#but will he use them for anyone but Terry Dana and Max??
starlooove · 1 year
How to explain my fave Robin is Matt McGinnis
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multifandomgirl-us · 3 years
Johnny Don't Leave Me
Slightly based off the song Bust Your Kneecaps by Pomplamoose
link to song X
Terry has to do some undercover work as John Ludwig and it involves getting close to you, the daughter of one of the biggest mafia bosses around. He has been undercover for a couple years now and thinks he finally has enough evidence to stop pretending.
Disclaimer: Terry in Batman Beyond is 16 years old but in this story he is 22 when he meets the reader and about 24 when the incident happens and they confront each other again.
Undercover!Terry x Mafia!reader
The sparkling diamond ring sat on the left hand ring finger perfectly. The sunshine reflecting off of it was blinding to those not used to it. You have been admiring it for the last half hour while you sat waiting for your appointment at the bridal shop. A slight smile has stayed permanent on your lips ever since the proposal from your now fiance John Ludwig.
You and John had met at a coffee shop that you and your family owned. Although coffee wasn't the only thing your small family business dealt with, that is where you spent most of your time. John had walked in one day while you were on break and asked to sit with you even though there were other tables open. From there he proceeded to woo you and you had fallen in love with him. A couple years passed and he had asked for your hand in marriage. You of course said yes and he promised to love you forever.
The wedding preparations were going as smooth as they could but you had almost forgotten one thing: the dress. Hence the appointment today at the shop. With you was your cousins Anna and Amber who were the closest thing you had to sisters. You were the only child as your mom had passed away giving birth to you. With you being the only child, you were also your father's little princess and he and the family would hurt anyone or anything that dared to lay a finger on you in the wrong way. This caused suitor after suitor to flee and for you to be single for most of your life. The only one who decided he could handle your family and you was John, or Johnny as you like to call him. He made it through your first date and more importantly he made it through being introduced to your father which is where most of them ran off.
"Y/N, we're ready for you if you will just follow me," the sales representative said, approaching your small group.
“Of course.”
As you walked, you gazed around at the white Victorian style walls lined with pictures of models in each frame wearing some of the dresses available in the boutique. Luckily for you, you knew what style of dress you wanted and had contacted the shop in order to have the style pulled right away and put in your changing room.
All of the extravagant dresses lined the wall, hanging by the rod that was fastened across the wall. Dress after dress, almost none of them felt right to you, they didn't give you that wow, until about three dresses from the last did you find the one for you.
You weren’t a traditional woman so the whole 'white dress for the wedding day' was not for you. Your power colors were red and black and that is what you were going to stick with. Your final decision was a flowing red dress with a deep v-neck and black accents on the bodice. The train of the dress was longer than the dress itself and you found a red lace veil with a tiara to match. The final preparations for your wedding were now complete and you could not wait to marry the love of your life.
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-Time skip-
“Do you John Ludwig take Y/N to be your lawfully wedded wife? If so, say ‘I do’,” the priest spoke. At that moment, the usually non-existent smile appeared on John’s face and he let go of your hands. Your smile vanishes and instant panic sets in.
“I don’t,” John states with relief. After he spoke those words, you regretted your ‘no weapons’ rule that you put in place. Besides the pain and sadness running through your mind was the urge to hurt John.
“Get down on the ground!” The sound of multiple police officers and the doors to the chapel slamming open were all muffled to you as the only thing on your mind was getting revenge. Unfortunately for you, revenge would have to wait as John was nowhere to be seen and the friends and family who were gracious enough to attend your wedding were either being escorted out in handcuffs or running away. As most of the police were being distracted with your guests, you took your chance to escape. There was no way you could get your revenge if you were locked up.
Although those who were unlucky enough to not get away wouldn’t be locked up for long, you were still going to have to wait for the rest of your family to get out to carry out your plans. You used this time to gather resources and information on who this John character was and any family he had. He made it personal so it was only right for you to attack him on a personal level as well.
-Time skip-
Months of cyber-stalking research and actual stalking observance had led you to the true identity of the man you knew as John Ludwig. Which leads you to your current situation. The sound of guns being fired resounds throughout the warehouse, covering the sound of grunts and punches being thrown at the bat who caused all this. John, who you discovered was actually the Bat in disguise, was currently giving and receiving punches. Unfortunately for your men, it was more giving than receiving. Over half of your men in the room were getting their asses handed to them and the other half were still working on loading the “cargo” or were unconscious.
You had gotten permission from your father and gathered the men he considered “disposable” and created this whole thing. The crates being loaded were just left over boxes from previous shipments in order to not lose any actual precious cargo. The men were just some of the newbies that had joined. This whole thing was all a charade to get the Bat to you and clearly, it worked. Even if the overall heist did not work out and he found out it was a hoax, you had a plan B which was more devious than you wished to go but a girl’s gotta do what a girls gotta do.
Majority of your men had been knocked out when you decided to reveal yourself to Batman. “Well, well, well. Isn’t it Batman, or would you rather I called you John, or even better yet, Terry?” you took slow calculated steps towards the man in the skintight batsuit. As you said his real name, you saw the whites of the mask where his eyes would be widen slightly.
“Wha-, mhmm, What do you mean, who’s Terry?” the Bat asked.
“Don’t play dumb with me Terry McGinnis. When you destroyed a day that was supposed to be special for me you made it personal. So, I made sure to find out personal things about the supposed John Ludwig who to my surprise does not exist. See when the cops took over and arrested my family and friends on our wedding day. I just so happened to see the oh so familiar silhouette of Batman. Now, it was pretty obvious that either John knew the Bat or was him. I did some digging and to my surprise, found your real name is not John Ludwig, but Terry McGinnis. Your reaction to being called Terry was just the confirmation that it is you. Lucky for me, I found out everything I could about you. Like your brother Max who lives with your mom, how your dad died, or even past girlfriends like Melanie better known as 10 and Dana, your highschool sweetheart. There is nothing that you can hide from me Terry. Not when you messed with my family.” By the time you were done with your spiel, you were within arms reach of Terry. He saw this as an opportunity to grab you and shove you against the closest wall-like object to the two of you. This so happened to be one of the pallets which had a loose box on the top. The box dropped at the impact, bursting open to reveal packing peanuts and crumpled up pieces of paper.
Terry looked down at the mess just made and then back at you, “this was all just some ruse, there was no shipment going out tonight was there?”
“Wow, great detective work,” you deadpanned.
“You were really so obsessed with the idea of revenge that you created this whole scheme. Even if John Ludwig did exist, the chances of the both of you divorcing is high. All of this for a ruined wedding. That’s pathetic.”
“Yes, I did. But not just for a ruined wedding. It’s for the loss of trust, the family that was locked up, the family that was shot while being apprehended, and for messing with my emotions. I loved you and the day of the wedding is when I was shown that you had no care for me at all. I tried to stay out of my father’s business, I was trying to get out of my family because I didn’t want to subject you, subject John, to my messed up family. Turns out this family, my family, is the only group of people worth trusting. Because when you broke my heart, they did everything they could to help me even while dealing with the deaths and detainments of their own. It may be pathetic to you but you are the one who pushed me to my breaking point. Anything I do now, is your fault. Remember that, Terry McGinnis.” As much as you wanted your revenge to happen at that moment, you knew that it would be stupid and that you would be overpowered. Terry has had years of training and you are just getting started. You would get your revenge in due time but for now the psychological toll of what you would be doing in the future was enough for you.
soooooo this was long overdue... sorry
also thank you to @offendedfishnoises for continuous motivation to write this and for looking it over for me! <3
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static-ink-blog · 7 years
Nights And Bats -Terry McGinnis
A/N: Doesn’t seem like anyone found me yet, so I’m just gonna do something for Terry. That boy really needs more love.
