#but ya. whos gonna get more matching tats w them.
curseplay · 11 months
under the cut is an in-depth look at paris' mainline canon tattoos. subject to change based on verse, as she does love to get ink that correlates with her loved ones!
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#1: a single black line wrapped around her right bicep.
this is the first tattoo paris ever got. she was sixteen and bribed a local artist into doing it for free with the promise of discounted meals at their family's restaurant. done purely for rebellion purposes, as they knew their mother would hate it.
#2: a small, minimalistic frog on her inner left forearm. [ CLICK HERE! ]
a tribute to her deceased older brother. done about a month after his death. she was twenty and chose to get the frog because tommy would help her catch them in the creek behind their house when they were young.
#3: a tattoo that reads 'be quiet and drive' in her handwriting, accompanied by a star. located underneath their left breast. [ CLICK HERE! ]
done after the deftones song of the same name was the first thing that came on the radio in their truck as they drove off to run away from home. they had never heard the song before then and took it as a sign. stopped in a town one state over to get it done. wrote it out herself before sitting down.
#4: a pair of simple scissors. located below their thumb and pointer finger on their left hand. [ CLICK HERE! ]
done to symbolize her chopping off her long hair one week into running away. also done because she thought lesbians would "get it."
#4: smiley face + star finger tattoos on right hand. [ CLICK HERE ! ]
done on the road en route to LA, three months after running away. purely for fun and so they could have something to look at while playing guitar.
#5: a large star accompanied by dots that create a smaller star. located on her upper left arm, below her shoulder. [ CLICK HERE! ]
done on the road en route to LA five months after running away. a way for them to "manifest" making it in the music industry / becoming a star.
#6 and 7: a compass and rabbit running above it. located beneath the single black line tattoo on her left bicep, stretching down her left forearm. [ CLICK HERE! ]
done on the road once they reach california. the compass as a tribute to their travels, the rabbit above it as a tribute to jackrabbit, their dog and companion on the road.
#8: a tattoo that reads 'STAY SOFT' on the inside of their right thigh and 'GET EATEN' on the inside of their left thigh. written in her thin, hasty handwriting.
in honor of SILK's first studio album. one of her favorite placements to date.
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#9 and 10: a bird and a snake located on her left bicep and forearm, respectively.
in honor of andie (the bird) and lauren (the snake.) all three of them got matching tattoos of the other two respective members of the band. paris' symbol that the other two got tattooed was a bow and arrow.
#11: a tattoo that reads 'GET ON WITH IT!' in their thin, hastily written handwriting. located on her lower back, essentially a tramp stamp.
in honor of SILK's second studio album. another one of her favorite placements to date.
#12: a simple heartbeat line finger tattoo on their left hand. [ CLICK HERE! ]
in honor of officially feeling reconnected with their best friend, chad (@behe4dings). symbolized by a heartbeat line, as the song 'flatline' on SILK's second studio album was written by them about growing apart from chad.
#13: a tattoo that reads 'WHK' in their thin, hastily written handwriting. located on her inner right wrist.
in honor of SILK's third studio album. loves to explain what the letters stand for.
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(Wheezes on floor.) You are amazing. You are the most amazing of persons. How would the boys react if after that, the S/O's confidence grew and when Undyne was training with them, they wore crop tops and jogging pants, showing off their tats and scars to everyone? But the second someone other than the bros or Undyne mention them, they get spartan kicked away. Someone tried to touch once, and his arm was broken in half a second. Only the Bros get to touch anything on the S/O without permission.
My Heart = Kablammo
You speak with such kind words, Anon! Of course I shall answer your amazingly edgy ask!!
Red was glad that you were able to open up to him and show off the scars of your past, figuratively and literally. In all honesty, he found your quirks and past life quite interesting and hot. So when Undyne had busted down that door, it became a blessing and a curse. She had quite literally opened the door of opportunity for you.
