#but without being able to write our recuperation time is doubled.
seth-shitposts · 6 months
WIPs that have been on our mind for the past month that we haven't been able to TOUCH-
The Aphelion Waltz [KalluZeb AU]
Defectors AU [Kallus & Ezra AU]
Sense of Faith, Self, & Valor [Tua, The Grand Inquisitor, & Kallus Canon Divergence AU]
Renascence of 264 [Kallus & 264 Canon Divergence AU]
-Unnamed fic about a string of events between Stolas & Stella before the Not Divorced Party. [Canon Compliant Fic]
-An unnamed story of Anthony's beginning time in hell and how he met and signed a contract with Valentino [Somewhere between Canon Compliant and Canon Divergent]
-A story about Emily choosing to take action and help the hotel. [Canon Divergent, probably]
-Long Distance CherriSnake [Probably Canon Divergent]
-Blitzø randomly sending Loona texts or leave notes on her desk telling her how great she's doing or how proud he is of her. [Canon Compliant]
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helloalycia · 3 years
The Wrong Lifetime — Epilogue // Wanda Maximoff
chapter fourteen | story masterlist | main masterlist | wattpad
author’s note: the final part is here! thanks again to everyone who stuck around with this fic, i really appreciate it 😊💗 now enjoy!!
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The sound of a rooster crowing pulled me from my slumber and I groaned when I realised I definitely wasn't getting back to bed anytime soon.
Quiet laughter came from beside me and I didn't have to open my eyes to know that Wanda was finding my disgruntled self entertaining.
"I said yes to the chickens," I mumbled tiredly, not opening my eyes as I stupidly thought it would let me contain my sleep for a little bit longer, "but I should have drawn the line at the rooster."
Her fingers grasped my shoulder as she rolled over to hover above me. I squinted through my tired eyes, seeing the amused smile on her lips as she looked down at me. Despite how much of a morning person I wasn't, I appreciated how beautiful she looked with bed hair and a nightie.
"Shut up," she said jokingly, and I closed my eyes again. "You love them."
I rolled my eyes beneath closed lids. "I'd love to cook them, sure."
She slapped my shoulder gently. "Don't talk about Nikolai, Vanya and Sonia like that!"
A smile ghosted my lips. The first thing she'd done when getting the damn chickens was name them the most Sokovian names she could think of – I shouldn't have expected anything less. Though, now it meant she was extremely attached to them.
"My apologies, love," I mumbled.
She hummed disapprovingly before putting her whole body weight on top of me and hugging me. I sighed contently, resting an arm around her waist and appreciating the feeling of her so close to me. I could have fallen back asleep in this position if it wasn't for Wanda's wide-awake, curious self. Why did she have to be such a morning person?
"So, what are your plans for today?" she asked, fingers scratching against my shoulder blade tenderly.
I exhaled calmly. "I'm going to attempt to fall back asleep right now... then I'll let you know afterwards when I wake up."
She didn't say anything after that, and I was stupid to believe I'd gotten away with it because she suddenly got up and straddled me, jumping up slightly and startling me awake.
"Wake up!" she ordered, too hyper for my sleepy self.
I groaned, rubbing my eyes and finally opening them to see her looking down at me with a grin, hair falling around her face. There was a hint of annoyance in my expression as I narrowed my eyes, but she ignored it as she rested her hands on my chest.
"I hate you," I muttered.
"You're up now, so let's do something," she insisted, making me roll my eyes. "We should go on a walk. It's pretty outside. The sun's rising and it'll be fun!"
The sun's rising because its bloody dawn and that damn rooster crows at the same time every day, leaving me disgruntled and annoyed.
But of course, I didn't have the energy to explain that to Wanda, so I simply shook my head and closed my eyes. "Maybe tomorrow, Wanda."
She suddenly leaned down, jolting me slightly and making me open my eyes. She was inches away from my face as she pouted.
"Not tomorrow, now!" she exclaimed loudly, before leaning forward and peppering kisses all over my face.
I sighed, keeping her stable by resting a hand on her waist, but not appreciating the fact that falling asleep would definitely be a challenge now.
"I love you, Wanda, but please keep it down," I said quietly, still not used to her energy so early in the morning.
"Tell me what I can do to wake you up," she said sternly, stopping kissing me and sitting upright again.
"Absolutely nothing, love."
"Oh? Nothing?"
I hummed and closed my eyes again, getting used to her weight on top of me and deciding I could probably fall back asleep if she was quiet long enough. Wishful thinking, of course.
Her fingers found mine and she slowly lifted my hand, putting it underneath her dress and on her thigh. I knew what she was doing – it was cute – but it wouldn't work.
Not even bothering to open my eyes, I said, "Wanda, darling, we've been together for three years. I am able to resist your charm, believe it or not."
"Really?" she asked challengingly, letting go of my hand and resting hers on my shoulders. "I don't believe you."
Before I could counter her with a response, she leaned down and began nibbling on my ear softly. It was a sensation I was familiar with, but I refused to let her get her way, so I ignored her stubbornly. She knew me too well though, as she let go of my ear and trailed kisses down my neck before sucking on the skin sensually. Admittedly, I was a lot more awake then I was thirty seconds ago, definitely aroused by the gorgeous woman on top of me, but she couldn't win this. Not when she was playing very unfairly.
"Wanda," I said with a warning tone, squeezing her thigh and signalling for her to stop.
I should have figured that would provoke her even more, as she manoeuvred herself so her knee was now pressing between my legs. I'm ashamed to admit that I gasped into her shoulder at the sudden pressure, and judging from the quiet laugh she let out, she was very much aware of the effect she had on me.
"I told you you couldn't resist," she said knowingly, raising her head from my neck so she could meet my eyes.
Hers were darkened with pleasure and mischievousness, darting to my lips. I glared at her.
"I really hate you."
She shook her head, tongue wetting her lips, as a playful smirk stared down at me. "No you don't. Now lose the nightdress, moya lyubov' (my love)."
I tried to retort, but she closed the gap between us, lips capturing mine in a heated kiss. I definitely didn't mind being woken up like this...
After actually getting out of bed, I reluctantly agreed to go on a walk with Wanda, strolling around our premises and making the most of the countryside we lived in. As much as I didn't want to admit, I was glad she'd dragged me outside, since the morning stroll only made me appreciate our home more.
When we returned, Wanda went to her studio whilst I made us some tea in the kitchen, hoping to warm us up after the slight chill in the Autumn air. I joined her soon enough, smiling when I saw how involved she was with her work in no time. The studio was big enough for her to make a mess and it not seem so messy since it was spacious enough. I shouldn't have expected any different – Wanda couldn't tidy up to save her life.
"One day I'm going trip over your things," I announced as I stepped over some loose materials by the door, teacup and saucer in hand.
She chuckled, though her attention was still on her painting. "When that day finally comes, I'll clean up. Promise."
"Of course," I muttered sarcastically.
I stopped behind her and studied the painting she was working on. It was a close-up of a flower bed, with intricate details being put in the flowers themselves and ladybirds flying around. Wanda sensed my presence and accepted the tea from my hand, smiling at me gratefully before blowing on it to cool it down.
"Is this that commission you got last week?" I asked curiously.
She nodded, unaware of the paint streaks on her face. I rested a hand on her shoulder and pressed a kiss to the top of her head, smiling at how adorable she was.
"The guy is paying double for me to put twelve ladybirds in the painting," she explained with amusement. "He wants to be able to count every single one."
I snorted with laughter. "Wow. That's very strange."
She shrugged, though I knew she was thinking the same. "A commission's a commission... is it evil if I only put eleven in?"
I laughed, nodding. She glanced up at me with a bright smile on her lips.
"It's very evil," I told her, before squeezing her shoulder.
She grabbed my hand on her shoulder, holding it comfortingly. "D'you want to do some gardening later?"
"Sure. I've just gotta do some work on my manuscript first. The writer's block is real."
"Of course," she said, giving me a knowing look. "Best-selling authors don't just become best-selling authors without putting in the work."
I rolled my eyes at her comment, but a smile played on my lips. "I'm leaving now."
She chuckled and I pressed a kiss to her cheek, trying not to get paint on my lips.
"Good luck with the writing," she said as I began to leave.
"And you with the painting," I called back.
Today was nothing special – probably a regular day when it came to Wanda and I's lives – but it made me smile. If the past three years had taught me anything, it was to be grateful for the mundane.
After Wanda broke things off with Y/B/N, it took a while for both of our families to recuperate. In their eyes, Y/B/N had broken things off because he wasn't interested in Wanda anymore, hence our parents' reaction. And Wanda's parents were upset because they believed it was her fault that Y/B/N wasn't interested, hence their reaction.
Our relationship with the Maximoffs was inescapable though, since Y/B/N and I were authors of theirs, so we had to mend what was broken. The only person who knew the truth about Wanda breaking it off with Y/B/N, apart from me and him, was Pietro. He didn't know why, but he knew that it was Wanda's choice.
After things calmed down between our families and everybody's anger had faded, around about the time that my second book was released, I'd saved enough money from the sales to buy a place of my own. With my father's help, I was able to buy a cottage in the countryside – the perfect place for privacy and to do my writing.
It was surprising that I got help from my dad, since I half expected him to be against the idea. But he was so proud of me for achieving all I had that he was happy to help. So, I got my own place and the first thing I did was invite Wanda to live with me. Nobody really saw it as more than two friends living together, especially since Wanda had started selling her paintings under a male pseudonym. Her parents were only reluctant because they wanted her to get married, but after she told them that she didn't want to and stood her ground, they left her alone.
I think they realised that they couldn't exactly stop her, and if they tried to, they'd lose their daughter in the process. So, to Wanda and I's excitement, we were moving in together...
"Are we there yet?" Wanda asked for the millionth time.
"Terpeniye (patience)," I told her, and felt her smile beneath my hands that were covering her eyes.
"Nice pronunciation," she commented, and I couldn't tell if she was teasing or not.
We finally stopped before the cottage and I was buzzing with excitement. I'd chosen it with Wanda in mind, a surprise for her, since I knew she'd only ever wanted to live in a place like this. What better way to give her that then now with me?
"Okay, this is it," I announced, removing my hands from her face.
I stepped beside her, leaning forward to see her reaction. She was raising her eyebrows with surprise, taking in the appearance of the front of the cottage. It was in a lovely field with tall trees and colourful flowers surrounding it. Vines had overgrown the bricks, but it looked stunning and I hoped Wanda would think the same.
Her lips curved upwards into a grin of disbelief. "This is it? This is ours?"
I pulled the key from my pocket and held it out towards her. "It is. All ours."
She laughed wholeheartedly, jumping up with excitement before grabbing the key and pulling me into a hug. I laughed alongside her, returning the hug, before pressing a kiss to her cheek and motioning to the door.
"Do the honours and I'll show you around," I told her with a smile.
She was practically beaming as she moved to the door, opening it. Her excitement only intensified when she saw the living-room it extended into, a large fireplace in the centre of the back wall and the furniture already in place.
"We can change the décor," I told her as I showed her around. "This came with the place, but we can change it up to however we want."
"I love it."
I intertwined our fingers, admiring the sparkle of delight in her blue eyes as she looked around the place eagerly. That was the look that made this whole thing worth it.
"You've not even see the best bit," I said, before tugging her into the hallway. "There's a kitchen and our bedroom and of course, a study for me, but this is the bit I know you'll love."
She watched with curiosity but allowed me to skip the other rooms and show her the room that I envisioned as her art studio. It was a spacious room, filled with random, old furniture from the previous owners, but I ignored it and stepped further inside, facing Wanda.
"This can be your studio!" I exclaimed, motioning around me. "Look, here can be where your desk can be." I pointed to the left wall, the space in front of it. "You can get some shelves put here for your supplies. And here–" I pointed to the space before the window at the back, "–is where you can paint on your easels. The natural light will be perfect!"
She followed my every move, hanging onto my every word, and nodded along with a joyful expression.
"I can't believe you've already thought about it," she admitted.
"Come here," I said, waving my hand for her to join me. She did and I wrapped an arm around her waist, stopping before the window. "You see that?"
"The perfect view," she realised, eyes wide as they took in the view of the garden, which I planned to show her next. "It's beautiful."
"You can paint everything there," I said with a nod. "The trees. The flowers. And this place isn't far from the train station, so we can take some day trips, too."
She leaned into my side gratefully. "Y/N, I love it. All of it."
My heart fluttered as she said that, it being all I wanted to hear.