     "So do you want to catch a movie?" you asked, turning towards your boyfriend Terry. "I know one that is supposed to be pretty sway."      School had just let out and it was Friday so you hoped to get him to go with you. Max had told you about the movie and you really wanted to see it. It was also the perfect opportunity to go out with Terry. You wanted him to relax for once, his job was taking a lot out him lately.      He returned your smile and you could that he loved the idea of spending time together. "That sounds-"      The ringing of his phone interrupted him.      Looking up from the annoying thing, Terry searched your eyes hesitatingly. You sighed. Turning away, you signed him to go on and get it. This always happened and you were willen to bet it was Wayne -again. Watching the boy in front of you, wondered why you put up with this. The fact that his face showed the same frustration you felt gave you mild satisfaction. He fought with the man on the other end of the line till Wayne said something.      Whatever had been said, it made Terry stop mid-sentence and give you a worried glance. Turning his back to you he started whispering in the phone before nodding and hanging up. "Y/n, I'm sorry." he said turning back to you. "Something c-"      "-came up with Wayne and you have to go." you finished for him frustrated.      "Y/n, I'm sorry." Terry tried. He knew it wasn't good enough, he knew these secrets were hurting you. But he had seen again and again how the people that knew got hurt because they knew. Because it dragged them into his world they got hurt, even if he had been able to avoid the worse till now. The old man reminded him all the time how risky revealing his identity was. And he would do anything to protect you. "I promise we go another time."      "I know." you nodded, not believing it, and turned away.      He frowned and half-extended his arms for you, but stopped. Terry hated leaving you like this, but he had to go. "We talk later, 'kay, Y/n?"       As he left you looked after him sadly. You loved Terry. And he loved you. But lately you had been wondering if that was enough. He was keeping secrets. Max was in on it, always covering for him. At least you knew it was nothing too bad or she would have said something, or that was what you told yourself. In the end however you had no idea what was really going on and it was killing you. All the times he had been hurt without explanation or one that was good at least. His sleeping problems. How he always had to leave suddenly... When you tried to confront him once he had avoided answering and had tried to play off your worries.      "It isn't worth it."      Surprised you turned to find Dana standing there. Terry's ex watched you with sad eyes. "You'll only end up getting hurt again and again." she said. Crossing your arms you immediately got defensive. "Just because you gave up on him doesn't mean I have to." you countered, not having to be told who she was talking about. "Why? Regretting it?"      Dana sighed and wiped her hair over her shoulder. "I left on my own because it was what was best for me and I don't regret it." she said, giving you a stern glance. Then her eyes softened. "Look, I get it. You love him -I used to love him, too, so I know how it is. I'm not trying to be mean here. But you need more than love in a relationship, you need trust."      You avoided looking at her. "We're fine. I don't see how any of this is your problem."      She was quiet and looked at you understanding.      You had to get out of there. You hated how understanding she was. You hated that she told you to break up with Terry. But most of all you hated that you knew exactly where she was coming from.
     Despite your best efforts, Dana's words haunted you. They echoed in your head, mixing with your doubts till you couldn't ignore them anymore. Shaking your head, you tried to stomp your traitorous thoughts down, but you couldn't help it. Breaking up with Terry was the last thing you wanted, you loved him too much.      You had to see him.      It was Mrs McGinnis who let you in. She explained that Terry was sleeping, but one look at your face and she urged you on to go to him. Really, you didn't want to know how you looked for the woman to act like that.      Dim light fell through the curtains into Terry's room. As quietly as possible you closed the door behind you and hesitantly moved over to the bed. Your boyfriend laid spangled on his stomach on top of the covers, snoring softly. It looked as if he had just collapsed on them, completely tired out. His sleeping face looked peaceful. Gentle you reached out and brushed his hair away from his eyes. The boy muttered in his sleep. A second you waited for him to wake, but relaxed when the snoring continued evenly.      A small smile played around your lips, then you frowned. Your eyes moved through the room. You were unsure as what to do right now. Should you wake Terry? You didn't want to watch him sleep like a creep when he didn't even know you were here, but he had deep bags under his eyes and could really need the sleep.      Just then you noticed something peaking out from under his bed. Confused you knelt down and picked up the item in question.      It was a mask. A Batman mask. The inside showed isolated electric wiring. This was the real deal, not just some copy from the store. You were holding Batman's mask.      In the back of your head it clicked. The rushed escapes on random times, the lack of sleep, the bruises and wounds -it all fit. Shocked you looked up your boyfriend. Batman. Terry was Batman. It seemed surreal, but there was no doubt.      The mask slipped from your fingers. You weren't sure what you were supposed to feel. Shock, surprise? Part of you wanted to slap Terry for keeping something this big from you. You had been dating for months now, he should be able to trust you. Another part of you was awed over the fact that your boyfriend was a hero. You knew of all the good Batman had done for this city. Your eyes fell on a large bruise on his arm. Feeling your heart clench and you reached out, tracing it softly. He always got hurt. You couldn't imagine how many times he had cheated death death while out saving the city. And all this time you didn't know a thing. Terry could have died and you wouldn't have known.      "Y/n?" a sleepy voice called confused. You looked up to Terry awake. His blue eyes grew concerned and he shot up-right in bed wide-awake. "Hey, what's wrong?" he asked, gathering you up in his arms and pulling you on the bed. "Why are you crying?"      Frowning you touched your cheek. It was wet. You hadn't even realized that you were crying. Looking up to Terry, you opened your mouth to explain, but no words would come out. Shaking your head you hugged him close. Terry held you as you calmed down, rubbing soothing circles on your back.   Only half an hour ago you had been worried if you could continue this relationship. It seemed selfish now. Suddenly you were glad that you hadn't said anything. You needed time to think. This was big and while you wanted to support him, you had to get your facts straight first. "You're an idiot." you said finally.      He frowned. "Why?"      Instead of answering you turned to him and planted a kiss on his lips. He responded eagerly, but you could feel his confusion. Parting you looked at his face. "I love you."      "I love you, too." Terry was searching your face, trying to figure out what was going on. You were acting strange and didn't like it one bit.
