#hes so mean tho like if he had to perform surgery on a super or anyone super adjacent for any reason it’s immediately
starlooove · 1 year
How to explain my fave Robin is Matt McGinnis
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Well theres this video where a parasite is cut out of a hot without any mention of painkiller. Another video mentions Lucifer recovering well from a surgery. And at some point in that video it’s also shown that a non hot had a cyst removed (but the cyst sac left in, so that’s just gonna come back) surgically.
Tbh that’s about all i can stomach in terms of searching for examples. I had also heard of an eneucleaction being preformed on Lilith but I can’t find that. I did see a video where they said that they didn’t want to use antibiotics on her for her infected eye tho just because they, didn’t want to deal with injections every 3 days.
Thanks so much for sending this in! I'd never seen this video; that's absolutely horrific and not proper procedure at all. I mean, just a few days ago I helped transport a rattlesnake to the vet because he had a mild eye infection, something as severe as the parasite in this video should have been taken to a vet immediately, no matter how venomous the snake is. Just to be super clear here, when I said before that facilities that keep hot snakes do some things in house out of necessity, I was talking about minor procedures - we take them to a vet for anything above stuck shed, bruises, or scrapes.
There's also no excuse at all to perform in-house surgery on a non-venomous snake, ever, and difficulty of handling a hot snake is no reason to neglect necessary medical care like injections.
Absolutely terrible; NERD should be nothing short of ashamed. Again, thanks for letting me know about this!
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doriook · 4 years
ok so i have never written anything here but the sweet home netflix adaptation left me w sm pent up anger i need to rant
⚠️obviously spoilers from both the webtoon and series⚠️
i was actually pretty excited abt it bc it seemed promising and on the first ep i was so happy to see the characters again obv had some complaints abt jisu’s hair but i thought i was to make her look modern?? even though her original hairstyle is still popular and it had a meAning but n e ways also abt the lil kids names:// mr ahn not being a baldy jsjskskd but minor stuff the bastard easter egg was nice tho
idk a lot abt cgi but i liked it and getting more into the plot or aspects from the webtoon they literally got rid of maria from the sky like wtf i was like ok maybe it was hard to make a chibi look like jisu irl bUT AT LEAST TRY A CHARACTER OMG AND WITH THAT they got rid of how hyun and hyuk met online and just their entire friendship/dynamic, aLSO lets talk abt mr wook pyeon THEY DID HIM SO DIRTY OMG he was like a father to those kids he cared for them and protected them maybe not from the very start but he developed and netflix just took that and threw it out the window jfc.
At first i excused the fact that they skipped how the figured out the burning monsters and earphones thingy bc only ten eps and all that bUT THEY ADDED SUCH UNNECESSARY STUFF LIKE AN ENTIRE CHARACTER AND HER ARC i mean like no hate to yikyung but they didnt make her likeable??? and then the entire trip experience adventure that was getting dusik to the first floor was also skipped like wtf???? and jisu even had a surgery when she didn’t even trip in the webtoon and performed by hyuk nonetheless like my boi is smart but yea.
now more things netflix deleted, i think the way would have scored more points in my agenda if they had given hyun is original bastard tracksuit 😭😭😭😭 aLSO WTF WITH THE ENTIRE TIME SEQUENCE OF EVENTS??? i dont remember the word for it srry) like jayhyun didnt make like past 70 eps and he wasnt even around when they tried to go out also ithey didnt put the two crazy girls the one scared of everything but got developement and the crazy one w glasses that in the series got replaced for a quiet girl that dies kinda unnecessarily also w that when they tried to go out mr ahn didnt die this time and died in a super boring way not heroic saving hyun and with that they ruined how the gangsters join and their past with wook.
and that firefighter gave a tour of the city without any monster encounters like tf?
onto the gangsters arc they only kept the rapist one bc even the half monster one wAS A GOOD PERSON IN THE WEBTOON from that moment on everything went even more downhill bc w this newbie killing the boss as a human hyun couldn’t “die” protecting his friends from it as a monster.
also what abt the ships???? like i shipped jisu x hyun sm but here the only time they were kinda together was like two seconds for the song like no ❤️ also the eun x hyuk sibling luv (bickering lol) and netflix included the narcissistic dude bUT NOT WHEN HE TURNED A MONSTER THAT ONLY WANTS COMPLIMENTS LIKE W. T. F. and our goddess yuri dies wHEN SHE ORIGINALLY SURVIVES also wtf with netflix’s ending like the had ONE job IT WAS LAID OUT TO THEM AND THEY DIDNT CARE UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH and this firefighter left them to die bc they all dumb aF and hyun got captured like god ugh i hate netflix but i love the webtoon sm but idk if i want another season
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and now a few scenes that didn’t appear but def should have
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like seriously they didnt put jisu trying to sacrifice herself and hyun saving her and then hugging to give her appendicitis???? 🙄✋🏼
i would like to say i started this webtoon like early 2019 and read it weekly since then until its finale and i dont remember everything and cant quite check bc the webtoon is in daily pass so if you have read thw webtoon and there is something i missed pls tell me and if u want talk abt it or the series or both dm me;) i have no friends;)
nonetheless i bawled my eyes out hyuns backstory
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kewltie · 4 years
grumpy vet!katsuki is annoyed at animal lover!izuku who keeps bringing strays into his clinic because this isn't a fucking rescue but he never stop helping izuku care and find a home for every one of them. worst yet is that he can hear the voice of animals and they're like,,, pls mate with the cute human.
katsuki doesn't remember when it first started for him, but he'd always heard them. the animals are noisy bunch of fuckers with A WHOLE LOT OF OPINIONS and katsuki wouldn't say he love them but hearing their voice, knowing their pain and joy, he understands them better than he get humans. there isn't any pretense with the animals. they are what they are and they love, hate, and cry just as fiercely as any humans even though katsuki thinks they're simple creatures. he always been closer to the animals than other humans because they stay true to him. so yea he doesn't love animals but he finds himself relating to them more than his own species. it's not surprise that he became a vet because he get to work closely with the animals that kinda fuck up his life since he cant have any normalcy anymore so they're stuck with each other lol
izuku have always been fond of animals and they have always been super fond of him back. it's mutual love all around even though izuku def can't hear their voices but growing up izuku was heavily bullied and harassed and his only friends were stray dogs he met whenever he walk to/from school.  his bullies called him in mocking tone 'snow white' because the fact that izuku always attracting animals around him and whenever he go anywhere birds fly circle above him and animals have a habit of finding him. it's freaky. IZUKU WAS WEIRD so he finds comfort in animals rather than human because they don’t care or judge him. Animals can be simple like that.
while katsuki takes his strangeness and ability and turns it into a flourishing business because he's not going to let anything fuck him over; katsuki owns his power and isn't ashamed of it one bit. he just wish the animals talk less because they think they know BEST even more than him lol.  take for example his lack of love life because he's sooo busy at his private clinic and doesn't have time for others. as soon as he had graduated vet school, he poured his money and opened his own clinic because katsuki was never going to be alright working under someone and he want to do things his way.  now that his business is stable and he got several other vets (his friends from vet school) working with him, he has more free time but still finds himself working at the clinic on his day off because he's uh a bit of a workaholic?? also because he thinks human relationship is a complicated, annoying, and just UGH/o\.
his animals that AREN'T HIS PETS exactly but stay year round at the clinic because they're deemed unadoptable for normal shelters because of their special needs (i.e. blind, deaf, etc) so they constantly harassed him to find a 'proper mate' and produce 'offspring' already because he's wasting good sperm… lol  they legitly dont understand how a virile male like katsuki haven't found a good mate yet and katsuki REALLY REALLY would like them to stfu up with the nagging because he already got it from his friends and HIS PARENTS and now he's getting harassed at work by his own fucking animals.
his animals are actually a bird with one wing, a three legged dog, two cats (one blind and the other deaf). no matter what katsuki say, THEY'RE HIS PACK and they absolutely loves him. Some were surrendered by their owner because it was too much work taking care of a special need animal while his pack like the dog actually came from a fighting ring and got his leg broken by another. the two cats were from abusive households, and the bird was abandoned by her owner when she lost one of her wings. they're mix matched bunch of mistfists with nowhere else to go but katsuki took them in anyway. he said it's only UNTIL HE FIND THEM A NEW HOME, but they never leave him sobs. THEY LOVE THIS GRUMPY ASSHOLE. katsuki understands them and doesn't care if they're lil broken and damage and he's so, so good to them even though he's so MEAN ABOUT IT LOL.
so yea, they want more than anything for katsuki to be happy!!!!! for them that's mean finding a good mate and having babies because that is guaranteeing his future, but few humans can put up with their beloved katsuki,,, until izuku comes rolling into the clinic with a dog hit by a car of course.
izuku has no pet insurance and he doesn't even have any money to pay the pet fees because he's actually unemployed right now. he went through various jobs of all kind but because of his 'unique deposition' animals constantly flocked to him and made it chaotic when he's on the job. he was eventually was fire/asked to leave because it was inconvenience to them and though izuku finds it extremely hard to only last a month or two at his new work everytime, he never blame the animals for being the source of the problem because they ARE HIS HAPPINESS, HIS ENDLESS JOY.
it also made it harder izuku to have a 'normal' life when izuku would often drop everything to help any kind of animal in need. a lost pet, an injured bunny, an abused dog, etc and he would go to great lengths to ensure they're love and care for because they are the world to him. so when he saw a dog injured on the roadside, he stopped immediately and found the nearest vet clinic to bring her in even though HE'S OUT OF A JOB and is poor in cash but rich in heart :P.
at first katsuki put up a fight like he's not going to help unless izuku paid up because he's kind of dick lol. tbh he was just putting on a show because he can't have ppl thinking HE'S FUCKING WEAK to every desperate ppl coming in even tho his price is the cheapest in the area and he takes IN EVERY PET NO MATTER HOW DIRE but then izuku get teary eyes and promise katsuki his spleen if he would help. that is when he knew izuku is going to FUCKING RUIN HIM because then all the animals in the waiting room is giving him a stink eye and are like, "HELP THE POOR HUMAN YOU DUMB DOC". he just want to growl at them to stfu but the dog starts howling and everyone is making noises and he sighs.
he wasn't even going to kick izuku and the injured dog out anyway so he grits his teeth and let himself be bullied in taking in his new patient and a v v v concern izuku. he insistently hovers close by as katsuki perform the surgery on the dog's broken leg. katsuki knows the drill because worry pet parent is part of the job. "she will be fine," he tells izuku.
eyes wide with hope. "really?" he asks, looking all earnest.
"yea, i wouldn't bullshit unless i fucking know for sure," katsuki answers with a snort because he doesnt make empty promises. also because he's fucking good at his job. he takes in every case seriously and pour his blood, sweat, and tears into all their animals that come into his clinic until they're well again. katsuki doesn't love animals,,, he's FUCKING LOVES THEM in his own ornery ways ofc lol.
 esp the pets and animals that come through his clinic, they all have unique personality and stories to tell. they're not humans but to katsuki they might as well be because their life is as precious as any other human being and he wants to make sure none of them die on his table.