"We can also get the coop for the chickens you wanted," I reminded her, before pointing out the window. "Right there. We'll get fresh eggs and they're cute – what's not to love?"
She pulled apart, arms still laced around me, and I waited to see what she thought. Her eyes twinkled in the sunlight coming from the window, matching the smile on her lips. Then she moved forward quickly, kissing me hard and leaving me no chance to react before she pulled away.
"I have no words," she said softly, caressing my cheek. "I'm so grateful."
My face was warm as I smiled shyly. "I'm glad. You know I'd do anything for you."
Her smile widened as she leaned in again. "Thank you."
Moving in with her was the best thing to happen to me, and my dream of being published had come true, so that was saying a lot. We both knew we could never get married and be together in public, but this was the next best thing. We had our own little slice of heaven to merely be, and it was perfect. She could paint as much as she liked and I could write as much as I liked, the two of us making a living and not having to rely on husbands we didn't love.
The only people who knew about the truth of our relationship was Steve. I knew I could never trust my family with the truth, knowing liking women was very different to becoming a writer. So, I was content with them living in denial about why Wanda and I lived together. Wanda was the same with her parents, but it was a few months into moving in when she decided she wanted to tell Pietro.
I was obviously hesitant, since Pietro was a standup guy, the reason I was even as successful as I was, but I wasn't sure if he'd be okay with discovering his sister liked women and I was the one she was with. Wanda was certain he'd understand though, since he was her twin and would only want the best for her. Plus, according to her, he loved me, so he wouldn't have a problem with it.
He was her twin at the end of the day, and nobody knew him better than her, so I trusted her to tell him and decided we could do it at dinner, inviting both him, Steve and Peggy over. Peggy didn't know about Wanda and I either, but I wanted to tell her, so we decided to do it together...
"We've been here three times and it still makes me jealous how peaceful it is," Peggy complimented as the five of us sat around the kitchen table. "No annoying neighbours. No nosy townspeople. It's perfect."
"Thank you," Wanda said with a friendly smile. "That's why we love it, too."
"Are you all finished?" I asked, standing up to grab mine and Wanda's plates.
"Oh, please, let me help," Pietro offered, about to stand up, but I shook my head.
"It's okay, I've got it," I politely declined, before stacking the plates together to take to the sink.
I glanced at Wanda and she gave me a knowing look before clearing her throat and looking to her brother.
"Piet, can you help me with something in my studio?" she asked him casually. "There's a lightbulb I can't quite reach."
He nodded and wiped his face with his napkin. "Er, sure." He looked to everyone else. "If you'll excuse me."
The two of them left the kitchen, leaving me with Steve and Peggy. I distracted myself with putting the plates in the sink before popping the kettle on, knowing they'd want tea.
"Dinner was lovely, Y/N, thank you for tonight," Steve started, easing the tension he knew I was feeling. I'd told him my intentions before inviting them and he was completely okay with the idea. "You and Wanda seem to be more and more comfortable every time we come here."
I leaned against the counter as I smiled gratefully at him, knowing he was giving me an opening to tell Peggy the truth.
"Yeah, we are," I said, eyes flickering to Peggy's as she watched on with interest. "We, er..."
My mouth went dry as the words I'd practiced in the mirror this morning escaped me. I'd only ever told Steve about Wanda and I, and that was by accident. I knew Peggy wouldn't judge me, but it was still terrifying to admit.
"Y/N, sweetie, are you okay?" Peggy asked, a hint of concern in her voice.
I nodded, swallowing hard. "Yes, sorry..." I just had to say it. No more overthinking. "Wanda and I are together. As more than more friends. I'm in love with her."
Peggy raised her brows with surprise, barely believing it, but then she glanced at Steve and knew I was being serious. I let out a breath of relief, glad that I'd finally said it.
She stood up from her seat and I was half-afraid she'd leave altogether, but she didn't. She walked to me and pulled me in for a hug, squeezing me gently.
"Thank you for trusting me with such an important thing," she said, pulling away and smiling at me gently. "I guess it makes sense. You both compliment each other well and make each other happy. It's beautiful to see."
"Thank you," I said, returning her smile. "That means a lot coming from you."
She nodded and glanced at her husband. "I take it Steve already knew."
He raised his hands in defence. "Hey, I basically figured it out myself!"
She rolled her eyes playfully and I couldn't help but laugh.
"He did," I backed him up. "And he was the only person to know, so I owe him a lot. He gave me the support I wanted when I had nobody else."
Peggy smiled endearingly at Steve before looking to me with kind eyes. "Well, now you're not alone. You have me, too."
"I know. I'm glad."
"Does anybody else know? Or is it just Steve and I?" she asked hesitantly.
"Just you two," I explained. "My family would never understand. Especially with Wanda and her history with my brother. Same with her family. But she's actually telling Pietro about us now. I can only hope he'll take it well."
Peggy was certain as she said, "I'm sure he will."
I made tea for all of us and joined Peggy and Steve at the table as we waited for the Maximoff twins' return. Eventually, Wanda returned with her brother in tow and judging by the smile on her face, I could only hope it went well. Though I noticed the tear streaks on her cheeks and joined her side with mild concern.
"Are you okay?" I asked, grabbing her hand, but I didn't get chance to hear a response as I felt myself being lifted off the ground.
"Y/N!" Pietro exclaimed in my ear, hugging me from behind. "Welcome to the family, sestra (sister)!"
He set me down and stepped beside his sister, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and tugging her close. A grin was directed my way as Wanda's cheeks dusted pink. She was glowing with happiness, her brother's opinion mattering the most, and it warmed my heart to witness.
"I see things went well," I noticed, before smiling at Pietro. "Thank you, Pietro. It means a lot to have your support. Though you know this doesn't make me your sister, right?"
"Yet," he pointed out, making me sigh. "You know, I always suspected you had the hots for my sister, but I could never be sure."
Now it was my turn to flush with embarrassment, especially when Steve and Peggy laughed from the sidelines.
"Wanda's happiness is all that matters to me," he continued, looking to his sister with a genuine smile. "I'm glad she picked the right Y/L/N."
I chuckled awkwardly, eyes falling to a nervous Wanda. "Me and you both, mate." He laughed, patting me on the back, and I gave him an appreciative nod. "Seriously, though, thank you, Pietro. Your approval means a lot."
"No problem," he said with a shrug. "I'm always here if you need me."
"As are we," Peggy added, before looking to Wanda. "Both of you. Anything you need, ever, just let us know. It's what we're here for."
"Thank you," Wanda said for both of us, and when she looked my way, I knew she was thinking the same thing I was.
We were lucky that the most important people in our lives knew the truth about us and were supportive. We couldn't have asked for anything more.
As promised, after spending the morning on my manuscript and Wanda with her commission, we went into the garden to do some gardening. And by we, I meant I was doing it as she attempted to help out beside me.
"Hey, I think there's something stuck here," Wanda said, fingers stuck in a pot of soil.
"Then pull it out," I said like it was obvious, trying not to laugh.
I continued to rake the plant beds before me so I could eventually plant some vegetable seeds when Wanda's adamant voice spoke up again.
"I think you should check it out, Y/N, I can't seem to get it."
"Come on!" she insisted, and I sighed dramatically before dropping my rake and heading towards her.
Kneeling down beside her, I took a peek in the plant pot and put my hand in, rooting around until my fingers found something metal.
"It seems to be a ring," I realised, pulling it out and dusting the soil off it. "Maybe the suppliers of the soil dropped it in accidentally. Or maybe a bird dropped it in the pot without you realising..." I chewed on my lip with thought. "Huh. Well, here you go."
I gave it back to Wanda and prepared myself to stand back up, but Wanda groaned and facepalmed.
"What's got your knickers in a twist?" I asked with an amused smile.
She looked up at me through parted fingers. "It's my ring."
"How many times have I told you to stop wearing rings when we're gardening?!" I said questioningly, shaking my head. "Stuff like this always happens!"
She rolled her eyes and looked up to the sky. "Why am I in love with an idiot?"
"It's for you," she said, holding out the ring.
I furrowed my brows. "Well, why didn't you just– wait." My eyes widened as I realised what she was implying, feeling stupid for not realising sooner. "Is this– are you– huh?"
Wanda swallowed nervously before clutching the ring tightly and meeting my gaze. "I've been in love with you for a long time, you know that," she said softly, her accent thick with emotion. "The time we've spent here in our little safe haven has been the best of my life. And I... I know we live in a world that won't let us be together. But that hasn't stopped us."
My heart was hammering in my chest as Wanda offered me a small, nervous smile. We'd never talked about marriage since we were so content in our little bubble, but clearly she'd thought about it without me knowing. I guess I had, too. But I never expected either of us to do anything about it.
"I know we can never really be married, but what is marriage if not a union between two people who are in love anyway? I mean, we basically already have that." She snickered to ease her nerves, then licked her lips shakily, eyes tearing up. "I'm asking you to marry me and if you say yes, I'll know you're my wife and that's all that'll matter... so Y/N Y/L/N. Will you marry me?"
I didn't even need to think about it. Wanda was the love of my life and just like she'd said, the past three years had been the best. We could never truly be married in the eyes of the world, but she'd be my wife and that would be enough. She'd always be enough.
"Of course I will, Wanda," I answered, tears of happiness slipping from my eyes.
She raised her eyebrows. "Yes? You said yes?"
I laughed, nodding, and leaned forward to kiss her. She returned the favour, salty tears mingling between our lips, but it didn't matter because she was going to be my wife and that's all I could think about.
Our smiles broke the kiss and I wiped her tears away with my thumb before pressing another kiss to her lips.
"Here, let me put this on you," she said between laughter, hands fumbling as she tried to find mine.
I put out my hand and let her slide the ring on my finger. It was a simple silver band with a small, elegant gemstone sat on top, perfect for someone like me who didn't like anything too flashy.
"It's beautiful, Wanda, thank you," I said, smiling through my tears.
"I've been wanting to ask you for a while, but I wasn't sure you'd say yes," she admitted.
"Are you joking? Why wouldn't I?" I asked with an exploding happiness in my chest. "I'm so bloody in love with you, Wanda Maximoff."
She laced our fingers together as she nodded in agreement. "That's good. Because I'm in love with you, too."
And when she said that, it wasn't unlike anything she'd told me before. If she wasn't telling me she loved me, she was showing me in all sorts of ways. But this was different... this was the first time she'd told me as my fiancé. And then she'd soon be my wife. And it made me realise.
I'd spent so long thinking that if we were in a different life, we could have had it all. But we were getting it all now, so maybe, just maybe, this wasn't the wrong lifetime after all.
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jaethaone · 4 years
Paring: Massimo x Reader 
Word Count: 2,464
Requested By @ee101abc
Warnings: Character Death, Swearing, Fluff If You Squint, Angst .. I Think Thats It 
A/n : Im Sorry For Taking Forever In Posting But Between Running A Business, Working To Fund Said Business, And Being In School Its A Little Hard Finding The Free Time To Write But I Promise I’m Going To Find A Way, I Haven’t Forgot About You All . So Anyways I Hope You Enjoy And Sorry For Any Mistakes Seeing As To How This Version That You All Are About To Read Is The Second Time I’ve Written This Because The First One Went Poof. 
Lyrics In Bold
Flashbacks In Italics 
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“Do You Ever Think That There’s Something More Out There” You Asked As You And Massimo Sat Out On One Of His Many Balconies Watching The Sun Set Out Over The Ocean.. A Sight That Was Truly Breathtaking. 
“I’m Not Sure What You Mean Principessa” You Laughed At The Quizzical Look On His Face As He Tried To Think Of  What Prompted You To Ask Such A Question
“You Know Like.. Once We Die Ya Know” 
“You Mean Heaven And Hell” He Said Causing You To Slap His Arm In A Playful Manner At The Sarcasm In His Voice 
“Yes And No.. I Just, I Feel Like There’s More Out There. Like This Wouldn’t Be The End” You Said Looking Out Onto The Horizon The Sunset Long Gone 
“Okayyy , You’ve Had Enough To Drink” He Laughed Trying To Reach Over To Take The Glass From Your Hand, Causing You To Abruptly Yank You Hand Back Spilling The Contents Of The Glass 
“Just Know Torricelli There’s More Than This” You Said Taking A Sip Of Your Drink “And When All Is Said And Done, You Will See Me On The Otherside 
5 Months Later 
Massimo Stood In His Office, Looking Out At The Sunset That You And Him Often Found Yourselves Watching Everyday. So Much Was Going Through His Head. Wondering Why You Didn’t Tell Him. If Only He Knew He Could’ve Done Something. So Caught Up In His Thoughts He Didn’t Hear Domenico And Mario Walk In Until They Spoke Up.