     Ringing the bell, you waited in front of the door. You  were tiered, your mind kept running in circled around the same problem these past days. Not about the fact that Terry was Batman -you did worry about him, but you were proud of what he did- , but the fact that he didn't tell you. Then again you had no idea how to tell him that you knew either. So you decided you needed someone to talk to.      Max opened the door and smiled. "Hey, Y/n." she said, surprised by your visit. "Come in. What's up?"      "I know." you said straight to the point once she had closed the door behind you. "About Ter."      She looked at you with wide eyes, but tried to play it off. "What exactly are we talking about?" she laughed nervously.      "The fact that he dresses up each night." you answered patiently even through her attempt annoyed you. It seemed ridiculous that she tried to to you even now.      "Wait a second... he finally told you and didn’t tell me he did?!" Max got excited, before putting a phone headset, you hadn't realized she had been holding, on her ear. "Hey, Ter! How come you didn't tell me you told her? Do you know how long I've been bugging you about this?"      Your eyes widened and you looked away. You hadn't expected that she would be on the phone with Terry. At least this solved how to tell him. "He didn't tell me." you interrupted. "I found out myself. I can guess the reasons why he didn't tell me. This much I can understand, I really can. But in the end I still end up with the fact that my boyfriend don't trust me and instead lied to me for months." You looked at her. "And so did my best friend."      Biting her bottom lip, she didn't met your eyes. "I... "  Max started slowly. "Ter, you're in trouble. And I am, too. I'm going to hang up now." She put the com on the side on a table. For a moment she was quiet, then she looked at you. "I wanted to tell you."she admitted. "I really did. But it wasn't for me to tell. This is Terry's secret, I didn't have the right to tell you. It was something he had to do himself."      Nodding to show you understood, you sighed. "I know, but this doesn't make it much easier."      Looking up hesitantly, Max studied you. "Are you mad?" she asked.      "No, not really ..." you shook your head. "I guess I'm still too confused to be mad. It just hurts."      Taking your hand, Max pulled you to the couch and to sit next to her. "Then let's talk."she offered. You talked for hours. She told you how she found out, having first thought he would have been a Joker. Next she spoke of Terry's villains, bringing you up to date to who they were, what they could do and what happened to them. More than once she apologized for lying till now. You forgave her as you could see that the pinknette really felt guilty about it. Max was a good friend and you weren't going to lose her just yet.      It was dark by the time you said goodbye to your friend. Max had offered to let you stay the night, but you declined. Gotham might be dangerous, but you lived here your entire life and knew which parts to avoid. You were a big girl that could go home alone. The second you stepped outside the apartment complex, a voice called out for you.      "Care for a ride home?"      Confused you turned around, yet didn't see anyone. Till something moved next to the wall. The camouflage turned off and revealed unmistakable Batman. He studied you, not unlike you did him.      "Doesn't Batman have to patrol Gotham?" you asked softly.      Behind his mask, Terry frowned. "This is important." he admitted, looking to the side. "But I understand if you don't want to. I really messed up this time, didn't I?"      "Yes, you have." Stepping closer, you took his hand thoughtfully. "We will work through this." You weren't ready to give up yet.      Thankful Terry gave your hand a little squeeze, holding it close.      "If I let you take me home, we're not jumping from rooftops." you gave in.      He cracked a smile. "You have no idea what you're missing." he teased. "But no, we're not." A small plane stopped a few meters right above your head, hovering there, and a hatch opened. Putting an arm around you, he used his jet boots to get you in the cockpit.      Sitting on his lap as there was only one seat, the automatic belt pressed you into Terry's chest. "So this is the bat-plane?" you asked, looking around curiously.      "One and only." your boyfriend agreed, smiling a little and took course. Soundlessly the bat-plane moved through the sky. Terry looked at you from the side of his eye. "Look, I know that I should have said something, but I had my reasons not to."       At mentioning this, your face darkened. "Because you don't trust me." you agreed coldly.      His head snapped to you. "It's not about me not trusting you!" he disagreed. "I would trust you with my life!"      "But apparently not with your nightlife!" you shot back, turning away from him.      "I said that isn't it! It would have put you in danger!"      "It's not like I would have put a mask on and join you out there!"      "You wouldn't have to." Terry said. Taking a deep breath, the boy forced himself to calm down. "People that know get hurt. It has nothing to do with going out there. The old man usually stays at the cave, yet there were times he got nearly killed because of me. Max got kidnapped and nearly spliced into a lizard. The kid I once saved from a fire was taken by Cobra because they thought he remembered my face. I just didn't want to drag you into my world -you're dating Batman. That alone puts a target on your head. To say the truth, it scares me."      "So, what? You would have never told me and just left eventually?" you asked slowly.      "No, I would have told you. I wouldn't leave you." He took took one hand off the stirring wheel and wrapped his arm around your waist. "I don't think I could be strong enough to do that."       Turning your head, you looked him in the eye. "Then why keep it secret at all? In the end it's my choice, isn't it? Besides, knowing or not knowing won't make a difference."      Terry stopped to look at you, then frowned to himself. He continued guiding the bat-plane between Gotham's concrete jungle effortlessly. You did have a point, but it was just for so long he believed he was protecting you with this. Before long your house was in front of you. Holding you a bit tighter, he let the two of you drop through the hatch. Your arms shot up to hold on to him in surprise. Landing with ease in the shadow of the tree in front of your home, he set you down gentle. His teasing glance you returned with a glare as you untangled from him.      Silence lied heavy between you as neither of you knew what to say. Finally Terry nodded to himself. "I'll ...I will be going then." he whispered, turning with slummed shoulders.      "Wait!" you stopped him. No way you would leave things like they were right now.      Batman turned to you with hopeful eyes.      Forcing a small smile you took his hands. "We're not sway." you said slowly. "But I want you to know that I love you. And I'm proud of you."      "You are?" he grinning hesitantly, taking you other hand as well.      "Of course I am. I'm no idiot, I know what Batman does for this city. And I fully support that." You laughed a little. "Also -I'm dating Batman. How sway is that?"      Suddenly he kissed you. Short, but hard, it left you breathless. "You're amazing, you know that?" he said. "I promise I never keep a secret from you again."      Smiling you nodded. "No more secrets." you agreed.      "Well, except what you get for your birthday." Ter winked at you.      This time you laughed. "I think I can deal with that."      Glad to know he wouldn't lose you, Terry laughed with you and relaxed. Just then the com in his mask picked up at some police transmission.      "What's wrong?" you asked, noticing the change in him.      "Some Jokers are raiding a bank in uptown." he explained truthfully, looking at you apologizing.      To his surprise you smiled and gave him a peak on the cheek. "Go kick some ass." you encouraged.      Shaking his head, Terry couldn't believe how lucky he was to have you. "One order of ass-kicking, coming right up." he grinned. "See you tomorrow?" At your nod he jumped back in the bat-plane and took off. Grinning you waited till he was out of sight till you went in your house. This whole thing might be one big mess, but you had a good feeling it would work out just fine.
     Terry looked up from the bat-computer when Ace barked and ran off. He smiled a little at discovering Bruce at the top of the stairs, greeting his dog. The old man had been  away on WayneCorp business this past week. "Welcome home." Ter called. "How was your week?"      "Long." Bruce answered coming down. "It's good to be home again. Did anything big hap-" He stopped short, noticing you towards the bat-computer.      "Good evening, Mr. Wayne." you greeted friendly. You couldn't blame the old man for his shock, seeing as he had left just before you had found out. Last he checked you didn't even know, now you were in the middle of the bat-cave. Max had complained that she still wasn't allowed access, so you knew this was big.      Bruce glared at your boyfriend. "Terry, what are they doing in the bat-cave?" he demanded.      "Calm down, Bruce." Terry said. "We agreed to no more secrets, so..." He shrugged and gave the man a hopeful grin. If you were to go by the look on Batman Senior's face that had been the wrong answer.       Suddenly a bat landed next to you on a rook and screamed at you. Raising an eyebrow, you chuckled. Reopening the lip off the bowl that you held, you picked out a piece of peach and offered it to the animal. When Terry had first brought you here a bat had found the fruit sneak you still had had in your bag.      With a few flaps of his wings the bat landed on your hand. It held on tight, but didn't hurt you. Greedily it started munching on the fruit. It was cute, really.      Unnoticed by you the two men in the cave were watching you, Terry with a small smile. Bruce nodded to himself. "They can stay." he declared, turning his back to you to look at something on the bat-computer.      You and Terry shared a grin.
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my-abibliophobia · 7 years
Batman Beyond Cartoon (1999) Quotes
Batman: How are you doing this? Willie: With supreme satisfaction.
 Bruce: The "Golem" went straight for that car. Terry: Belongs to Nelson Nash. He goes to Hill High. Bruce: Know anyone who has a grudge against him? Terry: The line starts with me and goes around the block. Twice.
  Key Negotiator: Mr. Powers, it's been a long night. My clients would like to go back to their hotel and rest a little and think about your offer. Derek: Ladies and gentlemen, the buyout offer is on the table. Leave this room, I will withdraw it. (His phone rings) Powers? Batman: Amazing, the numbers people put on their speed dial. Just wanted to let you know tonight's boat ride has been cancelled. Though your goons are still going up the river. Wish you could join them. (Derek gets angry and starts to turn into Blight)
Terry: Tell me something. Why were you so sure those voices weren't coming from you? Bruce: Well, first, I know I'm not psychotic. Terry: I hope your other reason is more convincing. Bruce: And second, the voice kept calling me 'Bruce.' In my mind, that's not what I call myself. Terry: What do you call yourself? (Bruce glares at him) Terry: Oh, yeah, I suppose you would ... but that's my name now. Bruce: Tell that to my subconscious.