"okay, she's cleared from the surgery," katsuki says, informing an anxious looking izuku. "you can take her home in three days." he pauses for a moment with a frown. "consider the wee waived as my good deed of the year. just dont let your pet run off in the street next time."
izuku blinks. "she's not my dog. I just found her."
katsuki stares at him. "you were going to offer your spleen for a dog that isn't EVEN YOURS?!"
izuku nods eagerly. "i just couldnt leave her alone when she's hurt like that. thank you so much, bakugou-san! you're her hero!"
it's then that his life go from somewhat mundane (as much as a vet who can talk to animals can be) to become even more eccentric because of izuku. he somehow acquired another DOG into his pack bc no matter how desperately izuku tried to find her owner he couldn't. she also need a lot of dedicated hands on care but with no prior owner appearing, katsuki begrudgingly takes her on until she finds a new home. even worst, izuku makes it a habit to visit his clinic daily to check up on her and all the animals there perk excitedly at his appearance.
he easily makes friend w/ all the animals, esp the ones recovering from surgery/illness, taking special care of them while katsuki's pack is super curious w/ izuku and  keep hounding katsuki to pay attention to the cute human!! LOOK A VIABLE MATE as katsuki continues to ignore them
katsuki like to thinks he's a hardass but ever since that day izuku keeps bringing in his strays for katsuki to help and katsuki grumble his way through it but never turn izuku away bc as soon as izuku turn his fucking huge green eyes at him,,,, he'd fucking whipped that's what. and izuku has no money and no job, he started stay longer and help out at the clinic as a return for katsuki’s helping out the animals he keeps bringing in. so he just come to clinic pretty much everyday from morning and wouldn't leave till they close it.
his presence there calm the animals and they always look forward to seeing him everyday. even katsuki's regular clients are like, "oh did you hired a new assistant at the clinic? he's such a sweet and helpful boy."
katsuki, eyes twitching, grits out a, "no."
but at this point katsuki pretty much accepted izuku is attached to the clinic now because unlike all the strays izuku brought in with all of them eventually finding a new home later, KATSUKI IS STUCK WITH IZUKU even though this izuku had FOUND HIM FIRST and not the other way around. katsuki is good with animals because they dont take his bullshit and though he has his colleagues who he work with but they knew him long enough to deal with his prickliness longterm but izuku who he only known for a month or 2, sticks close to him and just smile through him being his asshole self. maybe it's because izuku is some kind of animals magnet disney princess bullshit because ofc katsuki would only attract the kind of person that is maybe part animals or some shit because JUST HIS LUCK that he takes in a human stray in the end and can't get rid of izuku even if he wanted to.
there was no point in fighting it now, izuku is here to stay even if he has a habit of attracting all kind of animals and ridiculous to katsuki's peaceful clinic. he ends up hiring izuku to work at the clinic even though izuku been working there for months already lol. izuku who always have a hard time having any permanency in his life because of his animals magnet deposition and maintaining any human relationship because they dont get his obsession with animals, immediately lights up at the news that he's here to stay WITH ALL THE ANIMALS AND KATSUKI.
katsuki who is mean, rough, and yells at him when he messed up but carefully teaches him how to fill out the health form correctly and lets him play with all the animals at the clinic. doesn't even blink when izuku smuggled in an injured bird and put UP WITH IZUKU'S RIDICULOUSNESS!! izuku is half way in love already because katsuki is a good man with the biggest heart around even if he deny it. he can tell by how much his pack loves katsuki, how they are happy and healthy they look and how they were deemed too broken for society but with katsuki they found a perfect home.
izuku doesn't understand the animals but you don't need a common language to see the way katsuki’s dog curl up in his lap when he's working in the office even though that dog is definitely way too big for it, or how his bird hop on his shoulder as he works. it's there in their body language and the way they want to be close to him. animals are honest, they express everything they feel with their entire body so katsuki can huffs and puffs about how he's not a good person but izuku knows. why else would katsuki not charged izuku for all the animals he bring in or get so brutally upset when he couldn't save one of their life.
izuku doesn't push for more because he's happy just having a room in katsuki's life with all these animals around them. while katsuki is SUFFERING because all his animals are yelling at him daily to: "FUCK MATE CUTE HUMAN BOY YOU USELESS TURD."
the fact that they're all invested in katsuki's love life is hilarious because they think he's completely useless at getting a mate and really want him to get it on with IZUKU ALREADY BECAUSE HE'S GETTING INTO HIS PRIME AND HE NEED TO PRODUCE BEFORE HE DIE TO CONTINUE HIS SPECIES!!!
katsuki has to keep telling them that IS NOT HOW HUMANS WORK but his animals keep offering advice like, "offer the head of your beloved's worst enemy as a courting gift", "leave a dead mouse at his house", "build him a beautiful nest" etc. it's great IF IZUKU WASNT A HUMAN. they critique katsuki's "courting skill" relentlessly because izuku is sweet, kind, love animals, and is perfect so like,,, can he hurry and snatch the cute human up already before some other bastard does???? because mating is a battlefield!!! you got to fight for your right to have him!!
at this point, with the constant nagging and all the animals being 'helpful', katsuki kinda just want lean over and tell izuku, "so do you just wanna fuck and start a family with me?" so his animals can stfu and also he'd might have lost his mind a lil there lol
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frasier-crane-style · 4 years
Terminator: Dark Fate
I have no idea how TSCC came up with two seasons’ worth of innovative scenarios about Terminators and these cinematic universe motherfuckers can only redo T2 with more CGI.
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This movie is plotless. It has no real plot. It’s like Now That’s What I Call A Terminator Movie! There are so many callbacks and borrowings from all the other Terminator movies that it passes the point of homage and just becomes plagiarism. The bad Terminator is the same as the T-X, metal endoskeleton with a T-1000 shell. They kill him with a Terminator power core. They say Come With Me If You Want To Live and I’ll Be Back (twice! It’s the first thing Sarah Connor says and it makes no sense in context, it’s just something people say in Terminator movies). In fact, it has anti-plot, since it undoes a lot of the story developments in Terminator and T2.
The premise is basically just we’re going to remake Terminator 1, but people don’t like reboots, so we’re going to bring back Linda Hamilton and make it a technically kinda sorta sequel (sure, Skynet was wiped from existence, but another, completely different, yet exactly the same AI called Legion was created and did the exact same thing. Which also happened in T3, but they had the decency to still call it Skynet). But otherwise, it’s entirely people being chased by an evil robot from the future and trying to destroy it. 
That’s it. That’s all there is to it. T2 had the whole thing about preventing Judgment Day before it happened. T3 had Judgment Day actually happen. This one, nothing. There is nothing going on under the surface other than a bunch of action sequences and explosions. Even T3 got some mileage out of the idea that Judgment Day was inevitable. Here, our cast learns that Judgment Day was already ‘averted’ once slash that it’s destined to be repeated and they basically go “Eh. Figures.” I’m not kidding.
Wait, that’s not fair. Let’s count out the TWEEESTS.
1. In a very contrived way, the script waits an hour and a half to actually explain why heroine Dani has been targeted for termination--you know, the thing Kyle Reese explained to Sarah Connor the moment they were out of danger--all to set up this big ‘reveal’ that Dani isn’t the NuSarah, she’s the NuJohn (yes, they actually say this aloud, just so you soup sandwich motherfuckers in the audience get it). Hear that, neckbeards, John Connor is now a woman! And Mexican! And she’s got a bit of a gay vibe, because it’s 2019 and God forbid we have a heroine that isn’t a bit bicurious. If she has a cock and balls, my bingo card will be a winner.
2. Months after killing John Connor and thus completing his mission, an Arnold-model Terminator started a family (wow, that was quick) and learned the value of human life and eventually switched sides. This is a crazy new idea that also happened in Terminator: Genebissss, so it’s done and dusted in ten minutes, even though Arnold is the most engaging character. (He’s saddled with a lot of yuk lines about how he’s a comically serious Terminator, yet (teehee) works as an interior decorator, but at least he has a personality.)
3. The other good Terminator is Grace, who needs meds to keep up her cyborg strength or she’ll crash (this never affects the plot) (it’s like they read something about Rey Palpatine having no flaws and so they decided to give Grace the ‘flaw’ of literally having her own Kryptonite). She’s not a Terminator, she’s an augmented human, which means she can make MCU-style wisecracks every five minutes. (”I didn’t hear anything.” “That’s because you’re not a cybernetic super soldier from the future.” Actual dialogue.)
4. Linda Hamilton is back, baby! Yes, that’s right, they dragged her away from doing guest spots on Lost Girl! Can you believe???? She’s become a Terminator hunter that ambushes Terminators as they come back from the future and destroys them, because Skynet was both able to send back an infinite number of Terminators AND because now they can easily be destroyed by one five-hundred-year-old woman. 
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This makes it a bit confusing why they have so much trouble taking out Ghost Rider, given that he’s a T-1000 skin with a creamy T-800 center. It seems like if you hammer him enough, he’s got no endoskeleton, and that’s all she wrote. That’s what happened to the T-X. Can his liquid metal skin just walk around without the other half of him? If so, what’s the point of the endoskeleton? The T-1000 managed without it and that seemed a lot harder to kill. At one point, Sarah hits the bare endoskeleton with a bazooka, which seems like it should’ve been a mortal blow, but it’s the first act, so I guess not.
And is it supposed to be funny that the opening takes place in a car factory where (in 2019!) the human workers are losing their assembly line jobs to machines? Because they’re all Mexicans? None of them ever look at a Terminator and go THEY TOOK OUR JOBS, but man, that one is all teed up for the Rifftrax boys.
For a movie with, as I said, no plot, it’s very rushed. They seem to be saying “yeah, it’s a dumb Terminator movie, you know the score,” (even tho it’s halfway aimed at people who aren’t Terminator fans; more on that in a minute) because it seems to take all of ten minutes for both good guys and bad guys to find Dani and start getting into CGI stunt double fights, which means the story has very little time to breathe and we have very little time to get to know any of the characters. The bad guy spawns practically at Dani’s front door! And pretty much does everything by massacring a bunch of people and then hacking a computer. The T-1000 had some intelligence, some charisma. This guy’s a big nothing.
And the Dani character is useless. She starts the story already super assertive, is barely traumatized at all by her loved ones being killed and her own life being endangered. There’s none of that relatable feel of an everyman suddenly being told they have a grand destiny and an incredible responsibility, because right from the start she’s standing up to her mean boss and doing the Nevertheless She Persisted thing. And all this while being literally five feet tall and looking all of twelve years old. 
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I love these Spy Kids movies.
And at least the original two movies were smart enough to leave the future John Connor mostly to the imagination. This one actually shows us Dani as grizzled military badass, beating up guys and delivering inspiring speeches (would it surprise you to know that humans fighting among each other “is exactly what Legion wants”?), and it’s just--oh man. If ever a political leader is enough to make people think back to the good old days of Trump and Biden...
And if we’re going to talk shit (rightfully) about Jai Courtney’s Kyle Reese not being at all scruffy or traumatized or feral, it should be noted that Grace seems pretty well-adjusted for a post-apocalyptic guerrilla fighter (who all wear Starship Trooper uniforms). Aside from a tendency to smash the face in of everyone she comes across, whether they’ve done anything to deserve it or not (Sample dialogue, to a doctor who is looking at her X-rays after performing life-saving surgery on her: “Did I give you permission to look at my private parts?” SMASH. No, really!)
They really go all in on this cringey, woke af “You’re not the mother of some MAN, Dani. YOU ARE THE FUTURE!” And yet, there’s a hilarious amount of toxic masculinity in this movie, just without the dongs. About every other line Sarah and Grace have is generic tough guy bullshit about how they’re going to kick someone’s ass, how they’re suspicious of someone, how they’re hostile towards someone. If they had dongs, you would think they were the smallest dongs possible, because they are compensating for something, BIG TIME. Between the T-800 and Sarah and Grace, everyone in this movie seems to outright hate each other, to the point that Arnold’s killer cyborg is one of the more pleasant characters. It gets to where you just want someone to order a fucking decaf. Does the fact that Sarah Connor has a vagina keep it from being ridiculously over the top how she spends all her time either blowing up robots or drinking herself into a stupor? C’mon. You can’t complain about male characters having ‘man-pain’ then give Bad Grandma a pass over her ovaries.
And that’s it. It’s a Brundlefly shit between yet another dumb girlpower reboot for the people who’ve never seen a Terminator movie and a sequel with Sarah and Uncle Bob to try and get that last drop of blood outta this stone. They’re trying to make something that appeals to both people for whom this is their first Terminator and people for whom this is their latest Terminator and it just doesn’t work. The newbies don’t have any emotional investment in these characters and the Terminator fans don’t like it that all the old movies were rendered meaningless to prop up Grace and Dani.
Hilariously enough, I actually played Terminator: Resistance recently, which is a fun little mid-tier shooter that was meant to tie in to this movie... and it completely ignores all the Dani/Grace/Legion BS to take place in John Connor’s future war and tie in to the first two movies. That’s how forgettable this movie is. Its own damn video game adaptation pretends it doesn’t exist. Fuuuck.
Oh! Oh! Oh! And in that big, bad, sexist original Terminator, which was so unwoke and problematic, Sarah saved herself and finished off the Terminator herself. Here, Dani has to be saved by Arnold at the climax. The 35-year-old movie is more feminist than this one. Fuck you very much.
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photolover82 · 4 years
The Masked Singer Season 4 Episode 3: Group A... again? Playoff Time! Commentary & Guesses
Hi all my Masked Singer fanatics! Time for episode 3 of this new season of The Masked Singer woohoo! Group A is back... and you are probably thinking how about Group C? Group C won’t be performing until after the World Series which is about last week in October to first week of November... so next week we will be seeing Group B in the playoffs as well, but having said that, let’s focus on Group A  (aka Popcorn, Giraffe, Sun, and Snow Owls) again because my guesses have changed like a lot since last week... I feel more sure about my guesses this time, I swear they are better and more researched this time... 
But First let’s talk about the eliminated contestant who is....