“Massimo.. You Cannot Stay In This Office All Day, You Have To Get Out Its Been Three Day.. She Wouldn’t Want This” Mario Said As He Went To Sit In One Of The Chairs Stationed By His Desk 
“Its My House I Will Do As I Damn Well Please”
“I Don’t Agree With Mario On A Lot Of This But He’s Right On This Mas.. This Isn’t Healthy” Domenico Said As He Cautiously Walked Over And Put His Hand On His Shoulder As A Way Of Comfort 
“I Could Have Did Something” Massimo Whispered Turning Away From Domenico As Tears Started To Fall But It Was To Late. Dom Had Already Seen Bringing Him Into A Much Needed Hug 
“There Was Nothing We Could Have Done Mas” Mario Said Standing Up And Walking Towards The Two Men Wanting To Help Comfort The Man He’s Considered A Son “She Had A Heart Condition, There Was No Way Of Us Knowing” 
If The Storm Comes 
If We Burn Up 
If The Wells Run Dry 
You’re My Reason 
To Believe In 
Another Life 
You Never Were The One To Want Peoples’ Sympathy.. Or Fake Sympathy If You Should Put It, You Never Liked The Looks Of Pity People Gave You Whenever Something Bad Happened So When You Went For Your Monthly Check Up And Your Doctor Informed You That You’re Heart Was Failing, The Current Medicine You’d Been Taking No Longer Working And That You Had At The Most Six Months Left You Chose Not To Tell Any One.. Not Wanting To Be Treated Like A Fragile Porcelain Doll For The Rest Of Your Life, Or At Least What You Have Left Of It. 
Walking Into Massimos Office Like You Owned The Place Because In Some Sense You Did, It Was Your Favorite Place In The Whole House And Massimo Couldn’t For The Life Of Him Figure Out Why; You Noticed Him On The Phone And Sat Down At One Of The Chairs In Front Of His Desk Kicking You’re Feet Up Waiting For Him To Get Done With His Call.. Not That You Were In A Rush, You Liked Being In His Presence No Matter What. 
“Sorry That Took So Long, I Wasn’t Expecting You To Drop By Today” Massimo Said Getting Off The Phone An Hour Later. His Loud Voice Causing You To Jump Out Of The Slumber You Unknowingly Slipped Into 
“Huh” You Said As You Jumped Up Causing Massimo To Laugh At Your Confused State. Getting Up To Get Himself A Drink From The Makeshift Bar He Had In The Corner Of His Office Pouring Himself A Glass Of Whiskey And Shaking The Bottle In Your Direction. A Way Of Asking If You Wanted Any, Causing You To Nod Your Head. 
“I Was Saying I Wasn’t Expecting You To Stop By Today.. I Could Have Rescheduled That Call” He Said As He Walked Over To You And Handed You Your Glass 
“There’s No Need For That Mas, You Don’t Have To Reschedule A Call For Me, Especially An Important Business Call” 
“Sciocchezze (Nonsense)” Massimo Said As He Leaned Back Against The Front Of His Desk “So How Was Your Appointment” 
“Oh You Know, Same Ol Same Ol .. Female Stuff” You Started To Say But Massimo Cut You Off Saying He’d Heard Enough Causing You To Laugh At His Displeasure In The Subject 
“So What Do I Owe The Pleasure Of Seeing You Today” 
“I Can’t Just Come And See My Bestfriend Without There Being A Reason” You Said, And If You Were Paying Attention You Would Have Noticed The Slight Falter In Massimos Smile As You Mentioned The Word Bestfriend.. But You Didn’t Caught Up In The Nervousness That You Had Only Six Months Left. Six Months On This Earth, Six Months Until You Wouldn’t Be Able To See His Beautiful Face Anymore. 
“Hey, You Okay” Massimo Reached Out To Touch You Arm, That Simple Action Bringing You Back To Reality, Back To Him 
“Im Fine” You Smiled Up At Him, Then Looked Past Him Noticing The Sun Was Starting To Set 
“You Sure Amore” He Asked Worry Clearly Written On His Face
“Yes, Now Come.. Watch The Sun Set With Me” You Said Grabbing His Hand And Dragging Him Towards The Balcony In His Office 
“Since When Do You Watch The Sun Set”
“Since Now” You Said Walking To The Couch Patting The Spot Next To You For Him To Sit “Life’s Too Short Not To Try New Things And Enjoy The Little Things 
If We Wake Up 
Lose Our Patience 
Or Even Lose Our Lives, Oh
I’ll Feel Lucky
To Say That You’ve Been 
A Friend Of Mine 
Today Was One Of Your Difficult Days, The More Time Passed The More You Had You Good And Bad Days, And Today Was Proving To Be A Bad Day But You Wouldn’t Let That Stop You There Were Things That You Needed To Get Done. First You Had To Stop Buy Your Lawyers Office To Drop Off Some Things To Give To Your Family And Massimo When The Time Came, Then You Had To Clean Out You Apartment. The Task Alone Was Proving Difficult Though Seeing As How You Needed To Sit And Rest Every Couple Of Minutes Causing You To Not Get Much Done. 
You Let Out A Frustrated Scream Throwing The Object You Had In Your Hand Across The Room Knocking Over A Random Box Full Of Stuff. You Were Tired To Say The Least And It Looked Like You Weren’t Getting Closer To Finishing Even Though You Started At Noon, And It was Now Going On Six. In The Midst Of Your Frustration You Didn’t Notice Your Front Door Opening And Closing Massimo Walking Into View Using The Spare Key You Gave Him. You Weren’t Expecting Him To Stop By, But Seeing As How You Haven’t Been By His Place In A Couple Of Days Due To Your Shortness Of Breath Now, Its Not Completely Unexpected 
“What Is Going On In Here” Massimo Said Stepping Over Box After Box Until He Reached The One Open Space You Were Currently Standing In The Middle Of “You Not Trying To Leave Me Are You Principessa” 
“I Could Never Leave You Mas” You Said As A Small Smile Ghosted You Lips, As You Though About The Double Meaning To That Line, And The Soon Inevitable. Massimo Didn’t Miss The The Look Your Face Held Either, Worry Once Again Taking Over His Face 
“I Know I Ask This A Lot But Are You Sure You’re Okay Love” 
“I’m As Good As I’ll Ever Be Torricelli” You Said Smiling Up At Him 
“What’s With All The Boxes Anyways” He Said Taking A Look Around 
“Spring Cleaning” You Said Not Bringing Yourself To Tell Him The Real Reason For Packing All Of Your Things Up 
“In The Middle Of Fall” 
“Hey, You Have To Start Sometime Right” You Said As You Started To Laugh But Soon Turned To A Fit Of Coughing So Harsh It Caused You To Stumble Over Prompting Massimo To Reach Out And Grab You Standing You Up Straight 
“You Okay Principessa” He Said Looking At You With Eyes Of Concern 
“I’m Perfect.. I Have You Hear With Me” You Smiled Up At Him.. Taking In The Man Others Feared But You Called Your Bestfriend, Secretly Wanting To Call Him More “You Know, I Feel Lucky, To Say That You’ve Been A Friend Of Mine, That I Get To Call You My Best Friend.. I Love You Mas” 
“I Love You Too Amore” 
Massimo Eventually Left His Office, Only Moving To His Bed Room But It Was Still Progress. He Just Couldn’t Believe That The Last Words He’d Spoken To You Were “I Love You Too Amore”. If Only You’d Told Him Sooner, Why Didn’t You Tell Him Sooner. He Went To Your House That Day With The Intent Of Telling You How He Truly Felt But He Never Got The Chance. 
You Had Soon Erupted Into Another Coughing Fit The Second Worse Than The First Causing You To Clench At Your Chest And Massimo Eventually Rush You To The Nearest Emergency Room. If Only You’d Told Him, He Would Have Gave You The Best Doctors Money Could By, They Could Have Saved You He Thought. He Would Have Told You That When He Said He Loved You, He Meant It With Every Fiber Of His Being.. And He Would Have Found Out That You Recuperated Those Feelings. 
So Caught Up In His Thoughts He Ignored The Open And Close Of His Room Door Continuing To Stare Up At His Ceiling
“Something Came For You Today” Domenico Said Approaching The Side Of Massimos Bed 
“ I Don’t Care” 
“Its A Letter Fr-” Dom Started To Say But Was Cut Off By Massimo
“I Said I Don’t Give A Damn” He Growled 
Knowing His Friend Is Going Through A Lot Right Now, As They All Are Because You Worked Your Way Into All Of Their Hearts, He Understood The Frustration 
“Its From Yn” Domenico Continued To Say Causing Massimo To Look Over At Him “I Get If You Don’t Want To Read It Right Now, Just Know Its Right Here” 
And With That Domenico Put The Letter On The Nightstand And Left The Room. He Was Hesitant At First But After A Couple Of Minutes Massimo Sat Up And Reached For The Letter, Rubbing His Fingers Over The Envelope Before Ripping It Open, Taking A Moment To Admire Your Hand Writing. Taking A Deep Shaky Breath, He Unfolded The Letter And Started Reading What Was Now Clear Your Last Words To Him  
Dear Massimo, 
     By The Time You Get This Letter, It Will Have Been Three Days After My Funeral. I Know That You Are Probably Held In Your Office Or Room, Drinking Your Life Away Blaming Yourself For This, But It Is Not Your Fault. It Is No One’s Fault. This Is How Things Were Meant To Be And I’ve Came To Terms With That. I Know You Have So Many Questions As To Why This Happened Why I Didn’t Tell You, And I’m Sorry I Didn’t.. I Guess I had My Own Selfish Reasons For Keeping This From You. But To Give You The Explanation You Deserve, I’ve Had A Heart Condition For A Little Over 4 Years Now. I’ve Been On Tons Of Different Medications To Try And Sedate My Condition, But As Time Went On My Condition Worsened And The Medications Stopped Working. I Don’t Want You To Blame Yourself For This, I Don’t Want You To Shut People Out, I Know This Will Be Hard For You, Its Hard For Me Just Writing This Letter. But You Are Massimo Fucking Torricelli, My Bestfriend And The Man I Fell In Love With, And You Will Get Through This.. And When You Time Comes.. You Will See Me Again 
                                                                          Love, Yn
As He Got Done Reading The Letter, He Didn’t Even Realize He Was Crying Again. As He Was About To Lay Back Down Massimo Felt A Breeze, Turning To Get Up So He Could Close His Balcony Door, He Stopped Dead In His Tracks At The Sight In front Of Him. 
Dressed In This Beautiful All White Dress That Just Seemed To Flow Endlessly, And Skin Glowing Stood, His Bestfriend, The Woman He Loved But Never Got To Tell. Goddess Doesn’t Even Begin To Compare To How She Looked. Shocked And Confused As To What He Was Seeing, He Stood There, Afraid To Move, Scared That What He Was Seeing Would Disappear 
“I- .. How” Massimo Stammered.. Feet Still Glued To The Spot As You Walked Closer To Him “How Are You Here Right Now” 
“It Doesn’t Matter How, All That Matters Is That I Am” 
“I Miss You So Much Principessa” Massimo Said As He Reached To Touch Your Face Shocked That His Hand Didn’t Just Fall Through Your Figure “There Is So Much I Need To Tell You.. I Don’t Know If I Can Do This Without You” 
“I Know I Know.. And That Time Will Come” You Said As Your Hand Graced The Side Of His Face As Did His On Yours “And You Don’t Have To Explain Anything I Know” 
“I Wish There Was Something I Could Have Done” He Whispered 
“There Was Nothing You Could Do, Nor Me But Except It” You Said Looking Up At Him “So I Need You To Be Strong For Me Okay” 
“I Don’t Want You To Leave” He Said Placing His Forehead Against Yours And Closing His Eyes.. Taking In Your Embrace 
“Hey” You Said Causing Him To Open His Eyes To Look At You “This Isn’t The End, Let Me Be Your Reason To Believe In Another Life”
“I Love You Mi Amore”
Taking The Chance To Kiss Him Before You Disappeared You Leaned Up And Connected Your Lips With His, Massimo Not Rejecting Eagerly Kissed Back, But After A Couple Of Moments He Started To Fell Your Once Solid Figure Fad Away. Opening His Eyes He Noticed You Smiling At Him But The Image Of You Getting Lighter 
“Don’t Leave”  He Whispered 
“Best Believe Me, You Will See Me On The Otherside” 
Based On The Song Otherside By Beyonce 
Authors Note: Whew ... Yall It Is Currently 3:47am ... I Was Determined To Get This Out For Yall.. I Hope You Enjoy And Feedback Is Greatly Appreciated . So Please Let Me Know If You Guys Enjoyed It And More Imagines Will Be Coming Soon. 