 A curse because duh, he’d have to fix the door, but also because Undyne was the toughest thing alive. Like seriously sweetheart, are you sure about this?
On the other hand though, Red starts to notice those small flares of self-confidence rise out from within you. It puts a smile on his face knowing that the true you was starting to show. The true blue tough you.
Plus, the more revealing clothes were an extra incentive in his eyes.
It was after another long training session with Undyne that you had experienced your first little…ouburst.
“Nice job today, nerd!” Undyne patted you harshly on the back as she slurped up a whole bottle of water in one pull. “Your stance was a little bunked up, but hell, your agility makes up for it! You’re a damn good fighter, punk!” She ruffles your hair, making your head spin.
“H-hey!” You choked with a smile. “Knock it off, fishface!”
“FISHFACE?!” Though she sounds mad, you can hear her stifling her laughter. “WHY YOU LITTLE-”
A loud wolf whistle interrupts her rampant yelling and obliges both of your heads to turn. There stood a monster with a devious gaze, eyeing your body up and down like a piece of meat. “Nice tats and cat scratches, girlie? They actually real, or is you just a little girl tryna make it out alive in the underground?”
You look down at your torso and know he’s talking about you. And you didn’t know what came over you as you high kicked that monster into the oblivion of the waterfall. 
Landing square on your feet, you received an encore of clapping from your dear fish friend. “YEASSS!!! YOU FINALLY GOT THE RIGHT STANCE DOWN!!!” Undyne whooped, and were those tears in her eyes???
That same day, Red had decided to treat you to some burgs and fries at Chillby’s. “hope you’re hungry doll, cause i sure am.” 
You sat next to Red’s stool with an empty stomach and full spirits. “Of course I’m hungry, nerd. What kind of person do you take me for?” You ask, exasperated.
Red laughs and puts his hands up in defeat. “alright alright, doll. you’re hungry. i get that.” Sans flags down the flamesman bartender with a wave of his hand. “two orders of burg and fries, my good man.”
Chillby is visibly repulsed by his presence as he nods his head and disappears into the backroom.
You eyed the flamesman and your jovial bonefriend.”He doesn’t seem to like you that much, Red.” You mused teasingly.
Red seems surprised at your assumption. “what? pfft, nah. chillby loves me. he’s just not good at showin’ how he feels, ya’ know?”
You roll your eyes, obviously not believing his lie. “More like he LOVES you.”
“oh ha ha ha. your wordplay never ceases to amuse me, sweetheart.” He rewards you with a slow clap.
You giggle, curtsying in your seat. “Thank you, thank you. I’ll be here all night-”
“Yo guys, its the tattoo girl!” Someone exclaims from behind you. 
You jolt as an unfamiliar finger prods at your back. “I hear humans stab themselves to get the ink to stay on!”
Another hand pokes at your back, “Oh shit! That’s fucking meTAAAAHHHH!!!”
Oh stars, did you accidentally just snap this guy’s arm like a a twig? Oops.
You were about to apologize when a hand grabs you. “we’re gonna leave now, doll.” The world warped around you as Red quickly teleported you onto the bed with a plop.
He seems a little breathless as he sits next to you, his hand still firmly holding your wrist. “okay. i’m gonna be the first one to ask. what. the hell. was that?!”
You start to panic. Oh my, you’ve been screwey all damn day, haven’t you? “I-I’m sorry, Sans! I p-panicked!” You raked your fingers through your hair. “Gosh, it’s like some awful nervous tick or something.”
Sans couldn’t stop himself from yelling. “some nervous tick that was, huh?!” He can’t believe you just snapped some sad sap’s arm. He cringes as he recall the event. Oh stars, that noise.
Red eyed you nervously. You were the exact definition of hell’s little angel, presenting danger in such an innocent body. Well, innocent for his standards. Negative thoughts started to shroud him. ‘what if she turns against me?’ ‘does she hate it when i touch her?’ ‘am i a nuisance to her?’