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Performance: He sang “Get Down on It” by Kool & the Gang and it was much better than his first performance, even though the beginning was a bit scary. However, I kind of figured he was going to go home because the rest kind of outshined him by a lot. 
Anyways, the Giraffe ended up being...
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And if you are like, um who... same! Well he is from the hit show Beverly Hills 90210 and he’s Megan Fox’s ex husband.... and I actually was convinced due to a large amount of YouTube comments saying that it was him because of the clues (did you see how wonderful that segue was? Come on, that was flawless): 
The Fox from Season 2 and Transformers clues= his ex wife/mother to his kids, Megan Fox reference 
Peach Pit= famous scene from 90210 (idk man I’ve heard of the show but never seen it, don’t judge me) 
Robins on his shoulders= nod to him being best friends with Robin Thicke (we’ll talk about that hilarious moment in a second, btw spoiler alert Robin didn't guess his best friend) since they were both 16 
Golden Ear Time: 
It’s been a while since last time they didn’t show it (btw Jenny got a point for guessing Gremlin) so lemme explain this is the segment where I talk about the judges’ guesses... but today I am just gonna talk about Ken and Robin because they had some funny moments with these guesses (oh and btw I am gonna do judges’ guesses for the rest of them, and Joel McHale was a guest judge so he’s included below.. just so you guys know who I mean when I say Joel) 
So Ken guessed Shia Lebouf.... um, ok? Not the first time... What’s funny tho is that his explanation for his answer was so much that even the Giraffe fell asleep like damn lmao 
Then Robin... his best friend since age 16 (these men are both in their 40s, married/divorced with kids and everything), his neighbor, they were in a 2 man band together.... and HE STILL DIDN’T GUESS HIM (and a bunch of 90210 fans did and even got the reference wowwww). The best part was his face when he saw it was Brain, he was like nooooooooo I done messed up (I was about to curse, but this is a family show), funniest thing ever 10/10 would recommend watching just for that reaction
Anyways, we are done here, now to the final 3 for Group A: 
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Performance: She sang “Falling” by Harry Styles and damn what an improvement! This is the stuff I was looking for when I saw how adorable her costume was. Omg this was my favorite performance of the night, it was so memorable and amazing! 
As for my guess, I changed my answer and I feel confident about this one, I am locking it in.... 
I think that the Popcorn is 80s pop star.... 
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Here’s why, clues please:
Mention of her being sick and having anxiety as a kid= when she was 5 she underwent ureteral reimplantation surgery and struggled with panic attacks, anxiety, and agoraphobia (fear of open/crowded spaces) 
Crimper and Rubik's cube= 80s reference, when she started her career (1985) and gained success
LGBTQ+ Flag= huge LGBTQ+ supporter 
Venus= planet of love, which most of her songs are about
Judges’ Guesses: 
Ken: Katy Perry?! (I know it’s Ken and he’s not great at this, but really?!) 
Joel: Gloria Gaynor (meh, that’s better, I’ve seen this guess a bit, but nope) 
Jenny: Vanessa Williams (nope, I don’t think so Jenny, that’s worse than Gloria Gaynor) 
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Performance: They sang “Like I’m Gonna Lose You” by John Legend and Meghan Trainor and I really heard the country in their voice this time and they sounded older so the moment I heard them I was like yeah nope not Julianne and Derek at all. However, even though I love them, I really preferred their first performance even though this one was cute and I really want them to go super far. 
As for my guess, I changed my answer and thank you to all the people who helped me out by yelling at me on the YouTube comments section, I am gonna go with country duo....
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Here’s why, clues please:
Witch hat= Lisa played a witch, Tabitha, in the Bewitched sequel 
Going through a messy breakup = Clint had a pretty bad legal falling out with his management company
Anchor with MANagement= Clint was in a movie named Anger Management in 2004 
Opportunity fit for a queen= their song together “When I say I do” going to the Tonight Show and her being apprehensive about it, but him pushing her to do it. 
Judges’ Guesses:
Ken: Will Ferrell and Rachael McAdams (what’s your proof?)
Joel: Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood (I like that one, pretty close) 
Jenny: Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman (also close not mad at this guess)
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Performance: She sang "Praying” by Kesha and wow, so good! I loved it so much, her and the seahorse are stiff competition. She’s amazing, I am really into her, she’s one of my faves. 
As for my guess, I am doubling down on my last guess (only one I felt good about).. Let’s go: 
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Here’s why I’m doubling down, clues please:
Fractured home= parents were divorced
Into the woods= she used to date Tiger Woods (say what now?! yes this is real, I searched it up after reading a comment on YouTube)
Ugly Rumors= She appeared in Coyote Ugly/ sang for the soundtrack and there were really horrible rumors about her and her divorce
Over the moon= her songs: can’t fight the moonlight and nothing new under the moon 
8 Ball= She was on Star Search at age 8
Judges’ Guesses:
Nicole: Carrie Underwood (her logic is bad, but close enough) 
Jenny: Mandy Moore (um, idk the voice doesn’t match) 
Robin: Katherine McPhee (I like his logic, but no, the voice is too distinct) 
Alright so that’s it! Sorry for it being late but better late than never. I hope you guys enjoy! Let me know if you agree or disagree in the comments and I’ll see you in a couple of days for the Group B playoffs (little fun prediction if you made it this far: I think the Whatchamacallit is next to leave)! BYE!!! 👋🏼
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dickie-gayson · 5 years
Fun Young Justice Fact!!
I straight up c r i e d during the S1 episode Coldhearted but not for the reason yall think. I've seen MANY discussions and reactions but not ONCE have I seen any love or recognition given to my boi in Coldhearted
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This doctor (he's the good one, not the goon) isn't named during the show iirc BUT his name is in the credits.
Pieter Cross.
Pieter Cross.
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Y'all, Pieter Cross is another dc superhero - one of my favs.
This lovely accented doctor, Pieter Anton Cross, is none other than Doctor Mid-Nite (the second). here's some pics (the first is w his bffl/platonic life partner Michael Holt aka Mister Terrific)
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Pieter graduated from Harvard Medical at 19. He's essentially the Hero Community's go-to doctor for everything.
"Doctor Mid-Nite is the world's most prominent superhero doctor. He is often called upon when an autopsy is needed, or when a hero needs major surgery."
Ye, he's had to autopsy his dead friends :( he also does casual checkups. Powergirl goes to him for her check ups and to keep an eye on her powers. He's done a bunch of life-saving surgeries on not only the heroes but ALSO their loved ones! He performed surgery on Lois Lane after she got shot. When Hush removed Catwoman's heart from her body, Doctor Mid-nite and Mister Terrific were able to successfully put it back in and save her.
You not only want him in ur corner when ur hurt, u need him. There's none better! Imagine the sheer amount of crazy powerful allies he has bcus he saves all sorts of heroes and their loved ones! U don't attack the healer unless u wanna get fucked up by the rest of the squad, right? U also don't piss the healer off unless u wanna suffer, right? Same energy, fam. It helps that he can perform surgery flawlessly in the fuckin pitch dark.
He's disabled! In fact, Doctor Mid-Nite is credited as the first disabled superhero in comics! They're talking about Charles McNider, his predecessor, but Pieter Cross is also disabled. He's blind. I won't go into his whole origin but suffice to say he was unwillingly drugged and it caused him to go totally blind except for in the absolute dark.
He can only see in the dark and/or with his specialized lenses iirc. He carries smoke grenades that cause absolute blackness (think vanta black bombs) bcus he can see just fine in it and others can't. Any attack that involves having to see the attack (think Medusa's gaze) doesn't work on him cus he's conventionally blind. HOWEVER when he can see, it's fuckin crazy. Eagles got nothing on how sharp his eyes are in the right setting. Like we're talking super vision.
Those funky lenses on his cowl? They're to let him see in the light. It's kinda like infrared goggles and can let him see ultrasonic as well. Without his tools, he can't see. He got his sight back once and hated it bcus he could no longer work the way he used to.
Doctor Mid-Nite has his own website where he provides free medical advice to registered users.
He's Norwegian-born. (That's his accent in that YJ ep)
Him and Mister Terrific are the bestest of friends (I felt the need to reiterate bcus they're Besties for Life. Read 1 comic with them in it and you'll see what I mean)
HE HAS A PET OWL NAMED CHARLIE!! He named him Charlie after the first Doctor Mid-Nite, Charles McNider!! He's trained to aid Pieter in combat! Attack owl!!! Batman has his Robins, Mid-Nite has owl sidekicks!
Highly Skilled Escapologist
He briefly dated Black Canary
His general medical license has been revoked, not that it stops him from practicing and helping ppl. He gives zero fucks. He's here to help, not politick around when ppl are dying.
He never stopped being a doctor, even after becoming a superhero. HE'S A LOVELY, KIND, COMPASSIONATE MAN WHO JUST WANTS TO HELP PPL
He's vegetarian AND he does yoga (imma cry yall, he's so fuckin great)
S1 of Young Justice appears to take place before he gets his powers and becomes Doctor Mid-nite cus he's not wearing any type of glasses. Wally interacted w (imo) one of the greatest heroes and doesn't know it!
Mid-nite is the one everyone says Tim Drake copied with his one Red Robin uniform (it's true too. I wouldn't be surprised if Tim was a Mid-nite fan, they seem like they'd get along)
T H I C C T H I G H S!!! I know everyone talks about Jason's thighs but Pieter's thighs are next level!! I ain't playing! Look at these hams!!
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When his mom was pregnant with him, she got attacked. The OG Doctor Mid-nite saved her. Then, when she went into labor, he delivered lil bby Pieter. What are the odds lmaoo
BDE through the roof, fight me. Massive Meat Energy and I won't apologize for saying it
Survived 'seeing' Johnny Sorrow's face even tho it kills legit anyone who looks bcus he's blind. Used the recording his goggles took of JS' face and played it back to Johnny and beat him lmaoo
As someone summarized nicely: 'Prior to him getting blind, Dr. Pieter was a very caring man.. He would take a walk in the evening every day and helps out poor people who live in the streets, especially to those who are addicted to drugs.. He would help out missionaries in donation to help the poor and the hungry.. A Poor People Savior you might say."
"Doctor Cross uses his medical expertise as a hand-to-hand weapon. Once, when challenged to arm wrestle, he won by triggering the proper nerves in his opponent's arm." Savage Nerd Alert. Can, has, and will continue to use his Galaxy Brain (and BDE) to beat ppl, dirty technique or not.
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Geoff Johns on Doctor Mid-Nite: "Doctor Mid-Nite is a visionary, figuratively and literally. Blinded by an accident, he’s able to see on all spectrums through the filters on his goggles."
Here's some of him being the Super Doctor:
Helped Alan Scott to determine if he was composed of the Green flame of Starheart
Helped Power Girl to check and test her powers
Saved Hourman's life by performing an emergency surgery
Saved Oracle by removing the Brainiac virus which possessed her body
Saved Lois Lane's Life by removing a sniper bullet after she was shot
Helped Raven to drive the demonic possession that attacked her by using Hologram Tech
I love him and would die for more content about him
Srsly I'll cry if even one(1) person acknowledges him in a YJ fic (or any fic tbh)
Also if ur writing a YJ fic and have need for a doctor, pls add him. He didn't graduate med school to be ignored, yall. Or add him in just bcus he's rad af. At least do it for Charlie the owl!!
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sevenlovescats · 7 years
ooohhg you watch dramas? can you recommend me one?
whoo ok. i’ve mostly watched korean dramas just bc i haven’t found any other super interesting ones, so i hope that’s ok?*just a forewarning: i’m putting links to kissasian here, and that might cause a lot of popups for you. i use adblock so it doesn’t affect me. i’m pretty sure all of these dramas are also available on dramafever as well ^^*under the cut bc this is some long shit sorry.
My very first drama was Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo (featuring baekhyun from exo!). Moon Lovers is about a girl named Go Ha-jin (played by IU!) from the modern era who manages to drown and get thrown into the Goryeo Dynasty, in the year 941. she becomes this girl from the past whose name is Hae Soo, and she meets all these princes from the ruling Wang family. and of course she falls in love with one prince but some other things happen and a whole lot changes. but anyway, it’s not a super tear jerker, but it’s very sad in some parts. there’s also a couple episodes with lashing, and torture, but it’s not too explicit. i definitely recommend it if you enjoy historical korea. (also there are a lot of beautiful people but that’s just a bonus).