Taglist: @nebulastarr @posiemax @mjaudrey @akshi8278​ 
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jahaanofmenaphos · 5 years
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Art by the awesome @tommieglenn!
Of Gods and Men Summary:
When the gods returned to Gielinor, their minds were only on one thing: the Stone of Jas, a powerful elder artefact in the hands of Sliske, a devious Mahjarrat who stole it for his own ends and entertainment. He claims to want to incite another god wars, but are his ulterior motives more sinister than that? And can the World Guardian, Jahaan, escape from under Sliske’s shadow?
Read the full work here:
When Ariane is kidnapped and the signs point to Sliske, Jahaan is forced to confront the Mahjarrat once again. But this time, things take a turn for the twisted, and Jahaan uncovers the truth behind Sliske’s obsession with him. Can Jahaan survive Sliske’s games? After all, broken bones heal faster than a broken mind…
After leaving the Wizards’ Tower, Jahaan was at a loss. Between Ozan’s condition and Ariane’s cutting words, his head was swirling. The effects of the pain relievers had also worn off, so he was fighting through the dull aching of his ribs, knowing there wasn’t an apothecary in Draynor. Well, not one that he would trust, anyway, and he didn’t want to get desperate enough to seek aid from the resident witches. 
And so he just started walking. He didn’t know what else to do. He walked on throughout the day and well into the evening, following the water’s edge around Draynor Village. Since he was veering west, Jahaan settled upon Port Sarim as his destination, camping in a small clearing for the night. It wasn’t as peaceful as when he did it in Catherby, mind. Jahaan was still too close to Draynor, and the constant grey clouds that draped over the town caused a constant chill in the air. On top of that, it took too long to find firewood that wasn’t damp, and despite having his backpack with his small fishing net on him, all he was able to catch was a couple of tiny shrimp that barely did enough to sate his appetite. Rocks and sharp leaves dug into his back and exposed skin all night long, worsened by the amount he was tossing and turning from the aching of his ribs.
Utterly miserable, Jahaan left the next dawn with about an hour’s sleep in his system.
Port Sarim had repaired the damage since his last visit there. In fact, you couldn’t tell the port town had been subject to a dragonkin attack at all. The buildings had been fixed and the scorch marks long since painted over. He did recognise Patchy though, standing outside the bar and sporting a rather snazzy peg-leg. Those things were quite the fashion with pirates, after all.
Jahaan remarked to himself how it was nice to see the pirate back on his feet, but quickly regretted the poor choice of words.
Without even stopping for a drink, Jahaan took the first boat he could out to Catherby, revelling in the change of climate as he approached the pristine shores. It felt like eons ago when Jahaan mused to himself about settling down in Catherby. Right now, he couldn’t think of anything he wanted more.
And so, after venturing slightly into the wooded area, he built himself a fire, readied his net to catch some more substantial fish, and breathed a sigh of relief as he realised the only sounds he could hear were the swishing of the waves and the low cry of distant seagulls.
The next day, Jahaan found Postie Pete and sent a letter to Ozan, wishing him well and saying how he’d be in Catherby for the foreseeable future. However, he never heard back. After two weeks, Jahaan managed to find Postie Pete and ask how Ozan seemed when he delivered the letter. It turned out that Ariane was taking in all of Ozan’s mail, which explained why Jahaan wasn’t receiving any correspondence.
“If you see him yourself, can you wish him well for me?” Jahaan asked with a lump in his throat. He didn’t want Ozan to think he wasn’t bothering to write to him, after all.
Instead, Postie Pete had been hurt at the thought of his mail being intercepted. Ariane said he’d give the letter straight to Ozan, and she’d lied.
“I’ll do one better, mate,” the skull rattled as its jaw bones knocked together. “You write another one, and I’ll make sure to hand it to him personally this time. It’s my honour and duty as a postman for the Gielinorian Postal Service to make sure every letter is delivered promptly and with integrity!”
Jahaan loved how seriously Postie Pete took his work - it was admirable. So, he took him up on his offer straight away, quickly writing out a new letter and placing it in the skull’s mouth. Then, Postie Pete went on his way.
Regular correspondence returned between Jahaan and Ozan after that. Much to his relief, Jahaan heard that Ozan was recuperating rather well, enough to abandon bedrest. Still, he was too weak to do much other than bumble around the Wizards’ Tower, to which he confessed his worst ailment was severe cabin fever.
They didn’t even have booze there.
His burns has scarred over a fair bit, but they were still hurting him a great deal. Out of curiosity, he tried to draw back an old bow he’d found when wandering around in the basement. However, he barely got halfway to the bowstring being taunt before his muscles gave out and he couldn’t take the pain anymore. The wizards had thrown around the idea of potential nerve damage and said that recovery would be a slow process, but with the right amount of rest and rehabilitation, he would be able to wield a bow again. From the outset though, it looked like Jahaan’s ribs would heal long before Ozan’s wounds.
Jahaan had already withdrawn his sword and armour set from the bank, trying to reaccustom himself to the weight and feel of it all. There was no longer an issue with donning the armour - his body could handle that after the many weeks that had passed - but the swords were still an issue. Wielding with his right hand was no problem, and he could spar and parry almost as good as he always could. His left side, however, was another matter. Each swing would lightly stab at him, gradually getting worse and worse. He couldn’t practice for more than a few minutes at a time before the pain became too much.
So for now, duel wielding was out of the question, but he was optimistic about his recovery.
Jahaan wished he could say the same about Ozan. He wanted to go back and visit him, but thought better of it. Regardless of Ariane’s feelings towards him, Ozan was getting good care in the Wizards’ Tower and he didn’t need anyone distracting him from that.
At least, that’s what Jahaan kept telling himself.
In spite of it all, Jahaan couldn’t picture himself leaving Catherby anytime soon. He’d gotten back into the routine of fishing for the majority of the day and selling what he didn’t need to eat, accumulating a tiny sum as the days went on. It was calming, and he could pretend he wasn’t the World Guardian for a while, as selfish as that may be.
But that calm was slashed into fragments when he saw Ozan get off the boat at Catherby dock.
Jahaan was just finishing up selling his surplus supply for the day and planned to stop for a drink or two at the port’s pub. As the fishmonger was counting his coins, Jahaan casually observed the passengers disembarking the charter ship from Draynor, and had to do a double take when he saw a familiar figure coming his way. Dark quiffed hair, yellow and green tunic, bandages wrapping the exposed skin on his arms… there was no mistaking it.
Abandoning the merchant, Jahaan quickly rushed to intercept him, a grin as wide as the boat’s sail. “Ozan!”
However, when he got close enough to lock eyes with the man, his grin vanished in a heartbeat.
“Jahaan! I’m so glad I found you,” Ozan was breathless, his face red and his eyes bloodshot. He looked like… he’d been crying.
Pulling Ozan out of the path of people, Jahaan’s concern flooded his tone as he urged, “Ozan, are you okay? What’s wrong?!”
“I-It’s Ariane!” Ozan sniffed. “She’s been kidnapped!”
“What?!” Jahaan gasped, pressing Ozan for more information.
Trying to steady his breathing, Ozan explained, “W-We were visiting Draynor. I went into a store, she waited outside. There was a loud screech, and then she was gone! No-one really saw anything, it all happened so fast! B-But they said someone was taken the day before, too, by some vyre-like creature, or a large bird, or something, I don’t know! I panicked, I didn’t know what to do! S-So I came to you as fast as I could. They took Ariane, Jahaan!”
In an effort to calm down his hysterical friend, Jahaan pulled Ozan into a tight hug, assuring, “It’s going to be okay. We’ll get her back.”
Pulling away, Jahaan asked, “Do you know anything else about these kidnappings? Anything that could help us?”
Ozan’s voice turned dark. “Well, I heard that Relomia, the emissary of Sliske, was there when the other person was taken. She seemed… shocked.”
“Sliske?” Jahaan blinked, confusion momentarily getting the best of him. Shaking those thoughts clear, he resolved, “Alright, we’re going to Draynor right now to find out what she knows.”
Unfortunately, Ozan had arrived on the last ship of the day, and there wouldn’t be another one until the break of dawn. Luckily, Jahaan had built up quite a reputation with some of the ship’s captains that he saw on a daily basis, and for double the fare, one of them agreed to sail throughout the night to land in Port Sarim by first light. Jahaan already had his armour and weapons with him, getting used to wearing it on a daily basis again, so they left immediately.
After arriving in Port Sarim the next morning, the two bribed a local fisherman to sail them across the short expanse of water between the port and Draynor Village. It cut down on hours worth of walking.
In Draynor, it was always night. Crows screamed incessantly, squawking bloody murder, becoming white noise to the villages residents. There was a reason house prices in Draynor were so low, and that’s because those who pass through there generally don’t want to do so again. Despite it being the nearest occupied settlement west of Lumbridge, the village’s council isolated itself from politics of the surrounding towns and cities, providing for itself where it could to limit trade. No-one had ever seen these council members though; many speculated they were just a fabrication by the real power of Draynor, the occupant of the house on the hill. Draynor Manor was haunted, it was no small secret - the trees attacked anyone who dared approach the door. It is widely believed to be the final resting place of Count Draynor Draken himself. No-one had confirmed this for sure, because those who went inside Draynor Manor never returned.
Stalking through the paths leading them towards the dismal market square, Ozan and Jahaan kept their guard up, wary of the eyes following their every move.
Draynor didn’t like outsiders.
It was behind the house of Aggie the Witch, the seller of clothing dyes, where Relomia was loitering.
The pair stormed up to her.
“All right, Relomia, start talking - what have you and Sliske done with Ariane?”
However, instead of the cocky response Jahaan was expecting, when Relomia turned around to face him, her eyes looked red and puffy, like she’d been crying. “Oh thank goodness! Jahaan, you have to help me! Sliske's been kidnapped!”
That… was not what he was expecting. “Come again?”
“It’s the dragonkin!” she explained, breathless and sniffling. “I don’t know what they did to him, but they found a way to strip him of his magic! He’s powerless! He needs our help!”
Ozan shivered, gulping down the lump in his throat. “If the creatures that took Sliske also took Ariane...” he didn’t dare to finish the thought.
Jahaan squeezed his eyes tightly shut, trying to regain some semblance of clarity inside his cluttered mind. “Okay, okay calm down… let’s just take this one step at a time. I can see why the dragonkin would want Sliske - death to the False Users and all - but why would they take Ariane?”
“I don’t know! But you have to get him back!” Relomia was practically begging. “And the Stone of Jas... my master’s strong, but I don’t know how long he can keep the location of the Stone a secret from them…”
Despite having a strong mind to tell Relomia that the dragonkin could keep that giggling, manipulative son of a bitch for all he cared, Jahaan knew he was over a barrel with this one; they had to get Ariane back, and Jahaan had seen firsthand the destruction the dragonkin could cause. If they utilised the power of the Stone…
Relenting, Jahaan announced, “Okay, if there’s a chance the dragonkin took Ariane and Sliske, we’ll try and get them back.”
Relieved, Relomia leapt over to hug Jahaan tightly, colliding with his armour. Awkwardly, he patted her on the back until he was freed.
Straightening out his platebody, Jahaan cleared his throat and asked, “So what happened, exactly?”
Her shoulders sagging, Relomia replied, “I'm not sure. Sliske sent me a message from the Shadow Realm. He was surrounded by dragonkin and somehow stripped of his power. I know they haven't found the Stone yet, but it is only a matter of time.”
The thought of facing off against dragonkin wasn’t exactly something Jahaan was looking forward to. It only got worse after he inquired, “Do you know where they took him?”
“The last message Sliske sent me said he was in a dragonkin prison near Daemonheim.”
Shoulders sagging, Jahaan was exasperated as he replied, “How do you expect us to get to Daemonheim? It’s continents away!”
“Oh, right!” Relomia slapped her forehead before rummaging around in her napsack, eventually bringing out a small red and gold patterned ring. “This is a ring of kinship. It’ll get you there in a jiffy. Just put it on and trace your finger over the patterns.”