 Socialite: Mine's bigger then yours. King: All the money in the world and not an ounce of refinement.
 (Entering a museum) Terry: You should see this place -- antiques, relics ... you'd feel right at home here. Bruce: Cute.
  Robber #1: Look I'm on the big screen! Batman: (kicks him) Five hundred channels and nothing good on!
 Bruce: Remember, he was a formidable opponent. Be careful.
Terry: C'mon, he's a zillion years old! How much trouble could an old geezer ... never mind.
 Bruce: Terry, listen to my voice. Whatever you're seeing, it isn't real. (Spellbinder hits Batman with a branch) Batman: That sure felt real.
 Terry: You're Batgirl! (to Bruce) She's Batgirl! Barbara: Was Batgirl. That brand of costume justice went out with the Tommy gun, kid.
 Barbara: (on radio) Check Point Two, everything okay? Policeman: Perimeters are all secure, ma'am. Tight as a coffin. Sam: (sarcastically) That's reassuring.
 Terry: She still throws a pretty mean batarang. Bruce: She always did.
 Terry: (about Bruce) Why do you hate him so much? Barbara: Ancient history McGinnis. Terry: History is my favorite subject. Barbara: No, I don't hate him. I hate what he's become. Such a great man, so alone.
 Derek: Who are you? Terry: Do you really want to know? Derek: Yes! Terry: You killed my father. Derek: Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?
 Batman: (to Ace) Look, wonder dog. I don't like you, and you don't like me. But how about cutting me a break this one time? (Ace sniffs claw) Bad guy. You find, me stop. Got it?
  Batman: By the way, what's the creepy lady's power? Tamara: I don't know, but they call her Bombshell. Batman: Oh, that's encouraging.
 Terry: Ghost? Blade: The ghost of Garrison Jacobs. The kid that was killed when they built the east wing. Dana: Where have you been the last two weeks? In a cave? Terry: Uh...
  Batman: According to my sources, this use to be a major Kobra nest. After you. Stalker: You don't trust me. Batman: You were out to kill me remember?
 Stalker: There are worse things than an honorable death. Terry: Betcha it's a short list.
 Terry: Is that the best you can do? Bruce: I'm only human. Terry: I keep forgetting.
 Bruce: Who are you? Payback: I'm your worst nightmare! Bruce: You have no idea what my nightmares are like.
 Terry: Looks like Chem lab 101. He’s got enough Trithane to supply every hospital on the east coast. Bruce: Trithane? Terry: Yeah. And some Metatonin. Zirconite. And this one I can’t even pronounce. Bruce: Zeltanic Methylchlorine? Terry: …You’re scaring me.
 (As Dr. Suzuki approaches) Young Guard: Get a load o' the freak in the long johns. Older Guard: You really haven't been in Gotham long, have you, kid?
 Bruce: Anything broken? Terry: If I said yes, could I go home? Bruce: No.
 Batman: You don't get it! He expects me to work even harder while he's gone. Max: Why?? Batman: He always thinks something bad will happen the minute he leaves town. (A bright light appears) Batman: And somehow, he's always right!
  (Fleeing an alien-possessed Superman in the Batmobile) Batman: (on the radio) How fast does this thing go? Bruce: Mach 3. Batman: Is that faster than a speeding bullet?
 Terry: (about a villain HQ) It's a toxic waste company. Bruce: Or so they say. Can you think of a better way to make people want to avoid the place? Terry: Call it a high school?
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renaroo · 7 years
Wednesday Roundup
*long deep sigh*
Okay, I said last week I was going to cancel all Marvel subscriptions in response to the bullcrap that was revealed in Secret Empire. And I continue to firmly stand on not supporting Marvel on any decisions involving that catastrophe. But I must go back on my word. After discussing with friends and others about the best course of action, I am afraid that Marvel set things up -- what with the anti-diversity talks just a few weeks ago -- to make it seem as though any boycotts that would come about due to the Hydra revelations last week would be scapegoated to the titles that are doing the opposite. So I want to support titles that do just that -- titles like Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur -- so long as their book isn’t involved with the crossover and if their authors don’t seem to have much involvement either. 
... also I pre-ordered Deadpool Vol. 6 for a specific reason that I’ll get into in the review.
All that out of the way, let’s get into the comics this week~
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DC’s Batman Beyond, Marvel’s Deadpool, DC’s Detective Comics, Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, DC’s Wonder Woman
DC’s Batman Beyond (2016- ) #7 Dan Jurgens, Bernard Chang, Marcello Maiolo
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*long heralding sigh* We can’t leave well enough alone, can we, DC?
The continuity of Batman Beyond has somewhat been in the toilet from the start. Anything which got its start thanks to the awfulness that was Futures End was sort of doomed to that, especially since they were trying to make that the canon ending of the DCU proper, while at the same time drawing in elements from the animated series. 
This book, though, honestly gave me a lot of hope for what it was doing, which was to focus on the characters pretty specifically from the DCAU Batman Beyond cartoon and growing their stories and relationships rather than focusing on trying to put itself too immediately in the Earth Prime timeline. 
And those moments from this issue are great. We get more Max and Bruce interactions, which I love. We get some actual growth of Dana and Terry’s relationship. Curare is still one of my favorite villains. Matt’s increased role excites me.
And then we get this fucking page. 
I have a bad history with DC splash pages of “our family history” already (see any of my Batgirl (2009-2011) rants), but this one just goes straight for the throat. Sorry literally every woman in the Batfamily ever. I mean, usually at least Barbara gets a shoutout but not even that this time around. And then the worst offense is that Damian and Duke are both whitewashed. What the actual fuck.
This entire page is a disaster, especially since we are very obviously just using it to foreshadow that the leader of the League of Assassins has to do with Damian, because godforbid anyone but the biological child be treated special. 
Oh, sorry. Biological male child. Or else we’d see some plots with Helena Wayne, couldn’t have that. 
Oh, Batman Beyond. Why must you hurt me the way you do. I was enjoying you so much too. 
Marvel’s Deadpool (2015- ) Volume 6: Patience: Zero Gerry Duggan, Matted Lolli, Scott Koblish, Guru-eFX
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So I’ve obviously made some exceptions to my Marvel rule and that is simply a case-by-case basis. There are stronger reasons for the other exception this week, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, which I would honestly be devastated if it was taken down because of this monumental grossness that is Marvel right now because it’s the epitome of everything that’s not the Secret Empire catastrophe.
The other is Deadpool because I pre-ordered this volume months ago and because Deadpool is just a weird exception of a comic to begin with. At least as Deadpool is written under Gerry Duggan and how these particular issues especially are written.
So yes, while I would recommend all the issues in this trade to comic fans, the issue I really bought this volume for is for a very personal reason: #20 is the issue dealing with suicide and mental illness and... as someone who struggles on this road in my own life, in both point of views we have here, I am... very particular about how these issues are approached. I hate the way it was handled in Robin (1993-2009), despise the way it was portrayed in All-Star Superman, I just honestly don’t feel like I’ve ever read a story -- especially in comics -- that spoke to me and made me feel like I benefited from it the way the comics were obviously trying to make me feel. 
Deadpool goes the most realistic route I’ve ever seen this handled. It’s about “death is permanent, so let’s make sure there’s nothing else you want to do first” It’s about helping someone out, giving them other things to focus on in the moment, giving them more to experience, and then knowing when professional help is needed, when you’re beyond your means. 
And it’s hard. Deadpool says it best -- unkilling someone is way harder. And I’ve never felt an issue strike such a cord with me before. 