Another one i would recommend is Blood. this is a drama about vampires, but mainly about doctors but also mainly about vampires… i can’t really tell which is supposed to be the main theme lol. anyway! the leading actors are actually married now! and they started dating while/after (i’m not sure when they started dating lol). honestly they’re both so gorgeous and such a cute couple. anyway, back to Blood. Park Ji-sang (Ahn Jae-hyun) is a doctor specializing in hepato-pancreato-biliary surgery in a cancer institute. He’s the vampire. Yoo Ri-ta (Gu Hye-sun) is his colleague and the niece of the hospital owner. she’s very snotty actually lol but there’s some past between her and jisang even tho they don’t know it yet. (was that a spoiler?) um anyway, it’s pretty good, i personally loved it but it’s probably not the best drama ever.
next is Legend of the Blue Sea. this is like my second favorite drama. i loved it so so much fjdakgjdg. anyway. this one is about a mermaid and a human scenario that’s kind of similar to The Little Mermaid. except that the ‘prince’ is actually a top-notch con artist lmao. a mermaid (Jeon Ji-hyeon) who is later named Shim Chung falls in love with con-artist Heo joon-jae (played by the talented, the cute, the handsome, the amazing Lee Min-ho). (can u tell i love lee min-ho?) anyway, she falls in love with him and after he goes back to seoul, she follows him and searches all around seoul for him (resulting in some frustrating “damn, so close” moments). so she’s living with him, who is a con artist, and he’s trying to keep the fact that he’s a con artist from her (which isn’t hard bc she’s a mermaid she doesn’t know what a con artist is lol) and his two con artist friends are also living with them. it’s a very manga scenario tbh. anyway, this is some good shit, it’s not too mushy for those of y’all who don’t like romance, but it has a good bit of romance in, but it also has a lot of family drama that happens later. 11/10 would watch again.
next is Cinderella and the Four Knights which also has Ahn Jae-hyun in it. this is a lot more romancey than the others i think. but it’s not too bad. so this girl hates her life due to her new step-mother and step-sister, and she’s working all the time to pay for herself and she really wants to go to college. (i think. i watched this a long time ago lol). anyway, as she’s working in a convenience store, she meets this rich boy hyun-min, who eventually hires her to accompany him to his grandfather’s nth wedding. she does, and a whole bunch of shit involving the family happens, she gets roasted by hyun-mins half?cousin and then she gets hired by the father to uhh either house keep or try to help his three grandsons. anywho, this is a toned down version of boys over flowers but it’s pretty good for a day when u wanna look at handsome men and watch some cliche family drama go down.
this is getting really long i’m so sorry.
anyway, next is W: Two Worlds. THIS IS SOME GOOOOOD SHIT. at least to me. i’ve been told i have no taste so lol. anyway, this was super interesting. oh yeon joo is a surgeon whose father is a webcomic artist. he does this webcomic called W. the webcomic is about a guy named Kang Chul, who was framed for his parent’s and sister’s deaths. he was proven innocent, though, and ends up being the president of a company. so yeon joo one day goes over to her dad’s place and goes into the room he draws in. she sees a scene of a dying kang chul on her dad’s drawing tablet. she reads a note, and then a hand grabs her and pulls her into the world of W. she ends up on the rooftop of a hotel, where kang chul has just gotten stabbed by the murderer of his parents and sister. and that’s where the crazy shit begins. this is such and interesting show, with a really unique premise. i def recommend.
ok these next two are actually movies, and they’re gay-themed so.
Night Flight is really fckn good. but! it is also really not happy. like at all. no fluff here. this deals with the SEVERE bullying that was apparently very prevalent in korea at the time this was made (and probably still is but i’m not sure). if you don’t want to watch bullying/bullying towards gay people, please skip this one. Shin Yong-joo, Han Ki-woong and Ko Ki-taek were all close friends in middle school, but Ki-woong becomes estranged from the other two, and becomes a jjang, one of the strongest fighters in the school and starts hanging around with the school gang (the bullies). Yong-joo is hiding his sexual orientation (he’s gay) from everyone, and Ki-taek is being bullied by the school gang. like i said, this is pretty brutal in terms of bullying, and it could make you uncomfortable, but it is a good watch. it’s also directed by  Leesong Hee-Il, who is openly gay :)
The King and the Clown is set in the late 15th century during the reign of King Yeonsan. these two comedians, Jangsaeng and Gong-gil break away from their troop after Jangsaeng had enough of their manager prostituting Gong-gil (who’s feminine and super beautiful) off to rich customers. so, after they break off, they run away to seoul and form a new troop with three street performers. they come up with a skit that mocks the king and members of his court. but then they get arrested and are told they have to make the king laugh, or they die. the king and the clown was really frustrating for me, because it had one of those “is this happy?” endings, ya know? but anyway, it’s a good watch, definitely. the homosexuality isn’t the main point, and there isn’t even much of it there, but you can tell that jangaeng has a thing for gong-gil. this movie was actually based off a stage play “Yi” (which means You) that was about King Yeonsan.
honorable mention: Boys Over Flowers. it’s based off a manga called hana yori dango, which is also a japanese drama with three seasons. anyway, it’s about a poor girl who goes to a rich people school, and she gets chased after and harassed by falls in love with with the cocky handsome school idol. it’s kind of cliche now, but it’s an early 2000′s drama. it’s good tho. give it a watch.
and this concludes my recommendations. if you read this far, go you. you’re a true trooper. 
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maximuswolf · 4 years
Help via /r/pagan
I’m at a total loss here. This post may be a bit messy. I’m not a religious person AT ALL! I do believe in Gods but not a God if that makes any sense. I pray to no one, I worship no one, I believe in “nothing” because I’ve never seen, or felt the truth. My daughter Havein died about 10 years ago. She was 6 & 1/2 months old. SIDS took her from me like a thief in the night. No warning, just stole her life in the matter of minutes! I have battled with “God” (more specifically the Christian/Catholic God) over the years asking why? Asking what I done wrong? Asking why her and not me? Asking if I can trade places with her? Asking if I can sacrifice someone else to just bring her back? Well obviously I never got an answer to any of these questions.
I’ve spent YEARS researching “what happens to a baby’s soul when they die” only to get the same ole same ole...”all babies go to heaven, all babies are safe, all babies are at peace” but when I looked further into these religions specifically the Old Testament, it states that non baptized babies go to the “limbo” a middle place (from my understanding) and they’re not at peace, but they’re lonely... I also learned that in 2017 the pope changed that, saying that babies don’t go to the limbo and are automatically brought to God in the kingdom of heaven. Here’s a quick question...how in the hell can the pope change anything about a religion that was brought about WAY before him? How can he know that for sure? again this information is just what I’ve researched and came up with on my own, so some of the things like the limbo, I may not have a full understanding about so if you know anymore information about it PLEASE SHARE!
Well needless to say, my baby wasn’t baptized. My baby was religionless....I also read in the Old Testament that babies die because of a curse? A curse that could of been put on an old ancestor of mine...I’m so confused here because in any religion, isn’t the word cursed used for magic and in religion they don’t believe in Magic?? Or that magic is “bad” and shouldn’t be used?? But In the Old Testament they use that word like it’s a punishment from “God”........ again if you if you have any info about this PLEASE SHARE!!! But here’s why I kinda believe this...I’m a mom to 3 boys that I love with all my heart but I’ve always wanted a girl. Since my very first pregnancy! Instead I had boy/boy/girl/boy. My third pregnancy was supposed to be my last. I was scheduled to get my tubes tied March 10th 2010 about 6 months after having my daughter c-section. It wasnt done at the time of her c section because it was an emergency c section and I almost died. Well on March 5th 2010 I woke up to the worst day of my life. My daughter was dead. March 10th came around and my mom talked me into going to this appointment and before a tubal they give you a pregnancy test. Boom I was pregnant. No surgery that day they just took blood work to confirm my pregnancy and sent me home. 2 weeks later I got a call confirming the pregnancy. A few months later I found out I was having another boy. I was still grieving the loss of my daughter and questioning why “God” would take a child from me but leave me with 2 plus give me another? It didn’t make sense, still don’t make sense. Maybe I’m cursed I’m not meant to raise girls. My sister has 2 daughters and my brother has one. They each have a son. Babies don’t die in our family. Mine was the first. Anyway I got a dog about 4 years ago her name was Lucy. She was my baby girl. I love/d her so much. She was a healthy dog. She got ran over on 9/29/20 I cried over her while petting her in the road as she took her last breath. That was the second worst day of my life. Idk why but feelings I felt the day I lost my daughter came back. My heart hurt so much. I started thinking of that curse again. Asking questions like is it my fault my dog died? Was I not supposed to get a female baby of any kind?
I’ve never performed a spell before not even little spells as I don’t fully understand magic and how things come back to you 3,5 or 10 fold. So I’ve never messed with it just admired it from afar. I have seen tons of supernatural movies where they bring people back from the dead. & learned it was necromancy. I looked into necromancy and kinda think the shit is real TO A POINT! I don’t think just anyone can do necromancy I believe it is a learned craft that takes years to master and even then how far can you really go with necromancy? I understand a bit more about necromancy than I understand about magic itself. I know that there is history rooted in the Bible about necromancy. I understand that there are different ways to go about doing a necromancy spell. But I don’t know much else about it. Like is necromancy looked at like a Ouija board? Do people just tend to stay away from that? Why? Why not?
Let me just say that I’m not trying to bring my daughter back from the dead (if I could I would and no one could change my mind) I had her cremated and brought her home if that matters here. I don’t want to know about the future or who wins the super bowl I just want to know she’s ok, she’s at peace. I need to know. This keeps me up at night, it’s been 10 years and I still can’t “get over it” I just can’t. Maybe it’s me maybe I’m just that fucked up in the head that I really can’t get over it. If that’s the case, I’ll take it but I deeply feel that every mom would live her whole life NEEDING to know, begging to know. I’ve spoken to a medium but don’t know how I feel about it cus I didn’t FEEL anything from it. I didn’t FEEL her. Idk guys, maybe it’s me trying so hard or looking for something but I just need to know. I’ve thought about going to other more famous mediums but my money is always funny and I can’t justify paying so much money for an answer I’m not sure will be true or paying someone that I don’t know FOR SURE if they can reach my baby. I don’t doubt the powers they posses so please don’t take me not wanting to pay as being rude. I’d pay with everything I own and have access to if I knew the person was legit and could in some way prove to me they reached my baby and got a definite answer. I could looking into summoning? But how does that work? from what I’ve gathered that could be a very bad thing. Why is it a bad thing to do tho? Has anyone here ever summoned someone? How did it go? How do you know the soul you summoned was the soul you asked for? I’m asking for opinions, answers, feedback..etc. I’m not going to do ANYTHING with Magic because like I said before I really don’t understand it and I’m not the one to risk anything just to “try it”. I’ve also seen a ton of posts about using a ouija board. I’ve seen people say they’re ok to use and then I’ve seen people straight up forbid them. Why? What’s your take on it? What’s your actual experience with it? What about necromancy? What about any spells someone would do in this situation? Do I just make up the words to said spell? I’m seriously at a loss. I just want to research this topic in a different way, at a different angle. Google brings up a ton of 5th grade spell shit lol and I’m not gonna feed into any of it. I need like keywords to look up or phrases cus my blunt questions like “can I summon a soul” aren’t doing much for legit answers, just a bunch of abracadabra mojo and a YouTube video of some bullshit. I’ve also reached out to the Vatican library and requested photo copies of some archived documents,spell books and other religious texts that aren’t available to the public and I’m hoping to be able to get some more information from those however they could take up to 6 months to receive so in the mean time I’m asking other people from different backgrounds/beliefs to share what they may know. Im also interested in learning about where our pets go after death? Can I connect with my lost pet in anyway? If so, how? I would love to tell her she’s a good girl one more time. I buried her in my dads backyard so if being near her would help, I can make that happen🖤 Thanks for reading my unorganized post. If you don’t want to share anything in the comments you can inbox me 🤞🏻
Submitted October 20, 2020 at 10:29PM by Babysabrat via reddit https://ift.tt/2IG9qRd
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sarahjane0886 · 7 years
My Everything
“You are my everything, everything else is just everything else.”
“Babe, I don’t know that you should be going today.”
“Valentin, we’ve been over this a hundred time. I have to go. It’s the last day before break.” Jenna said of her current work project. She was working on a production with a local performing arts school. She was the choreographer for the students for the winter production. The children however followed a different schedule than the regular academic calendar. They were going to be having a fall break starting tomorrow for 2 weeks.
“I get it, I just don’t think its okay. You’ve barely slept these last few days. I honestly think you need to go to the doctor.”