Ozan pulled out a similar ring from his pocket. “I’ll meet you there.”
From one awfully naff location to another, step right up: Daemonheim.
There was just so much SNOW.
In hindsight, a little more preparation wouldn’t have gone amiss before teleporting to the wastelands. The castle protruded in the distance, a lumpy silhouette between the white mists and clouding fog. Beneath it, the dungeons of Daemonheim, floors upon floors of beasts, puzzles, mazes, traps and pitfalls. Beneath all that? Zamorak’s current fortress.
Jahaan did not welcome the memory of being down there.
The pair walked among the ruins. Ghosts of dead warriors floated between the stones and broken statues. Some of these statues resembled dragonkin; it was widely believed that the location used to be home to a dragonkin lair, the lair of Kerapac specifically, but that was ancient history. Bilrach’s construction of the dungeons beneath the castle seemed to cause a voluntary relocation. At least, that’s what everyone thought. Perhaps they had kept some of their lair after all?
“Hey Jahaan, over there,” Ozan pointed to a wooden trapdoor only partially covered by the snow. As the two trotted over, Ozan commented, “This wasn’t here the last time I came by this area. Maybe this is the lair?”
Jahaan, on the other hand, didn’t seem too convinced. “Hmm… I don’t know… this looks like any regular trapdoor. Not very dragonkin-y, if you know what I mean.”
“I know, I know, but you hear what I’m saying, right?”
Ozan pondered this for a moment. “Maybe it’s disguised?”
“It's still worth checking out,” Ozan maintained, heaving the trapdoor open, sliding the snow off as he did.
Climbing down the ladder, the stone corridor was barely lit by more than a few candles scattered along the walls haphazardly. As it stretched far down into the darkness in both directions, the pair took their chances heading east.
“This seems pretty abandoned,” Jahaan whispered. “I can’t hear a thing.”
Ozan nodded, biting his lip. “Do you think Relomia was confused?”
They made it to a crossroads, more corridors heading to the left and right, or they had the option to continue onwards.
“Maybe… maybe they’re in the Shadow Realm?” Jahaan considered, coming to halt. He tried to focus on blurring the edges of this world and the Shadow Realm, as Sliske’s gift had allowed, but before he could make any progress, a screeching scream came from their right, chilling them both to the core.
Jahaan slashed both of his swords from their sheaths, while Ozan tentatively removed his newly acquired bow from around his shoulders.
Gulping, Jahaan ventured, “S...Sliske?”
The sound of beating wings fast encroached on them, the glint of glowing red eyes zooming their way. It was fight or flight, and the former lost by a landslide. Instantly, Ozan and Jahaan took off running in the opposite direction, but it was too late. The creature caught up to them, there were screams, and then darkness…
When Jahaan opened his eyes, he was lying face down on a dirty concrete floor. From the lack of weight surrounding him as he tried to pull himself to his feet, he deduced that he’d been stripped of his armour and weapons.
“Congratulations, Janny. You ‘saved’ me from my own escape attempt.”
Jahaan recognised that voice.
Nursing the back of his head, Jahaan could already feel the formations of a bruise. “Sliske? I got knocked out… what just happened? Where’s Ozan?”
“Well, I was having a jolly old time making my getaway, before I got blocked by someone,” Sliske chided, patronizingly. “Now we’re in a slightly less escapable dragonkin prison, and our hosts have learned a thing or two since last time, so now the guard won’t even talk to me. On the bright side, at least that means we can spend some quality time together!”
“Don’t act so fucking cheerful,” Jahaan snapped, whirling on Sliske, glad for the metal bars separating them. “Don’t you remember how you left me in those tunnels? How you nearly throttled me to death?!”
“Ah, but only nearly, World Guardian,” Sliske pointed out, raising his chin so dark lidded eyes looked down upon Jahaan. “You should do well to remember that. Besides, you killed Zemmy, so what does it matter?”
“Yeah, but your brother and I nearly got taken out in the process!”
“Wahi would never let an oaf like Zemouregal get the best of him,” Sliske’s chuckle had a sharp edge to it. “And you, you had really begun to test my patience. Be thankful I left you there.”
“Thankful like I would be for a hole in my head,” Jahaan muttered under his breath. Rubbing his aching temples, he was already regretting his decision to save this incorrigible fool. So, to prevent their conversation spiralling further down the rabbit hole, Jahaan wanted to get back on track. “So, the dragonkin - do they have the Stone yet?”
“Not right now,” Sliske assured, nervously. It seemed as if he was just as happy with the change in topic. “But I’ve heard their mutterings… some of the things they’ve talked about doing to me, to make me reveal its location… it's gloriously disturbing. Sickeningly genius, in fact… but not when I’m on the receiving end of it.”
“Well we can’t let the dragonkin get their claws on the power of the Stone, and I need to find the others, so I’m going to try and find us a way out of here.”
Sliske sighed, wistfully. “My hero!”
Jahaan shot him a look. “Shut up, or I’ll change my mind.”
Ignoring the chorus of chuckles that followed, Jahaan went about trying to examine his cell and the surroundings for any potential weakness to exploit. The dragonkin guard was staring blankly into the middle distance, not paying much attention to anything.
If I can get the guard to come over here, I might be able to pickpocket a key or a weapon, Jahaan thought, before grabbing onto his cell bars and angrily shouting out, “Hey! Scaly!”
Alas, the dragonkin ignored him.
“Hey, get over here!”
Again, he was ignored with not even a glance in his direction.
Sighing, Jahaan stepped back and reconsidered his options. Then, it came to him. Maybe I can’t get him to come over here by myself, but I bet he’ll break up a brawl between Sliske and I… with the added bonus that I get to punch Sliske in the face
Turning back over to Sliske, Jahaan gleefully, yet in a hushed tone, exclaimed, “Alright Sliske, I have an idea!”
“Great! Let’s hear it.”
“Okay, you have to let me punch you in the face.”
“...I am now slightly less enthused about this plan…”
“Just hear me out,” Jahaan insisted, explaining, “If we can brawl, the guard will hopefully come into the cells to break us up. That happens, and I can swipe a key or something to pick the lock.”
Sliske’s eyes lightened slightly at hearing the plan, but they were still narrow as he argued, “Riiiight, but how come you get to punch me in the face and not the other way around?”
“Because I don’t trust you to pull your punches.”
Sliske nodded, shrugging. “You know what? That’s fair.”
Reaching through the bars that separated them, Jahaan grabbed a fist full of Sliske’s cloak and yanked him viciously, slamming the Mahjarrat’s face into the steel, before throwing a fierce jab at him.
“Ow! That was right in the eye!” Sliske whined with a wince.
“Take that Sliske!” Jahaan growled, looking at the dragonkin out of the corner of his eye.
Seeing no response, he punched him again.
“Hey, what?! OW!” Sliske pulled himself free of Jahaan’s grip and dabbed the back of his hand to his mouth. “I think my lip’s bleeding!”
“He’s not reacting,” Jahaan fretted. “Maybe if I hit you again?”
Sliske countered, “Or maybe he’ll react better to this!”
As quick as anything, the Mahjarrat reached through the bars, grabbed ahold of Jahaan’s hair and slammed his head into the bars with painful force.
Laughing, Sliske surmised, “Well, looks like your plan didn’t work after all.”
After shooting Sliske a dirty look, Jahaan rubbed the side of his head and said, “I guess not, but I do have another idea.”
“Good, but I’m not getting hit again.”
“No need, yet,” Jahaan assured with the flash of a crooked smile. “I’ve got another idea to get him over here. Watch this.”
Walking over to the bars, Jahaan called out, “Hey you! Give us some food!”
Naturally, he was ignored, so he continued, “You know, I have an encyclopedic knowledge of nursery rhymes and a singing voice that can generously be described as ‘grating’. I also have capacious lungs and endless stamina. In combination, these things can make guarding me… uncomfortable.”
Now, the guard at least turned an eye in his direction after this worrying development.
Challengingly, Jahaan threatened, “Give me some food or I’ll sing 'The Littlest Pyrefiend' at the top of my lungs on an endless loop.”
“Do it, you fool!” Sliske begged, desperately. “He’s not bluffing!”
With a grunt, the dragonkin went to fetch something from out of sight, then shuffled back over and slotted some grotesque looking food on a dirty plate through the bars, but too quickly to make a grab for the keys.
Seeing this, Sliske slumped against the wall. “You had one job…”
Jahaan contended, “I didn’t get the keys, but I think I can make a tool or a weapon out of this plate, as long as you can distract the guard long enough.”
“And how do you suppose I do that?”
Exasperatedly, Jahaan wearily replied, “I don’t know, Sliske! Tell him a story, insult him, seduce him - use your imagination!”
His eyes wide, Sliske couldn’t help but burst out laughing. “SEDUCE him? Seduce the dragonkin? My, you really are one saucy devil, Janny.”
“Just do something, Sliske,” Jahaan huffed. “I’m going to scrape this gunk down the drain.”
Shrugging, Sliske walked up to the front of his cell, cleared his throat and started, “Might I say, dear dragonkin, that your scales look fabulous in this light...”
When he forced the food down the drain, Jahaan noticed it fizz and bubble into an indescribable, gruesome mess below. Suddenly, his eyes lit up.
“What now, Jahaan?” Sliske hissed from the corner of his mouth.
“Keep distracting the guard - I have an idea,” Jahaan whispered. “The food I scraped into the drain is reacting with whatever’s down there… if it’s acidic or volatile I might be able to use it to melt through the lock.”
Sliske gagged. “That’s… vile, but I guess desperate times and all that.”
Motioning for Sliske to get back to his distractions, Jahaan set to work. Firstly, he tried to sharpen the edge of the plate on a brick, but instead, the loose brick popped out of the wall and the plate broke in half.
Meanwhile, Sliske tried his luck with the dragonkin guard, who seemed to be growing increasingly uncomfortable. “I think there must be something wrong with my eyes, because I can't seem to take them off you.”
Biting his lip, Sliske turned aside to Jahaan and whispered, “Can you hurry up with whatever whacky scheme you're trying? This place is making me stir-crazy, and I’m worried my attempts at flirting might actually be effective…”
Rolling his eyes, Jahaan worked to grind an edge into the plate half, turning it into a crude blade, one that, unfortunately, he quickly realised would be ineffective against the dragonkin. Then, he cut a strip of cloth from the bedding - even this caused the fragile blade to crack - and tied it to the piece of fallen brick, creating a legendary weapon of unparalleled destruction.
After crafting the ludicrous flail, he looked around the near distance to see if it could actually come in handy, or if all his DIY efforts had been in vain. When he saw the contents of the shelves next to Sliske’s cell, he had an idea.
Motioning Sliske over, he stated, “I need you to get me that vial off the shelf over there.”
“And how do you propose I do that?”
“With this,” Jahaan presented him with the flail. Sliske did not look impressed.
“Really? This is the best the infamous ‘World Guardian’ can come up with?”
“Right now, yes. So just get on with it.”
With an exasperated sigh, Sliske relented. “Fine, fine! Give me your ridiculous brick-on-a-rope and let’s get on with this.”
Visually locking onto his target, Sliske launched one end of the flail over the top of his cell bars and towards the potion. Miraculously, it lassoed its target, and once a tighter grip was applied, Sliske snapped it towards him and caught the potion as it flew through the air.
Jahaan couldn’t help but be impressed as the vial was slipped into his hands. The dragonkin, on the other hand, less so. Irritated by the motions, it grumbled, stalked over to Sliske’s cell, and threw the door open with a high pitched groan.
Edging backwards, Sliske held his hands up in defence. “Hey now, let’s be reasonable and-”
A punch across Sliske’s jaw cut the words from his throat. Cowering down, Sliske waited the beating out, hissing in pain with each strike. Fortunately, the dragonkin didn’t seem to press about what Sliske was doing, and he didn’t see the potion Jahaan was concealing behind his back. He also didn’t notice Jahaan subtly reach through the bars separating them and snagging a pouch from his cloak pocket. Peeking inside, he noted it contained small, white crystals, ones that Jahaan recognised. However, the keys were unfortunately out of reach on the other side of the dragonkin’s belt, but the crystals would do for now.
Some guard he is. Maybe he just fancied roughing Sliske up a little? Who could blame him.
Eventually, the dragonkin got bored and trudged away from the cell, leaving Sliske a bloodied and battered mess slumped against his cell wall.
