 Part 25 Part 27  Part 28 Part 29 Part 30 Part 31
Note: I’ve been writing all day, hope you guys enjoy!
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The sound of my phone startled me awake, I reached over to see that Kie was calling. I pulled away from JJ, earning a dissatisfied groan. I went out to the hammocks, taking a seat.
“Hey,” I said.
“Did you make it home ok?” she asked hesitantly. 
“Not really, JJ came back.” I mumbled. 
“That’s good, right? We can have a meeting out on the boat in the morning.” Kie said hopefully.
“Kie,” I started, my voice cracking.
“What’s wrong? Did JJ do something else now?” she asked, going into girl best friend mode. 
“No, when I got home...Rafe was here.” I said, tears starting to come to the surface.
“What?! What happened? What did he want?” she demanded.
“Kie, he-he touched me.” I sobbed. It was silent on the line for a few minutes, just me crying into the phone.
“Kie?” I asked.
“Wha-Why didn’t you call for help? Why didn’t you call someone?” she asked.
“I was going to, but JJ came home just minutes after he left.” I said, sniffing.
“So did he, did he-” she said, I knew what she was trying to ask.
“No, Barry was actually the one that stopped him. Barry sent him in to scare me, they knew JJ was gone.” I said.
“Where did JJ go? Did he tell you?” Kie asked.
“No, I didn’t get around to asking him.” I sighed.
“I’m sorry. I should have followed you after you left. If I had, you wouldn’t have had to go through that.” she croaked.
“Kie, this is no ones fault ok? The only person at fault is Rafe. I don’t want you to beat yourself up over this ok? Promise me.” I said, getting up from the hammock.
“Ok, I’ll see you tomorrow then?” she asked.
“Yeah, love you.” I whispered.
“Love you,” she said, both of us disconnecting. 
I sat there for a minute, looking up at the stars. I wondered if my dad and JB were watching. I wished more than anything that John B. was here, he would know what to do. I walked back in to the chateau, laying down in bed beside JJ.
“Everything ok sweets?” he asked sleepily.
“Yeah, it was just Kie.” I sniffled, cuddling into JJ. He ran his hands up and down my back, pulling me closer.
“I love you,” he murmured. 
“Love you J,” I whispered, falling back to sleep.
I was driving by Heywards, seeing Pope was hosing down the dock. JJ made a siren noise. I cupped my hand around my mouth, pretending it was a radio.
“We have a meeting, attendance mandatory. Over.” I made a noise like the radio cut out.
“I got work guys, dad isn’t letting me go anywhere.” Pope sighed.
“Your dad’s a pussy, over.” JJ copied my actions. All of us laughing.
“Oh I heard ya you little bastard.” Heyward huffed, taking the hose from Pope to spray it at us.
“I have security clearance to steal your son,” JJ said. 
“Oh yeah?” Heyward asked.
“I have a card if you wanna see it,” JJ said, fumbling in his pockets.
“Get in the boat!” I yelled at Pope.
Pope took a run for it, jumping in the boat. Heyward yelling for him to come back. I waved as I drove us away, laughing at our ridiculous show. We got to Kie’s dock, Kie having a giant cooler which I assumed was filled with beer.
“Ooooh what have we here?” I asked, smiling at my best friend.
“Ya know, some juice boxes. I think I got some carrot stick too.” she said, taking Pope’s hand to get on the boat. She leaned down to kiss him, earning whoops from JJ and I. 
“Hey kids, keep it PG-13 now.” JJ teased, leaning back on the seat behind me.
“You all have no room to talk given what happened a few days ago.” Pope said, raising his brow. 
“What can I say? My girl can’t resist me.” JJ sighed, I knew him well enough that he had that shit eating grin on his face.
“Shut up JJ,” I laughed, turning around to playfully shove him. He grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it, winking at me. 
Kie passed around the beers she brought, all of us cheering before taking a big swig. We drove out to our favorite spot in the marsh, dropping the anchor to keep the boat from moving. I stood at the edge of the boat, Kie and Pope had already got in the water. I wanted to get in, but I was afraid of them seeing the bruises from Rafe’s assault on me yesterday. I was wearing a long sleeved shirt over my bikini top, covering the nasty hand shaped purple marks on my wrists. JJ could sense my uneasiness, coming out of the water to sit with me.
“You alright babe?” he asked, pushing his wet hair back.
“I think I’ll just stay up here today.” I mumbled.
“Baby, tell me what’s wrong, please?” he pushed, reaching out to touch my arm. I flinched away unknowingly, he tenses up. He pushed my sleeves up, seeing the bruises Rafe left behind. 
“JJ stop,” I muttered, trying to push my sleeves back down. 
“Are these from...” he trailed off, his eyes widening. 
“Guys come on! Get in!” Pope yelled, Kie giggling from behind him. 
I found some of Kie’s wristbands in her bag, shoving them over my wrists until they were covered. I stripped to my bikini, jumping in the water after. JJ was still sitting on the boat, staring at nothing. 
“JJ! Come on!” I yelled, swimming to the front of the boat. His feet were hanging off the ledge, so I grabbed on to one of them pulling on it. “Babe! Get in!” I demanded, pulling harder on his leg. 