“Tomorrow, I promise. I’ll be okay. I’ll make it.” She said as she felt her stomach grab in pain once more. For the past three days, she had been having sharp pains in her stomach. Sometimes they wrapped around and sometimes it was just stabbing. It got way worse when she laid down at night so she hadn’t really been sleeping much at all.
“You’re not going to cave on this are you?” He said finally relenting. He was seriously concerned about his girl. She was as pale as a dead person at the moment and she had bags from her lack of sleep. He was worried that if whatever was wrong didn’t take over first, she was going to pass out from sheer exhaustion.
“No babe, I’m not. I’m sorry. I know you’re worried but I’ll be okay.” She said moving over to him and wrapping her arms around him.
“Fine, I’ll relent on one condition, well two.”
“What’s that?” She said as she settled into his chest feeling his voice vibrate in her ear.
“That you call me if you get worse. And that you let me go with you to the doctor tomorrow.”
“Babe…you have…” She said getting ready to state he needed to worry about his current partner with DWTS.
“No, Shay will understand. I know she’s important because she’s my responsibility but I’ll make up the time to her. You’re more important.” He said as his hand ran over her back as he swayed them slowly.
“Fine. I’ll call and you can go with me. But you have to promise that you’ll prioritize Shay first.”
“You’re my most important priority.” He said nearly with a growl.
“You’re not getting me to cave on that one. Do you want me to drive you over?” Val asked.
“What time are you done with Shay today? We finish at 3 so just a little before you.”
“If you don’t mind, I’ll go with you.”
“I never mind sweetheart. Maybe you can rest a little more on our way.” He suggested before, dropping down to her lips to press a kiss to them. She hummed and nodded into him before they went their separate ways.
“Okay, call me if you need me sweetheart.” Val said as he dropped Jenna off at the prep school. She leaned over gingerly. She realized that she was kind of just experiencing a constant dull ache at that moment. She wasn’t super sure if that was better or worse than the stabbing pain.
“I will, love you. Tell everyone hi for me.” She said as pressed a kiss to his lips.
“I love you too. Promise you’ll call.” He said as he linked their pinkies quickly. It had been their thing whenever they seriously needed the other to listen.
“I promise.” She whispered as she squeezed their fingers before getting out of the car. She waved to him before heading in. She began to stretch as she waited for the students to begin arriving. The groups were split into age and skill set. Each group was performing different pieces as well as solos, duets, and small groups as well. It had been a huge amount of work on Jenna’s end but she was absolutely loving the experience and the time with the children. She had gained so much knowledge over the past 5 months, it was crazy to her.
“Hey Miss J, you okay?” One of her students, Aria said as she came in. She dropped her bag and sat down next to Jenna and began to stretch. Aria was 10 and was super talented in her skills. She excelled at contemporary but additionally at the Latin style dances.
“Yeah, I didn’t sleep well last night so I’m a little sleepy. How about you, you ready to work on your duet with Liam?” Jenna asked.
“Definitely, can we work on the lift some? I just want to get it down before we’re away.”
“Yeah, you guys almost have it completely down but I know what you mean.” She said as Liam walked in then. They were her first session and once he was stretched, they began to work. Like Aria had asked, they did work on the lift however Jenna began with the steps leading into the lift. She knew from experience that if those were smooth as well, it would help the two execute the lift. Once they had it down, they moved onto the lift.
“So Liam’s hands should be here and then when I leap, that’s when we start right?” Aria said. She was very skilled however had come across as very terrified of this whole lift business.
“Right, so here, come here, so you’ll start here. You’ll leap, Liam will lift you up and over so that you’re now above him. Try the leap with me.” Jenna said moving into position behind Aria. She placed her hands under Aria’s ribs and got ready to lift. As soon as she counted and Aria jumped, Jenna felt like something snapped in her stomach. She yelped loudly as she lost her balance. Both her and Aria tumbled to the floor.
“Ahh!” She yelped as she held her stomach tightly. She heard Aria and Liam panicking and tryng to assist her but the pain was so overwhelming that she couldn’t speak. The next thing she knew the world had gone black.
“Easy, easy, take it easy sweetheart.” Jenna heard Val’s voice off in the distance. She was confused because the last thing she remembered was the collapsing with Aria. Suddenly she felt the familiar dull ache in her stomach again and groaned.
“Val.” She murmured as she tried to open her eyes.
“Easy, I’m right here.” He said as he rested his hand on her head using his thumb to stroke her forehead. She opened her eyes and suddenly could see his fuzzy figure in front of her.
“What? Why are you here?” She mumbled.
“You’re in the hospital Jen. But you’re okay.” He said gently.
“What why?” She said suddenly beginning to panic.
“Calm down baby. Its okay you’re safe. I’m right here. It’s all okay now.” He repeated.
“Val.” She said again as tears filled her eyes.
“I know, remember your stomach pains? Well you collapsed at practice with Aria & Liam.”
“Oh my god, are they?” She said trying to sit up but groaned in response.
“Whoa, still baby, lay still. Its okay, they are okay. You however, your stomach pains were an appendicitis. It burst and that’s why you collapsed. They brought you in and did surgery.”
“What?! You’re not serious?” Jenna stammered in pure shock. She could feel her body shaking and was just confused with all the information. A nurse came in then and made Val step away not helping Jenna’s shock and panic. Finally she was done and he was allowed back beside her.
“Sweetheart, I need you to relax. I promise, it’s all okay now. They got everything and you’ll have some recovery time but its okay.” He repeated.
“What about the kids?” She asked as she reached for him. She wanted him as close to her as possible.
“I can’t lay with you Jen. You just had surgery.” He said gently.
“Please?” She said as she weakly tried to pull him back over to her.
“Please Val. It’ll help.” She said knowingly. They both knew it would. He sighed and tried to figure out how to do this.
“Only if you promise to calm down.” He relented. “And I need to be on your other side. I know it’s not what you’re going to want but your stitches are on this side.”
“Okay, just please.” She said again. He let go of her hand and moved to her left side and settled next to her. She shifted in as best as she could and found his hand again. She felt herself begin to calm down.
“Rest baby.” He said as he pressed his lips to her head. He could feel her relaxing slowly.
“Explain first, from the beginning.” She said as she settled. He knew that she wasn’t going to budge on that one so he began to explain from the beginning clear up until the end.
“So you’ll be in here for 2 more days. And then you’re down for the next 7-10 depending on how well you listen and heal. And I’m going to be your nurse so I’ll make sure you listen. Just you and me for the next 2 weeks.”
“Val, the season, You have Shay.” She stammered as she realized what he was saying.
“Maks is going to fill in for me. I already talked to the producers.”
“You cant….you can’t do that for me. You can’t do that to Shay. The show, it’s important. It’s your livelihood. I can’t let you do that.”
“Jen, when I got that call that you collapsed, it felt like my whole world fell out. Sweetheart, you are my everything, everything else is just everything else. So yes, the show and Shay are important however you are more important to me.” Jenna felt him shake lightly against her and knew that he must have been scared.
“I’m so…” She started.
“No, I just, you’re okay. We just have to get you healthy again. I love you. Okay?” He said as if that was enough. She knew it was and she knew he did but his statement was still quite big. She decided against fighting with him though and just rested on him. She suddenly felt like the weight of the day hit her hard and her body became exhausted.
“I love you too.” She said with a yawn.
“Sleep sweetheart.” Val said knowingly. His hand moved to her hair as his fingers combed through it lightly. He felt her drift off quickly and just took solace that although they were laying in a hospital bed, his everything was there in his arms, safe and on the road to recovery.
**Hope you loved it again! My Valenna skills may improve as I continue going on. :) I do like this concept tho. And I can totally see this occurring. Like Val being like uh no, this is alllll about you cause you’re my queen. Don’t forget to like it up and let me know what you thought! Love you guys!
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cookinguptales · 7 years
update: lmao I am so fucking doped up right now. sorry to the world that I got behind on shimamatsu translations, but have you ever tried to translate while on muscle relaxants? it’s a bad scene. god, I’m in a lot of pain rn.
gonna talk about some of the movies from the film festival below the cut. doped up af but I’ve seen like 14 movies so far, hella. tomorrow I probably have to skip bc I just took two cyclos and that is gonna fuck me the hell up.
movies I’d recommend:
thelma a norwegian film which is basically a coming-of-age story for a fundie christian girl who goes to college and realizes she’s a lesbian. oh, and that she has insane supernatural powers. (it’s kind of carrie-ish but with canon f/f, but imo a lot better than carrie.) the love story is really interesting, if incredibly dark. like if you’re in the mood for dark, kind of mindfuck-y f/f, this is your film. despite the very long upcoming list of potential triggers, it’s not as scary or brutal as it sounds. lmao. highly recommended, probably the film I’ve enjoyed most so far. (tw: violence, nudity, drug use, death, [spoilers] child abuse, possible mind control, child death)
custody a french film based on a short film that I saw a few years ago, and it’s fantastic and gut-wrenching. the short film was about a woman running away from her abusive husband with her children; this feature-length film is about what happens when a stupid judge ignores what both the wife and children have to say and gives him joint custody. (spoilers: it doesn’t end well.) interestingly, it has all the same cast as the original short film, though the kids are markedly older. idk if it’s meant to be a straight sequel or if one just inspired the other. really well done, tho, I was fuckin white-knuckling it in the theater. people were like. yelling. the climax of that film is INTENSE. probably the best quality film we’ve seen so far, though I think the plot could’ve been tightened up a little. (tw: very explicit depictions of physical and emotional abuse, very terrifying moments. [spoilers] but no child death.)
I, Tonya tonya harding biopic. I’m not really a big one for biopics, but this was a good one. it tried to explain how harding’s life led her to where she got, but didn’t necessarily paint her as some innocent victim. it was sympathetic where it needed to be, empathetic where it needed to be, but rarely let her get away with bullshit. lot of good performances here, but Margot Robbie (even though she looked way too old for the part) did a great job. (tw: explicit child/spousal abuse)
the villainess Korean lady-gets-revenge-on-shitty-men bloody action flick. not really my genre, admittedly, but I feel like anyone who likes this kind of movie would really enjoy this one. very Kill Bill-esque. it’s the story of this girl who basically gets passed around between illicit assassination organizations, in-fighting, revenge on all those who wronged her, etc. it is Very Bloody and many people die. the action scenes are HQ if you are into that kind of thing. I was mostly invested in the huge amounts of f/f potential. like at one point she joins an assassin organization where all the operatives are female and that whole part of the movie!! was very gay!! the actual canon relationships are het, but there is a strong potential for dark f/f murderwives here. (tw: haha oh boy if it’s a problem it’s probably here. implied CSA, child abuse, creepy relationships, violence, gore, nudity, child death, everyone else death, non-con facial surgery...like it’s bloody af okay...)
love means zero this is a documentary about nick bollettieri, who’s this super famous tennis coach. (apparently.) I knew next to nothing about the world of professional tennis going into this documentary, but I still enjoyed it bc wtf this guy is a piece of work. it’s basically all about how he fucked over a ton of people (especially kids) when he was trying to make tennis champions. and how he succeeded! by fucking over a ton of people! the interviews with him are honestly kind of wild bc he’s just such a crazy narcissist. this was especially weird for me to watch bc I grew up in the sarasota/bradenton area and never even knew all this shit was going on there. it was weird seeing my hometown on the screen like that, but also interesting. (tw: child abuse, just generally being a fuckboi)
MOVIES THAT WERE OKAY but like I had Issues
brimstone and glory I feel like I really recommend going out to see this one if you can see it on the big screen. it’s a documentary about a fireworks festival in Mexico and honestly the cinematography is stunning. it’s just so, so, so cool. but the actual documentary part is kind of boring sometimes, and you gotta have a strong stomach bc it also shows some of the injuries people get at this insane festival. like I don’t think showing that is a bad thing; I think it’s the only responsible way to make a documentary about this festival. like it’s amazing, it’s so cool, but also these people are like. going blind, losing hands, dying. and taking their kids!! like if you cannot handle watching kids in dangerous situations, don’t go!! dad was freaking out, lmao. (tw: graphic depiction of real-life injuries)
radiance a Japanese film about a woman who writes audio description for blind movie-goers. the same director made An (Sweet Bean Paste) a couple years ago, which was notable for its depiction of what Japan does to its citizens who have Hansen’s Disease. (leprosy.) it was weird to me when that movie came out that none of the reviewers really talked about that aspect of the movie; they were all like “UGH IT WAS SO POINTLESS AND CLOYING” and I’m like “did you miss the point of the movie?? which was critiquing the social ostracization of these people in Japanese society??? did that completely go over your heads????” anyway, I appreciated the depiction of PWD in Japan bc having lived there while disabled, I know that shit isn’t easy. that’s why I went to go see radiance. it was...okay? I think the most interesting part was when they let the blind characters talk. the movie was otherwise pretty pretentious and self-indulgent. lmao. like... it’s a rent, don’t buy situation.