“My face!” he picked himself up, wincing at the twinges of pain it induced. “Why is everyone hitting me in the face today?”
Sliske shot him a look. “What was that, World Guardian?”
“Nothing, nothing...
Clutching his stomach, Sliske fumbled with a long and rough piece of fabric in his fingers. “In other news, I tore a strip of cloth from his robe. At least I can use it to bind my wounds.”
Jahaan winced. “Actually, I might need that.”
Sliske’s shoulders sagged. “Might or do? Because, you know, facial wounds and such.”
“I’m going to go with ‘do’. Turns out the potion you swiped and the crystals I lifted from the dragonkin are reagents, which I’m pretty sure I can use to make acid in the latrine. And I need the strip to make a facemask to stop myself from inhaling deadly fumes.”
“Well, look at you, the chemist,” Sliske drawled. “You’ve been spending too much time with the druids in Taverley, haven’t you? Well, fine, have the cloth, but this plan of yours better work.”
After taking the cloth strip from a reluctant Sliske, Jahaan tied it around his mouth and nose. Carefully, Jahaan poured the potion into the latrine, causing the slop below to change into a vivid green. Into this mix he added the crystals, and everything began hissing and smoking, with the stone of the latrine pitting visibly around the 'water' level. From the way it was reacting, it looked like it would make short work of the lock, but Jahaan realised he needed something to get the acid out without burning his hand off.
Coughing violently, Sliske pressed himself against the far wall of his cell, trying to pull his robe up over his nose. “Are you brewing RUM over there, Jahaan?!”
“Not quite,” the cloth strip wasn’t as effective as Jahaan had hoped, and he was feeling rather lightheaded. “I hope the dragonkin can’t smell this.”
Picking up the empty vial, Jahaan held his breath and tentatively removed the cloth strip protection. Thankfully he didn’t immediately knock himself out with the fumes, and in imitation of his amazing brick-on-a-rope, he tied the cloth strip around the neck of the bottle, ready to collect the acid. Dipping the bottle into the latrine, Jahaan filled it with acid and delicately pulled it out again. Just in time, too, as the cloth around the neck was eaten away to uselessness.
“I have the acid,” Jahaan whispered, subtly showing Sliske the vial of corrosive liquid.
“Great, let's get out of here.”
“Not yet - I need you to distract the guard one more time.”
Sliske growled, sternly, “I am not getting punched again!”
A small smile tugging on his lips, Jahaan explained, “You don't need to antagonise him. Just take this plate and redirect the light at him. I don't think he'll come in here and attack you, he'll likely just look away to stop being annoyed. Besides, if he does attack you, I'll throw this vial of acid at him.”
Jahaan had no intention of wasting the acid on saving Sliske from a beating, but the Mahjarrat bought it regardless.
With a huff, Sliske begrudgingly relented, “Fine, give me the plate.”
With the plate half, Sliske angled it to use what meager light the room had to his advantage, casting a bright beam at the dragonkin guard. Annoyed, the dragonkin turned away.
“Well he doesn't seem to like being blinded,” Sliske remarked. “And he hasn't come in here yet. So there’s that.”
“Huh. I didn’t think that would actually work.”
“So you thought he’d come to beat me again?”
“I thought it was seventy-thirty in favour.”
“Thanks, Janny. Anyways, don't you have a lock to melt?
“Good point. Back in a second.”
When Jahaan used the vial of acid on the cell door, the acid hissed quietly into the locking mechanism, which emerged from the bottom of the lock in a greasy, metal sludge. When his lock was no more, he handed the rest of the vial to Sliske, who proceeded to melt his lock in the same fashion.
“Sliske, let’s get out of here. If we zig-zag around him, I bet we can dodge the guard. Or, maybe, we can get some more acid and throw it at him. Or perhaps we-”
Chuckling, Sliske interjected, “Slow down, Janny. You’ll give yourself a stitch.”
“Well, we’re in a bit of a rush here,” Jahaan hissed, nervously eying the guard. “We have to get Ozan and Ariane, and take the Stone back from the dragonkin!”
Straightening up, Sliske’s demeanour changed. He seemed much calmer now. Worryingly so. “The hostages are fine, Jahaan.”
“Sliske, what are you talking about, the dragonkin have them!”
Sliske raised an eyebrow. “Do they?”
“Yes, you told me they-” finally, it hit him. Jahaan’s shoulders straightened, and his face went blank. “...and now I am on the same page. You lied to me.”
“Oh yes,” Slike smirked, smugly.
“The dragonkin don't have the hostages?”
“Nope. That isn't even a real dragonkin out there. It's just a wight in a costume.”
Jahaan regarded the dragonkin once more. “It's a pretty elaborate costume.”
“I know, right? I didn't even have to make it, he just had one!”
“And you were never kidnapped?”
“Nope,” Sliske grinned. “I just grabbed a bunch of people for my scheme and got my fangirl to lure you in. And let me say, your performance was exemplary. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time!”
Jahaan sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. “Sliske, I am going to leave now.”
“But what about the hostages, hm?” Sliske queried with a victorious undertone.
"You've had your fun, you got me here - now you can let them go," Jahaan’s voice was an unsteady mix between a demand and a plea. There was a darkness behind Sliske's eyes, however, one that Jahaan recognised. It made him uneasy, set him on edge.
"Ah, I think I'll hang onto them for a little while longer. You see, I have a bit of entertainment in mind, and I fear my stellar company isn't quite enough of an incentive to make you stick around. Now, if we're quite finished, join me through that door and find out why I brought you here. Oh, and don’t worry, all that precious armour Azzy so kindly gifted you is safe and sound; my brother’s little humble abode is finally cluttered with something other than dusty tomes. I just needed to level the playing field, is all. All in the name of sportsmanship, I assure you.”
With a click of his fingers, Sliske teleported away.
Leaning back against the cell wall, Jahaan exhaled deeply, regretting every single decision he’d made today. Except one. “Damnit Sliske… I’m so glad I punched you…”
As Of Gods and Men is a reimagining, retelling and reworking of the Sixth Age, a LOT of dialogue/characters/plotlines/etc. are pulled right from the game itself, and this belongs to Jagex.
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At 27,000 feet, while climbing towards the summit, I started feeling cold in my left foot. From my previous experience, I knew if I continued, it could turn into frost bite and a possible amputation. That was a moment when I had to opt between the physical survival and self esteem. 
Q 1. What inspired you to climb Mount Everest? Twice? Ans: Desire to reach the peak of my own limits. Due to its sheer altitude, Everest represented the heights of endurance a human being may muster. Challenges have always thrilled me, and I seek opportunities to stretch my limits. However, for me, climbing Everest wasn’t a thought out plan. It was rather mountaineering as a whole which enthralled me, due to its capacity to provide an avenue to pitch a person against the harshest conditions and bringing out the best in him/her. More importantly bringing out the worst in a person, so that we become aware of our dormant traits. The latent strengths and weaknesses all are exposed. Opportunity to climb Everest came my way due to my being in Indian Air Force. IAF had planned the first women officers’ expedition to Everest and I volunteered for it. But, during the process of preparing for it for two years, four expeditions, training in Siachen Glacier twice, Everest took complete possession of me. Gradually as I expanded my physical and mental prowess in mountaineering, it loomed large on my mental horizon as the ultimate destination. However, during my first attempt in 2011 with IAF, I had to abort my summit bid due to a combination of factors. But, a dream unaccomplished keeps rankling in your soul. So, I mounted a second attempt next year in 2012, this time as my own individual expedition. The stakes were higher this time, my entire leave of a year, and huge sum of money, my and my families’ entire saving, and the tag of “being crazy” for spending Rs. 21 Lakhs just to climb a mountain! But, it was a matter of realization of one’s potential. And thus, nothing else mattered. By summitting Everest, I conquered my own fears and weaknesses. Self-realisation was the only goal and Everest provided the best medium for it. The charm and glamour attached to it, I realized much later.
Q 2. What does it take to summit the highest peak on earth? Ans: Attitude! A never say die spirit! Everest demands a complete transformation of one’s personality. You have to practice possessing an eternal positive attitude, immense patience, ability to endure pain for long torturous hours and above all giving control of your body to your mind. In mundane terms, of course it requires the basic climbing knowledge, extreme physical fitness, and finances.
Q 3. What was the biggest challenge you faced while on a pursuit to summit the mountain? Ans: Managing finances, which is a greater challenge than climbing the mountain itself. Mountaineering being a specialized activity, requires specific equipment, clothing and logistics arrangements. Though I could pool in my savings for Everest, and even other expeditions after that, it rises as a formidable challenge every time one plans to climb a peak. Unlike for other sports, sponsorships prove a straining chase. Most of the times, I end up emptying my own account. For Everest specifically, time management was also a task. Since I was working as an Officer in Air Force, balancing work and training schedule was a herculean task. I generally ended up running or gyming at wee hours or late night. I kind of turned into a machine which worked for twenty hours everyday. Another challenge came on the mountain itself on the summit night. At 27,000 feet, while climbing towards the summit, I started feeling cold in my left foot. From my previous experience, I knew if I continued, it could turn into frost bite and a possible amputation. That was a moment when I had to opt between the physical survival and self esteem. I chose the later, though not without precautions. I gulped a frost bite preventive pill Trental- 400, and continued. Thousands of ice cold needles kept pricking my foot for hours before it became numb. By the time I reached the top in the morning, I had crossed that threshold of pain beyond which it becomes a mere mechanical sensation.
Q 4. Did you fear losing your life trying to climb Mount Everest? Did you overcome that fear? If yes, How? Ans: Fear of dying is an eternal truth every living being experiences. I was no exception. But, that fear was present during my first attempt. On the second attempt, I was prepared to die. It was a battle between me and the mountain. During the two month long expedition, whenever any set back came, I used to have a dialogue with Everest, “You can either give me injury or death, but I will continue moving till the time I am alive. You do what you can, I will do what I can.” Here, I don’t intend to promote foolhardiness, but merely a determination to go beyond the perceived limits of human body. A will to persist in adverse circumstances. Careful planning and situation assessment are equally essential virtues of a good climber. Regarding overcoming the fear, when you chose self esteem over everything, the fear of death cannot stop you.
Q 5. What are the worst and the best thing about climbing Everest? Ans: Worst is its commercialization. The false, inflated sense of glamour attached to it. Due to it, a lot of people attempt to climb Everest for wrong reasons – limelight and fame. And somewhere it tends to obscure the real purpose of mountaineering. The crowd on the mountain now a days is dangerously huge. The best thing, however, is that it absolutely breaks the myth of human superiority. The vastness and magnitude, the sheer height, that towering pinnacle makes you feel so small. By climbing mountains, I have learnt to be humble. And it has taught me the value of perseverance and hope. On the mountains, conditions keep changing with time and nothing is final. Same is the case in life too.
Q 6. Shepras are well known in the mountaineering community but not beyond the community. What do you have to say about them? Ans: Sherpas play a vital role in the success of an expedition. They should get the recognition they deserve. Mountaineers have the added responsibility to present a balanced picture of all the elements of climbing when they interact with the public. I have fond memories of my Sherpas and the bond goes beyond a pure commercial association. They are warm hearted, simple and hardy people. Though mountains are a means of livelihood for them, the sense of respect they possess towards mountains is something everybody should learn from them. In near future, I intend to write a book on Sherpas, exploring their association with mountaineering expeditions and how it has transformed their lives, both ways.
Q 7. What is the physical, emotional and financial requirement to undertake this adventure? Ans. Extreme physical fitness is required to undertake an adventure of this kind. No amount of training is enough to prepare for the assault on the nerves and muscles it inflicts. Climbing vertical icewalls for hours with a rucksack, in an oxygen rare environment demands repeated simulations of it on the ground. Thus a combination of endurance, strength, speed and flexibility training coupled with enhanced lung capacity is essential. Emotionally one has to be prepared to face death and other unforeseen situations, learn to be calm and alert under adverse circumstances. I read a lot of mountaineering books to picturize what all could go wrong and how great climbers had reacted. Composure, determination, observation and analysis power and a decisive nature is a must to survive in mountains. Financially, climbing Everest is extremely expensive.
Q 8: What changes did summiting the Everest bring in you? Ans: It has taught me humility and power of hope and perseverance. Though I was always close to nature, now I value it even more. When you grasp for breathe, you understand the value of air, when you are on the verge of fainting due to thirst, and eating cold, biting snow, you understand the value of water. For resting only a yard is enough, same as is required after death. And, the importance of a small, warm gesture is understood when you are struggling to survive in extreme harsh conditions. So, I am more humane now. Another thing that I have learnt is to never abandon a task undertaken in between. If you persist long enough, it is ultimately done.