Of course, that’s only one of several issues collected, and we finally get the climax and our answers with Madcap. The entire storyline was rediculous, dramatic, frightening, and any range of emotions between. A great story overall even if anything involving Hydra -- especially Bob -- inherently sickens me at this point. 
If you’re on that level with me on the Hydra stuff, I would recommend buying #20 on its own and then #25 to finish up the Deadpool 2099 story which, for me, had a good conclusion to it. 
But yeah. This was a splurge purchase at least partially because... I have a feeling I won’t be picking up the next few trades of Deadpool flat out, honestly. Lots of Secret Empire this way comes. And I’m not happy about it. Hopefully I can pick up Vol. 8 or 9 and we can get back to Deadpool and Ellie and Preston and everything that makes me love this comic to begin with. 
DC’s Detective Comics (2016- ) #955 James Tynion IV, Marcio Takara, Marcello Maiolo
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OKAY. So that’s out of my system. Last time (two weeks ago) I went into a full on rant about how there are things I Love about Tynion’s writing -- relationships, character building, the sense of family, understanding how to write Cass the way few writers other than her creators have truly gotten -- and things I Hate about Tynion’s writing -- an overall lack of build up for payoff, weak plots, a bit of a ‘break the status quo’ mentality despite a lack of building said status quo -- there are Things. And I can make entire essays about how I feel he needs to grow as a writer especially when it comes to writing mysteries which is what Detective Comics should be at its core. 
I’m putting that aside for now -- still there, I still have my issues with this arc -- but this issue is... It’s going to be a milestone. 
It’s going to be a milestone in bringing Cass’ character back into full form. And I loved every moment of it. The pacing was still.... ehhh. Could’ve probably benefited more from immediately starting with the flashback explaining Cass’ recovery and reintroducing our ballerina girlfriend, then launching into the present time uninterrupted. Maybe show Cass rescuing the others from their naked Hell, because as far as I can tell that just means we’re going to have another disorganized flashback in the next issue which isn’t making me excited because that should be the finale to all of this. 
Yatta yatta. Critical lenses are on, everyone, don’t worry. I’m still the Rena you know.
I just don’t care as much because those things I Love that I mentioned? They where here and they were with my favorite characters. And ALSO???? Tynion planted the seed of the ballerina and Cass living above the studio many issues ago??? And then actually gave us payoff for it??? What is this, a personal letter to me?
Nah, can’t be. No windows were broken in this issue.
I enjoyed myself is what I’m getting at. It’s amazing how I can be really irritated with Detective Comics and then all the sudden it drags me right back in with an issue that gets me just right. 
Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur (2015- ) #18 Amy Reeder, Brandon Montclare, Natacha Bustos, Tamra Bonvillain
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So i’ve dropped some books in my personal Marvel ban, and I will be avoiding anything remotely related to Secret Empire like the plague, and I still encourage other people to do the same. But there are some books, some ideas, some diversity in the Marvel lineup that for me are simply just too important to throw out with the bathwater. 
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur is 1000% a book I want to survive Marvel’s current tirefire. 
And since Marvel curiously made it clear that they were going to throw their diversity titles under the bus and blame them for any loss of sales this summer just before knowingly putting out a terribly controversial book, I can’t help but allow my suspicions to rise. 
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur continues to be the best of the genre and the first book I recommend to kids -- which is something I do quite a lot. If you’ve been following my blog for a while you’ll know that I am very active in trying to get new, young readers into comics and have personally given out comics to kids in and out of the country. It’s something that is very important to me, having been raised with comics myself. 
So I am very happy to go back on my word for titles like Moon Girl and I’m so glad that a book so inviting and loving is around in the disaster that is the larger comic landscape for the Marvel Universe. 
DC’s Wonder Woman (2016- ) #21 Greg Rucka, Liam Sharp, Laura Martin
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Considering how vocally I have been annoyed with the “B story” of this Wonder Woman run thus far, it’s a real relief to finally be able to say, as the storylines converge and we come sadly closer to the end of Rucka’s return to Wonder Woman, finally this slow burn has been worth it. And this moment I chose in particular -- Veronica Cale at long last taking Diana’s hand -- is so built up, is so necessary that it makes everything truly feel like it’s deservedly come full circle.
And Cale’s motivations in Rebirth fit so much better than they did in the Post-Crisis comics, it makes everything about this confrontation and this conclusion worthwhile.
Though there’s still a lot to be fixed in terms of Rucka’s more... tone deaf treatment of earlier racist tropes and so on that have proven to be basically completely unnecessary to this plot. That’s a pretty gross road to end up going down for no reason.
And finally we get to Ares. And maybe it’s the animal lover in me but I’m like “those poor Dobermen, hope they still have a home with Cale after the twin gods’ souls are released. 
... Look we all know I’m going to pick Detective Comics for my pick of the week this week because I’m a sheep and it hit everything I wanted from an issue of Detective Comics including giving us more Cass-Ballerina action and having a fanciful callout to Phantom of the Opera that made my heart soar. 
But I would, for this week, also like to provide a secondary pick for Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur for being not just a fantastic book (which it is) but continuing to provide a bright light at the end of a very, very long and dark tunnel that is the Marvel Universe. It is the Marvel of tomorrow if they could just stop with their bullshit. Which, because it’s Marvel, they probably won’t. 
But these are just my thoughts and opinions, I’d love to hear from all of you. What did you think of this week? Any good titles I’m not picking up? I’d love to hear from you
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fanfic-screenplays · 5 years
Batman Rebirth Part 4
It's a dank, grimy reception area. Maybe a map of Gotham covering one wall, armed guards scattered about? It's busy - A QUEUE has formed leading up to the RECEPTIONIST. PEOPLE bustle about.
TERRY CHARGES in, RUNNING straight over to the RECEPTIONIST. Cutting in-front of the queue.
                QUEUE PERSON:        HEY!
                RECEPTIONIST:            (To Terry)        You know... We do have a queue.
RECEPTIONIST points at the queue.
                TERRY:        Where's Mary?!
                RECEPTIONIST:        Mary? Who?... I'm going to need        more than that.
                TERRY:        Fine! Mary McGinnis.
                RECEPTIONIST        Ahh... Take the door over there.
RECEPTIONIST points to a door.
It's made up like a lounge, There's also the standard police paraphernalia covering the walls.
MARY MCGINNIS, TERRY's astronomer mother is sat on the sofa. One arm wrapped around MATT McGinnis, TERRY's shy, nerdy child brother. MARY is dressed affluently.
THEY are all in their own world - in shock.
The door CREAKS opens. TERRY walks in.
                TERRY:        Mum...
MARY snaps out - wrapping TERRY into an long caring hug. MARY break's - starting to CRY.
                TERRY:        Can't believe it...
TERRY pulls himself out of the hug, passing MARY an tissue. MARY wipes HER tears...
                MARY:         Did they tell you if he's OK?
                TERRY:        No... They just sent me in here?
The door CREAKS open. Commissioner BARBARA GORDON steps in. She is the daughter of the late, great Commissioner Jim Gordon. Early 50's, leaning on a walking stick, with her dad's old revolver in a side holster.
BARBARA looks around, focusing in MARY. BARBARA limps over to her.
                BARBARA:        Mary?
                MARY:        Yes...
                BARBARA        I have an officer outside the door.        Do you mind if he looks after Matt        while we talk?
TERRY kneels down next to MATT.
                TERRY        Matt, how about you go play cops        and robbers with the man outside.        I'm sure he'll let you be Batman...
BARBARA grimaces at the mention of BATMAN...
                MATT:        What about Dad?
MARY crouches next to MATT.
                MARY:        Go on, I promise you'll be safe.
TERRY takes his hand and walks MATT over to the door. TERRY opens it.
On the other side is a PLAIN-CLOTHED OFFICER - hand outstretched.
                TERRY:            (O.S)        Go on...