His thoughts are interrupted as you guide his hand to rest on your chest. He looks into your reassuring gaze and blushes. Your fingertips brush against his wrist, leaving the sensation of you fresh in his senses. “Sans, you know I trust you, right?” You asked.
Red breaks from his daze. “o-of course, doll. i never doubted that.” He bashfully scratches his skull with the other hand. “a-and i, uh, trust you too, s/o.”
You smile, planting a kiss on his forehead. “Good. Don’t ever forget that.”
“oh i won’t doll.” Red feels his soul flutter in hid ribcage. It was moments like these that not only helped to reevaluate his relationship, but his own relationship with himself. He leans his forehead against your. “not ever.”
“And Sans?”
“I promise to never break your arm in two.”
Red pushes you away and chuckles. “well that’s a relief!”
“I-I DON’T UNDERSTAND, PET?” Edge stared at your looming form as you held a sword to his neck. “H-H-HOW DID YOU-”
“Training,” You smiled. “Lots and lots of training.” You draw your sword back and help your bonefriend up.
He begrudgingly accepted your pity, a scarlet blush illuminating his skull. “W-WHATEVER. I SHALL DEFEAT YOU NEXT TIME. I WAS MERELY GOING EASY ON YOU.”
“HA! Didn’t you say that three matches ago, PUNK!?” Undyne interjects from afar. You realized that all of you training has payed off as you watch Edge turn a darker red.
“SHUT IT, SUSHI BAR!” Papyrus retaliates, making you nearly choke on air.
“WHAT?!” Ho boy, this will not end well. “THE HELL DID YOU JUST CALL ME, SKELETOR?”
Okay, time to play peacekeeper. “Now hold on just a second, guys-”
With a sudden force, Edge and Undyne are swept down to the ground, with only you left standing. You look for the source of the attack, cautiously eyeing your surroundings. Who knows what could be out here?
“Nice tats, babe.” A voice cooed in you ear. Instinctively, you delivered the harshest round house kick you could deliver and made the sneaking monster fly into orbit. And as quick as you were to attack, you were even quicker when it came to helping your friends up.
You weren’t quite sure who that monster was, but you sure as hell didn’t want to know. Just as long as they stayed away, you were fine.
You were with Edge when one of the snow monsters had decided to touch your tattoos, mind you without your permission. So it came to no surprise that you decided to snap their arm in two.
“NYEH!?” Edge yelped, jumping back at the loud cracking sounds. “S/O? DID YOU JUST-”
“I’m sorry!” You whined. “I-I didn’t mean it. They just s-scared me!”
Edge had a grin that could outshine a Christmas tree. “DO IT AGAIN, BUT TRY BREAKING THE ARM IN EQUAL PIECES!”
You blinked. “What?”
Edge nudged you forward to the wallowing victim. “YOU HEARD ME! DESTROY THIS PERVERTED CREATURE!”
Your hands hovered over the monster hesitantly. “B-but I don’t think they-”
You sighed, knowing there was no way out of this. Powering your fists back, you get ready to attack once more.
“Sorry dude. Duty calls.”
You and Edge sit peacefully on the couch, your hands coated freshly in blood and dust. “Y’know, I think we were a little too hard on that guy.”
Edge scoffs, flipping the channels. “AND I THINK YOU’RE GOING SOFT, PET.”
“If you consider beating a guy to death soft,” You snuggle into his side. “Consider me damn stuffed animal.”
Edge smirked as he ran his fingers up and down your arm. He absolutely loved not sharing you. It was like winning the lottery and choosing to not donate a portion to charity, thus leaving him with the whole shebang.
“Ha!” You started to shake with laughter. “I suppose I am.”
 After minutes of silence and idle chatter on the TV, you and Edge fell asleep peacefully on the couch. 
Edge, even in his sleep, forever treasured these moments because by gosh, no other man truly deserved your affection as much as Edge did.
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