Q 9. Share with us the happiest and the lowest point in your journey to the peak. Ans: I remember the sinking feeling of utter dejection when my application for sponsorship was diplomatically rejected by a reputed adventure foundation. It, however was overcome as mentioned earlier through self- financing. During climbing, I had a bout of mountain sickness at the Lohtse face at 22,000 feet. One entire night I kept sitting doubled up due to chest pain, wondering if it was the end of my expedition. I came down to recuperate in the gap between the acclimatization phase and the summit bid. Alone in a small wooden cubicle, anxiety and pain kept me awake the whole night. I was relieved when next day my vital parameters such as pulse rate, oxygen saturation etc were found normal. I recuperated fast and regained strength and during the summit bid felt quite strong. Contrary to the general belief, the happiest moment was not on the top, as the task was yet half accomplished. Getting down safely was equally important. So, only when I was able to reach back the relative safety of the summit camp at 26,000 feet, the realization dawned that finally now I was emotionally released by Everest. I lay down near my tent on the rocky slate pieces, under the vast open sky and wept. At that moment I felt what liberation of soul means.
Q 10. What will you say to the youngsters that aspire to follow your steps and see the world from the highest point on land? Ans: It is essential to reach the highest point within ourself before we reach anywhere else. So, do dream big, but don’t forget to stretch your limits everyday. Assess the requirement of the task ahead, and mould yourself accordingly. Most importantly, BELIEVE! Believe in the power of dreams and hard work. Lastly, the way no defeat is final, no success is final either. So, as the logo of my alma mater HMI (Himalayan Mountaineering Institute) says, “May you climb from peak to peak!”
About the interviewee: Squadron Leader Toolika Rani (retd.), was commissioned in Indian Air Force in 2005 and retired in 2015 as the Outdoor Training Instructor in Air Force Academy, Hyderabad. She became the first woman from Uttar Pradesh to climb Mt. Everest in 2011. With 22 mountaineering expeditions and treks in India, Nepal, Bhutan, Africa, Russia, and Iran, she is the first Indian woman to climb the highest volcano of Asia, Mt. Damavand in Iran. Mt. Stok Kangri, Mt. Kilimanjaro, Mt. Kanamo, Mt. Tochal, are some other peaks she has climbed. Mt. Bhagirathi, Mt. Kamet, Mt. Saser Kangri, Mt. Nun, Mt. Elbrus form her other expeditions. She has been awarded Rani Laxmibai Veerta Puruskar by U.P. Govt., FICCI Global Woman Award, Hindustan Times Woman Award and Amar Ujala Prathma Award to name a few. A nature lover at heart, she writes adventure and travel articles for various newspapers and magazines and enjoys interacting with people from diverse.
Visit  https://www.getbeyondlimits.com/ For more such blogs and treks
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brodilecker · 4 years
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It seems that everyone is getting a makeover these days - if something can be nipped, tucked, removed, or camouflaged, you don't have to look far to find someone having it done. On the other hand, there aren't as many people undergoing extreme makeovers from the inside, which is too bad because this non-surgical, needle-less process provides a great opportunity to improve yourself without weeks of recuperation and sky high medical bills. Not to mention that the results of an internal makeover are much longer-lasting; once you become a strong, confident, giving, and compassionate person on the inside, those traits make you beautiful on the outside. Here are nine ways to make over your life from the inside out:
1. Brighten your smile by flashing it more often. A smile is not only the best fashion accessory a woman order sculptra 2 vials online  can have, it also helps you connect with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers; that connection is really what life is all about. Try these smile-brightening techniques:
o Spend more time with people who bring you joy. When you are joyful your smile comes from your heart, and there is nothing in the world more attractive.
o Dedicate fifteen minutes today to play, whether with your kids, your companion animals, or your co-workers. Letting your inner 5-year old out for recess may be just what it takes to get you to show your pearly whites again.
o When you feel terrific, notify your face! Don't keep your good day to yourself - broadcast it one smile at a time.
o When anyone asks you how your day is going, no matter how badly, say "Terrific!" with a huge smile. Studies show that faking a smile can make you feel more like really smiling almost immediately.
2. Get rid of your irritable scowl by basking in contentment. Got frown lines? Instead of running for the Botox, ask yourself why. Is it perhaps from feeling discontented with your life? When things don't satisfy us, we tend to frown more often. Feeling discontent can also stir up other negative emotions - jealousy, greed, frustration, exhaustion (because we have to work so hard to get the things we think we need to make us feel content), and all of those register on our faces (and not in a good way!)
That world-famous author, Anonymous, has a quote I really like that goes like this, "Measure wealth not by the things you have but by the things you have for which you would not take money." Being content does not come from having more, but from appreciating what you already have and sharing it with others. To feel more content and loosen up that frown, try these steps:
o Empty out one room in your house entirely. Stand inside for fifteen minutes. It feels big and full of potential, right? Now only put back things that make you content (sorry, that jackalope statue you got at the flea market last year will just have to go!)
o Invite someone whose life you envy to lunch this week. No matter who we are or how much we have, we all seem to want something we don't have. Those with little money want a lot. Those with a lot want more time for themselves. Those with a lot of time for themselves want something that makes them feel needed and useful. Choose a friend you think has it all and find out what they envy about your life.
o Practice saying "I have enough" over and over. Say it when you're in the grocery story, tempted by something you don't really need. Say it when your neighbor gets a new car. Say it when you can't sleep and you're up watching infomercials and are tempted to order that machine that cuts hair and doubles as a fishing pole!
3. Give yourself heartlights. Highlighting makes your hair shine. Heartlightening makes your whole life shine. Heartlightening is the act of choosing to be cheerful not because the world is a great place all the time, but because it's better when you embrace it with a positive spirit. I once heard a story about a man named Jerry who always chose a light approach to his life, even after he'd been shot in a robbery. When the emergency room nurse asked him if there was anything he was allergic to and he replied, "Bullets."
Many people believe that those who are light-hearted - who laugh quickly, don't carry grudges, or dwell on disappointment - must have easy lives. Or maybe they just don't understand how terribly serious the world is. This, of course, isn't true. Light-hearted people have just learned to seek out the light in everything, from gray days to annoying people. If you need as few more heartlights, try these steps:
o Get rid of one somber item from your wardrobe and replace it with a Hawaiian shirt. It's really hard to take life seriously when you're wearing flamingos!
o Change your internal wardrobe too by replacing one negative phrase you often use with another that is more positive. For example, if you often say to yourself, "I'm feeling blue," replace it with "Whenever I feel blue, I just remember to breathe again!"
o Vow to try to lighten up everyone's day today. Tell a joke or a funny story about something that happened to you. Make it your goal to leave everyone you talk to giggling. You can even use a feather, but not on strangers!
o Practice "Tootsie Pop Therapy." Next time your heart feels heavy, pop a Tootsie Pop in your mouth. In the time it takes to get all the way to the chewy center, you will have had plenty of time to think about ways to lighten up (and it keeps your mouth too busy to say something you'll be sorry for later!)
4. Put a little elasticity in your life. As we get older, we often tend to focus on the lack of elasticity in our skin; our breasts aren't as perky as they used to be, our arms a little flabbier, our chin a little droopy. We should really pay less attention there and more attention to how quickly we bounce back from adversity and stress. That's the kind of elasticity that's really important. After all, when your heart isn't resilient, you can't just buy a stronger bra! You can improve your resilience:
o Help someone undergoing adversity. Don't just say you'll be there if they need you, make a list of things you can do and ask them to check off any of them they could use your help with. By helping others through hard times, you will develop skills that will help you bounce back from your own problems.
o Buy a Slinky to keep on your desk as a reminder of how far you can stretch and still return to your original shape. The next time you feel yourself being pulled to your limits, imagine you are that Slinky (only wearing clothes. You are wearing clothes, aren't you?)
o Write down the biggest personal crisis you have faced in the past year on a sheet of paper. Maybe you had a lump in your breast, were laid off from your job, or lost a loved one. Then make a list of at least five ways you got stronger because of the crisis. Carry the list in your wallet and pull it out whenever you're faced with lesser challenges. Each time you grow from adversity you add to the resilience with which you will be able to face the next challenge.
5. (De)Lighten your load. Carrying too big a load can make anyone look exhausted and drained. There are many ways to lighten your load, but I believe that aspiring to become more delightful is one of the best. Remember the words to the theme song to the old The Mary Tyler Moore Show? "Who can turn the world on with her smile? Who can take a nothing day and suddenly make it all seem worthwhile?" That's a great description of a delightful person - one who realizes that by making the world a better place all around, it becomes better for you as well. (De)lighten your load by trying some of these:
o Give total a total stranger a compliment. I was recently in a restaurant for lunch when a man walked in wearing a beautiful electric blue shirt. Rather than just mention it to my lunch partners, I said as he passed our table, "What a gorgeous shirt, I think it deserves some applause," and the three women I was with clapped. You could tell from his huge smile and the bow he took that we made his day.
o Always carry hard candy and dog biscuits in your purse (keep them in separate baggies!) so that children and dogs will always welcome you.
o Don't be afraid to be though of as the "weird aunt" or the "eccentric friend." These are the people who truly make life more fun.
6. Shed a few pounds of cynicism and get down to your compassionate self. When you get on the scale in the morning, is the weight of the world sitting on your shoulders? Maybe the only way to reach your ideal internal weight is to get rid of that voice that says "I can't make a difference" and do something to make the world less heavy. As Mother Theresa once said, "We cannot all do great things. But we can do small things with great love." Even if you can't take time out from your regular life to serve in the Peace Corps or live the type of life Mother Theresa did, you can take a few simple steps to begin to uncover your compassion.
o Sign up to be an organ donor. Donating your organs when you no longer need them so that others may live is one of the most munificent things you can do in life (and beyond.)
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kyreniacommentator · 5 years
By Chris Elliott….
Visitors to Taşkent Nature Park when approaching it from the village will be greeted by the sight of a very impressive group of buildings in a compound just in front of the amazing huge TRNC mountainside flag. This is the Taşkent Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre.
Each year, hundreds of wild animals are treated and rehabilitated by the Taşkent Nature Park and released back into the wild. It conducts environmental and wildlife awareness workshops and projects. These projects are funded by income generated from the Taskent Picnic Area, Selvi Restaurant, the Activity Site and from donations.
Founded in 2016, the Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre (WRRC), the Cyprus Marinelife Centre (CMC), and the Wildlife Hospital and Research Laboratory (WHRL) came together under the Cyprus Wildlife Research Institute (CWRI) in 2018. The CWRI carries out research projects and fieldwork regarding wildlife conservation and habitat protection.
Group visits to the Taşkent Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre can be made by prior arrangement and a donation is requested to help support the amazing amount of work being carried out there but it should be noted that photography is not permissible as often the taking of photos of animals and wildlife can disturb them and this is not helpful to their  treatment and rehabilitation.
To arrange a visit please contact Martin Marancos 0548 811 1186 for English speaking visitors                                                      Ulaş Şeherlioğlu 0548 811 1150 for Turkish speaking visitors
Whilst writing it was interesting to note a group visit was made this week by the Royal British Legion, Kyrenia Branch (RBL) and they will have come away spellbound by what they saw.
For those visiting the Taşkent Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre, they will drive down an unmade road crossing over an old stone quarry which it is planned at some time in the future to be turned into a giant aviary in which birds are able to fly. This building will be approached through an entrance tunnel under the approach road.
Now we can see clearly the various buildings within the compound and without doubt, the Donkey Sanctuary on the right just outside will be a firm favourite including the first donkey brought there whose name I understand, is “Donkey”  
As you drive in through the high fences being erected you will see a huge building on the right which is under construction and this will be used for storage, breeding quarters (quails/mice/rats) and climate-controlled rooms for proper reptile care. 
Just behind this on the right is a car parking area plus the Cyprus Marinelife Centre (CMC) with its huge green tanks in which rescued sea turtles are being treated and recuperating before being released back into the sea.
In the centre there is a group of buildings accessed through a double door and into a courtyard and on the left is a large building currently being used as a free flight room for recuperating birds.
The centre building is most fascinating as on entering the first thing you see a number of cages or containers containing rescued mammals, birds or reptiles.