MATT walks through the door, taking the OFFICER's hand. THEY lead MATT away.
TERRY closes the door behind HIM. BARBARA limps over to one of the armchairs and sit down.
                BARBARA        Now... I'm afraid...
                MARY:            (Interrupting)        What hospital is Warren at? How is        he?!
BARBARA pauses - gathering HER thoughts.
                BARBARA:        There's no easy way to say this...
                TERRY        Is he?
                BARBARA        I'm sorry, he's injuries were too        severe for him to recover from...        He didn't make it.
MARY chokes up, on the verge of tears. TERRY wraps HIS arm around HER in comfort.
MARY buries her head in TERRY's arm, and slowly starts to CRY - Tears wracking HER body.
No one speaks, just the sound of the faint bustle of the precinct, intermixed with MARY's tears.
                TERRY        Do you have any idea who did it?
                BARBARA:        No, not yet... Looking at the        footage, I believe it was a        targeted attack. Did he have anyone        who would want to cause him harm?
                TERRY        No...Dad didn't have enemies        though. He was a scientist.
                BARBARA:        No one at all?
TERRY nods, keeping one arm wrapped around MARY.
                BARBARA:        Do you mind just taking a quick        look at the footage, just to see if        anything stands out? It would        really help us.
MARY pulls herself away from TERRY. HER eyes red and puffy.
                MARY:        OK.
TERRY turns to MARY, concerned.
                TERRY:            (whispering)        You sure?
                MARY            (not whispering, resolute)        Yes... I'm sure.
BARBARA reaches into HER jacket pocket and takes out HER smartphone. BARBARA unfolds the screen.
                BARBARA        Just see if you can recognise        anyone, or if anything stands out.
BARBARA presses play.
VIXX slowly walks to WARREN's body. The minigun transforming as HE walks - stepping over bodies.
VIXX kicks it, waiting to see if WARREN moves. WARREN lays there - lifeless.
VIXX turns and walks away. HIS transformed face on show.
                BARBARA        Do you recognise him?
TERRY shakes his head.
                MARY        No... But is that who you think did        it?
                BARBARA        Just a person of interest at the        moment...
BARBARA folds HER phone back up, sliding it back into HER pocket.
                BARBARA:        Just a few more questions if you        don't mind?
MARY wipes HER eyes.
                MARY:        If you think it will help...
                BARBARA:        When was the last time you spoke?
                MARY:        ...Not since the divorce. He was        just so wrapped up in work...
                TERRY:        Yeah... always long hours in the        office, I only ever saw him for a        few minutes on the morning... We        always argued...
TERRY breaks, starting to CRY.
                TERRY:        Dad always tried to do the right        thing, I can't think of anyone who        would want to hurt him.
It's now morning. The've been in the station all night. There are a few OFFICERS just arriving the first shift of the day, mingling around outside.
MARY steps out, SHE's holding onto MATT's hand. HE's been crying. TERRY follows a few steps behind - deep in thought.
THEY head down the steps, into the street.
DANA runs across, cutting through the crowd. SHE grabs TERRY, pulling HIM into a close embrace.
                TERRY:        How did you..?
                DANA:        Max told me what happened.
TERRY steps out of the hug - head down - broken...
                TERRY:        I don't think they will find who        did it.
                DANA:        Lets just worry about you right        now...
                TERRY:        It just didn't seem like that they        had anything to go on...
DANA lets go of TERRY and takes his hand - leading HIM towards the monorail station. MARY and MATT are a little ahead, making their slow, sombre way towards it.
MARY and MATT walk slowly towards the monorail station. MARY tightly holding onto MATT'S hand - not letting go.
                MATT        Dad always said that everything        works out well in the end.
MARY lifts MATT up. MARY looks at him lovingly.
                MARY:        It will... I promise.
It's a small community park. A small group of mourners gathered around the open grave, all wearing black, sombre suits/dresses. Including MARY, MATT, DANA and TERRY.
A PRIEST is standing at the head of the grave - blessing the grave.
                PRIEST:        And now, I would like to ask any        members of the family to speak, if        they wish.
TERRY awkwardly coughs.
                TERRY:        Can I say something?
                PRIEST:        Please do.
The PRIEST steps back..
TERRY carefully lets go of MARY and nervously steps forward. TERRY keeps hold of DANA'S hand, almost for dear life.
                TERRY:        Just wanted to say...Dad wasn't a        superhero. But...He was a good man        just the same.... Even after he and        Mom got divorced.
MARY starts to CRY - small SOBS.
                TERRY:        he always tried to do the right        thing. My brother and I were always        provided for, alway helping when I        got in trouble... He tried to teach        me right from wrong. Would have too        if I'd ever listen to him.
The casket slowly starts to lower into the grave.
                TERRY:            (His voice chokes)        Going to miss you Dad.
Warren's wake has already started, with mourners standing around the hall. The room is filled with the low MURMUR of polite conversation.
TERRY enters - working the room. Making HIS way round to MARY. SHE'S just standing at the back of the room, looking over the crowd.
                MARY:        Warren would have been proud of        what you said.
                TERRY:        I hope so.
TERRY turns and looks over the crowd, Looking for anyone that actually knew HIS Dad.
                TERRY        Who came in the end?
                MARY        I think most of Warren's work        friends. That's about it though.
                TERRY        Yeah... Dad was never good at        making friends.
TERRY and MARY stare across the crowd, both thinking about WARREN. THEY stay like this for a beat or two.
TERRY glances up, looking at the holograms of WARREN's life projected across the room.
A young WARREN holding a baby TERRY - making NOISES to keep BABY TERRY entertained.
A small WOEFUL smile creeps across TERRY'S face.
Suddenly TERRY's phone BUZZES, breaking the mournful silence.
TERRY fishes it out of HIS jacket. GLANCING down at the message. It's from DANA, reads 'Terry, getting harassed by some jerk. Can you come rescue me?'
                TERRY        Mum, hope you don't mind, but Dana        wants some help.
                MARY        Go on, it's fine.
It's a classic community bar, a wraparound wooden bar, surrounded by cheap plastic bar stools. Large TV screens overhang the bar. Sports BLARING out.
DANA is standing at the bar - in conversation with DEREK POWERS. SHE's feigning interest. Behind the BARTENDER is busy making up some drinks.
                DEREK:        So... I really can't imagine Warren        spending time with a young thing        like you.
DANA physically RECOILS away from HIM.
                DANA:        Yeah... well... I'm just here for        Terry.
                DEREK:        Ah... Terry, such a shame losing        your father at that age.
TERRY enters, walking across the bar. Kissing DANA on the cheek. TERRY turns back to face DEREK.
                TERRY:        So who's your new friend?
TERRY extends HIS hand. DEREK shakes it - HARD.
                DEREK:        Derek Powers.
                TERRY:        Ah... Dad's boss.
                DEREK:        Yes... We're going to miss your        father terribly.
                TERRY:        Thank you.
TERRY wraps HIS arm around DANA - protecting her.
                DEREK:        Now, tell me... Do you need        anything?
                TERRY:        I don't accept gifts from        strangers... dad's advice.
DEREK leans forward - leering.
                DEREK:        Who's the stranger? Besides your        dad's not around anymore.
TERRY looks down - upset. DANA comforts HIM.
                DEREK:        Be smart Terry.
                DANA:        We'll pass. Thanks.
DEREK puts HIS hands up - surrendering. Stands to leave.
                DEREK:        Just trying to help...
DEREK walks towards the exit.
                DEREK:        it's a horrible world out there        after all...
                DANA:        God, he was a jerk.
TERRY sits on the stool next to DANA. Facing HER.
                TERRY:        Yeah, you don't know the half of        it.
                DANA:        What do you mean?
Behind them, SASHA BORDEAUX enters. She has the appearance and characteristics of an US Marine, muscular and short cropped black hair. SHE's wearing a black business suit.