“He hurt you,” JJ whispered, shaking his head. He looked away from me, tears gathering in the corners of his eyes.
“JJ, come on please” I said quietly.
“They will pay for what they did” JJ said, still staring out into the marsh. 
“I know, but not now. Let’s have a good day J, please?” I asked, pulling on him again. 
He pushed himself in the water, both of us swimming to our friends. All of us swam for a good while before getting back on the boat. Kie and I were dancing to some music we played on the speakers, JJ and Pope cheering us on. 
All of a sudden, another boat came out of nowhere and slammed right into ours. Kie and I fell out of the boat, hitting the water hard. My side smacked into the side of the boat, pain shooting down my body. I swam to the surface, coughing from the water that had surged up my nose. The boat that had ran into us still circling around us, I spotted Barry and Rafe immediately. 
“JJ!” I yelped, trying to pull myself on the boat. The pain in my side prevented me from pushing myself upwards. 
“Hold on baby, I got ya.” JJ said, hoisting me up under my armpits. Pope helped Kie up, both Kie and I coughing our lungs up. 
“Hey Pogues!” Rafe laughed.
“Bastard!” Kie yelled.
“Where’s my 25k Maybank?!” Barry yelled. 
“Up your ass!” I screamed, holding on to JJ. 
“Ooooh little Pogue princess has a mouth,” Barry said.
“A mouth I got a taste of! She’s a good kisser eh JJ?!” Rafe taunted. 
“You asshole!” Kie screamed, jumping off the HMS and on to the boat with Bary and Rafe.
“Kie!” I yelled, all of us getting to our feet. 
“Kiara!” Pope shouted, going after her.
Kie tackled Rafe, a surprise to all of us since Kie is all about being a lover not a fighter. Barry went to pull her off, but JJ got to them first and punched Barry. The boat was rocking back and forth, making it almost impossible to stand upright. 
“You had no right! What makes you think-that it’s ok-to touch-a woman-without-her-permission!” Kie screeched, delivering a punch or a slap after each word. I went to my friend, pulling her away from Rafe. I was afraid of him hurting her.
“Kie please!” I cried, pulling on her harder. Rafe was still laughing, blood pouring from his nose and mouth. I got her off of him, pushing her to Pope. Pope and Kie got back on the boat, I ran to JJ.
“Let’s go!” I shouted, pulling on his arm.
JJ pulled away from me, going to Rafe who was still on the ground. JJ lifted his foot and kicked Rafe in the face. Rafe hit the side of boat, the force knocking him out.
“JJ!” I screeched, Barry grabbing me and throwing me back in the water. 
“This is men’s work angel, your boy owes me a pretty penny.” Barry said.
“No!” I screamed, seeing Barry pull out a gun. 
He aimed it at JJ, I swam as fast as I could to him. JJ jumped into the water as soon as Barry rang out his shot. I screamed, swimming to him. Barry shot into the water where JJ had jumped, I forced myself to go faster. I dove under, hearing another shot. I felt something graze my leg, screaming as I fell deeper under water. I spotted JJ, I swam to him. I ignored the burning in my lungs from the lack of air, grabbing a hold of him I swam to the surface. I took a big gulp of air in when I came to the surface. 
“Baby, are you ok?” JJ asked, getting on the front of the boat. I tried to pull myself up, but I couldn’t get my muscles to cooperate. I fell back in the water, crying out in frustration. “What’s wrong?” JJ asked, reaching out to help me. Just as I was about to take hold of his hand, I slipped again. 
“I hit the fucking-ow-side of the boat. I think something grazed my leg and I can’t-shit.” I huffed.
“Quit moving, hold on.” JJ tried to grab on to me, successfully gripping my elbow. He tugged me up, I groaned in pain when my leg hit against the boat.
 “Fuck!” I yelped, looking at my injuries. My side starting to bruise, a little cut formed at my side. My leg looked the worst, a bullet had grazed my leg where Barry had shot into the water. A huge gash ran down my calf, blood oozing out. 
“Baby oh my god!” JJ gasped, looking at my leg. Kie jumped behind the wheel, gunning it back to The Cut. 
JJ was in full out panic mode as was the rest of the Pogues. I was the only calm one, and I was the injured one. We were at the chateau, a very big bandage wrapped around my calf, and a bag of frozen peas held at my side. Kie having another bag of frozen food at her side since she received the same injury to her side. 
“Guys please,” I sighed as they hovered over me.
“You should go to the hospital sweetheart, that graze is really deep. Please.” JJ said, running his hands through his hair in distress. I started feeling woozy, I assumed it was from the blood loss. 
“No hospitals” I slurred.
“Babe, honey stay with us” JJ stressed, wiping my hair from my forehead.
“I can’t..afford a..hospital JJ” I uttered, on the verge of passing out.
“Your lips are turning blue! That’s it, we’re going to the hospital.” JJ said, scooping me into his arms.
“Noooo, JJ. Put me down.” I said, trying to flail around in his arms.
Pope jumped into the drivers seat, Kie in the passenger, and JJ sitting with me in the back. My head was in his lap as we drove the the hospital.
“Stay with me baby,” JJ whispered, kissing my forehead.
“Always,”I whimpered, pain shooting up my leg and side as we hit a bump in the road. 
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