Nearby is a clinic where animals, birds and reptiles are treated and there are a number of isolation rooms where many birds and animals are being treated and rehabilitated in an area where they will not be disturbed.
Finally, there is the administration room where so much work is carried out to keep this amazing place functioning.
Stepping outside now we see on the right a large new building which is being fitted out with equipment to very high standards and will house the animal hospital and research centre and to the rear of this is a large aviary housing birds of prey that due to their injuries can no longer live in the wild so have become permanent residents..
One of the services offered by the centre is the 1190 Wildlife Support LIne and I have seen many people commenting on social media that following a call to this number volunteers have collected and removed wildlife which is in an unwelcome situation. 
This helpline is only for wild animals in danger, not street animals which can be helped by contacting other NGOs.
Just looking around there is so much to do with more features to be created in this amazing place but it will take time and money and this is where we can all help by making a donation to help conserve and protect our wildlife and we can also spend many a happy day enjoying the following :
The unique views of nature and its panoramic views of Nicosia, seems to enhance the flavour of the food. Located within the picnic area, the Selvi Restaurant offers a variety of choices such as breakfasts, shared platters, kebabs, vegetarian options and children’s menus to choose from.
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Selvi Restaurant
Wonderful views
With the Besparmak mountains on one side and the Mesaoria plain on the other, you are invited to spend time in nature on the terrace and balcony. Also located on site is a conference room with a seating capacity of 100 people where events such as seminars, workshops, conferences and educational activities can be held.
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Small lake and amphiteatre
Conference centre
With a capacity of 3000 people and wheelchair friendly parking, paths, toilets and playground with a further 2 playgrounds, shop and buffet, it is the exemplary picnic area on our island.
The Panagia Apsinthiotissa Monastery is the first thing that comes to mind when speaking about Taskent. It lies to the east of the Taskent Picnic Area. The original structure is thought to have been built as a chapel in the 11th Century by the Byzantines and was added to in the 14th Century by the Lusignans.
#gallery-0-35 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-35 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-35 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-35 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Apsinthiotissa is derived from the Artemisia absinthium (wormwood) plant and traces of frescos can be seen on the inner walls.
Located on the Kyrenia Mountain Range (Besparmak Mountains) equivalent to the size of 12 football fields, the TRNC flag has its own breathtaking illumination and can be seen from many locations around the island.
Teams of volunteers cleaning and repainting the flag
A visit to Taşkent Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre By Chris Elliott.... Visitors to Taşkent Nature Park when approaching it from the village will be greeted by the sight of a very impressive group of buildings in a compound just in front of the amazing huge TRNC mountainside flag.
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carter41carter-blog · 6 years
7 Realities You Didn't Know About People In The Italian Meals Industry INFOGRAPHIC.
Our fab (unhappy, ab-fab) Cosmo Body system cover star is Davina McCall, the queen of the fitness Videos. I reside in Springfield, Virginia near Annandale on the within the Financing Beltway that encompasses Washington, DC. One of the main reasons that I began with DTG was actually that I might get my meals fresh and also without chemicals. Sport personal injuries perform the increase, as well as this will certainly impede the wounded specific till the remainder of their days. As I looked across the kitchen counter at our playdate, I found plate after bowl of processed food snacks as well as boxed juices. Without that in-home remedy, I may certainly never have actually begun on my trip to get fit as well as lose weight. Yearly, our team hear of professional athletes which drop lifeless from a cardiac arrest while taking part in sporting activities. In addition to my 3 foods as well as a treat, I should enhance the meals with fresh fruit, veggies and also dairy plus I have an extra allocation of 200 calories to play with. Also, a bunch of individuals assume they must be actually fit to start the course, it helps, but that would hold true along with any sort of workout you carry out, boxing will definitely acquire you match. Through 1999, girls's varsity organization participation grew through a determined 977 per-cent as well as by 2006, an overall from 8,702 all-girls sporting activities crews existed throughout the U.S. Today around 200,000 girls are approximated to become associated with collegiate-level sporting activities. Through having your trousers happen closer to the ankle, you have the capacity to develop the illusion from a longer leg. Oh just how I will adore to be capable to wear this sports bra and also not (coughing) the two I have to put on concurrently right now to quit the huge tit drive during my endurance instruction. PowerLung Sporting activity (/ powerlung) This hand-held air-restricting gadget enhances breathing endurance and also is actually preferred among not merely swimmers but likewise long-distance joggers, high-altitude climbers, performers, and even asthmatics. They could go off resting throughout the day to enhancing their pose, leg stamina as well as stamina status up. Also merely rotating between resting and also standing can substantially enhance their power, aid them get rid of added fats, sculpt muscular tissues, ramp up their metabolic rate therefore a lot more. I also assume numbers 2 and also 5 are actually rather big concerns for a bunch of people, however every one of these points are important, as well as merely one being a trouble is actually generally sufficient for an individual to 'stop working' at a diet plan. In March 2014 my physician informed me that my metformin was actually no more enough (taken for 2 years), in order that he would have to place me on blood insulin soon. Also tho im a total tecnophobe and the notion from a spread sheet packs me with terror, so much from what you write continuouslies inspire me, you are a risk-free slot in the midst of meals problem trouble! I privately felt I simply match due to the fact that I now much better estimated the social criterion of charm. Whilst continuously pulling your tummy switch in to your spinal column, boost one leg up laterally (keep knee bent at an ideal angle). Or even that girl that carries out the exact same factor while establishing leg presses on the machine. After certainly not managing to go with fast food and searching for junk foods for 6 weeks, my body system quit longing for fatty meals in the end, and the use of props accumulated my top body durability like never before. In reality, they are actually much less processed in comparison to every other protein bars you'll be able to locate. I discovered how to navigate this through carrying part of the food on days when I prep a ton of it (for freezing, usually) in to the dining room. Rotting food items, rodents, and also bugs are actually perhaps the biggest hazard from hoarding food. Make 'traffic signal' meals labelling - symbolic representations like a green light to signify healthy food - compulsory on all food items, beverages, and meals no matter where sold. ROBERT VICKERS: Well, I would certainly lay in mattress at night - that was a little complicated due to the fact that I discussed a bedroom along with my brother, as well as after strike out, I would certainly obtain my trouser belt and also merely double my leg up as well as claim that I was an amputee. The best workout health and nutrition is actually very important, but it does not have to be actually complicated or even tough to match. http://einevitalechance.info/ in advance to ensure the body has the appropriate nutrients for quick, appropriate recuperation. Make sure that your kid wears the best equipment for the sport they're playing. http://einevitalechance.info/ - made me laugh - many thanks, maintain your spectacular work motivating others in order to get healthy and balanced as well as fit. Amanda Johnson: Kathy Stanton, who's the Chairperson from Sporting activity and also Relaxation Instruction Australia. After consulting with my doctor I went house and researched (without a considerable amount of confidence, because the doctor informed me diabetic issues style 2 is for life, I should get used to that) to begin with on google.com. That is actually an event co-hosted along with Jamba Juice and they wished to promote remaining match while camping out. I think as time has actually taken place, that's advanced additionally to take up the society from the sporting activity as well as rugby suit or even rugby league match, or even a football match or even an AFL match, it's pretty exciting to take note that certain points which are actually forbidden in one video game, seem to be to happen pretty on a regular basis in one more activity. That is actually insane to me how many people think that sporting activities beverages are actually well-balanced and also alright to consume alcohol - even if joining exercise relevant task. Antony Funnell: And also now off a meals system maker, to a food program designer. MURRAY DRUMMOND: There's likewise a variety of girls who want to obtain involved in the type of masculinised sporting activities once they perform they struggle to keep that typically due to popular viewpoints from exactly what a lady's meant to perform. Less complex opportunities seem to suit me only fine, and also I am actually positive I am far healthier as a result of my hunter-gatherer food items choices. This is actually much better to prepare your meals without body fat, and afterwards add the fat after that when that's cooled some. Preferring to collaborate with Amazon (I always kept Dental crown educated of the just before the updates visited) was a full classification surge. And this could be correct as well for any other female professional athlete and also women not conducting any type of sport. The on-court educational program teaches young people how to manage conflicts using sport as a stand-in for disagreement. And also he thinks that the organization of darts along with bars has actually given his sporting activity an image problem. Food stores are actually donating that meals, there are other charities that pick up that food; Frontline. I may nearly experience the meals getting sucked up through my muscles THEREFORE swiftly when I elevate body weights! I'll going tomorrow early morning to walmart in order to get the pantry and also frosted products and also the nearby health food shop, La March Vegetarien, for my produce. Prior to the video clip I believed that they were going to sell the meals back to the marketplace. It's the excellent lasting eating meals for life for me. I consumed 20gr or less on carbs as well as adhered to the remainder from diet regimen. It is actually now my motive to guide others making buddies along with their kitchen area and also on their own. I am actually thrilled with the results of the diet and intend to thanks for offering a diet regimen where there are actually no tablets or remedies merely actual food items. And in 2009, Pine Mountain Athletics began a Trail Ambassador Plan to help keep and enhance Oregon routes. It's more challenging to place opportunity into the submitted in a go for a swim, and sustain this over the nationality, than this is actually to find from the industry near the front from the swim for a non-swimmer in a wetsuit and also gain considerable amounts of opportunity back over the next 2-4 hours on the bike lower leg. Also the moment your medical professional has actually granted approval to return to sports or even physical exercise, that return should be steady.
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nolalewers00-blog · 7 years
Welcoming Tips For Commemorating Your Household pet's Birthday party
Canines in warfare have a long record beginning in historical times Coming from battle pets trained in battle to their make use of as systems, sentinels and also precursors, their usages have been varied and also some continuously exist in present day army consumption. However, some experts advise switching to a waterless shampoo in the course of the chilly cold month. There is actually a likelihood that they will definitely at the minimum come down with some type of cool. They additionally disclosed to me that he acquires property coming from work and leaves behind once again without allowing the dog out at all. If you are actually starting to make use of dental bug meds on a canine that currently has a flea attack, begin the treatment along with one dosage from Capstar. I possess no concept what to mention to that as well as it produces me pointed out that I will definitely need to stand by 5 years for a pet. This may be a great time for you to start receiving that doggie made use of to become dressed in pet dog footwears for storm. They love the outsides although the canine shouldn't be left behind outside not being watched for long periods. You want to locate economical nylon dog collars for an affordable price, however additionally first class kales for your pet. After bouncing back off these bitter retrospections, they rival each other in ruptureds of appreciation for the brute, till some more than typically passionate participant, not able any longer to manage his feelings, strokes down upon the miserable quadruped in a frenzy from affection, grasps this to his heart, as well as slobbers over it. Whereupon the others, mad along with envy, rise up, and confiscating as much of the pet as the piggishness of the very first one has actually delegated them, murmur approval and also commitment. As soon as in his or even her life, pet dog bugs are an unfortunate but all too typical issue that every canine manager must encounter at least. Anxiety disorders can be alleviated with a combo from medicine and also instruction, and that are going to create lifestyle extra positive for your pet dog. If your pet dog is actually recuperating in your home, expect signs from escalating dog illness. I asked my brother to head to Sunshine Harvest and also talk to some of the staffs what I could perform to stop infection after pet bite injuries. Lap dog sweatshirts come in all kinds of sleeves as well, off full sleeves to sleeveless. Anything that comes in exposure to a pet dog flu afflicted creature should certainly be promptly cleaned to cease a canine influenza break out off dispersing. Incorporating water sports while enjoying with the Portuguese Pet dog will delight the canine, as its simple inclinations were actually started in water work. When he is actually home he leaves behind the pet dog out all night and beats him along with the kids playthings for howling to find in. The final pet he had he consumed the garage and attacked him in the director along with a hammer and eliminated him. Certainly, a poor cologne choice, at the very least baseding upon our human requirements, could create your dog rather smelly. This write-up clarifies specifically why summertime may be a risky time for your pet dog. At that point, they may http://healthandlive2you.info do double-duty guarding dog paws off alert ice as well as cold temperatures. You wish the kind that clears away the healthy proteins and enzymes that pet pee leaves. A pet dog can obtain heatstroke in the hottest temperature or receive totally wet in the storm. When strolling in the lumbers, try your best to maintain your pet on the marked road! Simran, sit along with your moms and dads and comfortably ask to reveal to you why they stated you could possibly possess a pet dog if you babysat your aunties without complications, and also currently they are actually outing on the offer. The vet will definitely keep your canine on intravenous fluids for at the very least 48 hours and also track blood stream chemistry daily.
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