                TERRY:        Power's reclaimed the flat.
                DANA:        Reclaimed, what do you mean?
SASHA makes her way over to the bar. SHE leans against it, TAPPING her business card against the bar, watching DANA and TERRY.
                TERRY:        It was part of Dad's job...
Terry holds back a SOB.
                TERRY:        As 'he's no longer around', we no        longer have it.
DANA wraps her arms round HIM, pulling HIM tight.
                DANA:        That's horrible!
SASHA turns, facing DANA and TERRY.
                SASHA:        Terry McGinnis?
TERRY turns and looks at HER - HIS eyes RED. HE has no idea who this person is...
                TERRY            (Confused)        Sorry, Do I know you?
SASHA stands and walks over to TERRY.
                SASHA        No... No... Sasha Bordeaux, I'm        from the Wayne Foundation.
SASHA holds out her card.
                TERRY        OK... What do you want?
                SASHA:        We heard about your situation... We        have an outreach program, for        victims of crime that require        financial assistance.
                TERRY        So...
                SASHA:        We would like help you get your        life back on track, that's all.
SASHA places her card on the bar.
                SASHA        Ten minutes of your time...Just        have a think about it.
SASHA stands and walks out. TERRY turns back to DANA.
                DANA:        You should go Terry.
                TERRY:        I don't need some rich guy's help.
                DANA:        In your situation, I'd take any        help I could get...
Darkness, impossible to see.
The door HISSES open. DEREK POWERS folds HIMSELF into the car. Looking across at the passenger seat.
                DEREK:        Glad that you could join me.
Sitting opposite DEREK is...
HARRY TULLY, handcuffed. VIXX nestling an handgun into HARRY's gut.
It's an vertical subway car, SCREECHING up the side of an skyscraper.
Imagine a cross between an subway car and an elevator, holding a hundred PEOPLE. The elevator has narrow windows, we can barely see the outside world.
TERRY is sat by one of the windows, in the corner of the Megalift. TERRY is pressed up against the narrow window. Watching the city fly past.
                MEGALIFT ANNOUNCER:            (V.O)
       Next stop, Wayne Interchange.
TERRY stirs, stands and makes his way over to the glass elevator doors.
TERRY leans against the doors - looking out over Upper Gotham. It's made up of massive megascrapers. Connected by sleek walkways, almost like the High Line (NYC).
The view suddenly vanishes as the megalift enters the interchange, revealing...
A massive lift lobby, steel megalift tubes lined up across the centre. It's like a major train station, with departure boards and shops lining the walls.
TERRY steps out of the lift. HE weaves through the heavy crowd of commuters, following the signs for the Wayne Foundation.
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fanfic-screenplays · 5 years
Batman Rebirth Part 3
The CAR SCREECHES to a halt, haphazardly across the alley, blocking it.
Doors of the CAR swing open. Thugs wearing clown masks and dirty suits clamber out. These are JOKERZ, criminals inspired by the Joker.
                TERRY:        Oi! What do you think you're doing?        !
One of the JOKERZ turns towards TERRY, reaching into THEIR pocket.
                JOKERZ 1:        Who do you think you're talking to,        man?
                TERRY:        Some wannabe Joker...
JOKERZ 1 shoves TERRY to the ground. Pulling out a REVOLVER and points it at TERRY.
                JOKERZ 1:        Get out of here!
TERRY very slowly gets to HIS feet, raising HIS hands.
                JOKERZ 1:        Go on, get...
DANA grabs TERRY arms, pulling HIM backwards - up the alley. HOLDING on with both hands, digging in, DRAGGING him away.
JOKERZ 1 watches... keeping the revolver trained on them as they walk away.
                JOKERZ 1        That's it man... walk away...
JOKERZ 2 wonders around the car and yanks opens the trunk, revealing tatty open boxes filled with small bags containing various amounts of a green powder - all with a scrawled V on them. This is Venom.
TERRY stops, turns - watching, yearning to step in.
DANA pulls at him, begging HIM not to...
                DANA:        Terry, Please let's go!
JOKERZ3 raises THEIR phone to THEIR lips, holding it like a microphone.
                JOKERZ 3:            (Voice coming out of the             car speakers)        Citizens of Gotham, round up!
Every JUNKIE in the alley slowly stands and shuffles towards the car. Almost zombie like...
TERRY stops, watching the JUNKIES stumble THEIR way towards the JOKERZ.
                DANA:        Terry, please don't get involved...
                TERRY:        Dana...I have to...
                DANA:        Why?!
TERRY pulls himself away from DANA and slowly starts to walk towards the JOKERZ.
                TERRY:        They just get away with it! No one        does anything!...
DANA watches TERRY walk away...
                DANA:            (Shouting after him)        They are going to kill you!
JOKERZ 3 turns, watching TERRY approach...
                JOKERZ 3:            (Through the cars speakers)        Guys, look at this, the no-fun boy        came back!
JOKERZ 1 looks up, pointing his revolver at TERRY.
                JOKERZ 1:        Stop!
TERRY  stops... just inches from the barrel of the gun...
                TERRY:        What now?
                JOKERZ 1:        Now you do want your nice lady        friend said...
JOKERZ 1 jabs TERRY with the barrel of the revolver.
                JOKERZ 1:        And walk away... Or...
JOKERZ 1 aims the revolver at DANA...
                JOKERZ 1        I can just blow her away.
TERRY's fists ball up - anger flares...
                JOKERZ 1        I mean, you clearly don't listen to        her anyway.
TERRY DIVES for the revolver. THEY GRABBLE over it. TERRY struggling to pull it away...
...HE SMACKS JOKERZ 1 across the face. JOKERZ1 stumbles back, hitting the pavement hard, dropping the gun.
TERRY grabs the gun,turns - THROWING it away.
                DANA:            (O.S)        Look out!
TERRY turns at the last minute, JOKERZ 1 punches TERRY across the face, knocking HIM back...
...TERRY leaps at JOKERZ 1, pinning THEM against the car. PUNCHING over and over...
...JOKERZ 1 struggles, fighting to break free, throwing feeble punches...
...JOKERZ 1 stops struggling...
...TERRY lets go, JOKERZ 1 crashes to the ground...
TERRY turns back, looking for DANA.
TERRY turns, seeing the rest of the JOKERZ sprawled across the alley.
TERRY sighs - weary, raising HIS fists.
The JOKERZ charge!
The same club where TERRY had his fight. It's covered in the remains of the fight, with bottles and general rubbish strewn everywhere.
MAX is lounging in the middle of the ring, working away on HER tablet - working out the profit from the fight.
The door to the Gym swings open, SMACKING the wall behind it. TERRY limb's in. BRUISED and BATTERED from the fight with the Jokerz.
MAX JUMPS at the NOISE, looking up - seeing TERRY. SHE runs across to HIM, concerned at the state of HIM.
                MAXINE:        Terry, what happened to you?
TERRY STUMBLES - grabbing MAX. SHE holds on, lowering TERRY into the nearest chair.
                TERRY:        Got into a fight with some        Jokerz...
MAX leaves TERRY, RUNNING across to the ring. SHE reaches under - pulling out the FIRST AID KIT.
MAX turns back, moving across to TERRY.
                MAXINE:        Guessing police had to stop in        again...
MAX sits next to TERRY, the first aid kit on HER lap.
                TERRY:        Actually the bouncers from the        Iceberg helped out...
MAX starts to search through the first aid kit - looking for plasters and antibiotics.
                MAXINE:        I'm going to have to tell Dana...        There's no way I can keep patching        you up!
MAX pulls out two spray cans. One a plaster, the other a antibiotic. MAX sets them aside.
                MAXINE:        Right, lean forward.
TERRY leans, showing MAX the cuts on HIS face. MAX gets to work. Spraying the antibiotic spray across the cuts.