marlina the murderer in four acts this movie was not bad! it’s an indonesian film about a woman whose home is invaded and she kills all the invaders. it’s definitely a film that critiques misogyny in indonesian culture, but I feel like it undercut its own message by showing such incredibly graphic rapes. like honestly, I don’t really ever recommend movies that have very graphic rape scenes, but I guess she does end up killing her rapists during the rape scenes. I just. I feel like it could have been done in a way that won’t get people all sexually excited while watching a violent rape. : / y’know? other than that, though, I really liked the female characters in the movie and sympathized with marlina’s journey trying to get society to help her and realizing she had to just go it alone with her female friends. bc like. she’s attacked by men, but she’s also revictimized by shitty ordinary men all the time she’s trying to get to town, report the attack, etc. and so are the other female cahracters. so they just. have to be vigilantes. (tw: GRAPHIC rape, violence, mild gore, spousal abuse)
newton Indian film about a guy going out to the jungle to get votes in the main election. but like. none of the people out there even know who the candidates are, there’s a lot of anti-government violene, the villagers are caught between anarchists and the police, it’s just a mess. and I do think the movie was good at showing the futility of it all and showing how the people who really end up getting fucked over are the poor people in rural areas, but at the same time like. pacing was uneven, tone was ???, and I found the protagonist irritating. and there was what appeared to be some pasted on het which made no sense. (like honestly I cannot figure out why she ever wanted to talk to his dumb ass again.)
blade of the immortal it’s takashi miike making blade of the immortal. I mean. I feel like if you are familiar with those names, you already know if you want to see it or not. if you aren’t, idk how much you’d like it anyway. after already having watched miike’s ace attorney adaptation, I sense a pattern. the guy just looks at a HUGE corpus (like a VG with 5 cases, or a manga with 40 volumes) and is like “welll....then I guess we better make things fast.” so you have Big Bads being introduced in the same breath that they get killed, 30-second backstories, just a frenetic pace and a huge amount of information, and it’s confusing and overwhelming if you don’t already know it. and honestly, I haven’t read BotI so I can’t say how faithful this was. but if you already love the characters and just want miike’s trademark bloody action flick style, then I mean. fair enough. this here’s a bloodbath. I had a hard time getting emotionally invested as a fresh viewer, tho. highlight of the evening: an old man walking out grumbling about how he only likes classy martial arts movies, and apparently this did not qualify. having seen a lot of classics of the martial arts genre, still unsure what a “classy” martial arts film looks like. (tw: offscreen rape, death, blood, gore, just an unreasonable amount of killing honestly like it was funny by the end, attempted CSA)
gemini this is a “neo-noir” thriller. so essentially a murder mystery. unfortunately, the title of the movie basically gives away the entire story lmao. so while the build-up wasn’t bad, the entire last 15-20 minutes of the movie are a total letdown. it was nice to see canon f/f, I guess, but I feel like the movie never went in hard enough on that. like were they trying to make a point about how hard it is for celebrities to have same-sex relationships? I’m not sure!! I can think of a lot of things that would make this plot more interesting, but they just didn’t do them. acting was fine, I guess. John Cho was in it, even if his character was pointless. Zoe Kravitz is always fun. (tw: I mean it’s a murder mystery. so...murder.)
scaffolding (israeli film, boring af)
the workshop (french film, kind of boring, makes questionable points about neo-nazis)
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1 through 155
1: Full name.Comrade Ted Rafael Edward Lenin Cruz2: Zodiac sign.Hammer and Sickle3: 3 fears.no fears lol4: 3 things I love.•communism•revolution •red5: 4 turn on’s.Seizing the means6: 4 turn off’s.Capitalism7:My best friend?My buddy, Trotsky8:Sexual orientation?Commo-sexual9:My best first date?yeah10:How tall am I?huge11:What do I miss?Lenin12:What time was I born?28th of December, 192213:Favorite color?Red and Yellow14:Do I have a crush?Maybe (here's a hint: Marx)15:Favorite quote?“lol communism great”-Lenin16:Favorite place?Glorious Soviet Union17:Favorite food?Food? does not compute18:Do I use sarcasm?perhaps19:What am I listening to right now?Soviet Union Anthem20:First thing I notice in new person?whether or not they are bourgeoisie 21:Shoe size?shoe?22:Eye color?red23:Hair color?Red 24: Favorite style of clothing?Soviet25:Ever done a prank call?that's punishable by Gulag26:What color of underwear I’m wearing now?red27:Meaning behind my URL?it's who I am, mom28:Favorite movie?Communism (the sequel)29:Favorite song?Soviet Union Anthem 30:Favorite band?Red Choir31:How I feel right now?Strong32:Someone I love.Marx33:My current relationship status.Seizing the means brb34:My relationship with my parentsThey did not support communism but no matter. They are gone now.35:Favorite holiday.Birth of Soviet Union36:Tattoos and piercing I have.Hammer and Sickle37:Tattoos and piercing I want.More38:The reason I joined Tumblr.To seize the posts of production 39:Do I and my last ex hate each other?my ex isn't a communist anymore and also dead so :/40:Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night” texts?From the State41:Have I ever kissed the last person I texted?I have never kissed the State, no42:When did I last hold hands?with Lenin43:How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?I am always ready. for communism 44:Have I shaved my legs in the past three days? The razors belong to the State45: Where am I right now?Soviet Union, as is everybody?46:If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?The State47:Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?Союз нерушимый республик свободных48:Do I live with my Mom and Dad?They were sent to Gulag 50 years ago so :/49:Am I excited for anything?When we finally capture Antarctica50:Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?a women?51:How often do I wear a fake smile?this is my natural face I swear52:When was the last time I hugged someone?Embrace? A human? I'm interested 53:What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?:/ as long as they singing Soviet Anthem, is fine54:Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?there was one capitalist, but Stalin got ‘em55:What is something I disliked about today?not many means seized today56:If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?Caesar (to tell him about communism)57:What do I think about most?Thos means,,,58:What’s my strangest talent?all my talent is belong to the state59:Do I have any strange phobias?no60:Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?state provided camera? 61:What was the last lie I told?that communism doesn't work62:Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?you can't just use phones or videos for chatting smh63:Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?yes, every alien is communist64:Do I believe in magic?:/65:Do I believe in luck?no luck for nobody66:What’s the weather like right now?great for breaking your chains67:What was the last book I’ve read?Communist Manifesto 68:Do I like the smell of gasoline?Oil???69:Do I have any nicknames?Communist Cruz70:What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?one time my arm brushed against the wall71:Do I spend money or save it?I distribute the money to the people 72:Can I touch my nose with a tongue? Nah73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me?Pink? No. Red? Yes.74:Favorite animal?The hammer75:What was I doing last night at 12 AM?seizing the means76:What do I think Satan’s last name is?Capitalism 77:What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?Союз нерушимый республик свободных78:How can you win my heart? Redistribute the wealth79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?“He had nothing to lose but his Chains”80:What is my favorite word?Communism81:My top 5 blogs on tumblr?-1. Myself82:If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?‘YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT YOUR CHAINS!!’83:Do I have any relatives in jail?not anymore they died84:I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?To seize any mean any where any time85:What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?none of them86:What is my current desktop picture?Globe of Soviet Union 87:Had sex?no88:Bought condoms?lol you don't need to buy anything89:Gotten pregnant?yes90:Failed a class?no91:Kissed a boy?no92:Kissed a girl?no93:Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?no rain in Soviet Union94:Had job?We all have job. Those unable are sent to Gulag 95:Left the house without my wallet?no need for wallet in perfect society96:Bullied someone on the Internet?no97:Had sex in public?Yes. The working class got fucked by the bourgeoisie 98:Played on a sports team?no99:Smoked weed?no weeds in Soviet Union 100:Did drugs?no drugs in Soviet Union 101:Smoked cigarettes?no cigarettes in Soviet Union 102:Drank alcohol?no alcohol in Soviet Union 103:Am I a vegetarian/vegan?no vegetal in Soviet Union 104:Been overweight?nobody overweight in Soviet Union 105:Been underweight?nobody underweight in Soviet Union 106:Been to a wedding?The wedding of Soviet Union and the world107:Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?no access to state provided computer that long108:Watched TV for 5 hours straight?no access to state provided TV that long109:Been outside my home country?Soviet Union is everywhere110:Gotten my heart broken?no111:Been to a professional sports game?no112:Broken a bone?no113:Cut myself?no114:Been to prom?no proms in Soviet Union 115:Been in airplane? Planes are for war, silly116: Fly by helicopter?helicopter?117:What concerts have I been to?Red Choir performance of ‘Red Army is Best’118:Had a crush on someone of the same sex?no119:Learned another language?what language is there besides Russian?120:Wore make up?no121:Lost my virginity before I was 18?no122:Had oral sex?no123:Dyed my hair?no124:Voted in a presidential election?are you suggesting democracy, and therefore capitalism? Smh125:Rode in an ambulance?no ambulances 126:Had a surgery?no 127:Met someone famous?Lenin 128:Stalked someone on a social network?Socialist Networks?129:Peed outside?no130:Been fishing?The fish belong to the state now131:Helped with charity?Charity is communist132:Been rejected by a crush?N133:Broken a mirror?No134:What do I want for birthday?no more captalism pls135:How many kids do I want and what will be their names?several and his name shall beComrade Marx McLenin-Trotsky Stalin de Cruz136:Was I named after anyone?No137:Do I like my handwriting?hey138:What was my favorite toy as a child?my trusty hammer and Sickle139:Favorite TV Show?the show where the communists win (like they did)140:Where do I want to live when older?Moscow141:Play any musical instrument?the instruments belong to the state142:One of my scars, how did I get it?I engraved the Hammer and Sickle on my right hand to show them capitalist pigs143:Favorite pizza topping?only pizza here is red144:Am I afraid of the dark?Stalin’s light evaporates the dark145:Am I afraid of heights?lol146:Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?that would mean death sentence, so no147:Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?No148:What I’m really bad at.I am bad at capitalizing 149:What my greatest achievements are.Seizing the most means yet150:The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me.‘Communism doesn't work buttface” (they were publically executed later that day)151:What I’d do if I won in a lottery.Redistribution 152:What do I like about myself?Communism 153:My closest Tumblr friend.@the-real-ted-cruz154:Something I fantasies about.interstellar communism155:Any question you’d likeYes
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vmgx16 · 7 years
Tagged by the amazing @spicydice​  💙 I’ll tag @ingratidona​ and @richterbelmont​ why not?
last 1. drink: black coffee with no sugar (didn’t taste great!) 2. phone call: My dad 3. text message: Zhina! 4. song you listened to: Breathe from In the Heights, me singing it 5. time you cried: Last month while listening to Alabanza/Everything I know coincidentally also from In the Heights 6. dated someone twice: never 7. kissed someone and regretted it?: never kissed 8. been cheated on: nope 9. lost someone special: no 10. been depressed: Less than two weeks ago I think 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: Got drunk, two weeks, threw up, never
3 favorite colors 12. Cyan with most types of blue 13. Red/ Pink/ Magenta and alike 14. Black
in the last year have you 15. made new friends: Yes! 16. fallen out of love: no??? 17. laughed until you cried: sorta yeah! 18. found out someone was talking about you: yes (simmering with rage inside over what happened) 19. met someone who changed you: I have 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: Nope
general 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: I don’t have facebook friends I don’t know (also barely use fb anyway) 23. do you have any pets: My dad has a cat that was mine when I lived more at his house 24. do you want to change your name: YES for reasons 25. what did you do for your last birthday: Had a friend over, it was nice 26. what time did you wake up: Around midnight :p 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Waking up (I need a better sleep cycle) 28. name something you can’t wait for: Nothing right now, everything I want to do I can’t right now is too far away to worry (maybe I dunno) 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: Now-ish
31. what are you listening to right now: The soooound of silence (nothing, my fingers typing, the tv in the other room talking, someone in the kitchen doing something, people in the other apartments living their lives...) 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: ....no??? Where are you Toms??? 33. something that is getting on your nerves: I’m super chill this moment. Super rare. Ask me that in like a day or two 34. most visited website: dumbingofage.com probably (tho most likely tumblr.com & youtube.com) 35. hair colour: brown with a washed out green that used to be blue 36. long or short hair: meeeedium 37. do you have a crush on someone: yes! Too many! It is a problem! Why??? 38. what do you like about yourself: ??? 39. piercings: none 40. blood type: A+ 41. nickname: vmgx is a username I used to use more 42. relationship status: Single 43. zodiac: Virgo
44. pronouns: she/her 45. favourite tv show: I think Game of Thrones & Sherlock rn (yes I’m very original) 46. tattoos: none 47. right or left handed: right 48. surgery: If I had any? I had two. One is too personal and the other I don’t remember what it was but I remember being in the hospital for it so?? 49. piercing: not since the last time you asked no 50. sport: I’ve practiced Tennis and Kendo for a few months each 51. vacation: São Paulo for a day in a couple of days 52. pair of trainers: what?