                TERRY:        She was there...
                MAXINE        She's OK?
                TERRY:        Yeah... She's fine... Pissed at me        though...
MAX stops spraying and switches over to the plaster spray.
                MAXINE        Not surprised... You need to look        after yourself, otherwise you might        lose her...
MAX sprays the plaster across the wound. It's a foam which slowly hardens across the cut as MAX sprays it.
                MAXINE:        Terry, I keep saying this... but        this is not your fight.
                TERRY:        Max... Come on... You've seen the        world outside, we can't sit by and        do nothing... It's getting worse        and worse out there.
MAX angrily throws the cans back into the first aid kit. They CLANG as they hit the kit. MAX SLAMS the box shut with a loud SNAP - clearly not the first time TERRY's done this.
                MAXINE:        The police can sort this city.        They've done it before!
                TERRY:        Yeah...twenty years ago. Ever since        that night when HE disappeared, its        been getting worse.
                MAXINE:        What do you mean by HE?... You        don't seriously believe in the        Batman, do you?
                TERRY:        Something must have different back        then. Dad said that people could        walk the street and feel safe.        Something needs to happen now...
                MAXINE:        You know that's just a legend, even        if it wasn't, he's not coming back.
                TERRY:        Yeah well.. Something needs to        happen to this city. It's gone to        hell...
It's a classic dive bar. With lit up neon posters being the only source of light. The bar's full of PEOPLE having a good time - LOUD MUSIC, the LOW MURMUR of conversation.
WARREN is sat on a stool at the bar, halfway through after work drinks. One empty beer infront of him. WARREN's drinking his next one, he's about halfway through.
The door to the bar slides open. WARREN turns towards it, looking through the crowd for...
HARRY walks in. WARREN stands and sticks his hand up above the crowd - grabbing HARRY's attention.
HARRY sees it and weaves through the crowd.
HARRY slides onto the stool next to WARREN.
                HARRY:        Glad you could make it.
                WARREN:        Yeah, we needed to talk about        today...
The robotic barkeep TRUNDLES over, hereafter known as ROBOKEEP. ROBOKEEP's has an almost MR Gutsy appearance.
                ROBOKEEP:            (Has a stereotypical posh             British voice)        Drink Sir?
                HARRY:        Bud please Alfred.
                ROBOKEEP:        Yes Sir.
One of ROBOKEEP's arms reaches under the counter, pulls out a beer. Another arm swings round and opens the bottle.
ROBOKEEP slides it in-front of HARRY.
HARRY leans close to WARREN, making sure that no one can overhear.
                HARRY:        Powers gave you restricted file        access right?
WARREN leans in...
                WARREN:        Yeah, for Blight's DNA sequence        why?
                HARRY:        So you must have access to Bane and        the Venom files as well?
                WARREN        Again... Why?
                HARRY        I think the only way to stop Powers        is to expose all of it...
                WARREN:        What about us? Do you want to        expose us as well?!
                HARRY:        Calm down... Look, Blight's meant        to be for the D.O.D right. If we go        to them then I think they should        protect us.
                WARREN:        What about MY family. What do you        think Power's will do to them?!
HARRY sighs...
                HARRY:        I know, but do you have any better        ideas?
WARREN stares into HIS glass - thinking. HE downs the drink. Standing.
                WARREN:        No...no... Really can't say that I        do.
WARREN pulls on HIS coat.
                WARREN        I'll get the files, then we can        talk...
WARREN heads out, weaving through the crowd to the exit.
It's raining heavily. Puddles have formed everywhere.  The puddles reflect back the lights and advertising billboards. PEOPLE are bustling about, making their way home.
WARREN dashes along - dodging puddles, heading towards the monorail station at the end of the street.
Behind WARREN, an heavy set MAN steps out of the shadows. Wearing a black trenchcoat with a hood covering his face. No way to tell who it is.
The MAN follows WARREN... Rapidly getting closer and closer, shoving ANYONE in HIS way aside. PEOPLE hit the floor, turn, stare, point.
The MAN shoves SOMEONE. SOMEONE falls against the MAN. Pulling the hood down. REVEALING that it's VIXX stalking WARREN.
VIXX THROWS THEM to the ground. Looking around for WARREN.
VIXX'S augmented arm TRANSFORMS into a MINIGUN...
Vixx see's WARREN. Raises the minigun. Pointing it at WARREN.
The barrel starts to SPIN... Getting LOUDER and LOUDER!
WARREN glances behind, looking for the source of the noise... HE sees VIXX - PANICS, turning. Running for HIS life!
HE shoves anyone in HIS way, trying to get through the crowd - heading for the nearest exit.
VIXX does not move. Keeping WARREN in the sights.
The minigun FIRES, mowing PEOPLE down - collapsing onto the floor.
WARREN's hit - multiple times. WARREN  writhes and collapses to the ground, face down.
The firing has stopped. All around PEOPLE are lying on the floor. Slowly bleeding out...
We hear a POLICE SIREN getting closer and closer.
VIXX slowly walks to WARREN's body. The minigun transforming as HE walks - stepping over bodies.
VIXX kicks it, waiting to see if WARREN moves. WARREN lays there - lifeless.
VIXX pulls up his hood. A veil drops down over his face, TRANSFORMING VIXX's facial features as it does so. HE is now completely unrecognisable, looking like someone else.
VIXX turns and walks away. Straight past a POLICE CAR which has just SCREECHED to a halt a few metres away.
It has still not been cleaned or tidied up. Covered in remnants from the fight the night before.
TERRY and NELSON are in the ring - in casual clothes. TERRY's face is still bruised and battered. NELSON's pristeen, got a perfect appearance - clearly a rich snob. HE's TERRY'S arch nemesis in their group of friends.
THEY are sparring, circling each other, looking for a moment to strike.
MAX casually watches from TERRY's corner.
                NELSON:        You know what Terry?
MAX's phone RINGS out, SHE pulls it out of HER pocket. Heads off to a quiet corner, away from the fight.
                TERRY:        I'm sure you're going to to tell        me...
NELSON throws a sloppy punch at TERRY. TERRY ducks under the swing.
                NELSON:        Why is Dana with you? Of all        people, she picks someone who can't        afford their own home...
TERRY moves back, putting some space between them.
NELSON attempts to hit TERRY. TERRY easily avoids it - getting angrier and angrier.
                NELSON        I mean, she must know that you're        going to spend your whole life        paying off your debt to Powers.
TERRY snaps! HE's had enough - throwing PUNCH after PUNCH at NELSON...
NELSON blocks them, one after the after. SMACKING TERRY across the face.
TERRY stumbles back.
                NELSON:        Don't be surprised if she got a        better offer...
TERRY SUDDENLY turns and throws a heavy punch into NELSON's gut. NELSON steps back, folded over.
TERRY punches NELSON to the ground.
NELSON cowers as TERRY stands over him - fists raised, ready to beat NELSON to a pulp.
                TERRY:        Don't ever talk about her like that        ever again!
                NELSON        OK OK, Jesus!
MAXINE runs over, still on the phone.
                MAXINE:            (Panicked)        TERRY!
TERRY turns, leaving NELSON on the floor - not bothering to help HIM up.
                TERRY:        What?!
MAXINE holds out the phone.
                MAXINE:            (Concerned)        You need to take this... It's about        Warren.
TERRY ducks under the robes - making his way to MAX.
                TERRY:        What happened?
                MAXINE:        Terry... Please just speak to your        mother.
TERRY takes the phone from HER - confused about what's going on.
                TERRY:        Mum, What's wrong?
                MARY:            (V.O)        Terry... It's Warren... He's...        been shot.
The precinct is an old roughed up brownstone building. Heavily reinforced, ready for a riot.
TERRY CHARGES up the stairs, DIVING through the double doors into...
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