more general 53. eating: lunch (fish rice beans and pastel (which I dunno how it is in english)) 54. drinking: nada 55. i’m about to: have a happiness and relaxness crash  at any minute, it’s been going on for too long 56. waiting for: Dunno! 57. want: TO WATCH EVERY SHOW ON BROADWAY WITH MY FRIENDS THAT WOULD BE 👌👌👌 (<- this one was Zhina’s and I totally agree, but I’m adding coming out too) 58. get married: I DUNNO WHY BUT YES AND HAVE KIDS AND STUFF ( I’m including a possibility of a poli marriage or a open one in here tho) 59. career: I wanna make stories? Or draw stories? Or write? Or compose? Or perform? Or at least one of these things but I gotta get better at training those skills
which is better 60. hugs or kisses: more familiar with hugs, wanna kiss more 61. lips or eyes: um...... eyes? 62. shorter or taller: I mean I say shorter but just because I’m very tall. I wish I was shorter honestly 63. older or younger: Depends? 64. nice arms or nice stomach: I don’t get this question 65. hook up or relationship: Both?? 66. troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker, I’m already too hesitant
have you ever 67. kissed a stranger: nah 68. drank hard liquor: yes! It was fun 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: ain’t got either 70. turned someone down: online yes 71. sex on the first date: first date? what’s that? 72. broken someone’s heart: No 73. had your heart broken: I broke my own heart cuz I’m dumb 74. been arrested: no 75. cried when someone died: I... can’t cry (that one up there was the first time since I was a kid) 76. fallen for a friend: yes god why???
do you believe in 77. yourself: DEPENDS 78. miracles: no.. 79. love at first sight: not at all 80. santa claus: certainly, he punched a guy in the Nicea council (don’t quote me on that) 81. kiss on the first date: sure why not? 82. angels: no
other 83. current best friend’s name: Zhina, Hanna, and Pedro! 84. eye color: brown 85. favorite movie: I can’t choose it’s too hard.I really liked Rogue One last year though
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spookierswamp · 7 years
@questforsims tagged me in this questionnaire thing bc he knows they’re my favorite lmao, answers under the read more....
DO YOU SLEEP WITH YOUR CLOSET DOORS OPEN OR CLOSED? I'm literally terrified of people who can sleep with closet doors open like... do you fear nothing...?
HAVE YOU STOLEN A STREET SIGN BEFORE? not a street sign I guess but one time when I was 15 I was recovering from a party at a friends house in the middle of like, the Scottish nowherseville countryside and like 6am that morning we went out to take a walk and smoke and we ended up taking one of those roadworks signs back to her house for some reason... it was dumb lmao
DO YOU LIKE TO USE POST-IT NOTES? heck yeah there's a wall in my room that's just post-it notes lmao it calms me
DO YOU CUT OUT COUPONS BUT THEN NEVER USE THEM? we don't rly have coupon culture as much here but I probably would if I lived in America...
WOULD YOU RATHER BE ATTACKED BY A BIG BEAR OR A SWARM OF BEES? they don't allow you to have bees in here
DO YOU HAVE FRECKLES? no and thank goodness bc if I had freckles I'd be... too cute.... too powerful
DO YOU ALWAYS SMILE FOR PICTURES? like... in group photos sure but if it's a selfie I almost never smile lmao
WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? loud/messy eaters tbh
DO YOU EVER COUNT YOUR STEPS WHEN YOU WALK? yeah I used to go on long hikes/walks in the forest and I'd be out for hours and like I'd take one of those pedometers w/ me and I'd feel so fuckin validated when I saw it get to 10,000 lmao...
HAVE YOU PEED IN THE WOODS? y'all foolin if you been out in the woods and you said you haven't tbh
HAVE YOU EVER POOPED IN THE WOODS? ok this is gross nevermind
DO YOU EVER DANCE EVEN IF THERE’S NO MUSIC PLAYING? nah but if you put a bop on i'll immediately start dancing
DO YOU CHEW YOUR PENS AND PENCILS? part of me is like 'nah that's p gross' but yeah i probably do
WHAT SIZE IS YOUR BED? like... it can fit me + another fully grown man so it's pretty big i guess
WHAT IS YOUR SONG OF THE WEEK? So Emotional by Whitney Houston
IS IT OK FOR GUYS TO WEAR PINK? I literally wear pink every day of my life you stupid bitch
DO YOU STILL WATCH CARTOONS? yeah but not like... with the intensity some of y'all do... i really liked Gravity Falls especially 
WHAT IS YOUR LEAST FAVORITE MOVIE? most disney movies tbh... I'll never get the appeal of them as a genre lmao... special shoutout to Ace Ventura: Pet Detective for being absolute fucking garbage though
WHERE WOULD YOU BURY HIDDEN TREASURE IF YOU HAD SOME? I probably wouldn't even have time to hide it cause I'd immediately lose it somewhere lmao
WHAT DO YOU DRINK WITH DINNER? honestly it depends on what dinner is? mostly I'll drink soda or wine
WHAT DO YOU DIP A CHICKEN NUGGET IN? mustard, ketchup, bbq sauce, ranch
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FOOD? takoyaki! i also love any and all mexican food
WHAT MOVIES COULD YOU WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN AND STILL LOVE? there's literally... so many... lmao... Fire Walk With Me, The Birdcage, Scream, Wet Hot American Summer, Blair Witch Project, Donnie Darko, The Craft (like.. semi-ironically but I do love it lmao)
LAST PERSON YOU KISSED/KISSED YOU? a boy but he's lame so he won't be named here lmao
WERE YOU EVER A BOY/GIRL SCOUT? nah I always thought boy scouts were dumb but as an adult I kinda wish I'd been a part of something like that
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WROTE A LETTER TO SOMEONE ON PAPER? me and my ex-boyfriend used to write letters to each other all the time! so probably like, last year
CAN YOU CHANGE THE OIL ON A CAR? nah, I've legit never even driven more than once lmao....
EVER GOTTEN A SPEEDING TICKET? ... the one time I drove around it was in an abandoned parking lot and my then-boyfriend was sitting next to me with one hand on the steering wheel it was fun...
EVER RAN OUT OF GAS? .... i almost hit another car that was doing the same thing but i didn't and i was so proud of myself lmao
WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE KIND OF SANDWICH? meatball sub... or like.... steak & cheese
BEST THING TO EAT FOR BREAKFAST? pancakes, coffee, hashbrowns and/or a breakfast taco, at least two kolaches
WHAT IS YOUR USUAL BEDTIME? midnight or whenever i pass out after work
WHEN YOU WERE A KID, WHAT DID YOU DRESS UP AS FOR HALLOWEEN? aw heck so many things! Vampires have always been a big thing for me tho and I was both Spike and Angel from Buffy the Vampire Slayer multiple times lmao
WHAT IS YOUR CHINESE ASTROLOGICAL SIGN? I can never remember which one but either dog or pig
HOW MANY LANGUAGES CAN YOU SPEAK? I can barely speak my first language lmao but I can bluff my way thru German and I've made half-assed attempts at learning Russian, Japanese and Icelandic before...
EVER WATCH SOAP OPERAS? British soaps are genuinely class but I never rly keep up w/ them, also telenovelas are amazing and important...
ARE YOU AFRAID OF HEIGHTS? nah I love heights! I was afraid of them as a kid but ask any of my friends/boyfriends and they'll tell you I'm always trying to get people to go to the top of stuff lmao
DO YOU SING IN THE CAR? only during inebriated night-time road adventures
DO YOU SING IN THE SHOWER? pretty much constantly lmao
DO YOU DANCE IN THE CAR? like... how?
EVER USED A GUN? honestly I've never even touched a gun lmao
DO YOU THINK MUSICALS ARE CHEESY? yeah of course who doesn’t
EVER EAT A PIEROGI? no but it feels like my kind of shit
FAVORITE TYPE OF FRUIT PIE? (dale cooper voice) cherry pie
OCCUPATIONS YOU WANTED TO BE WHEN YOU WERE A KID? painter or director, something artistic or whatever, maybe something with computers I always figured I’d be good at
DO YOU BELIEVE IN GHOSTS? yeah I love ghosts they're all my good pals
EVER HAVE A DEJA-VU FEELING? yeah and I'll do things multiple times in a row just out of not paying attention lmao
DO YOU TAKE A VITAMIN DAILY? yeah I take an A-Z multivit and cod liver oil usually
DO YOU WEAR SLIPPERS? nah they make my feet too damn warm boy
DO YOU WEAR A BATHROBE? nah but when I'm a guest in a hotel w/ somebody I'm always claiming dibs on the complementary bathrobe lmao
WHAT DO YOU WEAR TO BED? if it's cold I'll wear like a t-shirt or something
WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST CONCERT? I went to a bunch of festivals and free concerts and stuff as a tiny lil' baby ten year old but the first one I went to without parents was probably like... Fall Out Boy? or another band from my 2007 - 2009 emo phase lmao
WALMART, TARGET, OR KMART? the only thing I learned when I was in America was that Walmart is both haunted and cursed, Target is The Promised Land and Kmart is a sensory hallucination
NIKE OR ADIDAS? Adidas.... also I like the new adidas NHL kits sue me....
CHEETOS OR FRITOS? the first time I had Fritos it was with a bean dip and I almost barfed so definitely Cheetos lmao
PEANUTS OR SUNFLOWER SEEDS? both are gross whatever
EVER HEAR OF THE GROUP TRES BIEN? no but they sound very good
EVER WON A SPELLING BEE? I legit don't think we have those here but I definately would have if I competed because I was the best damn speller in my class
HAVE YOU EVER CRIED BECAUSE YOU WERE SO HAPPY? I laugh-cry more than anything tbh
OWN ANY RECORD ALBUMS? nah I used to have a record player and I've bought a bunch of records as gifts for people but like I download all my music anyway so I'm 2 lazy 2 cheap lmao
DO YOU REGULARLY BURN INCENSE? nah but I love candles
EVER BEEN IN LOVE? yeah but honestly once was enough lmao
WHO WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE IN CONCERT? literally one of my only goals in life is to see Bjork live before she quits music or I die lmao... also Math the Band (again), Anamanaguchi, Mac Demarco, The Mountain Goats...
WHAT WAS THE LAST CONCERT YOU SAW? not like a concert I guess but I went to see Kim Chi perform in February and it was lit
HOT TEA OR COLD TEA? like... Iced Tea? the way this is worded is disgusting lmao I'll go with hot tea
TEA OR COFFEE? I literally make coffee every single fucking day of my life @ work and like... not only do I now hate it I hate anyone who drinks it lmao
SUGAR COOKIES OR SNICKERDOODLES? what the fuck does this mean
DJ OR BAND AT A WEDDING? I'm not the kind of person to have friends who are in bands and not ask them to play at my wedding lmao also wedding DJ's are always weird old men
EVER WON A CONTEST? yeah I've won like.. talent shows and stupid semi-academic shit like that but nothing super cool
HAVE YOU EVER HAD PLASTIC SURGERY? nah but no question i'd absolutely get it
CAN YOU KNIT OR CROCHET? nah but i can kind of sew
BEST ROOM FOR A FIREPLACE? every room but only if you live in a log cabin or some shit
DO YOU WANT TO GET MARRIED? yeah but like, not for the sake of being married? 
WHO WAS YOUR HIGHSCHOOL CRUSH? aw man I threw a lot of time and energy into dating boys in high school but like... my biggest crushes were always unattainable and short-lived lmao so no-one notable...
DO YOU CRY AND THROW A FIT UNTIL YOU GET YOUR OWN WAY? god honestly any single one of my friends/previous boyfriends will tell you I throw tantrums over literally anything lmao... I usually act pretty stable and emotionally mature but when I'm comfortable with people I'll fuck shit up for no reason lmao
DO YOU WANT KIDS? I'm way too self-centered and emotionally unavailable for any of that shit right now lmao but in like 10 years I'd be open to it for sure
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE COLOR? forest green, goth purples, black, pink, also what can only be described as like, Nickelodeon slime green
WHO ARE YOU GOING TO TAG TO DO THIS TAG NEXT? nobody! it's like, 100 questions long and I don't feel comfortable that tagging any of you won't be annoying lmao but if you wanna do this msg me and I'll tag you in it! ! ! ! 
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br0ther-theloops · 7 years
a “should we know us a little better” tag 🌸
RULES: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people (i’m not going to tag twenty people are you insane)
Tagged by @hobisol​ thank you so much for tagging me!! 💕 💕
1. Drink: water because we have nothing else in my apartment...
2. Phone call: UMMMMM my mom i think???
3. Text message: a group chat between @bangtanboysboo, @lol-hobi, @vrlskaserket, @bubblegumlookinass, and myself and it’s just me talking to myself rn UPDATE: we’re talking about teens making out in a line at cedar point lmao
4. Song you listened to: blackpink’s NEW SONG BECAUSE I FFHUEIWKFHWEukhjgwK
5. Time you cried: i answered this in an ask yesterday but i remember now that the last time i cried was like monday and it was because i was looking up pictures of corgi pups 
6. Dated someone twice: nope~
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: oh yeah, for sure, it’s what i would like to call, my first year of college 😬😬😬
8. Been cheated on: lmao yeah
9. Lost someone special: yep
10. Been depressed: 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: yeah the first and only real time was the saturday right before finals and my friends tucked me in and let me sleep on the bathroom floor 👌👌
12-14: mint green/tiffany blue, pale pink, and either burnt orange or dark magenta 
15. Made new friends: yes yes yes~~~ i made some of my best friends this past year ❤️💞💘💝💖💜
16. Fallen out of love: oh yeah
17. Laughed until you cried: yeah probably
18. Found out someone was talking about you: ....have i really not?? well damn, either people really like me or im just great at being completely oblivious
19. Met someone who changed you: definitely!
20. Found out who your friends are: i mean, everyone’s my friend. i get the context and meaning of this question, but it’s okay to have friends who you’re not super close with that’s fine.
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: i mean yeah
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: i don’t give out my facebook to people i don’t know irl because it’s used for school and family.
23. Do you have any pets: i don’t have any pets and it makes me so sad ☹️
24. Do you want to change your name: it has taken me a really long time to like my name, so no
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: i got lunch with my family and my boyfriend at the time and then i had practice and did homework because my last birthday was on a sunday
26. What time did you wake up: around 10 but i didn’t get out of bed until almost 11 so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: what was i doing uhhhhh reading i think
28. Name something you can’t wait for: my life to finally seem put together lmao
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: my biological mom; it’s been almost a year in a half i believe? and then i saw my step mom a couple weekends ago lol
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: i want people to be loved for who they are and how they choose to present themselves and not be afraid of being harmed because of that. on a more personal level, i want to be better at saving money lol ooo or to love myself more
31. What are you listening right now: the ac unit in my wall. i rarely have music on as background noise when i’m writing or typing something up
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yeah when i was like seventeen or smth
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: uhhhhhhh the fact that it’s so humid in my apartment and the one ac unit is in the wall in my kitchen, which is closed in so the only place getting cooler in my apartment is the kitchen
34. Most visited Website: tumblr lmao rip
35. Mole/s: i have only one mole and it’s on my thigh kind of near my butt! it’s in the shape of an upside down heart!
36. Mark/s: listen, i have a lot of scars because i’m a delicate baby that accidentally hurts themself a lot, but as of what i know i have right off the top of my head: three scars on my forehead, one on my right knee, one of my left shin, one on my right thumb that looks like a crescent moon, two on my left arm which were the result of my clothing hating me, and i think that’s it? oh! and i have a bruise on my side that i’ve had since i ran into a dresser when i was younger.
37. Childhood dream: i wanted to be a singer!🎤 
38. Hair color: right now, a brownish, reddish, dirty blonde, but naturally, dark red!
39. Long or short hair: long. it’s down to my nipples. i haven’t had hair this long since high school.
40. Do you have a crush on someone: not really anymore i don’t think ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
41. What do you like about yourself: i like...my eyes and my ability to not take myself seriously all the time. i also like that i usually see and understand both sides of a situation!
42. Piercings: three on my nose 
43. Bloodtype: O
44. Nickname: most people just call me ashley, but sometimes people refer to me as ash (but like, please ask me first because i do like being called ashley and being called ash without permission makes me super uncomfortable. also ashley is p gender neutral!). my mom calls me ash ketchum, and my family calls me ashley lynn. 
45. Relationship status: 😬  no one likes me so lol
46. Zodiac: libra and i’m three days younger than jimin!
47. Pronouns: they/them/she/her. i don’t mind either!
48. Favorite TV Show: UMMMM i don’t really watch tv but i like steven universe and gravity falls and chopped and anything on the food network tbhhhhhh also stuff like hoarders and my strange addiction hold my attention like no one’s business
49. Tattoos: i have one!
50. Right or left hand: right handed 
51. Surgery: ummm i had two teeth removed and a root canal so do those count? i also had to get stitches twice for cut because i was young and an idiot
52. Piercings: two on my left nostril, and one on my right 
53. Sports: the only sports i have ever done is track and that was for like two years. i dance for fun and perform dance covers with my club!
55. Vacation: i haven’t been on an actual vacation since i was sixteen. 
56. Pair of trainers: like the shoes? um, i have one pair of adidas.
57. Eating: i was just chewing some gum, but hard boiled eggs?
58. Drinking: water
59. I’m about to: probably make dinner or write, who knows.
61. Waiting for: my ask-kimdaily stuff to come in the mail ;;;;
62. Want: pizza, but a lot of things
63. Get married: idk if i really want to get married, i just want to live with a partner for a while and be domestic and shit because that stuff 👌👌👌
64. Career: a writer or smth who knows
65. Hugs or kisses: both?
66. Lips or eyes: i really like looking into people’s eyes, but i also have a slight eye phobia so 
67. Shorter or taller: both? it’s not that hard to be taller than me, though
68. Older or younger: a majority of my friends are younger than me, but both is fine
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: both??
71. Sensitive or loud: you can be both tho i’m so confused
72. Hook up or relationship: i mean both have their ups and downs
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: what is this even asking fam
74. Kissed a stranger: surprisingly, no
75. Drank hard liquor: i’m an actual adult and a college student not to make generalizations but like yeah.
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: i lose my glasses every day of my life hekwjfhwilukgjr
77. Turned someone down: yeah a few times
78. Sex in the first date: yes
79. Broken someones heart: yeahhhhh....
80. Had your heart broken: lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
81. Been arrested: nope but i have been frisked by a cop when i was 13 because someone thought i stole smth and i cried 
82. Cried when someone died: yep
83. Fallen for a friend: lmaoooooooooooooo rip me
84. Yourself: is this some naruto stuff or what
85. Miracles: sure
86. Love at first sight: i mean, it was love at first sight when i saw min yoonji so i guess you could say so
87. Santa Claus: not any more. i don’t think i was ever told he wasn’t real, but i just had a realize and was okay with it
88. Kiss in the first date: fam i’ve slept with someone of the first date i think we know what i think--you should only do something, like kiss someone, or even have sex with someone, when you are completely comfortable with the situation and are able to give full consent and are okay with it. 
89. Angels: i think so? i’m not sure lmao
90. Current best friends name: names lmao bethany, becca, erin, julia
91. Eyecolor: hazel/green blue/sometimes they look gray
92. Favorite movie: this is constantly changing but spirited away, moana, phantom of the opera, ooo zootopia, harry potter and the chamber of secrets, and more!
do not feel obligated to do this, this took a long time even with minimal distractions but i tag: @minminyoongi @ahoneyyboy @nochucametru @otpvmin @giveemhelllex @1995winemom @blushguk @chocoulat @lqhani
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ronanslynhc-moved · 7 years
never ending tag game
tagged by @rayajpg whomst is a nerd whomst I lov
THE LAST: 1. Drink: soy milk 2. Phone call: it was one of my parents. I dunno 3. Text message: “cannibalism kink” 4. Song you listened to:empty chairs at empty tables performed by chris mccarrel 5. Time you cried:um. I forgot
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: nah
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: no
8. Been cheated on: no 9. Lost someone special: yes 10. Been depressed: yes 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: no LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12. I like them 13. All except 14. Blue and green cause they’re fuck ugly IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: yeet yeet skrrt skrrt 16. Fallen out of love: didnt fall in love to begin with 17. Laughed until you cried: no? 18. Found out someone was talking about you: um. What does this mean 19. Met someone who changed you: yeah i guess 20. Found out who your friends are: my whomst. Jk. i’ve always known who they were? 21. Kissed someone on your FB list: uh. I havent kissed anyone ever GENERAL: 22. How many Facebook friends do you know in real life: im too lazy to count but probably around 100 or something 23. Do you have any pets: nope. Dont want any anyway 24. Do you want to change your name: yeah 25. What did you do for your last birthday: ice skating. My friends gave me a bunch of stuff 26. What time did you wake up: six? 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: laying on a hospital chair? 28. Name something you can’t wait for: to actually want to be alive? 29. When was the last time you saw your Mom: like seven hours ago 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: lack of money 31. What are you listening to right now:everything else from next to normal 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: i’ve talked to a tommy? 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: my own damn self 34. Most visited website: either google docs or tumblr
35. Mole/s: is this asking whether i like them or whether i have them. Either way its yes 36. Mark/s: um. I have birthmarks? And scars from surgery? 37. Childhood dream: Writer. Dancer. Singing. Actor. Artist 38. Hair color: dark brown 39. Long or short hair: short? It’s almost at my shoulders which is long for me but i have an undercut? 40. Do you have a crush on someone?:god i wish 41. What do you like about yourself: im smart 42. Piercings: i want a lot of them but as of now im at zero 43. Blood type: i dunno but imma say A+ 44: Nicknames: my friends call me dumb on an almost daily basis? 45. Relationship status: longing to feel something 46. Zodiac: pisces, bitch 47. Pronouns: he/him 48. Favorite TV show(s): uh. Voltron,,,, uhhhhhhh,,,, 49. Tattoos: nah 50. Right or left hand: ambidextrous 51. Surgery: two or three times yeah 52. Hair dyed a different color: god i wish 53. Sports: the whomst. I like running but im not on a team or anything 54. Vacation: i went to taiwan like two weeks ago? 55. Shoes: converse but i changed my laces so they’re pink and blue 56. Eating: i dont eat? 57. Drinking: or drink water? 58. I’m about to: kill myself. (work on themes for my sideblogs) 59. Waiting for: cute boy to hit me up and for me to feel things for him 60. Want: to become a successful writer 61. Get married: im married to adam parrish in my heart 62. Career: author WHICH IS BETTER: (in a significant other im assuming???) 63. Hugs or kisses: i wouldnt know about kisses so hugs? But i kisses would be nice too i think
64. Lips or eyes: lips i guess? I mean. Everyone i know has brown eyes 65. Shorter or taller: i wouldnt care if i was taller but im like four ten so if anyone was shorter i’d be freaked probably 66. Older or younger: my age or older 67. Nice arms or nice stomach: arms 68. Sensitive or loud: give me both 69. Hook up or relationship: relationship probably? 70. Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant troublemaker,,,? HAVE YOU EVER: 71. Kissed a stranger: i havent been kissesd ever? 72. Drank hard liquor: no??? Im fifteen and live in a super sheltered asian community 73. Lost glasses/contact lenses: nope. I just dont wear them and leave the house blind 74. Turned someone down: ,,,yeah 75. Sex on first date: i’ve been in like 0.5 relationships so no 76. Broken someone’s heart: yikes bro yeah i have but we’re cool now so its chill 77. Had your heart broken: in a friend way yeah 78. Been arrested: nah dude 79. Cried when someone died: yeah 80. Fallen for a friend: we liked each other as we started talking???? DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 81. Yourself: whomst?? 82. Miracles: i dont like to think about them. They don’t fit logic which annoys me 83. Love at first sight: love at first sight? More like NUT at first sight 84. Santa Claus: if only 85. Kiss on the first date: stop asking about dates its making me sad OTHER: 86. Current best friend: uh. Aaron, Alexa Marie, and Jessiemae probably??? 87. Eye color: dark brown?? Medium brown??? Bih i dunno. They brown tho 88. Favorite movie: pride and prejudice
imma be tagging my babes @hufflepuffpaladin @keyneki @licomice @i-was-a-teenage-fangirl @thetwofridas and every unsuspecting nerd that read all the way till the end
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